DM : 06 - Kidnapping Karen and Megan (M/F, M/FF)

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DM : 06 - Kidnapping Karen and Megan (M/F, M/FF)

Post by Canuck100 »

DM's stories
06 - Kidnapping Karen and Megan
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Friday January 7th 2000 01:45:04

Part 1 of 3

I posted this about a year ago on another site and people seemed to like it but it got deleted. I still feel it's appropriate and I hope you like it. It is a very fond memory of mine. Sorry about the length. I hope it's worth it...

When I was in college back in the early 1980s, I dated a girl named Karen. At the time, I was living off campus in a two-bedroom apartment with my buddy, Paul, who I had known since our freshman year. We were juniors when we lived in the apartment together.

Karen lived about a mile away in an old house with about 6 or eight others. We often lost track of who lived there and who didn't. In order to save money, they would allow friends and acquaintances to stay there for a weekly rent. As I remember it, there were four bedrooms and there were usually at least two people to a bedroom. Karen got tired of living at what she referred to as "The Hotel" and she often stayed with me in my apartment. I enjoyed it, but I know it frustrated Paul. Finally, we decided that if she was going to be there all the time, she should just move in and pay her share of the rent. It was fine by me. I had never had a live-in girlfriend before, and I was crazy about Karen. So she moved in with us that October.

I had been into tying girls up since I was a kid, and I remember playing our variation of hide-and-seek where we would tie and blindfold one person while the rest of us hid in our yard. Rather than counting, that person had to free themselves before they could come looking for the others, and whomever they found first would be the next victim. Whenever we had one of the neighborhood girls in the game, I would always manage to get caught, and once I freed myself, I would make sure to find the girls first so I could tie them up. It was, by far, my favorite game, and I was fortunate that so many other kids in our neighborhood liked it too. (I managed to get a game together in the college dorm during my sophomore year, but that's another story for another time.)

Before Karen, I had never had the opportunity to tie up a grown woman. Karen was an attractive brunette, who looked a little like Valerie Bertinelli, although she was a little bigger. Not heavy, but more athletic. She had been a swimmer in high school, and she was still strong. She was 5- foot-6, and preferred to dress in boy's jeans and rag wool sweaters. Not exactly feminine, but typical for a New England college student. I always tried to get her to dress more feminine, but to no avail. She did, however, have some nice sleepwear-- satin sleepshirts and a pink teddy, and a long blue slinky nightgown that I vividly remember to this day! Very hot!

What I didn’t know about Karen until after she moved in was that Karen liked to be tied up. Not just in bed, although we did that a lot for the three semesters that she lived with me. But she liked to role play whenever we had the apartment to ourselves. Most of all, she liked to be surprised and "kidnapped." She would often go off to the bathroom to change into one of her lingerie outfits while I hid somewhere in the apartment. To get from the bathroom to our bedroom, she would have to go through the kitchen, through the living room, down a hallway past my roommate's bedroom and finally into our room. She always knew that somewhere along the way, in some dark corner, I was waiting to surprise her, and she confessed to me that her heart was racing as much as mine was in the moments leading up to her long walk to the bedroom. I tried to pick a different hiding place each time so she would never know for sure exactly when I would pounce upon her, but my favorite place was just inside the living room door. The apartment was drafty, and we could barely afford the electric heat, so we hung a wool blanket over the doorway between the living room and the kitchen to try to keep the living room comfortable. My heart would nearly pound out of my chest as she slowly pushed the blanket aside. She would usually be wearing her long nightgown (as I said, it was cold), and she would be holding the clothes she had changed out of in a bundle in her arms as she cautiously came through the doorway. That's when I would jump out of the shadows and grab her from behind, clamping my hand over her mouth.

"Don't move," I would say, immediately assuming my role. "Get down on the floor."

I would ease her onto her stomach, my hand firmly clamped over her mouth, listening to her quick breaths through her nose. Once I had her on the floor, I would be laying across her, my face up close to hers.

"I'm not going to hurt you unless you try to scream," I would say. "If you promise not to make a sound, I'll take my hand away."

She was a great actress, and she played the part of the frightened damsel perfectly. Her eyes would be wide with mock fear as she nodded her ascent. As I took my hand away, I would quickly grab a length of rope that I had stashed there while she was in the bathroom and begin tying her wrists behind her back. She would offer only mock resistance as I tied her, but she would never make a sound-- at least, not until it was time. I always used a thick, soft rope, about a half-inch in diameter. She liked it because it did not cut into her skin and leave rope marks like the thinner ropes we tried early on in our games. After securing her wrists, I would take a second length of rope and wrap it around her crossed ankles three or four times. Only after I had tied the knot behind her ankles, when she was securely bound, would she offer more aggressive resistance. By then it was too late, and she knew it, but it was all part of the game. As she squirmed on the floor, she would offer a token cry for help, at which point I would clamp my hand over her mouth again and remind her of my warning.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be," I would tell her, and when she would struggle in vain against my grasp, I would produce a bandana and tightly cleave gag her.

Now, I know this was not the most effective gag, but it was my favorite from my youth, and Karen liked it best. If she needed to tell me something she could, but most of the time she would play along and mumble into the gag like it was really silencing her screams. She was a good sport! With that, my package was complete, and I would tease and taunt her there on the living room floor until it finally became too much for both of us and I would hoist her up and carry her into the bedroom.

Now, I know we do not talk about what follows in this forum, but I will mention one thing because it leads to a truly amazing experience. Our bed was a queen-size waterbed (the only thing a struggling college student could afford), and I would often tie her to wrists above her head, wrapping the rope around the 2-by-10 that made up our headboard. I remember that on more than one occasion, just as I would have her tied to the bed by her wrists and ankles, the cleave gag firmly in place, my roommate would arrive home. A few times, I left her to squirm against her bonds while I went out to the living room and casually chatted with my unsuspecting roommate. After enough time had passed, I would venture back into the bedroom to find her just as I had left her. In all the time I knew her, she never once escaped her ties. On a few occasions I challenged her to really try, just so I could watch her writhing on the floor or on the bed. On those occasions, she seemed to give it her all, but in the end, I would always have to come to her rescue. It was a glorious year, and it would culminate in an experience that came about purely by accident.

The following summer, when my roommate had gone home, I stayed behind to catch up on a few credits with a couple of summer classes. (I had pretty much majored in Frisbee, with a minor in softball and heavy drinking my Freshman year, and I had some ground to make up if I was going to graduate on time.) So I stayed behind in our apartment, took summer classes, and continued to work at the pizza shop in town, where I had worked since the beginning of the school year. It was a family business, and most of the girls that worked there were high school and college girls that were either the owner's nieces or his nieces' friends from school.

In fact, to my great pleasure, I was the only male that worked there. The owner had hired me because he wanted another guy there so he didn't have to worry about the girls when he was away. Now, let me just say here that I am an upstanding guy-- a gentlemen if, you will-- who had respect for women beaten into him at a very young age by three older sisters who would accept nothing less. While I flirted with the girls from time to time, and even had a crush on one or two of them in the two years I would ultimately work there, I never made a move on any of them. After all, most of them were related to my boss, and I couldn't afford to lose my job. So, I enjoyed my time there, but I never pursued any of them.

One of the girls was a cute pixie of a thing named Megan, a pretty Italian-Irish girl with short brown hair and a great smile. She was bubbly and fun, always laughing, and we became good friends. She also became close friends with my girlfriend, Karen. In fact, Megan even lived at "The Hotel" for about a few weeks until it became too much for her to take and she moved out. That summer, she needed a place to stay, and I needed someone to split the rent, so I sublet my roommate's bedroom to her until he came back in the fall. We had a great time, and something might have developed except that we were both already involved with other people, and she was pals with Karen.

One weekend, Karen came to see me, and she spent the night with me in the apartment before we headed out the next morning for a three-day camping trip. Of course, while Megan was at the pizza shop, we resumed our tie up games, and the next morning, as we were making a hasty exit, we offered our queen sized bed to Megan and her boyfriend (who was up visiting). Megan was sleeping in my roommate's single bed, and it wasn't exactly comfortable for two people. Megan seemed funny about it at first, but she appreciated the offer.

Karen and I had a great trip, and when we returned, we went into the bedroom, and I was mortified to realize that we had left a piece of rope tied to the headboard. We could tell that Megan and Richard, her boyfriend, had used the bed. And we knew there was no way they could have missed the thick piece of rope tied to the headboard-- or its purpose. Karen was so embarrassed that I thought she was going to cry, but she waited until Richard left a couple hours later and asked Megan if she liked the bed. Megan said she did, and we could tell by her smile that she knew our little secret. At that point, I made an excuse to leave the room, but Karen and Megan talked about it at great length after I had gone.

When Karen told me that she had told Megan all about our little games-- every detail of the captures and the tying and the carrying to the bedroom-- I was furious! And I was more than a little embarrassed. I didn’t know how I would face Megan again. But then Karen stunned me.

"I think she wouldn't mind trying it," Karen said.

"Trying what?" I asked.

"I think she wants to see what it's like getting tied up like that," Karen told me. "I told her how cool it was, and I could tell she was wondering. But Richard is too straight. He would never do it."

"Oh, well," I said, matter-of-factly. (The truth was, my heart was racing thinking of the little pixie tied up! But I wasn't about to let my girlfriend know!)

Karen thought for a minute and then displayed an evil grin.

"You should do it sometime," she told me.

"What?!" I asked, completely shocked.

"You should kidnap her sometime, you know, just to show her what it's like."

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. All I could think was that I had the coolest girlfriend in the world! She seemed to sense how much I was suddenly enjoying this idea when she grabbed me, taking a fistful of my shirt in her small hand and doing her best to stand eyeball to eyeball with me.

"Just the tying," she warned. "Not the rest of it!"

It seemed like a fair deal, and I agreed, still trying to control my enthusiasm. For the remaining two hours before she headed back home, we talked about our little plan. She offered a lot of suggestions of ways to catch Megan off- guard, and she continually reassured me that Megan would be completely into it. For the first time, I couldn’t wait for Karen to leave. All I could think about was leaping out and clamping my hand over Megan's mouth and tying her with every piece of rope at my disposal.


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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday January 7th 2000 01:46:54

part 2 of 3

It was about a week later when I finally got the nerve, and by then, the opportunity just presented itself. It was in mid-July, and we both worked the closing shift on a Sunday night, which meant that we would have to close down the shop at 9:00, clean it up, and arrive home about 10:00.

When we got home, we were both in need of a shower, and she begged me to let her go first. Being a gentleman, I did, but after about twenty minutes, I wondered what was taking so long. We only had a limited amount of hot water, and I was certain there would be none left for me. As it turns out, she decided to take the opportunity to shave her legs in the shower, and even though she turned the water off and on in the process, by the time I got in, I had about three minutes of warm water, just enough to get soaped up. Then the water turned ice cold in a big hurry! I was not amused, and I told her so. She apologized, but I vowed right then that I was going to get even. And soon!

I had class the next morning until noon, and all through the class, all I could think about was getting even. When I arrived back at the apartment, I found her sunning herself in the back yard. She was wearing a black one-piece bathing suit, and she was lying on her back. She looked fantastic, but since she was off limits, I pretended not to notice, even though I managed to sneak long glances at her.

I went upstairs to our second story apartment and quickly formulated my plan. Here was an opportunity to not only tie her up, but to teach her a little lesson about courtesy in the process. After I got everything together, I stuck my head out the window and called down to her.

"Megan," I yelled. "Richard's on the phone."

I waited just long enough to see her jump out of her lounge chair, and then I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I left the phone off the hook, and I unplugged the cord from the wall so she wouldn't hear the dial tone. She picked up the phone and said "Hello,… Richard… Hello?" Then she angrily yelled out to me that there was no one on the phone.

"No. Not that phone. The one in my room," I told her.

Now, I hadn't mentioned it before, but Megan was a little naïve. We only had one phone line, and when she got to the phone in my room, she got a nasty tone in her ear, because the other phone had been off the hook for a while. She hung up and headed down the hall to the living room where I was waiting for her.

"There's nobody there either," she said.

As she came through the doorway into the living room, she could see into the bathroom where the shower was running but she could not see me, so she stopped.

"Hey!" She yelled. "Where the heck are-- mmmppppffff!"

Before she could turn around to see me standing behind her, I clamped my hand over her mouth. She grabbed at my wrist and tried to shake free, but I wrapped the other arm around her spare arm and her waist and held her still until she stopped struggling, if only for a moment.

"Karen said you wanted to find out what it was like to get kidnapped," I reminded her.

She didn't resist me. She just stood still, I think a little surprised that I knew about their conversation, and even more surprised that I was actually going through with it. She offered some token resistance as I worked her onto the carpet, but I could tell she wasn't going to fight so hard that she would make me stop. I took that as a sure sign that I should continue.

I lay her down on her stomach, and just as I had done so many times with Karen, I lay partially across her with my hand pressed firmly over her mouth.

"Now," I whispered. "I'm going to tie you up, but to do that, I'm going to have to take my hand away. If you make one peep, I'll gag you."

And to show her I meant business, I reached under the sofa cushion and produced a long piece of white cloth and held it in front of her face for her to get a good look at it.

"Understand?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and when I removed my hand, she started to say something, but I silenced her by showing her the cloth again. I then tended to the business of tying my little victim hand and foot. I started with her wrists, crossing them in the small of her back and wrapping a four-foot length of rope around them several times. I wrapped my arm around her legs, just below the knee, and by holding her legs in that manner, I tied her ankles together with another four-foot piece of rope. Then I turned her over onto her back, and after a quick reminder for her to stay silent, I took another piece of rope and began winding it around her legs, just above the knees. To secure it, I reached one hand between her thighs, keeping it very close to the rope around her knees so she wouldn't think I was trying anything, and I fished the rope through with my fingertips. I then stuffed the rope between her knees and repeated the process a second time, cinching it tight. She let out a little gasp when I securely knotted it off, but otherwise, she kept silent.

Then I sat her up and moved around behind her. I looped another length of rope around her already well-bound wrists and then wrapped it around her waist several times. I loved the feeling of her snug swimsuit as I wrapped the rope around her. I took another length of rope and wrapped it around her chest, both above and below her rather small breasts, and then I knotted it off, completing the package. That's when I noticed I had one more piece of rope. So I lay her down on her stomach again and tied one end around her wrists and the other between her ankles, pulling it tight into a nice hogtie.

I stopped for a moment, admiring the sight before me. The ropes cut in slightly around her bare arms and her thighs. Even so, I checked them for tautness, and she groaned. As I turned her over on her side and picked up the strip of white cloth, her eyes got wide.

"Now," I told her, savoring the moment. "I think I better gag you."

"But I was quiet!" she pleaded.

If she was acting, she was darned good!

"Yeah," I said. "But you won't be when you see what I've got planned for you."

As I held the cloth in front of her face, she tried to resist by turning her face from side to side and clamping her mouth shut, but I was able to work the gag between her teeth by giving her a quick tickle. The cloth was long enough that I was able to wrap it around her head, not once but twice, so even though it was only a cleave gag, it was a fairly effective one. She mumbled into the gag and squirmed in her bonds as I stood up and looked down at her.

"Now," I told her. "I'm going to teach you a little lesson about sharing."

I squatted down and scooped her up, one arm cradling her back, the other hooked under her knees, and I carried her into the bathroom where the shower was quickly sucking up the last of the hot water. When she saw where I was taking her, she squirmed and shook her head and tried to protest through the gag. But it was too late.

In the bathroom, I released her legs, holding her against me with my other arm, and managing to keep her feet of the floor. (I was a amazed at how light she was!) I reached in and turned off the shower, then I peeled back the curtain, and lifting her once again, I stepped inside and placed her on the floor of the shower stall so that she was sitting on her left hip, her legs curled up beside her. She looked up at me and squirmed and shook her head as I told her my plan.

"Since you like to use up all the hot water," I told her, "I'm going to give you a little taste of your own medicine. I've had the water running the whole time while I was tying you up in the other room. I would guess that there's maybe another ten minutes left before the hot water runs out. Now, I'm going to turn on the water, nice and toasty warm, and let you try to work yourself free. If you can get free in time, all you'll have is a nice warm shower. If you don't, you'll know exactly how I felt last night. And let me tell you, it gets pretty damn cold!!"

I reached in and turned on the shower, watching her flinch as it hit her in the face. I adjusted the showerhead so it was aimed at her chest and stomach, and I tested the water with my finger to make sure it was warm. It was, and she started to twist and pull at her bonds.

"The clock's ticking," I said.

I went into the kitchen and carried in a chair to watch the show. She pulled hard at the ropes, but after a few minutes, she was unable to loosen any of them. I could tell she was getting frustrated, and she let out a grunt through the gag. Occasionally, she stopped and looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me with muffled pleas to release her, but I would just reach into the stream of water and test it with my fingers.

"Ooooh," I would taunt her. "Is it feeling a little chilly already?"

With that, she would begin to struggle again. Finally, after a little more than ten minutes, I heard her whimper and then begin to squeal, and I reached into the shower and felt that the water was beginning to go cold. I knew from experience that when it happens, it happens quickly, and I leaned over and taunted her again.

"You don't look like you're anywhere close to getting loose," I teased.

She squealed loudly and I reached in and felt that the water was turning ice cold. After another minute or so, I reached in and turned the water off. She sighed and then shivered, sinking back into the corner of the shower stall.

"Now," I said. "Have I made my point?"

She nodded vigorously and mumbled through the gag.

"And you'll let me use the shower first from now on?"

She thought for a moment, and I reached for the faucet. She squeeled and nodded her head again.

"We'll okay then," I said. "Class dismissed."

I stood up and carried my chair into the kitchen and then came back into the bathroom. She was exhausted and shivering.

"I suppose you want me to untie you now," I said.

She nodded sheepishly, and I pondered it for a minute, as if I was still undecided. Then I reached in and started to untie the rope that ran from her wrists to her ankles. The water and her struggling had made it fairly difficult to untie, but I managed to finally get it. Then I saw how much she was shivering, and I picked her up and lifted her out of the shower stall. Since the hogtie was released, she could now stand, with help, and I wrapped a towel around her and patted her down, hoping to warm her up. (She had only gotten about a 1-2 minute dose of the frigid water, less than I got the night before. But I felt bad for her anyway.)

Once I had dried her off, I lifted her up and slung her over my shoulder, still wrapped in the towel, and carried her into the living room where I laid her on the carpet and slowly (maybe, too slowly) untied her.

Once I removed the gag she swore at me and vowed revenge, slapping at me as she did it. Later I asked her what she thought of her first kidnapping. She didn't know quite how to answer. I think she was a little embarrassed to say she liked it, even a little. So I asked her how it felt being tied up.

"Not bad," she said with a sheepish smile. "But next time, no cold shower!"

All I heard was "next time." She wanted there to be a next time! And to my great pleasure, there would be several next times that summer. All of them enlightening, for both of us. The most memorable happened about a week later. By then, I had already tied her two more times. But the third time was a remarkable turning point in our bondage games.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday January 7th 2000 01:48:43

Part 3 of 3

It was a weeknight, and we had both worked the 11-7 shift at the pizza shop. We came home and showered (I went first, of course) and I was just settling in on the couch to watch a movie when Megan came in dressed in a pink sleeveless tee shirt and a pair of cutoff jeans shorts. She walked over to the television and changed the channel and sat down on the sofa next to me. She said she wanted to watch some sitcom, but to this day, I think she was just taunting me so I would tie her up. We playfully argued over control of the television until I finally made her a proposition. I told her I could tie her with two pieces of rope and she couldn’t get loose. If she did, she could have control over the television for the rest of the week. If she didn't, she would have to stay tied up until I decided to untie her. She was hesitant, but she finally accepted my challenge.

I went into the bedroom and returned with two lengths of rope, each about four feet long. I sat down beside her on the couch and she slid forward so she was sitting on the edge of the cushion and she turned and offered her crossed wrists to me at the small of her back. I promptly wrapped one piece of rope tightly around her wrists and tied the knot so she could not reach it. I then took the other length of rope and kneeled down in front of her. She crossed her ankles for me and I wrapped the rope tightly around them four times.

Once she was secured, I went into the kitchen and made some popcorn and poured myself a Coke. When I returned she was trying to maneuver her wrists to reach the knot, but to no avail. I was confident she would not escape.

As the movie came on, I found myself only half watching it. The rest of the time I watched her wriggling on the couch next to me. After a while, she seemed to settle down, and I fed her some popcorn. She asked me for a drink, and I went and poured her a soda and brought it to her, tipping it up for her to drink. By that time, the show she had wanted to watch was over, and she stopped struggling altogether. Instead, she asked me to help her lay down, so I got her a pillow, and she lay on her side with her head at the far end of the couch and her knees bent to allow me room to sit at the other end.

I thought for a while that she would go to sleep there on the couch, but before long she was talking over the television. I got up twice to turn it up, and when she continued, I went into the bedroom and returned with the same white cloth I had gagged her with when I tied her in the shower.

"Hey," she protested. "You said two pieces of rope. You never said you were going to gag me."

"You never said you were going to talk through the whole movie!"

With that, I worked the cloth into her mouth and, like before, I wrapped it twice around her head, tying it off snugly. When I sat down, she began to poke and shove me with her bare feet, as if she was trying to push me off the couch. But instead, I took hold of the rope that bound her ankles and pulled her feet into my lap. I lightly held onto her leg just above the ropes around her ankles, and without really thinking about it, I began to massage her bare feet with my free hand. I had done this so many times with my girlfriend that by the time I realized what I was doing, I also realized that she was thoroughly enjoying it. I even heard her moan with pleasure a couple times through the gag. My girlfriend always said I gave a great foot massage!

A short time later, I went to the bathroom, and when I returned and looked closely at Megan's face, I noticed she was crying. I immediately assumed that I had done something wrong, that I had stepped over the line somehow, and I sat her up and removed the gag from her mouth, allowing it to hang loosely around her neck.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Megan nodded and sobbed. I immediately reached around to untie her wrists, and to my great surprise, she twisted and pulled her wrists away and out of my reach.

"No," she said quietly. "Leave it."

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She shook her head somberly and then gave me a little smile.

"Nothing," she said. "I just want to lay down so you can rub my feet some more."

Of course I obliged, and we spent the remainder of the movie there on the couch with me gently massaging the soles of her feet, and occasionally her calves and just above her knees. I was aroused, and I'm sure she was aware of it, but she also knew that she was safe with me since she knew I was in love with Karen.

After the movie ended, I untied her so she could go to the bathroom, and when she returned, she sat down beside me and pensively played with the rope in her lap. We talked until well past midnight and I learned a great deal about her that night. She told me that she was the oldest of three kids (she had a younger brother and a younger sister) and that ever since her mother died when she was twelve, she was in charge of the other kids when her father wasn't around. Even at twelve she had a lot of responsibility. Her father was paying her tuition, but she had to work in order to pay her rent and her expenses so she could stay there. She told me about her boyfriend, Richard, who I thought was a nice guy, but Megan complained (just a little) that he was very straight, and he was so eager to please her that he allowed her to decide everything. It drove her crazy that she had to make every decision.

Then she told me something amazing-- that when she was tied on the couch, she felt completely safe. She also felt that it was the only time when she didn't feel responsible, when she didn't have to make a decision or feel guilty for not doing something more for school or for her family or for her boyfriend. If she couldn't move, she couldn't be expected to do anything, and that made her feel free. She told me that when I took care of her, feeding her and bringing her a drink and rubbing her feet, she felt this indescribable pleasure, and the fact that she was bound and unable to free herself was a release of all her stress-- seven years of it!

I never would have thought that anyone would find inescapable bondage liberating, but Megan did.

I tied her so many times over the rest of the summer, and in so many different positions. I sometimes tied her with only one or two pieces of rope, and other times gave her the full treatment, kidnapping her and tying her with every piece of rope I owned. But my favorite was the many nights we spent on the couch with her tied only at her wrists and her ankles (sometimes gagged, sometimes not) while I massaged her bare feet in front of the television.

Karen returned at the end of August, and we resumed our old games. Megan moved out just before Labor Day when my roommate returned. Everything was back to normal. I had long since told Karen about the time I kidnapped Megan and put her in the shower, but I never shared the stories of all the tie up games that followed that summer. I'm pretty sure Megan never did either. It was our little secret, and until now, some sixteen years later, I have never told a sole about my most amazing summer.

(If you liked this story, I have a couple posted over on Canuck's other site... Childhood games... about my friend Jennifer.)

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