BarefootEthan : 01 - I Didn't Expect To Lose (m/m)

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BarefootEthan : 01 - I Didn't Expect To Lose (m/m)

Post by Jason Toddman »

barefootethan's stories
01 - I Didn't Expect To Lose
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By barefootethan

Barefootethan was an early member of the old site. he didn't stay long nor write much, but what he did write was very popular among readers at the time, and so i am reprinting his stories here.

I Didn’t Expect to Lose

Part 1 of ???

[This story is FICTIONAL, all a figment of my overactive imagination!]

Hi there, I’m Ethan. I’m 15, turn 16 in a couple months, and I’m gonna be a Junior at Woods High this fall, where I’m a member of the Cross-Country and Soccer teams. I’m 5’10, with a runner’s body, slender and toned. I’ve got straight reddish-blonde hair, which I wear kinda shaggy and down to about the bottom of my ears. Blue eyes. Kinda pale, with freckles on my cheeks, shoulders and arms. I wear size 10 shoes. Got the picture? Good, onto my story...

School had just gotten out for the summer, but since Cross-Country season starts up right when school starts again, our coach had given us a training plan to prepare for the season. I’ve always been a good runner, and I love running, so I look forward to training during the summer.

Anyways, it’s a Friday morning, around 7:30 or so, and I’m doing my warm-up to get an early session in. My parents had both gotten off to work, and I was looking forward to being lazy around the house today. I’m about to take off, and my friend and neighbor, Tyler comes jogging up. He’s on the CC team with me too, but he’s Junior Varsity, and he’s gonna be a Sophomore when school starts. “Ethan! Wait up!”, he calls as he jogs over. “You heading out right now?”

I nod my head up and down as I finish my stretch, then bend down to tighten the laces on my running shoes. We’re dressed similarly, both of us wearing a pair of knee-length workout shorts, tees, ankle socks and running shoes. “Yeah,” I answer. “What’s up?”

“You’re doing varsity workouts, right?” he asks. “Because I was wondering if I could train with you. I really wanna make varsity next year.”

Just so you all know, Tyler’s a year younger than me, but he’s already my same height. We’re both runners, so he’s got that same runner’s build. He’s got brown hair, and size 11 feet.

I give my friend a shrug. Tyler’s been one of my best friends since we were in elementary school, we’ve always lived a couple houses from each other and got along great. He hangs out with another group at school, but we always hang out on the weekends and when school’s out. “Sure,” I say. “But it’s a 10-miler, and I don’t cut it short. Sure you can keep up?”

Tyler grins. “Hell yeah I’ll keep up.” He shifts his eyes from side to side mischievously. “Just for motivation, wanna bet on who wins?”

I returned my friend’s grin, we always bet on stuff, usually it’s for small things, like 5 dollars or CDs or something. “Alright, what’re we betting?”

Tyler’s grin widens. “Let’s bet on something big for once. Loser does whatever the winner wants from when we finish until the end of the weekend.” My own grin widens as I ponder the situation. I’m totally confident that he won’t beat me, and I do need someone to do my laundry and clean my room.

“You’re on,” I say, my face beaming with confidence. “5 miles down the canal and back. Loser does whatever the winner wants for the rest of the weekend.” My parents had bought me one of those clip-on odometers that attaches to your shoe, with the mileage readout going to the watch I wear. Tyler’s parents had bought him one too, so that kept us both honest in terms of running the right miles. Tyler nodded, and extended his hand, which I shook with a big smile. Little did I know what that handshake was going to lead to.

Anyways, off we went. A couple turns through our neighborhood, through a gate, and onto the canal. It’s the perfect running spot, it goes forever in both directions, and the bank is all dirt so it’s easy on our feet and legs. I settled into a steady pace, a bit faster than I normally run since we were racing. Tyler kept right up with me, but I was confident that he wasn’t used to his pace and would be forced to slow after a while.

We reach the five mile mark about a half-hour later and start the turn for home. We’re both a bit winded, but doing okay. All of a sudden, Tyler starts to quicken, and HE starts to set the pace. I’m surprised, but increase my own speed to match.

Long story short, he really turns it on with a mile left to go, and while I fought valiantly to catch up, he pulls away and ends up winning by about 50 yards. We spend a couple minutes just catching our breath, and finally Tyler pants “Alright...time to pay up.” He stands up and grins, me still bent over, head tilted up to peer up at him. “Let’s go to my house, I’ve got something to show you.”

We walk into his house, a big 2-story house with a basement. He leads me down the stairs into his basement, which has been turned into a movie/rec room for the family. In the middle of the hardwood floor is a large cardboard box, closed for now, and a piece of paper on a clipboard. He picks up the clipboard and holds it up for me to read, “It’s a contract,” he says. “It says that you’re my property until 8pm Sunday night, and that unless you think I’m endangering your life, you’ve got to do WHATEVER I want.” My eyes widen as I scan the legal-ish writing, then lift my eyes, seeing my friend grinning wider than I’ve ever seen.

I felt myself swallow hard, wondering what I had gotten myself into as I nodded, trying to keep a brave face. “A bet’s a bet, I said,” taking the pen clipped to the board, signing my name to the ‘contract.’ It wasn’t in any way legal, but to us it was. I watched Tyler continue to grin as he took the clipboard and set it down on an endtable, then opened the cardboard box to show me what was inside.

I think my eyes went wide as saucers as I looked in the box. It was filled to the brim with coils of white cotton rope, with several sets of leather cuffs mixed in, along with lengths of chain, a couple canvas drawstring bags, and what looked like a big rubber ball with straps. “I like tie-up games Ethan,” he said as I stared at him while chewing my bottom lip nervously. “I’ve been wanting to get you into it too, and figured that making this bet would do the trick.” He started to pull out coils of rope and lay them on the floor, then pointed to the basement bathroom, which had an attached shower since it was the guest bathroom. “You’re all sweaty, so go clean yourself up.” A slight pause. “And leave your clothes outside, I put something in there for you to wear already.”

I gulped again as I nodded, “Sure, whatever Tyler. A bet’s a bet.” I think I sounded confident, but I was totally nervous as I walked to the bathroom. I hesitated for a second before starting to undress, but shrugged it off and got all my clothes off, setting it all in a pile next to the bathroom door. I took a quick, hot shower, cleaning all the sweat from the run off, then got out to towel off, letting out a groan as I saw what looked like a pair of Speedo boxer briefs. Now, this would’ve been bad enough, but these were light pink!

I sighed, feeling my freckled cheeks flush as I slipped my legs into the briefs and pulled it up my legs. I guess it was a bit small, because it was tight, the material stretching around my butt and crotch area. I walked out of the bathroom, feeling my cheeks flush even more as Tyler looked over and laughed. “Alrighty then,” he said. “Lie on your stomach over here in front of me, hands behind your back.” I quickly complied, only to feel a length of rope wind tightly around my wrists, cinching between my hands and knotting off. I tugged a bit, wincing as the rope bit into my skin, then let out a gasp as I felt him looping another rope around my arms, just below my elbows, and started to tighten it. I groaned softly as my shoulders stretched back in their sockets, my elbows pressing together tightly as he looped, cinched and knotted the rope off, my arms tied tightly behind me.

I squirmed, trying to get used to the weird sensation of having your arms tied behind you, as I felt another rope loop around my bare ankles, tying my bare feet together tightly. Two more ropes quickly followed, tightly winding around my legs, above and below my knees. I let out a surprised little giggle as I felt something slide over my bare feet, my eyes going wider again as I felt twine wrapping around my big toes, tying even my toes together. “Geez dude, little overkill?” I asked.

A sharp slap on the bottom was my answer. “Shutup...roll over and sit up!” was my captor’s sharp orders. I grunted, slowly rolling over onto my back, then struggled to sit up. Tyler started to wrap a long rope around my upper body, around my stomach and forearms. Some wrapping, cinching and knotting, and my arms were now tightly tied against my back. I sure wasn’t escaping from this.

I craned my neck and looked over my shoulder, watching Tyler pick up the rubber ball. It was sizeable, and had a web of black straps attached to it. I lifted my head as I watched him walk around me, stammering nervously “W-w-what’s that fo---mmpphhh!!” My question was cut off as Tyler took advantage of the situation and shoved the hard blue rubber ball into my mouth, my jaw forced open as the ball was pushed into my mouth. Oh, so that’s what that’s for!

My captor remained silent as he secured each of the straps, while I grunted into my gag as each strap was pulled tight and buckled into place. The straps surrounded my head, my nose centered in a leather triangle as the straps were pulled over my face and buckled behind my head, my teeth forced to bite the ball as a strap was pulled and buckled underneath my chin. I tried to talk, but could only make muffled and unintelligible “mmphs” as Tyler grinned down on me. “I bought some stuff on the internet, I love parents that just pay my bill and don’t even look at the charges.” I gurgled and mmphed into my gag, drool starting to drip down my chin as I watched my friend and captor pull a larger leather cuff from the box. My eyes widened as I helplessly watched him lower the cuff, my cheeks flushing again as I felt him slip it around my neck, feeling it tighten snug around my throat and buckle in place. A humiliating, playful ruffle on the top of my head finished everything off. I was helpless, my arms, legs, even my toes tightly tied, a leather collar locked around my neck, my mouth filled with the hard ball, straps tightly digging all around my face and head.

I gurgled again, shaking my head from side to side as Tyler pulled a leash from the box and clipped it to the ring at the front of the collar. He grinned as he gave the leash a slight tug. “On your feet,” he said, watching as I struggled to get on my knees, then awkwardly rose to my feet, wobbling precariously on tied toes. I kept my head lowered, focusing on the floor in front of my feet as I felt another tug on the leash, which forced me to hop forward. Tyler started to lead me along with the leash, then gave me another grin as I came to the start of the stairs. I groaned into my gag, knowing what he wanted me to do, then started to awkwardly hop. I almost tripped the first couple times, then figured out the height, and slowly made my way up the stairs, mmphing and groaning as I tried to concentrate on not falling. I was led out of the basement to the first floor, then to my dismay, was forced to hop a second flight of stairs, then was led down the house’s long hallway to Tyler’s large room. I hopped behind him into the room, dropping down onto my knees in front of his bed as he took a seat on it. I kneeled at his feet, sitting on my bare heels as I looked up at him, wondering what a sight this must look.

Tyler continued to smile, then asked “You’re doing okay? Not hurting or anyting?” I shook my head, impressed at how my friend had tied me so tightly without cutting off circulation. In fact, I was kind of enjoying the experience. Tyler ruffled my hair again like I was a dog or something, a wide, evil-looking grin on his face. “Good, because this isn’t it. You said that you’d do ANYTHING that I told you to do.” A pause for effect. “And I want you to now clean my feet, we just ran 10 miles, you know.” I let out a querying “mmmpphhh?” as an answer. Clean his feet? How as I supposed to do that?

I continued to watch helplessly as Tyler unlaced and slipped off his running shoes, then pulled his white cotton ankle socks off. I wrinkled my nose and groaned into the ball as the smell of his feet wafted up into his nose, feeling the straps on my gag being unbuckled, the ball pulled from my mouth. “How am I supposed to clean your feet while I’m tied up Tyler? With my mouth?” I felt my heart sink as I saw my friend smile down at me again, realizing that I was supposed to do just that.

After a moment’s hesitation, I started to bend down at the waist, lowering my face down. I felt my cheeks burning as my face crept closer and closer to Tyler’s bare feet. I opened my mouth, extending my tongue as I lowered my face to his feet. I gagged the instant my tongue tasted his sweaty feet, then fought it off and started to run my tongue over the top of his right foot, wanting to just get this over with. I lapped continuously, feeling more and more furious with each passing minute, but for some reason, in the back of my head there was a lingering ‘Hey, this isn’t so bad.’ as I switched from his right foot to his left. A couple minutes later, I saw him turn his feet upwards, and I got the hint and started to lap my tongue over the soles of his feet.

I thought that the taste of the tops of my friend’s feet were bad enough, but I instantly realized how wrong I was as I cleaned his soles. I silently kept lapping, fighting off the urge to gag on the sweaty, musty taste of his feet. I guess I got used to the taste, because I stopped gagging, and found myself taking longer licks from his heels all the way to his toes. What was going on? That thought was going from ‘Hey, this isn’t so bad.’ to...I don’t know, something else.

Once my captor had judged that the soles of his feet were clean, he pointed his toes at me. “Clean my toes too Ethan,” he said. “Suck them too though, don’t just lick.” He grinned, revelling in my humiliation, my cheeks burning a deep red as I slowly took one of his big toes into my mouth, sealing my lips around the base of it as I started to suck on it, my tongue sliding over it. “Good boy Ethan,” he said, adding one more comment to complete my humiliation. “Lick between my toes too, I’m sure there’s toejam in there.” He laughed as I whimpered softly, sliding my tongue between his toes, gagging as I felt my tongue lapping up sock lint, dirt, and whatever else was between his toes. I closed my eyes as I continued with my task. I must’ve looked a sight. Me, tightly tied, wearing a pink Speedo boxer brief, kneeling at my friend’s feet, sucking his toes!!!

I spent the next 10 minutes sucking toes, going back and forth over each one until I was told to stop. I rose up, keeping my head lowered, my face burning a bright red, not wanting to make eye contact with my friend after humiliating myself that way. I squirmed on my knees, peering between my legs, feeling even more embarassed as I saw, and felt, the beginnings of a bulge between my legs. Tyler must’ve noticed too, because he burst out into laughter “HAHAHA!!! You’re enjoying this!!! Don’t deny it!!” I kept quiet, knowing that I couldn’t deny it. I just knelt there while Tyler jumped off the bed, grabbing his cell phone. He pulled up my dad’s number and dialed it, then held the phone to my ear and said “Tell your dad that you’re spending the weekend hanging out with me, we’re going camping for the weekend.” He, and I, knew that my parents would buy that, I’ve never gotten in trouble and go camping all the time. I also knew that this was my chance to end all this, all I had to do was tell my parents that I’d be home later in the day after hanging out at Tyler’s house.

I don’t know why, but when my dad answered the phone I just said “Hey dad, I’m going camping with Tyler this weekend and won’t be back until Sunday night.” Nothing that could get me out of this situation, I just heard my dad say “Okay, have fun, be careful Ethan.” before hanging up. I kept my head lowered as Tyler pulled his phone away.

“You wanna know how I figured out you’re liking this Ethan?” he said to me. “You had the perfect opportunity to get out of this, but you didn’t even hesitate to tell him the story I told you to say.” He grinned. “Don’t worry, though, I won’t hurt you...but you might not like the rest of the weekend.” Another head ruffle as I let out a mmph as the gag was quickly shoved back into my mouth. “Then again, maybe you will.”

Five minutes later, I was again tightly gagged. Tyler had taken the time to tie me up even further though. I was laying on my side, tied into a tight ball. My knees were pulled up to my chest, a rope wound around my upper body and under my knees to hold them in place. A rope was threaded between my wrists and ankles, and all the slack yanked out, tucking my heels against my butt. He’d even threaded more twine between my big toes and my wrists and pulled that tight as he could too, forcing my feet to arch painfully. As much as I struggled, all I could do was lay there like a lump!! I whined into my gag as I watched Tyler pick up one of his socks, folding it in half, the wet and dirty sole of the sock facing outward. “One more thing and I’ll leave you be Ethan.” I mmphed as I watched my friend press the folded sock against my nose, completely covering it. He held it in place as he pulled some strips of thick gray duct tape from a roll, sticking them to both the sock and my face. He used a bunch of strips around the edges of the sock, leaving it tightly sealed to my face, but the center open to allow air to flow through. It was the final torture, every breath forcing me to take a whiff of his sweaty, nasty sock.

Tyler laughed as he looked me over, giving me another sharp slap on my pink bottom. He stood up grinned down at me. “Don’t go anywhere Ethan, I’ll be back for you later my new bondage toy.” He opened his door and walked out, leaving me laying there, helpless and alone, pondering what he could do to me next.

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Post by MaxRoper »

I always enjoy having someone brought down a peg after expecting to win. This is well written and fun and apparently Ethan enjoyed it too. I'd love to read about the rest of the weekend but suppose this is all.
Thanks for posting!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Shame about his disappearing like that in 2011.
This was one of my favourite authors back in the day.

Thanks a million for posting this, Jason.

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago I always enjoy having someone brought down a peg after expecting to win. This is well written and fun and apparently Ethan enjoyed it too. I'd love to read about the rest of the weekend but suppose this is all.
Thanks for posting!
No, he didn't write too much but I should have been more clear that there is more to this; seven parts in all in this story plus several more parts in a sequel. I'm simply posting one chapter at a time because many people seem to prefer it that way. For some reason.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent news! And you're correct: Chapters are good.
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Post by Xtc »

Rejoice! Another lost sheep has been found.
Thakns for posting thhis classic, [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention]
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

I Didn't Expect to Lose - Part 2.

After my friend/captor for the weekend Tyler walks out, I spend the next few minutes wriggling in my bonds, trying to find a way to escape. A couple minutes of tugging and wriggling and yelping from ropes pinching my skin leaves me in the exact same position I was in before, tied in a cramped little ball on the floor of his room, unable to move a muscle. I gurgle into the large hard rubber ball secured deep in my mouth, drool bubbling out between the ball and my bottom lip, dripping down from the corner of my mouth, onto the chin, forming a puddle on the hardwood floor.

I start to get worried as I hear Tyler’s front door open, then slam shut. I’m all alone, helpless, could barely make a sound, and nobody knows I’m over here. What if something bad happens? I start to struggle again, my pale flesh glistening with sweat as I try in vain to escape the tight ropes. Thankfully, about 10 minutes later I hear the door open, slam shut again, a couple minutes later hearing footsteps bounding up the stairs and towards the room, the door opening to reveal my captor again. He tosses my backpack and a small duffel bag onto the floor next to me, saying “I grabbed your books and some clothes, you’re camping, remember?” He laughs, then stepps over to me, rubbing a foot over the side of my gagged face to reinforce my feeling of helplessness. I lift my head and let out a soft, pleading ‘mmph’ as he steps over me and walks into his attached bathroom, again leaving me alone so he can take a shower. Knowing that escape is impossible, I lay my head back down, trying to keep my breathing shallow, every breath I take forcing me to take a whiff of the sweaty, dirty sock taped right over my nose.

Tyler walks out of the bathroom about 20 minutes later, toweling off his hair, having changed into a pair of black knee-length shorts, a bright green DC shirt, and a clean pair of white cotton ankle socks. He jumps up onto his bed and takes a seat on the edge, turning on the TV as he decides to screw with his prisoner some more, humiliating me by rubbing his feet all over me. I could do nothing but lay there as Tyler plays with me using just his socked feet. I feel them rub all over my body, and jerk he shoves a toe between my cheeks over my pink panty-like speedos, coming precariously close to my rear hole. My face flushes again as a moan escapes my lips as my captor guides his foot down, his toes brushing and teasing over my hardening, aroused jock..

The teasing continues for a few more minutes, leaving me groaning softly into my gag. I then let out a panicked, loud “mmpphh!” into my gag as I hear the sound of a camera and see a flash. I lift my head and shake my head frantically, but find myself staring right into the lens of a digital camera as Tyler stands over me, happily snapping away picture after picture. I whimper and whine, burying my face against my tied knees as my evil captor walks around me slowly, getting at least a couple hundred photos of me tightly tied, clad in just a skimpy pink speedo, tightly gagged with a sock taped over my nose. He makes sure to cover every angle, even pulling my gagged head up off the floor to snap a few photos of my gagged face and wide, frantic blue eyes. I whimper pathetically as he then connects his camera to his computer, quickly downloading all of the photos onto his hard drive. “Don’t worry,” he assures me. “If you’re a good boy these pics will just be for us.”

Blackmail evidence collected, Tyler starts to untie me, releasing me from the cramped balltie. He doesn’t completely release me, though. My wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and big toes are still tightly tied. A quick look down by my head exposes the puddle of drool that had leaked from my mouth, which results in a couple sharp slaps right on my pink butt, followed by a nasty titty twister, followed by some large strips of duct tape slapping over my lips and gagged mouth, sealing my mouth and solving the drool problem. I feel the humiliating leash clip to my collar again, and grunt as I feel the upward tug urging me to my feet. I wobble on my tied toes again, peering at Tyler as he grins at me. “Back to the basement,” he says. I nod and mmph, starting to hop forward on my toes again, my heart sinking as I see him pull his camera out again, this time setting it to record video. He trains the lens on me again, recording in glorious High Definition my slow, awkward hopping.

I whimper into the ballgag as I slowly hop, my toes curling into the floor with each hop in an attempt to steady myself. I eventually make it to the edge of the stairs, letting out a muffled grunt as Tyler plants his shoulder in my belly, lifting me up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I watch the room spin as my captor turns around and starts to make his way down the stairs, carrying my light, slender form all the way down to the basement. I let out another grunt as I’m dumped onto the floor in the center of the basement rec room. I sit on my bottom, tied legs extended out in front of me as I peer up at my captor, wondering what else he has in store for me.

Tyler, for his part, is doing an excellent job being a captor. Having noticed my arousal, he decides to humiliate me yet again by calling me out on it, leaning in close, ruffling my hair again as he says “Ooooohhhh, look who’s got a chubbs!” He lowers his hand, sliding a hand over my crotch, rubbing over my steadily hardening jock as I wriggle helplessly, my skimpy pink speedo transmitting every brush and touch, a groan escaping my gagged lips, my blue eyes giving away the level of arousal that I’m feeling from a combination of being tied up tight, the constant humiliation, and the attention to my hardening jock.

I groan into my ballgag again, enduring the fondling for another minute or so before I feel the hand pull away. I moan into my gag and gasp for breath, as my mind races, trying to figure out what’s going on. My best friend, who’s a guy, is fondling my junk and I’m liking it? I’m not sure why I like this so much. Maybe it’s being tied up, maybe it’s the humiliation, maybe I like boys. Might be a combination of all three. I lift my eyes and peer up at Tyler, who returns my look with a playful grin, obviously he’s got something else up his sleeve.

I emit another mmph as I feel the sock being peeled away from my nose, finally letting me clean breathe clean air again. I only get a moment of reprieve, though, as a firm fist grabs a chunk of my reddish-blonde hair, pulling my head back slightly. I yelp into the gag as Tyler jerks my hair forward, making me wriggle and follow on my tied knees. I grunt as my head is shoved down suddenly, the click of a padlock echoing close to my ears. I try to lift my head, gasping as I’m pulled to a stop by my collar, the ring in the front locked to an eyelet drilled into the floor. I feel my knees being shoved forward slightly, a short rope threading through another eyelet and tied to a set of knee ropes, holding my legs in place, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, my bottom forced to thrust upward behind me. A final rope holds my ankles to a final eyelet, my legs and feet now completely immobile.

I whimper and whine softly into my gag as my eyes dart around nervously, listening to Tyler’s soft footsteps as he circles me slowly, feeling his eyes inspecting my helpless form. I yelp in surprise and jerk as I feel a set of fingers sliding over my upturned bottom, fingertips sliding over the thin pink material stretched over my butt. I feel myself start to shudder and shiver, from a combination of nervousness and excitement, as I hear Tyler’s faint footsteps walk away, only to return a few seconds later. I let out a gurgling grunt as my head is pulled up again, forcing me to peer upward. My eyes widen and I mmph again, my eyes focusing on what appears to be a riding crop in Tyler’s other hand. A soft, mewing little whimper escapes me as he allows my head to drop again, my entire body tensing up as I feel the leather flap of the crop brush against my helpless form, slide down my bound arms, then swirl over each buttcheek. I hear a momentary *swish*, then squeal into the ball as I feel a sharp pain shoot through my right cheek as the crop slaps down onto it.

Tyler laughs as he hears me squeal and starts to mock me. “Awww, that’s such a cute sound,” he says as he slides the crop over my butt again. I whine and mew into the gag, scrunching my eyes shut, biting down hard on my ballgag as I jerk forward from another crop strike on my butt. He starts to tease me with the crop, letting the flap slide over my body, randomly slapping it down. He first focuses on my butt because it’s held in the perfect position, but eventually makes his way to other areas on my lower body, landing strikes on my thighs, then on my calves. I start to whimper and blubber into my gag as I feel the crop strikes making their way lower and lower, down my legs toward my feet. I hear Tyler laugh again at my pathetic blubbering, then decides to torment me by rubbing the flap of the crop all over the sensitive soles of my feet. I shake my head and mmpphh, begging, pleading for him to stop, but for all my begging I’m rewarded with a fiery pain shooting through the soft sole of my right foot as he slaps the crop down.

I can only wail into my gag as my captor continues to torment me with the crop. He’s not hitting very hard, but the crop still hurts! I can only listen to Tyler’s laughter as I squeal and shriek into my gag, my cries filling the room with each strike of the crop. He keeps up the punishment for another five minutes, saving the final minute or so for my feet exclusively. By the time he finally stops, I’m sobbing and whimpering into my gag, tears dripping from my eyes onto the floor. He lets me be for a minute, then kneels down next to me and pulls my head up again, seeing the look of pain and pleading in my blue eyes. “Awww, that hurt?” he asks, then ruffles my hair as I nod my head up and down slightly. “Don’t worry, I won’t do that again.” A grin. “Maybe.”

I sniffle and whimper into my gag again as my hair is let go, only to have a foot slide right underneath my face. “Thank me for going easy on you with the crop,” I hear as I again feel the flap of the crop slide and swirl over my upturned buttcheeks. Not knowing what else to do, I lower my head and press my gagged mouth to the top of his foot, acting like I’m kissing it. I continue to press my taped lips to his foot, planting what can be interpreted as soft kisses to the top of his foot. I keep this up until Tyler pulls his foot away, saying “Good boy, you catch on quick.”

I get a slight breather as I feel myself being unlocked and untied from the eyelets in the floor, but just as quickly I’m reminded of my situation as I again feel a fist grab into my hair, jerking and pulling me on my tied knees to a corner, next to the big-screen TV at the front of the basement rec room. I quickly find myself being locked into place to another set of eyelets, leaving me kneeling in the corner, bent at the waist, face pressed to the floor, knees and feet secured tightly in place, butt again thrust upward, stretching my pink underwear even more. “Time for some TV,” says Tyler as he leaves me, and I hear him dropping lazily onto the couch a few feet away, turning on the TV. He flips channels for a bit, eventually stopping on a baseball game.

I let out a soft sigh of relief as I get a couple minutes to recuperate as Tyler ignores me while he gathers up a supply of chips and soda so he can watch the game. I thought I was going to be left alone, but I should’ve known better. All of a sudden I hear a *swish* of something flying through the air, hearing something impact the wall to my right. Turns out that Tyler has taken his rubber band gun and has decided to use my butt for target practice. He takes a couple shots to get his aim back, but the third shot sails true and hits me square on the right buttcheek, the sharp pain causing me to yelp into the gag.

For the next half-hour or so I’m used for target practice. Finally, either Tyler bores of shooting rubber bands at my butt, or he runs out of rubber bands, because he stops and decides to focus on the game. By the seventh inning stretch I can hear the soft breathing of my captor taking a nap on his couch. Helpless and sore, but thoroughly exhausted, I soon follow suit, falling into a fitful sleep as I kneel in the corner. My captivity officially ends at 8PM Sunday, but it’s barely even noon on Friday. .
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Post by MaxRoper »

Tyler is turning out to be an impressive Dom with many ideas and a willing(?) captive on whom he can experiment. A long, arousing, and tiring weekend looms and I'm looking forward to reading all about it.
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Post by Jason Toddman »

I Didn't Expect to Lose - Part 3

I slowly come out of my fitful nap, emitting a soft groan into my gag as my eyes flutter and slowly open. I try and figure out how long I’ve been out, but since I haven’t had access to a watch or anything since I started this ordeal I’ve got no idea. I do know, however, that the baseball game that Tyler was watching had ended, so I’ve been asleep at least 2 innings worth of baseball. I lift my head and try and crane my neck over my shoulder, catching a sight of my captor still laid out on the couch through the corner of my eye. I groan again softly, lowering my head, pressing my forehead to the floor, knowing that I’m stuck like this until he wakes up.

Luckily, I don’t have to wait for long, as I hear Tyler stir, letting out a great big yawn as he emerges from his nap. He looks and catches a glimpse of my upturned pink bottom and laughs, deciding to mock me again. “Awww, still can’t get loose?” He checks his watch and grins. “And it’s only 1:30, we’ve got a TON of time left to go.” I can only groan softly in reply, my jaw hurting from being wedged open for so long as I hear my captor get up off the couch, hearing the soft slide of his feet on the floor as he heads into the bathroom. I again start to writhe in my bonds, finding each rope just as tight as it was when I was first bound.

I lift my head and peer over my shoulder at Tyler as I hear him emerge from the bathroom a few minutes later, whining softly again, my eyes pleading, no...begging, him to let me have a break. My whole body’s sore, my mouth’s dry as sandpaper from being gagged for so long, and I really have to use the bathroom. Thankfully, Tyler takes mercy on his prisoner and I feel myself being untied fully, the gag unbuckled and pried from my mouth, my freedom restored for the first time in hours. As I expected, it was a temporary reprieve, and Tyler was going to be strict about it. “You’ve got 5 minutes,” he said. “Everything you need is in the bathroom.”

I nod my head up and down and quickly head into the bathroom, not wanting to waste any time. I close and lock the door behind me, and quickly take the piss that I’ve needed to take for the past hour. I flush the toilet and wash my hands, then greedily start to cup tap water in my hands, sucking it into my mouth to quench my thirst. I make sure not to drink too much so I don’t have to go pee again for a while, and spend the last minute of my break staring at myself in the mirror. My arms, legs and belly are covered in a series of neatly-placed rope marks, the ropes having been tight, but again, Tyler’s talent for ropes so good that I didn’t have any circulation problems the entire time. I admire my rope marks for a second, then look at my face in the mirror, deep indentations on my face from the gag harness straps digging in so tightly. A loud thumping on the door lets me know that my time is up.

I exit the bathroom, refreshed from my short stint of freedom. Tyler is standing in the center of the rec room again, having re-organized the ropes so he can re-secure me. But he’s got other ideas first. He grins as he wiggles his toes in his socks and says “ do you think you should thank me for letting you out and letting you go to the bathroom?”

I chew on my bottom lip as I feel my freckled cheeks flush for what seems like the billionth time today. I think Tyler’s really enjoying his position of power over me, but to be honest I’m enjoying myself too. I swallow hard and walk over to my captor, quickly dropping to my knees, lowering my face to his socked feet, planting a pair of kisses onto each foot. Thankfully, he’s got clean socks on so I don’t have to deal with that gag-inducing smell. It’s still totally humiliating, though, kissing my friend’s feet to thank him for letting me use the bathroom. A hair ruffle and a mocking “Good boy” let me know that I did the right thing.

Tyler wasted no time getting me back in bonds, though, as he quickly pulled my hands behind my back, rope wrapping around them, cinching and knotting off. In no time I find my wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and big toes tied again, my arms tied tightly to my back with a rope going around my belly and forearms. I wriggle on my knees, once again finding no give in the expertly-tied ropes.

Turns out, Tyler was awake while I was napping, he had to sign for a package from the UPS guy. His new shipment of ‘supplies’ had come in, and he just couldn’t wait to put them to use. I looked on quietly as I watched my captor cut open the box, giddy with excitement as he pulls out the one thing he’s been waiting for. It’s a new gag, another one of the reliable harness gag design. He holds it up and brings it closer so I can see it too. “This harness has been on back-order for a month now. I guess it’s our lucky day, isn’t it?” He ruffles my hair as I stare wide-eyed at the gag.

This gag is a monster!! What’s worse, is that it’s pink! The harness is a complex web of light pink leather straps, the color chosen to match the color of my little pink Speedo. The pink rubber ball on the new gag is, to my dismay, even larger than the previous gag, and the multitude of straps and buckles ensures a perfectly tight, centered, and ultra secure fit. The new gag even has an attachable blindfold, just for kicks. I tear my eyes away from the gag and look up at my friend, stammering “H-h-how do you find this s-mmpphh!” Again, I can’t even get the question out before my mouth is stuffed with the huge ball, my jaws wedging apart as the ball is seated in my mouth.

Tyler grins at me as he goes about securing the gag, pulling the ball deep into my mouth, methodically tightening and buckling the straps. “Just takes some creative searching, that’s all.” He pulls all the buckles tight, finishing off with the chin strap again. I wince and groan, the ball pulled deep into my mouth, jaws stretched almost painfully wide, mouth forced to tightly surround the ball, my teeth digging into the hard rubber. My eyes widen as Tyler picks up the attachable blindfold, a large flap of thick pink leather designed to completely seal over my eyes, not allowing even the slightest amount of light in. I whine and mmph softly as he buckles one side to the harness, giving me a mocking smile and wave as he pulls the blindfold over my eyes, buckling it tightly in on the other side, plunging me into complete darkness, the blindfold panel covering almost the entire upper-half of my face.

I kneel at Tyler’s feet, helpless and blind. I feel hands around my neck, unbuckling the collar around my neck and slipping it away. I feel the cool air over my pale neck for a second, before I feel its replacement slip around my throat. This new collar feels more strict and stiff, its weight increased so I can’t forget its presence. I feel the collar being tightened around my neck until it’s nice and snug, then hear it being buckled in place.

I let out a muffled grunt as I’m pushed down onto my belly, feeling a hand grab the ropes binding my ankles. I grunt again as my bound bare feet are roughly pulled up toward my butt, legs bending at the knee. I feel a rope thread between my ankles and my wrists, then feel the slack slowly being pulled out. I bite into my ballgag and groan as I feel myself being pulled into a strict hogtie, my feet and hands tied so close together that my heels are actually pinning my hands to my bottom, my back arched slightly, causing me to rock slightly back and forth on my belly. I groan loudly into my gag, unable to even comprehend how I can be tied even tighter. Tyler, however, is just full of ideas.

I lay there in my hogtie for a minute, thinking that my tie is done. But I hear my captor walk back to me, fingers brushing my tied feet as I feel a piece of twine thread between my tied big toes. I whimper softly, drool bubbling down my chin as I feel a slight tug at the back of my collar. I mmpphh loudly as Tyler pulls the slack out of the twine, my tied big toes pulled forward towards my head, my bare feet forced to arch painfully forward, immobilizing even my feet. I groan softly as the twine is knotted off, then feel a tug on the top of my gag harness as Tyler has thread another length through the D-ring at the top of the harness. I feel more twine thread between my wrists, my head pulling back as the slack is pulled out. I groan and whine, my head pulled back as far as it can comfortably go, which is when Tyler ties this last piece off, my head now immobile too. I hear him stand up and wipe his hands at a job well done, having turned me into a ultra-tightly trussed prisoner, barely able to wriggle on my belly. I sense Tyler just looking me over for a second, then start to struggle and mmph as I hear him say “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Aaron’s coming over, we’re gonna hang out in the pool for a while.”

Aaron is one of Tyler’s skater friends. I don’t know how old he is, but he was a Freshman last school year, so I’d guess he’s 14 or so. He’s a typical skater kid, always wearing jeans, t-shirt, and skate shoes. Last I remember, he was about 5’4, skinny, blonde hair and tan complexion. I whine into my gag and mmmpphhh, absolutely mortified that I could be seen like this by other people. Tyler just laughs at my panic, giving me a playful kick in the side. “He’ll be here in a half-hour, he’s totally not gonna believe this when he sees it.” Tyler laughs, leaving me laying in the center of the rec room as I hear him flop back down onto his couch, turning the TV back on.

For the next 30 minutes, I desperately tried to get free. But I was so well tied, all I could do was flex my muscles and wriggle around, all my struggling resulting in me shifting just 2 inches or so on the floor...I couldn’t even roll over I was tied so tight!! I let out a groan as I heard the doorbell ring, mmphing and whining into my gag, begging Tyler not to bring Aaron down to the basement. I keep on frantically begging, pleading with Tyler as I hear him get up off the couch. I couldn’t see him, but I could hear him talking into the intercom to the front door, “Come on in dude! I’m in the basement.” I heard the front door open and close, wriggling about frantically as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, hearing Aaron “Hey du---...Holy crap dude!!! You did it?!?!?” Wait...what?

I’m trying to figure this out as I hear Tyler answer, “Yeah I did it...I told you that I’d get it done today!” I hear both boys erupt in laughter, hearing them enthusiastically high-fiving each other. I let out a mmpphh into my gag, still trying to figure out what was going on. Tyler was nice enough to explain it all for me. “Aaron’s was in the loop about what I was going to do with you. He’s a tie-up game fan like me, and he wanted in on the action when I told him that you were my next target.”

I hear other footsteps walking up close to me, feeling a hand on the top of my head. “I never thought that Ty’d be able to do it. But then he called me and I totally had to get over here.” I feel the boy’s hand sliding over my exposed skin, sliding over my arms, laughing as I giggle and squirm as his fingers slide over my arched soles. “Ohhhhh dude...he’s totally ticklish!! We gotta take advantage of that.” I hear Tyler’s voice next. “Way ahead of you, wanna help me get him out of the basement? He’s totally light, shouldn’t be a problem.”

I hear an enthusiastic “Yeah!”, and emit a gurgling mmmph as I feel two pairs of hands grab hold of me. Aaron had taken a hold on my ankles, Tyler had grabbed my torso. Weighing only 140 lbs, it was an easy task for the two of them to lift me off the ground, carrying my trussed and packaged body up the stairs and out of the basement. I mmph into my gag again, drool dripping down my chin as I try and figure out where I’m being carried. The sound of a sliding glass door, then the feeling of the warm, humid outside air and sunlight let me know that I’m in Tyler’s backyard. I groan into my gag as I’m carried around, still not knowing what’s going on. I eventually feel myself being set down on a warm, textured plastic surface. I feel myself bounce up and down slightly, then realize that they’d carried me out to the backyard and set me on the pool’s diving board. I can only lay there helplessly as I hear the two boys laugh at me, jerking as a hand slaps me on my Speedo-clad bottom. “Let’s get trunks on, he’s not going anywhere,” says Tyler. I hear them laughing as their voices and footsteps subside, leaving me laying out on the diving board, helpless and left to bake in the hot midday sun.

I had thought they were just gonna put on trunks, but I guess they had other things to do, because it seemed like forever before they came back out into the backyard. I had been laying there the whole time, left to bake and sweat like a roasting pig. My tightly packaged body had long been dripping with perspiration, my skin glistening in the bright sun. I jerk as I hear the boys come back out into the backyard, laughing at me as they see me in the exact same position they had left me. “Sorry,” Tyler said. “Nitro Circus was on MTV, and then a Jackass rerun came on right after.” Another mocking laugh, followed by a slap to my pink-clad bottom.

I could feel the boys just standing next to me as I lay there, their eyes inspecting my tightly-trussed form. I hear Aaron’s voice “So, I gotta ask. Where did you get all this pink stuff for him?” I feel my cheeks flush as Tyler laughs and answers. “Well, the undies I got at the store, all of his, decorations I got off the internet.” I feel a hand tugging at a strap on my gag harness, making sure that it’s tight against my face. “Pink gag, pink blindfold, pink collar and pink panties,” Tyler says. “I gotta make sure that all his stuff matches.”

The inspection done, I hear both boys walk away, then hear two splashes as they jump into the pool, their splashes spraying cool pool water over me. I mmph softly, thankful that I was able to cool off some, hearing the two boys laugh and talk, ignoring me as I lay there. I guess the temptation of being able to mess with me is just too much, and it only takes a few minutes before Tyler shares his idea. “Okay prisoner,” he says. “I know that you’re super-ticklish, so ticklish in fact that no matter how tight I tie you you’ll still thrash around all crazy.” He pauses for a second as I hear the sliding glass door open, then close, Aaron had probably gone back in the house for something. “So here’s what we’re gonna do. 20 minute tickle session, and if you can stay on the diving board we’ll untie you and call the rest of the bet off. If you fall off, then I get to give Aaron all those pictures that I took of you. Don’t worry dude, we’ll make sure you won’t drown. And don’t worry about your pretty gag and collar, they’re waterproofed so they won’t get ruined. I know that you love them so much.” I feel a pat on the top of my head as Tyler laughs. I groan into my gag, knowing that I’ll never be able to beat that challenge, especially since Tyler knows every single one of my weak spots. And since Aaron will get those pictures of me tied up, now I’ll be at the mercy of both Tyler and Aaron, since they can use the photos to blackmail me.

I hear the sliding glass door open and lose a minute later, then hear Aaron’s voice call out. “Okay, we ready?” A second later I hear Tyler say “Yeah dude, give me the feather, you get in and pull him out when he falls in.” A pair of laughs erupts and I hear a splash in the pool, probably Aaron getting in to spot me and pull me out. I hear footprints on the wet concrete coming toward me, and then I hear Tyler’s voice “Dude...all you gotta do is get on his feet and he’ll go crazy. Just watch.”

I groan into my gag as I await my fate. I hear footsteps on the concrete as Tyler positions himself next to me as I lay on the diving board. I hear him laugh, then I instantly squeal into my gag as I feel the blade of a feather being slid over the curled soles of my feet. I desperately try to keep still, my helpless feet wagging from side to side in a futile effort to keep them away from the feather. I hear both boys roaring with laughter as I squeal into my gag like a girl, my face going deep red from laughing so much into my gag. I desperately try and fight off the feather, unknowingly inching myself closer and ever closer to the edge of the diving board. Tyler comes up with the strategy of extending this torture out as long as possible, and he makes a point to stop every once in a while to pull me back onto the center of the diving board before going back to attacking my feet and legs with the feather. I continue to squeal into my gag, making both boys laugh even louder, in disbelief at the high-pitched level of squealing escaping my gagged mouth. I thrash around, tears dripping from underneath the blindfold from laughing so hard.

It would’ve been a pathetic defeat if Tyler didn’t keep pulling me back onto the center of the diving board. The goal was 20 minutes, and I was allowed to last 18 before I was able to wriggle my way off the edge of the board. I let out a yelp and cry as I felt myself falling, then felt the cool pool water enveloping my entire body. I had a brief moment of panic before I felt a set of hands grabbing around my torso, pulling me back above the water line. I mmphed again and sputtered as Aaron dragged me over to the side of the pool, where both boys worked to haul my helpless body back out of the pool, leaving me dripping on the side of the pool, shivering from the cold water. The boys celebrate their victory and mock me as I lay there helplessly. “Dude!! We gave him 20 minutes, and we helped him, and he still couldn’t handle it!! That’s totally pathetic!!” They leave me alone to suffer in my defeat as they go back to playing around in the pool, the warm sun eventually drying me off, and I go back to baking in the sunlight as my captors play.

I lose track of time again as I lay there by the pool, but I guess an hour later I hear Aaron make a suggestion. “Hey, it’s still way early, and your parents are gone for the weekend. Let’s invite some people over and have a party!” I let out a loud “mmpph!” into my gag, then start to whine and whimper, my heart sinking again as I hear Tyler’s answer “Totally dude! Start calling people!” I hear both boys quickly exit the pool, unable to do anything to stop both boys as I hear them grabbing their cell phones, both boys furiously texting and calling their friends to invite them over. They make plans for a half-hour from now, with everybody assigned to bring drinks or chips for everyone to eat. I whimper into my gag, absolutely mortified at being seen by a whole party of people in the position I’m in.

Tyler hears my sad whimpering and gets an idea. “Hey,” he says. “Let’s put the prisoner on the patio table. He’ll be the party centerpiece.” I hear both of them walk over to me, feeling their hands grabbing again. They pick me up off the ground, walking me around the backyard, setting me down onto the metal table, finally taken out of the sun. I hear the sliding door open and close, I think Tyler was feeling sorry for me and didn’t want me to be recognized, because I heard the door open and close again, and I started to feel the click of padlocks as they close on each and every buckle on both my gag harness and my collar. I whimper softly, drool dripping down onto the table, as Tyler ruffles my wet hair and says “Don’t worry, you’ll just be on display. Nobody but me will be able to get the locks off, so nobody’ll be able to recognize your face.” I sigh softly, feeling a bit more relieved, and mmph out a thank you to my captor. Tyler laughs again, again ruffling my hair, and walks away to get some other stuff ready for the party.

I had resigned myself to my fate, but I still jerk and mmmph when I hear the doorbell ring. I start to tremble and squirm nervously as I hear the door being opened, hearing a multitude of voices, both male and female. I hear the voices getting closer to the patio, then hear the sliding glass door open, almost immediately followed by a girl screaming “Ohmygawwwww!!!! Who’s that!?!?” I whine and gurgle as I hear the group instantly turn and make their way towards me, forming a circle around the patio table. “Oh, that’s our prisoner,” says Tyler, as he gives my hair another humiliating ruffle. “He lost a bet, so he’s gotta be like this for the party.”

I groan, more drool dripping down my chin as I hear all the other kids burst into laughter, hearing the click of cameras and cell phones as the image of my helpless, but somewhat unrecognizable body, is recorded and broadcast. Having gotten over the novelty of a tightly hogtied, gagged, and blindfolded boy laying on a table, I hear the crowd move off, hearing some jump into the pool, others breaking off into their own little cliques to hang out and flirt.

The cycle continued for the next couple hours. Every new group of people instantly came over to where I was laying, where they all took pictures, some people being cruel and giving me a tickle or spank. People were constantly asking who I was, but thankfully Aaron and Tyler refused to give up that information, and due to the locks on my gag and collar I was pretty much unrecognizable. I was still constantly humiliated though, being a helpless, tightly bound boy wearing what look to be pink panties, a pink collar and pink gag and blindfold. There are gonna be a lot of those pictures circulating around for a long while. I just hope nobody finds out who it was under the blindfold and gag.

The party was in full swing. I couldn’t begin to tell you the exact number of people who were attending, but it sounded like it was a pretty big. Being the way that I am, I never stopped getting attention. Either a group was looking at me while they talked about who might I be, or I was getting prodded, tickled and spanked by a bunch of people I couldn’t see, or I was getting my picture taken as the hogtied pink boy. I couldn’t tell you how many times I caught a slap on my bottom as someone made fun of my pink Speedo. All I could do was lay there, wriggle, and make funny noises through my heavily-gagged mouth. Thankfully, I didn’t get...abused, all that much at least.

The pool party went far into the night, groups leaving, and groups constantly arriving to refresh the party. I continued to be the center of attention, the party’s conversation piece, as I just layed there on the patio table like a centerpiece. Eventually, the party died down, everyone heading back home so they wouldn’t get caught breaking curfew, everybody leaving giving me either a kiss or spank, or sometimes both, on their way out. When the last person finally leaves, Tyler comes up to me and gave my butt a spank, asking “Did you enjoy the party prisoner?” All I could answer with is a gurgling mmph, it wasn’t a bad time, but I just wish I’m not tied up, gagged and blindfolded for the whole party.

I’m left on the table for another hour or so, as the boys cleaned up from the party. Eventually, they came back to me. Again, Aaron grabbed my ankles, Tyler grabbed my torso, and they lifted me up off the table and carried me back into the house. I felt myself being carried down into the basement, and laid down on the floor again. Tyler reaches down and gives me another sharp spank on my bottom, then leaves me alone again as he helps Aaron finish up the cleaning from the party. They leave me there while they finish cleaning the house, and I let out another mmmph and squirm as I hear them make their way down the stairs to the basement again, hoping that they’ll let me out of this tight hogtie.

Alas, that wasn’t to be the case tonight. I heard both boys making their way downstairs, hearing their footsteps as they walk over to me. I feel them grab me again, picking me up and carrying me upstairs. I let out a soft, querying “mmmph?” as I feel them carry me, wondering what they want to do with me. I feel them carry me up to the second floor of the house, then into Tyler’s room. I feel them lower me to the floor again, and hear Tyler say “I don’t want to let you out of that hogtie, so you’re gonna sleep on the floor next to my bed prisoner.” I let out a pained groan into my gag, which earns me a sharp slap on my arched feet with I assume to be Tyler’s riding crop. I cry out into my gag from the pain, then whimper softly, settling down and trying to get comfortable for the night.

Day one down, two days to go. I can’t imagine what’s going to happen to me next.
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Post by Michael-Colin »

I missed this one. Thanks for re-uploading it!
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Link to story here -
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Michael-Colin wrote: 6 years ago I missed this one. Thanks for re-uploading it!
It was an early entry and therefore buried in the oldest archive section at the old site. definitely was past time it saw the light of day again.
The next part is short, so I may as well post it now rather than wait another day or so.

I Didn't Expect to Lose - Part 4

I let out a soft groan into my gag as I slowly awaken, finding myself still on the floor of Tyler’s room. I groggily open my eyes and blink away the sleep, finding myself released from the strict hogtie, though my arms and legs are still tightly bound. I look around, then lift my eyes and see Tyler kneeling in front of me, the blindfold panel in his hand, having just unbuckled it from over my eyes.

“Morning!” he cheerily says as I groan again, slowly rising up to my knees, sitting on my bare heels. “I took let you out of your hogtie after you fell asleep.” He grins and ruffles my hair playfully. “You wouldn’t think I’d leave you like that all night, would you?”

I shake my head from side to side, letting out a muffled “mmpphh-mmm”. I lift my eyes and peer at my friend, seeing he’s still wearing a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt, he probably went out for a run while I was asleep. My eyes follow him as he stands up, then I lower my head, staring down at his feet, still clad in his running shoes. I squirm on my knees as I watch him unlace and slip off his running shoes, slipping his white cotton ankle socks off. I watch him set his bare feet on the floor, and I don’t even wait for an order, I just lower my gagged face to his feet, rubbing my nose over them, air hissing in and out of my nose as I sniff.

Tyler looks down at me and smiles “Oooohhhh, good boy, I didn’t even need to ask.” He just watches me as I rub my nose all over the top of his feet and over his toes, sniffing the whole time. I just keep on sniffing for about 10 minutes or so, partly to thank him for letting me out of that really tight hogtie, partly because he probably would’ve ordered me to anyways. I sniff until he pulls his foot away, rubbing one of them over the top of my head. “Come on, let’s go to the basement, I’ve got breakfast for you.” I mmmph eagerly into the ball, my stomach growling and in need of food. I struggle to my feet, starting my slow hop behind my captor as I exit his room and make my way to the stairs.

I grunt as I’m lifted up and carried down the stairs again, carried through the house and down to the basement. I drop to my knees as Tyler drops me from his shoulder, then I hear all the small padlocks on my gag harness clicking open as he unlocks them all. Soon enough I feel the straps being loosened, the large ball being pried from my mouth. I stretch my jaw, hoping that he’d untie me completely so I can eat, but my hopes are dashed when Tyler places a silver dog bowl in front of me, filled to the brim with oatmeal. “Don’t worry,” he says. “That’s your bowl, nobody else has used it.” He laughs and ruffles my hair, seeing my dejected look, then heads back upstairs, leaving me alone with my bowl of oatmeal.

I hesitate for a second, but my hunger overpowers my pride, and I slowly bend at the waist and lower my face into the bowl. I bury my face into the bowl of now-cold oatmeal, using my tongue to scoop the stuff into my mouth. I hungrily scoop up more and more oatmeal into my mouth, keeping my face buried in the bowl, going so far as to even lick the sides of the bowl to get as much as possible. I don’t even flinch when Tyler walks back down and laughs at me, watching me lick up the remaining food in the bowl, the position again forcing my butt to thrust upward. He steps forward and bends down, pulling the now-empty dog bowl away, then wipes my oatmeal-covered face off with a towel. He places a bottle of cold water to my mouth, letting me greedily gulp down my fill. I lift my head and peer up at my friend, softly saying “Thank you.”

Another ruffle on my head, then my captor re-stuffs my big ballgag back into my mouth, where it’s quickly seated behind my teeth, the straps tightened down and buckled in place, again rendering me speechless. He loops a finger into the front ring on my collar and tugs, forcing me back to my feet. I hop along behind my captor as he leads me to a corner of the room again, and goes about locking me to the floor, on my knees, collar locked to a floor eyelet, knees bent at a 90-degree angle and secured to the floor with straps, another strap going over my bound ankles, holding me in position, feet held vulnerable, butt again thrust upward. I whimper softly as I hear my friend walk away again, only to return after a minute or so. I tremble nervously, then instantly start to squeal into my gag and wriggle as he starts to torment me with a feather, sliding the blade of the feather over my bound arms, then over my sides, moving it over my chest and belly.

Tyler laughs as he continues to slide the feather over my bound arms and my torso, revelling in the high-pitched squeals coming out of my gagged mouth. He spends about 10 minutes sliding the feather over my torso, then he switches hands, teasingly just brushing the feather over my bound legs, starting at my thighs. I shake my head frantically, squealing, pleading for him to stop, unable to move my legs as he ever so slowly slides the feather down my legs, down over my thighs. I squirm helplessly as I feel the feather blade slide over the back of my knees, my butt wiggling from side to side, the only real struggling that I can do. Tyler slows down even more as the feather inches closer and closer to my helpless feet, laughing as he hears me sputter into my gag, begging and pleading for him to stop. “There’s nothing you can do,” he says. “You’re just gonna have to deal with it.”

I continue to beg and plead all the way until the end, instantly thrashing about, more high-pitched squealing escaping my gagged mouth as the tip of the feather just brushes over my bare heels. I listen to my captor laughing at me as I continue to thrash about, shrieking and squealing like a girl as he just brushes the feather over my feet, brushing the tip of the feather over the soft soles of my feet. Even this light teasing drives me crazy, and my squeals turn into frantic shrieks, my struggling becoming even more desperate as my captor pulls the blade of the feather over my soles like a violin bow. Tyler keeps this up for a whole hour, focusing exclusively on my feet and toes. He saws the blade of the feather between my toes, then scratches the quill of the feather over my soles, doing whatever he can to brutally tickle torture me. He finally stops when he sees that my body can't handle any more, leaving me a tightly tied, blubbering, quivering lump of boy, my pale skin glistening with perspiration from all my struggling.

Tyler lets me kneel there alone for a minute, then walks back over and sits next to me, sliding his hand over my tightly-harnessed head. I sniffle and whimper softly, tears dripping from my eyes from laughing so hard, my nostrils flaring as I take deep breaths, sucking in air. He continues to stroke his hand over my head, helping me calm down. I open my eyes and peer up at him, and he gives me a smile, asking “You okay?” I mmph out my answer and slowly nod my head, still weak, my body still quivering. He sits next to me for the next half-hour or so, just stroking my head, keeping me company as I slowly get my energy back.

I feel myself being unlocked from the floor and helped to my feet. I wobble on my tied feet and toes, hopping along as Tyler slowly leads me around. He pulls me to a barstool placed in another corner of the room, and helps me hop up onto it. I mmph softly as rope is looped over my thighs and under the seat of the barstool, tightly securing me down to it. My ankles are pressed to a rung on the barstool, my ankles tied to it so I can’t kick my feet. I whimper as the barstool is turned, positioned so I’m facing the corner again, and Tyler gives me a quick tickle on my sides. “Have fun, rest up. I’ll be back for you later.”

I whimper again as I hear my captor walk away and up the stairs. I lean forward, my forehead pressing into the corner of the wall. I use the corner for support, wriggling, finding myself unable to move off the chair. A couple minutes later I’m asleep, totally exhausted...and the day’s barely begun.
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I Didn't Expect to Lose - Part 5

I emit a soft gurgling groan into my gag as I slowly come out of my slumber, slowly opening my eyes and blinking away the sleep. I find myself still tightly tied to the barstool, leaning forward, my forehead propped against the corner of the wall I’m facing. I squirm slightly, a steady stream of drool still bubbling from between my lower lip and the big pink ball, covering my chin and dripping down to the floor below.

I hear noise coming from the TV behind me, and I straighten up, twisting my head around and looking over my shoulder, and let out a soft little “mmph”. I hear a rustle on the couch as Tyler pokes his head up, having been lying down watching TV as I slept. “Welcome back sleepyhead,” he says as he stands up and walks back to me, standing behind me as I peer at him over my shoulder. He had changed from his running clothes into a pair of black shorts and a plain white t-shirt, a pair of white cotton ankle socks on his feet. “You must’ve been tired, you’ve been out for like...3 hours now.” I nod my head up and down and let out another soft “mmph” into my gag, my cheeks burning as I watch him just inspect me for a minute, pondering what he should to to me next. I whimper softly and chew nervously on the big ball in my mouth as a grin creeps onto his lips, turning and running upstairs.

Turning my head back around, I start to squirm, the wooden stool creaking as my muscles flex, my fingers wiggling as I try and twist my arms in the ropes, again finding every rope just as tight as before. I turn my head again as I hear my captor run down the stairs, having retrieved a few things from his room, hiding them from me in his backpack. He walks back toward me and places a hand at the back of my head, turning it so I face forward and pushing my head down so I have to stare at the floor, feeling his other hand working to unbuckle the straps on my harness. I let out a cough as the ball is pried from my mouth, a big glob of drool spilling down my chin. I lft my head as a water bottle is held up to my lips and tipped upward, and I greedily gulp down the cool water.

I try to croak out a “thank you” as the bottle is pulled away, but I don’t get the chance as I’m quickly gagged again. I guess one of the things in Tyler’s backpack was the pair of socks he used on his run, because I gag as the taste of the still moist cotton hits my tongue. I whine softly and mmpph as his fingers work to push the socks in, my cheeks puffing out slightly, the gross socks tightly packed into my mouth. I grunt and mmph again as his hands pull away, trying to push the dense packing out with my tongue, but that ends quickly enough as I hear the sound of duct tape tearing off a roll, the flap slapping down over my lips.

Tyler places his hand at the top of my head to hold me steady as his other hand works the tape. He starts to wind the tape around, pulling tape off the roll in long sections, making sure to pull it tight over my mouth with each circuit. He must have a lot of tape, because he uses it liberally, making about 20 circuits around my head. He cuts the tape off, then runs his hands over the tape, pressing it down tighter all around my head. I try to make a sound, but all that comes out is a soft hiss through my nostrils and a barely audible “mmph”. Tyler places a small mirror in front of me, and I feel my cheeks burn as I see that he’s used pink duct tape, wrapped into a wide band around my head, the lower half of my face covered from my chin to right under my nose.

I groan in relief as my captor now starts to untie the ropes holding my arms tied, then unties me from the stool and frees me completely, then helps me get off the stool. He gives my hair a ruffle and says, “Break time. 10 minutes to use the bathroom.” I jump and yelp as he gives me a humiliating slap on my butt, and I quickly scurry to the basement bathroom, totally having to go.

I do my business and flush the toilet. I stand in front of the sink, washing my hands, my eyes locked on my reflection in the mirror. I look ridiculous, half my face sealed away under a thick layer of pink duct tape. A pounding on the door lets me know that my time’s up, and I come out of the bathroom, and Tyler immediately places another patch of duct tape right over my mouth. I’m unsure of what it was for at first, but I feel my cheeks flush again as he holds up the handheld mirror, seeing that he’s taken a black marker and written something on the tape he just put on me. I stare at my gagged face, seeing in big, black block letters, the letters ‘YKNIP’. I feel my cheeks burn some more as I whimper softly as I decipher the reflected word, Tyler confirming what I had figured out when he ruffles my head and says. “All done pinky?” I guess I have a new name for the weekend.

I nod again, and my captor leads me by the arm to the center of the room. He pushes me back down to my knees, and starts to bind me again. He pulls my arms back behind me, hearing the rip of what I assume is more pink duct tape as I feel it wrap tightly around my wrists, then around my forearms, just below my elbows. I look over my shoulder and confirm my belief about the tape color as I watch Tyler wrap my ankles with more tape, and finish up with more wraps around my legs, above and below my knees. I squirm on my knees as I see Tyler pick up and open a small plastic container, pulling out a pair of foam earplugs. I marvel at my captor’s attention to detail, the color of the plugs, you guessed it, light pink.

I whimper again nervously as I watch Tyler rolling the ends of a plug between his thumb and forefinger, compressing the end into a narrow nub. He slips it into my right ear, pushing it into place. I was wondering why he was rolling and squeezing the end of the plug, but I soon find out as I feel it expand in my ear, leaving me nearly completely deaf in that ear. Another whimper escapes my mouth as Tyler repeats the process with the other earplug, rendering me barely able to hear at all. My eyes drop dejectedly as my captor picks up my pink leather blindfold, placing it over my eyes. My eyes dart around under the blindfold, seeing small slivers of light under my eyes, which soon disappear as the blindfold is tightened down around my head, the large pink flap sealing completely over my eyes, blinding me and leaving nearly my entire face concealed by pink, just my nose and a little bit of my forehead exposed.

I mmph as I feel my ankles being grabbed, dragging me for a couple feet on my butt, my feet propped up on what feels to be a low table. I feel what seems to be plastic wrap being pressed to my ankles, then I feel it start to wrap around my ankles, slowly working its way up my legs. I squirm nervously, realizing that this isn’t regular duct tape. Tyler’s family owns a distribution company or a warehouse or something, and they secure truck shipments with what’s called ‘pallet wrap’. For those of you who don’t know, pallet wrap is basically regular plastic wrap, but a whole lot thicker and stronger because it’s meant to hold a pallet of stacked boxes together and secure them to the pallet. I guess Tyler had secured a roll and was now using it on me.

I feel myself being wrapped, my legs squeezing together as the thick plastic winds its way slowly up my body, each layer overlapping so it forms into a thick, tight layer around me. He keeps wrapping, my feet held up high enough that I’m resting on my shoulder blades, giving him enough clearance so he can keep looping, up around my hips and over my crotch and butt. He stops for a second, pulling the table away, letting my feet rest on the floor, then pushes my torso up into a sitting position. He continues to wrap, working his way around my arms and torso, winding it diagonally around me so he can cover my shoulders. He works the wrap like an expert, getting the wrap to narrow to wrap around my neck. I squirm helplessly and whine as he starts to wrap my head, making sure to not cover my nostrils as he covers my head in the thick plastic, finally cutting it off and pressing down the end, the wrap constricting, squeezing tightly around me.

I thought Tyler was done, but I feel more wrap being pressed to my ankles, feeling him starting to wind and layer the wrap over my bare feet. He wraps a few times, cutting the wrap and pressing the end down. He then picks up another roll of pink duct tape, wrapping my ankles, then my neck. The ankle tape seals the seam formed when he wrapped my feet, the pink tape around my neck simulates my collar, which is covered and obscured by the tape. He sees that my nickname has also been obscured by the layers of plastic, and cuts another flap from the roll, writing ‘PINKY’ in block letters on it with his marker, placing it over my mouth, pressing it down firmly. Satisfied with a job well done, he stands up and runs upstairs again, leaving me to lay there on my back and arms, completely immobile, unable to see, hear, speak, or even feel. I lay there, confined to my lonely, pitch-black world, completely oblivious as Tyler runs back down, carrying his trusty camera. He starts to snap another set of pictures, rolling me around to document my bondage from every angle. Obviously, I have no idea this is happening, all I know is that I’m being rolled around on the floor, thinking Tyler’s just having more of his own special brand of fun with me.

He eventually stops, but not before getting another couple hundred pictures of me wrapped up like a mummy. He grunts as he hefts me up, lifting me up and plopping me down onto the couch. I feel myself sink into the soft cushions, and I feel myself being repositioned by Tyler, unable to do anything to stop him. He positions me into a sitting position on one end of the couch, the plastic creaking as it stretches and conforms to my body’s new angles. He takes a bunch more pictures of me just sitting there like some sort of mannequin or life-sized doll. He puts the camera away, and I feel him flop back onto the couch again, feeling pressure on my thighs as he props his feet up on my legs, getting comfortable to watch a movie.

It’s weird being a mummy. I have no idea what’s going on around me, only feeling myself getting hot inside my plastic cocoon, starting to profusely sweat under the thick wrapping. I feel the weight of my captor’s feet leave my legs as he shifts positions on the couch, he had extended the recliner on his end of the couch and was now propping his feet on that. Without that weight on my legs, I am now totally alone.

I had read about how sensory deprivation can screw with your head, and I guess it was true, because it really did feel like forever and a day before I felt myself being pulled down onto the floor, a pair of safety scissors slicing their way through the tape, exposing my sweaty skin to the cool air. I squirm and whine as the wrap is pulled away, then feel the earplugs being pulled out of my ears. I squint as the blindfold is removed, finding myself peering back up at my grinning captor. “Hi pinky!” he says. “Did you have fun being a mummy for 2 hours?” 2 hours? I had totally lost track of the time, feeling as if I'd been left like this the entire day! A quick glance at the wall clock confirms he’s telling the truth, it’s only early afternoon. I feel my cheeks flush as he scrunches his nose and pulls away, “Oh man, you stink pinky. You need a shower!.” I’d figured as much, 4 hours of sweating in a plastic cocoon has a tendency of making someone stink.

I feel the tape being cut from my legs, only to feel each leg being tightly folded, heels pressing to my butt, more tape wrapping around ankles and thighs. I grunt as I’m pulled up to my knees, happy that at least my legs aren’t tied together. I watch as a rope is tied to the front ring of my collar as a makeshift leash. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” says Tyler as he gives the rope a tug, forcing me to crawl along behind him on my knees. He leads me into the basement bathroom again, and opens up the door to the stand-up shower, leading me inside. I whimper softly, lifting my eyes and peering up at my friend apprehensively as I watch him tie the leash to a bar set into the shower wall, installed there for safety. An identical bar is set in the opposite wall, and Tyler ties a rope from the ring at the back of my collar to that bar, again leaving no slack in the rope. I squirm on my knees, the two ropes keeping me centered in the middle of the shower, unable to move forward or back, my side-to-side movement severely restricted. My wide eyes follow Tyler as he steps out of the shower, leaning in with his hand on one of the knobs, he looks down on me with a smile on his face as I continue to whimper softly into my gag.

“Time for a nice cool shower pinky,” Tyler says. He twists the knob, a I squeal as steady stream of cold water immediately starting to pour out of the showerhead onto my helpless body. His parents had sprung for one of those high-end showerheads that’s installed into the ceiling instead of the wall, and it turns out to be perfect for this particular torment, water pouring down all over me like I was in a rainstorm. I squeal as the water hits my body, struggling and squirming, trying to get myself out of the stream of cold water. Tyler laughs, then closes the shower door, leaving me to struggle. He comes back a minute later and opens the door again, stepping back so he doesn’t get water splashed on him, as he starts to snap more pictures. I whine into my gag, turning my head and peering up at my captor with wide, begging eyes, as he just continues to snap picture after picture. I shiver violently as I kneel there helplessly, water pouring all over my body, my hair matting down to my head, forcing me to periodically shake my head from side to side to fling hair out of my face.

After watching me struggle and shiver and sputter for a few minutes, Tyler leans in, turning the hot water knob to raise the temperature of the water. I groan in relief, my head lowered to keep water and hair out of my face as he raises the temperature of the water a bit, it’s not as warm as I usually prefer, but at least it’s not super-duper cold anymore. He’s pulled off his t-shirt so it doesn’t get wet, and leans in, grabbing a bottle of some girly brand of shampoo. I have my head lowered so I can’t see but I feel a big glob of the shampoo being squeezed out of the bottle and onto my head, the scent of some fruit filling the shower. I then feel Tyler placing his hands in my hair, working his fingers over my scalp, scrubbing my hair and scalp. He pulls his hands out, letting the water wash my hair clean, the suds washing over my body. “Gotta rinse and repeat,” he says, and true to his word, he repeats the process a second time.

After the second shampooing, he straightens up, exiting the shower. He looks down at me and says “I’ll be back when you’re nice and washed pinky.” He then shuts the door, leaving me there alone to endure his newest torture. I start to squirm, sliding my knees on the wet floor of the shower as I try to move away, but I’m unable to escape the pouring water. The duct tape is impervious to water, so all my struggling is in vain as I try and squirm loose. I finally surrender to my bonds, resigned to kneeling there in the center of the shower, feeling water hit me like fat raindrops. I’ve used this shower under normal circumstances many times before, and I love it, especially the fancy showerhead, but at the moment I’m completely miserable.

It's at this point that I break down for the first time all weekend, starting to cry into my gag as I kneel there, tears dripping from my eyes and down my cheeks, mixing with the water dripping down my face. I'm in such a hopeless situation, the weekend's barely halfway over, and I'm sure that it's only going to get worse for me. I didn't think I was that loud, but Tyler must've heard me, because after a couple minutes of me crying and whimpering I hear the shower door being opened. I lift and turn my head, peering up at my friend, seeing him standing there. I feel my cheeks burn yet again as he stands there, and I lower my head back down and continue to cry into my gag, feeling so very pathetic and small. He watches me for a second, his gaze softening as a look of concern shows on his face.

"Hey," he says gently, switching roles from captor and tormentor back to my friend. "If you want me let you go, nod your head." I hesitate for a second before I shake my head from side to side. Part of it was my pride, I didn't want to give Tyler the satisfaction of making me give up, plus I knew that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. But another part was that I was kind of enjoying this. Sure I was kneeling there crying, but I didn't really feel like I wanted to be let go. Tyler shrugs, saying "Alright pinky, don't say that I never offered." He raises the water temperature up to something approaching warm and closes the shower door. I recover a couple minutes later, just needing to get that little cry out of my system.

Tyler eventually comes back, opening up the door again and shutting off the water completely. I kneel there and shiver as water drips from me. “You’re lucky pinky,” he says. “My parents would never let me take a 45 minute shower.” I whimper softly, the taste of his gross sweaty socks still heavy in my mouth. I shake my head to fling excess water from my hair, then peer up at my captor, my vision partially obscured by my wet hair falling over my eyes. I’m hoping that he starts toweling me off, but I lower my head sadly after as he says “I’m not sure if you’d be okay with me rubbing my hands over you, so I’ll just let you air dry.” To be honest, I’d totally be okay with ANYONE running their hands over me right now if those hands were holding a towel. He laughs, leaving the door open and walks away, leaving me there to shiver, water running down and dripping from me slowly. I thought I was miserable before, but I quickly reach a new level of low as I kneel there, helpless, wet and cold.
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Post by Xtc »

THanks for reistaing this, [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention]. I've just caught up with it.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago THanks for reistaing this, @Jason Toddman. I've just caught up with it.
My pleasure. There are some authors I plan to re-introduce here too later on.

I Didn't Expect to Lose - Part 6

Tyler leaves me to drip dry for another half hour, long enough for all the water on my body to evaporate away, my pink speedo drying quickly like it was designed to. I hear my captor’s footsteps as he reenters the bathroom, and I turn my head towards him as he comes into view. He reaches in, untying the ropes from my collar, letting them hang from the safety bars to air dry some more. He clips a leash to my collar and tugs. I obediently follow, crawling on my knees out of the shower, and he first leads me to a towel he laid on the floor. I crawl onto it, the towel soaking up the small amount of residual water that remains from where my knees and toes were pressed to the shower floor, ensuring that I won’t slip on the hardwood floor. I mmph again as Tyler tugs on my collar again, leading me back out of the bathroom and to my spot on the floor in front of the couch.

Scissors quickly slice through the duct tape keeping my legs folded, my captor letting me stretch my legs momentarily. He then presses my legs together, and I feel rope again encircle my ankles, tightly wrapping, cinching and knotting in place. Again, more rope is wound around my legs, above and below my knees and tied just as tight. Finally, twine is wrapped around my big toes tightly and knotted off.

I groan as my captor cuts the tape on my wrists and elbows and lets me stretch my arms. I extend my arms out, working the kinks out, then rotate my arms at the shoulder, my muscles having gotten a bit sore from my arms being pulled back for so long. I watch as Tyler brings my hands around and presses my wrists together in front of me, winding more rope around them, cinching and knotting it down tightly. My wrists are then tied to my knees, holding my bound hands down securely. (Look at my avatar if you can’t picture the tie). I lift my head and mmph into my gross-tasting gag as I watch Tyler stand up and walk to his bag, pulling out a plain white container that looks like a baby powder dispenser. I keep watching as he walks back over, lifting my head and peering up at him as he stands over me.

Having seen my breakdown earlier must have convinced my captor to take it easy on me for a bit, because he looks down at me and says. “Wanna play some video games pinky?” Eager for a distraction, I quickly nod my head up and down and softly mmph out my answer. Tyler smiles, setting the container down on the endtable, and walks to the TV. He grabs the Xbox 360 controllers from their place next to the TV and puts in the newest basketball game that he just bought. He walks back as the game loads up, dropping a controller in front of me, which I struggle to reach out and grab. He tosses the other controller onto his place on the couch, and picks up the white baby powder container again. “Time for another challenge pinky.” He says. “If you beat me, you get to go free.” I nod as I listen to the challenge and mmph again. I’m not all that good at basketball games, but I at least had some hope of beating him if I was lucky.

Of course, Tyler just couldn’t leave me just tied up and gagged to play video games. He twists the opening on the baby powder dispenser, then kneels down in front of me. I squeal and whimper as he reaches down, hooking a finger into the waistband of my speedo, pulling the front open. He respects my privacy, though, not peeking as he shakes a liberal amount of a white powder over my crotch and junk. He repeats the process at my back, pulling it open and shaking some more of the powder over my buttcheeks. He snaps the waistband back, then look over my shoulder at him, watching as he shakes an even greater amount of powder over the upturned soles of my feet. He stands back up again and walks around in front of me, just observing me. I kneel there for a second, thinking that he put some baby powder in my speedo to protect from chafing or something. 30 seconds later, my eyes flash open as wide as saucers as I start to frantically wriggle and squirm on my knees, squealing into my gag. Itching powder!!!!

My captor laughs as I wriggle wildly and squeal, the itching powder starting to take effect. The sensation on my crotch and butt is bad enough, but the itching on my sensitive feet is pure torture. I look up at him with pleading eyes as he ruffles my damp hair. “Good luck pinky,” he says mockingly, then takes his seat on the couch, starting up the basketball game and setting everything up.

Holding the controller with my wrists tied together is bad enough, but the constant and relentless torture of the itching powder made it even more difficult. I drop the controller a couple times just selecting the team that I want to play. I wriggle, desperately trying to pull my wrists away from my knees so I can frantically scratch the affected areas. I groan into my gag and try to concentrate on the TV as the first game starts, I’m playing the Cavs, Tyler plays the Lakers. I whimper, my fingers fumbling around clumsily on the controller as I try to ignore the intense, relentless itching, Tyler quickly taking the lead. He’s set it to 3-minute quarters, so the game passes quickly, and by the end of the first half I’m 20 points down.

I wish I could say that I came back with a vengeance and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, but when the final whistle of the first game sounded, I had lost, badly. As the game reloads for a new round, Tyler picks up the itching powder again. He urges me up off my heels, shaking another liberal amount onto my lower legs, from my ankles, all over my calves, to the back of my knees. He even lifts up my ankles, spraying some more powder onto the top of my feet and my toes, finishing off by sprinkling more onto my soles as I wriggle about. “Oh yeah,” he says. “If you lose, I get to put more powder on you.”

We start again, and I fumble around clumsily as I continue to wriggle and vainly fight against the torment of the itching powder. Time and time again I lose, and my captor exercises his reward for winning every time. After every victory he covers another part of my body with the cruel powder, and each time adds more powder to my crotch, butt and feet. He makes his way up my body with each win, covering my thighs, belly, chest, back, shoulders, even my arms and hands. I turn my head and peer wide-eyed at him, emitting begging whimpers and whines through my gag, and he just shrugs and says, “But I’m not bored yet, pinky. Besides, all you need is one win!”

Two and a half hours and whole bunch of losses later, I’m a wriggling mess. Every part of my body except for my neck, head and face is covered in itching powder, and I’m barely able to hold the controller for more than 30 seconds at a time before dropping it from my trembling fingers. Tyler laughs as I wriggle on my knees uncontrollably, and turns the game off, switching back to regular TV. “Geez pinky,” he says. “I was taking it easy on you those last few games.” I whine and mew into my gag as Tyler picks up my controller with a rag, wiping it off so he doesn’t get any of the powder onto him, and puts it back in its place.

I look on helplessly as he picks up his camera again, sets it to record another video, and aims it down at me. He starts to walk slowly around me as he records my wild and frantic wriggling as my body is assaulted by the itching powder, then kneels in front of me and focuses the camera on my gagged face. “Having fun with the itching powder pinky?” he asks for the camera. I shake my head frantically, giving a pleading look with my eyes into the camera, again mewing into my sock gag. He laughs, taking a couple more minutes of video before turning the camera off and putting the phone down, flopping back onto the couch to watch more TV.

He lets me suffer for another half-hour as he watches some sitcom on TV. I continue to squirm frantically and flop over onto my side. I kick my bound feet, trying to rub my body against the hardwood in a futile attempt to relieve at least some of the itching sensation. When the show ends, he gets up and walks back over to me, then kneels next to me and asks, “Want the itching powder off pinky?” My immediate answer is a frantic nodding of my head, a series of whimpers and whines escaping my gagged mouth as I beg for release.

My release isn’t immediate, as Tyler deems it necessary to change my position. I first hear the snap of latex gloves as he pulls them onto his hands to protect them from the powder, then I feel my ankles and legs being released from the ropes, the twine still tied around my big toes to hold my feet together. I hear the rip of duct tape and feel it start to wrap around my ankles, and legs, again holding them secure. My wrists are untied and pulled behind me, tape winding around my wrists and arms, tightly securing my arms together again. A few wraps of the pink duct tape around my belly and forearms pulls and holds my arms tight against my back. I’m rolled onto my belly, and my legs are bent, my feet pulled up over my butt. Duct tape wraps around my bent legs at my ankles and upper thighs, keeping my legs tightly folded in a strict duct tape hogtie.

I could only wriggle, still under the intense torment of the itching powder as I watch Tyler walk away, coming back a minute later. He’s wearing a black hoodie, the hood pulled over his head. It protects him from the itching powder as he picks my light, tightly packaged body up and hefts me over his shoulder. He carries me up the stairs, then through his house out to the backyard. It’s late in the day, and the sun is setting. He carries me over to the side of the pool and lowers me onto the concrete, then starts to unwind the tape going around my head.

It takes a bit, but the tape is finally all removed from my head, and he reaches in and pulls out the pair of socks he had stuck in my mouth so long ago, the socks having formed a disgusting wet wad of cotton from having soaked up my saliva for so long. I again don’t have a chance to say a word, however, as the end of a long clear plastic tube is inserted into my mouth.

I let out a groan as Tyler pushes a couple inches of the tube into my mouth, then starts to secure it in with duct tape. He wraps the tape tightly around my head, twisting it around the tube. He does this for a minute while I continue to wriggle from the itching powder, the end of the tube immovably secured in my mouth, my lips sealing around the tube, tape covering everything to keep everything nice and airtight. I lift my eyes and look at my captor as he smiles, then places a pair of pink plastic swimming goggles, the kind that competitive swimmers wear in the pool, over my eyes, and clips a noseclip over my nostrils to pinch them shut. My eyes go wide as saucers as I realize what he’s preparing me for, and my wriggling starts to become even more frantic.

Tyler must’ve noticed my reaction, because he grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my head up so I’m peering up at him. “Do you trust me pinky?” he asks. I nod my head up and down, knowing that my friend’s going to look out for me, but I’m still totally scared. He grins, then gets to his feet, picking up my tightly taped and hogtied body, and tosses me into the pool.

I let out a cry as I hit the water, sinking like a stone, settling on my side on the deep end of the pool, 10 feet below the surface. I lay there, panicking for a second, but I calm down as I realize that I can breathe just fine through the tube secured in my mouth. I lift my head and look up, seeing the tube rising up to the surface of the water. My captor had put a lot of thought into this, he bought a 60-foot length of tube, more than long enough to reach from one end of the pool to the other. He had secured the other end of the tube to a nearby metal pole. He had run the tube a few feet up the pole, securing it in several spots with duct tape. The rest of the tubing was in a neat coil near the edge of the pool. There was no way that the tube opening would be blocked, as well as no way that if I moved I’d pull the opening into the water, and he had made it absolutely certain that the tube was going to stay sealed inside my mouth. I feel myself relax, the water having washed every remnant of itching powder from my body. A highly effective, if not unorthodox way of getting the powder off, if you ask me.

I blink in surprise as I see the pool lights turn on, my vision tinted pink by the plastic lenses of my goggles. I look up as I hear a splash, seeing Tyler swimming down towards me, having changed out of his street clothes into a pair of boardshorts. I peer at him as he swims down to me, feeling him grab my body. He rolls me onto my belly and pulls me to the very deepest part of the pool. He grins at me underwater as he ruffles my hair, then kicks his way back up for air. He’s back down with me a few seconds later, this time holding a board in his hand. I recognized it as one of the things that his parents use when they go scuba diving, it’s so divers can write things down underwater. He turns it toward me, and I read. “If you’re in trouble, hum ‘O Canada.’” I nod, letting him know that I read his message, and he nods, heading back for the surface. I hear the splash of water as he climbs out of the pool, and I lay there in my tight hogtie, breathing through the tube, looking around and up at the surface of the water.

Tyler had brought his camera with him when he carried me to the pool, and now had it secured in the waterproof case that he had bought for it. I looked up as I heard another splash, seeing my captor swimming down toward me again. He points the camera at me and starts snapping away, documenting this particularly unique and exciting chapter of my captivity. He goes up for air every minute or so, and spends the next 5 minutes taking another big bunch of pictures of me tied up underwater for his collection. I watch him swim back up to the surface and hear him climb out, leaving me alone to revel in this new experience.

My captor climbs out of the pool and dries off quickly. He peers down and sees me laying there, completely immobilized by the hogtie he had put me in. He sits down at his patio table, having repositioned it so he could sit right next to my air hose and look right down into the pool and at me, knowing that he absolutely had to hear me if I got into trouble. He pulls over the schoolbooks that he had brought down here earlier, and passes the time attacking some of the mountain of summer work he’s been assigned for the advanced classes he’ll be taking next year. Every minute or so he glances down into the pool and checks on me, making sure that I’m alright.

For my part, I am really enjoying this! The pool water is warm and really comfortable, letting me really just lay there and enjoy myself. I swing my head and look around, listening to all the weird sounds that you can hear underwater, weird clicking noises and the sound of various pool pumps and devices working, among other things. An idea pops into my head, and I start to wriggle, trying to worm myself forward on my belly, my goal to be to reach the shallow end.

My captor is above me, watching me the whole time. He notices me trying to wriggle my way forward, and laughs, going back to his schoolwork. I make slow, if not steady progress, mmphing in triumph as I make it to the shallow end. Tyler hears my mmmph and looks up, laughing as he sees me all the way on the other side of the pool. He grabs the underwater whiteboard and writes out a new message for me, then puts on his goggles and dives back into the pool, swimming towards me.

I look over my shoulder as I hear a splash behind me, watching my captor swimming up to me underwater. He grins again and shows me the message he wrote, which tells me to get my ass back to the deep end or I’d be in trouble. I shake my head defiantly, and he asserts his control by standing behind me, keeping his head above water as he places his hands on my feet, scritching and scratching his nails against my soles. I laugh into the tube and wriggle frantically, the shrieking sounds of my laughter exiting through the tube, audible in the backyard. He tickles me for a minute then stops, then lowers his head back under and looks at me. I whimper into the tube and nod my head, wriggling and rocking, getting myself turned back around and heading back for the deep end. Satisfied, Tyler climbs out of the pool again, leaving me to my task.

A couple more hours pass, I’m back in the deep end, still thoroughly enjoying myself, and Tyler had become tired of doing schoolwork. He looks at his watch and decides that it’s time for me to get out of the pool. I look up as I hear him dive back in, watching as he swims down toward me, grabbing my arms at my biceps. He first drags me towards the shallow end again, then pulls me out of the pool, setting me on my belly at the pool’s edge. I shiver again in the cooler night air as I drip water, and Tyler gets up and dries himself off, leaving me still effectively gagged by the breathing tube as he walks back into the house. He comes out a couple minutes later with something in his hand, which he keeps concealed from me as he walks back over. He kneels next to me, and starts to rub a towel over my hair and head, drying my hair and stuff, the rest of my body still dripping wet. He peels the tape from around my head and slides the tube out of my mouth.

I look up at my friend, opening my mouth to tell him that I had an absolute blast, but again he doesn’t give me a chance. I guess yesterday’s UPS shipment had some items that I still didn’t know about, because the next thing I know his newest gag was slid into my mouth. I didn’t catch what the gag is as he stuffs it into my mouth, but my eyes spring open wide as I realize what it is. Oh my God, it’s a dildo!! I mew in embarrassment as my captor slides the gag into my mouth, the diameter wedging my jaws open, the tip sliding back, brushing against the back of my throat. I gag and cough as I feel it sliding in, then feel the straps being secured. It’s a now familiar harness design, with light pink leather straps to go along with my pink theme. I groan as I feel the straps tightly buckling down, the sizeable dildo pulled deeper into my mouth, my lips sealing around it as my mouth is locked down around it. The base of the dildo has been set into a pink leather mouthplate, and Tyler yanks the straps to tighten it down, the plate conforming around my mouth, squeezing down tightly and sealing over my lips. My cheeks burn as I peer up at Tyler, who grins down at me and asks “Like your new gag pinky? I told you that box held other surprises.”

I grunt into my humiliating new gag as I’m picked up and hefted over my captor’s shoulder, carried back through the house, back down into the basement. I grunt again as I’m set down on a towel to finish drying off, while Tyler goes back upstairs, coming back down with my dinner. I mmph and whimper as it’s set down in front of me, my silver dog bowl filled with those bite-sized pizza roll things that you buy at the supermarket. I feel my gag being unbuckled and pulled from my mouth, and I quickly wriggle myself over to the bowl, lowering my head into it as soon as Tyler says that I can eat.

I attack the food in my bowl, practically inhaling the pizza rolls into my mouth, this meal my only one since breakfast. I finish my bowl in just a few minutes, then gulp down half a bottle of water. My captor takes the bottle away, then again quickly stuffs the dildo gag back into my mouth. I groan as he slides it in and secures it even tighter, the straps tight against my face and head, the mouthplate squeezing tight over my lips and cheeks. I grunt and mmph as I feel Tyler pick me up again, my body now dry again, and sets me on the couch on my belly, my head next to his spot. He takes his seat, extends the footrest and lounges back. He turns on the TV, but keeps the volume low as he looks down at me and grins. “Suck on your new toy pinky.”

I groan into the gag and hesitate for a second, then obediently start to suck on it as ordered. It’s a completely new experience to me, and it makes me gag at first. But, to my embarrassment, after just a couple minutes I get the hang of it, and I’m sucking away without a problem. I peek up at Tyler as he watches TV and listens to the soft sucking sounds escaping my gagged mouth, seeing him paying no attention to me. After a while of this, he turns his head and looks down at me, ruffling my hair as I just keep on sucking my gag. “Did you have fun today pinky?” he asks.

I lift my eyes and look up at my captor, my cheeks continuing to burn as I just keep on sucking. I nod my head up and down, having to be honest with my friend. Tyler laughs and ruffles my hair, and decides that I’ve earned a comfortable last night as his prisoner. He cuts the tape holding me in my hogtie, and lets me lay on the couch and watch TV with him. I did have to lay on my side to fit on the couch though, slightly curled up, using his lap as a pillow. It’s a little weird at first laying my head on another boy’s lap, but I get over my insecurity, he’s my best friend, after all. I mmph softly as I feel his hand softly stroking over my head as I lay there. I lift my head and peek up at him for a second, then lower my eyes and focus on watching TV. Since he still hasn’t told me to stop, I continue to suck on the big rubber dildo in my mouth, the soft sucking noises filling the room. It’s totally humiliating and embarrassing, but since I want to be a good boy for my captor, I just keep on doing it.

After a couple hours I hear my captor snoring softly. I lie there awake, unable to change the channel, forced to watch some infomercial, my head still resting on his lap. To my embarrassment, an hour later I catch myself still sucking away on my gag, long after Tyler had fallen asleep. I lift my head again and peek up at my sleeping captor, and slowly wriggle back, sliding my head off his lap so his leg doesn’t fall asleep. I curl up tighter on the couch and lay my head down, closing my eyes. Once again, as if by habit, I start sucking away. Again, I catch myself sucking on the dildo a few minutes later. But, for some reason, I just keep on going. I can’t really explain why I didn’t stop, I guess I’ve fully immersed myself into my position as Tyler’s prisoner. And, even though he’s asleep, he still hasn’t told me to stop yet. And so I continue my soft sucking as I lay there for another hour or so, keeping my eyes shut as I try to fall asleep, eventually nodding off, resting up for my final day of captivity.

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Post by Jason Toddman »

I Didn't Expect to Lose - The Conclusion

I awaken with a giggle into my gag as Tyler runs his fingers over my belly and legs. I immediately start to wriggle and squirm, giggling and squealing from the tickling. My captor sees that I’m awake and pulls his hand away and says. “Good morning pinky! Did you have a good night?”

I nod, having had the most comfortable sleep that I’ve had the entire weekend. I guess Tyler had woken up during the night, because he had taken a pillow and set it under my head to make me more comfortable. He smiles, and reaches over. I grunt into my humiliating dildo gag as he tugs at the straps on the harness, finding each of the straps still tightly squeezing over my face and head. He then snaps some small padlocks onto each buckle on the harness, making me whimper as I realize that the gag’s being locked on. He then takes a pair of safety scissors and cuts the tape and twine binding me, then says “10 minute bathroom break pinky.” I nod, quickly standing up and hurrying to the bathroom, hearing the click of the padlocks on my gag as I move.

I do my business and wash my hands, seeing that Tyler’s placed a clean pink speedo on the bathroom counter. I change, whimpering softly as I take a look at myself in the mirror, clad just in the skimpy little piece of fabric over my crotch and bottom. That done, I exit the bathroom, and my captor is waiting for me, quickly pulling me over to my spot in front of the couch and pulls me to my knees, where a series of pink leather cuffs are set on the floor. I whimper again, my cheeks flushing as I feel Tyler pulling my hands behind my back, slipping a set of cuffs around my wrists, buckling them down tight, a padlock locking my wrists together. He repeats the process, buckling another set of cuffs tightly around my arms, just above my elbows. He locks the elbow cuffs together, my arms again held tightly behind me.

He picks up the final set of cuffs and buckles them around my bare ankles, then I hear a length of chain clink as he locks the ends to my ankles. My eyes widen as I look over my shoulder at my captor, seeing him holding a very long length of chain. He locks an end to the ring at the back of my collar, then locks the chain to my elbow cuffs, then my wrist cuffs. He finishes off by locking the other end of this long, heavy chain to the center of the chain hobbling my ankles. More small padlocks, like the ones of my gag, lock to each buckle, and I whimper and whine as I realize that I’m now hopelessly locked in the cuffs and chain.

I lift my head and peer up at my captor with wide blue eyes as he walks back around in front of me, hooking a finger into the ring at the front of my collar, tugging me up to my feet. I look down and let out a whine as I see that my hobble chain is only about a foot long, which will make walking super hard for me. Tyler kneels down in front of me, pulling a pair of sneakers out of his backpack for me to wear. To my dismay, these are also light pink. They’re a pair of canvas and rubber Chuck Taylor sneakers, I’ve got a bunch of pairs of these in my own closet, but none of them pink!

I obediently lift my right foot as Tyler holds the right sneaker in front of me. I slip my bare foot into the sneaker and watch as he laces the sneaker up nice and tight. I lift my left foot and slip it into the other sneaker, and Tyler laces that sneaker up tightly also. I whimper again as Tyler ruffles my hair, and snaps a few pictures of me in my cuffs, chains and girly pink sneakers. “Awww, you’re so cute like this pinky,” he says as my cheeks burn. He clips his leash to my collar and tugs, urging me to hobble forward behind him, my new sneakers squeaking on the floor as I mince my way along. I awkwardly and slowly make my way up the stairs, my hobble chain just barely allowing me to walk up the stairs on my own, and whimper again as I’m led through the house, back out into the backyard. It’s still early in the morning, the air still a bit cool. I hear the clink of all my chains and locks as I’m led to the back of the yard, my eyes opening wide as I tug against the leash, seeing that I’m being led toward the rear gate.

My captor gives a harsh tug on my leash as he opens the gate, forcing me to stumble forward. The land behind our neighborhood is a large expanse of dense woods. We’ve both been exploring through here many times, but I whine at the prospect of being seen in public in the condition I’m in. Tyler ignores my whining and pleading, and just tugs again on the leash, leading me through the gate and into the woods. I spin my head around frantically, my eyes wide as I keep an eye out for anybody walking around, luckily seeing nobody else. I guess that’s why Tyler had bought the sneakers for me.

I hobble along awkwardly, keeping my head lowered, focusing on the ground in front of me as I’m led by my captor. He picks his path carefully, making sure to not lead me anywhere that my hobble wouldn’t let me step over. It’s slow going, and about an hour later we stop, having ventured about a mile into the dense woods. I look around, standing in a small clearing surrounded by trees, bushes and shrubs, concealing this little clearing from the surrounding area. I crane my head, looking over my shoulder at my friend as he walks behind me, hearing him unlock everything, releasing me completely, all the cuffs still locked around my wrists, elbows and ankles.

I feel myself pulled backward, my bare back pressing against a tree. My captor pulls me down onto my knees in the dirt, and pulls my sneakered feet back so my cuffed ankles are on the opposite side of the tree. He pulls my hands behind me, then pulls them down to my ankles. He slips a padlock through all four cuffs and clicks it closed, and I whine into my gag as I find myself locked into a strict kneeling hogtie, held helplessly in place around the tree. He takes my hobble chain and locks it to my elbow cuffs, forcing me to kneel straight, my back against the tree trunk.

I lift my head and peer at my captor, nervously chewing on my dildo gag as he walks back around, sitting down on the ground in front of me. He smiles, giving my hair a ruffle. “Remember when we came out here exploring a couple years ago pinky? I remembered this spot and thought it would be perfect to take you to, it’s nice and secluded, and far enough away that nobody will see you.” He ruffles my hair again as my cheeks flush under the mouthplate. “Don’t worry pinky, I won’t let anybody see you like this.”

I thought he was gonna torture or humiliate me or something after that, but Tyler just started to make conversation. It was kind of a one-sided one, since all I could do is nod, shake my head, and make funny noises into my gag. We ‘talked’ for a while, and if anybody came upon us it would’ve looked rather silly: one boy kneeling against a tree, his hands and feet locked together behind the tree, another boy sitting on front of him making conversation.

Eventually our ‘conversation’ turned a bit more serious. I watched Tyler hesitate for a second, then he looks at me and says. “Hey, I’m really sorry that I put you in the shower yesterday. When I heard you crying and and saw how you were so miserable I felt really bad. I never meant for you to feel that way.” I lower my head, my cheeks flushing, embarrassed about crying like that in front of my best friend. I lift my head after a second, then emit a reassuring “mmpphhh mmmmaaayyyy” into my gag, trying to tell my friend that it’s okay and that I forgive him. I wriggle on my knees, running through the experience again in my mind. Yeah, I was miserable, but in a way, like the rest of the weekend, I had liked being treated like that.

My captor and I must be on the same wavelength, because he smiles. “You still liked it though, didn’t you?” I feel my cheeks burn as I nod my head up and down, and feel my hair being ruffled again. “I thought so,” he says. He slides over and sits next to me, the way we usually sit when we’re hanging out at school or sitting on the curb outside our houses, except I’m not usually locked in a kneeling hogtie. “ don’t think I’m a freak or perv or something, do you?” I shake my head and look at him, seeing that he’s really nervous talking to me about this stuff. I wriggle and give my friend a nudge with my shoulder, trying to let him know that he’s still my best friend, even though he kept me tightly tied up and tormented for the past 2 and a half days.

I peer back at my friend as he smiles and looks at me, I can tell that he’s still a little nervous. “Are you mad at me for tricking you and treating you so badly?” I shrug and lower my head, not really knowing how to answer right away. I mean...he did trick me, and he did keep me tied up and gagged the entire weekend, and he did force me to do all sorts of embarrassing things for his amusement. But, after a few seconds, I look back up at him and shake my head, mmphing again into the dildo locked tightly in my mouth.

Tyler smiles. “I could tell that you were kind of enjoying yourself.” He grins at me. “By the way, you must really enjoy your new gag. I woke up and saw you sucking away in your sleep.” He laughs and ruffles my head. “Must’ve been one heck of a dream.” I whimper, my cheeks burning bright. He sees the embarrassed look in my eyes, and decides to torment me with it. “Since you must like doing it so much, get back to sucking pinky, and do it like you mean it.”

I whine, slowly lowering my head as I start sucking away again. I suck as hard as I can, my cheeks hollowing out from the suction, feeling humiliated again as I hear my own noisy sucking noises.

We stay like this for another hour or so. I just keep on sucking away noisily, listening as Tyler tells me about his enthusiasm for tie-up games. I listen as he tells me his story, how he got into this stuff when he was 10 or so, and how he always wanted to bring me into his games with him, but was always too scared to just ask me. Eventually he decides that it’s time to go back home, and he unlocks me from the tree, pulling me forward, quickly locking my chains back on for travel. I groan and keep on sucking as he clips the leash to my collar again and tugs me to my feet, and I slowly start to hobble, following him as we make our way back through the woods. I feel the hot sun beating down on me, hearing the clink of my chains as I hobble and shuffle, my skin glistening with perspiration as we finally make our way back into Tyler’s backyard. I groan in relief, glad that we didn’t get seen by anybody on our journey.

Tyler leads me back into his house, and I shiver slightly as the air conditioning envelopes my moist skin. I’m slowly led up the stairs, then into my captor’s room. He pulls me down to my knees, then tells me that I can stop sucking. I peer up at him as he takes a few more pictures of me with his camera, then watch him hook the camera up to his computer, uploading all of the new photos that he took.

I whimper into my gag, knowing that Tyler can make me do whatever he wants me to do since he’s got all those photos. As I look on, he burns the entire picture folder onto a CD, then drags the folder to the recycle bin on his computer and deletes them. He takes the CD from the tray, puts it into a jewel case, then he holds it up in front of me. “These are yours now pinky,” he says as he puts the case into my backpack. “I never had any plan to ever use these against you, I just wanted to scare you.” My shoulders slump in relief and I lower my head again, hearing my captor stand up and walk over to me. I hear the padlocks on my gag being unlocked, and feel the straps being unbuckled, the humiliating dildo finally being slid out of my mouth. Tyler sets the gag away, and I lift my head and watch silently as he sits down in his computer chair, then unlaces his skate shoes and pulls them off, then pulls off his socks.

“For your final torment pinky,” he says. “You’re gonna worship my feet.” He grins as he sees my freckled cheeks flush, and I squirm on my knees nervously. I hesitate, gulping as I lift my head up and look at him.

“Y-y-yes...sir.” I stammer. I didn’t need to call him ‘sir,’ but it just shows how much I’ve settled into my role, feeling the need to address my captor with respect.

“Awww, such a respectful pinky,” he says. He rolls his chair over to me, then pulls a small wooden box over. Usually he keeps soda or food on it when he’s at his computer, but this time he props his feet up on it, wiggling his toes right in front of my face. “Alright, get to it and then I’ll let you loose.”

I gulp again and nod, then bend down, lowering my face to his bare feet. I start by placing a soft kiss on the tip of each toe, then I shuffle forward, adjusting my position. I crane my head downward and extend my tongue, starting to slide my tongue over the top of his toes and feet. I hear Tyler lounge back in his chair, feeling his eyes following me as I lap my tongue over his feet. I lap my tongue in small sections, working it over in great detail. I finish it off with a pair of kisses over the top of each foot, then I pull my head back.

My cheeks burn even brighter as I lower my head down, taking one of his big toes into my mouth. I seal my lips around the base of the toe, bobbing my head up and down as I start to suck on it, swirling my tongue over it. I move my head down the line, taking each of his toes in my mouth, sucking and licking them clean. Tyler just keeps on watching, he’s not saying anything, so I can only guess if I’m doing a good job or not.

I lower my face again, first pressing the soles of my captor’s feet to my face, planting soft kisses all over the soft skin. I start licking, letting out a soft groan as I taste his feet, and I squirm on my knees and shudder, feeling so very humiliated. I slide my tongue over every inch of Tyler’s feet, from his heels all the way to his toes. I finish off with some more kissing, planting soft kiss after soft kiss all over his feet and toes, not even thinking of stopping until he tells me that I can.

Tyler just smiles down at me, letting me softly kiss for a few more minutes. Satisfied, he pulls his feet away from my face, and sets the table back in its place. He then leans forward, giving my hair a ruffle. “Good boy pinky, you must love doing that too, you’re already an expert.” I flush, feeling so embarrassed again as he stands up and goes around behind me, unlocking everything from me, finishing off with my pink collar. “Your backpack’s got a change of clothes in it, you can use my shower.” He smiles, walking out of the room to give me some privacy.

I grab my backpack and head into the bathroom, taking the longest, hottest shower of my life. I stand under the hot water, feeling my muscles relax, my body’s soreness subsiding. I dry off and open my backpack and pull out the clothes that Tyler had packed for me. I put on a pair of boxers, my favorite baggy camouflage cargo shorts, and a black t-shirt. I slide the white cotton ankle socks that Tyler had packed onto my feet, and laced up my black DC skate shoes. I pull my favorite black ballcap out and put it on my head, and leave the little pink speedo on the floor of the bathroom as I exit. I’m sure he doesn’t want to put it in his regular laundry load for his mom to find, but he didn’t tell me what to do with it.

I head downstairs to the kitchen, where I find that Tyler had grilled up some burgers while I was in the shower. “Come on dude,” he says. “We’ll have some lunch and hang out.”

“Awesome dude,” I say as I grab a plate and a burger. I’m starving, and after I practically inhaled my food we just hung out for the rest of the day. My captivity over, we were back to normal, hanging out, playing pool on his dad’s pool table, watching TV, you know, regular stuff.

I leave for home around 7. I walk home, fend off the usual questions my parents ask whenever they see me, and head up to my room. I lay down on my bed to watch TV, but I only last about 10 minutes before I grab the CD from my backpack and pop it into my computer. I cycle through the hundreds of photos that Tyler had taken, unable to take my eyes off the computer screen as I click through picture after picture of me tightly tied and gagged. I spend a particularly long time on the close-ups of my gagged face, seeing the helpless and pleading look in my eyes as they stare back at me through the computer screen.

After looking through the entire CD, I chew on my bottom lip as I pull my cell phone out of my pocket, pulling up Tyler’s number. I hold the phone to my ear as it rings, then hear him answer. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Hey,” I say, hesitating a bit. “Umm...about this weekend...”


“Umm...can we do that again sometime?”

A pause. “Sure dude. My parents are going on a cruise next week, you should ask your parents if you can stay over...”

And, that, my friends. Is that. Sorry if you find this final part kinda slow. I felt a need to show that Ethan and Tyler really were best friends, and that though Tyler may be cruel to his captive, he still cares about him.

Anyways. I've got bits and pieces of Ethan's next adventure written down, so hopefully soon I'll start my next story. Stay tuned for new friends and new games. :D

Note by Jason: Which he soon did as a separate story. As will I this coming week.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent conclusion to an excellent series. Thanks for all the work and for posting this. I'm definitely looking forward to whatever's next.
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Post by Xtc »

Still worth having on the site, I think. And all the better for having just the two characters for most of the time.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Druidofthewilds »

Please remember to tag stories. M/M, M/F, F/M, or F/F
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Druidofthewilds wrote: 6 years ago Please remember to tag stories. M/M, M/F, F/M, or F/F
Not being the original author, who hadn't done so either, I forgot. I shall do so now.
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Post by Druidofthewilds »

Alright. Sorry for being annoying and putting up the reminder.
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Druidofthewilds wrote: 6 years ago Alright. Sorry for being annoying and putting up the reminder.
It did strike me as being a bit of a buzzkill; especially in light of how many other stories also lack tags that you seemed to have ignored so far. :P
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Post by Druidofthewilds »

Actually, I've been doing the same reminder on other stories I've seen with this. I'm sorry, I didnt mean to be a buzz kill
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Post by harveygasson »

What an end to such a fantastic story! Loved every moment of it, start to finish :D
The slave
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Post by The slave »

Awesome storie
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