Phoebes life Christen's Nightmare. M/F later FFM/FF

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Phoebes life Christen's Nightmare. M/F later FFM/FF

Post by WyattW5 »

this is a spinoff story to Victoria's burglar mishap and Phoebes New Life. heavily helped by Bondage93

Detective Johnson looked down at a few of his notes as he sat at his desk. At forty he was still in good shape and pretty handsome, with a head full of dark hair. His features could be considered almost harsh, his eyes are dark and focused. He looked up as one of his sergeants walked in. "Sergeant Lucas, what is it?" He asked calmly, Lucas was also fit and handsome, if softer on the eyes with more traditional handsome features, with blonde hair, parted just right.

"Got some chick here that wants to talk to you about one of your old cases." He said the door closing behind him.

"What's the situation?" Johnson replied, still looking at his notes.

"Um, teen pretty sure. Mixed or Latina, not sure, real pretty. And my god she has a great ass. One of those athletes who's ass looks great even in the jeans she's wearing." He said, making a motion with his hand.


"Petite chest though, but still, real pretty." Lucas continued.

"I mean what does she want?" Johnson said looking up. "I don't know if you realize this but I have hundreds of "old cases" in my two decades here.

Lucas held up his hands. "My bad." He said smirking. "You remember that Phoebe Smyth case? Like five years ago?"

Johnson stared daggers at him. "Yes I remember, was one of the biggest cases in the state that year. I had to bite my tongue not to blame the father for not telling us about a kidnapping until after he paid a ransom that failed to get him his daughter back. Gave me a rashy ass in the media having to explain we had no leads." He sat back in his chair and sighed. "This should be interesting, please send her in."

Lucas nodded. "Got it."

A moment later a young woman walked in. She had to be a teenager, whether about to graduate high school or a young coed he wasn't sure. Lucas was right, she was beautiful, an athlete's body. With an angelic face, tanned brown skin, and dark brown hair. She smiled as she walked in, her teeth perfect for her face and shining like pearls. "Detective Johnson, thank you for meeting me." She said her voice kind.

"Have a seat?" Johnson said motioning to the chair in front of his desk.

"Thank you," Christen said, placing a bag down by her chair. "I was hoping you would have some time to talk."

Johnson kept a straight face. "Honestly I do have three cases open, including a rather brutal DV beating." Christen nodded solemnly. "Don't have a lot of time, but can answer any questions you have for the next ten or fifteen minutes." He replied, looking right her. "Now, I hear this is about the Phoebe Smyth case? I take it you're an aspiring journalist, working for her school's newspaper? Maybe a college course?"

Christen replied quickly and smoothly. "I have written for my high school's paper. I'm graduating in two months, just have a couple of finals left next month. But this is more person sir. You see Phoebe was one of my best friends when she disappeared five years ago." She said. Johnson gave her a solemn nod. "I've almost made it our life's mission to find her. We were supposed to play soccer at North Carolina together, I got the scholarship and she's still missing I was wondering-"

"Miss- what was your name again?"

"Christen sir."

"Miss Christen. I don't want to be rude. I understand your regrets and pain. But we had no leads beyond a phone call that wasn't recorded, a picked lock, and a payment to a bank account that was untraceable and then just vanished. I would be happy to give you better news, some hope. But it is the biggest case I've ever had that had no evidence or leads for me to operate on."

Christen nodded. "I understand sir. It is just, I know its a long shot. But for several years now I've tried to find any possible leads. And well, I found yes I know its stupid, but a comment online from a retired detective north of here who said that they believed there was a slave or human trafficking ring that would work with robbers. I know it sounds crazy and is probably completely wrong but-"

The detective looked at her. "Miss I understand the feeling. I have heard urban legends about slaver rings for years, as did the people who mentored me and are now retired, and their mentors who are now gone. Those types of urban legends exist everywhere where there's a police department to inspire noire. Unsolved disappearances just add to it. But in all my time here have I had to find cases of human trafficking? Sure. But full-on cabals of robbers and slavers? No. And I'll be honest, I didn't see any evidence of human trafficking in the Phoebe Smyth case. Just seemed like a robbery gone wrong where the robber got their money and well-"

Christen nodded. "I understand sir. I was just wondering if you knew anything at all that could be related to this?"

Detective Johnson leaned forward and shrugged. "My human trafficking cases are public records if you want to review. But those were usually migrant workers or prostitution rings, and had no similarities to the crime that we had in your friend's case." He sighed. "Wish I could be more helpful, you said you were friends?"

Christen nodded, speaking more softly now. "Yes, we met at a soccer camp, became best friends there. Our fathers worked for the same bank and when a spot opened up I talked to my dad and her father was able to get the position. And then she was kidnapped." Christen said looking off in the distance.

"I understand." Detective Johnson said with a small nod. "I wish you luck in your future endeavors. It's a cold case now. But if we ever reopen it, if we ever have a lead, well her family, and probably by extension you will be notified."

Christen nodded standing up. "Thank you, detective, I appreciate that." She turned to leave. "Have a good day."

"You too." He said as Christen walked out. He couldn't help but watch her leave, she wore a blouse and jeans, and Lucas was right, she was an athlete and her ass and legs looked immaculate as she walked away. A moment later Lucas walked in closing the door behind him.

"So, how did it go?" Lucas asked smiling.

"Interesting," Johnson replied. "She asked about a possible slaver connection in Phoebe Smyth case." Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Haven't heard that suggestion in years." He paused. "You were right by the way."
"I know right! That ass is fantastic!"

"Immaculate," John replied, finally allowing a smirk to crack his face.

Lucas laughed softly. "So, how do you handle it, need any help?"

Johnson waved him off. "Doubtful, very doubtful." He said leaning back in his chair. "Easiest paycheck I ever earned, there was little to coverup, just had to make sure people didn't look too hard at the Yacht manifests from a port three counties over," Lucas smirked. "Still, I'll inform her just in case. She will want to know." He opened a drawer and pulled out a phone. It was a burner and he typed in a phone number he had burned into his memory. Lucas watched. "Going to have to call her twice back to back to get her to answer." He said, annoyed as he waited for the call to go to voicemail. Once he did he hung up, waiting ten seconds he dialed again, putting the phone to his ear. "Cheryl? Yeah, it's me. Yeah,- Sheriffboy." He rolled his eyes. "Nothing much, nothing critical, but something you might want to hear.

Victoria smiled as she sipped some whine and enjoying the sight before her. The nude tanned almost olive body on the table before her. Long legs tied to the legs of the table, a lithe but still well-developed body bound on top. Arms put into an armbinder behind her back, forcing her chest into the table and her chestnut brown hair being pulled back as a girl whimpered into a ballgag.

A handsome man stood behind her. Pulling back the silky hair as he forcefully pistoned into her from behind as the poor girl squeaked. A redheaded woman walked in front of her, cupping her chin, chuckling as she looked into her eyes, they were red as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Ah, is Trevor being a bit rough as he enjoys the slave." She said mockingly as Phoebe suffered. Trevor grunted in pleasure, smirking as he finally got what he wanted from Phoebe’s body.

"Your brother is using protection while he enjoys my slave yes?" Victoria asked, raising an eyebrow at Cheryl. Her redheaded friend's head fell back as she laughed.

"Yes don't worry, I got Trevor that high-end protection that works but feels like nothing." She said as Trevor continued to roughly pound into Phoebe, holding her hair back with one hand and feeling up her thigh and waist with the other. "Have fun, Trevor?" Cheryl said with another laugh and sip of her wine.

Trevor looked at her and winked. "Oh indeed, no doubt about that." He said with a harsh laugh as he leaned forward. Cheryl and Trevor were glad that Victoria was finally letting them enjoy Phoebe's body more than they use too. "About time I got a chance to enjoy her slave." He said with a smile.

Victoria smiled at him. "She is exceptionally pretty with the woman of a body now huh." She looked at Cheryl who's phone started ringing. She ignored it the first time, just enjoying the look of despair on Phoebe's gagged face. It was when it rang again that she looked at Victoria.

"I have to take this, will be back in a moment." Victoria nodded as she walked out. She had seen her take business calls before. Trevor meanwhile pushed deep as he finally climaxed, slapping Phoebe's side in satisfaction as he finished up.

"Don't get my room dirty," Victoria said, have chuckling and half sternly.

Trevor nodded as he pulled out, grabbing a towel he made sure to clean up both him and Phoebe, who remained bound. "Thank you, Victoria. Been wanting to do that for a long time. Even better than her throat." He said with a laugh.

"Oh, I have no doubt." She said, walking over and observing Phoebe. Her eighteen-year-old slave was exhausted, bound tightly, and as a usual whip and flog marks were shown on her belly, back, and thighs. More recent crop marks could be seen on her firm ass. "I have her workout each day, even when she's been punished, and I control her diet. I would be unhappy with her but even more unhappy with myself if she wasn't." She said with a wink.

"Need to get a slave for me," Trevor said smiling. "Plenty of possible Latina merchandise around here that sure would fit the bill." He said with a chuckle. "Coed tourists as well, so easy to get lost in a foreign city and the police is in Cheryl's pocket."

"Well once you get one I'll be sure to give you some tips. Maybe even some equipment." She looked over as Cheryl walked back in, her expression emotionless. "How was the call, good I hope?"
Cheryl shrugged. "Let's just say someone has a childhood friend that wants to reopen a cold case." She said looking at Phoebe, though she stood to the side where the poor abused slave couldn't see her. Victoria raised an eyebrow.

"No big deal this girl has nothing. But I'll be doing some research to see what may come of this." She said looking at her little brother.

"Who knows I might need your assistance later." Her brother smiled.

"Now help me get this slave flipped over and retied. I have a strapon I've been trying to use and you enjoy her throat just fine." She said as Victoria chuckled.


Christen had left the Police station and had ridden her bicycle down the sidewalks to get back home. Christen hated it, her mind a blur she had promised herself and Phoebe they would graduate and play soccer together. But now Phoebe was gone somewhere no one knew where.

She knew going to the police would be redundant. All the local cops had to deal with were traditional cats up trees and parking tickets. As she feared she was all alone in this.

When she got home she went straight to her laptop and began to scroll through missing person websites. Scanning through I found one with Phoebe's likeness and a rendering of what she would look like now.

Christen decided to click the contact us button. Asking the people who ran the site what they knew about Phoebe's disappearance. Getting into contact there Christen was surprised to see an immediate response.

Hello my name is Cheryl do you have information on the whereabouts of ‘Phoebe Smyth”

“I think I do, can you tell me more of how she went missing”
the reply was a short explanation of what Christen already knew her house was broken into the kidnappers asked for a ransom before the father accepted and vanished. All old news for Christen about to give up when the email the girl asked.

“What is your name?”

“Christen, I live in the same neighborhood as Phoebe when she was abducted”

“Surprising. Christen must have been quite a shock” Christen nodded and gave her response before her mother opens the door.

“Sweetheart, we need to start packing” Christen turns to her mother surprised but her mother seemed in a cheery mood dressed in a prim grey business suit and pencil skirt.

“What is it, mother?” Christen spoke her dark eyebrow raised and her mother walks in. Quickly turning her computer off her mother hated Christen's obsession over Phoebe's disappearance.

“My employer called me into his office, he told me I am considered for the next promotion but said for my chances to improve I need to go on a business trip, with your Uncle out of town, we have no choice you need to come too”

“Mom, I am seventeen soon to be an adult?”

“Not until another month young lady, I wish I could leave you here for yourself but I will be away for a week or two. I cannot leave you alone that long unsupervised a weekend yes maybe a week but not a fortnight please do not fight me on this Christen”

her mother gets up and leaves Christen to pout. She had so much she wanted to do. But she knew better than to say no to her mother. The girl stands up and gets her suitcase ready.


Cheryl had begun to smile. With Trevor’s computer know how she was able to hack into Christen's social accounts. Finding out her data. What she looks like. Her mother had posted a statement. In two days they would be taking up residence in a Belizian residence.

“Oh, Trevor how would you like this young lady” Trevor finished with Phoebe before kneeling to look at her cellphone.

“Oh definitely she will look good, how do we make contact?”

“Simple we wait for her to come to Belize settle in let them get into a new status quo before. I make contact and tell her she can meet an informant. She will jump at the chance” Trevor smiles liking the concept.

“How long do we wait?”

“Three days I reckon”

“Three days that lead us until Friday” Trevors protest was more a growl of a teenager missing out on the party.

“Yes, the same day as Victorias dinner party” Trevor's eyes popped wide open “Victoria?” Cheryl calls and Victoria perks up using a strapon that was latched to Phoebe on herself.

“Yes, Cher?”

“Friday Trevor will be bringing a guest with us a very special guest” Victoria shrugs “I do not see a problem it will just be the three of us as per usual” smiling Cheryl looks to Trevor.

“We need to get your cover story set up” Cheryl and Trevor excuse themselves from Victoria's house. So they can prepare for their guest.
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Post by LatexLover »

I love that Phoebe is still getting attention, and can’t wait to see her despair when her childhood friend becomes a slave alongside her. Can’t wait to see what they make Phoebe and Christen do to each other, if it comes to that.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Three days later.

Christen had become very comfortable but bored inside the apartment her mother's employers gave them to live in during this period. Inside the only entertainment that she did not bring was the television. All the programs were different and seemed very weird. Belizian television brought her back to when her mother watched only soap operas.

Going onto her laptop she was surprised to see a notification. From the missing person website.

“Hello, Christen. I hope you have been well I have been anxious to tell you. There is a break in the Phoebe Smyth case. There has been a recent informant claiming to know where she has been located. Authorities are investigating now” not satisfied Christen quickly responds.

“Where is this lead is there a chance I can talk to him?”

“He is available to meet but he lives in Belize he says he knows who kidnapped Phoebe and is holding her” lighting ablaze under Christen's determination she began to type explaining she is in Belize and is anxious to meet the informant.

Eagerly Christen had googled the location the website had given. He was alone in a coffee shop and would only be there for an hour. If she missed him she would need to try again in another month. Unwilling to risk this chance without telling her mother forgetting even her cell phone Christen bolts outside and follows the directions she had recognized.

Five minutes later.

Trevor sits in a coffee shop glancing at his watch another ten minutes or so. Considering why should this girl be suspicious of him. He smiles before taking a sip of his coffee the door crashes open. A young woman stands her long black hair hanging in a ponytail behind her head. Her eyes quickly scan the small cafe only a handful of people were inside.

Trevor had set his coffee down. Noticing the young woman crossing the café towards him. Biting the smile he had to fight to keep his composure, she was dressed so casually yet so sexy too. A pair of jean shorts and a tank top that went left her belly exposed. Her tanned skin legs were nicely completed with a pair of green flipflops with orange toe coloring.

“Are you the informant?” Christen asks in a hushed whisper making Trevor almost chuckle then he remembered he was here to play-act.

“Quiet you want half the city to hear you” indicating for her to sit down Christen watches Trevor look around the café like a paranoid nutcase. Like you always see in movies.

“Listen and listen carefully. There is a pair of women, operate a small but well-known trafficking ring”

“How does it work” Trevor started making up lines how spotters at the airport find and tag certain young ladies, for pickup or one of the two ladies will go on a business trip to another country, Mexico Europe or even the States and they will bring a surplus shipment in.

“So what do you do for them” Christen spoke hanging on the end of each word.

“I am one of the spotters, and a delivery driver most girls are processed by the two women before being sold off to buyers further south”

“Processed what do you mean by that are they drugged?” Trevor shakes his head

“no-no they are taught and trained the buyers are not looking for crack doused prostitutes they are looking for something a little more... sadistic” Christens eyebrows rose.

“What happens to the girls while they are processed?” Trevor sips his coffee looking up to a clock on the wall shaking his head “I have said too much already” before he could leave Christen raises a hand.

“Wait... please” this was a test to see if she was buying the BS he was selling this desperation in Christen's eyes betrayed she was hooked on every piece of information.

“I heard you have an opportunity to see the girls?”

“Not many the most I spot them, then when I am in charge of delivery the bosses usually send me with an extra man usually hired muscle in case the buyer does not pay upfront or...”

“I mean is there a chance we can see the girls being processed now?” sighing dramatically Trevor looks into Christen's eyes.

“There is one small chance...the two bosses host a dinner party for the majority of the company a kind of pick-me-up to get us in high spirits before our busy season”

“Busy season?”

“Summer break” nodding Christen sits forward “is there a chance we could slip in there?” nodding Christen throwing discretion to the wind sits forward.

“Can you get me into that party?” Trevor's eyebrow rose to hesitate she shakes her head “I will do anything bus tables serve drinks... I do not care...” contemplating Trevor shrugs “it will be tough, we are not allowed to bring guests unless...”

“Unless what Trev Tell Me!” looking over her shoulder Trevor acknowledged there were no customers.

“I will tell you but not now, meet me here tonight at six o’clock I will get us into that party but you may need to be ready for anything”

“Anything?” Trevor did not elaborate further standing he rushes out the door leaving Christen stuck for a moment. She had hoped he would take her Phoebe this instant. Biting back an epithet she went back to her mother's apartment to wait it out.

Driving his truck Trevor smiles on the cell phone with Victoria. “She took the bait, anxious little lady though figured I would bring her straight to you?” Victoria giggles on the other end.

“That sounds wonderful Trevor I am glad it is working out, when will you be coming over?”

“Seven-thirty give or take, keep Phoebe out for a short while”

“Sounds good, wanna make sure this has the most explosive impact” Victoria grins before closing their phones.

Five fifty.

Christen comes back down the stairs still wearing her jean skirt and tanktop only a jean jacket over top. Walking to the coffee shop she was surprised to see Trevor sitting next to a red convertible.

“Is this your car?” Christen asks in awe as Trevor gets in the driver seat “no it is my sister Cheryl’s” the first red light stuck in Christen's mind, Cheryl? It could not be a coincidence. Shaking her head Christen did not allow herself to dwell on the idea. Getting the car in motion Trevor turns to Christen.

“So why are you hell-bent on this?”

“I am looking for a friend”

“Oh sorry to hear did she come to Belize?”

“I did not know she was in Belize, she was kidnapped from her home in the States I thought you said you had information on her?”

“If it is who I think it is, she has become the pet of one of the others in our organization... the top processor she went on a trip to the states came back with a little pet brown hair real pale I did not see much of her at the time”

“How long ago was this?” Christen asks looking to Trevor her heart nearly in her throat. Not daring to think for one second he was not speaking of Phoebe.

“Five years or so I imagine she has grown quite a bit” Christen nearly exploded with anxiety she was so close to Phoebe she could nearly see her now while the image in her head was not a pleasant one. Christen was ecstatic to see her friend again. Driving across Belize into the outer countryside. They pull into a driveway.

Christen was a tad in awe as the gate opened to Trevor’s estate. The house may not have been a mansion, but for just a 24-year-old recent college graduate it was something. With a driveway, large yard, two stories, and probably a basement. The brown-skinned girl was impressed. Trevor looked at her and grinned. “Like I said my family has gotten a lot from our ill-gotten gains.” He said with a wink.

“It is- something,” Christen said as Trevor parked the car. He and Christen got out, she felt him wrap an arm around her waist. She barely flinched, she understood by this time that he was a playboy who’s family wasn’t exactly into legal business dealings. Still, he had shown her evidence that Phoebe was down here, and seemed to have some morals. Enough where he would enjoy the money given to him by these investigative agencies if he helped bring down a slaver ring at least.

“Modest compared to my sister’s place.” He said, keeping a firm hold on her waist as he led her inside his house. His house was what you would expect of it. Some marble, some oak, carpet surprisingly. Large tv in a living room. “We can sit down here.” He said pointing to the couch.

“Okay,” Christen said walking over. He loved watching her in her modest jean shorts and a tank top. Even with a small chest, the cinnamon skinned teen had an exquisite body. He went over and sat down by her.

He smiled, placing a hand on her knee. “So I need you to trust me tonight if you want to see Phoebe. We need to get in and meet with two women who’s part of the ring. We need to visually see and confirm its Phoebe, it's going to be awkward.” He said with a straight face.

Christen nodded. “I understand, but I want to do this. Phoebe moved down to where I lived because of me. She then got kidnapped. I had to rescue her.”

Trevor gave her an understanding smile and nod. “Still will be awkward, to get an invite to a little get together with these two women I had to say I had my slave to show off.” Christen gave him a knowing smirk. “I need you to be on board.”

“Oh, I’m sure you just hate this idea. Me calling you ‘Master’ all night.” Christen said, almost rolling her eyes.

Trevor smirked and moved his hand up to her thigh. “Well, I’ve never said I’m not a bit of a scoundrel.” The handsome man replied. “But I think we can both win tonight. You get the information you need to rescue your friend. I get a bunch of money from the US Government, and I didn’t have to become a lobbyist like some of my college buddies!”
“So happy for you," Christen said facetiously. “So, what do you need me to do?” She asked, moving her chocolate brown ponytail back over her shoulder.

Trevor nodded at her again. “You need to play along. Be submissive, you’ll probably be gagged for much of the night. These two women are rather crude, they’ll probably grab your ass and rub your skin. Can you be calm and not lose your cool?”

Christen stared straight ahead. “Well of course. Master.” She said, smirking at the end of her sentence.

Trevor smirked as well. “Okay, the biggest thing is these two are also sadists. They’re probably going to want me or themselves to whip or flog you.” Christen’s smirk disappeared now. “It's going to be painful. You’ll have to remember why you’re enduring it. Do you understand Christen?”

Christen was silent a moment before nodding. “I- I understand. I can endure it.”

Trevor smiled. “Good, because you seem to me like a person I would guess has sensitive skin.” He slapped her thigh harshly.

“Agghaghieoww!” Christen yelped out in pain.

“And I am right,” Trevor replied.

“Jerk.” Christen muttered.

“Jerk- Master,” Trevor said with a charismatic smirk.

“Master,” Christen replied rubbing her athletic thigh. “So. I can deal with a couple of pervy women- and one pervy man.” She said looking at Trevor. “And I’ll endure any pain they give me to see Phoebe.” She took a breath. “What else do you need me to do?”

Trevor nodded towards the bathroom. “Go in the bathroom, use the bathroom, let your hair down, put on some makeup, and there’s some lingerie you need to put on in there.”
Christen nodded. “Okay.” She said taking a breath, butterflies in her stomach. She went in there and prepared herself. She put on makeup. She took a breath as she looked at the lingerie and stripped. It was lacy and white, contrasting well with her deep brown skin. She started with the bottom, it was little more than a lacy thong. She guessed it could have been smaller but it still was far from modest. She assumed Trevor wanted something that would accentuate her rear end. Next came the top, a push-up bra that fit her petite breasts perfectly. Finally came the almost thigh-high, lacy white stockings that she pulled up.

She had to admit she looked phenomenal, and as she let her hair down she smiled as it fell in soft, almost curly waves down her shoulders. She exited the room. Trevor wanted to gasp as he saw the gorgeous teen. The lingerie was perfect for her, the makeup added the final touches to her perfect face. Her cinnamon skin had been tanned even more bronze by the sun when she played soccer and the Belize climate. She had little to no tan lines as well. “My my.” He muttered as she walked over.

“Like what you see? Master.” She said, chuckling nervously.

“Of course!” Trevor said grinning ear to ear. “Now before we head over one last thing.” He said holding up shackles. Christen gulped and nodded. He took her slim wrists and placed them behind her back. “Ever been tied up before?”

“No,” Christen replied. “Well once, when Phoebe and I were at summer camp back years ago we would have weekly BBQs with the boys camp. One time I got jumped by a couple of them that must have been boy scouts, I ended up tied and tickled for quite a while before the counselor's bothered to intervene.”

Trevor chuckled as he slid her wrists and elbows into the shackles, tightening them tightly behind her. “Wish I was there, sounds like fun.” He said giving her ass a firm smack. She gasped but didn’t say anything like Trevor said she would have to be submissive for the night. He bent down and put shackles around her ankles. “Very nice.” She muttered. “You look immaculate now.”

“Thank you. Master.” Christen replied, almost blushing as her position and lack of clothes finally hit her.

Trevor held up a finger. “One last thing.” He opened a back and pulled out what looked to Christen like a choker. Until she realized it was a collar. She was quiet as it was firmly secured around her throat. Afterward, he attached a leash to it. “There we are. Now come along, slave.” He said with a wink, leading her towards the garage.

Christen walked forward, the teen felt her heart pounding and getting nervous as she felt herself in her tight bondage. Opening the garage door he says his high-end truck once more. Opening the back she saw he had laid down a sheet on the leather. He had her lay her body down on it.

“When we get to the party you’ll need to put this in.” He said, holding up a rather small ballgag. “But no point in having you wear it now. Don’t worry, it's only about a twenty-minute drive, and then the night will begin.” He said, laying the sheet down on top of her and getting into the driver’s seat. The teen took a breath as she felt the truck start moving, the sheet laying gently on her exposed skin.

Pulling into a driveway guarded by a gate. Trevor punches in a combination and the gate steadily opens.

“This is your bosses?” pulling in Trevor nods “grand isn’t it, a black market business can certainly keep one from starving” Christen glares at Trevor
“makes me wonder why you would betray them?” Trevor shrugs her comment away and speaks “now lets put this one you “heyphf” raising the ball gag to Christen's lips making her bite down she glares at Trevor who turns to her.

“Act submissive or they will suspect you are not trained and well both our ass’ will be grass” parking the truck Trevor gets out and takes the leash to guide Christen into the house. Noticing there was only one other car. The red convertible she began to grow curious but with the ball gag in her mouth, she could not broach the conversation with Trevor.

Christen shivered as she felt this Victoria woman looking over her body. Her hands running over her hips, reaching around to grope her ass. “My my.” She said with a smile. “A small bust, but your ass is a ten out of ten.” She said with a wink. Sending a harsh slap onto her firm and athletic backside.

“Mmmphie!” She gasped into her gag, jumping a bit. Her ballgag was smaller than most, fitting easily into her mouth and limiting mouth ache or drool, but it kept her quiet.

The redheaded woman walked over with a chuckle as she sipped some wine. “Hear that Victoria. My, such a yelp from a little love tap. She seems to be more sensitive to pain than your slave.”

Victoria nodded. “Indeed, and Pheobe screams oh so much when we have our daily fun with her,” Victoria replied with a smirk. Christen wasn’t able to keep her eyes from going wide, but luckily she felt that the women didn’t notice.

The redheaded friend turned to Trevor. “You don’t mind if we set up your slave for a screaming good time do you?” She asked, smirking at her pun.

Trevor grinned. “Of course not, as long as I get to have fun myself.”

The redheaded woman replied. “Oh, of course, she’s your property after all. I brought over a new catoninetails that I wanted to try out. I’m thinking twenty of lashes for each of us? Will make her belly, thighs, and ass real red.”

Christen felt her stomach churn as Trevor beamed at the redheaded woman. “Of course, get her set up and I’ll be happy to start us off.” Her breathing sped up as she was led down a short set of stairs into what she guessed was what passed for a basement. Her eyes were wide, bondage equipment filled the room, and torture devices were on the wall along with a wheel as well.

“Right over here,” Victoria said, leading the athletic brown teen to a pair of shackles that fell from the ceiling. “Its where I like to whip my slave.” She said. A wave of emotion rolled over Christen as her hands were lifted over her head and locked into a new pair of shackles while Trevor ran his hands down her legs and locked in her ankles. Fear and anticipation filled her body, pain, and remorse for hearing how often and cruelly Phoebe was tortured filled her brain. ‘I have to endure this for Phoebe’ she thought to herself.

The woman stepped back, pulling a pulley so that her athletic body was pulled up by the shackles, she was forced to stand on the balls of her feet, quickly becoming its source of discomfort and then pain, Trevor smiling as it only served to accentuate her athletic and long legs and ass. He gave it another harsh smack as he stood back as the Redheaded woman walked in.

She held a long leather handle that had what looked like 9 thin but firm whips emerging from it. Her chest rose and fell. “Here you go, Dear Trevor.” The woman said handing it to her ‘owner’. She trembled in fear as he grinned and balanced it in his hand. The woman walked over and cupped her face. “Oh so pretty, cant wait to see you sobbing in pain and agony.” She said, her voice so casual yet her words dripped cruelty. It sent a shiver down Christen’s spine. “You see that's a catoninetails, maybe the most painful thing we have. Like nine individual bullwhips spreading out over your hot body like a flog. Please, don’t hold back your screams, it turns me on.” She said stepping back.

Trevor walked forward, winking at Christen as he held the catoninetails in his hand. He didn’t hold back, his muscular frame going back and then snapping forward, the catoninetails hitting the dead center of her midriff. “Agghhhieeeeiaaghhhaghiee!” Her head snapped back, her screams immediately erupting from her gag. She saw stars and then a flash of blackness as pain overtook her body. It felt like nine white-hot machetes were slicing through her midsection, cutting her into pieces clean through. Sight came back to her after half a second, her scream still falling as tears filled her eyes and already spilled out on her cheeks.
“Oh, lovely.” The redheaded woman said grinning.

“Indeed” Trevor replied, waiting a moment for the pain to sink in, Christen moaned in agony as her belly continued to sting horribly, the pain not fading one bit. Then Trevor sent the catoninetails out again, hitting almost the same area.

“Ohaghhahgheie! Pheagghiee!” Christen screamed into her gag, her body straining in agony, her chest rising and falling as she saw stars once more.

“I must say I think she’s even more sensitive to pain than your slave!” The woman said in surprise to Victoria.

Trevor whipped Christen again, this time hitting her right side. “Agggghhhieeeeahh!” Trevor felt himself becoming rock hard from the teen's screams. Her midsection already turning from a deep and tanned cinnamon brown to red. Victoria walked forward.

“Oh yes. Phoebe is very sensitive to pain. But I’ve never seen a slave like this.” She said positively beaming at Trevor. “Such sensitive skin.” Trevor sent out another lash, hitting her ribs on the left.

“Augguughhieemmph!” She called out, the hit-making her shudder in her bonds as her ribs and skin screamed from the impact. Her toes and fingers curly as tight as they could even in her tight bondage. Another lash, the main impact right on her diaphragm. “Agghuuugghhmmph!” She wheezed into her gag, her body wanting to collapse onto her knees and hands but was forced to hold up by her bondage. ‘Phoebe has suffered this for years. You put her in the house she was kidnapped from, endure this!’ Was her thoughts.

Tears fell down her face as she started to openly sob as Trevor whipped her again, hitting the area around her navel and waist. She screamed again she was revolted by how wide Trevor’s grin was. She couldn’t believe he enjoyed this so much.

“Very sensitive,” Victoria muttered. “And so beautiful. Latina?” She asked Trevor.

“Oh very mixed,” Trevor said with a wink. “Father three-fourths black, one-fourth Latino, mother white, black, and Filipino.” Christen was stunned, how had he gathered such information on her so quickly.
“Aggghaghieee! Phhhessmph!” She screamed as another lash hit near her midriff once more. Her petite but athletic body on fire and screaming. She had to escape. But at the same time, she couldn’t. ‘You put Phoebe in that house, had your dad arrange her father’s transfer; you deserve this’. She took a breath as she sobbed, she had to endure this, to see Phoebe face to face, confirm she was here. Then, rescue her.

“Well it is a splendid combination,” Victoria said with a chuckle as Christen was whipped once more on her other side. “I've always thought Phoebe had to have some mixed ancestry, has a natural olive glow that is the easiest tan I've ever seen.” She chuckled with the redhead as Christen sobbed.

“She looks so beautiful sobbing.” The redheaded woman said as she reached a dozen lashes. Her legs screaming from the position she was in but her belly and midsection screaming so much louder.

“She does,” Trevor said with a smirk and a wink. “In the future, we’ll make sure she spends most of her time like this.” Christen wasn’t in the mood for Trevor getting that far into character. ‘Still’, she thought, ‘how long as Phoebe endured this? How many times? A life of this is a fate you deserve’.

“Agghagghieauhh!” She screamed, her eyes wide in surprise as she felt the tendrils of the catoninetails wrap around her left thigh, from the top down to just above where her stockings stopped. Pain washed over her. Her sexy leg screaming in more ways than one now. “Agghhieeeppp!” She yelped as a few seconds later he lashed her other thigh.

“Glad you’re not ignoring her thighs.” The redheaded woman said. “I know you love bellies just as much as us.”

“Well can you blame me?” Trevor asked with a wide grin. “Look at it, toned and athletic, yes soft on the edges and smooth to the touch, with a deep round navel capping it all off. To punctuate this her belly, specifically, her midriff was whipped once more, then after about twenty seconds of her suffering, her belly was whipped a bit higher, just below her ribs.

“Agghhieee!” Her body was covered in sweat by this point.

“Just five more lashes, then it is my turn.” The redheaded woman said, walking over to Christen, rubbing her abused belly, the skin already feeling almost raw. “Oh, so hot, so hurt.” She said rubbing her belly, the contact of her hand hurting. “My my, your body was made to be enslaved and abused, wouldn't you agree?” She said running her hand through her chocolate hair.

Christen sobbed, she couldn’t wait for her to help bring these women to justice. ‘Still’, she thought, ‘you deserve this so much more than Phoebe’. “Agghagh!” Her head fell back as she screamed again, her world awash in agony. ‘No, these people are evil, even Trevor picking greed over lust is just the lesser of them, but these women deserve to pay’. “Aghieeagh! Phessmph!” She pleaded into her gag as fresh lashes on her side brought her back.

“Now for the grand finale!” Trevor said, going back and swinging the catoninetails as hard as he could upon Christen’s burning belly. “Aghhhieeeemoooph!” She screamed, it felt like a white-hot punch as the hand the tendrils of the catoninetail spread out but to a lesser extent so that her belly took the entire brunt, was like a thick white-hot cleaver was taken to her tummy. She sobbed, sweat rolling down her skin as she was whipped in lingerie.

“Good performance.” The redheaded woman whispered to her ear, the woman's long fingers dancing along with her lacy lingerie. “My turn now.” She sobbed as she took the catoninetails from Trevor, walking over to stand on the side of Christen.

“Agghieeee!” She screamed, biting down onto the rubber of the ballgag, she was almost certain that it had to have bite marks on it by this point. The redhead had swung the catoninetails so that they had struck and spread out over her athletic rear, her body jumped forward, her body arching out in pain. “Oooaghhhhhaghiee!” The woman had planned for this, as her midsection was arched forward the catoninetails was brought around to harshly slam across her vulnerable belly that had practically been placed on an altar for her to whip.

Christen’s body was awash in agony, especially as her belly was whipped once more, her body tried to fall back on its own, only for her ass to be whipped once more. Then the woman made sure her thighs were each struck as well.

Victoria smiled as she watched as Christen had her ribs struck from the catoninetails. “Oh my my my. Look how red her belly has become. Truly lobster red.” Trevor grinned. She wasn’t lying her midsection had been abused to the point that her sexy belly, waist, and ribs were all the color of a boiled lobster. He enjoyed watching as her ass was struck once more. He couldn’t wait for the reveal, to tie her to the table and bend her over, finally revealing the charade, that she had walked into the lion’s den and that she was now his slave to feast upon. That she had no future accept pain and to pleasure him. He was a bigger sadist than his sister, and he couldn’t wait to bring more agony upon Christen. He was almost certain she was a virgin, and he would soon be claiming that as her friend Phoebe watched.

“Agghaghiee!” Christen screamed from the dozenth strike from the redheaded woman. Sobbing she couldn’t believe Phoebe had to endure this. ‘You brought this upon her, how could you; you have to rescue her from this, to redeem yourself’. Another strike on her raw midriff brought a thought wiping wave of white pain into her head as she bit into her gag, her sore lungs screaming once more.

Victoria smiled, waiting. She still had her turn to come.

Victoria smiled as she watched as Christen had her ribs struck from the catoninetails. “Oh my my my. Look how red her belly has become. Truly lobster red.” Trevor grinned. She wasn’t lying her midsection had been abused to the point that her sexy belly, waist, and ribs were all the color of a boiled lobster. He enjoyed watching as her ass was struck once more. He couldn’t wait for the reveal, to tie her to the table and bend her over, finally revealing the charade, that she had walked into the lion’s den and that she was now his slave to feast upon. That she had no future accept pain and to pleasure him. He was a bigger sadist than his sister, and he couldn’t wait to bring more agony upon Christen. He was almost certain she was a virgin, and he would soon be claiming that as her friend Phoebe watched.

“Agghaghiee!” Christen screamed from the dozenth strike from the redheaded woman. Sobbing she couldn’t believe Phoebe had to endure this. ‘You brought this upon her, how could you; you have to rescue her from this, to redeem yourself’. Another strike on her raw midriff brought a thought wiping wave of white pain into her head as she bit into her gag, her sore lungs screaming once more.
Victoria smiled, waiting. She still had her turn to come. “My my, I love how much pain that brown body seems to be in.” She said, pouring a new glass of wine. Enjoying watching her friend lash Christen’s belly once more, before hitting her thighs, then her ass.

“She is magnificent, isn’t she?” Trevor said walking up to her. Groping her petite chest and firm rear. Christen could only sob in response at this point. “Yes very nice.” He said, his hand slipping into her panties. “She’s shaved as well, always nice to see a shave well-groomed.” He said with a wink to colleagues.

The redhead laughed as Christen pleaded into her gag. “Pheesmmph.” She said sobbing, squirming from Trevor’s hand rubbing her womanhood and roughly squeezing her rear.

“Hush slave, you want to behave and perform well for these women right.” Christen hung her head, understanding what Trevor was trying to tell her. She gasped in surprise as Trevor pulled her hair back suddenly, she yelped in pain as she was forced to look up. “Right slave?” He asked sternly.

“Eessmphh-mmmassmmpher!” Christen yelped into her gag. Trevor kept a harsh grip on her hair.

“You have two lashes left.” He said smiling at the redhead. “Right on her belly, just like me.” Christen sobbed as she heard this, then she screamed as the woman put a harsh lash right on her belly.

“Oh thank you for bringing her Trevor, this is so much fun.” Her last lash was her hardest.

“Agghieeaghie!” Christen screamed, Trevor let go of her hair as Victoria walked over. “Aghhuh!” Christen gasped as the woman also gave her hair a sharp tug back, Victoria looked into her eyes. They were beautiful as the rest of her face, like the rest of her body. They shone like marble and were of a hazel color, wide in agony and fear. She drank it in, her eyes would show despair by the end of the night.

She let go of her hair to grope her midsection. “My, this is such a perfect belly.” She said smiling. “Truly perfect, I love this entire body. Your chest is a bit petite but still fills up this small b-cup bra just fine.” She said with a smile. “Look at me!” She said sternly, yanking Christen’s hair back as she lashed her belly.
“Agghaghhieeeephes!” Christen wailed, sobbing in agony, her body awash in pain.

“Ah, poor thing,” Victoria said mockingly. “Seems that your belly already has some thin cuts on it. Don’t worry, I'll make your belly hurt bad in a moment. But still, let's take your breath away.”

“Aggughhieegh!” Christen screamed out, the air escaping from her lungs as the catoninetails hit with a thudding impact squarely on her back as the spread out over her back. The air was knocked out of her once more as she felt a searing pain on her back join her horrifically tortured belly and abused ass and thighs. She was running out of tears at this point, her lungs burned from her screaming. “Agghaghhuuughh!” She tried to brace for another strike but the new one hit her lower back.

“Yes, instead of being a pretty brown slave for Trevor you’ll just be a pet lobster for the night!” Victoria said chuckling.

“I’m sure you’ll let me use your cream and oils?” Trevor asked as her as Christen was struck in the small of the back from the catoninetails, it hit in a way that it wrapped around her side as well. Her legs couldn’t stop trembling, after forty minutes of torture her legs screamed not just from the strike of the catoninetails but also from her having to stand on the balls of her feet.

“Oh of course,” Victoria said as Christen’s ass was harshly struck by Victoria. Her head fell back as she screamed. Victoria yanked back her hair. “Oh, you should thank me. I have to use the cream and oils on my slave many times. it helps heal cuts, prevents scarring, and the oils help your skin stop feeling raw the next day. I’m being merciful.” She said, still pulling back on Christen’s hair as her ass was whipped once more.

She sobbed, her ass felt raw and on fire, she didn’t know if she would be able to sit down for the next week. Then her athletic thighs were each struck again by Victoria. “Aggghhieee!” Trevor watched her, obviously turned on and grinning as Victoria wrapped her arms around Christen, groping the teens burning body as she sobbed.

“You’ll make such a good slave for Trevor.” She said as she sobbed, her brown body burning and almost broken. She whispered into her ear. “He’s going to break you so much more harshly than this.” She said, bringing the whip back on her left side so her midsection and back both felt the stinging pain. Then she did the same for the other side.

Trevor took in the sight. Christen’s teen athletic body stretched. Her belly, thighs, and ass, all a deep red instead of a cinnamon brown color. Her chocolate hair and been tugged and disheveled and some of it fell onto her sweat-soaked body. Droplets rolled down her pained body, even her back was just as red as it was brown now. Tear streaks rolled down her face as her body trembled from her torture and bondage. She had to take deep breaths, her sexy tummy, and her deep, round navel rising up and down.

Victoria stepped back, still having eight lashes back as she groped the lady's body, loving it. Then she struck Christen’s belly once more. “Agghieeephess! Phhessnoomph!” Christen begged, it hurt so bad, her belly felt as though it was being flayed alive! ‘Has Phoebe had to endure this much pain’ she wondered? Guilt overtook her senses before being overridden by another strike on her belly. “Aghghieeeoogddhhnoommph!”

Christen was a religious girl, her head spinning all she could do was pray her heart wouldn’t explode from the pain as Victoria harshly struck one side of her ribs. “Her midsection is going to be sore for the next two weeks.” She said smiling as she struck the other side of her ribs. “Even with the creams and oils.”

Trevor chuckled. “I'm not going to give her body a chance to recover, especially once I get everything I want out of it,” Trevor said with a grin, the Redheaded woman actually cheered as the right side of Christen’s belly was harshly struck, the tendrils of the whip spreading out and around her side. Then the same fate befell her.

“Phheeeessssmmph!” Christen screamed, eyes wide.

Victoria walked over and have her battered ass a harsh swat. Making her lurch and cry out in pain. “Hush slave, I had two lashes left but no I’ll add two lashes.” Christen wailed at this, wanting to collapse into her bonds.

Victoria stepped back, slapping Christen’s midriff as hard as she could. “Aghhuughhieepjeeehee!” She cried out, Victoria let the pain wash over her for a full minute before striking her raw and bleeding midsection once more. “Agugghooohhgooaaaaghhphes!” Christen howled, her teeth sinking into the rubber of the gag.

“Ah I love this new slave of yours,” Victoria said, somehow striking Christen’s midriff even harder now.

“Aaaghhhhhieeee!” She couldn’t stop screaming, her stomach rose and fell, helping her lungs make her chest rise and fall as she screamed and screamed. ‘I have to endure this for Phoebe, but I can’t even think straight’, was the only thought that could form in her mind. “Aggghaghhieeuuuuhhhphesss!” Another lash, equally hard on her midriff as she screamed and sobbed. She felt so much guilt for making Phoebe endure this. She had told Phoebe it was her nagging of her father that had him put a call in to see if he could get Phoebe’s father transferred. Phoebe thought it was random and they were lucky enough to get a slot at the same bank as her father. ‘This situation is because of me, I deserve this, or do these women deserve it for the cruel actions or both of us’? Her mind was awash in pain as Victoria winked at Trevor.

“And the grand finale.” She said, pulling back Christen’s hair, her eyes glazed over in agony at this point.

She brought the cat nine tails in a way that spread out over her belly, from her waist to her ribs, impacting her midriff and tummy with a lightning smack.

“Aguugaghieeeagghhieeeeaaaaooohhphessahiee!” Christen howled as the three captors laughed.

“Oh this charade has been fun,” Victoria said roughly groping Christen’s ass and thighs. “But I think its time for the grand reveal. Cheryl, can you go get my slave for me? I want her to watch while Trevor gets this beautiful lash tied down on the table over there and enjoys his new slave fully.”

Trevor smiled while he walked over, Christen trying to get her bearings, trying to process what she heard as a chill ran down her spine and Trevor placed a firm hand around her throat, right below her strong jawline. “I saw that your G.P.A was almost a 4.0, a full ride to college. Yet you’re one of the most foolish girls I’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering.” He chuckled. “I guess a mix of desperation, passion, and being headstrong is a dangerous combination. A shame, you had so much potential! Great athlete, could even make the national soccer team from what I hear, or be a brilliant lawyer.” He rubbed her bleeding belly. I was agony to Christen, every breath made her abdominal muscle and the skin above scream. Trevor adored that. “Oh well, you’ll make the finest piece of property in all of Belize.” He said with a cruel smile.

Christen's eyes were bloodshot red from crying. As Trevor removed her from the current position grabbing the leash and pulling her away Christens steps were slow and staggers beside Trevor groaning as her stomach and backache with a vengeance.

“Cheryl if you please!” the sounds of two pairs of heels one strutting like a showcase model while the other pair was more hurried two distinct taps and the jingle of the chain in the middle grumbling Phoebe glances up to see the Redhead back at her side. Phoebe!

Her limbs had grown long and thin. Her bust had developed well from the time they were children. Her chestnut hair was long but kept in a ponytail her eyes were wide and cheeks were plump. A bit gag keeping her mouth pulled back.

“Pheephee! Lephf hephf gephf!” Christen screams before Phoebe shakes her head glancing to Trevor eyebrows raised “lephf chuephen guphf!”

“Oh Christen... it is far too late for that... if you had left Phoebes disappearance alone, you would be free to proceed with anything you wanted... now you have no choice”

“Nophf lephf hephf gophf!”

“Something tells me you do not get it, Christen, Phoebe is not going anywhere and now neither are you!” Christen's eyes shoot wide as she looks into Trevor’s eyes trying to detect any betrayal of lies but all she could find was cruelty and suffering for what is to come.

“You are going to be my pet, all mine” Trevor smiles slapping Christen's cheek making her yelp.

Christen’s eyes were wide her heart racing as she yelped from the slap across the face. She shook her head, this couldn’t be, this couldn’t be true. Trevor laughed. “I can’t believe such a smart pretty girl like you fell for our plot so easily.” He said, roughly grabbing her ass, and punching her stomach.

“Aghoommphh!” She gasped as she was punched in the gut. Tears came to her face. “Phhess! Phhemph-phheemmee-ooghhmmph!”

Trevor laughed again. “We’re not letting Pheobe go. She’s a slave, has been a slave, been broken for years.” He said walking over and groping Phoebe’s body as tears ran down at her face, seeing her friend in this condition. Cheryl holding a leash around her throat. Victoria walked into the other room as Cheryl smiled.

“You see dear.” Cheryl started. “I’ve been tracking you for awhile. You just couldn’t leave Phoebe’s disappearance below. That’s fine, always nice to have another slave around here.”

“Noommphh!” Christen screamed in terror and despair.

“Yes,” Cheryl replied with a smile as Phoebe let out a sob. “I contacted your mother.” Christen’s eyes became even wider. “We’ve met before at some high-end clubs. And well, she was happy to take my substantial offer of hush money. Such a shame that a beautiful American girl disappeared during a swimming trip off the Belize coast. Such a shame.” She smirked as Victoria walked in.

“Would you like to do this Trevor?”

“I would.” He said walking over and painfully slapping Christen’s ass. “Incredible slave. I’m going to love using that later.” He whispered into the teen’s ear. She hung her head and sobbed in despair, she had failed Phoebe again. “Yeah, you just had to come trying to secure Phoebe’s freedom, she’s our slave though. And now you are. So you’re going to watch as we demonstrate how Phoebe is our slave.” Christen screamed and pulled on her bonds as Victoria walked back in.

“Oh hush beautiful.” She said mockingly as she held ajar. “Cheryl, can you get my slave on the wheel, I say we stretch her out and crop her belly and thighs until they’re red.” Cheryl smiled at this. Victoria looked at Christen. “This here is a special type of oil.” She said pulling a paintbrush out of it, it looked think, almost sludge-like. Its oil mixed with itching powder and then adding in some capriscum powder and low-grade acid. Nothing that will damage skin, but I’m going to smear this all over your belly. The itching powder will sting this raw and cut skin, and be irritating of course. But the capriscum and acid? Oh, your belly is going to feel on fire.”

Christen stared at her in horror. Victoria explained it so casually with a smile, the face of a sadist the entire time. “Noommphstahhmmph!” She pleaded.

“Oh your screams are so nice, and you’ll be screaming so loudly,” Victoria said as she took the brush and started to smear the oil all over Christen’s abused midsection. From her belly to around her sides, from her ribs to her waist. The oil felt colt and weird to Christen at first. Tears rolled down her face as she saw Phoebe placed on the wheel. Trevor smiling at Christen the entire time as he slowly started to crank the wheel.

“Noommphesss!” She pleaded, shaking her head, not wanting to see her friend suffer. It was during this time that Victoria added a second coating of oil. That's when it started, an itch covering her entire midsection. She tried to squirm, tried to rub some of it off but had zero luck. And then a cool burn started, but it only got more intense. As the wheel continued to crank Phoebe both teens bit down on their gag, only to at the same time start to scream in agony, their screams forming a harmonious harmony.

“Beautiful,” Victoria said with a smile. Closing her eyes and savoring it. Phoebe had her developed body pulled taunt. Christen was in tremendous pain from her bondage, from the bullwhip, and now this.

“Agghagiieeephess!” Christen screamed, her eyes watering as Phoebe sobbed as the wheel pulled her belly taut. Victoria took the catoninetails.

“Tsk tsk Christen.” She said as the cinnamon skinned teen continued to sob as the oil continued to itch and burn in horrid pain. As though she had been devoured by a snake and now her belly was being digested. It stung and stung and burned. She opened her eyes, just more pain mentally as she saw the sight of Phoebe. “You see, you trying to rescue Phoebe is automatically defiant. And since your actions automatically made you a slave, I feel that this act of rebellion must be explained to Phobe as being unwise.” She looked down at her tanned slave and brought the catoninetails down onto Phoebe’s belly.
“Agghhaghieee!” She screamed into her gag. Her body not able to truly buck in the pain she was as due to her being pulled so painfully tight. Another lash came down. “Nooaggahhieeephessmmphrres!” She pleaded. Christen hung her head and sobbed. Her childhood friend not rescued, but instead just being subjected to more pain. Due to her. She screamed into her gag, her mind a washed in agony and guilt. Feeling both fits of rage at the watch she and Phoebe were being subjected too, and guilt for putting herself and Phoebe into this situation.

Victoria smiled. “I think twenty lashes will do wonders for you, my dear slave,” Victoria said, lashing each of Phoebe’s thigh before hitting her waist harshly. Then her midriff. Phoebe’s screams were emitted after each strike. Different from Christen’s who came constantly, the stinging sinking into her wounds and becoming worse and worse.

“Agggagheeieeephes!” Christen pleaded, her lungs sore from the screams. Phoebe herself continued to buck and sob in her pain as her belly and thighs were also made red. Trevor walked over, grabbing Christen’s hair, making her look through him through tear-filled eyes.

“Such a stupid but pretty girl. Falling into this trip.” He said, laughing as Christen’s body shake and rolled in her painful bondage. Desperately trying to get rid of the oil. He picked up the brush and oil. Christen’s eyes went wide. Sobbing and pleading into her gag in between cries. Trevor slapped her still a red and stinging ass. “You need to learn, you’re a slave now. No one is coming to your rescue. I own this body, you have no rights, no free will, this body is for my pleasure.” He grinned as he coated her belly in another coat of stinging and itching oil as well as the top of her thighs. He pulled back her hair when he was done, looking into her eyes as she screamed. “My you are beautiful.” He said.

Victoria and Cheryl continued to watch Phoebe’s body back in pain. For poor Phoebe, she had endured over five years of slavery. Ever since she had been kidnapped and her father had paid a ransom. Her rebelliousness had gotten herself taken and enslaved for Victoria’s pleasure. As she had grown and matured her body just made Victoria, already a sadist, even more cruel. Her slim body almost constantly had whip, crop, and flog marks on her belly, back, and thighs. The locations and colors simply changed.

“Ugghaaghieee!” She bit down on her gag. She felt so bad, it was her refusal to behave that had gotten her enslaved. Victoria had gotten paid the ransom by her father, and she was told if she behaved she would be released the next day. But she tried to escape again, and so she had been taken to Belize as a slave. Christen was her best friend at the time, never giving up on her, and now she heard her friend screaming in agony, even as she felt her belly lashed by the catoninetails once more. She screamed, wanting to talk to Christen, but instead only being able to communicate through her screams of agony.

Cheryl looked over at her little brother. “She is beautiful.” She said, looking at Christen’s agonized body.

Trevor nodded, roughly groping her ass. “Indeed, a nice fit teen body, cinnamon brown skin, chocolate brown hair. Small bust, but man this ass. I’m going to have fun with it later, proportioned perfectly, athletic and firm, hot damn!” He said, giving it a stinging slap, which in Christen’s lingerie only added a small yelp to her screams. “Going to have a lot of fun with this ass of your’s slave.” Christen again wailed in despair.

Cheryl walked over. “Yes, our little group now has two personal slaves. Both so beautiful.” She smiled. “This will be fun.”

“Agghieeahh!” Phoebe screamed as the twentieth lash came down upon her, the sixteenth on her midsection, which was now very red, though not as much as Christen’s. Victoria smiled and looked at her slave.

“Yes, and to think they’re both here because of the decisions they made.” She chuckled as she looked at Trevor. “I do love how the oil makes her scream but while making her go insane from the pain is fun there’s a table over there, and I think we need to break in your slave fully.” She said with a wink.

Trevor grinned as Cheryl grabbed a towel and let the water run over it from the water faucet that Victoria and she used to waterboard Phoebe for fun. She handed the towel to Trevor, who mercifully started to wipe the thick and burning, not to mention itching oil from Christen’s thighs, then belly. The cold water was like nirvana to Christen; the first mercy her burning body had received in over two hours. Her body was still battered, abused, and in agony. No doubt very sore, but it was bliss compared to what she had felt with the oil seeping into her raw and cut skin. However as she blinked tears away she saw Trevor’s lustful eyes as he rubbed her battered midsection, she started sobbing again. She knew what was coming next.

While Phoebe watches her friend sadly be pushed through the paces of abuse. She knew Trevor would be infinitely more devious and harmful to Christen. The abuse to her midsection made Phoebe think to when Victoria had kept her in outfits exposing her belly.

Closing her eyes she remembers.
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Centennial Club
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Post by WyattW5 »

The first month of slavery.

Victoria smiled as she looked over the pouting teen. Her eyes are red from the crying she had done that morning. As the yacht gently rolled through the waters she was untied. Granted the door to the room was closed and locked, the other side was another room, there Cheryl was relaxing and the door in there was locked. She did appreciate Cheryl giving her a double room for privacy.

Her ‘ill-gotten’ gains were still digesting her new place in life. Understanding that Victoria had offered her freedom once her ransom was paid, as long as she behaved one last night. She didn’t, so Victoria decided to take her with her to her retirement in Belize. A slave sounded like a great way to end her robbery career. She would make sure Phoebe understood this overtime as she stood over the girl.

“These outfits are humiliating-ahh!” Victoria stood next to her and did not hesitate to slap her exposed belly as her new plaything stood by the bed. A week on the boat and she was still having to wrap a chain around her pretty neck to keep her quiet half the time, Phoebe had grown to fear it. Tears formed in her eyes now. “Please! You got your money just let me go home-ahh!” She slapped her rear this time.

“Your dad did as he was told. You just couldn’t behave, you’re here because of your actions.” Victoria said with a cruel smile. “I own you now, and you will listen to me. Unless you want to stay in these plain bra and panties and be hogtied again with the chain.” Phoebe’s eyes went wide as she shook her head. “Good, now there are three types of outfits that I am going to teach you how to wear, pick one. And you shall say ‘yes mistress’, in response to my orders. Understood?”

“Yes Mistress,” Phoebe grumbled Victoria would work on her tone later. Phoebe picked up a cheerleader outfit. Putting on the top that left her entire midsection bare, next came the skirt that fell about a third of the way down her thigh.
“Good, this is a nice outfit,” Victoria said to her living doll.

“It is humiliating,” Phoebe muttered.

“What was that?” Victoria replied.

“Its humiliating Mistress.” Phoebe quickly responded. Victoria grinned.

“But I like it. You’re midriff and belly are exposed. You shouldn’t mind that, you have a nice navel, deep and round, and flat tummy.” Phoebe just shook her head. “Try on the next one,” Victoria ordered. Pulling off the cheerleading outfit Phoebe placed on a buttoned-up blouse and a catholic schoolgirl skirt.

“There you go Mistress,” Phoebe replied.

Victoria nodded. “Good, now pull up the blouse and knot it off.” She said. Phoebe looked confused. “Do you know how to do that?”

“Y- yes, I think,” Phoebe said, pulling up the fabric and knotting it off.

Victoria smirked. “I will teach you to be better at this.” She said undoing the knot. “Take more material, pull it up, and knot it more tightly. This way more of your midriff if shown off. You have to learn that most of your outfits will show off your midriff regardless. But if they don’t you will make the outfits show off your midriff unless I tell you otherwise. Do you understand?” Victoria asked.

Phoebe was annoyed, annoyed at this requirement but she sighed. “Yes, Mistress.” She replied submissively.

“Good,” Victoria replied. “Now we have one outfit left for you to try on.” She said. Phoebe sighed as she looked at it. Changing clothes she was annoyed as she pulled up a pair of jean shorts, though they were barely shorts as they were cut very short and were frayed on the end. The top was a plaid shirt that was already knotted off even higher than what was done to the blouse by Victoria. Putting it on she then pulled on a leather jacket.

“Like this. Mistress?” Phoebe asked.
“Very good. And yes whenever I give you a jacket you leave it unzipped unless I tell you otherwise.” Victoria giggled. “But very good, give me a couple of years and I can certainly turn you into a more tanned or olive Daisy Duke!” She said the teenager in front of her seemed to not understand the reference from Victoria’s childhood. “Very well, take off the jacket, I have to talk to my friend.”

“Yes Mistress,” Phoebe grumbled taking off the jacket as she saw Victoria approach with metal shackles and chains. She grunted as they went around both her wrists and elbows, tightly pulling them next to each other before also putting shackles on her ankles. Phoebe grunted in pain as she was again put into a tight chained hogtie. “Now, just two pieces left,” Phoebe said, holding up a ballgag and a familiar-looking chain.

Phoebe’s eyes went wide. “No! Please no, don’t!” She said, tears in her eyes. “I’ll be quiet I promise pleasmmmphh!” Victoria grinned, enjoying the girl’s fear as the ballgag was forced into her mouth. Lifting her hair she buckled it quickly and tightly behind her head.

“I’m afraid I can’t trust you to be quiet yet slave,” Victoria said, casual cruelty dripping from her voice. She wrapped the chain around her slave’s throat, attaching it so any struggling would make it even tighter. Phoebe gasped as she felt it close around her throat as she sobbed, making her gasp for air through her tight gag. “Now, once you show you can behave and be quiet I won't have to use it.” She said slapping Phoebe’s belly.

“Aghhhieemph!” She cried out, trying not to struggle with the slave around her neck. Victoria smiled, seeing her all dressed up in her Dukes of Hazzard outfit. Chuckling she walked out.

“Hey Cheryl, I'm going to go to the kitchen and see if they have anything ready to eat. Want to watch my slave, make sure she doesn’t choke too much?” She asked.

Cheryl smirked at her. “Oh, I would love to.” She replied. “Teach her to always show off her midriff?”

“Yep,” Victoria replied. “Got her dressed up like Daisy Duke.”

“Oh fun, I have to see this.” She said standing up and going towards the other room. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she’s fine until you get back. You know, we should get a harem belly dancer outfit for her!”

“Sure Cheryl, as long as you pay for it,” Victoria said with a laugh as she walked away, taking one last look at Phoebe who suffered in her bondage.


Pulling Christen down beside Phoebe Trevor with the help of his sister bound Christen's arms behind her back pinning them with leather straps buckling tightly Christen screams as she feels Trevor peel the lingerie away.

“Stmmphf lmmphf mmphf gmphf!” tears in her eyes. Looking across to Phoebe whose face was red with embarrassment. Glancing up to see Victoria now wearing a strap on cock. Shaking her head she watches as Phoebe is penetrated from behind. Giving small grunts as her body is lurched forward her eyes wide as she looks to Cheryl.

Sitting on a couch a glass of wine in her hand smiling looking to her brother.

“You forgot your condoms again Trevor... seriously the last thing you want is to get your slave pregnant... they are unfit for bearing children” Cheryl spoke with a high pitched note in her voice looking down she smiles “have her up the ass...” Trevor smiles rubbing his cock.

Christen felt her bottom split as he inserts shrieking in pain and horror as Trevor inserts a distance and draws back. Inserting again Christen began to whimper pitifully into her gag tears blinding her vision. As she looks to Phoebe who seemed less affected by the act of Victoria’s desires.

Feeling Trevor spill his seed up her bottom tears fill her eyes as she closes her eyes. Looking down on the table her cheek pressed on the table before looking up to see Trevor looking down on her.

“You are all mine now Christen, you and Phoebe are going to be spending a lot of time together” kissing her cheek Christen recoils. No longer wondering what would become of her and her friend. They were both tied up gagged being used.

There was no hope for them.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 244
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by LatexLover »

This is getting really good. Will there be more?
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 382
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by WyattW5 »

Bondage93 is thinking of expanding the story more. I am glad you like it.
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