Team bonding chapter 7 M+/M+

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Team bonding chapter 7 M+/M+

Post by YourCaptor75 »

Evan wiped the condensation off of his bathroom mirror, and looked into his reflection. Damp curls of thick black hair hung across his brow, and framed his strong, but youthful face. He smiled, and his green eyes widened as he looked at his muscular physique. He had just showered after a long run, the latest in many exercises he devoted himself to to maintain his youthful strength, and gain confidence. He was not bulky, but his muscles were well defined, which he accented by flexing a bit in the mirror, enjoying the freedom his privacy gave him.

He liked feeling strong and healthy. He liked the attention it got him when he went out at night, or when his friends noticed his improvements. Made him feel safe, relaxed, confident. But there was one thing that made him feel that way even more...

He exited the shower and jogged over to his bed excitedly, wearing just his slim fitting, light green flannel boxers, and pulled a box out from under his bed. He crouched down as he browsed through the various bondage implements he had stashed in this particular box; muzzles, ballgags, arm binders, and of course, lots and lots of rope and tape. He flashed an excited, boyish grin as he rubbed his hands over the tape, coarse rope, and smooth leather and silicone of his various toys, drinking in the excitement just the touch of them brought. But he was tired. This called for a simple, relaxing tie to unwind to.

He pulled up a few coils of short rope, a roll of tape, and then grabbed one of his dirty running socks from the pile of laundry he had, before hopping on the bed. First, he lay flat down, and stuffed the moist sock into his eager mouth, taping it in place with a single strip of tape. (He knew he could undo the gag fairly easily, but it FELT secure enough to keep him silenced...and that would have to do for now.)

Next, he tied his ankles thoroughly, wrapping a folded over rope around them four times before cinching it in the middle, leaving a good amount of loose rope left over. He tied a simple slip knot in the remaining rope, which hung just a few inches off of his tied ankles. He then took his belt off of his pants which were next to his bed, tightened them as much as they could be, and wiggled his wrist and forearms till it rested above his elbows, and around his strong rounded biceps. Finally, he tied the last rope in a simple loop, fed his left hand through it, and arching his back, grabbed at the slip knot by his feet, pulled that around the loop of rope, before slipping his right hand though.

At that point, he was stretched to his limit, with his fingers able to grab at his ankles, and the slip knot acting as a cinch tightening the rope around his wrists. He gave a good pull-not too hard though!- and the slip knot tightened itself, so the ropes around his wrists were cinched, and hugged him firmly. He let out a soft moan of pleasure, and practically slipped out of reality. The rush of dopamine and adrenaline after a hard workout had nothing on this feeling. He felt so held by a strong force,

He had only wished that he could share this experience with a captor. He even had someone specific in mind… but no. The big friend from university he had in mind would never go for it. Not outside of his ...fantasies.

He writhed in his bonds, and pressed his hips into the mattress as he imagined the big, muscular man kidnapping and enslaving him, keeping him tightly gagged and bound unless he required service. He imagined being teased, and tormented by his captor, but being unable, or unwilling, to resist him. He shut his eyes and moaned softly as he imagined being overpowered physically and mentally by this strong, domineering man, who would MAKE Evan submit, MAKE Evan his. His...slave…

Evan felt a warm wave of emotions flood him as he repeated that word again and again in his mind; 'slave'. He gave a few weak struggles, not wanting to actually get loose in reality or his fantasy, but wanting to get the attention of his captor, get some response, even punishment! To be the object of desire for some strong man, to have his full attention...why WOULDN'T Evan give his freedom up for that? But as he kept fantasizing, he became more and more relaxed, and distant from the world, not even noticing himself drifting to sleep...

THUNK THUNK THUNK! the sound of the door reverberated throughout the small apartment. "EY! Evan, open up, we've got plans, and you're not doing anything too important!" Evan's emerald eyes shot wide open at the sound of that big, confident voice, with several others in the background voicing agreement. His friends from university? Brash, confident, athletic fellows, on the soccer team he had befriended a few years ago. And that first voice belonged to...oh no…

He almost forgot he was bound, as he rolled on his bed, wanting to go see them. But not like this! He couldn't let anyone know, least of all his friends who already teased him so much!
He tried to calm down, thinking they would just leave, or that he might have time to get loose, and then greet them. He wanted to see them! He felt more confident around them, stronger, like he belonged. He began mmphing nervously, but quietly into his gag as he twisted his wrists as much as he could, trying to get loose. No good! While sleeping, he must have pulled his legs, further tightening the slip knot, making his hands as secure as most folks could have tied them anyway, despite it being a self tie. Maybe he just needed to wait for them to go...

"We know you're in here! The receptionist said you haven't left since your run!"
"Yeah, are you sleeping? Come on, you've rested enough!"
'Oh no...' He thought. But then his heart stopped as that big, booming voice of the leader, Anders called out again. Anders….the man he had just fantasized about kidnapping and enslaving him!

"Alright, we're coming in! You'll thank us for waking you up." and with that, he simply walked in with his friends.
Evan had left his door closed, thankfully, but he was just to the right of the living room and connected kitchen; it was the only real door! They would find him in seconds! He lay perfectly still, hoping for...well he wasn't quite sure, honestly.

Then it struck him; he was physically helpless, his home was being invaded by these strong, dominant, brash fellows, and he knew he was going to be teased and tormented as soon as they found him...just like his fantasy...But no! Not like this! How would they look at him if they knew? He just wanted them to like him, to respect him! He let out a soft sob, and thrashed about as he heard them walking around. Anders mentioned that he would look in the room, while the other guys relaxed, and helped themselves to some beers.

Could...could Evan convince Anders not to show the others? He would do anything, ANYTHING to keep this a secret somehow. The air left his lungs as he saw the big, Danish blond walk in absentmindedly. Anders was an exchange student, a wall of a man, a defensive player and captain of the team, both on and off the field. He was broad, muscular, and toned, and stood about a head taller than Evan. He had blond hair in a faded undercut, a trim, darker blond beard, sharp masculine features, a dashing smile, and deep blue eyes. Deep, sharp blue eyes...and a dashing smile that quickly turned devious as he noticed the helpless smaller man, bound on his bed.

Anders slowly, methodically shut the door behind him. Evan frantically shook his head "NO!" trying to convey that this was to be kept secret! Anders seemed to half-acknowledge the man's concern, but held a finger up to his lips, and quietly shushed him. He walked closer to Evan, and his eyes grew wide with wild excitement as he looked down into the contents of the box Evan had taken the ropes from.

Anders bit down on his finger, trying to suppress a laugh. "Hey buddy." He said in that big, deep voice, in his distinct Danish accent "You having fun?" He teased. Evan threw his head into the mattress in frustrated defeat, sealing his eyes shut tightly in the hopes that this would all go away. He knew that Anders was extremely competitive, and dominant; it's what helped him do so well on the soccer field. He was always vying for power and control over his group through his physicality, leadership, and wit, while also sharpening them, and making sure everyone had fun. A true alpha in every sense. Now Evan had become the prey...

But Evan couldn't lie...the rush of this big, muscular man standing over his helpless body, dominating him physically and mentally...the rush to have this happen in real life was almost too much to bear! "Looks like you are." Anders said slyly as he looked at Evan's now stretched boxers. This was too much! He softly 'mmphed' into his gag, which only seemed to amuse his 'captor', and shook his head no, which was promptly ignored.

Anders crouched down beside his captive, staring intensely into his eyes, then pulling Evan's face back towards him when the intimidated man had looked away. Evan struggled feebly, but felt paralyzed by the larger man's stare. "I have plans for you..." Anders said ominously as Evan's eyes widened in suspense."...My little slave..."


Hope yall enjoy.
Last edited by YourCaptor75 3 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Volobond »

Super hot! Excited to see whether or not Evan enjoys his fantasy played out by Anders...

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

You haven't lost your touch, man.

Right off the bat, this story is both highly relatable to any bondage fan and a great character study. Evan's self-confidence and enthusiasm were great touches that balanced his inherent need to be dominated and respected, conflicting desires themselves. The predicament he found himself must be a huge dilemma for him.

Anders is the quintessential dom figure. He's big, he's a looker and he jumped at the chance of wrapping this submissive guy around his finger. I'm intrigued by his friendly-on-surface, sadistic-inside behavior, and mysterious air. Really looking forward to learning the exchange students's plans for his new sale. I'm sure it'll be a blast to read.

All in all, the premise is both familiar to your previous stories yet unique in its own way. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us! I can't wait to see what comes next.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Superb writing!!

Have you been spying on me... I have done this exact thing after going for a run numerous times!!


Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed both character set ups and this is going to be a good ride! PLUS there are the buds in the room next door... Will Ander keep Evan for himself? Or share him? OR hear me out - the guys might come in and capture Ander with Evan :lol: :D wishful thinking.

Marvelous story. keep going.
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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Chapter 2

Evan 'mmphed' and writhed pathetically, shaking his head no as his newly proclaimed master brushed aside his protests, pulling out his phone and taking several very compromising pictures.

"Niiice." Anders said with a smile, finally turning back to his slave after inspecting his new photos. "Shhh shh shh, little slave. I'm not gonna hurt you, or let anyone else." He said softly, petting the bound man's hair. Evan was surprised at how much this calmed him down, but he still wanted out badly!

"You want me to untie you, so they don't see you like this. You're afraid they'll think badly of you." Anders said matter-of-factly. Evan's eyes widened, and he frantically shook his head 'yes'. Anders countered by shaking his head 'no', and Evan's heart sank.

"Not gonna happen boy. But!" Anders began calmly, smoothing out the tape that Evan had been loosening "If you promise to be good, I promise you, none of them will think less of you for this. In fact, I bet some of the fellas will even respect you!" Evan let his head slump onto the bed in defeat. What choice did he have? His spirits lifted as Anders resumed petting his head, and saying "Trust me." with a smile.

Evan gulped hard. He had never been this nervous before! But the rush of being at someone's mercy, was exhilarating! He couldn't help but look up at Anders submissively, with newfound respect in his eyes. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...He nodded. Anders flashed a devious smile and tousled his new-obedient- slave's hair. "Good boy!"

Anders rushed out the door, leaving Evan alone in the room to wrestle with his doubts and second thoughts. "Hey fellas, you know that surprise I was telling you about?" He mentioned to the group, who murmured back with curious affirmation.

"Well...lemme show it to you!" (In reality, the surprise was going to bw crashing Evan's apartment, and having him take them all out for dinner, celebrating the acceptance of two fresmen onto the team that Andwrs had been mentoring...but this surprise was MUCH more interesting!) The four other fellas walked in, with expressions ranging from shock, to great amusement, to a kind of amused pity.

First was Derek, a tall, lithe black man with a mischievous look to him, and buzzed hair, wearing a tight button up shirt with only about half the buttons done, showing off his cocky demeanor. Next was Luke, a short, tan, muscular young man in a tank top, with strong features, and light brown hair cut short, and styled up.

After him was Benjamin, the youngest. He was a sweet kid, and had a look of pity in his big green eyes, though he was holding back laughter. He had ginger hair styled to the side, and wore a slim fitting white t-shirt. Finally, the last of the posse walked in.

Cameron. Evan's little brother was the spitting image of his brother, though just a bit more youthful, with more defined muscles, due to his time as a soccer player. He was wearing the jersey of his favorite player, and looked at his brother with embarrassment, and even a bit of anger. Evan looked sadly at him, hoping his headstrong little brother wasn't too upset.

"Now listen up! You may be wondering why there is a half naked man tied up here." Anders said sarcastically, as Derek and Luke laughed, oddly enough, unsurprised. Ben smiled sympathetically, while Evan merely looked away, feigning disinterest. Evan, petrified with nerves, looked to Anders expectantly, hoping he would follow through on his promise to ensure the guys didn't look down on him.

"You two are on the soccer team at uni;" Anders said, mentioning to Derek and Luke "And you two just got accepted too! I imagine you have experienced it as well..." he said to Ben and Cameron. "You're all familiar with hazing?" Derek rolled his eyes and smiled, and Luke looked down from Anders' intense stare sheepishly; Evan noticed, and assumed there was some history between the three. Ben and Cameron merely nodded, and all the fellas seemed to know where this was going.

"It's a proud tradition!" Anders began in a dramatic voice. "The right of the seniors on a team to dominate and toughen up the rookies and freshmen!" He said as he grabbed onto and vigorously but playfully shook Cameron and Ben, the two he had been mentoring, and training for the university team. Ben smiled, but Cameron's face grew red. Picking up on his embarrassment, Anders playfully tousled Cam's hair as he continued, irritating the boy.

"Normally it's just fellas on the team. You want the insight and training of the older players? You submit to them! The more training you want, the more respect you show!" Anders pulled Cameron into a pseudo-headlock with the last statement, emphasizing it.

"Some of the more eager freshies practically become slaves! Well, you all know how I have given advice to our buddy Evan here on how to stay fit. You've all seen him getting stronger." The guys nodded, smiling, Derek even rubbing his hands together in anticipation, knowing where this was going. "Well that wasn't enough for this crazy guy!" Anders said dramatically, slapping down on Evan's bare thigh for emphasis, causing the helpless young man to wince, and leaving a slight red mark on the pale bare leg.

"He asked me to train him personally till he gets in the shape he wants. I told him I don't come cheap, but he said he would do anything. And well fellas, he meant it! Evan agreed to be my slave till he reaches his fitness goals." Anders said, flexing his enormous bicep for emphasis. Luke Derek and Ben all cheered Evan excitedly, having been through hazing themselves, they respected his commitment, and felt a camaraderie with the new slave.

Evan's face blushed and lit up at the positive attention, and the fellas could all tell he was smiling under the gag. Cameron was still grimacing at his brother. Just as he was about to say something, Anders practically read his mind, and clamped his enormous hand over the young man's mouth. Evan and Cameron stared at each other, the younger brother fuming, but not daring to fight back against anything the big alpha male had done to him. Evan understood that feeling, and almost pitied his brother, who seemed unable to...enjoy Anders' dominance. Unlike him.

Anders bravado and excitement quickly shifted to a devious, almost predatory smirk, which Derek shared, and nodded his approval at. Ben merely looked unsure of himself, while Luke just chuckled, shaking his head. "But as you boys all know, slaves need a looot of discipline and punishment." Anders said, his tone playful yet menacing. Cameron's eyes widened a bit at this, as he looked his older brother up and down expectantly. "Fellas...get some rope! Let's get this slave trussed up properly!" Anders said excitedly, followed by more cheering.


Thanks for the feedback so far, people. Hope you enjoy!
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Post by Volobond »

Excited to see the new dynamic with these characters! :D

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Post by The slave »

excellent early master I really love I look forward to the next lol
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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Chapter 3

The boys were like a well oiled machine; after a few short, efficient orders from Anders, Evan had been completely untied, and then seamlessly held down with the weight and strong arms of the athletes. Luke faced the foot of the bed, stradling and holding down Evan's legs. Derek straddled his thighs, and firmly held his wrists together in his strong hands. Anders and Ben were on either side of the captive, pinning down his chest and arms with their own, while Cameron somewhat roughly held his brother by the hair with his left hand, while his right was firmly clamped, unnecessarily, over his gagged mouth. It took mere seconds, but left Evan helplessly pinned, and all but immobile, able only to wiggle his fingers and mmph uselessly.

Derek picked up a medium length coil of rope they had left next to him, and chuckled sadistically as he uncoiled it. He tied a loop firmly around Evan's wrists about three times, then cinched it tight in the middle, before raising it up his forearm, and repeating the process, looping then cinching, letting the tension of the next highest loop of rope keep the forearm tie taught. Finally, he tied Evan's elbows together, with just a few inches between them. His elbows formed a nice anchor, preventing the whole tie from sliding down, and keeping the striped arm prison very firmly in place. Anders and Ben had expertly positioned Evan's arms as Derek did his efficient work, and all Evan could do was grunt.

Next, Derek handed a coil of rope back to Luke, before using one of his now free hands to suddenly spank Evan, smiling slyly when it elicited a little yelp. The boys chuckled at his little torture, and the way Evan barely even bounced in response. "It's for your own good, boy!" Derek bellowed, as he pressed Evan's bound wrists into his buttocks.

Luke backed up, and Derek inched forward to make space for him. The brawny brown haired young man lifted up Evan's shins, pinning them against his chest by wrapping his legs around him, then doing a similar tie to what Derek had done. Starting at his ankles, he looped, cinched, went down the leg, looped, cinched, etc., until his lower legs were covered in rope, and finally tied off just under the knees, his wide calves preventing the tight ropes from slipping. He then tickled Evan's feet a little bit, chuckling as the slave thrashed as best he could. He soon stopped, however, as he was not as sadistic as Derek or Anders, and mostly wanted to check if his bonds held well. They did.

Luke turned so that he was facing the head of the bed, still pinning Evan's now bound shins, and Derek inched closer to him, pressing more of his weight onto Evan's thin, muscular thighs. Anders looked perceptively at Ben, who had been the quietest and gentlest so far. "Never tied someone up before, have you? Feeling bad for our little slave, eh?" Ben blushed a bit, not wanting to disappoint his teammates. However, he was a confident young man, and voiced his concern.

"I just...want to make sure he's ok. That's all. It is pretty fun..." He admitted. Anders smiled.
"Well, let's ask him. Eh, slave boy!" He said with a booming voice, inching closer to Evan. "You want this, don't you?" His tone was almost sensual, and Evan felt shivers run down his body. Then, more commandingly he continued "You want to be part of the team, to be trained? Willing to pay this price for it?" With what little motion he could, Evan managed a grunt and a nod, grateful that Anders seemed to be holding up his end of the bargain of keeping his 'secret.'

That convinced Ben, and soon he was focused on Anders' instructions with sharp focus. Derek lifted up Evan's torso from his bound elbows, with the help of Cameron who lifted his head up, as Anders helped and instructed Ben on how to do a proper chest and arm tie. The ropes looped twice above, and then below Evan's nipples and upper arms, followed by a cinch between each arm and his torso, and ropes wrapped over his collarbone, down the middle of his chest, pulling up at the loop below his nipples, then back up his chest, other collarbone, and tied in the back.

With the extra pressure, the whole chest tie not only tightened, but now cupped and accented Evan's small but muscular chest. Seemingly to show this, Anders gave both pecs a hard slap, getting a grunt from his slave, and some cheers from the men. Finally, Anders had them lay the slave back down, before straddling his forearms and ribs.

Cameron's hand slid up, covering Evan's nose and blocking his airway, as Anders prepared another rope. Grunting and wiggling in alarm to try to get attention, Evan was shushed by Anders, who assumed he was just complaining about his master's heavy weight. Cameron let his hand slip down, letting his brother breathe again, but every few seconds would block his airway again. Not wanting to be scolded, Evan simply complied with his brother's torture. Meanwhile, with the other rope, Anders pulled the chest tie and elbow tie together, preventing the chest tie from slipping up, and the elbow and arm tie from slipping down.

Ben was almost enraptured. He began rubbing his hands all over Evan's body and ropework, admiring the way the angular, intricate ties accented the small, but muscular male. "Proud of your work?" Derek asked sincerely, with a grin. Luke chuckled at that. Ben snapped out of his trance, and grinned.
"Ha, yeah, I guess so. It's...honestly kinda beautiful." Ben said, almost embarrassed.
"Well hey, maybe we'll make you look just as beautiful soon, Benny." Anders joked. Ben blushed, but smiled widely, clearly thinking about the prospect of joining Evan, who looked up at his gentle master. A farcry from his own sneaky, strangling brother!

Anders, still mounted on his slave, looked over to Cameron, practically the mirror image of his bound brother. Cameron had looked oddly serious, and harsh throughout the process. His eyes were sharp, and his tone hard. "And you, do you like our little game with the slave here?" There was something hidden in his voice, Evan could feel it, and it made him shudder. Something aggressive, looking for answers. Cameron didn't notice, and shot a look at the bigger soccer player, slowly smiling with a cruel smile.

"I think I shoulda done this a while ago." He said with a sneer, again pressing his hand against his brother's airway. Evan merely sat still, and silent. He didn't want to anger his brother by giving away this torture, not while he was in such a vulnerable state.

"Is that so? Well, luckily, we have saved the best part for last, for you! Since you're the loving brother, we want to let you gag our little slave. Think you can do that?" Anders' tone still seemed inquisitive, sharp, but it was warmer. Evan knew that the big man who had dominated him was looking out for him, even if it didn't seem like it at the moment. Still though, he gulped at the thought of how Cameron, grinning widely now, would gag him...


Enjoy, you wonderful, strange people.
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Post by The slave »

excellent suite really wonderful lol, how lucky he is this little Evan lol
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Post by jocktied10 »

Great story so far! Very well written and you can really feel that Evan is enjoying being dominated...lucky guy. And I have a feeling Cameron is going to be playing a bigger part in the story as it unfolds. Just a hunch.
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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Thanks for the positive feedback so far folks. Next chapter is coming soon.

For any who have read, but not commented, please share your thoughts. Any feedback can help!
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Post by RopedBud »

I think in general, the story is heading in a nice direction! Keep up the good work!
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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Chapter 4
Evan gasped slightly in suspense. Cameron was like a surgeon looking through his medical tools as he sorted through his brother's box, looking for just the right precision instrument to torture and humiliate his slave brother. Meanwhile, Evan groaned under pressure, as Anders lifted up on his torso, and held his head up by his hair, making clearance for whatever sort of gag the slave's brother would choose. Evan was flooded with two contradictory feelings; the need to submit to the big Dane behind him, and the desire to escape whatever his brother had planned.

Finally, Cameron returned, concealing the gag, and smiling slyly at his helpless brother. He sharply ripped the tape off his brother's face, causing the captive to wince. Evan then began pushing the sock out of his mouth, but as it was just about to come out, Cameron plunged a thick leather plug gag into his brother's slightly agape mouth, his effort to remove the sock leaving his mouth vulnerable. Evan choked and coughed a bit, frantically trying to move the sock away from his throat as he coughed and choked, all while Cameron pushed it in, deeper and deeper. Only Cameron had seen the sock stuffed in Evan's mouth; the other men chuckled at his apparent inability to handle the admittedly thick gag.

"You like the taste of that, bro?" Cameron said mockingly, shoving the gag deeper and deeper as Evan's face grew red. Derek continued chuckling at the slave's predicament, but the other fellas grew quiet, and Anders carefully observed his captive. Finally, Cameron seemed satisfied with how deep the plug was inside Evan's mouth, the leather plate pressed tightly against his lips, and he began strapping it behind his neck tightly, then over his nose and forehead with the overhead strap, pulling it tightly in place. He looked satisfied with his work so far, but not quite content.

As Cameron returned to the box, Anders placed his hand over Evan's now covered mouth, his hand right up to Evan's nose. At first, Evan panicked and squirmed, thinking his master might smother him like his brother! Anders quickly shushed him, and whispered "Breathe." Evan calmed down at his master's voice, and did as he was told. Anders felt the somewhat hurried, but steady stream of breath coming from Evan's nose, and was satisfied that the boy was safe, for now. He patted Evan's cheek in an odd combination of 'consoling' and 'demeaning.' Odd as it was, Evan appreciated the touch.

"You like socks, bro?" Cameron asked, returning to the bed. Evan glared slightly; his brother knew the answer. Why taunt him further? Cameron pulled out a roll of duct tape, and Evan's leftover sock, and one of his running shoes. "You're gonna learn to."


Shortest chapter so far, but I though this scene deserved to be its own thing. Enjoy.
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Post by Volobond »

Hot. I wonder how or if Anders will deal with Cameron...

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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Volobond wrote: 4 years ago Hot. I wonder how or if Anders will deal with Cameron...
Confident that Anders will, eh? ;)
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Your story really lives up to its name.

Bondage scenes are very well-written and engaging but the real hook is the complex relationship between the characters. They all have their own reactions to the "hazing" and Cameron, in particular, piqued my interest with how he treats his brother.

Keep up the good work, man! This story is shaping up to be a masterfully written tale.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by The slave »

I love this story more and more it is really excellent, I really wonder what will happen next Cameron and Benjamin lol
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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Chapter 5

Evan gasped as the sock stuffed running shoe was shoved over his nose and mouth, filling his lungs with the pungent stench of his sweat, causing him to cough a bit. Cameron, Anders and Derek chuckled at the slave's predicament, as he began squirming to try to free himself (secretly enjoying the smell, oddly enough.) With the distinct ripping sound of duct tape, Evan knew that the shoe would soon be sealed. He gave one last spirited struggle before wrap after wrap of the shiny tape went around his head, firmly holding the moist shoe in place.

"Like the taste bro? Got a nice aroma, eh?" Cameron taunted as he imprisoned his brother's face in tape, also wrapping around Evan's eyes, effectively blindfolding him. Evan slumped over as much as he could, defeated. His brother's taunts had made him feel small, tense, timid, and very aware of his helplessness. Almost as if reading Evan's mind though, just then Anders rubbed his thumb back and forth across Evan's back. It was barely noticeable-the smallest gesture, really. But it conveyed to Evan "It's alright, boy. I'M in charge, and I will take care of you. Evan relaxed slightly at that. The warmth and weight of his master on him, and the musk of his smelly socks soon overtaking the frustration at his brother's taunting.

Cameron began stroking Evan's hair like a pet, sometimes tugging it roughly in one direction or another, eliciting a grunt from his enslaved relative. "That's a good look for you bro. Shoulda told me you liked this earlier, we coulda had so much fun with all this gear, little slave." Cameron taunted. Evan tensed up again. He had been so caught up in the moment that he hadn't considered how it looked that he had a room FULL of bondage gear.

"Evan said this gear is for the ladies he has over, actually. Of course, he is pretty small, so it fits him too." Anders said with a laugh, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Lucky for us, eh!?" Evan breathed a sigh of relief. Anders was so quick and confident with his response, that even Evan almost believed it!
"Evan, you a FREAK!" Derek said emphatically.
"Ha, that's great." Luke chuckled. Ben merely smiled and gave Evan a congratulatory pat.
"Still, might have to borrow some of this stuff for..." Anders began, eyeing Cameron, who was still messing with his thoroughly bound brother. He then looked over his shoulder to the upperclassmen, who smiled knowingly. "Breaking in the freshmen." He said with a sly smirk.

Evan felt the weight shift off of him as Derek and Luke both stood up. The upperclassmen jocks locked eyes, and then Derek gestured with a glance over to Ben, who was admiring the ropework on Evan. Luke nodded, and then glanced over at Cameron-fixated on tormenting his brother, now plugging his nose over and over while holding onto his hair- with a raised eyebrow, before looking back at Derek. The chocolate skinned athlete smiled widely and nodded. That was all the two teammates needed.

Evan was just glad to have some of the weight off of him, and began stretching and wiggling his legs, hoping to bring some life back into them. Anders leaned down, and barely whispered into his ear "Stay still boy. I'll be getting some time alone with you real soon..." Evan mmphed questioningly. Suddenly his question was answered, and new ones immediately emerged, as he felt his brother roughly pulled away from him, followed by the sound of a struggle, and Cameron exclaiming "Wha!? Wai-MMMPH!"

Immediately after that, a much faster, quieter, more controlled struggle happened on the other side of the bed, with Luke gently shushing the moaning Ben, who seemed to go down more quietly. Then, a lot of rustling under the bed; the sound of ropes, metal locks, leather straps, bandannas being stuffed into mouths, and tied, gentle and frantic struggling, soft moaning and incensed roaring. Evan snapped his head back and forth to the sounds of captivity all around him, feeling himself get more and more curious, concerned, but most of all, EXCITED!

"Shhhh boy. They know what they are doing." Anders whispered to his slave. "Now...let's finish off your tie, and establish some rules, slave."


Hope yall enjoy. This may take a slight hiatus as I work on other projects.
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Post by Volobond »

Oooh, an awesome new addition! Anders is so clever and quick-thinking... I wonder what he has in mind for Evan ;)

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Post by The slave »

Excellent Master
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I love a good role reversal and the way it's described while Evan is blindfolded gave the scene a unique twist.

Take your time! I'm looking forward to the rest but I know too well that sometimes you need t take a break.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by blackbound »

Super hot story, can't wait to read the rest.

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Post by GoBucks »

Just seeing this story now. I love it! What a dream to be caught by a bunch of jocks and made to be a slave. Can't wait to see what Anders has planned for his alone time with his new slave, Evan.

Bummed this might be going on hiatus, but whatever you are working on, I'm sure it's going to be good!
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Post by YourCaptor75 »

Thanks for the feedback and encouraging words, folks. Hiatus is a bit of a strong word, as I will likely just make sure I can get some stuff finalized for work, get into a rhythm, and get back to this, albeit at a slower pace. Also looking to slightly rework my main story 'initiation' and get that back on the forum nice and neat, so if any one here remembers that, stay tuned!
As an unofficial poll, to those reading, who would you say is your favorite character so far, and why?
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Post by Volobond »

I love Ben because he's adorable and considerate and I so want to tie him up ;)

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