Of those who serve (M/M)

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Of those who serve (M/M)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Part 1

Necalli was outside of his family house, facing the Texcoco lake, waiting for his new master to arrive. None of his relatives was there with him, something he was actually grateful for. He wasn’t ready for another nagging overdose.

He couldn’t stop thinking of that night, not so long before. He was so sure that he would win. He was desperate to believe that the gods would finally smile at him. It was the biggest rush he had ever experienced, which was normal, considering what was on stake. The luck was cast, and he lost. He cursed and just kept staring at the table, while the other guy cleared it. The game was over.

It took him four months to spend the payment he had received for his dumb little self, as the rule marked when things like that happened. It was supposed to last for a year. Well, he wouldn’t be in that position if he was a good administrator, would he? At least he was an honest man and told his new owner that he was ready to start paying. There was no point in delaying the inevitable.

“All right, turn around”, said the strong man in his thirties after a brief greeting.

“Is this really necessary? I’m not trying to escape”.

“I know, but you have to get used to the idea. You’re a slave now”.

The words fell on him and he just then realized how his life was about to change, all of it because he had made the stupid decision of staking of himself. He did as he was told and immediately felt the rough rope fastening his wrists behind him. He gasped when Tizoc, his new master, tightened his bindings with a small tug. He hadn’t noticed that he had stopped breathing during the process.

“What’s the matter, boy? Have you never been trussed up before?”, asked the guard who came with Tizoc.

“No”, was the sheepish answer of Necalli. The nineteen-years-old was mortified by his new condition. He was having a hard time thinking of that feeling of restriction as something normal for him from that moment on.

“Well, there you have it. My father used to tie me up all the time when I was a kid and it helped me stay out of trouble”, the guard scoffed the captive.

Necalli was then marched to his new home. Along the way, he tried to avoid the censorious look of his former neighbors, as well as the mocking stares of girls who, so far, had been dying to get him. It was the lowest point in his life ‘til then and he was dying to get to the merchant’s house. The fun thing was that his master didn’t even own the place, for he was a slave himself. Yep, he had managed to become the slave of a slave.

A life of horrors danced before the boy’s eyes as the door of the house slowly opened to swallow him, but what he saw there was an incredibly luxurious home. Murals depicted the story of heroes and gods; the floor was covered with fancy carpets, and exquisite figurines decorated every corner. He didn’t even notice his master untying him.

“I’ll show you the room where you’ll be staying and give you some time to freshen up. Then, you’ll come to help me with my duties and later, you’ll start with your classes”, announced Tizoc.

“Classes?”, Necalli asked more to himself, “This is getting worse every minute”.

“Of course. I have great plans for you. Along the day, I’ll introduce you to the other guys. The masters are not here right now, but you’ll meet them at dinner. They’re good people, even Master Maxtla”.

Despite the approachable tone of Tizoc, Necalli couldn’t help to feel he had really messed up this time.

“I know it’s hard at first, but you’ll get used to this. And, if everything goes well, you’ll be in the position of buying your freedom back shortly”, said the master, passing an arm over his shoulders, which lighted up a shy smile in the boy’s face. “Make no mistake, this is going to take work. Still, I’m sure you have potential”.

Necalli noticed the rope marks on Tizoc’s wrist and his smirk faded.

“You’ll get used to this, too”. The man took away his arm and gave his slave a friendly pat on the shoulder.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Part 2

“Necalli, I want you to meet Itotia”, said the boy’s master. “Though you’ll never see him dancing. I think his parents were just being ironic”.

“Nice to meet you”, the other boy, who was slightly older than Necalli, greeted timidly.

“He’s also my slave. He’s been with me for over a year”.

Though the servitude state of Itotia was obvious -since the guy was sitting on the floor, next to a table, with his hands tied behind him-, the fact that he was also Tizoc’s property was amazing.

“Nice to meet you too”. The younger boy was shocked by the news and took a moment before daring to ask. “With all due respect, master, how or why do you…?”

“Have two slaves?”, Tizoc finished the question. “Well, to be honest, I wasn’t planning on acquiring you. You’re the reckless gambler who put himself in this position, remember?”

Necalli lowered his head in shame after his master’s comment. He didn’t see his fellow raising his eyebrows.

“But if you have the means to pay for the two of us, why don’t you buy your own freedom?”, the boy continued after a brief pause.

“It’s a long story”.

“I have nothing but time, now”.

“Fine. We’re done with our duties anyway and the masters aren’t here yet.”. The man took a deep breath before starting. “I got here because I was captured in a “flower war”, many years ago…”

“Fourteen”, Itotia clarified.

“Yes, thank you. I was probably younger than you and was scared to death. It was my first time on the battlefield, my chance to put to test all the training I had received. I wasn’t doing so bad, to be honest…”

“He had already captured two noblemen, but decided to let them go”, Itotia interrupted again.

“Thank you. They were practically kids. I just didn’t have the heart to take them. This guy from your side, however…”


“Tepayaxi thought of I was being a coward for not taking them with me, or killing them right there, and decided that he should capture me instead. So, we started fighting. It wasn’t long before I lost my weapon. To make it fair, he dropped his and it became a melee fight.”

“But Tepayaxi was twice his size and a much more experienced warrior”.

“Why don’t you tell my story?”, said Tizoc a bit exasperated.

Itotia then, continued, oblivious to the tone of his master’s words. “The brawl was fierce. Tizoc…”, the boy paused when he realized his mistake, “Master Tizoc knew what awaited him if he lost so he tried his best to beat his enemy, but the other man managed to subdue him. He was face down on the dirt and felt his arms being pulled behind him. He tried to resist but it was useless. Tepayaxi produced some rope and started binding our master, who struggled ‘till the last knot was done. Then, Master Tizoc was picked up on his captor’s shoulder and taken to the Aztec camp”.

“When the battle was over and the army returned, Tepayaxi took me to the palace, to deliver me along with the other prisoners for sacrifice”.

“It was on the way there that he was spotted by Master Ocelotl. He’s a very kind man. Master Tizoc was being pushed by his captor and he tripped. With his hands tied up, he was about to fall face flat on the floor, but Master Ocelotl held him. The scared boy looked at him gratefully. Tepayaxi was about to push him away when he recognized the powerful merchant. Still, he quickly took his captive and continued his way. Master Ocelotl caught up with him, decided to buy his prisoner, but the cruel man didn’t want to give him in. This called the attention of some guards, who quickly surrounded them. The buyer started asking the boy for his talents, something he could use to justify the offer. Finally, the prisoner revealed that he was fluent in many languages, something quite useful for the businessman. It took a lot of bargaining before Master Ocelotl could convince Tepayaxi of selling him our master.”

“Master Ocelotl has been most generous with me all these years”.

“Tepayaxi, however, was never really content with the deal. You can still see him sometimes in the market, staring at our master”.

“That’s why it’s not easy for me to just leave Master Ocelotl”.

“He’s been quite helpful, you know? Ever since Master Tizcoc started working for this house, Master Ocelotl has become much richer, expanding his trades to places you’ve never heard of”.

“And that’s why I want you to learn all my skills, so you can help him when I’m gone. It’s quite profitable. We all win with this”.

“That way, you can go back to your place and we get a career and money to pay for our freedom”, said Necalli. He looked at his fellow and noticed that all the enthusiasm he showed while telling the story vanished when the reality of having to study hard came back. He understood he was plan B.

“Great. Now that we’re clear, I think we should start with our classes”, Tizoc announced.

During the class, Necalli couldn’t stop thinking of Itotia’s hands being tied up while his were free. At some point, Tizoc put some paper on the table, so the new pupil could copy the symbols his master was trying to teach him. Meanwhile, the bound Itotia was dully reciting his lesson. After what felt like hours, Necalli’s boredom made it impossible for him to stay still and started moving around ‘till he was close to spilling the pigments all over the table.

“No way! do I have to truss you up too?”, asked Tizoc.

That solved the mystery for the new apprentice, who despite his initial efforts to do as was told, chose to share his mate’s fate, at least for that first class. It would take a while for him to learn enough discipline to stay free during his lessons.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Part 3

Akalan was hogtied on the floor when the other slaves found him. He had managed, somehow, to get comfortable enough to take a nap.

“And that guy over there is Akalan. It’s his favorite position, so you’ll often find him in it”, explained Tizoc as they entered the dining room.

“Hey! It was Maxtla who tied me up like this”, explained the guy who just woke up.

“I’m guessing you gave them a hard time again”, Tizoc chuckled.

“Only on our way back. I have a reputation to keep”, answered the bound slave with a smirk.

“Good evening, Tizoc. I see that your new boy is here”, said the young master Maxtla when he entered the room.

“Good evening, Master Maxtla. His name is Necalli”.

“Good evening, Master Maxtla”, greeted the newcomer, who was a little nervous at the time.

“Now that you’re getting acquainted with Akalan, maybe you should stay and watch his torture”. The young master was kneeling next to the bound boy and smiling mischievously.

“Torture?”, Necalli’s colors faded. He was pretty sure that it was illegal to hurt your slaves.

“Don’t worry, kid. He’s just going to tickle him, as it turns out that our unruly fellow is quite sensitive”, said Tizoc.

“Please, Maxtla. Don’t do that in front of the new guy”. Akalan pleaded and started revolting his bindings.

“Master Maxtla”, the young man clarified as he dug his fingers into his captive’s underarms, making the boy yelp and laugh like he was insane.

Necalli was fascinated by the show in front of him. His fellow slave was defenseless against anything his master decided to do, and Maxtla seemed to know what he was doing. During the “torture” session, all the most tickling places of the bound boy were explored widely, ‘till he was almost out of breath.

“Please, Maxtla, no more!”, the captive begged between laughs.

“I think we’re not done yet”. Maxtla was now shifting rapidly from one spot to the next one.

“All riiight!! Please, Master Maxtla, I’ll behave, I swear!”.

“It wasn’t that hard, was it?”. The young, smiling master petted the boy before standing up. “I’ll call my father so we can have diner. Would you take care of him?”.

“Of course, master. Do I serve the plates?”, Tizoc asked.

“No, let our lovely Akalan do it. I want to make sure that he’s learned his lesson, at least for today”.

The young master left the room, and Tizoc, along with Necalli, began to release the panting captive.

“These knots are hard to untie”, Necalli complained while he struggled with the first one.

“They sure are”, answered the bound boy, who was patiently waiting to be untied. “Once you’re trapped in his ropes, you’re staying like that until he says otherwise”.

Masters Maxtla re-entered the room, together with his father, Master Ocelotl, and supervised the progress of the release of the captive. He smirked with pride as he did so. After the proper introductions were made and the slaves resumed their activity, Maxtla approached the newcomer and laid a hand on his shoulder, making him jump slightly.

“I’ll be good!”, Necalli said defensively.

“I think you’ve got a sure way to keep him in line, Tizoc”, Maxtla chuckled. “Don’t worry, boy. If you do something wrong, it should be your own master who would take care of it. Of course, if he needs any help with that, he just needs to ask”.

“Thank you, master. Necalli seems to be a nice guy, but he could use some encouragement for his lessons”.

Necalli gulped at the idea. His brothers used to pin him down any given chance to tickle the hell out of him for he was as ticklish as it gets, and he was pretty sure his new master would soon be in a position to witness that himself.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Part 4

Necalli was panting on the floor of the classroom, after having been tickled for longer than he expected. His hogtied position allowed for little resistance, so every sensitive spot had been triggered.

“Are you sure you’ll try harder on your next class?”, Tizoc asked his prisoner.

“Yes, Master Tizoc, I will”.

“You’re a smart boy. It’s just a matter of work for you to learn everything. Trust me, you’ll thank me someday”.

Necalli looked at the bound slave next to him. Itotia seemed to be used to all that and was now waiting patiently to be released. It was clear that the boy didn’t really intend to learn anything. Akalan came into the room and told Tizoc that the masters were asking for him. He told him he would untie the boys so that Tizoc wouldn’t delay.

“All right, guys, I wanted to have a word with you in private, especially with you, Necalli. It’s almost the time of the Rain Festival and we’ll be on the main avenue. You know what that means”, Akalan told the boys.

“You’re trying your escape again, aren’t you?”, asked Itotia.

”I knew that your face was familiar, you’re a legend! Hey, is it true what they say? If you run away and get to the palace before you get caught, you’re free?”.

“It certainly is, and only your master or his sons are permitted to chase you. If someone else intervenes, he or she will take your place as a slave and you’ll be set free immediately”, Itotia responded.

“I’ve asked Itotia before and he has turned me down. What about you, Necalli? Do you want to give it a try?”, asked Akalan.

“I can’t say that I’m enjoying myself here”, Necalli said, wiggling his bound limbs to show his point, “but, all in all, Tizoc has been a kind master and he’s trying to make a skillful man out of me”.

“I guess you don’t mind being tied and tickled every once in a while”, Akalan commented casually, as he dug his fingers in Necalli’s unprotected underarm.

The boy was flailing as much as he could, with his limbs still tied up, laughing so hard he could barely breathe. After some minutes of torture for the young slave, Akalan stopped and stared at him quizzically.

“I know it’s not the best job in the world, but let’s face it before I got here, I was a loser. I think I have a real chance here, as strange as it looks”, Necalli stated as soon as he recovered his breath.

“I’m aware of that, but I had to ask”.

“I was stupid enough to bet myself and I know Itotia got here due to drinking, but If you don’t mind me asking, how did you become a slave?”.

“For brawling in the market. There was this guy that had just arranged to get married to the girl I love. What can I say? The moment I saw him, I lost it. Ocelotl has been good to me too, but I cannot stay here, not when I’m about to lose her forever. Last week I saw her and she told me that we had little time, so this could be my last chance”, a shadow crossed Akalan’s face.

Previous experience had shown Maxtla the need of binding Akalan when taking him to these festivals, in addition to the wooden yoke both his slaves used. The younger slave could still be useful since he didn’t need his hands to use a tumpline. So, he followed his master, carrying the necessary items, with his wrists tightly secured behind him, clad in just a loincloth due to the warm weather, while surreptitiously looking for an opportunity to set his plan in motion.

Akalan walked behind Maxtla and Tizoc, who was more trustworthy and therefore was unbound. His lustrous body was admired by the girls before they realized his hands were tied behind his back, then, they just snickered among themselves and turned away. He hated that part of being a slave and certainly didn’t want his beloved one to see him like that, so he silently prayed for his plan to succeed.

Sometimes a guy can feel blessed by the Gods, and that was Akalan’s case. After many attempts to escape, the perfect moment came when he saw Tepayaxi nearby. He knew he could easily get on the tough man’s nerves, something that would come in handy later on. He started by bumping onto him while walking through a crowded section of the avenue, sparking a heated argument between Tepayaxi and Maxtla when the former tried to beat the slave. It could have been a great moment to try and flee, but Akalan had a moment of inspiration and decided to kill two birds at once.

Once Maxtla, Tizoc, and Akalan resumed their journey, the younger slave noticed Tepayaxi was close, meaning there was a chance for them to meet again. Maxtla didn’t like that guy one bit, unfortunately, Tepayaxi was a high-rank military, so he had to resort to negotiating with him instead of starting a fight, and certainly not in a public place.

In the meantime, Akalan was attentive for the perfect moment to make his next move. They had stopped for a while to talk to another merchant, giving Tepayaxi a chance to pass them by. When Akalan saw the street clear up a bit, all he did was looking at Tizoc, something his mate understood well.

“Don’t”, was all Tizoc said.

Akalan smiled farewell, made a quick move to drop the tumpline, and dashed through the barely open space, dodging people right and left. He was a strong-willed and physically fit young man in his early twenties. He knew he had a chance if Maxtla took long enough to react. His bound hands, of course, were an obstacle. On the other hand, the fact that no one could stop him while on the run was an advantage for him.

Tizoc had no choice but to let his master know about the escape attempt. Maxtla voiced out that a slave was trying to flee so that he could get room to run after him, and for the others to be aware and not to try to stop him themselves. The noisy crowd, however, wouldn’t let his advice be heard by everyone. Some meters ahead of him, Tepayaxi was looking for some jewelry when he was run over by the fugitive, who just looked back and stared at him cheekily for a second. This time, there was no way Maxtla would stop him from beating him to a pulp.

Akalan ran as fast as he could, using his shoulders to open his way. Tepayaxi’s imposing figure, aided by his mighty arms, was doing a better job at it and was quickly shortening the distance between them.

“Stop, don’t touch him, he’s my slave”, Maxtla could be heard yelling behind them.

Tepayaxi kept on the slave’s track until he could grab him by the hair, bringing him to the ground. Maxtla was yelling for him to let the boy go, but the military wouldn’t listen and kicked the slave on the stomach.

“What are you doing?”, Maxtla asked when he caught up, pushing the military away.

“Back off!”.

The people had already formed a circle around them to watch the show, and in no time, the curious that were following the chase were also there.

“What’s going on here?”, a guard was quick to ask.

“My slave was trying to run away”, Maxtla announced.

Tepayaxi felt like a large hole was opening in his guts when he heard that.

“Yes, and this man stopped him”, said a woman from the crowd, pointing at the perplexed military.

“I didn’t know!”.

“What are you talking about? I was screaming so loud that my dead ancestors heard me”.

The fugitive was coughing and laughing, laying on the ground. The slave was helped to get up by the guard before other guards joined him. They all knew Tepayaxi, still, the law was clear, and they took him in custody. The entourage headed to the palace, where an official decision would be made about it.

Akalan, who was set free immediately, said goodbye to his fellow slave effusively. When Tizoc hugged the boy, he whispered “thank you” to him, for he had managed to reduce his old enemy to captivity. Akalan also thanked his former master. Maxtla couldn’t help to smirk. Tepayaxi was not allowed to simply buy his freedom and was given as a repairment to Ocelotl. The strong military in his late thirties was bitter as his neck was being yoked. He would have rather keep his fancy clothes but preferred them to be sent to his family, meaning he would walk out clad in just a loincloth. His toned body was nothing to be ashamed of, still, the circumstances surely were so.

They all exited the palace; Akalan as a free man, Tepayaxi bound in slavery.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

[mention]Tapejake101[/mention] Thanks for the comment.
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