the Lioness and the She-Wolf. F/F later F/FF

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the Lioness and the She-Wolf. F/F later F/FF

Post by WyattW5 »

Got the idea for this story while Playing For Honor and inspired by Game of Thrones and Robin hood Movies. I am not basing this off any historical fact. But I try to keep most of it as realistic as possible.

A long warrior marches down the dirt road through a dense thicket. The higher ridges of the wilderness. Marching forward the warrior stood five foot eight. Little more than a hundred pounds including the armor they wore. Wearing chainmail armor covering their arms metal plates covering their chest and shoulders. A great helm guarding their face.

Their chest and back cloaked in a wool tunic. The cloak itself was whitish cream-colored. With a crimson lion embroidered on the chest and back. The knight's hair draped behind her helmet.

A longsword in a black leather scabbard. Holding the weapon at the top next to the hilt. A back on their back. Marching forward the warrior could feel something surrounding them holding the grip of their sword the sound of rustling leaves echo the emptiness of the forest.

Before long six men stood wearing little more than wool and cotton tunics armed with woodcutter hatchets and maces. Seeing them the warrior drew a sigh six men did not strike her as a serious threat.

“What is this?” the warrior's feminine voice spoke loudly to the six men who smile one of the men wearing a small-cap approaching slowly.

“This ere’s a toll road see any man wishing to cross need to pay a tax” the warrior found herself smiling shrugging him off she counters.
“Then may I pass for I am not a man”

“Nay not a’mon but a mercenary, what kind of merc don’t wear such thick armor” the woman nods she was indeed a warrior who gave her sword to the highest bidder. However this time she was lending her sword to the Lowly lord of this area. A contract for the leader of highwaymen. She assumed this merry band of misfits.

“Aye a Mercenary, I am here to take your leader take me to the wolf!” the men back away looking to each other for some form of affirmation. A man raises his weapon to her chest.

“You give us that medallion of yurn and we will take ya straight to em” the Mercenary subconsciously reaches for the silver medallion that hung from her neck. Her one emblem of home. The woman shakes her head “take me to them in exchange for your freedom” the men grew intimidated drawing their weapons to attack.

Before a spear was thrown between the Mercenary and the six men. The six men withdrew and the Mercenary stood eyeing the spear where it wiggled from the impact. Fur boated feet crunch forward. Facing the thrower the Mercenary smiles as a woman with narrow shoulders puffed by thick greyish-white wolf fur cloaking her shoulders.

No helmet only fur and hide armor stood thin but strong her forearms covered in hide-bracers. A wooden shield on her left arm and her right hand clutching the spear from the ground and pulls up.

“I am the She-Wolf I am the one you are here to kill” the woman spoke bluntly looking at the mercenary across from her. Her blue eyes honed on her enemy. The Mercenary draws the sword from the scabbard and tosses it with the rest of her pack. Holding the sword on high guard.

“Crimson Lion on your tunic, dare I say I cross blades with the Lioness?” the She-Wolf asks raising her shield bending her knees adjusting the spear in her grasp the Lioness bows her head.

“You do She-Wolf” the Bandit turns to her men and commands them all to stand down and step back the men do as commanded. The Lioness expected them to pounce on her like wolves on a fresh kill but they withdrew far back so they would not get in the way.

“You surprise me, I had expected that spear to go through my back”

“I did not have to miss, best Huntress of the woods” the She-Wolf smiles almost proudly as she sets the spear on the edge of her shield supporting the weight.

“I believe you, but be warned I do not lack in skill with my blade”

“I heard the tales, killed Bjornuhm the Bludgeon did you not” the Lioness nods before bending her knees to get into position.

“Are you ready?”


the She-Wolf and the Lioness charge each other the Lioness swipes her blade across the She-Wolf’s shield before blocking the spear’s sharp tip. Using her iron bracer to block the attack. The Lioness retaliates with a one-armed strike for the She-Wolf’s head but the wolf was faster ducking low and driving her shield into the Lioness’ stomach.

Taking advantage of the Lioness the She-Wolf thrust her spear point into the knight's chest the steel mail and wool stifle the damage to a small cut before the She-Wolf adjusts her spear to rest on her shoulder side-stepping she swings the spear with every step catching the side of the Lioness great-helm. The Lioness accepted two strikes before parrying her sword with the spear and struck the brigand with her forearm.

Driving the Brigand back she spits the blood from her lips and smiles. Hurtling her spear with a thought. The Lioness slaps the weapon with her sword but was unprepared for the Wolf’s rabid charge. Using her shield the She-Wolf punches the round shield into the Lioness helmet two times upon the third the Lioness had pushed her armor covered elbow into the She-Wolf’s abdomen and pushed her off. The Great helm coming with it.

Dressed in armor was the most beautiful woman the She-Wolf had ever seen. Her golden blond hair tied into two braids connected at the back of her neck. Her eyes were large and pale blue her cheeks were red below the dark marks around the edges of her eyes. The Lioness raises her sword now she was ready to fight.

Jumping back to her feet. The She-Wolf rolls under the Lioness blade before slamming her shield into the sword’s path. The Lioness’ strikes are strong yet fast. The She-Wolf required both hands to hold her shield as she blocks the weapon. Until the Lioness brings her sword point straight through the wood. Finding a crease the blade was stuck in the wood.

Growing aggravated the Lioness pulls the shield from the She-wolfs hand and presses the wood below her boot and kicks the blade free. Raising her sword she looks to the She-Wolf standing now spear in hand.

The two warriors stood opposing each other their gloved hands wrapped squarely around the hilt of their weapons. Charging without hesitation the Lioness swung first but the She-Wolf thrusts her spear forward both blades miss their targets by inches. Recovering her swing the Lioness thrusts her sword for her enemies torso.

The She-Wolf had rolled on the ground still clutching her spear swirling the blade of the spear wide catching the Lioness hip. Making her stutter and fall onto her back

“Rope” the She-Wolf calls pouncing like a predator on a fallen query. Pressing the tip of her spear to the Lioness chest. All she needed was to push down hard and she could kill the Lioness. Then their eyes locked the She-Wolf had tried to hold the hatred for her kind in her heart. It was mercenaries who burned her home it was Mercenaries who tore her family apart. But not this one.

Looking into the She-Wolf’s eyes the Lioness could see there was anger hidden in the blue depths of her eyes, much like a storm was ebbing in her mind. A single man approaches a long coil of coarse rope in his hand. The She-Wolf exchanges her spear with the man taking the rope they flip her to her stomach.

“What do you think you are doing, get off me” the Lioness fought kicking her legs two more men came to pin her legs down. While the She-wolf cut a longer length looping the rope around both her metal covered wrists she wound it tight before twirling the rope between her wrists. Cinching it tight. There was no way she could untie the knots. Her gloves were too coarse and stiff.

Standing her up the She-Wolf pulls a rope over her head and lowers it to her stomach just below her elbows. The She-Wolf stands back.

“Take her sword and pack bring them with us” two men follow their orders taking her sword scabbard and pack the Lioness gave a scowl to the little men following this woman like lost puppies. A fourth approach grabbing for the medallion.

“Leave that” the She-Wolf commands turning to the man holding her medallion.

“But it’s vera valuable?”

“I know, it is precious to her she has earned the right to keep it. Do not touch it” the man backed away and the Lioness turns to the She-Wolf “what do you plan to do to me?”

“You will learn when we get there until then I need you to close your eyes” the She-Wolf speaks softly before the Lioness could comply a cloth was bound over her eyes coming around behind her the She-Wolf ties it off.

“Now we play a little game the She-Wolf smiles taking another length of rope forming a noose. She wraps the loop around her neck and uses it to pull the woman along.

“Let go of me you damn-blasted”

“We best gag her” the She-Wolf speaks to a man who nods taking a length of cloth from his tunic tying a knot before he could put it in the She-Wolf stops him. Taking the cloth she smiles approaching the knight timid upon her approach she touches a single hair from the knight's face.

“Why are you doing this” the knight spoke quietly before the She-Wolf pushes the knot into her lips wedging it between her teeth. Using the ends she ties it around her head below her braid.

“I want to see if you are the cold-hearted Mercenary everyone believes you are”

“Ughphf!” was the only reply the Knight gave as the small party made their tracks off the open road and into the thicket. The backen woods were an immense forest where only experienced Hunters ventured most noblemen even men of action did not venture boldly into the Backwoods.

But to the She-Wolf the Backwoods. Are her kingdom. The people who dwell within are her people. Speaking of within two hours they were nearing the village she had created. Calling it Cedar grove. A dozen or more families gather around to see the bandits return.

“They are back” a high pitched boy cries out as the people gather around. The She-Wolf had begun to pull on the Lioness watching her fidget as she felt the village converge pressing hands to her the Lioness fought back trying to kick lashing her bound shoulders at offending prodding villagers.

“Leave’er be boys” the She-Wolf calls turning back to see a village woman smiling at her the She-Wolf opens her arms and the woman slams into her chest. Kissing the girls forehead the She-Wolf smiles,

“Gather round a moment please gather round” the She-Wolf smiles holding the rope lead close to her the Knight stood next to her. About to remove the knights blindfold. The knight drove a metal covered elbow into the She-Wolf’s stomach before revealing her hands no longer bound removing her blindfold she rips her sword from a brigands hand backhanding the man she raises the blade,

The She-Wolf rips her shield from her friend's grasp and raises it no spear in grasp as the two lock eyes.

the Lioness bites her face flushed with anger as she bites at the gag. The She-Wolf raises her free hand informing the bandits not to raise their weapons. If they band together they could easily take the knight now. She was surrounded with one weapon it would be a pack verses the apex predator. While she was stronger and more capable. Numbers would overwhelm.

“I do not wish to hurt you knight”

“Then let me go!”

“Not yet, Kleppr!” the Lioness turns as the rustle of a man approaches a wooden club in his grip. The Lioness readies to swing her blade at him but the She-Wolf had struck her backside knocking her onto her belly.

The knight had fallen asleep. A man steps forward “I say we spread’er round the camp let the man have a good poke at ‘er”

“No I do not tolerate rape Hayden” the She-Wolf spoke when Hayden steps forward ax in hand.

“I do nae see how ye can stop me” as the man approaches the She-wolf turns the wooden point of her spear and jabs him in the chest.

“No mon may touch’er!” the She-Wolf’s scowl grew enormous as she glares around the men who backed off like frightened pups. She turns to the girl standing to the side.

“Fetch a few of the other women, undress her in my tent, set her garments to clean” the smaller girl nods and steps forward grabbing the knight by the arm the two drag the Lioness inside.

the She-Wolf sits at the table watching as her sister and four ladies disrobe the Lioness’ armor. Leaving her unconscious on the floor next to the bed the She-Wolf smiles at the naked warrior maiden.

Legends around the warrior had spread out that she was battle born. Hardly believable seeing as higher-born maidens were seldom seen outside their castles and carriages let alone tend a battlefield.

Risen from her chair the She-Wolf knew the Lioness would try to escape as soon as she roused. Taking thick leather bindings the She-Wolf wraps the Lioness wrists together arms over her head. Binding her ankles together with the same style of leather binding.

As she was about to apply a gag the Lioness struck her bound hands crashing down on the She-Wolf. Rushing to her feet the Lioness found her bound feet unable to move apart and so tumbled straight to the wooden floor.

“Let me out of here you bloody thieving Dog!” the blond snarls baring her teeth she crawls forward and begins to bite the leather straps grabbing her by the hair the She-Wolf pries her up.

“Now open wide you mangy Cat” actually hissing as she opened her mouth the Lioness dug her teeth into the She-Wolfs knuckle as the brunette stuffed a wad of dry linen in her mouth.

“Aruphf uphf fifphf yuphf muphf!”

“You already bit me, now keep your mouth open just a little longer” the She-Wolf grins as she wraps one final blue garment around the Lioness mouth holding the stuffing between her lips.

“Uphf yuphf biphf!” then the Lioness began to notice her undress as the She-Wolf simply looking at her examining the woman. Her hard chiseled body of muscle and sinew. The warrior tried to cover her body with her bound hands and cover her open places with her thigh and knee.

“Don’t hide, the great warrior you have a beautiful body” the woman speaks with something that resembles Awe. In her voice and the Lioness rolls her eyes. Staring at my Tits again they always do.

“Even your scars add to your appeal” that struck the Lioness harder than even a Warhammer ever could. Some of these cuts and scrapes had been old and faded but a good many of them were a year's fresh their appearance was raw and ugly. Until the She-Wolf places a gentle hand caressing one. The Lioness let a pur of irritation and amusement. She usually did not let others touch her.

It was not hard for the Lioness to find an open-breeched lad fancying a cuddle or a romp. However none of them had her clothing completely off, or a full gaze of her. Her cheeks begin to burn crimson as the She-Wolf kneels down next to her brushing a hand over the woman's cheek. But her eyes held on.

Their gaze was locked. As if searching to steal the secrets of their souls. Bringing a hand to the Lioness chin the She-Wolf inches closer. bringing her lips to the other woman's skin.

The Lioness brings herself forward her bound hands pushing to feel under the She-wolf’s clothing. Feeling the warm flesh of the younger, rougher woman the Lioness crawls to her knees.

“You trust me yes?” the She-Wolf asks softly and the Lioness nods before the She-Wolf removes the leather strapping of her gag and pulls the linen from her lips.

“My name is Haylen” the She-Wolf speaks just above a whisper a nervous gleam in her eye and the Lioness raises her chin bringing her lips crushing the wolfs the girl warrior held the bandit's tunic by the center to pull her breast cloth.

“My name is Layla. Be gentle with me, I... I” pressing a finger the Lioness mouth the She-Wolf smiles “you are strong you are hard, but you are soft and vulnerable, all I had to do was pull the armor away” Haylen smiles kissing Layla once again falling back onto the furs of the pallet.

The She-Wolf crawls upon the Lioness pawing her bosom as she straddles the woman’s groin. Leaning down kissing and nibbling her neck whispering sweet words to her new companion. Before the two women proceed with their physical pleasure.

The Next Morning.

Layla woke with an ache all across her body. While sleep had come her body seemed to recover as if she spent a fortnight on the battlefield. Bringing memories of times spent with decent men.

Her hands were no longer bound and she was cloaked only in the furs of a pallet. A firm weight below the furs next to her. Pulling back to reveal the Naked She-Wolf. A smile plays at Layla’s lips. She can still take her. Smiling the Lioness licks her lips and readies herself.

Taking the same leather bindings and cord that Haylen had bound her with. Layla wraps Haylen's wrists with the cord three times before cinching it tight. Taking a longer length of cord to wrap around the She-Wolfs small perky bosom. Pinning her upper arms to her torso.

When the She-Wolf finally woke she felt her arms pinned her legs free but the heavyweight upon her groin looking up to find the Lioness was seated wearing, leggings and a tunic no corset to push her magnificent bosom up. More the pity the She-Wolf whimpers.

“Haylen are you well in there?” a small girls voice came quietly from the door of the cottage and Haylen looks into Layla’s eyes

“Can you come in here sister? I wish your opinion on something” Haylen smiles cheekily as Layla quickly turns taking the length of corded rope. Pouncing on the girl who opens the door.

a few moments later Layla crouches before two women. On the Left the naked Haylen. Her mouth cleave gagged with the fabric of her own stockings. To the right. Haylen's baby sister Saidhe was now tied in only a tunic. Her ankles bound with corded rope. Her wrists bound parallel behind her back.

Her bright green eyes gleamed with worry and concern as her mouth was filled then covered with her own stockings. Mewing softly into the gag she looks from Layla to Haylen hoping no begging for escape.

“Now dear She-Wolf is my turn to oggle you while you are helpless, do not worry I have no intent on bringing harm to your sister” the She-Wolf grumbled at the words before the Lioness sits on top of her legs bringing her chin up to face each other. The Lioness bends down and kisses her.

“You are going to be all mine She-Wolf”

“Uphf amphf ypphf leephnephf!” the She-Wolf grins behind her gag glancing at her blushing little sister who was too busy enjoying the display.
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Post by RopingRingers »

Not a bad start at all :)
Hello there!


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Post by slackywacky »

It is always good to see a different type of story on the board. Thank you for starting this one.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Really Interesting Story! Hope there will be a part 2
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