Angie Federico : 02 - The Basement Room (mm/ff)

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Angie Federico : 02 - The Basement Room (mm/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

Angie Federico's stories
02 - The Basement Room
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By Angie Federico

Friday, October 11th 2002 - 12:31:50 AM

The Basement Room - Part One

Sorry I'm a little late with this, but classes ran a litte long today. (Ugh!). Anyway, like I said in my last post, I'm going to have to put this in probably two parts - it's pretty long.

In my last story, when I was Fourteen (I'm now Twenty-One), I was bound & gagged for the first time by my two older brothers, Tim & Jeff. At the time, they said they wanted to wait until I was a little older to play tie-up games. (I guess Fourteen was the magic number for them). They knew I loved to read Nancy Drew books, so they took it as a sign that I wanted to be like her in every way, including being tied up. But I hated it & threatened to tell our parents what they did, but I didn't & partially because of my best friend, Nicole, talked me out of it. Nicole was a year older than me & had this annoying crush on Jeff. Every time she came over, she ALWAYS wanted to know where he was. I guess you could say that she was a bit of a free spirit. I had talked to her about being bound & gagged,& she seemed to ask a lot of questions, like she was enjoying my story! Nicole basically told me to loosen up & have fun. (Like being tied up was fun!).

Anyway this story begins on a hot summer day in 1995. Nicole's mother had picked us both up at summer cheerleading camp. (We were both going to try out for our school's J.V squad later in the summer so we were wearing the camp t-shirt, gym shorts & sneakers}. We pulled up to my house, when I noticed my Father's car in the driveway. Jeff's car was in the shop & Tim's car was gone. I guess they had went to work together. (Both had summerjobs), & my Mother was out of town on a business trip. We got out of the car, thanking Nicole's mother for the lift & walked to the garage door, which was open. Nicole was staying overnight with us & Lord knows what was going to happen if my father went out! I opened the door & we went inside. We walked into the living room, but nobody was around.

"Dad?" I yelled out "We're home. Daddy?"

But there was no answer.

"Perhaps he's downstairs, Ang?" Nicole replied

We walked to the den when suddenly Jeff jumped out from behind the door! We both screamed.


"Jeffrey Federico!" I scolded as I hit him in the arm. "You scared us have to death. Where's Dad?"

"He had to go into work, he took Tim's car, because it had more gas & he was running late & Tim's still at work."

I looked over at Nicole & she couldn't stop looking at him!

I elbowed her in the ribs, for she was really freaking me out. Then Jeff asked her if she wanted to go down to the basement & see the new stereo system he got. She couldn't move fast enough as I just rolled my eyes in disgust & went upstairs. Nicole told me she would be right up.

I got up to my room & put down my bag. I untied my sneakers & rubbed my feet under the white footie socks I wore. Pulling the rubber band out that held my brown hair in a ponytail, I proceeded to brush my hair thoroughly & then put it in a ponytail again. By this time it had been about fifteen minutes & no sign of Nicole. I decided to go pry her away from my brother. I rushed downstairs & opened the door to the basement.

"Nicole?" I yelled as I ran down the stairs. Then I heard something like mmmppphhing. My heart started to pound as I neared the small room in our basement where it was coming from. I quickly opened the door & saw Jeff finishing tying Nicole's ankles together! My best friend was sitting on the carpeted floor with her hands tied behind her back. She was also very tightly cleave-gagged with a red bandana.

"Jeffrey Federico! What do yo..grrmmpphh!!!" I couldn't finish my sentence as I was suddenly hand-gagged from behind! It was Tim! He was there the whole time! They set up a trap & we fell right into it!

"Hi sis" he said in his best psycho voice. "Nice of you to join the party!"

I fought him, but my brother was strong as he held a blue bandana in front of my face. Removing his hand, he forced the cloth into my mouth & pulled it really tight.

"Sisters are better off if they can't talk!" he taunted as he knotted the gag under my ponytail.

"Mmmppphhh!!!! Grrmmmpphh!!!" was about the only thing I could muster as I felt like kicking him in the shins.
Tim quickly pulled my hands behind my back & tied my wrists together tightly. He finished the job with a couple of his Boy Scout knots. He then forced me to the floor & tied my ankles together. All this time, I looked over at Nicole. She looked like she was enjoying all of this! I couldn't believe it. Then Tim did something that made me squirm, literally as he pulled the footie socks off of my bound feet & started to tickle my soles. I squealed & squirmed at the touch of his fingers. {I'm VERY sensitive to tickling & he knew this)

"One hour girls, to get loose or that will be your punishment"

Tim & Jeff left the room for us to struggle & get free.

To Be Continued...
(I'll put part two up sometime Sunday)

Angie Federico


Sunday, October 13th 2002 - 10:03:17 PM

The Basement Room - Part Two

As soon as my brothers left the room, I went to work on trying to get free. But like the time before, I was tied up extremely well. Tim was becoming an expert on tying up his little sister! It wasn't so much the ropes being tight (which they were), it was those knots - I couldn't reach them with my fingers & twisting my wrists to try, only succeeded in making the rope cut into my wrists. I looked over at Nicole, struggling as well. I mmmppphhhed to her & she mmmmppphhhed back. Then she managed to sit herself up & proceeded to hop over toward me. Easing herself down, Nicole pushed her back against mine & started to feel my wrists, looking for the knots. I did the same to her. Sitting back to back, we worked the best we could in trying to free each other.

I looked over at the clock & Fifty minutes remained until Tim & Jeff would return to tickle us if we weren't loose. Nicole & I spent about fifteen minutes trying to loosen the knots on the other's wrists. The air-conditioner was running well in the room, but by the way we were sweating , you would have never known it. I had a good hold on one of Nicole's knots & I tried to tell her to sit still, but the gag muffled all of my speech to where you could hardly understand anything. I think she caught on, because she stopped trying my wrists. I think she tried to tell me to hurry up & I returned the reply saying I did not want to be tickled (In my best gag talk). Suddenly I felt the knots loosen. By this time Ten minutes remained until tickle time as just then, Nicole pulled the ropes from her wrists! She quickly untied the gag from her mouth.

"We did it Ang!" Nicole replied as she started to free my gag. Finally I was free of the bandana which was tied in my mouth for almost an hour & dried it out.

"Hurry up Nic, Untie me" I said hoarsely. "My brothers are in so much trouble!"

"Oh come on Angie, I think it was kind of fun...and Jeff tying me up!"

"Oh please Nicole, enough!"

"Not to mention the challenge to get loose from your brothers' knots & remember all of those Nancy Drew books. What about Nancy's dilemma's? I know you were thinking of that".

Just then the door flew open. The boys had returned carrying duct tape.

"Well one got loose" Tim said as him & Jeff suddenly grabbed Nicole! Jeff then tied her hands in front of her. She just started laughing.

"I think she's enjoying this too much!" Tim added

"Look who's talking!" I said "Look what are you doing now?"

Tim walked over to me with a cut piece of duct tape

"As for you Angela, silence!"

Tim pressed the tape over my mouth.

"Mmmppphhh!!!" Is all I could say.

Jeff then tape-gagged Nicole & with Tim's help, picked her up & flopped her on the couch in the room. They quickly tied more rope to her hands & tied the other end to one of the couch legs. Her hands were now tied over head while she laid on the couch.

"I think you know what's coming next girls!" Tim announced.

I started to squirm & squeal into the gag. It was tickle time! Jeff removed Nicole's sneakers & socks & started to tickle her soles. She was mmmppphhing behind the tape gag.(Probably loving every minute of it). Then Tim started with me. His touch was torture as I squirmed on the floor like a fish out of water. Squealing as loud as I could, his fingers raked my feet endlessly, it was torture as I could only endure it. My wrists were still tied tight. After several minutes, he stopped & said he had to go to work. What a relief! I guess I didn't notice he was gone for I was exhausted as I laid on the floor. Just then I felt the presence of Jeff & Nicole kneeling over me!

I didn't even realize she had been untied. She just looked at Jeff with those puppy dog eyes.

"Ready?" She asked. as Jeff nodded his head. Suddenly Nicole tickled my body all over As Jeff worked my feet. I couldn't believe this was happening as I was too tired to squirm, only make squealing noises behind my gag. After a few minutes they stopped as Nicole was laughing up a storm! Jeff left & Nicole finally untied me.

After regaining my senses, we went up to my room where we talked for hours about our experience.

The next day I found out my cousin Heather (Who was my age, Fourteen}, was coming to visit us for a month from out of state. I could only wonder what was going to happen next?

I'm going to really busy this week with school, but I would love to hear your comments on this story. I'll try & post the story with Heather sometime next week.

Angie Federico

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