Chair tied and Sock gagged (F/M) Part 4 added

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Chair tied and Sock gagged (F/M) Part 4 added

Post by WillHBonney »


Hi everyone. I know I’ve got 2 stories ongoing at the moment but I had this little idea for a short story and wanted to post it. It’ll probably only take 2 parts to finish.

It contains the characters Kate (my girlfriend) and her older sister Madison. Both of them are in previous stories I’ve written but this story takes place in an alternate timeline where none of the previous stories have happened.
To recap:
Kate: my girlfriend, 25 years old, about 5ft 4” with long brown hair just below her shoulders.

Madison: Kate’s older sister, she’s 28 and about 5ft 8”. She has longer dark brown hair which goes about halfway down her back. Despite the odd arguments, Kate and Madison get along well. I also get along with Madison although occasionally I can deliberately annoy her.

Me: 24 year old guy who’s about 6ft 1” and a lean build as well as shortish light brown hair.

Anyways intro over. Hope you enjoy!

The story

“Fewwww” Kate sighed in relief as I closed the front door behind us.
“Home at last” she continued as we moved out of the hallway and into our living room.
“I am so tired!” She said as she dropped her shopping bags and sank into the couch. We must have been out shopping for close to 6 hours. 6 hours on our feet walking from shop to shop. And then once we were in each shop we would slowly shuffle as Kate browsed the endless rows of clothing rails.

“Me too” I agreed as I flung myself back onto the couch, next to Kate.
“I’m just glad we decided to grab food before coming home. I couldn’t be bothered cooking!”

“Definitely” Kate nodded. She raised up her feet and kicked off the black heeled ankle boots that she had worn all day. The boots flew across the room onto the floor revealing her black shin high socks. The smell of her feet slowly made its way over to me.
I turned to look at her and smirked.

“Shut up” she playfully quipped. “We did a lot of walking today ok?” I nodded in agreement and proceeded to kick my shoes off too.

“What do you fancy doing now?” I asked.

“Well there’s a new *you know who* YouTube video uploaded today. But I’ve missed the last couple so I need to catch up on them. Kate responded. I rolled my eyes. One of the many trashy YouTube channels that Kate insists in watching that I just cannot stand. However, it wasn’t all bad news...

“Ugh... well I’m not watching that.” I groaned. “I’ll probably just go upstairs and play the Xbox or something then”

“Or...” Kate smiled as she sat up, placing her hand on my lap.
“We do *that other thing*” she grinned.

The *other thing* that she was referring to was an activity that we would occasionally indulge in whenever she wanted peace to watch a tv show or a YouTube video that I didn’t want to watch.

I looked her in the eye and smirked back at her.
“Get upstairs then. And get changed into something more comfortable. I’ll grab what the things I’ll need” she commanded.

I lunged off the couch and headed upstairs. I was trying to avoid appearing too over enthusiastic but we both knew that I was excited. I grabbed a change of cloths from the wardrobe and quickly got myself changed.
I swapped my polo shirt for a light pyjama T-shirt and my denim jeans for a pair of football (soccer) shorts. I pulled off my socks and threw them aside too. Kate would remove them anyway so I figured I’d save her the trouble. By this point I was dressed only in the T-shirt and shorts.

Kate walked upstairs and came into our bedroom. She too had changed clothes into something more comfortable. She was now wearing a loose fitting white T-shirt, black leggings and a pair of pink fuzzy slipper boots. Her brown hair was pushed up into a neat bun atop of her head. She threw a pile of white bondage rope onto the bed and opened the wardrobe.

“We’ll go for chair this time” she smiled as she pulled out the folded up chair that we kept hidden deep inside our wardrobe. Sometimes it would be the chair, sometimes it would be the bed, other times it would be the floor. It all depended on her mood and what she wanted to do.
She unfolded the chair and patted her hand down on the base of it. “Have a seat babe” she said, innocently smiling at me.

I sat down on the chair and watched as she grabbed a single length of rope from the large pile.
“I decided to use the white rope because it’s a bit softer so that you’re not uncomfortable”.
“Hands behind your back babe!” She instructed. “I still want some level of discomfort. Hands tied in front are way too comfortable!” I placed my hands behind my back.

She walked behind me, preparing the rope in her hands.
“Right, you know the drill” she said as she prepared my hands.

She started wrapping the soft white rope around my wrists. She would wrap them in a pattern. 3 wraps around my left wrist, 3 wraps around my right wrist then 3 wraps in between my wrists creating a cuff. She repeated the pattern several times, occasionally yanking on the 2 ends of the rope to tighten it. Finally she finished by knotting both ends and tucking the knot under some of the wraps putting it out of reach of my fingers. My hands were tied palms facing each other with about an inch of coiled rope in between.

“Ok that’s the hands done. Onto the feet” she informed me as she returned to the bed to grab more rope. I stretched my legs out in front of me.
She grasped my ankles tight and began replicating the same tie that she had used to bind my hands together. Again she wrapped several times around each ankle as well as the middle section of the tie and knotted it tightly.
Once she was happy with my feet being tied up she grabbed a third stretch of white rope and walked behind me again.

“What shall we go for? Loose, normal or tight?... I’m thinking we go for tight!” She giggled as she grasped my feet and yanked them under the chair. She wrapped the rope around the mid section of the foot tie and yanked it hard causing me to drag my heels right up until they were touching the underside of the chair.

“That is tight!” I confirmed as she began tied the rope to the mid section of my hand ties. She was essentially tightly hog tying me to the chair.

“Mmmm. It is isn’t it!” She nodded as she finished knotting and took a step back to admire her work. I gave the ties a wriggle in order to test the secureness of the knots.

“Yep... inescapable” I groaned.
“Goooood!” Kate menacingly giggled. “Ok. Next!” She knelt down by my side.
“Remember today when you were moaning that I had dragged you into 4 clothing shops in a row? And I told you to put a sock in it?”


“Well. Better late than never.” From behind her back she produced one of her black socks. On the floor behind her I could see the pair of pink slippers.

“Open up!” She held the sock up at my mouth. I complied and opened my mouth up widely. She slowly packed the sock inside my mouth, pushing it in ensuring it filled every available space in my mouth.
“I know. I know” she sympathised. “But I have to”

From behind her she produced a second sock. This time it was a long woollen knee high white sock that she occasionally wore. She stood up and walked behind me again. She held the long white sock in front of my face and stretched it out.

“Say ahhhh”

“Argghhghghghg” I muffled. She pulled the sock tight into my mouth and dragged back on it allowing her to begin knotting it behind my head. The sock sat inside my mouth pulling hard on the sides of my lips. My teeth and lips rested over the sock allowing me to bite down on it.

“Perfect!” Kate smiled. “Let me add 1 last thing babe then I’m done” I heard her grabbing something from the floor.

She held the second white woollen sock in front of my face as though she was going to gag me with that one too. However nestled neatly inside the white sock was her other black sock. The other one that she had worn all day when we were out shopping.

Again she dragged back on it. This time covering my nose.

“Mrrrghfffff thrt stnkfffsss” I protested but she continued, knotting the second white sock.

“All done babe!” She celebrated as she stood in front of me.
“Whilst I’ve got you like this, I’ll probably watch a few more things. I really do have a long catch up list!” She smiled, savouring the moment.
“Is that ok?”

“Tfffkk thrrr srghckk mmhhhffff” I was still asking her to remove the second black sock from my nose.

“Oh relax! It’s not that bad. Be thankful they’re not as bad as Madison’s!” She laughed. “You know how bad hers are!”

“Mmmpghhh hmmm” I agreed. One time we were visiting her sister Madison just after she had gotten home from work and both of us were astounded by the incredible stench that came off her feet. I almost passed out! Madison wasn’t impressed with our reactions.

“Speaking of Madison...” Kate added as she slid her pink slippers back onto her feet and walked over to the door. I had to turn my head to see her.
“I think she’s still to watch a few of the videos too so I might invite her round ok? Plus she can keep me company since you’re ehm... busy!” She smiled as she delivered the last part.

“I’ll shut the door babe. But I’ll come up and see you every so often. Byeee.” She shut the door and went back downstairs. That was the usual state of play. Kate would tie me up in some way and periodically she would come up stairs to check on my. Occasionally she’d change it up and replace the gag or add a blindfold etc.

“Byyyghhhff” I attempted to respond. Now I was alone. As much as I loved the process of being tied up and gagged, this was the part I loved the most. Being able to sit and glance around at the ties that kept me tightly bound. Wriggling in vein attempts to escape. Sighing into the gag pretending I wasn’t loving every second of my predicament.

“Hmmmmmph” I sighed.
“Thrrsss sghhhck strnks” I told myself. ‘This sock stinks’.

I glanced around the room, acting as if I was some kidnapped hostage attempting to determine where I had been abducted too. In reality though I was just some guy who was tied to a chair by his girlfriend and gagged with her socks whilst she relaxed downstairs.

To be continued...
Hope you’re enjoying it so far. Part 2 will follow soon. Thanks!
Last edited by WillHBonney 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
The WinterShuffle
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

This is awesome! Love the bondage, and I’m always a sucker for sock gags and forced sock smelling.

Love how detailed you described Kate’s process/method for tying up her boyfriend
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Post by Gaggedgeekgirl »

Hmmm. Nice way to the someone up.
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 2:

An hour or so passed. I spent the entire hour wriggling and squirming, attempting to escape the tight binds but in actual fact hoping that the tight ties would remain tight. As much as I loved squirming I never really wanted to escape.
Downstairs I head the soft footsteps of Kate as she made her way into the hallway and began climbing the steps. She was coming to check up on me for the first time in the night.

The bedroom door slowly created open and Kate peaked in through the gap.
“Hey babe. I hope you’re still tied up!” She said as she opened the door fully. I turned to look over my shoulder to see her.

“Yrrrppp” I confirmed. Still tied up, still gagged.

“Good good” Kate smiled back. She walked over to stand behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders.
“I just thought I’d come up and let you know that Madison is on her way round now. She’ll probably wonder where you are and well... I can’t be bothered making something up so I’ll probably just tell her the truth.”

“Rrghhly?” I muffled. ‘Really?’ I thought.

“Yep. Too much hassle. I’ll just tell her the truth. Might even bring her upstairs to see you.” Kate continued.
“What are you gonna do about it?” She whispered, leaning in to my ear. “You’re tied up!” She planted a kiss on my head.

“So. I’ll be back up in 10 to 15 mins. See you then babe!” She walked out the door and closed it behind her.

“Hrrrmmmgh grfhft” ‘ohhh great’ I complained. Madison and I were quite close so I wasn’t really worried about her seeing me like this. It was more the embarrassment. Given that we occasionally mock each other, this would have given her unlimited ammunition. Here I was, helpless. Tied to a chair and gagged with Kate’s socks. Not to mention the one pulled tight over my nose. Neatly tied in a little package, ready for her to mock me.

I spent the next 15 minutes continuing my wriggling. I could lean forwards but that would cause my arms to come forwards, dragging my feet tighter against the bottom of the seat. It was pretty uncomfortable so I would only do it every so often.
Despite the thoughts of Madison seeing me tied up I was still enjoying the situation.

“Mmmphhh. Mmmphhh” I pretended to moan.

After a few more minutes I abruptly ended the gag moans as downstairs I heard the sound of the front door opening. Below I could hear the faint sounds of Kate greeting Madison as she walked through the door. I sat there in silence for 5 minutes trying to listen in as they chatted in the hallway but the sounds were muffled.

Suddenly I heard their footsteps ascending the stairs. ‘Here we go’ I thought. I squirmed upright in the seat as though a good posture would somehow make my predicament look slightly less embarrassing. The muffled conversation between Kate and Madison became clearer as they got closer.

“I’d just gotten home from work when you texted so I just changed into a new T-shirt and shoved some leggings on.” Madison was telling Kate.

“Oh really? We’ve been out shopping all day.” Kate replied. They were now at the top of the stairs.

“Is he in bed?” I heard Madison whisper as she approached the door.

“Not quite... you’ll see” Kate responded. I could tell she was smiling as she said that.

The bedroom door slowly pushed open. I turned to look over my left shoulder at the door. Kate walked in first then stood to the side. Madison slowly followed. The moment her face peered out from behind the door a smile instantly began growing on her face.

“Oh dear oh dear.” She chuckled as she walked over to stand in front of me. She was wearing a leopard print loose fitting T-shirt and a pair of black leggings. On her feet she was wearing a pair of black furry slipper boots. Each boot had a little black pom pom dangling on the outside of them. She kept those slipper boots at our house for any time she visited.

She stood in front of me and inspected me up and down, the smile still prominent on her face.

“Hhrrgghllrghh” I attempted to greet her. The muffled gag talk caused her to snigger.

“Hi” she smiled. “Did Kate do this to you?” She asked me as she turned to face Kate. Kate nodded.
“Yrfffgh” I nodded too.

“Well done sis. I’m impressed!” Madison leaned over and high fived Kate, celebrating the impressive job she had done.

“How often do toy do this?” Madison asked Kate.

“Every so often. It’s usually whenever I have a bunch of videos to catch up on. I’ll tie him up and gag him then leave him here to struggle whilst I watch them.” Kate proudly explained.

“Brilliant.” Madison laughed. “Gives you a bit of peace and quiet!”

“Exactly” Kate modded.

“So what’s this?” Madison pointed at my face.

“Ah, I tied one of my socks over his nose. And the other one is in his mouth. A little something extra.” Kate told Madison.

“The socks you wore today?” Madison enquired. Kate nodded. “Oh they must stink?” Madison added turning to me again.

“Mmmph hmmm. Thrgh rrrghfly drrrghh” I confirmed as I looked at Kate. She smiled and winked at me.

“Anyway babe we’ll let you get back to your predicament. We’re going back downstairs. Bye bye!” Kate finished as she walked over and kissed my forehead before heading out the door.

“Yeah, enjoy being tied up!” Madison smiled as she followed. Once she was in the doorway she stopped and turned round again to see me. I looked over my shoulder at her. She had a menacing grin on her face.

“Have fun!” She gently whispered as she slowly closed the door.

The 2 girls headed back downstairs. I was quite relieved as it hadn’t been as embarrassing as I initially worried it would. Although Madison definitely seemed to enjoy seeing me tied up and gagged by her younger sister. And Kate definitely enjoyed showing me off as her helpless captive.

I slid back down in the seat and prepared for another hour of mock escape attempts and gagged moans until the next visit from Kate.

“Mmmmphhhh!” I ‘complained’ as I wiggled my helpless hands reminding myself of just how well tied up I was.

To be continued...
Ok ok so I said it would take 2 parts to complete but as I write it I’m realising how much detail I’m wanting to go in to so it’s taking a little longer.
I do have a solid beginning - middle - end planned, but since I’ve started writing I’ve decided to take a bit more time and flesh out some of the details a bit more. It’ll still be a relatively short one compared to my other stories. Hope you’re still following and enjoying!
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Post by Canuck100 »

This is really good! Make it as long as you want!
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Post by jone123 »

Nice work, waiting for the next part
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 3:

I continued my mock escape attempts for another 15 minutes. I shuffled my wrists back and forth in alternate directions knowing fine that the ropes were tight enough to remain tied. Each time I shuffled I would let out small groans into the gag.

After a pause in my squirming, I heard the sound of footsteps ascending the stairs. I wondered why Kate was returning to check up on my only 15 minutes after she and Madison had visited. The sound of soft slippers scuffing across the carpet gradually got louder as the footsteps approached the door until they stopped.

I turned to look at the door as it slowly pushed open. To my surprise it wasn’t actually Kate but Madison who came through the door.

“Mrrrdffhn?” I said, expressing my surprise at seeing her rather than Kate.

“Hey” she smiled as she walked towards me. “I just came up to use the bathroom but I figured I’d pop in and see how you’re getting on.”

She was now stood to my left. She placed her right hand on my shoulder and began running it down my arm towards the white bondage rope around my wrists.

“She really tied you up tight didn’t she?” She observed in an impressed tone.

“Yrrgh rrghts rmpffghbl trgh rsghp” I garbled. ‘Yeah it’s impossible to escape’ I tried to say. Madison’s hand arrived at the white rope. She grabbed both my hands with hers and wiggled them testing the integrity of the tie.

“Yip. You’re trussed up nice and tight. You’re not getting out of that until she unties you I’m afraid!” She cackled as she walked over to the bed and sat on it facing me. I wriggled to show her just how tight it all was. She giggled as she looked me up and down.

“Well you’re not missing much. We’re just watching some videos.” She started. “Although, it’s really hot downstairs.”

“Mmmmphhh” I nodded in agreement.

“Yeah. My feet getting so sweaty in these slippers” She raised up her left leg and rested it on top of her right leg, putting her left ankle on her right knee. She wiggled her left boot causing the pom pom to swing below.

“Mmmphhh hmm” I sympathised with her.

She grabbed the sole of her left slipper boot and began drawing it off her foot revealing a black shin high sock underneath. ‘No wonder your feet are sweaty’ I thought to myself.
The black sock was well worn. The sole of her sock was discoloured from the heavy usage and you could start to see the sole of her foot through the thinning material. She placed the black slipper boot on the bed next to her.

She paused for a moment in thought then smiled at me.
“The thing is...”

She raised her right leg up and rested it on her left knee.

“If you let yourself get all tied up and helpless...”

She grasped the slipper boot on her right foot and began sliding it off.

“then you risk...”

The slipper boot came off her foot revealing a matching black sock, equally thinning and worn.

“..having people take advantage of your situation.” She paused again as she placed the right black slipper on the bed next to the left one.

She lowered her right leg down and placed her socked feet together on the carpet. She glanced down at her socks.

“People like me.” She smiled, slowly raising her head to look at me.

I looked at her confused. ‘What is she talking about?’ I thought.

She reached down towards her feet and pinched the tips of her socks with her fingers. Slowly she started sliding the socks off her feet, rocking her feet at the heels to help the socks slide off quicker.
I sat in complete bewilderment as I watched her.

“Ahhhh” she sighed as the socks cleared her toes and began dangling from her fingertips. “So much better!” She held the socks up and examined them, repulsing slightly.
She glanced back down at her feet, wiggling her black nail polished toes against the soft grey carpet. Her feet were covered in black fluff from the socks.

She finished admiring her toes and looked back up at me.

“You’ve had that sock over your nose for a while haven’t you?” She sympathised.

“Mmmph hmmm” I moaned as I nodded.

“Poor you.” She said, continuing her sympathy.

“Well...” she stood up, still clutching the 2 black socks. Her feet pressed further into the soft carpet.
“I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse for you” she smiled, holding up her fist allowing the 2 socks to dangle. Her face turned to a sinister smile.

“Mrdfffsn plrrrffse drrnt!” I protested, shaking my head, begging her not to.

She began walking slowly towards me, savouring my pleas.

“Plrrrghse!” I continued begging. I began wrestling with the hand ties but like Madison said, I wasn’t getting out of that tie.

She draped the socks over my knees and walked behind me. I felt her hands grasp the knot tied in the white sock covering my nose. She began tugging on it forcing my head to pull backwards. Eventually the white sock came loose and she began drawing it away from my face.
Kate’s black sock that was tucked inside the larger white sock fell out onto my lap.
Madison reached over my shoulder and picked up Kate’s sock. From behind I heard an audible sniff as Madison examined the sock.

“You think they’re bad?” She giggled. “Honey these are freshly washed compared to what you’re about to endure!”

She threw Kate’s sock back onto my lap and grabbed one of hers. Behind me I could hear her preparing the socks.
She leaned over me and held the white sock out horizontally in front of my face. Her thumbs were holding her black sock in place inside the white sock.
Slowly she began bringing the socks towards my nose.

“Plrrghse drghnt!” I pleaded and shook my head but she tracked my head movement, ensuring the sock was on course to cover my nose.

Slowly the sock drew closer and closer to my nose. Her arms were on either side of my head as she began squeezing my head to hold it still.

“Mmmmmm!” She hummed in pleasure as she continued.

The sock began covering my nose. I inhaled through my nose to test the new scent. ‘Oh. My. God.’ I thought. ‘That is the worst!’ ‘How can someone’s feet smell that bad?!’

“Orgh myf ghrffd Mrrdsfn!” I screamed causing Madison to laugh. I could feel the dampness of the sweat soaked sock as it wrapped around my nose.
Madison continued pulling the white sock tighter, using her fingers to flatten it out over my face ensuring maximum coverage. The white sock was so thick that it covered from my top lip up to the bridge of my nose, acting as a half blindfold. I had to look up to see over the sock.

Finally she began knotting the white sock behind my head. She grasped both ends of it and yanked hard drawing my head back into her chest. I was now looking upwards at her. She was concentrating as she wrapped the sock ends around to tie the knot.
She gave 1 final stretch of the sock ends to drag it as tight as it could be then walked round to stand in front of me.

“Right. How is that then?” She smiled as she placed her hands on her hips.

“Awrghfl!” I complained, showing disgust on the small parts of my face that were still visible to her.

“Good!” She smiled. “We don’t want you having too much fun!”

I continued to inhale through the sock. The smell was dreadful. There was a mix of wool and feet. The wool housed plenty of sweat which was drawn out with every inhale.

“Ok, now to fix the gag” she smiled as she knelt down next to me. She picked up her other sock that was still draped over my knee despite the roughness of Madison.
She held her sock up level with my mouth and began balling it up.

“I’ll just stick this in here.” She began squeezing the sock through the cleave gag that I was wearing. She wiggled as she pushed the sock inside my mouth then began poking it further in with her finger to make sure there was nothing hanging out.

“Aargghhfff” I moaned as she poked and pushed hard into my mouth. The sock moved to my right cheek, forcing Kate’s sock into my left cheek. Both my cheeks were packed out tight.

“And finally” Madison added as she picked up Kate’s black sock from my lap, the one that had previously been over my nose.
“Room for one more?” She rhetorically asked. As if I had a choice.

“Mmmmrrgghhffff” I moaned as she began jamming the 3rd sock through the cleave gag. My mouth was becoming so tightly packed that I could barely move it. I was reduced from semi-coherent gag talk to silent, unintelligible moans.
The third sock sat neatly at the edge, pinning my tongue to the floor of my mouth.

The array of flavours inside my mouth caused me to roll my head in disgust.
“Mmmmrrrfff!” I complained.
Madison’s sock in my right cheek tasted just as good as it smelled. Horrible.
It was dry but when squeezed it released the taste of sweat and toes.

Madison stood back up then walked over to the bed. She grabbed the 2 black slipper boots and placed them on the floor.
She lifted her left leg and stretched out her foot then plunged it back into the slipper. She did the same with her right foot.
Once her slippers were back on she wiggled her ankles ensuring her feet were fully inside the boots.

“Ahhhhh!” She sighed. “That’s so much better!” She tiled her head back in relief then walked back over to me.

“Let’s keep this our little secret ok?” She whispered, pointing to the 2 white socks over my nose and mouth.
“Don’t tell Kate about my socks ok?” She smiled.
“Well... actually you can’t really tell her because you’re gagged. But I won’t tell her. Let’s see how long we can go before she notices!” she continued whispering.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. I’m going to the bathroom then I’ll head back downstairs.” she smiled, talking at a normal volume again.

“Mmmrrphhh!” I moaned, looking over my shoulder at her as she turned and walked towards the door. She stopped and walked back over to stand behind me.

She placed her left hand tightly over my face, planting her palm right over my nose forcing the sock tighter, and pulled my head back so that I was leaning into her chest. I began trying to sway my head to break free but she held my head tight in place.

“Shhhh sh shhh” she whispered as I struggled. “I know they stink. But embrace it!” She assured me. Her hand was forcing her black sock right in over my nose.
“Smell it. Taste it. Accept it.” She let go and walked to the door again.

She paused in the doorway and glanced back at me. I looked over my shoulder at her.
She raised her left hand and blew a kiss.
“Enjoy!” She teased as she pulled the bedroom door shut tight. I could hear the sounds of her slippers as she headed towards the bathroom.

“Mmmmrrrppphhhh!” I moaned as I shook my head and wrists in an attempt to escape my once enjoyable predicament. But I had no luck. Only Kate would be able to help me. And I would need to convince her to un-gag me first.

To be continued.
I hope you’re all still enjoying it. It’s nearly finished I promise!
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

Hi :) really enjoying this ;) :D but in the next chapter can you have maybe 1 of the girls wear leather pants/leggings?? :P :P :P :P that would be awesome.
The WinterShuffle
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

Fantastic continuation! Quite the evil trick Madison just pulled. Really loving the dialogue and detail you’re going into for this story, can’t wait for the next part!
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

I really am enjoying this story. Love the sock gag and the forced sock smelling. Keep up the great work. Look forward to the next part. Especially love the sister getting involved!!
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Post by WillHBonney »

Part 4:

An hour had passed since Madison had visited. Her socks still tasted and smelled as fresh as the moment she removed them from her feet. The ties around my hands and feet were still as tight as when Kate originally knotted them.
I had spent the entire hour wriggling and swaying, scrunching my face in vein efforts to dislodge the sock over my nose. Downstairs I could hear the muffled laughter of my girlfriend and her older sister as they sipped away at their wine and watched a movie.

Every time I heard Madison’s laugh downstairs I couldn’t help but feel like she was secretly laughing at me. She knew I was upstairs hog tied on a chair, forced to draw every breath through the wool of her sweat drenched sock and forced to suck on her foot tasting sock balled up inside my mouth.

Previously I had playfully attempted to escape my predicament. I would wriggle and struggle secretly satisfied with the success of Kate’s ties.
Now however, I was desperate to escape. As much as I enjoyed being tied up and gagged, the addition of Madison’s socks had added discomfort and humiliation.

Another 30 minutes passed. I continued to rock in the chair, attempting to break free. Nothing. No success. I moaned hard into the gag.
“Hrrmmmphhhh!”I would cry.

Eventually I heard the sounds of someone ascending the stairs again. This time I counted several footsteps. It sounded like both Kate and Madison were coming. I turned to look over my shoulder.
The door opened and in walked both Madison and Kate.

“Hey babe!” Kate chirped. “Glad to see you’re still all tied up and gagged!”

“Mrrdphnns srphckph!” I tried to warn Kate. I tried to make her aware of what Madison had done. Behind Kate, Madison shook her head at me, mouthing for me to shut up. I continued to moan.

“Oh I know! I know. You’re all gagged!” Kate smiled. “Well Madison is going home now. She just wanted to say bye. I’m going to go to the toilet quickly. She wanted to see you once more before she left!” She continued, slightly surprised at Madison’s request to see me again. She turned and left the room to go to the bathroom leaving me alone with Madison.

I turned to face Madison as she stood over my shoulder. She looked annoyed.

“It sounds like you’re trying to tell Kate about our little secret!” She frowned. “Are you?”

“Nrphh” I shook my head. I was afraid of what she would do to me.

“Hmmmmm.” She added, unconvinced. “You better not be!” She stood behind me and ran her hands across my back, checking that my hands were still tightly tied.

She walked over to the bed and sat down, raising her slipper’d feet and placing them on my lap. I looked down at the boots as she wiggled them. When I looked back up at her face she was smiling menacingly. She raised up her right leg and placed the sole of her boot on the white sock over my nose, pressing down on it.

“Hrrrmmpphhh!” I protested as her sock surrounded my nostrils. She giggled as she pressed harder.

Through the wall we heard the sound of the toilet flushing. Madison sharply brought her legs away and planted them back onto the carpet. After a moment Kate walked back into the room.

“Right. Good to go?” She smiled at Madison.

“Yip.” Madison stood up off the bed. “I think he’s enjoying that gag. He was ‘mrphing’ away whilst you were in the toilet” she smiled.

“Oh really?” Kate smiled, turning to look at me. I nodded: “mrphh hmmm”

“Good. I’m glad you’re enjoying my socks” Kate giggled. Madison winked at me.

“Mmphh hmmm” I nodded again.

Kate placed her hand over my nose and held it tight, forcing me to smell what she believed was her sock.
“Mmmmmm” she teased. I looked at Madison’s face. She was glaring at me threateningly. Watching to see how I reacted.

“Hmmmmm” I moaned, pretending to enjoy the smell. Madison’s face lightened up as she began to laugh.

“Well, I’m going to go home and leave you 2 to it” Madison announced as she walked towards the door.

“Ok, I’ll come downstairs and say bye” Kate replied, following Madison towards the door.

Before leaving the room Madison paused and turned to me as I watched over my shoulder.
“Bye! I hope she doesn’t leave you gagged for too long!” She tormented. “Maybe only another 2 hours or so” she winked as she crept through the door. Kate laughed, agreed and then followed her.

I sat quietly and listened patiently for Madison to leave. I could hear the faint conversation between her and Kate as Madison changed from her slipper boots into her outdoor shoes. I wondered if Kate would notice Madison was now barefoot but she didn’t seem to notice.
I heard the front door open and then close over. Finally I could try make Kate aware.


“It sounds like someone needs to be gagged harder!” Madison shouted from downstairs. She had tricked me by pretending to leave. I heard Kate laughing.

“Seriously Kate it sounds like that gag is coming loose. You should tighten it!” I heard Madison say to Kate.

Again I heard the door open. I heard the girls exchange goodbyes before the door closed over.

“She’s gone now babe” Kate called from downstairs. She began climbing the stairs.

“Krght! Mrdphn hrghs grghd mph whph hrgh sghcks!” I moaned.

Kate arrived at the top of the stairs and calmly walked into the room. She walked over and sat on the bed facing me.

“Hmmmm” she smiled, savouring my gag moans. “Having fun?” She asked, grinning.

“Mrpphh hmmm” I shook my head.

“Because you’re all tied up and gagged with my socks?” Kate grinned, playing along with the idea that I was pretending to struggle.

“Mmmphh hmmm. Thrgh nrght yrgh srphckph!” I continued to try alert her.

Kate continued to ignore my warnings. She leaned forwards and kissed me on the white sock wrapped over my mouth. She reached behind my head and untied the white sock over my nose. Once untied she lowered it onto my lap, causing Madison’s black sock to fall out. Kate noticed the sock falling and laughed, believing the sock was hers.
Finally I was free from the smell of Madison’s sock. But still, her other sock remained wrapped inside my mouth and placed against my tongue.

She then slid her hand under the white sock over my mouth and pinched the tip of one of the black socks stuffed inside my mouth. She drew it out from under the gag and threw it aside. It was one of hers. 2 more socks still remained inside, one being Madison’s sweat drenched one.

“Does that feel good?” Kate smiles as she bit her lip. To her, my mouth was now sock free but that wasn’t the case.

“Mrrph hmm burght therghs stphl twphh mrgh” I groaned. Kate’s face screwed up in confusion at my still-muffled moans.

She slid her hand under the white sock a second time and felt around inside my mouth. She pinched her second sock inside me mouth and dragged it out. She held it up in her right hand and inspected it.

“I don’t remember stuffing 2 socks in there?” She bewildered.

“Mrrphh hmm” I nodded. I pushed my tongue against Madison’s sock. The taste was awful as the sock surrounded my tongue but I fought it as I pressed the sock towards the tight gag. It bulged out my mouth catching Kate’s attention.
She took her left hand and slid it under the gag, pulling out Madison’s sock.
I groaned in relief as I was finally free of Madison’s torment.

“Hmmmmmph” my shoulders dropped in relief.

Kate held both socks aloft in her hands and looked on in complete bafflement. I stared at her face hoping she would remove the white sock gag so I could explain. But she was too busy inspecting the ‘extra’ socks.

Slowly it dawned on her what had happened. She looked down at the sock on the floor that had fallen out of the nose covering sock. I could see the look on her face as she realised what had happened. She leans over and picked up the sock on the floor so that she was now holding both of Madison’s socks. She balled them up and held them to her nose and inhaled. She recoiled almost immediately.

“URGHH!” She pulled the socks away from her nose. “Are those Madison’s?” Her voice was full of shock.

“Yerphss!” I nodded. Finally she had realised.

“Oh my god they stink.” She added, still staring at the socks in shock.
“Was this over your nose... and this one was in your mouth?”

“Yerphss” I continued nodding as she continued to unravel what had happened.

“Is that why you were trying so hard to escape earlier?” She asked in a soft sympathetic tone, finally looking up to face me.

I continued nodding my head. The white sock gag was still tight over my mouth.

Kate paused for a moment.
“I must have tied you up pretty good huh?” She began to smile.

I stopped nodding. Her tone of voice had changed from surprised to impressed.

“I mean if you could escape that, you would have. Rather than sit there and smell these!” She laughed, holding up Madison’s socks. She sniffed them a second time, again repulsing immediately.

“She had her slippers on over these. She must have been sweating like crazy. I think she wore them to work too?” Kate continued on. She began to laugh.
“Me and her make quite a tag team don’t we? My tying skills and her gagging skills. Quite the unpleasant situation huh?”
I nodded in agreement. Definitely.

Kate placed Madison’s socks on the bed and reached behind me to remove the gag.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked as she removed the white sock from my mouth.

“I tried! I was gagged! With three socks in my mouth and one over my nose!” I huffed as I wiggled my jaw.
“Plus, every time I moaned, the smell and taste would come back. I tried to keep moaning to a minimum.” I continued.

“Hmmmm. I’ll take note” Kate smirked.

“Don’t bother!” I jokingly warned her.

“Do you want gagged again?” Kate threatened, grabbing Madison’s socks from the bed.

“Sorry!” I shut up.

“Right, let’s get you untied and we can get undressed” Kate grinned as she walked behind me to untie my hands and feet.

“Sounds good. I’m MRRRGPHHHH!” I cried as Kate pulled her hands over my nose and mouth. Hidden under her hands were Madison’s socks. I wriggled and swung my hands about behind me attempting to push Kate away. She held the socks in place for a few seconds then removed them.

“Sorry. That’s good fun” she laughed as she began untying my hands.

“Maybe for you” I groaned.

The knots around my hands came loose and my arms sunk down. Finally my wrists were free. I brought my arms round and began rubbing my wrists as Kate untied my feet.
Once my feet were free I stood up off the chair and stretched.

“Next time you tie me up and Madison is over can we make sure she has socks on at all times!” I groaned as I stretched.

“Hmmmm” Kate considered. “I can’t make any promises” she menacingly grinned.

The end!
Thanks for reading everyone. It was relatively short-ish.
Some feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Post by ryan »

A great story. IA have enjoyed all the stories with these characters.
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

Absolutely loved it!
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Post by jumanjipr »

I love Madison!! This are good stories
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