ONE FOR LUCK (mm/mmmmm) Updated 12th November.

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ONE FOR LUCK (mm/mmmmm) Updated 12th November.

Post by Xtc »

OK. This is the last of the "Warbands" series although some of the characters will appear again in a sightly different context but that might be some time in the future.
It might be useful to read "Will and James Taken by Surprise" ( ) and "Blackmail" ( ) first.
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Matt & Max: Revenge at last!

Even though the photograph was a back view of someone, Aiden could be sure of certain things:
• It was his best mate, Jonny
• He was naked
• He was hanging with his feet some distance from the floor
The photo had been sent to his computer following a phone call (number withheld) from a landline. Whoever had sent it was explaining the situation on screen and making their demands.

Following the receipt of another photo this time one of Tom, heavily gagged and also possibly naked and another of Karl and JT, who also appeared to be naked and tied uncomfortably back to back, Aiden rang his brother.

“Alright, what do I have to do?”

Reviewing the Situation

Following the incident where Max and Matt were tied together and photographed naked, they badly wanted their revenge. However, there were problems:
• There were only two of them to take on Jonny, Aiden and Karl
• They were younger than their three enemies
• Even though Matt was quite “chunky”, his brother, Aiden, was built like a brick shit-house
• There was very little chance of capturing them all together

They had to identify their advantages:
• They could take down Jonny between them
• Karl was a total wimp and Max thought he knew where and how they could take him down
• Perhaps they didn’t need to take all their victims simultaneously
• Aiden had a weakness: his word was his bond and he was completely loyal

Now they had to plan:
• On Saturday JT’s dad, Jason Senior, had to go to a conference and might well need to stay over night
• Karl and JT intended to take advantage of JT’s father’s absence to ‘keep company’
• They could pick off Jonny and, with any luck, Tom, on their way to the youth club where they did voluntary work. They had nothing against Tom but he might just be a useful bargaining chip
• If they managed to capture JT and Tom, who were innocent, Aiden would probably agree to surrender himself in their places.

OK, that’s the theory. Let’s see how it worked out.

Supply Chain

Max and Matt knew that, once they had located any of their quarry, they had to disable them immediately. They decided that a hood disabled someone very quickly and Matt decided that the textiles lessons in Design Technology hadn’t been such a waste of time after all.

He spent a day producing two very substantial double-layered bags from an old leather coat he’d bought from a charity shop. No expense was too great for his brother! They had no external seams, he’d hidden them all inside. He’d double sewn the seams using very strong waxed thread. There was no way of undoing his work without the aid of a sharp object. Another line of stitching through both layers of leather formed a duct through which a thick, 25 millimetre-wide leather strap with a large buckle was threaded. Matt had punched several extra holes in it that were a bit larger than the rest.

“Why did you make two?” asked Max.

“Oh, I dunno. One for luck?” suggested Matt, asking whether Max had played his part in the plan so far.

Max produced two small padlocks. “One for luck?” Both boys gave high fives and Max tried on one of the hoods. Once Matt had fastened the strap round his mate’s neck, he had to agree that wearing that should incapacitate any of their targets instantly. Having removed the hood Max also produced an assortment of cable ties that he’d bought cheap at the local market.

Matt had scoured the local charity shops for any large belts and Max had bought several rolls of packing tape. Matt had to hope that his dad wouldn’t miss his towrope and Max stole the new washing line that his mother had just bought and cut it into more convenient lengths. He’d think of a way of getting Karl blamed for it later.

Other than a good length of chain, what more could they want? Oh, yes a few neckerchiefs or bandanas: Matt had several and he nicked his brother’s as well, Max contributed a couple of football scarves, so did Karl!

Aiden Surrenders

Aiden was receiving his instructions. Matt was making it clear that, only if Aiden promised to surrender himself and make no resistance, would either of the innocent boys be freed and Jonny let down from the overhead beam, he would also have to do anything he was told without question. Aiden thought that was a bit much because his brother knew well that, once he had given his word, he could never go back on it. But Matt and Max wanted to make sure that Aiden suffered sufficiently to satisfy their thirst for revenge.

Aiden was told to turn on the web-cam so that they could see what he was doing. He had to go and get the long cable-ties that their father kept in the garage and to take the belt off of his trousers. He could also prepare some socks for stuffing in his mouth. Oh, and remove his clothes.

“Just as a favour you can wear those old white boxers that you haven’t used for some time.”

“Oh, come off it Matt, I’ve given my word. And in any case, they’re too small for me.”

“In that case, you’d better not wriggle around too much so that you don’t pop out!”

“Please, Matt.”

“Poor Jonny, he must be in real pain by now. Remember you promised to do what you were told without question. Oh well . . .”

“Alright, alright, I’ll do it.”

Aiden stripped and found his old boxers and showed himself to the web-cam wearing them. The boxers were certainly none too long and rather too tight at the front. He only hoped that his package would be contained securely as long as he was standing.

“Alright, happy now? What next?”

Matt told Aiden to use the cable ties and fasten his ankles tightly together. Aiden did so. He also had to tie himself below the knees, above the knees and round his thighs. He probably tied himself much more tightly than his brother would have tied him. He had to make sure that Matt and Max saw the results of his work so far. Matt hadn’t finished yet; his next demand was for Aiden to fasten his arms tightly to his sides using his belt. Aiden tried to leave himself some slack.

“Ah, poor Tom, he really doesn’t deserve to have been kidnapped, you know. Much tighter than that, please, Big Brother.”

With some difficulty Aiden managed to tighten the belt by two notches. That pinched!

“Is that it now?”

“Oh no. Roll those socks up ready for when we come and get you. Good. Well done, just put them on the table.” Fortunately Aiden could do that with little difficulty.

“OK, last thing: get another cable tie and pass your wrists through it in opposite directions then tighten it using your teeth. Well done, let’s have a look.” Aiden, who was tottering quite uncertainly on his feet by now, presented his wrists to the camera until his brother declared himself satisfied. He was already beginning to regret having been quite so conscientious about the way he had tied his legs.

“Now don’t go anywhere, I’m on my way round. Won’t be long. Oh, and stay in sight of the camera and don’t even think of shimming the cable ties! See you soon.”

Aiden didn’t know what to think about that because he hadn’t been able to recognise where his mates had been imprisoned from the photos. He didn’t have to wait long. After less than fifteen minutes, Matt arrived looking smug. He gave his brother’s bindings a careful examination, expressed himself satisfied with them, told Max that they were on their way and turned off the web cam.

That “on their way” phrase puzzled Aiden; how was Matt going to move him anywhere tied as he was?

Before he could find out, Matt had some adjustments to make. He ostentatiously produced a roll of packing tape and instructed his brother to open up while he stuffed the rolled socks into his mouth. Aiden was as good as his word and made no attempt to resist as Matt taped them firmly into place and added a few more turns for security. Matt’s next move was to re-fasten Aiden’s wrists behind his back so he cut the cable tie that Aiden had applied to himself and tried to force his arms behind him.

“Christ, that’s tight!” announced Matt as he couldn’t budge his brother’s arms. Aiden’s reply could not be understood but Matt loosened the belt by a notch before forcing his arms behind him a bit and cable tying his wrists behind him. A final tie between Aiden’s wrists and the belt round his arms pretty well immobilised him.

Matt had now left himself with a problem: how to get his brother downstairs. He certainly couldn’t carry him. He was going to enjoy this. He gathered up his brother’s discarded t-shirt and grabbed the belt binding his arms.

“Come on, Aiden, Walkies!” called Matt cheerfully and made his brother bunny-hop to the top of the stairs. On the command, “Sit!” Matt allowed Aiden to drop to the floor.

“This kid is going to beg for death before I’ve finished with him.” Aiden promised himself in an attempt at comforting himself in his humiliation and pain. He really was now wishing he had not been as conscientious when tying himself.

Aiden was given the choice, “Either I can pull you downstairs by your ankles or you can go down on your bum stair by stair. What’s it to be?” The look that Matt received could have melted lead. Not only was it humiliating to be videoed while he struggled down the stairs but Aiden was not convinced that his outgrown boxers would protect his modesty in any adequate fashion. One thing he knew only too well: the shorts were certainly pinching his balls.

Just as Aiden’s feet reached the floor, Matt pulled him upright.

As he was led to the back door, Aiden changed his mind about Matt begging for death. How could he possibly beg for death if he’d already had his tongue cut out? The impracticality of that thought didn’t really provide much comfort.

“Oh, stop making so much noise, Aiden. At least you’re not naked like Max & I were!”

“I might as bloody well be.” thought the larger boy as he frantically tried to draw his brother’s attention to his plight. Aiden kept wriggling and nodding towards his midriff.

“What’s up, Boy, need the bog?”

Aiden shook his head and kept on trying to indicate his discomfort by pulling ineffectively on the back of his shorts.

“Oh, you think it would only be fair if you were naked too like we were?” Aiden desperately shook his head again. “Oh, your shorts are a bit uncomfortable are they?” Aiden changed from shaking to nodding his head and Matt gave his brother’s boxers a sharp tug.

After the initial fear that Matt would rip his boxers off him, Aiden realised that his brother had simply tried to do what he was asking him to do. With a quick look down to see that everything was still in place, Aiden became more co-operative again.

Matt twirled Aiden’s t-shirt between his hands and bound it tightly round his eyes. Aiden was left tottering on his back doorstep while Matt left him to do something that he was unable to identify by sound alone. As the newly emptied wheelie bin came near him, it was easier to identify by the smell.

When he realised what Matt had brought to the door, Aiden started to object. “Oh, poor JT, he wasn’t even there when you tied Max and me together. What a shame. He’s been tied to Max’s naked brother for ages now. Oh well, I’ll just call Max and tell him you won’t be coming”

I expect the violent head shaking and, “MMMmmmmm” sounds meant either, “No, Dear Brother, I’d be delighted to go”, or “OK then, you little, fat bastard, get on with it.” But I’m not sure which.

“Alright then, as long as you’re sure, lie down and tuck your knees up.” So saying Matt helped his brother down to the floor.

With Aiden’s legs raised, Matt laid the bin on its back and shoved the open lid under his bum and a bit further. Following the inevitable vocal protest Matt instructed his brother to straighten his legs and start working his way into the bin. Matt took particular pleasure in assisting him. Aiden was commanded to curl up as near to the bottom of the bin as he could so that Matt could more easily right the bin again. With the bin upright once more, Matt locked the lid thus imprisoning his brother in a most uncomfortable crouching position.

Anyone seeing a blonde boy with a smirk on his face wheeling a dustbin down the road as quickly as he could might well have found it strange but not as strange as they would have found it if he’d tried making his brother bunny-hop all the way. Fortunately for Aiden their destination took only about fifteen minutes to reach.

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great start
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you. I was beginning to think nobody was reading this.
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Post by blackbound »

I completely missed this. When the gender tag alone sounds like someone shouting into a gag, you know it's going to be good.

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I never thought of that. Thanks,
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Here We All Are, Then

Jason Toddman, JT’s dad, had taken what the Brits insisted upon calling his “hire car”, a strange little compact as far as they were both concerned, to the conference; not that he ever used the garage of their rented cottage in the first place. It was used as a store and, if JT had been of a more riotous nature, would have made a good riot room. The cottage was at the other end of the village from where Matt and Aiden lived but Aiden had never been in the garage and so failed to identify where his friends had been imprisoned.

Following a very unpleasant and bumpy end to his journey the wheelie bin was unlocked and Aiden was decanted unceremoniously onto the garage floor and his blindfold was removed. Looking around him, he surveyed the situation.

He very quickly saw that Tom had at least been granted the dignity of retaining his trousers unlike Jonny. Jonny’s wrists were still bound to the metal roof truss but at least now he was seated on Tom’s shoulders thus relieving the stress on his wrists and arms. Then he saw the other pair of captives tied back to back. Karl was naked but JT was wearing white Speedos for some reason. None of the boys looked particularly happy (with the possible exception of JT, but he was concerned for his friends). Having looked around, Aiden made a good guess as to who the next naked prisoner was likely to be.

“Hallo, Aiden,” greeted Max smiling, “Welcome. You probably can’t wait to get ‘em off just like your mates or should I say, just like you left Matt and me. Unfortunately we have business first.” Aiden was too worried about his mates and about his own immediate prospects to feel relieved. Max cut the cable ties from Aiden’s feet and legs and told him to stand. He was so grateful that, if he wasn’t still gagged, he would have thanked Max profusely. Aiden struggled to his feet without assistance from Max or Matt and examined the red wheals on his legs.

“We’ve got a job for you; Tom wants to go,” said Max as he wrapped several layers of packing tape around Aiden’s head blindfolding him. Although Aiden couldn’t see what happened next, future events would enable him to put it in context. Matt yanked Tom out from under Jonny who immediately gave voice, in spite of the fact that he had been tape gagged since his photo had been posted, as his weight came down on his wrists and the roof truss started digging in. Tom, who had also been blindfolded, was laid face down and warned not to move. Aiden was manoeuvred into place and made to crouch down while Jonny was sat on his shoulders. As Aiden stood once more, Jonny felt the weight taken off his wrists. Matt then cut the ends from Aiden’s two remaining cable ties to prevent shimming. Matt and Max already had an informal bet on how long the muscular Aiden would be able to support his best friend.

Matt put it to Tom that, if he gave certain undertakings, he might be released. He had to promise not to return or arrange a rescue on the understanding that, if he did, the photos of him and his mates would be posted on the internet at the earliest opportunity. He had to go to his voluntary work and make his excuses for being late knowing that, if Max or Matt rang the club and found that he was not there, the same thing would happen. Aiden tried to show his support but couldn’t make himself understood through his gag and Tom couldn’t see him frantically nodding his head. “If you want to keep those shorts, Big Brother, you’d better shut up now.” Aiden chose the easy option.

“Right, Tom, I’m going to cut the tape and remove the socks from your mouth now. If you want to get out of here, I want to hear you make the promises we need.” Tom promised not to return or arrange for someone else to mount a rescue. His word was as reliable as Aiden’s but Max thought they still might check at the club later. Matt cut the cable ties from Tom’s wrists with a resultant sharp intake of breath as the circulation returned to Tom’s blood-deprived hands. Tom was left to remove the hobbles and dress himself before leaving. He explained that of course he would keep his word but he didn’t give too much for the chances of longevity on the part of either Max or Matt. With that gently understated, and thus more menacing, threat Tom went away. Once outside it was obvious to Tom where he was and it didn’t take very long to get to where he needed to be.

“Sorry, Yank,” said Matt approaching JT, “we know you weren’t involved in our capture but, as we intend using your garage for the rest of the day, we can’t very easily free you. Sorry.” I don’t think he noticed JT’s contented reaction.

Kidnapping the Volunteers

Earlier on Matt and Max laid their plans carefully. They had already secured Karl and his friend, JT, and now had Jonny and, hopefully, Tom to secure.

Jonny usually turned up earlier than Tom to help open up, prepare the refreshments and generally prepare for the day’s club activities. His easiest way to get where he needed to be was to take a short cut down a back lane, over a fence through a gap in the associated hedge, across some fallow farmland, over the fence on the far side and onto another back lane to the club hall.

Max and Matt hid behind the hedge as Jonny climbed the first fence. As soon as he dropped to the ground, Jonny hardly had time to see who was there before he was attacked and one of Matt’s Leather hoods was quickly strapped round his neck. Fortunately for the two assailants Jonny’s “informal” route was very little frequented and his protests weren’t overheard. Being unable to see, Jonny could offer little resistance to his attackers who quickly stripped him of his hoodie and cable tied his wrists, rather too tightly, behind him. While the prisoner lay face down on the floor with Matt pinning him firmly to the ground, Max explained the situation.

He suggested that Jonny stop shouting and resisting unless he wanted his trousers removed and his underpants stuffed in his mouth and taped in place. Jonny stopped struggling and fell silent. He knew he was beaten. Max explained that, in revenge for the way Matt and he had been treated the other week, they were going to do very much the same to him, Aiden and especially Karl. Max really owed Karl big time! It was obviously going to be unpleasant but just how unpleasant depended upon how cooperative Jonny chose to be now. Jonny indicated his understanding.

The two younger boys hauled Jonny to his feet and wrapped his hoodie round his shoulders before fastening it and raising the hood. The way to JT’s rented cottage was along the path that Jonny had just left so Matt lifted their rather slight prisoner while Max, from the other side of the fence prepared to receive him. Both kidnappers then put their arms round their prisoner’s waist and propelled him, as quickly as they could in the circumstances, along the path towards JT’s place. The path, being little used, was not of the best quality and getting a reluctant, blindfolded and bound prisoner along it was not the easiest task Matt and Max had ever undertaken.

Eventually the trio arrived. The owners of the property had previously put a gate in their fence to allow access to the path for dog-walking purposes. Jonny was taken to the garage.

The two prisoners who had been secured earlier became vaguely aware of the arrival of a third one. Karl started yelling into his gag. Max pointed out that a naked, vulnerable prisoner was ill advised to make so much noise when not only could he suffer the dreaded clothes peg treatment but so could his innocent companion. Karl calmed down.

The abductors couldn’t spend much time on Jonny if they were to lie in wait for Tom but neither could they allow any of their prisoners the opportunity to help one another. The obvious tethering point was the roof truss so Matt quickly slung a length of Mrs. K’s clothes line over the metal rail, threaded the ends between Jonny’s arms and pulled up tight. Once secured by a few turns of rope, Jonny’s arms had been forced upwards and his torso forced more or less horizontal. Matt noticed how tightly they had fastened Jonny’s wrists and replaced the cable tie with a less tight one and cut the other free. That didn’t make Jonny’s posture any more comfortable or his predicament any more escapable but at least they could leave him like that for quite a while without his coming to any real harm. Yes, they were out for revenge but didn’t intend to cause any permanent damage to their victims ("except perhaps Karl", thought Max about his big brother).

Matt unlocked Jonny’s hood while Max prepared a gag by knotting the middle of one of the football scarves. The knot was forced into the victim’s mouth and the scarf was pulled tight and tied off at the back of his neck. The ends were then brought back round the front of Jonny’s head, pulled even tighter and knotted securely in his mouth. Matt then held the whole thing in place with much packing tape. He was taking no chances.

Having secured their latest prisoner and checked carefully on the other two, the young avengers went looking for Tom.

They had no way of knowing whether Tom had left for the club yet so they deliberately went there first and back-tracked because they knew that Tom would take the same trespassing short cut as Jonny. That way, if they encountered him in the open field, they could just walk on by and write off the opportunity. An uneventful trespass found them waiting by the hedge where they had waylaid Jonny. It took all their determination to remain silent and stay still until they heard someone approaching and climbing the fence.

Tom got no better a sight of his attackers than Jonny had before the other hood was strapped round his neck and padlocked into place. Being a bit stronger, even if less fit than Jonny, Tom put up quite a fight even though it was obvious that, being unable to see, resistance was pointless.

Max and Matt even let go of Tom and watched him desperately trying to pull the hood apart. There was going to be no way of doing that with his bare hands. “OK, Tom, which direction are you taking?” asked Max tauntingly. Obviously Tom had no idea. The two younger boys took an arm each and brought Tom to be face down on the ground in a painful double arm lock with their feet against his neck. Max put it to him that, although they had nothing against him personally, they wanted him for an hour or so as bait for Aiden. He would then be allowed to go. Unless he made things difficult for them now.

Tom indicated his submission and Matt released his arm lock, fastened a cable tie round the wrist he was holding and locked Tom’s arm out again while Max repeated the operation on his other arm. Tom found his arms drawn together and Max threaded a third cable tie between the other two and pulled it tight. Matt decided that Tom was inconsiderate in wearing trackie bottoms because he’d have to go and get a belt from his bag which he did and pulled it tight fastening Tom’s upper arms to his torso.

“Please stop yelling, Tom, it can’t hurt that much.” In fact, just as when he bound his big brother, when Matt applied all his strength to the operation, it could hurt quite a lot. It was the sort of restraint from which the subject would want to be free as soon as possible.

Tom was now considered to be helpless enough to have his hood removed so he got to breathe freely again for a few moments. Matt produced one of the bandanas from his bag and folded and rolled it into shape. Tom knew what was about to happen and wondered whether to resist, he might just be able to escape but he knew that Max was fast on his feet and could certainly bring him down especially as he was unable to use his hands or arms. He opened his mouth and Matt stuffed the cloth inside. The usual generous application of packing tape covered Tom’s face from his chin to his nose. That was followed by a scarf for “disguise” purposes. A quick application of tape over Tom’s eyes and a covering pair of dark glasses continued the disguise. Anyone passing would just think it was a hoodied-up youngster once Max’s hoodie had been draped around him, fastened and the hood raised.

The three boys then made their uneventful way to JT’s garage. 

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The Photographer’s Studio

Now Max and Matt had to prepare their models for the special photo shoot. Karl and JT were already prepared so that left Jonny and Tom to be finished off.

Tom was led into the garage having received a more detailed explanation of the boys’ situation on the way. He had decided that the younger boys could be trusted to release him as promised once Aiden had given himself up, which he also knew his friend was sure to do for the sake of himself and Jonny. He would probably also have done it for JT and, perhaps, even for Karl. In the light of such considerations, Tom decided to be as cooperative as possible.

Tom was helped to sit down and Matt removed his trainers and socks. Once his feet were bare, Tom’s worst fear was allayed when they made no attempt to strip him of his trackie bottoms but Max did hobble his feet with rope leaving him about 40 centimetres of movement. Tom couldn’t really ask why he wasn’t immobilised more strictly but he’d soon find out.

Once Tom had been hauled to his feet, Max reclaimed his own hoodie and un-buckled the savagely tight strap that pinned Tom’s arms to his body. The relief thus provided was short-lived as he felt his jacket unzipped and pulled off his shoulders and down his arms and his t-shirt forced over his head to join it leaving him bare-chested. Max soon fastened a cable tie tightly round each of Tom’s arms above the elbows and, threading a further one between the two, pulled his elbows to within 10 centimetres of each other. That stung, and the ties around his elbows dug in deeply. The tie joining Tom’s wrists was cut and his jacket and t-shirt removed.

“Don’t worry. Tom. I know it’s tight. We won’t leave you like that for long. Got your phone ready, Matt? Watch the birdie!” said Max as he forced Tom to face to his left.

“Hold it, please!” Matt photographed Tom carefully to show the heavy gag and the painful binding round his arms but tried not to show that he still retained his trousers.

Photo session over, the top half of the model’s head was comprehensively wrapped with packing tape, blindfolding him completely and leaving very little of his face showing. Max fitted a new cable tie between the ones round Tom’s wrists and drew them to within about ten centimetres of each other and then cut all the ties fastening his elbows. Matt helped Tom to get face down onto the floor where he was told to spread his legs as best he could and lift his feet in the air. Tom complied.

Now it was Jonny’s turn. He’d been left in the “aeroplane” position for quite some time and the initial discomfort in his arms was turning into pain in his arms, shoulders and chest. “Right, Jonny, you know what this is all about. You left us naked, gagged with our underpants and tied up. Then you made a video. It’s payback time.”

Matt’s explanation was followed by Max casually leaning on Jonny’s shoulder, thus increasing his torment considerably, and offering him the chance to be stripped tied as he was at the minute or having one of Matt’s stylish hoods fastened on him and his hands released to enable him to strip himself without assistance. Jonny managed to make Max understand that he chose the hood.

Matt collected one of his masterpieces of the leather-workers’ art, jammed it over Jonny’s gagged head, tightened the belt round his neck and padlocked it securely into place none too gently, testing the effectiveness of the gag to its limits. Max released a much-relieved Jonny from the cable tie that was biting into his wrists and the rope that was hauling his arms up towards the ceiling. “OK, Jonny, you’ve got three minutes to get ‘em off completely before you find yourself being assisted. Get on with it.”

After nearly a minute of self-massaging, shaking, bending and stretching, Jonny removed his hoodie and his trainers and socks. Not being able to see, he dropped the garments on the floor and they were left to stay where they fell. Next came his sweat-shirt and t-shirt. The discarded clothing now constituted quite a trip-hazard to Jonny as he hopped around trying to remove his jeans without falling over. Needless to say the video production was well under way. Once the jeans fell to the floor, Jonny’s efforts seemed to flag somewhat.

“Twenty seconds before we help you,” Jonny was reminded. A deep intake of breath, or at least as deep a one as Jonny could manage in the circumstances, preceded the final act. Jonny’s boxers joined the growing pile of fabric on the floor.

“Thank you, Jonny, now hands on your head, please.” said Matt as he retrieved the discarded underpants. “I hope these are clean because you know where they’re going in a few minutes’ time.” Jonny had a very good idea what Matt was holding and, indeed, where they were going!

Anything was worth a try at this stage so Jonny went down on his knees, his hands still on his head and started trying to plead through both a gag and a double leather hood.

Matt and Max could guess the gist of Jonny’s plea. “No, sorry, mate, we’re going to set a sprat to catch a mackerel. In any case, would you have granted us any reprieve from what you did to us?” Jonny knew he was stuffed.

Matt positioned a stepladder near to where Jonny had been tied previously and started retrieving the rope. Max told Tom to stand and, with some assistance, he staggered to his feet and Max led him until he was standing under the roof truss. “Listen carefully, Tom. You’re about to take Jonny on your shoulders. Don’t drop him now will you?”

Jonny was told to stand, then he was led to the bottom of the ladder and helped to reach the sides with his hands. “Climb.” Jonny did so. “Stop.” When Jonny was just about the right height to sit on Tom’s shoulders, both prisoners were manhandled until he was doing so. They were then steadied and finely adjusted into position under the roof truss again. Matt climbed up the ladder, took Jonny’s right wrist, bound the rope four times around it and tied it off securely before climbing a bit higher. He passed the rope behind the lower cord of the truss and pulled until Jonny’s right hand was above it. Jonny was forced to raise his other arm and Matt passed the rope in front of the king-post, pulled Jonny’s left had until it was behind and above the lower cord. Drawing his prisoner’s hands close together, he tied his wrists together in front of the king-post. Once Jonny was secure, Matt added a few more turns and “one for luck”. All the while Tim was supporting him, Jonny wouldn’t be that uncomfortable but without support not only would Jonny be hanging from his wrists but the “T-section” lower cord would dig into his arms painfully.

Matt unlocked the hood and unwrapped the tape holding the scarf into place. He then removed Jonny’s boxers from his pocket, folded and rolled them and stuffed them into their owner’s mouth. Max passed him a roll of packing tape which he then used as sparingly as possible to keep them in place, after all, Aiden had to be able to recognise his best mate.

Max explained that Jonny’s hobby horse was about to be taken from under him so that he could have his photo taken but, as long as Matt got a good photo easily, he’d soon be back. Jonny was unseated, fairly gently, and left hanging while Tom was moved out of the way and ignored. Jonny hoped that Matt would get a good photo first time! “Smile, please. OK, good one, let’s get Tom back.” Tom was re-positioned and Jonny lifted back onto his shoulders. Neither boy was happy with the nature of the contact they were making with one another. Max then climbed the ladder and applied a more generous coating of packing tape round most of Jonny’s head.

“OK, just one more photo needed. Lift your right leg up a bit Karl if you don’t want to show anything. That’s OK; watch the birdie.” Matt inspected the photo and declared himself a happy snaper. It showed both boys and clearly demonstrated that Karl was naked but, as Matt claimed, in an “artistic” pose that showed nothing really. After the photo had been taken, all that was left was to blindfold Karl with a great deal of packing tape and reinforce his gag the same way.

Time to give Aiden a ring.

A Bit of Luck

Earlier that day inside information had proved invaluable to Max and Matt when they were laying their plans. Max knew that his brother was going round to JT’s place and, from what he had noticed from their activities in the past, believed that they would probably do half their work for them. He wasn’t wrong. The problem of Aiden still remained. Then on Wednesday a miracle happened: Matt's and Aiden’s dad found out that his older son was well behind on his GCSE coursework. Hallelujah! Aiden was immediately grounded with no hope of reprieve until after the weekend. That meant that he would not be going to his voluntary work with Jonny leaving Jonny to walk there on his own and Aiden easily contactable at home. Would he use the excuse of being grounded to refuse to come to the aid of his mates? No chance! That wasn’t Aiden’s way at all.

So the plan proceeded quite smoothly.

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Thank you. I was getting a bit despondent by the lack of reaction.
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I'm loving it too!! I just finished catching up on the other stories, and can't wait to see what happens!!
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Thanks for staying with the series.
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The Wrestling Match

Mr. Toddman departed early for his conference and wasn’t expected back until very late that evening or even the next day. And, in any case, even if our heroes did have to abandon their prisoners and scarper quick, they didn’t think JT’s dad would be at all outraged or even surprised or to find his son and his friends stripped and bound in his garage. I can’t think what gave them that idea.

Karl arrived at about nine o’clock with an entire rucksack full of toys ready to play with JT. JT even had a few of his own. Even though he hadn’t been in England for very long, he had soon started amassing his requirements for entertaining his friend Karl and himself. “You know,” he thought to himself, “when it stops raining, this country isn’t so bad after all.”

The two boys decided the rules for the day over cans of Coke. The decision was that they’d wrestle, best of seven, to see who would tie whom. Usual rules: no striking, no grabbing the opponent’s clothing and no interfering with the more delicate bits contained therein. Points scored by removing one’s opponent from the ring or by making a body part other than the sole of the foot touch the ground. Loser gets tied and mildly tortured for the rest of the day. JT had previously put considerable thought into just how much of a pushover he should be. He decided that he should draw the contest out for as long as possible because the grappling itself was very satisfying and he wouldn’t like to look like a complete tart would he? JT could probably control the result unless Karl was absolutely determined to lose because, although Karl had a considerable weight advantage, JT was fitter, more supple and quicker. He’d have to be subtle about it.

Both contestants had already put on swim briefs instead of underwear so all that remained was to strip off and get started. JT wore white 5 cm Speedos and Karl wore his black Adidas briefs. The cottage JT’s dad was renting was surrounded by fairly high hedges and, with the nearest neighbours being relatively newly built bungalows, the garden was hardly overlooked at all except through the gate at the bottom and, has already been said, the path was seldom used. In any case all anyone would see would be two fifteen year old boys wrestling. When they went out into the garden to wrestle, Karl had already marked out a circle with chalk dust and a scratch-line across the middle.

It was a fine morning and the grass felt good under the boys’ feet. This was going to be a good day!

Each boy had taken a towel with him which he draped over the garden bench and a bottle of water which was left on the picnic table.

• Both boys came up to scratch and assumed the conventional starting hold. Both boys crouched low. As Karl tried to use his weight to force JT out of the ring, JT took the chance: he slipped slightly to his right and pulled Karl under him. Karl did not keep his footing. One – nil.

• JT also won the second point by noticing that Karl was rather too close to the scratch at the start and dodging under his attempted grab and pulling his right leg from under him. OK, that’s illegal but who’s counting? Two - nil.

• The next round started with a legitimate hold (left arm over opponent’s right shoulder right arm round his body ending by grasping your own wrist, since you ask) and JT tried to straighten up and swing Karl’s feet out of the ring. This was JT’s first un-forced error; he stood, leaned back too far and fell with Karl landing on top of him. Karl even managed not to allow his legs or feet to touch the ground. Karl’s extra weight took the wind out of JT who called for a time-out to drink some water. He really preferred the type of wrestling where there are pin-downs and lots of floor work, but this wasn’t bad either. Two – one.

• Another conventional start (left hand on opponent’s right shoulder and right hand on his left arm) led to a protracted attempt by both contestants to move in and trip the other. A quick change of grip and JT moved in just behind Karl’s right leg and tripped him backwards. Karl went down and failed to hold on to his opponent. Three – one.

• JT lost the next point by not being properly alert when Karl charged him and simply forced him out of the ring. Three – two.

Now JT had to be careful if he didn’t want to ‘lose by winning’. He was fairly certain that Karl was trying his hardest and needed to let him win the next two points without allowing another move where the heavier boy landed on top of him again!

Both boys went for a towel down and a drink. They sat on the bench and chewed the fat for a few minutes before Karl suggested that their bout be resumed.

• Both boys came up to scratch. Jason just hoped that Karl wouldn’t make a stupid mistake. Both boys engaged and struggled for some minutes before Karl “managed” to lift JT, swing his feet off the ground and deposit him outside the ring. Three – all.

• Match point. JT wanted to pad this out for as long as possible. With these scoring rules, that wasn’t easy. The “over the shoulder hug” engagement started the round. After considerable manoeuvrings, during which JT merely tried to prevent Karl dumping him outside the ring, JT allowed himself to be tripped so that he could let go of Karl in ‘surprise’ thereby falling on his back and losing the point. Three – four.

“Congratulations, Karl.” said JT extending his hand and trying not to look smug.

“I don’t shake hands with slaves.” answered Karl, “On your knees, Slave. Hands on your head, elbows back, thighs upright. That’s it. Now stay like that while I get some toys.”

“Yes, Master.” came the reply as JT gladly complied.

Karl reappeared with his rucksack and dropped it in front of his slave.

“Let’s see what we can find.” said Karl as he tipped an impressive quantity of ropes, tape, etc onto the ground. By this stage both boys were getting somewhat aroused but, by this stage of their friendship, it was the sort of thing upon which one didn’t remark. Karl did take the opportunity to adjust himself but JT hadn’t been given permission to do so.

“Stand up, Slave, and put your arms behind you.” JT did so and Karl took a shortish, soft white rope, doubled it, passed the bite between JT’s wrists and his back, threaded the free ends through the bite and pulled it tight. He wound two more rounds vertically around JT’s crossed wrists and two more across them horizontally. He then tied the rope off behind JT’s hands. There would be no chance of twisting his wrists to reach the knots with his fingers for some time but JT couldn’t help noticing that, if Karl had used a longer rope, he could have tied the ends off so that he would be unable to reach them in any case.

Karl returned to the pile of bindings and found a well-worn football scarf which he tied tightly over JT’s eyes. He returned the ends into JT’s mouth and tied it off twice to hold it temporarily into place. The next visit to the supplies produced a roll of packing tape which Karl initially used to secure the gag into place and which he gradually expanded until none of JT’s face was visible between his chin and his forehead except for his nose. With his blindfolding and gagging task completed, Karl made a sudden and brutal assault on his slave’s nipples, pinching them cruelly and twisting mercilessly.

“N-n-eeh” said JT somewhat indistinctly.

“It’s alright, just testing.” reassured Karl who then looped a strap round JT’s neck and led his prisoner, uncomplaining, into the garage. That was when things suddenly went dark for him.


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[mention]Xtc[/mention] i just found this and have spent the day catching up on the rest of the recommended earlier works. Absolutely love your writing, couldn’t stop reading.
See all my written works here :

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Thank you very much [mention]Socksbound[/mention]. Such feedback means a lot.
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The Unexpected Guests

Once Karl had collected his rucksack and emptied it on the lawn, a stroke of luck if ever there was one, Max and Matt managed to enter the garage by the side door and lie in wait while Karl was kept busy for a while making his slave “comfortable”. Once Karl had led JT round the back of the garage and through the door, he found himself unexpectedly wearing one of Matt’s hoods which was quickly padlocked into place. JT was almost ignored until Karl had been incapacitated. To say the least, he was confused by the sounds of scuffling and the slightly muffled imprecations he could hear.

“OK, Mush, we’ve got no argument with you, just keep out of our way until we’ve finished with your mate here.” With that Matt pushed his knees into the back of JT’s thus forcing him to kneel. “If you want to be treated as badly as Karl here, just move so much as a muscle.” JT had no idea who his assailants were and decided not to take any chances. For the first time he wished Karl had not made quite such a good job of tying his wrists.

“Hello,” said Max sarcastically, “remember me? I’m your little brother,” as if Karl wouldn’t recognise his voice. “You know, the one you’ve stripped off, tied up and videoed for years to blackmail him into doing your bidding. Oh, and do you remember what you did to me and Aiden’s brother a couple of weeks ago? He’s here too.”

With that, Max fastened his brother’s wrists in front of him with a cable tie, threw him unceremoniously to be face down on the floor and announced, “It’s nuddie time!” and with that, he pulled his brothers black briefs off leaving him feeling even more vulnerable than he was previously.

Matt and Max spent some time discussing how they were going to tie their prisoners so that they would neither be able to escape nor to interfere with what they had planned for the others later. They decided that it would be a waste not to keep JT as he was; he seemed to be quite cooperative. Karl, who was being less so, was being effectively pinned to the floor by Matt who was seated on his back

Max grabbed JT and made him sit. Then he bound his ankles together with tape. Matt climbed off Karl and hauled him to his feet. Karl was then “threaded” down through JT’s bound arms. It was a VERY tight fit; Karl found his torso being squeezed uncomfortably tightly and JT’s wrists were put under considerable strain. Max and Matt inspected their prisoners and considered whether they ought to allow them a bit of slack for JT’s sake.

“No, serves him right for hanging around with my scum-bag brother.” So the decision was fairly made.

That left JT and Karl seated on the floor back to back with JT’s arms stretched tightly around Karl’s body but with Karl’s arms still free to move in front of him. The tight cable tie was reinforced with a very skilful rope cuff courtesy of Matt leaving about 10 cm of loose rope between Karl’s hands. Matt then forced Karl’s right knee up between his arms and cable tied the loops to his right ankle extremely tightly. Karl rather objected to that.

“Listen, Big Brother; cooperate and I’ll remove the cable tie. Be awkward and I’ll shove the other knee up there as well. You choose.” Karl muffled that he would cooperate. Matt unlocked the hood and offered up Karl’s wrestling briefs to his mouth. Karl understandably baulked at that but Max found that a well placed foot in his more delicate regions quickly made him re-consider. Once in place the briefs were secured by one of Matt’s charity shop belts. He wanted Karl’s face to be relatively un-obscured for when he took his photo.

Karl was made to curl his fingers over his thumbs and a lot of tape was wrapped around his fists rendering his fingers useless. “I told you I’d remove the cable tie and I shall.” announced Max magnanimously. What he didn’t mention was that Matt was then going to force the rope cuffs behind his head and fasten his wrists to his neck.

Max then got a long rope and bound it several times round both boys at midriff level. Once it had been tied off, threaded between their backs and back again, pulled even tighter and finally knotted, there was no way that JT and Karl could separate themselves from one another.

Matt and Max inspected their prisoners and realised that, if they cooperated with one another, they could stand up. Max thought of a use for the unused end of the rope that had been used to draw their waists together. He forced Karl’s left ankle against his left thigh and tied his leg in a sort of frog tie. That should prevent any unfortunate standing.

“OK, one for luck.” announced Matt as he buckled a belt firmly round the prisoners’ necks. “Sorry to have to leave you, lads, but we’re expecting guests.”

With that, Matt picked up his rucksack and he and Max left to wait in ambush for Jonny and Tim.

All Are Safely Gathered In

After an industrious morning all Matt’s and Max’s plans had worked out. Now the business meeting had to start. Max wanted all the videos that were used to blackmail him deleted. He already knew his brother’s password on their shared laptop but, in spite of a very careful search, he had not been able to find them. He hoped that they were only on his phone, which is how his brother always showed them to him when trying to “persuade” Max to do what he wanted. They could, of course, also be on his flash pen but that could be “modified” with a hammer unless he could be persuaded to cooperate.

Max quickly found Karl’s long, wide denim shorts where he had left them on JT’s living room floor and, in the pocket, the flash pen that he always carried with him. Matt’s rucksack had contained all the restraints that the pair had amassed but Max’s contained the laptop from home. He plugged it in to a socket in the garage and booted it up. Karl’s flash pen was quickly inserted into a USB port and opened.

“We’ve got some questions to ask.” said Max casually clipping two crocodile clips that were attached to a battery charger in the garage onto Karl’s nipples. “We’ll just leave you to think about things for a while.” With that Max and he opened a couple of cans of Coke from JT’s fridge and enjoyed them in a leisurely fashion. Karl jerked around in a very satisfying manner causing no little distress to JT who, having his ankles bound, could do nothing to stabilise his posture. Those crocodile clips were big mothers!

Following their protracted drinks break the two younger boys returned in the middle of an ostentatious discussion of the effect that switching the battery charger on might have on Karl’s convulsions once they had made him and JT sit up once more.

“We needed you to understand the pain that your Yankee mate will be experiencing soon.” explained Max to his brother. “I’ll take the clips off now and put them on JT. They’ll stay in place until I’m happy with your answers. Understand?”

The muffled scream was easy to decipher but the protracted “Nnggaah” that followed was impossible to interpret. The next thing Karl heard was a series of muffled screams from JT whose convulsions nearly toppled them again.

“Right, that’s made the Yank comfortable. Remember, he stays like that until we like your answers to our questions.” Max hadn’t really fastened the large, vicious crocodile clips onto JT, just a couple of plastic bag closures. He did, however, give them quite a few hefty slaps shortly afterwards. “Shut up, Aiden, unless you want Jonny to hang again while we remove your boxers. We’ll get round to you two later, don’t worry.”

Matt opened his penknife and slipped it between Karl’s chin and the packing tape that was holding his briefs in his mouth. He always kept the knife sharp and there was soon a neat cut through the outer layers which he peeled back to just past Karl’s mouth. The first couple of rounds that were pushing the swimming trunks into Karl’s mouth were still in place and doing quite a good job.

“Make sure you understand this, My Brother, in a minute Matt’s going to finish cutting your gag free. If you shout or even say ANYTHING that’s not a direct answer to a question, you’d better be prepared to hear JT screaming quite a lot. Understand?” With that JT’s nipples got a nasty tweak through the plastic clips. The resultant muffled scream produced the required repeated head nodding from Karl. “Are you sure?”

“Ngye, ngye,” affirmed Karl with more exaggerated nodding.

“OK, hold still, you wouldn’t want Matt’s knife to slip, would you?

Matt went carefully to work and, before Karl could spit out his briefs, Max clapped his hand over his brother’s mouth. “Remember, not a bloody word unless you’re answering me. Answer immediately and answer truthfully. Now, look after your cozzie in case it needs returning into place.” So saying Max hooked the soggy garment out of Karl’s mouth, unrolled it and draped it across his thigh. He then wiped his hand on what was visible of his brother’s hair. Karl remained silent but there was a certain amount of low moaning from JT. The moaning seemed to have a strange quality and JT’s Speedos seemed to be showing the strain.

“Where are those videos of me naked that you use to blackmail me kept on your computer and what’s the password?” Max knew the password and that the videos weren’t on the laptop; he just wanted to see whether Karl would tell the truth first time.

“They’re not on the laptop, they’re on my phone.” admitted Karl with some difficulty as he had been gagged for over two hours and he was in real need of a drink. “Look, believe me, I don’t want JT to be tortured and I don’t want myself or my other mates to be hurt either. They’re only on my phone. Honest!” The last desperate word followed JT’s response to Matt’s latest tweak of his nipple clips.

“Alright, I’ll believe you. Now let’s look at what’s on your flash pen.”

That worried Karl. Not because the videos of Max were on there, they weren’t. But because the ones of him and JT were!

“No, please, they’re not on there, please! Max! Have mercy!!”

“Ooooh! Do I hear porkies?” JT was subjected to a prolonged nipple assault. “Where are they, Karl?”

“They’re not there, I told you: they’re only on my phone!

Max continued looking. “Weeell, would you look at that? I wonder what THEY are? Come here, Matt, have a look at this one. Oh, you two were having fun, weren’t you?”

Matt and Max watched a few excerpts from what they later dubbed “The Bound Adventures of Jason and Karl” and Matt announced, “The worm has turned. We’ll just make copies of a few of the highlights and then negotiations can continue.”

He produced his own flash pen and copied the whole folder. They copied the files to Max’s area and Max changed his password in case Karl knew it.

Karl was beaten.

“Business shouldn’t take too long now. Should it?” asked Matt.

“No, I’ll cooperate. You’ll find them . . .” Karl helped Max navigate round his phone until the videos had been found and deleted. He even told him where to find some extra copies. “Now, please, delete the ones of us.”

Matt decided that it was time for a history lesson. “Have you ever heard of unilateral disarmament? That’s where one side gets rid of all its nuclear weapons whether the other side does or not. Well, that’s sort of what is going to happen. You’re going to surrender all your blackmail materials but we’re holding on to ours. You don’t mind, do you? After all, you only have to behave and do whatever Max tells you from now on and no one need ever see them.

Karl saw his past flash before him.

“Now,” demanded Matt, “who else has copies?”

“No one, I swear. Not even the one of you and Max together.”

“Oh look, I’ve just found your contacts list. Tell me who has the copies or I’m going to send a little greetings card to all your friends. Can you imagine going to school on Monday? Never mind that, can you imagine the phone calls this evening?”

“Please, no! If I could get on my knees and beg, I would. No one else has copies. I swear on our mother’s life.”

“Convince me before I send them.”

“Even Aiden and Jonny don’t have them. Aiden reckons it’s not fair when we do the same things with one another.” That rang true.

“Alright, we don’t need to believe you; if any of them appears anywhere, the video excerpts and photos that we’ll compile will go straight out to your contacts. Do the words “social death” compute? Answer politely, Boy.”

“Yes, Matt.

“Yes what, Boy?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Not good enough, Boy. Send ‘em, Max.”

“NO!! Please!! I mean please, Master.”

“That’s better. Now what have you got to say to your brother?”

By the time he’d finished you’d have believed that Karl actually meant the grovelling apology that Max received from him. Max was finally satisfied so he stuffed the sodden black Adidas briefs back into his brother’s mouth and taped them comprehensively into place.

That was fun and Max hadn’t finished yet.

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Post by gaggedfeety »

This story is amazing!!! Happy to see Max getting his revenge, although poor JT is always in the wrong place at the wrong time...
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Think i'll ask him if he minds one day.

thanks for the remark.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] I'm so glad you two boys have discovered the greatness of [mention]Xtc[/mention]'s written works! 8-)

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Thanks for the bump [mention]bondagefreak[/mention].
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Post by blackbound »

Gonna need to re-read this as I'm confused who's where and why - fortunately it's a very good story and it'll be a pleasure!

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Thanks. Yes, it's bit unusual in that it hasn't been written in chronological order. I hope that hasn't made things too difficult.
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Hanging Jonny

It was Matt’s turn to revenge himself on his brother for what he’d done to him the other weekend.

“Comfy, Aiden? Happy with your piggy back, Jonny?” Let’s face it, neither of the boys was happy with the intimate nature of their mutual contact and Aiden was starting to feel the strain of having to support his friend but he couldn’t contemplate letting him hang in pain.

Aiden bore the taunting stoically but Jonny tried begging unintelligibly through the football scarf.

“Shut up, Jonny. I want a little talk with my brother and you wouldn’t want to be kept hanging around, would you? I found this old fork up against the wall. I thought it could be used to keep your feet slightly further apart so that you can’t walk so easily and so that Jonny doesn’t sit up quite so high and comfortable.”

Matt was as good as his word. He took a piece of Max’s mum’s washing line and square lashed his brother’s right ankle to the business end of the fork having forced it between the two middle tines. “Hold tight, Jonny, this is going to be a bit rocky.” So saying, with some difficulty Matt forced his brother’s left foot through the hole at the top of the handle. That was a tight fit. Aiden nearly lost his footing and, even when he was stable once more with his ankle lashed to the top of the handle, Jonny found his arms stretched tighter than before even though he was still seated on Aiden’s shoulders.

As time wore on, Aiden had to try to get some relief by shuffling his widely spread feet and that made the metal cord across the garage dig into Jonny’s wrists quite painfully. As time wore on more, Aiden started to sag increasing his skinny mate’s discomfort even more. Max and Matt were quite prepared to wait.

Aiden was reaching the end of his strength and decided to throw what was left of his dignity to the wind. He tried begging his little brother to release at least Jonny but there was no way Matt could understand him even if he wanted to – which he didn’t. It was at this stage that he realised that his brother was not naked and that he should be. It would be difficult to strip him without tearing or cutting his boxers off but it didn’t really matter as they were now excruciatingly tight against his scrotum and the vent was gaping somewhat in any case. Matt settled for another photo. “Just one for luck.”

“Oh, bollocks,” thought Aiden, “they wouldn’t just let him hang there.” He knew this was going to hurt. He fell to his knees in spite of the fork and stayed there. Jonny was left hanging and kicking and squealing. Matt and Max looked at their watches and Matt held out his hand. Max put a couple of quid into it.

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Karl’s paying, aren’t you?” The wretched boy sadly nodded his head.

Aiden tried pleading in between hanging his head in what he hoped Matt would take for submission. The minute or so during which neither Matt nor Max responded seemed an age. Aiden thought that perhaps he’d miscalculated.

Eventually it became apparent that Aiden’s pleading was in earnest, especially when it was obvious that he’d deliberately touched his nose to the floor and was unable to rise again. Matt lifted him upright again by the strap round his upper body and told him that, once his gag was removed, and , once he had been given permission to speak, he had no longer than a minute to do so. Aiden nodded his head.

Matt got to work with his trusty penknife and eventually allowed Aiden to spit out the socks.


“Please, Masters,” he knew what would be required of him, “please release Jonny, he’s been hanging there for hours without a break. I’m sorry, I just can’t support him any more. I’ll take his place.” That offer, although very ill-advised, was typical of the older boy. Max started to feel some sympathy. Matt didn’t!

“What will you do in return?”

“I’ll do all your maths homework until Christmas.” That was a good offer; although Matt was very strong in English, Aiden was brilliant at maths. “Please cut Jonny down.”

“Silence.” Aiden obeyed while Matt and Max dragged an old cabinet across to where Jonny was and stood him upon it releasing the strain on his wrists, arms and shoulders. “That’s given him some ease while we make our decision. Right, that’s not enough. What else will you do?”

It took a magnificent effort of will for Aiden not to suggest that his little brother was a part of the female anatomy at that time. Then he remembered the photos. There was no point in offering to do Max’s maths as he was even better than Aiden even though he was younger. “Karl tells me that Max has to cut their large lawn while his Mum’s working on Saturdays. I’ll do that until the end of the season.”

Max jumped at the offer. More time for playing his guitar!

Matt was gracious enough to accept the homework offer and so the deal was struck. He knew Aiden would keep his word to both of them and that he would be sacrificing at least three hours a week from then on. Aiden was their slave!

Matt got the penknife out again, positioned the stepladder and climbed it to cut Jonny’s rope cuffs. Jonny collapsed but Max had climbed up on the cabinet and supported him. There was no way he could struggle. Matt and Max helped him to the floor and forced him to his knees. They fastened cable ties, none too tightly, round each of his wrists and used another one to draw them to within a few centimetres of one another behind his back. Matt employed another of his straps to fasten Jonny’s arms to his body and Max added a cable tie tightly around his crossed ankles.

“Listen, Jonny, you don’t get a say. We’ve decided what you’re going to do.” started Matt. “We can’t be arsed to wait in the queue in the cafeteria every lunchtime. You’re going to do it for us. You’ll take our orders and then join the queue, buy our lunch and bring it to us. If it arrives inside 20 minutes we’ll pay you for it. Otherwise we’ve got some really good shots of you.” That was cruel but Jonny was good for the money and, as long as he shifted himself, he shouldn’t have to pay too often. “Nod if you accept.”

Jonny nodded accepting the offer almost gratefully rather than be strung up again – or something worse.

“OK, that’s two slaves fit for release and one more to play with. Listen up, Aiden, and Jonny gets released sooner. We’re going to untie you almost completely and let you go. When we get your phone call FROM HOME, we’ll release Jonny. Understand?”

“But I can’t, sorry, Masters, permission to speak?”

“Speak, Slave.”

“I can’t go home like this, Masters. Someone might see me.”

“You’ll just have to run up the back lane and hope there’s no one around. At least you’ll have your t-shirt.”

“Please, Matt, that won’t cover me.”

“Extra punishment, you didn’t address me properly, Slave. No t-shirt.”

Aiden decided to keep quiet before the little bastard thought of something else to make his life even more miserable.

“That’s better, good slave.”

The abductors went about releasing Aiden from the garden fork. Matt cut the remaining tape from his head and pulled it none too gently from his hair and Matt released the strap. Aiden was told that his hands were to remain cable tied until he got home and managed to cut himself free. There was no point in pleading so, after a few minutes to accustom his body to being almost free of restraints, Aiden took off out of the garage, out of the back gate and onto the back path hoping against hope that no one would see him. He was in luck. He then kept a careful watch until he thought the final approach to his own place was clear. He made a break for it and reached his rather private garden where he used the back door foot scraper to wear away his bonds. The abrasions were not fun. After a few minutes Aiden was free. He found the spare key that was always kept hidden in the garden and went into the house.

The first thing to do was make that phone call so that Jonny would be released.

Kneeling on the floor and waiting for the phone call seemed like an age to Jonny but eventually the call came to Matt’s phone.

“Now, now, Aiden, manners. That’s not the way a good slave talks to his master. Perhaps we’ll just keep Jonny for a while.”

Following Aiden’s grovelling apology Matt magnanimously agreed to release Jonny forthwith. He cut the cable tie joining his wrists and the strap round his arms and told him to finish the job for himself.

Removing the packing tape from his head with no tools and no help took Jonny about ten minutes by itself. It was a blessed relief to be able to expel his boxer shorts from his mouth and he considered begging for water but thought better of it. He had to beg for something he could use to cut his ankles free and was told to dress. Looking at the sopping boxers lying on the dirty garage floor, Jonny decided to go commando. He didn’t even bother to remove the cable ties round his wrists.

Jonny was given permission to leave and ran out as quickly as he could. He looked for his phone so that he could ring Aiden but it had somehow mysteriously disappeared. He assumed he would have to beg for its return later. He ran to Aiden’s house.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by gaggedfeety »

What a great continuation!! It's interesting to see where everyone is now from the first few stories. As always, looking forward to what comes next!
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you. This is the last of the purely "Warbands" stories but the characters will turn up again.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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