gerberval9 : 04 - Babysitting Games (m/f)

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gerberval9 : 04 - Babysitting Games (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

gerberval9's stories
04 - Babysitting Games
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By gerberval9

This story was found on gerberval9 Deviantart's page

This is from a time I spent babysitting for my neighbors. It was back a few years ago, so I was still in high school. The kids I was looking after were a boy and a girl, Jackie and Monson. Jackie was thirteen, maybe fourteen, I can't remember, and Monson was twelve. Their parents were gone over night, so I had to stay the whole day. It wasn't bad though. Jackie thought she was too old to have a babysitter, so she stayed mostly in her room. Monson and I hung out, played some video games, showed him a few basic fighting techniques, and when he got bored, I watched TV. It was an easy gig, but soon became even more entertaining.

After lunch, I think I made them Mac an Cheese, the two disappeared downstairs. I started cleaning up the kitchen, which took me about ten, maybe twenty minutes. Once finished, I headed downstairs to see what the kids were up to. Reaching the basement, I froze at the sight that lay before me. Several coils of rope lay on the ground, and Jackie was busy tying her little brother to a chair.

"Hey guys," I said slowly, unsure of how to react. "What y'all doing?" Jackie grinned at me as she tied the final knot before stepping back to admire her work.

"This is just a game me and Monson play," she explained. "We take turns tying each other up and see if the other can escape." Monson nodded his head eagerly. He had a bright red bandanna tied around his mouth, but he was still able to speak clearly.

"Yep!" Jackie held a stopwatch, and she said "Go!" before clicking it. Monson started struggling against his ropes. I surveyed Jackie's work with a professional eye. It wasn't terrible, but she had tied him rather loosely, and his arms were at his sides, something that made escape much easier. I guessed it would take him a few minutes to get loose, and sure enough, he got out in under five minutes.

"New record!" he crowed happily as we told him his time. "You're turn Jackie!" Jackie grinned at me as she sat down in the chair.

"My record is 2:31," she informed me. "Monson hasn't beaten it once!" Monson started tying his sister, but his work was worse than hers. I could tell why she kept escaping. The ropes were loose, her hands were free, and Monson didn't even tie her legs together. As he finished, I stepped forward.

"No offense Monson, but do you want me to show you how to do it properly?" Monson looked happy as he nodded vigorously. Jackie grinned cockily at me.

"I bet I can still escape!" I was briefly reminded of my cousin and grinned.

"Sure you can." First thing I did was take a shorter length of rope and cross her wrists behind the back of the chair. Binding them firmly, I motioned for Jackie to scoot as far back as she could so that her back was pressed firmly against the chair. I took a longer cord and wrapped it several times around her middle and the chair, securing her to the seat. Next, I used another length of rope to secure her upper body. Now, before anyone gets the wrong idea, Jackie was not quite to the point where she had breasts. So nothing creepy was going on.

I pulled the ropes tight, not so much that I was cutting off Jackie's circulation, but tight enough to prevent any wriggle room. Next, I bound her legs, wrapping and cinching both her knees and ankles. As a final measure, I ran another cord from her ankles to her feet and pulled it tight.

"What do you think Monson?" I asked, and he clapped cheerfully. Jackie was testing her restraints, her eyes wide.

"You okay Jackie?" I inquired, and she nodded.

"Yeah, but Monson never tied me like this!" I couldn't stop a small grin from appearing on my face before retrieving the bandannas. Looking down, I noticed that Jackie was still wearing socks.

"Do you want me to really gag you too?" I asked, and when she nodded her ascent, I pulled off one of her socks.

"Notice how you can still talk with a bandanna tied around your mouth?" I asked her, and Jackie rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, we've never known why it works in movies." I held up her sock which I balled up.

"You need to put this in their mouths first," I explained. Jackie willingly opened her mouth, and I carefully pushed the cloth in. Then I used one bandanna to cleave-gag her, pulling it tight.

"Are you still okay?" About a year prior to this, I had shoved three socks into Rachel's mouth for a gag, but while she'd been struggling to escape, apparently one of the socks got lodged near the back of her throat, and she had started to panic as breathing became difficult. But Jackie was fine. I motioned for Monson to start the timer, and Jackie began to struggle.

I've said this before, I do not take any pleasure from pain. My wife can attest to that. Any time someone is in pain when I bind them, I instantly untie them. But there is something great about knowing someone can't escape after you've tied them. Jackie was completely trapped. But she was determined to escape on her own. And she did manage to get the ropes around her chest to fall, but other than that, she was securely bound to the chair. After a half hour, I finally took control and stopped the timer. Removing the gag first, I started to untie her.

"No no!" Jackie begged furiously. "I can get loose. Give me another few minutes!" But I knew the longer she remained tied up, the more likely she would bruise. Once, I'd left Rachel tied up for three hours while me and my other cousins watched Lord of the Rings (extended obviously). When I had finally let her loose, the next day she was covered in bruises, including from where the gag had cut into her face. As Jackie rose from the chair, rubbing her wrists, Monson looked at me with admiration.

"You should tie her up more often!" I chuckled as I led them back upstairs.

"I don't think so bud." We played Monopoly for a couple hours after that, and then after dinner, I watched a movie with the two kids before sending them to bed. I babysat them two or three more times after that. Each time, the two would insist that I tie either Jackie or both of them up. It was rather fun, though when I babysat in my senior year, Jackie, who was older, seemed more focused on the bondage then usual, and Monson was noticeably absent during that game.

About two years after I graduated high school, I was back home for vacation from college. At the local Walmart, I was perusing the aisles when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Jackie grinning behind me.

"Hey!" I embraced her, and we spent a few minutes talking. She had just graduated herself, and was about to head off to college. I couldn't help but notice that she wasn't the little tween with braids and hello kitty t-shirts anymore. She had turned out nicely, and I was happy for her. She actually invited me over that night, and I was happy to accept. When I arrived, Monson answered the door, now a teenager who was into skateboarding. We talked for a moment, but then he left. Before he did, he said, "If you're looking for Jackie, she's downstairs waiting for you." Curious, I headed down, and as I opened the door, I froze, more than a little stunned. Jackie sat in the middle of the room in a simple chair, her arms pulled back behind the chair.

And all she was wearing was a bikini.

"Hi," she said coyly. "I thought we could do one last game... for old times sake."

To be continued...


gerberval9's stories