Anomalee : 11 - Michelle and her Sister Come Over (ff/m)

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Anomalee : 11 - Michelle and her Sister Come Over (ff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Anomalee's stories
11 - Michelle and her Sister Come Over
Story index at the bottom

By Anomalee

Wednesday, September 8th 2004 - 02:16:40 PM

Michelle and her sister Pt 1

So a month previous, i went to Michelle's house for the first time. I met her little sister Alison, and all three of us where tied up at some point.

Michelle had watched me for a couple nights during the month, and even though i enjoyed the beautiful sight of my gorgeous 14yr old babysitter, and we had a couple tickle fights, nobody was tied up. My mom was to be home too early both times, and it was driving me crazy!

I spent everyday as normal thinking of Michelle, tying her up or being tied up by her, and the wonderful yet terrible tickling that would ensue. I once again was bugging my friends with too many tickle fights, and tortured the hell out of my best friend's little sister, which made me discover something: tickling the hell out of her made me want her to be Alison.

Michelle's little 8yr old sister Alison had become part of my obsession now, her helping Michelle tickle torture me was very intense, and tickling her senseless when i had her at my mercy was a pleasure. Michelle, my crush, was of course the center of my obsession, and i loved and thought about her more than anything, but her sister now had entered as a part of my fantasy. She was Michelle's helper in the games, and she was someone i could tickle senseless and not fear like i fear Michelle.

And this is why i did the unthinkable. When my mother was heading out for the weekend, and called Michelle to babysit, i asked if i could have my friend Alison over.

Me, a 10 year old boy asking to have my 8 year old friend over, and a girl at that! It was humiliating somewhat, a part of my masculinity died forever, and if my friends found out i'd never ever ever live it down.

Luckily my mom didn't understand kid politics and thought nothing odd about me wanting a friend over. Not that she'd normally allow a friend over without a big fight when she'd be away, but it being Michelle's sister made the difference and she was ok with it.

Michelle's parents where also quick to be ok with it. Having the house to themselves seemed to be something they thought was a great idea, and i don't ever want to know why!

Michelle herself was very cool with it, saying i'd 'get to hang out with my two favorite people in the world!' which of course made me jealous as hell. I didn't want to share the favoritism damn it! In my jealousy i regretted my decision, but it was too late now.

All this was decided at the beginning of the week, which caused the anticipation to make me insane! My hyperness drove all my friends and teachers nuts at school. Every night i stretched out on my bed or took some other strange pose, imagining myself tied there helpless at Michelle's mercy. I couldn't wait!

But the Friday finally came. I hung out with my friends, made it home to have dinner with my mom and waited impatiently as my mom finished grabbing the last of her stuff.

We awaited Michelle's arrival. I tried to play my play station, but it was hard to concentrate and play well.

I didn't have to wait to long though. Michelle's parents dropped them off. Alison was the first through the door. she kicked off her sandals and was dressed in jeans and a sleeveless shirt with tiny flower print all over it and now barefoot.

I was in a t-shirt and shorts, and barefoot.

"Lee!" she said, with a big smile and wide eyes and ran over and gave me a hug. I hugged back a bit embarrassed, my eyes only leaving the door for a second, me waiting for my wonderful Michelle.

My mom introduced herself to Alison and they talked, so i was luckily left alone as Michelle entered. As always a gorgeous site, she kicked off her shoes and was barefoot. She had on her huge green cargo raver pants that hung low on her hips, all those necklaces and bracelets, and an oversized black t shirt to my disappointment, for i loved her perfect smooth skin, and she was showing none. Lastly she wore that adorable crooked smile.

"Hi lee!, Hi Miss ****" she said upon entering.

It was now my turn to be a big loser, as i ran over and hugged her. I waited so long for this weekend!

I enjoyed a sweet hug in my crushes arms, then kind of embarrassed, headed back to my play station and acted as if i didn't care they where there.
After a very long half hour, me playing play station and Michelle and Alison on the couch watching, we all talked, and my mom finally left after hugs and kisses goodbye.

To my great joy, once my moms car was long gone, Michelle took off that huge stupid shirt. Underneath she had a white tube top on with some techno band logo on it. I actually crashed the car i was racing in the game cause my eyes where fixed on her removing her shirt. I admired her wonderful exposed midriff and bellybutton, those bare smooth shoulders, colar bones and arms, god i loved her!

After a while, Alison got bored of watching me play. I heard her say "tickle tickle!" behind me before her little fingers dug into my ribs. With a yelp i dug my elbows in defensively and crashed my car from the distraction, it was on!

I dropped the controller, spun around and pounced. She squeeled as i went at her, but i wasn't letting her get away. I pushed her down on her back, straddled her waist and started tickling the hell out her belly and ribs. She was squeeling in laughter and tried weakly to fight back.

I then grabbed both her wrists with one hand and held her arms above her head. Her arms up had lifted her shirt and exposed her little sensitive belly which i attacked viciously with tickles. She was screaming madly! And i was laughing and having a great time.

Unfortunately blood is thicker than water, whatever that means, for Michelle jumped in the tickle fight.

"Got ya!" she said, tackling me off of her sister, she knocked me on my side and crawled over me, both hands going to work, one digging into my stomach, the other my back. I belted out laughter and thrashed helplessly under her, defeated initially by the attack.

I struggled, grabbing her wrists and using all my strength to hold those wicked nails of tickle torment away, painted multi-colored in a rainbow theme, they tickle the air and tried to force towards me. Alison pounced, trapped my ankles in like a head lock and started tickling my bare feet.
I screamed out some laughter and lost the grip on Michelle's wrists, so her hands where back going to work on me, 2 on 1! So unfair! Not that i could express my dismay, for i was too busy laughing madly and trying to squirm away. After 2 minutes they let me go, to lay exhausted on the floor.

"Game time," Michelle said, and her and Alison headed in the kitchen to pick a game out. I was sure not to miss the sight of Michelle's barefeet as she went on her tip-toes to pull down the 'life' boardgame, her large baggy pants normally hid those cute feet when she was standing.

The game was fun, we all laughed, talked, no mention of 'bets' where made. I personally was a bit uncomfortable bringing up a 'tie-up bet' in front of Alison, but i mentally pleaded to god that there would be some tying up this night!

As the game was winding up, Michelle beating us both, Alison doing the worst, it was Alison that surprised me.

"Lets play escape!" she said with a big smile.

My heart nearly jumped out of my body, and i now couldn't sit still in excitement.

"Ok, you up for it lee?" Michelle asked.

"Um! sure, whatever," i said, trying to sound as if i didn't care either way, but the excitement in my voice betrayed me.

"Ok kids, you two head up to lee's bedroom, i'll get the stuff," Michelle said, heading towards her backpack.

"Race ya!" i said to Alison, wanting to get started as soon as possible.

"No fair!" she yelled behind me as we raced, "I don't know where your room is!" she protested.

So of course i won. Flicking my bedroom light on, i hopped on the bed, full of anticipation!

Alison layed on the bed on her stomach, swinging her barefeet behind her and near me. I stroked a bare sole when it came near me and she giggled, but she kept swaying her feet near me, to get a little tickle everytime she did. God the kid did like to get tickled! Which is good for her, cause i couldn't loose, i played escape with her before, and she dropped the key to her cuffs she was so clumsy. I would enjoy being tied up by Michelle, then i'd enjoy freeing myself and giving Alison a tickling of a lifetime! I pretty much planned on tickling the hell out of her until Michelle stopped me, i wanted to break her! To have her fear and submit to me the way i feared Michelle! And i would!

And thinking of Michelle, i hoped this wouldn't be the only tie up game tonight. I wanted Michelle involved, me at her mercy or her at mine. Maybe i'd challenge her to a game of escape after i won. I think i could beat her, those nails would probably make it harder to get that key in the cuffs.
Michelle entered, i couldn't help navel gaze as she walked in, she was so beautiful! In one hand she had the two pairs of fuzzy cuffs, and in the other the cotton bathrobe belts.

To this day if i see a white cotton bathrobe belt i get excited. Tie up games with Michelle was heaven!

"Ok, guys, lay down," Michelle instructed, and we did as we had when we played escape around a month ago in Michelle's room. Side by side, me and Alison layed, stretching our wrists through the bars on my headboard. My shirt wasn't quite long enough and my belly button was showing with my arms being up. The exposed skin made me slightly uncomfortable, but i knew i'd win the game, and Alison's shirt was even shorter and most of her belly was showing. A bare belly that would soon get an incredible tickling by me,

Michelle climbed over me, her bare skin so close i stared and admired. I was breathing heavy in anticipation as she reached those cuffs towards my wrists. I had second thoughts as i always did as the first cuff zipped around my first wrist. I didn't have to worry though, this game meant i'd be allowed to escape, and the other cuff zipped on and my arms where trapped above my head to the head board. I looked up and pulled at the cuffs hard. I wasn't getting out without that key, which i hoped to get soon.

Michelle straddling my waist giggled and gave my bare lower belly a quick tickle with those evil nails. Helpless i could only squeel in laughter, but it was just brief and she was soon at the foot of my bed tying the belt around my ankles. Alison waited patiently giggling next to me, her arms still reaching over her head.

I grunted as Michelle pulled me tight and secured the belt to my foot board. I got that slight panic feeling now that i was pulled very taught and immobile across my bed, my immobile barefeet well within Michelle's reach.

I tried to wiggle and struggle the best i could, kind of giggling uncomfortably, then the unthinkable happened. Instead of picking up the other cuffs and belt off my night table, Michelle was heading towards my bedroom door.

"Well kids, i'm going to make snacks and pick a movie," she said, starting to head out, and she walked slowly on purpose expecting my reaction.

"Michelle! wait! i thought we're playing escape!" i protested, highly uncomfortable with the fact i was tied totally helpless, Alison was totally free, and Michelle was leaving my room!

"New game," Michelle said, with that crooked smile and that villainous look in her eyes. "It's called Alison tickle tortures Lee," she said while laughing.

Alison giggled at those words and sat up next to me, looking from Michelle to stretched out helpless me.

"NO! Michelle! please god no! this isn't fair! You tricked me! Please no!" i protested, and continued with a stream of protests. This couldn't be! God no! Tickle tortured by an 8 year old girl, i was totally at her mercy, i couldn't get away, couldn't fight back! It would be humiliating! I'd be begging her for mercy, a 10 year old boy turned to a helpless wreck by a measly 8 year old girl, NO!! this could scar me for life i thought!

"Tickle him!" Michelle said with big wicked eyes, "and don't stop, no matter what he says!" and she left.

Alison's head turned slowly towards me, as menacing as the head turn in the excorcist for me at that moment. She was giggling uncontrollably and she started straddling my waist, her young eyes full of wicked glee.

"NO! please no! Alison i beg you! don't tickle me!" i screamed, and lost every bit of masculinity, my hyper ticklish body helpless before her all i could do is beg and plea, i felt so pathetic!

She pulled my shirt above my head to the headboard, and straddled me again, my bare torso and armpits now stretched out before her. She was obviously obeying Michelle and ignoring me,

"HEELLLLP!!" i screamed

Pt 2 soon


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Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Tuesday, September 14th 2004 - 04:50:09 PM

Michelle and her sister pt2

"Please Alison, untie me, i'd untie you if you asked, please," i pleaded, disgusted at myself for having to beg to an 8 year old girl.

I pulled as best i could but the fuzzy cuffs and ropes held me taut and helpless. Stretched across my bed, i was at her mercy! And it sucked, Michelle was different, she was my babysitter, she was allways in charge, but a girl! 2 years younger than me! This was totally unfair and humiliating!

Little Alison just sat straddling my waist. I could tell she couldn't wait to get started on the tickling, but she was waiting, listening to my pointless pleas and just giggling at me.

"Please untie me!" she mocked, and laughed.

The bitch! i couldn't take this, i tried and prayed pulling on the cuffs, if i could only pull one hand free damn it! But i couldn't, i was getting mad, i couldn't have this kid have this power over me, and mock me on top of it!

"Godamn it Alison! f###ing untie me!!" i yelled at her. My swearing took her by surprise. She stopped giggling and her mouth dropped, her eyes wide. Perhaps if she was a bit younger and more naive, perhaps if i wasn't tied totally helpless with Michelle's 'go ahead' at letting Alison tickle my brains out, perhaps if she herself didn't enjoy being tied and tickled so much, perhaps if anything else but my horrible predicament now, she would have listened to me.

Perhaps i shouldn't of sweared, cause there would be no mercy from her now.

"Say please!" she taunted.

"Untie me!" i yelled, actual anger in my face, anger from the frustration.

"I don't like your tone!" she teased more, "and you shouldn't have your going to have to be punished!" she said excitedly, imitating a tickle motion in the air above me, god no!

"Michelle please! this isn't fair! help please!" i yelled out to her. I think i heard her laughing from downstairs, she wasn't going to help me.

"Are you feeling ticklish Lee?" Alison taunted. Her hands still tickling the air, they slowly lowered towards my immobile, bare, and very sensitive torso. I broke again, this couldn't happen, it was embarrassing to beg, but it would be worse having her tickle me till i was totally broken.

"Please Alison, i'm sorry for yelling, please don't tickle me, please! please!" i pleaded.

"Please Alison!" she mocked me giggling, "I'm sorry! don't tickle me!" she laughed aloud at me, the cruel evil kid, and a kid as she was all into the game, all ready to tickle the hell out of me, without punishment. She had me at her mercy and she had no mercy for me. As the tickling started,
a lot less controlled and focused as Michelle was, her little fingers danced in super light and fast tickling motions, never leaving my body, but starting on my stomach, over my ribs, up my armpits, each hand tickling a different area, no hand staying in one place for as long. She wasn't as skilled as Michelle, but still very very very good at tickling, and as hyper ticklish as i was, i exploded in laughter. God i wanted everything but to block it out, anything to not give her the satisfaction, anything to not be ticklish, but her fingers blasted tickling sensations through me and i thrashed my head and laughed uncontrollably, god did it tickle!

And she wasn't stopping, she was smiling but her teeth where clenched, her eyes intense. She was totally focused on moving those fingers all over me, tickling and tickling. One hand would tickle up my side from my shorts, up my ribs, over my armpit and up my arm as far as she could reach, while the other did dancing circles over my navel. Then she would change it up, one hand up each side and down, then back and forth, total chaos tickling, and i was screaming in laughter.

I don't know how long she did this to me, but i had tears streaming from my eyes and i was past the initial brain shock of 'oh my god that tickles!' I was both angry and desperate, please god make her stop i begged, but could only word laughter and squeeeling. Surprisingly it worked, she stopped,
i fought to catch my breath. All my common sense told me to beg for mercy, but i had my pride, i couldn't submit to a girl! Michelle was the exception, being 4 years older than me.

"Enough!" i forced out, "untie me now!" i yelled, trying to force out as much authority as i could tied helpless beneath her. Big mistake!

"Untie me now!" she mocked, and her hands tickled the air, each heading ever so slowly towards each of my armpits. "I'm going to tickle you!" she said giggling.

"Don't you F&&&ing dare!" i yelled, but my voice was full of desperation and fighting back the giggles of tickle anticipation, it was too much! She had just tickled the crap out of me, and those hands moving menacingly and slowly towards my armpits was unbearable.

"I'm going to tickle you!" she sang.

My bare armpits got goosebumps in anticipations as her fingers creeped nearer and nearer, and i couldn't move them away, couldn't budge them. God i wanted to be able to pull my arms down, and was pulling as hard as i could against the cuffs to no avail.

"No!!!" i yelled as they where an inch away.

Both hands exploded in tickling motion in my armpits, very soft and fast. I was once again helpless to hopeless screaming laughter. She looked mad with pleasure! She was loving this a lot! I knew Michelle probably seen that look in my eyes when i had her at my mercy and took it too far, the face of a kid in a candy shop with no adults to answer to.

I tried to question why Michelle tricked me, was it cause she thought i went to far when i won the escape game before and tickled Alison madly? Was she mad at me for some reason? Did she think it was all in good fun? But damn it i couldn't focus on my thoughts, the tickling was too much!

"Tickle tickle lee! tickle tickle tickle," Alison let out between giggles. I was screaming under her, her hands hadn't left my armpits. It was unbearable!

I was getting the terror, i couldn't take it, i needed to get out but i couldn't. Alison was without mercy and Michelle was letting it happen. She wasn't even in the room to see how far Alison was taking it.

"Tickle tickle!" Alison said finally, and gritted her teeth again in an evil smile, really focusing on getting my armpits and the near surrounding area's.
Now i was in hell, i was afraid of an 8 year old girl. I wanted for anything for her to stop. I was suffering the worst humiliation a 10 year old boy should ever have to! I'd do or say anything she wanted at that point just to stop her, but she didn't stop, she just tickled and tickled intensely, getting more intense and in to it as she did.

GOD, MICHELLE, MOMMY, ANYBODY MAKE IT STOP! i mentally begged, i was a wreak!

Alison was full of limitless energy of an 8 year old girl having the day of her life. She tickled with greater and greater intensity, i was barely able to concentrate on what she was trying to accomplish. I was laughing and screaming as hard as i could totally out of control, but she didn't stop. Was she trying to kill me?

A thought that i seriously wondered about, and it wasn't helping the fear that filled me.

I wanted to die though, she tickled and tickled, and wouldn't stop, god it was horrible!

When my laughter started sounding in-human and bizarre she finally slowed to a stop.

I fought hard to catch my breath. I realised my arms and legs where limp and exhausted from struggling uselessly against my bonds. Bonds that still secured me helpless at Alison's mercy, or lack there of.

I was too afraid and broken to be proud at this moment as she sat still, straddling me, waiting for me to say something, but eyeing my bare torso as if holding herself back from unleashing more tickle torture.

"Please! Mercy! Please!" i pleaded, my voice was hoarse from laughing so much and it sounded weird.

"Say uncle," she said giggling. She had that 'i'm going to get you tone', her hands laying still on my immobile pulled taught belly. God NO!! no more!!

"Uncle!" i did my best to yell out, i could feel embarrassed and emasculated later, she was in control here, and i couldn't take any more.

She laughed from her belly at me when i said it.

"Say you like me," she said next. God she was cruel, but i was broken.

"i like you! i like you! please don't tickle me any more, please! uncle! mercy! anything! please just stop! please," i begged pathetically. She responded with only giggles, those cruel little soft hands still resting on my helpless belly.

"Say you smell!" she said with a laugh.

God this sucked! but the tickling was much worse, especially at this point, no more!

"I smell, ok! please untie me Alison, please?!" i pleaded.

"So you don't want me to tickle you anymore?" she said giggling, and nearly sang the word 'tickle', a word at the moment filled me with total dread. I can't believe i layed there helpless and broken by a girl.

"No, no more, its too much, please, mercy! please no more! please let me go!" i was nearly crying as i begged. She had to stop, there is no way she could like being tickled as bad as she got me. I didn't get her nearly as bad before.

Did i mention she had no mercy though?

"Please, mercy! please no more! please let me go!" she mocked, as her hands went back to tickle patterns, now concentrating and working on my sensitive taut tummy.

My short breather there had given me the energy to sound more human as i screamed in laughter once again. I nearly lost my mind to total desperation and terror for i was already passed what i could take, but i saw Michelle in the doorway.

Alison saw her too, her intensity lowering a bit as her attention was divided, but still tickling me enough so i could only laugh and not get words out, as hard as i tried.

"You getting him good?" Michelle asked. Despite the fact i was at my breaking point, i was in tickle hell, Michelle was in the doorway and looked like an angel there to save me. I tried to admire her bare belly but my mind was too lost to the tickling.

"I've been easy on him," Alison said, and with those words her intensity on the tickling started rising.

That lying b$tch!! i thought. She had and still was putting me through hell, there was nothing consensual about this, i did not want to be tickled for another second! But even this thought was hard to concentrate on, god did it tickle.

I kept trying to look toward Michelle. She was looking upon with a glint in her eyes and that cute crooked smile, enjoying the show.
Hoping my tearfilled and terror filled eyes would have her understand i couldn't take any more, please stop her!! I thought at her as hard as i could, struggling to look her way.

I nearly screamed in laughter in relief as she came over, thinking she would end it, but she was at the end of the bed, i could see her past alison, and those ten wicked nails began tickling my bare immobile feet with super light and fast tickling torture.

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Post by luckycub »

I wish this wasn't the last one. This author was my all time favorite.
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Post by Lucien »

This was by far my favourite series on any of the sites. The only other ones I likes, similar to this, was by Bryce1994. I wish Anomalee had continued writing and not let that little Troll get to him
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