Who's Zooming Who (M/M)

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Who's Zooming Who (M/M)

Post by thebadguy »

Connor McGowan was ecstatic about working remotely in his building. If this pandemic had done anything good for him, it was giving him the office all to himself.

Connor had developed the reputation of being a bit of an office prankster and loved getting one over on his other coworkers. Much to their dismay. Even with almost the entire staff working from home Conner couldn’t help himself. And for this next zoom meeting he wanted to pull off the prank of the century.

“Wait till you see what I have planned!” Connor typed into his work messenger.

He was corresponding with Mike, his coworker. Mike has developed the reputation of being Connor’s office lackey. He would go along with just about every one of Connors dumb pranks. Needless to say the rest of the guys in the place were getting pretty tired.

“It’s gonna be so tits! I swear I didn’t tell anybody. It’s gonna be so hilarious tho” Mike responded in the chat.

Connor sat back in his rolling office chair. He felt like the king of the castle. No boss on the floor meant all he had to worry about was his top attire. Which was all business, a dress shirt with a striped tie. But his bottom was all shorts baby, and a pair of flip flops so he could let his big dogs roam free under his desk.

“I brought some stuff for the prank yesterday at Home Depot. I’m gonna tell Super Smelly about it an hour before the staff meeting.” Connor typed back.

Super Smelly was the not so affectionate nickname Connor gave to the buildings maintenance man Austin Hibbs. He was a tall, bearded, meathead guy with a serious BO problem. Connor was certain the guy only started wearing deodorant after he led a smear campaign about it to the boss. Even then you could still “smell” him coming.

This was probably the only downside to working in office. Hibbs has to come in and dust and do what little work there was for him to do. Connor felt it was his duty to keep the man occupied. Connor left the office looking like he lived there. Leaving the break room a mess, never washing up after he ate. And dumping his trash in random baskets around the office floor.

Connor laid up at his desk. His size 14 bare feet crossed up on his desk. He felt like a king. Cracking his toes loudly he rested his hands behind him. He perked up from his desk when he heard the sound of a push cart come onto the floor.

“Hibbs my man! Happy to see ya!” Connor shouted across the room.

Hibbs rolled his eyes internally. “Good to see you too Mr McGowan.” Hibbs said with the biggest shit eating grin.

He couldn’t stand this clown. He wanted this day done and over as soon as possible. He wanted no part in whatever dumb joke he may of had planned. The last one he pulled before lockdown involved a glitter bomb he exploded in the break room. He was still finding glitter to this day.

He dumped the cans unsurprising that shithead was dumping in all of them. He made his way around the office ending up at the desk across Connor. He tipped the basket and replaced the bag.

“Maybe we can keep it to just the trash can by your own desk Mr McGowan?” Hibbs asked in the nicest way he could muster.

“Oh but we gotta keep you in shape old boy. Don’t wanna pack on the Covid-19-15! The bending is good for ya.” Connor said cracking his toes again and shooting a wad of paper into the clean basket Hibbs was holding.

“Gee thanks.” Hibbs said pulling out the balled up paper and tossing it with the rest of the rubbish.

“Say Hibbs my man could you help me with something?” Connor asked with a sly grin.

“What is it?” Hibbs asked reluctantly.

“See I have the reputation of being a bit of a prank king. And I have a good one in mind but I need a bit of help. What ya say?” Connor asked standing up.

“I don’t know Mr McGowan, I’ve only got a lot of work to do before my shift is done. I can’t get distracted.” Hibbs said backing away.

Connor grabbed hold of his gloved hand and it stopped Hibbs in his tracks.

“Nonsense. This will only take a little bit of your time. And you’ll be able to finish up your work I’m no time. I promise.” Connor said with a sly wink.

“Well okay. What do you need me to do?” Hibbs asked.

“Thought you would never ask!” Connor said pulling out a orange plastic bag from the lock drawer of his desk.

“I want to pull a prank during my next zoom staff meeting. We are having yet another pointless Zoom meeting that could've been an email. And I thought wouldn’t it be funny for me to join the call on my end in a funny position.” Connor said dumping the contents of the bag into his desk.

“And what position is that?.” Hibbs wondered until he say bags of rope and fresh roll of silver duct tape spill onto the desk.

“I want it to look like I was fleaced, shanghaied, robbed, and left tied up! It’s gonna be hilarious!” Connor said with a clap. He was so proud of this idea.

“So you want me to tie you up?” Hibbs asked.

“Duh! Catch up old man! It’s gonna be a fuckin riot! Here take these and start cutting some of these ropes.” Connor handed him a pair of sharp scissors from a mug on his desk.

“If you say so.” Hibbs said grabbing a bag of the ropes and breaking them out. “How are we doing this?” Hibbs asked.

“I’ll have a seat and you’ll just wrap me up so I look like I was taken prisoner at work.” Connor said sitting back in his rolling chair.

Connor put his hands on the arm rests of the chair and watched as Hibbs got to work. First he tied connors wrists down to the arm rests of the chair.

“How’s that?” Hibbs asked.

“Not even close! Wrap my arms and use as much as ya want. These pythons will break loose with no trouble. We gotta make this look good.” Connor pestered.

“If you insist.” Hibbs sighed.

He took a long length of rope and started to wind it up and and around Connor’s torso. So it was bound back to the chair. Connor gave them a tug and the ropes were gripping him back to the chair.

“Little. Tight…..” Connor grunted.

“You asked for it to look good.” Hibbs smiled.

He took more ropes and started to tie up Connor at his knees.

“Oh that’s not Necessary.” Connor said getting winded from the right bindings on his torso.

“Almost done Mr. McGowan.” Hibbs was starting to enjoy this.

He took a small hunk of ropes and tied up Connor’s ankles. Connor was not tied hand and foot to his office roller chair.

Look at the time about seven minutes before we have to start the meeting. I think you should gag me and we’ll be all done.” Connor said trying his best to sit up in the right bindings.

“Sure thing should I use your neck tie?” Hibbs asked pulling it a little looser on his neck.

“No. No. Just a strip of tape on my mouth would be just fine.” Connor said being up off by a noise alert on the computer.

“You’ve got mail.” Hibbs said moving the noises to take off the screen saver.

“Has Super Smelly got you taken care of yet. Can you type? Lol” Hibbs read the message aloud.

“Super Smelly eh?” Hibbs said in a tone the got Connor a little uncomfortable.

Well, more uncomfortableness honestly. Connor gulped and said coyly.

“He’s just joking. Honestly I think he has had a stroke that destroyed the part of his brain that filters out rude comments or something.” Conner said nervously.

“Hey, I can take a joke and I’ll admit I’ve heard a few things about my body odor here in this office.” Hibbs said pulling up a chair and propping his black work boots on Connor’s desk.

“I know the boss told me to start wearing deodorant after some busy body lodged a few too many complaints. You wouldn’t know any about that would you McGowan?” Hibbs asked crossing his arms.

“Me, nah. I mean I’ll admit you can smell a bit pungent from time to time.” Connor said in an attempt to smooth over this conversation.

“Pungent. Funny you should say such a four dollar word. I remember that being a “remark” made about me. I gotta admit that was a pretty embarrassing conversation to have with your boss. Don’t you think?” Hibbs asked sternly.

“Haha. I bet it was. Gee look at the time my meeting will be happening any moment now. Better rip off a piece of that tape and be on our way.” Connor said trying to scoot closer to his desk.

He was stopped and forced back by Hibbs shoving his boot into his chest. The body weight of his leg pinning his chair to the wall.

“You know I’ll admit my pits can stink up a bit. But you know something. It ain’t got a thing on my feet.” Hibbs pressed his boot into Connor’s bound torso.

“You don’t say….” Connor said starring down at Hibbs boot.

“Oh yeah check it out!” He said placing both his boots on Connor’s shoulders.

And he pressed his ankles against his shoulders and the loose tied boots flopped off to the floor.
“Get a whiff of these!” He mocked flicking his socked feet under Connor’s nose.

“Gah! My god dude! When’s the last time you washed those socks?” Connor wretched.

“That’s a great question McGowan. I think these socks have been going on about two weeks now. I get so busy I swear these socks keep the shape of my shoes after I take em off.” Hibbs grinned.

“I have a idea!” Hibbs moved his feet off of Connor’s chest and stood up.

“What’s that?” Connor asked.

Hibbs started to remove the socks he was wearing and balled them up.

“I think you should wash these socks for me.” Hibbs remarked.

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Post by Volobond »

Love that the jerk's downfall is of his own making! A good revenge beginning on this prankster.

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by george_bound »

First off, Who's Zoomin' Who is my favourite Aretha Franklin song... second off, this is a fun setup, looking forward to more!
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Post by Socksbound »

Awesome start love the concept can’t wait to see where this goes. Your pacing was great and the story really flows along. The pictures were a good addition you can really imagine Connor being a prankster after visualising his picture.
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Post by thebadguy »

Thank you for the feedback.

“What do you mmmmmmph!” Connor was cut off by a wad of funky fabric being worked down his throat.

Hibbs gripped the back of Connor’s hair and forced the socks into his mouth. Soon his mouth was packed and Hibbs grabbed a roll of tape. He tore off a strip of tape and placed it over his lips.

“Hmm little more I think.” Hibbs said.

He tore off strip after strip and plastered the mouth of Connor piece by piece. Connor moaned trying to push the socks from his mouth.

He caught a glance of the inside label of the tape he bought. It was heavy duty gaffer tape, he was screwed. This tape was pinning his mouth shut, and Hibbs just kept on tearing away strips to paste over his mouth like it was a paper mache project.

“Mmmmmm” Connor moaned.

“Great! I think you are ready for your meeting Mr McGowan. You are right this is HILARIOUS!” Hibbs said positioning Conner in front of the computer.

“Mmmmm mmmmm!” Connor mumbled under the layers of tape.

“It’s gonna be so funny man! Remember this was your idea! Now it’s showtime I got work to do.” Hibbs said standing to the side and switching on the computer. And right on time the work meeting was prompting Connor to log in. Hibbs moved the mouse over and clicked join on the staff meeting.

Hibbs then slipped back on his work boots and tossed the pair of scissors into the waste bin on his caet. Hibbs cheesed as he went back to his work leaving Connor tied to the chair.

The chat room was open and one by one his coworkers joined the session and burst into laughter. His boss logged into the meeting and burst into a big belly laugh at the sight of Connor.

“Very funny Connor. Okay guys we got a short meeting ahead of us. So it’s a good thing to know Connor won’t be distracting us with any outbursts.” His boss quipped.

“Mmmmmmmph” Conner shifted in his chair causing everyone to erupt in laughter yet again.

Connor shifted back and forth in his chair, in a moment of desperation he scooted himself back and lifted up his barefeet, and placed them on his desk. He tried the best he could to type “H E L P”, but it just turned into “hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo” when his beefy toes tried to type it.

“Connor! Where on earth are your shoes?! That’s gonna be a write up for attire!” Scolded his boss more concerned about the view of Connor’s shorts and bare feet. Connor sunk into his chair it was obvious nobody was going to help him. Thirty minutes gone by and Connor couldn’t take it anymore.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph!” Connor screamed into his gag.

“Boss thought it was hilarious , but you were pushing it showing him your casual Friday look. Lol” Mike types into the messenger:

“Mmmmmmmmelp mmmme.” Connor groaned softly into his gag.

His eyes had the look of defeat. And this caused Mike to raise an eyebrow during the video call. Something didn’t seem right. Connor was good, but this was a little too good.

“And on that note I think our meeting is over, very funny Connor now everybody back to work we have a long weekend ahead of us and production won’t start back up again until Tuesday. Meeting adjourned.” Sap his boss. And one by one his coworkers signed out.

Soon sat Connor all by himself. He pushed himself away from his desk and scooted out of his space the best he could with his bound feet. His feet scooted around the office but it was no use. He was tied so tightly back to the chair he wouldn’t be able to reach anything. He remembered Peterson had a pair of scissors in a cup on his desk. So Connor pushed himself over there as quickly as he could. He struggle some to get his feet onto Peterson’s desk. He did and he shifted his barefeet over to the edge of the desk where the cup was. He tried to grab hold of the loop of the scissors with his big and second toes.

Connor’s feet were too sweaty, and the worst possible happened as he lost grip and the cup toppled over to the floor. Making a loud CAPLOP!

“Shouldn’t you be working Mr McGowan?” Said Hibbs voice from the nearby break room.

Hibbs walked over and grabbed the back of Connor’s chair.

“Since I can’t trust you to sit and do your work why don’t you keep me company.” He said dragging Connor’s chair with him.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Fantastic story so far, [mention]thebadguy[/mention]! 🙌

Can't wait for Mike to come looking for Connor...I bet Hibbs will be waiting for him after he read the comment about "Super Smelly!" 8-)
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Post by Volobond »

Haha, I wonder what Hibbs plans to do with him! And what side of the tape Mike will end up on!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by thebadguy »

He parked Connor in the corner of the break room and to Connor’s surprise finished cleaning up while he sat there tied up.

“Mmmmmm Mmmibbs! Mmmmmunmie mmmme!” Connor groaned into his gag.

“Untie you. Not a chance. You know this was nice. I finally came into this place and got some work done for a change. You should of had this idea sooner.” Hibbs said washing the last of the dishes.

“Okay well, that’s all of my work today. I need a break my damn self now.” Hibbs said wiping his brow that had beads of sweat dripping down.

“Mmmmreat mmmmuntie mmmme!” Connor mumbled.

“Not quite. See I think you need to be punished after your little snitching stunt.” Hibbs said leaned over his chair.

He took hold of the back and soon felt himself being tilted and lowered to the ground. Soon he was on his back and staring straight up at the ceiling. He watched as Hibbs pulled up a chair and sat over him, powerless to stop anything that was about to happen.

Hibbs crosses his ankle over his knee and slid off his work boot yet again. He set the boot aside Connor’s head and pressed his damp barefoot over Connor’s face.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Connor screamed into the gag as the smell of his feet his his nostrils.

“Breath in deep McGowan.” Hibbs said pressing his second foot over Connor’s face.

Soon Connor’s face was trapped under the weight of Hibbs stinky feet. The odor of dirt, cheese and days old socks hit his nose and assaulted his sense of smell.

“Mmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmm” Connor’s pleas for mercy fell onto deaf ears.

Hibbs was moving his feet now back and forth all over Connor’s face. Giving himself a foot massage on the imaginary kneading pad that was Connor’s face.

Connor shook his head but was powerless to do anything about it. Hibbs moved his feet to each side of Connor’s face and soon felt them press into the side of his face. Hibbs ties dig into his neck and held his head still in a vice grip.

Connor watched in confusion as Hibbs tore off a very small strip of tape. He struggled in place as Hibbs places the small strip across his nostrils. Blocking out his only passage way of air.

“Mmmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmmm!!!!” Connor started to panic.

He bucked in the air but his was no use. Hibbs big feet kept him firmly in place. His eyes closed in fear and his breathing was starting to slow. And that’s when Hibbs tore away the tape. Connor took in a huge breath of fresh air only this air wasn’t so fresh. He opened his eyes saw the laces of Hibbs boots in front of him. This sick bastard was pressing the inside of his boot over his nose. And Connor was forced to breathe it in.

“Deep breathes Mr McGowan! You thought my pits were smelly. How are my feet?!” Hibbs chuckled.

He pressed the boot down over his face and Connor’s eyes were wide and the sounds of his muffled grunts were starting to give Hibbs a chubby. And from the tenting forming in Connor’s shorts, so was he.

“Mmmmmm mmmmph…” Connor’s eyes squinted from the stench.

“It seems like you like them a lot. Judging from what’s growing down there. Well lucky you I’ll off the clock now. I say we take this party back to my place.” Hibbs said still pressing the boot over Connor’s snout.

“Mmmmmmph mmmm!” Connor grunted in protest.

Connor didn’t notice at first but he was engorged. His pants were starting to rent up. Was he actually enjoying this? No way, he begun to struggle more and more in an attempt to play it off.

“Mmmmmlease mmmmo mmmore!” Connor begged.

“Oh I didn’t say you had a choice.” Hibbs finished standing up the chair.

He begun to wheel the chair out of the room and out of the office.

“Lemme grab a few things and we can take my truck to my place pal.”

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Post by thebadguy »

Thanks for the feedback you guys
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Post by Volobond »

Exciting! I wonder just how much Connor will enjoy what happens to him!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Socksbound »

That’s brilliant, can’t wait to find out what Hibbs has in store for Connor. He’s just the right kind of sadistic, and Connors muffled pleas are priceless.
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Post by george_bound »

Poor poor Connor :lol:
I'm banking on there being a lot more smelly articles of clothing back at Hibbs's place ;)
Looking forward to seeing where this goes...

Post by Gagman »

I really like this one! I think Connor and Hibbs are both gonna have a good time ;) . Cant wait to read more!
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Post by socjuc »

Brilliant plot! Love how Hibbs quickly adapted his behaviour once he figured out it was Connor that snitched on him. Now it could get really interesting :lol:
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Post by GoBucks »

Welcome to the board! This is a great story so far! Can never go wrong with smelly foot torture! Look forward to seeing what our smelly janitor gets up to at home :twisted:
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Post by tapegagged08 »

Love this story!
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Post by thebadguy »

Connor bucked with defiance as he was taken down to the parking structure. It would be the embarrassment of the century should security catch this on camera.

“Okay pretty boy I just need to clean up your work station. Should anyone come in I don’t want them to think you’d leave this place a mess.” Hibbs said rolling Conner down the halls of the building.

He parked Connor’s chair just a few inches from the line of vision of Jose the guards security office window. Hibbs slowly crept into the office and was careful closing the door. From the look of it, he wanted to keep Connor out of sight. He heard the voices from the other side. Jose was still duty. He could possibly help him get freed. Connor saw a golden opportunity and made a break for it; he wheeled his chair in full view of Jose’s office window. He turned his head to see Jose’s jaw drop and rush over from the office with a Hibbs not far behind.

“Mmmmmmmmmmph!!!” Connor screamed as Jose rushed to his side.

“Mmmmm mmmmmunie mmme. Mmmmes mmmmrazy!” Connor begged into the thick gag.

“You weren’t kidding, he really is tied up!” Jose said with a giggle.

“Told you. I’ve been making him my bitch boy since he asked me to tie him up for one of those stupid pranks. I knew eventually I’d get my hands on him…. didn’t think it be as easy as it was.” Hibbs said grabbing hold of the back of Connor’s chair.

“I can’t believe he actually asked you to tie him up. Serves this fool right. I still remember that dumb prank of setting off a bunch of snappers in the bathroom. These folks thought the floor was under terrorist attack.” Jose said knocking Connor in his bound arm.

“I’m gonna park him in the office. You can babysit him while I go tidy up the office floor.” Hibbs said wheeling Connor into the small security office.

“Mmmmmose mmmmo mmmmmo!” Connor groaned shaking his head.

“You got it Austin. He’ll be in good hands.” Jose said following him inside.

“What the fuck did you call me?” Hibbs said sternly.

“I….. I mean sir. Sir!” Jose said rushing inside.

Connor looked on confused, and then in shock when he saw Hibbs grab Jose by the back of his neck and force him to the floor. Jose was literally groveling at Hibbs feet.

“Kiss my fuckin’ boot for your insilance worm.” Hibbs ordered.

And Connor watched in horror as the security guard bent there and actually passionately kissed the top of Hibbs work boot. This freak was into this.

“That’s enough. Just keep my new friend company. I have work to finish.” Hibbs said with a snap.

“Right away sir.” Jose sprung up and sat in the chair at his desk.

Connor could barely look at him after what he’d just witnessed.

Hibbs walked out of the office and shit the door with a loud thud. Connor jumped at the sound. This whole day was making him so jumpy.

It was just him and Jose in the security office and Jose was looking him up and down. Connor looked down at the corner, not trying to let it be known he knew Jose was burning eyes into him. He could see from the corner of his eye that Jose was scooting closer to him and was soon very close.

“Mmmmph?!” Conner pleaded.

“Shh! I’m not gonna hurt you. But I do wanna have a little fun with ya. While master is away I’m gonna play.” Jose said with a sinister grin.

He bent over and grabbed hold of Connor’s barefeet and pulled them up to his lap. Conner shifted, but Jose kept a tight grip on his bound ankles. Jose started to slowly massage the soles of Connor’s feet. This was getting so strange, but it did feel good.

“Mmmmmmmm?” Conner growled into his thick gag.

“It feels good. Just relax. Your feet are so sexy, just enjoy.” Jose said tenderly rubbing Connor’s soles.

Connor tucked his head backward against the wall of the small cramped room. His toes felt something warm and wet around them and Connor’s eyes peered down to find Jose sucking on his toes. He shifted in his seat but Jose tightened his grip on his ankles.

“Mmmmose mmmlease,mmmunmie me.” Connor pleaded with a giggle.

The tongue had moved onward to his soles and tickled slightly.

“A little ticklish I see. Hot!” Jose said face buried in Connor’s soles.

“And just what the fuck is going on in here?” Hibbs said standing in the doorway.

Jose scooter away from Connor and let his bound legs fall to the floor. Hibbs walked over and shook his head.

“Gusano. I told you to babysit. Not shrimp him without my permission.” Hibbs said softly his hands gripping Jose’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry sir. I couldn’t help myself.” Jose said with his head hung low.

“I mean who could blame ya. He does have some sexy feet I’ll give you that.” Hibbs said walking over to Connor.

“Ticklish too!” Jose chimed in.

“You don’t say.” Hibbs responded in a devious tone.

“Well I have everything I need to head out. Your shift almost up?” Hibbs asked him.

“Another few hours or so. Want me to join you later?” Jose asked looking back at Connor.

“I’ll call on you when I need you.” Hibbs said walking past him.

He grabbed hold of Conner’s chair and dragged him over to the door. He then paused and looked on at Jose.

“So, how did you do on your homework assignment?” Hibbs asked him.

“Oh uh. I’ve been wearing them for four days now.” Jose said straightening up in his chair.

“And?” Hibbs asked more sternly.

“I wore my shoes barefoot too, to build it up.” Jose added.

“Good.” Hibbs said.

“You know I shouldn’t do this but what the hell. I’m feeling generous. You can get a your first lesson in being a dom today.” Hibbs said taking hold of Connor’s shoulders.

Connor felt his chair being lowered onto the floor just like it had been earlier. He shook his head fiercely as he knew what was in store for him.

“Take off your shoes, and press them over our slaves face bitch!” Hibbs ordered Jose.

Jose slid his chair over and began to unlace his dress shoes that house two of the foulest smelling Hanes ankles socks. Connor knew this first hand as Jose pressed his damp sock clad feet over his face.

“Good really still your sole into his face. Give him no choice but to breathe you in. Let him know what a real fuckin man smells like!” Hibbs commanded.

Connor looked on in horror as his face was assaulted by the foul ankle socks.

“Mmmmmmph!’” Connor groaned.

Connor was in misery. Hibbs feet were bad enough, but he absolutely hated the idea of being Jose’s human foot stool too.

“Mmmm!” Connor moaned.

“Don’t be shy. Take off your fuckin socks! And make this fucker smell your bare feet too!” Hibbs ordered.

“Gladly.” Jose said with a grin and tore away the socks he had on his feet.

He tossed the rank socks onto his desk and Connor watched on as the size 12 feet slowly crept closer to his gagged face.

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Post by RopedBud »

I didn't quite expect this story to go in this direction but I definitely like it!
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Post by Socksbound »

RopedBud wrote: 3 years ago I didn't quite expect this story to go in this direction but I definitely like it!
I was the same totally unexpected but like it
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Post by socjuc »

Socksbound wrote: 3 years ago
RopedBud wrote: 3 years ago I didn't quite expect this story to go in this direction but I definitely like it!
I was the same totally unexpected but like it

Me too :lol:

Love how Hibbs's transitive commands are dominating Connor by using Jose like this...Hope that Jose finds a new found dom desire to exercise on poor Connor :mrgreen:
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Post by Volobond »

A sexy surprise! Hot to see Hibbs so dominant over Jose!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by sock_gagged »

Great story! Always great to see the cocky co-worker get taken down a couple of notches. The pics of the characters are excellent.
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Post by privateandrews »

love the scenario of this tale. Its great that cocky Connor is getting his comeuppance.
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Post by ChiDrag221 »

Wonder what will happen as the odiferous feet land :)

Post by Addictedtoropes »

I love guys tied up and gagged barefoot. This story is particularly hit because Connor is wearing a shirt, tie and flip flops and now he is barefoot. Hope to see a lot of humiliation and tickling for him. Maybe at the end he should be left tied and gagged at his office for his coworkers have some revenge. Great story buddy, keep going!
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