Captured by Pokemon (M Pokemon (Multiple))/m)

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Captured by Pokemon (M Pokemon (Multiple))/m)

Post by Terry »

(This is a rewrite and revamp of an old uncompleted fanfic I wrote several years ago. But am rewriting it with a lot more tie-up stuff involved.)

Far to the south of Johto is a mostly hidden region what also contains a large forest, home to a colony of highly intelligent pokemon. This particular forest was home to a bunch of forest pokemon and other kinds mostly first and mid stage pokemon.

In fact this whole region was full of intelligent pokemon but this story takes place mostly within this forest.

Very few humans knew about this area and one human traveller was about to discover this place. Little did he know was just how different this place would be and everything he knew about pokemon would be changed forever.

Spencer was a 16 year old traveller and had been travelling through the southern reaches of Johto before he had entered this area. He hadn’t seen another human in several days. Spencer was not a trainer but loved to travel and explore new regions.

He reached the outskirts of this vast forest what to him, looked like any other forest he had been into. But he was about to discover all is not what it seems. It appeared to be fairly quiet and devoid of pokemon but he had been watched from the moment he stepped into the forest.

He stopped and listened for any pokemon. He heard a few rustles and thought he heard a cry a bit further in the forest and then started walking further in to investigate.

Those watching him had kept hidden and kept an eye on Spencer from all directions as they slowly followed him while keeping hidden.

“A human, what is a human doing here?” a Wartortle whispered from a nearby bush.

“One of those trainers, I bet. Why else would a human come here?” a Charmeleon whispered back.

“No human has come to these parts for a very long time. We must stop him before he tries to catch us or tells anyone else about this place,” the Wartortle whispered back.

“What shall we do?” The Charmeleon replied.

“The same thing we always do to deal with human trespassers,” the Wartortle grinned and the Charmeleon smirked. He knew what this meant and was looking forward to dealing with Spencer the way the forest pokemon knew best.

Spencer stopped and looked around his surroundings. Everything seemed quiet. He couldn’t see any pokemon around at all. He found it really strange. But things were about to get even stranger.

“Okay, he’s stopped. Let’s move,” the Wartortle whispered as he and the Charmeleon jumped out to confront Spencer. Spencer saw them approach him and greeted them not knowing what was about to happen.

“Huh, a Wartortle and a Charmeleon,” Spencer said. “Hi there,” he greeted.

The two pokemon just sneered at him without saying anything and the Wartortle motioned to the rest of the pokemon who had been hiding out in the trees and other nearby bushes to come out. was quickly surrounded by a group of pokemon who all stared at him eager to take him down. Along with the Wartortle and Charmeleon, there was a Zangoose, a Heracross, a Monferno, a Breloom, a Weavile and a Marshtomp. They all formed a circle around him grinning. Spencer looked all round confused realising these were no ordinary pokemon.

“Uh-Oh, What’s going on?” Spencer said in a concerned tone realising he was in trouble. They had him completely surrounded and there was no escape.

“Get him,” Wartortle called out loud as the eight pokemon jumped Spencer tackling him to the ground. Spencer tried to get away but the combined weight of each pokemon restraining him kept him down. They all grabbed a different part of him so all his limbs and body was firmly pinned to the floor.

“You’re coming with us, human. Don’t even think of trying to capture any pokemon here, it is you who has ended up captured,” Wartortle said.

“Wait? You can talk?” Spencer replied shocked.

“Of course we can talk, was you expecting us to just repeat our names,” the Wartortle replied.

“But pokemon can’t talk, howmmph,” Spencer started to reply before the Wartortle puts his hand over Spencer’s mouth.

Now it’s you who can’t talk,” the Wartortle mocked.

“Enough of this madness, let’s just take this human to the base, we can deal with this conversation later” the Charmeleon said.

Wartortle nodded as another pokemon approached the group who was still holding Spencer down.

It was an Ariados who walked right up to Spencer.

“So a human has come to pay us a little visit, eh? It’s been a long time since I’ve had to use my special ability but I am looking forward to this,” the Ariados said before shooting out a String Shot at Spencer trapping him. The other pokemon restraining Spencer released their hold on him just before the Ariados shot his web.

“Why are y..,” Spencer was about to talk but the Ariados shot another String Shot over his mouth.

“Silence human. Us pokemon will do the speaking around here. You, will be coming with us. And don’t bother struggling, no wimpy human has ever escaped my string shot trap,” the Ariados said.

The other pokemon picked up the bound Spencer and carried him further into the forest as the Ariados also followed. After what seemed like an hour’s travel, Spencer was dumped on the floor of the forest.

Spencer struggled but the webs holding him was firm and tight. He also tried to shout for help but all that came out was muffled mmphs. No way was he getting out of this one.

The pokemon who captured him were now joined by other pokemon who inhabited this part of a now busier section of the forest who was amused at Spencer’s attempts to escape. Some of them had not seen a human before but had heard stories about them.

After about fifteen minutes of trying to escape his bindings, Spencer eventually gave up realising he wasn’t going to escape.

The Wartortle who led the ambush on him approached him and slowly removed the gag so Spencer could speak. Spencer was relieved and was quite out of breath from his attempts to escape but didn’t try to call for help. He wasn’t in good position to try anyway.

“My name’s Blaze. What’s your’s?” The wartortle asked.

“Err, my name is Spencer,” Spencer replied nervously. “What’s gommmph,” he was about to continue but Blaze put his hand over Spencer’s mouth.
“Quiet. I ask the questions. You answer them. We will give you your answers later. Understand?” Blaze replied in an annoyed tone. Spencer nodded quietly.
“Good,” Blaze replied then removed his hand off Spencer’s mouth.
“Why do you let that human speak? I suggest we silence him again and keep him in the pits,” the Zangoose spoke up walking towards Blaze and Spencer.

“The pits? What is that?” Spencer asked.

“It’s okay Lenny, we’ll get to that. I think we should interrogate him first though,” Blaze replied.

The Zangoose, whose name was identified as Lenny nodded although he didn’t feel an interrogation was necessary. He gave Spencer a smirk before walking away.

Spencer was now a bit concerned at the mention of “the pits” as it also didn’t sound good.

“Now where were we?” Blaze said before adding, “Oh yes, what exactly are you; a human; doing down these parts?”

“I was just exploring, I must have walked for days and ended up here. I’m not a trainer and have no pokeballs on me. I just travelling and now I find this some kind of secret society. What is this place anyway?” Spencer replied.

“This whole area is known as Sinister Woods, and you walked into a no-humans allowed region. We call this whole region the Air Continent. It doesn’t matter why or how you got here. Humans are not liked much here so we get to deal with you how we like,” Blaze replied.

“In other words, you will become our prisoner for the foreseeable future. By the way my name is Justin,” the Charmeleon said looking down at Spencer’s bindings.

“I must say, you look pretty pathetic right now. Would be quite embarrassing if your fellow humans discovered how you got pinned down by a group of pokemon much smaller than you and then for you to get tied up like this,” Justin added mocking Spencer’s predicament.

Spencer was nearly blushing. Justin was right, it was embarrassing. These were really intelligent pokemon he discovered. Far more so than those he had encountered before plus these pokemon could talk too.

Justin just smirked at Spencer’s silent response and walked away.

The Ariados then approached him who had also been in the area the whole time.

“Just wanted to add, even without my string shot, any one of these pokemon could just as easily tie up a human like you. We have plenty of supplies plus just like you, we are explorers as such too. Also, String Shot is for tying up wimps like you, not for lowering defence or some stupid crap like that,” he said.

“Pokemon go exploring? On their own?” Spencer asked.

“That’s right. We have our own places to explore without human interference and have our own cities and towns and what-have-you. But enough about that, I think it’s time to take you to your new home,” the Ariados said walking up to Spencer and regagged him as well as strengthening the webs trapping Spencer even further.

“Good work Freddy, you’re string shot is getting even stronger. He’ll never get out of this,” Blaze said to the Ariados before turning to Spencer.
“Okay that’s enough talking for now, time to take you to the pits,” Blaze said as he along with some other pokemon picked Spencer up and took him a little bit to the west of their base although not too far and placed Spencer down in a hole in the ground what had been specifically designed for holding human prisoners.

“See ya around Spencer,” Blaze laughed as he closed off the pit with what looked like a trapdoor closing Spencer into darkness. Spencer lay in the pit in tight web bondage. All he could do now was wait.
Last edited by Terry 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Terry »

Chapter 2

Spencer had been trapped in what his captors called the pits for over an hour in a tight string shot cocoon. No amount of movement was going to get him out and he wondered to himself how he managed to get into this situation.

Spencer wasn’t that strong but was now a prisoner to a gang of pokemon much smaller than him and who easily overpowered him. Justin even mocked him for that being nearly six foot tall while the pokemon who grabbed him were mostly over half that.

The door to his prison opened and he saw the Breloom, one of the group from his initial capture looking down at him. Spencer looked back and wondered what was yet to come. He felt really intimidated by how these pokemon kept smirking at him, which is what this Breloom was doing right now.

Spencer tried to plead and struggle but to no avail what just amused the Breloom.

“Oh you want to leave, do you? And let everyone know about this place? I don’t think so,” the Breloom said. Spencer shook his head as if to say no.
“No? You want to stay here then? You’ll be staying here for a long time regardless. Anyway we want to have a little fun with you while you’re here,” the Breloom replied. Lenny and the Heracross from before came over to assist the Breloom in dragging Spencer out the pit and took him back to the base.

“Blaze and some of the others have gone on a mission but we are still here. My name is Dexy by the way and the Heracross is called Jagger. I think you already know Lenny’s name.” the Breloom replied.

“Should we take off his gag? Or shall we do this with him still gagged?” Jagger asked.

“I’ll remove his gag. No one who would care enough would hear him anyway if he was to scream,” Dexy replied as he pulled down the gag.

Spencer didn’t scream but did breathe a sigh of relief and was also relieved to breathe some fresh air also.

“What are you gonna do?” Spencer asked confused.

The three pokemon grinned and smirked at each other what made Spencer feel quite uneasy.

“Take off his shoes,” Dexy said.

“W-wait, m-my s-shoes?,” Spencer replied as both Lenny and Jagger took off a shoe each.

“Nice big feet,” Jagger said smiling.

“This is going to be fun,” Lenny added.

Spencer then realised.

“Wait, don’t even think about it,” Spencer said struggling but the bonds still held him tight.

“Now his socks,” Jagger said as him and Lenny pulled Spencer’s socks off.

Jagger began to use his claws to lightly tickle Spencer’s right foot as Lenny did the same to Spencer’s left foot. Dexy sat down on Spencer’s chest to keep him from struggling much as Spencer began to struggle hard against the tickling what only began to get more extreme.

“AAAHAAAHAAHAA, PLEEAHASSAE STAAAHP, AAHA,” Spencer pleaded while unable to control his laughter but the pokemon wouldn’t listen.

“Sorry, but we are having so much fun,” Jagger said.

“You just stay down while we tickle you mercilessly,” Lenny added.

Spencer laughed and laughed as the two pokemon carried on as Dexy continued to sit on Spencer’s chest amused at the whole thing.

“Okay that’s enough. It’s my turn to have some fun,” Dexy replied as he allowed Spencer some time to recover.

“So how strong are you, Spencer? Think you could wrestle with me, one on one?” Dexy then asked what surprised Spencer.

“Huh? Me wrestle with a pokemon?” Spencer asked.

“Of course. Or are you too scared? You got pinned down by eight pokemon earlier, so being pinned down by just one pokemon; me; would be even more humiliating, right?” Dexy teased.

“Do I have a choice?” Spencer asked.

“Not really,” Dexy said as he nodded at Lenny who slashed at the web binds freeing Spencer from his bonds.

“Now on your feet,” Dexy said in a grimaced tone. Spencer complied and got up to his feet.

“Put your shoes and socks back on and we’ll go over to a bigger clearing,” Dexy said and Spencer put on his footwear.

He did not try to run away, he knew these pokemon could probably grab him anyway before he tried to run.

After Spencer put on both his socks and shoes, he followed Dexy, Lenny and Jagger to a clearing not too far from where they were.

“Okay here’s the deal, if you can pin me down in a wrestling match, we’ll let you go free. If I pin you down, then I get to tie you up and you go back to the pits, deal?” Dexy said.

“Not that I really have a choice but okay,” Spencer replied.

“Good,” Dexy replied now let’s get started. Dexy of course had no intention of letting Spencer go; none of the pokemon did; this was just Dexy wanting to show off his dominance and wanting to humiliate Spencer even more.

Spencer was nervous and did not expect to find himself wrestling with a Breloom; also a part fighting type pokemon. Spencer knew he may have been at a disadvantage but the way the day has gone so far, he didn’t really have that much of a choice.

“I wanna wrestle him as well, let me pin him down and tie him up,” Jagger said. Of course being pinned down by a bug type would be very humiliating for Spencer and didn’t even want to think about that now.

“You’ll get your chance, but today is my day with the human,” Dexy replied as he wasted no further time as he began to grapple with Spencer.

Spencer tried his best to defend himself although Dexy was a lot quicker and stronger. Dexy put Spencer in a headlock while Spencer tried to reverse it.
Dexy then got Spencer down to the floor and they rolled around for a bit before Dexy eventually got the upper hand and secured the pin. Spencer was on his stomach and Dexy used his whole body to lie on top of Spencer while also wrapping his arms around Spencer’s shoulders and head. With Dexy using his whole body on him, it was almost impossible to kick out or roll away from this pin.

“Looks like I win, but that was always going to be the case,” Dexy said as he humiliated Spencer further by prolonging the pin for several minutes before Lenny threw Dexy some ropes and a handkerchief.

“Now time for you to be tied up again. This time with real ropes and knots.” Dexy added as he released the pinhold and then tied Spencer’s hands behind his back. More rope was used for Spencer’s ankles, above and below knees and arms. Lastly a handkerchief was tied tightly around Spencer’s mouth.

“Well it was fun for now, but back to the pits for you. Might see you around later,” Dexy said as he and his two pokemon companions carried him back to the pits in his new bindings and threw him back in.

The last thing Spencer saw was the trapdoor going back on. He wondered if he would ever get out or if he was now doomed to just being a plaything for these pokemon.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Terry »

Chapter 3

It would be another three hours before Spencer would see daylight again. He was in different bindings now and it was just as restrictive as the String Shot bonds if not more so.

Seeing the trapdoor open, Spencer was greeted by both Blaze and Justin.

Blaze jumped down onto Spencer’s stomach and removed the gag. Justin passed Blaze a plate of fresh fruit, berries and nuts.
“You must be hungry. Now eat up,” Blaze said as he fed Spencer the food.

“Can I at least sit up, I can’t swallow while I’m lying down,” Spencer asked.

Blaze and Justin looked at each other and nodded. Turning back to Spencer, Blaze then said, “Okay then, we’ll undo your bindings for the time being so you can eat. We have a health drink ready for you also. All bought fresh from the Kecleon Shop in town east of here,” Blaze replied as he and Justin untied Spencer and let him climb out the pit he was in.

“Kecleon Shop? What’s that?” Spencer asked as he climbed out.

“A shop run by two Kecleon brothers who sell lots of lovely stuff. Such as this plate of food. I suggest you eat up, don’t want to disappoint them now or us, do we,” Blaze replied giving Spencer the plate.

Spencer sat down next to the pit and ate the whole plate up. He also drank the drink up too, which was full of fresh fruits.

“Good, you’re all finished,” Blaze said.

“That was quite good, thank you. Now when can I get out of here?” Spencer asked.

Both Blaze and Justin scoffed at the question. Spencer shut up at their reaction.

“Really? And just when we fed you some delicious food?” Blaze laughed. Blaze looked into Spencer’s eyes and then said,
“You’re not going anywhere buddy, not for a long time at least.”

“The more you beg to want to leave, the longer we decide to keep you. That’s the way it goes. Humans deserve everything what’s coming to them. Now lie down on your stomach,” Justin demanded as he picked up the ropes what was used to tie him up previously and passed Blaze some rope also.

Spencer did as he was told and both Blaze and Justin tied him up and Blaze then re-gagged him.

They placed Spencer back in the pit and closed him in again.

As Spencer was trapped in the pit, his captors laughed and celebrated a day of missions as well as their capture as they sat and ate in their base.
“So what did you three do while me, Justin and Milo were away treasure hunting and mission exploring,” Blaze asked Dexy, Jagger and Lenny. Milo who Blaze was referring to was the Weavile who was among those during Spencer’s capture.

They laughed and then Dexy explained how Lenny and Jagger tickled Spencer almost to death and how he forced Spencer into a wrestling match and kept Spencer pinned down for nearly half an hour.

“Sounds like you had fun, well me and Justin have fed him. He had the same stuff what we are eating now. Freddy will keep an eye on the pit and around the area to ensure he doesn’t escape. Plus some of the other random pokemon of the forest can keep check too,” Blaze said.

“Having human prisoners does seem kind of fun. In a way, wish we could have more to play with. I in fact still have yet to play with him,” Milo said.
“I’m a part fighting type like Dexy and although I am a lot smaller than both Dexy and that human, I think I could have a go at dominating the human and wrestle with him one on one,” the Monferno added.

“You think you could beat him Donny?” Dexy asked.

“Yeah, he seems like a wimp. Bet I could pin him down and he wouldn’t break out. All it takes is a bit of speed and strategy to tire him out. Once I have him exhausted, then I’ll get him on the floor and then I’ll pin him,” Donny the Monferno replied.

“Don’t forget to finish up by tying him up once you are done,” Justin added.

“Of course, I can do that,” Donny replied. “Not until I’ve humiliated him though with a long held pin.”

“I like your way of thinking, it’s fun to pin down wimpy humans,” Dexy laughed. “I would say the pinning is more fun than the tying up.”

“I could pin him down as well, I might just be a bug type but am a bit bigger and stronger than other bug pokemon and I think I’m strong enough to keep a human down on the ground,” Jagger said.

“I’m probably the biggest of the group here and so for me, taking down that human garbage would be a piece of cake. I’ll have him begging for mercy,” Lenny replied.

“What about you, Colin? You think you could take on a wimpy human?” Blaze asked the Marshtomp, the final member of the capture group whose name had yet to be revealed.

“Of course, like others have said, I could probably pin him down by myself or any other human for that matter who got in my way. My hands might be designed differently to the rest of you being an amphibian but that shouldn’t stop me getting one over on that wimp of a human. What about you and Justin?” Colin replied and asked.

“I could beat that human up easily. Well I don’t literally mean beat up as that’s not what we do but I could get him on the floor and make him submit. I’d make him see that pokemon are the dominant kind here,” Justin replied.

“I could probably be able to pin him down also,” Blaze replied. “Taking him down all at once was what was needed but now we can make him bow to us whenever we want even if it’s just one of us. We can all take turns in doing whatever we want with him,.” The pokemon all laughed.

“Yeah we are all about the right size and we are all bipedal so we can humiliate and mock the human as much as we like,” Dexy added. “Oh and he’s also ticklish so we could pin him down and tickle him at the same time or do whatever else we may think of.”

Once they had all finishing talking about how they would dominate Spencer, Blaze walked over to the pit and quickly opened it to check on him. Spencer was still there and hadn’t moved at all since he last saw him.

“Feeling comfortable, Spencer?” Blaze mocked. “Good, because me and the rest of my friends want to have some fun with you. We will begin tomorrow. So I suggest you get some sleep. Because tomorrow will be the start of a new beginning for you. Sleep tight.”

Blaze closed the lid and Spencer was back in darkness and still tightly tied up and gagged. There was nothing more to do now but to go to sleep so Spencer did just that and closed his eyes and fell asleep.
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Post by Socksbound »

I like the start interesting idea with the Pokemon. Looking forward to seeing where you take this. Promising beginning look forward to the next chapter
See all my written works here :

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Post by Terry »

Chapter 4

It was now the next morning as Spencer spent his first night in captivity, taken by a group of talking pokemon who all seemed intent on showing their dominance over him. Spencer woke up to find he was still where the pokemon had left him in the pit and he was still tied and gagged.

He began to struggle really hard as he just wanted to get out of this now but the ropes held him tight, it would be almost impossible to get out. After about half an hour, the trapdoor opened and there was Blaze looking down on him.

“Good morning Spencer, I hope you had a nice sleep. Time for your breakfast. Don’t even think about trying to run away,” Blaze said as he jumped down to untie him.

Blaze let Spencer climb out the pit and they came to the base area where Spencer was given a plate of fresh food, similar to what he had last night.
Spencer sat down on the floor where the rest of the pokemon sat also. Despite being in captivity, Spencer was at least thankful the pokemon were letting him eat while also having a period of being untied. He knew it probably wouldn’t last long.

The only exception who was not present being Freddy who was not there during the conversation about how they would pin down and dominate Spencer last night either. Freddy was a guardian of this part of Sinister Woods and preferred to just tie up trespassers, especially humans. So he remained guard on a tree branch out of view.

As they all ate, Spencer looked around hoping to find an escape route but didn’t even know how to get out. He couldn’t tell which way he came from either.

“You think you can get away from us, eh? Just try it,” Justin said noticing Spencer looking round. They had all just finished eating and Blaze picked all the plates up and left the group momentarily to clean up.

“Uh, n-no, I was just looking. Honest?” Spencer said nervously as the other pokemon sneered at him.

“Good, we have a lot to do today, and you just happen to be part of our plans. Now on your feet,” Justin added. Spencer stood up and the rest of the pokemon stood up also and kept their eyes on Spencer. Blaze shortly returned and began to speak to the group.

“None of us have any missions today so unless something changes, today we are going to have a lot of fun with our guest here,” Blaze said. Spencer gulped, what kind of fun did he have in mind he thought.

“Oh goody, we get to show our dominance over the human again. I’m looking forward to this,” Dexy replied.

“W-what a-are you g-guys up to, huh?” Spencer asked nervously.

The pokemon all laughed.

“Silence human, you’ll just have to wait and see. As I said before, just try and escape. Go on, we’ll give you a chance. We want to start of by testing how quick we can stop you from escaping,” Justin said.

Spencer was surprised. Were they really going to let him and try and escape? Or were they just testing me as a message to say that no matter what I do, escape was out of the question. After a pause, Spencer looked round and began to start running away in an opposite direction.

Lenny was the first to react and quickly jumped in front of Spencer and grabbed him and pulled him down to the floor.

“You see, you belong to us now. Now come with us to the clearing, we have work to do,” Justin replied. Lenny released Spencer and Spencer got back to his feet. They all moved over to the clearing and the pokemon formed a circle around Spencer.

“Who wants to go first?” Blaze asked.

“I will,” Jagger said he walked up to Spencer who was confused as to what was going on.

“What’s happening?” Spencer asked.

“We’re going to wrestle and then I am going to pin you,” Jagger replied.

Spencer put up a grappling stance and prepared to defend himself.

Jagger wasted no time and began to grapple Spencer as the rest of the pokemon watched.

“You’re weak, you can’t beat me,” Jagger taunted as he wrestled Spencer to the floor. It didn’t take too long for Jagger to be able to straddle Spencer and keep him pinned down.

“Hah, pinned you. Now stay down and endure it, wimp,” Jagger said. Spencer tried to push Jagger off but couldn’t. Jagger was sitting on top of Spencer’s chest while holding Spencer’s wrists down above his shoulders with his claws.

The other pokemon formed a circle around them close to them and they all cheered on Jagger while also taunting Spencer. Jagger kept this hold on for about twenty minutes unchanged while Spencer just lay still defeated.

“Tie him up,” the pokemon began to chant repeatedly and Blaze tossed the ropes over to Jagger who then quickly flipped Spencer onto his stomach while taking the ropes to quickly tie up Spencer in the same way he had been previously as well as gag him. Jagger stood up and put his foot down on Spencer’s back and raised his claws in celebratory fashion as the pokemon cheered him.

Spencer just lay still and was blushing with embarrassment. He made some faint muffles and struggled slightly but this only made his pokemon captors laugh at him.

“Hah, what a pathetic weak human, he will be so easy to tame,” Donny said.

“Pathetic indeed, it will be so fun to do this with him again and again while he provides very little defence,” Milo replied.

“And once we have all had a turn with him, then we can repeat until we get bored,” Blaze said.

“Can’t wait for my turn, yet again,” Dexy replied.

“I want to have a go now. Will be good to test my strength and dominance on him,” Justin said as he walked over swapping places with Jagger.
“Pin you again later,” Jagger said to Spencer as Justin then untied and ungagged Spencer.

Spencer was already fed up from his encounter with Jagger but slowly got up to his feet.

Justin smirked at him and as soon as Spencer was standing, jumped up onto his back and wrapped his arms around Spencer’s shoulders in an attempt to bring Spencer back down.

“Fall down, human. Don’t try and make this hard for us,” Justin said as he tried to pull Spencer backwards. After a brief struggle, Spencer was now back on the floor.

Justin quickly sat down on top of Spencer’s stomach who tried to push him off.

“Wimp,” Justin just said and flipped Spencer onto his stomach and placed his claws on both of Spencer’s shoulders.

“I’ll think I will try something a little different with you and make this more interesting,” Justin said as he got hold of the ropes and proceeded to tie up Spencer but then turned it into a hogtie.

“I’ll leave you ungagged this time, I want to hear you scream with laughter,” Justin said as he took off Spencer’s shoes and socks.

“Oh no, not again, please no,” Spencer begged as he struggled to get away.

“Go on, tickle him to death,” Colin said.

“I want to tickle him as well,” Donny said.

Spencer was really intimidated also by how the rest of the pokemon were cheering on whoever’s turn it was to dominate him and then also telling them what to do.

“Tickle him,” they all chanted.

Justin grabbed Spencer’s bare feet and began to tickle them as the pokemon cheered. Spencer was laughing really loudly and begging for mercy but Justin just carried on tickling nonstop for about twenty minutes. The pokemon were amused as to just how ticklish Spencer was. Justin eventually stopped tickling Spencer and let him rest.

“Does anyone else want to tickle him while he’s hogtied like this?” Justin asked.

“I want to tickle him then I also want to have a go at pinning him down afterwards once he is untied again,” Donny said.

“Nice, have fun,” Justin said as he smirked at Spencer while walking into the circle as Donny then walked in. He wasted no time and immediately began to tickle really hard on Spencer’s feet bringing him back into uncontrollable laughter.

“Aaw, ticklish are we? Poor little human getting owned by some pokemon you never thought could end up talking and also dominating you,” Donny taunted. He stopped after about ten minutes and then untied Spencer.

“Shoes on and socks on, then we’ll see how you fare against me. Not very well, I would imagine,” Donny said as Spencer put on his footwear and got onto his feet.

Donny wasn’t too tall either and around the same size as Justin but felt he could still end up pinning Spencer down. Spencer was already quite tired and didn’t think he could last much longer. He was a bit out of breath but that didn’t stop Donny. He charged at Spencer grappling his waist.
Spencer didn’t really have the energy or the strength to bother so voluntarily fell back.

“You got him, Donny. Now pin him,” Justin said.

“He’s exhausted. We have him right where we want him. Do it Donny,” Lenny added.

“Pin him down,” they all chanted. Donny straddled Spencer’s chest and pinned him the same way Jagger did earlier.

“Not so tough, are ya. Are all humans this weak?” Donny taunted.

Spencer was too tired to respond so stayed quiet. Donny just laughed at him.

“Pathetic. If only the pokemon where you came from overthrew the humans you know as trainers and beat them like this,” Donny added.
Donny kept him pinned like this for almost 45 minutes. Spencer did make a few pathetic attempts to try and break out but couldn’t.
“Nearly an hour and he can’t get free. Time to tie him up again,” Blaze said and Donny nodded.

“Now let’s see how well I can tie you up,” Donny said as he turned Spencer onto his stomach and tied up and gagged Spencer the way he had been on previous occasions minus the hogtie.

“Okay break time, plus we have other stuff to do for now. Let’s put him back in the pit. We can continue this later,” Blaze said.
Donny, Blaze and Justin helped each other carry Spencer back to the pit who was in a way, relieved this ordeal was over for now.
“Nice work with the knots, you tied him up pretty well,” Blaze said to Donny.
“Thanks” Donny replied.
“As for you Spencer, you just stay here and keep quiet. We’ve not finished with you yet, not by a long shot,” Blaze said closing the door to the pit and Spencer back into darkness.
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Post by Terry »

Chapter 5

After about an hour in the pit, once again the trapdoor opened and Spencer saw Blaze and Colin, the two water mid-evo starters staring down at him.

“MMMPH,” Spencer tried to plead loudly but the Wartortle and Marshtomp both just laughed at him. They jumped down and carried him out while leaving him tied up on the forest floor. They wanted to talk to him first.

“Me and Colin want to have some fun with you now. Then later, some of the others want to have some fun with you. Dexy and Jagger in particular say they would love to pin you down again,” Blaze said.

“Yeah, not only is it fun to pin down a wimpy human like you but also good practice for us in case another human was to somehow come into our territory and gives us some strength to pin them down also on our own rather than altogether like we did with you,” Colin added.

Spencer just looked at them and again tried to beg to be released as well as struggle but this only made the two pokemon laugh.

“The only times you’re getting untied is for food and drink, toilet breaks and for when we want to play with you. Playing meaning pinning you down for unlimited amounts of time before tying you up again. I think we can leave out the tickling at least. The pokemon are far more interested in just keeping you pinned down for a while,” Blaze said.

Spencer just stared at them confused. He had now stopped struggling as it was useless to try and escape.

“Okay we are going to untie you now for a bit so we can have our fun, don’t try and run away while we do so otherwise there’ll be trouble,” Blaze said as he and Colin walked over to Spencer to untie him.

Spencer really wanted to escape but knew he probably wouldn’t be able to and both these pokemon could probably bring him down together and there was also the matter of Freddy who was always watching from the trees who would spring down and put him back in tight String Shot bondage.
“So back to the clearing, I guess?” Spencer asked as he got to his feet.

“No, we’ll do this here. I can and I will pin you down right in this spot then put you straight back in those ropes you was just in,” Colin replied.
“It will be my turn after Colin. Then we’ll see what happens after that. Okay Colin, go get him,” Blaze said.
Colin smiled and walked close up to Spencer with his arms out ready to grab his chest. Spencer prepared to catch him but Colin then jumped up and did a rugby tackle on Spencer pushing him backwards.

“Yikes,” Spencer cried as he almost fell over. Then before he had a chance to recover his footing, Colin swept his feet tripping him up.
“Gotcha now,” Colin said as he immediately dropped onto Spencer’s stomach.

“Don’t move,” Colin added as he grabbed Spencer’s wrists and crossed them over and held them down over Spencer’s chest.
Spencer tried to break the hold but this only made Colin hold down harder.

“This is getting boring now, just let me go,” Spencer said annoyed.

“Shut up human,” Colin simply said. He kept one hand on Spencer’s crossed wrists while reaching for the ropes with the other.
“My name is Spencer. Do you hear me! Spencer!” Spencer then said in a louder voice.

“Whatever. Who cares! Not that you humans are any better calling pokemon by their species names,” Colin replied as he turned Spencer over and began to tie him up just as he had been tied up already many times before.

“Please just let me go,” Spencer begged.

“Sorry, but we can’t risk you telling any other humans of this place. You belong to us now,” Colin said and before Spencer could reply any further, was gagged once again.

“My turn finally,” Blaze said.

No sooner than Colin had finished, Blaze then immediately untied Spencer again.

“Now you get to play with me,” Blaze said but Spencer was just too tired and fed up.

“Just get this over with,” Spencer said who stayed on the floor.

“Oh, you’re just going to let me pin you down without a fight, eh? Good enough for me then,” Blaze replied as he dropped down and pinned Spencer in the schoolboy pin position he had been pinned in many times earlier.

“You know, maybe I should invite some of the other rescue teams and other pokemon in town here. I’m sure they would love a chance to pin down and tie up a human like you. Chances are many of them have never seen a human and would choose to deal with them like this if given the chance,” Blaze mocked what only made Spencer blush even more with embarrassment.

“You’re lucky you’re not a trainer or even worse, one of those rockets or galactics or whatever those kind of people are called. If you were, you would have been treated a lot more harshly,” Colin added.

“You see Spencer, we know all about the regions where the humans come from and how they treat pokemon. We are all united in our belief that humans cannot be trusted. Our number one policy regarding humans is to capture them and ensure they never tell anyone about these areas,” Blaze said while keeping Spencer pinned down.

“So there’s more than just this forest then?” Spencer asked.

“Of course. As I said earlier, this forest forms part of Sinister Woods, which is part of a bigger area called the Air Continent. But there are also other continents like this too. But of course, we will make sure you never tell anyone,” Blaze replied.

“Now my turn to tie you up,” Blaze added as he then tied Spencer up the same way as others had previously. Then came the gag as before also.

“I think I’ll just leave you here for a while instead of putting you back in the pit. Just so everyone can have a look. See ya around, wimp,” Blaze said as he and Colin walked away leaving Spencer tied up and gagged on the forest floor in full view of any pokemon passing by.
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Post by Terry »

Chapter 6

Spencer was left tied up and gagged on the forest floor by the pit for over an hour. He struggled and mmphed several times throughout that time but no amount of struggling would help him escape. This amused several of the random forest pokemon who lived in there but they would do nothing to help Spencer and just let him struggle.

Dexy came back and was pleased to see Spencer there on the floor unable to move. He had brought some food on a plate.

“Still here, I see. Good. I’ll be going on a mission later but I have a bit of time for now so I can play with you for a bit,” Dexy said walking up to Spencer.

He untied Spencer’s bonds and removed the gag and allowed him to eat as well as have a toilet break before continuing.

“Okay let’s just get this over with,” Spencer said while Dexy just nodded.

“Of course, and I am going to enjoy every minute of it,” Dexy replied.

The two started grappling as soon as they finished speaking and as expected, it was Dexy who got the upper hand. Spencer was quickly floored once again while Dexy put him in a firm cradle pin, making it very difficult for Spencer to break out.

Dexy loved to pin his enemies down this way and found it a fun and effective way to dominate them.

“Pinned you again Spencer. Forget battles and moves and crap, this is much more fun. This is how I beat my enemies. Wimpy humans like you are so easy and fun to pin,” Dexy mocked.

Spencer was trying his hardest to break free but Dexy refused to let go and kept him cradled. Out of all the group, it was Dexy who was the strongest and also the best pinner.

“So I heard that you just let Blaze pin you earlier without even a fight. You just laid down and let him pin you. How embarrassing,” Dexy mocked even further.

“Yeah. I did. So what. I’m tired and fed up of all this. And yeah, I’m a wimp, I admit it,” Spencer replied who had now given up trying to break out of Dexy’s pin.

“Good. Because I will enjoy pinning you down again and again. And if any other human decides to trespass here, intentionally or not, then I will pin them down also,” Dexy replied.

“You don’t like humans much, do you? I guess I should have expected this. Being taken prisoner by a group of pokemon long isolated from humans where they can now make their own rules, “ Spencer replied.

“Yes you should have expected it. And you are correct, humans are not liked much here. We have adapted this part of the world for over several generations. Human interference would only damage It. You are not the first human to come here. You are the first however, which we have managed to be able to practice our capturing skills on as a one on one basis. It’s so easy to pin you down especially when you make little to no effort to fight back,” Dexy replied.

“And I got pinned down by every last one of you,” Spencer said quietly quite embarrassed. Dexy just laughed at this.

“Yes you did, didn’t ya. One after the other. And I thank you for that. Just makes it a lot easier for us, or at least just me, to pin down any other humans who may decide to come here. Anyway enough of this. Would love to keep you pinned down for much longer but I have stuff to do,” Dexy said as he released the pin and then proceeded to tie Spencer back up and gag him.

Spencer didn’t even fight back and just let Dexy work on him.

“There we go, nice and tight. This is how I like to see humans after a nice, long pin, all tied up and gagged on the floor helpless. Now you just stay there and keep quiet,” Dexy said before walking away leaving Spencer on the floor.
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Chapter 7

Spencer was fed up and not long after Dexy had left him, he began to struggle as hard as he could. He rolled around and squirmed for around half an hour but the knots around his wrists and legs held him well. He stopped struggling when he saw Freddy the Ariados approach him. He had not seen Freddy since he was initially captured. Freddy had been watching him the whole time unknown to Spencer.

“Having fun, are you? It’s so amusing watching you try to escape,” Freddy taunted.

“Mmmph,” was all Spencer could say in a quiet voice with him being fully gagged.

“We told you before, you won’t escape us. And even if you were to somehow get out of these bonds, we will just grab you again and tie you up much better than you already are,” Freddy said.

“What’s going on here?” a different voice said who approached Spencer and Freddy from the direction leading to the base. It was Blaze who was with Justin and Milo.

“Hey guys, seems our friend here was trying so desperately to escape. So I came here to check on him and made him know that escape is impossible,” Freddy replied.

“Hah, thought if we left him alone long enough, he would try something. Good thing you were watching,” Blaze replied.

“Mmmph mmph mmph,” Spencer grunted angrily while struggling at the same time. The pokemon around him just laughed at his predicament and pathetic attempts to escape. Spencer then just stopped, it was no use.

“Maybe we should reinforce these knots and ensure he never gets out. No more untying him just so we can pin him down. Let’s just leave him tied up and gagged and only ungag him to feed him every now and then,” Milo suggested.

“I agree totally, time to show this wimp we mean business. Got plenty of ropes and stuff here,” Justin replied taking out a bunch more ropes and stuff from his treasure bag.

Spencer just stared at them wide eyed but he couldn’t do much else to protest against it.

“And I have my String Shot if he tries anything,” Freddy added. Blaze, Justin and Milo grabbed some ropes each, much better ropes than the ones what were already binding Spencer.

Milo worked on Spencer’s legs, Justin on his wrists and Blaze on his arms and shoulders as well as the gag. Freddy stood near where Blaze was by Spencer’s face.

The old ropes were removed with the new ropes put on him really quickly. The knots were much tighter this time with more ropes also added around Spencer’s elbows and shoulders which it wasn’t before. The gag was much tighter also, a cloth tied tightly around Spencer’s mouth several times making it almost impossible for any noise this time.

They all stood up when they had finished to admire their handiwork. Spencer wasn’t going to get out of this and struggling would also be kept more minimal.

All Spencer could do now was just lie there and accept his fate.

“Good work, we done well. He’ll never escape now. Now let’s put him in the pit,” Blaze said as the three pokemon picked Spencer up and threw him down back into the pit in his new, reinforced bindings.

The last thing Spencer saw was Blaze smirking at him as the pit was closed and him into darkness.

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Post by stormchaser1 »

Great story. I really enjoyed it.
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