Stories from the Slavehouse: Alexander(F/M)(Rewrite)(part 6)

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Stories from the Slavehouse: Alexander(F/M)(Rewrite)(part 6)

Post by Wolfling »

Hello Everybody! It's a me Wolfling! Back on the previous site I had a story I couldn't conclude, but would like to. So i decided to rewrite it here. As a quick disclaimer: I don't endorse any kind of negative discrimination against men or women, just thought it would make an interesting setting. Have Fun!



Lana Silver was standing in her office observing her well built body in the wooden framed mirror, right next to the bookcase holding all the books from her favorite mulierian writers. She was wearing the dark blue military uniform she was well-known for, with the matching trousers and a pair of black boots. Her chest full of medals of all shapes and sizes, showed everyone all her merits, years of experience - and all the bureaucrats she greased. She wore her blue beret partially covering her shoulder-length brown hair to emphasize her good sense of style and complement her attire at the same time. Lana's face expressed her confidence and perkiness. After taking a last few good looks at her unquestionably beautiful self, she turned towards the this far ignored figure kneeling right next to the mirror.
The aforementioned figure was an about 20 years old guy from the facility. He was in the leggings standardized for inhabitants, his upper body was stripped, except for a tank top upon Lana's request. his hands were behind his back, held together by a pair of dark-brown leather-cuffs. He didn't bother struggling against his restraints as he knew all too well it would only get him into even more trouble.
-"Well What do you think boy? Do I look like the most stunning Headmistress?" - Asked Lana from the guy.
-"Omph Commphe!" - He tried to answer, nodding his head.
-"Oh you are so kind! Maybe one day you will be good enough to be my personal slave." - She answered with a condescending grin. With that she left the slave, whose name she didn't even know, nor she cared to know.

Lana took one of the books she was reading the other day, and sat down behind her desk, situated in the center of her office. Whilst reading she occasionally took a look at her temporary prisoner, enjoying the sight of him, almost pleading with his eyes for release... or at least a more comfortable position. Her reading session was interrupted about a good half hour later, when someone knocked on the door. She put down her book and glanced at the boy a last time before taking a more elegant stance and calling out loudly:
-"Come in!"

A girl slightly lower than Lana entered the door. Her look wasn't that impressive as Lana's but still demanded respect from most of the staff housed in the facility. She wore a green uniform jacket with the matching pants and boots. She had short brown hair and a pair of brown eyes. her face radiated with anger and dissatisfaction. A little platinum plate on the left of her chest read...
-"Lieutenant Silver!" - Exclaimed Lana in her bossy tone. - "I wonder what brings you here? I thought I..."
-"save the formal bullshit for your biodrones Lana." - Interrupted her the newcomer as she closed the door behind her. - "And be so kind to remove your eye-candy from here, this is none of his business." - She continued gesturing towards the gagged boy by the mirror.
-"Okay sis'. So what the heck are you doing here, embarrassing me with your disrespectful manner, while you should be preparing for tomorrow? It's an important day you know."
-"I know very well! That's exactly my problem: The equipment is insufficient: half of my subordinates don't have a proper helmet, one third of them doesn't have handcuffs at their disposal and I could carry on until tomorrow, what else is missing from my requested weaponry. Also: The provided womanpower is a bad joke: about one soldier per squad came fresh from the academy, they didn't even see real action, and only dealt with slaves trained to be obedient training-dummies."
-"I can't see a problem here, you aren't going on a raid, it's just a simple acquisition-routine, we do that twice a year. Besides I can't just get founding for all your extravagant needs out of nowhere."
-"You could if you wouldn't..." - Started the Lieutenant, but a sudden knock on the door cut her short in her thought-train. - "We shall revisit this topic another day Chief Silver." - She said emphasizing the last two words and started walking towards the door.
-"Take care sis'! And have fun tomorrow!" - Lana answered - "Come in!"
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Post by Wolfling »

Hey there! coming up: the next chapter.

A seamless start

The next day...

Ann Miles paced around the living room of her house. She was everything but calm at the moment: Soon she had to face the same nightmare, every mother with a son had to go through in her life. The official decree rested on the living room table since the day, she opened up the envelope:

     Dear Mrs. Miles,

     according to the data provided by the central database, Alexander Miles, your son has reached the
     age of 18 on the 16th of February 2037. With this he became eligible to attend the 

                                  "Personality Development and Future Establishment Program"

         which is recommended for every adolescent boy. We would like to remind you, that you are obliged 
     to grant your son the opportunity to take part in the program by law. On the 3rd of May 2037, an 
     escort team from your nearest Personality Development Center will take Alexander, so he can acquire
     the skills, essential to take part in building a better future for our society and himself as well.

     With regards,
     Whitney O'Hara, Ministry of Existential Security


Ann read through the paper for the hundredth time. She knew very well for the last few years that this will inevitably happen, but still, at this moment she couldn't believe that it really came to this. Her worries grew stronger by every second, she didn't really know, what this "opportunity" was about, the only thing she could go on about was the various rumors, she heard from her fellow mothers, whose grown sons were already through the program. She heard about all kinds of acts intended to embarrass, humiliate and discipline the "lucky" subjects, more often than not, without any significant reason behind it. Tales were told about devices of torture and cruel restraints, which would be considered excessive, even in the case of the most brutal criminals ever convicted.

-"Good morning, Mom!" - A voice Ann knew very well, called out for her.
-"Good morning, Alex!" - Ann turned towards the stairs, leading up to the second floor. -"I guess you didn't sleep this night either?"

A brown haired boy descended from the stairs wearing only his gray tank top and a pair of shorts. His green eyes showed the signs of severe sleep deprivation. For the last few days Alex couldn't get a good night sleep. Hearing the sometimes exaggerated stories of what was going on inside the dreaded walls of the "Slavehouse" as some called it, sleep just didn't come upon his eyes.

-"Are you alright? You don't look that well..." - Asked Ann concerned looking at the face of her son.
-"Of course I am not looking well. I will be legally nabbed and tortured, just because I have a wiener! How am I supposed to look right now?" - Came the angry answer
-"Don't use that tone with me! You think I am happy about this? I know this is hard for you, but this is a must if you don't want to be exiled to the sewers for the rest of your life, like that Andrews kid last year. Now go and put some clothes on, before they come for you!"

As Alexander walked away to the shower Ann sat down on a sofa. "Maybe I was too harsh with him. Alex was right: He didn't have the slightest reason to be happy about this." - She thought to herself. - "But I don't want to lose him as well. Maybe this whole thing is not that bad as it sounds. Maybe..." - The doorbell rang, interrupting Ann. She ran to the door to open it. "Maybe this is something else, maybe they come later, maybe..." - She kept on hoping as she reached for the doorknob and opened up the front door. She was disappointed to say the least, as she saw three young women (Or girls as she thought: "They aren't much older than Alex.").
For a brief moment before the ladies spoke up, Ann took a quick look at them: All three of them wore plain black clothes, partially covered by a protective vest, a pair of military boots and a pair of black gloves. Two of the three had a helmet on their head. On the utility belt around their waists hung a baton and a pistol holster("Oh my god they aren't going to... are they?" - She thought).

The one leading the fearsome trio stepped forward with a reassuring smile:

-"Good morning Mrs. Miles! I am Lieutenant Mona Silver from the local PDC. We came for Alexander Miles."
-"Yes, I've got the letter a few days ago... Excuse me! Is all of this really necessary? We could go in ourselves."
-"Sorry Ma'am. We are here to ensure all attendees get to the PDC. We can't make exceptions."
-"But, what is this riot gear for? He isn't going to..."
-"We can't let anybody get us off-guard Ma'am. Often male citizens are in a better physical shape than women, and are also known for showing aggressive tendencies." - Just like her sister, Mona was excellent in throwing around official gibberish when needed. - "Now, please let us do our work!"

With that last sentence Mona gestured Ann to step aside and entered the house. just a few seconds later Alexander came down the stairs again, this time wearing a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. Mona spoke up again:

-"Great! You must be Alexander Miles, right?"
Alexander hesitated for a second. "Of course I am." - He thought. For a fraction of that second the thought of lying, saying that "I am his younger brother and Alex is out somewhere." flashed through his brain. "But what good would it do? This is not the kindergarten, they probably know I am an only child, they surely have a photograph of me, even if they didn't look at it this far. Maybe this question is just pure formality, of course they know I am Alex." - He thought.
-"Yes. It's me."
-"Okay. Turn around and hands behind your back. Private Long, restraints!" - Mona instructed the girl on her right.
-"Wait! He didn't do anything! Why..." - Protested Ann, but was cut short by Mona.
-"Sorry, Mrs Miles! We must take safety precautions. Alexander Miles, turn around and put your hands behind your back!" - She repeated, opening her pistol holster, revealing the grip of a taser gun.
Alexander Looked at his mother, who looked back with a heartbroken look and nodded silently. He let out a sigh and slowly turned around, just like he saw in the movies. He made sure not to hide her hands from the girls, fearing, that he would end up drooling on the ground thanks to a well aimed taser shot from one of them. The girl Mona referred to as "Private Long" approached Alexander as he obediently put her hands behind his back. Clicking the handcuffs around his wrists she started to drag him towards the door.

-"Wait, at least let me pack some clothes for him!" - Ann insisted.
-"There is no need Ma'am. Attendees are outfitted with quality pieces of clothing, and supplied with everything necessary for their well-being and education. Also personal belongings tend to distract them. Let's go girls!" - Replied Mona - "Thank you for the cooperation Mrs. Miles!"

The girls lead Alexander out through the front door. A gray van was parking in front of the house with the writing "Personality Development Center Special Escort Team" on its side. Long was dragging the boy towards it.

-"Uhm! Excuse me! You don't have to..."
-"Shut your mouth boy! Or else I will..." - Came the answer from the girl before Alexander could finish his sentence.

Mona opened the back of the van and with a gesture signed the others to "Get him inside!". Alexander stopped dead in his tracks as he finally glanced inside: six other unfortunate boys were awaiting their fate, alongside the inner sides of the van. Their hands were behind their backs, obviously handcuffed together. The legs of the captive boys were cuffed to the floor of the van with two leather belts held together by a chain. Seemingly two of the six boys didn't accept Long's advice, as their mouths were filled with a rubber ballgag, keeping them relatively quiet. One of the gagged boys must have been taken by surprise, judging by the fact that all he wore was a pair of boxer briefs. The other four didn't even try to defy orders. Mona pushed Alexander forward. The Boys watched as he tripped and hit the ground, with various feelings about the whole situation.

Ann watched from the living room window, as the events unfolded. Sitting down on the sofa she buried her face in her palms. "This is everything, but a seamless start."
Last edited by Wolfling 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by rafeylovesbonds »

Excellent so far!
Is she out there, she who ties you up and then you stay tied up?
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Post by Wolfling »

Thank you! I try to do my best.
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Post by that1kid13 »

Yeah I’m liking it as well , continue :)
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Post by Wolfling »

Hello Everybody! Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Thank you for the positive feedback. Here comes the next installment:


Welcome to the facility

Mona got into the passenger seat of the van, and took her personal datapad into her hands. Swiping through the screen she activated the facial recognition, and a few seconds later she was looking at all the addresses and the squads assigned to acquire the "attendees". As Mona scrolled through the names in the list, she was pleased to see that most of the names were already flagged as "acquired". Only a handful of acquisition orders left unfinished. She looked up the record with the name "Alexander Miles" and tapped the "acquired" button at the end of the row.

-"Good. We're almost done." - She thought, then turned to the driver awaiting her orders. - "Let's go, Chief Officer Silver is awaiting us!" - She told her. - "To show off her rhetorical skills..." - She added in her head.


The van drove off to it's final destination, with it's cargo seized from various families around the town. Alexander was seated in the back. His legs were attached to the floor, just like all the other's were. Alexander's place was right next to the thick plate, which took place between the driver's cabin and the rear compartment of the van. Private Long and the other girl from his house were sitting opposite from the rear doors.
Alexander took a look around the people surrounding him. The girl on Long's left looked almost like her, except for some reason she didn't wear a helmet, revealing her shoulder-length brown hair. Her nameplate read "jr. pvt. Dawson". The guy stripped and gagged took place on the right side of Alexander, surprisingly he didn't cause much trouble, just sat there silently with an embarrassed look on his face, only sometimes making subtle movements to get into a slightly more comfortable position. The other gagged guy was a bit more active: most of the way he was squirming back and forth, producing muffled grunts through the black rubber ball. He only stopped occasionally for a few minutes, when Long ran out of patience and shouted at him to stop wreaking havoc.
After a long and uneventful journey - apart from Long's outbursts at the squirming prisoner - the van came to a halt.

"Okay piggies, get your fine arses up! Rookie, get the accessories and prepare them for the grand opening!" - Long instructed. pulling out her taser gun.

The boys stood up from their places, trying to keep their balance with their legs still cuffed. Dawson got up from her place and pulled out a rectangular crate from under the sitting and opened it. As she turned towards the boys with a bunch of collars and ballgags, the boy standing opposite Alexander's place spoke up:

-"Wait! We've been silent the whole time why gag us?"
-"You had the privilege to come this far without being gagged, so i wouldn't complain if I were you. But now we must gag you per facility regulations, so shut up!" - Long replied waving her gun towards the guy.

Dawson stepped to Alexander with the collars and the gags hanging from her shoulder, and with an awkward smile and held up one of the gags.
-"Would you open up, please?" - She asked.

Alexander opened her mouth and the girl pushed the ball into it. After fastening it's belts, she took one of collars and put it around Alexander's neck. With some messing around she managed to get it right, albeit on her first try she almost strangled Alexander. She knelt down, removed the shackles from his legs and lead him to the guy opposite him. Yet again he gagged the guy, who judging by his facial expression, was struggling hard, not to resist. The girl buckled up the gag and put up the collar as well, but before she released his legs she produced a belt from under collars, which had two rings on either end of it, and attached the rings to the D-rings on the two boys collars. Alexander took another look at his "pair", whom he mostly ignored this far. He was half a head higher than Alexander, wore a beige tank top with black cargo pants. He had brown hair, and Alexander noticed a tattoo, or more like a "mark" on his right upper arm:

Tyler Kovacs
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Dawson repeated the process with the remaining captives, making three pairs of them, then connecting the three pairs and the last lone boy into one batch. After that she knocked on the inside of the vans rear door, and it opened up...


As the van was getting nearer and nearer to the main gate, Mona watched her datapad, waiting for the pop-up warning requesting to identify herself. She tapped the "identify" button, sending her ID to the guard outpost. As the guard sitting inside confirmed her identity, she opened up the gate, allowing the Lieutenant's van to slide across the gate without having to even slow down. The van driver drove through the front yard, and entered the vehicle hangar's huge entrance, then after taking a 180 degree turn she stopped the engine.
-"Dismissed!" - Mona said without looking up from her datapad.
-"Yes, Ma'am!" - She answered, got out the van and marched away.

Mona got out as well and looked around in the hangar: a bunch of males were marching towards the assembly point with the corresponding squad members leading (and sometimes disciplining) them. She took another look around, then double checked the screen of the datapad. "Something's off." She thought and looked through the list of the vehicles that have already identified themselves. "I'll have to look into this after Lana's self-promotion." With that she put the datapad away and walked behind the van. After a few minutes of waiting, Mona heard the knocking from the inside and opened up the rear door. Dawson leapt down from the back and the boys followed her by the orders of Long, who still stood behind them.
"It was about time Dawson. Now follow my lead!" - Commanded the Lieutenant.


The gagged, and tied up batch of boys proceeded towards a big crowd of similarly restrained males, and their female watchers. Most of the boys were standing still as much as their restraints and various urges let them, but some of them made futile attempts, to wriggle out of the leather and metal holding them back, at least until they got beaten by one of the guards, or faced a taser gun. Up, well higher than the "excited" crowd, was a huge catwalk with two guards standing on it.


Lana Silver, Chief Officer of the Facility, informally known as the "headmistress" paced through the corridors of the facility, after thoroughly examining her perfectly ironed uniform in her trusty mirror. When she got to the door leading to the hangar, she stopped for a second to once more check her attire. Being the important person she is, she couldn't afford to show the slightest imperfection before her loyal subjects. She opened up the door and confidently stepped in, then walked across the grid-like inspection platform overseeing the vehicle hangar.
She stood between the guards standing right next to the iron bars on the edges, and glanced down on the ant-like males and females with a smile. This was yet another great opportunity, to shine like the star she is.

"Welcome, loyal female servants of equality, and imperfect citizens. Thank you for joining us in this facility of self development. You may feel like, you were deprived of your freedom and dragged here against your own will, but don't let these obsolete, outdated thoughts fog your mind. As you, biologically limited subjects will see: the time you spend here will benefit you, your families, and nonetheless our nation. Everything you will learn here will help you in all aspects of your life. Your family will be proud of you and the achievements you make, thanks to this facility, and our nation will thrive thanks to you. Take the chance to become a better person and help us, to help you in raising above your limitations. Don't be discouraged, if you fail to achieve perfection, be proud, that you have made a great contribution for the ones, who come after you. Now follow your designated guides, on the way to self improvement."

Lana finished her speech, and let the guards to give glorifying applause for her. After the celebration of her welcoming words died down, she turned around and went for the door in the same disciplined manner she has came in, while the crowd beneath her made it's way towards the registration offices.
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Post by Wolfling »

Hello, guys! I'am sorry for the two month delay! I had a few things on my hands, and didn't have the time to write. For anyone still interested, here comes the next part:


Checking in

About an hour passed by since the procedure began. The crowd of attendees were lead to a long, visually sterile corridor. The more seasoned guards took one of the few chairs along the wall without wasting any time, the newbies though, had to settle with staying on foot. The boys were standing around a door, which had a sponge-stuffed leather covering similar to those at a doctor's office. The members of the branch were restrained the same way, they were, since leaving the van. Two of the newbie guards already entered the door, probably to oversee whatever was going on inside. During the time the attendees were unleashed one-by one, to be lead inside the door, to undergo "Health check and registration" - according to the little plate on the wall, beside the door.
Alexander was quite late in the row, which resulted in his nerves being on the edge. His feelings weren't eased by the fact, that none of the boys returned from the room. He was pretty sure, they were alright, but under the given circumstances, the thought of something terrible going on behind that door crossed his mind on a minutely notice.

The door finally opened up. Dawson stepped up to Alexander and unbuckled the leash from his collar.

-"Ok. It's your turn big boy!" - She explained, while grabbing his arm. Then seeing his facial expression added - "Hey! Don't worry, they won't swallow you alive!"

Dawson lead him to the door, as she and her colleagues did with all of the others this far, then handed him over to another guard, who was already waiting for the next attendee inside. Alexander entered the room. He felt somewhat relieved, but nervous at the same time: on one side, he finally saw what was awaiting him, on the other side the scene didn't seem reassuring to him. The first thing that got his attention were the sterile white tiles covering almost everything except the ceiling of the small room. Just a few meters ahead stood a dark wooden desk, with a monitor and tons of paper on top of it. In the far end of the room there was another door, which explained the fact, that no one came out through the door they went in. A blonde haired woman in a white coat stood beside the table, fiddling with a datapad in her hands.
Looking around Alexander noticed another outstanding piece of furniture: There was an armchair of some kind across from the table. Which made this armchair peculiar, were the leather straps on the end of the armrests and the base of legs. Another longer belt hung from the side of the backrest at around chest-level. The not-so-ordinary chair was accompanied by a few other devices, one of which Alexander identified as a tattoo machine, although it puzzled him, why would they have it in a place like this. There was a small table to the left of the chair, with various medical devices resting on top of it.
After a few taps and swipes on the screen the woman at the table looked up with a smile.

-"Hey there! Get comfortable! We will start right away." - She said gesturing towards the chair.

Alexander hesitated for a while, then got going, incentivized by a push from the guard behind him. A few steps later Alexander stood beside the next stop of his predicament. The guard undid his handcuffs, then pushed him into the chair, to which Alexander replied with a grunt.

-"Now be a good boy, and don't throw a hustle!" - She said with an angry, menacing look on her face.

The girl fastened Alexander's wrists to the armrests with the straps. Alexander watched in peril, as he was immobilized for certainly not his own good. The girl finished the work with anchoring his chest to the back of the chair with the backrest-straps and then - for Alexander's greatest surprise - removed his gag.

-"He is packed and ready." - She exclaimed as the woman in the coat came nearer.
-"Great. So, what is your full name?" - She asked turning to Alexander.
-"Al... Alexander Miles." - Alexander replied.
-"Alexander Miles, let's see" - She started to browse her datapad again, swiping across the screen a few times, then stopped and tapped on it.
-"Ah i see, born on the 3rd of may 2019... Raised by a widowed mother - my condolences... No record of chronic illnesses, no handicaps... Everything seems to be good.

The woman then stood on the left of Alexander and applied the cuff of a blood pressure meter on his left hand. Following the measurement, she picked up a little flashlight from the table and grabbed his chin. Forcing Alexander's mouth open, she took a look inside with the flashlight. She also used a Stethoscope to listen to her chest. After every act of inspection, she started typing on the datapad, probably noting and storing the results. Finally she turned to the guard:

-"You can proceed with the marking Jess! Here's the data." - She said as she handed over her datapad to the guard.

-"Here we go boy, I hope you like the taste of rubber in your mouth, because unlike the others, I don't like whining kids." - Jessie said as she pushed the rubber ball into Alexander's mouth. - "Now sit tight as I apply the mark."

Jessie kicked in the tattoo machine, then with the pen in her hand turned to Alex, who by the time, was fully aware of the machine's purpose. Jesse spent the next few minutes decorating Alexander's upper right arm.
After the brief tattoo session, Alexander had another taste of freedom for the fraction of a second, as Jessie released him from the chair. His newly gained control of his life wasn't long lasting though, because Jesse handcuffed him once again as soon, as every single limb of his was free. With the examination finished, Jesse lead Alexander to the door, in the other end of the room. While being dragged towards the door, potentially leading to more trouble for him, Alexander peeked down on his arm to get a glimpse of what was "burned" into his skin for the rest of his life:

Alexander Miles
Cls: |


The sun was going down, as Lana was reading a newly acquired book "The history of the awakening". She just finished with the mandatory paperwork and decided to have some "food for her mind and soul", before calling it a day and getting actual food. Her session of intellectual self-improvement was cut short however, when Mona stormed into the office, startling Lana in her chair.
-"Lana, you have to see this!" - Said the lieutenant, putting down her datapad on Lana's desk;
-"Hey Mona! What's so important now?"
-"Two of our requisition squads are missing."
-"What do you mean missing? I thought you can handle a simple requisition, with your oh-so-flawless military record." - Lana replied with anger and faked disappointment.
-"Both teams completed their requisition tasks, then met at the designated rally point. From there they went on together, but their GPS signals went dead at a low-traffic route near Earhart boulevard and there is no registered identification-request, meaning they didn't make it to the facility."
-"Did they took a tour at the nearest pub or what? Two freaking vans don't just go missing in broad daylight."
-"Now that's for sure, but against your preconceptions, they are disciplined enough not to go slacking off. Your lack of concern about the safety of our guards however, may have played some part in what seems an elaborate assault on us." - Came Mona's scolding answer.
-"Drop that tone, when you are talking to me!" - Lana suddenly rose up from her chair, hitting the top of the table with both of her hands. Then continued in a not much calmer manner: - "Are you really implying, that someone had the nerve to ambush not one, but two of our vans?"
-"I know it sounds crazy. Yet... we have two vans, six guards and about a dozen prisoners missing, so yeah, something's brewing..."
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Post by TiedupNick »

Wow, this is a great story! Thanks for part 3, can't wait for more!!
Tiedupnick - fka nicktie

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Post by Wolfling »

Thank you! I will bring the next part as soon as i can.
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Post by Wolfling »

Hey there, guys! Sorry for the constant delays, somedays, I just can't get myself to write. I hope this part will be worth it for your time!


A little rest

The door opened up, and Alexander was greeted by the sight of another group of unfortunate boys. Just like before the health-check, the boys were arranged in pairs, the members of each pair held together by a short leash, and all of the pairs were batched together into a train of utter embarrassment. The last person in the row was the same boy, he was chained together earlier. The boy - according to his mark, called Tyler - was standing alone, with the leash hanging down on his side, waiting for the last person to join the group.

Private Long paced around the flock of wriggling, sometimes grunting boys, watching over them. It was hard, not to notice her smile, giving away the satisfaction, hiding behind it. Alexander noticed another girl with short brown hair, and a lighter green attire standing in front of the crowd. As Long spotted the arriving Alexander and the guard, she hurried to them and grabbed his arm. Then she dragged Alexander back with her, to make him a part of the living train.

Finally, as the formation was completed, Long's fancier-dressed colleague spoke up:
-"It was about time you showed up! Now listen up everybody! My name is Eva Mendez, and I will be your so called attendee overseeing officer. I know you are as dumb, as a rock, but even with your weak comprehension skills you must've guessed by now, that this facility is not the five star hotel, it was promoted as. So for the sake of simplicity, you can think of me as a warden. Now that we're done with the formalities, I will escort you to your residence, while the doc and her assistant handles the next group of piggies. Get going!"

Eva finished her sentence and made her way down the corridor, followed by the not so happy boys, and the more than happy Long. A corner later, the group passed a window looking over a gym of some sorts. Alexander gulped, as he saw the boys training inside, under supervision of course. The gym had all kinds of specialized workout machines, like treadmills, designated places for push-ups or weights, that held the boys assigned to them in place with cuffs or belts. Alexander was staring for a while, when Long delivered a slap on his bottom:

-"Move it piggie! Don't worry, you will get to use those as well!"

Eva lead the boys through a couple of corridors, until they arrived at a double door, made from steel. Beside the door there was a metal plate attached on the wall, with the writing "Attendee's Quarters - S1" carved into it. The door lead to a corridor with sturdy looking doors along both walls of it, with a keycard reader at every door. Eva signed with her hand, to stop and turned around to face the boys:

-"These rooms are going to be your homes, for the rest of your stay. I suggest to get comfortable with it, because you will spend every second here, when you're not on training. Leaving your rooms at an time of the day is strictly prohibited, except if I or someone on my behalf comes to take you out. Non-permitted attempts to leave your room, or the area you are assigned to, count as violation of facility rules and also national law." - Eva told the boys before her.
-"Does anybody have questions?" - She asked, then a few seconds later, ignoring the mumbling, grunting voices, produced by her audience, she carried on:
-"No? Good. Long, be so kind and show the piggies to their respective rooms."

Long stepped up to Alexander, and detached the leash, connecting him and Tyler to the others. She Dragged the boys towards the nearest door by their leash, then swiped her keycard down the reader. The door opened up and Long dragged in the boys into "their new home". Against Alexander's expectations, the room itself was quite decent: it had two wooden beds (with the indispensable rings, serving as anchor points for any kind of restraints), two nightstands, and it had it's own bathroom as well.

As the boys were preoccupied by their new place of residence, Long unlocked the cuff on one of Alexander's wrist and re-cuffed it, after pulling it between Tyler's arms, attaching the boys via their handcuffs as well.

-"MMph!" - The boys simultaneously let out a surprised (and on Tyler's part angry) grunt.
-"Hey! Look at the bright side! You will have a little time, to get acquainted with each other."

Long took of the collars and the leash and threw them over her shoulder. She then turned her back to the boys, to leave the room.

-MMPPH MMPGH MPH! - Tyler grunted still frustrated, almost pulling Alexander backwards.

Long turned back with a smile on her face and stepped back to the bound duo. She grabbed the strap of Tyler's gag, and gave him a few playful pats on his left cheek, while talking to him:

-"I will let this go this time, since you are a new guy. I should warn you though, that you better learn to show some respect, if you don't want to get on the wrong side of any of us!" - With that she departed once more, but before closing the door, she spoke to the boys one last time:
-"Someone will come to let you two out. If I don't forget about it, that is!"


The boys grew tired of waiting soon, and silently decided to sit on one of the beds back to back, where they spent the next three hours. "Luckily" a clock was placed above the door, so they could keep track of every single minute, that went by as they were waiting for their release.
Alexander started to think, that Long really forgot about them, when the door finally opened up once more. A familiar face entered the room: Alexander recognized the junior private, who escorted them alongside Long.

-"Hey there boys!" - Dawson greeted them cheerfully. - "Sorry for being late."
-"MMPPH!" - Alexander shook his cuffed hands trying to hurry her up a little. Dawson just smiled.

-"Keep calm! I will let you out in a moment. Per facility regulations, I must warn you beforehand, that I am trained in closed quarters combat and have a taser gun, but I guess, I won't need it." - Dawson told the boys as she unlocked Alexander's cuffs.
-"Thank you Ma'am!" - Alexander replied as he got the gag out of his mouth.
-"Please, Save the formalities for when the others are around! You can call me Erica! Also I would keep those gags close, if I were you. I'm pretty sure, you don't want to chew on someone else's saliva, when you're gagged the next time."

-"You took your freaking time!" - Tyler burst out as Erica freed his mouth.
-"Well, sorry! I had a dozen guys like you to be freed, and also tons of other things to do, But you are free to spend the rest of the day like this, if it fits your taste more." - Erica replied waving the red rubber ball in Tyler's face.
-"Whatever... thanks!" - Tyler replied, still a little grumpy.
-"You're welcome! Look, I know... or at least have a guess, that this is a huge trauma for both of you, but don't hate on everybody! Not all of us is like Mendez." - Erica went on, as she unlocked Tyler's cuffs.

-"Okay, boys. Dinner will be here soon. I suggest, to go to bed after it, because sergeant Mendez will be here in the morning, to take you!"
-"Why?" - Asked Alexander.
-"Good question, I am a new recruit, so I don't know much about how things go around here. Also she is the one in charge of the attendee-routine. All I can say is, she will take you out for some kind of personality improvement training, as they call it."

Erica looked at the clock over the door. The time was nearing 6pm.
-"Sorry, but I must report to Long, and don't have time for more. See ya later!" - Erica waved her hand with a smile. She then walked to the door, swiped her keycard and left.

-"Don't let them deceive you with this good-cop-bad-cop shit!" - Tyler told Alexander after Erica left. - "They're all the same. For them, you are just another pig who needs to learn his place."
-"Not like I want to be here more than you, but to me, she seemed genuinely nice. Maybe you are wrong about her."
-"I wouldn't put a dime on it. You have seen what they've been doing this whole time. If you keep up the good boy act, you will end up as a human pet on the side of some white collar bitch."
-"I just want to survive this whole thing. What do you think, your attitude will achieve?"
-"At least, I won't be disgusted, when I look into the mirror after we are done here." - Tyler jumped off the bed, they were occupying in the last few hours and went to the other.
-"And what about your family? Aren't you afraid you won't see them again?"

Tyler turned around with a serious look on her face, Alexander could've sworn, for the first time, he is seeing a hint of sorrow in his expression:
-"Honestly? I hope, I won't see them ever again."
Last edited by Wolfling 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Winston79 »

Great F/m storyline! Can't wait for more
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Post by Wolfling »

Thank you! I hope you will like the continuation as well. I will deliver the next part as soon as i can ;)
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Post by Winston79 »

Do you actually have more stories like this?
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Post by Wolfling »

At the moment, I don't have anything else. Sorry!
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Post by RopingRingers »

This is a very interesting angle 👍 a world where the matriarchy has actually taken over and subjugated the men is a scary prospect, as a male 🤣 keep it coming :)
Hello there!


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Post by Wolfling »

Hey there guys! I am yet again sorry, this update took this long! Hope you will still enjoy it though!


Obedience 101

A loud buzzing sound shook the room, waking Alexander from his sleep. Alexander sat up in his bed with his eyes still closed. "Please, let it be a nightmare." - He said to himself half-hoping, remembering everything, he went through. But opening his eyes, he couldn't deny reality: He was in the same room, where he spent a good few hours tied together and gagged, with a boy he never knew. He looked around, and saw Tyler sitting on the other bed, chewing on a sandwich.

-"Good morning! You're a good sleeper, I see." - Tyler greeted his roommate.
-"Good morning. Where did you get that?" - Alexander asked pointing to the sandwich in Tyler's hand.
-"You got one too." - Tyler pointed to Alexander's nightstand.

Alexander looked at the almost dried out slices of breads and the glass of water occupying his nightstand.
After an underwhelming breakfast, Alexander got out of his bed. He remembered Dawson mentioning, that Mendez will come for them in the morning, so decided to get ready before she shows up. Alexander entered the bathroom, which housed a shower cabin, a toilet, a sink and a large wardrobe. He opened up the wardrobe to find out what it contains, and found a good a few set of uniforms, underwear, and soap with two towels. After getting his morning business done, and taking a brief shower, Alexander put on a set of uniforms. The uniform consisted of a beige T-shirt, with the text "Personality Development Center Attendee" written on its shoulder and a pair of brown trousers, and white socks. Alexander left the bathroom bracing himself, for whatever horrors sergeant Mendez was having in store for them. Tyler on the other hand, didn't look so concerned: he was still lying on his bed watching the ceiling.

-"Aren't you going to get dressed?" - Alexander asked his roommate.

Tyler looked at Alexander and chuckled at the sight:

-"If they want to see me as a clown, I'll let them work for it." - Tyler replied.
-"You do know, that you're going to piss them off..."
-"You think, I give a damn?"

Soon the door opened up, as it was expected, and Mendez entered the room, followed by Long and another guard. Eva took a look around the room, and after a brief pause spoke up:

-"What is going on here? I was expecting two piggies ready for daily inspection!" - She exclaimed angrily.
-"Sorry Ma'am, he didn't have time to..." - Alexander tried to help out his roommate.
-"Save it dude! I just feel more comfortable in these, so I would rather skip the costume party, if you don't mind!" - Tyler Replied, interrupting Alexander, with a hint of sarcastic tone in the last part of his explanation.

As Tyler climbed out of his bed, Alexander saw a discreet smirk appearing on Eva's face. A smirk that left no doubt in him, that this isn't going to be an easy day. Eva sent Long and the other private towards Tyler with an elegant wave of her hand and carried on:

-"So if I get this right, the gentleman here prefers to lay in bed, instead of focusing on his duty to improve on his manly flaws, right?" - Eva said condescendingly - "Well, if that's what he wants, we can make an exception. LADIES!"

On the last word the guards jumped on Tyler and grabbed his arms. The boy tried to fight back against the girls, but his only success in pulling his arm out of Long's grip wasn't a long lasting victory: Long grabbed his arm again, and twisted it behind his back.

"Please wait! He's..." - Alexander took a step to the wrestling trio, but a clicking sound followed by a sudden motion draw his attention to Eva. The warden, who was only observing the escalating fight this far, now pointed a taser at Alexander:

-"STAY BACK, or I will have to prosecute you for assault!" - Eva told Alexander, who raised his hands, and slowly backed off.

The struggle went on for a few seconds, then the guards managed to push Tyler back, into his bed. Long held his left arm, while the other guard climbed onto him and to hold his right.

-"GET OFF ME, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" - He shouted as Long cuffed his left hand to the headboard.
-"Look sweetheart, we can do whatever we WANT!" - Long replied, as she reached for the ballgag on Tyler's nightstand.

Long tried to stuff the rubber ball into Tyler's mouth, to which he shut his mouth and turned his head away.
Long's fellow guard clicked a handcuff on Tyler's right wrist and attached it to the headboard on the opposite site from the other cuff, thus putting Tyler into a spread eagle position. Seeing that her fellow guard didn't succeed in silencing the culprit, he grabbed the boys jaw and turned his head back, forcing his mouth open in the process.

Alexander watched helplessly as the girls were restraining his roommate. In the meantime Eva put away her taser, and joined Alexander in watching the free wrestling show:

-What you see now, is a good example of what the lack of discipline causes. That's why you are here now.
-But... Isn't this a bit of an overkill?
-We don't tolerate deviation from the daily routine or given orders. You better get it in your head, before you end up in a permanent straitjacket for the rest of your stay. Now since you look like a reasonable piggie, I will let you go with a mild punishment for your misbehavior... - Eva told Alexander, as she handcuffed his hands behind his back.

Long pushed the black rubber ball into Tyler's mouth, causing the boy to answer with inaudible grunting. The two girls, satisfied with their handiwork turned to Tyler's legs. Tyler seeing what's coming next started kicking around. Long let out a confident smile, and turned to the other guard:

-You know the drill Liz. - She said.
-Of course! - Liz replied, and noticeably raised her knee, to suddenly kneel into Tyler's groin.

For a second Alexander could've sworn he feels the pain at the sight of what happened. Tyler stopped the kicking and raised his head with a surprised expression on his face. Long used the given opportunity to cuff his left ankle to a ring on the right side of the bed.

-You must have thought, I will crush them. Don't be fooled though: I won't stop next time! - Said Liz to Tyler with a mischievous grin on her face.

Long finished off the work by cuffing Tyler's right leg to the bed, thus spreading out all of his limbs. The girls - and Alexander - watched as the boy struggled in his bounds. Tyler twisted his body as much as he could, tried to rip the handcuffs out of their place, but to no avail. He spit - probably - all kinds of curses and profanities at the female trio but all that came out, was muffled grunts. His eyes shown his anger.
After a minute or two, that was amusement for the girls and embarrassment for the boys, Eva broke the - relative - silence:

-Okay ladies, I wouldn't like to ruin your entertainment, but Mr. - at this point she took a quick peek at the mark on Alexander's right hand - Miles is late from his class, so please be so kind and escort him to classroom 12, while I give this piggie a piece of my mind.


Stuart walked through the maze of carelessly thrown around crates in the storage hangar, holding a bunch of papers in his hand. This part of the abandoned warehouse served as a gathering place for all of it's residents:
well built men and boys of all age were sitting on or around one of the wooden crates. Most of them passed their time with chatting with the others, reading, drinking(mostly booze), or any other kind of activity.
Stuart had neither time nor intention to join the crowd, as he always felt uncomfortable with their company around.

Climbing the metal staircase in the corner of the hangar he soon found himself on the catwalk, that lead to the room, that once functioned as a logistics office. He took a deep breath standing in front of the door, once more reviewed the papers then entered. The office was a mess, no one took the time or effort to clean and tidy the place since the building became empty: the desk in the center of the room had all kind of ledgers, bills, and a few dried out pens. The lockers were rusty, and the some of them were even missing their doors. The windows looking over the street were dark from years of dust, or broken.
The room had new pieces of items though: On one of the walls there was a detailed map of the area, decorated by arrows, circles, and other kinds of symbols, next to the door a whiteboard contained a to-do list with various items like "get smoke grenades", "rally at Earhart boulevard" and "driver: Andrews". The newest pieces of items in the room were the assault helmets, riot batons, and vests resting next to the table.

A muscular, tall man nearing his thirties stood beside the map, analyzing the symbols and adding new drawings or correcting older ones. His camouflaged pants, and shirt weren't exactly military grade, but were just good enough for his purposes.

The middle-height, thin Stuart gathered his courage and spoke:
-Hey, boss...
-Hey, Stu! - Turned around the man. - What do you have for me?
-Well, There are bad and good news as well: The interrogation of the crew didn't yield any useful intel.
-Just as i feared. Anything else?
-Jericho on the other hand, managed to reach us: There are some things here, that are worth considering. - With that Stuart handed the papers to the man.
-Great! - The man said as he ran trough the papers. - The party is on!
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Post by Red86 »

This a great story line. I started reading this tale before I created an account. Today's chapter has reminded me it was here and I just gave it a re read. I can't help but sense perhaps 2 competing groups here. Tyler already being marked (noticed during transport), that has my curiosity.

Personally, as long as a story gets continued, I do not mind waiting a short period of time between updates. Part of me wants to read a story in one go though mostly I enjoy a story being stretched over a period of time pending on how far the author wants to take it.

I look forward to future updates!!
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Post by Wolfling »

Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you like the story so far! I'll try to bring the next update as soon as i can. ;)
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Post by Winston79 »

Just great!!
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Post by ThaliaTammy »

Very cool story, with a great twist at the end. Can't wait to read the next chapter ;)
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Post by TiedupNick »

Once again a great update! Thanks for keeping this storyline alive!
Tiedupnick - fka nicktie

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Post by Wolfling »

Hello there everybody! I'm very sorry, but i have too much on my hands now (MUST.NOT.MAKE.PUN.ON.BEING.TIED.UP.) So it might take a while, until i can continue this story, but i will get to it eventually, i promise. In the meantime, have fun!(with or without ropes)
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