The Cape Cod Caper (M/M)

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The Cape Cod Caper (M/M)

Post by thebadguy »

Hey everyone I decided I liked some of the characters I created in the stories Cowboy Doll and Scream Challenge so we are gonna do a little cross over. The intro is a bit lengthy but I like the direction it’s gonna go. Hope you enjoy.

The Cape Cod Caper

“Hurry before we miss the ferry!” Luis said impatiently.

“In those pink boating shorts I doubt anyone will miss a fairy.” Garrett teased playfully.

He had already called the Uber and the couple was minutes away from Boston harbor.

“Shut it Garrett.” Luis shot back worried they may miss their chance to get aboard the Provincetown ferry. With the odd lineups of their west coast flight it wasn’t likely to be another boat out there until the next morning.

A black SUV pulled up to where they were at the passenger pick up.

“You Garrett pal?” Screamed a driver with a thick New England accent.

“Yes that’s me. You must be Doug.” Garret responded grabbing his luggage and snapping Luis into gear.

“We’ll get in I’m your car.” Said the man with a total disregard for the pronunciation of the letter “R”.

The two settled in and Luis panic mild for the time being.

“You two guys not from around here huh?” Said the man.

The more the two guys looked at him the more he seemed kind of cute in a straight frat boy Fenway Loop kind of way.

“Nope! Palm Springs.” Garrett responded in an effort to be friendly.

“West coasters. That’s cool. What brings ya to Boston?” The man quizzed.

“My late uncle owns a vacation home in Provincetown and we are going to check the place out.” Garrett said while looking over the sights vis-à-vis from the Boston freeway.

“Fuck you don’t say. Well I’ll let you know now that ferry probably ain’t gonna be there when you get here. But should it not be there here’s my card. I’ll be happy to do a trip off books for a small fee.” Said the man passing a card back never once taking his eyes off of the road.

Garrett took it and pocketed it.

“Why don’t you think the ferry will be there?” Luis asked, concern obvious in his tone.

“Well yeah this time of the year it runs less and less if even at all.” The driver said so blithely.

He dropped the two off and assured them to give him a call if they should get stranded. Bothmen walked over to the docks and saw the sign with two men standing next to it. They were pretty attractive guys from what they could see. Garrett and Luis decided it would be best if they minded their business. The guys looked painfully straight, and being in a new city they were apprehensive saying they were in town to visit a well documented gay mecca.

Twenty minutes passed and nothing. No boat to be seen. Luis got up and walked closer to the dock entrance, he knew it wouldn’t make a difference but it made him feel better. He gulped and decided to ask the two men to were sitting near them.

“How long have you been waiting on the boat?” Luis asked the two handsome men.

“Shit I think about forty minutes at this point.” Said one.

“Rocky you pea brain it’s been a full ass hour!” Said his friend.

“I told you we should of just rented a car.” He added.

“Everything okay?” Garrett asked walking over to his boyfriend.

“Yeah I think so. Seems we missed the boat babe.” Luis said making Garrett blush.

“Guess we’ll have to call that uber guy after all, do you still have his card?” Luis asked his boyfriend.

“Wait, where are you guys headed?” Asked Rocky.

“Cape Cod, and then onward to Provincetown.” Garrett answered digging out the card and dialing its contact.

“Well shit that’s near where me and my buddy Blake here are headed! I have an idea, why not split the fare? These New England types will rake you over the coals if they think you got outside money to burn.” proposed Rocky.

“ I don’t see why not.” Garrett said holding up his finger and excused himself to talk to the driver.

The three men carried on while he was on the phone.

“ We are in town to do some kayaking and maybe score some herb when we get there.” Rocky said, gathering his bags.

“My partner over there’s uncle left him a place in Provincetown so we are gonna check it out and hopefully find something to do while we are there.” Luis said.

“Oh you two are gay that’s awesome! So is my brother.” Blake said trying to be supportive.

“Oh I know. Don’t worry we all know eachother.” Luis joked.

“Really?! How crazy he knows your brother bro!” Rocky said in awe.

“He’s kidding…. you know what nevermind.” Blake shook his head and grabbed his bags.

“Okay, he’s on his way and is prepared for the extra passengers. Though this late at night he can only take us as far as Hyannis. So we'll have to find a place to crash.” Garrett said rejoining the group

“Have you found an air bnb for us to use for the night?” Luis asked his concern growing yet again.

“Already on it. Found one a bit outside Hyannis that had a cancellation. I’m sure for an extra twenty he won’t mind taking us. If not it’s only about a twenty minute walk.” Garret assured him.

Before long the four men piled into the SUV and were on their way up the cape. As the roads winded and skies darkened. Garrett and Luis were taken in by the beauty of the Cape skies as dusk started to set in.

The guys seemed to be making fast friends. Blake and Luis bonded over their love of camping and Rocky and Garret got deep into discussion about horror and comics.

“No fuckin way! You have Johnny West issue one?” Rocky asked in excitement.

“Yeah one of my in laws had doubles and I digitized it for my books app. Lemme air drop it to you.” Garrett said back.

“Okay guys we are here. Wish I could take you further but that place has so many dirt paths I don’t wanna get stuck this late at night. Want me to wait in case there’s a cancellation?” The driver asked.

“Nope we should be good.” Blake said answeing the man.

All four men got out the car and begun to unload their things.

Both said their goodbyes and started to go their separate ways.

“We have a good twenty minute hike up to this place according to google maps.” Said Garrett as they made their way towards the road.

The wooded area was dense and the ground was somewhat soft from the changing seasons. Not to mention it was getting really dark. Their best bet was to stick to the road. Their BNB was off of a wooded path according to their map.

“WAIT UP!!!” Screamed a familiar voice.

The men turned around to see it was Rocky and Blake trying to catch up with them.

“What happened?” Luis asked the two who managed to catch up with them.

“Genius here forgot to confirm our reservation and we were bumped! We don’t have a place to stay anymore so we thought….” Blake said between breaths.

“You thought maybe you could crash with us for the night?” Garret said brow raised.

“If you don’t mind of course?” Rocky jumped in.

“How are we supposed to know you two aren’t a couple of serial killers?” Garrett joked.

“Have a heart…. How could you live with yourself knowing a couple of adorable straight guys froze to death in the woods of Cape Cod?” Blake said playfully grabbing Garrett’s arm and pulling him close for a hug.

“What do you say Lu? Should we take in a couple strays?” Garret asked looking over at Luis.

“I don’t see why not they seem house broken, and if they wet the floor we can always tie them up outside to a tree.” Luis said with a chuckle.

“A bondage night and it’s not even my birthday!” Blake said wrapping his arms around the two of them.

“We really should get going it’s getting really dark who knows what’s out here.” Luis insisted.

Blake teased “In the cape could be a wolf, could be a ware-turkey could be a bear…”

“Too late for that.” Garrett said looking at the two of them.

“Hey! I’m wolf baby! Rocky over there is a bear…. at least he smells like one.” Blake finished.

“Fuck you dude it’s been a long day.” Rocky shot back.

A familiar SUV charges past them on the main road. It was headed in the direction they were.

“Guess he was going our way after all.” Garrett said perplexed.

“Probably didn’t offer him enough cash. The dickhead.” Blake shook his head.

A bit earlier, as night fell in the cape Doug made his way back onto the road passing the two passengers making their way to the road.

He turned into a dense part of the road and had switch on his brights. He slowed his speed, last thing he needed was a deer or something hitting his car. He hadn't been on the road for even fifteen minutes when he saw a man flagging his car down.

The man was dressed in camo as if he’d been hunting. Doug pulled his car to the side to see what was the problem.

“Everything okay?” Doug said pulling his car over.

“I thank goodness you stopped. My car needs a jump in the worst way could you help man?” Said the bearded six foot fellow.

“I mean sure let me just dig my cables out of my trunk and we can get you jumped” Doug said getting out of the car.

The man followed him to the back and when the back trunk door lifted up he began to dig through his tool box he kept in the bed.

“Okay I feel the cables let me..” Doug stopped his sentence as the side of his head was met with the clicking sound of a pistol.

“Sorry to do this to you pal but we need new wheels and yours would be perfect for what we need. Now hands behind you.” Ordered the man.

He whistled and two other men joined him.

“Take care of him.” He said coldly.

“Wait you don’t have to….Mmmmmph” Doug was cut off as a balled up bandanna was stuffed into his mouth.

His wrists were pulled behind him and fastened tight with some rope.

“Mmmmm!” Doug moaned.

The cracking sound of duct tape was all his protests were met with as one man started to wrap his mouth with tape.

Before long he was bound hand and foot in the bed of his car.

“Hurry. Load the other guy in!” Ordered the beard and the two left momentarily to carry over another man in a gray suit.

The man was bound and gagged and had tape wrapped around his mouth and eyes. He was piled in next to Doug in the bed and the men pulled the cover over them and slammed the door shut.

Last edited by thebadguy 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Great beginning, I really enjoyed the witty dialogue. Looking forward for the next chapter.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by cj2125 »

Glad to see another story from you! Really enjoyed the interactions between the two couples!
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Post by privateandrews »

Oh great start. like where this is going. who would think a simple vacation could be so risky.
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Post by thebadguy »

I’m enjoying writing this more and more. Let me know what you guys think. Enjoy and thank you again for the kind words and suggestions.

“Ahhh!” Yelped Rocky as he stopped the walk momentarily.

“What is it? Blake said with an eye roll.

“I’ve got a Charlie horse! Ahh!” Rocky said holding his leg.

“Hold still.” Luis said walking over to the man.

He bent down and took a firm grip on Rocky’s thigh and started to work with his hands.

“Geez buy me dinner first Man. Ahh!” Rocky yelped.

“You wish. For an athlete you sure are fragile.” Luis said.

“Former athlete! Now he just yells at out of shape teens for a living.” Blake chuckled shining a flashlight on Rocky.

“Last I checked sports injuries are a real thing… ah, ah ah!” Rocky said trying to stand up.

“Well that settles it we leave him here for the ware-turkeys to devour.” Garret said sarcastically.

“GARRET!” They all said in unison.

The quartet made their way to the spot where their air B&B was located. It was a sprawling mega bungalow disguised as a cabin. Definitely built recently. The rustic setting with an illusion of roughing it if they’d ever seen one. But they weren’t complaining, after the long damp walk the little relaxing sounded divine.

“And the key should be located under the fourth planter on the veranda..” Garret said plucking a small house key from its hiding spot.

“Okay guys let’s make ourselves at home.” Garret said unlocking the door.

The house was pretty glorious, tall ceilings and a newly finished kitchen. A little too “Live, Laugh, Love” in its decors for Garret’s taste, but for a night he could survive. The men made their way to the back room and found the main downside to the place. There was no bedrooms just a kitchen, den, two baths, and a large dormitory with four small beds. Large pane windows made the room feel as if they would be watched by Jason Voorhees as the slept.

“And they started off so strong too.” Garret said observing his surroundings.”

“It’s not so bad. I’ll admit it is a bit I Love Lucy for my taste. But we could always push the beds together.” Luis said trying to lighten the mood.

“YEAH! And we can use eachothers body heat to stay warm if it gets too cold!” Rocky said hugging Garrett from behind making him flinch slightly.

Rocky noticed and let go of him. “I’m only kidding Garret.” He said feeling a little bad.

“It’s not you the windows are making me jumpy. You know when I said I would come see the place in the cape I didn’t think I’d have to stay in the Crystal Lake Cabin.” Garret said putting his back to the windows.

“Well according to this there’s an all night pantry just down the road. I think we could find some grub to cook up. Could somebody hold down the fort?” Luis said looking at everyone.

“I’ll come with you. Rock can stay here with you Garret and protect the castle.” Blake said putting his arm around Luis.

“I don’t see why not should a psychopath break in here I can always toss old one leg in my path and make an easy getaway.” Garret joked.

“Hey! Ah ah!” Rocky reacted but grabbed his cramping thigh.

Both men made it out of the house and down a dirt path that lead to a road.

Rocky made is way back into the den and laid down in a long sofa. He let out a huge sigh as he felt like he could finally relax from the long plane ride. Garret was fiddling with the fireplace trying to see if it worked.

“Looks like we just need some wood.” Garret said checking the chimney.

“Haha that’s what she said!” Rocky chuckled he couldn’t help himself.

“And on that note I think I’ll check the shed for some firewood.” Garret said making his way out of the house and around back.

Garret walked over to the small shed out back and could hear the sounds of voices he didn’t recognize.

“Keep him quiet! We gotta stash him.” Said a voice Garret didn’t recognize.

From the sound of it, it wasn’t from a distance too far from him. Garret stood still and tried to listen for anything else.

“Boss man said we gotta keep them out of the way while we look for the loot.”

“Shut the fuck up. Somebody may hear you!” Said another man.

Garret followed the voices and it led him to a property not too far from their cabin. Definitely within the compound of land of his B&B. The house looked of the same design. Whoever owned these properties must of been loaded. And from the looks of things infested with criminals on the hunt for something. But what Garret wondered. He stayed as much out of sight as he could as he followed the gruff voices of these unknown men.

He found himself looking across at a small shed. Parked in front of it with the headlights blaring was Doug’s truck. But that wasn’t Doug. He saw two men shuffling back and forth. They had the trunk open and what came next sent shivers down Garrett’s spine.

Lifted from the trunk was a man no older than hisewrly forties clothed in a gray suit being lifted from the bed of the car. He was bound hand and foot and gagged with dozens of wraps around his head, next was Doug.

“What the hell is going on…. I gotta call the police.” Garret whispered to himself turning around.

SNAP! Went a branch under Garrett’s booted foot and he felt as if it were his soul that had snapped right in two.

“Someone is there! I heard something!” Shouted one of the men.

This sent Garret into a panic as he darted back to the cabin. Trying his best to stay silent but making more noise the more he tried. He stormed into the cabin to find Rocky lounging with his shoes off on the sofa. He was passed out asleep with a VHS of Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons playing on the tv.

Garrett could only think to lock up the doors and turn out the lights. He acted quickly to make this place seem as though it were still locked up. Once the lights were out he sat underneath the windowpane as he heard the shuffle of men’s feet outside the big windows of the dormitory.

“Must of been a deer or something. This place is still locked up for the season.” Said one man.

“Smith’s cell said it was rented today.” Said another.

“Please this place is miles from Logan. We’ll long gone by the time anyone were to show up.” Said the first man.

Garret heard them walk away and he sat there underneath the windows for what felt like and eternity but was really only ten minutes or so. He crept out from the windows and made his way out. Unbenounced to him was the silhouette of a man staring at him from outside the windows. He flipped back on the lights to the den and decided the coast was clear for him to settle in for the night.

Garret stepped into the shower and started to wash himself off. It felt good to get the airport off of him. Meanwhile Rocky was laid out on his back one foot was dangling over the top of the sofa airing out the funky scent of his white Nike socks with filthy bottoms. His hands rested upon his chest.

He didn’t even realize he’d dozen off when he opened his eyes to the foggy silhouette of three men standing over him. He had no time to scream as one clamped a gloved hand over his mouth. The others held his hands down to his chest and another sat on his legs pressing him to the sofa.

“Mmmmmm!” Rocky screamed into the man’s gloved hand.

All he could do was watch wide eyed as a masked man duct taped his hands together in front of him. Encased his hands in a prayer position, then the man tossed it back and the other made quick work wrapping Rocky’s ankles together with tape and then his thighs. Charlie horse be damned. The man holding his mouth shut signaled with his eyes and Rocky looked on as the man at his feet tore off his right ankle sock and tossed it forward. It landed on Rocky’s face giving him a sneak preview of his own foot funk.

The gloved hands pressed the sock past Rocky’s teeth and clamped his mouth shut. The tape was tossed forward yet again and Rocky got the chills as the crack of duct tape begun to be wound over his mouth again and again.

Garret exited the shower and toweled himself dry. The room was steamed up and he took his time to redress himself. Popping in his AirPods he let the sounds of the 1980s put him into the camping mood. Putting on a fresh pair of tight fitted Levi’s and a flannel. He stepped his black socked feet into the wooded floors of the hallway holding his dirty clothes in one hand and his boots in another. He didn’t even notice the commotion going on behind him in the den. Three men were duct taping Rocky to a dining room chair and he walked with his back to the situation as a song from the Police set a far too appropriate tone.

Garret sat on the floor of the dormitory, folding his dirty clothes and putting them away. His back was turned as someone stood in the doorway, watching him. The big rolling synthesizer blaring on in his AirPods, perfectly masking the sounds of heavy footsteps that came closer and closer. He had no clue until it was too late. A gloved hand clamped over his mouth and his fate was sealed.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

The way their kidnappers bound Rocky under Garrett's nose... :!:

A big surprise is waiting for Blake and Luis when they come back home.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by cj2125 »

And so two are down and two more to go! Really enjoying this story and love the banter between the four of them!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Love this story, @thebadguy...

It's wicked cool, as they say in Bahstahn! ;)

Can't wait to find out who the man in the gray suit is! 8-)
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Post by thebadguy »

Okay things are starting up. Hope you guys enjoy. Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it.

Part 3

“Not much for options in this place?” Blake said thumbing through the frozen dinners in the grocery freezer.

“Well what do you expect it’s a stop and shop.” Luis said grabbing a handful of cans he knew could whip something up with.

“You boys going to be long? I did want to lock up for the night.” Said an old shop clerk from the front of the small pantry store.

“Yeah almost done.” Blake assured the man grabbing some frozen meats.

“I don’t know what we can do with any of this bro. Nothing in here makes sense.” Blake said kicking the freezer door closed.

“I have a few ideas.” Luis added.

The men made their way to the counter with food in tow as the clerk tapped his foot.

“I didn’t see any booze my good man..” said Blake handing over a couple twenty dollar bills.

“And you won’t. This here is a dry establishment. You want any spirits it’ll be a couple doors down. They’re all night. I’m not.” The man said handing back his change.

The two filed out of the small store and looked to see a glowing neon sign that read “Wine and Spirits”.

“What do ya say Louie my boy!” Blake nudged Luis.

“I think they can handle us being gone a little longer.” Luis buckled easily.

“Let’s get turnt!!!!!” Blake shouted putting his arm around Luis.


Three men held Garrett still as the took a roll of duct tape and pressed his wrists together.

“Help!” Garret screamed which was met with a kick to his side.

One man gripped his mouth shut while they finished wrapping his hands behind him.

“Mmmmm!” Garrett screamed into the gloved hand of one of his attackers.

The camo clad men sat on his body and before long his ankles and knees were wrapped up with the tape.

“Mmmmmm mmmmmph!” Garrett screamed.

“Find something to shut him up with.” Said one of the men.

“Gladly. Looks like pretty boy here skipped laundry day.” Said another grabbing a balled up sock from the dirty pile of clothes by his suitcase.

They let go of his mouth momentarily “Please Luis, Rocky, someone help….. Mmmmm!” and Garret tried to shout for help but was cut off by a wadded up bundle of socks.

“Mmmm…..” His cries were muted as the man sandbagged his shoulders and began to encase his mouth with tape.

The men grabbed Garrett’s ankles and dragged him into the den. Tossing him near Rocky who was propped up in a chair.

“Mmmm” Garrett moaned in his direction.

“Mmmm mmmh!” Rocky grunted back.

“Looks like you boys picked the wrong place to stay in.” said a gruff voiced man. He leaned in close to Garrett and said softly. “You know next time you go snooping maybe wear a boot that’s less flashy in the soul print. You lead us right to you.” He grinned.

“Mmmmph!” Garrett shouted into his gag.

“Load them up. We can stash them with the others.” He said standing up.

“And then what?!” Said another man.

“Keep em out of the way. We can deal with them in the morning.” He said coldly.

Blake and Luis made their way up the trail. Bags in their arms they were deep in conversation.

“Dude I’m telling you there’s no way we are gonna fuck Green Bay up!” Luis added enthusiastically.

“No way man. They couldn’t beat the packers of thei…. wait what the fuck?” Blake said shoving Luis down into a nearby shrub with him.

“What the fuck ma….” Luis tried to say before Blake tightly cupped his hand over his mouth.

“Look!” Blake said pointing towards the cabin.

He looked on with Blake to see three men loading two bound and gagged guys into the back of a truck. His throat fell back into his stomach when he recognized a pair of jeans he’d bought Garret for an anniversary present.

Blake’s eyes widened as he could see the second man being carried out was Rocky, both men were forcefully locked in the trunk and the three filed in and sped off.

This sent the two into high gear as they dropped the food and went dashing after the truck through the wooded thicket along the dirt road. It led them to a nearby property. They stood and watched as the men unloaded their cargo into a shed. First a struggling Rocky, then Garrett. They could only make out bits from their view. But when one of the men flicked on a light the sounds of muffled groans grew loud and clear. There were more people being held hostage, and their partners were about to join them.

“What are we gonna do?” Luis whispered to Blake.

“You sneak up to the shed when they leave and free them. I’m gonna go see what the hell is going on in this place.” Blake answered.

Both men nodded to each other and held their stake out positions. Waiting for the coast to be clear.

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“Mmmmph!” Rocky growled at his chapter as they set him down beside Doug and a man he didn’t recognize in a gray suit.

“Oh keep it down meat head or I’ll wrap tape around your nose too!” Said the mask man.

He dropped Garret next to Rocky and his eyes scoped the surroundings of the tiny shed. Looking puzzled at the man in a gray suit who was overly secured with tape and rope. And poor Doug he could only assume was a victim of his own good naturedness.

The man slammed the door shut and they could hear a plank locking them from the other side.

“Mmmm!” Garret tried to communicate with Ricky but the sweaty bundle of socks in his mouth only let out a few inaudible sounds.

“Girrmmmmph!” Rocky groaned back pitifully.

Garret tried his best to maneuver around the shed. His wrists may of been bound but his fingers were free unlike Rocky’s. Rocky couldn’t of felt more useless, he struggled but only resulted in fall over and landing onto the bound ankles of Doug. Who’s feet had a pungent odor emanating from his sneakers.

“Mmmmph” Garret moaned.

He shuffled his body over to Rocky’s face. His tried over and over to pick away at the tape wrapped around Rocky’s mouth.

It took some time but he could feel the tape starting to rip in sections, it was just a matter of time. Hopefully they have enough before the men came back.

Blake and Luis staked out the area, they had no plan, no exit strategy, and no means of protecting themselves in the event something should go wrong.

“Okay Luis my guy. I’m going to run a diversion. While I’m doing that you have to run in and free the guys. The coast looks clear.” Blake said not sure of his own words.

“Um, yeah Rambo you sure they won’t just gun you down the second you run past?” Luis fired back definitely unsure if this plan.

“I have an idea. If life in a frat has taught me anything it’s…”

“That most of the rituals and hazing are a result of repressed homo erotic desires?” Luis couldn’t help himself.

“Well that, also rude. AND that if it’s something nobody expects their guard will be down. So fight or flight won’t activate. Observe.” Blake said beginning to strip away his clothes.

“I’m not following, but I am interested to hear more.” Luis observed the specimen that was Blake.

“Focus Luis, you can beat your meat later. I’m going to pull the old patented Blake streaking distraction! It was this method that won the Tigar’s their game in the finals.” Blake finished standing only in his skivvies and his shoes and socks.

Luis could only watch wonder just what the hell he had planned.

Blake locked his position like he were a star of track and field and proceeded to run down the lane screaming at the top of his lungs “WOOOO GO TIGARS GO! GO TIGARS GO!”

Luis has to admit it was distracting. He saw the men walk out of their cabin and chase after him. He darted to the shed and moved the plank from the door.

Garret tore away at the tape that covered Rocky’s mouth. Scratching his face a bit Rocky spat out his own sock and yelped. “Watch it Catwoman!”

“Mmmmmmph!” Garret groaned waving his bound wrists.

“Oh yeah! Right!” Rocky leaned in and started to bite at the tape binding Garrets wrists. In fast motion he tore at the rounds of tape with his teeth creating enough of an opening for Garret to slip his hands free.

Quickly he tore away at the tape binding his ankles and then removed his own gag.

“Okay let’s get the fuck out of here!” Garret said tearing away at Rocky’s bonds.

The guys made quick work untying Doug followed by the man in the gray suit. His bonds were considerably hard to break out of. Whoever he was they sure didn’t want him getting free.

“Fuck I hear someone outside. Shhh.” Rocky whispered taking a crouching position.

The door swung open and Rocky sprang into action pouncing on whoever was on the other side.
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Part 5

Rocky rolled in the dirt with his unknown captor. He was thrown off much to his own surprise. Landing flat on his back he looked over to to see Luis now covered with dirt.

“It’s Luis you dip stick!” Luis said picking himself up.

“We gotta get going and fast. I don’t think Blake will be able to distract them much longer.

“My car quick!” Doug suggested.

Not missing a beat all the men made their way to his vehicle. The man in the gray suit still partially tied up. A gag still tightly around his mouth.

Doug in the drivers seat dug underneath the mat for a spare pair of keys. He started the car and whipped it into high speed.

“Wait!!!” Shouted another familiar voice.

“It’s Blake!” Rocky shouted.

The vehicle abruptly stopped and the back door swing open. Blake dove into the backseat splashing across the laps of its passengers.

“Drive! Drive! Drive!” Blake shouted while face down in the lap of Luis,

The car peeled off and made it way along the paths.

“We can come back in the morning for your things, we just need a place to hide for the night. They won’t stick around now that their plan has exploded so spectacularly.” Doug said as he swerved along the roads.

“My uncles place in P-Town. The key is there already.” Garret suggested.

“Thanks uncle! To P-Town we go!” Doug hit the gas.

“Mmmm mmmm!” The man in the gray suit grunted showing his bound wrists.

“Oh right. Yes oh my god.” Luis said as he started to untie him.

Luis and Garret started working on freeing him of his gag. The man spat out a very soggy bandanna.

“Thank you. Thank you so much I thought I was a goner back there.”

“Just who are you anyway?” Blake asked.

“My name is Greg Timber. My family owns these rentals. And those assholes back there grabbed me on my way home from work. I think they planned to ransom me, until you guys stumbled onto their plans. Thank you.”

“Honestly it was nothing we are just doing our job.” Blake said in faux earnestness.

“Shut up Blake we aren’t the Scooby Doo gang, you’re a couple of breeders who are bumming along to Cape Cod.” Luis shot back.

“For fuck sake maybe hotel boy here is loaded and he wanted to reward us for saving his life. Way to blow it Luis.” Blake fired back.

“Enough, we aren’t out of it just yet. Let’s lay low at my uncle Wayland’s place.” Garrett said looking out of the window.

The woods of the cape ere dark and all the more frightening given the circumstances. They drove with the light so on sparingly, dangerous as it may be they didn’t want to take any chances of being spotted. The car drove through the dunes of Provincetown and soon slowly down the small streets of Commercial. It was off season and the place was practically a ghost town. Townies have all settled in for the night. They passed the Mews restaurant and soon exited Commercial to a residential street. They pulled up to the house on the GPS and it was an old farm style house. Any business owner would get one look at it and fill its five small bedrooms with Bulgarian guys to work during the summer. But this was all Garrett’s now, he walked up to it and fetched the keys from under the far placed flower pot as Mr Bigsby had instructed.

The inside smelled of stale air. Not a soul had stepped foot in it for years. All the men walked inside and examined the many rooms. It was an old two story house with yellowed wall paper and musty old carpets. The only saving grace was the assortment of kitsch artifacts that filled it. Garrett was star struck as he saw pictures of his uncle on the wall with drag queens like Craig Russell and Jim Bailey, celebrities like Charles Nelson Riley and John Waters, and and even Rock Hudson. What were the summers like here in the 70’s and 80’s?

He walked up the stairs and down a long hall at the end was a bedroom door with the letters W & M crudely carved on them inside a heart.

“I’m guessing this is the lovers suite.” Garrett said turning the knob.

Inside was a warm and cozy master suite. The bed had four impressive posts and the swank deep blue wall paper made it feel like an exotic getaway. Garrett opened the drawers to find old summer clothes, he opened the bottom and found an assortment of rope cut into bundles.

“Kinky Uncle Wayland.” Garrett grinned.

“Holy shit!” Luis blurted out startling Garrett.

“I know kinky huh?” Garrett said holding up some of the rope.

“No, but fun. Giving me ideas, but check it out!” Luis said grabbing Garrett by the arm and taking him inside a small bedroom.

The room had been converted into a small memorabilia room. Wall to wall there was Johnny West merchandise dating back decades. And in the corner was a statue that gave Garrett an familiar chill down his spine. It was a statue of the cowboy hero Johnny West. He was standing with gold cuffs on his wrists and a bandanna pulled over his mouth like he had been captured. Luis ran up to read the plaque on the base.

“Johnny West the most noble man of Broken Jaw. Could ride a horse backwards, and shoot the buttons off a shirt without ever drawing blood.” Luis read in a giddy fanboy glee.

“He’s very handsome, but the last thing we need to do is wake up another decades old cowboy. Come on.’ Garrett said pulling Luis away.

He wasn’t going to take that chance. No way.
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Post by thebadguy »

Part 6

The men all settled in. The den was actually pretty cozy. Luis ran down to the 24 mart to find food just a few blocks down the road and everything seemed normal.

Doug, Garret, Rocky, and Greg sat around a board game of Clue and tried to take their minds off of the previous hours.

“This has to be the first time I’ve ever had enough players for this game.” Rocky said trying to break the tension.

“Honestly yeah.” Garrett couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hope you don’t mind I took Miss Scarlet, I always had a thing for chicks in red.” Doug said nudging Garrett in the arm.

“You can have her, Miss Peacock is my queen.” Garrett fired back playfully only to jump up in fright as the back door to the kitchen opened.

“Relax it’s just us.” Blake said hauling in groceries.

“Yeah the only thing to be afraid of is the mark up here. Eight dollars for a can of beans!” Luis said bring in the last of it.
“Hey, it was pricey, but at least its edible.” Blake said pulling out pots and pans.

The men sat around and talked for a few hours, eating a hobo stew Blake whipped up, drinking wine they found in the dirt floor basement below.

“Holy shit 1976 was a good year for this place, I’m lit.” Blake said chugging the last sip from the bottle.

“I’m white girl wasted, I need to hit the hay.” Rocky said getting up and taking off his shirt and tossing it at Garrett.

“Your shirt stinks Rocky.” Garret said tossing it aside.

“You love it. Little sniffy gift for later.” Rocky said walking off into the small bedroom off of the living room and shutting the door.

“I think he likes you.” Blake said playfully poking Garrett with his barefoot.

“He’ll have to get in line, there’s only room for one latino hunk in this one’s life.” Luis said putting his arm around Garrett.

“I mean we can at least hear him out… Ow!” Garrett laughed rubbing his arm after a slap from Luis.

“I never thought I’d ever say this but I think Rocky has the right idea. I think it is bedtime.” Blake said setting down the empty wine bottle by the door.

He walked upstairs and soon all the men followed suit finding a room inside the house to sleep in. All but Doug he opted to sleep on the sofa to keep an eye out. The paranoia still had a hold of him. He closed his eyes inside the dark living room. His eyes hadn’t been shut two seconds before he realized, he had to pee.

Doug rose from his makeshift bed on the sofa and walked around the hall to the bathroom on the first story. He stood and relieved himself in the toilet of the small half bath downstairs. His eyes peered out the window to the small back yard with old laundry twine strung up. His heart skipped a beat as he thought he saw a figure move by the window. Doug zipped his fly and stumbled out of the bathroom. He was still a bit tipsy and grabbed a pickle ball paddle that was tossed beside the backdoor along with other sports equipment. Not the best mode of defense but he didn’t want to take any chances.

He walked outside to check out the backyard. He was sure he saw something.

“Hey whoever you are you better haul your ass somewhere else!” Doug shouted holding up the paddle.

He turned to walk back in and found himself soon face down in the grass. Someone was on top of him and pulling his arms behind him. Fastening them with rope.

“Guys help….Mmmph!” Doug’s words were cut off but a rag being stuffed inside his mouth. A torn cloth was tied over as a cleve silencing him.

He was forced to his feet where he saw through glaze eyes a few more men surround him. He was taken into he kitchen where he felt his ankles being bound and then pulled to his wrists. They were hogtying him, and it was effective, he couldn’t move.

“Mmmm!” He moaned into the gag as the men left him to struggle on the dark kitchen floor.
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Post by thebadguy »

Part 7

Greg laid fast asleep in a small bed off the kitchen, He was wearing a white undershirt and his boxer shorts. The old bed was surprisingly comfortable. He was fetal under the thick comforters he bundled up in. Lurking into his room were two men in all black with ski masks over their faces. They loomed over Greg’s bed.

Greg was shocked awake as he felt a killer grip on his wrists, someone was tying them together aggressively with ropes while another did the same to his ankles.
“Hel…Mmmm.” Greg was cut off by one of his black dress socks being stuffed into his mouth his captor fetched off the floor.

They used duct tape and wrapped his mouth a few times. Soon he felt his wrists being forced together to his ankles pig-tying him.

“Mmm! Mmm! Mmmph!” Greg whimpered into his gag.

He could only watch as the men made quick work mobilizing him. Greg struggled on the floor of the bed room. His restraints held firm. Sweat was starting to break on his forehead from the ordeal.

Doug had mad absolutely no progress in loosening his bindings, but he did manage to snail his way closer to the door where he could see the intruders leaving Greg’s room and making their way into Rockys.

Rocky was exhausted. He laid flat on his back with his arms and legs spread out. He wore only his boxer briefs and barely had a sock on one foot. The sad old sock dangled from his foot. The chore of fully undressing proven to be too much for his wine drunk state. He laid back sawing wood from his mouth. He was beyond REM sleep he was out like a light.

The men made their way inside and each took a spot at either side of the bed and grabbed hold of Rocky’s hands. The y forced them down and tied them to the bed posts. Rocky shook awake but before he could shout one of the men yanked off his sock and begun to stuff the crusty tube sock into his mouth. He tossed over a roll of duct tape and his partner tied his mouth shut.

They soon made quick work tying his ankles down to each post of the bed. Rocky was spread eagle and silent.

“Mmmm mmm!” Rocky could barely get out his cried were inaudible.

The men left the room and Rocky tugged at his bonds. They were tight and efficiently done, he could barely move his head towards either of his hands. He was pinned don to that rickety old bed and there was nothing his could do about it.

“Mmm! Mmmph!” He slammed his head back into his pillow in frustration.

The men made their way up the stairs the next door on the left held the sleeping Blake inside. Blake was passed out face down on his bed. His arms limp on his sides, and his ankles crossed. He was wearing a sweater and basket ball shorts and a pair of very dirty white ankle socks. He snored into his pillow unaware he wasn’t alone. They crept in and pounced on Blake. He had the wind knocked out of him and one hand put his knee in his backhand began to tie his wrists behind him, the other wrapped his ankles.

“What the fun….Mmmm!” Blake was cut off by a gloved hand covering his mouth. He bucked and knocked one guy bak who knocked over a knickknack to the floor causing a loud thud.

“Gimme something to shut him up with. Hurry!” Whispered loudly the handgagger.

The other tore off Blakes socks and tossed them over. They were crumbled up and forced into his mouth, then the cold bitter twists of duct tape followed around his head. The men finished him off by hogtying him on top of his bed. Blake struggled as he was trussed up like a pig. Humiliated he couldn’t fightback due to being so tipsy. They all were proving to be the perfect targets.

Garrett wake after hearing a loud thud. He slipped from under Luis’ arm and out of the room to investigate. He could hear the turns of duct tape and heard the door opening from Blakes room. With the quickness of a ninja Garrett snuck into the Johnny West room and hid. He could hear the foot steps and the sounds of them bursting into the room and attacking Luis.

Luis laid in bed, he was wearing a black tank top and his black Andrew Christian briefs he got from a swag bag at Free Zone Drag Brunch. His barefoot peeked out from under the blanket. Intruders decended upon Luis swiftly as he was pinned down and had his hands bound in front of him.

“Well look here, looks like these fags are kinky. Don’t mind if we use these too.” Said one of the men peering at the stash of ropes in Wayland’s drawer. They spent the better part of ten minis using the ropes to bind Luis at the hands, arms, knees, and ankles. His wrists pinned down to his lap. In the drawer they fetched out several hanks, balling up one and knotting uo another they made quick work gagging him. Stuffing his mouth then cleve gagging him a few times.

Luis felt powerless, his limbs were restrained and restrained well. He could only worm his body barely in the knots he was tangled up in.

“Mmmm! Mmm!” Luis grunted from his layered gag.

Garrett could hear the men storming out of the room. He back away from the door as the men forced it open. Garrett put his hands u as he was pretty powerless to stop them.

“That’s right pretty boy, nice and easy. We already got all your buddies. Now cooperate and you might make it out of this alive.” Said one masked man.

“What do you want?”” Garrett asked backing into the Johnny West statue.

“You took something that belongs to us, and we want him back.” He responded.

The men grabbed Garrett by the arms and he tried to fight but it was futile. They were much stronger than him. They slammed him against the wall in the hall way and pinned his wrists behind him. Garrett felt several loops of rope wrap around his wrists and tighten up.

“Please you guys don’t have to-mmph!” Garrett was cut off by a rag being stuffed into his mouth followed by a crudely tied cloth to keep it in.

They dragged his only underwear clad self down the stairs and threw him on the floor in the living room. They tied him up at the ankles and left him as they made the chore of fetching the other men from their rooms.After about twenty minutes Garret was joined by the bound cast he had partied with earlier. Blake and Doug hogtied, Luis tossed beside them bound cruelly, and Rocky who they marched out of his room now with his hands tied behind him, one of the men bent over and quickly roped up Rocky’s ankles.

“Okay I think that’s all the witnesses. Go get Timber and we can finish this.” Said one.

He nodded and left the room. He pulled out his gun as his partner dragged out Greg from his room.

“Sorry fellas, but the boss doesn’t like witnesses being left behind. You understand.” He cocked the gun and pointed it directly at Garrett.

Garrett closed his eyes as he felt his life flash before him. But snapped them open when he heard a loud crash came from upstairs.

“Who the fuck was that? I thought you said you got all of them?!” Said the armed man.

“ I did! That was all of them.” His partner responded.

“Well don’t go anywhere guys. Sounds like we have one more guy to execute.” Said that armed man in black.

The rush of relief flooded over the captive audience in the living rom, followed by confusion. Who was upstairs, they literally captured everybody.

The two men mad their way up the stairs and started to kick open doors.

“Clear!” Said his partner leaving Blake’s room.

“Bathroom is clear.” Said the armed man.

“Just the master and the cowboy room.” Said his partner.

He walked over and kicked open the door of the memorabilia room. It was clear, but they overlooked a crucial detail in their search. The gold irons that were on the Johnny West statue were now laying empty on the floor.
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Post by thebadguy »

Part 8


Wayland and Martin made they way waist deep in water, holding a picnic basket above their heads, they marched through the trench as a gay oasis was on the other side.

“I’ll never understand what the locals find so thrilling about this. I really should just buy a small boat.” Laughed Wayland.

“You are always trying to find the shortcuts to the shortcuts.” Martin laughed.

“Work smarter not harder Bigsby. Any lawyer should know that.” He jested back.

“I could easily drown you, and hide your body in here you know. Do you really wanna sass right now.” Martin joked back.

“It’s just my southern spirit.” Wayland grinned.

“Well then you should be used to marching waist deep in swamps.” Martin said increasing his stride.

“My family is from Charlotte, not New Orleans you Yankee bastard.” Wayland laughed chasing after him.

The men made it to a clearing where the sight of a small gay beach could be seen. Dozens of beautiful men in various staes of undress laid out to tan and swim in the water.

“Look at that. Paradise.” Wayland said softly looking at all the happy gay men as they lounged carefree in the sun.

“It’s like a Tennessee Williams wet dream. Look there’s Charles.” Martin said marching passed him.

Wayland followed over to a blanket where two gay man were laid about. Charles in a teal speedo, next to him was Randy an Adonis laid face down tanning his cheeks.

“Well hello ladies.” Said Charles as they joined them on the blanket.

“Hello Charles, fancy seeing you here.” Martin said sitting down.

“Randy dear, I met these two darling boys at Tea Dance. Martin and I’m sorry dear what was your name again.” Charles asked pulling out a cigarette.

“Wayland.” He answered pulling out a lighter and lighting his cigarette for him.

“Thank you. Wayland, you aren’t the one that runs around here with the talking dolly are you?’ Charles asked pointedly.

“Afraid not, I stopped playing with Barbie when I realized Ken is a lot more fun.” Wayland nuded Martin who giggled.

“Charming. Kiss her quick she’s common.” Charles said getting up gesturing with a flourish.

“Sorry to have to run but I must make it back to Commercial to sell tonight's show.” Charles packed up his things and begun to leave.

“Off to bark baby?” Wayland asked.

“Why yes, after all. Barking is in a bitches nature.” Charles said in a Bette Davis impression swinging his cigarette.

“Randy wake up and keep the men company. I swear that man bakes his brains when he tans.” Charles swished off.

Randy turned over and grinned. He was a handsome blonde haired townie. Both men were taken back.

“I’m Randy, nice to meet ya.”

“Martin and this here is Wayland.”

“Didn’t see you at Tea?” Wayland asked.

“I bartend there and Tin Can. You probably seen my poster around for fetish night.”

“The one with the queen dressed as Goldy Locks” Waylands asked.

“That’s the one. I’m the guy tied up to a bed with the caption “And this one is just right!” Randy laughed.

“Say what’s in the basket Im starved.” Randy said sitting up, his manliness out on full display.

Martin opened it up and fetched out sandwiches and a few beers. Randy peeked inside and say a bundle of rope and pulled it out.

“Say my kind of party.” Randy laughed holding it up.

“I mean I brought it in case of emergency, hence why it’s by the first aid kit.” Wayland interjected.

“Well it is an emergency. I’m a big bear trying to get into your picnic basket.” Randy said with his arms raised up and sounding like Yogi Bear.

“He has a point.” Martin said with a sly smile to Wayland.

“I guess we will just need to keep this one under control. Wayland said unwrapping the rope.

Randy Laid back down on his stomach and locked his hands behind him. Wayland used the rope to tie his wrists together and looped it downward to catch and pull up his ankles into a hogtie. Randy laughed as he was no thither up on the beach.

“We can’t be finished. I can still alert my bear friends.” Randy said with a wink.

“Well we can’t have that can we?” Wayland said fetching out the medical tape from the first aid kit. Martin grabbed a balled up sock from Randy’s shoes and stuffed it in his mouth and Wayland tore off a few pieces and pasted them over his mouth.

“Mmmm!” Randy moaned tenderly into the gag.

“Oh lord did Randy trick somebody to tie him up again?” Asked a heavyset gay guy with a drink.

“Didn’t take much convincing.” Martin said slyly.

“Oh more rope bunnies on the beach how cute, just make sure he’s loos intake for his shift at the Boat Slip, I am not covering for him.” Said the burly man as he walked away.

Randy struggled on the beach next to his new friends for close to an hour before agreeing to be let loose.

“That was fun, We ought try it again, you guys free later tonight?” Randy asked.

“We can be. We’ll come out to the Boat Slip before your shift ends,” Wayland said shaking the guys hand.
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