THE HIKING WEEKEND (M/M) Updated July 12th

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THE HIKING WEEKEND (M/M) Updated July 12th

Post by Xtc »

This story was posted as far as the end of the walking element of the weekend on the previous site. It seeemd to be quite a popular piece. So, let the smut continue.
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1) Driving Out

Jeremy thought it was odd. He’d lost the bet with Andrew to decide who would suggest what they’d do for the coming weekend and Andrew suggested hiking. One of the major enjoyments in Jeremy’s life was mountain biking. The other (if you don’t count Andrew) was hiking and so it came as a bit of a surprise when he came home much earlier than usual on that Friday to see Andrew not only loading the rucksacks that they’d packed the previous evening into the pick-up but their mountain bikes as well. Even after all the time they’d been living together Jeremy couldn’t quite figure out what was going on; had he lost that bet or not?

“Hi, Darlin’,” said Andrew as Jeremy came within kissing range, “good day?”

Jeremy was still trying to figure out what was going on. “Alright, I s’pose, love. What gives?” Andrew would normally just want them to waste no time getting Jeremy, and perhaps himself as well, naked and enjoying themselves in his favourite manner at the weekend. Andrew usually tolerated hiking and cycling in the countryside for Jeremy’s sake rather than actively promoting it. Even after more than a year and a half of living together, Jeremy couldn’t always figure out how Andrew’s brain worked.

“Oh, I thought that if I loaded the pick-up, we could get away quicker. Hand me that duffle bag will you? Thanks. I’ll just secure the tarp while you go and change. We can’t go hiking with you dressed like a college boy.”

Jeremy could see no reason to argue and after about ten minutes he reappeared in his jeans (he had packed his sensible hiking gear in his rucksack the previous evening), cowboy boots, checked shirt and cowboy hat. After all, in spite of being half-Filipino, he was a Texas boy at heart.

Both young men jumped into the pick-up and Andrew pulled away from their city apartment and headed for the countryside.


It was the time of year when hot, dry weather could be almost guaranteed and there was sufficient wilderness within an hour and a half’s drive to make getting access to it feasible, even on a Friday afternoon, to get in a good couple of hour’s walking before sunset.

The pick-up pulled off the road, along a forest track and into a deserted lay-by that Jeremy, who by now was bare-chested and enjoying the evening sunshine, didn’t recognise. He climbed out of the vehicle, retrieved his rucksack from the rear and pulled out his hiking clothes ready to change. Andrew did likewise but took the time to watch his lover appreciatively as he slipped off first his boots and then his rather tight jeans. Jeremy, now wearing just his cowboy hat and purple “ADDICTED” briefs, was reaching for a thin pair of socks when he heard Andrew’s voice making the familiar demand, “On your knees, boy.”

Jeremy was, to say the least, surprised to have that demand made of him in the middle of nowhere rather than in the privacy of their home but following an uncertain, “What? Out here?” he grinned and did what he knew Andrew expected him to do. Andrew thought that the sight of six foot of well made, scantily clad Filipino-American kneeling with his hands on the crown of his hat had been well worth the journey so far.

Once Andrew had his fill of inspecting his lover and bondage partner, he laid down the rules for the weekend. Jeremy was to dress as instructed, act as porter for most of their camping kit and, yes, he would be bound and gagged as much of the time as possible. As both young men looked at one another, it was obvious that both were very happy with the situation even though Jeremy was suppressing the expression of his fears of their being found out by passersby, even in this remote location. On reflection, though, the danger probably enhanced the feelings of pleasure that he normally got when making himself vulnerable to his partner; this was going to be interesting.

Andrew could almost see the thoughts going through his lover’s mind. “It’s alright, we’re miles away from home and anyone who sees us out here won’t have the slightest idea who we are. Alright by you, Cowboy?” Jeremy nodded.

Andrew reached into the duffle-bag that he’d unloaded and produced from it something that Jeremy didn’t recognise initially until it was held up to his face. “Put it on then get back on your knees.” Jeremy had been given a pair of black Speedo swim briefs and he suspected that he’d wasted his time carefully packing all his expensive outdoor clothing. “Well, get on with it.” Jeremy took the garment and stood up. Obviously he didn’t bother to turn his back as he slipped off his underpants but rather he held Andrew with a steady gaze that didn’t waver as he stepped into the black lycra briefs, pulled them up and tied the draw-string. His gaze then slipped as he licked his lips, looked momentarily down and arranged himself in what he expected to be the only clothing he was to be allowed. “Those things sure don’t cover a great deal, do they Cowboy, especially the great deal that you’re brewing up down there.” Jeremy was so used to that sort of compliment that he no longer even blushed. His grin just got wider as he resumed the submissive posture.

“Right, I’ve got some things to do. I can’t have my prisoner escaping or calling for help. Can I?”

2) Keeping Jeremy Safe

That duffle-bag obviously contained all sorts of things for the lovers’ entertainment and Andrew addressed its contents once more. “Hands up, palm to palm.” Jeremy looked as if he was praying as Andrew produced quite a short rope that already been doubled and had a blood bight tied in it forming a loop about six inches long. Andrew reversed the ready formed bight over the rest of the rope and slid the double noose over Jeremy’s raised wrists. He pulled the rope tight leaving the pre-formed bight out of things for the time being. Three more rounds with the free ends were followed up by tying off through the original lark’s head and a sort of massage as Andrew evened out the pressure of the rope securing his sub’s wrists. Jeremy was starting his journey to that place he loved so much as Andrew got a longer rope from his goodie bag. Being closed, the loop of rope that had not been used yet made the tying of the next lark’s head onto it a bit more cumbersome but neither guy was in any hurry and the more protracted the process, the more pleasurable Jeremy’s anticipation became.

So much practice over the last eighteen months had turned Andrew into a master knotsman which was just as well as he needed to be able to cast the free ends of the line over quite a high branch of a nearby tree. It’s surprising how quickly an expert can tie two monkey's fists. The newly weighted ends were thrown in opposite directions over the selected bough and pulled until Jeremy was standing once more with his wrists just above head level. Andrew passed the two bulky knots through the unused bight and pulled all the excess rope through, raising Jeremy’s wrists a little higher. He tied a temporary knot in the free ends that would prevent Jeremy from lowering his arms while he untied the monkey's fists.

There was plenty of rope to spare so, once the temporary knot had been released and replaced by a more aesthetically pleasing one, Jeremy soon found his elbows bound closer together than he would be able to sustain for long. Things were getting better. The remaining rope was just left to dangle, which was more than could be said for Jeremy.

“That should stop my prize steer escaping. Drink!” Jeremy knew that the arrival of his favourite part of any tie-up couldn’t be far off now and he accepted the platypus that was offered to him. He knew that it could be his last chance to drink for some time - or at least he hoped so.

Jeremy indicated that he’d had enough and Andrew dumped the plastic container on the bed of the truck returning with some more equipment from the goodie bag. “Any last words?” Jeremy opened wide. Andrew pushed a small red ball into Jeremy’s mouth and held it into place with an inch-wide leather belt which made Jeremy squeal a bit as it was tightened behind his neck. “There, that’s better.”

“Nga u – u –u oooaaa!” In mid outburst, Andrew stood on tiptoe and, as best he could, covered his captive’s mouth in a protracted gag-kiss.

“I know, I know, love. You can still make a noise but we’ve got quite a hike ahead of us and I want you breathing as we go. Sorry, but I’m sure I can make it up to you later.” Jeremy sighed as he looked down into his lover’s penetrating eyes. He’d just have to settle for an aching jaw until his speech could be stifled more effectively. “Right, now you behave while I get a few things ready.” Andrew slapped Jeremy a couple of times gently on the bum and set off towards the pick-up.

3) Ready to Go

At this stage in the proceedings, Jeremy wasn’t in the least surprised to see Andrew emptying most of the contents of his carefully packed rucksack into the back of the pick-up and transferring some essential shared kit into his own pack. By now he knew that Andrew wouldn’t be carrying much of their requirements himself. Andrew secured his rucksack and his daypack and fastened the tarp over the back of the pick-up. He then approached his captive lover ready to prepare him for his journey. There was something about being dressed by his boyfriend that was nearly as erotic for Jeremy as being undressed by him and he firmed up once more as Andrew slipped the thin socks onto his feet. Next came a thick pair and finally, his well worn-in hiking boots. So far this was turning out to be a great weekend!

“You know they say it's likely to top a hundred degrees over the next couple of days? I wouldn’t want my handsome travelling companion to get sunburnt, would I? ” Jeremy’s head went backwards and a prolonged groan of pleasure escaped from his inadequately gagged mouth as Andrew started sensuously slathering the sun-block over his companion’s chest and worked sinuously down until his finger tips intruded into his over-stressed briefs. Andrew continued to Jeremy’s back and as much of his arms as were not obscured by soft, white rope. Jeremy relaxed a bit during that part of the process but then with Andrew still behind him he felt two gentle hands reach round him and massage the insides of his thighs and up just a little bit more. Andrew was always good with the foreplay but at that stage Jeremy thought that his gratification would not be much longer delayed. However, his repeated short intakes of breath subsided into a more prolonged sighing groan as it became obvious that, as usual, Andrew knew exactly when to stop. The rest of the routine took on a less sensual aspect as Andrew ensured that his pack-mule’s legs were adequately protected and rounded off with a hefty slap to his arse. He always enjoyed Jeremy’s surprised yelps.

With the sun-block applied, Andrew undid the straps of his, by now over-laden rucksack and heaved it onto his partner’s back, pressing up against him to hold it in place. The proximity of his lover and the feelings as the straps were adjusted on Jeremy’s chest did nothing to relieve him of his, by now considerably prolonged erection. Surely Andrew would see fit to give him relief soon?

Andrew released the elbows of the man who was now his slave and undid the rope that was forcing him to stand with his arms in the air. The rope ends descended in a tangle around the Texan and he stumbled a bit under the weight of the rucksack as he was no longer supported. “Now, I can’t have my naughty slave playing with himself can I?” Jeremy’s look said it all as Andrew lifted his hands away from where they were. “Hands out!” Jeremy obeyed, allowing Andrew to untie his wrists and re-position them prior to tying them in parallel again but with his forearms pointing in opposite directions. Andrew took the ends of the ropes and passed them either side of Jeremy’s prominence and between his legs. He pulled them tight up behind him forcing Jeremy to hunch up somewhat as well as letting out an involuntary squeal of surprise.

Andrew tied a knot in the free ends and Jeremy’s state of arousal was not at all moderated when his captor threaded the free ends and the knot between his back and the rucksack. Another pull tight once the free ends had been separated produced another gratifying squeal before Andrew passed the ends in counter directions twice round Jeremy’s well delineated waist. The shorter man moved round to the front of his partner and another pull tightened the ropes round Jeremy’s waist before he tied them off. There was still a lot of rope to spare and the tie still left a bit of movement available to Jeremy’s arms. Andrew addressed the problem.

The remaining rope ends were brought round behind Jeremy’s back once more, twined between the pack and his back and brought round to his belly once again. A further unnecessary tug was applied to the ropes which were then threaded around Jeremy’s arms and pulled behind him again. Tying between a slave and his back pack was not the easiest job so Andrew twined the ends again, pulled them tight once more and tied them in front of the heavily breathing pack slave. The web served the purpose of pulling Jeremy’s elbows apart and tightening the crotch ropes again. It also raised Jeremy’s hands thus 'delivering him from temptation'.

“OK Cowboy?” Andrew took the groan as a ‘yes’ and took another short rope which he doubled and, grinning, forced it between Jeremy’s waist and the ropes encircling it. “Stop groaning, boy, anyone would think you’re in pain.” Jeremy closed his eyes as Andrew completed a prusik knot to secure a lead to his porter. “Ready?”

“Eff.” Jeremy nodded.

“And that,” said Andrew giving Jeremy’s tip a quick flick with his finger, “can wait ‘til later.”

“Nggggfff.” Andrew slipped his day-pack into place and the priapic Texan was pulled forwards as his master started a merry whistle to help him along his pleasant evening’s stroll.

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Post by MaxRoper »

Great start. I'm looking forward to the next bit. Almost makes hiking sound enjoyable.

Excellent writing and editing. The phrase "the priapic Texan" is inspired.
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you. That makes me feel good.
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4) Camp Site Arrangements

After about two hours in the evening sunlight with lots of one-sided conversation, and frequent stumbling from his porter, Andrew decided that they had arrived at a suitable place for an overnight camp. He had obviously prepared in some detail for the venture and knew the site well. It had a clean stream and soft ground. Just as importantly, there was lots of dead wood from fallen trees, everything the two lovers could need to make themselves comfortable – or at least as comfortable as Jeremy was to be allowed to be.

Andrew relieved Jeremy of the heavy rucksack and announced that he was going to take steps to secure his prisoner while he was ‘busy with the housework’. As Andrew untied and unwound the complicate tie, Jeremy once more thought of another sort of relief. “Nice to know you’re still pleased to see me, Cowboy, but you can forget all about that until I’m good and ready.” The flick to Jeremy’s renewed erection on the word ‘that’ did nothing to help him forget. Andrew knew why he loved those eyes! Jeremy was told that he would be untied to allow him to massage himself for a few minutes but not THAT sort of massage and any sign of the five-knuckle shuffle would result in his instant immobilisation. While that was not something that Jeremy would normally mind, his last two hours had been quite an ordeal and he was even more in need of easing his aching muscles than of bringing himself to climax. He just regretted that he’d find it quite difficult to pee in his current state.

Andrew watched his lover, admiring his physique and the indented rope marks, as he massaged his arms and wrists and loosened his shoulders and his previously confined arms. By the end of the process, Jeremy had returned to a state that would allow him to be able to water the nearest tree, which he did before returning to kneel in front of his master.

“Boots off!” Jeremy sat and untied the battered, comfortable old boots followed by both pairs of socks. Andrew held out his hand. “Socks.” That was more like it. Jeremy watched as Andrew folded one of the thin socks carefully and stowed it in a pocket in his jeans along with its pair. “Alright, Cowboy, undo that strap.” Jeremy wouldn’t have dreamt of removing the gag without permission unless he felt like being given an even harder time than usual but he was certainly ready to give his jaw a rest and then, hopefully, to be re-gagged more efficiently before any other games began. The strap was soon undone and the red ball easily removed from Jeremy’s mouth. He knelt, placed his hands on his bare head and began waggling his jaw. Andrew allowed him a couple of minutes before taking his jaw in his hand, lifting his head and bending to plant a gentle kiss on his recently liberated mouth. Jeremy flushed with pleasure.

“OK boy, get yourself a drink and then I’ll just make you a bit more comfortable”. Jeremy didn’t bother standing, he crawled across to the platypus on his hands and knees watched with pleasure by his dominant partner. He was soon back on his knees, hands on head.


“On your belly.” Jeremy tipped forwards and managed to keep his hands on his head. He was snorting dust. Andrew knelt and laid a rope across his boyfriend’s back, just under his shoulder-blades and tucked one end under Jeremy’s right arm-pit, under his chin and back over his left shoulder. Once he’d completed the symmetrical operation with the other end of the rope, Andrew told his captive to cross his wrists behind him. Andrew raised Jeremy’s wrists higher up his back and, using both free ends of the rope, wrapped them round four times, tightened the binding between his wrists and tied off the rope. The long rope was not easy to manipulate but the protracted process of pulling the ends through certainly worked in getting Jeremy aroused again before Andrew could get around to turning his subject over when it became only too obvious once more. The grinning Texan received an admiring look from his lover and a more protracted kiss before the process continued.

Andrew pulled the free ends of the rope between Jeremy’s legs and brought them up his chest, making sure not to snag his most precious assets in passing, and threaded them behind where the rope crossed high on Jeremy’s chest. After a few circuits of the crossed rope Andrew secured it with a knot. In spite of the fact that there was still quite a lot or rope left over, Andrew produced another shorter piece.

“OK Cowboy, on your feet.” Due to having had so much practice over the past eighteen months, Jeremy made very short work of that task. “Oh Cowboy, you’re such a dirty boy.” The sight of his lover covered in sweat-adhered dust and helplessly bound was certainly a major turn on for the blond guy who thought that a further prolonged kiss was called for. Jeremy looked down while Andrew passed the short rope behind him and knotted it firmly round both strands of rope leading down from his wrists. The tier brought one end in each direction around Jeremy’s waist and tucked one of them under each of the strands passing down his abdomen. Pulling the ends apart made Jeremy jump a bit as the crotch rope tightened and Andrew questioned himself as to why he hadn’t gagged him properly first before noting where to tie the next knots. Taking one end of the rope, Andrew pulled it tighter again and wrapped it twice round the longer rope before tying it off to the vertical ropes behind the staggering Texan. Once Andrew had reflected the operation using the other end of the short rope, he stood back to admire both his work and his partner’s now artistically framed package.

“Come on, let’s get you secure for a while so that I can get on with supper.” So saying, Andrew grabbed yet another rope in one hand and the loose ends trailing from Jeremy’s chest in the other. Jeremy was led across to a thin pine tree and made to kneel with his back against it. Andrew helped him to cross his ankles behind it and Jeremy immediately fell flat on his face as his lover square lashed them inescapably, not that escaping was exactly very high up on Jeremy’s things-to-do list. At least like that he would be able to use the ground and what limited room for manoeuvre he still enjoyed to deal with his (not so) little problem. He even ventured a sigh of, “Thank you.” to his lover.

5) A Tree of One's Own

“What for? You don’t think you’re staying like that, do you, Cowboy?” There followed another groan as Andrew, with some difficulty, lifted the darker-skinned man’s torso from the ground and pinned it to the tree trunk with one hand. “OK boy, hold onto this.” Jeremy found Andrew’s belt presented to his mouth. It was about time he got round to the gag thought the Texan with some satisfaction as he bit firmly down onto the leather. “OK, let go.” Andrew had fed the silver-clad tip of the strap round the back of the tree and was slipping it into the elaborate buckle. Jeremy’s face was just about at the correct level to allow him to appreciate that his lover was also enjoying himself more than a little. Those tight jeans were fighting the good fight but they seemed just about ready to surrender.

“What the. . “ or more accurately, “W –Chhh!” was Jeremy’s surprise reaction as the belt was slipped down out of his mouth and tightened quite firmly round his neck. That WASN’T what he was expecting at all.

“Easy Cowboy, just need to support you for a little while. Won’t be too long.” If Jeremy hadn’t known his boyfriend for as long as he had, he would really have lost it at that stage but, after the initial shock, he calmed himself down. Andrew wouldn’t harm him and the chaste kiss to his forehead reassured him that he was in good hands.

Andrew took one hanging end of the rope and brought it round to the back of the tree before completing a whole circumference of the trunk with it, pulling tight and tying it off to the knot in the middle of the dark Texan’s chest. The other end was used in a similar way in the opposite direction and Jeremy was supported against the trunk of the tree, taking a lot of the strain off his neck.

“OK, love?” Jeremy nodded as best he could in the circumstances and Andrew gave his belly a flick with the back of his hand. “Now that you’ve been such a good hiking companion, I’ve got a treat for you.” Andrew retrieved his daypack and produced several different items from it before removing the rolled sock from his pocket. The sight immediately brought Jeremy back to full, throbbing attention once more. He knew that now was the last time he’d be able to moan at full volume for quite some time. He didn’t need to be told to open wide after Andrew had loosened the strap round his neck but only by enough to make his forthcoming task easier.

The rolled sock was soon slipped into the willing prisoner’s mouth and packed carefully behind his teeth. The second, un-rolled, sock rapidly followed with most of it fitting between Jeremy’s teeth and his lips and the remainder protruding from the middle of his lips. “Ready? Jeremy caught sight of his own wide, leather belt, the one he was wearing before he was made to strip-off before his hike as a pack-mule. He half groaned, half sighed through the thin socks. That belt had been used previously for the same purpose and Andrew had punched extra holes in it then. “This ought to push things in a bit further. Keep still now.” Jeremy gave an involuntary, but thoroughly muffled, yelp as Andrew buckled the belt and pulled it tight, leaving the monster truck buckle against Jeremy’s left cheek. Not much of the second sock now peeped out from behind the belt and Jeremy’s jaws could not have been forced much wider.

“I think just one more layer, don’t you? After all, I’ll only have to remove it again when it’s supper time. This should do.” Jeremy’s eyes widened enough to echo his mouth as the medical dressing was held up in front of him. He had never been sure whether he actually enjoyed being gagged with such adhesive tape but he knew he had to suffer for his pleasures as Andrew stripped the backing free and pressed the white, padded dressing sensuously into the contours of his face. The strip stretched from ear to ear.

“Oh, those eyes! You know I can’t resist them.” Andrew parked another gentle kiss on the kneeling prisoner’s forehead. “Oh well, I need to concentrate on the housework. Sorry, Cowboy.” Andrew quickly produced a bandanna, rolled it loosely and tied it round his partner’s eyes. “That should cure that problem and you don’t need to be able to see anything in any case.” Andrew ruffled Jeremy’s spiky hair like he would have done to a small child.


Andrew left his partner to moan quietly and somewhat desperately while he set up the stove and laid out the food ready for preparation. The tarpaulin that had been attached to the pack that Jeremy had carried was staked out and tied in the “reflector” arrangement to a pair of convenient trees and their sleeping bags were positioned on it to loft.

Having pitched their camp, Andrew sneaked up on his almost completely immobilised lover as quietly as possible. Jeremy just couldn’t be sure. He thought he heard something as Andrew just stood quietly admiring his prize but he had so little scope for holding his head back as he tried to look out from under his blindfold, that he just couldn’t be sure. The resultant frustrated noise made it difficult for Andrew to stifle a chuckle and remain silent but he gave it almost a full minute before moving.

Jeremy immediately tensed as he felt the toe of Andrew’s boot as it traced its sensuous way up the inside of his right thigh. “Just making sure that you’re going to be ready for me later, Cowboy, that’s all.” Having been brought to arousal again after a few seconds’ attention, the next thing Jeremy heard was someone walking away into the distance while he could do little more than snort into his gag. Surely Andrew wasn’t just going to leave him there like that? He wouldn’t, - - - would he? All that was left to Jeremy was to moan into his socks and wonder how long it would be before his partner returned and he was allowed to climax.

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Post by LK3869 »

Another side of you, that one has a sweeter, kinder feel. And a somewhat different style.

Someone spotted it first, but such fine words matches as the " priapic texan" remain your trademark.

I like that couple very well, will see them again with real pleasure.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by Xtc »

It's always a pleasure to introduce people to folks they like!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Nice, well done gagging. Lighthearted consensual bondage, really enjoyed reading this over a second time.
Again, thanks for reposting this tale here, xtc.

Still as enjoyable as ever.

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Post by Xtc »

Thanks, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], next part coming up.

Smut Warning
Please do not go past this point if you are easily offended.
(No, forget the "easily" bit.)
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6) Dinner . . .

Blindfolded and immobilised in the wilderness, time seemed to come to a standstill for Jeremy as he became accustomed to the ambient sounds. He tilted his head back as he thought he heard someone approach. That stressed his neck as the belt restrained it and he soon had to give up the attempt to peek underneath the rolled bandana that was near enough to his nose for him still to be able to smell his lover and tormentor’s sweat. He thought he could hear breathing but, after what seemed like an hour (even though it wasn’t), he convinced himself that he was mistaken. That was when he heard that familiar voice. “It’s OK boy, I’m just checking the stock.” as he felt the waist band of his black briefs pulled away from his abdomen and a hand thrust down into them. “All appears to be in order.” The waist band snapped back into place leaving Jeremy oozing into the swimming costume once more. If only he could beg for release - in one sense of the word - now, he probably would but long experience had taught him that, even outdoors and with his lover efficiently trussed and increasingly frustrated, Andrew was unlikely to be in any hurry at all. All that was left to Jeremy, as his lover moved away, was renewed moaning and completely futile attempts to massage himself against the inside of his clothing. It was all very well for Andrew, he just had to make himself comfortable somewhere and take himself in hand to deal with his own arousal which he did before addressing the matter of supper.

The Coleman stove made short work of heating the dehydrated food that Andrew had reconstituted with the spring water that he’d collected while he’d left Jeremy to stew earlier. Now it was merely a question of whether Jeremy was to be allowed to feed himself or whether Andrew might need to help him.


Jeremy was suspicious; he knew Andrew had moved up behind him so he certainly wasn’t going to untie the knots securing his torso to the tree, perhaps he was going to free his ankles. That would take a certain amount of stress from his body but he’d have to crouch until the harness gave enough to allow him to sit. Yes, he was just about ready for a change of bondage. “OK, Darlin’?” Jeremy felt his partner’s arms reach around his legs and those skilful fingers trace all the way up the insides of his thighs before gently grasping his newly needy member and giving it a gentle pat or two. Jeremy tried, with limited success, to arch his back before the warm hands moved up to his chest where his nipples were given their share of the attention. Every time so far that Jeremy had been played with and subsequently denied like this, it had been worth it eventually. Judging by the length of time he had been tormented, today’s release, once it came, should be an Earth-mover. Andrew had to play things very careful now if all his hard work wasn’t to go to a premature waste so just a quick rub of Jeremy’s throbbing tip and a scratch of his scrotum through the briefs was all he allowed himself before announcing, “Supper time, Cowboy. That was your starter.” Jeremy sagged snorting in his bonds.

To prepare his companion for his repast, Andrew tightened the neck strap again but not to a dangerous extent as long as his prisoner behaved himself, and slipped the bandana into his pocket.` Jeremy ached like he had seldom done before. Andrew knelt and looked onto those eyes. He sighed. Jeremy moaned. “OK Cowboy?” Jeremy did his best to nod.

Now it was theatre time: the time Jeremy was never sure about, time for the removal of that surgical plaster. Even though he realised that his efforts would be in vain, Jeremy automatically tried to pull away from Andrew's approaching fingers as they wriggled their way inevitably closer to his ears. The comical/villainous grin on Andrew's face suddenly changed into an intense stare as he hooked his fingers as best he could under the edges of the dressing. Jeremy automatically started counting down, ready for the imminent unpleasantness. Even though Andrew had good finger nails, he waited for just a few more seconds than Jeremy was expecting (he knew his boyfriend's expectations well by now and it was a game of mutual doublethink) before ripping the plaster from his face. Jeremy's facial hair was not exactly lush but, not having shaved since yesterday morning, there was enough stubble to provide a satisfying but still heavily stifled yell as the dressing was pulled clear.

As he undid the belt buckle, Andrew admired the indentations on his companion's face as he gradually expelled the socks onto the ground. "OK Cowboy?" Andrew gave him just enough time to confirm that he was before clamping a hand firmly over his mouth. "You know the rules: quiet cowboys get to sample the contents of the chuck wagon." Jeremy nodded as best he could in the circumstances. "No, it's no use, I can't concentrate all the while I have to look into those eyes." Jeremy now knew how he was going to be expected to eat his dinner as Andrew withdrew the bandana from his pocket and bound it round his eyes again.

Andrew gloved his left hand and picked one of the hot packets from the pan. He sat down in front of Jeremy and wafted the open packet under his nose. Jeremy smelled the chilli and beans and prepared for the usual ritual. He wasn't overtly muscular but he did have broad shoulders, a deep chest and, especially when his body was stressed as it was at present, a pleasingly narrow waist. He knew that said chest would soon be sporting a considerable amount of cooling chilli. Andrew could probably have fed his prisoner more efficiently but that wouldn't have been as much fun, now would it? The spoon being traced deliberately over Jeremy's lips forcing him to search for his reward was, in itself arousing to the Texan, and his carer was having trouble with his own underwear again as he teased him and watched him trying to eat more than was being distributed over that chest and even further down.

"Oh Cowboy, you're such a mucky pup. Here, drink this." As Andrew offered his canteen to Jeremy's lips, he seemed to take more care not to spill any than he had done with the food. After eighteen months Jeremy knew why. Andrew stoppered the canteen again and repeated, "Oh, Cowboy, you're such a mucky pup. I'd better clean you up, Boy." All considerations about Jeremy being quiet were blown to the four winds as Andrew's tongue went to work, first round his lover's lips, then for some reason inside them, where it stayed for some time as the two men kissed passionately, and so on down to his nipples and round his pecs generally. Jeremy's moaning, as his captor licked and kissed his way down to his navel and beyond, increased in intensity until he thought he would be brought to a climax at last. He arched his back, straining his neck once more against the strap as Andrew's lips worked their way down to where there was something in between them and Jeremy's person.

"Now! Now! Please!!"

"Who said you could speak, Cowboy?"

"Aghhhh! Noooo."

"You know, I think I've just lost my appetite for chest chilli." As Andrew drew away from the increasingly desperate guy, he thought, "That was close. He nearly blew his load then. Must remember to be more careful." but he couldn't help admiring the range of movement Jeremy was achieving in such restrictive bindings. Jeremy frantically manoeuvred his head trying to see under the bandana and then trying to rub it off against the tree. He felt as though his dick had outgrown the skin available to keep it in one piece.

"Oh, you're such a naughty cowboy. We can't have that."

All the warning that Jeremy got after he felt the strap holding his neck to the tree being removed was that "tzzp" noise. Andrew had obviously collected something else from his day pack and Jeremy found the upper part of his head being wrapped with several layers of duct tape as his increasingly feeble protestations of "No - - no - -pleeeease - -don't - - no - -" fell on deaf ears. There were many times when Jeremy had to remind himself that all his tribulations would be worth it in the end. He just wished that the end was nigh!

"Andrew, please, just toss . . ." A breathless and desperate Jeremy found a gloved hand clamped over his mouth. The smell of new leather did nothing to alleviate his distress.

"Just for that I need to find another one of those surgical dressings."

"Mmmmmnnn." The sound faded to nothing as Jeremy resigned himself to another gag. "Resigned" is probably not the right word really, as he was often known to gag himself in surprising and elaborate manners when on his own at home and waiting for his paramour to arrive. Now, however, he would happily have gone without the gag (and without almost anything else he could think of) if only his member could be given the attention it craved. Before he got to stopping Jeremy's mouth, Andrew slipped his tip out of the top of his briefs and clamped it to his abdomen with the draw-cord; there were advantages to allowing one's sub only the briefest of costumes. That was a cruel way to build up anticipation only to crush it almost immediately. However desperately Jeremy ground his hips, there was no way he was going to be able to massage himself to fulfilment.

7) . . . and Afters

"One more sound, Cowboy, and I'm going to leave you like that while I go get the firewood. ¿Entiendes?" Jeremy certainly did understand.

There was no way Andrew was going to insert the socks that Jeremy had previously spat on the ground into his mouth again so it was a good job that he was a "thick pair and a thin pair" man whenever he went hiking. One of his Bridgedales was soon rolled and held to his mouth. Jeremy obviously could have refused but there were two reasons for not doing so at the time and the sock certainly filled his mouth to overflowing. "Other side this time, I think."

"Nghhh . . ."

"No, there's no need to thank me." In spite of the difficulties of working between Jeremy's head and the tree, Andrew soon had the monster truck buckle positioned against his lover's right cheek. He checked the tightness using the two-fingers rule and then decided to tighten the belt by one more hole.


"OK, Cowboy?" It was very tempting to Jeremy to respond to the safety question in the way that would instantly get him released but, if the game is worth the candle . . .


Andrew needed to be sure. "You OK, Cowboy? You can always shake your head"

Jeremy didn't need reminding but, my God, he loved that man! "Nghhh." and a much relieved Andrew set about completing his task. He even stopped to give Jeremy's exposed and pulsating helmet a quick rub before doing so.

"Uuuuggh!" The despairing sigh confirmed that Andrew had not miscalculated.

"Don't worry about this, doesn't look like you've got much hair left on your lips in any case." and Jeremy heard the protective backing being stripped from one end of another strip of surgical plaster. Andrew pressed the tape carefully into the creases in Jeremy's physiognomy before announcing himself dissatisfied with his efforts. "You know, Cowboy, all the while that plaster's only on your face, it doesn't look quite right. I know, we've still got that first aid kit." Jeremy sighed, he recognised that code.

It only took about a minute for Andrew to locate the first aid kit and, inside it, the ridiculously over-sized roll of micropore tape. Even he couldn't use all 50 metres of the 50 millimetre wide tape in one go but the picture he took on his phone might well have given a different impression. It looked as though his captive had the lower part of his head in a plaster cast and most of the rest in a helmet. He knew that Jeremy would take some delight in posting the photo on the internet along with the description of what had been done to him once they had got back home. He wasn't at all chubby-cheeked by the time the tape had been cut.

"Still doesn't look right." But once Andrew had wrapped a totally unnecessary bandana, in outlaw fashion, over his friend's nose and down beyond his chin, he proclaimed himself satisfied. "OK, just testing." He slipped two fingers under Jeremy's exposed helmet and rubbed his slit sensually. "OK, I think you're quiet enough now." and he pulled at the draw-cord of the Speedos before forcing his lover's raging and almost inflexible boner inside the, by now far from savoury garment. "I hope you're not going anywhere. I think I've got a use for that later." Andrew then risked another scratch or two against the engorgement and its scrotum before delivering few final taps to its all too apparent tip and retiring to eat his own supper leaving his partner to rage against his frustration.


Having taken a leisurely supper during which he was well entertained by watching over his spasmodically wriggling captive, Andrew made up a fire and put the coffee pot on. It gave the campsite a more traditional look even though the temperatures were unlikely to drop much below about 80º overnight in August.

Once he could be sure that Jeremy was ready for him again, he sauntered as noisily as possible across to the tree where his could see his lover getting interested in life once more. "Hi Cowboy, you not pleased to see me?"

"Mmnn ggghhh!" Jeremy tried to reassure his partner that he would be VERY pleased to see him in a very few seconds.

"That's better. NOW it looks like Willie wants to come out to play." So saying, the blond guy pushed his right hand down into the front of his sub's swimming costume and pulled out everything it was previously concealing. Having the still tied draw cord under his scrotum like that wasn't the most comfortable Jeremy had been that day but he could feel that his tormentor's action had certainly brought him back to being at his most needy.

"Oh, he is enjoying his look round," said Andrew as he slid his index and middle fingers slowly and gently from the exposed sac all the way up the by now impressive erection and lodged them below the head. A squeeze and a surprise pull, that forced Jeremy to try to pull himself even more upright, made him think that his relief had arrived at last. A strangulated noise escaped the multi-layered gag.

"Oh look, that's brought a tear to his eye. Poor Willie, I'll just have to wipe it off for him." More desperate noises followed but Andrew knew torment better than that as he firmly rubbed Jeremy's oozing slit. "There, kiss it better." Jeremy felt his partner's lips and then his tongue continue its gentle massage. Once Jeremy felt his cock enclosed, massaged skilfully and licked like that, he took no time at all achieving what he'd been desperate to achieve for hours. For someone still so restrictively bound, his convulsions were explosive. Andrew stayed in position for long enough to allow his lover to "relax" a bit but Jeremy knew he'd still have no difficulty in providing a repeat performance. Once more he admired Andrew's skills and rejoiced that he'd never regret giving him that tongue piercing for his last birthday.

Andrew withdrew; it just wasn't Jeremy's lucky day. "What? Again?" Jeremy's limited thrusts and gagged whining left his, by now very uncomfortable, lover in no doubt as to what was required. "No love, not yet. I've got something I want you to do for me later." So saying, Andrew left the tall guy to his own rather limited devices once more.

TBC if enough interest
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Post by LK3869 »

A quick comment before going to work ...
Your precise writting allows for easy insertion into that couple's dynamic and each lovers' internal logic and needs.

Same precise writting also makes your descriptions of sexual acts something else ( different, above, aside... IDK ) than just that. I guess there are two schools for that: raw, brutal exposing of action OR playing with words and images... Knowing that both have their good and bad sides depending on readers' mood, I would call this one "transitional" :)

So, waiting to see what those two are up to and how you'll wrap that in words. Because even if I don't mix food and sex, reading things like "chest chilli" makes it worth exploring others' habits. ( at least in mind )

Wonder what else will come out that bag...
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Sorry, don't know what I was going to write here.
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Post by Veracity »

"Gratuitous smut." Yum!

Seriously, it has been I while since I first read this. Excellent as always, and an interesting change from the stories I have come to expect from you. I mean that in a good way, but I will always love your scout stories the best. There, I said it.
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Pleased to hear it!
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Xtc wrote: 6 years ago a

Sorry, don't know what I was going to write here.
Mea culpa!
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Post by Xtc »

Veracity wrote: 6 years ago
Xtc wrote: 6 years ago a

Sorry, don't know what I was going to write here.
Mea culpa!
Ah, thou villian!

No harm done, I believe but [mention]LK3869[/mention] must have wondered what was going on. I expect he saw the original message before the excision occurred.
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Post by LK3869 »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago
Veracity wrote: 6 years ago
Xtc wrote: 6 years ago a

Sorry, don't know what I was going to write here.
Mea culpa!
Ah, thou villian!

No harm done, I believe but @LK3869 must have wondered what was going on. I expect he saw the original message before the excision occurred.
Actaually no, so I AM left wondering now :lol:
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Post by Xtc »

LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago A quick comment before going to work ...
Your precise writting allows for easy insertion into that couple's dynamic and each lovers' internal logic and needs.

Same precise writting also makes your descriptions of sexual acts something else ( different, above, aside... IDK ) than just that. I guess there are two schools for that: raw, brutal exposing of action OR playing with words and images... Knowing that both have their good and bad sides depending on readers' mood, I would call this one "transitional" :)

So, waiting to see what those two are up to and how you'll wrap that in words. Because even if I don't mix food and sex, reading things like "chest chilli" makes it worth exploring others' habits. ( at least in mind )

Wonder what else will come out that bag...
I wrote something like:
"Transitional", huh? Hmmmm. . . I might have to think about that.
I am always aware that I don't want to end up in the "Bad Sex Guide", that is possibly why I write in the way you describe.

I certainly thanked you for taking the time to comment before going to work.

Hope that clarifies tings a bit.
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Post by LK3869 »

I did read it then... and smiled Thought I missed something after that one.
Good thing virtual space is free...( or almost ) :lol:
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Post by Xtc »

OK. So the smut continues.
Here is one of my attempts to avoid featuring in the "Bad Sex Guide".
Please let me know.
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8) The Night Before . . .

Andrew obviously had needs of his own as well but he was in no hurry, Jeremy was going nowhere and the anticipation was half the pleasure. The warm Texas night still left both hikers, even the nearly naked Jeremy, sweating profusely. As Andrew sat by the fire, he convinced himself that not only was it necessary for brewing the coffee he was drinking but that it would keep the insects at bay. That would have another advantage later. After a lazy time of drinking coffee and watching his beloved still writhing sensuously against the tree to the full extent of which he was capable, lost in his own special place, Andrew took a wide circle round the tree and sneaked up on him from behind.

Every time Jeremy thought he heard something, he tried to "look" towards where it came from and Andrew would wait until he thought he had settled before continuing his approach. He was a patient man and enjoyed watching the helpless Texan as he strained both his muscles and his bonds. On his final approach, Jeremy's seemingly frantic but futile attempt to look behind him was cut off short by two warm hands first clasping his pecs and then tickling their way sinuously down towards his newly revived erection. "What's up, Cowboy afraid of the wild animals? Don't worry, that fire will keep them away - well, all except one."

Even through the all-encasing gag. Jeremy's frustrated groan as Andrew's hands withdrew from inside the front of his recently expanded briefs was audible to a most satisfactory extent. "Oh, don't worry, Cowboy, I won't let those other wild beasts molest you." Having put his lover on notice again, Andrew went to the creek to get cleaned off.


Even in the wilderness there were standards to be maintained and, as the freshly laundered blond gently approached his captive lover, Jeremy caught the characteristic aroma of Andrew's cologne. As he stood in front of his captive, Andrew didn't even have to bring his hands into use to ensure the required reaction. "It's a shame somebody wrapped all that tape around your head, I can't even say that you're obviously glad to see me." He couldn't resist a quick scratch of Jeremy's barely enclosed erection. "Someone didn't seem to care that it would hurt when you removed it. No, there's no need to groan like that, I've got an idea." Stooping for just a second to plant a gentle kiss on where the tip of his penis obviously strained against the Speedos, Andrew went to work freeing his partner from most of the rope that was restricting him.

As Andrew worked, he slipped the ropes gently from his partner's person. That not only avoided unnecessary burns but also served to prolong the sensual process for both partners. Jeremy did manage to turn his head to one side before his torso hit the ground once the rope securing his chest to the tree had been removed and Andrew didn't even bother with the usual, "You OK, Cowboy?" He continued until, other than the tape round his head, all that was securing Jeremy was the rope round his shoulders and wrists.

With Jeremy's ankles free, Andrew helped him to his feet. It took the Texan some time to stabilise himself and it was a good job that his lover, in spite of being shorter and slighter than he, was strongly built. "You OK, Cowboy?" Jeremy indicated that he was. There was now a lot of rope trailing behind the sub from where it was still knotted round his wrists. Without warning, Andrew kicked his bare feet gently apart prior to feeding the ends of the rope between his legs. Although Jeremy couldn't feel what his partner was doing initially, it hardly came as a surprise to him when he felt the rope's ends pulled up against his crotch with the instruction, "OK Cowboy, let's go," and felt himself being led forwards. Jeremy assumed it was bed time and he was certainly trying to point the way.

After a couple of minutes, Jeremy realised that he obviously wasn't being taken to where Andrew had pitched the tarp, they had gone much too far already. Following all the practice he'd had since he first met Andrew, Jeremy hardly even stumbled as he was led along the rough track before he felt the pressure from the rope between his legs being released.

"Now, about that idea." Jeremy found himself being eased gently to the ground and the drawstring of his Speedos undone. Andrew wasted no time slipping the slimy black briefs over his needy sub's feet and Jeremy's body certainly indicated a renewed interest in life as he thought satisfaction would soon be guaranteed. He was, to say the least, (comparatively) disappointed to be hoisted onto his captor's shoulder while he seemed to take off at a jog trailing the rope behind him.

If he hadn't just been stripped, the shock as he hit the cold water would have taken the stress off his Speedos immediately. He heard another splash and felt the comforting hands that helped him to his feet. With only his nose free, Jeremy spent some time snorting as he was supported by his laughing boyfriend. "You OK, Cowboy?" In spite of all the incomprehensible imprecations, he assured his tormentor that he was. "That's good. They say that water loosens tape." The imprecations that followed his next surprise ducking were less prolonged.

"Hold still, I'll get that rope off you." As the two lovers stood with Andrew crotch deep in water, he bowed, kissed his partner's much reduced manhood and released his arms. With one more surprise ducking, "Just to make it easier for you to remove that tape." Andrew climbed out of the creek and left his lover to it.


As Jeremy approached the campfire holding the tangled mass of different tapes that had recently encased his head and the additional components of his erstwhile gag, something dawned on him that he was surprised not to have noticed originally: of course Andrew was naked when he shouldered him, just as naked as he was now as he sat on a log enjoying another coffee. "Alright, Cowboy? Coffee?" Jeremy took the proffered mug without comment.

There were always those few moments following a "game" when the two lovers just looked at one another. There was always that moment of tension when things could have gone either way. There always followed the time when, following Jeremy's exasperated protestations, both men settled to almost banal conversation. It was dark; let's face it, the sun never sets too late in Texas, even in August, and the sounds of the day had given way to the sounds of the night. Andrew had chosen to sit by the fire and "drip-dry"; Jeremy, as he sat next to him and pulled deeply at his mug, was still shedding a lot of water.

"Want me to towel you down?"

Jeremy smiled faintly. He flicked his eyes sideways. "Nope." He lightly licked his lips and put down his mug.

"Oooh, I think you do. I can't have my dark-eyed baby catching cold, now can I?"

"I said, 'No', so how are you going to stop me resisting?"

"Oh, I think I can do that." Andrew reached behind their seat and found one of the used ropes that he had coiled while he was waiting.

"OK, you silver-tongued seducer, you've convinced me."

"On your knees, Cowboy." It was business as usual as the dripping Texan knelt in the dirt and faced away from his lover.

Andrew soon had Jeremy's hands bound securely but, out of consideration of the time he would probably be about to spend like that, not over-tightly, behind him. "OK Cowboy, on your feet." As the bound man stood, his boyfriend went for a towel. Andrew considered it incumbent upon him to attend very assiduously to his duty towards his sub, so much so that he spent an inordinate length of time ensuring that his lower abdomen in particular was very well rubbed dry. The towelling down was obviously ten minutes very well spent as both lovers came to full attention once more.

"OK, bedtime, Cowboy." Jeremy opened his mouth expectantly. "Oh, I don't think I'm going to gag you. I might have need of that sexy mouth of yours later." That came as little surprise and Andrew took his priapic lover over to where he'd laid out their sleeping bags. Both men sat on the bags, kissed deeply and decided that, with a fire to keep off the insects, they'd be more comfortable sleeping on top of the bedding.

Following more kissing and a comprehensive exploration of his bound lover's body, Andrew was asked, "Aren't you going to bind my ankles? After all, you wouldn't want me to escape, would you?"

"Typical of you, isn't it? No thought to my pleasure, only your own. I think I might not want your legs tied together tonight." Both men giggled unashamedly like girlies as they laid down. In spite of the difference in height, both lovers tessellated perfectly. Neither seemed to be in any hurry to get to sleep.

9) . . . the Morning After

The sun rose before seven o'clock and Andrew rose before that. "Morning, Wood." he greeted his appendage as he remarked to himself how easily his still slumbering lover had taken to sleeping whilst bound. He removed the leg that he had draped over his bed-mate's body and gently dragged his right hand from where it was by Jeremy's left ear, slowly across his chest and down to where his own person was feeling most lively. A quick few seconds to bring himself fully to attention and Andrew felt his lover stirring.

He positioned himself so that, without leaning on the arousing Jeremy's body, he could lick and kiss his right nipple. As the Texan gradually came to and he could be sure that his "good morning" routine would be fully appreciated, Andrew gave the hardening nub a gentle nip.

With that Jeremy suddenly came to and he started to remember his situation: he recalled that, after the main event of the previous evening's entertainment had come to its sweaty conclusion, Andrew had stuffed his demanding mouth with what he assumed, judging by the taste, to be the underpants he had discarded earlier and taped them into place. By now he had returned to almost full arousal himself as he felt the sharp pain in his nipple and the hand being clamped firmly but gently against his erection.

He automatically tried to twine his legs with those of his binder when he was reminded that they too had been bound at the ankles and, even though somewhat more loosely, just below his knees. Andrew loved that sound.

The cross between a gagged sigh of satisfaction and a squeal of frustration made his morning. "You're an insatiable little steer, aren't you? Guess I'll just have to put my brand on you." Andrew climbed off the now fully awake sub and fetched one of his shorter ropes. Jeremy was soon lying on his belly on the bare ground with his fingers actually touching his heels. The idea that Andrew was making remarks about 'stoking the branding fire' was a bit worrying but 'interesting' enough to give Jeremy a good reason to try massaging his privates between his belly and the ground.

Before Jeremy had time to do enough to satisfy himself, though, Andrew returned from putting the coffee pot on the fire and remarked, "It's like I said, it's always, 'Me, me, me' with you, isn't it? What about my needs, Cowboy?" He tipped his hog-tied prisoner onto his side and cut the tapes holding his now very soggy boxers in place. "Mind if I make myself comfortable?" Andrew laid down, positioned himself carefully and gave his increasingly desperate lover something to replace his gag while he returned the compliment by taking Jeremy firmly in hand. "Sorry, Cowboys don't use lube."

The resultant frotting against the ground could hardly have been the most comfortable love-making in which the pair had ever indulged but something seemed to be taking their minds off the discomfort, especially judging by the ecstatic expletives exploding from the trim blond.

It was alright for Andrew once the lovers had each ensured that he'd brought the other to a climax, he could just wipe his hand on his lover's hair and roll over. Jeremy didn't enjoy such an easy option. It was at moments like this that both participants wished they smoked.
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Post by LK3869 »

Elegant smut: not a dirty word and all, but you understand everything happening ( which is better for smut...)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Still enjoying this as much as the first time I read it, [mention]Xtc[/mention]
Beautifully written (as always) and quite...stimulating, if you catch my drift ;)

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Yes, nature study in the great outdoors is always stimulating; all those flowers and birdies . . .

Thanks, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Support is always appreciated.
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Post by Deleted User 153 »

My god, how could I have missed this!
Love the story so far, wouldn't mind going on a hiking trip like this! I just love it when writers take the time to go into details...

Looks like I'll have another topic to follow!
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