The Further perils of the Amazing Wanda (COMPLETE!!!) (MF/MF)

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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago

Try to think of it less as cheating per say, and more as something akin to window shopping - did I mention that he has cheekbones that could cut glass?
As for being tied to Henry? Well, you wouldn't hear any objections from me (gag, or no gag!)
Here's hoping,.. :)
:shock: If I had done that, my ex would have filed for divorce first. No thanks XD.

Now as for you and Harry Horrible (hehehe), don't you think it best he leaves before Germaine comes back and decides to practice her knive sharpening on you both?!
Ha, ha! Okay, I conceed that this is something of a grey area (morally speaking) but I'm not sure it even counts as cheating if I'm tied up (and the footballer in question looks like a young Johnny Depp)
Hmm, now that you mention it, I am a little concerned that we haven't heard from Germaine in some time,..
I just hope she isn't busy building a bonfire,.. or possibly a Wicker man,.. :D
Or possibly looking over your stories here while you are supposedly cuffed and gagged currently hehe?
Last edited by jayarieldrillowup 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago

:shock: If I had done that, my ex would have filed for divorce first. No thanks XD.

Now as for you and Harry Horrible (hehehe), don't you think it best he leaves before Germaine comes back and decides to practice her knive sharpening on you both?!
Ha, ha! Okay, I conceed that this is something of a grey area (morally speaking) but I'm not sure it even counts as cheating if I'm tied up (and the footballer in question looks like a young Johnny Depp)
Hmm, now that you mention it, I am a little concerned that we haven't heard from Germaine in some time,..
I just hope she isn't busy building a bonfire,.. or possibly a Wicker man,.. :D
Or possibly looking over your stories here while you are supoosedly cuffed and gagged currently hehe?
Noooooo! Holy blackmail Batman! I can only imagine the face-melting terror that Germaine would unleash if she even suspected I was writing about our adventures,.. She would almost certainly demand royalties,.. ;)
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
Ha, ha! Okay, I conceed that this is something of a grey area (morally speaking) but I'm not sure it even counts as cheating if I'm tied up (and the footballer in question looks like a young Johnny Depp)
Hmm, now that you mention it, I am a little concerned that we haven't heard from Germaine in some time,..
I just hope she isn't busy building a bonfire,.. or possibly a Wicker man,.. :D
Or possibly looking over your stories here while you are supoosedly cuffed and gagged currently hehe?
Noooooo! Holy blackmail Batman! I can only imagine the face-melting terror that Germaine would unleash if she even suspected I was writing about our adventures,.. She would almost certainly demand royalties,.. ;)
I am much worse a rper writer and character creator then Batman so I will take that as a compliment. :D Besides, in my trade I deal with secrets.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago

Or possibly looking over your stories here while you are supoosedly cuffed and gagged currently hehe?
Noooooo! Holy blackmail Batman! I can only imagine the face-melting terror that Germaine would unleash if she even suspected I was writing about our adventures,.. She would almost certainly demand royalties,.. ;)
I am much worse a rper writer and character creator then Batman so I will take that as a compliment. :D Besides, in my trade I deal with secrets.
I guess I should just be grateful that you haven't shared my secrets with my mini gothic nemesis,..
I fear that if Germaine ever found out that I enjoyed our little games of tie-up I'd find myself locked in a cage with a ball gag in my mouth before you could say "Shazam!" ;)
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago

Noooooo! Holy blackmail Batman! I can only imagine the face-melting terror that Germaine would unleash if she even suspected I was writing about our adventures,.. She would almost certainly demand royalties,.. ;)
I am much worse a rper writer and character creator then Batman so I will take that as a compliment. :D Besides, in my trade I deal with secrets.
I guess I should just be grateful that you haven't shared my secrets with my mini gothic nemesis,..
I fear that if Germaine ever found out that I enjoyed our little games of tie-up I'd find myself locked in a cage with a ball gag in my mouth before you could say "Shazam!" ;)
And you would be wise not to speak further of this even in comments. Who knows, she might be a lurking member here already? :D
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

So, when we last spoke I was faced with not entirely unpleasant task of having to flirt with a rather dashing semi-professional footballer in order to escape the clutches of a pair of Indian braves/ feral school children who had taken me prisoner.

Now Chapter Four: Something wicked this way comes,..

“So, to paraphrase that great philosopher Meatloaf, what’s it gonna’ be boy, yes, or no?”

“I’m sorry, you’ve lost me” he said flashing me a perfect smile.

“I’m just inquiring as to whose side you’re on”

“Side. Why do I have to choose sides? Can't I just remain neutral?”

“Listen Switzerland, I don’t wish to labor the point, but I’m currently trussed up and awaiting an uncertain fate at the hands of the Witch-finder General aka: Your Sister. So forgive me if we dispense with the niceties-”

“You want to know if I’m going to cut you loose?”

“In a word, ‘yes’”

“Well that’s tricky one,..” He said, getting into character “you see the Tribe are offering an awful lot of money for your capture, I’m talking about a life-changing sum and,.. well my saloon is drowning in red ink and I’ve got gambling debts that no honest man could hope to pay,..”

“Spare me the sob story, you’re not auditioning for American Idol. I thought you were a gentleman but I can see now that you are nothing but a braggart, a braggart and a cur!”

“I say, that’s a bit stiff” He complained, apparently sore at my use of outdated curse words.

“Well, how else would you describe a despicable villain who would knowingly betray a brave young lawmaker in exchange for filthy lucre?”

“Correction, lots and lots of filthy lucre”

I smiled despite myself. He was just the right blend of funny and sweet.

“I grow weary of this conversation. It’s abundantly clear that you’ve made your choice. So, unless you have anything to add,.. I’d like my gag back please” I said affecting a suitably stoic pose.

“There’s no need to sulk”

“Who’s sulking? But forgive me if I don’t want to make nice with one of my kidnappers”

“Very well” He said leaning in close. So close that I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

“Wait. This ones still soaking wet. Do want me to use something else?”

“If it’s not too much trouble” I snapped back petulantly, tongue planted very much in the corner of my cheek.
Having stuffed my previous, somewhat sodden gag into the back pocket of his jeans Harry retrieved a bright red bandanna from the darkest recesses of his kit bag.

“Don’t worry, it’s clean,.. I think” He added, sounding rather too pleased of himself as he bought the folded material over the lower half of my face from a kneeling position at my back. Gently, but firmly, he pulled me against his chest. His nose tickled my ear. I let out a tiny gasp and squirmed uncomfortably.

Bound as I was, I could offer very little practical resistance, however I (happily) accepted the gag without a struggle.

“I really am sorry about this Sheriff” He apologized as he pulled the smooth, soft material crisp and taut over my mouth, before knotting it firmly at the back of my head beneath my hair.

"Is that okay?"

Well, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy the feeling of being silenced by my hunky captor, however, remaining in character I simply grunted something suitably defiant which was intended to be “Don’t pretend you care” although, in truth it sounded far closer to “Dhn’t prmtmnd nhh ghrm”
Despite best intentions I found myself giggling.

“Hey!” he chided me “Don’t break character”

“Fhrrn” I apologized trying to choke back the laughter.

I looked up at my captor. Stripped to the waist, his upper body still damp from training he cut a, not unimpressive figure.
My face heated.
Silently I wondered to myself if I wasn't in the first rush of Stockholm syndrome,…
I summoned enough courage to meet his gaze. His impossibly blue eyes twinkled. He knows! He’s trying to make me feel this way,..

‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ he asked sounding concerned by some of the noises emanating from his prisoner.
I nodded, secretly horrified at my bodies lack of self-control.

Still, judging by the bulge in his shorts, Harry appeared to be enjoying our little game almost as much as me.

Sadly however, all good things must come to an end and just as things were heating up, a dark, foreboding shadow fell across the tent. It was almost as if a million damsels had suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. It was clear that we were in the presence of great Evil.

“Am I interrupting anything? Germaine asked, apparently materializing out of thin air.

“Yes! Emphatically yes!” I screamed (in my mind)

“No of course not” I replied, lying through my teeth.

Germaine seemed unconvinced.
Something was going on and like some kind of demented, gothic bloodhound, she was going to get to the bottom of the mystery,..

“Your brother was just introducing himself,..” I explained

“That’s half-brother” she said, spitting her words through gritted teeth

“Aww, don’t be like that Gee-bear” Harry teased

“I’ve told you NEVER to call me that!” She snapped back, stamping her platform shoes in a display of petulance that would shame an angry toddler

“G-bmhr!?!” I repeated, trying, and failing to conceal my amusement “G - bmhr? Hmf thht nhhr nnggnhmm?”

“It’s not funny!!” She said chidding me

“Nh, nh. Hf ghhrfm nht.” I spluttered unconvincingly between tears of laughter.
Germaine was emphatically not amused.

“Don't get upset, G – bmhr” I mumbled reasuringly “Hm thnng Hmt’f hdhrhblm”

“Germaine doesn’t ‘do’ adorable, do you Gee-bear” Harry said in a mocking tone playfully ruffling her hair.
For Germaine, this was simply an indignity too far.
She turned to address me with the cold, dead eyes of a trained assassin on a diet.

“You’ll be glad to learn that we’ve finished setting up your escape challenge”

“Thht’f h rmlnmf” I replied with very little sincerity.

“Wait,.. what escape?” Harry asked, struggling to keep up.

“Oh, didn’t she tell you? Samantha is an escape artist”

“Really?” He replied sounding, if not impressed at least intrigued,..

“Wmll, mfghpm hrtnft Hmn trhnnnng,..” I added (rather unnecessarily)

“Well, maybe I should stick around after all,..” Then, to Germaine

“So what are you planning to do to this fair maiden?”

“Well now, that would be telling,..” She teased wickedly.

“You can whisper it to me. I promise not to tell the prisoner,..”

“I wish I could trust you,.. but someone removed her blindfold and changed her gag,..”

“You know it wouldn’t kill you to show some human compassion”

“You know I think it actually might,..” She replied, sounding like she meant it.

“And what would it cost to persuade you to let her go free?”

“More money than you make in a year,..”
No rescue for me then.
Harry shrugged in my general direction as if to say, ‘Sorry, but I tried’



“You agree to take her place”

“I’m sorry?”
“Hm’m fhrrn?”

“It’s childishly simple. Harry agrees to be my hostage and in return I’ll let the dame go free. Refuse and he gets to watch you being burnt at the stake”

Harry appeared to be mulling this over.

“Dhn’t dh Hmt. Hmt’f hbvnhhfln h trhp!” I screamed, still in character.

“You didn’t do a very good job keeping this one quiet” Germaine said placing her hand over my mouth gagging me.

“So, what’s it to be brother dearest?”

And so dear reader we conclude our latest chapter on something of a cliffhanger. Should Harry offer himself up as a hostage to buy my freedom? Can Germaine be trusted? Will anything stop me ending the story being burnt at the stake?
As always all comments/ suggestions gratefully received.
Last edited by Deleted User 769 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by MaxRoper »

This keeps getting better and better. It would be quite difficult to top "She turned to address me with the cold, dead eyes of a trained assassin on a diet." Yet somehow I think you will.

Will Harry do the gentlemanly thing? Or will the comely lawperson remain a captive to be barbecued by her Evil Tormenter? Or what?
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I guessed right about being burned at the stake. But I enjoyed your Did typeover of an original Star Wars Episode 4 reference too.

Germaine has just gone up in my catalogue from James Bond's Mayday in "A View to a Kill" then to the evil henchwomen in "GoldenEye" to the evil villainess in "The World Is Not Enough." If you are too young for the first reference, sadly my dearest M wannabe you would never stand a chance against me in a battle of wits with life on the line and Iocaine Powder in the drinks.

So poor Harry must either sacrifice his newfound love or be turned by Germaine from Prince Charming (non Shrek version XD)/Quasimodo "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" into Joseph Stalin mixed with Dr. Evil and a sprinkling of Harvey Twoface in terms of multiple personalities.

I eagerly look forward to seeing how you charm Harry free from 'GeeBear's' Emperor Palpatine's like clutches and still stay alive. You will need more magic then Gandalf and more smarts then Hermione and more bravery then Frodo Baggins to pull this off.
Last edited by jayarieldrillowup 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago This keeps getting better and better. It would be quite difficult to top "She turned to address me with the cold, dead eyes of a trained assassin on a diet." Yet somehow I think you will.

Will Harry do the gentlemanly thing? Or will the comely lawperson remain a captive to be barbecued by her Evil Tormenter? Or what?
Ha, ha Thanks for the kind words, you're making me blush ;)
Writing this story has been trenendous fun, particularly the sections that feature the Demon chid, so I'm really to hear that you're enjoying it.

Hmm, so is Henry the hero of our tale, or just another protagonist determined to get me into ropes and gags? Will he sacrifice himself to save me, or am I doomed to face the scaffold alone?

In short, is he a man, or a mouse? ;)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I guessed right about being burned at the stake. But I enjoyed your Did typeover of an original Star Wars Episode 4 reference too.

Germaine has just gone up in my catalogue from James Bond's Mayday in "A View to a Kill" then to the evil henchwomen in "GoldenEye to the evil villainess in "The World Is Not Enough." If you are too young for the first reference, sadly my dearest M wannabe you would never stand a chance against me in a battle of wits with life on the line and Iocaine Powder in the drinks.

So poor Harry must either sacrifice his newfound love or be turned by Germaine from Prince Charming (non Shrek version XD)/Quasimodo "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" into Joseph Stalin mixed with Dr. Evil and a sprinkling of Harvey Twoface in terms of multiple personalities.

I eagerly look forward to seeing how you charm Harry free from 'GeeBear's' Emperor Palpatine's like clutches and still stay alive. You will need more magic then Gandalf and more smarts then Hermione and more bravery then Frodo Baggins to pull this off.
Ha, ha! Arcane pop-culture references are very much in my particular wheel house (even from movies made long before I was born)

Yes, it is almost impossible to predict the twisted depravity of the Evil Queen Gee-bear.

Hehe! Whilst I really appreciate the vote of confidence, it would be much easier to sweet talk 'my guy' into letting me go free if I wasn'the currently wearing a gag,.. ;)
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I guessed right about being burned at the stake. But I enjoyed your Did typeover of an original Star Wars Episode 4 reference too.

Germaine has just gone up in my catalogue from James Bond's Mayday in "A View to a Kill" then to the evil henchwomen in "GoldenEye to the evil villainess in "The World Is Not Enough." If you are too young for the first reference, sadly my dearest M wannabe you would never stand a chance against me in a battle of wits with life on the line and Iocaine Powder in the drinks.

So poor Harry must either sacrifice his newfound love or be turned by Germaine from Prince Charming (non Shrek version XD)/Quasimodo "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" into Joseph Stalin mixed with Dr. Evil and a sprinkling of Harvey Twoface in terms of multiple personalities.

I eagerly look forward to seeing how you charm Harry free from 'GeeBear's' Emperor Palpatine's like clutches and still stay alive. You will need more magic then Gandalf and more smarts then Hermione and more bravery then Frodo Baggins to pull this off.
Ha, ha! Arcane pop-culture references are very much in my particular wheel house (even from movies made long before I was born)

Yes, it is almost impossible to predict the twisted depravity of the Evil Queen Gee-bear.

Hehe! Whilst I really appreciate the vote of confidence, it would be much easier to sweet talk 'my guy' into letting me go free if I wasn'the currently wearing a gag,.. ;)
The Evil Queen Gee-bear does not scare me and trust me I have gone up against some incredibly tough villains and tough heroes too in writing my fantasy fanfiction. "Chuckles" Ask a certain admin how tough Magnaman was if you do not believe me. I won't spoil it because that's actually an epic story he wrote on the old site.

Best of luck and bet you wished you knew how with a magical thought to escape your fate. Mmm roasted Wanda sounds good long as its no Scarlet Witch.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by MaxRoper »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
Hmm, so is Henry the hero of our tale, or just another protagonist determined to get me into ropes and gags? Will he sacrifice himself to save me, or am I doomed to face the scaffold alone?

In short, is he a man, or a mouse? ;)
Harry (Henry?) is not the Hero of the tale. Wanda is and all other characters need to remember that (just take a peek at the title).
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
Hmm, so is Henry the hero of our tale, or just another protagonist determined to get me into ropes and gags? Will he sacrifice himself to save me, or am I doomed to face the scaffold alone?

In short, is he a man, or a mouse? ;)
Harry (Henry?) is not the Hero of the tale. Wanda is and all other characters need to remember that (just take a peek at the title).
Ha, ha! You make an excellent point (and not just about my inability to naviate the predictive text feature on my new phone - Henry who?!)

Of course, Wanda should take top billing, although I fear that Germaine would demand (and recieve) an 'Also staring' credit, along with a hefty producers fee,.. ;)
Deleted User 715

Post by Deleted User 715 »

I like how the girl screams at the brother that he didn't gag you severely enough. What'd she want? Stuffing under it and tape wrapped over it?
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

AlexUSA_99 wrote: 6 years ago I like how the girl screams at the brother that he didn't gag you severely enough. What'd she want? Stuffing under it and tape wrapped over it?
Ha, ha! I know right?! Although I think we’ve already established that Germaine is an especially wicked and cruel kidnapper,.. left to her own devices I’m sure she’d be happy sealing my mouth shut with half a role of duct tape,.. ;)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Here's what I think is gonna happen:

Harry, unfortunately for u, chickens out, leaving u at Germaine's mercy. You're handcuffed, have rope around ur ankles and knees, gagged securely (to make sure you don't cry out for Harry Dearest) and maybe even blindfolded(if Germaine is feeling especially cruel)

You'll have three boxes placed at a distance from u. One box contains the handcuff key. The other two contains horrible materials (bugs, mice, spiders, maybe even snakes). Choose wisely, since you'll only be able to select one box. Choose correctly, and you'll be free as a dove. Choose wrong...well, if you guess wrong, you're definitely gonna need to be rescued by Harry.
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago Here's what I think is gonna happen:

Harry, unfortunately for u, chickens out, leaving u at Germaine's mercy. You're handcuffed, have rope around ur ankles and knees, gagged securely (to make sure you don't cry out for Harry Dearest) and maybe even blindfolded(if Germaine is feeling especially cruel)

You'll have three boxes placed at a distance from u. One box contains the handcuff key. The other two contains horrible materials (bugs, mice, spiders, maybe even snakes). Choose wisely, since you'll only be able to select one box. Choose correctly, and you'll be free as a dove. Choose wrong...well, if you guess wrong, you're definitely gonna need to be rescued by Harry.
Ha, ha! What a wonderfully inventive, if somewhat sadistic plot,.. worthy of Germaine herself (who, let us not forget, already owns a pet spider,..) I love it!

Whilst I do not necessarily share your lack of faith in my future husband Brave Sir Harry, if he is going to turn traitor and sell me to the Indian tribe I only hope that Germaine forces him to tie me up himself (possibly at gun point) to help get me ready for my escape,..
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

That would be awesome (to see, not for you) to make Harry truss u up thoroughly. I hope that Germaine has enough dirt on him in order to make him do that to u.

Another idea that I have is that Germaine somehow hangs you by the ankles (maybe even putting u in a straitjacket. Considering Germaine, that’s a possibility) , forcing u to escape upside down. I hope that the blood doesn’t rush to ur head quickly...

Or, what I think could also happen is Harry says he’ll take ur place. Germaine ties him up but then “accidentally” forgets to untie you, leaving the two of u alone together...
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago That would be awesome (to see, not for you) to make Harry truss u up thoroughly. I hope that Germaine has enough dirt on him in order to make him do that to u.

Another idea that I have is that Germaine somehow hangs you by the ankles (maybe even putting u in a straitjacket. Considering Germaine, that’s a possibility) , forcing u to escape upside down. I hope that the blood doesn’t rush to ur head quickly...

Or, what I think could also happen is Harry says he’ll take ur place. Germaine ties him up but then “accidentally” forgets to untie you, leaving the two of u alone together...
Hmm, considering the Machiavellian tendencies of my, somewhat less than genial host, it is certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that Dear Old Harry could be blackmailed into aiding and abetting my kidnappers. I can only hope that whilst nominally tying me up, he would have the valor and fortitude to (surreptitiously) slip me the means of escape (the handcuff key, a lock pick etc,..)

Hmm, the straitjacket idea sounds like a promising avenue for a future escape challenge,.. after all, who knows what hideous articles of restraint/ torture Germaine has hidden underneath her bed,..?

My biggest ‘fear’ is that Germaine somehow finds a way to tricking us both into bondage, still, if that means the two of us are left alone together at the conclusion of our adventure then you certainly won’t hear me complain too loudly,.. ;)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

You’d better hope that Germaine doesn’t do something to ur hands (put them in socks, wrap tape around them). If she does, there’s no way of escape besides relying on Harry (assuming that he’s not tied up by Germaine)
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Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago You’d better hope that Germaine doesn’t do something to ur hands (put them in socks, wrap tape around them). If she does, there’s no way of escape besides relying on Harry (assuming that he’s not tied up by Germaine)
But wait, if my hands are taped up/ covered in socks I wouldn't be able to pick the locks on my handcuffs/ untie the knots in my ropes- ... oh, I see,.. ha, ha! :D

Please, never (ever) suggest this idea (practical as it is) to Germaine,.. ;)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

When last we spoke I remained the helpess(ish) prisoner of a hunky footballer (with cheek bones to die for) and his bratty (possibly Satanic) step siblings. The question on everyone’s lips was, would our brave hero risk his life/ freedom to save me from the flames, or leave me to become slowly char-grilled? The answer awaits in chapter Five: The Double Cross Ranch

“So, what’s your decision? Are you going to surrender your freedom for the life of a pretty girl, or stand aside as the love of your life goes up in flames?”

“Nmf, Hm thh whhld bm vmrn Hmntmrmftmd th hmhr thnf!”
(which, roughly translated meant - “Yes, I too would be very interested to hear this”)

He appeared to suck a thoughtful tooth. Frankly the pause was rather bruising to my ego.
I felt, quite strongly, that this was not a moment for procrastination, but rather that quick and decisive action was what was needed, especially when a lady’s valor was at stake.
I looked for a sign, any kind of facial tick, or tell that would indicate which way his heart was leaning, but he remained frustratingly inscrutable.

Finally, after what I’m sure he felt was suitably dramatic pause, the real Harry stepped into the metaphorical spotlight and commenced a speech of such epic force and majesty that it cause my pulse to quicken and my heart to beat a little faster,..
“If you spare the life of the girl I will consider my life to be forfeit,..”

“Mn hmrh! (My hero)” I sighed to myself

“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known,..” He continued, hitting his stride,..

However, whilst I was content to listen in silent rapture Germaine groaned audibly as though passing a particularly aggressive kidney stone.

“Enough pretty speeches, it’s time to play the piper Brother dearest – Nicky!” She bellowed with all the force, pitch and tone of a bullhorn.

Within moments, as if by magic, the diminutive Indian chief appeared!
Nicky, for it was he, was covered in a strange mix of body paint and icing sugar, as though he had taken to eating his Birthday cake from the inside.
“You hollered my Queen?”

“Indeed I did. Young Harry here has decided to join our little game of Cowboys and Indians” Germaine explained, bringing her youngest sibling up to speed with developments in the plot.

“That’s nice” He spat, between mouthfuls of brightly colored sugar.

“I suppose,.. Anyway, rather than see a lady expire he has agreed to swap places with our hostage”

“How romantic”

“If you say so,..” She replied through gritted teeth sounding for all the world like she was trying hard not to be sick

“Okay, you got what you wanted Germaine, I’m your prisoner, now let the girl go free”

“Very well. I’m a lady of my word,..” She threw him a key

Working quickly, no doubt concerned that she would change her mind, Harry set to work freeing me from my bonds and soon I was throwing my arms around him with exaggerated gratitude.

“That’s quite enough of that!” Germaine shouted soaking us with a jet of ice cold water fired from a toy gun.
My shirt front soaked I stepped back from my rescuer.
“Did it have to so cold?” Harry asked spluttering.

“Apparently it did” She said with an evil grin
Harry smilled sheepishly.

“Now, you!” She said, indicating me “Tie him up!”
Well dear reader, I did not need to be told twice.
Apologizing profusely (without a hint of sincerity) I began wrapping a length of cord around thick, muscular arms, pinning them to his side.

“It’s okay” He replied, flashing a smile that sent a thousand butterflies fluttering inside of my chest “Just do as she asks”
Frankly, the thought of refusing had never even entered my mind, but I nodded sagely.
Several turns of rope later his arms were firmly lashed together.

“You’ve done this before” he said with a grin as I finished the last, in a series of increasingly complicated knots.

“I told you, I’m training to be an escape artist”

“Maybe you could give me some pointers as to how to escape these” He said, staring down at the thick tangle of ropes that encircled his upper body.

“Another time perhaps” I teased, enjoying this new game immensely.

“Why Samantha, I hope you’re not enjoying this”

“Of course not” I lied.

“So, what happens now?-” He said thrusting out his chest in his best imitation of a stock heroic pose.

“Wait, Germaine, shouldn’t I,.. that should be we,.. you know- gag the prisoner” I ventured nervously biting my lip. I was really getting into my new role as an impossibly glamorous, somewhat less than reluctant, kidnappers assistant.

“An excellent idea” Germaine agreed, “Be sure to make it good and tight”
Naturally, I thought to myself.

“Just who’s side do you think you’re on?” Harry asked, trying not to laugh.

“Yours, obviously” I whispered as I removed the bandanna from around my neck.

“It’s not that obvious from where I’m standing” He muttered sulkily to himself as I pulled the material firmly between his teeth and knotted it at the back of his head.
Silently he looked daggers in my general direction.

“You’ve done a capital job. Most capital” Germaine said commending my efforts

“Happy to help” I said, truthfully.

“Hm ghrn't bmlnmvm Hm whf fthpnd mnhhgh th fhgrnfgm mnfmlf fhr nhh”

“Stop complaining. It’s most unbecoming” I said, thoroughly amused by his efforts to make himself understood through his gag.

“Fgrmw nhh!” Harry cursed.

“Language Brother Dearest!” Germaine said, chastising him.

“Fhrrn” Came his mumbled appology.

“So, I guess the fun is over, we can set him free and go inside for jelly and ice cream” I suggested, more in hope than anything.

“Oh, would that it were so simple,..” Germaine said with a grin that resembled a lopsided shark.
I wasn’t entirely sure I liked the way she said that.

“How do you mean?” I asked, not unreasonably.

“Well, you promised me and Nicky an escape,..”

“But I thought,..?!” I stammered.

“I know what you thought you heard Samantha darling, and I’m sorry if you found my words,.. misleading, but I’m rather afraid you will soon be walking the plank to your icy doom,..”

“What plank?” Nicky asked, speaking for the rest of us.

“The plank isn’t real. It’s a metaphor” She explained patiently “It just means we’re going to sacrifice her to the ancient Indian Rain God’s.

“Ohh, I see. Wait, what was that last thing you said-?”

And so we arrive at the conclusion of yet another exciting chapter in this latest saga of love, ropes and betrayal. As always, any comments, suggestions, ideas are all gratefully received.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Oh I know this ritual well actually. Bound captives were thrown against their will into a lake or cenote (sacrificial well.) The longer they took to drown or faster, the more blessed the tribe would be by their gods for the shown bravery.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Oh I know this ritual well actually. Bound captives were thrown against their will into a lake or cenote (sacrificial well.) The longer they took to drown or faster, the more blessed the tribe would be by their gods for the shown bravery.
At this point in proceedings I would put absolutely nothing past Germaine,..
That said, it was nice (sic!) being on the other side of the ropes for once (however long that may last,..)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »


Locked in the larder, firmly trussed up like a pair of thanksgiving turkeys myself and Harry were being shown the hospitality only a nefarious villain could bestow. The helpless captives of a high ranking member of the Gotham Underworld (under 16’s edition) and high priestess of the league of international assassins, we struggled valiantly against our tight restraints with little success. 
For this Dynamic Due, it only remained to learn the identity of their mysterious assailant and discover their diabolical fate,..
We were sitting back-to-back, propped up on the cold stone floor of a dark cellar, strapped together like a pair of Siamese twins. Lashed to one another with what seemed to be the entire contents of a full roll of duct tape, movement was proving almost impossible. Worse, we were each cruelly gagged with a pair of Harry’s bright red (and recently worn) football socks (a final, crushing discourtesy)
Something of a veteran of such indignities I worked my jaw up and down in a series of slow, methodical movements designed to free my mouth of this unwelcome obstruction. After a few minutes effort the thick scarf hung loose around my neck.
“There. That's better!” I said breathlessly

“Yay! my hero!” cheered my fellow captive in admiration, although in truth it sounded closer to “Nhn! mn hmrh!”

“Whichever villainous cur is responsible for this predicament of ours is a scoundrel of the very worst stripe!”

“Nh dhhbt” Harry agreed through his gag (which, judging by the incoherent grunts sounded seriously tight)

“In fact this indignity could only have been perpetrated by a cad and a bounder with all the morality of the lowliest gutter Snape,..” I added, warming to the theme of being the hero-of-the-hour.

“Hm ghmff,..?”

“Who do you think kidnapped us this time Old Friend? That knave The Joker, that Wiley bird The Penguin, that vivacious vixen Catwoman,..?”

“Nhh rmhlln thnng fh?!” Harry replied, apparently suddenly excited by the thought that she had been abducted by a nubile young lady in a figure hugging catsuit.

“What? I can’t understand you. Try to speak clearly.” I teased, trying not to laugh.

As the vice captain of the school football team Harry was not accustomed to being openly mocked and let loose a mini salvo of good nature-ed, if extremely muffled curse words.

“Look, if you want a little advice, the key to making yourself understood through a gag is to enunciate properly” 

“Dh Hm lhhg lngm Mlnzh Dhllnttlm' th nhh?!”

“Okay, don't get hot. Look, if you turn your head as far as you can I might be able to pull your gag away with my teeth”

Reluctantly (because it was not in his nature to admit defeat, much less solicit help from a girl) Harry did as he was asked and waited patiently as I tried to grip the gag between my teeth. It was like playing the mechanical at a fairground but eventually I was able to bite the material and pull it free.
“Ugh! That tastes disgusting,.. Now, what is it you were trying to say?”

“Finally!” he said, sounding a little impatient “I said 'Do I really look like Eliza Dollittle' to you?”

“A ‘My Fair Lady’ reference, I’m impressed”

“What? Because I’m just a dumb jock I can't be a fan of the fine arts?”

Suitably censured I sat quietly for a moment, my head full of daydreams about a night at the theater with my hunky fellow captive,..

“Speaking of which, how did you get so good at speaking the King’s English through a gag?”

“I told you, I’m training to be an escape artist,..” I reminded him, as though this was explanation enough.

Deciding not to pick at this particular thread for the moment Harry changed the subject.
“So what do you think she meant when she said we would suffer at the hands of one of the Six Unholy Rituals?”

“Oh, knowing Germaine, it’ll be the usual stuff” I replied carelessly “ropes and chains, fire, water. Best guess, we’ll be hung upside down over a pit of spiders, or bound and gagged over a red ant farm,..

“That’s only two”

“Well, use your imagination”

“Thanks, but I’d rather not.”

“So, do you have a preference?”


“Unholy rituals,.. I hope it’s three”

“Dare I ask why?”

“It’s my lucky number” I remarked cheerfully.

“How nice for you” Harry fired back, sounding distinctly underwhelmed.

“Hey, say what you like about your Sister, but you have to admire her sense of style. I doubt even Cher could squeeze as many costume changes into one day”

At that point Nicky returned, his features obscured by a forboding black hood.

“Ooo,” I said excitedly, “Here comes the verdict”

“How often does anyopne receive good news from a child in a mask?,..” Harry mused

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud. So,” I said, addressing Nicky “What have we got to look forward to?”

“Must you always so relentlessly upbeat?” Harry grumbled under his breath,..

“I heard that”

“I know, that’s why I said it out loud”

“Must we always fight in front of the children” I chided him “Go ahead Nicky, what news from the courts?”

“I have communed with the High Priestess” He proclaimed, in a suitably booming voice

“Excellent. You’ve got a really strong speaking voice. Go on,..

“And she has made her decision,..”
DUN DUN DUUUUN!!! (Dramatic Sound Effect)

And so dear readers, we come to the final chapter, but first we (by which I mean you!) must decided which fate awaits our heroes. You have just over a week to decide, most votes wins.
The options include
a) Me and Harry are tied to stakes and burnt alive
b) We are pegged out across the lawn with our hands and feet tied to camping stakes and left to fry in our own juices out in the dessert
c) Tied up and blindfolded we are executed at dawn by a firing squad (albeit with water pistols)
d) Left bound and gagged in the attic with only Germaine’s spider for company
e) Tied to chairs we’re forced to listen to Nicky play the drum set he received for his Birthday
f) Tied to chairs we’re forced to listen to Germaine reciting lyrics from her favourite death metal albums.
As ever, thanks for reading :D
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