The Son She Never Had (F/M) (On Hiatus)

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Post by banshee »

Thanks for your replies! Seeing people enjoying a story is the best part of writing it.

Chapter 7: Girl’s Night In (Part 3)

Damon found himself still tied to the chair and with Emily and Chloe out of the way he was now facing Claire. Needless to say he was even more scared than before. In fact, it was the fear, torture and anger that kept him awake, otherwise he’d be falling asleep right where he was since he had been awake for a lot at this point.

- What should I do with you? - Asked Claire.

Damon didn’t even moaned in his gag, he just remained silent.

- Well since your not contributing I think I’ll do whatever I want - Said Claire teasingly - Mind helping me with this?

- Sure - Chloe was quick to reply.

- What do I have to do? - Asked Emily - I wont torture him if that’s what you want me to do.

- Sure you wont - Said Claire - That’s why I have another idea for you.

- What is it? - Asked Emily.

- I just need you to keep track of time - Said Claire as she handed Emily her phone - We’re doing an endurance test Damon.

Endurance of what? Damon asked himself as his mind filled with the worst possible scenarios, knowing perfectly well that he couldn’t endure any of them.

- What do you have in mind Claire? - Asked Chloe.

- How much time do you think he can endure your tickling without screaming - Asked Claire as she bowed to look at Damon in the eyes.

- Probably less than one minute - Said Chloe.

- What if we give him an incentive to keep quiet? - Asked Claire.

- Continue, I like we’re you’re going.

- I think that you should try to tickle him for a set amount of time - Said Claire - if he behaves things get better for him, if he doesn’t...

- I think he can imagine what being worse off could mean - Said Chloe.

- But can he be worse than now? - Said Emily as she pointed to Damon.

Indeed it was hard, not only for Damon but also for his captors how his situation could be made worse. Tied to the chair like he was was probably the most restrictive restraint he could be put on right now.

- I think this time she’s right - Said Chloe - We can’t really put him in anything worse than this, at least not right now.

Claire scratched her chin as she thought about what they could do with Damon. She hadn’t really thought about that part, she always assumed someone’s bindings could get worse but this time they had gone all in with Damon the first time they tied him.

- Let’s allow him a little freedom then - Said Claire - I’m sure he misses it.

- What do you mean? - Asked Chloe confused.

- I think we should release him and just leave his hands tied - Replied Claire - And depending on how he behaves when tortured we could leave him like that or worsen his restraints.

- I like your idea - Said Chloe - I hope you like to taste a bit of freedom Damon.

Chloe and Claire began to untie Damon slowly and carefully, he had plenty of ropes on him so untying him took some time. Finally Damon was almost completely free apart from his hands bound behind his head.

- I’ll release your hands now, I’m sure you know what would happen if you try anything so I wont warn you - Said Chloe as she grabbed Damon’s hands restraints.

Damon nodded in response and his hands were freed, his arms were cramped because of the position he was in so he massaged his arms to try to make it better.

- Don’t even think about removing the gag - Said Claire - That stays on all the time.

- Get up Damon, we’re tying your hands again - Said Chloe as she dangled ropes in her hands.

Damon obeyed and had his hands forced behind his back and tied together tightly by Chloe while Claire kept looking down on him with a sadistic smile on her face.

- Don’t look at me like that - Said Claire - I’m sure that’s far better than being on the chair.

Damon was led to the couch where the girls where sitting but he was not allowed on it by them, although Emily didn’t seemed to care Claire and Chloe wouldn’t let him on under any circumstance. Instead they forced him to knell in front of them on the floor.

- Now, let’s establish some rules - Said Claire.

- What were you thinking about? - Asked Chloe.

- The rules are for him obviously, we can do whatever we want with him - Said Claire as she smiled sadistically at Damon - What you’ll have to do Damon is simple, don’t scream and don’t move, if you fail, that’s one more restraint we will put on you.

- And what was this for again? - Asked Emily as she showed Claire her phone.

- Because he will have to hold it for a set amount of time - Said Claire - We will start with just one minute and then we’ll see, can we start then?

- Sure - Replied Chloe eagerly.

- What do you say about this Damon? - Asked Claire teasingly.

- I think he should appreciate the chance we’re giving him - Said Chloe.

Indeed Damon thought this was a good chance to at least sleep in a better place than the chair but he couldn't lie to himself, he knew that it would be nearly impossible for him to resist for one minute, let alone whatever amount of time followed.

Claire and Chloe got up and sat on the floor by Damon.

- Pin him down for me - Said Claire - If he moves I don’t want him to be able to struggle to much.

Chloe did as her friend told her and grabbed Damon from behind by his arms, a grip Damon couldn’t get of while tied up.

- We wont go too hard on him on this one, we’re only starting - Said Claire.

- What does he get for loosing? - Asked Chloe.

- I think we should tie his ankles and think of some especial torture for him - Said Claire as she smiled at Damon.

- If he wins? - Asked Emily?

- Like he has any chance - Said Chloe.

- Well if he somehow manages to do that... - Replied Claire - I don’t know, what do you think he could get as a reward?

- Uh... - Emily thought of an answer - I assume you won’t untie him won’t you?

- Of course not - Replied Claire - He’ll need to manage to stand ten minutes for me to even think about that.

- Then what about ungagging him? - Asked Emily - I think he has had enough time gagged.

- It wont happen anyway so I’m okay with that - Said Claire.

- So remember Damon - Said Chloe to Damon’s ear - If you win don’t miss a chance to tell us how much you like this.

Damon thought about the reward he was being offered and although it wouldn’t be too much, especially considering that his captors will probably gag him again, but it was appealing. He thought that somehow he may be able to make his situation better, or at least less bad, an idea that seemed unlikely but that he would feel guilty not to at least try.

- Start counting the time Emily - Said Claire - He’ll have to stand one minute.

Damon took a deep breath and then Claire commenced the torture. She tickled Damon’s sides ruthlessly but Damon tried his best to stand it.
- Come on Damon - Chloe teased him - I know you can’t stand this.

Damon kept holding his breath and looked up, wondering how long this minute will be.

- That’s one minute already! - Said Emily showing the time on the phone to her friends.

By holding his breath Damon was able to stand Claire’s tickling without moving or making any noise, but he was left exhausted.

- What a surprise - Said Claire - I was expecting you to burst into tears at any moment.

- It seems like next time you’ll have to tickle him longer - Said Chloe as she let go of Damon.

- Yeah, what about five minutes? - Asked Claire.

- That will kill him - Said Chloe as she chuckled - I don’t complain though.

- Shouldn’t you ungag him now? - Asked Emily.

- Really? - Asked Chloe - Trust me, he’s far better when gagged.

- We said we will do it if he didn’t screamed or struggled - Replied Emily - I think we should keep that promise.

- It was your idea but whatever - Said Claire - We will gag him again anyway so.

- I can’t believe this Damon - Added Chloe - It seems like you’ll get a chance of telling us a thing or two.

- Don’t get to cocky though - Said Claire as she grabbed one of the extremes of the tape gag - You’ll still be tied up.

Claire ripped the tape from Damon’s mouth with little concern for how painful it was for Damon. In fact, it seemed like she was trying to make it as painful as possible.

Damon spat the sponge in his mouth, soaked with saliva, and then took a deep breath through his mouth, something he was really starting to appreciate after spending so much time gagged.

- Gross - Said Claire as she looked at the sponge.

- Yeah Damon, you should pick that up - Added Chloe.

Damon looked up at Chloe in confusion, what did she meant by pick that up?

- Go ahead Damon - Said Claire - Do it.

- What do you mean? - Asked Damon meekly.

- Oh so you can speak - Said Claire teasingly.

- Just tell me what you want me to do - Said Damon, trying to ignore Claire’s teasing.

- Watch your tone, you don’t want us to ignore the reward you just got - Threatened Chloe.

- I want you to pick that thing up - Said Claire as she pointed to the sponge.

- I am tied up... - Damon pointed the obvious.

- Well we ungagged you for a reason - Said Claire - Come on, pick it up.

Damon looked at the sponge on the floor knowing perfectly well what Claire and Chloe wanted him to do. He crouched and got his face against the floor and then grabbed the sponge with his mouth, then he looked back at Claire.

- Now throw it in the bin - Ordered Claire as she pointed at the bin on the other side of the room.

Damon would’ve liked to ask more questions since he feared that every deviation he took from the orders he was given may result in him even more restrained, but he couldn’t speak with the sponge in his mouth so he obeyed and asked nothing. Damon got up and walked to the bin, throwing the sponge in it.

- Good boy! - Said Claire mockingly - Now come back here.

Damon obeyed and knelled before his captors, just how he was a few minutes ago.

- You even knell for us? - Asked Chloe - It seems you’re learning fast.

Damon did not respond.

- Now that you have the chance, anything you want to say? - Asked Claire as she sat back on the couch.

- Can I speak freely? - Asked Damon.

- I don’t know - Said Claire - Can you?

- Not really... - Replied Damon.

- Why? - Asked Claire, knowing perfectly well what Damon was talking about..

- Because depending on what I say what you’ll do to me - Replied Damon, stating the obvious.

- You really understand this don’t you? - Asked Claire rhetorically - It seems Chloe and her mom are teaching you well.

- Make sure to make good use of this time Damon - Said Chloe - You have barely spoken a few words and I already want to gag you again.
Hearing her stepsister’s words made Damon realize that if he had this chance he fought for he needed to at least try make his situation better. He gathered courage and began his plead.

- Well, I was wondering - Damon said shyly as he looked down.

- No, we wont let you go and we wont delete those photos we took of you - Chloe interrupted him.

- It’s not that - Said Damon with the same shyness as before - I just wanted to know if there’s any chance that you’ll let me sleep like this.
Chloe and Claire laughed at his plead, it wasn’t like he expected anything else from them but seeing this opportunity he fought for being not only rejected but mocked was hurtful to him.

- Maybe if you stand the next three tortures we may consider it - Said Claire - For now, you have no chance.

- Will he really sleep tied up? - Asked Emily.

- Mom was already making him sleep tied up so... - Chloe pointed out - Do you think we should let him free o what?

- It’s just that sleeping like that seems really uncomfortable - Said Emily.

- Yet he’s pleading to us to let him sleep tied up like that - Said Claire - How funny.

- And pathetic - Added Chloe.

- He’s not being pathetic! - Said Emily, unconsciously getting defensive - He’s just trying to negotiate peacefully and you’re laughing at him!

- That’s right, I had forgotten that you’re somehow in love with him - Said Chloe - Maybe you should talk to him, now that he can talk back.

- I’m not in love with him! - Said Emily even more defensively than before - I just think that you two are being way too mean with him!

- Like he deserves any better - Said Chloe.

- I don’t see why he deserves this - Said Emily - He didn’t do anything to us.

- I don’t care - Said Claire - If you care so much why don’t you talk with him?

Emily stuttered as she turned her gaze at Damon. She was definitively being genuine and Damon could tell that but he was still unsure of what to think of her, in the end she was one of Chloe’s friends.

- What do you want me to say to him? - Asked Emily.

- I don’t know - Claire replied - You’re the one that want’s for things to be better for him.

- Do you want to say anything to her Damon? - Asked Chloe teasingly.

- No - Replied Damon - Just that I think she’s right.

- Right about what? - Asked Claire.

- About me not deserving this.

- Yeah of course you agree with her on that - Replied Claire - But that won’t get you anything.

- Anything else you want to tell us? - Asked Chloe as she dangled the roll of duct tape in her hand.

- Really? - Asked Damon.

- What do you mean really? - Asked Chloe sounding near angry - Of course we’re gagging you again, do you think we can have you screaming while we tickle you.

- I thought you were done with it - Said Damon.

- If you think one minute of tickling will do it for me you don’t know me one bit - Said Chloe - Now, anything else you want to say?

- No - Replied Damon, quickly realizing that nothing he could say wold get him out of this one.

- Then make this easier for us and open wide - Said Chloe as she grabbed a new clean sponge.

Reluctantly Damon obeyed and had the sponge shoved in his mouth by Chloe, who took a lot of pleasure in doing so. While Chloe taped Damon’s mouth Claire and Emily stared at him, Claire’s stare was sadistic but Emily seemed to pity him.

- What now? - Asked Chloe once she was finished gagging Damon - Do we resume the torture.

- First let’s think of an incentive for him to cooperate - Said Claire - Which is to say, let Emily think of a prize for our prisoner.
- Why me? - Asked Emily.

- Because if it depended on us he would have no prize, just greater punishments if he struggled or screamed - Said Claire - Now Emily, what do you think we should award him?

- Well remove his gag... - Emily stated.

- That again? - Asked Claire - Don’t you have anything new.

- Well removing his gag and let him sit on the couch with us - Said Emily defensively - I’m sure his knees hurt because you forcing him to kneel.

- Sound fine - Said Claire.

- I doubt he would get lucky with this one so yeah, I’m fine with that prize - Replied Chloe.

- How long will it be now? - Asked Claire.

- What about... - Chloe started thinking as she looked at Damon - Five minutes?

Damon stared back at Chloe, knowing perfectly well that he wouldn’t be able to stand that.

- Sounds perfect - Said Claire - Start counting the time Emily, otherwise we’ll get carried away.

Chloe grabbed Damon from behind like she had done before and then Emily started the count like her friend ordered her. Without warning Claire pounced on Damon and began tickling him, his sides were relentlessly attacked by Claire.

- Come on Damon - Chloe whispered in his ear - You can’t hold it forever.

Indeed Damon was struggling not to move an inch, he was trying to hold his breath like he had done before but he was certain that he couldn’t hold it for five minutes.

- Acting tough huh? - Asked Claire teasingly - It seems I’ll have to change my technique.

Claire ceased her tickling, giving Damon a much needed chance to catch his breath. Then Claire slid her hands down Damon’s abdomen while he was still breathing heavily and watching Claire’s moves in fear.

Claire’s hands moved from Damon’s abdomen to his upper legs, passing dangerously close to his crotch, which surprised Damon enough to squirm and move his legs.

- Jeez I hadn’t even started - Said Claire as she took her hands of Damon.

- I told you Damon - Said Chloe - You can’t beat us in this.

Damon looked down in shame as fear of whatever was coming next for him filled him. He had no idea of what a punishment could mean to Claire and Chloe and he would rather not find out.

- How much time is left? - Asked Claire.

- Two minutes - Said Emily.

- Well this isn’t over for him yet then - Said Claire - Hold him tight Chloe, he has no reason to stay still now.

Chloe obeyed and strengthened her grip on Damon while Claire put her hands back on his legs.

- Ready Damon? - Asked Claire as she looked at him.

- Mphg - Was the only response Damon could give other than his fearful look.

Suddenly Claire started tickling Damon’s inner thighs, a very weak spot of him. It was easy to tell how bad Damon had it just by looking at him, since he had no reason to remain still now that he was going to be punished anyway he struggled as much as Chloe’s grip allowed him and tried to close his legs to prevent Claire from tickling him to little avail.

- That’s five minutes already! - Said Emily.

Claire and Chloe put her hands off Damon who was left exhausted. He looked down as he caught his breath and hoped for his punishment not be so bad.

- Well it seems like the gag will stay on - Said Chloe.

- And we should add something on top of that - Said Claire - We can’t leave him like he was before.

- I think I have an idea for that - Said Chloe - Emily, remind of what you wanted to award him.

- Really? - Asked Emily - Are you trying to make fun of me.

- Don’t get so defensive It’s not your fault that he loosed - Said Chloe - Now remind us Emily, what do you wanted to award him.

Emily sighed, she clearly didn’t liked what her friends were doing to Damon.

- Removing his gag and allow him to sit with us - Said Emily.

- Then wouldn’t it be wonderful if on top of keeping that gag on we forced him to remain on the floor? - Asked Chloe.

- I like your idea - Said Claire - How are planning doing this?

- A frog tie - Said Chloe - Not only would it keep him on the floor but it would also keep him on his knees.

- Great idea - Said Claire - Get some rope then, this will be fun.

Chloe gathered more rope and with the help of Claire she put Damon on a frog tie. Now Damon was forced to kneel which only made the pain in his knees even worse.

- Do you like it Emily? - Asked Claire as she went back to the couch.

- I think it’s hurting him - Said Emily after she looked at Damon.

- That wasn’t my question - Said Claire - Just tell me, do you like see him that way?

- No! - Replied Emily - He’s in pain, I can’t enjoy that!

- We’re indeed very different aren’t we? - Asked Claire - If it makes you feel better think that he only has one or two punishments left and then we’ll probably do other things, even this can get boring.

- What more are you going to do to him? - Asked Emily.

- Probably not too much - Said Claire - Just enough to make him regret struggling.

- Do you think he’s ready for another session? - Asked Chloe.

- Pretty sure he is - Said Claire - This time we’ll do ten minutes, so start counting Emily.

Damon couldn’t believe what he was hearing, ten minutes? No way he could resist than, he will struggle and he was certain about it but still, ten minutes even when struggling were probably too much for him to handle.

- Mpgh!? - Damon tried to plead but his gag wasn’t helping.

- Oh you don’t want it Damon? - Asked Claire - Maybe if you had stayed were Catherine put you this wouldn’t be happening to you.
As Chloe laughed at Claire’s remark Damon couldn’t help but agree with Claire. To some degree he blamed himself for his current situation, he thought that maybe sleeping tied up upstairs wasn’t so bad compared to this, he could even have untied himself and sleep normally but no, he committed the mistake of trying to escape and he was now paying for it in the worst possible way.

Again Claire began to tickle Damon, but this time he didn’t resisted it one bit. From the beginning he struggled and moaned under his gag as much as possible he thought he had nothing to loose and on top of that he couldn’t be able to withstand the torture for ten minutes, so he thought that giving up now would be better.

- We won’t stop once you loose Damon - Said Claire - We will only make it worse.

- Stop the count Emily, we have to take care of something - Said Chloe as she grabbed in more rope from the box.

- First we will do something about your struggling - Said Claire - Then we will decide your punishment.

Now Damon was considering that what he did may not have been the best idea but it wasn’t like he had other options.

While Damon kept blaming himself for his situation Chloe wrapped his upper arms and torso in rope, pinning them to his sides and slightly behind his back.

- Remember Damon, that’s only to keep you still - Said Chloe - Your punishment will come later.

- Mpgh... - Damon grunted angrily at Chloe.

- Well it seems you’re finally growing some balls Damon - Said Chloe - Too bad you’re the one tied up here and can’t do anything about what we do to you.

The tickling resumed and this time Chloe joined the fun. Damon was already in tars and he couldn’t tell how long had it been since they began, it felt like hours but Emily, who was keeping track of the time, knew that Damon was barely halfway through his torture.

- Lay him on his stomach Claire - Ordered Chloe - I have an idea.

Claire pushed Damon to the floor, he had barely caught his breath when Chloe sat on his back and he realized what he was just about to be put through.

Chloe began tickling his feet reletlessly, not giving him a second of peace. This was on top of Claire tickling his sides, getting ever more close to his even more ticklish armpits.

When Emily signaled that there had already been ten minutes Damon was already exhausted. He was in tears and red as the tape over his mouth, the ten minutes felt like hours and now he was too exhausted to even struggle. Chloe and Claire where laughing at Damon’s pathetic situation.

- I think you two have had enough fun already - Said Emily as she stood up from the couch.

- Yeah let’s get to other stuff now - Said Chloe - Otherwise we’ll end up killing mom’s plaything.

- But first - Claire interrupted - Let’s think of a punishment or him.
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Centennial Club
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 8: Sweet Dreams.

Damon’s punishment ended up with him being hogtied, he was surprised of how little it ended up being compared to what he expected, that’s not to say that the position he was in was in any way comfortable. He was kept on the floor which was really uncomfortable but at least there was a carpet that prevented him from touching the cold floor.

Meanwhile the girls watched a movie and talked about stuff, seemingly forgetting about Damon for a while until they poked him annoyingly or stroked his hair. Emily just limited herself to look at him with pitty, she knew that he wasn’t okay with this but she also knew that she couldn’t save him.

Being left somewhat alone let Damon doze from time to time but his position was not good to sleep in. Every time he tried to get comfortable the ropes would pull his limbs and the knots would get tighter, that and how tired he was made him just lay still, hoping to fall asleep. But every time he managed to start falling asleep Chloe and Claire made sure to prevent it, they poked his ribs, yanked his hair or slapped his head and said “No Sleeping!” in an annoyingly playful tone.

Once the movie ended the girls kept going for a while until they became too tired, then Chloe offered them to go to sleep to her room.

- But what are we going to do with him? - Asked Emily as she pointed at Damon.

- Wow I thought you had forgotten about him - Said Claire.

- Nah she didn’t forgot - Said Chloe - Didn’t you saw how she looked at him? She definitively still has him on her mind.

Emily sighed, no longer wanting to argue over this.

- Well but that’s a good question - Said Claire - What do you have in mind for him Chloe?

- Well I’d love to leave him here but I don’t think that mom would appreciate that - Said Chloe - And if we leave him where she left him maybe he could manage to escape again so I thin we should take him to my bedroom with us.

- That should make you happy - Said Claire to Emily teasingly.

- Ugh, do we untie him then? - Asked Emily, ignoring Claire.

- Yeah go ahead, untie him - Said Chloe - But just his legs, he’ll be sleeping with at least his hands tied up, also leave that gag on.

Obeying Chloe, Emily proceeded to carefully untie Damon’s legs and release them from his hands. Damon was happy to be able to stretch his legs again, but he had little time to do so.

- Get up now - Ordered Chloe - I’m too tired to carry you around.

Damon was ready to try his best to get up while tied up but was surprised by Emily who helped him to do so.

- Aw, how cute - Said Claire as she saw the scene unfold.

Damon was lead upstairs alongside Chloe and her friends, at this point in the night he had become so used to be tied up that he wanted nothing more than to sleep, he didn’t cared if he was tied up or not. And the thing he feared the most was Chloe and Claire not letting him do so.

They all entered to Chloe’s bedroom which was prepared to accommodate her and her two friends, that’s right, only three people. Damon noticed it immediately and was ready to be told to sleep on the floor.

- Okay Damon, it’s either the chair or the floor for you - Said Chloe as she turned back to look at Damon.

Damon looked at his two options, none of two looked comfortable to sleep in. He could lie on the floor but it was hard and would probably leave him extremely sore by the morning, the chair on the other hand was less harsh than the floor, it was a padded office chair, but sleeping while sitting didn’t seemed very comfortable either.

Damon sighed and looked down tiredly, having settled on an option without giving it much thought. Then he pointed at the chair with his head.

- Sit down then - Ordered Chloe.

Damon obeyed Chloe and sat on the chair as Chloe grabbed a roll gray duct tape from her desk, Damon prepared for what was coming. His chest was duct taped to the back of the chair, his legs taped together from ankles to knees and his hands taped from wrists to elbows to the armrests of the chair. This time Chloe had put little care in the bindings looking any good, she just wanted them to be practical and indeed they were.

- I wont leave you gagged because I don’t want you to die - Said Chloe after painfully ripping off the tape from Damon’s mouth - But don’t dare to make any noise while we sleep.

- It doesn’t seem like it - Said Damon, too tired to care about Chloe’s reaction.

- Don’t make me reconsider it Damon - Said Chloe.

And so the girls went to sleep, they chatted for a little while before falling asleep but Damon couldn’t manage to do so. It wasn’t like he though the floor would’ve been better but sitting was definitively a not very comfortable position to sleep in. He tried everything the bindings allowed him, resting his head on the back of the chair, on his shoulder, even letting it hang freely but nothing seemed to help, no matter how tired he was he just couldn’t fall asleep.

Any escape plan would be impossible, the tape was too strong, definitely strong enough to hold a very tired Damon. Using the wheels of the chair to move around may seem like an option but even the desperate Damon knew that it was a bad idea, moving the chair with him on it would be extremely noisy and he may even fall to the floor, and he didn’t wanted to find out what Chloe and Claire would do to him if he woke them up.

After what seemed like hours but Damon was finally starting to fall asleep, it had much more to do with how tired he was than with him finding a comfortable position which he hadn’t found at all. But Damon was suddenly pulled out form the world of dreams he was entering to when someone turned on a lamp in the room, which nearly blinded him for a few seconds when he first opened his eyes.

- Sorry - Said Emily as she saw Damon’s reaction - I didn’t wanted to I just...

- Ugh, Why did you do that? - Asked Damon lowly as to not alert any of his other captors.

- I just wanted to go down to get something - Said Emily awkwardly - I’m sorry about waking you up, I’m sure you’re having problems falling asleep while like that.

- Of course I am - Said Damon, tiredly but angry, Emily’s kindness seemed like a tease when he had been in this position for so long and he didn’t fear her as much as Chloe or Claire to cower when speaking to her - What do you need from downstairs anyway?

- I was going to get some water... do you want some? - Asked Emily shyly.

- Yes... Please - Said Damon.

Emily agreed with him and left the room, leaving Damon alone with his two sleeping captors. The only thing that had brightened this night so far was this act of kindness from Emily, but that didn’t meat that he fully liked hem. Damon was well aware that even though Emily had shown a certain degree of kindness towards him she still didn’t prevented her friends from doing any of the things they did to him, and he didn’t liked that kiss one bit.

After some minutes Emily came back with two glasses of water. She turned on the lamp and approached Damon with one of the glasses and awkwardly helped Damon to drink from it.

Damon happily welcomed the water, he was very thirsty after hours of not drinking anything and having a sponge shoved in his mouth.

- Do you want more? - Asked Chloe as she offered him her glass.

- Yes please - Said Damon, still thirsty.

Again Emily helped him to drink the water which was kind of hard for Damon when tied up, but it wasn’t the first time he did so.
- Thanks - Said Damon after finishing the second glass.

- Well I’m going to get another glass - Said Emily - Don’t feel bad about drinking mine, I’m the one that should feel bad about you.
Emily turned back, ready to leave the room again but she stopped at the door, looked over her friends and turned back at Damon.
- Do you want me to get you out of that? - Asked Emily seriously.

Damon was surprised by the question and how serious it seemed, he couldn’t believe that he was being offered such a chance at escaping.
- Of course - Said Damon, bewildered - Please.

- Okay - Said Chloe as she went to Damon again - Do you know where Chloe has scissors?

- Over there - Damon signaled Emily where the scissors were and she quickly found them.

Emily got to work, starting by the big restraint that held Damon to the back of the chair. It was hard even for the scissors to get through the layers of duct tape that Chloe had used, but it was slowly but surely getting through.

- Isn’t this too risky for you? - Asked Damon as he realized that Emily was finally doing something to help him other than talking - Wont they get mad at you for this when they found out?

- Of course they will - Said Emily - But I just can’t sleep knowing that you’re like this, plus, if they truly get angry at me over this their friendship may not even be worth keeping.

- Thank you - Said Damon warmly - You have no idea how much time I have spent tied up today.

- Chloe told us - Said Emily - Again I’m sorry, I should have done something earlier.

- Don’t worry about it, you’re doing it now - Said Damon as his chest was finally released from the duct tape.

Emily proceeded to undo Damon’s left hand restraint with less difficulty as there was less tape wrapped around it, then his right hand and then she got to his feet.

- Well well - Said Chloe, suddenly scaring both Damon and Emily - Look at her Claire, freeing Damon, you’d love to see it.

- I would like to say that I didn’t expected this - Said Claire - but I cant.

For how long those two had been awake and sitting on Chloe’s bed Emily and Damon didn’t knew, all of their attention was on getting Damon free and the little light that the lamp provided seemed not be enough to let the see them.

- How long you two have been up? - Asked Emily, scared.

- Definitively long enough to be sure that we can’t trust you to be left alone with Damon - Said Chloe - Now get your hands off him - She ordered.

-Okay, okay jeez - Said Emily as she stepped back.

- Put them above your head - Said Claire giggling.

- Wait what? - Asked Emily, bewildered - What is this? An arrest?

- Yup, you too Damon - Said Claire with a smile on her face.

Emily stopped what she was doing and Damon didn’t dared to keep untying himself, they just did as Claire said and raised their hands and stared at the other two in utter tense silence.

- What are you going to do with me then? - Asked Emily.

- Not just with you - Said Claire - You should ask what are we going to do with the both of you.

- But stay like that for a moment, we need to discuss it before - Said Chloe as she moved closer to Chloe - Move an inch and pay the consequences.

Emily and Damon looked at Claire and Chloe whisper at each other while they stood still with their hands up looking ridiculous. Emily signaled at Damon that they should try to get out but he was smart enough to shook his head in response, knowing perfectly well that whatever was in store for them now wasn’t half as bad as whatever would be if they tried toe escape.

- Well, we have news for you two - Said Chloe with a smile on her face - One’s bad, one’s good, which do you want to hear first?
Emily and Damon looked at each other and shrugged, none of them thought that something good for them in this situation could be truly good.

- The good one I guess - Said Emily seeing that Damon didn’t replied.

- Well the good one is that Damon is sleeping in a bed - Said Claire, holding her laugh.

- The bad one is that well - Chloe made a pause to look directly at Damon and Emily - It’s your bed Emily.

Both Damon and Emily stared at the two in utter surprise they didn’t expected to be forced to sleep together and although Emily didn’t even suspected it Damon was sure that there was something more to this.

- But that may not be so bad for you won’t it? - Teased Claire.

Emily did not replied, this tese was never funny for her and now it was more than annoying.

- And of course, there’s rope involved - Said Claire as she grabbed some rope from her light table.

- What? - Emily asked in utter bewilderment - You can’t tie me up!

- What do you mean we can’t? - Asked Chloe - I mean, you’re talking to a black belt and a boxer in training.

- Are you threatening me with a fight or something? - Asked Emily, still unbelieving.

- Well no, but just take that in consideration when you say things like “You can’t tie me up” - Said Chloe in a tone so playful but yet so threatening.

- It’s of no use Emily - Said Damon - Trust me, I’m used to this.

- Yeah you should listen to him - Said Chloe.

- But I don’t want to be tied up! - Said Emily.

- Neither did he and look what we did - Said Chloe - You should know that we don’t really care about that.

- This is straightaway kidnapping - Said Emily - You can’t do this.

- Put it that way if you like it - Said Chloe - But this ends with you two tied up whether you like it or not.

-Ugh, fine whatever - Said Emily angrily.

- Good girl! - Said Claire - Now turn back and put your hands behind your back.

- Don’t call me that - Said Emily as she reluctantly obeyed.

- We’ll call you however we want - Said Claire as she grabbed Emily from behind - You can’t really stop us.

Claire began to securely tie Emily’s hands behind her back parallel to each other.

- Are you rally going to do this? - Asked Emily as she looked at Claire over her shoulder.

- Maybe if you didn’t wanted this to happen you shouldn’t have helped him - Said Claire.

After Claire had finished tying Emily’s hands she ran a rope above her breast to pin her upper arms to her chest, but it wasn’t until she started to run another rope below her breast that she got a reaction from Emily.

- What are you doing pervert!? - Asked Emily as she squirmed away from Claire.

- What? - Said Claire while getting a hold of Emily.

- What do you mean what? Watch where you put those ropes! - Said Emily.

- I’ll put them wherever I want - Said Claire - Now stay still or it will get worse.

- Are you trying to make my tits stick out? - Asked Emily as she looked down at her body being bound.

- Nah that’s just a side effect - Said Claire as she finished the knot - But if it makes you feel better, it makes them look bigger.

Emily just looked angrily at her friend, not really knowing how to take this weird compliment.

- Now lay on the bed for me - Said Claire, not really asking.

She wasn’t at all asking because after she said that she grabbed Emily from behind and pushed her to the bed.

- What was that!? - Emily complained - Watch it!

- Calm down It’s not like I pushed you to the floor - Said Claire.

Emily looked to her right and was met by Damon, who was being tied up by Chloe much like her.

Claire sat on Emily’s back and tied her legs at the ankles, knees and thighs, leaving them completely stuck.

- Are you done Chloe? - Asked Claire.

- Yup - Replied Chloe, stepping away from Damon.

- What do you mean “fun part”? - Asked Emily angrily as she turned back to face Claire and Chloe - Isn’t this enough already?

- Actually yes but nobody said we’re going to do just what’s necessary - Said Claire.

- Now face each other please, we’d like to get this over rapidly - Said Chloe.

Damon and Emily didn’t quite got the order they were given, or at least they didn’t try to because they didn’t liked what it could mean.

Seeing how their prisoners didn’t obeyed, Claire and Chloe forced Damon and Emily on their sides and to face each other.

- Now, you two are going to have a good night together - Said Claire as she untangled some rope.

- You may not like this Damon, but think that at least you’re not on that chair - Said Chloe - And I guarantee you, Emily will love this.

- Please can you just... - Damon tried to plead.

- If you don’t like this you could have stayed on the chair - Said Chloe - And I’m sure you don’t want to go back there now just to make poor Emily sleep tied up for nothing.

Damon had to agree, as much as he disliked what was coming he knew that sleeping tied up on a bed was much better than doing so in a chair, even if it was with another person.

Then Chloe and Claire began to tie Damon to Emily, getting them as close as possible to the point that it was extremely uncomfortable.

- What are you doing!? - Asked Emily as she started to blush - Stop this!

- Don’t lie to yourself Emily, you’re loving this! - Said Chloe as she tightened a rope that went around her and Damon’s waist.

- I don’t want this! - Said Emily - Stop it!

- Quit screaming or you will be sleeping gagged - threatened Chloe.

- Think of this way Emily, if you’re gagged you won’t be able to kiss Damon - Teased Claire.

Emily grunted angrily at Claire, holding her words to prevent being gagged.

After some minutes Emily and Damon laid on their sides, tightly tied up to each other, with her faces so close that they could accidentally kiss if they were not careful.

- You look so cute right now - Said Chloe.

- Should we take a picture of them? - Asked Claire.

- No no no! Please! - Emily begged as she began to struggle, uncomfortably rubbing her body against Damon.

- Great Idea Claire - Said Chloe.

Again Emily begged them to stop but the flash of the phone’s camera made it clear to her that all of her pleads were useless.

- Look how cute you two look - Said Chloe as she showed her prisoners the picture.

- Delete that right now! - Said Emily.

- Nah, I don’t think I will - Said Chloe smugly - But don’t worry, nobody but us will see it.

Emily looked at her friends while Damon just looked down in shame. On her part, Claire and Chloe just turned off the lights and went back to their beds.

- Sleep tight! - Said Chloe.

- And don’t go anywhere! - Added Claire teasingly.

And so Emily and Damon were left alone in the darkness, tightly tied together so close that it was extremely uncomfortable.

Emily’s first instinct was to struggle, she had never been tied up like this before and she wasn’t liking it one bit. All of her struggling rubbed her body against Damon’s uncomfortably, as much as Damon would hate to admit it the feeling of Emily’s breasts rubbing against his chest was wonderful.

- It’s useless - Said Damon.

- It really is? - Asked Emily as she calmed her struggles.

- Believe me, they have tied me up before, they won’t give us any slack - Said Damon.

- I just don’t get it! - Said Emily - Why do they like to do this?

- I don’t know about Claire but Chloe told me once - Said Damon - From what I remember, she likes to dominate people and well, I was her perfect victim for a long time.

- Guess you’re not too happy about becoming her stepbrother then - Said Emily.

- What do you think? - Asked Damon rhetorically - Of course no.

As the conservation between the two prisoners kept going minutes started to turn into hours, turns out they had lot of things in common and could turn out to be good friends that just met in the most weird of circumstances. They were able not to alert their captors because they kept a very low tone which wasn’t a problem since they were pretty close to each other.

Suddenly in the middle of the conversation Emily was able tell something was really and uncomfortably off, something hard was against her crotch. Damon was indeed hard, he couldn’t help it, with the breasts of Emily so tightly pushed against him it was a matter of time before it happened.

- I’m sorry! - Said Damon as she noticed Emily blushing and changing her expression as she looked down - I can’t help it.

- I guess I can’t blame you for it - Said Emily awkwardly.

The exchange was followed by the most uncomfortable of silences, both captives looked around, trying to avoid facing each other and not to rub their bodies too hard. But it was a matter of time until a bad movement from both ended up with them briefly laying their lips on the other’s.

- Sorry! - Said Damon as he moved his face away From Emily’s.

Emily was left stunned for a second, she didn’t reacted quite as fast as Damon did.

- Actually Damon... - Emily Gathered courage - I kind of liked it.

Damon chuckled awkwardly, having no idea of what to reply.

- I know you have a girlfriend but you know how it is, I can’t help it - Said Emily.

Damon didn’t replied, he kept the already uncomfortable silence going for even longer.

- Are you listening to me Damon? - Asked Emily with her tone changed.

- Yes... It’s just that I don’t know how to reply - Said Damon.

- Well... how about we do it again? - Asked Emily.

- Kissing? - Asked Damon. surprised.

- Of course dummy - Said Emily, in a flirty tone.

- Can we not? - Asked Damon shyly - I don’t really like this and I already feel kind of guilty about it.

- Well this tells me otherwise - Said Emily as she tugged the ropes of her lower body, forcing Damon to rub his boner against her.
Damon blushed deeply and buried his face into the pillow, not wanting anything to do in this situation yet unable to escape from it.
- Damon we’re literally tied up together - Said Emily - We can just lay here and complain or try our best to have a good time.

- I don’t think that’s what I call a good time - Said Damon awkwardly.

- You sure? - Asked Chloe as she rubbed her breast against Damon - None of us can escape, and I can keep doing this all night long.

- Okay fine - Said Damon getting his head out of the pillow - But please don’t tell anyone.

- Do you think I’m planning to tell this to someone? - Asked Emily - I’m just as humiliated as you!

Then they both kissed, although Emily was doing pretty much all of the work she enjoyed it very much. Same goes for Damon, who although he would never admit it, was quite pleased to find out that Emily was a good kisser, not to mention that she kept rubbing her body against his to the point that the worst thing that this night will leave him with was going to be the blue balling.

Eventually both captives fell asleep, both managed to sleep quite good, pretty much ignoring the fact that they were tied up facing each other. And both of them had a smile on their face.

Next chapter Catherine will be back and I assume she's the main appeal of teh story. I'm sorry that this segment of the story went for so long, I didn't expected it to.
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Post by Red86 »

banshee wrote: 3 years ago Next chapter Catherine will be back and I assume she's the main appeal of teh story. I'm sorry that this segment of the story went for so long, I didn't expected it to.
As far as i'm concerned, nothing to be sorry about. As we've learned the back story of Damon & Chloe earlier on, all this fits right into the story. I also had my suspicions that Emily was gonna ended tied up with Damon at some point. At least Damon got some kind of enjoyment out of his situation so far :). I'd still like to see Damon to get some revenge on Chloe & Claire, however Damon seems almost if not entirely submissive so not sure if that's gonna be likely though still possible. It'll be interesting to see if/how Catherine will react to the nights events after she went to bed. All in all, I have no complaints with how this story has been progressing and looking forward to see it progress further!!
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Post by banshee »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago
banshee wrote: 3 years ago Next chapter Catherine will be back and I assume she's the main appeal of teh story. I'm sorry that this segment of the story went for so long, I didn't expected it to.
As far as i'm concerned, nothing to be sorry about. As we've learned the back story of Damon & Chloe earlier on, all this fits right into the story. I also had my suspicions that Emily was gonna ended tied up with Damon at some point. At least Damon got some kind of enjoyment out of his situation so far :). I'd still like to see Damon to get some revenge on Chloe & Claire, however Damon seems almost if not entirely submissive so not sure if that's gonna be likely though still possible. It'll be interesting to see if/how Catherine will react to the nights events after she went to bed. All in all, I have no complaints with how this story has been progressing and looking forward to see it progress further!!
Good to hear that. I don't wan't to spoil anything (mainly because I don't have everything written out yet) but don't be so quick assume that Damon will fall so easily.
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Post by Therightdude2000 »

This story is really well written, keep going :D
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Post by banshee »

Thanks for the replies, I'm glad to see that you're enjoying the story anyway

Chapter 9: Brand New Day

After a long night of sleep Damon slowly woke up, he had slept like a log and he would rather go back to bed, but he wasn’t in a bed. As Damon woke up he started to remember what had happened yesterday, and he wanted to go back to sleep even more.

Damon yawned audibly and intended to stretch his body but he found out that he wasn’t able to, after what had happened yesterday. He wasn’t surprised at all. He was back on a chair, his hands behind the back of the chair and tied to his feet which where tied together and on top of that his chest was bound to the back of the chair and his lap to the seat.

- Good morning sleepy - Said Catherine as she stroked Damon’s hair.

Damon slowly opened his eyes and came to realize that the blinding light he was being put under was that of the kitchen. His chair was along the table, and he was accompanied by Chloe and Catherine. He sighed tiredly, he had been tied up for so long that it did no longer anger him, it was just tiresome.

- Tied up again I see - Said Damon as came to his senses.

- Are you getting used to it? - Asked Catherine.

- It’s not that easy- Replied Damon.

- You’ll get used to it eventually, there’s no hurry - Said Catherine - I’ll go make us breakfast, wake up a little bit meanwhile, you still seem sleepy.

Indeed Damon was still tired and moreover he didn’t wanted to have a whole new day like the night he had before.

- Hi - Chloe took Damon out of his dozing.

- What now? - Asked Damon tiredly.

- How did you sleep last night? - Asked Chloe - Emily seemed really happy when we woke her up.

- I slept fine, thanks for asking - Replied Damon sarcastically, not really wanting to talk about last night with Chloe nor anyone else.

- And I’m sure Emily slept even better - Said Chloe.

- What are you talking about? - Asked Catherine as she came back with the breakfast.

- Some of the stuff that Damon went through last night - Said Chloe.

- I’d love to know about it - Said Catherine as she sat down.

- You’ll get to know - Said Chloe - It’s a long story.

Damon looked at the food served in the table and then down to his body, he sighed as he came to remember that he’ll most likely be fed by one of her captors.

- Guess you’re going to feed me now - Said Damon.

- I think so - Replied Catherine - But I think it’s your turn now Chloe.

Chloe sighed, she clearly didn’t wanted to do it but she wasn’t going to ga against her mother.

- I guess - Said Chloe - Open up Damon, this will be just like the old days.

Damon was again fed like a baby just because of the refusal of his captors to untie him. He didn’t liked it at all, but he was hungry and had come to terms with his situation enough not to complain about things like this.

- I’m so tired - Said Chloe after she loudly yawned.

- How much did you and your friends slept last night? - Asked Catherine -That may have to do with that.

- More than we expected, usually when we get together we barely sleep at all - Said Chloe - But anyway, guess I’ll go back to bed.
- Aren’t you going to wash the dishes? - Asked Catherine as Chloe got up.

- Damon can do that - Said Chloe as she left the kitchen.

- I guess so, he did behaved badly last night - Said Catherine as she turned her look towards Damon.

Damon snorted tiredly, all of last night’s torture had made him forget that actually that had happened because he had escaped the restraints Catherine had put him in.

Chloe tiredly walked away and Damon and Catherine were left alone.

- I guess you’re angry at me - Said Damon as he laid back on the chair he was tied to.

- What do you think? - Asked Catherine - You escaped the comfortable position I had kindly put you in, that will cost you some long nights of sleeping tightly bound.

- If you hadn’t tied me up I wouldn’t have tried anything - Said Damon.

- Now where’s that defiance coming from? - Asked Catherine - I thought you were already subdued.

Damon didn’t replied to Catherine, he realized that maybe showing that defiance when he was tied up by her wasn’t the best of ideas. But he was, like lot’s of people, more aggressive when recently awoken, especially if he had woken up to found out that he was tied to a chair and that made for some unappreciative responses, but with his restored energies he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t liking to be just a little more aggressive.

- I mean I escaped you last night - Said Damon smugly - It’s hard to still fear you after that.
Catherine stared seriously at Damon for a few seconds, he thought that maybe he wasn’t being really sensible with his decisions since he of course didn’t wanted to get another slap in the face from Catherine.

But contrary to what Damon expected, Catherine just laughed at Damon’s words, which left him very confused but also, somewhat scared. A slap would at least have been expected, painful but expected, but this took him completely by surprise.

- Damon, Damon, Damon, what am I going to do with you? - Said Catherine as she ceased her laughter.

Damon looked at her confused.

- The only reason why you managed to escape was because I let you - Said Catherine smugly.

- What do you mean you let me? - Asked Damon, partly with defiance partly with genuine confusion - I escaped on my own!

- Damon i purposely made those restraints easy to escape of - Said Catherine - By now you should know that when I don’t want you to escape, I give you no chance to do so.

- Sure you did it on purpose - Said Damon sarcastically, he was having trouble believing what Catherine was saying although she did had a point, and didn’t seemed to doubt her words at all.

- So you really don’t believe that huh? - Asked Catherine - Then how about I let you find out yourself?

- What do you have in mind? - Asked Damon.

- How much did it take you to escape last night? - Asked Catherine.

- I don’t know, maybe about ten minutes? - Said Damon, not really sure of what he was saying nor of why Catherine wanted to know.

- Then I’ll give you thirty minutes to escape from that - Said Catherine as she stood up.

Catherine moved behind Damon and moved the chair away from the table, giving him enough space to struggle.

- It’s not fair, I’m not tied up like last night! - Said Damon as Catherine stood in front of him.

- Nothing seems fair when you’re the one tied up - Said Catherine - But you still should be thankful of the chance I’m giving to you.

- What chance? - Asked Damon - if last night proved something was that If I manage to escape I’ll end up tied up again.

- I know, Chloe and her friends can be really cruel when they want to - Said Catherine - But that’s not on me.

- Isn’t what Chloe and her friends did to me enough of a punishment then? - Asked Damon.

- No, that’s just what you brought upon yourself - Said Catherine - Your real punishment must be given to you by me and only me.

Damon just snorted and didn’t replied, tied up like he was there was no point in getting angry and he could now see that more clearly.

- But to what we were talking about - Catherine resumed - Just for you to see how confident I am with my technique, If somehow you manage to escape I promise you that you’ll be free.

Damon looked at his stepmother in surprise, but this was no angry surprise, this was the best chance he had been given to take back his freedom.

- You can leave the house, go anywhere you want and hey - Catherine smirked at Damon - I’ll even let you tie me up if you feel like taking revenge.

- This can’t be that good - Said Damon - There must be a catch.

- How smart of you, of course there’s a catch! - Said Catherine.

- Then tell me - Said Catherine - What am I risking with this?

- I don’t know if I should tell you - Said Catherine as she started to encircle Damon, taking looks at every knot that tethered his body - Now that i have given you a chance to escape I think I really want yo to try it.

- So you’re not telling me? - Asked Damon.

- No - Replied Catherine carelessly - I guess you’ll have to go with your gut.

Damon thought about what to do. This was definetively the best chance he had been given, even better that Chloe’s and Claire’s torture game, but whatever was the catch made him really doubtful. He knew that whatever Catherine had planned for him wouldn’t be easy on him, but he was feeling brave today.

- I’ll try it - Said Damon confidently - And I hope that you remain by your words.

- I’ll Damon, I never break promises - Said Catherine - Just one thing before I leave.

Catherine crouched behind Damon and started to tighten every knot, this was not met by Damon, who suddenly saw the slim chance of escape he was relying on get slimmer.

- What are you doing? - Said Damon as he began to struggle.

- Don’t worry, that was all - Said Catherine as she stood up - Just making sure that you get a genuine experience.

- You really don’t play fair do you? - Asked Damon.

- Nothing I can do to you will be fair while you’re tied up - Said Catherine - Nothing at all.

- So what? You’re going to make it even worse than this? - Said Damon, knowing very well that he was pushing his luck but hoping that reverse psychology had some effect on Catherine.

- Don’t try me Damon - Said Catherine - I’d love to blindfold you or wrap your hands in tape but I still want you to have a chance, as small as it may be.

Damon was relieved to know that Catherine thought that he had a chance, she could be lying but considering how Chloe considered this bonds as not too much coming from her mother, maybe Catherine was telling the truth.

Damon stared at Catherine as she left the room, she was truly malevolent when it came to this. But Catherine stopped on her tracks before leaving the room and looked at Damon over her shoulder.

- Actually there’s one more thing I’d like to add before your time starts - Said Catherine as she went to get something from the drawers.
Damon knew what was coming even before Catherine took out tape and a handkerchief from the drawer. Of course Catherine was going to gag him for some reason he didn’t get.

- Is this really necessary? - Asked Damon as he looked tiredly at Cathrine.

- No, It’s just that you look better with it - Said Catherine - And it’s not like you’ll have many people to talk to while you escape.
Damon sighed, knowing that it was either his letting the gag in or Catherine forcing it in his mouth, he decided to go for the former.
- Good boy - Said Catherine as she stroked Damon’s hair - Keep doing things like this and you wont get that many nights sleeping tied up too tightly.

- Mpgh - Muttered Damon under his gag.

Catherine went away and only said one thing before leaving and letting the count start.

- And remember, thirty minutes! - Said Catherine before closing the door behind her.

Without any more words Catherine went outside of the kitchen leaving him alone with his ropes.

Then the count started, Damon had no way to know how it was going so he could do nothing aside fro hurrying because based on what he knew, time could be about to run out at every moment.

Damon took a deep breath and looked to his surroundings, he had certainly been tied up in a favorable place, he had access to knifes and scissors, he just needed to manage to get one, which was even harder than it sounds like.

If Damon wanted to get his hands on a knife or scissor he needed to move the chair, the drawers were by the sides of the room and he was tied up on the middle. Damon started to try to move the chair, the first thing he tried was to use his feet but he couldn’t reach the floor.

Seeing he couldn’t reach the floor Damon started to try to get free of his ankle restraints . Yet no matter how hard he tugged the ropes the only result was to harm his wrists by making the restraint on them even tighter. But it turned out that the response was not in the ankle restraints but in his hand’s, turns out that since both restraints were attached if Damon lowered his hands behind his back he could reach the floor with the tip of his feet.

Clearly this wasn’t enough nor was what Damon exactly wanted, he was flexible but he still had to get his hands as low as they needed to be for his feet to touch the floor. But this gave him not only a chance of escaping, although a very small one, but it gave him something more important, hope.

But even with his hopes restored Damon got tired rapidly, the brute strength he had previously tried to use to escape had not helped him but as he looked down at his bound body an idea got to his mind. If he could manage to lift the chair he could get his legs somewhat free. He would still be bound to the chair by the restraints on his chest but maybe the new degree of movement would allow him to undo some of the knots.

So Damon started to try to figure out a way to lift the chair without being able to touch the floor, since the tip of his feet wouldn’t be enough for the strength required. Using his weight to lift the chair was too dangerous and he risked falling, but he could use his weight and the little strength he had on the tip of his feet to move the chair without trying to lift it.

With all the strength he had Damon started to slowly move the chair towards on of the walls. The progress was slow, tedious and tiring but knowing what was at stake Damon had no problem bearing it. The chair soon had it’s back against one of the walls. Damon gave a sigh of relief, he had done it, if he could pull this one off he would be free not only from the chair but the rest of the whole weekend, or that’s what he though.

Damon leaned the chair back, now the front legs of the chair were above the floor and Damon could try to slide the rope that attached his ankles to his hands underneath it. It was hard since the rope was tense, but maybe if he tried hard enough he could manage to get it done.
Suddenly Damon noticed where he was, he had gotten so distracted with his overcomplicated plan that was starting to seem impossible to him that he had ignored a much more obvious solution. Just behind him were drawers filled with cutlery, surely if he laid his hands on a knife this will all be over easily.

With his bound hands Damon opened a drawer that stood just at the perfect height for him to do so. It was hard to reach for anything in it, his fingers could just barely feel the touch of the cold metal before it slip away from his grasp. But with perseverance, Damon managed to get hold of a knife, he grabbed it by the edge but he had it, his way out of this prison.

Damon’s heart was racing, he felt like he was in a escape scene from a movie but it of course feel indescribably more tense living it, especially considering that not only his freedom was at stake, but he was also risking whatever Catherine had planned to do with him to become true, and he feared that prospect like anything else.

Damon got the chair back on all fours and got to work, he carefully twisted the knife to grab it by the handle. But his nervousness was stronger than his concentration, the knife fell from Damon’s hands as his body filld with impotence.

Damon audibly grunted in anger under his gag, almost instinctively, but his anger had to come out somehow. He tried to calm himself down, he took a deep breath and prepared to try again, there was no way thirty minutes had passed, he said to himself to calm down.

Damon leaned back on the chair again to try to get another knife, but he had run of luck. The chair slipped by the wall and fell to the floor, he felt his arms crushed under his weight and grunted in pain under his gag.

The grunt of pain mixed with anger as Damon realized how screwed he was, there was no way he could get the chair back up and keep trying, and that was on top of the unbearable pain that having his harms under him meant.

With all the strength Damon could muster he managed to roll the chair on it’s side, freeing his arms from the pain that the weight of his body had them in. Damon breather deeply to recover, but he was still filled with anger, but more than anger impotence.

Damon tried to reach for the knife that he had dropped to the floor, but he couldn’t even grasp it. He struggled with force tugging the bonds with little restraints of how harmful it could be, but they were still as secure as when they were first tied.

As Damon started realizing that he would not escape and that because of that he’ll have to face Catherine the rest of the weekend filled him with anger and impotence that made his body feel warm, but as time passed on those feelings started to give in to another one, anguish. Damon got a glimpse of a tear roll down his face, that angered him, he hadn’t cried in a long time and the fact that he was being brought to tears by his weird stepmother was painful.

But before Damon could show any of his emotions the kitchen door opened, and on the other side was Catherine, with a big smile on her face.
- Well well Damon - Said Catherine as she walked up to his stepson - You got carried away didn’t you?

Damon tried to look away from Catherine, but his position didn’t allow for much.

- Oh don’t cry dear - Said Catherine as she gently stroked Damon’s hair - You may not feel like it, but I don’t want you to suffer.

- Mpgh - Grunted Damon with reluctance.

- I’ll get you out of these ropes, but remember, we made a deal - Said Catherine.

Damon gave no response, but he couldn’t ignore Catherine for too long for she grabbed his face and forced him to look at her.

- In case you’re thinking of trying something, I’ll remind you that the pictures on Chloe’s phone’s are still at play - Threatened Catherine.
Damon looked at Catherine and nodded, he would have liked to run away the second he was out of the ropes but he knew that he couldn’t bring himself to it, especially considering the threat that he was under.

- Good - Said Catherine as she let go of Damon’s face.

Catherine put the chair back put and started to untie Damon, starting with his legs and ending with his hands. Damon rubbed his sore wrists as soon as his hands were free, the ropemarks on his pale skin were of a deep red after so much futile struggles.

-Don’t gt too used to this Damon - Said Catherine - But now you have to wash the dishes, then we’ll see what will be of you.

Damon got his hands to his face to remove his gag and reply but Catherine quickly stopped him.

- And don’t even think about removing the gag - Order Catherine - That stays on until I say so.

Damon got to the task, it definitively felt weird standing there doing ordinary stuff with a gag on his mouth that he could have removed at every second had it not been for his stepmother watching him from the table.

- I see that you tried to us ea knife to escape Damon - Said Catherine with severity.

Shivers went down Damon’s spine, he knew that whatever she was going to was not good for him.

- That was dangerous, you shouldn’t have done that - Said Catherine - So don’t think that will go unnoticed when I decide what to do with you.

Of course Catherine’s words made Damon angry, she was scolding him for trying to make use of what probably was his best chance at escaping. He knew very well that it was dangerous, but he didn’t cared, he was too angry and he he was sure that it would have been worth it had it gone right.

Damon finished his job and Catherine approached him from behind.

- Good job - Said Catherine as she gently grabbed Damon - But now I’ll have to put these on you.

Catherine showed Damon a pair of red leather cuffs, if having rope and tape practically everywhere was already weird having something liked this definitely meant that Catherine was really into this, even more than Damon expected.

- Don’t give me that look Damon - Said Catherine as she Saw Damon’s annoyed expression - I assure you these are much easier on your skin than rope, although considering how you behaved you don’t really deserve to have it so easy.

Damon looked at her in disbelief, still annoyed, he knew that she was trying to annoy him and she was succeeding very well at it.
- Hands behind your back Damon - Ordered Catherine - I shouldn’t have to tell you this at this point.

Damon turned back and obeyed, soon enough his hands were cuffed behind his back. Everything said Damon had to admit that like Catherine said, the cuffs were much more comfortable than rope.

- Start walking now, you’re going to take a shower - Said Catherine as she started to walk with Damon grabbed by the arm.

Catherine guided Damon to the bathroom and left him there, making sure to remind him what was at stake in case he tried to do something to escape, which at this point Damon wasn’t even considering.

Damon happily showered, it was relaxing after spending so much time tied up. The warm water slowly made some of the less harsh ropemarks banish, but Damon didn’t tried to hard to make them do so, knowing very well that soon enough his body will be filled with them again.

When Damon got back of the shower he dried up and put on the clothes Catherine had prepared for him, those were some old clothes, a faded blue t shirt and black sweatpants that were now a bit to tight on him, it seemed like Catherine didn’t bothered getting him shoes so he walked out of the bathroom in socks. Damon would have never dressed like this, let alone go outside of his house like it but he was sure that wasn’t going to be leaving the house today.

Catherine was quick to put the cuffs back on Damon as soon as he left the bathroom, and he didn’t complained, he was expecting it.

Catherine walked away with Damon grabbed by the arm.

- Where are you taking me? - Asked Damon.

- Upstairs - Said Catherine bluntly - Don’t ask too much or I’ll put the gag back on.

Not wanting to be gagged Damon was silently lead upstairs by Catherine who then entered with him to the room he was supposed to sleep in last night. Catherine ordered him to sit on the bed and so he did, he saw her prepare something she took from one of the nightstands, Damon expected a gag but that wasn’t it. Catherine drew a piece of cotton, visibly wet, Damon could make an idea of what it was, and he didn’t liked it.

- Wow this really isn’t necessary - Said Damon as he crawled away from Catherine.

- Damon it is worse if you resist it - Said Catherine as she sat on the bed with Damon.

- But you know you don’t need to do that! - Said Damon - You’ve already untied me and I haven’t tried anything!

- But I want this to be a surprise! - Said Catherine as she approached the piece of cotton to Damon’s face - Now be a good boy and don’t resist it.

Damon looked away for a second and then back at Catherine, he couldn’t believe what was about to happen to him.

- Does it hurt? - Asked Damon.

- Not at all - Said Catherine calmly - Actually it feels quite good when it starts to make effect.

Damon looked worriedly at Catherine for a second and then nodded, soon enough his nostrils were filled with the smell of chloroform and not too long after his world was plunged into darkness.
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Post by Red86 »

banshee wrote: 3 years ago Good to hear that. I don't wan't to spoil anything (mainly because I don't have everything written out yet) but don't be so quick assume that Damon will fall so easily.
This story is already really really good, then you add that to increase my interest even more!!! Such a tease :)

Now Catherine is knocking Damon out again for a "surprise". You are really know when to end a chapter and insert the cliff hanger!!
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Chapter 10: The Punishment

Damon slowly regained consciousnesses, he slowly opened his eyes only to remain in darkness. Damon was able to tell that some silky material was against his eyes, he had been blindfolded.

He didn’t have to try to speak to be able to tell that he was gagged, he felt the sponge in his mouth and the tape that prevented him from spitting it. He merely went back to slouch on the chair and inspect his restraints.

His restraints were the usual stuff, he had the used so much times already that he was kind of expecting them. His wrists crossed behind his back and his feet tied together, both restraints attached. He was surprised by the lack of a rope pinning him to the chair, but after the scene that he made on the kitchen he wasn’t on the mood for trying another escape.

- Hghmph - Damon heard a low grunt, it sounded like someone gagged but who?

Damon had been alone with his captors since he arrived, who else could be here with him? It surely wasn’t Catherine or Chloe, they were the ones that did the tying, but who was it then?

Damon’s thoughts raced as he tried to look for an answer, but nobody came to his mind. He would have just awaited his punishment still and in silent but this mystery wouldn’t let him.

- Hghp? - Damon moaned lowly over his gag.

- Hpgh - The voice grunted in reply again, it didn’t sounded distressed, it sounded more... annoyed.

But this only made Damon more confused, who could behave like that under a situation like this? But the noise of a door opening and footsteps on the wooden floor stopped Damon’s thoughts, now he only awaited eagerly to know what was happening.

- Hi you two - Said Catherine - It seems you’re in quite a situation aren’t you?

Damon tried to ask what was happening but with his gag on only muffled groans came out, nothing that could be understood. Whoever was with Damon also made sure to make noise under his gag but it was as understandable as whatever Damon had tried to say.

- Hush - Said Catherine warmly - You have nothing to worry about.

Damon heard Catherine move behind him and stop, he awaited whatever she was going to do. She felt his stepmother slowly untie the knot that kept the blindfold over his eyes, and then he was able to see again.

The light blinded him for a few seconds but what he saw made him get used to the light again very quickly. He blinked a few times to make sure that what he was seeing was actually there, but ir clearly was.

His stepsister Chloe was a few meters in front of him, also tied to a chair and with a strip of duct tape over her mouth. Unlike Damon, she was properly secured to the chair, with rope running below her breasts pinning her to the back of the chair and over her lap pinning her to the seat.

- Say hi to each other! - Said Catherine cheerfully.

Both Damon and Chloe moaned in confusion under their Gags. Damon couldn’t believe what he was seeing, but even if his question had been answered, that only brought up even more questions.

- I bet you have a lot of questions right now - Said Catherine - But don’t worry, they will all be answered.

Catherine sat on a chair near her two prisoners. Damon was looking at her in fear and confusion but the look her daughter was giving her was more angry than fearful or confused.

- Chloe, you did something I really don’t approve of yesterday - Said Catherine as she leaned towards her daughter.
- Hgh? - Chloe signaled her confusion under her gag.

- Don’t pretend to be confused, you know that I don’t want you lying - Said Catherine - Do you remember what you did?

Chloe looked away from her mother for a few seconds and the looked down an sighed, for the first time Damon was seeing her apparently ashamed, And then she nodded shyly to her mother. This whole behaviour, it was unlike anything Damon had seen from her before.

- You really thought that I wouldn’t notice Chloe? - Asked Catherine - And you really that it would go unpunished?

Chloe shook her head shyly, it was not only shameful being scolded by her mother, on top of that Damon, her ex boyfriend that had only seen her being dominant was now seeing her like this. The humiliation was angering but Chloe knew her mother well enough not to make things worse.

- But I have punished you enough - Said Catherine as she stood up from her chair - So this time someone else will handle your punishment.
- Hpggghh!? - Chloe moaned under her gag.

- That’s right, I’m tired of doing it so I won’t handle it this time - Said Catherine as she started to walk towards Damon, filling him with nervousness.

Catherine stood behind Damon. He thought that he knew what was coming next but he couldn’t believe it, there was surely something more to this.

- Damon will handle your punishment this time - Said Catherine as she grabbed Damon by his shoulders.

- Hpggghh!? - Moaned both Damon and Chloe in confusion.

- That’s right Chloe, you will have to be punished by Damon this time - Said Catherine as she caressed Damon - I know he won’t make it too harsh on you, but it isn’t really about that is it?

Chloe looked at her mother and her stepbrother in anger, she couldn’t believe this was happening to her.

- It’s about being punished by him - Said Catherine.

While Chloe became angrier by the minute while Damon was filled with a lot of confusing sensations, but few of them feel bad. Apparently he was going to be untied and he was finally going to get some revenge on Chloe, something that he wasn’t able to do since forever.

But the feeling of dread that came with having to be punished himself didn’t pleased him at all. But Damon was to overrun with the mixture of excitement and relief brought by the prospect of being able to punish Chloe was enough to opaque that dread.

- Before I untie you Damon I want you to know the rules - Said Catherine - Basically, you’re not allowed to harm her, although you’re allowed to cause her pain, also keep the gags clean and the restraint just tight enough to prevent her from escaping, no more, understood?

Damon nodded nervously and Catherine smiled back at the gesture.

- Good, now don’t try anything stupid and just enjoy the opportunity I’m giving you - Said Catherine as she started to undo Damon’s restraints.

And soon enough Damon was free of ropes, he pulled the tape out of his mouth and took a deep breath. His look immediately turned towards his stepsister, who looked back at him with her look filled with anger.

- So I am really allowed to do anything to her? - Asked Damon, still unbelieving.

- As long as you stay within those rules - Replied Catherine - And if for some reason you want to untie her, it can only be to get her tied in another way.

- I don’t think I will - Said Damon, knowing very well that a free Chloe wasn’t something he was willing to handle.

- Don’t worry, she won’t try anything if you do so - Replied Catherine - So feel free to tie her however you want, is that right Chloe?

- Mpgh! - Grunted Chloe angrily in response.

- Have fun and remember the rules - Said Catherine as she walked out of the room - And Damon, don’t even think I have forgotten that you deserve to be punished too.

Damon gulped but tried not to think too much about it, it’s not like he had time to do so in the situation he was in.

Catherine closed the door behind her and left Damon and Chloe alone, only that this time the roles were reversed.

Chloe glared at Damon angrily, Damon would have been intimidated had it not been for how Chloe was tied up. She was tied much more thoroughly than Damon, it seemed Catherine didn’t intended to let her out anytime soon.

Her strong legs were tied at the ankles and knees, her back pinned to the back of the chair and her arms pinned to her sides by the same rope and her wrists tied crossed behind her back. Chloe struggled every time Damon got close to her but it was futile.

- So Chloe... - Said Damon awkwardly but exited - I think it is the first time we’re like this.

Chloe merely looked away from Damon and remained silent.

- I wonder what you would do to me if I did that to you - Said Damon - Last time I looked away from you when you had me tied up It didn’t go really good for me.

Again, Damon had no response from his stepsister. But seeing this he grabbed her by the jaw and forced her to look at him. His grip wasn’t violently strong but it was enough for Chloe not to be able to resist it.

- So keep that in mind next time you do that - Said Damon as he released Chloe, but she kept looking at him - Because I won’t come up with ways to mess with you, I will just treat you like you treated me all those times you tied me up.

Damon went back to sit on his chair, he rested his feet on Chloe’s lap and just looked at her smugly like she did to him so much times. But the look he was getting from her wasn’t at all smug, it was angry.

- Do you want me to ungag you? - Asked Damon after stretching his cramped body.

Chloe didn’t reply, this situation was embarrassing enough for her to be asking favors to her submissive ex boyfriends and step brother.
- Don’t try to act tough Chloe - Said Damon teasingly - I know you hate to be kept quiet, just ask me and I’ll ungag you.
- Mpggg - Chloe grunted angrily at Damon’s teasing.

- Was that a yes? - Asked Damon in the same annoying tone.

Afer a brief but intense stare between the two Chloe finally lets go of her pride and awkwardly nods at Damon.

- Good girl - Says Damon, with the full intent of angering Chloe.

- GHGHHH! - Chloe grunts loudly, just like Damon expected, that remark had made her especially angry.

Damon chuckles but fulfills his promise and ungags Chloe. Not too gently, in fact, he did it much like Chloe liked to do it to him, just ripping the tape out of her mouth with no concern of how painful it was.

- Sorry did that hurt? - Asked Damon with audible sarcasm - Sorry, next time you should be more careful when you do that to me.
- Fuck you! - Were Chloe’s first words after being ungagged.

- You better watch that language - Said Damon, again trying to make Chloe angrier - Otherwise I’ll gag you again.

- Heh - Chloe chuckled - You really think you’re in control in this one don’t you?

- Aren’t I? - Asked Damon rhetorically - If something is stopping me from messing with you however I want tell me what is it.

Chloe bit her lips to prevent herself from insulting Damon yet again. It was the first time she was tied up by him and she wasn’t enjoying it at all, but she wasn’t going to recklessly push him.

- So, how does it feel? - Asked Chloe, out of smart ways to get him and wanting to just make time.

- Feel what? - Asked Damon.

- To be the one doing the tying? - Asked Chloe mockingly, surprised by Damon’s unawareness.

Damon thought about his answer, he wasn’t supposed to, he would have preferred to give a smart and mocking reply to Chloe but it seemed he was too slow for that.

- Pretty good - Said Damon - It is nice to get some revenge on you for everything you did to me.

- You’re clearly not made for this - Said Chloe as a smile appeared on her face.

- What do you mean? - Asked Damon with genuine wonder.

- Just look at you - Said Chloe as she looked at Damon - Even the way you answered that, you’re clearly made to be the one tied up, not the one doing the tying.

Damon chuckles, he knew that Chloe may have some reason in her words, he clearly wasn’t the most dominant of guys but if he had to dominate her, he would be as dominant as he could.

- What’s so funny? - Asked Chloe - Did you just realized that the other side of the ropes is your place?

- Not really - Said Damon - You may have a point, I may not be as dominant as you but remind me, who’s the one tied up here?

Chloe grimaced after hearing Damon’s words, where he was getting all of this dominant impulse she didn’t knew it but she wasn’t enjoying it and for the first time, she was kind of afraid of what Damon was going to do.

- Also Chloe, remind me of what you did to me when I was tied up - Said Damon - I need some ideas of what to do while I have you like this.
Again Chloe looked away from Damon, her anger and pride were getting the best of her.

- Chloe what did we said about looking away from me? - Asked Damon teasingly.

- Shut up - Said Chloe bluntly, out of smart things to say in a situation like this.

- Well that’s no way to speak to your captor - Said Damon trying not to laugh.

- You’re not my captor Damon - Said Chloe, preventing herself from insulting Damon further - You just got lucky.

- Lucky enough to have you tied up at my mercy it seems - Replied Damon.

- I’m not at your mercy... - Said Chloe, nearly grunting in anger.

- Do something about it then - Said Damon as he extended his arms - I bet you don’t one bit like to be tied up.

- What the hell do you want? - Asked Chloe as she turned to face her stepbrother again.

- I want you to put you through just a bit of what you put me thorough - Said Damon - And I may make it easier on you if you are less defiant.
- How can I not be defiant against that!? - Asked Chloe, seeing the question as nearly offensive - Do you even hear what you say?

- Yup, I do - Said Damon.

- You must be really stupid then... - Nobody will act compliant with what you’re proposing.

- Well I did - Said Damon - I’m sure you can at least try.

- I will never be like you Damon - Said Chloe angrily, knowing that Damon was right on that.

- Well what I’m going to do with you I will do it anyway - Said Damon - But it depends on you whether I make it the easy way of the hard way.
A brief silence followed as Chloe thought about Damon’s proposal. If she wanted to go through less the easy way sounded definitively better, but that didn’t take in account how humiliating it would be for her to comply with Damon, his submissive ex boyfriends who used to be on the side of the ropes Chloe was now all the time.

- Do your worst - Said Chloe with a smug smile on her face.

Damon sighed and shrugged he really didn’t wanted to handle an angry, defiant Chloe but he would be lying to himself if he genuinely expected her to comply to his proposal.

- Are you at least going to remind me what tortures you put me through? - Asked Damon, giving her stepsister a last chance to take the easy way.

- The fact that you can’t even come up with your own torture methods just proves that you’re not meant to be on that side of the ropes - Said Chloe, the smug smile still on her face.

Damon sighed and his expression turned serious. He rapidly grabbed the chair by it’s back over Chloe’s shoulder and pushed it backwards, scaring Chloe and taking her by surprise since now, the only thing preventing the chair from falling and crushing Chloe’s arms on it’s fall was Damon.

- What do you think you’re doing? - Asked Chloe nervously.

- This is for that time you knocked the chair I was tied to and left me on the floor for two hours - Said Damon sternly.

Chloe’s look went from smug to fearful as she felt the chair being dropped to the floor by Damon, only to be stopped just when she was ready to take the blow.

- What the hell? - Asked Chloe angrily as she caught her breath.

- It isn’t so funny when you’re the one tied up is it? - Asked Damon.

- You think you’re funny huh? - Said Chloe - You don’t have the balls to let me fall do you?

- I don’t know - Said Damon - What do you think.

- Go ahead, let me fall, I know you... - Chloe was interrupted by the chair again falling to the floor, she was starting to regret her trash talking.

But Damon stopped the chair from falling again, this time it took a few seconds for Chloe to recover from the scare.

- Okay I get it I get it - Said Chloe as she caught her breath - You’re really mad at me, what do you want?

- Well I guess you wont like what happens if I let this chair fall - Said Damon - So how about you tell me of another torture you prefer.

Being forced to choose her torture, if Chloe thought that she would ever be submitted to this kind of humiliation she never thought it would be by Damon.

- Don’t do that to me - Said Chloe, lowly and awkwardly.

- What is it? - Asked Damon.

- It’s humiliating - Said Chloe angrily - Just do what you want.

- So, it is humiliating - Said Damon - You didn’t seem to care about that when I was the one tied up.

- Ugh - Chloe complained - Okay, you’re angry at me but stop making this seem like it is my fault.

- But it is - Said Damon - I wouldn’t be doing this to you if you hadn’t done the same to me.

Chloe sighed, tired of trying to negotiate with Damon. Of course she was just as angry as before, she may even be more angry now that she started to realize how truly inescapable her situation was.

- Okay Damon, you win - Chloe said reluctantly - Enjoy your two hours with me, I’m done trying to reason with you.

Although it was embarrassing to admit defeat in such a way Chloe was pretty sure that Damon couldn’t be really cruel with her, so she thought it would be better to just let this happen and get her revenge when she could.

- Good - Said Damon as he went back to his chair - So you wont complain about anything?

- I never said that! - Replied Chloe - I’m just done trying to make you reason.

- Just know that if you get too loud I’ll gag you again - Said Damon.

Chloe didn’t replied and just tried to make herself comfortable in the chair, with little to no success.

- I have a question for you Chloe - Said Damon as a smile appeared on his face - Are you ticklish?

Shivers went down Chloe’s spine as she realized how bad the situation she was in was.

- No, I’m not like you - Replied Chloe nervously.

- Sorry, I’d know if hadn’t spent so much time tied up while we were together - Said Damon as he shrugged - But if you aren’t I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I try.

- Heh, not at all - Said Chloe after a nervous chuckle.

After hearing that Damon stood up and started to inspect Chloe, he was sure that she was lying, her nervousness gave it away. Damon decides to poke her ribs, just like she loved doing to him, and so he did, but he didn’t got any reaction from Chloe.

- I told you - Said Chloe - It seems you’ll have to come up with your own methods.

- I’m not sure - Said Damon as he poked Chloe again, this time a little bit closer to her armpits.

Again Damon got no reaction from Chloe, but he was able to tell that something was off with her, so this time he kept poking. It didn’t took long before Chloe squirmed in the ropes, trying to get away from Damon.

- Stop it! - Shouted Chloe.

- Oh so you are ticklish - Said Damon as he crossed his arms - Why did you lie to me then?

- Shut up! - Said Chloe as she struggled with all her strength against the ropes that held her captive - And don’t dare to tickle me!
- Why shouldn’t I? - Asked Damon - Would you have obeyed if I asked that to you?

- If you do it Damon... - Said Chloe angrily but with a smile on her face - I’m going to get back at you in ways you can’t imagine.

- It doesn’t seem like you can do anything about it now - Said Damon as he pointed to the ropes that held Chloe - Can you?

- You have no idea Damon... - Said Chloe as angry as before.

Inadvertently Damon started to tickle Chloe again, but this time he wasn’t poking her ribs, he was running his fingers through her sides non stop. Chloe screamed in laughter and tried to threaten Damon but she could say little before she went back to screaming.

For the first time ever Chloe felt impotent before Damon, and she hated it incredibly. She was already thinking of her revenge although there was little in her mind apart of the desire for this tickling to stop.

But Damon was greatly enjoying his revenge. For the first time he was not the one tied up and more importantly, the one tied up was Chloe. This was a chance for revenge he could not let slip by.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Awww man, this was such nice ride through these chapters. I honestly can't wait any longer for more. I earned a new respect for Catherine and I really like Emily, she's such a cute character and I really hope those two get to bond more. Who knows, maybe Damon develops a crush on her, allowing them to find a way to enjoy the middleground of these games in a less humiliating but fun way. I hope that with Chloe being though a lesson she realises that she treated Damon wrong and that they might slowly develop a new friendship but I doubt Chloe is the type to reflect on herself.

Thank you for your amazing work with these chapters. I'll be waiting happily for the next parts ^^.
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Post by banshee »

Roboticrobin20 wrote: 3 years ago Awww man, this was such nice ride through these chapters. I honestly can't wait any longer for more. I earned a new respect for Catherine and I really like Emily, she's such a cute character and I really hope those two get to bond more. Who knows, maybe Damon develops a crush on her, allowing them to find a way to enjoy the middleground of these games in a less humiliating but fun way. I hope that with Chloe being though a lesson she realises that she treated Damon wrong and that they might slowly develop a new friendship but I doubt Chloe is the type to reflect on herself.

Thank you for your amazing work with these chapters. I'll be waiting happily for the next parts ^^.
Thank you! I love to see comments like yours, I'll have the next chapter up as soon as possible
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 11: Revenge
- I assume you know what that lie will earn you - Said Damon - The same what lying earned me.

- You don’t scare me Damon - Replied Chloe.

- We’ll see about that - Damon said as he walked behind her stepsister.

Chloe tried to look at Damon over her shoulder but as tied as she was she couldn’t see much, but deep within her she knew what Damon was about to, one could even say that she had taught him.

- Don’t you dare to do it Damon! - Shouted Chloe angrily.

- What are you going to do about it? - Asked Damon teasingly - I’m not the one tied up now.

Chloe was already angry enough but Damon reminding her of the position she was in only made her more angry. But all of her anger was contained by the tight bonds she was in.

Before Chloe could say anything else to Damon he grabbed her by her sides from behind, She already knew what was coming next but that didn’t mean that she was at all ready for it.

- Damon! - Chloe tried to sound threatening but the ropes didn’t help.

- What is it? Are you afraid? - Asked Damon, trying to make Chloe even more angry.

- Shut up! - Screamed Chloe giving Damon the reaction he wanted.

Before Chloe could say anything else Damon started to tickle Chloe’s sides relentlessly, much like she liked to do with him. Chloe tried her best to keep her reaction down but it was hard, she could control herself enough not to scream but definitely not enough not to struggle, and she struggled a lot.

- Stop it! - Shouted Chloe once she couldn’t bare it any longer.

- I’m not sure - Said Damon as he continued what he was doing without stopping.

Damon’s tickling appeared to be getting worse every minute and as much as Chloe thrashed against the ropes that held her she couldn’t escape her torture. Even when the ropes started to hurt her she didn’t stopped, she just wanted to get away but she couldn’t.

- Damon stop it! - Chloe screamed again, hoping that Damon would obey her.

- Beg me - Said Damon, jokingly but meaning it, seeing the ever so dominant Chloe beg for something will definitively be a fun sight.

- What the hell Damon? - Chloe managed to ask, equally offended as confused by Damon’s request - Just stop!

- I already told you how you can get me to stop - Said Damon in the same tone as before - It’s on you to do it or not.

Chloe tried to think between the struggling and laughter that was already escaping her, but it wasn’t easy. In her mind she would never plead for anything like this, even less if she had to plead for Damon, but her body told her otherwise, it told her that she wanted this to end.

- I wont! - Cried Chloe, doing her best to resist.

- Too bad, I won’t stop then - Replied Damon while he continued to tickle her stepsister nonstop.

Again Chloe tried as hard as she could to resist, but resisting is hard when you don’t know when things will end and that was exactly her case. Faster than she’d have liked she was starting to break, Damon was breaking her.

Chloe grunted angrily between laughter and screaming while she struggled, it was the only defiance she could show and she knew that it looked pathetic.

- Damon please! - Chloe broke and pleaded for Damon to stop.

- What is it? I didn’t hear you - Lied Damon mockingly.

- Stop this! Please! - Chloe screamed, now more angry than broken.

- Fine - Said Damon before stopping.

When Damon stopped the relief that filled Chloe’s body was unmensurable. She didn’t cared about the fact that she was tightly tied to a chair and at the will of her stepbrother, she could finally catch a break from the torture and that was all that mattered.

- I hope that now you see how bad it is to be put through that - Said Damon as he sat back on his chair.

Chloe didn’t replied, she was still catching her breath and relaxing her muscles which were tired of struggling against ropes and tight knots.
- Do you Chloe? - Asked Damon.

Again Damon received no reply from Chloe other than her heavy breathing. Chloe was even looking at her stepbrother, she was resting her head on the top of the chair’s back, looking up while she breathed heavily through her mouth.

- Do I need to tickle you again to get you to talk? - Asked Damon threateningly.

- No - Sighed Chloe tiredly, she’d have liked to insult Damon there and then but she was to tired to do so, not to mention that she didn’t know what consequences that could earn her.

Damon, realizing the state Chloe was in, decided to give her some time to rest. Even tough his experience told him that she wouldn’t have given that privilege to him he decided that he would be better than her at least for this time.

And so silence filled the room, a silence only broken by Chloe’s breathing. Since Damon had nothing better to do and he wasn’t going to try to escape after what happened last night, he simply stared at his bound stepsister. He had to admit something to himself, he still found her pretty and the ropes against his body only made her look better. If only she wasn’t so mean, cruel and sadistic under that pretty face.

- Ready to talk now? - Asked Damon.

- Yeah whatever - Said Chloe as she tried to sit correctly again - What do you want?

- First, tell me how that felt - Asked Damon.

- Do you really want me to tell you that? - Asked Chloe equally offended and bewildered - What? It gives you sadistic pleasure or something?

- You can’t tell me anything about sadistic pleasure - Damon pointed the irony of his stepsister’s words.

- Yeah I suppose you’re right - Replied Chloe.

A brief silence followed, Damon awaiting an answer that didn’t come and Chloe expecting Damon to forget about the question he had just asked her.

- So, you’re not gonna answer? - Inquired Damon.

- Answer what? - Chloe pretended to not know what Damon was talking about.

- Huh, nevermind -Sighed Damon - Why don’t you just apologize?

Chloe was happy to see Damon cede on this one, it gave a small illusion of power over him even when she was tied up.

- Apologize for what? - Asked Chloe pretending to be oblivious.

- What do you mean “for what”? - Asked Damon - For everything you did to me!

- Why would I do that? - Asked Chloe with growing smugness - I never did it, why do you think I’d do it now?

Damon couldn’t believe how the smugness and prepotency of Chloe had returned back to normal in so little time. Considering that she was still tied to the chair he didn’t expected her to go back to normal like nothing had happened any time soon.

- Because now you know how bad it feels? - Asked Damon, still surprised by the smugness of her stepsister.

- And? - Asked Chloe - If anything that only makes me more angry at you.

- So you’re not going to apologize? - Sighed Damon.

- No - Said Chloe with a smug smile on her face.

Damon sighed and slouched on his chair, actually not knowing what to do next with his stepsister. He wanted her to apologize but it seemed like she wouldn’t do it on her own.

Damon looked up as he thought of what to do, but it wasn’t hard for him to come with an idea, after being exposed to all of Chloe’s tortures he had plenty of ways to make Chloe cede to chose from.

- What are you gonna do about it? - Asked Chloe as she saw Damon stand up.

- You’ll see - Said Damon as he stepped towards Chloe.

Damon moved behind Chloe and grabbed her bound wrists. Chloe didn’t even tried to look behind her this time, she was still afraid of what Damon was going to do but her pride wouldn’t allow her to show that.

- Will you behave if I untie you? - Asked Damon.

- I’m not sure - Said Chloe confidently.

- I’m pretty sure you wont mess with your mother - Said Damon.

- And what makes you so sure? - Inquired Chloe.

- I saw how you behaved when she was here - Said Damon - You didn’t seem like you want to antagonize her.

Chloe grunted silently, apparently Damon had noticed her behaviour when being punished by her mother, and being humiliated by her mother in front of Damon.

The next thing Chloe felt was the rope that bound her chest becoming lose and then be completely untied, she happily welcomed the pressure on her chest banishing, then the rope that tied her lap to the seat of the chair was untied. Sooner than later Damon had untied her from the chair, yet he appeared very confident with his decision.

- What is this? - Asked Chloe.

- What do you think? - Damon asked Back - Get up.

Chloe obeyed and stood up. She hadn’t realized before how vulnerable standing with her hands tied behind her back made her feel but she still tried not to show anything other than confidence to Damon, and for now she was doing a pretty good job.

- What now? - Asked Chloe.

- You’ll see, now lay on the floor - Ordered Damon.

- Make me - Goaded Chloe.

Damon was taken aback by how much Chloe was resisting him, but he was determined not to let her arrogance slide.
- Just do it - Damon pressed.

- Do you think I fear you? - Asked Chloe - Because It’s the other way around, I think you are afraid of me that’s why you keep me tied up.
- Chloe... - Damon Growled.

- I’ll show you.

Then Chloe suddenly stepped forward, faking attacking Damon who was unsurprisingly scared by the sudden movement. Chloe started laughing at Damon’s reaction while Damon just became red in shame, how could someone who was tied up at his will mock him this way? Why did he reacted like that? But along the shame that grew inside Damon, anger also grew, it wasn’t the first time he had been angry at Chloe but it was the first time that he could do something about it.

- Get on the floor or I’ll get you on the floor - Threatened Damon.

- Try it - Replied Chloe.

Chloe came to regret her words rapidly since Damon actually pushed her to the floor but luckily for her he caught her before she hit the floor. But even if she was unharmed the scare was enough to get her even more angry at Damon.

- What the hell do you think you’re doing? - Asked Chloe angrily.

- Come on, don’t pretend that you didn’t did worse to me - Replied Damon as he laid Chloe facing down on the floor.

- Keep doing this and you’ll regret it once I get out of this - Threatened Chloe as she looked to Damon over her shoulder.

- Don’t worry, I’ll take my chances - Said Damon confidently.

Damon grabbed one the ropes that were left laying around and then sat on top of Chloe, effectively pinning her to the floor an getting an angered grunt form her.

It didn’t took long for Chloe to realize what Damon was doing, he was hogtying her and she couldn’t prevent it no matter how much she struggled with her legs and hands tied up and Damon over her she couldn’t do much other than be annoying to Damon.

- I wonder what you’d do to me if I struggled this hard when you tied me up - Said Damon as he tied Chloe’s feet to her hands.

- Damon shut up and stop this! - Screamed Chloe in anger.

- Nah I don’t think I will - Said Damon - This is too good of a chance not to take it.

Once Damon had finished tying up her stepsister Chloe started to realize how humiliating hogties were. It had been a very long time since Catherine had put her on a hogtie as a punishment so this felt almost like her first time in one, not mention that it wasn’t her mother who was tying her up but her stepbrother, her weak and submissive stepbrother.

- I was wondering Chloe, are your feet ticklish? - Said Damon as he stood over Chloe.

After hearing that all smugness and confidence was erased from Chloe’s face, now she was actually worried and fearful of what Damon would do with her.

- Don’t dare to do it Damon! - Chloe made a last ditch effort to stop her stepbrother.

- You can’t stop me Chloe - Said Damon - And I know you wouldn't have stopped.

- Damon please - Said Chloe swallowing her pride.

- Pleading wont get you out of this one - Replied Damon - But I appreciate you doing it.

Damon got down to reach for Chloe’s feet, she struggled madly but couldn’t even manage to roll over, she was completely stuck.

- Damon we can sort something out, just listen to me! - Pleaded Chloe,

- Ugh, I’ll give you a minute to explain yourself since you are being so insistent - Sighed Damon.

Chloe gave a sigh of relief before speaking.

- Damon I know you want to escape my mother, I know what she’ll do to you once you’re done here - Chloe explained.
- And? - Asked Damon.

- I can help you get out, just untie me and...

- Nah - Damon interrupted.

- Damon I swear I won’t do anything to you - Chloe continued to plead - Please.

- I don’t believe you and plus, I kind of like getting my revenge - Said Damon.

- Damon! - Screamed Chloe hoping to make Damon reason,

- No - Damon stated bluntly - And I think you’re getting too noisy.

Damon grabbed the sponge that was previously shoved in Chloe’s mouth as well as a roll of Duct tape. He then crouched before Chloe and got the sponge against her face.

- Any last words? - Asked Damon teasingly.

- You’re gonna regret this so much - Said Chloe knowing perfectly well that she wasn’t going to her Damon to reason with her.

Damon then tried to get the sponge in Chloe’s mouth but much like he used to do Chloe shut her mouth trying to prevent being gagged. But sadly for Chloe, she had been the one that taught Damon how to deal with this situation, he just had to pinch her nose until she ran out of air and was forced to open her mouth to breathe.

- There you go - Said Damon as he put the duct tape over Chloe’s lips.

Chloe gave the angriest of looks to Damon while he went to get over her again.

- So, lets remember what you and Claire did to me last night - Said Damon as he grabbed Chloe’s feet.

- Mpghhh! - Moaned Chloe angrily under her gag.

- That’s right, you’ll have to remain still for one minute or you’ll face the consequences - Said Damon - And we start in three, two, one.

Then Chloe felt her feet being relentlessly tickled and this time she didn’t tried to hold her laughter or not to struggle. Not only because she didn’t wanted to abide by Damon’s rules but because she felt like it would be impossible.

- You already lost? - Asked Damon without stopping the tickling - Jeez and I thought you were tough.

Chloe continued to be relentlessly tickled by her stepbrother, she struggled and struggled but the ropes were to much for her, she couldn’t do anything other than wait for this to end.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Another wonderful chapter. Chloe is gonna get it for sure. I hope she learns her lesson this time :D
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Post by Red86 »

Nice to come back after a few weeks offline and see how this story has progressed! Really great to see the role reversal :) Catherine really did give Damon a surprise, let's see how far he'll take it in the limited 2 hours. After this, maybe Chloe won't be so mean to him in the future and they can build a better step-siblings relationship.
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Post by petkata41 »

Very good story so far. Looking forward to read next chapters.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 12: Back on the Ropes

Chloe’s suffering seemed never ending for her, it seemed like hours of just suffering had passed and it hadn’t stopped yet, and what was worse for her was that she didn’t had any idea of how much time it had actually passed.

Then suddenly the door opened and Catherine was standing on the other side with a smile on her face. This made Damon stop almost immediately and back away from Chloe a bit, he knew that he already had it bad so he didn’t wanted to take any chances and make it worse.
“It seems you had fun Damon” Said Catherine as she stepped into the room “How lovely”

Damon did not reply, he had no idea of what he was supposed to reply to such thing.

“Did you learned your lesson Chloe?” Asked Catherine as she crouched to look at her daughter in the eyes.

“Mpghhh!” Moaned Chloe under her gag as she nodded.

“It seems you did a good job with her Damon” Said Catherine.

“Thank you... I suppose” Said Damon awkwardly.

Damon looked up to Catherine and saw her uncoiling rope while she looked at him, it was clear what was coming next and he didn’t liked.
“You’ve enjoyed power and freedom enough for now” Said Catherine “Now put your hands behind your back and be a good boy while I put you back in your place”

Catherine said those words so naturally that it was angering for Damon, she had assumed her superiority so quickly, just yesterday had he been turned into her plaything and she already felt comfortable making such assessments. But what was worse for Damon was that he felt equally guilty, his submission was not entirely Catherine’s doing, sure it was mostly due to her but Damon knew, or suspected, that if he wasn’t so docile he wouldn’t be where he was now, and that guilt made him feel even worse.

But as angry as Damon was at his predicament he was quick to obey Catherine’s orders, quickly crossing his hands behind his back after Catherine issued her orders.

Catherine began to tie Damon’s hands together, with every rub of the ropes against his skin Damon felt his freedom escaping him, why was he allowing this? Why was he allowing himself to be subjected to such thing? He didn’t knew.

While Catherine tied Damon’s hands Damon could see a smile in Chloe’s face, despite her face being almost half covered in duct tape it was easy to tell just by the look she was giving him that under the layers of duct tape that covered her mouth was a smug smile. Surely Chloe was happy about seeing Damon being subdued after all he had put her through.

“Good boy” Said Catherine with a smile on her face as she stroked Damon’s hair.

“Hpghh” Sighed Chloe as she felt like her punishment had ended.

“You’re a good girl too” Said Catherine as she moved to caress her daughter “I’ll untie you now, don’t worry”

True to her word Catherine untied Chloe, starting with her legs and then with her chest, but she seemed to be finished untying her once she had done that, not paying much attention to the fact that her daughter was still gagged and had her hands tied.

“Mpgh?” Chloe grunted in confusion.

“Oh, the gag” Said Catherine after hearing her daughter.

Carelessly Catherine stripped off the duct tape of Chloe’s face, her face said exactly how much pain it had caused her but Catherine didn’t seemed to care.

“You’re not untying me?” Asked Chloe.

“I did untie you” Said Catherine calmly.

“But my hands!”

“Having your hands tied up isn’t that big of deal” Sighed Catherine “Also, the thick of your punishment may be over but you will have to wait a bit more to earn your freedom back”

“But mom!” Complained Chloe.

“You know what happens if you complain” Said Catherine “So do it at your own risk”

“Fine mom” Replied Chloe meekly, Damon had never seen her be so docile.

“Well, now that you can follow me to the dinning room for lunch” Ordered Catherine as she exited the room.

Both her daughter and her stepson followed, awkwardly walking with their hands tied behind their backs which was harder than it seemed but nowhere near as tortuous as hopping around with your legs tied up like Damon had been forced to do yesterday.

Eventually they arrived to their destination, the table had chairs for the three of them and was already served, only the food was missing.

“Take a seat” Ordered Catherine “Make sure to put your hands behind the back of the chair”

“Mom! Really?” Badgered Chloe.

“Yes Chloe, you two are going to eat tied to chairs” Said Catherine containing her anger “And if you don’t like it you can keep complaining and see what that gets you”

After being scolded by her mother Chloe sighed and reluctantly obeyed her orders. Once on the chair Chloe laid her eyes on Damon, who had apparently obeyed without hesitance, she wasn’t surprised.

“I’d like to be able to leave you like this while I go get the food but something tells me that I can’t trust you that much” Said Chloe as she went to get more rope from a nearby drawer.

The expression of tiredness was clear in both stepsiblings but none of them complained, they just faced it in silence.

First went Chloe, something she didn’t liked, Catherine tied her like she usually did her chair ties, hands tied to feet and chest and lap secured to the chair and once she was finished with her she did the same with Damon.

“Well, now that I got you two like this I can leave, I’ll be right back” Said Catherine as she left she the kitchen “And I’d like to gag you but I’d also like you two to talk to each other a bit”

Despite Catherine’s words there was silence between the two prisoners. Chloe was giving Damon an intense angry look and Damon was trying his best to stealthily avoid it, which was hard considering they were sitting in front of each other.

“Didn’t you heard her Damon?” Asked Chloe rhetorically “She wants us to talk.

“Uh... sure” Replied Damon awkwardly.

“Are you afraid Damon?” Asked Chloe teasingly.

“Of course I am!” Said Damon shamelessly “I don’t know what your mom is going to do with me I just know that I wont like it”

“Sounds like you should have listened to me when I gave you a chance to escape” Said Chloe as she leaned back on her chair “Now we’re both tied to chairs at her mercy, so I hope your happy about your decision”

Damon look down a bit ashamed of himself and his choice, at the moment he didn’t realized how dreadful his fate will be once his time with Chloe had ended, and he still didn’t fully knew.

“That’s what I thought” Said Chloe “But there’s a next time, which I doubt, maybe you’ll listen to me”

“And if it’s otherwise will you listen to me too?” Asked Damon.

“Nah, my mom would never let me handle something she enjoys so much like punishing you” Said Chloe “But hey, maybe”
“Good to see you did as I told you” Said Catherine as she came back from the kitchen with the foof.

Catherine was the on who ate first, showing little concern for Chloe and Damon who had to await to be feed by her. Once she finished Catherine fed here two prisoners, giving one bite to Chloe, then to Damon, and so on until they had finished.

“Now that we’re over I can deal with you Damon” Said Catherine as she stood up.

Damon looked down and said nothing, he knew that nothing he could say would save him.

“I’ll untie you and give you a bathroom break, then we will get started” Said Catherine as she started to untie Damon.

Catherine left Damon’s hands tied behind his back but apart from that he was free. Catherine grabbed him by the arm and started to walk him to the bathroom.

“Wait what about me!?” Asked Chloe angrily from her seat.

“I think I can trust you to behave if I leave you tied up” Said Catherine as she looked at her daughter over her shoulder.

“Really? Don’t you think I’ve had enough?” Asked Chloe.

“I’ll think about that, but for now you stay there” Said Catherine.
Chloe grunted as she saw her mother walk away with Damon, she then struggled more out of anger than out of will to escape, she knew that she couldn’t and that of course made her angry but it at least meant that it wasn’t her fault if she was unable to escape.

“Don’t even think about doing anything funny in there” Said Catherine before pushing Damon into the bathroom.

Damon obeyed Catherine, it wasn’t like he could do much in the first place, but in the end he walked out of the bathroom like he came in.
“We can get going now” Said Catherine as soon as Damon grabbed Damon by the arm as soon as he came out of the bathroom.

Damon walked awkwardly as Catherine took him to the reception of the house, they passed by Chloe who had found a somewhat comfortable position on the chair.

“Oh, you’re not taking him upstairs?” Asked Chloe.

“No, the punishment he needs can only be delivered in one place” Said Catherine as she subtly smiled.

Damon was now even more afraid, the obscurity with which Catherine talked didn’t help that at all. What was this place where he would be punished? He could only imagine but considering the results his imagination offered he would rather not even do that.

“Oh so you’re taking him there!” Said Chloe with a smile on her face.

“Yes, and I’d like you to keep quiet about that place” Replied Catherine “I want him to be surprised once he sees it”

“Oh I see” Said Chloe “Can I say one thing to him before you two leave though?”

“Sure” Said Catherine as she stopped to faced her daughter.

“You’re so screwed” Said Chloe sadistically.

“What the hell is that place? Where are you taking me!?” Damon asked desperately, he couldn’t remain silent anymore.

“Quiet!” Shouted Catherine as she rose her hand, threatening to smack Damon if he didn’t obeyed.

Again Damon looked down in submission, a gesture that seemed to please Catherine.

Catherine took Damon to the reception room, but Damon didn’t needed Catherine to tell him that this wasn’t the place. Unless Catherine was going to hang him from the ceiling lights this place couldn’t be, but Damon really didn’t knew what to expect from Catherine.

“On the floor Damon” Ordered Catherine.

“What? Why?” Asked Damon, confused.

“Do it or I’ll put you on the floor myself” Said Catherine.

Without another word Damon obeyed Catherine and laid on the floor facing down, she really could make him fear her enough for him to mindlessly obey.

Once Damon was on the floor Catherine started to move the carpet out of the way, something that seemed odd to Damon until he saw something being revealed underneath it. It was a trapdoor, most likely leading to a basement, it was so generic yet so terrifying.

Catherine opened the trapdoor and then grabbed Damon to get him to stand up. She lead Damon down the basement, Damon looked in fear at the dark place while Catherine lead him down the stairs.

Suddenly the lights were turned on by Catherine, the light revealed a mostly normal basement, dusty, messy and full of boxes.

“Here is where you will spend the rest of the day Damon” Said Catherine “I hope you like it”

“What are you going to do with me?” Asked Damon.

“What am I going to do with you? That’s quite the question” Said Catherine “For now I’ll tie you up like I assume you expect, I’ll explain you the rest once I have you in ropes, I like it better that way”

Catherine moved a big old chair to the center of the room and stood by it, looking at Damon sadistically.

“Are you going to tie me to it?” Asked Damon, already wondering why she was taking so long.

“Of course, but first I want you to give me your back, there’s something I want to do with your hand restraints” Said Catherine.

Despite being confused by Catherine’s orders Damon obeyed them and to his surprise he felt Catherine untying his hands.

Catherine grabbed Damon’s forearms tightly once she had finished untying his hands. She then started to pull them up, knowingly causing mild paint to Damon until she crossed his wrists above his elbows, in the middle of his upped back.

“It hurts doesn’t it?” Said Catherine.

“Yes...” replied Damon meekly.

“Imaging baring it for at least one hour” Said Catherine “Do you think you can?”

“I don’t know” Said Damon as he looked down.

“Too bad, you’re going to do it” Said Catherine as she got some nearby rope, letting go of Damon’s arms. Damon started to feel the rope being wrapped around his wrists to hold his arms in that painful position, and something within him told him that he couldn’t allow that.
With a rush of adrenaline Damon ran towards the stairs that lead outside, Chloe was tied up and he was confident that he was faster than Catherine so nobody would stop him. But much to Damon’s demise once he got o the trapdoor he found out that it was locked, he was trapped in the basement, trapped with his sadistic and now angry stepmother.

“Do you have any idea of what you have just done?” Asked Catherine.

“Catherine please, please don’t do this me” Pleaded Damon as he fell the steps of the stairs.

“You’ve failed me too much for me to take your pleads seriously” Said Catherine as she menacingly walked towards Damon.

“At least let me go for now” Damon continued to plead “I swear I’ll let you do this to me later, just...”

Catherine covered Damon’s mouth with her hand, suddenly interrupting him.

“I appreciate you being so submissive but still, your punishment will only become worse because of what you did now” Said Catherine.

Then Catherine dragged Damon from his arm to the center of the room and violently pushed him to the floor. Before Damon could stand up Catherine sat on top of him and pulled his hands behind his back.

“Since you’re so afraid of me putting you on a reverse prayer I’ll tie your hands like I always do” Said Catherine as she did as she said and tied Damon’s hands crossed behind his back “But don’t be mistaken, this isn’t kindnes”

Catherine forced Damon to stand up, now with his hands behind his back and at the mercy of her angry stepmother Damon was extremely afraid of what she was going to do with him.

Catherine grabbed Damon’s right ankle and started to tie it to something, Damon was able to see what she was tying it to. Apparently there was a convenient hook on the floor, it seemed like it wasn’t the first time Catherine did this.

“My idea was to put you on an easy position and then get to the hard stuff” Said Catherine as she pulled Damon’s left ankle away from his right one which was already tied “But it seems you’re anxious about getting to the hard stuff so I’ll do you the favour”

Catherine finished tying Damon’s left ankle to another hook and then started to wrap rope around Damon’s chest to pin his arms to his chest Damon made a soft moan after Catherine tightened the rope around his chest, which Damon considered much more tight than it was necessary. Then she wrapped rope around his waist to pin his bound wrist to his lower back.

“I’m not done yet” Said Catherine as she saw Damon begin to struggle “So stay still” She continued as she grabbed even more rope.
One of the ropes she grabbed was tied to Damon’s chest binding and after being attatched she started to pull it down. Damon would’ve liked resists but even if he did, as tied up as he was he would get nothing apart of a slap from Catherine, so he just left himself be dragged by Catherine. Then the rope was tied to another hook in the floor that was in front of Damon, forcing him to uncomfortably bow forward.
“What is this?” Asked Damon as he started to feel the strain in his muscles “Some kind of torture?”

“Yes” Replied Catherine coldly “And it gets even better”

Catherine then moved behind Damon, she caressed his butt, making him struggle futilely.

“Stay still” Ordered Catherine as she slapped Damon’s butt in response.

Damon obeyed.

The next thing Damon felt was rope being tied to his wrist restraints, he could only wonder what wicked purpose Catherine had planned for it. Catherine pulled the rope upwards and tied it to something, probably a ceiling beam but Damon wasn’t able to look upwards enough to see it.

Once Catherine finished tying the rope Damon understood what this torture was about. The rope biding his chest to the floor prevented him from standing upright while the rope that tied his hands to the ceiling prevented him from sitting down, that way he was forced to stand in such uncomfortable position until freed, and something told him that that wouldn’t happen anytime soon.

“Please, please” Damon pleaded as he started to feel the pain in his muscles.

“Don’t worry Damon, just one little detail and I’ll leave” Said Catherine as she grabbed something out of Damon’s field of vision. Then she stood before Damon and bowed forward to show him what it was. It was a ballgag, a red ball with black leather straps.

“Do you know what this is Damon?” Asked Catherine.

“A ballgag...” Said Damon awkwardly.

“Good to see you know” Said Catherine “I assume my daughter taught you about them”

Damon nodded in response, Catherine’s assumption was right.

“Open up Damon” Ordered Catherine.

As soon as Damon opened his mouth Catherine violently shoved the ball in his mouth, getting a muffled moan from Damon. Then she strapped the gag behind his head over his hair painfully tightly.

“If this makes you angry Damon, know this” Said Catherine as she looked at Damon in the eyes “You brought this upon yourself, you are the only one to blame for this”

“Mpghhh” Moaned Damon sadly.

The last thing Damon saw before the room went dark were Catheirne’s legs as she walked away from him and left the room. He couldn’t believe the predicament he was in, and he didn’t know how he would make it through it.
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Post by Red86 »

And just like that Catherine ends Damon's little dom exploration (well probably more a little revenge or getting even then dom exploration) and gives him his punishment. I do not think I'd be able to handle that position long. Then again, I'm more likely to put someone in that position then to be on the receiving end :) . I feel bad for him, he seems destined for submission. Hopefully she doesn't leave him like that to long.

Great chapter. Leaving me on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happens :)

Post by Taperino »

Fell in love with this story like not many other bondage tales. Can't wait to see what other stuff Catherine has in store for poor Danon but also would love to see Emily again.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 13: The Punishments begin

“Mpgh!” Damon moaned like it would have done something for his poor situation.

It had almost been half an hour, not that he knew it, and the pain was already unbearable. Damon had been drooling due to the ballgag, which was making his jaw ache, the whole time which had left his mouth dry and made a small pool fo salive just under his mouth. His back was killing him, he wanted to stand up, to sit down, whatever would eased the pain but the tying was smart, Catherine really wanted him to suffer.

Needless to say he was already regretting trying to escape from Catherine, he didn’t knew hwy he kept doing it, every time he tried had ended poorly for him yet he kept trying for some reason he didn’t knew.

Damon was about to break down when he head the sound of the trapdoor opening, followed by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. The sound wasn’t at all comforting, especially when he saw Catherine’s legsas he raised his head, but at least it could mean something.
“How are you doing Damon?” Asked Catherine.

“Mpghh” Damon made a muffled plead.

“It hurts doesn’t it?” Asked Catherine “The agony you’re in surely is making you regret your dumb decisions”

“Mpgh!” Damon tried to say yes, but it was unintelligible.

“Oh, let me clean this” Said Catherine as she grabbed a handkerchief and started to clean the salive from Damon’s face “So disgusting, don’t you know that it is on poor taste to drool like that?”

“Mph”” Was Damon’s way to say “What do you expect me to do!?” but at this point he doubted that he would be able to show such defiance to his stepmother.

“You must be asking yourself when this is going to stop” Said Catherine “Thankfully to you, it’ll be over in just a bit”

Damon was pleased to hear Catherine, he was to distracted coping with the pain to care about the implications.

“Sadly for you, there’s something I need to do before” Said Catherine as she moved behind Damon.

Damon tried to look back but soon enough realized that he couldn’t. Whatever Catherine wanted to do with him couldn’t be good.

“Do you know what happens to boys that don’t behave Damon?” Asked Catherine.

Damon shook his head, he was afraid of what the response because Catherine was clearly talking about him.

“They get spanked” Said Catherine as she spanked Damon’s ass, making a loud sound in the process.

Before Damon could ask himself if she was really going to do this or plead for her not to do it he was already trying to struggle against the ropes that held him so vulnerably at Catherine’s punishment, but unsurprisingly his struggles had no effect on the ropes.

“Oh don’t struggle Damon” Scolded Catherine “You’re a man already, take the pain like one”

Damon tried to obey and do as told but it was hard. Catherine had no mercy for him and even when he nearly started to cry because of the accumulated pain she didn’t stopped.

But when Catherine stopped it felt too good for Damon, the pain she was able to induce almost made him forget the pain caused from the position he was in. Yet when the pain from the spanks started to wear out he started to again be encumbered by the pain caused by his restraints.

“Did you learned your lesson Damon?” Asked Catherine.

Damon nodded frantically in response, and he wasn’t lying, if missbehaving meant this he would never try it again.
“Good, that was your first punishment” Said Catherine.

First? First of how many? Were questions that popped up in Damon’s head immediately after he heard Catherine’s announcement. Then he remembered that he had three things Catherine wanted to punish him for, trying to escape last night, failing to escape the challenge she gave him and trying to escape her now. He could only wonder which of those reasons was this punishment for and what could be the punishment for the other two.

“I have some explaining to do to you because you must have a lot of questions” Said Catherine as she stroked Damon’s hair “I’ll answer them, but as much as I’d love to keep you in that position I’ll have to get you on a more comfortable one, otherwise the pain wont let you pay attention to me”

At last Damon received some pleasing news, he didn’t cared about the implications, at this point there was little he wouldn’t do to get out of the position he was in.

“To do that I’ll get you untied, but I trust my ropework has left you with now strength to fight me at all” Said Catherine
Once untied Catherine was able to move him effortlessly, like she expected, after half an hour of Damon being tied up like that Damon had no will no strength to fight her.

“You wont speak if I remove this won’t you?” Asked Catherine as she grabbed the ballgag by the straps.
Damon shook his head.

“I supposed, but Its good to see you show such submission anyway” Said Catherine as she unstrapped the gag “Those things are really harsh on your jaw and I really don’t want to hurt you”

Catherine sat Damon on a chair and tied him to it. His hands were tied together behind the back of the chair and his legs tied together but unlike she usually did she didn’t tied Damon’s ankles to his hands, she conformed with just tying his legs together. To bind him to the chair Catheirne tied his chest to the back of the chair and his lap to the seat, big details that made the chairtie inescapable for the tired Damon.
.Catherine sat on another chair, a much more comfortable one, and began her talk to Damon.

“Like I said I wanted to get you like that on the first place, but because you tried to escape I was forced to give you that extra punishment” Said Catherine as she leaned back on the chair “As much as I like to punish you I didn’t wanted you to suffer this much, but you left me no choice”

Catherine went silent for a bit, she looked at Damon intensely, like she was hoping for him to snap at her and get another excuse to punish him. But Damon was able to contain himself and keep quiet, a gesture Catherine smiled at.

“Your next punishment will be due in half an hour, for now you can rest like that” Said Catherine “Since you behaved kind of good I took some measures to make you more comfortable, for example I didn't tied your legs to your hands like I usually do because I know that your legs hurt enough already and I’m even considering leaving you ungagged”

Even if this wasn’t what one would call kind, this was certainly kind coming from Catherine, that after all she had done to Damon she took those details in account was surely something.

“Anything you want to say to me Damon?” Asked Catherine.

“Thank you...” Said Damon awkwardly. It was ashaming to thank his captor like he had Stockholm syndrome yet he felt like it was appropriate, plus, it may make Catherine reconsider some of her punishments.

“Good boy” Said Catherine as she leaned forward to stroke Damon’s hair.

Damon remained silent as Catherine rose from the chair, ready to leave the basement, but she made one brief stop before leaving.
“Chloe will come to give you water in a few minutes, she needs to get untied before” Said Catherine, it seemed like she was trying to be funny yet her words filled Damon with fear “Don’t worry, I explicitly asked her to behave with you, and if she doesn’t... well, just tell me and you know what will happen to her”

That was at least somewhat calming to Damon. He had already seen how Chloe acted towards her mother and that told him that he shouldn’t worry that much about her coming. Yet he would prefer no te be tied up at the mercy of Chloe anyways, but he didn’t had a choice.
After a few minutes that like all lapse of time felt longer to Damon because he was tied up, the trapdoor opened and Chloe came down the stairs with a bottle of water.

“Hi there” Said Chloe as she finished coming down the stairs.

“Hi” Said Damon awkwardly.

“Mom told me that you must be thirsty, I assume you’re behaving pretty well if she’s being so caring” Said Chloe as she sat on the chair Catherine had left in front of Damon.

“I guess so” Said Damon awkwardly “Are you going to give me the water?”

Chloe helped Damon to drink and while she did she took the time to inspect him. Clearly her mother hadn’t gone as hard on him as she usually did but he was tied up anyway, and he looked great while tied up. The only thing that angered Chloe a bit was that as helpless as Damon was she couldn’t do anything with him, her mother wouldn’t allow it.

“So, Damon” Said Chloe as she crossed her legs “How about we have some stepbrother to stepsister conversation”

“Sure...” Replied Damon a bit confused by the proposal.

“Like you surely know you made me extremely angry when you had to punish me” Said Chloe.

Damon was staring to get afraid of what this conversation could lead up to, so he remained quiet.

“Don’t worry I wont do anything to you, at least now” Continued Chloe “All I wanted to say is that as embarrassing as it is to say I think I learned a thing or two from that experience”

“What?” Damon couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Yup, I think I kinda know how bad you feel when I do those things to you” Said Chloe “That doesn’t mean I wont tie you up and torture when I have the chance, but I think we can both agree to some things whenever one of us is at the mercy of the other”

“Like what? I didn’t do anything that you didn’t do to me!” Said Damon, a bit angry at the approach Chloe was having, she was talking abut the issue like both of them had been tied up by each other equally, which wasn’t at all true.

“Watch your tone Damon, you’re still the one tied up here” Said Chloe “But anyway, I think I’ll tone down the humiliation a bit and will try my best not to hurt you, I expect you t do the same”

“You’re saying it like I have tied you up a lot of times” Recriminated Damon “But it’s fine for me so whatever”

“Knowing my mother and myself, you’re probably going to get more chances to tie me up than I’d like to” Said Chloe.

“Then I guess I’ll be kind to you if the time comes” Said Damon.

“No, not kind, just have some sensibility” Said Chloe “Anyway, I’ll leave now, I have more important things to do than talking to my tied up stepbrother”

Chloe left the room and Damon was left alone again. Damon could only wait for his next punishment. He couldn’t only wonder what it would be, but he would rather never find out.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red86 »

So Catherine only made him stand (if you wanna call it standing :lol: ) there for half an hour but dropped the comment he still has two punishments to go, poor Damon :twisted: . Chloe's change of tone is a bit of a surprise. I guess they may have a better and more civil step sibling relationship after all.

I still like how this story progressing! But stop leaving me on cliffhangers :lol: , just kidding. Actually you're pace on posting chapters is pretty good!!
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 14: Mid Air

Damon awaited his next punishment calmly, there was nothing he could do to prevent it so he would rather await it calmly and enjoy being tied not so strictly. Never had he thought that he could be so calm while tied up, although calm may be an exaggeration he was definitely not quite suffering in his predicament.

But no matter how tame his bindings were there was still a lingering threat in the horizon, and it was that he had still two punishments left, and if those happened to be like his first one he didn’t knew how he would stand them.

And faster than he expected, Damon’s relative peace was ended by Catherine, entering the room and looking at him as smugly and sadistically as ever, a look he already feared.

“Hi Damon” Said Catherine as she stroked Damon’s hair “Ready for your next punishment?”

What was he supposed to reply? Of course he wasn’t ready, nobody can be ready for something like that. Damon had already learned that if he wanted the best for himself he should remain quiet when he didn’t knew what to reply to Catherine, and so he did.

“I’ll take that as a yes” Catherine replied to Damon’s silence “Not like it would have mattered if you said no, If anything that would have made your punishment worse”

Damon was relieved to know that his silence had at least saved him from something.

“You’re probably wondering what it will be this time” Said Catherine as she walked around Damon “How painful, how uncomfortable and how illuminating will it be”

This build up to whatever the punishment will be only made Damon fear it more than he already did.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find out” Said Catherine before she started to untie Damon.

Damon didn’t tried anything this time, after seeing how bad resisting had turned out for him that last time he tried he decided that it would be much better to remain still even after Catherine had untied him, he didn’t even rubbed his sore wrists that had been in ropes for hours already.

Catherine ordered Damon to stand up and so he did, the she stood behind him, close enough to him to make him uncomfortable. Then she grabbed his arms, Damon knew what was coming next.

“I know this will hurt a bit but I trust you to remain still” Said Catherine as she grabbed Damon’s arms.

Of course that scared Damon but he did as Catherine trusted him to do and remained still as Catherine crossed his arms behind his back. But unlike she usually did, this time Catherine crossed his arms above elbow height in a way that, like Catherine said, would make it painful after not so long. After putting his arms in that position Catherine tied them together.

After being done with his arms Catherine moved her focus to his chest, she started to encircle it with rope two times, to pin his arms at elbow and shoulder height to his chest.

Then followed his legs, as Catherine tied his thighs, knees and ankles he couldn’t help but wonder in fear of what was the end goal of al of this, she had tied him up before, not like this but apart of the semi reverse prayers his arms were in this wasn’t anything extraordinary for her. But rather than calming him this only scared Damon, it scared him because it could only mean that thaere was something more to it.
“Lay on the floor for me Damon” Ordered Catherine.

With some effort due to his restraints Damon did as his stepmother ordered him and laid face down on the floor.

“I know you can’t see much from down there but I’d like to add a small detail” Said Catherine as she sat atop Damon.

The next thing Damon saw was his world being plunged into darkness, Catherine had just blindfolded him with a piece of soft, black tissue. Now Damon was not only immobilized but also blinded, what was it that Catherine didn’t wanted him to see? He could only wonder.

Blinded as he was Damon could barely feel the ropes that were being tied to his restraints, but that didn’t gave him a clue of what Catherine was doing, so he kept wondering as his mind filled with fear of what this could be.

“And now one detail before I show you what this punishment is going to be” Said Catherine before putting something against Damon’s mouth, something that he couldn’t see “Open up”

It was the ballgag she had used on him for his first punishment, why did she need to gag him? Was she expecting him to scream? His mind was rushing with possible tortures but he would get his response sooner tha he thought.

Damon felt his body being pulled up, suddenly all of his restraints were holding him against gravity, he was being hanged, although suspended would be a much better term for her didn’t even felt his feet touch the ground. He felt the pull from gravity at his chest, ankle and thigh restraints. Damon wanted to panic but he couldn’t while under the gaze of Catherine, but he couldn’t help but let some muffled moans escape his gagged mouth.

Then Damon heard some footsteps and then his blindfold was taken off. The first thing he saw was the floor which of course scared him, it looked like he was about to fall.

“Shh Damon, this is only starting” Said Catherine as she gently grabbed Damon’s face “Now if you promise me to behave I’ll ungag you for a bit”

“Mpgh” Replied Damon as he nodded.

“Good boy” Said Catherine as she unstrapped the gag and took it out of Damon’s mouth.

“Tell me Damon, is it the first time you’ve been tied up like this before?” Asked Catherine.

Damon had to look forward to see Catherine in the eyes, he was suspended at her height which considering that Catherine was anything but short meant that he was suspended at a considerable height.

“No...” Was Damon’s awkward reply, he had never even thought that tying someone like this was possible, at least he was sure that Chloe wasn’t able to do this.

“Then tell me Damon, how does it feel?” Asked Catherine.

Damon though about an answer, as good as it was to remain quiet before Catherine he also knew that when she wanted an answer it was better to give it to her, otherwise she seemed like the type to get the answer out of him not much different than her daughter.

“Weird, I’m completely immobile and I’m even afraid to struggle” Replied Damon as he looked down.

“And what if I gave you a reason to struggle?” Asked Catherine.

“Uh?” Damon quickly voiced his fear.

“Don’t worry, I wont do anything to you” Said Catherine as she looked aside “Yet...”

Damon gulped, although he knew that Catherine wouldn’t be kind to him the reaffirmation by Catherine made him more afraid than he already was.

“Anyway Damon, you’ll have to bare this position for a while before I come back to punish you” Said Catherine “But before I go I want to enhance your experience just a bit” She continued as she lifted the blindfold in one hand and the ballgag in the other.

Damon sighed, he should have expected that during a punishment Catherine wouldn’t be so kind to leave him ungagged.

“They say that being suspended while gagged and blindfolded is a whole new sensation” Said Catherine as she covered Damon’s eyes with the silky cloth “I’d like you to tell me how it feels when you can talk again”

“Mpgh” Damon moaned lowly as Catherine tightened the straps of the ballgag behind Damon’s head.

“Have fun” Said Catherine after leaving the room, although it wasn’t like Damon could see her.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great bondage story.
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