Absolutely no monsters. Or ghosts. Promise. (mmf/f+)

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Post by RopeBunny »

And we're still not finished ;) :lol:

Honestly, what I said before still stands. I'm really enjoying this character set, but the current chapter run (Sammie's revenge feat more Wendy and the boys) is done.

I'm currently writing up a new story, so this one might be taking a break. But I'll come back to it when time and/or new ideas allow.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Another stunning story!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

019. Friday. (half term week)

I don't see anyone Wednesday or Thursday, the events of Tuesday: Sammie's botched kidnapping, changed everything.

Sammie herself is like a ghost, unreachable by any and all means, except maybe her actual front door. And I'm not going around there anytime soon. Having walked back downstairs, on Tuesday, feeling a mixture of guilt and confusion over my kiss, the sudden strong onset of feelings I'd experienced towards Wendy as she kissed me back, our bodies pressed together in those brief moments, I was greeted by Jodie, my now no longer girlfriend, kissing our rescuer Jake. Sammie's brother. Who Jodie does have history with, but, well, I just didn't expect she'd move on from what we had that fast. Or that easily. I guess you can never underestimate crazy.

And, I'm not mad, at him or her. We all shared a taxi, and a four seat table on the train home, together. I sat with Sammie opposite the two new lovebirds, watching them whisper and cuddle, and giggle. I talked when conversation required, and smiled prehaps more then that. I wasn't mad. I was confused.

I guess I still am.

So I can't go to Sammie's, because Jodie will be there. Is she there every day? Maybe. Will she definitely be there at the exact moment, even if it's half one on a Thursday morning, that I decide to pay Sammie a visit, you bet. And Sammie hasn't come here. Nor have I heard from Wendy. And I can't reach out to her because, well, I keep having attacks of shyness whenever I think of her. What would I say? I mean, what I want to say is 'please can I come see you on the train for a cuddle' or, even better 'just come over and let me tie you to the bed' for a cuddle, obviously. Just a cuddle with very few or no clothes on. But does she want what I want? In my more depressed moments I decide she's already forgotten me, because it was only the one hug after all.

So for two days I mope, I stay in and binge watch YouTube, people playing Mario, not having the energy to actually play it myself.

And then, on Friday, Mum more or less forces me out of the house.

"But," trying to protest as Mum waves my trainers in my face, "I'm not even dressed."
"Well." Shaking her head at my baggy tee and thong combination, a variety of which I've been wearing since Tuesday night, Mum points back at our stairs. "Go and change. And then," pointing at the door, with my shoes, "out you go."
"But," spreading my arms wide, "go where Mum."
"Just. Out." Pointing again, exerting her Mum authority. Do as I say no matter what just do it. Like that really. We have a stare off, but she's won. "Fine." I huff. "I'll go and shower," retreating towards the stairs, "and change, and do my hair, and my eyes, and...."
"Just." Half heartedly, because she's smiling now, as am I. Mum throws my trainers at me, missing by miles, but then she wasn't actually aiming for me. "Go."
"I'm gone." Backing away faster, a grin ghosting my face. Mum blows me a kiss, which I return before turning around, and climbing the remaining stairs.

The shower helps too, being clean, smelling fresh. I catch myself smiling in the mirror as I do my makeup, concentrating on my black eye flicks. And, throwing the curtains wide- for the first time since I yanked them angrily closed on Tuesday night, muttering 'I'm not angry' as I did -I discover a largely cloudless blue sky waiting for me. So I nod, feeling like I actually do, maybe, want to go out now, and dress accordingly.

Tight white jeans with small designer rips up each leg, about eight each side, level with each other, are secured with a black canvas belt, the loose end of which trails down around my crotch. Up top I put on a small khaki green crop top, a tight fit across my push up bra covered E cups, the top is like a shrunken tee, with no cleavage visible up top, but the top is short to the point it only just covers my breasts. The bottoms of my bra cups, white and grey, are clearly visible, even more so if I raise my arms. The word 'Endless' is slashed in white, like graffiti, across my chest. On my feet are blue and white Adidas, and I leave my black hair loose, after brushing and drying it of course, allowing it to tumble and curl down around my shoulders.

"Take a coat." Mum frowns, as I collect my house key from the kitchen counter. "No thanks," shaking my head, "it's a lovely day out."
"You've got to wear something."
"I do?" Looking down at myself. "Why?"
"Honestly Layla," shaking her head as I smile, unable to keep up the pretense that I don't know exactly what she's upset about, "I can see everything."
"I know." Raising my arms on purpose, revealing even more, making the bottoms of my bra clad E cups visible. "Layla." Shocked, hand over her mouth. "A coat, please."
"Sorry Mum," already letting the door close behind me, "too late."

She isn't mad though. She despairs of me and my constant need to push against her rules, my apparent enjoyment at displaying far more of myself then is decent in a constant parade of tight clothes and plunging necklines. But she loves me, as I do her.

Turning at the back gate, I flash her a smile, she waves, and off I go.

With no clue where to go, I soon find that my subconscious has taken over, bringing me to the woods close by my house, the same woodland I usually jog through at this time of day, if I don't have school.

This particular woodland area is roughly square, part of an actual ancient woodland, though obviously the current trees aren't that old. But this is a small part of what was, so they say, a huge woodland in the time of knights and castles. And, I'd like to think anyway, dragons. Usually, I jog from my house, enter the woodland and do two circuits of the marked out outer trail, then jog home. Before he died Dad helped me plan the route out. It's exactly 10K from my garden to my garden, give or take some hundred metres. There's a lake in the middle, accessible by more paths branching off my jogging route. A favoured spot for getting high, or drunk, in the evenings, for all the times I'm here I never really see it. Having come back to myself now, having found myself in the woods, I shrug, and decide to go take a look. There's a nice jetty leading out off a small sandy beach, someplace I can stand, surrounded by water and out in the sun. Someplace peaceful maybe, I think, smiling, changing course at the next branch in the path, heading in.

I hear Sammie before I see her. Someone approaching from behind, at speed. As a jogger myself I know how annoying it can be to overtake, so, slowing, moving to the side, I half turn to see. "Bestie?"
"Hey." Out of breath, Sammie drops to a walk now I've stopped, giving her a surprised up and down once over. "You're." I look around the woods. "Here?"
"I am."
"Hold on," dropping down to hunker on bent legs, arms resting on knees, grabbing water from her grey messenger bag she swigs back half the bottle in one go, Sammie huffs in and out, "give me a moment." She flashes me a smile. "And I'll explain."

"I've been here three days now," holding up fingers, "waiting on you."
"You have?" I look around. "Why?"
"Because these are your jogging woods silly." Shaking her head. She looks dressed to join in too, though I doubt she was waiting here for that specific reason. Sammie, a curvy fourteen to my skinny yet toned eight, has never been a runner, despite my repeated attempts to get her out here some mornings. She's currently wearing black gym shorts, the shiny spandex kind with no leg, and a bright red vest top that hugs her B cup chest. Over the top of this is a grey hoodie, worn unzipped, with her marching bands name and logo on the back. White trainers, Nike I think, are on her feet.

"You've been waiting every morning, to...." I shrug, "jog with me?"
"No silly." Shaking her head. "I've been waiting to kidnap you."
"Really?" I exclaim, as my heart does a little flutter of excitement, and my belly suddenly develops butterflies. I look at her bag. "Then...."
"Yep." Tapping it with her hand, having stood back up. "Full of rope."
"Figured I'd try again, you know," she shrugs, not saying what we're both currently thinking. Tuesday, Jodie, now with Jake. The whole mess including her being tied up, again. But then she shakes her head. "Surely I can tie you up one time without winding up tied myself."
"Doubt it." I laugh, she smiles. "Why didn't you just call?"
"And what," she half smiles, "ask you if I could come over and tie you up?"
"Sure." Nodding. I grin despite my nerves at what's now about to happen to me, suddenly and unexpectedly. "You must at least half know I'd say yes?"
"Kinda." Nodding. "I just really wanted to do the whole sneak up thing."
"And this is sneaking up?"
"No." Shaking her head. "I've walked the circle every day, at this time, haven't seen you."
"I. Um," shaking my head, "haven't been out."
"Figures." A brief grimace, showing she understands it isn't easy for me to simply move on as Jodie seems to of done. "Anyway." Pointing back down the path, to the split just visible. "Today, finally saw you. But you peeled off here as I was coming around the last bend. I had to run."
"Yes." Smirking. "I saw that, didn't look like running."
"Hey," giving me a playful shove, "fuck you."
"Just tie me up instead." I push her back, laughing. Sammie joins in. "Anyway," as we calm down, "what was your grand plan for this kidnap that won't possibly go wrong?"
"Thought I'd tie you to a tree for starters." Sammie pats the nearest trunk, winking. "Maybe take a photo or ten."
"Okay." I look around, thinking if nothing else that this this will take my mind off Jodie and everything for awhile. "Which one?"

The perfect tree is, apparently, one just ahead, on the next bend in the path. A thin, but not too thin to snap, trunked fairly straight white birch, it's bark peeling slightly like layered paper. "You can keep your clothes on." Sammy informs me casually, putting her bag down on the floor, opening up the velcro top flap, pulling out some rope and a thin green woolen scarf. "As if it's even your choice," I scoff, shaking my head at her cockiness, "of course I'm keeping them on."
"Hey." Coming to stand in front of me, rope in hand. "I could always tie your wrists, and then simply pull these jeans off you."
"Oh." I look down, then back at Sammie. "Shit." I giggle. "Hadn't thought of that."
"No." Sammie grins. "Want to get tied up then?" Winking, giving my jeans a tug. "See whether I take them off you or not?"
"Sure." Feeling all lumpy with excitement, and more then a little turned on, at the revelation that I could soon be, sort of, half naked, I back up against the tree, and let my bestie get to work.

Coming around behind me, behind the tree, which involves some cursing as Sammie's forced to wade through some tall bracken, within which a couple of uncovered leg cutting brambles are hiding, she takes hold of my wrists, and begins the process of immobilising me in place. My wrists are tied together, not crossed, on the other side of the trunk from my body, then tied off to the trunk, because, you know, tying a part of me on the other side of a tree to the rest of me clearly won't stop me running. Knots are yanked tight each time, jerking my body, making my buzz grow as I feel my wrists held in place, proof of my already partial helplessness. Next are my elbows, tied the same as my wrists, behind the trunk, which pushes my chest out quite noticeably, and manages to lift my top so that the bottom inch or so of my breasts is now clearly visible.

Coming back around in front of me, Sammy begins loosening my belt. "At this point," she tells me as she works at getting my trousers off, "you'd be mad if I didn't remove them."
"No." I lie, all the while feeling the thrill of being stripped, supposedly against my will, and outdoors too. Sammie just laughs, pulling my tight jeans off first one leg, which I handily raise up so she can remove the balled up leg from my foot, then the other. "There." Grinning at me. "Now I just need to...." And then she's grinning, bending down for a closer look. "Is that a My Little Pony?"
"What?" I squirm, blushing red with embarrassment as Sammie pokes at my pants, just below the waistband. "Well well," standing back up, "and I thought my Princess thing was childish."

My pants, which I'd put on post shower but pre curtains, whilst my brain was still mostly in mope and be sad mode. Comfort mode. Certainly not 'hey let's get tied up and stripped' mode. My Little Pony is indeed a hold over from younger days, and of course I own pants, because parents love to indulge their kids current obsessions by buying anything and everything that even features a picture. In this case it's Rainbow Dash, the blue pony with the rainbow mark. The speedster. Looking down, straining forwards to peer over my breasts, I can just about see the simple white cotton with blue pony front and centre design. What a weird twist of fate that, having languished in obscurity in my drawer, it should be today that my questing hand randomly pulls them out.

"What," teasing me, "no excuses?"
"Not one." Shaking my head, grinning now that the initial reveal has passed. "Rainbow Dash is cool."
"Damn right," nodding, "kick Ariel's butt anyway."
"Hey," reaching forwards, tickling my stomach on the sides, a known weak spot, making me flinch and bring up one leg, trying to fend her attack off all whilst giggling, "watch it you."
"Okay." Laughing. "Okay." I catch my breath as Sammy finally relents, and hunkers down to tie my now naked, because she took my shoes and socks too, everything going into her bag, legs.

My ankles are tied together, pressed up against and then tied to, the trunk, as are my upper legs just above the knee. "And now just the gag." Sammie declares, standing back up. "Wanting me properly helpless huh?" I nod, seeing her knot the scarf twice in the middle, making a ball shape that'll keep me mostly quiet. "Yep," shrugging, jamming the scarf into my open mouth, leaning in close as she knots it tightly behind my head, "though honestly, bestie." Stepping back, giving me an amused smile. "I'm not actually sure what I want to do with you next."
"Mmff?" I exclaim. Because, since I'm tied up, semi naked now, in an actual public place, I had thought Sammie would've put a little more thought into all of this.

And then Sammie's phone rings.

"Hold on." Holding up a hand at me as though we'd actually been having a proper conversation, turning to her bag, digging around inside it. "Come on," digging deeper, "ah ha." Pulling out her phone, stabbing the screen quickly lest she miss the call. "Yes." Sammie stands. "Huh? What?" She holds the phone away from her head, frowns at the screen, then puts it back to her ear. "Hold on." Near shouting as she scoops up her bag, her bag with my keys and phone, not to mention my jeans and shoes, shoulders it. "I can't hear you," still shouting, "hold on." Without even looking at me, clearly so distracted by the call that she's temporarily forgotten I'm here, Sammie jogs quickly- for her -back down the path, in the direction of the woodlands edge and a potentially better signal.

I watch her go, unable to shout after her, or to follow. I'm shocked, too shocked to of shouted anyway if I'm honest. My actual best friend just abandoned me tied up and gagged, wearing nothing but white pants and a very small top no less, in the middle of the woods.

Is it wrong, or bad, I wonder, that instead of being mad what I'm feeling is a kind of nervous tingling excitement, both in my cute little pants, and deep in my exposed flat belly.
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Post by RopeBunny »

020. Friday. (half term week)

"Yes." I frown, standing back up. "Huh? What?" I ask the burst of static I just heard. Holding the phone away from me, so I can see the lit up screen display, it's Jake calling. Jake my brother. "Hold on." I shout into the phone, grabbing my bag one handed, looking up, spotting the path out, the path to a better signal. "I can't hear you, hold on." I shout again, not waiting for whatever static filled response Jake might attempt I set off, jogging for the woodlands border, bag in hand.

Out of breath, panting, with Jake talking steadily more audible nonsense in my ear the closer I get to the woodlands edge, I finally slow, then stop. "Jake." Shouting more to shut him up then anything. "Just, fucking wait a moment." I cough down the line, hearing him laugh as I reach blindly into my bag, fish out and then drink the last of my water. "Right," feeling slightly better, setting off again, heading for home, "what's up brother?"
"It has to be now."
"Now?" Suddenly my stomach is all a flutter. "Now when though?"
"She'll be here in a half hour."
"Right," picking up the pace, I'll just have to have a second shower later. "I'll be home in ten."
"Hurry Sis." I can hear the smile in his voice. "I'm coming," I go faster still, nearly jogging, "fucks sake." Jake laughs, I hang up, narrow my eyes, as though I can actually see home, and focus on my breathing.

"Are you sure?" Twelve minutes later, I checked, stood at the kitchen counter downing a second glass of water, bag and hoodie dumped on a peg just inside the door, shoes kicked off into the pile with all the others. I frown at Jake, leaning across from me. "Because, you know. I appreciate the chance, the opening, but," a shrug, "I don't want it if it messes you up."
"Nah." Waving my comment away "It won't last anyway, girl changes her mind like the wind." He pauses, grinning at something private. "Crazy too." I see him think, then shrug, grin again. "Might even be she won't be mad. Might even be she finds it funny."
"Shame on Layla though." I feel the need to say, my besties name nagging at me for some reason. I brush it aside. "Getting dumped for a two day fling."
"Three days." Holding up fingers, "maybe more yet?" He winks. I flick water at him. "You know what I mean Jake."
"Yeah." Grimacing. "I'll have to talk with her somewhen, find a way to apologise."
"Good." Nodding. "Well," levering myself up off the counter, "shall we?"
"Sure." Nodding, I head upstairs, whilst Jake returns to the lounge, to wait for Jodie to show up.

What I said to Layla earlier, the bestie my brain has unfortunately managed to forget about, for now, stands for Jodie too. Surely I can tie the crazy blonde girl up one time without winding up tied myself instead of, or with, her. It's time I got some proper revenge, with a small assist from Jake.

I go to my room, because I have built in wardrobes, a perfect hiding spot. I worry, hiding in amongst my hanging clothes, peering quietly through the small cracks between the doors, that she won't want to come in my room, that crazy Jodie will smell the trap.

But of course, I'm wrong.

"In here?" Jodie's voice, playful, having heard muffled tones and the front door several minutes ago, followed by footsteps on the carpeted stairs, comes from right outside my room. "But," I catch a glimpse as she enters, "why not tie me up in your room again?"
"Because I want to tie you here." Jake walks passed her, and taps one of my four poster beds posts. "Won't it be fun," turning back to Jodie, pulling her close for a quick kiss, "don't you think? Playing around in my sisters room whilst she's out."
"Well." I can see Jodie look around, a grin spreading across her face. "Sure," nodding, all but pushing Jake from the room." Go get your rope and stuff."

By the time Jake returns, Jodie's naked, because of course being tied up without clothes is more fun.

"Surprise." Giggling, striking a pose as I see Jake walk into the room, dumping a bunch of rope and scarves onto my bed. "Should've known," nodding, Jake turns, running a hand over Jodie's breast, making the blonde girl close her eyes, and sigh. "Come on then," gently pushing her back against the nearest post, the one closest to my bedroom door, "let's get you tied up before you try and strip me again." Jodie pouts, but giggles, and allows herself to be manoeuvred into place. She stands still as Jake gets to work.

As per the plan, he blindfolds her first. "No peeking." Teasing, laughing as Jodie pouts, tying a thick wide scarf over her eyes, wide enough to cover most of the nose and forehead too, meaning there's no way she'll see anything. Knotting it behind her head, Jake gestures at my wardrobe, and I sneak out of hiding, quietly crossing my room to stand before Jodie, holding my breath, if she knows, then now, the next minute, is when she'll blow my plan apart.

"Wrists next." Jake tells her, as we both, me leading, walk around the side. Jake hands me a rope, even as Jodie, clearly into the game, obediently places her arms behind her, feeling for and reaching around the post, making sure her wrists are crossed together like the helpful little girl she can, I imagine, sometimes be. Whilst my brother stands beside me, trying to mask my breathing and presence with his own, and trying not to laugh, I use the rope to bind Jodie's wrists together, crossed as they already were, making sure to tie them to my bed post too.

"Gag time, open wide." Jodie opens her mouth, accepting the scarf I offer up, even though it was Jake who spoke, one knotted in the middle. The scarf is woolen, and red, not black like her blindfold. Leaning in as close as I dare, hoping I don't accidentally brush up against her, though at this point she's too helpless to stop me anyway, I yank and tie the gag onto her, hearing a muffled moan as I do, which makes me smile. That done, with Jodie now unable to actually talk to Jake, and therefore no longer needing to hear his voice, the plan appears to of worked. Turning to Jake I nod, to which he tips me an answering salute, and a grin, then leaves me to continue my revenge alone.

I finish tying her up first, taking my time though, savouring the act. Sat on the floor at Jodie's feet, binding her ankles together, fixing them to the base of the bed post, I look up and get an ants eye view of her body. The darkened slit of her pussy, mostly hidden by her closed legs, and above it, rising off her skinny chest, Jodies pert D cups, looking tall as mountains from down here, sparking the same momentary stab of jealousy I occasionally seem to feel when looking at breasts larger then my own modest B's. It isn't that I want what Jodie has, I'm happy with my lot, am even happy with not being as skinny as the blonde girl trussed before me, but sometimes I'll look, in a comic or in town, and I'll wonder what if anyway. Looking at her, seeing her body twitch and stretch, straining against the ropes as Jodie no doubt wonders what's taking Jake so long, my mind drifts of it's own accord to the times she's tied me. Twice, and on both occasions we've fought first, and both times she's bested me, slowly tying my body limb by limb, all whilst I tried to fight her off. Recalling those fights now I experience an unexpected flood of sudden want, I come very close to standing and untying her, telling her what I've done, and offering her the chance to fight me a third time. For no sane reason I, briefly, really want to be Jodie's helpless, possibly even naked, captive. The thought makes me shiver, and I decide to put it away, to change the plan slightly, to not reveal myself right now, and instead, should I decide, to confront her some other time, and let her try to best me again.

Decision made I nod, and get on with things.

The last rope I'm going to tie, also the biggest, is a chest rope. Doubling the rope up, stepping in close, I pass it around Jodie's belly, holding the ropes folded middle behind her with one hand, whilst the other passes the two ends through the fold. I feed the ends, bringing in the slack, making the loop around Jodie shrink until it's almost the same circumference as her plus the post. Before pulling this first loop tight though I shimmy it upwards, off her belly, bringing it snug up underneath her breasts. Jodie moans as I touch each breast in turn, lifting them gently, making sure the rope is correctly positioned. Then I lean in again, pass the rope around the back, and feed it through a loop in order to reverse direction. As I lean in my face comes very close to hers, close enough to hear her quickened breathing, does that mean she's enjoying this? Does she know it's my smaller breasts grazing her own, or does she still believe this to be Jakes doing? Again I have the maddest urge to reveal myself, to yank off her blindfold and stand before her, grinning. But I don't. Instead, having passed the rope back around, above the breasts this time, I feed it through the loop, then finish the tie by coming over one shoulder, down between the breasts, then back up over the other. At the back, moving around behind Jodie to see better, I tie the rope off several times in the mide, helping to hold her against the post. Keeping her a prisoner in my room, at least for now.

"Going well?" Jake teases, as I pass him on my way to the front door. "Yes thank you." I call back, but not too loudly, collecting my phone from my bag, heading back upstairs. Having just had the perfect idea.

In my room again, having felt a tingle inside as I walked through my door to be greeted by a naked squriming Jodie, luckily still tied, I smile. A light touch on her breast calms her down, tracing slow circles around her left nipple, but never touching it, and she stops squirming, moans instead, pushing her chest forwards at me, as though asking for more. I smile, and open my phones photo app.

First I take a couple dozen of Jodie, from all the angles including my earlier ants eye view. Then I take over a dozen more with both of us in the frame: stood next to her giving both a thumbs up and a cheeky flash of my own breasts. Putting one arm around her. Pretending to lick at a nipple. A close up, which does make her squirm, of me kissing the soft skin where, if she didn't clearly shave, unlike me, there would currently be tufty blonde hair sat above her pussy. I do whatever poses and angles I can think of. Then, pulling up a chair, I sit down, and simply watch her awhile. Both enjoying my victory, because look, I'm not tied. And just curious to see what Jodie will do if left alone.

Jake taps me on the shoulder, quietly, twenty minutes later. I hadn't even realised so much time had passed. Watching Jodie squirm and moan is quite memorising, especially when combined with my current latest daydream concerning what I intend doing with my new photos. Just the thought of my impending, potential, helplessness at her hands is making me quite turned on, in a nervous butterfly filled way. Turning, smiling at my brother, I nod as he gestures out the door. I stand, and follow him back downstairs.

"I'm all done." I tell Jake, putting my trainers back on, shrugging into my hoodie. "I'll head out," winking, "give the two of you some privacy."
"Aren't you going to tell her it's been you tying her up?"
"No." Grabbing my bag, refilling my water bottle. "I've," I smile, "I've got a plan for that."
"More revenge?"
"Just," I shrug, blushing slightly, "a plan."
"Do you think she'll dump you then brother?"
"Who knows." Jake shrugs, smiling. "But, she thinks it's been me," looking at me, "right?"
"And you don't want to tell her otherwise, yet?"
"So then." A shrug. "Until you do, it's fine."
"And," because he's my brother, so I have to ask, "you're still okay with my telling her the truth?"
"Even if," I swallow, "even if she winds up tying me up again?"
"Not my business." Jake laughs. "I was going to warn you on that anyway sis. If Jodie learns this was all you," he points at my wrists, currently close together whilst I hold and resealed water bottle, "then you're liable to be getting pounced on again."
"And," I need to check, for my still new plan, which I still may chicken out of anyway, "if she did tie me up, would you stop her?"
"Fuck no." Laughing, clearly finding the idea funny. I act offended, covering for the relief that, if I do decide to follow through, Jake won't get in anyone's way. "Well, honestly," making him laugh more, joining in myself, "can't even rely on family to save me."
"Nope." Smiling, shaking his head. "If you decide to poke that particular tiger sis," pointing upstairs, "then you can suffer whatever consequences Jodie decides you deserve." He winks, sending more butterflies fluttering around my belly. "Until she decides to let you go. I guess you'll be all hers."
"Right." Turning away lest my brother see I'm blushing, a dead giveaway I feel, of my plan, which is mine and private. "See you later then." I say, not turning back around. "Later sis." Jake replies, already walking away.

Smiling, I dump the water in my bag without looking, check the time, and dump my phone in too. "Huh?" The front pocket, usually empty, reserved just for my phone lest it scratch on anything else in there. My phone just hit something. Looking down I peer in the pocket, and, in slow motion it seems, pull out a phone that isn't mine. "Layla?" I frown, and then. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit." As I remember what my distracted, revenge obsessed brain, has managed to forget. Ripping open the bags velcro secured flap covered main part, I stare wide eyed and open mouthed at Layla's white jeans, neatly folded. "Shit." I rush out the door.

"Shit." Running, crossing roads without really looking, no green cross code for me today.

"Shit." Entering the woods at speed, my trainers crunching on the bark chippings covered path.

"Shit." Breathing hard, my pounding heart the only thing I can hear is I reach the fork and skid right, almost sliding onto my butt.

"Oh. Shit." Stopped. Facing the tree I tied my best friend to about ninety minutes ago. The tree that no longer has a tied girl lashed up agaisnt it's narrow trunk. How do I know it's the right tree? Because of the single length of rope, still wrapped loosely around the trunks base, almost like a taunt.

"Fuck me I am in so much trouble." I tell the tree, looking around me, wondering where Layla is now. And with who?
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Love it!!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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[mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] good to see you back :D
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Thanks - run up to Christmas has been hectic!

Good to see you’re still writing!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

021. Friday. (half term week)

Eventually, because someone has to appear, a girl comes sauntering down the path towards me, coming from outside, heading towards the lake. I'm rubbish at telling the time based on the sun's journey across the sky, and I haven't been counting or otherwise marking the passage any other way. All I do know is that this girl has beaten Sammie to me.

If Sammie's even coming?

I believe that, when she left, Sammie didn't intend to abandon me. But, what I've been pondering is the fact that having gone and left me, would she now decide that this is, in fact, the perfect kidnap tie up. Has she sent someone, or doubled back herself, to spy on me, to keep me safe without actually showing me. Does Jake have orders to come and free me in a couple of hours, or even as the sun goes down. And if that's the case I wonder just what the odds are of my still being here then? My belly flutters at the thought of being found in this state by some of the guys at school, Trevor and his crew included. What wouldn't they do to poor helpless me? Who's house might I wind up tied up in for the day as a naked, because why not strip me the rest of the way, decoration. Probably what's alarming here is that I, kind of, even want that. I don't want my pussy being felt up by a bunch of randy boys, let's be clear, but being trussed up naked, say on someone's bedroom floor, left squriming in a hogtie whilst they all play Call of Duty? Well, let's just say I've been there before, kind of. And it was fun.

But instead of Sammie, or Jake, I get this girl.

She's young, young enough to not need a bra for the bee sting A cups I can see poking at her tight yellow vest top, which she's paired with black jeans that hug her skinny legs and dirty white trainers that have the Adidas mark on them, like mine. Pale skinned with a scattering of freckles her hair is ginger, and very curly. Totally at odds with her childlike appearance is the roll up hanging from her mouth, which, as she gets closer, smells like weed.

"Hey." Stopping in front of me, holding up a hand in greeting, nodding. "Wow." She steps forwards, peering at my pants. "Hey," nodding, appearing at least partly stoned given her mellow speech tones, "Raindow Dash huh?" She looks up at me, as though waiting for a response. "Mmffph." I try to answer, she nods. "Fuck yeah." Giggling. "Hey, tied girl." Holding up her joint. "Want a toke?"
"Mfhfmmmhfff." I nod, not sure whether I actually do, but, fuck it, I could at least do with not being gagged anymore. And, this girl appearing might be some kind of cosmic sign, higher powers telling me 'here, Layla, this girl is for you, otherwise you'll be there all night.' Which would clearly drive Mum nuts with worry. So, please, ungag me.

And she does. "Cool." Nodding. "Hold on then tied girl." She steps in close, squashing her A's against my E's, reaching around behind me to unknot and remove my scarf, which she drapes around her own neck with a smile. "Here," holding the joint up to my lips, "try some," winking, "from old man Hortons own stash." She grins, though I've no idea who or what old man Horton is. But, with the joint jammed and held against my lips, all I can do is inhale.

And then cough up a load of foul tasting smoke. "Hey," smiling, taking a toke herself, "first time huh?"
"Yes." Coughing still. "Out of practice huh."
"Sure." Nodding. "Here," holding the joint out, "have another tied girl."
"No." Shaking my head, relieved she doesn't simply jam it in again. "Thanks, I'll try again some other time."
"Hey. Good plan. In fact." Grinning, she pulls a battered metal tin from her jeans back pocket, and pops it open. "Here tied girl." Pulling out a long roll up, with one end fat and twisted, the other thin and open. "For the road." She nods, tucking the joint behind my ear, replacing the tin. "Thanks." I say, not sure I even want it, but being polite anyway. "I'll have it later, when," I wriggle my bound body at her, "you know."
"Oh." Nodding. "Sure, sure. You busy right now." Looking me up and down, she suddenly points at me. "Hey."
"Hi." Blinking, because her pointed hand had come very close to tapping me on the nose. "What?"
"I know you tied girl."
"You do?"
"Sure." Nodding, reaching forwards to give my breasts a poke. "Can't forget those tits. You go to Tall Oaks right?"
"Me too." Waving a hand at my frown. "I'm year seven, no way you'd know me girl." She holds out a hand. "I'm Hayley. Oh, oops." She giggles, realising I can't shake her hand back. "Sorry."
"S'okay." Smiling. "I'm just a little tied up right now." She giggles again, taking another toke, holding the smoke in, blowing it out up into the sky. "Hey." Nodding. "Hey. Tied girl."
"Layla." Nodding. "Want to come with me?"
"Yeah." Smiling, nodding. "They'll go nuts when they see you. Fuck."
"Come on." Hayley begins walking away, then giggles five paces away, stops, and turns. "Oops." Slapping her forehead. "Need to untie you first."
"And then," grinning, "you'll come with me."
"Oh." Because it hadn't been a question, and, thinking about that cosmic shit I mentioned earlier, if this girl goes it could be a cold night for me, or Trevor next around the bend. So. "Sure." I nod, because what choice do I have. "Untie me then Hayley, and I'll come play."
"Sweet." Grinning around her joint, which she finishes, and pitches onto the ground before grinding it underneath her shoe, Hayley comes around behind me, almost tripping on the same bramble that cut Sammie's leg, and proceeds to untie me.

One of the ropes Haley stuffs into her jeans pocket, with two more draped and wrapped loosely, like a couple of weird scarves, around her neck. "Can I have that last one?" I ask, fully untied, wishing I had my jeans, or that my crop top was actually one of the baggy long tee's I favour for lazing at home. "Sure." Holding the bundled length out to me, Hayley fishes her tin out, and proceeds to spark up another joint as we talk. "What's the plan?" She asks, as I kneel down in front of the tree, tying the rope loosely around the base. "You tying that poor tree up?"
"Ha." I grin, shaking my head. "No. It's," I pause, thinking, and turn to face Hayley, "a. Um. Trick."
"A trick?"
"For my friend."
"Oh." Hayley grins. "Cool."
"It will be." Grinning back. "She kind of left me here you see."
"Oh. Shit." Hayley giggles. "Left you all helpless and stuff out here in the woods huh?"
"She did." Nodding. "And now," giving the loosely tied rope, which I hope will resemble my ankle tie, "when she does return. No friend...."
"Just rope." Nodding, taking a toke, Hayley grins. "Fuck girl, that's gunna be so funny."
"I hope so." Standing up, wiping some grass and dried mud off my knees. "Anyway." I give Hayley a half smile, not even realising that, if I ran now, this stoner would never catch a seasoned runner like me, meaning I'd be free. Nope, my brain's still in tie up mode, still thinking that nothing is up to me, that this girl, who freed me, might as well have me tied up already, even though she hasn't actually said that going with her will entail anything of the sort. I look from Hayley to the path, off towards the lake. "Shall we go?"
"Sure." Looking up at the sky. "Come on then...."
"Layla." Nodding, still looking at the sky. "Got to get you all set up before the others arrive."
"Sure." Nodding, I follow Hayley down the path. See, my brain informs me, with a smug look, told you she wanted to tie you up.

Which she does, and quite well too, for a skinny little stoner with only three lengths of rope.

Down by the lake, though not on the beach, instead maybe a third of the way around from that, is a picnic area. Here the woods open out into a clearing, around which are arrayed five wooden benches, the kind with a long wooden seat down each side, and a rectangular top made out of a half dozen planks. All the benches are stained a dark brown, and most have burn marks on the top from disposable barbecues. Directing me to one of the benches, none of which are thankfully occupied, Hayley helps me climb up ontop, at which point, because I'm not an idiot and why else ask the semi naked girl to lay atop the bench, I lay down on my back, and relax with my limbs spread roughly out. Allowing her to, basically, do as she pleases with me.

With only three lengths of rope, two of my limbs have to be bound together. Probably should've just not left Sammie a tease, but I was feeling mischievous, and it'll serve her right if and when she finally does come back. Of course I'd rather be spread like an X, but, make a choice and live with it. So. Hayley keeps my arms together, using a logic of sorts, which, I think, has nothing to do with the fact that my spread legs give an excellent view of my silly pants. Not bothering to ask, Hayley takes hold of my ankles, and drags my body down the bench, finishing up with my knees on the table tops edges, so my lower legs are hanging off. With both legs spread very wide, wide to the point that I'm close to doing the splits, making for a very exposed feeling down below, my ankles are lashed to seperate bench legs, holding my legs open. My arms are then tied above my head, wrists crossed together, lashed somewhere underneath the bench, yanked tight to keep me stretched out and flat on the wooden table top.

"Are you going to...?" I gesture at the scarf, still knotted in the middle, draped around Hayleys neck. "Going to...?" She turns around, looking behind herself, mistaking my gesture. "Gag me." I call out to Hayley, trying to regain the stoned girls attention. Huh?" Spinning back around. "Oh." Looking down at the scarf, running it through her fingers. "Um." She seems to be quite lost in the feel of the scarf. I shake my head, trying again. "Won't your friends be here soon?"
"Oh." Looking behind her, again, where three seperate pathways lead out into the picnic area. "Sure." Grinning. "And, trust me, Lola,"
"Lola." Nodding. "They, are going to love you."
"Right." Having been trying to get myself gagged, for no other reason then it'll help my buzz, I find myself curious all of a sudden. "So, um" looking at the paths myself, then down passed my right breast, where I can see my right leg stretched out wide, bare, because Sammie has my jeans, "why am I tied up here?"
"My favourite bench." Nodding, coming to sit down on one side of me, down near my left leg. Hayley completely misses my point. I shake my head. "No," smiling, "I mean. Why did you want me tied up here? With you?"
"Because of the nice view." Hayley grins, and I think she, stoned, means the lake, which our bench is the closest too, her brain not catching my meaning. But then she reaches out, her hand going up underneath my top, which from her position, with me laid down, is easy. My short top barely covered my bra when I was standing, now, laying down, it's ridden halfway up, exposing the whole bottoms of my bra covered E cups. Smiling, at my breasts not my face, Hayley strokes my bra covered nipple, making me squirm and sigh as she reaches out with her other arm, standing up, using both hands now to pull my top, but not my bra, up over my head, not asking for my permission, shimmying it along my arms until it vanishes over the edge, where it will sit puddled beyond my bound wrists.

And then she gags me.

"Told you Layla," having pulled the knotted scarf tight behind my head, making sure the middle knot is firmly in my mouth, between my jaws, Hayley has sat back down, and is idly tracing the lace design that makes up most of each bra cup, including the part over my nipples. She seems lost in the act, talking to me but not to me, oblivious to my sighs, and to the fact of my stretching my chest up off the bench, trying to prolong her teasing touch, "these tits." Giving one of them a gentle pat. "Famous at Tall Oaks they are." She nods. "Aren't many of the boys in my year who wouldn't want a feel," she giggles, looking down at her hand, giving my breast a squeeze, "if only they could just get you in the right spot huh." I moan, briefly imagining a parade of twelve year old boys walking around the corner, each one lining up to have a feel of me. It's probably a bad thing to admit I don't actually hate the idea right?

And then, though they aren't boys, and there are only three of them, Hayleys friends arrive.

For the next hour all I can do is lay on the table, like some kind of almost naked centrepiece, as the four girls talk. And smoke. And laugh. And, because my breasts are right there, pointing at the sky, more or less in two of the girls direct line of sight whenever they talk to each other, I get fondled. Lots.

I don't know it's been an hour, I'll only know how much time has passed once Sammie shows up, but, still, after around an hour of talk and smoke, mostly smoke, the girls stand up, and wander off. None of them thinks to untie me, none of them even acknowledges my presence on the bench once they've stood up. It's as though I really am just a part of the furniture. Not real. A decoration like I earlier implied. They abandon me, and, because I'm shocked they are simply leaving, but also because I really doubt all the shouting in the world would bring them back, I stay quiet, and let them go.

Eventually Sammie finds me, she manages to enter the picnic clearing before anyone else, the rope I left to taunt her dangling from one hand. Approaching the bench, looking ready to apologise, she takes one look at me and instead bursts out laughing.

I'm still in my bra and cute white pants. But my body now resembles the paper that usually sits beside the phone at home, the one everybody doodles on as they chat to a friend, or wait on hold. Several tic tac toe boards are scattered around my belly and upper legs, not all of them finished. One of the girls, Tina maybe, has drawn a treasure trail all over me, starting at one foot, using a dotted line which bends and twists all over me, with three X's of course, to mark my three buried treasures. Even I thought that one was funny when she explained it to the others. Along the way she's drawn things like a woodland, again hilariously all the trees are growing out of my pants. There's also stick figure pirates on my left breast, and a shark swimming in the lake that has my belly button at it's centre. There are other drawings, and some written nonsense in places. Someone's phone number up my right arm, written huge.

Basically, I look silly. And even I laugh, shaking my head, as I stand naked before the bathroom mirror prior to taking a shower. At least Mum was out when I got home.

Having dressed, with jeans and shoes back on, Sammie and me walked out of the woods together, then parted ways. She seemed happy, smiling the whole time. I don't think it was just me she was grinning like an idiot about either? I didn't ask though. I've no doubt if I did she'd of told me, we are best friends after all, but, I decided to let her have her secret. She'll tell me all about whatever guy had her smiling so wide soon.

At least she, finally, got her chance to tie me up without being tied herself into the bargain. And whilst an argument could be made for Hayley and the rest spoiling her fun, I personally think what happened to me, Sammie's leaving, my additional kidnapping, only adds to her victory. Especially given the state she found me in, which she now has photos of.

Now all I need to do is find the courage to message Wendy.
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Post by RopeBunny »

022. Wednesday, two weeks later.

After two sleepless nights in a row, tossing and turning, balling up my covers, on Tuesday evening I decide to just do it. Basically it's either stop being a little coward and pull the gun on the Jodie plan already, or delete the photos, and any hope I have of getting pounced on.

"Can you not be here tomorrow?" I ask Jake, leaning on his doorframe in a baggy white Donkey Kong tee and black pants, arms folded under my small breasts. "Is that okay brother?"
"Sure." Nodding, not taking his eyes off the flatscreen, his fingers continuing to dance all over the PlayStation controller in his hands. "I've been meaning to hook up with a buddy anyway." He grins. "Make a day of it. And tomorrow's perfect."
"Yes." I nod, grinning back. "Yes it is." On Wednesdays both our parents work late, very late. Which means, thanks to my helpful brother, I'll have an empty house for hours. Nobody around to interfere with what I hope will be Jodie's playtime. "Thanks," I nod, backing out of the room, "owe you one." Jake just nods, his mind already fully back in the game.

I'm halfway back to my room before I realise the other implication of my having arranged for everyone to be far away tomorrow, added to my decision not to share my plans with anyone, Layla included. The added bonus, or not, depending on your point of view, is that, once tied up by Jodie, there'll be nobody coming to my rescue. I'll be all hers, completely at the mercy of a crazy person. The thought makes me tingle, a warm fuzzy feeling of happiness, as I spend the next two hours getting everything ready.

That night I sleep like a baby.

Then wake the next morning full of worry, and nerves.

I get dressed, pulling on a tiny black thong and white mostly lace push up bra, enhancing my B cups, making them more noticeable. I wear a skirt, black and pleated, that has a half zip and buckle fastening like a belt, at the back. The skirt finishes above the knee. My quite tight, due in part to my not being skinny, white shirt is long sleeved, incase the day turns cold, and I leave the top most button undone, loosely sealing the collar with my knotted school tie. I leave my hair loose, for a change, then, with my room prepped and ready for later, I grab my grey band hoodie, one of two I own, and head downstairs. Luckily Jake is ready, waiting for me, so we leave.

"See you later then sis." Jake waves as we approach the school gates, stopping, preparing to head off to his planned rendezvous, on the way to which he'll no doubt ditch his uniform for whatever clothes he has stuffed in his bag. "See you tonight."
"Tonight," I raise my arm, walking backwards for a moment, noticing as I do that the sky still looks like anything could happen today, the full spectrum from bikini favouring heat to biblical flooding, "have fun brother."
"You too." Which makes me grin, my confidence having returned. I'm ready to do this, to bait Jodie and suffer the consequences. To spend the afternoon tied up. Something which, the first time she'd done it, I'd not enjoyed one bit. But the second time, bound up like an Egyptian Mummy with scarves, had been more fun. I guess this third time I'll know for sure, I think, feeling the buzz of the unknown, the butterflies of nervous energy when I remind myself that, hate it or love it, I'll be stuck in it until Jodie decides otherwise.

My confidence lasts through my first lesson, before taking a nosedive as I sit in French, trying and failing to focus on my work. Next up is lunch, the first of two breaks we get, and my go time. As the bell rings, and everyone around me grabs up their bags, and piles out of the classroom. I grab my doubts, burying them deep down inside me, then do what needs to be done to set my plan in motion, quickly, before I lose my nerve for about the tenth time this morning.

Jodie's never given me her number, why would she? We aren't close friends, I'm just her ex girlfriends best friend, and the sister of her current partner. But I got it out of Jakes phone anyway. I know she's in today, I glimpsed her walking the corridor, in deep conversation with another girl, both of them smiling as they walked to maths. But I also know Jodie likes to go walkabout, to simply leave school whenever she feels like it, and this break is her first chance to do so. That's why it has to be now, to catch her before she might leave.

I type out a quick text, standing at the edge of the school field, having dumped my bag, and hoodie, in my locker. I already spied Jodie in the near distance sat on the still dry grass over near the football pitches centre circle.
'Jodie. It's Sammie. Does this look familiar to you?'
I add some emoji, a winking face, and attach the image of me stood beside her, one arm around her shoulder, hand casually grasping her breast as I grin into the camera. Of course she's blindfolded, but, she'll recognise the spot, and no doubt enough of the tie given it was less then two weeks ago. I watch her, just about able to see when she reaches into her bag, pulling out her phone. I smile as she stares at the screen, then quickly type out.
'Over here.'
As she looks up I wave, already sauntering over, feeling quite proud of myself, and totally full up of nerves.

What did I just do?

"Hi." I wave. Jodie stands up, looking skinny, and cute, in black leggings and an untucked long sleeved shirt with no tie. The shirt is a tight fit, and the unbuttoned top gives a great view down into cleavage. "You?" She looks from me to her own phone. "Yes." I nod, grinning despite the butterflies. "I did."
"Fuck." She shivers, a small half smile on her lips. "I had no idea."
"Well, that was the plan."
"Secret plans huh?"
"Something like that." I shrug. "I just wanted to tie you, one time, and not be tied up myself instead."
"Hah." Grinning properly now, remembering no doubt. "Yes. You do have shit luck."
"Tell me about it." Grinning back, I tap my phone. "Not anymore though."
"Indeed." Nodding. "Well played."
"Still though," Jodie frowns, "not sure why you've spilled your secret to me?"
"I have my reasons."
"Well." Half smiling again. "Whatever they are, Sammie, I've got to warn you." Tapping her own phone. "I won't let this go unanswered."
"I'm, um," I blush, "that's kind of the point."
"Well." Blushing again. "I showed you because I want you to answer."
"You want me to...." Looking from me to her phone. "Oh."
"Quite." I try on a nervous smile. "I. Um." Pointing at the school, but in my mind seeing the gates, and beyond those my house. "My parents work late Wednesdays. So. We. Um...."
"So you want to take me home and see what I'll do about this?" Jodie holds the photo, on her phone, up to me. "Um." I just about manage to nod, I'm so full of nerves if I fart then butterflies will come out of my butt. Probably. "Yes."
"And what if I decide to strip you?"
"Tie you up and abandon you." Her voice is teasing. "Maybe take some photos of my own."
"Maybe," reaching forwards quickly she grabs my tie, wrapping it around her wrist, pulling my face close, "I'll invite some friends over to see you."
"Well." Working at getting my breathing under control, I swallow. "I guess." Taking her hand, which she lets me move from my tie to my right breast. "That whatever you decide, I won't be able to stop you anyway."
"Fair point." Jodie gives my breast a brief squeeze, smiling. "Good." Suddenly bending to scoop up her bag, setting off for the woods at the rear of the field. "Come on."
"Oh." Looking back towards the school, to my own bag. It'll just have to stay. "Okay." Nodding, walking after her towards the woodland at the back of the field. Which is, clearly, the wrong way. Isn't it?

Through the woods, which in five years I've never really ventured into, we come across the schools boundary fence, beyond which the trees continue. We've arrived almost at a split, to the right the fence is old wooden boards, most of them green with moss. To the left is new chain link, stretched and fixed tightly between tall concrete posts. The whole fence is almost twice my height. Jodie, in the lead, appears to be turning right, then suddenly points left, walking parallel to the fence that way instead.
"Are we lost?" I tease, when we've been walking for about a minute, still deep in the woods. "No." Jodie replies over her shoulder. "Just looking for," she stops, "ah. Here."
"What's so special about here?" Looking around, unable to see anything special. "It's just more fence."
"Here," turning to grin at me, "is where we see whether you're all talk little miss 'please tie me up.'"
"Oh." I swallow, feeling like the rabbit caught crossing the road, trapped now in the oncoming headlights of Jodie, of my still confusing want to be her rope toy. "So what are you going to do to me?"
"I'm going to tie you up." Jodie winks. "And you're going to let me."
"Yes." I nod, making a real effort not to turn and run. "Can you, um...."
"Can I?"
"Can you tie me quickly. Please." I'm all but fidgeting on the spot my body is so full of the flight reflex. "Before I run away."
"Gladly." Jodie grins, reaching into her bag, standing, pushing me backwards and following me, pinning my body in place with hers as she gets to work.

She uses cable ties, the thick black plastic kind, borrowed from where I couldn't say, to bind me to the chainlink fence. Firstly each of my arms is pinned pointing straight out horizontally, cable tied at the wrist and elbow, the ties, all of them she uses, are cinched tightly, pressing the metal fence into me. "See." Grinning, standing in front of me as I strain my body, trying and failing to pull myself forwards. "Now you can't run anyway."
"Shit that's tight." I relax back, glad I'm wearing a shirt with sleeves. "Aren't they." Jodie grins. "Got tied with them myself at the weekend."
"You did?"
"Yeah." Jodie giggles, not seeming in the least upset. "Just some guys from the foster home." A shrug. "They gave me money to buy them fags, I went to McDonald's instead."
"So they tied you up?"
"Yeah." Smiling. "Used these," flicking me gently with the half dozen she's still holding, "to tie me up in my nightie. Felt me up, then wrapped me in a blanket and tied that too." She laughs. "Carried me down into the basement, where the staff don't bother going, and left me there overnight."
"But." Shaking my head. "That's awful."
"Nah." Laughing. "It was fun." She winks. "And what I deserved really for stealing all their cash. Anyway." Dropping down onto her knees. "Let's get you finished."

My shoes, all black Adidas, stay on, whilst Jodie binds my legs spread just over shoulder width apart. A cable tie goes on each ankle, with a second above the knee. "And now," unknotting my tie, pulling it through the collar, freeing it, "just the gag to go."
"Hold on." I panic, back to being the rabbit again. "Yes?" Jodie pauses, having been about to jam the middle part into my mouth. She grins. "I do hope you aren't about to ask me to untie you?"
"No." Shaking my head, then I grimace. "I might've."
"Well then," pushing the gag into my mouth, "best I stop you huh."

Somehow Jodie manages, after pressing the school ties middle into my mouth, to wrap it behind me and pass both ends through the fence, before collecting them on the other side, and bringing the tie back around to my mouth. Here she has just enough length left to tie a tight double knot, silencing me, and pressing my head back against the chain link, holding yet more of me in place.

"And now you're tied up." Jodie smiles, stood in front of me, having replaced the unused cable ties in her bag. "Happy?"
"Mmgfp." I try to tell her, giving my body a small shake. Jodie nods. "Yes, prehaps I should see whether we're wearing matching bras."
"Fffhhhp mmmfhhg mm hhhppmmmf."
"No no." Stepping forwards. "I can manage." Unbuttoning my shirt, exposing me. "Oh dear." Shaking her head at my white bra, then undoing a couple more of her own buttons, showing me the grey and pale pink one which her breasts are filling very nicely I can't help but notice. "Shame for you." She gives me a 'what can you do' shrug. "Because, you know, the rules do say if we aren't wearing matching bras then one of us has to take theirs off."
"Mffh pphhmmfm."
"Quite." Nodding. "And might I add it's good of you to volunteer."
"Yes you did." Nodding, pulling a pair of sharp scissors from her bag. "And besides," using the blades to point vaguely back towards school, "I've got class in a minute."
"Yes." Snipping each of my straps. "And I can't very well walk around all those horny boys with no bra," she giggles, "poking them in the eye and what not."
"Ffmf mmm hhhfffmf ffhf."
"No no." Pulling my bra off, giving my now exposed breasts an appreciative nod. "I'll take care of this." Winking. "We'll call it a trophy."
"Mmhhh fhhhmp."
"Sure." Jodie tosses my bra behind her, managing to land it on her bag. "Sweet." Nodding, having glanced around to check. "Anyway. Sammie. Of course I'll cover you back up." Jodie begins to fasten my shirt back together, working from the bottom. She looks up at the sky, so full of sunshine, and giggles. "Wouldn't want you to catch a cold or anything."

She only goes halfway up though, leaving my breasts, the tops and inside curve down the front, completely on view. "There," going to kneel by her bag, stowing my now useless bra, "all better."
"Mmffpph mmf," I shake, or try to shake, my bound body at her as Jodie stands up, shouldering her bag, "fffmmhhf."
"I'll be back at lunch," waving my protests away, "then we'll go back to yours and play properly."
"Yes." Stepping in close, giving my skirt a flick at the front, smiling. "Plenty of fun later sexy Sammie."
"Mmffppp hhhfpmm mmfm."
"Just," taking a couple of steps backwards, "think of this as practice." And with a final wink Jodie turns, and begins to jog away through the woods, leaving me all alone, my insides all in turmoil as the nervous excitement of my current predicament sloshes up agaisnt an equal amount of nervous fear at my current predicament.

Sometime later, with Jodie still not back, it begins to rain.
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Post by YugoSK »

Man, Sammie really is unlucky, right?
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Getting dizzy on who wants to be tied and who wants to tie... not complaining though.

Great work as always!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] I think everyone deserves a turn at both, right? ;)

And [mention]YugoSK[/mention] unlucky due to the rain yes, but, she did ask to be tied this time :lol:
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Post by RopeBunny »

023. Wednesday, two weeks later.

It starts raining during my third lesson, which is English. We're doing Macbeth. Actually, in my opinion, a good book. As far as Shakespeare goes anyway. Our teacher, Mr Beddows, clearly enjoying himself, cuts whatever lesson plan he had off short, and instead, apparently inspired by the sudden change in local weather, makes the class discuss why the rain suits Macbeth.

Because of the tragedy, obviously.

I don't contribute, beyond the bare minimum needed to show I'm paying attention anyway. Though in truth I'm not. My mind keeps wandering to Sammie, who I left tied up in the woods, but at least on school property. Which should guarantee her safety. I think. I'm watching the light drizzle, trying to decide whether she's under enough canopy cover to stay dry. The image of her stuck out in this rain is making me smile.

My forth lesson is History. I would, now that I've left her all alone awhile, happily go and see Sammie. But I can't disappear off school grounds except at break times. My magic back door, the loose fence panel out in the woods, is out in the woods. And the woods are across the school field, a place I've no business going in the short gap between lessons. I'm happy to come and go from here as I please, but not to be caught doing so. Getting caught would mean a grilling from both the principal, and my foster home manager, hassle I don't need. But, if I sneak away, then whilst both sides suspect me of it, neither has proof. So I sit through stuff about world war two, which at least is more interesting then what we were doing last term. The teacher helps too. Mr Cooper, a grey haired but clean shaven trim looking man, never seen without a tie, has a very blunt manner, which I find quite enjoyable. He doesn't take any stick from his students, a fact which forces me to actually pay attention lest I be caught daydreaming. All of which helps the lesson near fly by.

And then it's lunch, time to go.

Stepping out of the school building, I suddenly find myself in the middle of a monsoon. Rain and wind hits me as soon as I set foot on the playing field. The light drizzle of earlier has vanished. Having only worn a hoodie to school both my leggings and it, plus a good portion of the shirt beneath, are soaked by the time I make it into the woods. On the plus side I think, noticing how the leafy canopy isn't actually stopping much of the falling rain, at least with it being to wet nobody else was on the field, so I've managed, yet again, to slip away in secrecy.

I can't help myself, turning the corner, catching sight of Sammie, I burst out laughing. She's completely drenched. Hair plastered to her pretty face, white shirt near see-through, giving a clear view of her dark nipples. "Oh dear." Walking over, still laughing, being glared at but not caring. "Well. Hold on." I manage to unknot her school tie gag, pulling it back through the chain link fence, shoving it into my bag. "Is it too late for sorry?" I ask, grinning. "Fucks sake." Sammie blows water off her face. "I'm soaked."
"True," nodding, grinning, "but. You look really cute."
"I look like a drowned rat." But she's grinning. "Did you know it would rain?"
"Nope." I didn't. "Want to go back to yours then?"
"Fuck yes." Nodding. "I need some dry clothes."
"Well," I wink, "we'll see about whether you get clothes or not."
"Oh." Sammie blushes, there and then gone. "Well," looking up, at the still rain filled sky, "untie me then, please, and we'll talk as we walk."

"Thank fuck I live just beyond the woods." Sammie huffs, her feet squelching with every step. She hasn't bothered to fasten the top of her shirt closed. She turns to look at me, walking beside her. "So then, what's the plan?"
"No clue." I shrug. "Let's be fair, you did kinda spring all this on me with no notice."
"So," shaking my head, "the fence thing was just spur of the moment. And," looking back at her, "you're saying we've got privacy at yours?"
"Yes." Nodding, Sammie swallows. "We won't be disturbed."
"Well then. And you still want to play, with me?"
"Yes." Nodding, though she does look nervous, which is kinda cute. "Okay." I grin. "Well. Im sure I'll think of something to do with you before too long."

By the time we arrive back at Sammie's house, I've got a plan.

"Going to give you a sporting chance." I tell her, smiling, taking a sip of diet Coke. "A chance to what?" Raising her eyebrow at me, over her own can. "I'm not following?"
"Well." Putting my can down. "Let's say tying you to the fence, getting you wet, was revenge?" I shrug, Sammie nods. "Okay," nodding back, "well. What if, say?" Feeling my way through the plan even as I'm talking, having liked the main thrust of it, but not having had time yet to flesh it out. "We go upstairs, and you tie me up." I think, then grin. "But quickly. Like a," waving my arms, "fucking. Speedrun, or something."
"And then. Um." I can see Sammie's lips quirking in a small half smile, liking the idea. I smile back. "If I get free, before say ten minutes, then I'm the boss."
"The boss of what?"
"Of you."
"Oh," laughing, "of course. Silly."
"I'll get to decide what happens." I nod. "Deal?"
"Oh." Taking a moment. "Sure. But, what if you can't get free?"
"Well." Shaking my head. "What would you like to happen? I mean." Laughing myself now. "If I'm still tied up, then nothing's really my choice huh?"
"I guess not." Thinking it over. "Okay." Nodding, putting down her own can. "Come on then," heading for the door, "before I lose my nerve again."

As we walk into Sammie's room, her four poster bed sitting dead centre as always, I pull out my phone. "Right then." I find my timer app. "Five minutes to tie me up." Tapping and scrolling. "Five minutes?" Sammie looks from me to my phone, shaking her head, not getting it. "Speedrun remember." I wink, showing her the timer. "But." Looking around her. "I don't even know...."
"And. Go." I stab the screen, and toss my phone onto her bed, where we can both clearly see the digits beginning to shuttle down, already at four minutes fifty.

"Fucks sake." Sammie curses. I laugh, and then she lunges for me.

Pushing me onto her bed she yanks open a drawer of her bedside unit, and pulls out a school tie. I could make her life harder, I could fight, roll around, be a general pain. But in truth I'm laughing too much to offer up any resistance. Sammie rolls me over onto my stomach, then proceeds to bind my left ankle and left wrist together, though I've no clue why. "Three minutes." I call out, my face laying next to my phone. "Shush." Sammie jumps off the bed, and throws open her wardrobe, revealing a very cute black silk dressing gown hanging on the inside of a door. It's one of the short designs, the kind that'll only cover down to just below a girls butt. Pulling the silk sash free of the gown, she jumps back onto the bed, and ties my right limbs to mirror my left. "One minute ten." I tell her, rolling onto my side so I can see her huff back at me. Sammie looks around the room. "Where's your bag?"
"My bag?"
"Yes." Jumping off the bed, again, waving her arms around. "I need another damn tie."
"Oh." I laugh. "Downstairs."
"Shit." Looking at her door. "Fourty seconds." I tell her, earning myself a glare. "Don't you have any scarves?"
"Fucks sake." Sammie curses, yanking open the wardrobes bottom drawer, pulling out a scarf, all but leaping on me with it. She, just about, manages to wrap my elbows together, and tie some kind of knot, all whilst I gleefully count down from ten. And as my alarm sounds she collapses back onto the bed, exhaling, shaking her head.

"What, no gag?" I tease, struggling my way up the bed, trying to reach the other pillow so we can at least lay side by side. "Ran out of time." Sammie stares up at the ceiling, smiling though, still laid on her back with legs bent at the knee and feet planted on the bed. "Should've planned ahead huh?"
"Probably." I nod, still struggling. "You do know we're both getting your bed wet here right?"
"Ha." Sammie laughs, reaching down to feel her soaked skirt, looking across at me as I arrive, seeing my wet hoodie and leggings, the darker blue stain we're both creating on her light blue duvet. "Ah fuck it." Waving the issue away. "Probably time to change the sheets anyway."
"Proabably should've stripped me before you tied me." I tease, which makes her grin. "Would've needed at least eight minutes for that." Sammie decides, nodding to herself. "Eight huh?" I nod, before, with a small florish, slipping both my wrists free, and, with a slight wriggle, loosening the elbow scarf enough that it slides down my arms. I pull it off, and playfully toss it at Sammie. "Maybe I should give you ten instead? I grin. "Would that be long enough to do a proper job on me?"

"But...." Sammie sits up, holding the scarf, looking at me. "Damn it." Shaking her head. "Fine. Well, what now then?" She grins. "Another speedrun?"
"No." I grin back. "Maybe next time though."
"Time to tie me then is it?"
"Yes." Nodding. "That was the point, wasn't it?"
"It's what I wanted." Sammie swallows, looking nervous, and climbs off the bed. "Can I put some dry clothes on?"
"Sure." I nod, climbing off her bed too, going over to her window, looking out. "I'll wait."

"Very cute." I smile, as Sammie gives me a small twirl. She's wearing a dark grey thong, paired with a small red long sleeved crop top. The top is a baggy fit, which means it hangs off her slightly chubby frame, showing a hint of her breasts as it rises off her upper chest, but not every contour. The top is cut short, finishing just below her breasts.

"So, um," looking around, "where are you tying me?"
"Right here." I pat the bed post. "Figure everyone else has been tied here already." Smiling. "Must be your turn."
"Must be." Smiling back, Sammie comes over, and stands with her back agaisnt the tall wooden post of her impressive four poster bed, reaching around behind the post, holding her hands together. "Not like that." Shaking my head, smiling as she frowns at me. "Don't worry, I'll show you."
"Figured you would." Sammie drops her arms to her side, but stays put, waiting. "Hold on then." I dissappear, briefly, to Jakes room, to collect the stash of rope hidden under a pile of clothes in a draw, the rope last used, by Sammie, to bind me to the same post. "Right." Nodding, happy to see Sammie still waiting next to her bed. "Let's get this done."

Her ankles I bind together, side by side, tying them to the bedpost, helping to hold her in place. But her wrists, though I tie them side by side too, I do so in front her her. "But?" Looking down at them, then back up at me. "I don't get it?"
"Patience." Grabbing another length of rope, doubling and threading it through between her wrists. "And I'll show you." Keeping hold of the ropes ends I climb up onto the bed, forcing Sammie's bound wrists to follow me up higher, until they're raised up above her head, reaching towards the top of her bedpost. I tie them there, using the junction created by her bedpost meeting the wooden boards running around the top outer edge of the frame, keeping the whole bed rigid. I, of course, make sure to pull on the rope before tying it off, stretching her body out as I bring her arms up.

"There." Giving her exposed belly a playful tickle, since, with her arms raised, her top is pulled up too, exposing everything including the very bottoms of her small breasts. "Just a gag," I wink, "and a blindfold to go."
"Blindfold huh?" Smiling. "Because you wore one?"
"Exactly." Nodding. "Got to be fair about all this."
"Of course." Nodding back. "Carry on then."

I use scarves to blind and gag her, making sure the gag is knotted, and properly in her mouth. Then, with Sammie helpless, I have a quick play. Some more tickling, making her squirm and laugh behind the gag, making sure not to stray too often onto the exposed bottoms of her breasts, because, unlike me, Sammie's not definitely for sure into this being helpless stuff. Or, not yet anyway I think, grinning, stepping back to look her over. She looks cute. And, if the chance arises, I'd happily play this again. But right now I'm soaked, and need to go home and change.

But first I take some photos. Lots of photos, including a good half dozen selfies.

"Time I went home." I whisper in Sammie's ear, leaning in close, stroking her belly, grinning as she squirms, maybe even wanting me to stay, maybe even enjoying herself. But, she's too helpless to do anything about anything. Which is fun. "Don't worry though," giving her cheek a quick kiss, "I'll make sure Jake comes home and unties you real soon."

I message Jake as I'm walking home, having made sure the door was locked behind me when I left. I send a photo, nothing revealing though, of Sammie, and point out that his sister could do with some assistance, ideally before his parents return home. Then I point myself towards home, the foster home anyway, because I'm still quite soaked, and need to change.

Smiling, I decide I'd really love another McDonald's for dinner, even if it means spending another night tied up by whatever boys, or girls, at the home I can trick into buying it for me today.
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Millennial Club
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Post by GreyLord »

I just came across this. It is a great tale, [mention]RopeBunny[/mention]. Should you ever find extra time on your hands, think about continuing it. Love your pictures too.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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