Ownership (f/f)

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Ownership (f/f)

Post by RopeBunny »

Every summer Lisa's family tour Europe, hitching their twin axle Unicorn caravan up behind the family Ford Ranger pickup. I've got other friends, but miss her all the same. As near as I can tell though aside from her parents Lisa only has me.

Placed together as 'desk buddies' on the first day of school we've been inseparable ever since.

She's like a secret, one only I've ever taken the time to unwrap. Even around me Lisa's shy, but she'll talk, quietly, flexing a keen mind and quick sense of humour. Growing up, Lisa always knew what we should do on rainy days: making up treasure hunts, kidnapping her Dads pet Tarantula, the two of us laying in her room, giggling, drawing ransom posters for him to find upon his return from work.

School can be a mean place. Even now, heading into our final year before college, Lisa's nickname is still Hermit Crab. She didn't earn that until we started at Oak Hills comprehensive. The subtle, mostly verbal, teasing from both boys and girls following her from school to school. Lisa isn't fat, but, what seems forever ago now some boys in class, watching her eat two chocolate bars for lunch, decided she was. They were popular, Lisa's fate was sealed. These days she wears baggy clothes, even around me her tee is noticeably too large, her trousers never skintight.

And, I know hermit crabs aren't fat, but years of bullying, added to a shyness already present, makes Lisa scurry from class to class, head down, like a crab. I guess the hermit is becuase she's alone. Mean kids, as I said.

Normally we get a weekend to hang out post Europe before school begins. This year though a strike by French ferry workers caught her parents out, stranding them across the channel. Lisa got home late on Tuesday, so I didn't see her until Wednesday morning, in the corridors. Despite being best friends we live on opposite sides of Oak Hills, easier to meet up at school.

We chose different subject options last year. Lisa loves history, her Dad's a total junkie for old wars: Trafalgar, Waterloo, Normandy. It rubs off. Me, I'm going to be in the theatre, so music and drama. Wednesdays we have no lessons together, so I don't get to ask her 'what the hell' until lunch.

"What the hell?" I pace back and forth in front of the bench Lisa's sat on, our preferred spot. "I don't know what you mean Jess?" She replies, with a shy yet knowingly teasing smile. Just then a group of younger boys walk past, their eyes lingering on my friend, their smiles all for her. "No?" I gesture at the boys as they dissappear around a corner, then back at her. "Come on, spill."

In the corridor, her walking to maths whilst I ascended the stairs to music, on the second floor, I hadn't even recognised her at first, not until a teacher called out her name, and she'd turned, the crowd of students parting as she walked back to collect some paperwork from him. Most of those students mouths had been open as she passed them, in shock, as was mine. I stood like a statue on the stairs, being jostled, not noticing. A single word in my, probably everyone's, brain. Wow. Gone was the ankle brushing black skirt, replaced by tight black trousers with a slight flare below the knee, showing off shapely legs. The trousers laced up at the crotch. Tucked into these was a fitted long sleeved white shirt that hugged my friends relatively flat belly, only the barest hint of overspill where shirt met trousers. The biggest shock was her bust. Truthfully I've never seen anything of Lisa's breasts before. My own skinny frame, maintained with swimming- something I've never managed to drag her along to -is complimented by modest B cups. It appears she's been hiding a pair of shirt busting D's all these years. She's cut her hair too. Mine, blonde and curling, falls around my shoulders. Lisa's brown hair is straight, always hanging limply, mostly hiding her face. Now though it's shorter, not quite touching the shoulders, with a layered look.

"Can I tell you, or," she's still smiling that shy, maybe even secretive, smile, "maybe show you." She pauses, nods. "Yes. Can I show you?"
"Sure." Nodding back. "Now?"
"Later. After school. Walk home with me? We'll talk in my office?"
"Done." I smile, just as the bell rings. "See you at the gates?"
"I'll be there Christine."
"It's Eponine." I lean in, giving her a hug. One of her favourite teases is to deliberately misremember which girl from which musical it's my dream to star as. She hugs me back, and we part ways.

Lisa's house forms part of a rough square formation of itself and other similar semi detached. In the middle is grass, and bushes, plus benches placed where they'll get plenty of sunshine, like now. Lisa's refused to talk the whole way home, which is maddening, but now we're here, sat on a bench with our bags dumped close by. The bench is her office, a cute name for a spot we've always sat in, and talked.

"So then," making a sweeping gesture, "you have the floor." Lisa gives me a nervous smile. "Just, let me explain before you freak out. 'Kay?"
"Sure." Holding up my hands in surrender. "No judgements."
"Right." She takes a breath, then removes her tie- mine's been off since leaving school grounds, my shirt sleeves rolled up too -Lisa unbuttons her shirt, revealing an impressive amount of cleavage, and a black leather dog collar buckled around her neck.

"Oh." Lisa reaches up, running a finger along the leather. "It looks tight." I comment, seeing how it pinches her neck slightly. "Supposed to be." She nods, dropping the hand into her lap. "All part of it."
"Part of what Lise?"
"Well." Taking another breath, turning sideways, one leg folded up onto the bench, facing me. "Do you know what BDSM is?"
"Um?" I think, unable to stop my eyes wandering back to the collar. "No. Do you?"
"Not everything," shaking her head, fingering the collar again, "but. I like to read, you know that right?"
"Yeah." I smile, Lisa's bedroom is about sixty percent bookshelves. She smiles back. "Well. One night, someplace near the Black Forest, I couldn't sleep, so," looking toward her bag, "I read. On my phone. Anyway. Several rabbit holes later I find this article about ownership."
"Yeah. See," still touching her collar, "that's what this means."
"That you're owned?" I almost shout, shocked. Lisa flinches, shaking her head at me, finger to mouth. "Sorry." I whisper, before gesturing. "Carry on."
"This BDSM thing, the part I did read, the part I do understand. Well. There's two people, and, one owns the other, and she wears a collar to prove the fact."
"Someone owns you? Who?" Suddenly worried for my friend. "What happened in Europe Lise?"
"No." Waving my worries away. "It's all pretend."
"Look. If someone owned me, then it meant someone cared about me."
"I care about you."
"I know silly." Squeezing my leg. "And I love you for it. But. I had this epiphany. If I was owned, if I invented some imaginary guy," a half smile, "or girl. Then, I thought, wouldn't knowing someone cared enough to put their collar on me, to claim me, wouldn't that be enough to give me the confidence I've always lacked?"
"And," looking my friend up and down, she grins at me, carefree and happy to be on display, all because of one small collar, "I guess it worked huh."
"Yes." Nodding. Then she giggles, a mischievous sound. "Hey." Reaching up, unbuckling the collar, holding it out, "you try."

"It's tight." I reach up, feeling the unfamiliar leather pressing around the base of my neck, nodding to myself. "But not uncomfortable."
"Good." Lisa grins, and, before I realise it, is clipping a short leather lead, also black, onto the collars small metal ring. "Hey." I reach up, but she bats my hands away. "Nope. You're wearing my collar now," winking, "that means you're mine."
"I...." frowning, shaking my head at her annoyingly true, based on what she said earlier anyway, logic. "Fine." Smiling. "So what happens next?"
"We go to my room, and I tie you up."
"You do what?"
"You heard." Standing, tugging my leash. "Come on." Lisa bends to collect our bags, before setting off for her house. "Hey." Stumbling slightly as my neck is jerked forwards. "Hey, you don't need to walk me over there."
"Yes I do." Lisa calls back over her shoulder. "Ownership, remember."
"You were just kidding about the tying up though. Right?" Lisa only giggles over her shoulder, giving the lead another tug.

Somehow we make it into her house, and up to Lisa's book and cuddly rabbit filled bedroom, without her Mum seeing.

"Trust you to have so many scarves." I tut, rolling and wriggling up Lisa's bed, manoeuvring my head onto the pillow. "Knew they'd come in handy one day." She grins down at me, her happiness at my current state setting off an unexpected tingle of excitement in my belly.

I'm still collared, still leashed, and now I'm tied up too. For reasons I'm alittle confused by I didn't protest as Lisa pushed me down onto her bed, nor did I struggle as she used her collection of long silk scarves to bind me tightly. My ankles are together, my wrists too, both are joined behind my back, level with my short skirt clad butt. More scarves hold my upper arms agaisnt my sides, squeezing at my B's, whilst still more bind my legs at knee height. "So, what now?" Wriggling some more, surprisingly not feeling as silly as I'd assumed. "One more scarf." Lisa declares, said scarf in hand. "But what can o...mmmmfffppphhh." I begin to ask, before the knotted middle is thrust into my mouth, the ends yanked tight behind my head.

"So." Laying beside me, our bodies pressed close together on her narrow single bed, Lisa grabs the leash, twisting it around one hand, making my tingles return as she uses this act to pull my face close to hers. Close enough that when she continues, at a whisper, I can feel her breath on my lips. "Here's the truth, Jess. The more I wore that collar," giving the leash a playful pull, making my breath catch, "the more I realised I wanted to be the owner." Kissing me gently on the gag even as I feel her other hand unbuttoning my shirt. "I wanted to own you." Tugging the shirt apart, exposing my white push up bra, her hand moves down to my skirt, seeking out the zip and buckle fastening. She kisses me again as I feel my skirt fall open, pulled off me and tossed aside, revealing my black thong. Lisa presses herself fully into me, one hand still tightly holding my collar, the other on my nearly naked butt, stroking my skin. I whimper through the gag, staring into my friends eyes, seeing her smile of triumph. "Yes Jess." Lisa nods. "I decided I wanted you, but didn't want to ask permission first." She pulls on my leash, forcing me into another kiss, making me moan, but in pleasure not frustration I realise, with a shock. I want to be powerless, I want to be hers.

Lisa pulls away slightly, feeling my body relax as the decision is made. She smiles. "Good girl." Reaching up, tying my leash, looping it around her bed frames headboard. "Now." Standing. "You stay here awhile pretty girl, I'll be back to untie you before dinner." I moan, wriggling my body at her. She blows me a final kiss as the door closes, leaving me with a tingling stronger then ever. The true proof of my willingness to be abandoned in such a helpless exposed state.
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Post by slackywacky »

Congrats on your win. great story, well deserved.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Guy_Loves_bondage »

Yes, Congrats.
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Post by NotSeen »

Can't believe I missed this masterpiece. You hit all the nails on the head - the atmosphere, the build-up, the descriptions, everything. The resolution is a work of art.

Any chance of a sequel?
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thanks, to you who've commented, and the judges too for choosing my work as the winner.

[mention]NotSeen[/mention] no sequel. As with my previous contest entries (some of them anyway) the temptation is there, to pick the story back up and run with it, but I won't. I wrote this to stand alone, to conclude just as it has, in some ways open ended yes, but I always like a story that leaves at least something open to interpretation.

Besides which I've other, newer, ideas that I want to work on.
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Post by NotSeen »

Oh, that's a shame - but I completely understand.
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Post by ticklescare »

Agreed, I totally understand it and respect it, but damn I would love to see how their Master/slave relationship grows over time. Maybe one day the urge will be there, you're a great writer so I hope when it emerges you create another great story :D
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