April Foolery (M/F)

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April Foolery (M/F)

Post by OldTUGger »

April Foolery (M/F)
by OldTUGger

The turning of the calendar from March to April brings to mind one of the few true April Fools Day pranks I’ve ever been part of.

I was in my late 20s, and had gone back to college to seek another degree. The school was in a town about 40 miles away, and because I was married and my wife and I owned our home, I opted to commute rather than try to live closer to campus.

Fortunately for me, several other students were doing the same thing, so car-pool partners were easy to find. One of those partners was a nice-looking redhead named Betsy.

She, like me, was older than most of the students at the school, and she had a 12-year-old son from a failed marriage. During one late-March commute, she mentioned that she’d like to prank her son, but had no idea of where to begin.

My mind (of course!) immediately sprang into rope-and-gag mode. “Why don’t you fake a burglary?” I asked nonchalantly. “You could rearrange a few things at your apartment to make it look like the place had been ransacked, and you could have someone tie you to a chair. Your son would come home from school, see you tied up and freak out.”

Betsy laughed. “That would flip him out, all right.” She got a faraway look in her eyes as she imagined the expression on her offspring’s face. “But who would I get to tie me up?”

“I could do it,” I offered. “If you trust me, that is.”

“Shoot, Jake, you’re one of the nicest guys I know. I don’t think you’d try to take advantage of me or anything. Question is, do you know anything about tying people up?”

“Well, when I was in the Scouts, I was the troop whiz at lashing and knot-tying,” I said, carefully omitting the fact that I had remained in tip-top form by binding my wife at every possible opportunity.

“Let’s do it, then!” she chuckled.

So, after our classes ended on April 1, we drove to her apartment to execute the prank. We had about 90 minutes’ worth of prep time before her son came home from school, so, being ever the shameless opportunist, I suggested a dress rehearsal “just so she’d get the feeling of what being tied up would be like.”

She readily agreed. “Yeah, I’ve never been tied up before, and I’m really curious about it,” she said.

“OK, sit in this chair and I’ll get started.”

Her kitchen chair could not have been more perfect for the task at hand. It had a sturdy steel frame and a narrow back -- so narrow Betsy could easily cross her wrists behind it. I reached into the box I’d brought and pulled out several hanks of cotton clothesline.

“I’m going to tie your hands first,” I said, pulling her arms behind the chair and binding her crossed wrists with a snug diagonal lashing. She tested her bonds by twisting her wrists. “Hey, that’s pretty comfortable,” she remarked. “Not bad at all.”

Her ankles were next, and I wrapped and cinched them a couple of inches above her sneaker-tops. I repeated that piece of binding just above her knees. The white rope contrasted sharply with her tight blue jeans.

“That should give you the idea of what it feels like,” I said. “I’m going to leave you tied up like this for a few minutes just so you can get used to the sensation. When it comes time for the ‘real’ tie-up, I’ll use a few more ropes -- just to make it look good, of course.”

“That makes sense. What about the gag?”

“Well, we probably should try that now, too, since you’ve never been gagged before. I looked up the definition of a gag at the college library this morning, and it described it as something placed in the mouth with something to hold it in. I’m going to use bandannas for both of those things. Sound good?”

“Suits me,” she smiled.

The story about having to look up the definition was a red herring, of course. I’d been gagging girls since I was 11 years old, but I figured if she knew how kinky I truly was, she might become unwilling to complete the prank.

I folded one bandanna into a triangle shape, rolled it up and tied a large overhand knot in its center. “Open wide,” I said as I shoved the knot into her mouth and fastened the ends behind her head. “Now for the cover.”

I folded the second bandanna into a wide band that, when tied tightly in place, covered her face from just below her nose to just above the tip of her chin. Her freckled cheeks bulged just a bit over the snug cravat. “Think you’ll be OK having that in your mouth for a few minutes?”

“M-hmm.” she nodded.

“OK, then, let’s get you out of this until it’s time for the real prank to begin.” It took only a couple of minutes to release her from the rather simple strictures.

“That was…interesting,” Betsy said after the gag came out. “I think I should be able to stand it, even with the other ropes.”

We sat and chatted for a while, and with about 30 minutes to go before her son was due to arrive, I suggested we start getting her rigged.

In addition to the bonds at her wrists, ankles and knees, I added bands of rope above, below and crossed between her breasts. The ropes made the twin orbs stand out quite prominently. Another rope pinned her waist to the chair back.

I attached a final, short length of rope to her ankle bonds and, pulling her feet off the floor, tied the rope to the stretcher that ran between the chair’s back legs.

“Wow. I can’t move much at all,” she said. “I can squirm a little, but that’s about it.”

“Well, that will look pretty realistic then, won’t it?” I asked.

“Yep. I can’t wait to see Adam's face!” she said, laughing at the thought.

“Well, it’s just about gag time,” I said. “He should be home in 15 minutes or so.” The knotted bandanna went in first, a tad tighter than the first time, followed by the bandanna cravat.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“Mmm-hmm-hmm-mmm-HMM,” she countered, her eyes a bit indignant above her gag.

“Beg pardon?”

“Mmm-hmm-hmm-mmm-HMM!!!” she yelled, and promptly launched into a giggling fit so intense her face turned a couple of shades darker than the bandannas wrapped around it.

I un-knotted the two bandannas so she could speak.

“I said, ‘I can’t say a thing,” she giggled. “Hey, time’s wasting. You need to finish me up and hit the road before he gets here.”

After the gags went back in, I couldn’t resist playing a prank of my own.

“I know the whole idea behind this is for you to see the expression on his face when he comes in, but my idea of the perfect April Fools prank is to blindfold you so you couldn’t see that,” I said, pulling another bandanna from the box.

Her eyes went wide. “NNNN-NHHHHH!” she screamed into the gag.

“April Fool,” I said, putting the bandanna back into the box. “Hey, call me later this evening and tell me how the prank went down, OK?”

She nodded. I walked to the door and, with a long look back at my thoroughly trussed schoolmate, locked the door and departed.

A few hours later, she called.

“You’re not going to believe this,” she said. “Adam was almost 45 minutes late getting home. I was getting pretty darned sore and stiff, and I was just about ready to try to get loose when he opened the door. His eyes got big for about half a second, but then somehow he figured out that it was a joke.

“He came over to me with this big grin on his face and said, ‘Now I’ve got you right where I want you.’ But then he saw just how miserable my expression was, and his hands were all over the place trying to get the ropes off of me.”

The school term ended a few weeks later. I graduated and never saw Betsy again.

But I still see, in my mind’s eye, her trussed oh-so-tightly to that chair in what, at the time, was some of the most elaborate bondage I’d yet to devise. And every year, when April 1 rolls around, I get treated to the memory of that long-ago April Fools afternoon.
Links to all of my stories can be found here in the Story Catalog: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=6023
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Post by Bandit666 »

Nice thanks for sharing, you certainly were lucky and I’m sure it’s a memory that will live on forever in both your minds wherever she may be. :)
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Post by damsel »


Too funny!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Good prank and great story
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Post by BindPam »

And I thought my friends know how to have fun...
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Post by ThePaulaG »

Great story. That sounds like it was a good time, a fun tie, and a great memory!
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Post by thas2200 »

Love this prank :lol:
Sorry for my english, stupid french here ! :twisted:
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Post by Dpsiic »

I would love to do this prank on Halloween, make it look like we’re being burgled to trick or treaters
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Post by boundcali »

Nice story. Always liked stories where the kid finds their mom tied up.
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