Kyle : 01 - Kidnapped by Cathy, Lauren, and Jenny (FFF/M, F+/M)

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Kyle : 01 - Kidnapped by Cathy, Lauren, and Jenny (FFF/M, F+/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Kyle's stories
01 - Kidnapped by Cathy, Lauren, and Jenny
Story index at the bottom

By Kyle

Wednesday, August 15th 2001 - 04:12:33 PM

Kidnapped by Cathy, Lauren, and Jenny


OK, to start this off, why not a little about myself. First off, my name is Kyle. At the time this took place, I was a 20-year-old college student going to BC (Boston College) in my sophomore year; I am now 21, so if you are not good with numbers, this happened last year. To make things easier, I am just going to write this story in present tense. I am pretty well built, I mean I don’t have bulging muscles or anything, but I surely don’t have any fat on me. I am about 5’ 11” 173 lbs. with light brown/dark blond hair.

Now to describe the girls. They also go to BC. I’ve seen them here and there around campus but I also saw them while I was in the gym working out; which is where I first talked to them. Cathy is 5’ 7” about 120 lbs. pretty skinny with great legs. Her breasts were a little smaller than average, but not too small. She has dark hair about 2-3 in. past her shoulders. Lauren is 5’ 8”, about 124 lbs. She was pretty strong for a girl but not strong to the point where you can see defined muscles. She has blonde hair, shoulder length, a little bit bigger than average breast size with legs that will make you look back twice if she walked past you. I swear she could be a supermodel. Jenny was usually the leader in the group and probably the craziest. She has brown hair with light streaks here and there, which falls to her breasts. She was 5’ 8” and also about 124 lbs.

Now, I was working out in the gym when I saw the three of them there. So I went up to them and we started having a conversation (we were already friends for about a month now). Afterwards we went to have some coffee at the campus café. They started talking about how they were going to go to this cabin they had for spring break. They then asked me if I wanted to go.

“Hell yeah!” I said without hesitation. Why would I resist going to a secluded area with three hot girls for spring break.

We left around 2:00 that afternoon. This is Saturday by the way. When they came to pick me up I noticed they were all wearing short short jean shorts (seriously, I think they would be banned by the school dress code). Cathy, who was driving was wearing little flip-flops and a sleeveless shirt that was cut off about 3 in. above her belly button. Jenny was wearing sandals and a blue leopard spotted sleeveless shirt that covered her whole midriff. Lauren had on a pair of ankle socks and those Sketchers with no heel, so you could just flip them on and off. She had a tee shirt on that left her whole midriff bare, it was cut off about 1 in. below her breasts.

Once we left campus, Lauren, who was sitting in the backseat with me, playfully put a blindfold on me.

“What’s this about?” I asked.

She said, “Well, we want to make it fun, so we don’t want you to know where this place is.” Then before I knew it, she crossed my hands behind my back and quickly snapped on two cable ties.

“Now what the hell is…” she cut me off and said, “THOSE, are just in case you get a little curious about where you are, you can’t try to take the blindfold off".

Jenny then gave me a little tug to move up a little by her. She gave me a kiss that I wished would’ve lasted forever but it was cut short by her saying, “Sorry sweetie for what we’re about to do.”

A little confused, I started saying, “What are you MMMPHHGAGHHAMMPH!!” Was the way I finished. A pair of socks was shoved into my mouth, Lauren’s I assumed since she was the only one wearing socks and mine were still on. Then, Lauren put Duct Tape on my mouth to hold the socks in and then wrapped the tape all the was around my head about 4 times to secure it.

“Like I said,” Jenny spoke up, “sorry for that but we don’t want out little slave becoming to talkative, not do we?”

A cheerful “no” arose from the other two girls. I was a little worried about what they would do to me, cause like I said Jenny is a little crazy and she can talk people into doing a lot of crazy things. I started to protest and then really scream, but I noticed that my sounds were only slightly above the sound of a whisper. The girls made mocking laughter at me. Then Lauren, who is usually more playful than the others, pushed me onto my back, pinning my arms behind me. She said playfully, “Well if you want to scream, I’ll give you something to scream about.” Just then without warning, she dug her long nails into me stomach and ribs and started tickling me like mad. I was going ballistic because I was not expecting it, not to mention the fact that I am EXTREMELLY ticklish!! I overheard Jenny trying to talk over Lauren and mine’s laughter. Then after what seemed like an hour, but was only about two minutes, Lauren stopped. I then heard Jenny more clearly now. “See sweetie, we don’t want to hurt you, and don’t worry you will go back to the campus with the rest of us next week when spring break is over, but we want to have a little fun first. What Lauren just demonstrated is what you are going to experience over the next week.” My eyes opened wide, although they couldn’t tell because of the blindfold, and I started to whimper softly. “See we, like the other 12 girls that are waiting for us, have a fetish. We think men have too much power over women. We love to put men into bondage and watch them squirm; and what’s the best was to make men squirm, torture them and tickle them!! Don’t worry though, we aren’t going to torture you this week, we’re just going to tickle you to the point that you would wish we would torture you!”

What’s the difference, tickling was torture to me, although I do enjoy it because I find it quite erotic. As they continued talking, Cathy was telling me about this house that they have and about how desolate it is. They were saying about how you have to go through 3 miles of dirt road just to get to it from the main paved road.

“There isn’t another house or person nearby for 5 miles. You should see our dungeon layout in the basement, we’ve got an x-frame, bondage horse, well, you’ll see. Hey Jenny, Tell him about our tickle instruments.” Jenny started to giggle, “Oh man, we are gonna have fun. We’ve got feathers, ball point pens, vibrators, and yes vibrators can tickle if put on the right place, electric toothbrushes, we also have this special lotion that when rubbed onto the body, makes the nerves and muscles hyper-sensitive. Don’t worry, you’ll experience everything first hand; see, your lucky this week. Usually we have two or three guys or girls to torment, but this week, it’s just you; just 15 beautiful women who are dying to tickle torture……..JUST YOU!!” With that they told me to relax and that we would be there in about 30-45 min. They then put headphones on my ears and turned the volume up full blast. Lauren tickled me lightly on my stomach every five to ten min. or so.


In about that time, I guess, I had no concept of time with the predicament I was in, they took the headphones and blindfold off and dragged me out of the car and stood me up. I was “MMMPHPHH”ing both in anticipation and fear of what was about to happen. In case I didn’t mention it before, I also have a fetish for being tied up and dominated by beautiful women; and yes a little bit for tickling also. Even though it is torment and torture, I do enjoy at times.

Anyway, I looked around and noticed they were right, it was surrounded by a bunch of trees and there was only one dirt road into and out of the place. The house was huge. I wanted to ask how they could get a place like this, but all I got out was “MMMPHPHHH?” With that, Jenny gave me a quick tickle on my ribs.

“Now if your gonna start to mumble into your gag without being tickled or talk without being asked a question, we will torture you this week with something other that tickling; if you know what I mean.” She gave me a sly little smile.

By now the cable ties were starting to cut into my skin. They then led me into the house and threw me onto the couch. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only 4:45pm. I then saw the other girls.

“Now Kyle, let me introduce you to the other girls.” Cathy said. “First off we have Nicole, specializing in foot tickling. She can make even the least ticklish people on their feet laugh their lungs out. Next, is Anna, making the back her specialty. People don’t even realize their back could be tickling until Anna gets to them. And now we bring you Amber. She can tickle your legs and thighs in just the right spots to make you piss your pants. Now we show you Kristin. She is an all around tickler, moving from you ribs, to feet, to anywhere on your body. Now to show you Kelly. Are your ticklish on your armpits? Doesn’t matter, Kelly will make you ticklish there. To your delight, we bring you Nicky. She is also very very good at foot tickling, but she will give your little tummy and ribs a run for their money also.”

At this point, as Cathy was talking, Lauren and Jenny cut off my shirt and shorts, took off my shoes and socks, and they put cable tied above and elbow my knees, right above my elbows, practically pinning them together, and a cable tie around my ankles. Then they took a really long cable tie, looped it around my ankle-tie, brought them up, and snapped it through my wrist-tie so I was hogtied in nothing but my underwear with my feet a few inches away from my hands; and let me tell you, that hurts.

“Now I show you Tammi, the ‘Black Spider’. We call her that because she has this technique where she tickles your body while making pretend her fingers are spider legs walking up your body. Trust me, it tickles horribly!! Also, not to mention the fact she is black.” I swallowed hard. “Now the lovely Tabitha. She spent a year training to be a dominatrix before coming to college. She specializes in all kinds of torture, but she loves tickling. And now we bring out Rachelle. She loves to tickle people with her mouth. She’ll use her tongue to get right between your toes, tickle your little tummy, and your armpits! Ok, get ready Kyle, because we have Twins!! Jessela and Maria. They work together while making you blow your lungs out with laughter. Sometimes we think that they must share some kind of ‘tickling gene’ or something because they work together and know exactly what to do. And finally, last but most certainly not least, tickle dome Priscilla.”

My eyes grew as large a two watermelons. The only tickle dome named Priscilla that I knew was the dome from

“I see by the expression on your face that you think that you’ve heard of her. Well, don’t worry, because you haven’t. Her real name is Jamie. We gave her that nickname because we have bought a lot of’s videos and realized that the real Priscilla and Jamie use very very similar tickling techniques. So Kyle, there you have it. 15 beautiful women who just can’t wait to tickle you to death; well almost.” ;-) She let out a slight giggle. Ok, now do you want to get more acquainted with us sweetie?”

With that she took the tape off my mouth and took the socks off. All 15 of us are gonna get 15 minutes to tickle you right here, right now, just to, umm, sort of get acquainted, like I said before.”

“15 minutes each?!?!” I said with a little fear in my voice.

“Yup, in other words, 4 hours and 25 minutes.” Lauren said slightly giggling and a little but if enthusiasm in her voice. “We’ll do it like this, One girl will tickle you for 15 minutes, then you will get 1 minute to rest, then the next girl will continue, and so on… The rest period is so you don’t pass out, otherwise the tickling will se non-stop; after all we want our little tickle slave to be conscious the whole time. They’ll tickle you in the order you met them.”

A few of the girls lifted me up and placed me on my stomach in a pan in the middle of the room. I jumped a little because the pan was freezing, it felt like somebody had stuck it in the freezer. Then they opened a 1-gallon jug of “Skin Sensitizing Lotion.” They poured some on me and then ran their hands all over my body. The lotion felt quite warm which was a relief to the cold pan. They hadn’t even started to dig into my body yet, they were just spreading in out. Then in a giggly voice, Rachelle said, “I don’t know about you guys but I think these boxers have to go". They all agreed and with a couple of second with the scissors, they were gone. Anyway, just them running their hands up and down my body gave me the chills, and it wasn’t the pan.

I already started to laugh lightly and giggle by them spreading the lotion, I was really afraid I would kill myself laughing when they really started. Well, once they covered every square inch of my body and had it rubbed it in, all the girls backed away, except Nicole. She set an egg timer to 15 minutes and placed it right in front of my face. She then sat Indian-style behind me with her legs interlocking mine as to hold my legs and mainly my feet still. She teasingly dragged her long nails (all of the girls, to their advantage, had long nails about Ľ of an inch long) up and down the center of my foot making me giggle and jump around. Then after about 20 sec. of that, she dug right into the soles of my feet. Well, I just went berserk.

“NO, NO, PLEASE DON’T, GOAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAD, NHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHAHHAHA” I don’t think I finished one sentence without laughing during that 15 min.

I also found out that sitting the way she was, pinning my legs against her and stopping me from moving was very effective. I could not escape her long nails. I begged, I pleaded, but mostly I laughed. She would not stop until the 15 min. was up. I was howling. It was torture and the lotion didn’t help either. It did it’s purpose and made my feet hyper-ticklish. The lotion also spread the tickling out. I felt the tickling she was doing on my feet, in my calves and thighs. She then stopped. I thought it was over, yet did I know we still had 10 minutes to go. She got up and stood over me so that if she were to sit down, she would sit on my hands. She then whispered in my ear, are you ticklish on your ribs also. Well I was frantic because my entire upper body was the most ticklish. She wasted no time digging into my ribs. I tried to roll away or something just to try to get out of the way of her fingers, but she had me pinned by her feet between her legs. She then found her way underneath my body and started tickling my stomach. The other girls were laughing their asses off and mocking me, all the while Nicole taunting me by saying “C’mon Kyle you know you like it, just admit it, admit it or I will tickle you harder and harder.” I had no choice, through up uproarious laughter I managed to spit it out, “HAHAHAHAHHA NAOAHSNOPNONONO PLEHAHAH PPLEEEEAAAASSSEEEEEEE SSTTOOOOOOPPP!!!!! OKOKOKOKOOOKKKK I LIIIIIKKKKEEE BEEEIIIIINGGG TIIIICCCKKKLLEEEEEEDDDD!!!!!!!” Well, with that there was about 5 minutes left on Nicole so she said, “Oh so you DO like being tickled, I knew it!! Well then I don’t want to deprive you.” She tickled my so hard, I thought my body was gonna explode. Then I heard the ever-so-beautiful sound, “RIIIINNNGGG!!!!” It was the egg timer; THANK GOD!!! It took me 45 sec. of my 1 minute of rest to finally stop laughing and gain a little composure back.

Once I heard the egg timer go off again to tell me my minute was up I started to plead. “No please, I can’t take it, it’s too much. C’mon guys, I wasn’t even able to rest for a full minute! I’ll to anything, PLEASE!!!!”

“Too bad” Anna said cutting me off. “You should learn to control your laughter.”

“What the hell are you talking about?!? It’s impossible to…” I stopped as I saw her start wiggling her nails coming for my back. TO BE CONTINUED…


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Post by Charles0318 »

Is there a part 2?
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Post by Canuck100 »

Charles0318 wrote: 3 years ago Is there a part 2?
[mention]Charles0318[/mention] Unfortunately, no
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