Jack’s changing friendship (chapter 22 added 15-1-21)

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Post by Socksbound »

Thank you all for your comments and patience whilst waiting for a new chapter. Have been strapped for writing time and lacking motivation.

Chapter 22 - Reflection

Why would he run away? It makes no sense.....

Tears well in my eyes, as Max and Theo comfort me. Both men hugging me tightly and rubbing my back to console me. The wild thoughts running through my mind causing soft sobs to escape my mouth.

“It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have got you guys involved. Now I’ve driven Jack away”

“HEY..... we don’t know what’s happened and who says he’s been driven away?” Theo snapped at me.

“Let’s find Jack first before we blame anyone” Max wisely added.

We were broken from our conversation by the Mmmpphhing of Thomas, we’d nearly forgotten he was here. Thomas was bound naked to one of the porch poles in full view of the street any passerby would totally notice him. The 5 of us looked at one another and with out a word knew we had to let him free. Just as we were untying his hands Theo jumped in with the idea of tickling Thomas for info on what happened.

“First let’s get him back inside then you can torture him for information” Max level headed as always interjected. We quickly freed the naked and totally embarrassed teen from the pole. Theo was quick to put his brother in a headlock, and far too keen to torture his little bro.

I just couldn’t get into it, sitting on the sidelines as Theo and the boys set about stringing poor Thomas to the pool table. The sight of Thomas stretched out reminded me of when I had Jack in that exact position. Teasing him, playfully coaxing information from him. The fun had disappeared from all of this.

Jack had privately mentioned some of his feelings and desires since that day. I had been pushing him like he wanted, but now I’ve pushed it to far. Now because of me he’s run off. Maybe if I hadn’t brought others into it he’d be fine. Why did he tell me he liked the idea of being bound and gagged totally at the mercy of a group of guys if he didn’t actually want it.

I was so confused everything I had done was something Jack and I had discussed. Some things more than others, but discussed all the same. This wasn’t like Jack to just run off like this it just didn’t make sense. I couldn’t work out what had happened, Liam had been so eager to help and had driven off in the direction he thought Jack had gone. He genuinely seemed concerned at what had happened.

With the concern and worries I had running through my mind. The thought of losing Jack was too much, my strong brave dominant persona melted. I felt more vulnerable and frightened than I had ever before. As much as I tried my emotions spilled out.

I could feel water start welling in my eyes, slowly and steadily a drop began to roll down my face. Running down the side of my nose. Trickling slowly down over the top off my lip, before picking up speed as it rolled down my cheek and falling from my jaw onto the he floor below. It was quickly followed my more. Each one feeling like a piece of Jack pouring from my eyes.

As I brought my hands to my face, in an attempt to wipe the tears from my face and hide my emotions from the guys a whimper slipped out. Theo and Max ever in tune to their surroundings averted their attention to me and away from Thomas. Both rushed to my side and tightly embraced me.

The embrace only lasted a minute, but it felt like a lifetime. It was exactly what I need to steel my resolve to find Jack. As the embrace ended I quickly jumped to my feet “alright you lot this is the plan!!”

The four boys and even Thomas all turned their attention to me. “Nate and Mitch you will both head down towards the mall, Max you will come with me we will head the other way. Theo you stay here and see if Thomas has any idea what happened and be here if Jack returns”

With a renewed sense vigour we left Theo to tickle Thomas on our quest to find Jack. On the way out the door all that could be heard was the incoherent mumbling of Thomas as Theo took to the bound teens pits.

Max and me headed down the road calling out for Jack, hoping he would appear and could sort it all out. With every call of Jack’s name the vigour I showed as we left began to diminish. Slowly the calls began to become more and more desperate. They were almost pleading, pleading for him to appear in front of me. 2 hours of fruitless searching had yielded nothing, we had checked all of Jack’s most likely hiding points and even checked with Max’s dad at the sex shop just in case he’d seen him go passed. It felt like we had been up and down every street in town or close to it anyway.

If he just surfaced I’d pour my heart out and beg for his forgiveness. I longed to hold him once again in my arms and protect him. Something I should have been doing all along, but had lost sight of when I was distracted.

Actually come to think of it one person in particular had done all the distracting. He’d shown a penchant for trying to humiliate Jack and every time I’d fallen for his reasoning. Is this yet another ruse? It couldn’t be... could it? It has to be, there’s no way Jack would just run off without explanation. What’s he done with him? why was he so quick to hop in his car to find him?

“LIAM!!!” I shouted.

Max just looked at me all dumbfounded “Liam what?”

“Liam has taken Jack, that’s what he’s done”

“How do you know that??” Max said still sounding sceptical to my assertion.

“It doesn’t make any sense for Jack to run off, I should have listened to him when he said Liam wanted to really humiliate him earlier. I’m such a fool for not believing Liam would do that”

There was a rage growing inside of me, one that was born of being manipulated by a guy I had called my friend. There was a fury inside that I would not be able to control, I owed it to Jack to teach Liam a lesson he’d never forget.

I was quick to call Theo to get him to come get us and to bring Thomas, neither of Mitch or Nate answered their phones but I sent a text to them both to meet us at Liam’s place. I was going to need all the help I could get. Liam wasn’t a small guy and although I had the strength to beat him by myself if a struggle ensued, my concern was saving Jack first and foremost. I just prayed that Liam hadn’t hurt Jack before we got there.

Only time would tell.....
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Is Will finally coming to his senses?!?

Also, it's so odd seeing Will so emotional, but I love it. We saw this soft and caring side from Jack's perspective, but to have those feelings validated straight from the source is so refreshing. I'm glad to see Max and Theo comforting their friend too...why they're all friends with Liam is beyond me, but that's for another time :lol: :lol:

I do hope Will isn't too late though 🙏🙏
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Nice to get a look inside Will's head and see that he really does care for Jack. The mistakes he has made are grounded in youth and inexperience. He really should have taken things a bit slower expanding the group with just Max and Theo at first.

It took quite a while for the penny to drop but at least it has (I've commented on the slow workings of the jock brain before!). Hopefully Will will get there in time and go into full hero mode. I wonder why Mitch and Nate didn't answer their phones...

I loved the call back to the snooker table - a great way to trigger Will's memories.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

To see Will's thoughts so clearly spelled out here, and the care with which he wants to find out where Jack has gone, was something I really liked. I'm really happy that all the pieces of the puzzle slowly started to fall into place. Now Will finally sees what a bastard Liam is! Will's tears will hopefully soon give way to a smile: I hope he finds Jack soon!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Aww, poor Will. It sounds like he's taking Jack's disappearance pretty hard.
I hate to say this, but "good!"

Maybe once he finds Jack again he'll take better care of keeping a closer eye on the lad.
Liam may be an asshole, but it's Will's job to make sure Jackyboi stays safe. At least he realises that now.

As for Will calling up/texting all his buddies, that's definitely a wise decision.
He's gonna need all the help he can get. Liam is a big guy. But more importantly, he's as crafty as they come it seems.

Great continuation, boi.
Looking forward to seeing what transpires next!

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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Just finished Chapter16!

Wow, being double teamed by Theo and Max was insanely erotic!

I absolutely loved that!!

I am savoring the chapters, this a great story!
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Post by NeedControl »

Wowowowowow. I started reading this story right before some massive changes in my life last summer, and I haven't caught up since then. As I'm making my way through the big backlog of writing I want to catch up on I decided to start this story over from the beginning rather than in the middle, and boy am I glad that I did! I probably commented on this once or twice last year after the first couple chapters, but I don't remember for sure, and I want to make sure I share what I'm thinking in case I didn't.

I just finished the plot "interlude" that started with the storm. Man oh man.

So. First: the first few chapters were amazing!! The movement between fun, tension, sexiness, thrill, bondage, horniness, suspense, tenderness, and risk was captivating! Your two main characters are so well developed in only a couple short chapters, with clear depth yet to be plunged into, and a storyline that demands continued reading! The bondage, the roles they assume in their exchanging of power... so, so good.

Then the interlude. Wowza, did you write that well. I'm right there with them in the midst of it, and gleeful at the direction Will is taking things in as the night closes. 🖤
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Post by NeedControl »

Damn, Chapter 10 is 🥵🥵🥵🔥🔥🔥🤩🤩🤩🍆🍆🍆
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Post by NeedControl »

Chapter 17 done.
This is so so so so so so so so so so so so soooooooooo good!!! 🥰
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Post by NeedControl »

Oh no!! I've reached the cliffhanger of cliffhangers only to find out I can't find out what's at the bottom! 😱😱😱

Please please pleeeeeeeeeeease share more of your fantastic storytelling with us!! 😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

@Socksbound I've not forgotten about this wonderful story and the major cliff hanger you left us on!

It's been great to see your return to the forum. What are the chances of Will and Jack getting their happy ever after?
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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