Choice, Truth or Dare (F/F/F/F)

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Choice, Truth or Dare (F/F/F/F)

Post by GirlBondage »

Hello my name is Johanna and I belong to a colorful clique of girls from the suburbs. Michelle is Indonesian, Pinar Turkish, Marcella Italian and I Polish. Michelle had already moved out of home and was now living in a beautiful maisonette apartment, where the living room was on the upper floor and the roof structure was made of open wooden beams.

One evening we sat together again in her living room and played Wahl, Wahrheit oder Pflicht against boredom. Usually we played around rather harmless tasks or insignificant questions such as "which boy did you kiss first" or "turn ten times in a circle and try to run straight ahead". When it was Michelle's turn this time, she asked Pinar, "Pinar... choice, truth or dare" and Pinar answered "dare", whereupon Michelle first hesitated a bit as if she had to get over herself and then finally said, "Okay. We'll have a little fun fight. The goal is to tie up the other one as well as possible, so that in the best case she is completely helpless and can't free herself." Pinar was startled when she heard about this unusual compulsory task and didn't seem to know what to say, whereupon Michelle asked if she was afraid. Marcella's eyes widened and she seemed to be taken with the idea, and I also felt something at the thought, which is why I asked Michelle how she imagined this. Michelle then took a whole bundle of bright white cotton ropes out of the closet and said "with this".

Why do you have so many ropes, I asked Michelle, whereupon she only shrugged her shoulders and said: "no idea... I think they were left over from the move". I was satisfied with the answer, because somehow I wanted to see someone being tied up, as long as it wasn't me.

In Pinar's case, the fright had subsided by now. After all, she had martial arts experience and could imagine that it's probably not that easy to tie someone up with ropes when they fight back. Moreover, Pinar was almost a head taller than Michelle, so she could also succeed in tying Michelle up. But Michelle must have thought of something when she made her "bet", which is why Pinar asked Michelle. Michelle answered that this would be an interesting task with a lot of thrill and excitement.

Pinar seemed to like the idea more and more due to her increased self-confidence and agreed under the condition that only wrestling and not beating. Michelle now spread the bundle of ropes on the floor, revealing shorter and longer pieces of rope, and I began to doubt Michelle's answer that the ropes had been for the move. But I wasn't supposed to be part of the fight, so I didn't worry.

"Okay then, let's go" said Pinar, whereupon both began to wrestle with each other and try to overpower the other. After a minute I got the idea to film the fight with my phone, which I did in the hope that one of them would get the upper hand and manage to tie up the other. But nothing of the sort happened. It was pretty even and they were even laughing and seemed to be having fun with it. Sometimes Michelle was on top and sometimes Pinar was on top but except for one of them managing to get a loop on one wrist or ankle by passing by, nothing happened for twenty minutes and the two seemed quite out of breath by now, so they finally stopped fighting with each other and agreed on a draw.

We pretended nothing was wrong and continued our game with the usual tasks and questions. During the game, the whole time I was preoccupied with the question of whether I would manage to tie up one of them, or at least not get tied up myself. I decided to choose Michelle at the appropriate opportunity, because she was smaller and I had the impression that I could do better than Pinar. Whereby I completely disregarded Marcella.

My opportunity came and I asked Michelle somehow out of recklessness and with a completely inflated self-confidence if she dared to take me on. Michelle agreed dryly and there was no turning back.

We started to fight and quickly I realized that it was much more exhausting than it looked. I must have underestimated Pinar. After an initially even fight, Michelle got better and better at controlling me with leg scissors and holds. Finally, she looped a double taken rope around my right wrist and pulled it onto my back. I struggled against her leg scissors as she grabbed my left hand with her free hand and pulled it onto my back as well. As she began to use the rope to tie my hands behind my back, panic suddenly rose in me and the effort had me blushing by now.

When my wrists were tied she let go of me, grabbed a second rope and turned to my feet. I noticed that my wrist cuffs were not quite tight and that I could loosen them with my hands if I only had enough time. However, Michelle had my ankles bound faster than I could loosen my wrist cuffs. She noticed my attempt to free myself and secured the shackles again.

Now Michelle sat me down, noticing that I was now the one being filmed. Pinar was filming me, which made me fight as hard as I could, because I didn't want a video of me being overpowered in a fight and possibly being tied up so well that I couldn't free myself. The many ropes, which still lay on the floor and Michelle's superiority let the oppressive feeling rise in me that she would not be finished with me for a long time.

Michelle grabbed another long rope and began to tie me a harness consisting of ropes that ran above and below my breasts and around my upper arms and torso. Starting point of the bindings was a loop in the double taken rope centrally on my back. From there Michelle led the rope under my right armpit and chest ropes forward, over my right shoulder, behind my neck long and on the left side in the same manner back to the loops on my back. From here she led one end of the rope forward over the right shoulder, looped it around the lower chest rope and led it back over the left shoulder to the back. The other end of the rope she led up to the rope that ran behind my neck, looped it around there and then also led it back to my back where she knotted the two ends of the rope to the loops on my back.

While Michelle put the harness of ropes on me, which got tighter and tighter with each additional tie, I used all my energy to free myself from my wrist cuffs again, which I finally succeeded in doing just as Michelle was tightening the last knot. Finally, my hands were free again but my arms were tightly and securely bound to my body. This didn't escape Pinar's attention either, whereupon she enthusiastically exclaimed "You're almost there Michelle... watch her hands... you'll probably have to secure them again..." to which Michelle replied "No problem, I'm far from done. You take some more pictures too Marcella".
I was very uncomfortable and wondered what would come next.

Michelle laid me on my stomach and grabbed another rope, which she attached to the loops behind my back. I rowed my forearms and tried to hold on as well as I could when she started to force my left arm horizontally behind my back but it was just a formality for Michelle. She tied the arm to the loops of my chest harness lying on my back and after another short struggle proceeded in the same way with the right arm before she finally passed the rope between my arms again and thus secured everything. This in turn resulted in my hands being pulled upwards until they were firmly but not uncomfortably fixed on my back at a slightly negative angle to my upper arms.

When Michelle let go of me and lined up, I was still circling in the air a bit with my wrists locked behind my back, which was not lost on the girls and caused them to laugh at me. They laughed and celebrated, filmed and photographed the moment of my defeat, which brought the blush of shame to my face.

The usually quick-tempered Marcella now asked Michelle somewhat shyly where she learned such a thing, since it would look so professional. Michelle obviously didn't hear Marcella though and in turn said she had another nice idea and they should help her set me up and make sure I didn't fall over again.

Michelle took another long rope double and tied it around my thighs several times just below my butt, putting the loop in front between my legs. She ran that up from there to the bottom rope of the harness, looped it around, and ran it back down to waist level. Here she held the rope in place with one hand while guiding it around the body three times with the other. Once back at the front, Michelle looped the rope through the rope held with the other hand, made sure the rope crossing was centered on her stomach, and wrapped the rope around the waist ropes. Next, she passed the rope under the ropes tying my thighs just below my butt, between my legs, and to the waist belt ropes resting on my back. The ropes were then passed back and forth through my legs between my back and stomach two more times.

Marcella now began to get curious and asked what this was supposed to be, to which Michelle replied a carrying construction. "A carrying construction???". "Yes I have the idea to be able to carry the Johanna like a backpack... or... " Michelle answered and pointed upwards. Marcella and Pinar looked up, "You want to hang her from the wooden beams under the ceiling" Pinar cheered. "That'll make a photo op" Michelle replied with a grin, to which I stepped in to protest. Michelle interrupted me by mouthing off and asking Pinar to get her a pair of pantyhose. I shook my head, to which Michelle said "I thought so" and laughed.

I decided to try to keep a vestige of my dignity and not be still gagged with pantyhose while they would take my picture.

Michelle continued by attaching another double taken rope to the waist belt on my back and passing the rope forward between my right arm and body. In front, the rope was passed under the lower chest rope and the rope that ran over the right shoulder and loosely knotted to the front side of the waist belt while hanging in front of the belly. The same was repeated on the left side.

Michelle now stood facing me with her back turned and bent over a good bit. She took the right loose rope and put it over her left shoulder and then the left rope over her right shoulder so that the ropes formed a cross under Michelle's breasts. Next, Michelle slowly stood up straight again, which caused the pressure between my legs and buttocks to first increase and then I completely lost contact with the floor with my feet.

Michelle now carried me like a backpack on her back, with my head towering over hers by a little more than a height. Michelle began to walk around the room, my legs repeatedly bumping into Michelle's legs from behind. This didn't escape Michelle's notice either and she asked one of the girls to tie my ankles up with another rope. Pinar didn't have to be told twice and she tied my ankles to the waist rope so that the soles of my feet were now still pointing up.

After a few rounds on Michelle's back through the living room, on which she amused me with how easy it was to tie me up helplessly and to transport me away without me being able to do anything about it, the extremely amused Pinar began to pose next to us. Marcella made now photos of us with in the most different poses and which show their largest grin. I tried to keep a straight face and grinned as well. Unlike them, my grin didn't feel real and I was afraid that my embarrassed grin would be easily distinguished from their honest grin in the photos.

After Marcella and Pinar had exchanged their with posing and photographing also times Pinar asks whether she could carry me also times, which Michelle answered lapidary with a "na clear". Michelle brought me to a chair, stood with the back in front of it and let me down with the help of Pinar and Marcella with my knees on the chair. After a few seconds it was Pinar who carried me around the living room and Marcella and Michelle posed and took pictures with great pleasure.

When I became too heavy for Pinar, she brought me back to the chair and asked Michelle full of expectation if we could hang up the Johanna now. "I'm looking forward to that too" Michelle replied and added that she still had to push the chair under one of the horizontal wooden beams.

Pinar put me on my knees in the chair and the rope that connected my feet to my back, as well as the ropes that served to carry me, were loosened. So I could kneel better in the chair and Pinar and Marcella did not have so much trouble to keep me straight while Michelle went to work again to make me now completely helpless.
Michelle knotted again a double taken rope with the back of the waist belt, led it under the ropes of the chest harness and the rope which runs behind the neck and threw the two rope ends over the beam. The ends of the rope hanging back down were again passed through the rope that ran behind the neck and knotted to the ropes of the harness on the back.

Now Michelle instructed Pinar to help her hold me and pull the chair away from Marcella. The girls were careful because they didn't want anything to happen to me. When the chair was gone I could touch the floor again with my feet, so Michelle instructed Marcella to tie my ankles back to the waist belt. While Marcella put my feet out of action the other two slowly let me go and I was now suspended from a wooden beam and floating in space.
I was now hanging in an upright position with my head up in space and all I could theoretically do was gyrate with my hands in the air. I dangled back and forth a bit and although I was bound motionless, it wasn't particularly uncomfortable from the restraints.

The girls started joking again, teasing me and taking pictures of me as I now hung absolutely helplessly tied up in the room. When Marcella then made the comment about how well I would do tied up like this as an accessory, Michelle and Pinar looked at each other and grinned. Michelle then asked, "what about you Marcella... don't you want to give it a try. It's an incredible amount of fun. You were excited like a little kid too, weren't you?" and grinned. Marcella became very quiet, blushed and stuttered that it wasn't her turn to play. Marcella was the smallest and had probably completely forgotten during all the fun with me that she could also be a victim, which also seemed to be quite unpleasant to her according to her reaction.

"Are you scared" Pinar sneered and made chicken noises, to which Marcella replied in the negative but only managed a "but but but". This time Pinar and Michelle made chicken noises, whereupon Marcella agreed again willingly and under the condition to fight Pinar. She probably thought that she would not be the only one to lose a fight, because I was already tied up so hopelessly in the room. Besides, it was Michelle she knew now that she could tie up so well. "It would have been my turn anyway, because Michelle has already fought twice... so let's go" Pinar brought in happily.

Pinar and Marcella began to fight on the floor, Pinar quickly took the scepter and determined the fight. Michelle meanwhile joined me, tested the restraints, tickled me a little on my high-bound feet and invited me with a smile to follow the fight with her.

Pinar was now behind Marcella holding Marcella's hands with her hands on Marcella's back and at the same time wrapped Marcella's head with leg scissors with her right leg on Marcella's left shoulder and her left leg on her right shoulder. In front of Marcella's belly Pinar hooked her feet and now grabbed a rope which she took it double. She picked about the middle of the rope and placed it on the back of Marcella's neck. From there she passed one end of the rope taken double under the left armpit and the other end under the right armpit. Using an amazing technique, she almost simultaneously wrapped the left running rope twice around Marcella's left arm and the right rope twice around her right arm, pulling her arms behind her back. Marcella's forearms followed next until the ropes approached her hands.

Pinar had no great trouble bringing Marcella's forearms together and finally brought the two ends of the rope together there before wrapping them around Marcella's clasped hands.

Marcella started to laugh artificially out of the shame of being overpowered and I was also secretly looking forward to not being the only victim. It was nice to watch the two of them fight on the ropes and Michelle remarked in my direction that Pinar had an interesting technique.

Pinar now led the ropes to the rope that was behind Marcella's neck, wrapped it around and pulled Marcella's hands up a bit. The ropes now hanging down were sometimes passed through the ropes on the right arm and sometimes through the ropes on the left arm and the upper arms were pulled together so that a pattern developed. Pinar knotted the rope and took another rope with which she tied Marcella's ankles and then connected them with the rope behind the neck to put Marcella in a hogtie.

"Fast and effective" Pinar praised herself clapping her hands and Michelle also praised her for her rope work. "One more thing though" said Pinar pulling Marcella across the smooth parquet floor under me. "great idea" Michelle rejoiced as Pinar attached Marcella's restraints to mine and brought them up to tension. Next they both took turns posing with us and taking pictures before Michelle asked Marcella to try to free herself.

Marcella actually didn't want to give up or even saw a chance to get free again and started to squirm in the bonds. Although Marcella's bonds looked secure, I began to worry if she could really do it. It would be so embarrassing if I was the only one who had no chance to get free without help.

Pinar meanwhile asked if she could watch the video on Michelle's notebook, which Michelle happily agreed to. They connected the phone to the notebook and asked me smugly if I wanted to watch. Without my answer they put the chair in front of me so that I could see the screen over their shoulder. The two were happy like little children about the video and commented on the individual scenes. "At this point I knew that Johanna had no chance to escape the bondage" Pinar remarked and asked me right after "how was that. The moment when you realized that you were helplessly tied up?". I turned bright red again at Pinar's question because it felt so humiliating to me and I didn't know the answer. I kept silent and hoped that no one would notice my red face although it was certainly obvious. The next moment Michelle looked up at me and saw my red face and laughed. "Oh no, she must be very embarrassed" to which they both giggled.

During this time, Marcella again managed to wiggle her hands out of the shackles and it was only a matter of time before she stripped off the rest of her shackles. After another five minutes Marcella jumped up jubilantly and I was still hanging there without having made the slightest progress.

Dejectedly, I asked the girls to please free me as well. The girls heard in my voice that I was really saddened by the defeat. They pushed the chair back under me and freed me from all the ropes.

When we sat down on the couch afterwards, I was overcome with sadness and couldn't help crying softly out of disappointment. Pinar saw my tears and asked me what was wrong, whereupon I shakily told about my disappointment to have been overwhelmed and tied up so without a chance. Pinar took me in her arms and Michelle also came to comfort me. Michelle said that I had been a good opponent and in return she had experience in both fighting and tying up. Pinar told me that she had participated in a workshop in jiu-jitsu and could show me how to tie up if I wanted. The girls assured me of their friendship and that no one would see the videos and pictures. I felt a little better after that.

However, the next meetings were still unpleasant for me and I was ashamed of my weakness. But the most important thing was that we were friends.

Part 2:
3 against 3 bondage fight on the playground (FFF/FFF)

Here are the links to my other stories

Fictional Stories For Everyone

Involuntary pyjama bondage video night (FF/ff)
Be careful how you treat your admirer (m/f)
My daughter Vanessa tricked (FF/ff)
Overnight stay with my girlfriend Jessica (F/F)
A weekend with the clique in the green (??/fff)
Tied up and fixed in the trunk (F/F)
Choice, Truth or Dare (F/F/F/F)
A victim to cuddle (F/F)
3 against 3 bondage fight on the playground (FFF/FFF)
In a roundabout way to happiness (m/f)

Fictional Stories For Adults

Unexpected adventure (M/FF)
The feeling of being captivated can move mountains (M/F)
Seduced, Tied Up, In Love (F/F)
The Living Mannequin (FF/F)
Who does not cooperate, is tied up just for the amusement of the other (F/F)

True Stories for Adults

Bondage Wrestling/Sex (M/F)
Nylon Encasement Sex in Tights (M/F)
Last edited by GirlBondage 1 year ago, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by NotSeen »

I know 'Truth or dare', but how is 'Choice, truth or dare' played?
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Post by GirlBondage »

Here in germany there is also the possibility of being given a choice. For the story, truth or dare would of course have been enough. I only needed a hanger so that michelle had a reason to tie up ; )
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Post by NabHer »

Not everyday you come across a story about a Turkish girl getting tied up, well done :)
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Post by masha7 »

Great detail
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