Helping Me See, By Blindfolding Me (M+/M)

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Helping Me See, By Blindfolding Me (M+/M)

Post by TayDay95 »

This is a completely fictional story, but the theme and premise are inspired by experiences in my own life. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it 🙂

My name is Jack, I was born in outback Australia, Alice Springs to be exact. I’m 26 years old, 6 feet tall with short dark brown hair, a short beard, and blue eyes, I play football, I like to race and paint cars, play Call of Duty with my mates, and talk with them about which girls in town we find the hottest. My old man was in the Australian Army and taught me how to shoot guns, build fires, tie knots and use a knife to keep yourself alive in a hundred different ways out in the bush...

I’m also bisexual.

And this is how I met the man who helped me fully come to terms with that. All with a great little thing called bondage.


It was about 9 months ago today on my 26th birthday, that I met Ryan. Being my birthday it was a good excuse to have a party and get everyone pissed, so on that night my backyard was full not only with my mates, but their friends, their friends’ friends, their girlfriends, and their girlfriends’ friends...

Bloody confusing eh? The point is, there was a lot of people there doing a lot of crazy shit. You know how it is, the beer starts flowing and who knows what’ll happen next. So I’m chatting away with my best mate Stevo, we’d known each other since primary school, played footy together, done up our cars and raced together, I mean bloody hell we even work at the same mechanic’s body shop. I can’t remember what we were talking about, but I sure remember what happened next:

As we’re talking I sense a lot of movement out of the corner of my eye. It’s all the boys I went to high school with, Jason, Robbo, Dan, Kade and Ethan, all coming over towards us, but before I’ve even turned around completely, Dan’s got me in a vice-like headlock! I know, nothing unusual, mates do that all the time. But as he was doing that Jason and Kade had grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back, and Robbo had a roll of this real fuckin’ sticky silver gaffa tape that he was wrapping around my wrists, tying them together!

I didn’t know what the bloody hell was going on, so at first I got angry, yelling and asking what the fuck they were doing, but the way they were all laughing made me catch on pretty quick that this was just a prank. So bugger it, I went along with it. Ethan had another roll of the same kinda tape, and he was tying my ankles together, didn’t bother me at all since I was just wearing simple blue jeans and a white print t-shirt. Then Robbo wrapped me up around and around my chest and arms, basically pinning my arms a little to my sides but also behind my back. I tell ya what, he did a damn good job because I could barely move to save my life.

Ethan just kept going further up my legs, after he wrapped tape around my ankles about ten or so times, he did the same thing below, then above my knees, and then around my thighs, which low-key got my balls a bit squished, but it wasn’t too bad. Then to top it all off, Stevo came along with a little white rag (yep, the dodgy bastard was in on it too lol) and he stuffed it in my mouth, thankfully not very far or I might have choked! Then each of the boys took turns at putting a strip of duct tape over my mouth. Six in all, and like I said, that shit was sticky as all hell, no way I was just brushing it off or anything. If I was anyone else I probably would’ve been annoyed.

Truth is though, I couldn’t stop laughing, I had to laugh, because otherwise, unbeknownst to anyone there, I would’ve started moaning in sheer bloody pleasure. See, I had two secrets in my life at that point... well, more like one secret, and something I was in denial about (More on that later). But my main secret, was that I was into bondage, big time.

I was always tying and gagging myself at home since I got my own place, and I loved it, it was a welcome break from having to be all macho and shit all the time, a chance to relax, be myself, and enjoy the helplessness. But this was different, it was out in public, and I was too embarrassed for people to know. It was good I was laughing so much, because when the tape hit me I went bright bloody red...

Anyway, so I’m there, right? Taped basically head to toe, a rag in my mouth, tape on my face, about a hundred people laughing, joking and filming me with their phones. When the boys sat me down on one of my outdoor chairs, a big cheap plastic chair that I was soon taped to real securely, they taped my waist to the back rest, my thighs to the seat, and my ankles to one of the chair legs. Fuck me, I was so bloody horny by this point that I was hoping like hell nobody would notice the raging stiffy that had been slowly growing in my pants, and was now throbbing with every move I made.

Now, there’d been plenty of points in my life where I’d thought... “Hey, that guy’s really handsome” or “Fuck that guy’s got a great body.” But the old man had raised me to be a man, and men didn’t think that way about other men. So I always squashed those thoughts before they became anything more. Mind you, they were always there. Also mind you, I always knew I liked girls, I mean shit, I was so heartbroken after Melanie King broke up with me I didn’t eat for nearly three days!!

So... imagine how I felt, when I saw Him.

There I am, taped to a chair, laughing into a gag, hard as a rock and hoping nobody notices, and this absolute angel of a guy enters my view...

His name was Ryan, and I hadn’t known it for most of my life, but he was 100% my dream guy. He was a couple years older than me, and built like a mix between a footy player and a gymnast, slender yet chiseled, lean but powerful. His black-t-shirt was so tight he looked like he would burst out of it, and I wouldn’t have complained if it meant more of that gorgeous olive-skinned body. His dirty blonde hair was cut into a slicked-back fade, and fuck, it suited him so well. His eyes were green like emeralds, hypnotic and enticing, but filled with kindness and understanding. Then there was his smile... holy shit, his smile... it was perfect. Warm, white, wide but not too wide, with the cutest dimples. Bloody hell, just talking about him now, I wanna kiss him and never stop.

The second he walked into my view and stood in front of me, I took no notice of anybody else in my entire backyard. His beautiful eyes were locked with mine, and I didn’t want to blink for fear I wouldn’t see him for even a second. He walked around my chair, and we didn’t break eye contact, he was smiling and laughing with everybody else, but I was awestruck. The attraction was well and truly confirmed when I felt my stiffy get harder than I’d ever felt before.

Duct taped to a chair, the guy I never knew I needed standing next to me, and a hundred witnesses to see me get birthday pranked. Yep, this is how my story starts. But this chapter ends with my favourite part so far...

Ryan, handsome, muscular, gorgeous olive-skinned Ryan was holding a roll of tape in his hands too, he’d taken it from Robbo and now he wanted to use it on me, and holy shit I was gonna let him. He looked down at me and smiled, pulling open the tape on the roll like it was nothing, christ he was strong. He then held it in front of my face, and while the crowd laughed and cheered, they probably didn’t notice this, but I sure did:

He winked at me.

Yep, he winked at me, and that was the last thing I saw for a while when he stuck the tape down over my eyes and started wrapping it around and around and around, so quickly too, fuck he was sooo strong (sigh ❤️).

I spent the next hour or so being tickled with feathers (which isn’t a fetish of mine but it was still fun), having my gag taken off to down a beer before they put it back in, and having a couple girls grind on me to that Wet Ass Pussy song (now THAT was really fun!)

When I was finally released, I found out Ryan had already gone home, which made me real sad, but then as I went inside to grab a beer I noticed something was in my pocket...

His phone number.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I really enjoyed how authentic the writing in this chapter is, Jack's narration reads so smooth and natural. You've done a great job at establishing his character, which I imagine is due to writing from experience.

As for the story, I'm a sucker for self-discovery journeys. I can relate to Jack's repressed feelings so I'm looking forward to seeing how his instant crush on Ryan will shake things up in his life.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by TayDay95 »

Thanks I really appreciate the comment 😊 hopefully I’ll have more for you soon, I wanted to make Jack sound as much like a typical Aussie outback bloke as possible since lgbt folks generally find it harder to thrive in those kinds of communities.

I’m really keen to continue this story so stay tuned 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

For a whole week, all I could think about was Ryan and those strong hands of his, and it was driving me up the wall.

My usual habit of just dismissing or brushing off whatever I was feeling? Yeah, that didn’t bloody work. If I didn’t have his phone number, maybe I wouldn’t have been like this... maybe. But I did, and through that whole week I was tossing up between two options.

Should I call him? Or just throw away his number and move on?

I was so fucking confused. But the worst part was, I didn’t know who to talk to about it. Maybe one of my mates’ girlfriends would understand? Stevo’s missus Katie was a pretty open-minded girl, always going up to Darwin for protests and shit, but then again she’d probably end up telling Stevo about it, they were a real close couple those two.

Confused as I was though, I definitely knew I couldn’t talk to the old man about it. His own old man, my Pops, had raised him to be so straight and manly that it was almost like a bloody caricature. If I told him I was crushing on a bloke, well, he’d probably disown me, call me a poofter even though I was still into girls too, and have me run out of town.

All these thoughts and more shit thoughts on top of those just kept whirling around in my head all week.

At work, I’d be fixing somebody’s engine, and my concentration would be fucked, because I’d find myself thinking about Ryan’s perfect, amazing smile.

I went down the shops to get groceries on Tuesday, and I kept hoping I’d bump into him. That got me thinking about his pecs bulging through that tight, tight shirt he’d been wearing.

But the last straw came on Friday night, I was home alone, and I’d sat down to watch TV while I had my dinner. And sure enough, what was on? Disturbia, that film where Shia LaBeouf gets taped up by that serial killer guy. As soon as that scene came on, it hit me... I hadn’t done any self-bondage all week!

Gotta tell ya, that’s very unlike me. I try to stress to people as much as possible that I don’t like being visited at home, ‘cause it’s “my space”. Though, yeah that’s true to a certain extent. But the real reason I tell everyone that is so nobody walks in on me while I’m handcuffed or hogtied naked on my bed. Frankly, I don’t know how the fuck I’d be able to explain that to someone.

But anyhow, while watching that scene, I decided to warm myself up a bit, if ya know what I mean, before I did any bondage. So all through the scene I took my cock out of my pants and you bloody bet I got myself nice and hard. I’d always explained that away as just picturing myself in their position, I wasn’t jerking it to the actual guys...

But this time it was pretty fucking hard to deny, Shia looked damn good in that scene. Fuck, I thought, what’s going on with me?!

Again I brushed it off, just enjoying the gag, that’s all. So once the scene was over and I was nice and hard, I went to my bedroom and got my box of bondage stuff:

A whole bunch of rolls of different tapes, a big two-inch black ball gag, a blindfold that looked like a sleeping mask, five or six big coils of silk rope, a pair of metal handcuffs with a key, and a big ol’ muzzle gag with a big nearly three-inch ball and a harness. Had to buy all this stuff discreetly online over quite a bit of time, no sex shop in my conservative little neighbourhood after all.

Tonight, though I was pretty keen on giving myself some hard bondage with the cuffs, some rope, and especially the muzzle gag... I had a real nagging feeling about using just regular good old duct tape. Between what happened at my birthday party, and having just seen Shia all taped up and helpless, I thought yeah, fuck it, and I picked up a full roll of silver tape.

I usually do my self-bondage naked, and tonight was no exception, so I took off my shirt, trackie pants, undies and socks and put em all in a neat pile on top of my clothes drawer. My cock was still good and hard, thinking about tying myself up sure helped with that. So to begin, I jumped on my bed with the tape, sat on the edge, put my legs together and started winding tape around my ankles.

On my first try years ago I’d done my hands first, which I quickly realised made it miles harder to tie up the rest of my body, haha, such is life eh? Anyway, after my ankles I decided to do what Ethan had done at my party, and taped my legs up by tying above and below my knees, and around my thighs. Clearly, that night was still at the front of my mind, because before I did my upper body, I wanted to gag myself the way the boys had gagged me...

It wasn’t the same exactly, but I reached into my bedside table drawer and pulled out a white ankle sock, and scrunching it up, I stuffed it in my mouth. It always tasted kinda shit, but in a weird way, that was part of the appeal, ‘cause fuck knows I couldn’t talk properly. Once that was in and I was able to savour the feeling of being unable to speak, I ripped six pieces of tape from the roll, and stuck them firmly over my stubbled face.

With every piece of tape I applied, I couldn’t help but moan deeply with pleasure, I love being gagged so bloody much. It’s the greatest feeling to have something put over my mouth, to feel helpless and trapped. There was just something so fucking hot about playing a victim... maybe because in my everyday life, I was always the big tough man with a plan, so it felt good to feel something different.

“Mmmmmph...” I groaned, completely muffled as I put on the last strip, I imagined it was Ryan who was gagging me. That he had me at his mercy... that he was about to tie my hands and arms nice and tight so he could do whatever he wa-...


That had never happened before...

I realised what I’d let my thoughts stray into, and thought about untying myself then and there. See, as much as I liked those thoughts, they were also making me uncomfortable. Like Dad had always said, men don’t think that way about other men...

And yet I had... and I loved it.

I pondered for about a minute but then I thought, look I’ve already tied my legs and gagged myself, might as well keep going... I just wouldn’t think about Ryan, or, well, at least I’d try.

With that, I took the roll of tape, stretched it out as far as I could, and placed the centre of it behind me on my back, then pulled the two ends around to my front, over my arms so they were stuck to my sides, and then I pulled it as tight as I could and stuck the ends together on my chest. It wasn’t a perfect way to be tied up, especially after the amazing job Robbo had done at my party. But it would do, I repeated this a few times, naturally it got harder as I had to get the tape onto my back without moving the tape free, something I’d mastered over years of self-bondage. Just like that all that was left was my wrists...

That part was easy, I just stuck the tape on the roll to my wrist, put my hands together, and swung the roll around my wrists, so the tape stuck to me as it went around. And after a few circles, I was satisfied, and used the scissors I kept on the bedside table to cut the tape.

Finally, I was free (well, not really but you know.) Free to struggle, wriggle, moan and groan and enjoy the ecstasy of being tied up that I loved so bloody much. Free to...

Yeah, I pretty much immediately started fantasising about Ryan.

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Post by Ossassin »

Loving your writing so far, and I greatly appreciate reading a piece with names that feel familiar (ish I’m more suburban) and terms of speaking that strike more true.

Also the upmost sympathy, perpetually, for the weather up in Alice Springs. :D
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Post by TayDay95 »

Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago Loving your writing so far, and I greatly appreciate reading a piece with names that feel familiar (ish I’m more suburban) and terms of speaking that strike more true.

Also the upmost sympathy, perpetually, for the weather up in Alice Springs. :D
Cheers mate I appreciate it haha.

I’m actually from Melbourne, just figured Alice was a good place for the story lol
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Post by Ossassin »

Ah ... well can’t argue with that :lol:
Always a delight to see another Melbournian.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago Ah ... well can’t argue with that :lol:
Always a delight to see another Melbournian.
Oh shit you’re from Melbourne too? Sweet as! 😁
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Wow, [mention]TayDay95[/mention]!

Nice, slow build-up. While reading the second installment, I kept thinking, "Call him already!" :lol:

But, then, I so enjoyed reading how Jack would put himself into bondage. It reminded me of when I first discovered I liked tying and gagging myself up and all the fantasies that worked me up! :shock:

And nice take on Tom Clancy's character, Jack Ryan. :D
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Best place to be ;)
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Post by TayDay95 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago Wow, @TayDay95!

Nice, slow build-up. While reading the second installment, I kept thinking, "Call him already!" :lol:

But, then, I so enjoyed reading how Jack would put himself into bondage. It reminded me of when I first discovered I liked tying and gagging myself up and all the fantasies that worked me up! :shock:

And nice take on Tom Clancy's character, Jack Ryan. :D
Oh wow I didn’t even realise the Jack Ryan thing 😂😂😂😂

I’m so glad you love the story, rest assured, Jack will be calling his dream boy very soon 😊
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Post by cj2125 »

This is a great story [mention]TayDay95[/mention]! I love how Jack is slowly starting to realize he is into Ryan while at the same time going through a healthy dose of denial. And that self-bondage session reminded me of my own experiences when I was young, good job! Can't wait to read more of this story
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Post by TayDay95 »

Can’t believe I’m actually sharing this part of my story with someone else. Never thought I’d have the guts to tell anyone, and this is from a bloke who used to pick fights with full grown men when I was only fifteen...

Anyway, here goes I guess. So there I was taped from mouth to feet on my bed, my cock was throbbing like a speaker pumping out a bass beat. I was horny as fuck, and not just because I was tied up, gagged, naked and helpless. But because the first thing I thought about when I was fully tied was Ryan.

In that amazing moment, all the doubts and issues I had didn’t concern me one bit. At that moment, I didn’t think about my old man not approving, what my mates might think of me, or how it would affect me. I just thought of him and his beautiful eyes looking down at me before he’d blindfolded me. The way his muscles rippled in the heat of an Alice Springs night. I thought about how good his body would look without that black t-shirt on... yeah it’s fucking corny but it’s how I felt so piss off.

And as I thought this stuff, I reached down with my taped up hands and started fiddling with my dick. I literally couldn’t get any more stiff if I tried, and after just feeling myself up a bit, I took a better hold and started stroking. Up and down, back and forth, you’ve all got cocks, you know how it works.

Now this is where things get interesting, while I had that firm grip on my cock, I found myself imagining that it wasn’t my cock I was grabbing and jerking, but Ryan’s...
It was like I was transported into a dream, and in it, Ryan was there, my tall, strong, handsome kidnapper. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but super-tight boxers that showed off his massive bulge. I moaned and groaned through my taped up lips, begging that gorgeous arse of his to come closer so I could feel it with my own hands. I’d never really heard him speak at the party, so I couldn’t imagine him speaking to me.

Instead, he just walked over to the back of my bed, lowering himself down so his face was close to mine. I looked at his muscley, broad shoulders in my fantasy as he digged his hands into the mattress, they were so thick and so strong, his biceps bulging with power, his abs glistening in the light of my room... fuck me dead I wanted him so bad ❤️

In my fantasy dreamworld, he grabbed me by my tape-covered chin and held me tight, so he could give me a tender smooch on the cheek and give my hair a gentle, affectionate brush. He crawled completely on to the bed, knowing full well I was watching, completely glued to the action. He set himself up so he was sitting on top of my crotch like a cowboy sits in a saddle...

I was breathing like a bloody steam train, moaning like... I don’t know, something that moans a lot? The point is I was making a fuck ton of noise because I was beyond horny at this point, I was hungry for cock, desperate for it, for Ryan’s cock. I wanted him to show it to me...

Smiling that perfect, charming smile. My Ryan ran one of his hands down his whole body, from his broad shoulders, to chiseled pecs, to beautiful abs, and then finally, he grabbed the bulge in his undies and squeezed...

“Mmmmph! Mmmmmmmph!! Aaaaaahhhhmmmmmmph!”

Oh yeah, I’d been jerking myself off this whole time, and bugger me, that had to be the hardest I’d came in my whole fucking life... well, up to that point at least. I laid there, panting and gasping into a soaked sock, my bedsheet now drenched with a big patch of cum, my stubbled face still plastered with tape, my legs still stuck together and still barely able to move my wrists, and all I could think was:

I can’t take this anymore, I’ve gotta call him.

I tugged and yanked away at the tape around my wrists, using my strength to open and stretch the tape enough so I could slip it off my hands completely. Everything else got undone easy as piss after that. I chucked on a pair of trousers, raced into the kitchen, straight to the fridge, where I’d hung up the paper with Ryan’s number.

I started dialing in numbers, but my bloody fingers were shaking like leaves... what the fuck was I supposed to say? I stopped dialing, and started thinking, but let me tell ya, that’s the last thing I should have done, ‘cause that’s when the doubts and issues came flooding back.

What would I say? How would I say it? What would he say? Would he be cool with me ringing him out of the blue? Was I calling too late? Too early? Should I talk more or less about the bondage at the party? What would I say if he was a girl? Would I rather he was a girl? It’d be so much fucking simpler... shit... What would Dad think? What would my mates think? What would my neighbours think? Would they hate me? Be scared of me? Be afraid of me? Why the fucking hell did I feel like this over a guy?!?!

I couldn’t do it, I was shaking all over. Pretty much hyperventilating, so I scrunched up the paper, and I threw it in the bin. I was close to crying I was under so much pressure... but no, I willed the tears away, I stomped all that pressure deep down and fucking swallowed it... men don’t cry, and I was a man.

I stood there at the kitchen bench, I didn’t wanna move, don’t know how long I was there, staring into space, until I buried my face in my hands. And I remembered.

That feeling I had when my eyes met his for the first time. I didn’t feel like a fucking “man”.

I felt like me.

I opened the lid of the bin, unscrunched the paper, and without hesitation I dialed the full number. My heart was fucking pounding, my hands were shaking again, but I felt better this time, I was ready for whatever happened.

The phone rang...

And rang...

And rang...


“Hello, Ryan speaking.”


“Hey... Ryan, um... it’s Jack.”

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Post by TayDay95 »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago This is a great story @TayDay95! I love how Jack is slowly starting to realize he is into Ryan while at the same time going through a healthy dose of denial. And that self-bondage session reminded me of my own experiences when I was young, good job! Can't wait to read more of this story
Thanks so much cj 😊 it really means a lot to hear from you and everyone who’s commented that I’m reaching people with this story. None of the events happened like this at all, but I very much put the emotions and process of my own sexual awakening into writing this story, it was a crazy and difficult time and it just really makes me happy that you guys enjoy it. Thanks again. ❤️
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Post by cj2125 »

That was amazing! I loved how you described Jack's pleasure, mixed with the right amount of francticism as he gets lost himself on his little fantasy! Other than that I liked how you described his inner doubts about calling Ryan, for a moment I really thought he wouldn't go through with it! Really it's a well written piece of work! Jack feels real and his actions and motivations are relatable!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Great job at describing Jack's fantasies. The real Ryan has big shoes to fill if he wants to live up to his imaginary self.

I also loved Jack going "screw it" and giving him a call. For all his anxities, he's still able to pull himself back up. That's no easy feat.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by TayDay95 »

“Hello, Ryan speaking.”

“Hey... Ryan, um... it’s Jack...”

“Uhh I’m sorry, Jack who?”

Fuck, of course, I should’ve realised he wasn’t just gonna know me by name, great start Jackie boy, slow clap, pat on the back!

“Ah yeah, right, sorry. Jack O’Reilly, you were at my party on Friday night?” I blurted out faster than I normally talk, nerves’lol do that to ya. Didn’t help that his voice was so deep and smooth and attractive...

“Ohh of course, I remember haha. I never did get the chance to say, but, Happy Birthday for last Friday!”

Interesting, he sounded as indifferent as they come when he answered, but as soon as I told him who I was it was like his voice livened right up! He sounded happy to hear from me, and that had to be a good sign, yeah? Yeah, good sign.

I chuckled a bit, still nervous. “Haha cheers man, just wondering though, we’ve never met before. How’d you end up at my party?”

“Oh yeah, Robbie is a good friend at work, and he invited me along. I hope that was ok?” He obviously meant Robbo, strange, I’d never heard him called anything else. I reckon Robbo may have surpassed Stevo as my best mate in that moment, bringing Ryan into my life like that!

“No no no that was fine! Great even... uh, you know, ‘cause the more the merrier at these things, eh?” I didn’t know what the bloody hell I was doing or saying, I really didn’t plan this conversation out, did I?”

“Definitely, and we all got to have a little laugh at your expense too! I hope you weren’t too put off by the whole tape thing?” He asked, I couldn’t help but here a hint of sarcasm in his voice, like he knew damn well I’d enjoyed it.

“Oh haha nah not at all, it was a lot of fun actually. It felt pretty good, now I think about it.” Here we go, I was testing the waters. I never even slightly hinted at loving bondage with anyone so this was big for me...

He chuckled a bit, god even his laugh was sexy as hell...

“I bet, hope you don’t mind me saying, but your boner kinda gave it away.”

“Oh um, wow... you noticed that?” I turned bright fucking red like a tomato. That was pretty blunt of him, and I didn’t know how to process what I’d just heard a guy say to me.

“Mmm-hmm, sure did...”

Ok, the way he said that last sentence. He was definitely flirting with me. What was I supposed to do? Flirt back? I’d only ever flirted with chicks, what the fuck should I say?!

“Well... I... ummm... yeah... I...” this gorgeous man, with his deep, sexy arse voice had turned me into a stuttering idiot, and I felt like one too.

“I’m sorry, I hope that wasn’t inappropriate, I should probably let you know. I’m bisexual. I understand if I made you uncomfortable...”

Why did I hang on every word this man said? Fuck he was even polite and considerate after all that.

“No no, not at all. You know, it’s uh... it’s the 21st century right?” This was so weird for me. I’d never really said aloud to anyone that I was ok with that kinda stuff, besides, at this point, I wasn’t happy with myself being into guys.

“Haha right! I appreciate you saying that, it’s not easy liking men in a place like Alice Springs.”
“Yeah I bet, very conservative place...”

I went silent for a minute, and so did he... it was the fucking worst, I didn’t know how to go about this tactfully or whatever, so I thought, fuck it, he was blunt with me so I’ll be blunt back, maybe we’ll actually get somewhere.

“You know I... I couldn’t help but notice when you taped my eyes shut you gave me a little wink. I’m, haha, not gonna lie, I kinda liked that.”
“Oh you did eh?” His smooth-arse voice growled a little when he asked that, it was so hot...
“Yeah, I did. In fact um... I found that whole situation pretty, well, pretty enjoyable. Being taped up and helpless like that...”

I couldn’t believe what I fucking said next.

“If we were alone you could’ve done anything you wanted with me.”

I waited a couple seconds to see how he replied, and I felt myself get hard when he did.

“Mmmm, Jack, are you flirting with me?”


“Yeah, Ryan, I think I am. I have to admit, I um, haha... I’ve kinda thought about you a lot since Friday.”

“Sounds like you wanna have a little fun together?”

“.... Maybe...”

“Sounds good to me, do you wanna get together some time? Have a coffee?”

Holy fuck this was really happening! Holy fucking shit! What was I feeling? Excited, terrified, both?! Yeah, let’s be honest, it was both.

“I’d love that, Ryan.” I smiled so hard, with such relief.

“Wonderful, so... tomorrow’s Saturday, you wanna meet at Remanzo’s café?” Maybe it was just me, but he sounded as excited and relieved as I felt.

“Sounds great, I’ll see ya there! About 12? We can have lunch.” I rambled happily.

“Sounds wonderful, I’ll see you there handsome.”

Handsome? Wow... a guy had never called me that... shit, that felt pretty nice actually. Really nice in fact, especially coming from him.

“See ya there, thanks Ryan. Bye!”


Holy bloody shit, I did it. I actually did it, and now I was gonna meet him properly. My mind was an absolute whirlpool of thoughts and emotions.

On the one hand, holy shit no! I was terrified, what if I didn’t like him? What if he didn’t like me? Would I be ok with it if I did like him... THAT way? Or maybe I already did like him that way. I must have, I mean for christ’s sake I’d been jerking myself off thinking about him not ten minutes earlier. But it kinda felt wrong, unnatural, but I had a feeling that was just my old man talking.

Because on the other hand, I was absolutely ecstatic. I felt like a massive, world-crushing weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I’d just been asked out by a guy, and honestly, it was the best feeling, despite my doubts and concerns. I was still a little hard downstairs after he flirted with me, and I was pretty damn ok with that.

I got that feeling again, like I’d had when we’d locked eyes. I felt like I was truly being me. Not just what people expected me to be.

I went to bed that night feeling like almost like a different man, I was about to take a huge leap out of my comfort zone, going out for lunch with a guy who wasn’t my friend, who’d flirted with me, one on one... I was going on a date with him!

Wow... this was exciting... but even more exciting. I hoped this would lead to him tying me up just by himself, because the more I thought about it... Mmmm ❤️

That scenario was like a perfect dream for me.

I lay in bed touching myself for hours, just imagining what he and I could get up to. Was I getting ahead of myself? Yeah, definitely. But I didn’t care.

I wanted to do real dirty things with that gorgeous man.

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Post by bondagefreak »

You've done a wonderful job with this so far, Taylor!
Your chapters always end on the perfect note - leaving us wanting more - and your narration is simply top-notch.

Very anxious to find out what Jack and Ryan have in store for us (and each other) ;)
Seems like all of us following this are in for some fun times ahead.

Excellent job, buddy!

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Post by Ossassin »

I’m loving every inch of this, that conversation testing boundaries was a delight. Very charmingly brash main POV, hiding intentions for all of half a minute and then bam cards on the table honesty, love it.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Thanks so much for the encouraging comments guys 😊
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Post by TayDay95 »

Welp, you’ve all been waiting for this I’m sure, this was the day where Ryan and I got together!

But first of course, we had to meet up and get a feel for each other as people. I didn’t know much about taking out blokes, but I knew dating rules in general and it’s usually not the greatest idea to jump into bed with a complete stranger, eh?

So, 12 o’clock at Remanzo’s café, there I was, sat at a table in the back corner, one of those booths with the big long leather seats, you know the type. I’d been texting Ryan all morning since I got up a few hours earlier and it only made me more keen to meet him. Fuck, he was a real charmer, had a quick comeback for every remark I made, I couldn’t tell you all how many times I opened my messages just to laugh my arse off and smile warmly.

Excited as I was, there was an underlying sense of dread. After all I’d built this guy up in my mind as pretty much perfect, though that was all based on his looks and the fact that he put tape over my eyes one time. What if he turned out to be, well, kind of a prick?

Ah never mind that, I thought, whatever happens, happens... Though this was a big moment for me... fuck I hate how I can’t help but mull over things before they happen.

Anyway, I’m sitting there in a white AC/DC singlet, wearing thongs (flip-flops for the yanks reading) on my bare feet, a pair of khaki work shorts that came down to just above my knees. Also had a pair of sunglasses perched on my head. Pretty standard wear for Alice Springs, being surrounded by desert, the city’s hot all year round.

I got a buzz on my phone, it was Ryan... oh shit here we go...

Ryan 12:02pm
“I’m here 😊

You 12:02pm
“Cool, just up the back”

I looked over at the entrance of the café, and there he was, first time I’d seen him since that special birthday night. And holy fuck he looked even better than he had then. He was wearing a tight navy blue singlet that exposed his entire perfectly formed arms and shoulders, and hugged his skin, clearly defining his six pack and amazing pectorals. On his legs were a pair of white board shorts, another common sight in this city, you never know when you wanna just rush down to the local pool, and like me he wore thongs on his feet. I don’t think I’d really seen a man in the flesh with no hair on his legs before, but there Ryan was, not a hair on him besides his handsome stubble and crisp dirty blonde hair, still swept back into a fade. He was sweaty, just like everyone in Alice Springs, and the way his olive skin gleamed in the light made him look like an underwear model who’d been oiled up for a shoot.

He saw me sitting at our booth and raised his muscled arm to wave at me, his hands were so large and looked so strong...

I waved back, smiling and excited but a little hesitant as the place was decently packed with people. As he made his way toward me I stood up to greet him, and finally, our hands touched.

Even that simple act sent jolts through my whole fucking body, I don’t know how I could still deny I was so attracted to this man.

“Hi Jack, nice to properly meet you!” He announced warmly.
“G’day Ryan, likewise mate, likewise.” I responded in kind. “Here sit down.”

Now, I don’t wanna take you through the whole lunch we had in detail or you’d be stuck here forever, so I’ll skim through it a bit and tell you all the important bits:

At first we just exchanged a bit of small talk, likr the usual how are you, good to meet you finally. That kinda shit. We sort of ran out of things to say and we just sort of sat there for a minute or so. A little awkwardly, but also, it seemed we were just really stopping and taking a moment to look at each other and take it all in. At least I was, but he seemed to be doing the same.

Finally a waitress showed up and took our food orders, I got a big old steak sandwich, and he got... I don’t know how to pronounce it, something with eggs. Anyway, he asked me to tell him a bit about myself, so I told him about how I grew up in Alice, how my mum left my dad when I was 5, cheated on him with some office prick. I told him about my footy career in high school, how I made team captain in Year 11. He made plenty of remarks about how I’d look great in those footy shorts, and to be fair, he got me laughing real good with that.

I told him about my work in the auto shop, about my other mates besides Robbo, since he’d only met them briefly at my party. Lastly I told him about how my dad raised me, how he wanted me to be the quintessential manly straight bloke, and how I was basically taught to be wary of anything that came across as gay or poncy. Ryan didn’t joke at all while I talked about that, he just nodded occasionally and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes, they were slightly sad but more so, warm and understanding, it was actually refreshing as hell to be able to talk to someone about this.

When I was finally done, he told me not to worry about my old man, and that he was sure dad loved me regardless of what I am. That felt great to hear, I reckon I needed that kind of reassurance from someone.

Now it was his turn, time for me to learn about the man I’d built up like crazy... and honestly, I was pretty bloody happy!

Ryan was born over on the west coast in Perth to an Italian mum and Aussie dad. He wanted to be a sprinter when he was in school, and even won a Western Australia state championship in the 100 metres. But unfortunately he wasn’t quite good enough for the Olympics when he tried out at age 18. He’d realised he was bisexual at a pretty young age, but especially when he first got to high school and found he had crushes on both girls and guys in his classes.

Telling his parents had been a huge drama, because not too much unlike my dad, they were very old-fashioned and conservative, but what warmed my heart was when he told me his older brother and younger sister had defended him to their parents, as well as supported him when he came out. Now that was a bloody wholesome thing to hear...

After a couple years, his parents told him they accepted and loved him no matter what, so in the end though it was hard he did get a happy ending to that chapter of his life.

As for how he came to be in Alice Springs, he’d moved here to be with a girl he’d met online years ago, they got into the personal training industry, but months later she’d decided she wanted to try getting into corporate work and “wouldn’t have the balance and time to manage a relationship”. So, he stayed behind because the houses were cheaper than Perth, set up his own now-successful personal training business, and here he was with me today.

I’d always pictured “poofters” as dad called them to be all flamboyant, kinda girly and scrawny guys that just did stuff chicks would do. But Ryan was pretty much the opposite, he was strong, athletic, kinda macho, he liked cars (not as much as me but still), told me his favourite music was heavy metal and rap, and he even drove a Toyota Hilux. Basically, he was what I needed to shatter the stereotypes my old man had ingrained in my brain.

After he told me the tale of his life, we lowered our voices a bit and got to the real juicy subject: bondage. Turns out Ryan was very, very experienced with the stuff. He’d first discovered he was into tying people up and being tied up when he a little kid, he’d had a babysitter that he loved playing cops and robbers with, where she’d always end up “arrested and pretend to have her hands cuffed. Ryan didn’t know why at the time, but he loved it, so he got his mum to buy him a little toy set with a plastic gun and toy handcuffs. It went on from there.

He’d first been tied up at age 13, by a boy he had a brief fling with in at school, they’d done track and field together and ended up making out in the boys’ bathroom. He went to the guy’s house one night for a sleepover, and they ended up trying bondage together, taking turns throughout the night. Coincidentally, that was also the night he lost his virginity...

Since then, he’d done degrees of bondage in every relationship he’d been in. He poured a lot of his hard-earned money into buying toys, rope, tape, gags, blindfolds, all sorts of stuff to the point he had a bloody decent collection, he pretty much had a dedicated wardrobe to keep it all in. For a while, he’d even advertised himself online as a bondage switch for hire, but after a couple of bad run-ins with creeps, he stuck to doing it as a hobby and sexual pastime rather than a job.

Finally, after a couple hours, we decided we were done there. We’d been checking each other out since we’d laid eyes on each other, and I think learning each other’s stories really established a good connection between us. We’d laughed at each other’s jokes, traded a fair few flirty lines, and at one point, he’d even stroked my leg with his bare toes while I was talking about the muzzle gag I have at home. Jesus Christ it felt good, even making my cock twitch.

We got outside and agreed, since I admitted I didn’t have as much bondage gear as him. We’d go back to his place...

It was finally about to happen.

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Post by David Han »

I love it
Tie me up and have fun with me
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Post by TayDay95 »

I’m absolutely spewing guys, I just spent 2 fucking hours writing the next chapter, and I seriously think it was some of my best work ever.

I was nearly done and my fucking battery died, I wasn’t paying attention. I’m so fucking mad 😫😫🤬🤬🤬
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Post by bondagefreak »

I'm sorry to hear that.
I think it's safe to say we've all been there (some of us more times than others).

If you're writing on Word or some other text/document-reader (which you should), try to press the "save" button every ten minutes or so.
It'll save you a lot of trouble and frustration in the long run.

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Post by TayDay95 »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago @TayDay95
I'm sorry to hear that.
I think it's safe to say we've all been there (some of us more times than others).

If you're writing on Word or some other text/document-reader (which you should), try to press the "save" button every ten minutes or so.
It'll save you a lot of trouble and frustration in the long run.
Yeah clearly I should, thanks for the advice bf. I’m gonna give it another go soon, hopefully I can recreate it almost as well as I originally wrote it. 🤞
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