Helping Me See, By Blindfolding Me (M+/M)

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Post by TayDay95 »

Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago One of your strengths as a writer, is that you have a talent for bring into your experiences to bear. For instance the chatting and exchanging fantasies is something most couples do (new and frisky couples) and the causal cuteness of that dynamic comes through.
Aw thanks, granted it is easier with this story than some of my others have been haha. But I did want to make Jack and Ryan as believable as people as I could, while still having plenty of bondage action to keep my eager readers happy 😉
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Post by TayDay95 »

So... I’d had a lot of time to think during the week, and I also spent plenty of time talking with Ryan. My beautiful, sexy, amazing Ryan. He made me feel better than any girlfriend I’d ever had. He helped build my self-confidence, encouraged me to work harder, inspired me to follow what I was passionate about and not just what people expected of me. On top of that, he was the hottest man alive, an incredible bondage dom, and an even better human being. The more I spoke to him, and the more I thought things through... I was ready to take a big chance, probably a huge risk, but one that I felt I had to do if I was ever gonna be completely at peace with myself. I’d confronted some of my fears, now it was time to face the rest.

And so, Friday evening came around, and I was more than ready to tell Ryan my plans.... but first... we were gonna have some fun. 😈

“Hey you” My sexy master smiled, inviting me into his house yet again.

As soon as he closed the door I wrapped my arms around him, giving his nice firm butt a good squeeze. “Hey you too.”

Not in the door five seconds and already I started kissing Ryan. He’d had a shave which meant his lips didn’t feel as whisker-y when I kissed them (mind you, I reckon he looks better with a slight beard.) We pashed and slipped each other the tongue for a solid minute or so. Don’t know if you can tell, but I was pretty fucking happy to see him.

“So how was your da- heyy! Hahaha!” He laughed in surprise as I took his hand and pulled him along behind me, I’d been thinking about his gorgeous arse tying me up all bloody week, and I was done waiting. “Shit! Someone’s keen!”

“Nooo! Really? How’d you know?”
“Aw you know, just a stab in the dark!”
I laughed along with him, pulling him out of the entrance hallway, past the kitchen and lounge room, up the stairs. By the time we got to his bedroom we were both running to the door laughing our heads off. I put my hand on the doorknob first, struggling to open it.

“Beat ya!” I chuckled.
“I’ll beat you off in a minute!” He shouted, smiling widely.
“Ooh, is that a promise?” I winked.
“Fuck you!” He winked back.

“Ok, that better fucking well be a promise!”
We both smiled, giggled and grabbed each other tightly, kissing like wild things as I finally opened the door. Poor Ryan just about stumbled onto the carpet as I’d had him pinned against the door momentarily, but he just laughed it off.

We crashed onto the bed while holding each other, me onto my back and him on top of me. I was just wearing my Eureka flag blue board shorts and a white singlet, while he was already in a pair of tight white briefs and a loose-fitting black Metallica t-shirt. Still laughing, we kissed each other tenderly and sweetly, moaning with the delight of being able to touch each other again. Ryan held me so tightly I thought my blood might stop flowing, and I loved it, being in his arms... it was the greatest feeling.

“Mmm... looks like... mmm someone... wants to be tied up!” He moaned between kisses.
“Yeah... yeah I do... mmm... ahh... please tie me up tight master!” I groaned in reply, my cock tingling with excitement. He broke the kiss and grabbed me by the back of the neck. His face went all stern and serious again, “dom-mode” had been activated.

“All right then, boi, let’s go!” He commanded, standing up off the end of the bed and pulling me along with him.
“Yes master!” I panted loudly, so horny and so keen to be punished and restrained.

Once I was on my feet we both got naked, with him forcing me to stay still and take it as he stripped me, not gonna lie, I liked that... he then clamped his hand on my lips and engulfed me in his insanely strong right arm. I put my hand on his wrist and struggled a bit, not putting up much of a fight, but enough to make it more exciting. As he held me against him I could feel through his briefs that he also had a raging erection...

“Mmmmph! Mmmph! Lemmmee gmmmph! Hemmmmph!” I cried through his smooth, strong hand.
“No point in screaming boi, your pretty little arse belongs to me tonight!” He taunted me, fuck, his deep, commanding voice was even hotter when he was playing dom. ❤️

Dragging me to his walk-in wardrobe, he kept his hand over my mouth while he used his free hand to try and unzip one of his bondage bags... but it wasn’t opening..

“Shit.” He broke character for a moment, wheezing with laughter as he fiddled with the zip. “Hang on I’m gonna...”
“Mmm-hmmph! Hahahaha!” I nodded, then laughed along with him as he had to take his occupied hand away to undo the bag. We both laughed again for a bit before we calmed down and got back into our little fantasy-come-to-life.

“Mmmmph!” I grunted through his hand as he took out a big black panel gag, though I noticed this one was different from the last one I wore; it had a rubber penis on the inside of the panel instead of a gag ball.

My eyes went wide, holy fuck I wasn’t expecting that! Ryan looked at me, silently asking if it was ok, I looked at it for a moment, and, after considering what I had planned for the night, decided yeah, why the hell not? So around my head the leather straps went, over my lips the panel was pressed... and into my mouth went the pecker gag.

Holy shit this felt weird, I’d never felt anything like it in my mouth before. It tasted like a ball gag, but the shape was so different, for one thing the pecker didn’t open my jaw and separate my teeth quite so much, but rather it was like trying to wrap my mouth around a big thick tube or a banana. I was a little unsure how I felt at first, but it grew on me pretty quickly.

“Good?” Ryan asked, making sure I was okay.
“Mmm-hmmm...” I nodded, smiling as much as I could with a rubber cock in my mouth and a leather panel pressing against my lips and puffing up my cheeks.

‘Dom-mode’ was re-engaged.

“On you knees boi. On your knees!” He pushed my down by my shoulders, grabbing me by my mouth again as he kept rummaging around in his bag. Being in his control had my cock standing to attention and throbbing like a drum!

My handsome master pulled out a bunch of ropes and threw them across to the bedroom, no doubt wanting to use them later, along with, oh shit, a cock ring, a black blindfold and a... sleeping bag? Huh... ok then...

Ryan then got out a big shiny roll of gorilla duct tape, strongest stuff on the market from what I heard. He took a pair of scissors from a nearby shelf and moved them closer, before walking in front of me so I had to look up at him, my blue eyes wide above the black gag over my face.

“Cross your arms, hands on your elbows boi.” Master ordered me, and I obeyed. He then wrapped the super-strong tape all the way around my upper body, pinning my crossed arms to my torso and making something of a makeshift straight jacket, it was very restrictive and different from always having my hands behind my back. I liked it a lot.

“Uh cmmm mmmph mmmstmmmph!” I mumbled into my gag, struggling to form words around the thick, juicy cock inside my mouth.
“Try and talk all you want boi, you’re only turning me on!” Ryan grinned meanly.
“Mmmmmph...” I moaned, pretending to look sad and helpless, like a hostage accepting his predicament.

Oh no, a big strong sexy burglar has me at his mercy, I thought, what do I do?!

Finishing with my taping up, Ryan then stood me up again, and pulled out a leather collar with a leash chain attached to it. Oh my fucking god yes!

“Mmmmph!” I gasped excitedly, I’d told Ryan over the phone earlier that week I’d seen a film where a man had been pulled around by a rope around his neck, and the idea of being led around by a captor actually really turned me on. Now here this was!

“Bought this for you yesterday, boi.”Ryan winked at me, and I leaned over and nudged him on the lips, which he kissed me with. He was so good to me. ❤️

He fastened the collar around my neck, it was thick and tall leather, slightly restricting my necks movement. But the hottest part was Ryan taking the leash, walking a few steps ahead of me, and pulling on it for me to follow...

I came with him across the landing of the second floor, down the steps one by one, and then all around the bottom floor of his house as Ryan went from room to room. He would do some menial task like fold a few clothes in his laundry, sort the magazines on the lounge room coffee table, or put some dry dishes away in the kitchen. The whole time I was extremely turned on as he held onto my leash, giving me an occasional smack on my arse and taunting me all the way.

“Look at you, such a big, muscular boi and you can’t even break out of some tape? Pathetic!”
“Mmmmmph mmmph mmph mmmph!”
“What’s that boi? Didn’t get a word!”

I felt like such a helpless little slave boy, All my years doing things to make me feel strong, tough and manly, and here I was, my master’s slutty bondage boy toy. Completely at his mercy with no control of where I could go, what I could say, or how I could move. Ryan licked his lips as my cock twitched, not able to get any bigger or stiffer if I tried!

Eventually he sat me down on the couch, tying my ankles to one of the legs.

“Don’t go anywhere boi!” He winked and blew me a kiss. Disappearing upstairs, he brought down all the stuff he’d got out from his bags of fun.

I still didn’t know what the hell the bloody sleeping bag was for, was I gonna sleep on the couch down here or something? Anyway, he began tying my legs with some of the rope, one coil around my shins, then above and below my knees, then two on my thighs, which was when Ryan pulled my balls out from between my thighs so I wasn’t squashing the poor buggers.

He took out my panel gag, a great big stream of drool pouring from my mouth with it. “Oh, shit, should’ve expected that.” He laughed, grabbing some paper towel to wipe it up from the couch, my crotch, chest and mouth. He then gave me another adorable kiss.

“How’s my boi doing?” He asked softly, caressing my cheek and neck.
“I’m loving this so much master” I smiled. Feeling the most comfortable I’d ever been in his presence since we’d met.
“Good, so am I...” he giggled, before he ripped a piece of gorilla tape off its roll again. He went to stick it on my lips, but suddenly I thought that while I was ungagged, I might as well tell him what I wanted to do before we kept going.

“Oi wait wait wait wait!” I stopped him. He quickly paused, afraid he’d done something wrong.
“Oh, uh, are you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah Ry I’m great actually, but I forgot I wanted to talk to you about something before we take this further.” I said. “Could you untie me? Just for a minute?”

“Yeah... ok sure.” Ryan didn’t know what I was up to, but he did as I asked, first untying my ankles, then using the scissors to cut through my upper body mummy wrappings. He then yanked it all off, now, we’ve established I’m a fairly tough bloke... but that fucking hurt.

“Fuuuuck a DUCK!” I yelled out as Ryan yanked it off all off in one go as quickly as he could.
“Okay, that’s disgusting AND illegal.” Ry joked.
“Oh shut up!” I laughed, nudging him in the ribs before we embraced again. Kissing tenderly and cuddling up together on the couch completely naked, jesus if my old man could see me now....

“Soooo...” Ryan asked, a little confused but mostly intrigued. “What do you wanna talk to me about? And why did you have to be untied.”

“Well, I wanted to be untied so I could hold you for this...” I blushed, and he aww’d kissing my cheek.
“Cutie!” He smiled.
“Haha, and um... what I wanna talk about is...” I took a deep breath, I knew this was a big step, a huge step. But like I said, I’d never be at peace with myself until I took it.

“I want to... come out... with you.”

Ryan’s face went through about twenty emotions in a few seconds, shocked, confused, amazed, happy... you name it.

“W-with me?” He gasped.
“Yes, with you. Ryan...” I took his hand, kinda thankful he was trembling as much as I was. “I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re funny, you’re smart, you work hard, you make me wanna be a better person, I don’t really feel like myself around anyone but you...” I could feel happy tears slowly building inside me, though they were nowhere near the surface yet. “I know we haven’t known each other very long, but...”

“But we’ve got a serious connection going here...” he interrupted, his face a mixture of nervousness, but also unbridled joy.
“Yeah, exactly.” I smiled more than I ever had before, those tears were slowly coming.
“So you...” Ryan was already choking up, I was so happy!

“You want to... be a couple? Boyfriends? Officially?”

“Yeah, Ry, I do.”

Tears started streaming from his face, same with mine, as he nodded his head like crazy, and we both cry-laughed and wrapped each other up in the warmest, purest, most loving hug in either of our lives, we kissed each other passionately, blinking away and wiping our tears.

“I’m so proud of you sweetie!” My beautiful boyfriend said, caressing my head as he held me close, naked on his couch.

I was proud too, prouder than I’d ever been. Now, was I scared? Absolutely. But I felt like in the end, when I looked back on this moment years later, I would know I’d made the right choice.

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Post by gag1195 »

I love these two so much! Your writing continues to amaze me!
And that leash scene was extremely hot!
Their teasing each other, the flirting, and of course the ending that is so sweet! It can be equally exhilarating and scary to come out, to be authentically you, and I am happy that Jack and Ryan have each other!
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Post by TayDay95 »

gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago I love these two so much! Your writing continues to amaze me!
And that leash scene was extremely hot!
Their teasing each other, the flirting, and of course the ending that is so sweet! It can be equally exhilarating and scary to come out, to be authentically you, and I am happy that Jack and Ryan have each other!
So glad you’re enjoying it my friend, I’m into being led around on a leash too if you’re ever interested 😘
I agree about coming out, I know for me it was both exciting as hell but one of the scariest things I’d ever done lol
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Post by TayDay95 »

Hey guys, now that I’ve reached a real focal point in the story, I’ve got a few ideas of the direction I’d like to take it in, it’s proving kinda hard to decide on something haha.

But I figure, I’m writing this for your reading pleasure, so I’d love to hear any ideas you might have! Where do you think the story should go from here? Anything you’d like to see more or less of? Would you prefer more bondage and less personal drama, or the other way around?

Thanks in advance! ❤️
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Post by Ossassin »

Honestly the ratio of bondage to drama is great, though allow me my guilty pleasure in that a little more bondage would be a delight ;) .
But at the end of the day your the boss :D
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Post by TayDay95 »

Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago Honestly the ratio of bondage to drama is great, though allow me my guilty pleasure in that a little more bondage would be a delight ;) .
But at the end of the day your the boss :D
Thanks Ossassin, I appreciate the feedback haha. The next update will be purely bondage since Ryan and Jack still need to continue their session for the night 😉
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Post by Ossassin »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago
Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago Honestly the ratio of bondage to drama is great, though allow me my guilty pleasure in that a little more bondage would be a delight ;) .
But at the end of the day your the boss :D
Thanks Ossassin, I appreciate the feedback haha. The next update will be purely bondage since Ryan and Jack still need to continue their session for the night 😉
And thank you in return, I am looking forward to that. :D
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Post by TayDay95 »

Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago
TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago
Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago Honestly the ratio of bondage to drama is great, though allow me my guilty pleasure in that a little more bondage would be a delight ;) .
But at the end of the day your the boss :D
Thanks Ossassin, I appreciate the feedback haha. The next update will be purely bondage since Ryan and Jack still need to continue their session for the night 😉
And thank you in return, I am looking forward to that. :D
Haha me too, any other suggestions or feedback feel free, I’m hoping I can involve you guys more in the future 😁
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Post by gag1195 »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago So glad you’re enjoying it my friend, I’m into being led around on a leash too if you’re ever interested 😘
If I was anywhere near Australia, I would happily take you up on that offer!

As for your question, I love both the bondage scenes, and the scenes of Jack and Ryan talking, flirting, and addressing the more serious aspects of their lives and relationship. I'll happily read more of this story, wherever you decide to take it!
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Post by TayDay95 »

“Mmmm... mmmmph!”

So, it was about an hour after I’d given Ryan my big news. We’d cuddled for a while, taking in what it would mean for our future, and then we decided to get back into our regularly scheduled night of bondage... and uhh...

I knew what the sleeping bag was for now.

Ryan had told me what he wanted to do with it, that being, tie me up inside the bloody thing and let me sweat and struggle away inside. I was kinda sceptical at first, thinking it would just be uncomfortable and not much else, but the more he talked about it, the more he warmed me up to the idea.

That, and he promised to trap me in the bag with that vibrating ring around my cock.

“Mmmmmph! Mmmmhmmhmmhnmph!” I groaned in absolute agonising bliss, this thing was fucking incredible! It buzzed away like a constant alarm clock, or a phone ringing without stopping, and the sensation it gave my cock and balls was so intense, so mind-numbingly sexy... well shit, I can’t even bloody put it into words.

But the best, or worst part depending on how you look at it, was that with my arms tied together at the elbows, forearms and wrists behind my back there was no way I could reach the cock ring. Thanks to that fact, I had to accept the fact that I had absolutely no control over this toy, and once I came, it was just gonna keep going whether I was ready for it or not. All I could do was suffer, and be happy about it.

Not only that, the sleeping bag was thick, real bloody thick. I had a raging boner that you couldn’t even see because the material had to be about four of five inches thick. I was glad I was naked, because I was already boiling away like a chicken in a pot, and that was without clothes on! And, to add to my helplessness. Ryan had put rope ties on me all around the outside of the bag. From my ankles, all the way up to my chest, was coil after coil after coil binding the bag to my hopelessly restrained naked body. I looked like a human head just jutting out of a great big black mass, broken up by the white ropes.

On top of that, Ryan had gagged me again in another completely over-the-top fashion. I was hardly able to get my teeth and lips completely around the massive, jaw-testing three inch red ball gag he’d buckled into my mouth. Hell that was more than enough to bloody well keep me quiet and unable to talk. But, Ryan loves to go overboard, and so the whole lower portion of my face from the cheeks down was completely engulfed in green vet wrap that pushed down my lips, puffed up my cheeks (Ryan thinks that makes me look cute ❤️ ), and limited how much I could turn my head, if I looked up, or to the left or right it only got tighter, and it was already bloody tight.

So, there I was, cocooned inside the thickest sleeping bag I’d ever seen, completely unable to reach the ring that was buzzing away against my manhood, and gagged within an inch of my life laying on Ryan’s couch... so what does Ryan do?

Well, when he was done putting dinner in the oven (a nice homemade lasagne, his mum’s special recipe), he came over to me and immediately kneeled down on top of me, so that his crotch was on top of mine and he had a leg on either side of me. Fuck I must have gone redder than a crowd of Essendon supporters...

“Well well well, look at you boi...” he giggled, leaning down to kiss my gagged lips.
“Mmmm...” I moaned sensually, Ryan’s weight was pushing down on my cock and balls, and I swear it only made the vibrating worse. Plus, he looked so fucking beautiful in the yellow light coming from his kitchen. His abs, pecs, shoulders and arm muscles were all so perfectly toned and cut, how lucky had I been? My first boyfriend being a personal trainer...

“Can’t even move can you boi?” He teased me.
“Mmm-mmmph” I shook my head, trying to look as sad and pathetic as I could with puppy dog eyes, if I knew him he’d find that really cute.
“Awww, well if you think I’m gonna let you go, think again little cock slut... you’re my prisoner and there’s nothing you can do about it.” He sniggered.

My cock was so hard I felt like it might explode, it couldn’t be physically possible to have such an intense erection, could it?!

Turns out yes, because I got even MORE horny and turned on when Ryan started grinding and dry humping me.

“Mmmmph! Mmmph! Mmm yemmph!” I moaned in agony and delight. This was incredible, my new official boyfriend really knew how to pleasure me to the max.

“Mmm Jack... oh babe...” Ryan moaned as he thrusted his powerful hips against my trussed up body. I loved seeing him turned on like this. Knowing he was enjoying it as much as me was it’s own reward. “You’re so fucking hot, you’re so sexy, ohhh Jack...”

“Mmm uhmmph mmmhmm mmph” I tried to reply through my crazily effective gag.

Ryan grabbed me by the jaw and kissed me passionately as he humped me like a dog. I couldn’t feel it through the sleeping bag but his cock was super-fucking hard and he was rubbing it against me.

All reservations I’d had about being intimate with guys were gone. I’d fully embraced Ryan and anything and everything sexual he could or wanted to do to me. I was his, I belonged to him as his perfect submissive slave boi. I wanted him to use my body to fulfil his every perverted desire. Fuck, I just wanted him...

“Mmmmph! Mmmmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmmph!” I moaned louder, the cocking and Ryan’s grinding were working wonders for me.
“You gonna come for me boi?! Gonna come like my little bitch boi?!” Ryan cried out, he was so fucking horny.

Pre-cum had been leaking out of me for a solid five, maybe ten minutes. Probably not really the case but I did know I was hard as a rock and sticky as hell. I would have grinder back against Ryan but with his weight on top of me, the ropes and bag restricting me, and my arms tied behind me so tightly, I could only lay there and moan.

I was approaching my limit, I’d never been more intensely and insanely horny in my 26 years of life. My absolutely gorgeous naked Italian boyfriend wrapped his arm around me as his hips went at me like a jackhammer. He was groaning like mad, I could feel he was close to cumming too... could he feel the cockring through the bag? He bloody well couldn’t! The bag was so thick and strong! Well shit I don’t know, maybe he could! How powerful was this bloody thing he’d put on my cock??

“Ohh my fucking god Jack! Holy shit that feels so good!” Ryan shouted through gritted teeth, his cock rubbing against my cocooned body.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmph!!!!” I cried out in ecstasy, I was so fucking close I could feel it.

The cock ring, the bag, the ropes, the ball gag, the vet wrap, the sexy hunk, the grinding, the vibrating, the struggling, the gag talk, the moaning, the groaning, the screaming, the power, the helplessness, the beautiful bondage... Ohhh fuck!!!

And then what did Ryan do?

He pulled himself up to my head, and aimed his cock straight at my gagged mouth, jerking himself so fast it was like a blur!!!

“Oh yeah! Ohhh fuck! AAAHHH!!! OHHHHH!!!! FUUUUUUCCKK!!!!!”

We came so hard, I wouldn’t have been surprised if one of us passed out. Ryan’s fluids bursted onto my gagged face, I could feel it on what little of my cheeks wasn’t covered up. He totally caught me off guard with that. Weeks ago, I would’ve fought free and knocked him out, but now... oh my fucking god I loved it. He and I groaned like animals as his cum oozed onto my face, a big white sticky puddle of passion forming on my gag, soaking into the countless layers of green vet wrap...

“Mmmmmm.... ohhhhh.... Ryan moaned so sexily,once he was empty he collapsed against the arm rest of the couch, panting like an Olympic sprinter after winning a gold medal.

I barely had that luxury, because even as my crotch and everything encased around it became a soaking wet enclosure of cum, the cockring was still buzzing away at my privates. I was gasping and puffing through my gag, groaning with every deep breath I took and there was no end to the sensation, it was kinda starting to hurt.

As Ryan recovered, he straightened himself up and rubbed his strong hands against my bound, cocooned chest. “That was amazing boi, you’re such a good slave for your master... you make me so happy!” He smiled, being very genuine with that last line. He made me happy too, happier than anyone or anything. But it was hard for me to feel anything aside from the fucking cockring still molesting my cock and balls.

I looked up at Ryan again with my baby blues, pleading with him to let me out, but all he did was give me a sweet, tender little kiss, right where he’d just ejaculated all over me, and get up off the couch. “Gotta go check how the lasagnes doing babe, I’ll let you out in a minute hahaha!” He chuckled meanly, very pleased with himself.

“Hmmmph! Hmmmph! Mmm ymm mmmmthmfmmkmm!” I screamed.
“Hey!” He lifted me up and gave me a sharp smack on the arse, one I felt even through the bag, fuck he’s so strong! ❤️ “Don’t talk to me like that boi!” He said sternly.
I learned my place and apologised with my eyes “Ymph mmstmm”

He came back and kissed me again, caressing my brown hair and smiling “I forgive you, you gorgeous man.”

So... half an hour passed, in that time, I managed to cum two more times, the ring gave me no choice, as soon as I went soft, it would get me nice and hard again. I was powerless against it, and when Ryan finally let me out (which itself took about twenty minutes, between the gag and the dozen coils of rope he’d put around the bag) I was absolutely exhausted. I felt like I’d run a marathon.

We just cuddled for the rest of the night watching tv, eating his mama’s lasagne, and chatting away like we always did. It was a perfect night.

And we’d need a perfect night, considering what the next few months would be like...

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Post by Ossassin »

As ever nicely done, also nice little AFL tie in :lol:
gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago
TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago So glad you’re enjoying it my friend, I’m into being led around on a leash too if you’re ever interested 😘
If I was anywhere near Australia, I would happily take you up on that offer!

As for your question, I love both the bondage scenes, and the scenes of Jack and Ryan talking, flirting, and addressing the more serious aspects of their lives and relationship. I'll happily read more of this story, wherever you decide to take it!
Also as an Australian with a leash ... well the offer is open ;)
Though I wear it more often that use it.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago As ever nicely done, also nice little AFL tie in :lol:
gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago
TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago So glad you’re enjoying it my friend, I’m into being led around on a leash too if you’re ever interested 😘
If I was anywhere near Australia, I would happily take you up on that offer!

As for your question, I love both the bondage scenes, and the scenes of Jack and Ryan talking, flirting, and addressing the more serious aspects of their lives and relationship. I'll happily read more of this story, wherever you decide to take it!
Also as an Australian with a leash ... well the offer is open ;)
Though I wear it more often that use it.
I might just take you up on that offer, I’ll pm you 😉
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Post by cj2125 »

Love it! Good job with the sleeping bag mummification, that seems to always be a win around this forum ;)
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Post by TayDay95 »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago Love it! Good job with the sleeping bag mummification, that seems to always be a win around this forum ;)
Haha yeah not gonna lie, I was hoping to please a specific fan base with that little detail haha! 😅
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Post by TayDay95 »

I was riding a high of joy, self-confidence, and new life at this point, I felt like I could do and be anything I bloody wanted. Ryan had roared into my life and changed it completely, but I hadn’t seen yet just how much things would change...

He was with me when I typed up my announcement on Facebook, I was trembling the whole time, but he put his gentle hands around me to calm and reassure me.

Hey everybody, I have a big announcement to make. It’s something I’ve been struggling with for a long time, but it’s time to start being honest with myself and all of you. I’ve met someone very special to me, we’re now in a relationship.

And his name is Ryan.

I’m bisexual.

I looked at Ryan, the gorgeous man who had inspired me to this decision, he grinned at me reassuringly and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“You can do this sweetie.”

I did a sharp exhale, I was never gonna be ready for this, I had a feeling I knew how people would react... but still, I had hope.


I sighed again with relief, dropping my phone on my lap. I then threw my arms around Ryan, not knowing whether to cry or laugh with joy. He held me so tightly in his muscular arms. I felt complete, I was scared out of my mind, but I’d finally told the world who I am. I was so fucking happy...

Then my phone dinged. I checked it, and slowly but surely, my smile disappeared.

Kade Lawson
“Lol, good one bro! 😂

Dan Fuller
“What the fuck? Is this legit?”

Rob Linton
“Guys I think he’s serious...”

Emma O’Reilly (My cousin)
“What’s going on cuz? Don’t joke about this 😟

Tony Simpson
“U gotta be shittin me, that’s gross af man 🤢

Tony Simpson has unfriended you.
Dan Fuller has unfriended you.

Rippa Dippa
“Fucking Fag 🖕

Rippa Dippa has unfriended you.
Kade Lawson has unfriended you.

Jason Leigh
“Forget about Thursday Jack, I don’t want you near my little bro.”

Jason Leigh has unfriended you.

Margaret O’Reilly (My great aunt)
“Stop pulling jokes young man!”

Lisa Yang

Lisa Yang has unfriended you.
Allen Leigh has unfriended you.
Tom Jokovic has unfriended you.
Carol Nice has unfriended you.
Johnny BBall has unfriended you.
Ollie Quincy has unfriended you.
William Ashton has unfriended you.
Bill West has unfriended you.
Tristan Yang has unfriended you.

Stevo Kensington
“I thought we were friends mate, go fuck yourself.”

Stevo Kensington has unfriended you.

Peter O’Reilly (My dad.)
“I want to see you at my place tomorrow night, son, you better show up!”

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That... certainly was a reaction. Unfortunately, a pretty realistic one.

The optimist in me wants to say that Jack is going through some spring cleaning and can remove the fake friends from his life but there's no way it'll be an easy process. I hope he can pull it off with the help of Ryan, he didn't deserve this. :(
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Post by TayDay95 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago That... certainly was a reaction. Unfortunately, a pretty realistic one.

The optimist in me wants to say that Jack is going through some spring cleaning and can remove the fake friends from his life but there's no way it'll be an easy process. I hope he can pull it off with the help of Ryan, he didn't deserve this. :(
For sure, my own coming out was easier and more positive than this but I know lots of lgbt people out there haven’t had that luxury, especially in conservative communities. Don’t worry though, Jack’s a strong guy and he’s got Ryan to support him ❤️
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I feel sorry for Ryan. When you come out, you do find out who your true friends are.
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Post by gag1195 »

That was certainly hard to read. I'm glad your real life experience was much better, and I'm glad Jack and Ryan have each other to depend on in this unfortunate situation they find themselves in.
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Post by TayDay95 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago I feel sorry for Ryan. When you come out, you do find out who your true friends are.
Indeed, sadly Ryan is having to go through this a second time, but does he love Jack enough to tough it out?

We’ll see 🙂
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Post by TayDay95 »

gag1195 wrote: 3 years ago That was certainly hard to read. I'm glad your real life experience was much better, and I'm glad Jack and Ryan have each other to depend on in this unfortunate situation they find themselves in.
It was hard to write if I’m honest, but I felt like this was necessary for the story and for Jack to develop as a character 🙂
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Post by Ossassin »

Sometimes a tough drama chapter has to occur, still doesn’t mean it isn’t a bit of a gut punch though.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Ossassin wrote: 3 years ago Sometimes a tough drama chapter has to occur, still doesn’t mean it isn’t a bit of a gut punch though.
Yeah, sorry I’m not trying to make everyone depressed lol

Like I said, this part of the story will be tough, but Jack isn’t alone ❤️
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Post by TayDay95 »

“I can’t do this, he’s gonna hate me.”
“Ry, please, I can’t do this without you babe!”

Ryan fidgeted away in the passenger seat of my Holden Commodore. We’d pulled up to the gate at the start of the kilometre-long dirt road that was my dad’s driveway. He lived about half an hour outside Alice Springs in a modest little place surrounded by the outback. We’d been parked here for five minutes, debating whether or not we should go ahead with this.

I completely understood why Ryan was nervous, not only had he conjured up a real nasty mental image of what my Dad was like based on what I’d told him about my childhood... but my poor boyfriend had already faced his share of hate that day:

After I posted my announcement on Facebook, both our accounts had exploded, and not in a good way. The rude, ignorant and even downright fucking nasty comments and messages flooded my page and inbox. I’d had people I’d played footy with back in high school, blokes I’d won the Under 17’s premiership with, say that I was disgusting, a freak, a... well, you get the gist.

Ryan held my hand the entire time, I think we were both hoping we hadn’t made the wrong decision, we’d brought bloody hellfire down on our heads by announcing who we were. But Ryan told me this shouldn’t last very long, that the haters would bombard us at first, but as time went on, we’d realise not everyone was against us...

I feel like he was trying to convince himself us much as me... this wasn’t a big city like Perth, or Melbourne, this was Alice Springs, the outback, a very different, more old-fashioned place.

In the middle of all the madness, I’d seen my dad’s private message telling me to come over the next night, and so here we were.

I grasped Ryan’s hand, he was terrified, the first time I’d seen him like this. He was always my pillar of strength, he’d inspired me to do this, and I think he felt like all this drama was his fault. But I didn’t blame him, not for a second. He’d given me new resolve. I was bloody determined that from now on I was gonna be me, nobody else, me. And who I wanted to be, included Ryan in my life.

“We’ll be right, yeah?” I smiled at him. Knowing he couldn’t resist my baby blues.
“Hahhh....” he sighed, almost half-laughing with frustration. “Yeah sweetie, we’ll be right, I said I’d be here with you through this, and I meant it.”
“Thanks babe...” I leaned over and kissed him, deeply, passionately. It helped with both our nerves a hell of a lot. Whatever happened from now on, we would still have each other.

I started my car back up, and drove down the full length of my Dad’s massive driveway, kicking up dust the whole way. We pulled up to the house, a single story white weatherboard place with a small sheet metal garage off to the side. We couldn’t see Dad yet, but his 1969 Mustang 390 Fastback, a car I’d always wanted to own myself, was parked out front.

Going up to the door, Ryan and I held each other’s hands so tightly it’s a wonder our bones weren’t broken. I looked at him, him at me, and we nodded.

I lifted my hand to knock on the door when it sprang open in front of me. There stood my old man, Peter O’Reilly, a 10-year veteran of the Australian Army, Vietnam War veteran, former captain of his school footy team, a lifelong mechanic and the man who’d taught me everything I knew about being a man. He stared down me and Ryan with his stoney blue eyes, his messy grey beard hiding the weird, twitching thing he’d always done with his lip when he was pissed off about something.

He had a black beanie covering the rest of his grey hair, he wore a blue flannelette shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing off his huge hairy forearms, and a pair of pale jeans with work boots on his feet. His face was sunburnt, no doubt from working outside too much, and it only seemed to make the intensity in his eyes worse.

I took a deep breath.

“G’day Dad, good to see ya, it’s been a couple months eh?” I smiled, trying to make the situation seem as normal as I could....

It wasn’t bloody working. Dad just grunted “Yep.”

So this is what people mean when they say the silence is fucking deafening...

Ryan gave it a go.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. O’Reilly.” He smiled, holding out his hand for a handshake, but my Dad, in probably the most disrespectful move I’d ever seen him make, just turned to me and ignored Ryan, leaving his hand hanging there.

“This him is it?” My so-called father motioned to Ryan with his eyes.

I curled my hand up into a fist, swallowing every curse word I could think of. How fucking dare he?!

“Yes, dad...” I muttered through gritted teeth, Ryan had lowered his hand, he looked at me, clearly hurt. “This is him, and he’s got a name.”

“Good for him.” Dad shrugged. I couldn’t believe how much I wanted to punch my own father in that moment.

“Listen Jack, I’m not gonna mince words with ya, I think you’re being stupid...” his words were cutting through me like a knife. “I don’t know what he’s done to make ya think you wanna guzzle cocks for the rest of yer fuckin’ life, but you can either drop this bloody act now, or you and I are gonna have words. That, what’d ya call it? Bi-sexual, whatever it’s bloody called, that shit ain’t natural son.”

I stood there seething, shaking with anger, I was furious, enraged, I wanted to smash his old, worn-out skull in...

But more than that, I was hurt. The man I’d lived up to, idolised, been raised by, my own flesh and blood, was telling me things I’d never wanted to hear. This, this was why I was afraid to get close to Ryan in the first place, the reason I’d suppressed who I really was since I was a kid. I didn’t want to be rejected by the man I loved most in my life. He’d taught me everything I knew about cars, tutored me by himself when he couldn’t afford my first two years of primary school, he’d taken me to the mountains in New South Wales to camp in the bush, told me bedtime stories when I was little. He’d always been there for me, even as he was dealing with his own demons from his time in Vietnam...

After everything we’d been through together, my dad was ready to start hating me, really hating me... just because I liked guys as well as girls...

“How fucking dare you...” Ryan growled.

“I don’t recall asking YOU a bloody thing!” Dad turned to him, disgust on his face, his lip twitching.

“That’s your son! Your only son! How the fuck could you say that to him?!” Ry stepped closer to my dad, his fists curled up tight, I’d never seen Ryan get truly angry before, but I had a feeling this was it.

“I’m not afraid to hit a little girl...” Dad growled.

“Nothing little about me, just ask your son.” Ryan grinned.

Dad’s face went wild with anger “Listen, poofter! Blokes don’t do that to each other, you’re a fucking abomination is what you are! You and, Jack! Nothing about either of ya that makes you a man!”

“Nah Dad...” I said softly, my heart was aching, but my mind was now clear. Dad and Ryan turned to face me.

“There’s plenty that makes me a man...” I stepped up to the sad old man, taking my beautiful boyfriends hand, that made Dad back up in disgust... yep... in disgust...

“I don’t recall as-“ he began.


I’ve never shouted so hard and so loud in my life, I doubt I ever will again. Dad was completely caught on the back foot, I’d always done what he said, never talked back, always obeyed him like a good son should obey his father... well... I didn’t want to be a good son, not that kind, not anymore. Dad shrinked back, utter disbelief on his face.

“Dad, I can take apart any car you put in front of me, name every single part, and put it all back together and make it twice as fast as it was before.” I began.

This was it, I was being a man, a real man, I was standing up for myself.

“I can build a bush shelter out of twigs, leaves and tree bark. I can build a fire in a matter of fucking minutes. I’m a champion footballer, kicked more goals than anyone in my school... I can strip and shoot a hunting rifle, I can skin a roo... Fuck, I managed to get in with Gemma Nixon, every fucking guy in Alice Springs wants to fuck her, far as I know I’m the only one who has...

And you think I’m not a fucking man?” I laughed. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so fuck it, I went with laugh.

“I’m sorry but... You’re so full of shit Dad. Like Ryan said, I’m man enough to be honest about who I am, I don’t need your approval. I’d hoped I’d get it... but I don’t bloody well need it.” Ryan looked at me as I spoke, smiling so proudly, there were tears starting to form in his eyes.

Dad didn’t know what to say. Fine, I didn’t need to hear whatever he had to say. It hurt to feel that way about my own father, but he’d chosen this... not me.

I walked up to him and looked my old man straight in the eyes.

“If you ever decide you’re ready to accept me, I’ll always answer my phone for you Dad...” I said sternly.

“But that’s your call to make.”

I took Ryan’s hand, we got into my Commodore and I started up the engine, watching my dad stand there, not knowing what to say or do, not even flinching as my tires kicked up a cloud of dust.

As we drove off... I burst into tears. Ryan rested his head on my shoulder. The sun was setting, and not just on that day, but on that chapter of my life.


(Disclaimer: my real Dad is an incredible man that I aspire to be like in every way. I love him to death and he’s accepted my sexuality from the day I came out.)
Last edited by TayDay95 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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