The Attack of the Mumbofied Rabbits (M & rabbits/F)

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The Attack of the Mumbofied Rabbits (M & rabbits/F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

It was Easter Sunday, a time for chocolate, rabbits, and hunting down Easter eggs (and not the kind hidden in Avenger movies). It was also the night that Zatanna Zatara was performing at the Jump City Theater. Fitting for the holiday, the finale would be Zatanna pulling rabbit after rabbit after rabbit after-(you get the idea, right?) out of her hat.

In her dressing room, Zatanna kept all the bunnies she was going to use (25 of them) in a large pen. She planned on sitting down and grooming each one of them before the show and had started on Pocus, her personal pet rabbit (the other rabbits were rented from the Jump City Pet Store for free with the promise of advertising the store after the finale). He was a white rabbit with black ears and a black star over its left eye and a black circle over its right eye.

“Who’s a good rabbit?” she cooed to Pocus as if he were a puppy while he sat on her lap. “You are,” she told him as she fed him a carrot. “Yes you are, Pocus. Yes, you-”
“Uh, Miss Zatanna?”

Zatanna was spooked and looked up to see Samantha, her newly-hired intern/assistant. “I’m sorry, is this a bad time?”
“Wh-no,” Zatanna said, standing up and placing Pocus on the chair while trying to hide her embarrassment. “What is it, Sam?”
“The man from the pet store is here. He wanted to go over the advertisement you’re doing after the store.”
“Thank you, Sam. Tell him I’ll be there in a second.”

As Sam left, Zatanna placed Pocus back in the rabbit pen. “I’ll be right back,” she told her pet. “I wuv you.”

With that, Zatanna left the room, closing the door behind her. A moment after the door closed, the magician’s hat she had left on the table began to quake and blue smoke began to pour from it. A figure suddenly burst from out of the hat. It wasn’t a rogue rabbit; it was The Amazing Mumbo, a frequent foe of the Teen Titans who had also clashed with Zatanna a handful of times in the past.

“A shame my fellow magician wasn’t present to see my amazing entrance,” he said to himself. "The smoke was a nice touch to it if I do say so myself.”

Mumbo walked over to the rabbit pen. “What a cute colony of rabbits,” he beamed before flashing a sinister smirk. “And what perfect tools for my plot! Mumbo Jumbo!”

Mumbo took out his wand and shot a white beam at the rabbits. They were risen out of the pen and lowered onto the free floor. They all began to stand on two legs and their eyes began to turn red.

“You rabbits are going to help me take Zatanna down,” Mumbo explained to his furry minions. “And after you do, you’ll help me rob all the members of the audience!”

All the evil rabbits nodded in agreement...except for one, that is. It might’ve been because of his love for his owner or secondhand exposure to protection spells or mere plot convenience, but Pocus was unaffected by Mumbo’s spell and decided to try to reason with the other rabbits.

“C’mon, guys,” Pocus told his fellow creatures in rabbit-speak. ”Don’t listen to this guy! He’s evil! He wants to use us to rob the audience! Us rabbits are meant to entertain audiences by being pulled out of hats! So let’s help out Zatanna and take Mumbo down! What do you guys say?”

Unmoved by his speech, two rabbits grabbed Pocus by his ears and tossed him inside a sack Zatanna was planning on using in one of her tricks. The rabbits tied the sack closed, trapping Pocus inside. ”Guys! Let me out!” he shouted to deaf and floppy ears.

That’s when Mumbo heard footsteps approaching the door. “Thanks again for the rabbits, Mister Cipes,” he could hear her say. “Enjoy the show!”

“It’s showtime,” Mumbo told the rabbits as he disappeared in a puff of blue smoke. Seconds later, Zatanna arrived and saw all of the rabbits out of the pen.

“Hi, guys,” she said in confusion. “How did you cuties escape from your-MMMPH!”

One of the rabbits jumped up and shoved a handkerchief in her mouth. Before she could spit it out, another rabbit leaped onto her back, placed a green scarf around her mouth and nose, and knotted it tightly.

Three of the rabbits dragged a straitjacket over, lifted it up, and flung it over her arms and body. Four rabbits hopped over to her legs (covered with fishnets) and began to nibble and lick them. Zatanna fell to her knees. ”Stop it!” she mentally shouted. ”That tickles!"

With Zatanna grounded, four rabbits were able to buckle the back straps on the jacket while two grabbed the belts attached to the arms and crossed them, buckling the arm straps behind her back.

With Zatanna safely secured, Mumbo reappeared. With a wave of his wand, he created lengths of chains that wrapped themselves around her knees, ankles, and numerous lengths around her waist and shoulders.

"Mumbo!” Zatanna shouted at him via telepathy. "I should’ve known that you would be so low to turn my own animals against me!”
“I merely got them to side with the better magician...except for one that stubbornly refused to take part in my act,” he explained, gesturing to the sack Pocus was trapped in.

Zatanna thought about it and realized that throughout this ordeal, she hadn’t seen her prized pet. ”Don’t you DARE hurt Pocus! I will rip your head off!”
“Don’t get your fishnets in a twist,” Mumbo scoffed. “I wouldn’t waste my time on such a useless creature. I’d rather save my energy for my other rabbit friends, who are gonna help me steal this show...literally.”

After tying a few more scarves around her mouth and nose (just to ensure she didn’t slip the original one off), Mumbo dragged Zatanna to the dressing room’s closet, threw her inside, and placed a padlock over the door, locking her inside.

“I’d love to stick around and continue to chit-chat,” Mumbo called out to her, “but the show must go on...and what a show it will be! Come on, my rabbit army! Let’s go line my pockets!”

With that, the rabbits followed Mumbo out the door, leaving Zatanna and Pocus to struggle in their respective traps.


Half an hour later, Zatanna was still trapped in her tight bondage, still trying to slip out of the chains and the jacket and the scarves that gagged her.

But fortunately for her, Pocus was making far more progress than his owner. Using his teeth, he started biting a hole in the bottom of the bag. Within the half-hour, he had managed to bite a big enough hole in the bag that he could slip out of it. When he got out, he could hear Zatanna banging on the door with her feet, trying to get someone’s attention.

Thinking, he hopped onto the top of the room’s dresser, where a few hairpins were. Taking one of them, he hopped over to the door, jumped up, and wrapped his ears around the door handle. He used his small paws to pick the padlock. Eventually, the lock and door opened. Pocus hopped over to his owner and began to nibble on the scarves, trying to pull them down. Eventually, they were lowered down enough for Zatanna to spit the handkerchief out.

“eseaeleR eseht stniartser morf ym ydob,” she immediately said.

The chains and straitjacket loosened themselves and fell to the floor. When her arms were freed, she immediately hugged Pocus. “You saved me, Pocus! I wuv my smart cutie wabbit!”
"You get restrained a lot, but I wuv you too,” Pocus thought.

Zatanna placed Pocus on her shoulder and ran out towards the stage. “Come on, Pocus! Let’s go help out these other rabbits!”


As she ran towards the stage, Zatanna ran past her assistants, bound and gagged with ropes of colorful handkerchiefs. She rushed over to Samantha and pulled down her gag.

“He’s onstage!” she reported.

Promising to free them all as soon as she was done, Zatanna ran onstage. Mumbo was standing off to the side as the rabbits swarmed the audience. The audience members were pounding on the doors (Mumbo had padlocked the entrances shut) as the rabbits dug into their pockets, stealing their wallets and loose cash. Whenever a rabbit pulled out one of these things, it was immediately sucked into Mumbo’s hat.

“This is going better than I thought!” Mumbo exclaimed. “With all this money, I’ll be able to buy all the trick cards and magic rings I could ever want!”
“The only thing you’ll be doing is the bunny hop back to prison, Mumbo!” Zatanna quipped back. “kaerB s‘obmuM tibbar ll-”

Thinking quickly, Mumbo grabbed one of the rabbits by the ears and tossed it onto Zatanna’s face. Zatanna grunted as the rabbit bit down on her nose and used its tiny feet to kick her in the mouth.

Pocus had seen enough. He leaped off Zatanna’s shoulder and kicked the attacking bunny in the face, knocking it off his owner’s face.

“Get him!” Mumbo ordered the other rabbits.

Turning their attention away from the audience members, the other rabbits began charging at Pocus. With absolute fury and determination, Pocus fought back, hitting some rabbits with dropkicks, boxed others with his floppy ears, and took the rest out with backhand paw strikes. Seeing this, Mumbo growled and raised his wand towards Pocus.

“I’ll teach you to mess with this magician!” Mumbo shouted. “Mumbo Jum-”

Zatanna lunged forwards and grabbed Mumbo’s wrists, preventing him from casting the spell. As Mumbo pulled against Zatanna, she tried to figure out how to stop the villain without risking the wellbeing of the rabbits. That’s when she got an idea. “eviG obmuM a gnorts torrac llems!”

Mumbo was able to hit Zatanna with a back elbow and pushed her back. He was about to retaliate when he sniffed his arm. “Huh, I don’t recall putting on this cologne before the show,” he muttered.

He turned towards Zatanna, only to be confronted by his rabbit minions. Apparently, Zatanna’s scent-related spell was strong enough to break through Mumbo’s influence, as they were eyeing their boss and licking their lips.

“Now now,” Mumbo began to say, “let’s not-”

The rabbits swarmed Mumbo, knocking him to the ground as they began nibbling on him.

“STOP!” he cried as he tried to throw them off. “YOU WILL OBEY-heh, that tickles-NOOOOOOOOO!”

As Mumbo continued to flail, Zatanna strode over, took Mumbo’s wand and hat (the sources of his power) and snapped the wand over her knee. This reverted Mumbo back to his magicless alter-ego and broke the spell over the rabbits. The audience cheered as their wallets and cash shot out from Mumbo’s hat and returned to the insides of their pockets.

“Sorry about that, folks,” she called out to the audience as two security guards dragged the powerless villain offstage to await the police. “If you take your seats, we’ll start the show in a few minutes. This time, I promise there'll be no more bunny business.”

Zatanna chuckled as Pocus hopped back onto her shoulder and nibbled at her cheek. “At least no more bad bunny business, anyway.”
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Post by Solarbeast »

I read this story on your DeviantArt page, and it was another great story from you.
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