repost from old site: The Bet (FF/M and F/MF)

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repost from old site: The Bet (FF/M and F/MF)

Post by Fesselfan »

Well, this is another one I was able to recover...Enjoy!

This is yet another story that happened to me a while back, with the two girls you might already be familiar from my stories. Just be aware- this story is a little different, as this was one of the very few times when I myself got tied up (as you might remember, I much prefer doing the tying myself).

To recap, here is a description of the persons involved:

First it's me, Matt, 24 years back then, 6'3'', blonde, solidly built, called affectionally "my bad guy" by my sweethearts.
Talking about them, the first one was Angela, 22 years old, Blonde too, with long hair, lovely brown eyes, about 5'11' and a nice built, everything placed on the right locations on her body. She is a rather extrovert person, carrying her heart on her tongue. She's experienced in tie-up games, and really loves to be tied up. She had tied up my other sweetheart on some occasions already, showing some talent for that, too.
Talking about her, the other one is Jasmine: slightly smaller than Angela at 5'9'', brown hair of medium length, brown eyes, 21 years and a slim build. Although a shy person, she discovered she loves to be tied up as much as Angela, and that her slim body can take quite some time in tight bondage.
In case you wondered: yes, we had a threesome relationship back then. If you want to know the background for all this- read the older stories. Else just stay here and read on.

If you care- this was happening at Angela's uncles weekend house. See older stories for a description.
It was a rainy day, and the girls and I were sitting on the couch, watching a little video and were generally a bit bored and down. As you may know, this is a situation where strange things can happen...

"I bet you wouldn't let us tie you up", Angela interrupted our mundane chatter.
"ehhm, what?" I am not sure whether Jasmine or I was the one who said this...maybe it were both of us.
"Aw, come on Matt, you understood me" Angela carried on. "Usually you tie us up- and do a tremendous job at it." Jasmine nodded in agreement "So, why don't you give us a chance to do the ropes on you, this time?"
"Yes...why not?" Jasmine added.

Well...there would have been hundreds of answers to that, started with 'Because I don't like being tied up'. But the girls looked really eager to give it a try… and after all, it would really be fair. However, I decided, if I let myself get tied up by the girls, I might as well get an advantage out of it.

"Hmmm... you two beauties really want that?" I asked.
"Yes" Angela replied, while Jasmine simply nodded her head and turned a little red. Some things seemingly never change.
"Well..." I went on, "I may go along with that, under one condition."
"And that would be?" Angela replied.
"You two will be my slaves for the next weekend" I said, "doing everything I want without any complaint."
This would be a tough thing to swallow for them...especially for Angela, who usually is everything but obedient and devot.

"Well, Ok for me. What about you, Angela?" Jas' answered; as I had anticipated, she had far less problems with my condition.
"Uhhhmmmm..." Angela seemed to be much less fond of her idea now. "I agree. Provided we get to tie you up any way we like, now".

Well, I could hardly say 'no' now, so I answered affirmative.

"Leave us alone for a while, then" Angela told me. "So we can decide what we want to do."
"Fair." I replied. "I'll get over into the kitchen and read a little chapter in my book. Call me when you are finished."
"Bye honey...till later" Jasmine smiled.

Interested in the book I read? I bet not, so I better spare you a summary. For you it's enough to know that about fifteen minutes later I heard Angela say "Ok you can come back".

The first thing I noticed was that both girls had obviously changed their clothing. Angela was wearing a light blue nylon gym shorts with a black t-shirt, while Jasmine was wearing a dark blue one with a white sports top.

"We have changed into something more comfortable" Jasmine said, smilingly stating the obvious.
"And we want you to do that, too" Angela added, pointing to a black nylon shorts lying on the sofa.
"Well, if you want that..."I replied, but was interrupted by a "Yes" by both girls.
I reminded myself that I would get a whole weekend of revenge for this, and so shrugged my shoulders and changed my clothing, too.
Now I was wearing the black nylon shorts and a light grey t-shirt. I then noticed they had already brought our toy bag in...a dark blue sports bag with lots of ropes and assorted stuff in it.
Looked like they really wanted to do this, I thought, so better let this start as soon as possible.

"Ok then, ladies, I am ready. And I won't defend myself." I said with a resigning sigh.
Jasmine fetched the toy bag, and both girls advanced at me, smiling...

-to be continued-
Welcome back; nice to see you are still with me.

The situation was still the same as when you left me; in fact, in this story, not a single moment had passed.
"Put your hands behind your back" Angela told me; and as I had promised earlier on that I would play on with their game, I did as told.
Jasmine handed Angela a piece of rope, and she got behind my back and started to tie it around my wrists, tying them together while Jasmine watched.
"You need to chinch it", Jasmine said, "Else he will get out of this easily."
"I know", Angela replied, her eyes shooting little sparks of anger at Jas', "remember that I know this stuff good enough to tie you up tight enough to be inescapable."
With a pull a little stronger than necessary Angela cinched the ropes, and I felt the coils tightening around my wrists.

"You girls are awesome" I said, "even while tying me up you can't keep from arguing with each other."

Blame it on my inexperience in this being-tied-up-thing, but that of course was not the most...wise...thing I could have said.

"Oh, shut up" Jasmine replied.
"Why don't you make him to?" I heard Angela's voice from behind me, while she was pulling another piece of rope out of the toy bag.
The TUG-experienced reader will surely know that this was a hint to Jasmine to gag me. She seemed a little hesitant to do so, though, and looked deep into my eyes.
'Ah well' I thought, 'if I do this I might already do this 100%' and nodded slightly toward her, signaling that I wouldn't mind if she gagged me.

Jasmine had chosen her 'weapons' and approached me with a bandana and a roll of duct tape in her hands. Meanwhile, Angela was busy tying my lower arms and elbows together.
Well, actually, 'together' is the wrong word here. I am not nearly as flexible as my two girls and there was much space left between my elbows. Still the bounds were very tight, and I realized I would hardly be able to move my arms at all anymore now.
Jasmine had knotted the bandana; because I didn't want this to be more embarrassing than necessary for her I simply opened my mouth. She took that opportunity and stuffed the bandana into my mouth.
I took some seconds to get used to the dry taste of the cloth on my tongue. Jas' did not waste any time, however, and sealed my mouth close with several straps of duct tape.
As you might guess, "Hmmmmpf!" was all I could say now...and so I did.

"Good work, Jas" Angela said after tying the last knot in the ropes.
"Yes" she replied, "now he is gagged the same way he usually does with us". Both girls smiled at me.
"Hmmmpf" I replied. (As you may have guessed, my verbal communication capabilities were rather limited in that part of the story).

"Are we finished, yet?" Jasmine asked...from her smile, though, I was very aware that she was not finished at all.
"Are you dumb?" Angela replied. "He can even still run away. But not for long anymore...sit down on the floor, honey!"
I did as told; both girls held me tight during that process. If it was to prevent any escape or because they didn't want me to hurt myself I don't know...however what I did know was that I enjoyed the feeling of our bodies being so close together, especially in those shiny stuff. But I diverge...

"The legs are yours" Angela said to Jasmine "while I will take care of his upper body."
Both girls smiled and armed themselves with even more ropes...a sure sign that I would be in a tight situation soon, in more than one way.
I protested, but of course, with a (slowly getting wet) bandana in your mouth, and tape all over it, all that comes out is a "hmmmp hmmmpf!". Predictable, that didn't stop them at all.
Jasmine tied my feet and thighs. She was slow but careful, cinching it all tight. When she was finished, the only movement left for my legs was to bend and stretch my knees a little. It felt almost as if my legs had been cemented together.
Angela was not lazy during that time, either; she tied turn after turn of rope around my upper body and my arms, using many different patterns. As she finished, nearly fifty feet of rope must have been tied around my upper body by her.

You remember I said I could hardly move my arms anymore, earlier on? Well, now you can replace the "hardly" with "not an inch at all" in that sentence. The ropes were very tight; it was a bit of a scary feeling, like if your chest is about to be crushed inwards.

"*NOW* we are finished", Angela said with a satisfied grin on her face.
"Isn't it too tight?" Jasmine was a little more worried...
I tried to move my limbs a little. It was very tight...maybe it was even inescapable. But I thought I could handle this for some time, so I shook my head and said 'no, it will do'.

The smart reader will now say 'hey...weren't you gagged'?
Indeed, that’s why I put that into ''. The sound I produced actually sounded more like "Hmmmo, Hmmip mfffill pfooo".

But the girls understood what I meant.
"Ok then" Angela said. "As this was a bet at the beginning, let's spice it up a little. If you manage to get free in the next thirty minutes, your ordeal is over. Else..."
"Else..." Jasmine took over for her, "actually, else you won't be able to prevent what we do with you, anyway."
"We promise we won't interfere with anything during that time" Angela added.
"No...we will just watch" Jasmine smiled.

Well, as if I had a I just nodded with a "hmmmpf hmmpf" like sound.
Both girls got themselves a couple of drinks. Meanwhile, I started to test the bounds and the gag a little. One thing was for sure...the girls had done an excellent job, and this will not get easy.
As they came back, they kissed me on my gag, one after the other. To be honest, that felt rather weird...but I appreciated the gesture.
"Your time, sweetheart." Angela said.
"Good luck, honey" Jasmine said, gauging my bound body. "You will need it".
After these words of encouragement both girls sat down on the couch and started to talk to each other about non-Tug related stuff; however, they also kept an eye out for me, while I started my escape attempts.

Did I manage to escape? Well.... (Already ducks in cover to avoid any thrown items) you will find out when I continue my story.

-to be continued-

Time to come back to my story.
As you remember, at the end of the last part, both of my girls were sitting on the couch talking to each other, while I was sitting on the floor in front of them, with...let's say rather limited movement and speech capabilities.
The bounds felt very secure, but I at least wanted to give it a try. After all, if I managed to get free soon enough, this would all be over.
You think being tied up is comfortable? It is not. As I struggled around and tried to wind out of the bounds, I realized it was quite exhausting.
I tried everything...I probed for knots with my fingers...I tried to free myself with force...I turned myself over on my stomach, in the hope of reaching something there which I could not reach while sitting...I struggled again...but nothing seemed to help; the ropes remained firmly in place.
Comments like "Oh, looks like you're stuck" or "Boy, are you tied up" from my two lovely ladies did not help that much, either. And all I could do was to acknowledge these comments with "hmmpf"ing sounds.
Frustrated with the little success I had with the ropes I tried to at least get that gag of. Movement from my jaw did not change anything, though; and even as I tried to rub it off on the floor it sticked fast to my skin. I let out an angry "Hmmmpf!!"; but that was about all I could do.

Angela looked at her wristwatch. "Time is up, sweetheart."
Damn..I had lost feeling about the passing of time.
"And you are still pretty tied up", Jasmine added.
"Time to play!" Angela said, and with these words, both girls 'descended' upon me.
They touched and teased me (and did some other things which don't belong here), and I could do nothing to prevent that.
In after sight, it was a very strange sensation, albeit with some very positive aspects, too...but I can't say that I whoefully enjoyed the situation.

After a while, both girls seemed to have had enough of it and went back to the couch, leaving me lying in front of them in my black gym shorts, all tied up and gagged. It was not over for me, yet...
Jasmine whispered something into Angela's ear..and with a smile both girls went into the kitchen.
I was left lying alone in the living room, and wondered what they might be up to. Somehow, I had my doubts that this would have to do with 'releasing me'. I counted my options- which were not many, besides using the safeword to end the session. And I didn't want to do that unless absolutely necessary. So all I could do was to wait and see what they had planned.

It didn't take long for them...they both came back after just some minutes.
"Well.. we have planned a little change for you, sweetie" Angela said, smiling.
"We will untie your legs" Jasmine continued, "but if you try to run away you will regret it".
With yet another "hmmmpf!" I nodded my head in agreement.
After they untied the bounds, they gave me a little time to move my legs a bit. After all, they had been tied pretty tight, which can be physically demanding. The ropes around my hands, arms and upper body, however, remained untouched; so the whole situation was still way away from comfortable. Not to mention the gag; the bandana in my mouth was soaked through by now.

"You had your time...let's get on, then" Angela said. "Stand up".
I did, and one girl took my right arm, one the left...and that way they guided me into the hall; from there on, I was led upward into the attic.
As the attic (my regular readers might remember) had loads of wooden poles in it, I feared my girls were up to no good. However, all I could do was accept my fate and whatever they had in store for me.
They pushed my bound body with my back to a pole; Jasmine added a "Better stand still" to it.
Despite some muted protests from me, they started to tie me up standing with my back to that pole. This time, Angela was tying my feet and legs, while Jasmine was fastening my upper body to that wooden pole.
After they had finished I could not move my body a single inch anymore; all I could do was turn my head around. They had even tied ropes around my hip, pinning it in position. I had never felt such helpless since now, and voiced my misfeelings with a loud "hmmmpf!" and as much struggling as I could (read: almost none).

"You'd better get used to be bound that way", Jasmine said, "because we won't free you anytime soon."
"so, if you want to get out" Angela added, smiling, "You need to get out by yourself."
She knew perfectly well that I couldn't get out of this...after all, I was still tied up with that upper body and arm bondage I could not escape from, earlier; not to mention all the ropes which now additionally held me in place to that pole.

Angela looked at Jasmine, gauging her...which made her turn red a little (which usually is a sure sign that something is gonna happen).
"We will leave you alone now for a while" she said, "we have some little things to do without you. Enjoy yourself."
And with these words they left the attic, despite my hmmmpfing.
Well, again I decided to at least give it a try and started to struggle around in my bounds. Predictable, though, I didn't get very far with that; the ropes stayed in place, the only result was that I felt the tightness of my situation even more.
I wondered what Angela had meant with her last comment...and if I would ever find out.
After some time, in which (as you may have guessed) I did not get any further in the process of regaining my freedom, I heard some sounds coming from the basement; like, if somebody was coming up in the attic.
Looked like the girls had enough of whatever they did and now would come back to me. I didn't know if that was a good sign or not, though...

-to be continued-
Well... as the weekend is just getting close, and as I have just finished the last chapter...well here it is:

As predicted, Jasmine and Angela entered the attic. Both were still wearing the same clothes as before- Angela the light blue shorts with black shirt, Jasmine the dark blue gym shorts with the sports top.
What really surprised me, though, was the fact that now Jasmine was tied up and gagged, too. Her hands were tied crossed behind her back; her upper body was tied tightly in ropes, leaving her little freedom of movement with her arms. Several straps of duct tape sealed her mouth close, and I assumed that she had a bandana stuffed into her mouth to completely silence her...same as me. Her bondage was finished by rope tied around her waist and running between her legs (pulling the gym her body in those places).

"Hmmmpf?" I asked.
"Oh," Angela replied, "I just thought, if you are gonna spend that much time tied up today.." she gauged my bounds, which obviously hadn't gotten loose so far, "you might was well do it in company."
"Hmopf!" This time it was Jasmine, demonstrating she was indeed well-gagged, too.
I wondered if they both had planned this, or if it was another of Angela's plots. However, for the moment there was no way I could find out.
"Such a lovely couple" Angela said, "just a little limited in conversation, eh?"
Jasmine and I both protested, "hmmpf"ing at Angela.
"Time to get you two together then."
With these words, Angela placed Jasmine face to face with me and then started to tie her up to me (and the pole). As she pulled the ropes tight, Jasmine's body was pressed against mine with force.
I would lie if I would say that this was something I completely disliked...especially the feeling of our hips placed against each other with only the shiny fabric of the shorts (and some ropes on Jasmine's side) between them felt very nice.
Meanwhile, Angela had finished her job; Jasmine was now tied tightly to me, starting from her feet, over her thighs, her hip and waist up to her upper body (which made some other parts of her anatomy press themselves against me, too..not a bad feeling, either). As I was still tied tightly to that pole, we both really could not move a bit.

"Really cute" she commented, as she took a step back to examine her work.
"I think I will leave you two alone for a while" she continued, smiling. "Chances are you won't miss me, anyway."
Despite Jasmine's and my muted protests, she left us both alone tied in the attic, our bodies forced together tightly.

I sighed...I would have liked to be able to ask Jasmine if this was her idea, too; but with both of us gagged, the possibilities for conversation were of course very limited.
Jasmine started to struggle and wind herself in her bounds...looked like she wanted an attempt at escape, too.
The readers with imagination might already know what another effect of this was. As she wiggled in her bounds, of course her body was rubbing against mine, which I found rather pleasurable.
At first, she seemed to do those things to escape her bondage...but after a while, she must have realized that this had a very positive effect on me..and on her, guessing from the sounds she made.

What precisely happen from then on for the next two or so hours (we lost the track of time) is not stuff for this board; for you it shall be enough to know that, despite our tight bondage, we found many ways to move our bodies...and how to enjoy it.

Finally, as Angela showed up again, we both were very exhausted, still tied and gagged, but not unhappy.
She untied us quickly; and after taking a shower, we were all sitting together in front of the fire Angela had lighted in the fireplace earlier on, both girls cuddled into my arms.

" that was the first time you were tied up by us" Angela started the conversation. "How did it feel?"
"It was a change from our 'usual games', that's for sure" I replied. "It was interesting...but I have to admit, I like being the one who does the tying much more."
"I agree with that", Jasmine added, " to me it somehow felt just wrong to tie you up. As you interesting experience, but that's it."
"Then..." Angela smiled "we all have the same opinion about it. Oh and Matt" she grinned even more "don't forget you still can take revenge upon us".
"As if I could forget that" I replied, "you two should know me better by now. However, not today anymore. Let's end this day comfortable and cuddly."
Our conversation drifted to other topics from there, and we had a very pleasant and romantic evening. None of that was related to any form of tie-ups though, so here it is:

That's it, an episode where I myself got tied up. I hope you liked the story- if you like, I would appreciate if you drop me a line (or more) of feedback. There are still some more stories left to tell- if you want, you can give me some general wishes about what I should tell next, too.
Rope is the sexiest lingerie. And there is only one thing better than rope- even more rope.
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Post by Tapedupcouple »

Great story, love how you and jasmine ended up tied together.
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Post by Canuck100 »

You'll find some of Fesselfan's other stories here in the archives :

Fesselfan's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section
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Post by Tapedupcouple »

Canuck100 wrote: 3 years ago You'll find some of Fesselfan's other stories here in the archives :

Fesselfan's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section
Thank you!
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Post by Fesselfan »

glad you like them (yes, I am still here, occasionally)


Rope is the sexiest lingerie. And there is only one thing better than rope- even more rope.
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Post by Alboreland »

Great story
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Post by Fesselfan »

Thanks. Glad that my stories still find a read now and then, after all this years!
Rope is the sexiest lingerie. And there is only one thing better than rope- even more rope.
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