A Bizzare Adventure ( /mf)

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A Bizzare Adventure ( /mf)

Post by Stef »

Part one

-"That's a good loot! That ought to be enough for many fortnights if there's enough gold in it..." William whispered ecstactic with his heavy old english accent, carrying a a small chest like a mother carries her child.
-"Don't get too excited yet brother, we need to keep this chest somewhere safe, and then hide. We must stay lay low for a couple of days; if not weeks! They'll look for us..." Anne, her sister replied quietly and calmly as they kept quietly walking, away from the dirt road.

The two young siblings William and Anne who were almost kids, were a part of this old medieval city in which poverty and war forced them to live in the streets and beg for money, until they decided to take matters into their own hands and change their fate by stealing goods to make a better life for themselves.

Anne is a typical small and slim girl, with beautiful long red colored hair that match perdectly with her light blue eyes and freckles. Her outfit consists of a pale white and stained tunic, which is visible under a small, simple dark brown vest. Her tunic was belted somewhat tightly on her waist, and a pair of dark brown pants and boots that seemed worn out, completed her outfit.

William is a bit younger and shorter than his sister. He also has light blue eyes and freckles on his face, but his hair is short blonde and styled like a cap! Rather than his height and hairstyle, he looks a lot like his beautiful sister. He is wearing a dark green tunic, brown pants, and a pair of shoes. His outfit is also dirty and worn out.

After a few successful attempts of thievery, they grew overconfident and slowly became less and less cautious. Their last and biggest achievement; They snuk up on a guarded caravan in the middle of the road that night, and managed to steal a chest containting various sacks of gold

-"There! That old mill looks perfect hideout for tonight! We'll rest there and take a closer look at this treasure of ours! Anne said to her brother happily.
-"I can't wait to look inside that chest... I hope it's not filled with spices or dried potatoes... But it's heavy... I bet it's gold!" William said. His sister smiled at him.

A short while later, after inspecting the old mill, the two young siblings sat down, placed the chest in front of them and forced it open after a few, breaking the lock in the process. They gazed upon the sight of what was inside! Plenty of gold! Numerous sacks containg coins! Lots of coins! They spent some time after that proudly counting their loot, coin by coin, enjoying every minute of it!

-"We will get out of that shithole of a city and go elsewhere to have a better life, and that gold brother, is our ticket! Anne said happily to her brother!
-"Okay, it's time to rest now, tomorrow we'll have to seek for a new place to hide..." She added and hid the chest inside the mill under plenty of hay with the help of her brother, and put out the small campfire that was providing them light and warmth.

Less than an hour later, Anne who was a light sleeper, heard footsteps, just outside of the old wooden door...
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Part two

-"Wake up now! Will!" She whispered instantly to her brother who was still fast asleep.
-"Mm?" He mumbled.
-"Quick! We gotta go... NOW!" She added and stood up hastily almost dragging her brother along.
-"Someone's inside sir! I can hear 'em" one man shouted and quickly followed by an order!
-"Break the damn door!" Another man shouted!

The siblings swiftly put on their boots and a few seconds later, a couple of guards of the crown barged in after violently breaking the door!

-"Run! To the window!" Anne shouted and headed towards it.

But the little boy, bravily drew a small blade against them!

-"NO Willie... Run!" Anna screamed worried and jumped outside the window as fast as she could!
"Get 'im!" The captain commanded the other guards.

William immediately regretted his decision in sight of three guards unseathing their swords and gulped. He is a little boy after all, inexperienced in combat, but brave or stupid enough to not flee!

-"I don't fear you!" He said after working up some courage and charged for a quick attack... His attack was quickly parried with dexterity, and then one man grabbed his right arm, and forced the blade off his fist to the ground, effectively disarming the young boy.
-"You fool...! Take him away... Follow the girl" He commanded and two guards went out and started searching for the fugitive!

Two guards swiftly pinned him down, and without much effort forced his arms behind his back while he grunted in hopelessness, and then proceeded into cuffing his wrists together with shackles! He was defeated, captured by the guards and realized he was even more powerless than before against them. They grabbed him by the arms once more, and lifted him up to face the guards' captain, cuffed as he was. He looked up to the captain with fear and regret in his eyes.

-"Don't worry you little scum, you'll have company soon... As soon as we capture your sister, you're both going to have a pleasant stay behind bars... Filthy theives...!" He strictly said to the boy and spat down. The boy lowered his face and submitted after he tested the shackles on his wrists one last time. He obeyed as they dragged him outside where their horses were...
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Post by Xtc »

Good start.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Redman »

I enjoy a good medevil yarn! I like where this is going.
I'm always available for roleplay! Message me on:
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Part three

In the meanwhile, Anne, after having a bit of a headstart was running in the woods to get as fas as possible as she could from the guards who quickly picked up on her trail and followed behind, minutes away from her.

She ran deep into the woods in a hurry. Ιt was getting darker and darker and she was almost out of breath. At the very moment she decided to stop and take some breath, she tripped in a tree root and fell inside a burrow onto a large, spider wed that was spread all over the place!

-"Shit! No.. nonono... FUCK!" She said out loud and panicked.

The web was strong, thick and quite sticky... And she was face down on it with her hands and legs spreaded on her sides! She quickly begun struggling to get out of it, trying to lift up her hands off the web, but to no success! She did the same with her legs which looked way easier after giving up her arms, and managed to lift one up a bit. Still glued to the web and in panic, she moved her leg around a bit to help herself, while also trying to squirm around, but only managed to get even more stuck!

-"Cmooon..!" She said out loud working up some strength, and attempted once more to get out of this sticky web, but each movement, even the slightest, resulted in more and more entanglement..!

-"Ughhh" She grunted once more and struggled with every bit of strength she had left. The result of that careless action was to end up almost coccooned and helpless!

"No.. not like this... I hope Will is okay..." She thought to herself and wept. Not a minute had passed and Anne heard footsteps approaching in haste once again. "It must be the searching party! What shall I do? Call for help and end up in prison or try to get free by myself here?! I better decide soon enough, they might be my only chance..." She thought.
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Post by Killua »

It's a great start. I'm curious what happens to them.
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Part four

It was an easy decision. "I don't wanna die here!" She thought.

-"Help! Over here!" Anne cried for help! "Someone help me!"
-"Look! Over there..!" One of the guards said leaning down to the burrow from above after a few moments.
-"Hahaha! There she is... Caught like a fly!" The other replied and laughed at her!
-"Please get me out of this!" Anne pleaded without making any movement.

After a few seconds of silly jokes about her situation, the guards crawled down and cut the poor damsel in distress loose using their swords! It didn't take more than a minute to free her completely, and then they helped her get out of the burrow. Without saying any more words, the guards immediately cuffed her wrists behind her back in the same manner as they did with her brother. Anne gave in without a protest accepting her fate, and soon the guards started walking their captive back, holding her by her arms each!

A while later, the guards along their captive, rejoined the party outside the old mill.

-"Ah there's the other one... Good!" The captain said in sight of the two guards who brought the girl in front of him having her restrained.
-"Willie, you are alright!" Anne exclaimed relieved to her brother.
-"Anne! They... Got you too... I'm sorry, I didn't-" William who was standing there cuffed responded before getting interrupted.
-"Enough of you two!" The captain interrupted their conversation. "Let's get this over with..." He added. They lowered their heads in submission and stopped talking after getting pushed beside a horse.

Then, one of the guards created two long, loose loops using rope, and placed each one of them on their heads, around their necks. He then walked away holding the other ends of the loops with his hand and mounted his horse. Their captives were ready for transport!

The other guards soon followed and they all started slowly walking away on horseback, forcing the captured thieves to tag along on foot! They didn't find that experience quite pleasant and after a few unanswered complaints, they gave up and continued walking as they didn't have any other option!

-"You thought you'd get away... Stealing from the king...!" The captain said after a few moments. "There's a rotten cell awaiting you" He added. None of them had the courage to comment on that, and the stroll continued.

Later on and all out of a sudden, an arrow hit the ground just a few steps away of the party!

-"Oh shit!" Anne said shocked! Panic ensued for the young siblings!
-"Ambush!" The guards' captain shouted in an instant and all of them dismounted their horses and drew their swords as quickly as possible! A small group of bandits were running towards them! Anne and William were petrified for a moment. The two pieces of ropes were dropped on the ground as fierce fight started, gaving an oppurtunity for Anne and William to get away of this mess!

-"Quick Willie, get the key! it's over there..!" Anne said after their survival insticts kicked in! A pair of keys lied there on the floor which must've dropped when the fight started! William knelt down and reached for the keys with his cuffed hands..! Anne followed him on the same spot. He eventually managed to grab the keys with his hands!

-"Cmon Willie! Uncuff me!" Anne shouted in panic while swords were clanging all around them! "Quick!" She shouted again.
-"Trying... trying.. Stay still!" William said and unlocked the cuffs off of her! Some of the guards started fleeing...!
-"Now do mine!" He said and her sister without hesitating, did the same for him. But the battle was almost over!
-"Hey! You two!" Someone pointed at them. The siblings gulped and immediately stood up and removed the loop off their heads. "Where do you think you're going?" He added and ran towards them!

They turned around to run away but quickly realized that the battle has ended, and they were surrounded by bandits on every side. The remaining guards were fleeing away on foot..!

-"Don't hurt us... please! We're just travelers and-" Anne started saying terrified, as the bandits kept closing in.
-"Travelers? Never seen 'innocent' travelers dragged away in steel like that!"
-"They've seen us... I say shut their mouths once and for all..." One of them said.
-"No...! Please... We will give you gold...!" Anne pleaded.
-"Well well well, that sounds interesting, doesn't it lads!" The man in charge exclaimed happily.
-"Yes... yes... We'll show you where we hid our loot..." William added more confident.
-"Thieves huh? Why am i not surprised..." The man said.
-"We will give you our loot, and you'll let us be on our way.... ok?" Anne bargained.
-"Very well... Lead us the way... No tricks or else..." The man said with a threatening tone after a few seconds of thinking.
-"Thank you, you'll see! There are lots of coins-" William said.
-"Enough! More walking and less talking...!" He commanded. "Bring those horses that they left behind! Bloody cowards!" He commanded someone.

Anne and William led the way back to the old mill once again, accompanied by a group of bandits that had them surrounded and closely watched. They wouldn't dare make any attempts of escape; Those were criminals, thieves and murderers, not guards!
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Post by Killua »

Those two are sooo cute protecting each other. I wonder if the bandits let them go or keep them as their little prisoners now :lol:
I definitely like those two more in steel than free :lol:

I really like your story so far. I haven't read a story about that historic time yet or at least don't remember it. That giant spider web brings some fantasy setting into it and somewhat remembers me on old mmorpgs I played when I was younger :lol:
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Post by Stef »

Thank you for your feedback, it's very much appreciated!
That giant spider web brings some fantasy setting into it and somewhat remembers me on old mmorpgs I played when I was younger :lol:
That was just a touch... It's one of my most favourite settings; Medieval times, castles, witches, monsters and pirates! I think i'm kinda inspired by playing The Witcher 3 for the first time recently, very good game..! :D
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Post by Killua »

Yeah it's a great setting. I love how you use that medieval cuffs. I kinda hope there will be more medieval tools to imprison them :lol:
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Part five

As soon as they arrived, they showed the bandits where the chest was hidden. The man that did all the talking, grabbed the small chest and opened it.

-"See? We weren't lying... It's all yours!" Anne said relieved.
-"It's focking empty!" The man shouted angrily! "Are ya toying with us?" He shouted again grabbing Anne by her cheeks!
-"No... no! I-It should be inside..."Anne said terrifed. "Willie..?" She asked her brother.
-"I don't know... They must've taken it... The guards... I-I don't know, i was outside... Bound..!" He excused and started weeping.
-"We didn't know... Please... Let us go! We don't have anything else... please..." Anne pleaded and wept too.
-"Don't hurt us..." William pleaded again.
-"A'right... You're coming with us then... Let the captain decide what to do with ya... Fetch some rope quickly!" The man commanded the other bandits.
-"No wait! Please... let us go!" Anne pleaded again, but the bandits pinned them down on their stomachs and held them there for a couple of minutes before someone returned holding several coils of used, old rope!
-"Tie 'em up and gag 'em..! I don't want to hear another word... Dammed scoundrels..!" He commanded his men once again.
-"But... You promised-" Anne started talking but she didn't complete her sentence; A woolen piece of cloth was forced between her teeth and quickly tied tightly to the back of her head, forcing her to bite it, and silencing her pleas for mercy! Little Willie shared the same fate a few seconds later, and then several hands worked together looping ropes all over them!

In a matter of minutes, the bandits have managed to get them all roped up; Hands bound together behind back, arms pinned on their sides by the chest and thighs bound together! The two young siblings kept futilely protesting against their captors by squirming and kicking around during the process! The cloths that were used as cleave gags were quite thick, and prevented them of making too much noise, except from some muffled grunts!

-"Hey! Remove their shoes first you damn fool! The rope must be tied on the skin... We don't want our birds to fly anywhere..!" The man in charge yelled at one of them who had started tying Anne's booted legs together...

-"MMmmm mmmm" Anne complained when the man rolled her around on her back! Two men then had her boots taken off by force and then, after placing her bare feet on one's lap and held firmly together, they started looping rope around her exposed ankles!

William's feet were lifted up and tied together on the ankles from behind as he laid there on his stomach, in the same manner...!

Aftery they were done, they tested their captives' bonds for a bit, and watched them squirming, rolling around and moaning for a couple of seconds, making sure they were completely helpless!

-"Those ain't shackles... there is no key...! Hahaha" The man in charge said and laughed out loud! They both protested in both fear and disgust again!

The bandits, after a short chat, lifted the two young siblings up and carried them over their shoulders one by one. They carefully placed each one of them on a horse on their stomachs, leaving their heads and bare feet dangling high off the ground on the horses' sides, facing down on the ground like some sort of a trophy!

The man in charge walked in front of Anne's face, lifted her chin up with one finger, and looked straight into her frightened eyes.

"Now if i were you i wouldn't move much... Falling off a horse bound like that can only end badly...!" He whispered.
-"GMMM" She responded, dripping saliva off her chin! The moaning continued for a short while!
-"Hahaha! Lets move lads... we ain't got all night" He commanded the other men.

The bandits mounted their horses with two of them having an extra passenger, and started trotting away in the middle of the night...!
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Post by Tugs4fun »

This is a really cool, innocent story. Very creative and original idea. I agree with Killua, I like how the brother and sister are trying to help each other out. I hope they escape! Ofc I realize that would be the end of the story but I'm pulling for them!
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Post by Killua »

Another great little part. No, I hope they won't escape ever :lol: I want the story to go on :lol: and if they escape...they hopefully get caught by someone else :D
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Part six

An hour or so had passed. The two young siblings were suprisingly quiet and obedient during that time; It wouldn't be wise to do otherwise anyway, even if they could! Except of some rare moments of taunting and teasing of their helplessness which were answered with soft grunts!

"Don't know what's worse... Caught in spider's web, taken to jail or captured by bandits?" Anne thought to herself as she kept drooling on the ground for a while now; that was her only view for quite some time... And the occasional slapping or grabbing of her ass didn't lessen her discomfort and worry..!

William on the other hand didn't suffer as much, except of course by the fact that he was also bound like a trophy on someone's horse...!

Finally, after some time later, the bandits seemed to have reached their destination; A hidden beach just outside of some woods with two boats waiting for them ashore, and a ship a few hundred yards away in the sea!

It was awfully quiet, you could only hear the bandits' whinning for plunder, their two young captives' muffled protests, and the sound of the waves hitting the shore.

"Pirates!" William thought frightened!

Without wasting time, the bandits/pirates dismounted off their horses and carried once again Anne and Will who grew tired of resisting, and tossed them in one of the boats.

-"MM!" They said complaining about being tossed away like sacks of potatoes!
-"Silence..!" The man yelled at them. "You two, with me... The rest shall go on the other boat..." The man said at his men. They started rowing away after they pushed the boas in swallow waters and came aboard!

-"GGmmm mmm" Anne protested in discomfort yet again as she was lying there, in the boat after she was tossed carelessly, but none of them paid attention and kept rowing, ignoring both of them!

A short while later, the bandits -or pirates to be more exact, were all abroad the ship along with their captives at hand... Literally! The men proudly placed Anne and William in a standing position and presented them in front of their captain who was approaching from afar with some other members of the crew, looking furious!

-"What the bloody hell is this?!" The captain shouted angrily in sight of this! The other men gazed with surprise upon the bound siblings!
-"We thought we-" The man in charge tried to explain but got interrupted.
-"I don't give a damn what you thought! You dare bring me prisoners?? Kids? They better be of royal blood...!" He answered quite annoyed.
-"MMmm mm!" William and Anne moaned and shook their heads negatively.
-"But captain... They stole-" He tried to excuse himself again.
-"THIEVES?" He said angrily. "You brought me thieves??" He added.
-"mmMM gmmmm" Anne tried to explain once again. The captain took a threatening glance at her that made her stop, and then turned back at his crew again.
-"Sir... we didn't know what to do with 'em and we figured..." He said cowardly.
-"I don't give a rat's ass what you figured doing...! Get the hell outta my sight! All of you scums!" He yelled at the newly arrived men of the crew!
-"Aye sir..." The man who was in charge mumbled and all of them scattered away...

A couple of seconds later, the captain addressed his prisoners.

-"Who the hell are you?" He said to Anne and William.
-"Mmmm gmmmm mmph mmm.." They started explaining.
-"What are you waiting for? REMOVE THEIR GAGS!" He shouted to the rest of the crew. And they quickly untied their gags from behind their heads.
-"We're honest thieves sir, we stole some goods from the road and-" Anne said.
-"AND? Why did you end trussed up like salami here?" He angrily interrupted.
-"We had a deal with your men to give us our loot in exchange for our lives... Sir... But the gold was't there anymore... Your men didn't like it and they tied us up and dragged us here...! Just leave us be on our way..! We don't want any more trouble..." Anne explained making a couple of short pauses.
-"Too late for that missus... We already set sailed the minute you set foot here..." He said and took a glance at both of their feet, noticing now that they were barefoot. He grunted in dissaproval.
-"Sir... We could use them for work..." Someone said. The siblings gulped.
-"They're kids for crying out loud..! They're useless!" he responded. The siblings sighed in relief.
-"Aye captain..."
-"Take them to the hold..! We're getting rid of them tomorrow night as soon as we reach that settlement!" The captain commanded.
-"Thank you sir we will not cause any trouble..." William said.
-"Of course you won't young lad... I won't waste such a beautiful ropework... Take'em!" The captain commanded after he laughed evily.
-"Untie us! Please! Don't leave us like this!" William pleaded the captain.
-"Silence! Or I'll have you gagged once again..!" He responded angrily.
Two of his men then grabbed the poor bound siblings who obeyed, and carried them downstairs where the hold is. "A woman on board brings miss fortune.." The captain mumbled to himself and walked away...
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Post by Stef »

Killua wrote: 3 years ago Another great little part. No, I hope they won't escape ever :lol: I want the story to go on :lol: and if they escape...they hopefully get caught by someone else :D
Mua ha ha hahaha :twisted:
Tugs4fun wrote: 3 years ago This is a really cool, innocent story. Very creative and original idea. I agree with Killua, I like how the brother and sister are trying to help each other out. I hope they escape! Ofc I realize that would be the end of the story but I'm pulling for them!
Im really glad you're enjoying it :D

More parts coming very soon... I'm actually wokring on them right now xD
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Post by Killua »

Wow, you are really quick in posting new parts... now I feel bad that I take so long to publish new parts for my own stories :lol:

"Trussed up like a salami" I really like that description :lol:

I'm curious what they will do to them... I somewhat believe they end up getting sold to someone else at the next village :D
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Part seven

-"Hey! The door is broken...!" Said one of them to the other after they carefully placed their captives on the dirty, wooden floor of the hold!
-"I know the door is broken you fool"
-"I mean... What are we gonna do with those two? Leave 'em here? If they go anywhere...? Do you want trouble with the cap?"
-"We- We can't move!" Anne said annoyed. Will shook his head positively.
-"Aye... right! We better make sure they're staying here..!" The other man replied after he took a glance at Anne and Will, who were laying bound on the floor looking back at him the way prey looks at his predator!
-"I say tie 'em up on the mast..." The other one said with an evil grin.
-"Oh no!" Willie muttered.
-"Aye..! Get the boy over here!" The other man shouted after he grabbed Anne by her waist, and dragged her across the floor and placed her back against the mast!
-"Hey! Easy" Anne complained in the process.

A few more complaints later, Anne and Will were sitting against the mast of the ship, back to back in between it , and awaited patiently for the two pirates to finish looping around their upper bodies using a large piece of rope...! A short while later and after they finished tying the poort siblings up, they tightened the rope securing them onto the mast of the ship!

At that point, Anne and Will had their hands bound behind their back, their chests and arms bound, and their ankles and thighs also bound together... And on top of it all; They were heavily roped together on the mast of the ship, unable to make the slightest movement from the waist up..!

-"Ugh... It's tight..." Will said after testing his new bonds! Anne grunted in discomfort.
-"There you go..! Ain't going nowhere... Hahaha!" One of them said and they both laughed a them and walked away leaving them alone in their predicament!

-"Ugh...! Stupid sailor's knots..!" Anne said as tried to squirm out of the ropes!
-"I'm stuck sis... Can't move much..." William said after trying as well.
-"Damn pirates!" Anne replied. "At least we can move our legs i guess... And we can talk..!" She added.
-"I'm sorry sis-"
-"Don't be! It's not your fault... When we get out of this, i promise i'll try and make a decent living..."
-"Ugh.. It hurst..!
-"I know! We're tied up for hours... And the rope didn't loosen a bit!" Anne said. "Be patient... By tomorrow we will be free again..." Anne comforted her brother after giving up trying to get free.
-"Do you believe that?"
-"I do...! I have to!"
-"What happened to you after you ran away? How did the guards find you?"
-"Oh... I got trapped in a web... I was really scared..!"
-"Yes, i had to call for help... I liked the idea better... Going to jail with my lil' brother rather than diying there all alone..!"
-"You're sweet sis... I'm glad you're ok... And when we're done with this, i'll promise i'll always be good to you..."
-"I know Willie, you always have been..." Anne said.
-"But now sis... There's something you didn't know about me..."
-"Huh... What?" Anne said curiously.
-"I always got a small knife with me, in my pocket... Thing is... It's barely reachable..."
-"Oh no you don't little imp!" Anne said proudly.
-"Ummm... Yes... And i'm trying to reach it all this time... I'm almost there..!"
-"Great... We can sneak out of here, the shore shouldn't be that far... We could swim... But... If they catch us...."
-"They won't!" Willie said with confidence. "There!" he exclaimed happily! "It's only a matter of time now!" He added again after reaching his pocket knife and started slowly cutting through the ropes on his wrists! Anne smiled hopefully.

Less than half an hour later, Willie had finally managed get his hands completely free! He slipped out of the rope that was keeping them immobile on the mast soon after, and started cutting through the ropes on his thighs while his sister, Anne, was relieved because the rope wasn't holding her in place anymore and fell down on her lap!

-"Cmoon! Willie! Quick! Get me out!" She whispered impatiently!
-"I'm almost there..." He responded.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from above that were suspiciously close to the stairs...! Their hearts started racing..!
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Post by Killua »

Ooooh, they are sooo cute :lol:

I love how you describe their strong bond that connects them (I don't mean the ropes this time :lol: )

On the one hand I want them to get free and have their decent live on the other hand I wish they get captured again and kept tied up for a long time, so you are going to continue that story for a long time :lol:

Great work, well described as all the time.
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Part eight

-"Untie me Willie, quick!" Anne said panicked! Little William stopped cutting through the knots on his legs, and went straight for her sister's hands!

But all hope was lost when the captain walked down the stairs and caught them red-handed a moment later...

-"Ohh the plot thickens!" He said in a sarcastic tone. "GIMME THAT!" He shouted at the boy and grabbed the small knife off his hand and threw him away! The boy stayed down for a couple of seconds after a blow like that!
-"No leave him alone!" Anne shouted and kicked him in his knees out of pure instict and fell on her side in the process.
-"Arrrgh! MEN! Come down here at once!" He shouted instantly! "A kicker?" He added. Will was still trying to fully recover...

Ten seconds later, the whole crew was in and out of that small hold!

-"We're fucked Willie..!" Anne whispered to herself after she looked around.
-"Teach 'em a lesson you useless scums... Two... children... outsmarted you?!" He turned around and yelled at his men furiously.

Two men grabbed William by his arms and pinned him down on the floor, while two other placed Anne back against the mast!

-"Restrain them again and gag'em...! And put more rope on that bitch's legs! We got plenty of it!" The captain commanded.

Anne started weeping in sight of an ugly, bearded man who leaned down on her face holding a rag. She opened her mouth obediently and let the man shove the rag inside it, stuffing it completely and making her unable to close her lips! Seconds later, an other rag, thinner, was tied behind her head and on her stuffed mouth, securing the first one in position!

At the same time, one other man leaned down and tied a piece of rope connecting her thights to her chest, forcing them to go as close as possible after he made sure her wrists are still securely bound behind her back!

-"MMMMMM mmmm" Anne complained about it with eyes full of regret!

The two men then worked together and had Anne retied again on the mast by using the same rope! Without the boy, the rope fastening her to the mast seemed a lot more, and her upper body was almost entirely covered by it! She kept grunting in discomfort!

Finally, the same thick, woolen cloth that was used earlier as a gag, was also tied tightly over her mouth covering it completely from her chin to her nose. Anne was hushed, her gag was pretty effective!

-"What do you say now? Feeling like kicking again?" The captain looked down at her and laughed!
-"mmm mm" Anne tried to say but her screams were almost inaudible a a couple of meters away..! She started struggling after that, harder and harder, but she couldn't move at all! Not even her legs! It was futile; She was completely helpless!
-"mmmmmmmmm!!" She added in despair! The captain ignored her pleas and watched her struggle for a couple of seconds before turning to Will.

During all this binding, Willie was also getting tied up with ropes, on different parts of his body simultaneously by three large men! He ended up helplessly bound on the floor pretty quickly although he put up a fight...!

His hands and elbows were bound together behind his back, while more rope was added on his chest to secure them pinned on his body. His thighs, just above his knees, and his ankles, were also bound together, and a small piece of rope was used to connect them behind his back putting him in a tight hogtie...! However, they didn't use much rope on him unlike how the others did with his sister, but it wasn't necessary anyway! His bonds were pretty secure and he would't be able to do anything about his predicament rather than insult his captors!

Will tried to resist getting gagged and sealed his lips, but without too much effort, the pirates gagged him in the exact same manner after pinching his nose to force his mouth wide open!

-"Anything clever to add?" The captain said.
-"mmm" Willie angrily said.
-"It doesn't matter..! Har har! Look at you two!" He said sarcastically and all the other men who were present, giggled at them.

Will started struggling and moaning harder, rolling around a few times trying to reach his sister who kept pleading for mercy with her muffled moans and by hitting the wooden floor with her bare feet!

Seeing this, the captain himself pulled out a yet another rag of his pocket, and blindfolded the boy by covering his eyes with it. Then he dragged him away of his sister who watched worried and stepped away towards her.

-"gmm m mmmmm!" Willie complained! He was ignored.
-"I'll leave you with the pleasure of watching your little hero squirm on the floor like a pig!" The captain said to Anne. She mphed.

He took a step back and stood still for a couple of seconds admiring his mens' work!

-"Alright, leave those two poor fellas in peace, we got work to do.. MOVE YA FILTHY SCUMBAGS! PARTY'S OVER!" He yelled at his men who quickly scattered away.

-"Consider yourself very lucky... We'll hit the next harbour tomorrow morning if we have the wind on our side, and we don't need two more mouths to feed... Enjoy your stay 'til then, goodnight...! Har har har!" The captain said and walked away leaving the siblings moaning as loud as possible!
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Post by Stef »

Killua wrote: 3 years ago Ooooh, they are sooo cute :lol:

I love how you describe their strong bond that connects them (I don't mean the ropes this time :lol: )

On the one hand I want them to get free and have their decent live on the other hand I wish they get captured again and kept tied up for a long time, so you are going to continue that story for a long time :lol:

Great work, well described as all the time.
Hahaha! Oh well I guess their miss fortune will end soon... probably!

And thank you for your comments :D
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Post by Killua »

I like how you try to make that Captain sound authentic and always insulting his crew :lol:

I guess Will has now a hard time reaching his sister all blindfolded. But it's surely entertaining to watch him squirn around. At least, they are lucky nobody is torturing them without their shoes they would have a great target for some tickle torture :lol:

You are really doing a good job with your story.
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Part nine

Anne and Will were left all alone down in the dark hold of the ship, with no one paying attention to them, unable to hear their cries for help!

Anne was tightly bound against the mast of the ship with plenty of rope, hands bound behind her back, chest roped heavily, thighs and ankles also bound together and her legs were pulled tightly close to her chest making her bare feet barely touch the wooden floor. She was also effectively gagged having her mouth stuffed and secured by two other rags that were firmly tied behind her head, silencing her for good!

Will was laying there on the floor hogtied tightly, blindfolded, and gagged exactly like her sister! His thighs and elbows were also bound together by only a few pieces of rope, along with his chest!

Intense struggling and squirming ensued from both of them for quite some time, and silent incomprehensible moans was their discussion! Soft grunts and the sound of ropes cracking at any slight movement dominated the room!

Anne gave up first; She couldn't move at all whereas Will, kept rolling around all the time achieving nothing blindfolded and hogtied like that... He only managed to get closer to Anne following her muffled moans.

She watched him struggle harder and harder on the floor, unable to intervene, even though she tried to use her toes to help him, but failed. They couldn't communicate at all gagged as they were!

Finally, a long time later, the two young siblings managed to fall asleep even though it seemed impossible considering their situation...! All this struggling was exhausting, and they were bound for several seemingly endless hours!

-"Morning!" The captain said down in his one knee in front of Anne's face, placing his big hand on her left knee.

Anne opened her big, beautiful eyes and looked up at him like a puppy. She didn't try to say anything. She was strangily relieved by the fact that they weren't all alone anymore, regardless of being in captivity! The captain was accompanied by a few men of his crew.

-"Nice and quiet my little birds are!" The captain said and stood up.

Willie, who was lying there on his side still hogtied, woke up after hearing those words and moaned softly for mercy! One of the crew members removed his blindfold making him flinch from the daylight.

-"It took some small effort but i'm glad we managed to... Compromise!" He said sarcastically. "I'm sure you enjoyed your stay! Perhaps you'd like to spend some more time with us?" The captain said evily.

-"mmm mmmmm" Both said in choir and shook their heads negatively!
-"Ahh so you leaving then..?" The captain jokingly asked.
-mmmmmmm!!" Both of them said shaking their heads positively!
-"HA ha ha! Worry not! We'll leave you ashore. There's a small bay here just outside of a settlement... Someone will come to your rescue eventually...!" He said.
-"mmm?" Anne said worried and confused looking him straight into his eyes.
-"I won't risk having some stupid kids running around, giving away our position to the authorities gal..! By the time they find you two, we'll be long gone... Besides, i wouldn't want you to go without a souvenir... Keep those ropes... We'll make sure you ain't leaving without them... ! Har har har har!! Now shut the hell up!" The captain said angrily after he laughed out loud and nodded at his men before walking back upstairs to the deck!
-"mmmmmmmmm" Both started protesting violently!

Without wasting any more time, the two pirates who left in charge of delivering their captives ashore, worked on Anne's bonds that was keeping her fastened on the mast, ignoring her silenced moans!

-"Pick up the other one!" One of them said to the other after picking up Anne in his arms like a baby; One arm under her bound thighs who were still tied closely to her chest, and the other one holding her head. She wasn't very happy about it but she didn't have a choice, only to behave... She may was frogtied and gagged, but at least she'd be free soon!

Will was easily picked up by the other man and placed over his shoulder, still hogtied and gagged. As soon as they had them at hand, they started carefully walking back upstairs on the deck..!

Anne and Will were in full view of the whole crew who stopped whatever they were doing to take a glance at them and mock them about their helplessness..! Silly jokes, sarcastic taunts and laughs were heard for the next couple of minutes which were answered by muffled incomprehensible grunts by the two siblings!

Suprisingly, the two pirates then placed Anne and Will inside two old, large sacks which were held wide open from some other crew members! They struggled fiercessly in sight of what was about to happen, but any attempts made, were futile.

Moments later, they were both covered inside a sack each, and the last thing they saw was the sack being closed and tied above their wide opened eyes full of terror! At least they could see some light coming in through a few tiny rips..!

-"mmmmmm mmm!" They both started complaining again as loud as they could. But their pleas were ingored once again.

Shortly after, they were placed in a boat along with two other men who started rowing away in haste. Both Anne and Will were peaceful and quiet during that small journey back in land, while the two pirates kept chatting.

A couple of minutes later, the boat had finally reached the shore, and the pirates unloaded the poor siblings off the boat, and carried them over, sacked as they were, and carefully placed them close by the dirt road beneath a tree!

-"Don't worry... Somebody will pass by soon...... I guess!" One of them said.
-"Yeah, just call for help..." The other one said.
-"mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmm!" Both of them moaned as loud as they could.
-"You have to be louder that than..." He added mockingly!
-"Good luck fellas!" The other other said and they started making their way back to the boat.

Anne and Will were left there, bound, gagged, helpless and alone inside two sacks! Anne was frogtied inside one of them, unable to escape her bonds, let alone get out off it, and Will, was hogtied in the other one with the same chances of escaping as her sister; none!

They tried calling for help for quite some time and struggled with all the strength they had for a long time, but their attepts were fruitless. No one was near enough to hear them. Their moans where almost inaudible from the road anyway.

A few people that passed by during that time failed to notice or hear anything strange. From afar, they looked like two abandonded sacks under a tree!

Eventually, a couple of old women passing by were curious enough to take a look. As they got closer, they heard muffled moans and hurried to open the sacks!

-"By the gods!" One of them exclaimed suprised when they opened the first bag and saw Will. They quickly opened the other one too and moments later, they dragged the two siblings out and removed their gags.

-"Oh poor babies! What have they done to you!" The older one said while they started untying them.
-"Ahh thank you! At last! We'll be forever grateful.. Thank you...!" Anne said the second her gag was removed."Will! I was so worried... Are you ok?" She added looking at her brother who was getting untied quickly.

-"It hurted me so much... All this rope.. And I'm starving sis..!" Will replied sadly.
-"Don't worry dearies! I'll take care of you now... I'll prepare a good meal and a warm bath as soon as we get back to my hut!" The older woman said comforting them! They sighted of relief!

-"Thanks again so much! We need shelter just for tonight... Tomorrow we'll be in our way..! Anne said and stood up on her feet again to help her brother do the same.

"What a bizzare adventure!" Anne said with a smile of relief and caressed Will's head after they were finally free again!
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Post by Stef »

That's how this story was intended to end, at least for now... I might return to this one and write a few more parts! I hope you enjoyed it :D
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Post by Killua »

It was really a cute tale. I like the ending, it suits the story really well. Also, it gives you the opportunity to start a new adventure with them whenever you want / if you want. You did a great job with your story.
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