The Trick Photographer (f/mm)

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The Trick Photographer (f/mm)

Post by GMen »

This past weekend, I showed my friend “Eric” the story I had written about his experience with the sorority girl a few weeks back ( and explained the existence of our group. I certainly captured his intrigue, as he came up with the following plot and I filled in the rest. He was particularly interested in the various subsets of interests within our community, so he came up with the idea of incorporate as many of our prominent members’ particular interests into the story. After compiling a list, I realized this’ll have to be a multi-part story, so bear with me as I try to formulate all the different elements.

The Trick Photographer

“…and by the way, I owe ya one. That story you told me - I jazzed it up and posted it on the web,” Cooper said in passing.

Eric turned to his friend as they headed into the elevator. “What story? What are you talking about, Coop?”

“The one with the sorority chick tying you up. They absolutely ate it up,” Cooper said as-a-matter-of-factly, consciously not making eye contact with his friend who he knew could probably kill him with just his pinky.

“Hold it, just one minute…you’re telling me you posted my story on the internet?” Eric couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A few weeks earlier, he had told his friend - in complete confidence - of an unusual experience he had just experienced at the end of the semester. It seems one of the sororities had an unusual tradition and this senior had tricked him into getting tied up and observed by the entire sorority. As he was pretty lightheaded due to the inebriation, I didn’t resist much, nor did he particularly dislike the experience. In fact, he let the girl keep him secure for another thirty minutes or so while they fooled around after the predetermined time had already expired. It was certainly a wild night, one that he just had to share. Turns out, he shared it with the one person who was a member of an internet forum devoted to tie up games!

The two men exited the elevator and headed down the hall to Cooper’s place. “You know, pal, I really wish you hadn’t done that.”

“Oh come on, it’s alright, I shielded your name and everything, there’s no way anyone will hear about it.”

They entered Cooper’s apartment, dropping their gym bags off by the washing machine. It was slated to be a lazy Saturday morning. Rain was predicted so they hit the gym earlier and were just going to take it easy the rest of the day. In exchange for the use of Cooper’s washer and dryer, Eric agreed to do the gym laundry for the both of them. He dumped the contents of each bag into the washer, poured in the soap and started the machine while Cooper retreated to his bedroom to change his shirt. He exited his room and slowly paced to the living room, his head completely immersed in his iPhone screen.

“Well this is interesting….” Cooper said in such a tone that begged for a follow-up inquisition.

“What’s that?” Eric asked, willfully taking the bait.

“Turns out there’s a female photographer in the area who’s a member of the forum. She read the story, loved it, and liked the way I described you. She just messaged me asking if you’d be willing to do a modeling session for her.”

Eric got up off the couch and quickly seized the phone from his friend. Glancing down at the screen, he scrolled through the message. For once, Cooper wasn’t exaggerating. Better yet, she was offering $200 for the hourlong session, provided his photo was as good as the way he was described. If he agreed, she’d send over the address and a list of clothing he was to bring along with him. $200 for one hour of getting your picture taken? Eric couldn’t resist. He handed Cooper the phone back.

“Here, take a photo real quick,” he said, taking a step back and flexing his arms out, as if he were posing for an Ironman. “You sure you want to do this?” his friend asked as he snapped a couple of pictures in rapid succession.

“Pay me $200 for the next sixty minutes and I won’t go,” Eric replied defiantly. Cooper just sighed and said, “suit yourself.” He transmitted a reply, complete with the photos. His inbox notification lit up a few minutes later.

“Looks like you’re all set. It’s an apartment only about a mile away,” he said as he scanned the list. “Doesn’t look too bad. Jeans, black t-shirt, white tank top, some shorts, a pair of no-show socks, pair of long socks - doesn’t specify a color, sneakers, and your black Calvin Klein underwear.”

Eric confirmed the list. He was set to show up at noon, which left him just enough time to finish the laundry and have Cooper drive him over to his place and pick up the requested attire. On the ride over to Eric’s place, Cooper insisted on dropping him off and waiting for him, just to make sure someone was looking out for him. They pulled up to the five-story apartment building on a tree-lined street in a residential part of town. Cooper put the car in park. “If I don’t hear from you in an hour, I’ll ping you.”

“Always the worry-wart,” Eric said, as he got out of the car. “In an hour, send the calvary to #308,” he said, slamming the door.

As Eric walked up the three steps to the front door, he gained entry as a tenant exited the building. Taking the elevator to the third floor, he first went down the hall to the right before doing an about face towards the lower numbers. He knocked on the door labeled 308. He heard some shuffling about coming from behind the door before it opened partly, the chain link still attached. He saw an eye, partially covered by light brown hair.

“May I…oh, it’s you. Just a moment,” the female voice said before closing the door to remove the chain and reopen it. “Sorry, I was expecting you to have to buzz you in. Here, come on in,” she said.

Eric noticed the woman who appeared to be in her early thirties and, at 5’5, was six inches shorter than he was. Clad in a pink tank top, jeans, and gray Sperry sneakers, she wasn’t a ten but not unattractive either. Eric entered, glancing at the apartment which appeared to be only half-furnished. A brown couch, black coffee table faced the front door, a flat-screen television on a long TV stand directly to his left as he entered. Beyond the couch was empty space, just white backdrops and foreground.

“Welcome to my studio. I’m Jessica, pleased to meet you, Eric,” she said, extending her hand which he accepted and shook. “You can drop your bag anywhere for now and we can just chat for a few minutes, if that’s alright with you. I’m sure you have some questions.”

He set his back down and joined Jessica on the couch. At the moment, he was in navy blue basketball shorts, a white t-shirt, white ankle socks and Nike Metcons. Jessica eyed him intently as he sat down. “Forgive me for saying, but your photos don’t you justice,” she said in a more serious than flirtatious tone.

“Thank you. So what can I expect during this session?”

“This is a basic introductory session. You see, I do freelance work for a lot of different fashion catalogs and they’re always looking for more, well, rugged individuals to model some of their clothing. I want to take a variety of shots in different attire. If you’re uncomfortable with something, just let me know and we’ll move on to something else. And before I forget,” she said, reaching into her pocket and producing ten crisp $20 bills. “This is for you,” as she handed it over to him.

He gladly accepted, pleased he was paid up front. As he put the money in his wallet, Jessica slapped her hands on her knees and stood up. “Now that that’s over, let’s get to work.” As Eric got up, she took him by his hand over to a stool that was in the corner with the white backdrop. “Just sit on top and give some relaxed poses. Act natural, as if these are candid shots.”

Eric followed the instructions as Jessica started snapping away. He gave her profile shots and direct face-to-camera, a few frontal muscle flexes towards the end of that particular pose. For the first thirty minutes, she ran him through the ringer of every pose in all the different kinds of attire he had. He did some shots bare chested, a few in just his underwear, unafraid of anything she threw at him. Truth be told, he was enjoying himself immensely. After the first thirty minutes, Jessica called for a break.

“Okay, Eric, while I download these latest photos, change into your gray basketball shorts, tank top, ankle socks, please. And bring over the chair in the kitchen.”

Eric obliged as Jessica briefly excused herself and entered the bedroom before returning with a coiled up section of black nylon rope. “I hope you don’t mind, but I did hear about you being tied up and I couldn’t resist what that’d look like.”

Eric was too pleased with the earlier session to consciously object. “Where do you want me?” he asked. Her nod to the chair confirmed his initial thought and he sat down. “Hands behind your back, please.” He followed each instruction implicitly.

Jessica took Eric’s wrists and crossed them before wrapping the rope around them horizontally before then wrapping it vertically over the horizontal wraps and cinching it in a knot. All the while, she checked to see his wrists were rubbing against one another, ensuring no space with which he could yank hard and loosen the rope. Content with her initial tie, she wrapped some more around his chest thereby keeping his arms secured to his sides. Jessica wasn’t a fool. Throughout the photoshoot, she had taken detailed photos of his front and back muscles, ascertaining that if there was even a little leeway in the knots, his upper body strength could exploit it. She was going to make sure this stud wasn’t getting away. Throughout the process, she kept asking Eric if he was comfortable; if the ropes were too tight. He didn’t bother to check, figuring this was being used for a ten minute photo shoot and he’d be free in no time. Perhaps he had also let a bit of ego enter into the occasion as well, but nevertheless he said he was perfectly fine. She repeated the process for his knees and ankles before taking a step back and admiring her work. She couldn’t believe her eyes. He was gorgeous. And most importantly, he was helpless.

Picking up her camera, she gave out additional instructions. “Okay Eric, you’ve just been kidnapped. Let’s see some expressions of anger followed by expressions of helplessness.”

Eric started to struggle for her, ensuring the expressions were genuine. Unconsciously, he even let out a few grunts as he came to realize just how secure he was in the chair. Instantly he had flashbacks to his time with Melanie and there was no doubt he was, on at least some level, enjoying this predicament. As he continued to struggle, Jessica moved in with the camera, snapping close ups of his strained face expressing anger and then his widened eyes and droopy expression of helplessness. She did more closeups of her subject’s exposed arms, complete with their tattoos. Then she sat down on the ground, and Eric heard more snaps. “Ahem, but are you taking pictures of my crotch?” he asked jokingly.

“Slow your roll, stud. It’s not like that. It’s your socks. The forum has a healthy following of sock enthusiasts. They’ll love to see closeups of these babies. What size are they?” Eric looked into the distance a bit and sighed. “Heh, if you say so. They’re twelves.” She just smiled. “How lovely. Wiggle your toes for me,” she instructed and he followed suit. After a few more shots, Eric felt her peel the socks off. More snaps. “Gotta give the foot fans something too.” More snaps. She covered every angle. His soles, toes, the tops of his feet, his ankles. Standing up, she went over to his bag and pulled out the rolled up blue and white patterned Nike elite basketball socks she had him wear earlier. She quickly untied his ankles before slipping those socks on and retying the rope. “And now for those who like the longer socks,” she said, stretching them up to his mid-thighs. “Gorgeous.” More snaps.

“Last set and then we should be done for the hour,” she said, as she crumpled up the ankle socks and produced a blue paisley bandanna. “I know you got stuck with a piece of tape over your mouth last time, that must’ve hurt like hell when it came off. This is another gag but less painful. Open up.”

Eric did as he was told, as the socks were shoved in his mouth. Internally, he was glad he had brought a relatively clean pair. Jessica then rolled the bandanna up, sticking it in between his teeth and securing it behind his head with a knot. She stepped back again, taking some still shots, before then switching the camera to video. “Okay honey, let’s see some real struggling. I want the whole thing. Muffled yells and all. Give me all you got.”

Eric delivered, thrashing his head back and forth and pulling at his various binds, complete with muffled protests that came out as the usual garbled mess of “mmmpppphh” or something nearly as unidentifiable. The look on Jessica’s face indicated she wasn’t entirely pleased. “Come on, Eric, you gotta sell it. Imagine if I told you…here’s the kicker…that you’ve been kidnapped for real?” Eric’s eyes widened at that last line. An evil grin came across her face. “That’s right baby, you’re all mine for as long as I want.”

Instantly, Eric thrashed harder than he had ever before, while Jessica just giggled and aimed her camera back on him. “That’s right, you’re like a trapped animal now,” she said in such a way that made Eric really wonder if she was serious. But as time reached an hour and she wasn’t giving any indication of releasing him, he wasn’t sure if there were any viable options for the time being. Then he heard the little chime come from his phone in his bag. Jessica turned to the bag and walked over. “Oh it’s a message from Coop. Friend of yours? He asks if you’re doing well.”

Eric gave a pleading look and gave off a muffled response. Jessica walked over to her helpless captive and pulled the bandanna down. Eric quickly spit the socks out. “You’re going to let me go right?!”

She ruffled her hand through his dark brown hair. “Of course, silly. I just needed to get an authentic struggle out of you. Who’s Coop?”

A sigh of relief enveloped Eric. “He’s a friend. He’s the one who wrote the story actually. He’s my ride.”

“Oh really? Well then he should appreciate this,” she said as she stuck the bandanna in between his teeth and typed a response for Cooper to on up to 308.

Cooper was in his car when he received the response from Eric. “All’s well. Come on up and see the fun!” He got out of his car as Jessica watched from the window. She saw his wavy brown hair, a slender body in a 5’9 frame clad in black shorts, an untucked blue button down shirt complete with black flip flops. Hmm, not bad, she thought to herself. She heard the buzz and pressed the button letting him in.

While Eric was trying to figure out what was really going on, Jessica left briefly to the bedroom before coming out with two REI Magma 10 sleeping bags and placing them on the side. Before long, there was a knock at the door and Jessica opened it, letting Cooper in. “You must be Cooper, come on in. Eric’s told me all about you. I guess I owe you a thanks for posting the story.”

Cooper entered, seeing over her left shoulder his friend all tied up, twisting every so often and give off a grunt. “Wow, I see you really went to town on him.”

“Oh yea, we’ve had a lot of fun,” she said, turning to her captive. “He’s really taken to the whole tie up experience.”

Cooper walked to the other side of the apartment, until he knelt down to be eye-to-eye with his friend. “Hey pal, looks like she’s really got ya secure,” he said, pulling at the rope around his knees and then his arms. “I’ve gotta hand it to you. You didn’t one hell of a job.”

Eric’s eyes pleaded with Cooper to remove the gag, but his friend was too busy doing a 360 walk around, admiring the handiwork. When he finished, he glanced over at the sleeping bags. “Oh boy, did you tie him in those too?!”

“No, I’m afraid not. We didn’t get time for that,” Jessica lamented.

“Shucks, that would’ve been fun to see.”

“Oh you think so?” Jessica asked in a naive, innocent tone usually reserved for fifteen-year-old girls.

“Absolutely!” Cooper said excitingly.

“Maybe we’ll get you to join in on the fun, too, then. How’d you like that?”

Cooper looked to Eric who was still trying to get his attention but failing miserably. “That would be awesome, wouldn’t it pal?” Finally, Eric’s furious shaking of his head caught Cooper’s attention. “No? Why not?” He went over to ungag him when he felt an arm wrap around his waist and pull him backwards.

“Well, why wait?!” Jessica said. “But they don’t call them ‘sleeping bags’ for nothing,” she continued before producing a folded white cloth from her pocket and clamping it over Cooper’s nose and mouth. Instinctively, he grabbed at her right arm but she had caught him by surprise. Worse, his flip flops provided little traction as he attempted to escape her grip. The piercing aroma from the cloth penetrated his nostrils. A long time member of the TUGs board, he was fully aware what was happening to him and he knew he had a limited time to react.

“That’s it, honey. Big breaths for me. Breathe it in,” she taunted, as his flailing caused him to inhale much larger breaths than he was hoping; each one burning his nostrils and reducing his motor skills. He continued his muffled shouts as she kept pulling him backwards. What little grip his flip flops had was soon eliminated as they both slipped off his feet and his legs felt rubbery. Soon that limp feeling escalated and moved up to his arms and his grip weakened; reducing his struggles to light swats at her hand that had little effect. Jessica guided him slowly to the ground, setting him down gently as she saw the whites of his eyes before they fluttered close. She turned his limp face side to side before looking up at Eric whose only contribution during the entire struggle was his own muffled protest.

Next, she walked up to Eric, tracing her fingertips along his bulging left arm. She then took the tripod from against the wall and set it up, placing the camera in front of Eric.

“I thought about jumping you at first, but realized I couldn’t stand a chance…but now,” she said, pulling at the rope around his chest once again, ensuring its effectiveness. “I guess I can get you ready for some real fun after all. You’d like that, right?” she rhetorically asked, before grabbing his crotch with her left hand and clamping the cloth over Eric’s face with her right. Looking back at the camera, she kissed Eric on the cheek.

“Say cheese. Don’t fight it…it’s useless,” she taunted and Eric seemed to agree. There were no struggles, just a few weak “mmmpphhs” as he breathed normally into the cloth. With her left hand, she started to stroke him as she saw his eyes start to glaze over. Removing the cloth briefly, she pulled the bandanna out of his mouth and kissed him on his lips before promptly her lips with the cloth again.

His vision got blurry, a ringing in his ears grew louder before his head fell into his chest.
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Post by cj2125 »

Great start! Glad that “Eric” was okay with you posting his story and even was a good sport and came up with this plot (maybe you can even convince him to join us :) ). Already looking forwards to the next part
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is great! You've managed to fit many of the various fetishes around here into a believable story. It holds up as a stand-alone tale but I'll be disappointed if there isn't more.
Thanks for posting!
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Post by gagged86 »

Great start, nice characters, intriguing plot, and well written :)
Hope to read the next parts soon :)
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Post by fratboydanny »

[mention]GMen[/mention] this is really well done. I love the basic plot but the details make this a genuine top pic of stories on the board. Thanks for posting and I hope we will see more.
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Post by Kackesh5 »

this is probably my favorite story on this board, would love a sequel
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Post by jone123 »

Good story, excited for more.
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Post by Benelux »

A wonderful story, this one is screaming for a continuation! I would love to read how the adventure between Jessica, Eric and Cooper continues.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]GMen[/mention] Nice story, sorry just seen it.

Would like to read the follow up.

Loving the whole 'sleeping bag' reference. Wish I had thought of that!!
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