snobound : 02 - TUG Institute: Danny's Ordeal... (M+/M)

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snobound : 02 - TUG Institute: Danny's Ordeal... (M+/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

snobound's stories
02 - TUG Institute: Danny's Ordeal...
Story index at the bottom

By snobound

Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:28 pm

Here begins fratboydanny's TUG Institute experience! I'm going to try to avoid posting in massive chunks, as I did in my last installment. I actually exceeded the character count limit on that one!!

TUG Institute: Danny's Ordeal- Chapter 1

Danny woke from a light and fitful slumber- the sort of sleep that follows a night of overindulgence. His head was still aching, and he refrained from opening his eyes. Suddenly, he felt as if he wasn't alone. He lifted his heavy eyelids the smallest fraction of an inch, then groaned at the blurry vision before him. Danny closed his eyes again, breathed deeply a few times, then again surveyed the two boys. How long had they been standing there?

"What do you two want? You're outta here!" spat Danny, disgusted at the sight of the two freshmen standing before him. The same two freshmen that had blown off the rest of the pledges- on the hallowed first night of hell week to boot. As "Orientation Chairman", it was Danny's job to put this year's crop of pledges through their paces, supposedly for the purpose of separating Sigma Phi Epsilon material from the rest of the riffraff.

Danny had been meticulous in planning different quests so that teams of prospective members could show their mettle. Most involved swiping historic or valuable items from both the campus and the small New England town that served as the grudging host of the ivy league school. Danny had spent the previous few days getting the pledges psyched up for their coming quest. In reality, all Danny had accomplished was to scare the living shit out of most of the young recruits.

"Some of this crap is priceless," he had warned. "Damage or destroy ANYTHING and it'll be your asses! Not only will you blow your chances at joining the brotherhood, but you'll likely wind up in jail too." What the pledges didn't know, however, was that each and every planned victim of this traditional, annual caper had been contacted by Danny in advance, and had agreed to participate. Hence, there was no real risk to the pledges, though some were sweating bullets preparing to pull off such seemingly unthinkable acts as stealing a former president's golden scepter from a glass display case in the administration building.

Yes, each of the pledges was terrified of acquiring a criminal record mere weeks into their college experience, but ALL eventually grew some balls and manned up for the task. That is, except for these two.

"We're sorry, Pledge Master!" one of the freshmen whined. What was his name? Carl? Keith? It really didn't matter, Danny thought.

"Tough shit. You're both done," Danny said casually, as if this should have been seen as the logical consequence of going AWOL on the first night of hell week. Danny remained sprawled on the massive leather sofa in the house's main common room. He closed his eyes to resume his afternoon nap- after all, he had to recuperate for tonight's antics with the remaining pledges. Many seconds later, Danny had the distinct impression that the two boys hadn't budged.

He flicked open his eyes, grimacing through the glare pouring through the room's large, mullioned windows. "WHAT!?" he spat. "Are you freakin' retarded as well as cowardly? Jesus, we need to reexamine our standards," he sighed, incredulously. "OUT!!" Danny barked.

Not surprisingly, one of the pledges began to sob. Fat tears streaked down the boy's face. He began to stammer between sobs and deep, irregular gulps of air. "You have to give us another chance. I didn't... We didn't... I... was so scared about loosing my scholarship." More sobs. Danny was growing uncomfortable. What was this kid's name? Kenneth- that was it.

"Look, Kenny..." Danny began, though Kenneth wasn't listening.

"Any felonies- or even misdemeanors- and I loose everything." Kenneth was trying to regain his composure. His compatriot took this opportunity to jump in and plead his case.

"Dude... uh, Pledge Master, it's the same for me. I just couldn't risk it! Please, be reasonable. Both of us are legacies. My dad was class of '85 and Kenny's was '87. YOUR dad was a brother too- you said so! Imagine having to tell him you were kicked out on the first night of hell week," the boy pleaded.

What the hell was this one's name? Patrick... Danny thought. "Listen, man. You couldn't even be bothered to show up- or even call me, for fuck sake! Pathetic, if you ask me. That kind of spineless behavior doesn't exactly speak to what you can contribute to the brotherhood."

Kenny piped in. "PLEASE, have some compassion! We fucked up. It won't happen again. ONE more chance! Please!" Whether it was compassion for the boys' plight, or out of sheer abhorrence of the likelihood that Kenny would start bawling again, Danny's expression seemed to soften a bit.

Patrick seemed to recognize this subtle change, and saw an opportunity to close the deal. "PLEASE Danny... uh, sorry, Pledge Master." Danny was really getting used to this informal title that he'd insisted the pledges use to address him. "We're prepared to face the consequences. We should be punished- severely. We'll do anything!" Patrick implored.

Danny looked up in interest, interrupting the pledge's pleading. "Anything?" he inquired, trying to sound as offhand and casual as possible.

"YES!! Anything!" Kenny added, suddenly brightening at the possibility, small as it may have been, of salvaging his chances at gaining entry into the brotherhood.

"Really. Anything?" Danny asked again, seeking clarification.

"Yeah, Pledge Master. Anything!" Patrick agreed fervently.

Danny sat up, resting his socked feet on the floor. He studied the pair of blathering fools for a moment, considering his options. The two boys were on tenterhooks. After what seemed like an eternity, Danny finally spoke. "Okay, listen." Patrick and Kenny both exhaled simultaneously, sensing the shift in Danny's original position. "It's not entirely my decision. I've already told the president that you guys were done. How's it going to look if I go back on MY word?"

Kenny was again nearing a state of desperation. "But.. but, if you punish us, then you'll save face too," he added hopefully.

"It would have to be one hell of a punishment. You'd really be up for that?" questioned Danny, though he already knew the answer.

"Absolutely!" Kenny blurted.

"Yeah, definitely!" Patrick added.

A devious grin spread across Danny's face- a grin that gave both boys cause for concern, though neither seemed confident enough to press the issue. "Fine. But this is your last chance. Fuck up again, and no amount of whining and crying will save you. Understand?" Danny asked.

"YES! Oh, thank you! I won't let you down!" Kenny gushed, extending his hand toward Danny.

Danny didn't take it. "I'll shake your hand when you've proven that your Sigma Phi material." He turned to the other boy, who seemed a bit more concerned than Kenny about Danny's obviously keen interest in their offer to submit to unconditional punishment. "Do we have an agreement?" Danny asked.

Patrick stood there, staring. It seemed that Danny's reputation preceded him, as he commanded a much greater degree of obedience and respect from the pledges than would have been expected of a young man of 5' 10" and no more than a buck-sixty. Danny, however, was captain of the baseball team. Between his management of the team and position of leadership in the fraternity, Danny had cultivated a considerable command presence that people around him both noticed and responded to.

"Dude, my patience is wearing thin! What's it gonna be? Are you out, or are you in?" Danny barked.

"I'm...I'm in," Patrick mumbled inaudibly.


"I'm in," he mumbled again.

"HOLY SHIT!" Danny cried, incredulously. "Grow a pair, will ya? Confidence is one of the qualities we look for in a pledge, for Christ sake!"

"I'm in," said Patrick, this time in a normal conversational volume.

"YOU'RE WHAT?" Danny shouted.

"I'M IN!" came Patrick's response, in a shout that rivaled Danny's. "I'M IN! I'M IN! I'M IN!"

"Good! I'm glad we finally understand each other," said Danny, glaring at Patrick. He directed his attention at both boys. "Be here at 7:00. If you're even a second late, don't bother walking through the door."

Patrick and Kenny stood there, dumbfounded and silent. "OUT!" Danny barked, and the two finally shuffled from the room, utterly defeated. Danny rolled over and went back to sleep- it was going to be a long night.

Wanna see frat boys squirm?? Stay tuned!! :wink:

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:25 pm

I apologize for the long introduction. I ease into my stories like an old man getting into a hot bath! :D You'll get some TUGs in this one... :bondage1:

TUG Institute: Danny's Ordeal- Chapter 2

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump... "Dude, do you mind!? I've still got a headache from last night!" Tyler whined. He had been busy pushing all of the large, wood-paneled common room's furniture toward the perimeter. This left an empty void usually occupied by the squishy, overstuffed chairs and sofas that the brothers lounged in between classes and in the evening. Tonight, however, the room would be host to one of the largest, and most anticipated, parties of the year.

Danny had just dragged a large plastic footlocker to the bottom of the once-opulent house's central stairway. "Sorry, man. I was just too beat to carry the thing," said Danny. Tyler shrugged.

"What's in the box?" Tyler asked.

"Toys," replied Danny, offhandedly.

Tyler smiled. "Toys eh?" Danny's proclivities weren't exactly secret among the brothers of Sig Ep. "You do realize that we've got a party to prepare for?"

"Yeah, man, but I've got pledges to break. You know... torments to devise, psyches to bruise, egos to contain..." Danny laughed.

"You do, indeed. And you do it so well!" Tyler replied, laughing along with his fellow brother. "So, what is it this time?"

"Oh, I've just got some demerits to dole out, that's all. You'll see." Danny was wearing one of his signature smirks, which brought a questioning look to Tyler's face.

"Those two flunkies who blew us off last night?"

"Yup!" Danny answered.

"Oh, man! I feel bad for the sons of bitches!" laughed Tyler. "Don't let me get in your way."

Holding on to one end, Danny towed the wheeled footlocker toward the rear of the house. Down a carpeted hallway, off limits to party goers and daily guests alike, was a shared bathroom used only by the brothers that was light years cleaner than the house's larger facilities, which would surely become trashed by the time the last partier staggered from the house in the wee hours of the morning.

Danny kicked open the door, revealing a bathroom the size and style of which you might see in a small health club. There were four stalls, an equal number of urinals (the older kind that go all the way down to the floor), and a communal shower. The room's lights blinked on automatically as he dragged the plastic footlocker into the brilliantly white, tiled room. This bathroom, thankfully, didn't reek of the overpowering stench of urine that plagued the public restrooms near the common room.

Danny pushed the footlocker against the wall and opened its hinged lid, revealing numerous coils of rope, duct tape, gags, funnels, rubber tubing, among other forbidding and provocative items. After taking a mental inventory, Danny turned and strode from the room. He returned, minutes later, hefting a case of the most insidiously disgusting beer ever to spew forth from an American brewery- Natty Ice!

There were two whole kegs of Magic Hat # 9 on ice in the kitchen, but Danny couldn't see wasting beer of that quality on these two buffoons. He plopped the heavy cube onto the counter, ripped open the box, and removed numerous cans of the swill. Danny then reached for the thin metallic rod protruding from the back of the faucet of the nearest sink, plugging the basin's drain. He did the same on the room's two other white porcelain sinks.

The crisp crack of opening beer cans soon pierced the silence of the bathroom. Within minutes, Danny had opened each of the twenty-four cans, then began dumping the wretched contents into the three sinks- eight cans in each. "Gross!" Danny laughed out loud. He continued to laugh, thinking about how warm, stale, and flat the Natty would be in a couple hours time. He couldn't wait. He was almost giddy.


A group of senior brothers and frat leadership sat clustered on the leather sofas pushed toward the corner of the common room. They had been discussing the coming party, ensuring that they had covered all of their bases. Danny was about to review, for the fourth or fifth time, the elaborate punishment that he had devised for their two most questionable pledges. In fact, Tyler, Sigma Phi Epsilon's president, had just been voicing his concern that Danny's plans seemed harsh, and possibly a bit over the line. Danny disagreed, and was about to elaborate on why when the large oak front door burst open, through which sprang both Kenny and Patrick. "You're on, dude," said Tyler.

Danny leapt from the couch and marched across the common and into the foyer, where the two boys stood, sweating and panting. "DON'T YOU FUCKIN' KNOCK!" Danny screamed, mere inches from Patrick's trembling face. Danny was biting his tongue to suppress his signature grin. He turned back toward his brothers, many of whom were now standing. "Tyler!" he called.

"Yeah, Danny?" he answered.

"What TIME is it?"

"Uh, my watch says 7:01, brother," said Tyler.

Danny turned back toward the terror-stricken pledges, continuing to feign rage. "SEVEN O ONE!" he bellowed, spraying spittle all over Patrick as he did.

Patrick began to stammer, glancing at his own watch. "Bu..but Pledge Master, it's not even..." he began, though Danny interrupted, turning toward his advancing brothers.

"The NOOB says we can't fucking tell time!! Can you BELIEVE this shit!" Danny spat at his fellow brothers, adding a wink at the end- before turning back toward the gob-smacked boys with a disturbing glare.

Tyler now stood beside Danny as he continued to rant. "LATE! Un-fucking-believable!"

Kenny began to stammer. "But Danny, the shuttle was late and ... we... we were waiting forever, and..."

"The SHUTTLE! Is THAT the kind of man you're going to be? One whose life is dictated by PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION?!" Danny screeched incredulously, turning to look toward Tyler, who was struggling to fight back laughter. Seeing that his brother was about to piss his pants, Danny quickly returned his attention to the boys, who were standing there with their mouths agape.

"The Sig Ep creed. I'm going to assume that you've been as lax about learning our creed, as you've been in participating in our cherished, time-honored rites? Am I correct?!" Danny demanded. "Ha?"

"Uh... no, Pledge Master," Kenny replied as beads of sweat began forming on the boy's forehead.

"Oh? Really? Tyler..."

Tyler stepped forward, mustering as much of a scowl as he could manage. "I believe that to be a good member..." he began, slowly and evenly. Silence. Tyler repeated the phrase. "I believe that to be a good member..."

Patrick, at least, seemed to get the drift. "I must be loyal to my fraternity," he murmured, as inaudibly as he'd spoken earlier in the day while groveling with his Pledge Master.

Tyler turned toward Danny. "What the fuck did he say?!"

"I must be loyal to my fraternity," Patrick repeated with a bit more confidence.

"You must be WHAT?!" Tyler demanded, with even greater emphasis.

"I MUST BE LOYAL TO MY FRATERNITY!!" both Patrick and Kenny bellowed simultaneously.

"Were you being LOYAL to your fraternity when you two chicken-shit douche bags skipped out on the first night of Sig Ep initiation rites?" Tyler spat.

"Uh... ah... I already told Danny..." Kenny stammered.

"Call me Danny again and you're going to pay for it!" He snapped his fingers, and a roll of black Gorilla Tape was thrust into Danny's open palm by a fellow brother at his rear. Patrick and Kenny exchanged terror-stricken looks as Danny pulled a considerable length of the tough, resilient tape from its roll. Kenny took an instinctive step backward, only to encounter the wall that was Sig Ep brother John- a defensive linesman on the university's football team.

Kenny looked up at the hulking young man, emitting a pitiful squeak. Only one with the instincts of a linesman would have recognized the subtle shift of positioning- John had Patrick's bicep in his iron grip before the boy cold even begin to bolt for the door. Though Kenny seemed resigned to his fate, John grabbed a hold of his arm as well- just for good measure.

Danny stepped forward- tape in hand. Patrick seemed more likely than Kenny to resist, so Danny began wrapping the tape around his head, blindfolding the boy with at least four complete layers. Patrick was breathing heavily; rapidly breaking out in fear sweat. Danny moved to Patrick's side, ripping a long strip of Gorilla Tape away from the roll. John tightened the already vise-like grip that he had on his captive's bicep as Danny began taping Patrick's arms together, just above the elbows. He encircled Patrick's arms more than a dozen times, creating a thick, inescapable band of tape.

This quick application of tape alone was enough to render Patrick incapable of mounting any sort of significant resistance. Danny tapped John's tree trunk of an arm, and he released his grip on Patrick. Danny seized him by the shoulders, and began to spin the pledge in circles- at least twenty times. He then shoved Patrick, sending him staggering into the common room, where he careened into brother Sean. Sean flicked the helplessly disoriented Patrick in the nose- hard, before sending him in the direction of Tyler.

Tyler flicked the boy on the nose; pinched, then twisted each of Patrick's nipples through his T-shirt; spun him around a few more times- in the opposite direction; then pushed him back toward John. Throughout all of this, Patrick was continuously producing amusing grunts of protestation. John grabbed him by the arm once again, and, with a nod from Danny, propelled him toward the frat house's back hallway with one almighty shove. John followed close behind.

Kenny watched all of this unfold in shock, along with Danny, whose expression communicated nothing but utter amusement. The familiar tearing of duct tape separating from its roll shook Kenny from his dazed stupor as Danny wrapped his elbows together as well. Kenny was a bit thinner, and more wiry than Patrick. Danny took advantage of this fact, wrenching the boy's elbows together until they touched. Kenny grunted as Danny spun him around to face him. He pulled more tape from the roll, then blindfolded Kenny just as he had with Patrick. Unlike Patrick, however, Danny had noticed that Kenny we exhibiting the beginnings of a hard-on!

"How's that, Kenneth?" Danny spat.

"Ungh..." was Kenny's response. Danny's grin was back! He turned his wry expression upon his brothers, many of whom were all to familiar with Danny's preferred brand of justice. None seemed surprised that their Pledge Master's plans were unfolding just as he'd described, and that he had two boys, tied, helpless, and at his mercy.

Danny winked at his brothers, then took Kenny by the arm and led him toward Sigma Phi Epsilon's private bathroom. "What are ya gonna do?" squeaked Kenny, pathetically.

"Teach your cowardly ass about loyalty and brotherhood, that's what." He ushered Kenny through the bathroom door, where John had already made himself comfortable sitting atop Patrick, who lay face-down on the tile floor. Tyler was leaning against one of the beer-filled sinks. He reached up and flicked Kenny on the nose this time.

"Owww!" Kenny whined.

"Kenneth!" exclaimed Tyler. "A member of Sigma Phi Epsilon has the obligation to...." Tyler paused for a moment in order to let his message sink into the shell-shocked boys. "A member of Sigma Phi Epsilon has the obligation to..." No response. The fraternity president looked up at Danny.

"I guess we haven't gotten our point across yet. We'd better differentiate our instructional methods!" Danny said gleefully, drawing from his background as an ed. major. He stepped forward and pants'd Kenny, allowing him to retain his red boxer-briefs. Danny thrust the sole of his Adidas runners against the back of Kenny's knee, causing him to collapse onto the floor alongside Patrick and the hulking brother, John.

Danny grabbed for a coil of thick, black rope as John thrust his palm into Kenny's back, shoving him, face down, into the hard tile floor. Danny straddled Kenny's butt, facing his legs. He reached forward, pulling Kenny's feet upward- toward his soft perch. Danny pulled off Kenny's sneakers and no-show socks, then tossed the pledge's bunched jeans into the hallway. He was crossing Kenny's naked ankles when the boy began to stammer. "A... a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon has the obligation to... has the obligation to... Uh...uh."

Beneath the considerable weight of linesman John, the terrified Patrick blurted, "...the obligation to understand what brotherhood means." Patrick repeated the line, even louder. "A MEMBER OF SIGMA PHI EPSILON HAS THE OBLIGATION TO UNDERSTAND WHAT BROTHERHOOD MEANS!" He continued. "In order to be loyal to my fraternity, I must love it. To be loyal to my fraternity, I must gain a knowledge of it so that I may understand it!" The football player rose and fell slightly as the desperate Patrick fought for breath under John's crushing weight.

"Hey! Look who finally woke up!" chuckled Danny in a false laugh. "So, A member of Sigma Phi Epsilon has the obligation to ..."

"...understand what brotherhood means!" chanted both Kenny and Patrick simultaneously.

"Awww! Good! Good!" Danny laughed. "That's the very point we hope to drive home tonight!" He began wrapping the black rope around Kenny's crisscrossed ankles in a repeated figure eight pattern. Danny knotted the remaining ends of the rope tightly, eliciting a grunt from Kenny in response.

"Dude? Kenny? What the hell are they doing to you?" Patrick gasped between labored breaths.

"They're tying me up!" Kenny squeaked.

Patrick began to thrash his legs and head. "Let me go! Please! What are you gonna do?!" John began to laugh- maniacally- almost like a Bond villain.

"You're going NOWHERE!" came John's deep, sonorous voice. Patrick began to cry.

Now that his ankles were securely bound, Danny climbed off of his captive. He pulled Kenny to his knees, noticing once again that he seemed to have a bit in common with this boy- as much as he hated to admit it. The slight hard-on beneath Kenny's briefs had become even more pronounced with the application of the rope around his ankles.

Danny lifted a pair of scissors from the countertop, and began cutting the tape binding Kenny's upper arms. He tore the thick band of tape away from the pledge's skin in one ceaseless, fluid motion. Kenny cried out in agony.

"What are they doin'? What are they doin'?" Patrick squealed, absolutely terrified. Kenny didn't answer, though he continued to whimper at the stinging pain of having most of the fine, blonde hairs of his upper arms ripped out by the Gorilla Tape. Following the removal of the tape, Kenny's forest green UVM T-shirt was roughly lifter over his head.

"Backwards!" Danny commanded, lightly kicking Kenny's knees and thighs as he shuffled toward the urinals. Kenny had progressed no more than a couple of feet before pausing. His feet had dropped into the depression that was the basin of the floor-length, vintage urinals. "Keep it movin'!" Danny spat, as he pushed Kenny's chest with the palms of his hands, seating the boy's back against the cold, damp porcelain surface of the urinal. Kenny said nothing.

Another long coil of black rope was clutched in Danny's palm. He stuck the coil under his arm, then grabbed a hold of Kenny's wrists, wrenching them above his head, and alongside the chrome water supply pipe at the top of the urinal. "Keep 'em there!" Danny commanded. With one end of the rope in hand, Danny encircled both of Kenny's arms at the elbows, as well as the chrome pipe. He cinched, then knotted the loop, and began wrapping his arms and the pipe in this manner all the way to the boy's wrists, where a second cinched knot was tied.

Danny had run out of rope. He whistled to Tyler, who'd been watching his fellow brother perform the ritualistic ropework with a bemused grin, and pointed at the pile of black coils in the footlocker. "Gimme a shortie," said Danny.

Tyler tossed Danny the rope, which he unwound and used to tie Kenny's wrists together. He wound the soft, black rope around the pledge's wrists a number of times, then encircled the coils, cinching them tightly before knotting. Danny ran the rest of this rope up between Kenny's palms, above which a heavy metallic flush valve had been plumbed into the pipe. He pulled up on the rope- hard- before securing the remaining end to the pipe, above the flush valve.

Danny stood back to admire his handiwork, quite satisfied with his choice of venue for the evening's festivities. He extended his forefinger, then ran it up Kenny's naked right flank and across his armpit. Kenny inhaled sharply in response. "No, don't!" he squealed, immediately wishing that he hadn't. Danny, however, wasn't in a tickling mood- yet. He turned toward the footlocker, retrieving one very large coil of the same rope.

Sig Ep's "Pledge Master" stepped toward his helpless captive, unraveling the long coil at the same time. He found its center, at which he doubled over the rope. Where it protruded through the wall, above the urinal, Danny captured the chrome steel pipe with the doubled center of the rope. He passed the two trailing ends through the bight, then drew all slack from the loop, securing the rope to the pipe.

The remaining ends of the long rope hung down to the left and right of Kenny's bound arms and head. Though he said nothing, the pledge was breathing heavily and emitting occasional, barely audible moans as he tested the effectiveness of Danny's practiced bondage. Danny was certainly enjoying himself. Kenny was cute- if not a bit naive and lacking in maturity.

Danny crouched at Kenny's side. He threaded the dangling rope on the boy's right under his bound ankles, then tossed the remainder to Kenny's left. Danny crawled in the same direction, then threaded the second hanging rope under the boy's ankles as well, but from the opposite side. With a flick of his wrist, Danny sent the remaining length shooting out behind Kenny. Danny crept forward on his knees until his chest was against that of his captive. With both arms, Danny reached to the right and to the left of the boy, seizing the ends of the two ropes. Danny pulled on both, taking up the slack. The effect was to force Kenny's bound feet up off the urinal's basin.

Danny knew that he now had a hard-on to match Kenny's. He wrapped the ends of the ropes around his palms, then wrenched upward on each until Kenny's ankles were drawn up at least six inches from the base of the porcelain urinal. Without releasing any of the ropes' tension, Danny wrapped the ends around Kenny's bound ankles from opposite directions. Finally, he knotted off the remaining inches as Kenny moaned loudly.

Kenny's body weight was suddenly redistributed to rest solely upon his knees, and the awkwardness of the forced position caused the boy to flail his fingers as he fought to mitigate the resulting strain. All he managed to do, however, was catch the urinal's flush valve. With a loud, unanticipated gush, ice cold water cascaded down the rear wall of the urinal, encountering Kenny's bound feet, pressed into the porcelain surface.

The temperature of the water, not to mention its unanticipated arrival, caused Kenny to shriek, then scream, in surprise. The water impacted the soles of his helpless feet, splashing upward and outward against his legs, butt, and back. "We won't do THAT again!" laughed Danny, in sheer delight.

"Oh my god! Kenny! What's wrong? What are they doing?" Patrick stammered, still bearing John's considerable weight.

Kenny was still reeling from the shock of the frigid water. "Uhhh. Ahh. Water. I think... I think I'm in a toilet. A urinal," he finally managed to eek out.

"A urinal? Why?" he cried; his fear intensifying. John began simultaneously flicking Patrick's ear lobes.

"Because..." John began, "we're teaching you courage (flick), perseverance (flick), loyalty (flick), AND brotherhood (FLICK)!" Patrick was reduced to mere whimpers at this assault to his now tender ear lobes.

"Get his ass up," said Danny, gesturing toward the increasingly whiny and grating Patrick. Kenny was bearing this treatment with far more composure than his partner in.... well... non-crime. Patrick began flailing his legs the very instant that John climbed off of his ass. Unconcerned, the three Sig Ep brothers watched in amusement as Patrick scrambled to his feet- still blindfolded and with his arms bound with Gorilla Tape. He thrashed around a bit, then walked headlong into the wall of one of the stalls. Patrick collapsed to the floor in a whimpering heap.

Danny and John were upon the panic-stricken pledge in mere seconds. John held the boy in a suffocating bear hug as Danny removed his jeans, socks, and sneakers. John roughly tore the shirt off Patrick's torso as buttons scattered throughout the bathroom. The brutish linesman pushed Patrick back to the floor as Danny assumed the same seat that John had just vacated.

Patrick was turning out to be nowhere near as docile as Kenny, and Danny motioned for John to stand guard over the boy as he cut the tape from his arms. John hovered above the trembling pledge- a coil of rope at the ready- as Danny peeled the tape away from Patrick's arms. He moaned and cried in protest, squirming beneath Danny's well-toned thighs. Patrick was a bit hairier than Kenny, and, upon removal, the back of the tape looked a bit like a Chia Pet in its early stages of growth!

John planted his big, booted foot on the back of Patrick's neck and between his shoulder blades as Danny climbed off of his lower back. John grabbed one arm while Danny seized a hold of the other. Together they dragged Patrick toward the urinal adjacent to Kenny's, thrusting his back against the cold porcelain. Danny continued to take advantage of John's brute force. The massive linesman held Patrick against the urinal with only his knee, while bracing his arms against the water pipe so that Danny could do what Danny did best.

Danny tied Patrick in exactly the same manner as Kenny, though ensuring that each of the ropes was not only tighter, but that his positioning was even more strict and physically demanding. In fact, the boy began bawling as Danny drew Patrick's bound ankles to nearly twice the height of Kenny's. Patrick sobbed uncontrollably as fat tears streaked down his face and onto the tiles below. Danny was unfazed, and was now stepping away from the footlocker with a number of wooden clothespins in hand.

He gave both of Kenny's nipples a smart pinch before applying two clothespins- side by side- to each. "Uhhhhhhhh," was Kenny's response. His body was still; his muscles relaxed. It reminded Danny of the Zen-like state that he often experienced when expertly immobilized.

Patrick, on the other hand, had worked himself into a terrified rage. "LET ME GO!" he screamed in response to Kenny's moans- seriously misinterpreting his fellow pledge's reaction to the clothespins. "I'll do ANYTHING else! Please...let me go!" he pleaded pitifully.

Danny approached the blindfolded Patrick, then crouched down, positioning his face no more than an inch from his captive's. He spoke calmly, and with no emotion. "I'll let you go, but then you'll keep on going. Through the front door, NEVER to set foot in this house again!" He allowed for a moment of silence in order for the ultimatum to sink in. "Is that what you want?" Danny, Tyler, and John awaited the pledge's response.

Patrick spoke, calmly this time, between deep, steadying breaths. "No.... I'll... I'll stay."

"THAT'S a step in the right direction," said Tyler, continuously evaluating the pledge's handling of this stressful ordeal.

"But... but, when are you gonna untie us?" Patrick asked.

Danny emitted a loud, dismissive exhalation. "I don't know. Like... tomorrow."

Patrick's sobs resumed as Danny applied two clothespins to each of his nipples, while Kenny... was that a grin that flashed across Kenny's face?

Danny was again rifling through his toy box. His hand emerged clutching two very unique plug gags. Whereas most plug gags are constructed of solid rubber, these thick, two-inch plugs had been bored out- a modification of Danny's own design. He approached Patrick first, as he'd already grown tired of his whiny yap. "Open!" Danny commanded. He allowed a few seconds to pass. "OPEN!" he barked.

Patrick shook his head. Danny simply clamped the boy's nostrils closed in response. Still resisting, Patrick struggled to breathe only through his clenched teeth with a frantic wheezing. John stepped forward and dug his thick forefinger into a strategic soft spot on Patrick's shoulder- something he'd done to exact revenge on opposing players during numerous tackle pile-ups. Patrick emitted an ear-piercing scream in response to John's adept manipulation of this pressure point, allowing for just enough clearance for Danny to drive the plug gag home.

"Hold your palm over it while I buckle the strap," Danny instructed to John. They did just that, and then both brothers stepped back from their captive. John chuckled deeply, stepped forward again, and engaged the flush valve of Patrick's urinal. The miserable boy thrashed about the meager amount Danny's highly effective bondage would allow as the flow of water soaked his back and legs.

Danny turned to Kenny, whom he was gaining increasing respect for. Here, he thought, was a very "different" young man from the continuously whimpering Patrick. "Open," he commanded, though lightheartedly. As Danny had expected, Kenny complied-immediately. In went the gag, which Danny quickly secured.

The Sig Ep Pledge Master was back at his footlocker, from which he returned with a short length of chain and a couple of carabineers. He used one of the carabineers to attach an end of the chain to the water supply pipe of Patrick's urinal. The other end was attached to the same location on Kenny's.

Danny now retrieved two large plastic funnels from his toy box, as well as two steel S-hooks, which he used to hang the yellow funnels from the chain- side by side. Glancing at Danny incredulously, though grinning all the same, John motioned to leave the bathroom. It was his job to ensure that the front door was manned as partygoers began to arrive. He chuckled deeply as he exited, giving Danny an almighty slap on the back as he affixed transparent polyethylene tubing to the spouts of each funnel. Danny inserted the opposite end of one of the tubes into the bore hole in Patrick's plug gag. He did the same with Kenny's.

He stood back, staring. Jealous? No. Envious was the right word. Danny was indeed envious of the two helplessly bound boys before him. Patrick trembled uncontrollably, softly sobbing behind the gag. Kenny... well... Kenny was enjoying himself. Of this fact, Danny was absolutely sure. He took one last look at his captives, glanced at the insipid, warm beer festering in the bathroom's three sinks, shut off the lights, then closed the door- leaving the two penitential pledges to their thoughts. The party would start within the hour.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:04 pm

TUG Institute: Danny's Ordeal- Chapter 3

Slowly, cautiously, Danny pushed open the heavy wooden door. He stood at the threshold, staring into the darkness. He allowed his hearing a moment to adjust to the relative silence of the brothers' private bathroom. The sound was subtle; almost imperceptible. "Uh........uh.......ahh...." The sounds of pleasure, Danny thought. These moans were accompanied by muffled, anguished sobs. Patrick's?

Danny stepped silently into the bathroom, activating the automatic lighting the frat had installed to help cut down on their obscene power bill. Where Patrick and Kenny were concerned, however, the room's lights may as well have been left off. No light penetrated the numerous layers of Gorilla Tape wrapped over their eyes and around their heads. Both captive boys remained bound to the floor-length urinals- their legs drawn up behind them and tied off to the same vertical pipe to which their arms were bound. Kenny's muscles were relaxed, in contrast to Patrick's rigid quivering. The former had given in to Danny's creative bondage. The latter shrieked in both surprise and terror as Danny stepped forward and brushed the top of one of his socked feet along the underside of his balls.

Amid growing sobs, Patrick tried to withdraw from Danny's foot. Only his thin Underarmour boxer briefs separated Patrick's luggage from Danny's advancing white sock. Still forced onto his knees by the ropes, Patrick walked himself backward, into the urinal. Patrick's back and racked feet were pressed against the porcelain as Danny continued to torment the disgraced pledge's cock and balls with a single foot. Muffled cries of protest poured forth from behind the modified plug gag. A steady drip of drool trickled from the corner of Patrick's mouth. Danny gave one of the two wooden clothespins affixed to the boy's left nipple a light flick. Patrick shrieked, and fought wildly against the ropes immobilizing him.

"Don't be such a bitch!" Danny spat, pulling one of the clothespins away from the same nipple, without first releasing the spring-loaded tension. Another high-pitched shriek pierced the silence of the bathroom. Saliva sprayed from the sides of the plug gag as Patrick gasped deep, frantic breaths as a result of the intense, unanticipated pain. Danny braced his foot firmly under Patrick's cock and balls. Then, simultaneously, Danny plucked the remaining three clothespins from Patrick's tender, red nipples as he gave the urinal's flush lever a tug. Patrick screamed in agony and despair as the searing pain in his nipples competed against the shocking cold of the water that soaked him from his shoulders to the soles of his bare, bound feet.

Danny had backed away before pulling the flush lever in order to avoid soaking himself. He looked on with satisfaction as Patrick's muffled cries gave way to whimpers. Finally, the overwhelmed pledge hung his head in defeat.

Though Danny was sure that Kenny was listening intently to the proceedings, he showed no visible signs of concern or distress. In fact, he looked downright content! Danny figured that he'd find out just how much this intriguing pledge truly had in common with his Pledge Master. He knelt down in front of the captive boy. A rivulet of drool- identical to Patrick's- flowed from the side of Kenny's thick rubber gag. Without hesitation, Danny grabbed a hold of Kenny's balls- through his black underwear.

Kenny moaned. Unlike Patrick, Kenny attempted to thrust himself forward into Danny's hand. Danny ran his fingers over the outline of Kenny's growing hard-on. He plucked one of the two clothespins from Kenny's right nipple, quickly followed by one from the left. The helpless pledge writhed in his bondage as Danny jerked the boy off with one hand, while reaching around to Kenny's back to tickle the soles of his racked feet with the other. Danny leaned against his apparently willing captive as he thrashed about. He refrained from tormenting the soles of Kenny's feet only to pull the remaining two clothespins from his throbbing nipples. Kenny screamed, but continued to assist Danny in bringing himself to climax. "Uh... uhhh...ahh...uhhhhh," Kenny moaned, shooting his warm, pearly load upon his own chest and face. Danny laughed, pulling away.

"Oh, fuck!" is what Kenny had gasped- repeatedly- from behind the gag, both during and immediately after his impressive release. Beads of sweat ran down the boy's forehead, crossing the tape concealing his eyes, before resuming their course down Kenny's smooth cheek. "I agree," said Danny. "That WAS hot!" He reached up and pulled the flush lever of Kenny's urinal. The panting pledge shrieked in surprise. "That'll cool ya down!"

Both Kenny's pleasurable and Patrick's torturous thrashing had stretched some of Danny's expertly applied ropes. The slack was minimal- the two boys were going nowhere. Regardless, Danny strode toward his toy box; dodging puddles of toilet water so as not to soak his socks. Danny retrieved an armload of tan leather straps, which he tossed onto the tile floor before the boys- still recovering from their Pledge Master's torments. A drop of Kenny's cum descended from the transparent tubing affixed to both the boy's modified gag and the funnel, which still hung from the chain between his and Patrick's urinals.

Danny approached Kenny with four of the buckling straps draped over his shoulders. He knelt before the highly aroused boy. Kenny's calf muscles were already forced against the backs of his thighs by the ropes wrenching his feet upward, toward the top of the urinal. However, when it came to restraining a captive, Danny always felt that more bondage was ALWAYS better than less.

With one of the straps in his hand, Danny leaned forward and whispered into Kenny's ear. "You're gonna like this," is all he said. He then wrapped the 48" belt around both Kenny's upper right thigh and ankle- twice- before securing the buckle. Danny reinforced the bonds on Kenny's other athletic leg in the exact same manner. The straps cut deeply into the boy's muscles, though Kenny only uttered moans of gratitude in response. Danny then stood to address what little slack had accumulated in the ropes trussing the boy's arms to the vertical chrome water pipe above his head.

Beginning at his elbows, Danny began to wrap the long strap around Kenny's arms and the pipe. The strap's length permitted four complete loops before being aggressively cinched and buckled. "Some might call this overkill. Would you?" Danny whispered to his eager captive. Kenny moaned in reply, shaking his head vigorously. "Good, good!" laughed Danny, startling the adjacent Patrick out of his misery-induced stupor. Danny had one last strap to apply to his favored captive, which he used to encircle Kenny's wrists numerous times, along with the steel pipe.

Kenny's body was now more rigidly positioned; more secure. Danny pulled two of the wooden clothespins from the side pocket of his jeans. He pinched Kenny's still tender nipple with the fingers of one hand while applying the devious domestic device with the other. Kenny's fingers flailed as he groaned, long and low- almost guttural, as Danny applied the second clothespin to his captive's other enflamed nipple. Again, Danny rubbed the top of his socked foot against Kenny's cock and balls. The young pledge was already sporting a renewed hard-on. Danny tousled Kenny's unruly, sweaty blond hair, then turned his attention to the unhappier of the helpless pair.

Danny grabbed a hold of Patrick's chin, lifted the pledge's head, then clucked with obvious disapproval. "It's too bad that you're not a 'glass half full' kind of guy like your buddy Kenny!" said the Sig Ep Pledge Master, cocking his head toward the softly murmuring boy. Patrick quivered in terrified anticipation as Danny brought his foot up to his soaked boxer briefs. He gave Patrick's balls a little tap with the top of his foot, causing the disgraced pledge to whine with intensity. Like before, Patrick made a feeble attempt to avoid Danny's advances by backing into the urinal, and, like before, Danny pulled the flush lever in response to the boy's pathetic evasion.

These urinals were old, and equipped with the sort of obsolete flush valves that would permit water to flow for as long as the lever was pulled. For two seconds...five seconds... ten, maybe more, ice-cold water splashed vigorously against Patrick's back, then his feet. It was the cascading flush meeting the abrupt barrier that was Patrick's bound feet that splashed enough water to drench all but the center of the frantic boy's chest and head. Danny allowed the flow to abate just long enough for him to remove a handful of clothespins from his pocket.

Laughing deeply as his captive shrieked with panic, Danny leaned into the flush lever with his shoulder while once more applying two clothespins to each of Patrick's nips. Splashed water began to spread across the tiled bathroom floor, reaching Kenny's sore knees and soaking Danny's own socks. "See what you made me do, you stupid douche bag!" he barked as Patrick gasped for breath through his nose and from around the penis head-shaped plug gag. "Now you're gonna PAY!" he shouted, more like an enraged drill sergeant than the usually level-headed captain of the university's baseball team.

Not that Kenny was a slouch or anything, but Patrick was well-built, and supposedly an accomplished athlete in his own right. He had struggled valiantly against Danny's ropes- of course, to no avail. However, he had managed to loosen his bonds far more than Kenny had. Danny scooped his water soaked leather straps from the bathroom floor. He began to administer to Patrick's arms and legs the very same treatment that he'd given Kenny. Patrick thrashed and bucked. Danny could see the ropes cutting into his captive's wrists as he desperately tried to pull away from both his Pledge Master's grasp and the urinal.

Patrick may have been strong, but Danny was far too accomplished at restraining the unwilling (as well as the willing) for his efforts to amount to anything more than wasted energy. Within the span of a mere few minutes, Patrick was just as helplessly trussed as Kenny. The pathetic boy's entire body shook with renewed sobs. Danny knew that he was dangerously close to breaking, and that a respite was in order.

The Sigma Phi Epsilon Pledge Master turned away from both boys. He plugged a strange-looking metal and plastic device, acquired from a chemistry lab by brother Tyler, into the electrical outlet adjacent to the white porcelain sinks. He thrust the metallic end of the immersion heating coil into one of the basins, already brimming to the top with putrid Natty Ice. Danny laughed. Actually, it was more of a giggle. "Awesome!" he said to himself.

As if he were only now becoming aware of the goings on outside of his bathroom torture chamber, Danny suddenly honed in on the sounds of boisterous bravado and cocksure laughter spilling from the Sig Ep house's great room. Satisfied with his preparations, Danny swiftly exited the bathroom without so much as a backward glance at his two pitiful captives. It was time to gather the brothers...
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Post by Canuck100 »

Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:15 pm

TUG Institute: Danny's Ordeal- Chapter 4

Danny wove through the rapidly gathering, hormone charged throng of revelers. One by one he located Sigma Phi Epsilon's senior members and leadership. He'd whisper quickly into the ear of each brother before moving on to the next. Within five minutes there were nearly fifteen young men gathered in Danny's large second floor bedroom. Nearly every one of the Sig Ep boys had the ubiquitous red cup in hand- some were even "double fisting" it. Finally, Danny entered the room, closely followed by the Sig Ep president, Tyler.

Tyler held his own red cup of Magic Hat high above his head. The lively conversation and laughter died down in only seconds. Tyler spoke. "Good evening, gentlemen!" he exclaimed brightly.

"Good evening, brother!" chorused the assembled boys.

"I don't need to remind you that tonight is one of our biggest events of the year, not to mention the fact that it's one of our most important fund raisers as well," lectured Tyler. There were a few murmurs of agreement as the Sig Ep president continued. "So, let's be both polite and gracious to our guests. This means no drunken fights, protect the house and our belongings, and keep things... under control. To sum up.... just try to avoid blacking out in an alcohol-induced stupor until AFTER the party's over... is all I'm saying. Questions?"

"What about the noobs?" asked a lanky, bookish boy slumped into Danny's bean bag chair.

"Danny?" questioned Tyler, gesturing toward his Orientation Chairman, a.k.a. "Pledge Master".

Danny stepped on top of his battered coffee table in order to garner the brothers' complete attention. "Yes, brother Evan, what about the noobs indeed?!" Danny said cheerfully amid some scattered laughter. "Well, those that we haven't lost through...uh... attrition, are already here, of course. Brother John has them busy managing the parking situation and selling cups. He's even put a few on popcorn machine duty!" he explained.

"What about the deserters? The ones clogging our fucking urinals?" Evan continued to question.

"Well, that's why I've called you here. Now that brother Tyler is through... pontificating, I can finally offer some instruction. As I'm sure you already know, I've got two of our pledges- Patrick and Kenny- tied up in the bathroom, and...

"Oh?" said brother Derek, in mock surprise. "You don't say!"

Brother Sean chimed in as well, laughing. "Wait... you mean you've concocted ANOTHER reason to tie up and torment our hapless pledges?"

Even more sarcasm was on tap; this time, from brother Paul. "I believe, Danny, that there's a.... uh... pattern emerging!"

Danny endured the good-natured taunting with a wide grin. He then attempted to redirect the conversation. "Yes, yes, we all know how I feel about ropes..."

"And chains!" called Paul.

"And duct tape!" shouted Derek.

"Don't forget leather!" added Sean amid gales of laughter.

It had been this way for nearly two years, when the brothers had first discovered a considerable collection of bondage gear in Danny's closet while rummaging for a keg tap. Danny had to admit that nearly all of the brothers had been very understanding of his... leanings. Over the next year or so, he had even managed to win over those few brothers who were either freaked out by or apprehensive of Danny after the discovery. Danny's proclivities, of course, had made him an ideal choice for Pledge Master. To nobody's surprise, he thrived in the roll.

"Okay, okay assholes!" Danny yelled, still laughing along with his brothers. He was waving two brightly colored cylinders over his head, finally regaining the full attention of the assembled frat leadership. "Yes, Patrick and Kenny ARE tied up in our private bathroom. This, however, is only PART of their punishment for blowing off the first night of the initiation rite." Danny was a talented and engaging public speaker. Each of the brother's eyes were locked on the brown haired boy. "They're obviously aware of being tied to our urinals, regardless of the blindfolds, and must have come to the conclusion that they're destined to be used as human toilets."

"Aren't they?" Sean asked.

"Well, yes and no," Danny answered. "We're going to make them THINK that they're being pissed upon, and made to drink the same."

Sean continued his dialogue with Danny. "How are we gonna make them THINK that they're drinking piss? How could you mistake urine from anything else?"

"Tasted some, have we?" Danny teased. "Well, Sean, the power of suggestion can be powerful indeed."

"Huh?" grunted Sean, stupidly. In fact, each of the brothers, with the exception of Tyler, were looking quizzically at Danny.

"Well, if they believe the liquid streaming onto their bodies and forced down their throats to be piss, then the resulting reactions of my victims will reflect just that. Perception is everything. Perception IS reality. Get me?" Danny asked, scanning the faces of his fellow brothers.

"Yeah, man, I get you. That's basic psychology," answered brother Evan, still sprawled upon Danny's bean bag chain. "What I'm wondering is how we're going to simulate real human piss without the pledges catching on."

Tyler laughed. Danny smirked. "I took care of that already. Remember that case of Natty that you all gave me shit about earlier? I've emptied all twenty-four cans into the bathroom sinks... hours ago. It's stale, flat, and... warm," Danny explained.

"Warm?" Evan questioned.

"Warm," Danny responded. "One hundred degrees warm. As close to replicating body temperature piss as we could manage," he said, glancing knowingly at Tyler. "Which brings me to this," Danny said, holding up one of the two pink and orange cylinders clutched in each hand. "These are actually meant to be pool toys. They're water cannons. You work them thusly." He tossed one of the water cannons to Tyler to hold.

Always the teacher, Danny demonstrated as he spoke. "All you have to do is stick the front end into the sink, then pull back on the opposite end until the reservoir is full. Then, simply aim and push the back end forward again. You'll find that you're able to adjust the size and intensity of the stream by controlling the amount of pressure on the pump. It's downright frightening how closely this thing can replicate a stout, beer-fed piss stream!"

Each of the brothers now possessed devious grins of their own, finally realizing the brilliance of Danny's punishment. Sean spoke up. "So, we're NOT pissing on them then?"

Danny looked at Sean incredulously. There were dense students in every class, he thought. "No, dude. We're not animals." Danny noted the look of disappointment on Sean's face.

"So, what are we waiting for?" brother Paul piped in. "Let's go 'piss' on our pledges!" he laughed, making air quotes with his finger upon saying the word "piss".

"No, no. Just relax. We're going to do this thing right," Danny cautioned. "We need to make sure that things don't get out of control, and that we don't blow the secret." The brothers were again listening intently to Danny, still perched upon his coffee table. "We're the ONLY ones to enter our private bathroom tonight. I've already made the other brothers aware of this. Brother John is the only exception, as he's busy managing my pledges at the moment. We're going to use the bathroom just as Kenny and Patrick would expect- one or two at a time. Pretend to do your business. Some on them, and some in the funnels connected to their gags. Understand?" he barked.

The Sig Ep Pledge Master received an assortment of grunts, nods, and thumb's ups in response as the brothers began to exit the room. Danny made for the bathroom. He wanted first ups...

Note from Canuck : this seems to be the last chapter posted by snobound.
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