The Christmas Bandit (M/M)

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The Christmas Bandit (M/M)

Post by Chris12 »

Carl watched alone from the most remote corner of the classroom as Zane showed off his Nintendo Switch to the class ''Oh its great! I can game on it wherever I want! Even at school AND it has the newest Super Smash brothers on it!'' he heard the boy brag ''Of course I SHOULD have gotten it months ago!'' he added loud enough to ensure even Carl heard it in his corner of the classroom.

''Keep your head low...don't speak up'' Carl thought to himself, bitterly deciding to just sit back and not draw attention to himself.

Carl didn't even dare look at Zane, instead pretending his school notebook was intensely interesting. ''Keep your head low...don't defend yourself'' he again reminded himself as he stared on his notebook. But to Carl's horror he heard footsteps coming his way.

''Heya Carl! Lookie here. After half a year delay I've got my Nintendo Switch. I know YOU have one too. Maybe we could play online together'' Zane smirked to the amusement of the rest of the class. He put his hand on Carl's chin and forced him to look him in the eyes ''You must be a great gamer! You've got so much time to practice. Didn't you have I mean your switch....since Christmas?'' Carl pretended to not hear the chuckles of his classmates

''Zane, c-c'mon its July'' Carl mumbled. This was why he avoided looking people in the eye these days. The eyes of the blonde boy before him said a lot of things. Fury, disgust, smugness and a very open desire to make Carl's life hell. He saw those sentiments in a lot of eyes these days.

''Oh Carl. Its always Christmas for you......bandit'' Zane said coldly and pulled his hands towards Carl.

''N-no! Noo! Zane! Do-argh! Aaaaaah!'' Carl cried out when Zane grabbed the waistband of his briefs and roughly yanked them upwards to give Carl his daily wedgie ''S-stop....nnh....stop iit!''. The wedgie caused him pain but Carl knew better then to stop him. Carl's build wasn't exactly made to fend off bullies. The brown haired lad was quite thin and lacked the muscles that Zane so often boasted about. Carl knew where resistance would get him so he sat perfectly still as Zane did his thing.

Carl briefly perked up when the teacher entered but soon he mentally kicked himself for allowing himself to get his hopes up. Of course the teacher ignored the scene completely ''Good morning class'' The teacher said as if nothing was wrong. This despite a boy holding Carl's briefs in his hand, having pulled them upwards as far as he could and Carl himself whimpering and shrieking at this.

''Mister Greenpole!'' a friendly but petite looking boy with a blonde bowlcut spoke up ''Carl he's in pain! Perhaps you could ask Zane to return to his seat?''

Zane reacted quickly. He clamped a hand over Carl's mouth to render his shrieks into muffled but still audible ''mmmmh's!'' that grew more shrill the longer the wedgie went on. The boy who's desk was in front of Carl quickly tore off several pieces of paper, making a ball of them and handing it to Zane.

''Mister gre-MMMMH!''' Carl cried out the brief moment Zane's hand went from his mouth but it was silenced again when the paper ball got shoved in his mouth ''Mmmmmmh!'' to Carl's distress the boy had written on some of these papers. He tasted the distinct taste of ink filling his mouth.

''You must be mistaken, Larry'' The teacher told the friendly blonde before looking at Carl and adding coldly ''I'm not hearing anything''.

''Mmmmmh.....'' Carl whimpered. Yes, it was just an average day in the life of the Christmas bandit.


It had all started two years ago when Carl was 12 years old. Like any child he adored Christmas. He eagerly awaited the gifts he would receive from Santa, who he now at the ripe old age of 14 knew had actually been his parents. When he was about to celebrate his 12th Christmas life was smiling brightly at Carl. He was a popular boy, well liked by everyone he met, always the heart of any gathering. And then it all went wrong.

Two years ago Christmas gifts had been stolen from town. Every single house, every single family had gone without Christmas presents. Parents assured their younger children Santa had indeed send them, to their older children they swore that they had indeed bought them. And yet no presents were ever found.

That night Carl had trouble sleeping. Not only was he so exited about Christmas, but there were also these terrible sounds coming from the house next door. Things were getting knocked over, a boy screamed and when looking from down from his window Carl saw their Christmas tree fall down. Larry lived there and so Carl was getting worried. So he went downstairs to check on Larry. He had the key to their neighbors house just for these occasions. What neighbor would he be if he didn't check this out?

As it turned out Carl had every reason to be worried. When he entered their living room he saw an intense struggle had taken place there. Just as he had suspected several things including the Christmas tree had been knocked over. And on the ground, tied up in his pajamas was Larry!

''MmMMH! Nmmh mmmmh! Crmmmh!'' The blonde was tied up with.....Christmas decoration of all things. Gift wrapping and Christmas lights had been wrapped around Larry, tied around his torso to pin his arms to his sides and wrapped around his legs several times to ensure he didn't get up anytime soon. And stuffed in Larry's mouth were the Christmas socks that had hung from the fireplace just moments ago. And the Christmas gifts....they were gone!

''Crmmh! Hlmmh mmmmmh!'' Larry whimpered, crying out for Carl to untie him. To Carl's shock the boy looked roughed up. There were scratches in his blue pajamas, his cheek was a bit swollen and he had a bloody lip.

''L-larry! Are you okay! Gosh what happened!'' Carl had ran forward to help only to trip over something ''Urgh...what the heck'' One singular Christmas gift was still in the house and Carl had tripped over it. The gift box was knocked over, its contend spilling over the floor. Despite the situation Carl managed to be distracted ''L-larry LOOK! You've been given Persona 5!'' Carl snatched the gift from the floor. It was that video game he and Larry had been looking forward to for months! Years even! And now Larry had it! They could play it! They could spend all their Christmas vacation playing it!

''Crmmh!'' Larry screamed and banged his legs on the floor to draw his attention. Perhaps he thought that was needed when he had seen Carl gaze on the video game and drool over it. But before Carl could snap out of it disaster struck.

Larry's parents had dashed into the living room. They had seen their living room ransacked, their Christmas gifts stolen, their son tied up and gagged on the floor and their neighbor starring with intense joy at the one gift that was still in the house, as if he couldn't wait to take it with him and play it himself!

The aftermath hadn't been pretty. As it turned out Larry had been attacked but the clobbering he had received had been so bad that he had forgotten or repressed who exactly had attacked him. All Larry remembered was hearing someone downstairs and that he was savagely attacked when going downstairs to check on things. Larry didn't know who attacked him. It could have been anyone.

But their house had not been the only one robbed. Every single house in town was robbed of its Christmas gift. And the small amount of eye witnesses all saw the same. They had seen a small figure with brown hair sneak into certain houses. Carl was small, Carl had brown hairs and Carl had been found inside a house that was not his own, standing over a boy that had been attacked and restrained, and starring at that boy's gift with an intensely happy expression. The villagers didn't need to look further for the perfect scapegoat! And who cared if Carl's gifts had ALSO been stolen? That just meant Carl had a secret hideout where he hid all those gifts!

Of course no one could prove anything yet. But wherever Carl went he heard whispers of his alleged deeds ''There goes the Christmas bandits'' they whispered ''Ha! Look at the bandit go! To his hideout to enjoy our stuff no doubt'' others grumbled. But for a year all that Carl faced were whispers behind his back and foul looks send his way. No one could prove anything after all. But worse was yet to come.


Hey Carl! Over here!'' After class Zane barked at Carl to come towards him. Carl didn't need to hear that twice to turn around and start walking the other way. Zane wasn't done with him that was for sure.

''I....n-need to go!'' Carl peeped and increased his phase. He just needed to leave the get to his bike and drive home as fast as he could. There he'd be safe. All he needed was get to his bike! ''H-hey! What are you....lemme g-go! Heeey!'' when Carl had walked around the corner two boys grabbed his arms and started pulling him back towards Zane.

''Guess you didn't hear me, did ya Carl'' Zane smiled deviously. Carl could see a roll of silver duct tape in his hand.

''I r-really can't stay Zane! I've got to....'' Carl said frantically but Zane just ripped off a piece of tape from the roll. He did so slowly, almost dramatically as if he wanted to see Carl gulp in fright which the boy of course did.

''You've got to what? Enjoy that Nintendo switch you got for Christmas? Or learn practice that guitar? Man! You sure get a lot of gifts don'tcha'' Zane smiled and came closer with the tape.

''Zane I'm telling you I di-mmmmmh! Zmmh plmmmh!'' Carl whimpered when the piece of tape was pressed on his mouth. Zane brought the roll on Carl's mouth and slowly started wrapping it around his head ''MMMMMMMMMH!'' Carl shouted in a progressively more layered tape gag.

''Tape his hands'' Zane ordered one of his mates. The boy obliged, pulling Carl's hands behind his back and rolling a different, a black roll of tape around his wrists to bind them in place.

''Mhmmh! Nmmh mmmmmh!'' Carl shook his head frantically. With him now secured the boys started pushing him to the schoolground. Carl broke out a cold sweat when he saw the school flagpole appear in front of him ''Nmmh! NMMMH! LMMH MMG GMMH! LMMH MMH GMMMMMMH!'' He screamed out and even attempted to break free until a punch to his side made it clear that wasn't a good idea.

''Shut it bandit!'' The boy who had given the punch snapped ''You should have thought of this before you started going on a looting spree! Idiot!''

''Mmmmmh...'' Carl whimpered. He couldn't even protest with the tape on his mouth, but even without him his insistence he wasn't the true Christmas bandit was never believed. And Carl could not blame them. Would he have believed it if another boy had been in his shoes?

The flagpole was pulled down. Carl sighed. He felt a hook go through the back of his briefs and slowly he felt his feet rise from the ground, accompanied with a sharp pain in his butt again. As usually Zane liked to end the day with giving Carl a hanging wedgie, with replacing the school flag with a dangling Carl.

''Mmmmh! Nmmmh hmmmh! awmmmmmmh!'' Carl whimpered, futility kicking his legs.

''Hey everyone! We caught the Christmas bandit!'' Zane laughed and pointed upwards. Not many laughed with him but still Carl knew few were going to be willing to help him either.

Slowly everyone went on their way and when no teacher or student could see him Carl exploded. He let out a furious, almost beastly scream of pure rage. If he ever got his hands on that ASSHOLE who ruined him he'd beat him to a bloody pulp. This was all HIS fault! This was all the fault of that horrible monster. Carl knew exactly who the Christmas bandit was. He knew exactly who had framed him. But who would believe him?


Last Christmas there had also been a massive theft of Christmas gifts and this was the one which had sealed Carl's fate as a total outcast. This was the one where dirty looks and whispered suspicions had turned into open hostility. It was also the time where Carl had been caught red handed, exposed as the Christmas bandit!

Carl had been on the lookout that year. He had reasons to be very upset at the Christmas bandit. He was tired all the dark glances he got, he was angry that he was the prime suspect and he happened to like Larry a lot. Larry had always believed him, had kept being his friend and whoever the real Christmas bandit was had attacked and beat up Larry. So Carl planned to expose him. Last year every house had been robbed. Including Carl's own house, something the villagers all happily forgot when they whispered behind his back. So if the Christmas bandit struck again he'd hit Carl's house as well! All Carl needed to do was lie in wait, ambush and tie up the real Christmas bandit and turn him in to the police! Then Carl would go from villain to hero!

So Carl had laid in wait. On Christmas night he waited in the shadows, a coil of rope over his shoulder to capture the Christmas bandit! He waited, and he waited but eventually he heard a sound. Something, or rather someone had emerged from the fireplace! Carl heard footsteps coming towards the Christmas tree. He saw a small figure bend over the gifts, HIS gifts and put them in a sack! This was it! This was the Christmas bandit!

With a roar Carl had left the shadows and tackled the bandit. The two rolled over the carpet with the small figure desperately trying to escape. But Carl held him tightly, eventually rolling on top of him ''Aha! I've got you! I GOT you, you thief! Now sit still so I'm.....HUH!? B-but...b-but....HUH!?''

Carl was amazed. He was sitting on top of a young brown haired boy. The lad was dressed in a seasonally appropriate manner, as a Christmas elf but...the ears. They were long, LONG and pointy! Long and pointy ''N-no way....a-are you...are you....'

''Are...are you an elf?'' the small figure mimicked him mockingly ''With these ears what else could I be, kid!''

''Oh wow!....oh wow....'' Carl's jaw dropped ''B-b-but...b-but you're're an elf! this is sooooo cool''

''G-get off meeeeee!'' the boy winched ''Y-you big dumb human! Get off our I'll tell Santa on you!''

''No way! You're STEALING presents! You're stealing my presents!'' Carl had looked at the creature angrily. Elf or not he'd turn this kid in!

''I'm not stealing! I'm....I'm delivering!'' The elf said ''I'm Bimbo the Elf! Santa's little helper''

''Y-your name is bimbo....ehehehe!'' Carl remembered having giggled happily at the name ''But I don't buy it! I saw you! In my house! With a sack!''

''Duh! How else would I transport gifts? I need a sack to put em all in you silly boy!'' Bimbo explained as he wriggled helplessly ''N-now get off meeeee!''

''Oh...s-sorry...'' Carl had thought the elf made a good point. Yeah elves indeed had big sacks with gifts ''Um...mister Bimbo do you know anything about a Christmas bandit?'' he asked the elf. Christmas elves could hardly be evil right? So Carl trusted his words. This was not the Christmas bandit, it was an elf.

''Oh yeah! he's a biiiig handfull!'' Bimbo giggled and started looking in his sack ''Why? Are ya after him?''

''Yup! I'm gonna save Christmas!'' Carl answered proudly ''I've got this super clever plan! I wait in the shadows and when I see the bandit then...BAM! I catch him! Turn him in and save Christmas!''

''Pretty clever, kid!'' Bimbo smiled brightly and took a taser out of his bag.

''Oh! Is that my Christmas gift this year?'' Carl asked innocently ''Because that would be sooo cool!''

''Yes! Its for you! And its soooo coool!'' Bimbo grinned deviously, he aimed the taser on Carl and he fired.

''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!'' the darts bit themselves into Carl's skin and sending shocks into his body. Carl immediately fell to the ground, his entire body numbed by the shocks.

''Guess what kid! I AM the Christmas bandit after all!'' Bimbo exclaimed very proudly ''So! Am I every bit the dashing rogue you're imagined? Ehehe!''

To that Carl had only one thing to say and it was ''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!'' the tasing really hurt!

''Oh yeah! Why not scream even louder! Wake up the whole neighborhood while you're at it!'' Bimbo said bitterly, already taking some tape and a bottle of super glue from his sack ''So! You're gonna turn me in huh? You dare stand in the way of.....the CHRISTMAS BANDIT!''

Carl still wasn't in any state to respond but if he could have done it he'd shouted ''I KNEW IT!'' Now he only shrieked in pain from the shocks.

He couldn't move! Bimbo was coming at him and he couldn't move! Would he put him in the sack? Take him to the north pole? Feed him to polar bears?''

''Ehehehe! You're rue the day you encountered.....the CHRISTMAS BANDIT!'' Bimbo shouted dramatically. Apparently for someone who let someone else take the fall for his actions Bimbo was till very proud of his deeds.

''W-why....y-you....d-doing...nnnnnnnh.....'' Carl tried to say between spasms ''N-no....don't....nnnnnh d-do....MMMMMMH!'' by the time Carl had recovered from the tasing he wouldn't be able to scream for help. Bimbo smeared the glue on his lips and pushed the duct tape on his mouth ''GMMMMMH! MMMMMMMH!'' it only was one strip of tape but the glue kept it stuck on his lips perfectly, not to mention his lips themselves already being glued shut. This was one gag Carl wouldn't manage to break anytime soon! Still completely immobile Carl was helpless to prevent what was coming next. Bimbo pulled Carl from the ground and shoved him against the Christmas tree.

''Mmmmh!....nmh mmmmmh!'' the pained Carl whimpered, being forced to stand against the tree as Bimbo tied him to his own Christmas tree with the Christmas lights. He had sought to take down the Christmas bandit, but instead Carl was now helplessly tied and gagged at his mercy!

''Ya know kid! I've never been exposed before! Normally I just gotta take down greedy kids who wanna take an early peek at their presents!'' Bimbo told Carl, almost seeming impressed with the boy ''But YOU! You were here waiting for me! YOU wanted to catch me didn't ya?''

''Nmmh mmh dmmmh!'' Carl would have shaken his head if he wasn't still completely numb. Now he was at the elf's mercy he felt it was best to lie and say he totally hadn't been planning to take down the Christmas bandit!

''Lying is on santa's naughty list'' Bimbo grinned. He took aim with the taser again and fired.

''MMMMMMMH! EEEEMMMMH! MMMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' This time Carl didn't fall down since he was tied to the tree, but his body did spasm wildly as he screamed it out.

''Well! I can't just let this stand! Ehehehe!'' A dark, almost deranged smile formed on Bimbo's face ''No one opposes....THE CHRISTMAS BANDIT!'' after having shouted that the elf dashed upstairs and remained there for a while, but when he returned he looked immensely proud of himself.

''Mmmmmmmm.....'' to Carl's utter horror the elf was wearing his clothes. His black winter coat, his winter hat and his boots. Being naturally childlike Bimbo was about Carl's height, he was brown haired and that hat did a good job hiding the oversized ears!

''How do I like?'' Bimbo asked and cheekily posed so Carl got a good look of him ''I think that for this Christmas I'm gonna let people catch a glimpse of me'' Bimbo told Carl who turned as pale as a sheet ''I think I want to be in the spotlight this winter....ehehe!''

''N-nnmh! DMMMMHT!'' Carl begged him. If Bimbo posed as him while stealing those gifts....and he he allowed others to see him....and if the villagers already assumed Carl was the thief ''Nmmmh! Plmmmh dmmht! Plmmmmmmh!''

''Well.....have a merry Christmas! Hohoho!'' Bimbo laughed mockingly ''And uh....if you ever get in my way again I'll do WORSE!'' he warned. The elf left, ignoring the desperate pleading of Carl, and to add insult to injury also having forced Carl to watch all his presents disappear into his sack. And then the horror show began.

The Christmas thefts went on, Bimbo allowed others to spot him while thieving, Zane had even ''almost'' caught him. Each house that got a glimpse of the disguised elf had more reason to think Carl was the thief. And Bimbo was more than happy to add to this. Because when some very angry villagers marched to Carl's house they found it. They might have found Carl, tied up, gagged and in a complete panic but they also found many, many stolen presents. Bimbo had stuffed Carl's closet to the brim with them! And Carl's state? The gag in his mouth, the Christmas lights binding him to the tree? Obviously a trick! He must have known he was spotted several times and thus tied himself up to pose as a victim! The villagers were convinced. Carl was the Christmas bandit and when caught in the act had staged his own capture, and the theft of his own presents!

And Carl could not correct them. What would he say? ''It wasn't me! It was an evil Christmas elf posing as me!''. The villagers now had all the reason in the world to think Carl was a criminal, they didn't need additional reasons to include he was insane as well!

And so Carl the outcast was born. It was hard to maintain friendships when they thought you robbed them for two years straight. It was hard to be in a teachers good graces when they believed you stole their children's Christmas gifts. Only Larry still had faith in Carl, but as far as the rest of the village was concerned it was open season on the little thief.


As Carl dangled from the flagpole he bitterly remembered that day. He'd kill that fucking elf for this! Even if he had to wait till the next Christmas he would take down the Christmas Bandit!
Last edited by Chris12 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Killua »

That's a great story. I feel so sorry for poor Carl. I wish for him so badly that he somehow can restore his reputation and get some revenge on Zane and the elf but on the other hand, he being tied up by those bullies is also interesting. His butt must hurt horribly by hanging from the flagpole like that. Poor boy.
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Post by Xtc »

It's good to see you posting again. Thanks
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Post by FelixSH »

That was a fun start. The little fantastical elements are fun details. I think I need to reread it around Christmas, though. 😄

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Post by drawscore »

In a similar vein, I recall when two of the older kids (14-15) ambushed and tied up Ronnie. One of them went to get his little brother, Mark, and told him "It's Christmas in July, and we got a present for ya!" 11 year old Mark was elated.

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Post by Terry »

Great start. Hope Carl gets absolved soon and Bimbo is exposed. Must really suck when almost everyone is against him.
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Post by Xtc »

Hi [mention]Chris12[/mention]
It's good to see the reactions to this piece but please will you gender-tag it.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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