Shadowhands Saga (Fantasy, M/M) #Update 4 Sept#

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Javeed's captivity was hot as always but it's a treat seeing Tresh finally got what he deserved. That's one tight bondage he's in!

Even with how close he was getting with Javeed, Serto's heel-face turn was still a nice surprise. I hope the heroes can escape from the castle. Though, meanwhile, I'll enjoy Javeed making his run with a gagged mouth. ;)
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Post by gag1195 »

I had a feeling Serto would have a change of heart! I'm rooting for them, but I have a bad feeling its going to end poorly (and with lots of ropes) for them!
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Post by dahanband »

i like this story very much, please write it faster...
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

[mention]dahanband[/mention] I was literally typing this chapter out today! Yay for psychic powers. haha. Thanks for the loyal support on this tale.

[mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] Thanks guys for reading!

The next chapters which end the first arc of this story are a little gritty... I hope you still enjoy it :)

Chapter 8: A Sacrifice

Javeed followed Serto closely, it was a literal maze to try and navigate the countless corridors. Javeed was utterly lost.

Every now and then Serto would indicate to Javeed to stop and be silent. They pressed up against a wall disappearing into the darkness just to see groups of shadow-hands rushing past, in search of the ultimate catch, their anticipated saviour, or king…

Javeed was still trying to wrap his head around what he heard Thresh explaining to Serto, there were two paths to take, either he became their king, ruling from the shadows or he became their saviour delivering them from the shadows.

Javeed pried with his fingers trying to get the gag off his face, then he saw Serto signalling for them to run again.

He followed swiftly, every corner they went around looking exactly like the one before.

Every time they stopped Javeed scratched at the gag, trying to get it off.

He tapped Serto on the shoulder. As his new ward looked around, Javeed pointed to the gag, “hmmmmpp.”

“I know my King. Once we have escaped we will get it off, we just don’t have the time now.” Serto whispered.

Javeed sighed, his eyes betraying the helpless feeling he was experiencing. He tapped Serto again. Javeed pointed at his mouth then made a signal with his hand indicating, he needs his magic.

Serto smiled, a sight Javeed had only seen a few times before, and went down on his knee, “Ok. Come here.”

Javeed knelt down beside Serto. Serto pulled out his liquid black blade, “I don’t have as much magic as you my King but I have my skills.” He expertly started cutting at the black substance that was stopping Javeed from using his mouth.

“Almost there.” whispered Serto.

In that instant ropes shot out at Serto from the other side of the room they were in, the black twine was horribly familiar to Javeed, Thresh!

Javeed threw out his hand grabbing on to Serto’s wrist, as he was being dragged away by the ropes.

Serto, having his blade in his free hand started slashing at the black cords that were wrapping around his legs. “Get the gag off!!” he shouted to Javeed, “Leave me I can handle Thresh!”

Javeed felt his newfound world being torn from his grip as he left Serto to be dragged away by Thresh’s ropes.

Javeed grabbed his gag where Serto was cutting it, he started pulling and scratching at the frayed ends. With horror Javeed felt the frays starting to mend themselves. He looked up and saw Shade walking into the room.

In his panic Javeed almost clawed at the gag but all he felt was the loose ends mending themselves. Javeed looked across at Serto. At least he was faring better. Serto managed to cut the ropes from his legs but he was occupied keeping the plaited tendrils at bay.

Javeed was grabbed by two thugs, each holding an arm and they slammed him against the wall pinning his wrists and arms down. He felt a punch to his gut. Then the tip of a blade resting on his throat.

“Stop your madness or the boy dies!” Shade screamed in his booming voice. Serto looked up to where Javeed was being held against the wall, he froze, holding his liquid blade ready.

“Drop it!”

Serto’s eyes darted around the room looking, calculating for possible escape routes, he found none. Serto dropped his blade.

Javeed felt a tear on his cheek.

Rope tentacles lunged out at Serto and within seconds his entire body was a cocoon of Thresh’s living ropes. Mummified from his neck down to his feet.

Javeed could see the man struggling against the ropes, for the briefest moment Javeed wondered if the crotch rope was applied to his rescuer.

Before Serto could fall over Shade walked over to him and grabbed Serto’s forehead in the palm of his hand.

“NOOOO!” screamed Serto as he looked over at Javeed, "I'm sorry my King!".

Javeed stared in disbelief as Shade mouthed some spell. There was a ringing in Javeed’s ears so he couldn’t hear the words used but he saw how Serto’s eyes rolled back in his head, his body convulsing. And then he fell over motionless.

“AAAAAGHHHHHH” Javeed screamed into his gag, he fought against the hands pinning him to the wall. A newfound strength came over him, he was breaking loose, he felt the blade cut his throat but used the pain to fuel his power.

Two more thugs rushed over and helped pin his arms down.

“YYYYYEEEEEEEHHHHHH” Javeed screamed again, his muscles bulged the four assailants were hardly keeping him down. “AAAAAAAARGHHHH.” Javeed glanced at his finger tips, a purple aura was lighting up.

But it’s impossible, Javeed knew the first rule of magic… you need your words to cast a spell.

The momentary distraction was enough, Javeed felt something hard strike his head and he was pinned back against the wall. Through blurred vision he looked on as Thresh’s ropes uncoiled from Serto’s limp body, and made their way to him, slithering across the rugged floor like serpents.

Javeed felt the coils wrap around his ankles and wrists, but he didn’t fight, he was dazed by the knock to the head.

Was Serto dead?

He was never going to escape this hell. He wasn't going to be a saviour or a king, he was to be a sacrifice used to unleash darkness onto the world, and his only hope of escape was now gone.

Shade held out his hand and through the ringing in his ears Javeed could just make out the guttaral spell he cast “Toeg toi si er ba let!”

Everywhere Javeeds body was touching the wall he instantly felt cold metal shackles appear and lock him in place. There were shackles on his wrists, his elbows, his chest, his throat, his waist, his thighs and his ankles.

Javeed pulled at his new prison, Thresh’s ropes added to Javeed’s wrist and ankle shackles making his already inescapable bondage even more relentless.

Javeed looked over the room, Thresh and Shade with a handful of other Shadowhands were all staring at him, but his eyes were fixed on Serto, as Serto’s body started moving...

Could it be? Was there hope?

Serto got up picked up his blade and joined the audience looking on, as Shade stepped up closer to the prisoner.

"There will be no more waiting! Prepare the throne room for the sacrifice!"

Javeed stared into Serto's eyes but there was nothing there... only the hungry expression of the assassin that hunted him mere days ago.

Javeed hung his head in defeat.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I wasn't expecting this turn of events.

Javeed's situation is dire, indeed. I felt guilty liking the bondage scenes in this chapter so much. :twisted: Can't wait to see what happens next.

Great work as always.
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Post by dahanband »

wooow, what happened for serto...
Can't wait to see what happens next. thank you
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Post by gag1195 »

A dramatic twist! I hope Javeed and Serto make it out of this, but its not looking great for them! Can't wait for the exciting conclusion to this tale!
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]dahanband[/mention]

I love writing this tale - and knowing exactly who I'm doing it for makes it even better :)

Enjoy guys

Chapter 9: Heir of Darkness

Javeed watched as the figures dressed in black all disappeared from the room leaving him alone, the last figure took the only lamp with him so Javeed was left in complete darkness.

Even with everything Javeed had been through in the past few days he had never felt as alone as he felt right now. He was half naked and cold. His entire body clamped to the wall. And he realized he was truly alone now.

Javeed out of pure frustration started thrashing his limbs and body, the shackles jingling in the pitch darkness that he was left in.

He chewed on the relentless gag.

Javeed whimpered into the cold blackness.




Javeed found himself recalling a memory he had of his dad. They were in the desert training sorcery when Javeed lost control and his father scooped him up in a warm hug. What Javeed wouldn’t trade for one more hug from his father. Baldor, the calm and collected father that he was, Javeed could see now, why his father didn’t want any part of the Shadowhands. That’s why his parents fled 19 years ago, they couldn’t go on with this lifestyle. And they didn’t want to subject Javeed to this lifestyle.

Javeed tried to remember his mother, but the memories he had of her were very limited. She died when Javeed was still young, protecting him.

Javeed recalled that night as best he could, he was only 4 years old. They were living in the forests up north at that time.

Their house was surrounded by Shadowhands trying to get into the house trying to get to him. He remembered crying and sobbing.

Then as the Shadows burst into the house, his mother held him and looked into his eyes, he saw her eyes turn all black before she placed him down then Baldor grabbed him and held him down to the floor.

Javeed heard screams and fighting and by the time his father stood up, there was only the two of them in the house.



And now Serto, he had just found someone new to love and already this wretched curse he was born with, had taken them away from him!

Javeed felt his sadness turn into rage.

How could this be his destiny! To be led to slaughter.

Javeed pulled against the metal clamps securing him to the wall.


No movement.

Nothing budged.

Javeed felt tears running down his cheek as he screamed into the gag.

What was that? Through his teary blurred vision he had noticed the purple aura around his fingertips again, but it vanished the moment he noticed it and stopped screaming.

Thats it!! Javeed let out another scream.

His fingers danced in purple light, he didn’t understand what was happening but he knew something was happening he could feel that magic was stirring. Were his screams being received as spells.

Javeed tried again. His put all his frustration, all his pain, all his fears into a single burst of sound into his gag! It was like time slowed down as Javeed felt the gag being shredded by his voice.


Javeed suddenly found himself standing in their home where his mother was killed, she was there with him… “Son. Javeed. You are more powerful than you know.” Javeed stepped forward and embraced his mother, she held her son. “We don’t have much time. I’m going to explain everything. You are a descendant of two sorcerers. Your power is unlimited, and it is yours to wield. It does not belong to anyone else, you hear me, it is your power! The shadowhands want you because of the blood in your veins. As long as you remain pure of body they can sacrifice you - a convergence of two original bloodlines - to converge the shadows with the world. My boy we never wanted any of this for you. Here is your inheritance!” She placed their foreheads together and Javeed felt information filling his mind, he heard the words of so many spells filling his mind, he felt his blood and his body grow stronger.

She pulled away when he had received everything she could give him and smiled at him, “Now go! Run! Trust your instincts.” and the vision ended as suddenly as it began.


The gag fell to the floor in pieces but Javeed’s scream echoed through the hallways. He knew he had very little time.

“Si os et opsi otai!” the metal clamps that were holding him to the wall vanished into thin air. Javeed fell forward onto his hands and knees, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Mother.” he whispered.

He looked up as two black figures rushed into the room.

Javeed was quick, “Es sio tro!” he thrust his hand toward the figures and black spikes shot out of his hands, a brand new spell. He heard screams but didn’t stop to look, he bolted down a corridor, “Dortu ti roh.” he whispered as black boots and a black cloak materialized around his shivering body. He kept running making turns down corridors based on his gut, not stopping, not waiting, just running.

He turned into another corridor, there was a large door at the end, Javeed’s instinctively knew it was the exit.

He stepped closer.

“No… not you!” Javeed cursed under his breath...

Serto stepped out of the shadows to stand between Javeed and the door.

Javeed readied himself for a fight, “Astri redi…” he started a spell, but Serto fell to his knees. “I knew you could do it my King.”

“Wha- what? You are ok?” Javeed stammered as he stepped closer embracing his ward.

“Shades tricks haven’t worked on me for the last two decades your highness. I had to play along or they would have killed me. This way, quickly.” Serto got up and pushed the big heavy doors open and stepped out. Javeed followed.

The thick fog loomed before them, Javeed felt free but he knew there were still miles between him and true freedom...

“I know the way your highness.” Serto held out his hand and looked into Javeeds eyes.

Javeed felt his heart beat faster as he placed his palm in Serto’s and followed him into the fog.

(this would be a beautiful end but there are 2-3 more chapters in book 1.)
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Post by gag1195 »

Yay for Javeed, but with two or even three more chapters to go, I'm still very worried for him and Serto! Part of me thinks that Serto may not be as free from the mind control as he says he is... can't wait for more of this exciting tale!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Javeed really did it, I'm so proud of him. :)

It's amazing how he saved Serto but man, I'm anxious about what comes next. I don't think their escape is going to be that easy.
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Post by Carnath »

Wow! Just catching up this story and I'm LOVING it. We should have more bondage-fantasy tales :D.

Combining the magic spells with the need for gags is a great idea.

And I love Javeed :D
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

[mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]dahanband[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]Carnath[/mention]

Thanks for reading this... I hope you will enjoy the latest chapter. Sorry for disappearing on you... Hopefully the creative juices are flowing again :)

I think a little recap is in order... :lol:

Javeed is a young sorcerer, he lived a quiet life hidden away due to his magic being illegal. His life changed forever when a dark order came to kidnap him and dragged him away to become their king, or their saviour, or their sacrifice? Javeed still isn’t sure exactly what his destiny is but he fell in love with one of his captors, Serto. A strong knight that has helped him escape from the Shadowhands.

Javeed recently had an ethereal meeting with his mother and she unlocked a new level of Javeeds magic. He is now quite powerful, and he is running for his life with Serto, trying to escape the Shadowhands.

Chapter 10: Darkness Falls

Javeed stumbled through the fog being pulled along by Serto. He had no way of telling where they were going but something inside him trusted his newly sworn ward.

Something else inside him was stirring. Javeed could feel the power his mother had planted inside him. So many new spells swirled in his mind. He felt more connected to his magic than ever before.

He was still reeling at the fact he was able to use magic without uttering a spell. How could that be. That was the basic law of magic, was he above the laws of magic. What would that make him? A god? How could that be?

Serto stopped and turned to Javeed.

“Are you ok your majesty?”

“Mhm. I-I think so.”

“You truly are magnificent my King. You escaped the grip of the Shadowhands. Only two other people have ever been able to do that.” Serto turned and strode forward into the fog, but less urgently this time.

“Only two… ” Javeed was frozen he didn’t follow Serto, “do you mean my parents?”.

“Yes.” Serto turned and walked back to where Javeed was standing, “Make haste now. We need to get further away.” Serto grabbed Javeed’s hand and pulled but Javeed didn’t budge, he pulled his hand out of Serto’s.

“I saw her you know.”

“Who? Jodier? Your mother? What did she say?”

“She’s the one that saved me, I think. I mean I don’t know, I… I…” Javeed felt tears run down his cheeks for the hundredth time since he was kidnapped. He fell to his knees, his fingers digging into the dirt, “I just want life to go back to before…” Javeed paused realizing the dark omen of his life the past few days, “to before I met you.”

Javeed made fists as he realised how much of his misfortune was caused by the man standing before him. “YOU… you are as much responsible for my fathers death as Thresh is. Eks ti op hu!” Javeed threw his right hand into the air as he spoke the spell.

Serto grabbed his throat, feeling an invisible force clenching his neck, stopping him from breathing, “I know…” his voice was weak through the pain.

Javeed felt his new power course through his veins, as he slowly stood up, “This is all because of you! You dragged me away from my home, my life, everything I knew and loved! Poi ut ya!”

Serto’s wrists were pulled away from his neck and forced behind his back. “I know, and I… hate myself… for … it.”

Javeed stepped closer to Serto, the power now running across his skin like a cold chill, Javeed saw the purple haze dancing around his fingers again. He clenched his hands into fists and Serto was forced onto his knees by an unseen force.

Serto was by now gasping for air as his muscles tensed. He tried pulling his wrists free from behind his back to stop whatever it was that was clenching his throat but everything he did was useless. Javeed was too powerful.

“My King…”he gasped. “I… am… sorry… Javeed!” Serto felt his vision slipping away as he still couldn’t breathe. He made a last effort to free himself but he toppled onto his side as black blotches replaced the menacing image of Javeed looking down at him.

Javeed saw Serto fall unconcious and in that moment the power also eased out of his body. He fell back to his knees. He rubbed tears out of his eyes…

“Serto…” Javeed frantically crawled over to Serto’s limp body, “no, no, no… what did I do. Serto, Serto!” Javeed scooped the older man into his arms and held him. “Please don’t leave me!” Javeed sobbed.

He held Serto in his embrace crying, feeling the limp body in his arms.

“Please… please…”

“I’m here my king…” a weak voice whispered into Javeeds ear, Serto was ok.

Javeed pulled out of the hug and locked his lips onto Serto’s. The two shared a kiss and time seemed to freeze. Javeed pulled away from the kiss and placed his palm on Serto’s chest, “I…”

“Don’t worry my King. You don’t know the limits of your power, no one does. We’ll figure it out together. But right now. We have to keep moving.”

Serto got to his feet and held out his hand to Javeed.

Javeed felt confused and scared but he knew his best chance at survival was to trust Serto, he reached out to Serto just as he heard a faint whistle pass his ear.

Time seemed to freeze as Javeed looked back at Serto, an arrow embedded into his chest. Serto looked down grabbed the arrow and fell to one knee.

Javeed turned around as he heard more arrows coming. “Sho ti asde!” An invisible shield formed and about 6 arrows bounced off it.

“Javeed.” Serto half coughed and half spoke, blood spilling out of his mouth, “Run!” he fell over and Javeed knew there was nothing more to do.

“Wi of thand” screamed Javeed and spun around, a strong wind erupted from him and drew the fog back.

Javeed was standing in a desolate field, black sand beneath his feet. In one direction he saw the Dark Castle, in another direction he saw the endless desert. He knew which way he needed to go.

Another arrow bounced off his shield and he spotted the ranger. “Ser oi ut yeq” Javeed lifted his palm and all the arrows that were lying around him lifted off the ground. With a flick of his wrist he sent them flying back to their owner, there was nothing the man could as he was pierced by a half dozen of his own arrows.

Javeed looked back at the desert, his freedom lay that way, he looked down at Serto.

Would he ever be free though? No matter how far he went, no matter how long he ran. All roads pointed to death. His parents, Serto… anyone that tries to flee the shadowhands ends up dead. Javeed knew what he needed to do…

Javeed took his first steps back toward the dark Castle. One thing on his mind. Kill Shade.
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Post by gag1195 »

The dramatic twist! You can't just play with our heartstrings like that! Fuck em up Javeed! Avenge all the shit you've been put through, bind and gag all the monsters chasing you!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Oh, man... poor Serto.

I wasn't expecting this at all and it's painful how they had to be seraparated so soon after finally finding a stanble relationship. Javeed's revenge is going to be terrifying.

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