Kidnapped by a Rocker (F/F)

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Kidnapped by a Rocker (F/F)

Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Helloooooo! I was able to get a lot of writing done the past week and have a bit of time on my hands coming up soon. That being said, if you have story requests or ideas, please PM me! I am always down to try my hand at a story request. Anywho, here’s another story that is a little different than most of my writing.


(Angel - Hispanic with beautiful tan skin, 5’5”, brown eyes, and a thin but slightly curvy build, black hair that went past her shoulders and deep brown eyes with thick black eyelashes.)

The weekend had finally arrived. In a spontaneously adventurous moment during a particularly long day at my graphic design job, I had purchased tickets to a techno concert. Twelve small-time bands or solo artists would be performing on four stages at the local fairground on Friday night. To add to my adventure, I had purchased them alone and planned on making it a night out to myself.

I tapped my soft foot on the carpet of my bedroom as I looked over the outfit choices that I had laid out. I settled on a pair of ripped Jean shorts, a tight white tank top, a pair of white no show socks and my white high top converse. Underneath, I was wearing a deep blue bra with matching panties.

After dressing myself, I bent down and slipped my slim feet into my converse. I slowly laced them up, not too tightly, before grabbing my keys and phone and heading out the door.

After a 20 minute drive, I arrived at the venue. Traffic was busy but not super heavy as a variety of other people pulled in.

I parked the car and made my way over to the slowly growing crowd of people.

The concert kicked off with loud performances by multiple bands. I found myself pulled into the crowd as I vibed to the music. As the time went on, the sky flashed with the multi color lights from the stages. I found myself in front of a blue and pink lighted stage near the front.

The performer came out to a rocky twist on some dubstep. She was white, about 5’5” with blonde hair that was dyed with two streaks of blue. She was wearing bright red lipstick, black jean shorts, fishnet stockings, black leather combat boots and a white sleeveless shirt.

As she began to sing into the microphone, her bug blue eyes locked with mine as I found myself staring. If it were not so dark, she would have seen me blushing as I turned away. I saw her crack a smile as she skipped across the stage and continued her song.

I came out of my shell a little as I started to dance and flip my hair to the song. I heard the crowd start to cheer as I saw her jump off the stage right next to me. I tried to step away, but she pulled me back to facing her and started to dance with me.

I let myself go a little more as I feel her hand move up my hip as she sings. I feel her put her arm around me as the song concludes with her voice piercing the night. The crowd cheered as she stopped and kissed me on the cheek.

Then, without a word and only a smile, she skipped off behind the stage.

The crowd began to dissipate as I started to walk back to my car.

Suddenly, I turned on my white converse heels and started heading back behind the stages where the bands and performers had parked. I didn’t know if I was expecting to try to get her number or just to ask her name, but all these questions and more ran through my head as I walked briskly.

The night air had gotten cool so I folded my arms around me as I walked. Suddenly, I was pulled behind a van and a soft hand clamped over my mouth.

“Shhhhhh...” I heard a female voice whisper in my ear. Even though we were about the same height, I feel her strength while she easily pulls me over to the side door of a large, colorful band.

My converse drag behind me leaving trails in the dirt as I’m torn between fighting or waiting to see what happens. I turn my head slightly to look at the van right before I’m pulled inside. It was her. The singer I danced with.

“Mmmpphh?!” I protest slightly as I’m half carried half dragged into the back of this van. As soon as my feet get dragged past the door, the van door slams shut.

The hand is removed from my lips as I am temporarily blinded by the completely dark interior of the van.

“Who are y-mmmm...” my questions were silenced by a pair of familiar lips. My arms were still being pinned behind me, but I didn’t struggle. Maybe this is what I came back for...or so I thought. . .

We made out passionately for several minutes. Her body was warm and sweaty from performing, but I could tell that she was in shape. My eyes were slowly starting to adjust when her lips finally pulled away from mine.

I was just able to catch a breath when I heard her shoe hit the van floor right as I felt a small, warm piece of fabric, which I soon tasted to be a sock, was shoved in my mouth.

She changed positions on me, using her knee to hold my arms to my chest while she began to wrap a roll of sliver duct tape around my mouth and head.

My arousal soon turned to fear as I felt the tape tight around my lips. What is she doing to me? I thought as I began to struggle.

“Shhhh shh shhh....not too loud, honey,” I heard her slight southern voice say as she tore off the tape. “I’m not going to hurt you. Just relax...”

I was too far gone from relaxing as I continued to struggle. I felt the sticky tape begin to be wrapped around my wrists in front of me as she held them down with her knee still.

“Mmmmphhh!!” I screamed into my tight gag as the taste of her sweat filled my mouth. It wasn’t entirely disgusting. In fact, I may have enjoyed the somewhat sweet taste of not for my current predicament.

After securing my wrists together, she went to work on my bare ankles, wrapping the roll of tape around them until they were snugly taped together.

I whimpered weakly into my gag, still trying to decide whether I was in serious danger or not from this crazy band chick, but she was not done yet.

She gently, but firmly, pulled my wrists down to my ankles and taped them together, putting me in a reverse hogtie of sorts.

“Now then,” she started as she brushed a sweaty strand of blue hair from her face. “Let’s get out of here before someone reports you missing.” With that climbed, one foot bare, the other still with her black combat boot on, into the driver seat and started to drive away.

I yelled faintly into my gag, “Mmmmphhhh!!!!” My brown eyes went wide as reality began to set in. I was being kidnapped by some hot, but crazy, band chick.

During the course of our drive, I struggled non-stop. The back of the van was cool, but I quickly became sweaty as I flexed against my duct tape bonds. I managed to slip one of my sweaty feet out of my converse, but not much else was accomplished.

The taste of her sweaty feet seemed to never fade as I was forced to chew on her sock. Every once in a while, I would catch her cool, blue eyes looking in the rear view at me, usually followed by that sexy smile. If not for my situation, I would have been thoroughly aroused...or was I aroused anyway. . .

I shook the thought from my head and continued my struggles. Just as I did, the van jolted to a stop. “We are here!” She turned her head around to smile and wink at me. “Give me a few minutes, and I will be back out to get you.” With that, she hopped out of the car and slammed the door.

I sat there in silence, pondering what to do next. The tape had not budged an inch. All the struggles had done was leave me sweaty and one foot shoeless. Some of my hair that was not stuck in the tape hung down in sweaty strands in my face.

The van door jolted open, interrupting my thoughts. It was her, smiling as usual. The moonlight lit her face. It had to be close to 4 in the morning by now.

“Alright. Time to smuggle you in...” she hopped up on the van floor and slipped her boot back in, barefoot. “Oh someone is getting their feet free for me. Naughty..” she giggled and pulled out a knife.

My eyes got wide with fear, but before I could react, she cut the tape connecting my wrists and ankles. I groaned into my gag as I was able to stretch my long legs out. Before I could enjoy my regained mobility, she dragged me out of the van and pulled me to my feet.

She grabbed my other shoe and held them waits and of my jean shorts. “Hop. Quickly.” She hissed.

Looking around, I found myself in front of a row of small townhouse apartments. The night was silent except for a distant barking dog. Her hand pushed me forward, and I was forced to hop to avoid falling on my face.

She quickly ushered me inside and closed the door behind us, bolting it. “Finally,” she sighed aloud. “Let me show you to your room. You’re already sweaty so it’s a perfect time to get started.”

I found myself in a small living room of sorts. It consisted of a TV and an oversized couch across from it. The walls were dark and lined with various music posters and vinyls.

I raised an eyebrow and tried to mumble through my gag. “Mmmphhermmmmct mmmimme?”

“Hush. Save your gag tag for me later.” She smiled and continued to hustle me up a small staircase. I stumbled forward to the top of the short stairway.

Once at the top, I found myself in a small carpeted room. The ceiling was low, only a few feet above my head. The room consisted of a window, which had thick curtains over it, a few cardboard boxes in the corner, a chair with high wooden stool in front of it, a few lights scattered on the floor and a tripod with a camera on top.

“Hop on over to the chair, honey,” she whispered in my ear as she thrust me forward. I wobbled over to the chair and reluctantly sat directly in front of the camera.

“I apologize for the heat, but I simply can’t let you cool down until we are done.” She said quickly to me as she slipped off her boots. She set them neatly next to the tripod and busied herself with turning on the lights on the floor, thoroughly lighting me.

My mind raced as I watched her. Was she about to do something horrible to me on camera? What if they never find me? Can I still escape?

Seemingly reading my mind, she spoke as she brushed across the camera setting with her smooth fingertips. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m sorry for having to kidnap you, but times are hard in the music industry.”

She padded softly over with her bare feet and stood right in front of me. “You can’t make it off of a good voice and a cute smile anymore.” She said softly as she brushed the sweaty hair from my face and pulled it back into a high pony tail. She then grabbed my other converse sneaker and placed it back on my foot.

“Now...” she looked up from kneeling in front of me. “Here’s what I need you for...” her blue eyes seemingly peered into my soul. “I need you to be my little bondage slash foot model for the night.”

“Mmmphhh?” I mumbled into my gag, raising both eyebrows.

“I know it’s weird, but people will pay me major money for clips of feet or a beautiful girl tied up,” she smiled as she stood and grabbed my chin. “And you...are a beautiful girl who is tied up.” She turned and walked to the corner where the boxes sat.

She came back with a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs. “I’m afraid the tape will have to stay on your sexy mouth and ankles, but I can at least make your wrists more comfortable. That’s if you cooperate. Nod if you do.”

Seeing no way out, I slowly nodded, slightly relieved that she didn’t plan on murdering me or worse on camera. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of being basically her porn star, but I had little choice in the matter. “Mmmmmmkkkk...”

“I knew you were a smart girl..” she said as she pulled her knife out again and carefully cut my wrists free. She tore the duct tape off quickly, but it still left red marks which she let me massage for a second.

“I’m sorry about the marks, but I told you not to struggle,” she said softly as she pulled my wrists behind the creaky wooden chair. “Tell you what, you do everything I ask, and I promise to make it up to you.” She tan her fingers over my crotch as she walked to my feet and placed them on the stool. She then walked back to the camera. “In more ways than one...”

She adjusted her camera settings in silence for a second. “Alright honey, time to shine. I want you to start with some sexy moaning and struggling. Then I’m going to signal you to start wiggling those cute feet free of your sneakers and socks. After that, I’m just going to need a few minutes of you staring sexily into the camera while rubbing those sweaty feet together. Think you can remember all that?”

Again, I reluctantly nodded. “Oh wait! I forgot how I to tell you how I am going to signal you!” She giggled and skipped back over to the boxes. She returned with a small silver cylinder and a remote. “Recognize one of these?” She said as she pressed the button, activating the vibrator then switching it off.

“Mmmmmmmphhhb! Mmm mmm!” I shook my head no, but she just unzipped my jean shorts and fingered it inside of my sweaty panties.

“Oh shush, you act like I’m torturing your or something.” She but her lip. “You’ve seen nothing yet...” she said menacingly with a creepy smile.

Turning on her heels, she slipped back to the camera. “Trust me. This makes it a lot easier to act all sexy.” She winked. “Starting in” the camera activated with a beep and a red light appearing in the front.

I froze for a second in disbelief. I was being recorded for people to buy. How could I have gotten myself into such a terrifyingly sexy situation.

She smiled and held up the remote as if to warn me. I quickly began struggling and wiggling my now sweat soaked body.

“Mmmmphhhh mmmm mmmmmph!” I moaned into my gag as loud as I could, which wasn’t very loud.

She smiled and seemed to enjoy it. I put my head down and shook my shoulders back and forth slowly, looking up into the camera as I did.

Suddenly, I saw her giggle silently and press a button. A soft vibration started to tease me as I sat there helpless on video. I knew this was my cue to start showing off my apparently cute feet.

The duct tape holding my ankles together made it difficult, but the continuous struggling throughout the night has loosened it enough to where I had some wiggle room.

I began to shift my legs up and down causing the heels of my now dirty white converse to rub against each other. The constant sense of arousal that I was getting from the vibration in my panties made it difficult to concentrate.

Finally, I was able to loosen my right sneaker enough to I was able to wiggle my foot out of it. My white sock,soaked with sweat from the eventful night, now wiggled against my other shoe, slowly prodding it off. This one fell to the floor with a plop, while my right one sat next to my sock covered feet on the stool.

“Mmmm mmmm mmmmm....mmmmm...” I moaned as I stared helplessly into the camera. I made sure to wiggle my feet a lot and curl my toes. This generated a positive response from her as she gave me a thumbs up behind the camera.

After a few minutes of this, the vibration suddenly increased, causing me to jump and glare over at her. She had that same stupid, but cute grin on her face as she indicated for me to keep going with her long slender finger.

“Mmmmmmmph!” I moaned loudly, half in surprise and half in pleasure. The constant stimulation had caused me to go from terrified and apprehensive to horny and wanting.

I aggressively wiggled my feet and toes, slowly moving the sweaty white sock on my right foot to my toes. Once there, I let it dangle a bit while staring into the camera before dropping it next to my shoe.

I then went to work on the left one, all the while struggling and flipping my messy pony tail. “Mmmmm...mmmm...mmmm...” I moaned for the camera..or was it for me.

With a final flick of my sweaty toes, my left sock fell to the stool in front of my feet. As soon as the sock hit the stool, I heard the familiarly click of her finger against the button.

“MMMPHHH!!!” Mmmmmmphh mmmmm!!!!” I moaned into her now saliva soaked sock and the tape holding it in.

The vibrator was now in full affect, but unlike most vibrators, this one was almost completely silent. It was smart of her getting a silent one for these videos, I thought to myself before shaking my head and coming back to reality.

I shook my head and body from side to side, rocking the chair a little. I began to breath heavily through my nose as I tried to control the sensation growing in between my legs.

I rubbed my sweat-covered, size seven soles together. My soft skin gleamed in the bright lights. “Mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm...” I began to moan in desperation more than for show now as I looked up at her, pleading with my eyes.

She just smiled back and pointed cruelly to the camera with her pointer finger.

“Mmmmmmmm....” I sighed in despair. I had done everything I thought to do just to please her, and now she just leaves me in torment.

Finally, when I thought I was going to break. I heard the beep of the camera as she hit the stop recording button. At about the same times, she turned off the vibrator.

This left me in a momentary state of relief followed by an overwhelming desire to climax. “Mmmmph???” I questioned with my moan and raised eyebrows.

“You did so good, honey,” she said as she practically skipped over to me. “Let’s get you taken care of.” She pulled out her knife and cute the thick strand of tape binding my ankles.

I sighed at the slight relief, but she kept moving. She kneeled in front of me and using her slender fingers, quickly unbuttoned and unzipped my jean shorts. She removed the vibrator with one hand while pulling my shorts and panties to the floor with the other.

“Mmmmphhh?” I tried to question again.

“Sorry love, the gag stays. Can’t have you waking the neighbors with your slutty moans.” She smiled.

I cringed at the slutty moans part, but before I could moan or think of my next move, she roughly spread my legs apart and inserted her face right into my crotch.

Her warm tongue began to do wonders as the fiery sensation between my legs began to give way to waves of pleasure. I found myself moaning softly into my gag while pressing my hips to her face.

“Mmmmm...mmmmmm...MMMMM.....MMMMPHHHH!!!...mmmmm...mmm..” I climaxed harder than I had in months as she pulled her wet face back, still in that cute grin.

“Let’s go get cleaned up, shall we?”
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;

Post by arizzle34 »

Great story so far ;)

I love your sock gags
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Post by JulieG »

Very nice and oh so naughty tale
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

JulieG wrote: 3 years ago Very nice and oh so naughty tale
Awww thank you (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by WillHBonney »

I like how the main character got into the modelling role, making sure to wiggle her toes and put on a good show for the camera.
I also love your re-occurring sock gags in your stories.
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

WillHBonney wrote: 3 years ago I like how the main character got into the modelling role, making sure to wiggle her toes and put on a good show for the camera.
I also love your re-occurring sock gags in your stories.
Thank youuuu(:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by TheOfficeOrc »

I love the gig setting, it makes for a really unique story. The writing also reads really well. Nice one :)
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

TheOfficeOrc wrote: 3 years ago I love the gig setting, it makes for a really unique story. The writing also reads really well. Nice one :)
Thank you (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by Glovedgirllover »

Hi there! Very nice fiction. I sent you pm but I understood it's not working at moment. So I have my own drawings about Ff kidnapping action... If you are interested let me know:
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

My PM is working. Try sending it again (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by mikayluh »

Can’t wait to read more 😊
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Post by Trickster »

Sensational story. Everything I love in a story -- again. You are a fantastic writer!!!
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Post by Glovedgirllover »

chelseykittyc@t wrote: 3 years ago My PM is working. Try sending it again (:
So I'm not so lucky like you... :(
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Trickster wrote: 3 years ago Sensational story. Everything I love in a story -- again. You are a fantastic writer!!!
Thank youuuuu(:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

mikayluh wrote: 3 years ago Can’t wait to read more 😊
Working on it tomorrow (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by bondagefreak »

Glovedgirllover wrote: 3 years ago Hi there! Very nice fiction. I sent you pm but I understood it's not working at moment. So I have my own drawings about Ff kidnapping action... If you are interested let me know:
Your PMs aren't working because your account is on probation.
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Post by Glovedgirllover »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago
Glovedgirllover wrote: 3 years ago Hi there! Very nice fiction. I sent you pm but I understood it's not working at moment. So I have my own drawings about Ff kidnapping action... If you are interested let me know:
Your PMs aren't working because your account is on probation.
You need a minimum of ten posts for your account to automatically bump itself up to full-fledged membership.
About a half-hour after you've made your 10th post, your private messaging options will be automatically unlocked and your username will change colour.
Thanks for answer! At least I understood now where was a problem. Because some time ago I had opportunity to send and read messages
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Post by bondagefreak »

No problem. Your PMs will be unlocked in a couple minutes.
As soon as your username changes colour, you'll be good to go.
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Post by Glovedgirllover »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago @Glovedgirllover
No problem. Your PMs will be unlocked in a couple minutes.
As soon as your username changes colour, you'll be good to go.
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Post by sensitivefeet »

An amazing sense of narration. It gives a sharp feelong of identification. That is what I call efficient.
Remind me: once hogtied, just before I placed the ballgag... you said:"Please, anything but the feet"?... Good...
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Post by GreyLord »

You are a really good writer. I want to see where this story goes next.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by nayte4767 »

Can't wait to read more
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

nayte4767 wrote: 2 years ago Can't wait to read more
For sure (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by bindngag »

Sexy story. Love how you were kidnapped.
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Thank you (: I enjoy writing these short stories
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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