Fantasmia : 02 - Step mom (f/m)

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Fantasmia : 02 - Step mom (f/m)

Post by Soraka »

Fantasmia's stories
02 - Step mom
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By Fantasmia

by Fantasmia » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:20 am

I was lying on my bed in just a pair of jeans, or rather the jeans were the only clothes I was wearing as intended. I leather belt was wrapped around my chest and elbows pinning my arms against my body. Two more belts were tied around my knees just above and jest below. My ankles were tied with thin rope, the jeans lifted so that the rope was in contact with my skin and digging in a little, and my big toes were tied together with a shoelace. rope went from my ankle bindings to my wrists which were also tied together behind my back. In my mouth was one of my clean white socks and my mouth was held shut around it very effectively with a wide strip of skin toned medical tape. To finish off one of my step mum's scarves was tied over my eyes.

I was not afraid. There was no sign of a struggle. No one else had seen me like this. I was enjoying myself in my own special way. I was 18 and obsessed with being tied up for as long as I could remember. I had not been tied up by anyone for over five years and then that was just in silly children's games. I had loved watching TV shows or films where someone was tied up and had wanted to experience it. My mother (god rest her) had caught me playing like that once or twice and had forbidden me to do it, the upshot was I just got better at hiding my activity. I don't know whether she had ever told my dad but I had kept it secret from him. Mum had died a few years previously and my dad had married Victoria, or Vixx, who was many years younger than him but still closer to his age than mine, just. Dad worked abroad a lot and Vixx worked part time so often after school and sometimes at weekends I was in the house alone. That is where I practised tying myself up. I had been doing this for nearly ten years and was getting better and better. I could now tie my hands behind me with a splip-knot even blindfolded and with my arms strapped to my sides, and that is what I had managed to do today.

As I kicked and struggled I would imagine being kidnapped by some domineering woman, the Jungle Queen form a Tarzan film or a spy or female robber. I sometimes fantasised about tying up women. In particular Lisa, the girl over the road who simply was not interested in me. I also had fantasies of seeing Vixx all tied up and gagged and struggling, that is when I was not fantasising about being tied up with Lisa.

Suddenly I heard a shouting from downstairs. “Jonathan. What's this mess doing here.”

Damn. Vixx was home early or I'd been tied up longer than I thought. I knew what she was talking about. My coat, school blazer, shoes and games kit were just dumped in the hallway in front of the door as I had come in. I struggled to reach the slip knot so I could free myself but I could hear Vixx still shouting at me and now I could hear her heels on the stairs.

“Jonathan....Oh my God. What's happened?” I felt her weight on the bed next to me then I felt the tape ripped off my mouth. I spat the sodden sock out. “Oh my God. Who did this? Oh my God.”

“Vixx, Vixx.” I blinked as the light dazzled me when she took my blindfold off then focussed on Vixx. She was wearing a white blouse, navy blue skirt and black tights with ankle strap patent black heels. “Vixx. No one did this. It's alright. No one did this”


“I did it myself.” I could feel myself blushing but I knew a confession was better than the real trouble which could be caused by trying to make up a story of a robbery.

Vixx paused. “You so unlike your father.” she said.

“I've been trying to get him interested in a little bit of kinky bedroom play for ages. You did this to yourself?”


“Oooowwwmmmm. So lickle Johnny likes to bwe tied up thwen.” she said in a very teasing voice you'd normally use to a baby. “Open up lickle Johnny like a good boy.” She said as she picked up the soaked white sock.

“Hey waimmpphh.” She ripped another strip of tape off the reel and plastered it over my mouth taking another one and pressing it firmly on top. This was all going wrong I thought to myself. I wasn't supposed to be the one tied up bare footed and bare chested. I wanted to see her in her underwear all bound gagged and helpless. Her teasing went on.

“So lickle Johnny Like two bwe tied up thwen. And he uses mummy's scarf. Bad Bowy. Johnny will have to be punwished. Is lickle Johnny tickwlish?” With that she drew one of her finger nails round in a little circle round my belly button. I am very ticklish. insanely ticklish, especially on my tummy and feet. And here I was with my step-mum, all tied up and helpless and my most sensitive areas totally exposed and vulnerable. I jerked and wiggled on the bed.

“Oooh he is.” she said dropping the baby talk voice at last. “he seems very ticklish and I can tickle him here, or here , or here.” She said ad her fingers darted from my belly button to my sides, to my under arms. “Are your feet ticklish?” she did not wait for an answer but soon discovered yes as my bare soles felt her finger nails sliding slowly down them. “Are your feet ticklish?” she continued to tease as she made be buck and twist trying to kick my legs and each time tightening the slip knot round my wrists. Suddenly Vixx noticed something wrong with my hands.

“That's not right. Look you silly boy. You've tied a slip knot here. That could cause big problems. let me help.” I felt her fiddling with the rope on my wrists and felt the pressure released momentarily before I felt her winding the rope round and tying off again. “There that's better. It won't slip and tighten now, and you won't be able to get yourself free either.”

this was the first time I had been properly securely tied up. For the first time in my life I really was helpless, not tied up with my own slip knots or elastic bands, not simply looped and tied as my friends had done aged 9 or 10. I was properly tied up and gagged by my step mum of all people and I could not escape. I was loving it.

“Now I need to go and get some things.” Vixx said. “Don't go away. “She said as she tied her scarf back over my eyes.

I heard he heels click clicking on the stairs as she went down, then after a few seconds I heard the door shut. I was tied up, gagged and blindfolded on my own bed. I realised Dad was not back until late Sunday night so Vixx was free to keep me tied up and tormented for most of the weekend if she wanted. I was in Nirvana.

It was only a couple of minutes before I heard the front door open and heard the “click, click, click” of Vixx's heels once again on the floor and then on the stairs. I heard her enter my room.
“I've had these things for a while but your father just did not want me to use them.” I had no idea what she was talking about but heard her put something down on the table next to my bed. “Now I better go and get some tea ready.” She Finished and once again I heard her heels on the stairs.

My fingers felt for the knot she had tied round my wrists but I could find nothing. I tried to kick my legs back and I bent them to my bottom but I knew now I could not get my hands untied. Kicking my legs simply made the ropes bite harder into my wrists and ankles tightening all the time. the excitement was rising in me but I was also frightened of what was going to happen. after all I had never before been tied up so that I could not escape. there was always a slip knot or a loose rope left by a clumsy friend, or some stretch in the materials used.

I decided I had to try to escape. I rolled from side to side and : CRUNCH. I slid off the single bed and onto the floor. I heard feet on the stairs once more, no heels this time, when I heard Vixx at my door. Jonathan, are you all right?”

“Mmpphh, mmpph”

“Oh dear. I can't leave you alone can I.” I felt her hands pressing my face and limbs, checking for injuries I guessed, then I felt her pulling at my ropes. I was suddenly able to straighten my legs. Although I had deliberately tied my own legs up it did feel good to stretch out again and I wiggled my feet, tugging on the toe tie, as I tried to get some circulation back.

I felt myself dragged up to my feet then I was hoisted up and found myself hanging over Vixx's shoulder. It was highly embarrassing even if I couldn't be seen. I am the fairly typical lanky teenager where as Vixx keeps herself looking good for my father by regular use of the Gym and she has muscles where I don't have places. As I said I have fantasised about her before.

I felt myself being precariously carried down stairs before being sat down on the floor, then pushed onto myside, turned over onto my tummy and then felt the hogtie being re-instated, if anything even tighter than I had done myself.

“Now this time stay there and don't do anything silly.” Vixx's voice rang out in the way I would expect her to speak to a child who was still in single figure age.

I heard Vix in the kitchen opening cupboards and the fridge then switching oven and rings on and off. I still twitched my legs and feet a little and tried to reach my fingers towards any of the invisible knots holding me. I struggled and rolled side to side but found inadvertently that the strap round my chest was being doubly incapacitating. Firstly pinning my arms to my sides made it very difficult to move my hands to any where useful, secondly the restriction round my chest made breathing a little harder than normal and after not very long I gave up struggling through sheer exhaustion and lay flat on my stomach awaiting my fate.

Some time later I was back on the lounge floor. Much had happened. Vixx had untied my hands and removed the blindfold only to fasten some pink fluffy handcuffs round my wrists. Those were one of the things my father would not let her play with apparently. I had been made to hop to the bathroom for a break, still tied up and gagged. After this I had been made to hop to the kitchen where I had been able to feed myself as best as I could with hands tied in front of me. After the meal I had been hopped back to the lounge where Vixx had tied my hands behind me and re-hogtied me. I was left without a blindfold but she had re-gagged me, putting one of the discarded socks from my bedroom floor into my mouth before holding it in place with the scarf again. She had then gone to tidy up the kitchen before returning with a bottle of wine.

I was now lying very tightly hogtied, my hands almost touching my heels, and on my back. Vixx's was sitting in an armchair with her wine glass in one hand and cigarette on the other. She was resting her stockinged, shoeless feet crossed on my bare chest, her right heel pressing against my breast bone as she idly watched her soaps. From time to time she would point one of her toes and poke it into my belly button or press down on one of my nipples and make a little circling action, the rough nylon stimulating the sensitive flesh and making my skin tingle all over. I was also having to control, very unsuccessfully, an uncomfortable tight feeling in my jeans. During the add breaks she would run one of her feet up to my face and pinch my nose making me inhale and smell her sweaty tights further exciting me and making me moan and groan through my gag. she would also run her pointed toes up and down my chest and tummy, skipping over the belt round my arms, tickling me and inciting me to wriggle on the floor which elicited an evil little giggle form her as she felt me buck and squirm completely at her mercy.

After about 2 hours of this treatment her programmes finally finished and the news started. She put out her cigarette and bent down to me. “Having fun there?”

“Nnnn mmm nntt.” In reality my heart was pounding, I had a very tight feeling in my jeans, I had an itch I couldn't scratch and I was loosing myself in extacy. But this was my stepmother. I couldn't let her know I was enjoying it so much. It just wasn't normal.

Vixx flipped me onto my tummy which gave me a sudden, yet surprisingly pleasurable squeeze between my thighs, and then began to stroke her fingernails gently over the soles of my bare feet.

“Is lickle Jonny tickwish?” she teased again in the silly baby voice. I was straining and kicking against my bonds as she tortured me so but my hogtie was so tight I could barely move my feet 1-2 inches before the ropes dug cruelly in.

“I thwink Lickle Jonny is tickwish,” she said again, then loosing the baby voice “and I can tickle you here, or here, or here,” she continued whilst prodding me and stroking me with her fingertips and nails on my sides, under my arms and the soles of my feet once again. “and there's nothing you can d about it. Nothing at all. Your my little tied up plaything I can do what I want with.” She finished this by scraping both her hands down my bare soles.

“Mmppppnnnggg. mmmmnnggg. mmmmmmgggg.” I tried to scream through the gag. She was entirely right. I could do nothing. I was her prisoner to titilate tease torment and torture as she saw fit. and there was nothing I could do about it.

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Post by Soraka »

I woke up. I think i woke up but I wasn't sure. it was still dark and as I turned my head. I stretched my arms. i tried to stretch my arms but couldn't. I Tried to twist, to turn over to sit up but I couldn't. I tried to call aout to scream but there was just some muffled sounds. I thrashed around for a few seconds then lay panting. I struggled and twisted again then began to remember. Oh my god.

I remebered the previous night. Vixx had kept me tightly tied up all night rubbing her feet on me, resting her feet on my face. Teasing me, tickling me and all the time saying "What are you going to do about it. There's nothing you can do." Just to rub in my sense of helplessness. She'd finished most of a bottle of wine while tormenting me, watchin TV and chatting to her friends on her phone as If I was nothing more than a fire side rug or footstool. eventually she decided it was time for bed. She had Untied everything except my hands and told me to go to the bathroom and "sort myself out". It was a struggle with hands tied but it was that or have her "Help " me do my busines. She'd also left a pair of my football shorts which I had to wriggle into. only my shirt was left on along with my shorts as I came out. She marched me up to my room and pushed me down onto my bed face down She untied my wrists from behind my back and pulled my shirt off over my head. She grabbed my wrists then tied them together again over my head befor tying them to to top of the bed. She then turned me onto my back and turned round so she was facing my feet and taking several lengths of rope she tied my ankles to the bottom of the bed , one to each ankle (I should say I have a 3/4 size double bed which i have not yet been able to use for it's real purpose). Turning rouund again and sitting on my chest she untied my wrists and re-tied them seperately to the top corners of the bed before jumping off me.

"I don't want to be disturbed tonight" she said. As she pulled a pair of her tights from somewhere and shoved them into my mouth then pressing a piece of wide sticky tape over my mouth. she repeated this several more times making sure | was securely gagged.

"Sleep well" se said. "Oh and just so you don't get disturbed." with tat she tore off two squares of tape and i was plunged into darkness as she taped my eyelids shut.

I remembered it all now and although I had loved to tie myself up and had found last night quite arousing I was now quite frightened. i began to struggle again. Twisting left and right, feeling the ropes digging into my wrists and ankles.
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Post by Soraka »

I felt a weight on my chest and a pulling round my eyes. the tape was peeled away and I blinked as bright ligh flooded into my eyes. as I blinked the blurred surroundings came into focus and I could see vixx sitting on my chest. She was wearing a black t-shirt (that's as far as i could see) and she was grinning at me. "Sleep well did you?" she teased before tickling me under my arms.

!mmnngggmmgggnmmmmmmnnggmm" I tried to scream. She tickled me harder and just teased me. next she jumped off and went to my feet tickling me more again on my soles. tied down as i was there was nothing i could do (which she kept reminding me) and dragged her nails over all opf my exposed skin.

"Time for bathroom and breakfast i think . " she said.

Vixx un-tied my hands from the bed but then tied them tied together and tied a rope round my waist and tied my wrists down so I couldn't lift them up, before untying my feet then re-tying them together. I was made to hop to the bathroom to sort myself out. hands tied infront made things a little easier this time round but it was still a struggle. I had been given strict instructions not to remove the gag so after 5 moiutes (my allowed time) I mmmpphed to be let out and as Vixx opened the door I hopped out. I was told to kneel on the floor. She then pushed me face down and sat on me again (I could now see she was wearing a short denim skirt with the black t-shirt with no tights shoes or socks.

She untied my hands then tied them together again behind my back palm to palm. nekt she tied my elbows together and turned round , still sitting on me, and tied my knees together.

"Stand up" she ordered, then had a good laugh at me trying to struggle to my feet.

I was pulledto the stairs and made to bump down on my bottom before she took me to the kitchen where she Tied me tigthy to a chair and began to make breakfast. Vixx eventually ungagged and poured some coffee down my throat. Next she asked if i wanted toast. i was very hungry so i said yes. vixx whent back to put bread in the toaster then buttered the toast, put on marmalade and sliced it. But instead of feeding me she jammed it between her toes and putting her fet on the table hel the toast to my face.

"Go on eat it" she said. She ad been walking barefoot round the kitchen and her heels, the balls of her feet and pads of her toes all had a coating of grime on them. I was hungry but the tought of having to eat off her dirty feet was too much.

"Aren't you hungry?" she said.


"Then you don't get anything till breakfast tomorrow"

I swallowed and began to mibble at the toast avoiding her feet. She wasn't having that though and Pushed the toast and her toes into my mouth. I was hungry so i carried on eating. When I'd finished she made me lick the butter and margarine off her dirty bare feet . I felt so humiliated but so excited. She looked down to my shorts and saw how excited i was.

Untying me from the chair on the kitchen she made me hop into the lounge where she then sat me in another chair. and began to tie me to this chair. So after 20mminutes there i sat. Ankles knees and thighs tied together. wrists and elbows tied behind me. Pressed against the chair and tied round my chast, thighs and legs to the chair. Vixx then held up a pair of her tights and oinching my nose forced them into my mouth. She then wrapped tape round my head sealing my lips and said she was going out to do some shopping. Before she went she tied a scarf round my eyes blindfolding me. I was eft aone for about five minutes then heard the clicking of her high heels before the front door slammed and was locked.

i was alone, tieg gagged blindfolded and having the time of my life.
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Post by Soraka »

I drifted in and out of sleep and woke felt the tight pressure in my spedos totally unaware of the passage of time. i struggled but was tied so tightly i could bareley move. the more i struggled the tighter the ropes seemed to become which just made me more excited and made the feeling in my spedos tighter. that was so frustrating as I was getting arounsed with no sense of relief and no way to bring that relief. So i just struggled more working up a sweat as i screamed into the folds of the gag to try and pleasure myself.

eventually i was exhausted and frustrated and gave one almightly muffled cry of anguish before slumping to my fate. It was just then i felt the weight on my thighs again. "Well hello there" I hears Vixx say. She mus have come in when I was struggling and groaning so I dd not hear her. If she'd taken her heels off I wouldn't hear her either.

"You look so cute all sweaty and strugling. did i do a good job of tying you up. " she began to run her finger tips down my sides tickling me and making me squirm a little.

" I could keep you tied up here all day and tickle you. what are you going to do about it hey? wahta re you going to do?"

I felt the weight rise from my legs and then the scarf was pulled from my eyes.

Vixx was wearing a short leather jacket over her black top denim mini skirt and now bllack toghts. She was also holding up an Anne Summers bag. "Look what I 've got" she said.

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She began to rummage in the bag with an evil grin on her face and gave a mischievous wink. She took a pair of fluffy handcuffs out first and swung them around a little before placing them on the floor by her feet. Next she reached in and took out a red ballgag with black leather strap. Holding it infront of her own face she licked the ball and made a couple of biting moves with her jaw as if trying to put it in her own mouth. Next she put her left hand in the bag and then lowered it with her right hand revealing a silver chain with a little clip at either end. i knew what it was immediately and began to thrash around more violently than ever trying to escape.

"You look so cute there struggling" Vixx said as she slowly stepped closer to me holding the nipple clamps and chain. "You deserve a special present for looking so cute.

I threw my head from side to side but it was useless. I was tied too securely to the chair and there was nothing i could do.

Vixx Knelt on the floor next to me and leant over my chest then began to lick my right nipple. I mmpphhed and thrashed around trying to escape knowing exactly what she was planning. I could feel my nipple becoming more pointy as she continued to lick. i winced and gave a cry into my gag when she nibbled with her teeth before she took her mouth away and pinched with her left thumb and forefinger. Taking the first clamp in her right hand she opened the jaws. i gave one last useless thrash to try and escape before I felt the metal jaws clamp shut and bite a little into the tender skin. Vixx tightened the clamp a little before standing up and moving slowly round behind me where the whole process was repeated on my other nipple: the licking, the nibbling, pinching and finally the clamp. She walked in front of me an taking the chain gave a couple of small tugs on it. As well as the pain in my chest i felt a warm flush and a tightening in my shorts. despite the pain and humiliation, despite being totally helpless (or possibly because of it all) I was still getting aroused by this woman.

Vixx went back to the Anne Summers bag and took out two further objects. one was a pink furry blindfold with "Spank Me" on the eye pads in sequins. the second was a riding crop. Once again i began to thrash around as Vixx gave a couple of taps to her thigh with the crop.

"So cute" she said with a giggle, before stepping behind me and sliding the blindfold over my eyes. I felt the tip of the crop stroked down my left arm, then accross my tummy, more tickling than anything. She then ran the pad down over my thight before running up the opposite side and stroking my shorts over my bulge. she ran the tip of the crop up and down the inside of my thighs for a few minutes before I felt a sharp sting on the top of my left thigh. This was followed by a little sting across my tummy then on the left side of my chest.

Next was something I definitely was not expecting. Vixx tipped the chair back so I was lying on my back almost and then i began to wriggle again as her fingernails ran over the soles of my bare feet. Next I felt her run the tip of the crop over my feet and i curled my toes down suddenly realising what was coming next.

"MMMNGGMMPPHH" I cried into the gag as I felt the first blow on my left foot. this was followed by 2 more then 3 on my right foot.

I then felt Vixx 's stocking foot on my chest, no weight she just rubbed her foot on my chest until I felt her lift it off. seconds later I felt a tug on my nipples and realised she must have hooked her toes under the chain. A few more tugs. several more taps on my thighs and soles with the crop and then i was lifted upright again.

"Don't go away little baby" Vixx whispered in my ear. "I'm just going to make lunch for us"

I was panting and sweating. My nipples throbbed. I could feel the soles of my feet still stinging (along with thighs and tummy ) where i had been hit with the whip; but most of all i could feel the tight throbbing in my shorts as Vixx exited silently.
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Post by Soraka »

An hour or so later after being spoon fed at the kitchen table I was finally free from the chair. I was now trying out more of the "toys" bought that morning. My hands were restrained behind me in pink fluffy handcuffs and my ankles attached together with buckling leather cuffs joined by a short chain which connected to my handcuffs hogtying me. the ankle cuffs were padlocked so there was no chance of me untying myself. I now had the ball gag strapped into my mouth and was feeling the ache in my jaw as the strap pulled the corners of my mouth back. The blindfold had not been replaced after lunch but as a special "reward" the nipple clamps had been taken off.

My nipples had throbbed and hurt more painfully than the hour or more I had been wearing the damn things. Vixx had decided to "help me" by rubbing ice cubes around my throbbing nipples. this she did sitting astride me and feeling something else throbbing at which she gave a very naughty grin. The relief of the ice had been short lived before Vixx replaced the nipple clamps and untied me from the chair, leaving my hands tied behind me and feet tied together. She had then tugged the chain making me hop to the lounge where the cuffs had replaced ropes and where i found myself in my current predicament.

My humiliation was completed by lying face down, trying not to put too much pressure on my nipple clamps, as Vixx used me as a foot stool. If I moved too much however she would "Remind me who is boss" by a quick couple of strikes from the riding crop, either on the soles of my feet or high up on the backs of my thighs. (I was still in the same minimalist clothing I had been changed into that morning. Vixx sat reading her magazine, texting her friends, occasionally chatting ion the phone and only half watching the old film on the TV. From time to time she would prod me in the side with her foot, digging her toes in or rubbing her foot to tickle my ribs. this made me wriggle and earn a couple of strokes from the crop much to Vixx's amusement.

what was also making me wriggle was the very uncomfortable feeling between my legs. Despite the pain, humiliation helplessness, embarrassment and everything else which should make me want to escape and report this crazy bitch to the police i was unbelievably turned on and desperate for release. I had the pressure on my shaft which was uncomfortable to the point of pain but the frustration was worse. I tried once or twice to wriggle on the floor and reach some kind of relief near oblivious to the ultimate embarrassment this would cause but my wriggles were spotted and I received a hard prod in the ribs from her toes and several blows from the crop. a second attempt at the same manoeuvre also earned me a few more blows on my feet and thighs and Vixx leaving the room. She returned with a glass full of ice cubes, turned me onto my back and emptied the ice down my shorts.

Well I did not feel the need to relieve myself any more but the cold was almost as painful as the clamps i was still wearing. For the next half hour I was kept on my back and still used as a foot stool, whilst Vixx continued to use her feet to torment me. I was prodded in the side, Had my chain tugged with her toes and had her sweaty soles smeared over my face.

With the immediate need for relief gone thanks to the ice i was now able to think about my situation more. I was developing a kind of crush on my step mother but the strangest sort. She had discovered my guilty secret and taken over. I'd been kept tied up, gagged, almost naked, whipped and tortured for the past 24 hours and still i had the hots for this woman. She seemed so charming but sadistic at the same time, she knew just how to excite me, she read all my weak spots , she was physically , emotionally and psychologically abusing me but I just wanted more. what monster had my father married and what strange creature had I become.

"Hey babe. fancy a beer?" I was suddenly shocked back into the real world.

20 minutes later I was sitting on the sofa next to Vixx. No longer her foot stool, my gag was removed, the nipple clamps were taken off and the hog tie was released. My hands were still cuffed behind me, feet cuffed together and i was still wearing only my shorts but I had been given the chance to go to the toilet and then been given the best part of a glass of cold beer as vixx sipped her own glass. She was also rubbing soothing ice packs onto my very sore , swollen and throbbing nipples in addition to rubbing savlon onto the numerous welts on my thighs, tummy and chest.

"So have you enjoyed your punishment you naughty boy?" Vixx asked me. i said nothing but the blush and uncomfortable look told her "Yes". well just in case you think of telling anyone about it i have lots of pictures and some video just ready to go otno face book, you tube twitter and anywhere else your friends will be looking if you cross me. I couldn't really let you get away with your naughty little games without some ounishment could I now. And don't think I haven't notived the way you have been loking at me these past 24 hours. is that really the way you should be thinking about your step mother?" All the while she had that naughty cheeky little grin and flirty tone to her voice. "Well if I untie you now the marks should have faded before your father gets back tomorrow. You're so much more playful than him you know."

With that I was unocked and allowed to go and change etc. Just as i left the room she left me with one haunting comment.

!Don't think this is the end of it now I know your naughty little secret!"
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

I love this story. Is there a part two?
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Post by TheBaconDude »

That was a pretty great story. I do hope that it continues :D
A person that is in bondage, relaxed; is like a statue that is without wax. -Somebody
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Post by Barefoot99 »

awesome wish i was in your postition
Barefoot and cuffed. That's the only way to go.
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

Such a great story
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Post by Koncrete »

This may be my fav story on the whole site ;o Being held captive by a beautiful domineering woman who tortures you sensually the whole time? Basically my dream come true.
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Post by sensitivefeet »

The end leaves me exactly in the same state as being tied up myself : excited and dreading what comes next at the same time...
Remind me: once hogtied, just before I placed the ballgag... you said:"Please, anything but the feet"?... Good...
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Post by tugnewb »

Great story, really fun to read.
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Post by nylongag »

This is easily one of my favorites
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Mmmmmm, oh yessss.
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Post by JulieG »

I can’t believe I’ve only just read this story. Fantastic. I wonder if I could write such a good story as part two from Vixx point of view. There’s a challenge.
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Post by nylongag »

JulieG wrote: 2 years ago I can’t believe I’ve only just read this story. Fantastic. I wonder if I could write such a good story as part two from Vixx point of view. There’s a challenge.
@JulieG would love to read that!
Especially since it seems that fantasmia is no longer writing amazing stories...
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