Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 3/15/24] NEW POLL

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Who should Mason save?

NATE: plug gag, gorilla tape bonds, nipple clamps
CODY: duct tape gag, handcuffs, Icy Hot
LEO: Hoss' sock gag, rope bonds, tickle torture
RAY: bandana gag, slave harness, in his underwear
Total votes: 26

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Post by wataru14 »

Bid Night: Part 4 – Ha’eved m’galeh et teevo h’ameetee, teva ha’eved, lo bihiyoto eved, kee eem b’he’asoto l’adon
"A slave shows his true character, not while he is enslaved, but when he becomes a master."

As Nate opened the door, his senses were assaulted with the smell of motor oil and the sounds of an awful country song. A booming bass voice called out “close the door.” Still not seeing anyone, Nate shut the door behind him and walked between the work benches into the garage proper. A filthy jeep was stationed in the middle of the room with the hood open. One of the tires was off and a gigantic man in jeans and flannels was leaned over the bumper, his head buried in the engine.

Nate recognized him from his sheer size alone. He knew the man was called “Hoss,” and Nate immediately remembered him as one of the two enforcers on the hill. One of the ones holding the paddles and swatting the “slaves” if they fell behind. He was hard at work, tightening a hose, and didn’t look up as Nate stood there awkwardly. After a minute or two, he grabbed a plastic spittoon from the floor, hocked into it, and put it back down before getting up and turning around. “So you’re Nate, huh?” he said.

“Um, yes... sir,” Nate stammered. He was already at a social disadvantage, but seeing the man’s sheer size, he was doubly intimidated! The huge specimen lumbered over and shot out his massive hand to shake. It was thick, calloused, and covered in oil. Nate was reluctant to touch it because of the grime, but to refuse would be unforgivably rude, so he took the hand and gave a shake, using the strongest grip he could muster. The grip was returned, but with exponentially more force. This guy felt like he could bend steel!

“Good,” Hoss said, after introducing himself. “I like a man who doesn’t go limp in a handshake. I got no use for pussies.” Leo would have made a joke at the entendre, but Nate didn’t dare. He looked at his now-oil-smudged hand. His mother would have gotten the vapors seeing that and told him to wash immediately before he got any on the furniture. But Mom wasn’t here, was she? Nate actually enjoyed the feeling. Men worked with their hands and got oil on them. And he was a man, himself, now. Not his mom’s little boy. Hoss grabbed a dirty towel from the workbench and tossed it to Nate, who noticed he didn’t use it himself.

Nate knew he was being tested. No prissy little fusspots would pass Hoss’ muster. He wiped his hand on the leg of his jeans and tossed the towel on the work table. Hoss smiled. Achievement unlocked! “I took the jeep out for some muddin’ a few days ago and it ain’t run right since,” Hoss said. “You game to help or are you too busy schmoozing with the beautiful people?”

Nate was a little offended at Hoss’ use of Yiddish. He wasn’t sure if he was being baited or if it was an attempt to put him at ease. But based on what he had seen so far, there was very little cloak and dagger among the TUG Brothers he had met. What you saw was basically what you got. With the possible exception of Brett, and with the DEFINITE exception of the faculty advisor, that is. So Nate decided Hoss was being genuine. He smiled and put on his best Jackie Mason.

“Oy! No!” he said. “I mean, everyone there seems to be a mensch all right, but would it kill them to get some decent Manischewitz? I don’t think that beer they have is Kosher.” Hoss tried to stifle a laugh, but couldn’t hold it in and guffawed like a donkey. He slapped Nate on the back and the force of the blow sent him staggering a few steps.

“Ha!” he said. “I like you. I was expecting a sissy mama’s boy, but you're all right!”

Nate felt a lot more at ease now as he looked around the room. “Thanks, Hoss,” he said, feeling his confidence growing. “Nice jeep. Looks like it can handle off-road like a dream. Is all this stuff yours?”

“Naw,” Hoss said, grabbing his spittoon. “The sport bike is Danny’s. You couldn’t catch me dead on one a those things. The skateboards are Scott’s and the bicycle is Shane’s. We got too many guys to keep our regular cars here. Just the ‘toys.’ Unless someone needs work done.” He pointed at a sleek, black luxury car nearby. “Like Brett’s jalopy over there.” Hoss pointed at the car, which looked like it cost more than a normal family made in a year. “Hands off that, though,” Hoss warned. “Brett’s folks have more money than god and that’s his baby. High school graduation present, if ya believe it. No one can touch it ‘cept him and me.”

Hoss’ tone made it clear that this rule was inviolate, so Nate didn’t press the issue as Hoss drifted back to the jeep. “Grab me a 3/8 rachet, will ya?” he called over his shoulder. Nate headed over to the workbench and scanned the tools hanging from the pegboard. They were in pristine shape and top-quality. What Hoss lacked in social graces, he more than made up for in technical know-how. Nate ignored the 3/8 rachet, however, and grabbed a ½” one.

Hoss frowned as Nate placed the tool in his hand. “I said 3/8,” he barked.

“I know,” Nate said. “But 3/8 is too small. You said you take this thing mudding, so you have some extra horsepower in the engine to go on rough terrain. A higher-performance job like that would have bigger nuts.” He shot a quick look downwards at Hoss’ beltline when he said that. One he only half-hoped went unnocticed.

Hoss was inscrutable for a second, then a huge smile overwhelmed his face. “Right!” he said. “Damn, you’re full of surprises, little man. Never pegged you for a gearhead.”

“I’ve learned not to judge by appearances,” Nate said. “A lot of the guys here have surprised me. And you do, too. I think you’re a lot deeper than anyone realizes.” Hoss seemed to get a little awkward at Nate’s compliment, but Nate decided to be merciful and change the subject. But damn, Nate thought, this is one beautiful hunk of testosterone here. Cody was hot, too, but more like a big brother. There was something about Hoss that was different. Animalistic. Rough. Even a little dangerous. “I’ve done a lot of metal projects for my art, so I know my way around a toolbox. I can weld, too, if you need it.”

Hoss was thoroughly impressed. “Well shit!” he said, putting his arm around Nate and walking him to the jeep. “Looks like you and me are gonna get along just fine after all.” Hoss took the wrench and started fiddling with the bolts. But he seemed to be having a rough time of it.

“Let me try that,” Nate offered.

“I got it,” Hoss said, grunting on a particularly tight specimen.

“You’re doing it wrong,” Nate said. “I know a better way. Watch.”

“I said ‘I got it,’” Hoss shouted. Nate was slightly cowed, but he wasn’t going to let it rest. He had been under other people’s thumbs for far too long and he was going to assert himself and be a man if it killed him. If Hoss got pissed off, then fuck him.

“Listen, fuckwad,” Nate barked. “I said GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!” The force of Nate’s words surprised Hoss, but it surprised him even more. Where did that come from?!? He certainly didn’t think he had it in him to be this forceful around someone who could use him as a toothpick if he wanted. But apparently he did. The tension hung in the air for a second, but then Hoss did something Nate would never have suspected in a million years.

The big man laid the ratchet on the bumper and took a step back with his shoulders hunched slightly. His head was gently bowed in a show of submission. Nate noticed that a bulge had developed in Hoss’ jeans. The big man seemed quite surprised by his almost involuntary movement and a confused expression flashed across his face.

“What?” Nate thought, thrown for a major loop. “Did the fact that someone finally had the balls to order Hoss around excite the big man? Or was it something more? No, surely a man of his size must be used to being in charge. To being dominant. To being the Alpha among Alphas.” But the arousal in Hoss’ jeans was unmistakable. The realization hit Nate like a mule kick. Hoss was a submissive! He had to be. Suddenly it all made sense. The bravado. The posturing. The aloofness. He was masking his desires. He wanted to be controlled but didn’t know how to do it. Nate pondered this for a second as he effortlessly removed the nut from the engine. And he felt a wicked smile developing.

Nate had plenty of experience being submissive. To his parents. To his teachers. To the other guys at school. But the idea of a giant slab of beef that seemed to enjoy being ordered around stirred something in him. This was his chance! His chance to release all the pent-up aggression at everyone told him what to do and held him down. Who wouldn’t let him be his REAL self. That was it, Nate thought. His choice was made. He would have to take baby steps, but the goal was clear.

“Come here!” Nate ordered with an edge to his voice. Hoss, almost without thinking, took two awkward steps towards him, his shoulders still slightly stooped. “See how I did that? It’s just a twist of the wrist. If you try to force it, you’ll just end up stripping the bolt.” He held up the nut in his hand for Hoss to see, then placed it on the bumper of the jeep. “Not everything can be overcome by tearing away at it. Sometimes you just need to know the right leverage.” Deciding to test his luck, Nate slipped his hand down the front of Hoss’ pants.

The big man jolted at Nate’s touch. Both felt a spark. Like a flash of lightning hitting the earth. Nate wanted to touch every inch of Hoss. He wanted to test the limits of his ability to command the burly giant, but thought better of it right now. Hoss seemed puzzled and confused at his response to being ordered around by Nate and the Freshman thought he should move slowly. Too much pressure and the prey would bolt. He removed his hand from Hoss’ jeans, but the two felt the lingering connection.

A million thoughts whirled through Hoss’ brain. No one had ever dared talk to him like that! Normally anyone who tried would have been squashed like a grape. But when Nate did it, he felt an uncontrollable urge to obey. And it sent ripples up his spine. All his life he had been looking for someone who could take control. Let him turn the machismo off and forget the cares of the world. Let him surrender himself to someone else’s guidance. He always thought he would have to find some daddy muscle bear to fulfill that need after he left college. He never suspected he’d find someone who could potentially tame him at a Frat party. Especially not a scrawny Freshman. What was it about Nate that resonated with him so?

Hoss wiped his brow with a rag from the nearby workbench. Suddenly he was feeling flush. “Fuck it’s hot in here!” he said. He turned and slipped off his flannel overshirt, tossing it on the bench. His “kiss my country ass” T-shirt soon joined it. Nate stood in awe. Hoss’ body was the stuff of legends! Huge and broad, but far more cut than would seem through his clothes. His neck was as thick as Nate’s leg! He wondered what it would look like with a collar. Nate felt his pulse racing as Hoss stretched out his arms, in preparation of getting back to work.

“I’m gonna need your help with this,” Hoss said. “And it might get messy. You might want to lose that shirt so it doesn’t get ruined.”

Nate blinked once or twice, still hypnotized by Hoss’ bulk. He stammered for a moment, then said, “Oh, yeah, right.” He took off his blazer and folded it gently, placing it on the bench next to Hoss’ flannel, then did the same with his T-shirt. The two piles of clothes were an interesting contrast, he thought. Hoss called him over to the engine and Nate leaned over to help. There was something primal about it. Two men, half naked, banging about in a car engine. Something that filled Nate with desire. He could smell Hoss’ musk and risked touching his hand a few times as they worked. He thought he was being obvious about it, but Hoss didn’t seem to mind.

Nate was on ratchet duty while Hoss steadied the engine. Fitting use of their skills: subtlety and might. But the tension was getting unbearable. Something would have to give soon. Nate pulled his hand back after loosening the last nut and accidentally dislodged a hose. Thick, viscous motor oil sprayed the two like a Texas derrick. It coated their chests and splattered their faces. Nate immediately jumped back in shock, but Hoss just chuckled as he reattached the hose. It seems he had more of a grasp of symbolism than Nate initially thought.

As Nate frantically wiped himself off, Hoss strutted over. “Haha,” he said. “Looks good on you. It’s not real work if you don’t get a little dirty.” Nate smiled and stopped cleaning himself off. Hoss was right. Men got dirty. Only boys were prissy about things like that. He tossed the towel away and looked up at Hoss. The big man was from right out of his fantasies. Like the cover of a romance novel. Laughing, the two walked over to the engine and continued working for a little while. Then they reattached the wheel. Occasionally their bodies would brush against each other for a moment, giving Nate the tingles.

Being in such close proximity, Nate couldn’t help but feel the heat and man smell emanating off of Hoss. He had an idea for a portrait. Hoss dressed as a gladiator, posing in victory over a fallen foe. Countless more ideas flooded his mind. His pulse and blood pressure reached a boiling point. Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, he leaned in an planted a small kiss on Hoss’ lips. The big man seemed surprised, but pleased. “Did you mean to do THIS?” he asked with a smirk, palming Nate’s head from behind and bringing him in close. Hoss leaned down and devoured Nate’s mouth. Nate squirmed at first in surprise, but gave in and returned the kiss, wincing when his tongue got a peppery buzz from Hoss’ chewing tobacco. But he didn’t want to stop. When Hoss pulled away, the two stared at each other for a second.

“Oh man, you got balls. Serious ones!” Hoss said. “That’s it. You’re in! No question” Nate didn’t know what to say as Hoss brushed his chest with his mammoth hands.

“Really?” Nate said, his face brightening.

“Shit yeah!” Hoss said, slapping the Freshman on the back. “I think we’re going to have a LOT of fun this year.” Nate’s heart shot off like a rocket. “Cody’s already in,” he said, “he’s waiting for us. Let’s go meet him.” Nate wasn’t at all surprised by this news, but was overjoyed that he and his roommate would be pledging together. As he stood dreaming of the possibilities, Nate watched Hoss walk over to the workbench and started rifling through some junk.

“Fantastic! Where is he?” Nate asked.

“Inside the house,” Hoss answered over his shoulder. “We’re going there right now. But there are rules we have to follow.” Hoss held up a pair of handcuffs. “I heard about your little adventure in the Council Room. I figure you’d like these.”

Nate backed up a little. “Huh?” he said, “what are those for? What do you mean by ‘rules?’”

But Hoss didn’t answer, with a hearty laugh he grabbed for Nate and easily wrestled the small Freshman to the garage floor. Nate tried to fight back, but he was nowhere in Hoss’ league. Pressed between the big man’s massive thighs and chest, Nate could do nothing to avoid his fate. He squirmed impotently as Hoss cinched the cuffs closed around his wrists, securing them behind his back. Then, with an almost fatherly gentleness, Hoss lifted Nate to his feet.

“You’re gonna have to wait for the others,” Hoss said, leaving Nate and returning to the box. “And you might not be too comfortable for a little while, but that’s just how it goes.” Nate’s eyes widened as Hoss grabbed several sets of bicycle chains. He wanted to bolt, but curiosity got the better of him and he stayed still and compliant as Hoss began to restrain his body. His ankles, knees, and chest were wrapped in the stainless steel links and locked in tight with small padlocks. Nate felt like a barbarian slave on a Roman auction block. His mind swam with elaborate fantasies. He would get Hoss in this position one day. And he would own him. He would see the big man chained at his feet. Hoss knew it, too. There was an unspoken understanding between them, but Nate realized that now was not the time for that. Such things can’t be rushed.

“For now I will be his prisoner, “ Nate thought. “And soon he will be mine.”

“How’s it feel?” Hoss asked after he finished securing the locks and stuffing the keys in his jeans pocket.

“Amazing!” Nate said, writhing with happiness. He felt the bite of the metal on his wrists and chest and savored the sensation. But his pleasure was short-lived as Hoss took advantage of Nate’s open mouth and stuffed a rubber handball deep inside. Nate grunted and mppgghhed as his jaws were forced apart and held firm. Hoss produced a roll of duct tape from the table and sealed the ball inside Nate’s mouth, cutting off any chance of coherent speech. While Nate mumbled through his gag, he watched Hoss return to the shelves and grab one more item: a thick canvas sack. Like the kind mail would be stored in for delivery. It looked strong and rather heavy. The open end had a thick rope threaded through rivets the rim with a locking clasp at the end. More rivets were arranged in a vertical row on either side of the bag, making openings the size of bottlecaps. They almost looked like air holes. Wait! Air holes???

Nate began to buck and flail as Hoss approached him, opening the sack to full size. But he was bound too well to slip free. He couldn’t even run. The chains surrounding his ankles would only allow him to make short hops. He’d never be able to evade Hoss. Nate shouted in protest through the rubber ball filling his mouth as Hoss held the sack’s opening above his head and brought it slowly down. The bag was six-and-a-half feet long, more than large enough to completely envelop Nate from head to toe with room to spare. He wriggled and struggled as he was engulfed by the heavy canvas and was soon plunged into darkness. Only faint light from the row of holes on the bag’s sides pierced the darkness of his prison.

Nate felt Hoss gently lower him to the ground on his side with care. He screamed futilely through his gag as the last light, spilling in from the bag’s opening below his feet, was snuffed out. Hoss gathered the sack closed, tightened the rope, and locked the clasp, trapping Nate inside. The last thing Nate heard before Hoss scooped his wriggling canvas prison off the floor and carried him inside the house was “You are the second. Your three brothers will soon join you and the ritual can begin. Welcome to the 2021 pledge class of Tau Upsilon Gamma.”

Coming Soon: Bid Night Part 5 – Beauty and the Beast
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Post by Volobond »

Nothing gets me excited faster than a burly submissive man! Haha, I look forward to Nate collaring and claiming his big gladiator-slave. Also, Nate is adorable (Achievement Unlocked?! Adorbs!). Also, also, should I stop using Yiddish phrases? :shock:

Also just yum yum to all these sexy cowboys getting captured and/or giving the promise of enslavement. :D I'm a very happy camper, [mention]wataru14[/mention]!

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Well, that dynamic was a surprise! I guess you can't judge a book by its cover!

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Post by socjuc »

Wow very interesting first says take it slow and then goes for it...his spontaneity is going to get him in some serious shit :lol: I can't wait!

Very quick chapter with a lot of developments and angles that could be explored. Great continuation!
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Post by GoBucks »

You hinted at Hoss' submissiveness in one of the earlier chapters, but man am I surprised to see Nate taking control of him. I figured maybe Cody could bring out that side of him, but I definitely didn't see that in Nate, especially this early. Little man has quite the confidence! Nate keeps surprising all of us. Really interested to see how the other pairings make out. I'm sure the dynamics of others will surprise us as well.
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Post by gag1195 »

This is a dynamic was I was not expecting, but I love it! Nate is really coming into his own here at the frat, and he isn't even an official brother yet!
wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago “For now I will be his prisoner, “ Nate thought. “And soon he will be mine.”
Man, that really got me going! while I can't wait to see the other pairings get their time to shine, I really can't wait for Nate to get Hoss under his control! Fantastic work!
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Post by george_bound »

Frick, you are absolutely right, that was thoroughly enlightening and very true to the chapter title. As many have stated the submissiveness of the Alpha Hoss was hot as hell but I'll add that nothing gets me going more then the use of chains to bind a man - the heft, the clanking, the click of the padlocks, the cool steel against the skin - soooo amazing!

And of course this line did it for me:
His mind swam with elaborate fantasies. He would get Hoss in this position one day. And he would own him. He would see the big man chained at his feet.
From my own personal experience Hoss is dead right that those chains are gonna be a bit uncomfortable for Nate if he's like that for a while but I have a strong feeling they'll not only keep him secure but rock-hard aroused as well! BTW, someone better check on how the young buck Cody's doing in his tight hogtie, I'll volunteer 8-)
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Definitely loved seeing this dominant side of Nate!! I can't wait for him to have Hoss all to himself :) :)
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Post by george_bound »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago “You are the second. Your three brothers will soon join you and the ritual can begin. Welcome to the 2021 pledge class of Tau Upsilon Gamma."
Hmmmm... on second reading I'm not sure how to take this..." your three brothers will join you" seems to insinuate that there will only be 4 pledges? Who doesn't make it? Why?

...Or is he not including Cody as "joining him" because he's already captured so technically Nate will be joining Cody?

Ugh [mention]wataru14[/mention], you've got me analyzing everything you write now, haha :shock:
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Post by wataru14 »

george_bound wrote: 2 years ago ...Or is he not including Cody as "joining him" because he's already captured so technically Nate will be joining Cody?
That is correct. The next one will be the third and his "two brothers" will join him.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I'm not sure where to begin with that chapter, it was absolutely brilliant. Amazing chemistry between the pair and the sexual tension hanging in the air - it's intoxicating. I love that there are far more depths to these characters than first meets the eye.

I'm definitely more electrical than mechanical but using car maintenance to bring these two together was inspired. The combination of dexterity and brawn, an excuse to get topless and dirty and close together. I bet Nate is glad he didn't wear a suit! Love the symbolism of the rupturing oil line but I imagine that has set the repair work back a bit!

It's even more impressive given that these pairings were 'randomly' assigned by user votes. The first two pairings are great - can't wait to see the other three unfold.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

I'm deeply interested in [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]'s opinion of this shocking twist to do with Nate and Hoss' relationship dynamic, especially considering the fact that his pairing was based on the idea of Hoss taking control in the relationship and being the 'Alpha'. I bet [mention]wataru14[/mention] really pulled the rug out from under you, eh bud? 8-)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Cody caged... :D

Nate sacked... ;)

And for the others?

Leo boxed? :o

Mason mummified? 8-)

And Ray netted? :evil:
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] What a brilliant continuation you've blessed us with!
Man, I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying this and your characterisation of this rather eclectic cast.

I'm thrilled to see that Hoss has taken a liking to our posh little mama's boy! And I'm equally thrilled at the fact that Nate feels the attraction for Hoss as well. Those two are gonna have lots of fun together, I would think.

On another note, I had a good laugh when Hoss stated that he had "no use for pussies."
More precisely, I laughed at Nate's acknowledgement that Leo would've said something unwise but funny in response to that :lol:

All in all, this was a wonderful chapter.
You have us on the edge of our seats, mate.
Glad to see that week-long vacation didn't dull you at all.

As for the next chapter, I have a feeling (from the title) that it's going to be featuring Shane and Ray.
Either way, can't wait to find out 8-)

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Post by wataru14 »

Volobond wrote: 2 years ago Nothing gets me excited faster than a burly submissive man!
It's an interesting contrast, isn't it? I wanted to shake things up a little and subvert expectations. It seems it was a good move. 8-)

It's a science fact that contents under pressure explode. Nate has been under so much pressure from everyone that he needs a release for it. Hopefully Hoss will be that for him.
Volobond wrote: 2 years ago Also, also, should I stop using Yiddish phrases?
Nate was just unsure of Hoss' intent. Once he was sure everything was on the level, it's all good.
OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago Well, that dynamic was a surprise! I guess you can't judge a book by its cover!
That's something Nate has been learning, too.
socjuc wrote: 2 years ago Wow very interesting first says take it slow and then goes for it...his spontaneity is going to get him in some serious shit :lol: I can't wait!
He is testing the waters. Pushing the boundaries. My original draft had them going MUCH further, but I figure that's best left to build up to.
GoBucks wrote: 2 years ago You hinted at Hoss' submissiveness in one of the earlier chapters, but man am I surprised to see Nate taking control of him. I figured maybe Cody could bring out that side of him, but I definitely didn't see that in Nate, especially this early. Little man has quite the confidence! Nate keeps surprising all of us. Really interested to see how the other pairings make out. I'm sure the dynamics of others will surprise us as well.
And that's a big thing. Hoss was just as surprised. But it was also just the two of them in private. How will he react when his boys are around?
gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago This is a dynamic was I was not expecting, but I love it! Nate is really coming into his own here at the frat, and he isn't even an official brother yet!
There's a reason he was the advisor's first pick. He wasn't lying about Nate having "hidden potential."
george_bound wrote: 2 years ago I'll add that nothing gets me going more then the use of chains to bind a man - the heft, the clanking, the click of the padlocks, the cool steel against the skin - soooo amazing!
When you've got a specimen as big as Hoss, you have to bring out the big guns. Chains are what are mostly used on him. He can pop zipties with ease, after all. Since that's what he knows, that's what he used. The heavy-duty restraints are wasted on someone with Nate's build, but he is always learning. Getting some hands-on experience will give him some ideas for the future!
gaggedfeety wrote: 2 years ago Definitely loved seeing this dominant side of Nate!! I can't wait for him to have Hoss all to himself :) :)
After the ritual, I think Hoss will be spending a lot of time in Nate's studio. There's quite a market for erotic art.
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago I'm not sure where to begin with that chapter, it was absolutely brilliant. Amazing chemistry between the pair and the sexual tension hanging in the air - it's intoxicating. I love that there are far more depths to these characters than first meets the eye.

I'm definitely more electrical than mechanical but using car maintenance to bring these two together was inspired. The combination of dexterity and brawn, an excuse to get topless and dirty and close together. I bet Nate is glad he didn't wear a suit! Love the symbolism of the rupturing oil line but I imagine that has set the repair work back a bit!

It's even more impressive given that these pairings were 'randomly' assigned by user votes. The first two pairings are great - can't wait to see the other three unfold.
Thanks! I'm trying to bring everyone more characterization than just their archetypes. I feel that character is what draws people to these stories and I really want to explore who they are as people. And yes, all the pairings were done by reader votes. I had to break one tie, but otherwise the readers assigned the pairings. A few lined up with my original ideas, but more didn't. This one, for example, wasn't one I expected. But that makes it all the more fun!
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago Cody caged... :D

Nate sacked... ;)

And for the others?

Leo boxed? :o

Mason mummified? 8-)

And Ray netted? :evil:
Someone will definitely be mummified. But who will it be? ;)
bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago On another note, I had a good laugh when Hoss stated that he had "no use for pussies."
More precisely, I laughed at Nate's acknowledgement that Leo would've said something unwise but funny in response to that :lol:
Leo's mouth is going to get him into trouble with his partner, no doubt about that. If only there was some kind of appliance that can be used to prevent speech? Hmmmm.
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Post by george_bound »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago
george_bound wrote: 2 years ago I'll add that nothing gets me going more then the use of chains to bind a man - the heft, the clanking, the click of the padlocks, the cool steel against the skin - soooo amazing!
When you've got a specimen as big as Hoss, you have to bring out the big guns. Chains are what are mostly used on him. He can pop zipties with ease, after all. Since that's what he knows, that's what he used. The heavy-duty restraints are wasted on someone with Nate's build, but he is always learning. Getting some hands-on experience will give him some ideas for the future!
Sorry my friend but I'm about the same build as Nate, maybe less, and I would never say chains are wasted on me, I love them ;)
...And tenacity counts for something :lol:
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Post by george_bound »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago Leo boxed? :o
Leo's mouth is going to get him into trouble with his partner, no doubt about that. If only there was some kind of appliance that can be used to prevent speech? Hmmmm.
Did someone say Leo boxed? Maybe soundproof this box, padlock it, and suspend it from the ceiling...welp, no more high-jinx from witty Leo :twisted:
Notice Leo's been stripped of his prized leather jacket...I wonder who might have it? 8-)

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Post by wataru14 »

I'm noticing Nate took a big leap ahead in the poll after this chapter. He went from fourth to second!
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Post by bondagefreak »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago I'm noticing Nate took a big leap ahead in the poll after this chapter. He went from fourth to second!
I too noticed the recent migration of votes between Nate and Leo.
Nate seems to have benefited from a honeymoon-type boost, but something tells me future chapters may have a similar effect on the other pledges and their respective polling numbers. Only time will tell. My vote is still solidly entrenched with Ray. Leo coming in a close second.

On another note, the poll is a good indicator of the number of registered users following this.
Some of them are bound to miss it, so I think it would be a good idea to include a brief reminder to vote on the poll (similar to my "Author's Notes" on B&G) atop every couple chapters.

Either way, the polling numbers are going up, meaning that more and more readers are catching up to this fine epic.
Let's hope the comments keep reflecting the increasing audience size. Look alive, guys! ;)

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Post by wataru14 »

Bid Night: Part 5 – Beauty and the Beast

Ray always knew his overconfidence would get him into trouble. Someday he would learn not be so easily baited. Any perceived slight to his ego and that was it: he’d accept any challenge without thinking. Someday he’d learn to keep his temper in check and think things through. Unfortunately for him, today was not that day.

An hour ago, Ray and Leo chuckled watching Trey’s degradation from the rear of the crowd. They found it hilarious, but in their current state they were finding most things quite funny. Feeling calm and mellow, the blonde wrestler let his attention wander and stared through bloodshot eyes as the crowd began to grow bored with their new toy. Trey was currently being lowered into a mercifully placed chair against the basketball hoop pole and one of the other Actives was beering him. He seemed to be comfortable with his situation and was rolling with the punches. Ray wondered how common an occurrence this sort of thing was. He didn’t see Mason anywhere, though, and that got him worried.

“Hey,” he asked Leo. “You see Mason around? I don’t like not knowing where he is.”

Leo put his hands in his pockets. “Look, man,” he said. “I know you’re his protector, or guardian, or nanny, or whatever. But you gotta back off a little. Let him fly on his own. Even if he falls out of the nest, he needs a few bumps to grow on.”

“He’s had enough bumps,” Ray said. “What he needs is…” He paused. “No. You’re right. I can’t be there all the time. He’ll be OK.” Ray hated admitting someone else had a point and that his view was wrong, but in this case, he really had to. Mason had to learn to be independent. He just hoped that his buddy was prepared for the inevitable rejection that was coming. Ray wasn’t at all surprised when he got his prospect letter, but was shocked to also see one for Mason, as well. If anyone WASN’T the frat type, it was him. Ray assumed it was just a courtesy letter, a pre-emptive gesture so Ray wouldn’t refuse unless his friend also got one. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that had happened.

Through conversation with the Brothers, Ray found out that each prospect was in direct competition for a bid spot with another guy and he wasn’t confident that Mason would be able to beat out his rival. Of course he, himself, was a sure thing. No doubt about that. But would Ray accept his inevitable bid without Mason? Did he have enough standing to insist on a package deal? He wasn’t sure. He had his misgivings about that Nate character, as well, but maybe that wasn’t so bad since he and Mason were getting on well. At least they’d have each other when they both didn’t get bids. Maybe they’d move in together when Cody and Ray moved into the TUG house. And it’s not like he and Mason couldn’t still hang out afterwards, right?

Out of the corner of his eye, Leo saw a light turn on in one of the upstairs bedrooms of the house and one of the three girls that had been playing with Mason lean over to the window and shut the blinds hungrily. “Attaboy!” he thought. He pondered pointing this out to Ray, but he thought the eventual Big Reveal would be a lot more fun if Ray was genuinely surprised. But he had more pressing matters to attend to right now. With the fight situation now fully defused, Leo had to get back to his real mission. Based on what he saw with Nate and Trey, what he was doing was dangerous, but it had the potential for a BIG payoff. So he bid Ray farewell and slinked back off into the crowd.

Wandering over to the grill, Ray grabbed a burger and sat down at the fire pit. The DJ booth had been shut off shortly after Scott disappeared and an Active named Luis was sitting playing an acoustic guitar and singing. It was mellow and calming. Just what Ray needed. He sat for a moment, eating and zoning out a bit. After a few song, Shane floated over and sat down next to him.

“I want to thank you for our basketball game,” Shane said. “You’ve got some real fire in you. Most of the other guys don’t play so hard. Only Danny, really. It was fun.”

“B-Ball isn’t really my game,” Ray said. “Not enough contact. I wrestle usually.”

“The way you play there was plenty of contact,” Shane said with an alluring smirk. “Very aggressive. But your file did say you like more intimate sports. You were boxing when your letter was delivered, no?”

Ray was a little thrown by this statement and didn’t respond. He was still a bit uneasy about the letter’s mysterious arrival. If the person who delivered it knew he was boxing, what else did they know about what he was doing at the time? The fact that Shane said what he said meant he knew a lot more than he was letting on. Ray’s poker face needed work, and Shane got all the information he needed from Ray’s startled expression.

“And also, congratulations,” Shane joked, maneuvering the conversation in a different direction. “You almost set a new record for Earliest Fight.”

Ray relaxed. “Well, he was messing with my friend… or at least I thought he was. I get kinda crazed when people screw with him.”

“That’s certainly admirable,” Shane said. “I’m on the lookout for signs of strong Brotherhood from my Prospects. What you did both is and isn’t at the same time. An interesting contradiction, don’t you think? Cementing a strong, established bond by sacrificing a potential new one. That tells me a lot.”

Ray scrunched his brow. Was that good or bad? He felt that Shane was leading somewhere with this conversation, but couldn’t figure out just where. He didn’t like being off-balance, so he decided to change the subject himself. “What’s going on with that poor bastard?” Ray said, indicating Trey. “He fuck someone’s girlfriend or something?”

“Oh that?” Shane said, pleased with the fact that Ray’s line of thinking was so easily manipulated. He had hoped to bring up Trey’s situation but Ray had done it for him. “It’s a little game we play each Bid Party. Out of the 10 prospects, one of them is a plant. Looking for secret information on TUG to pass on to one of the rival fraternities. He’s chosen by the advisor to add a bit of excitement to the process. Only the advisor knows which one it is. Even Brett doesn’t know. If the spy makes it through the whole night unnoticed and gets a bid, then he gets a sizeable cash prize and the entire fraternity gets punished. If any Brother correctly identifies him, then HE gets the prize and the spy gets punished. You see what happens when you guess wrong.”

“So who thinks it’s me?” Ray said smugly.

“A few,” Shane said with an unreadable smile. “But I won’t say who. I know it’s not you. I know exactly who the spy is, of course, but I don’t play this game. I’m very good at reading people and I found out the spy Sophomore year in 30 minutes. It’s not fair to the others if I play. I will say that only one person is on the right track. This year’s spy is very good.”

Ray chafed a little. Normally he wasn’t used to dealing with people so confident and sure of themselves. Someone who could be the center of attention even with him nearby. He was usually the focal point of any social gathering, but Shane had an air about him that made people notice him first. Even as they spoke, people walked by and greeted Shane, completely ignoring him. Ray didn’t seem to be able to compete with Shane on an even playing field at the moment. That unnerved him a little. As did the fact that Shane didn’t seem cowered by him physically. “So what happens if he gets caught?” Ray asked. “More of what Trey got?”

“Sort of, but not exactly,” Shane laughed. “He’s given a chance to avoid his fate. A slim, fleeting chance, but a chance all the same. We restrain him incredibly severely and give him 10 minutes to escape. If he can do it, he’s let go with no hard feelings. If not… well, let’s just say he learns to regret trying to steal secrets from us. But it doesn’t matter. No one has ever been able to do it.”

Ray got a funny feeling from hearing this. The way Shane was describing this scenario, it sounded almost like a challenge. And he was never one to step back from a challenge.

“Doesn’t sound so hard,” Ray scoffed.

“You think so?” Shane said, amazed at how easily he was reeling Ray in. Normally he had to work at people a little harder to steer them, but Ray was like flying autopilot. “Like I said, in all the years we’ve had this game no one has ever done it.” Shane patted Ray on the shoulder in a rather condescending way.

“Hmmm,” Ray thought. “Something no one has ever done…” The wheels in his head started turning. He had lost major points for attacking Cody, that was clear. The cowboy seemed to be the belle of the ball and even though Shane had said it was understood that Ray was only protecting his friend from a perceived slight, Ray knew that punching their darling was costing him. He needed to impress them. And now he realized how.

“I bet I could,” Ray said. “Easy.”

A smile flashed across Shane’s face, almost imperceptibly. “I doubt it,” he goaded. “We’ve been doing this for a long time and guys bigger and stronger than you have failed.”

There was no way Ray was going to let THAT insult slide. “Oh yeah?” he said, summoning up all of his bravado. Nothing else mattered now. His manhood had been challenged and he had to answer that back. “Well I think I can. I’ll prove it. Do me up and I’ll be out in half the time.”

“Want to make a bet of it?” Shane said.

“Fuckin A, I do!” Ray laughed. “I win and both me and Mason get official bids. No questions asked. If I lose…”

“Then you’re both out,” Shane said. “You say your goodbyes and go home.”

This gave Ray pause. While he was confident in his abilities, he wasn’t so sure about gambling Mason’s future along with his own. Could he do that? He wasn’t sure Mason was going to get a bid anyway, especially with him going AWOL like he did. He needs this, Ray thought. It’s his only chance. But what if Mason somehow WAS going to get a bid? In the million-to-one chance he failed, Ray could be potentially ruining everything. Whatever. He wasn’t going to lose. He never lost.

Shane let Ray ponder for a moment. “Of course if you’re scared,” he cooed, “We can just forget the whole thing and move on with the party. Although my other prospect didn’t sucker punch one of his potential Brothers. Hmmm, I wonder how he’s doing? I should go check on him.”

Ray grabbed Shane by the shoulder as he stood up. “No!” he blurted out. “We’re gonna do this!”

“OK,” Shane said. “If you’re that confident, we’ll do it. But not out here. The spy is around and I don’t want him seeing what’s in store for him. We’ll go to the study room.” Shane got up and signaled to Danny and Brett, who immediately excused themselves from the Prospects they were chatting with and fell into step behind Ray. The four walked without a word into the study room. If Ray was thinking clearly, he would have wondered why Brett and Danny seemed to know exactly what Shane wanted without anything being said. He would think the whole thing seemed planned somehow. But between his recent foray with Leo and his tunnel vision about overcoming Shane’s challenge, he didn’t think anything amiss.

The study room was on the first floor of the house, right near the rec room. Shelves full with textbooks lined the perimeter of the room and blown-up framed pictures of past Greek Week athletic competitions and social events hung on the walls. Brett and Danny got down to moving the study tables out of the way while Shane opened up the display case and started fishing for supplies.

Ray wasn’t worried, even after seeing the array of restraints contained in the case. His favorite YouTube channel, “Mike and Drew’s Brute Squad Stunt Show,” had done a series of videos on escape challenges a few months back and Ray had watched them all diligently. The “Dudebro Duo,” as they called themselves, had demonstrated how to break free of zipties, rope, tape, you name it. And he was a similar build to the two of them. The tricks were specially geared towards larger frames. They made it look easy. And if they could do it, Ray could, too. He could do anything.

Ray’s face brightened when he saw Shane take out a package of zipties. These were the regular Wal-Mart version, not the heavy-duty Riot cuffs. Ray thought. No sweat. Ray took off his shirt and flexed as Shane opened the package. He smugly held his hands behind his back while Shane rolled his eyes and got to work fastening. Three ties were used to secure his hands together behind his back. Three would be harder to pop than one, but it still wouldn’t be a problem. They weren’t done tremendously tightly, either. Turning on the bravado, Ray asked for them to be tightened.

“Oh, you want a REAL challenge!” Shane said. “OK, you want tight? We’ll do tight.” Shane ratcheted the cable ties to the breaking point. Ray felt a sharp pain in his wrists and winced as the locking mechanisms clicked, but there was a method to his madness. The tighter the bond, the easier it was to break. The tension in the plastic could be used to shatter it more easily. He learned that from the videos. Ray stood stoically as Shane secured his ankles and knees with more zipties. When Shane was done, Ray stood in the center of the room, balancing as best he could with his feet bound together. As a finishing touch, ties were looped around each of his biceps and connected together behind his broad shoulders, pulling his arms uncomfortably close together and making his chest bulge out.

“Argh!” Ray grunted. “That’s pretty tight!” He wanted to play up being helpless so his eventual escape would seem more impressive. This would be easy. Ray started flexing, preparing to pop the ties by expanding his muscles, but Shane stopped him.

“Whoa, boy, settle down,” he said. “That’s just the first layer.” Ray looked at him quizzically.

Brett and Danny advanced on him, each holding rope in their hands. But this wasn’t jumprope like Ray had used on Mason. Or even regular clothesline. It was thin and coarse. Almost like packing twine. From the escape videos, Ray knew that thin rope held knots better, and was much harder to slip out of, than thick rope. His confidence began to melt away slightly as the cords were used to reinforce the bonds around his wrists. He felt the rope pulled painfully tightly over the zipties and looped around. The cords pressed so tight against his skin that visible indentations would be left when he was able to free himself.

But the two Seniors didn’t stop there. Danny started from his ankles and roped him securely up his legs, while Brett started at his bare shoulders and traveled down. The cords chafed against Ray’s bare skin as they were pulled tighter and tighter, cutting into his exposed flesh. Ray’s confidence ebbed more and more as each segment was knotted off and a new one started. But he couldn’t show his growing fear. He couldn’t let the façade crack. Showing weakness wasn’t in him.

“Not so cocky now, are we?” Shane said, ruffling Ray’s hair as Brett and Danny finished off their roping. In addition to his wrists and ankles, Ray had agonizingly tight bands of cord around his calves, thighs, biceps, and waist. The latter one pinned his already bound wrists flush into the small of his back. “Where’s that alpha bravado? Could it be that you realize you’ve screwed up royally on this one?”

“This isn’t so bad,” Ray shot back. Despite his predicament, he was actually selling it well. But he was beginning to think that he was in over his head here. But he couldn’t let that throw him. He needed to do this. For Mason.

“Oh yeah?” Shane quipped. “Well we’re not done yet. There’s one more layer to go.”

The three seniors moved together towards the display case, but it was behind Ray, so he couldn’t look over his shoulder to see what they were doing without risking losing his balance. With his arms pinned as they were, he wouldn’t be able to break his fall of he tipped over, so he stayed still. “Bring it on!” Ray boasted. “This is nothing!”

Shane chuckled as he walked back around to Ray’s front. In his hand was a roll of black tape. Brett and Danny each also had a roll. “Tape?” Ray thought. “That was it? Breaking tape was the first video he watched. It began the series because it was so easy. Mike and Drew could pop it with ease. It would be no sweat for him.

“What’s that for?” he taunted. “We gonna fix some plumbing after this?”

“Not quite,” Shane said. “But it’s definitely going to be a hands-on experience.”

Coming Soon: Bid Night part 6 – Walk Like an Egyptian
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Post by Volobond »

Hahaha, Shane lucked out here! Even Cody had an inkling of suspicion! "Autopilot," indeed! And it's always nice to see a jock's confidence melt away.

Thrilled to see what's next, but also trying to consider if one of our erstwhile pledges is the spy... common sense would suggest Leo, but maybe someone else is even sneakier...

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago
Bid Night: Part 5 – Beauty and the Beast

“Want to make a bet of it?” Shane said.

“Fuckin A, I do!” Ray laughed. “I win and both me and Mason get official bids. No questions asked. If I lose…”

“Then you’re both out,” Shane said. “You say your goodbyes and go home.”

This gave Ray pause. While he was confident in his abilities, he wasn’t so sure about gambling Mason’s future along with his own. Could he do that? He wasn’t sure Mason was going to get a bid anyway, especially with him going AWOL like he did. He needs this, Ray thought. It’s his only chance. But what if Mason somehow WAS going to get a bid? In the million-to-one chance he failed, Ray could be potentially ruining everything. Whatever. He wasn’t going to lose. He never lost.

Shane let Ray ponder for a moment. “Of course if you’re scared,” he cooed, “We can just forget the whole thing and move on with the party. Although my other prospect didn’t sucker punch one of his potential Brothers. Hmmm, I wonder how he’s doing? I should go check on him.”

Ray grabbed Shane by the shoulder as he stood up. “No!” he blurted out. “We’re gonna do this!”

God, I love Ray, just as much as I love Cody. Both men have the backs of their buds!

But I cannot wait to see Ray mummified and next to the caged Cody! :twisted:
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Post by Jason07 »

Well damn I'm both happy and sad that I somhow managed to miss two chapters but I'm quite thrilled by the contents! I never would have pegged Nate for a Dominator by any means but I'm thrilled to be surprised! As for our poor wrestler, I think it's safe to say he's in waaaaaaay over his head.

Now, for Leo and Mason, I am hopeful that they get everything they ask for. I'm looking forward to seeing the results!
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Post by gag1195 »

I love Shane and his calm manipulations! Ray really is in over his head. Here's hoping Shane doesn't hold him to his agreement and let's mason remain! :lol:
Can't wait to see Leo get his turn! Oh, also really loved the callback to the brute squad! Love experiencing this shared universe you've created!
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