Jack : 02 - Vacation: Heading to the mall (mm/f, f/mm)

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Jack : 02 - Vacation: Heading to the mall (mm/f, f/mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jack's stories
02 - Vacation: Heading to the mall
Story index at the bottom

By Jack

Hope you enjoyed the previous TUG story. Huge thanks to Jen for letting me post on her website and to my sister for not only being a great sport about letting me share the story, but also helping me outline all the events. These events continue throughout the course of the week revolving around our vacation to the beach. This little tie up experience was Ashley’s idea as you’ve read in the previous story, ended up being yet another mind battle between siblings (and friend!).

We were all ready to head out and were standing outside waiting for our mother to come out of the house and lock the door. She was apparently looking for her purse which she misplaced. It was very hot outside and we were already sweating from our game, so my dad went to the car and told us to come over so he can turn on the air conditioning. So James, Ashley and me went to the driveway where our van was opened the passenger door. Dad flipped on the air conditioning and saw my mom finally coming out of the house. Dad told us “I got to lock the door, be right back” then turned to me and asked “Could you get Ashley situated?” I shrugged and nodded, and stepped into and sat on the far end of the first row of seats in the van with Ashley and James following.

Ashley was small for her age, and our parents kept us in our car seats for as long as we could still safely fit in them. I had just outgrown my car seat about a year ago and was now sitting in a booster seat, whereas Ashley still had a lot of room to grow in hers. Her seat was bigger than my old one and had a really big weight and height capacity. She ended up staying in that seat until she was almost 13 because of her small stature and because of how big the seat was. James was the biggest of all of us, not to mention a year older than me, and was sitting normally in his seat on the other side of Ashley, closest to the door. Once Ashley plopped into her seat she folded her legs Indian style and raised her arms up so I could help buckle her in. I rarely do this for her because my parents were always in the car, but clearly they were in a hurry and left it to me. Her seat was a bit different than my old one because it had a more childproof buckle in the middle, but I managed. I pulled the shoulder straps over her head and laid them on her chest, then brought the strap between her legs up and plugged the shoulder straps into them.

When I reached for the lap belt she suddenly lowered her arms down to her sides. “I think we should finish our game here in the car” she said. I suddenly realized that she meant she wanted to have her arms ‘tied up’ by the straps. “Mom’s not going to let us” I told her matter-of-factly. “I bet she will!” she excitedly replied with confidence. I couldn’t figure out what she was up to, but I figured I owed her since she had to put up with me learning how to work her bed harness. So I didn’t argue and pulled the lap belt over her arms and into the central buckle. Ashley let out a huff as I forgot to tighten the harness, allowing her an escape that was too easy, but I didn’t know what her pout meant at the time. I fastened my own seat belt and watched through the window as my father went back inside the house and grabbed a folded up stroller and a map that was sitting by the door. Just around then my mother got into the passenger driver seat and turned around to face us.

“It’s going to take more than a half hour before we get there, is everyone buckled in and ready?” she asked. She leaned into the backseat to check, and I turned back to face the window and put on an I-don’t-know-anything face when I saw her look at Ashley. I snickered a little, figuring that our mom would see Ashley’s arms underneath the straps and she’d get in trouble, but was surprised to watch as our mom tightened down all the straps of the harness without a thought, pinning Ashley’s arms against her sides underneath the lap belt and pressing her into the seat. Our mom then turned back around to check her purse and make sure that she had everything she noticed. I stared at Ashley with my jaw dropped, and she looked back at me with crossed eyes and stuck her tongue out. She apparently predicted that Mom was too busy at the moment to notice or care about such little details. I rolled my eyes at her and was prepared to turn back to the window when I thought of something. I replied to her goofy face with a devious smile.

Ashley didn’t like strollers, and even more so when we’re going out shopping at places like the mall because she liked to look at things. So although she didn’t know at the moment, I enjoyed seeing her mocking expression shift to a face of worry and curiosity when she saw my smile. As we started pulling out of the driveway I decided to lighten the mood and answer her curiosity. I pulled the pair of handcuffs and the handkerchief that I had brought with me from my pocket. The handcuffs were joke handcuffs that you could release yourself from, so I couldn’t figure out what Ashley was planning originally with just the handcuffs and a gag since she’d have no challenge in escaping. Ashley smiled at me, and I smiled back and said “I see what you were planning all along now” I admitted. I handed James the handkerchief, and Ashley smiled as I cuffed her ankles together with the handcuffs while Ashley opened her mouth so James could gag her with the handkerchief. I sat back in my seat just as our Dad got settled in the car and pulled us out of the driveway.

A few minutes Ashley was staring at James, then at me, then back at James again. We were snickering at each other because we both had the same idea, and I didn’t even have to tell James because we were best friends after all. Ashley let out a muffled “What?” behind her gag. We ignored her and started talking about the upcoming vacation trip. Ashley was getting frustrated that we seemingly forgot about our game and kept trying to interrupt our conversation. By the time our parents started using the map to try and get their bearings, Ashley was practically yelling at us. Our parents subsequently asked her to keep the noise down so they could concentrate on the road. “Yeah Ashley, keep it down” James sarcastically said to her, and winked at me. Ashley turned back at me with an angry look on her face. I whispered to her “I told you Mom won’t let us play in the car, they brought a map to get directions to the mall since we barely ever go there”. A look of surprise appeared on my sister’s face which probably looked a lot like my own when she fooled me earlier. She tried to bring her legs out from their Indian style position, probably because she wanted to kick me, but realized she couldn’t because of the way they were cuffed together. She let out an angry “Grr” when she realized she was stuck, and instead began working on slipping her arms out from under the harness.

James and I resumed our conversation, and eventually my parents overheard it and brought up the offer of letting James come along with us to the beach. James said he’d love to, but would have to get his parents’ permission. Since we were leaving early in the morning the following day, my Dad pointed out that we couldn’t pick up James even if he did get permission. I suggested that we stop at his house on the way on the way to the mall and if his parents say he can go, he can pack up and sleep over at our house. My parents point out that his house was on the way to the mall anyway, and agreed on my plan. James, myself, and even Ashley despite her predicament were excited for the possibility of having James come along.

About 15 minutes later we pulled up into James’ driveway just as Ashley had finally slipped her arms out from the lap belt and removed the handcuffs from her ankles. “We’ll be running a little late so go help James pack, we still have a lot of things to do before the mall closes at 6” our Dad said. Ashley started working on untying the gag while James and I rushed out along with my Mom. Before I shut the van door to keep the air conditioning from leaking out, Ashley asked “Can I help too?” eagerly, with her hand resting on the buckle of her harness. I could tell she just wanted to take the time to get back at me and James, but my Dad told her “You should’ve said something earlier, just wait here”. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at what my Dad just said, even though he didn’t know she had actually been tied up. I watched as she made the familiar motion of crossing her arms and letting out a huff as I closed the van door.

James got permission from his parents rather quickly, and I started helping him pack up things he told me to get in his room. After all the basic necessities were done and I grabbed a few toys and a game and threw them into his duffel bag, James pulled out a small suitcase from under his bed and opened it. In it were various items he had collected over the year from his father. His Dad worked a second job for fun as a performing magician. My sister and I originally met James while we were watching his father do a local magic show, and since then we became best friends and would always get our own private performances while we were at James’s house. James pulled a pair of handcuffs out of the suitcase and put them in his pocket, then slid the suitcase back under his bed. He told me had everything he needed in the duffel bag I helped pack in and that we were ready to go. I asked if he could bring the suitcase along too in case if we get bored. James thought about it for a moment, then started getting the same idea as me, and grabbed the suitcase along with the duffel bag. We went downstairs and were about to head out to the car when James’s father asked James if could put on something nicer for the restaurant. I went outside while James went back into his room. I got back into the car to find Ashley silent and in the same position she was in before. James came out of his house in more formal attire, with his hair slicked back from its usually messy state, and hopped into the car along with my mother and we were off again.

Ashley was oddly silent during the ride, but James and I didn’t notice because we were excited that he was coming along and were busy talking about the things we could do. Little did we know that she was plotting her revenge. About 10 minutes later when we were on the highway, our conversation got cut short when my Dad pointed out a plane that was taking off in the airport to the right of us. I grabbed onto the side of Ashley’s seat and leaned over to get a better view while James turned and watched through the window. We were so distracted that by the time we noticed Ashley doing something, it was too late. I watched her grab James’s wrists and pull them behind his back and slap the handcuffs on him blazingly fast before he could react. I laughed and tried pointing at him, but suddenly realized I moved both hands, because she had discreetly placed a second pair of handcuffs on my wrists while I was leaning over. “Oh you’re good” I remarked sarcastically. I figured that I could just release myself from the joke handcuffs, but upon closer inspection I discovered that they were not the ones I had brought with me, but were the ones James had brought with him. They were tighter and held my wrists closely to each other, almost like rope. Ashley had apparently managed to pickpocket James, and when I looked up I was even more shocked to see Ashley holding the key to the handcuffs I was in. I looked past her to see that James had the joke handcuffs on his wrists, but could not release himself because they were behind his back. He couldn’t even bring his hands under his body and up to his front because his seatbelt was locked in place as our parents set them to. “She’s really good” he replied to my remark, staring with his own expression of complete surprise at my sister, who was smiling and humming joyfully to herself.

We spent the rest of the car trip handcuffed, and even though it was a short experience, this was both me and my sister’s favorite thing that happened during the vacation. We love looking back on the tricks we pulled on each other and just how clever and elaborate we could be throughout the years. The rest of the story continues on to during the mall, at the restaurant afterward, and the eventual beach vacation. If you enjoyed the stories thus far and there’s enough interest, I’d be more than willing to get started on the rest of the story soon. Email me at jackmatador64@hotmail.com and let me know what you think!


Note from Canuck : unfortunately I could not find the rest of the story
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