Gagable Anna (f/f)

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Gagable Anna (f/f)

Post by Brez510 »


Anna is part of a friendship circle along with Patti and Kerry.

The three women, all in their 20’s are united by their mutual love of tie up games.

To learn their stories, and in particular how Anna was tied up for the first time, go to the current library at:

Anna lives in South Florida. She’s from Germany but works in the US teaching physical education at a private high school.

Anna is almost 5’10” and was a track and field standout while in school in Germany.

I guess you can say she’s ultra fit. No fat. Lean solid muscles. Beautiful athletic legs. Anna has short white blond hair and light blue eyes.

Recently Anna went on a work-related trip to Orlando.

She tells us what happened in her own words:

Guys, I’m going to tell you a story of something that occurred a few weeks ago.

I’m only telling you. I probably will never tell my best friend Patti what happened.

You see, and if you’re a regular reader, you know that my friends and I enjoy tie up games. We love the feeling of the ropes and gags against our bodies, the stories we create with each other to make ourselves into damsels in distress and the sexual arousal we get from being bound and gagged. Sometimes it leads to more than arousal depending on the male or female we are with.

The one rule we all have is to “play safely.”

Never get involved with people we hardly know or trust. Never get involved in kinky or dangerous things.

Unfortunately, I broke the rule. I’m ok, perfectly fine and all that. Patti though would lecture me to no end over what happened.

So, like I said, this will be between only you and me forever. Is that ok?

As many of you know I’m a Phys Ed teacher at a private high school in Broward County, Florida. I’m dedicated deeply to what I do. I always look to find ways to use new and innovative techniques. This leads me to frequently speaking at different seminars and conferences.

I was invited to a 3-day Florida statewide Phys Ed conference in Orlando to deliver a Tuesday morning session on New Trends in Physical Education for 2024.

There were hundreds of educators from all over Florida in attendance and my session had a large turnout. I was very pleased and delighted at all the positive comments I received when it ended.

I attended some other sessions that morning as a participant. After lunch, the program showed that we had free time until 2pm. I decided to take advantage by heading to the conference hotels’ large pool area.

Around the pool were numerous lounge chairs set up back-to-back. One row had chairs facing the pool while the row behind faced in the opposite direction.

I took a quick swim and returned to my chair to get some sun and take a quick nap.

I heard two women talking that were seated directly behind me. Due to the way the chairs were set, I couldn’t see them, and they couldn’t see me.

They were chatting about the morning sessions at the conference. Eventually they started discussing my New Trends in Physical Education presentation.

One of the women said to the other, “I found the presenter Anna to be very “gagable.”

Her friend said, “I couldn’t agree more.”

With that they got up to leave.

I peeked behind me as they walked away. I remember seeing them at my session. Both were probably in their 30s and since they were PE teachers, fit like me.

Nevertheless, I was very unhappy. How dare they say I was “gagable.” Did that mean I spoke too much during the session to the point of annoyance? Did it mean I didn’t understand my topic and just babbled on?

It seemed everyone else who came up after the session to speak to me was complimentary and said they learned a lot.

I can take criticism, but in this case felt insulted that these two women thought I perhaps didn’t understand my topic and droned on to much.

I attended a few afternoon sessions but could not get that “gagable” comment out of my mind.

Later on, the conference evening started off with a cocktail party before an awards dinner.

I headed down to the reception room. I was wearing a simple red miniskirt dress with black heels.

I mingled around the room for quite some time, with many people again saying how much they enjoyed the session.

I had a few drinks and decided to forget the “gagable” comment. I guess not everyone needs to love everything about someone’s presentation. I need to be less thin skinned.

I was talking to a guy I knew that teaches PE in Miami, when through the corner of my eye I saw the two women who made the “gagable” comments drinking cocktails at a high table.

Should I just let their remark roll off my back or should I confront them and ask what they found an issue with?

I was a little drunk, so I had the courage to walk over to them.

I said, “Hi, I’m Anna. I saw you ladies at my session earlier today.”

“Yes, we were there” said one of the two. “I’m Karen and this is Courtney. We teach in Jacksonville. We both really enjoyed your session. Can we buy you a drink?”

I told them I have been drinking vodka martinis. Funny said Karen. “We’ve been drinking the same.”

Courtney then headed off to the bar to get the drinks.

“So, Karen,” I said. “I’m glad you enjoyed what I had to say, but to be honest I was sitting at the pool behind you earlier today and you made a disparaging comment.”

“And what was that?” asked Karen.

Just as Karen said that Courtney returned with the drinks.

“Courtney,” Karen said. “Anna thinks we made a negative comment at the pool about her session.”

“I learned a lot from what you presented. What’s the issue?” Courtney said.

At this point we were all a little drunk, so it was easy for me to confront them with the truth.

“You two said, and I quote, that I was “gagable.” So, I guess that meant you were actually saying I was talking nonsense or talking too much during the session.”

Karen and Courtney looked at each other surprised, even though they were now officially drunk in my estimation, they seemed to grasp that they dug themselves into a hole.

“Honestly,” Karen said, “since we’re all a little drunk I guess we can speak the truth. Anna by gagable we meant…well.”

Courtney, seeing that Karen was chickening out jumped in.

“Anna, what Karen was trying to say is that your mouth is very gagable, like you would look beautiful if you were gagged. You have sexy full lips, perfect white teeth a hot athletic body. I know that might sound perverted to you and you were probably never gagged before or into such things, but there, I said it. I probably wouldn’t have if I was sober, but that’s the truth.”

Well, a warm feeling came over my body. I got a little weak in the knees and it wasn’t because I was drunk. These two women actually wanted to see me gagged. And to think, they thought I was never gagged before. I guess I’m kind of innocent looking. Lol

Karen continued, “Anna why don’t we take this little party back to our room after dinner.”

I honestly didn’t know what to say. The urge to be gagged by them was becoming stronger than my pledge to my friends to always “play safely.”

I guessed they were ok. They were registered for the conference. It seems like a lot of the participants knew them and were acknowledging them while we were talking. They seemed pleasant. They would be easy to track if there was a problem.

On the other hand, I could see they were into each other. I could also see the way they looked at me up and down. Suppose they wanted to do more than gag me? Suppose they told others afterwards what happened? It could ruin my reputation. Maybe they had more than gagging me on their agenda. Maybe they also wanted to tie me up. I don’t know if I wanted to be at the mercy of two women I hardly knew.

Courtney looked at me, “Anna, you seem preoccupied. I hope we didn’t upset you. Why don’t we sit together for the awards dinner then we can see about our little after party later.”

Normally I wouldn’t have accepted their dinner invitation under the circumstances, but honestly, I was drunk and went along.

We sat through the dinner and the awards. Karen gently rubbed my legs and thighs and put her hand on my knees several times, while Courtney kept whispering into my ear and using her tongue.

I was so drunk at this point, what they did seemed natural and didn’t really bother me. If I was sober, I would have pulled away from both of them for being so totally inappropriate.

The dinner came to an end. Karen asked about the after party. My mind was pretty hazy, so I agreed. I was heading into the unknown and should have known better. But the liquor got the best of me.

We headed up in the elevator. It was empty. Karen was standing behind me and startled me with an intense, tight hand gag. She had one hand around my mouth and the other tightly around my waist. The elevator stopped at the third floor. She took her hand away quickly as the door opened. She, Cortney, and I laughed. I could tell the two passengers were wondering what the inside joke was all about. They got off on the sixth floor. As soon as the door closed Karen tightly hand gagged me again. The door opened on the fifteenth floor. Karen kept me hand gagged, with an arm tightly around my waist walking right behind me as we went down the hall.

A group of people we all knew from the conference walked by. Karen told them I couldn’t keep a secret and she was getting even. They all laughed. Little did they know.

We got to the room and Cortney opened the door.

Susan gently pushed me towards a wall. With my back to the wall her body pinned me against it.

She kept me hand gagged with her face almost in mine.

“Anna,” she said. From here on in not a sound. No noise at all. Do you understand?”

I shook my head yes.

There was a couch in the room. It was actually a large suite that they shared.

Karen still had me hand gagged and moved me to the couch.

She slowly released her hand to make sure I wasn’t going to talk, and then asked Cortney if she would like to keep me quiet for a while.

Courtney sat close to me, reached her arm around my shoulder and hand gagged me even tighter than Susan. Mmmmphhh I said through her hand. Courtney said, “Shhhhhh, not a sound Anna.”

Karen looked at me and asked if I was ready to show her and Courtney just how gagable I was. I mumbled yes through Cortney’s firm grip around my mouth. Being drunk I hated being so submissive to these two.

Once Courtney removed her hand, I returned to my sanity briefly. I said, “time out from this for a minute.” I told them I’ll play their little gagging game but no pictures and no very intimate touching of my breasts or private parts. My clothes would stay on. Nothing would take place on the bed. If any of those rules were broken the game would end.

They were taken aback by my specific rules. It seems like I was taking all the fun out of their little adventure which led me to believe they had more on their minds to start with. Just because I was drunk and into their gagging proposition didn’t mean I was going to be their little slut for the rest of the night.

But if they wanted to play their gagging game with me, they had to agree to my terms.

Both said yes but they were also so drunk I hoped they understood. Cortney was more preoccupied looking at my crossed legs than listening to my rules. God help me.

I was beginning to feel like I was placing myself in a very dangerous situation, but I was also highly aroused by what two relative strangers were about to do to me.

I also got a little turned on by Courtney staring at my legs.

As many of you know, when it comes to sexuality I remain non-committal.

Karen resumed our little game pushing me on my back on the couch. She straddled me reapplying the hand gag.

“You said the bed and nothing about the couch,” Karen said laughing. I tried to talk through her hand, but it was impossible. She kept me hand gagged while Courtney took a chair from a small breakfast table in the suite and put it in the middle of the floor.

Karen then let me go, went to the closet, took out and opened one of her suitcases on the bed. It was filled with ropes and gags of all kinds.

Karen said, “Anna we usually play with each other, but you’re our special guest tonight. Can you please sit in the chair?”

The inebriated me said sure to myself, while the sensible me was saying no inside.

“Anna, just sit in the chair and relax.” Karen said. “Now place your hands behind your back.”

Karen grabbed my arms, pulled them behind my back, crossed them and quickly bound my wrists tightly.

“Wait,” I said. “You said nothing about me getting tied up. I mmmmmph.”

Karen reapplied the hand gag. “I told you Anna, not a sound.”

“We can end our little party if you want. You’re more than free to go if that’s your choice,” Karen said.

I should have left but said through the hand gag that I would stay. What’s wrong with me? That submissive streak again, I guess.

Karen then released her hand and tied my elbows together. She then ran a breast rope around my chest and tied it off in my elbow rope. I could feel my wrists turning blue. I could not move my arms at all.

It was now Courtney’s turn. She told me I had beautiful long legs. She took my heels off and messaged my feet and legs for a while.

They both seemed to be testing my rules.

Courtney then spread my legs and tied each one from the ankles to a chair leg.

I would have preferred my legs be tied together, I didn’t like the idea that they had easy access to me and was hoping they would abide by all the rules I set. I must admit, even though I was tough about the rules, it was obvious that as my dress rode up from my legs being separated that they could see I was wet.

Now that I was bound, I saw Karen go to the case and remove a very thin piece of black cloth. She came up behind me and placed it between my teeth gagging me and tying it as tightly as she could behind my neck. I guess I was now going to find out what gagable meant to them.

Karen said, “lovely, a nice thin gag to get started. A kissable gag. She sat on my lap facing me. She kissed me on the lips.

“See Anna” she said. A very easy gag to study your mouth with. Just beautiful.” She stuck her tongue in my mouth through the gag. I touched my tongue to hers and we kissed, but then, when I sensed it was getting ready to get out of control, I told her that she had to stop. It was easy to talk through such a thin gag.

Susan then stuck four fingers in my mouth, pushing the gag back. I think she would have put her whole fist in my mouth if she could.

“I said total silence. That’s our rule for the game,” Susan said.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Her fingers in my mouth with the gag silenced me further. I learned my lesson about keeping quiet.

Courtney then asked if she could do the same. Karen removed her fingers, got out of my lap and Courtney took over, kissing me the same way. I knew this was so wrong, but it was also so hot, and I was drunk with no inhibitions. I tried to let common sense rule, but it was difficult sexually at this point.

Cortney got up and they left me gagged.

Karen said I could now speak though the thin gag and asked if I wanted to try more gags on for them.

This was becoming more difficult. I was stern in my rules, but submissive in my thoughts and actions.

I said yes.

Karen teased me and asked me “what I wanted.”

I said, “to gag me more.”

She said, “Anna you have to be more polite than that.”

I said finally, “Karen, Courtney, please gag me more.”

Karen removed the thin gag. She then gagged me with a white handkerchief cleave gag with a knot in the middle.

Both Courtney and Karen approved of the gag. Courtney said, “You look like a true damsel in distress. Beyond hot Anna. Let us see you struggle, scream through the gag, and try to get loose.”

I followed Courtney’s instructions and moaned through the gag and struggled to get loose.

They had me do this for several minutes.

“Do you want more gags, Anna? Karen said.

“Yes please, gag me more.” I mumbled.

The gags kept changing from an over the mouth, to a detective gag, to tape, to a ball gag then a bit gag and ring gag. Each one was getting me hotter as I imagined scenarios where they could be used when I play tie up games with my friends.

Finally, after an hour or so it appeared the gagging was ending. Karen asked if they untied my legs could they hogtie me for a grand finale of sorts.

I agreed. I don’t know why. The game could have ended here. I was confused. Again, the pleasure of my sexual desire overcame my common sense.

Courtney untied my legs. Karen lifted me out of the chair, and they placed me on the floor.

Courtney crossed my ankles and tied them tightly.

Courtney then lifted my legs up while Karen got another piece of rope from her case and tied my bound wrists to my ankles.

Karen asked me what gag I wanted. I said the knotted cleave gag. She filled my request pushing the knot deep into my mouth and then tying it as tight as she could.

Courtney, then took a white cloth and blindfolded me.

They decided to go to the bar leaving me hogtied and alone.

Karen said. “Maybe we should call for the maid to turn down the bed, or maybe we should contact maintenance and tell them there’s a problem with the toilet. How about we leave the door slightly open? Maybe a burglar will come in.”

I panicked. Would they do such a thing? How embarrassing to have to explain to a hotel worker why I am hogtied and gagged or let a robber see someone else did the work for him?

Was Karen and Courtney capable of doing such a mean thing? This was pure psychological torture.

I was worried but I knew in my heart they would come back soon and not tell anyone. In the meantime my emotions were once again in check, I relaxed and was fully enjoying my predicament with the fantasy of someone finding me blindfolded, tied and gagged on the floor in Courtney and Karen’s room.

Karen and Courtney did come back but not without some additional mental torture.

“Anna,” Courtney said, “we decided while we were having a drink to come back, remove your hogtie and blindfold but leave your arms, elbows and ankles tied with your gag on and leave you standing in the elevator. I’m sure any drunken guys who find you will know what to do. Or maybe one of the heads of the conference will find you. You can always try to push a floor and hop away if you can.

I started to yell through my gag.

They lifted me off the floor. Were they really going to be crazy enough to follow through on this warped scheme? I could just imagine being on an empty elevator, the door opens and 10 drunk guys from the conference get on. I would be helpless.

They placed me on the bed and started removing the ropes. They finally, finally just left my wrists tied and had me wear a red ball gag.

Courtney sat me on the bed and put my shoes back on.

Karen grabbed my purse and took out my room key. My room was two floors below. They opened their hotel room door, checked the hallway, and walked me out. We went to the exit staircase.

Courtney and Karen walked me down the two flights of stairs. Again, they checked to see if the hallway was clear.

I was getting very hot. These two women sneaked me bound and gagged through the hotel. What if someone saw us? How would they explain it?

We finally got to my room. Karen swiped the card and opened the door. The room was dark. They laid me on the bed. Each kissed me on my ball gag. They closed the door and left, leaving me alone to get loose.

I’ve been a teacher for many years but tonight I learned what the word gagable meant and a whole lot more.

I finally untied myself in about a half hour. I had a whopper of a hangover.

I had a lot of emotions ranging from aroused, to the sensual feeling of being tightly bound and gagged, to being used, to feeling sluty, to withstanding mental head games, to being under the control of two relatively total strangers, to also questioning my sexuality as I often do.

It was a trip to the fringes of the dark side in many ways, although I was proud that I didn’t let it get out of hand. Maybe I should have though.

Would I do something like this again? While I say no, my heart says maybe. I guess I’m the closest kinky one of my group of friends. I’m sure they would never guess.

But one thing is for sure, I can’t wait to return to Patti and the gang again for some good old cops and robbers tie up innocence.

Please remember though, it’s important. This whole somewhat sordid adventure is our little secret.

Do you think I should go fringe dark side again? I leave it up to you.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by StringTheorist »

Hello @Brez510

Interesting story. I hope there will be sequels with all of them tied, one at a time, in different ways.

I don't know what 'fringe dark side' is, so look forward to more stories.

I suspect the coding should be F/F or FF/F, as Anna is in her 20s. I presume the others are adults also as they are drinking.

Perhaps consider just double spacing, not triple spacing, though this may be some artifact of your editor. A little faster to read.

Please keep it up.

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 332
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Post by charliesmith »

I enjoyed this story! It was a fun read :)
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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