A Lad in Distress (M/M) - Endless Plight - Complete - November 27th

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Post by Bondwriter »

Here is the weekly installment!

Chapter 27 – No Rest for the Wicked

Ted scrutinized Shaun’s face to detect any bother; an initial puzzlement was soon concealed by a smile after seeing his prisoners.

“You shortened Zach’s sentence?”

“Not really,” Ted answered. “We’ve taken him out of his cell two hours yesterday, and one this morning to shoot a video. You see, we’ve started a business …”

Ted was direct and open. He told Shaun all about the website he’d set up and the videos the patrons ordered. The profitability of filming hot young men in distress was high, especially with models such as these.

Shaun neither looked nor sounded miffed, and the more they told him about the site, the requests they’d received, and the videos they’d shot, the wider his smile was. The figures got him giddy: he had his own network to finance his devious projects, but his henchmen monetizing the prisoners was helpful. He would get his cut, and other partnerships could be envisioned.

The landlord was pleased Sean would earn him money. The lads needed to be hooded or blindfolded in all footage with their faces in the frame. Ted showed him a few rushes from the videos they’d made with their guests: in a few shots, they blurred their captives’ eyes when their faces stayed bare.

They had a short talk. Shaun made it clear the current scheme couldn’t go on, but he could set up a premium service to cast the boys’ predicament to vetted—and paying—members. The three men were elated at the prospect of further staging the abduction, looking at the lads squirming in their bonds, blissfully unaware of the plans being made for them.

They spent two hours discussing the matter, watching the videos, and going over the website. Shaun suggested possible improvements or how to exploit what Ted and Bill had built.

It was time for lunch. Marty was picked to fix it under Bill’s supervision. Chained and muzzled, the boy was taken down to the kitchen on the floor below.

Shaun removed Zach’s blindfold. His long eyelashes fluttered as he got used to the bright light. He had stood the whole time three feet away from Sean, whose arms had been released from the trestle to be cuffed behind his back.

The earplugs were removed.

“You’ve had some fun while I was gone, Abooboo. I hope you’re grateful to Ted and Bill for cutting your long punishment in shorter bits. You’re a fine performer. Knowing your unique talent isn’t wasted makes me happy.”

He turned to Sean.

“I’m glad to have scored an extra performer, and one who can act in the genre we’re exploring.”

Sean remembered all the tickles or cuts of the riding crop. He had moved and moaned realistically.

“He’s a darling of our audience. They will love controlling him more, and it’ll give our boy a purpose in life.”

The prisoners moaned in distress, making their captors laugh and guffaw until a phone rang.

Bill informed Ted that lunch was ready, and they marched Sean and Zach downstairs.

The meal was uneventful: the guests listened to Shaun while strapped to their chairs and gagged, except for the three minutes it took to feed and water them.

“Ted and Bill didn’t tell you about your new purpose, my boys. You have lots of mainstream customers craving for your adventures. They love when you’re tightly restrained. They also seem to enjoy the videos recording your punishments.”

He turned to Ted, who had opened a laptop that he looked at, grinning.

“Shaun is right. The poll I posted online early this morning already got forty-two replies, and all favor stronger discipline. They’re satisfied with the level of immobilization, though of course the more the better.”

“Our audience seems more demanding than we are, and since they pay …” Bill added, a merry grin brightening his face.

The two goons were in high spirits, which yielded casual and relaxed treatment to feed and clean up the prisoners. They were dressed up in clean Spandex bodysuits with feet and mittens. The suits closed with a zipper at the back that locked to the collar around their necks, making it impossible to remove them.

Sean’s was purple, with yellow collars and sleeves; Marty’s was navy blue and red; and Zach’s body was wrapped in deep, gleaming black with yellow hems.

“The Cave of Wonders is covered with cameras, and we’re having a live event this morning. We’ve got plenty of time to get you ready, but don’t drag your feet and make it difficult for us, OK?” Ted advised.

The trio followed docilely, their legs hobbled and held on tight leashes. No one wanted the captors to break off their good mood. Shaun was waiting for them, adjusting three platforms on wheels.

“Lovely outfits, boys,” he welcomed them. “The audience will love it. We’ll have to put you on display skillfully to match your smashing costumes and figures.”

The three men took care of Marty first; he was trapped to one of the poles the platforms had in their centre. The cuff bindings held him at every joint and kept him close to the six-foot pole.

Sean was roped to it, and they used silk scarves to bind Zach. The men’s pace was leisurely, and they paid attention to detail, adjusting the suits to avoid unwanted wrinkles or to make sure the bonds were snug.

“A proud stance,” Shaun commented from a few steps back. “Time for the head work.”

This final stage aimed at concealing distinct features. Cloth strips with bangs of hair of different color sewn on them were wrapped around their foreheads. They then slid the spandex hoods that matched with the suits, leaving only the prisoners’ eyes and nose visible.

Shaun put colored lenses himself. He donned clean surgical gloves and advised his charges to remain immobile. Once done, Sean was a blond with brown eyes, Zach a ginger with blue ones, and Marty a brown-haired lad with green eyes.

Ted and Bill admired the models.

“It changes them a lot, but you picked the eyes and hair colors just right, Shaun,” Ted said.

The devious director was pleased. He pressed on a remote, and a white screen slid from the ceiling, as well as a video projector a few tens of feet away. The three pole-tied boys looked straight at the white surface.

Shaun head to the lectern with the computer, which he switched on. The audience saw him launching the browser and Ted and Bill’s website launched. It was called Boys in Distress, and it featured picks they’d taken of all three of them.

“I’ll show you all the galleries the subscribers can access,” Shaun said. “I haven’t seen all the pictures yet, but the ones I saw were promising.”

The galleries were by theme. They watched the ‘Hogtie’ folder first. Ted had a knack for ensuring bottoms looked plump and appeared prominently in the frame. The three prisoners reminisced the hours spent in this taxing position.

Shaun browsed through more galleries with names like ‘Gagged’ or ‘Chained.’

“It’s all fine, but the clock is turning. Do you want to know where the poll is at?”

A new tab displaying the results popped up on the screen. Ted smirked, seeing their charges open their eyes wide.

“We wanted to let the audience decide how you lads should be bound. They’ve got good taste,” the burly man chuckled.

Shaun caressed his goatee, an evil smile coming to his lips.

“Ginger gets a ball-tie, Gimp will be dressed in leather and pole-tied, and Abooboo in a frog-tie, with a single glove on …. Your fans know you well! Let’s get ready for them, the broadcast starts in five minutes.”

Shaun supervised his henchmen preparing the gear and gave a hand so Ted could have time to comb his hair and put his eye mask on. He then put three pairs of sunglasses on the boys. He took his master of ceremony role seriously. Bill stood behind the laptop to ensure Ted’s presentation suffered no technical flaws.

Shaun witnessed Ted’s performance and discovered his hidden talent. Ted spoke cheerfully, his sentences coming out witty and articulate. He greeted the audience and introduced the three boys before he revealed the poll’s outcome.

“So let’s start with Abooboo, who has the most fans. I hope you won’t be jealous?” he asked Sean and Marty.

Bill appeared in the frame, pushing a wheeled square table, which contained all the equipment they needed for their first demonstration. Shaun was behind the levers while his henchmen got to be the stars.

“He’s first because he won’t be able to stay for the whole event. He’s got more modelling to do this afternoon for another project and he’s being punished. So thanks to you people, we took him out of his cell for a break. Don’t worry, he’ll make up for it,” the newcomer announced.

Ted and Bill positioned their victim back to the camera to document the single glove being put on. They removed his restraints while adding thin leather eight-shaped loops at his wrists and elbows. They featured a strap linking them that they tightened to the maximum, getting the flexible model’s elbows to touch.

“The straps are really thin, they won’t show under the glove,” Ted commented.

Shaun zoomed in on Zach, framing him from his shoulders to the top of his thighs. The bodysuit clung tight and gleamed, which made having the pair off appetizing butt cheeks in the frame mandatory. Ted gave a lacing demonstration, explaining how kid leather stretched and why several passes had to be made.

The garment wrapped Zach’s forearms and stopped a few inches below his armpits. While Ted perfected the laces’ grip, Bill wrapped a wide leather strap around Zach’s chest at its top. The strap had D-rings, and Ted threaded two thin leather thongs sewn at the top of the glove over the boy’s shoulders and threaded them through D-rings an inch above his nipples. They went back to the glove’s opening, where they locked in a buckle. Zach refrained from grunting when the half-inch straps bit into his shoulders.

Bill added a belt cinching Zach’s waist and fixed his wrists to it; his hands were pulled into his nylon-clad butt crack.

“No crease. The tailor-made piece fits him like a glove,” the show’s host joked, running his finger up the glove to make sure his work would be seen. “He’ll look great kneeling on his pedestal.”

Ted and Bill grabbed Zach’s torso and lifted him until his knees were at the wheeled table’s height. They pushed him onto the low platform and frog-tied his legs up. They both started with a clove-hitch around an ankle, encircling his thigh at its very top. Their ropes were very long, and they made fifteen turns each covering the top half of Zach’s thighs before they cinched and knotted them.

Shaun focused on his model’s midsection. The bodysuit’s fabric, the position, and Zach’s mild arousal made his package the focus. Ted and Bill brushed against it, commenting on its size and inflation.

“No running away, Abooboo,” Ted said when they were done.

The two men spun the table around slowly so the kneeling bound boy could be seen from all angles. The binding was symmetrical and tidy. Shaun looked at his monitor screen, fascinated by his henchmen’s fine work.

The display lasted a couple minutes while Ted pointed to Zach’s impeccable posture and great body. Shaun put the chat box on the screen, and the prisoners could see the audience’s comments. “Cute bundle, I wouldn’t mind babysitting him,” Zach read, seeing the commenter was beardaddy666. SpreadeagleMax had a suggestion: “Next time, use a spreader bar to keep his thighs open.”

The men—they had to be men—on the other side of the screen all loved tight and demanding bondage. They suggested predicaments and lamented that the cool position concealed his ass, which they loved. The prospect of having this gang of perverts make decisions for him made Zach shiver.

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Post by Jb99 »

Another great update!

Is Zach shivering in anticipation or fear I wonder?

Can't wait to see how the their two are secured....
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Post by privateandrews »

I have loved this story for a long time ,it is on my hard drive in a number of files. To have these following chapters is just amazing. Love the constant kidnapped element and futile attempts at escape ,the 2 goons using the helpless lads is just magic. Keep up the very horny writing it is very much appreciated .
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Jb99[/mention] I won't spoil! Thanks for commenting!
[mention]privateandrews[/mention] I'm pleased to know you've liked the story for a while. You now have the completed, edited by Nicholas H.'s version!
New episode coming up on Sunday.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Sean was roped to it, and they used silk scarves to bind Zach. The men’s pace was leisurely, and they paid attention to detail, adjusting the suits to avoid unwanted wrinkles or to make sure the bonds were snug.
I'm just catching up with the story, [mention]Bondwriter[/mention].

Can I thank you for including guys in tight, Spandex suits? Tied Up!! Sends me into Seventh Heaven! :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] Glad some people appreciate this peculiar interest of mine. I have a liking for shiny fabrics indeed.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 28 – On Display

Sean soon replaced Abooboo in the limelight; Bill pushed Zach away and brought another wheeled table. Ted had Sean hop to it. The goons removed his restraints, binding his wrists in front. They pushed him to have him lie on his back.

They wove a harness above and around his shoulders and use the rope ends to bring his thighs over his chest, his knees almost touching his shoulders. They turned him over on his shins and forehead.

Sean felt four hands pulling, cinching, and knotting more ropes around his already restrained body. Each added bond got his legs further folded and his limbs even more immobilized. A rope went from his wrists and ankles to his shoulder harness. After being pulled tight, the rope created a wedgie effect as it ran over the lad’s butt crack.

“Trussed up like a turkey we’re about to stuff in the oven,” Ted grinned triumphantly.

This triggered comments in the chat—men offered to take care of the stuffing part. Ted and Bill showed him from all sides, putting him on his back before turning him face down again. The two fiends then used more ropes to keep him bound to the table in this uncomfortable position.

Sean’s ass received lots of positive comments and the riggers got praise for their simple, inescapable ball-tie.

“Before we turn to candidate number three, I’d like our audience to decide how long should Ginger and Gimp enjoy their tie-up. Every vote adds half an hour,” Ted announced.

Marty didn’t relish his nickname at all, but he’d gotten used to it. Ted and Bill had picked it from the very first time they’d seen him wrapped in gleaming leather. The two goons loved dressing up their captives, and being watched made their moves more delicate and precise. Bill fetched the wheeled platform featuring a six-foot pole on which he’d laid down Marty’s clothing.

The tormentors used two pairs of handcuffs to keep Marty restrained while adding leather items over the bodysuit. The shorts went on first. A cincher belt came next, and then a leather straitjacket wrapping his arms, shoulders, and chest. It was designed to keep his arms and forearms welded to each other.

They then shod him with black leather riding boots. The leather was thin and supple, cut to Marty’s exact measures. A zipper ran along the calves down to the heels; without it, sliding the boots up to just below his knees would have been difficult.

They added leather cuffs at his ankles and above his knees. Ted and Bill picked Marty up and set him on the platform. All his garments had cleverly fixed spring hooks; they positioned Marty against the pole and clasped the fastenings to the pole at ankles, knees, waist, and shoulders.

“Look at this,” Ted said, looking straight into the camera, “once Gimp has his fine clothes on, it’s child’s play to immobilize him.”

Several comments praised the set-up’s efficiency but some regretted the lack of ropes they felt was absolutely needed for a pole-tie. Ted picked on this; they had all the time they wanted, and he agreed with the aesthetics the audience championed.

Bill got coils of white rope, which he proudly showed to the camera. His love for weaving imprisoning nets spurred him into action. He winked at Ted, handing him a coil, and the duo got started.

Shaun had three cameras to play with, and he recorded his henchmen’s feat while adding pace to the action. The thin white rope appeared in sharp contrast with the black hide and the navy blue Lycra wrapping Marty. They didn’t just spruce up the bondage’s appearance: the coils going around the body, the crisscrossing, and the cinching, all pulled Marty closer to the pole, crushing his arms and restricting him tighter.

“I’ll do a head harness next,” Bill told the audience; he loved macramé and Shibari.

“Wait, Gimp’s head is delicate. He needs protection,” Ted objected, waving around a leather hood.

“Great idea, Ted. People must know we’re kind.”

Approving comments popped up in the chat , but they lamented the good heart. Ted slid the discipline hood over Marty’s head, making sure to hide his face when removing his sunglasses to put the mask on. He then stepped behind his captive and quickly laced up the hood, which left only Marty’s nostrils visible.

“Now you can go on,” he informed Bill.

The knots aficionado had no hesitation weaving the net around Marty’s head, starting with a loop on his chin. Bill then did turns around the captive’s head, threading and pulling so that countless rings held his skull and jaws, highlighting the hidden face’s features. Some of the turns went around the pole, pulling Marty’s head tight against it and preventing any motion, whether up, down, or sideways.

Bill stepped aside and faced the camera, pointing proudly to his completed work.

“Gimp isn’t going to fool around. By the way, Ted, how long does he have to stay there? Did the audience make the call?”

“Let me check. We’ve got a couple more minutes to go, but Ginger already got eleven votes, and Gimp thirteen, so their schedule for the day is full.”

Grunts came from the concerned parties, whose predicaments would be uncomfortable and certainly painful if they really had to spend over five or six hours in their punishing bonds.

“Quit complaining! People are watching you. You don’t want to come across as wimps, do you?” Ted scolded. “They can supervise you while we help out with Abooboo’s other job. By the way, people, you’ll be informed of this other project when it’s ready, but if it works out, I’m sure you’ll love it. Oh! Another vote for Ginger! Our friends will keep each other company.”

Ted took over, showing each boy one last time. He informed the audience the show would go on for the duration of the two lads’ punishment, while Abooboo would work hard on the coming project.

Shaun set the cameras so the angle would switch every five seconds and provide well-framed shots of the captives automatically. He joined Ted and Bill, pushing Zach’s table as they got into the hall. He made sure the door was shut so he wouldn’t be heard by the audience.

“I’m not sure I want to go through all the work of dressing up Abooboo. I’m a bit pissed he escaped his punishment. I think I’ll join the audience and chat about our pole-tied and ball-tied friends instead. We can’t leave them on their own, anyway. We can’t risk them ratting on us while broadcasting to the whole world.”

“True, boss,” Bill approved. “I’ll go guard them.”

“Perfect. I’ll just store Abooboo away and be with you,” Shaun said, blindfolding Zach.

The table moved through corridors for the longest time. Zach was lost; he didn’t remember this route. They entered a lift that went down. They exited and crossed more halls.

Shaun removed Zach’s blindfold; he was back into his cell. Removing the ropes binding his legs was faster than tying them up, but going from his kneeling position to standing was tough. Zach pitied his fellow-captives, who would be kept in difficult positions knowing tens of perverts were jacking off to their suffering.

He wasn’t granted a long pause to stretch his legs. Zach soon sat on his throne, all the straps on, doomed to complete immobility.

“I’ll see you soon, but tormenting Gimp and Ginger may take some time!”

Shaun slammed the door behind him and locked it. Zach braced for a long wait. A couple minutes after his abductor had gone, a square of light slowly came to life on the wall in front of him. The sound of a fan hinted at the video projector hidden in the wall behind him. Marty and Sean came to life on the screen. They were as he’d last seen them: restrained, muzzled, and wearing kinky outfits. Shaun hovered over the two captives, eyeing the camera; he wore an eye mask concealing his identity and matching his character for this performance.

Zach watched three hours of the show. The three stooges engaged the audience, reading text messages to their captives, making fun of their reactions, and requesting more input from the invisible, cowardly crowd that made their ordeal possible. Ted and Bill were happier than ever, tallying up the detention time from the remote tormentors.

Shaun took over the screen and launched an auction. The highest bidder could choose the ordeals the two bondage models would have to undergo next. Sean and Marty moaned and grunted.

Once the auction closed, the ordeal was enacted. Shaun and his crew got busy.

The unwilling actors both stood facing each other, their arms bound with ropes in a reverse-prayer position. They wore tight crotch ropes and had an ankle chained to a ring on the floor. Their other leg was free. Ted tied off a rope around Sean’s free ankle. A pulley came down, remotely activated by Bill. Ted threaded the other end through the pulley, which then went back up. The rope’s end went down around Marty’s free ankle, which the fiend grabbed and pulled up, bending Marty’s knee. Ted tied the rope tight around it.

“You should thank gaggedlad666, boys, as he picked an easy trial for you,” Shaun explained. “You’ll have to work together. Lower your leg, Ginger, and help him out, Gimp.”

Sean complied and Marty raised his knee along.

“To win, you’ll have to both touch the floor twenty times per minute.”

Marty looked at his fellow-prisoner, enjoining him to lower his knee, ready to lift his own. Sean got the message and they showed how easy it was.

“That’s the idea,” Shaun commented while the boys alternated raising their foot, “but we haven’t started yet.”

He took two rolled scarves from his pocket and balanced them on the captives’ heads. Both froze, keeping very still.

“You got it. Ten cuts of the crop every time these fall. The whole trial is ten minutes. Ready? Go!”

Shaun launched the timer, which Zach saw on the screen. Marty was the one with his knee in the air. Looking straight ahead, he slowly lowered it, Sean accompanying him while keeping steady. The timer showed it took them eight seconds to both touch the floor. Zach noticed they did a good job, getting faster. After six minutes, they had managed to keep the target every minute and looked more confident in their coordination.

Alas, after seven minutes and thirteen seconds, fate struck. Sean hurriedly lowered his foot, affecting Marty’s balance. The rolled-up scarf slid slowly from his hooded head and landed silently on the floor. Ted’s and Bill’s clapping compensated for the lack of noise.

Shaun picked up the scarf and put it back on Marty’s head.

“Start over. I’m sure you’ll show gaggedlad666 you’re hard workers and improve over time.”

Zach saw the timer reset and start again. His friends did well and reached eight minutes. Bill yelled loudly, which startled Sean and made his scarf fall to the floor this time. Shaun patiently gathered it and set it on his head again.

“You’ve improved. You’ll manage this time.”

The boys were athletic but their stamina was limited. Try after try, the balanced scarves fell sooner and sooner. They were both at sixty cuts of the crop when Shaun called it a failure and put an end to their ordeal. He had his henchmen ready the losers for their punishment.

Another vote had called for Sean and Marty to be disrobed to receive their flogging, with only bikini thongs on. They were bound to the trestles, wrists and ankles tied to the lower bar, their raised bottoms pointing upwards. Their buttocks were almost all on display, easy targets for the riding crop.

A few tens were awarded, the three men taking turns and passing the implement to each other. Ted and Bill tried to mimic Shaun, who managed to get impressive sounds from the leather landing on flesh. He also got the best gagged reactions.

Halfway through the spanking—Zach could see a counter displaying the remaining hits on screen—they changed to ping-pong rackets. The whacks were sharper, the groans as indignant. Zach felt ashamed that the show aroused him. The two spankees got an extra delivery once their counts were reached: Shaun felt like showing his henchmen his fraternity paddle. It was thin, with holes drilled in. Ted and Bill quickly got the hang of it. Zach watched in distress as his friends’ bottoms turned to crimson.

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Post by Jb99 »

Wonder if Zach (or any of the others) if, actually given the chance to leave would choose to stay - Stockholm syndrome comes to mind.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Jb99[/mention] A few chapters left to find out, but this week's chapter offers clues.

Chapter 29 – Everlasting Captivity?

The video feed cut as Ted and Bill addressed the audience, inquiring on how the punished boys should spend their penance time. A few minutes later, Zach heard the key in the lock of his own room.

“I’m sure you didn’t get bored, Abooboo.” Shaun came inside and reached for Zach’s crotch. “Still hard from watching your friends in distress! You’re helpless.”

Shaun held a large bag.

“We’re going to try out some of the costumes for the feature you’ll star in. I’ve told you about the maze scene already. These costumes are special, and you should practice moving around in them. You’ll have to show your feelings with your body restrained. I’m sure a talented actor like you will see this as an opportunity for professional development.”

Zach liked to think the man was sincere and complied with his demands and orders in the hours that followed. Shaun took a straitjacket out first. He released the prisoner from the chair, leaving him in his underwear, ankles cuffed together, and had him don the thick canvas garment. The straps pulled Zach’s arms crossed in front and his hands behind his back in a tight self-embrace.

The director took pleasure in adjusting the crotch straps that constrained Zach’s genitals to his dismay.


“Quiet! I’m not done!”

Shaun employed a ‘thigh-binder,’ a piece of the same thick white cotton that wrapped around Zach’s hams. It featured grommets in the front and back, plus a lace that allowed cinching it tight. The canvas tightened gradually and imprisoned Zach’s thighs.

“Of course, there’s a final piece to the costume,” Shaun grinned. He got from the bag what had to be a canvas muzzle. “Not a sound while I put it on.”

The plug deflated and the harness opened. Zach stood still and mute while Shaun showed him the contraption. It featured a black mouthpiece made of either rubber or silicone. It widened at the front and disappeared under heavily stitched canvas: the strap would cover his lower face from the nose to the chin.

In went the big solid mass. Zach identified custom-made gear: it fit in his mouth perfectly, filling his palate, and pressing his tongue down. Shaun used the three buckles to weld the gag to his prisoner’s lower face. He leaned into the bag and pulled out a white cap and short straps. He put the cap over Zach’s head. The straps had metal clips at their ends and worked like garters. Shaun used six of them to pull the cap tight against Zach’s skull; the strap across his mouth went under his chin, and the tension locked his jaws together.

Shaun took a picture and showed it to his prisoner. Zach couldn’t believe how lenient and mild this severely silencing device looked.

“Repeat after me, Abooboo, ‘I look great in white, the colour of purity and chastity.”

Zach saw the determined eye and complied.

“Mrmm grmm mfrmpp rgmrmmph rmmm cftmmrm …”

“Good start, but I’ll have to coach you on articulation.”

Zach no longer reacted to these lame jokes. He knew his keeper’s idea of fun involved pestering him. Shaun relished having his prisoner gag-talk. He pulled out a script on his phablet and stood next to his student, sharing the screen. They did several scenes; Zach had to do his best to get the lines across. He had to repeat them until his acting coach was convinced by his part of the dialogue, which consisted in pleas, protests, or insults.

“We’re getting somewhere, but I’ll have you memorize these lines. The shooting is three days from now, and you can’t waste the crew’s time. You’ll spend most of your waking hours learning the script. It’ll run in front of your eyes thanks to your cell’s projection gear. I’ll come and visit to check you’re on the right track. You’ll get to use your fingers again for a moment so I can quiz you. From now on, any punishment will have to wait until after the shooting. Don’t worry. You can count on me to keep the tally.”

Shaun taught a few more scenes.

“I’ve got you now, scoundrel! Obey if you don’t want to suffer!”

“Grgmmgrphmmm. Grmmmgrfmmmgrm.”

“No, Abooboo! It’s ‘Go to hell, Jafar. That’s where you belong!’ and it doesn’t come out right. You have to speak the words perfectly. Our select audience will pick up the difference.”

Zach felt weary but he complied as they repeated the scene. He was all putty when Shaun had enough. He removed Zach’s clothes and put him back in just Speedos before he restrained him to the chair.

They repeated this routine over the three following days, though Zach stayed in his cell all the time. He got news from Marty and Sean from the live video feed. The pervs watching them grew more imaginative, ordering their favorite kinky designs for Zach’s fellow-captives: from sissy schoolboys to full leather bodysuits with waist-cinchers, high-heeled boots, and single gloves. They also became satin maids for one show.

But most of the time, the screen displayed the script Zach was to memorize. He did well when quizzed; Shaun handled him, taking his time to feed and clean him; he had Ted or Bill along most times, which allowed him to be more relaxed.

On the third day, Shaun even took him out for a walk outside. Zach wore his straitjacket and another head contraption. This one covered his head fully and went down to his collarbones, encasing his neck. It was made of white cotton canvas but featured metallic strips sewn inside. Once fastened, his skull and jaws were one, and his mouth clamped on the soiled underwear that Shaun had inserted after a drink of water.

Clouds blew over the moors, letting bright sunlight through at intervals. Shaun tugged on the leash, enjoying the wind without paying much attention to his captive. Zach was revived too; seeing the sky, hearing the seagulls, and receiving the sunny nature’s vibrant colors made him long for freedom.

It’s all he could think about when Shaun put him back in his cell, where the dumb script flashed on the wall. Zach felt sad and helpless, wondering if this weird life would ever get back to normal. Later in the evening, Shaun and Ted came for him. He was to sleep in his suite, relaxing and resting for the next day.

Zach enjoyed the relative comfort they granted him, and he caught a few hours of sleep. He didn’t panic when he came to his senses and realized how tightly restrained he was and that he could only breathe through his nose.

Bill was his coach for the shooting. He would dress him up and handle his breaks. The fiends had planned carefully to make it impossible for Zach to interact with anybody on the set outside the shooting. When he arrived straitjacketed for his first takes, Zach witnessed a crew of tens of people in the large hall with the maze set. Shaun had told everyone of the young star’s method-acting preparations: he had stayed on the estate and endured long sessions in restraints.

The day went slowly for the performer, who spent eight hours on the set to shoot what would amount to a few minutes at best in the movie. They did shots of monsters assailing him for a dream sequence. They would do all the shots with other actors first to keep Zach only the following week when shooting his ‘running away.’

On the fifth day of shooting, when they did a horde of zombies closing in on Zach, Bill was pulled out of his comfy routine. He usually took Zach under control during breaks and stayed with him in a dark recess away from the rest of the crew. This time, they had to wait for one of the zombies to get a prosthetic limb reattached.

Gavin was an assistant at the three-man lighting team. He loved working on movies, especially on Shaun’s; they were spooky yet sexy. Gavin was twenty-two, and he’d built a good network since he’d started getting gigs two years ago. He was sociable and enjoyed meeting people with varied backgrounds on the set.

Gavin grew fascinated by the lead actor in Shaun’s low-budget feature. The crew was friendly and included lots of gay men, including himself. But his attention focused on the mysterious method actor who demanded to be kept restrained and gagged at all times. He saw Zach and his assistant Bill—who was a fine actor in some scenes too—step to the side during a break.

The lighting assistant engaged Bill with small talk about the makeup team and the great work they did. He caught Zach’s glances from the corner of his eye. The actor blinked at a rapid pace, then slower; Bill saw the technician’s head turn to the single-gloved actor and laughed out loud.

“Is he blinking SOS?” he asked Gavin, who nodded yes. “If you think the makeup people are dedicated, what do you make of Zach? He’s been restrained for three days now to get in character!”

“Mrrgrmmm! Mrgrmmphmbbllm!”

“Can you get that? He’s telling you he’s been kidnapped and that you should call law enforcement! What a performance …”

In his short career, Gavin had met his share of weird actors; this one’s idiosyncrasies pleased him. He was a bondage lover, and he relished being so close to such a mouth-watering Adonis.

“He’s an amazing actor, it’s true. And it’s a big kick working out the lights with all the great costumes he wears. They shine, and it’s challenging to get a natural feel, but the effort is worth it.”

Zach’s desperate attempts led him nowhere; the handsome technician didn’t doubt Bill’s words one second and went on chatting. The zombie soon recovered his limb and the shooting continued.

Long hours went by, with more shots put in the can. Eventually Zach ended up back in his cell in the depths of the mansion. Helpless, a wave of despair overcame him; being shown restrained to people who ignored his captivity got him in a gloomy mindset. He felt alone, forgotten in the bowels of his forlorn prison.

He was wrong, though. Hundreds of miles away, someone was on his track. Josh had gotten a break in his months-long search. When Zach disappeared, Josh became concerned immediately. He’d even reported it to the police, who had politely documented his statement while not giving a hint they would lift a finger.

Josh turned into a private investigator; over three days he tried to retrace when Zach was last seen and by whom. The motel owner had been paid for a week, and he hadn’t seen Zach since he’d booked in. Josh being handsome, the clerk felt like pleasing him; he showed him the room had stayed in.

It was empty of any personal belongings and spotless, but Josh noticed a paper pad on the desk: a page was torn and the one on top bore the marks of a ball pen. He took a pencil next to the pad and brushed it lightly on the paper to reveal the writing. He could read the name of a hotel and the word ‘suite,’ but the number next to it was undecipherable. Was it ‘582’ or ‘638’? The paper had not marked it well enough.

Josh went to the hotel nonetheless; nobody remembered seeing Zach the day before. He talked to the clerk, who had his day off the day before. His colleague, who was to come an hour later, had been at the desk. Josh thought he’d ask the floor crews.

He managed to talk to a couple of women before the hotel detective kicked him out, accusing him of being a burglar casing the place. The overweight fifty-something huffed and puffed while he pushed Josh outside the luxury building, letting him know in no uncertain terms how he felt about thieves and how he’d handle them himself if the law weren’t so pesky.

Josh didn’t give up. It took him time and ingenuity to meet the people who’d worked at the hotel on the day of Zach’s disappearance. Josh used his off days to investigate, standing outside the hotel’s employee entrance to talk to the staff going out after their shifts. He found a lady who was at the desk in the evening; she gave him the names of four other colleagues who’d held the desk on that day. His patience paid off: he met a man the same day who liked the desperate boyfriend.

He took him inside despite the detective’s threats and accessed the information system from a staff room. The man gave Josh a printout of the staff roster on duty on his day of interest. Josh crossed off name after name when he managed to find them. A desk clerk remembered a wheelchair with a disabled woman, but no young man. He had one name left on his list: Troy, a bellhop who had taken three weeks off to surf in his favorite spot.

Josh called the desk clerk, who had no clue how to get in touch with Troy but said he would be back in a couple of days. Josh marked the date on his calendar and went to the hotel when the bellhop returned to his post.

Troy was an athletic cutie. He was five ten, had wide shoulders, and displayed sinewy limbs. The beach tan enhanced his green eyes. Josh became elated when Troy told him he remembered one episode that could hint at Zach’s whereabouts.

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Post by Jb99 »

Great chapter - will Gavin or Troy 'join the team'? I'd vote for Gavin so he could really experience method acting.

Still think that Stockholm syndrome might also feature
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Jb99[/mention] Shaun could always welcome new guests, he's that generous!

Chapter 30 – Rescue Party

“The vote is in, Abooboo. Our audience wants you ball-tied,” Ted announced, watching the website’s live poll freeze as the time was up. The winning punishment amassed twenty-seven votes, or 32 percent of the pervs behind their screens.

After the film shooting, Bill had taken Zach to visit Marty and Sean. They faced each other, standing. Their limbs were connected to each other with ropes, their arms above them and tied to a bar linked to the ceiling by two wires.

“Our two lovebirds have been challenged to cum in their undies, but they are not putting much heart into it,” Ted greeted Bill when he entered. “Abooboo is just in time for another vote. Let’s find out how the audience wants him bound today.”

Zach saw the message box on the wide screen fill with cheerful greetings from his fans. They all rejoiced he was back and were eager to see him trussed up in tight and uncomfortable positions.

The verdict fell half an hour later: a ball-tie with his fellow-prisoners’ soiled underwear as mouth-filling. Zach found out his friends had spent the day getting milked, and their Lycra briefs were all gooey. Ted and Bill made a show pushing them inside Zach’s mouth, filling every nook and cranny before they sealed his lips shut with Elastoplast. They wrapped his head in silk with a hood featuring a hole for his eyes and nose, and added several silk scarves.

“How do your mates taste, Abooboo?” Ted taunted as he tightened the final layer, a dark grey scarf. The audience liked this, demanding that Abooboo launder the underwear properly. Ted picked up on the idea, and announced that not only Zach had to escape from his ropes to avoid punishment, but that he also had to clean up the briefs ‘to high standards.’ Zach could barely move his jaws, and his tongue was trapped. He was bound to fail the test, and all these sadists knew it. He groaned his displeasure, which triggered the two fiends into launching a rope attack.

They wrapped coil after coil of white cotton rope around his limbs, pulling his heels against his bottom and his knees against his chest, while his wrists and elbows were united. The familiar, unrelenting application of bonds restricted his limbs one by one, his legs folded under him and his forehead barely above the floor when they were done.

“Here he is, people,” Ted proudly heralded for the camera. “All trussed up and helpless. Now, Abooboo, it’s up to you to prove me wrong and show these nice people who support you that you’re a fighter.”

“We’ll check on Ginger and Gimp in the meantime,” Bill said, licking his lips.

Zach moved around, but he fell onto his side, which was more comfortable but didn’t make it any easier to escape. He did his best, stimulated by what was going on ten feet away.

“They’re dry,” Bill said, having slid his hand between Sean’s and Marty’s thighs.

“Did you try the riding crop for stimulation?” Ted asked, “That’s what sockgag123 suggests.”

“Good idea. It worked earlier today. Let’s see if it’s what our impotent couple needs.”

Marty and Sean insulted their captors, but that didn’t stop Bill, and the crop cut through the air to crash against Marty’s ass first. Bill followed with another whack on Sean’s bottom. Zach lost count after one hundred. The victims were indignant, but the whipping worked its magic, the gagged sounds growing sharper and louder.

Bill stopped eventually and checked if he’d helped the captives reach their goal.

“They’re a little moist, but they haven’t squirted their load.”

“We’ll pole-tie them overnight. With a blindfold and earplugs.”

“What, Ted, no gag?”

“Of course, it goes without saying,” his accomplice laughed.

“Abooboo didn’t cream his Speedos, but he’s run in these silk stockings all day,” Ted said, waving the garments at the camera. Before he took Zach to the live event set, Bill changed him from his costume to satiny shorts and a nylon jersey. He’d gained long nylon socks instead.

Zach guiltily watched the show, aroused by Ted’s and Bill’s big hands holding the prisoners’ heads and forcefully cramming their mouths with his stockings; they reacted strongly to them, which didn’t lower Zach’s interest. The lips-sealing and head-wrapping were flawless.

Ted and Bill removed the ropes keeping Sean and Marty together. They had to stand facing the camera. Ted grabbed a handheld one to get close-ups of their crotches. Sean wore red Speedos, Marty light blue ones; both displayed a tiny dark spot on the tips of their cocks, but it wasn’t even a significant cum leak. What mattered was the audience’s opinion, though.

The vote was in soon, and the lads were warned that any stain larger than a quarter in the morning would mean twenty-four more hours in sensory deprivation. Sean and Marty remained very docile when Ted and Bill put the final touch to their pole-ties and greeted the audience through their gags as requested.

The two goons carried Zach away, putting him back in his cell. Shaun didn’t want him under the internet viewers’ scrutiny when Sean and Marty provided perfect fodder for the endeavour. Abooboo was meant for a more important role in the entertainment industry. They strapped him carefully, an escape being out of question.

Regardless of how well he settled into the routine, Zach felt sad and lonely when they switched the light off.

Josh listened to Troy carefully, who remembered a guest in one of the suites; he couldn’t reveal any personal information, though. Josh didn’t insist. He’d brought Troy to a diner near the hotel. The bellhop was friendly and seemed in no hurry to leave. Josh made small talk about Zach; his interest came through. The young man across the table warmed up to this cute guy in need of help. The story had him think.

The day before, Troy had met surfer friends at one of their favorite hangouts near the beach. Gay and kinky, they told him of a stay at a famous director’s mansion. Troy remembered the boys Shaun brought into his room. The tip he’d received made him pause, but he’d always loved to brag. He offered the director’s name, and the boys’ facial expressions confirmed it was him.

He’d looked back in his schedule when Josh had told him about Zach. He’d met friends at a sports bar for a baseball game; it was in his diary. He’d remembered about Shaun Wainworth’s guest strapped to a wheelchair, and of a wheelchair being hauled up into a van when he’d left his shift.

The events came back to his mind as the surfer dudes told him about their friend Sean, whom they hadn’t heard from in a while. Could Shaun Wainworth be abducting young men? He’d proved he liked keeping them in bondage. Troy was loyal to customers, especially those who tipped well, but something was awry.

Josh knew he had hit the right spot when Troy frowned.

“Shaun Wainworth had a guest strapped to a wheelchair in his room. It could have been your friend, but I only saw his eyes.”

“One of your colleagues saw a woman in a wheelchair, a blonde!”

Josh now knew where to look. He went home and searched all online information about Shaun Wainworth.

The director’s presence on social media betrayed his comings and goings. He often posted shots of himself with moors and the ocean in the background. His Instagram account featured a few landscapes and a large stone building. Though artfully shot, the photos weren’t curated of their metadata. GPS coordinates pinpointed the locations.

Josh dived into maps and street views of a remote, secluded estate. Josh might have been a bartender, but he’d always displayed fine strategic skills when playing paintball. He also had a wide network of friends with skills he could put to good use. Darren, for instance, remotely assessed the security system. Josh didn’t want to know how Darren knew so much about hacking and break-ins; his reaction was reassuring nonetheless.

“What a bunch of amateurs!”

He went on explaining about the system’s brand and model, and how they were famed for being filled with vulnerabilities. Josh listened patiently and handed his cell phone when asked. Darren showed him how an exploit tool worked, which wasn’t difficult: one button and a roll-down menu with five items listed the various models.

Owen could provide him with a gun. Despite his acquaintance’s insistence on showing all the wonderful firearms he had in store, Josh settled for a stun gun.

Josh worked Wednesday through Saturday only—though very long hours—so he booked a cheap flight on Sunday morning to the estate’s nearest city with a return ticket for Tuesday. He packed a bag with clothes and climbing gear.

On Sunday noon, he drove into the town and booked a room in a bed-and-breakfast. After hanging out on the small harbor’s docks, he entered a bar and sat across the bartender. He’d dressed in very inconspicuous clothes: old worn jeans, a long-sleeved tee-shirt, and a white woolen sweater. He eavesdropped on a few conversations, but none yielded anything worthy.

He was tackling his third diet Coke when two surfer dudes sat at the bar. It took Josh five seconds to figure out they were an item. They’d come for the seaside, but one of them told the other about Shaun Wainworth. He was a gay celebrity, after all, and one of the lads was a horror fan.

Josh listened intently. One of the guys lowered his voice to talk about the encounter they had with Shaun. Josh couldn’t hear what they said, but he caught a glance of their worried faces. He went to relieve his bladder and made his move on the way back.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help hearing you talking about Shaun Wainworth. I’m a fan—did you say he owns a place here?”

The lads looked puzzled, but Josh’s frank smile easily won them over.

“Yeah, we were his guests two weeks ago. He’s Paul and I’m Mark.”

Shaun’s current guests could see no end to their stay. Zach was worked very hard: the shooting kept him busy during the day, and Ted and Bill made sure their perverted audience enjoyed his torments.

The maze scene was in the can, as were those of Zach’s stay in prison. The crew was preparing for the cliff scene with a huge green screen on the set, but it still featured a structure resembling a diving platform.

Zach stood fifteen feet above a large foam mattress. He was wearing his Aladdin costume, and his wrists were cuffed behind his back plus an extra rope layer around them for looks. His own undies were crammed inside his mouth. He wore them for half a day only, thankfully. Tape trapped his lips and the triangular scarf encased his lower face closely.

He was thrown “to his death” fifteen times before the cinematographer deemed he had a good shot. Shaun advised they’d do a few more, “just in case.” The crew, paid to endure the director’s fancies, agreed.

Late in the afternoon, Ted and Bill took Zach off the set. They brought him down straight to his cell. It saved him from the lecherous bastards hooked to Ted and Bill’s webcams, but not from Shaun, who came to visit.

“Nice acting this afternoon, Abooboo. You’re quite a stuntman! You didn’t hurt yourself. That’s great. You know, one day, we’ll stop this CGI crap and film it all for real, with a swimming pool to welcome you. I’m even thinking of doing it on one of the cliffs around here. They’re not very high, but trust me for picking the right lens and angle to make them look huge!”

The mad director went on, an evil gleam in his eye. Zach feared he really wanted to enact the Aladdin drowning scene. His cackling ended eventually with a greeting, the door shut and locked, and the light switched off. Zach had tried to get the crew’s attention, but his method-acting reputation preceded him; Ted and Bill were attentive watchers and fooled everyone.

At least, the two goons were sane. Sadly, they were also ruthless, greedy, and bondage experts. Zach was in a funk thinking about his predicament.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Jeez, [mention]Bondwriter[/mention], your last update had men in tights, this update has men in speedos! I'm in 7th Heaven! 8-)

What will send me over the moon is men in wetsuits! :D
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] I'll take good note of the wetsuits; nothing neoprene in the chapters to come, but I'll keep it in mind for further episodes.
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Post by Bondwriter »

One chapter before the last!

Chapter 31 – Commando Attack

Zach’s mood would have improved if he’d known of Josh being so close. He’d struck a conversation with Mark and Paul, who had had a couple beers. Once they knew he was looking for his friend, they loosened up and moved to a table at the back of the bar for another round of drinks and privacy.

Josh told them why he was in town. Mark and Paul realized that Zach could be one of Shaun’s guests. But why would he have gone on a stay at Shaun’s without telling his boyfriend? Mark brought up Sean. They hadn’t seen him in the usual places he hung around at since their own stay at Shaun’s. They only had his word on the claim Sean had left before they did.

Paul and Mark sobered up quickly. They hadn’t wanted to admit it before, but they’d both wondered about Sean being abducted. They couldn’t share their views with law enforcement: they’d been willing guests, and an electronic trail proved it. And they were gay kinksters, which might not get them the town sheriff’s ear.

Josh suggested casing the place at night. They drove to Shaun’s manor when it was dark and parked far away from the gate to avoid any video cameras. The sky was clear and the moon was out. The young men walked around the surrounding wall. They spotted a breach, far behind, which would make it easy to enter.

Paul led the way over the wall as he had mapped the location in his head. He headed towards the manor.

“Shouldn’t we plan more before we walk into the lion’s den?” Josh asked in a whisper. “We don’t know if there are guards: let’s explore the grounds. Maybe there are secret passages, so let’s check anything that seems out of place …”

There were secret passages, Mark and Paul knew, but could there be exits so far away from the building? The three young men spent two hours exploring, keeping clear off the stone house. Once back in the car, Josh sketched the grounds on a notepad.

“I’ll do the surveillance tomorrow. We need to find out how many people are in there and get a better view of doors and exits.”

Josh dropped his new allies at their rented fisherman’s house and headed straight to bed.

His alarm clock woke him up four hours later. He’d volunteered for the first shift outside Shaun’s estate. He parked even farther away and walked on the side of the desert country road. At dawn, he shifted to his right before reaching the wall so he wouldn’t be seen from the manor’s top floors.

He’d spotted a coppice close to the breach, inside the wall. He jumped the masonry and crawled the twenty feet separating him from the screening foliage. He set his camouflage rucksack on the ground and took a pair of binoculars out.

Had he been there the day before, he’d seen cars enter and men climb down: the film crew coming to shoot Shaun’s feature. A number of outdoors cutting shots had to be filmed next, but the weather forecast said otherwise.

No one came out or in. At ten, Josh heard grass rustling behind him: Mark was coming for his shift. He lay on his belly next to Josh.

“Saw anything?” he whispered.

“No,” Josh replied, “but I’ll stay with you. I’m too stressed out to head back to town. Maybe you’ll need help?”

Mark didn’t mind, and they monitored the house in silence for another two hours. They both jumped when a door opened at the back of the manor and a captive procession exited the building. The watchers stayed low, glad their lookout offered a wide angle.

Ted led the group. Zach was the first captive in the chain gang, followed by Marty and Sean. Bill came next, a flight case in hand. The group disappeared behind a coppice. Josh and Mark waited and hand-signaled where both should head. They moved out from their vantage point crouching.

They crawled up the soft hill behind which they heard voices. Bill was giving instructions. Mark moved to the left, and they ended up behind an old flowerbed; wild flowers and dried stems allowed them to keep an eye on the action.

The two goons had taken their captives to some cottonwood trees, and Ted was busy trussing up Zach to one.

“Tighten the turn around his thighs,” Bill said. “The customers asked for a tight rope-tie.”

Ted complied, drawing a gagged protest.

“Hush, Abooboo, we haven’t been nasty to you … yet!”

Josh was outraged; he felt like springing to action, even though the pair holding their friends prisoners were much heavier and stronger than them. Mark felt his impatience.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” he whispered. “There’s nothing we can do now.”

He had his camera at hand and documented the scene, etching tens of photographs on his memory card as the goons leisurely bound their victims to three trunks tens of feet apart.

“Evidence,” Mark said. “We can go to the police with this. They’ll believe us.”

The next two hours were a true ordeal for Josh: he had to witness Ted’s and Bill’s unpleasant remarks towards the bound and gagged boys, who protested. They filmed them begging thought their muzzles, writhing in their bonds, and pushed them to try and escape, taunting them when they failed.

As minutes passed, Josh grew more eager to intervene. Eventually, the henchmen were done and released the boys from their trees, trading the ropes for shackles that allowed a slow walk. The two sentinels followed the pack when the three lads were back in chains. Ted and Bill were focused on their charges, and the scouts remained unseen.

Mark was aiming at the group with his camera when it entered by the building’s side.

“I got the code. Let’s beat it.”

Josh felt bad about leaving, but Mark’s leadership reassured him. They crawled back through the hole in the wall.

“That’s crazy, but Shaun Wainworth is an actual kidnapper! I can’t believe he can get away with this.”

“Zach has been in their hands for weeks now. Let’s go to the sheriff’s office straight away.”

“I don’t know, Josh. His mansion is huge, and if he sees police coming in, he could hide his prisoners.”

“We’ve got the photos!”

“He’ll say Zach and Marty agreed to it. He must have tons of footage of Paul and me, some of it when we’re free and getting drunk.”

“I can show them the pictures. I never had anything to do with Wainworth.”

“You could wait for them, but I have the code. Why don’t we come back with Paul, enter the mansion, and free Zach and Marty? Then we take them to the police so we can nab Shaun for good.”

Mark, who knew his way in the big mansion, was an asset for the mission. Josh agreed with the plan. They could fold their surveillance and get back in town to prepare their comeback.

Paul was thrilled to learn they’d found Sean. The three young men discussed the equipment needed, how they would handle Ted and Bill if they met them, and how they would make their way out. The two surfers held the same stakes as Josh in the endeavor: they were set on freeing their friend.

The team packed lightly yet had all they needed. They drove slowly and parked before the headlights could be seen from the mansion. Josh felt invincible and knew they would succeed.

He led the way, following the wall until the breach. They put their balaclavas on and jumped to the other side. Josh headed towards the entrance on the right side, avoiding spots where there could be cameras. They had spotted some during the surveillance, and Mark imagined there had to be more hidden in light or wall fixtures. No light went on, and they made it safely to the door.

Mark typed in the code that the three of them had memorized. It worked! Mark had shot a close-up video showing clearly Shaun’s henchman typing the code in, but they had doubts about the last digit.

Mark took the lead to enter; he knew where to go. His small torch was enough to move through the corridors and stairs with ease. The three young men treaded lightly and silently. They reached the door to the library.

Their intrusion would have ended long ago if Ted and Bill had not been so engrossed in their side project. It added a lot to their workload and community-managing activities. And they forgot to set the general alarm on two nights out of three. After all, the building was locked, and they’d never had real intruders.

The library was empty, and young trio’s search for secret passages failed. They went on exploring the mansion. On their visit, Paul and Mark had seen another staircase on their way out that had to lead to a different wing. They went downstairs and entered a large corridor one floor below. A large door attracted their attention. They’d reached the Cave of Wonders. Dim lights were on. Two figures stood face to face, hanging from the rafters by their chained wrists.

One of the two henchmen slept on a couch to their left—Bill, if Josh remembered correctly. The three rescuers looked at each other, pointing to the man and the ropes on the table next to him. No need to open their rucksacks.

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Post by Jb99 »

Getting to the sharp end of the tale - or (hopefully) the end of season 1!

Can't wait for next week's instalment
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Jb99[/mention] Glad you liked this chapter. The story is coming to an end indeed; check the thread on Sunday!
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Post by Bondwriter »

Here is the story's ending! Enjoy.

Chapter 32 – Freedom, At Last

Bill didn’t know what hit him. His three attackers had his wrists cuffed behind him and his mouth crammed with a large scarf before he even came to his senses. Ropes that had been coiled around his knees and ankles tightened. He managed to shake one of the attackers off, but the two remaining ones held fast.

He grunted and threatened through the mass of material, but he ended up hogtied. Bill was a good at escaping, but the amount and insane tightness of the ropes would make it long and painful. Paul picked up the guard’s set of keys.

Paul was already removing the rubber muzzles gagging Sean and Marty, who couldn’t believe their saviors just showed up. Mark asked if they knew where Zach was. The two freed prisoners had heard about a basement or a cell downstairs, probably underground.

Mark opened the trail to their group. There were two staircases downstairs that could lead to a cellar. They made their way to the ground floor without meeting Ted. The first staircase started from the entrance hall; a locked door stood at the bottom, but they found the right key in Bill’s set. A long, low, and narrow corridor appeared. On each side, doors to cells. Paul walked all the way down—empty.

They returned to the ground floor and tried the second staircase. It started at the back of the kitchen. Paul opened a first door at its bottom and then another one at the end of the hall. Another staircase. The next door after a bathroom was locked, so Paul picked the set of keys and went to work. On the second try, he turned the latch successfully.

The light shone on Zach strapped to his throne.

“We found him!”

Josh and Mark rushed to Zach and removed his straps. Being awoken by a rescue party triggered strong emotions in Zach. He’d spent a hard day being filmed, walking and exercising, and giving deportment demonstrations to Ted and Bill’s online audience.

“Zach! You’re safe now. These are my friends. They believed me when I told them you were abducted …”

The explanations didn’t slow down Zach’s release. Josh and Paul helped him to his feet, and Mark handed him clothes folded on a chair for his midsection: a thong and bloomers-like shorts. They were better than walking around in the buff.

Mark hurried them and rushed back outside, peeking through the opening. The coast was clear. They climbed back to ground level. The leader looked past every corner, his ears open to any strange noise, but they made it safe outside.

They scampered off to the back. Zach recognized the breach in the wall he’d found during his escape attempt. It was much easier to climb it without chain hobbles. Zach took in his newly found freedom; he felt weird no longer being wrapped in restraining layers.

The boys could break their silence once they’d exited the estate; Mark explained they would head straight to the sheriff’s office to report Shaun’s nefarious activities. Once in the car, they took a break, providing the freed captives with food and drink. Zach told of their abduction and how Shaun kept them busy.

Mark and Paul identified themselves, and apologized for not picking up on his actual distress. The spirits were high, evil having been vanquished and friends reunited. Josh drove slowly, his eyes on the rearview mirror, wary of a chase. No cars rolled at this late hour. The little town was asleep.

The captives pleaded for a short stop to take a shower before reporting to law enforcement. They did smell strong. Josh pulled up in the alley next to Mark and Paul’s rented house.

“I hope Wainworth hasn’t found out you escaped yet. We won’t be totally safe until he is behind bars. I know you’ve had a hard time,” he winked at Zach, “but let’s get this out of the way quickly.”

The three former captives hopped into the bathroom. They’d been together enough not to be shy with nudity. They cleaned up fast, savoring their freedom. Zach got clothes from Paul: a pair of satiny basketball shorts enhancing his bum and a tight tee shirt that stopped just at the waist. Josh felt a slight boner surge when he saw his friend in all glory. Zach had kept his wiry, muscular body through his long imprisonment.

He shod a pair of sandals while Josh looked at the time; they hadn’t spent half an hour. Marty and Sean had transformed back into regular jocks. Josh, Mark, and Paul gathered all their IDs and made sure they could tell their story quick about their friends being kidnapped, not about their crew trespassing.

Relief was palpable inside the car; the three-minute ride was cheerful. The ex-captives were grateful and longed to enjoy their freedom. They all agreed Zach should tell his story first, since he was actually kidnapped; the others had come to the mansion on their own free will.

Josh pulled up in front of the sheriff’s office. A deputy stood on the porch, a cup of coffee at hand and a phone against his ear. He waved at Josh, telling him to park in the back. Josh noticed the no parking sign and complied, taking one of the four available spaces.

“What are you boys coming here for at three thirty in the morning?”

“We come to report abductions, Sir,” Josh earnestly replied.

The thirty-something man was well-built and exercised.

“Oh! Come in, I’ll take your statements.”

The young officer held the door open and watched the fine sample of manhood entering the premises. He pointed to his office on the left. They all got in, and the deputy sat behind his desk, opening up a laptop. There were only three chairs, so Josh, Mark, and Paul stood up.

“Sorry, but I don’t usually have that many people at once in the office. We need to be fast in solving any abduction matter, let’s hear it.”

“There’s no emergency. We came to report our own abductions,” Marty replied, pointing to Zach.

The man looked surprised but didn’t interrupt and just gave a nudge. Zach started. The man’s jaw dropped gradually as he heard about the complainant’s ordeal. The man typed furiously for ten minutes, probably in shorthand since he never interrupted Zach or had him repeat.

Marty and Sean added to the tale, leaving aside the purpose of their first visit at the mansion. No need to sow doubt in the man’s mind. They told of the endless captivity and of the exploitation they’d been subjected to through Ted and Bill’s website. The man was impressed and concerned.

They wrapped up by saying they were glad to be free, but that they would feel better if their abductors were put in a cell themselves.

“That’s what’s going to happen. I’ll make the phone calls to get a warrant and get a squad to go arrest the bastard. Will you wait outside? You may all get seated. And help you to some coffee, I made it half an hour ago.”

The five boys stepped out; the captives sighed, glad to have unloaded. Everybody was in for coffee, so Paul handed everyone a paper cup. Elated, Zach looked at his friends. At long last, he’d recovered freedom. And with the police on their side, the maniac that threatened his life would soon be locked up.

End of A Lad in Distress
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Post by Jb99 »

Great story - in some ways I'm sad it's finished, but as [mention]Bondwriter[/mention] has already indicated, looking forward to season 2!
Last edited by Jb99 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by george_bound »

Hey [mention]Bondwriter[/mention], I was finally able to catch up on the last 10 chapters and they didn't disappoint at all! While I've loved the scenes Zach was put through, I was so pleased to see the return of Marty and the addition of Sean - the two of them being bound together and repeatly forced to "excite" each other was a definite cherry on top. I have to say Chapter #30 in particularly really hit the mark :twisted: I'm sad to see it end but happy and grateful that you gifted all of us with this fabulous tale :P
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Post by sami200456boyfriend »

A good story. It was well written. one of my favorites
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Post by Bondwriter »

Thanks for all the comments! There might be a short hiatus before I post the sequel, but I'm glad to let you know other stories are coming to this board.
[mention]george_bound[/mention] Glad you enjoyed the characters and the 'ordeals' they were put through!
[mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] I'm very happy to see this comment, hoping the sequel and other similar stories coming up will please you also.
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Post by privateandrews »

so sad it has come to an end ,the imagination involved was truly wonderful ,the fact it had kidnapping and constant hopes of being discovered was just magic. thank you for your hard work and time.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]privateandrews[/mention] Thanks for the comment, it always cheers me up!
The sequel will be posted starting two or three weeks from now.
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Post by Jb99 »

[mention]Bondwriter[/mention] can't wait 😜😳
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Post by Bondwriter »

It took longer than announced, but here is the sequel.

A Lad in Distress 2: Endless Plight

1. Relaxing among Friends

A Spartan lounge welcomed visitors at the back of the sheriff’s small office. But to the party crowded inside, the tired upholstery of the couch and three armchairs, the public announcement posters that used to be white, and the worn-out carpeting didn’t matter. The six young men sitting around in the middle of the night celebrated Zach’s, Marty’s, and Sean’s newfound freedom. After being rescued by Josh, Mark, and Paul, they had reported their abductor and were waiting to give a statement while the deputy sheriff handled the arrest.

Paul handed cups around to pour freshly brewed coffee.

“I’m so glad it’s all over,” Josh told Zach, whom he couldn’t really call his boyfriend as they hadn’t known each other for long; Josh was special and dear, and he’d followed Zach’s track for weeks. The memory of their hookup had Josh fantasizing while he was on Zach’s trail.

“I knew I wasn’t crazy and you hadn’t skipped town or gone with someone else without letting me know.”

“I thought of you too,” Zach said, sipping at the warm cup Paul had given him. “You’re the only one who missed me, apparently.”

Sporting bright smiles, the pair chatted on. Paul and Mark were glad to see Sean. Mark was interviewing Marty, whom he found attractive. Of course, he couldn’t hit on him hard, the poor guy having just escaped Shaun’s claws. He felt drowsy and got a refill of coffee. The boisterous atmosphere had quieted down.

Mark swallowed his cup as Paul cast a horrified look.

“Wait, this stuff is laced with …”

Whatever the coffee had, it was potent; Paul saw Zach, Sean, and Josh doze off one after the other. The young surfer fought hard against the drug, trying to rise to his feet and flee or call for help. But he faltered and fell back on the couch, where his whole world went dark.

He climbed from his unconsciousness pit slowly, eventually opening his eyes when he heard noise. Someone was busying himself around him.

“Waking up, hey?” Ted greeted Paul and stuffed a rag inside his mouth. “We don’t want you making a fuss.”

Ted added a half-mask to prevent Paul from expelling the big cloth ball. Paul took in his surroundings: a garage with concrete painted walls and the bleak light of two neon tubes above him. He was lying on his back, on a stretcher. His arms and legs were strapped to the frame with cuffs at elbows, wrists, ankles, and knees.

“Glad we found you so soon. We’re going to take you back to our place. I’m sure you and your friend Mark will love spending more time with us. Room and board free of charge!”

Bill was frog-marching the mentioned buddy, having him hop due to his tightly trussed-up body. The two goons caught the young man under his armpits and laid him face down on his friend.

“Sorry about the promiscuity, but we need to save space to transport all of you,” Ted said and pointed to a large van parked twenty feet away.

On the other side of the wall, inside a cell, Zach was recovering from the treacherous mickey, his first sight being the deputy’s smirk. The crop-haired man beamed as he looked at his catch. Zach was sitting on a wheelchair; he knew too well the feel of leather straps and tight cuffs. His mouth was free, though. It felt cottony. He moved his lips, triggering the hunky man into action.

“We won’t have you disturb the peace of our quiet police station.”

The deputy had a plug gag, which Zach thought odd as a law-enforcement tool to subdue rebellious offenders. The taste was familiar. Zach had trouble thinking straight, his mind still clouded in the narcotic mist. The silencing device was unmistakable, though: it was one of Shaun’s.

The man released the wheelchair’s brake and pushed Zach through the open cell door. He passed another cell in which Sean, Josh, and Marty were held in tight bondage. Josh was sitting in a chair like Zach was; next to his bug-eyed, moaning friend, a trolley hosted Sean and Marty in tight hogties, facing different directions, their legs intertwined and bound to each other. They stayed still, not wanting to experiment a fall and its unhappy consequences; their sad grunts were enough to tell Zach how bad they felt. His quiet reply got his minder to snarl.

“You boys are mad at this turn of events, aren’t you? I’ve always believed runaways should be brought back to their legal guardians,” the deputy said.

He pushed a swinging door open with the wheelchair’s footrest and headed towards the van in the parking garage. Zach identified the busy trio around the vehicle. Shaun, Ted, and Bill were loading Mark and Paul inside the van.

“Abooboo!” Shaun grinned, displaying his fangs. “You didn’t think I would let my diamond in the rough be taken away from me, did you? But I’m thrilled your dear friend is joining us. He’ll be a fine addition to our stable. Aren’t you excited I can have him at your sides in more movies? I could write a special Aladdin script to accommodate all of you people. Some will need more workout and preparation, but we have time, don’t we?”

Ted, Bill, and the deputy headed back to the cells and came back pushing the trolley and the chair, laughing together.

“You’ve met Rodney, Abooboo. I’ve known him since I was fifteen. My parents owned the manor and I came all the time as a kid. . He busted me for disorderly conduct once. He helped me straighten up and learn one big lesson: never get caught!”

The back of the van featured a bench on each side, with rings and straps ready to welcome four captives on each. Paul and Mark were at the back facing each other. Zach and Josh were released from their chairs. Their abductors seemed in no hurry, Rodney acting relaxed; he was glad to give a hand. Zach felt fingers prodding and kneading him in invasive ways. Bill handled them once he’d them on board, grabbing Josh first and eating him with his eyes.

The other kidnappers turned to Marty and Sean, who got Officer Rodney’s tactile attention too.

“You know, Rod, you can come and visit whenever you want. We have plenty of guests, and we can share. Thanks for your help solving this issue.”

“Sure. My wife will go to her sister’s in Wyoming a couple weeks from now. I’ll try to drop by then,” Rodney answered in a noncommittal way. Shaun suspected his kink was mainly watching the video feeds displaying young men in bondage. That’s how he’d become acquainted with him, after all.

Sean and Marty were loaded inside the van. Rodney’s smirk stayed on his lips as he chitchatted with Shaun about the coming tourism season. The backdoors slammed shut, and the prisoners could only hear the sound of a conversation, but they couldn’t follow the mundane discussion, which lasted a moment before the front doors let passengers climb in. The van’s engine started, spreading its vibrations to the restrained party on the benches. It slowly rolled, picking up speed only once they were out of town. The road was in poor conditions, which explained the careful driving. After all, they didn’t fear being arrested by the police.

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