Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 3/15/24] NEW POLL

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Who should Mason save?

NATE: plug gag, gorilla tape bonds, nipple clamps
CODY: duct tape gag, handcuffs, Icy Hot
LEO: Hoss' sock gag, rope bonds, tickle torture
RAY: bandana gag, slave harness, in his underwear
Total votes: 26

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Post by wataru14 »

Voting closes at the end of tomorrow (midnight Pacific Time). If anyone else wants to voice their choices for pairings, you've got two days left. On Friday, Bid Night begins with a Cody POV chapter. See you there!
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Post by wataru14 »

The votes are in! The pairings will be revealed in the coming chapters! Thanks to all who voted.

Bid Night Part One – The Cowboy Boogie

Fraternity Row was just as rowdy-looking as Cody expected. Flags of every color, proudly displaying Greek letters, hung from upper balconies and roofs. Old couches and basketball hoops dotted the yards. Several houses were already peppered with toilet paper hanging from the trees. “Looks like it’s gonna be a fun night,” Cody said, putting an encouraging arm around Nate’s shoulder.

It took a fair bit of doing for Cody to convince Nate to agree to come to the mixer in the first place. It was clear he wanted to, very much so. But the poor kid had some major social anxiety issues. “They must’ve done a number on him back in high school,” Cody thought. “But that’s why he needs this. He needs people that will have his back. Besides just me.” Cody had to promise not to let Nate out of his sight unless given the signal, but that wasn’t a hard price to pay. Nate was a complex person, Cody realized, and he had a lot to offer, even if he didn’t see it in himself.

Picking out clothes for the party was an ordeal, though. Nate, bless his heart, took “dress to impress” too far and had set out a suit and tie for himself. “It’s a mixer, not a formal,” Cody laughed. “No need to show up in a tux, but don’t go looking like a slob, either. Just be yourself. If you try to put on airs and act like someone you’re not, they’ll see right through that.” Nate eventually settled on some skinny jeans and a blazer over a T-shirt, which Cody wholeheartedly approved of. As for himself, he went Johnny Cash-style. Black buttondown and leather vest over tight jeans and black boots. Black cowboy hat and oversize belt buckle. Leo had collected his jacket the day after they met, otherwise he’d be wearing that, too. Cody was a little disappointed by that… OK, a lot, actually… but he’d get over it. Leo had popped over to visit pretty much every day since they met, but never explained why he had to leave so suddenly that first day. Cody figured that was for the best.

They heard the TUG house long before they saw it. Following the booming pulse of beat-heavy music, they came to a cul-du-sac at the far end of the street and saw the red-and gold banner hanging from the second story. This was the place! The party was already in full swing when they arrived and a huge crowd of both men and women, from all classes, were already milling around in the setting sun. When Cody and Nate arrived at the gate to TUG house, Cody instantly knew he was where he wanted to be. The sounds, the people, the smells. Everything seemed alive. Nate felt it, too. A palpable air of community. People from different worlds all in one place, celebrating just being together. “OK, cowboy,” Cody thought. “Don’t mess this up.”

As soon as they stepped on the path leading into the front yard, a roguish-looking man with a red snapback cap on backwards sauntered up out of the crowd and handed Cody and Nate each a beer. “Sup, dudes?” he said, taking the cigarette from his lips. “You must be Cody and Nate. I’m Scott, Social Chair. Welcome to TUG house!”

Cody raised his bottle in toast and took a swig. “Thank you kindly,” he said. “Glad to be here!” He elbowed Nate in the ribs softly, eliciting a hurried “likewise” from the boy. He was holding his beer like it was a bomb about to explode in his hands.

Scott looked quizzically at Nate. “Don’t be so stiff, brah,” he said warmly. “You’re here to have fun! Lighten up! Mingle. Meet the guys. They want to meet you, most definitely! We got beer bong in the backyard, pool in the rec room, and Danny’s trying to get a B-ball tourney going if you want in. Just look for the doucheiest guy you can find. That’ll be him. Otherwise, if you have any questions, look for me. I’m usually at the DJ booth.” Scott let out a “TUG HOOOOOUSE!” whoop that was answered back in unison from the guys scattered around the yard. Then he slipped away to grab some more refreshments.

“He seems nice,” Cody said, turning to Nate. “You OK? You sure you’re up for this?”

“Yeah,” Nate said, finally taking a sip of his beer. “I’m good. It’s just a lot.” Cody patted him on the back.

“Smells like the grill is going,” Cody said. “Let’s go in the backyard and grab a burger.” Nate smiled and nodded and the two pushed through the crowd to the backyard. Once the initial threshold was passed and the ice broken, Nate seemed a lot more comfortable. In the center of the yard was a basketball court where two guys, both shirtless, were playing a rough game of one-on-one. One of them was dirty blonde and seemed to be their age while the other had the confident bearing of a senior. He was, for lack of a better word, the most beautiful man either of them had ever seen. Laid-back and smooth, with an easygoing demeanor that contrasted starkly with his younger opponent’s intensity. Cody recognized the blonde beefcake as Ray, a guy from their dorm. “Must be another prospect,” he thought.

The roommates stopped to watch for a second, but Nate spied a familiar face from his Physics 101 class hanging out by the condiments table, so he excused himself from Cody and headed over to chat. Nate had met Mason on the first day of classes a few days ago and they were assigned as lab partners. Happy that his roommate was getting some much-needed socialization, Cody grabbed two burgers and walked up to the edge of the court. Right next to a familiar leather jacket. “Hey, buddy,” he said, rubbing his hand on Leo’s back. Partially to announce his presence to his friend, and partially just to feel the distressed cowhide a bit.

“You’ll never take me alive, marshal!” Leo snickered, sticking his hands in the air. “Code-man! Goodta seeya! So you got an invite, too, huh?”

“Yup,” Cody said, handing Leo a plate. “Me and Nate both did.” He indicated the place where Nate and Mason were talking and watching the basketball game.

“Wicked awesome!” Leo said, his mouth full of burger. “We’ll all get bids. I just know it. Call it a gut feeling. Who can turn down a buncha swell dudes like us?”

“I’m happy to see Mason here, too,” Cody said. “He’s been by the room a few times after class. Him and Nate’re talking about starting a D&D club. If he gets in, too, it will be good for the both of them.”

“No need to tell me about the club, Billy Ray,” Leo laughed. “I’m already a member. And Mason is a cool kid, even if HE doesn’t think so. Problem is he always has a 200-pound shadow following him around. Dude means well, but he needs to lay off or he’ll end up smothering the little homie.” Leo indicated the basketball court where Ray had just landed from a jumpshot. The game was pretty intense. Almost like street ball. The blonde hunk had a very aggressive playing style, one not copied by his opponent. The suave senior wasn’t much for fouls and dirty play like Ray was, but sunk all his shots with his eyes closed. With an almost effortless grace. The fact that he wasn’t getting worked up seemed to annoy Ray more than anything, though.

After a minute or two of watching, Leo got a strange look on his face. He had been scanning the crowd, and he saw something that made him start acting strangely. “Hate to eat and run, but I think something is brewing that needs my personal attention,” he said. “I’ll catch up with you and Nate later.” He and Cody shook hands and Leo disappeared into the crowd like a ninja.

Alone again, and with the game wrapping up, Cody finished his beer and started walking around the yard, mingling and socializing. He was completely in his element. He struck up a conversation with a few members of the Sophomore class, but soon felt a gentle tug on his belt from behind. Looking over his shoulder, Cody saw a trio of upperclass Sorority girls pulling him backwards towards the dance floor that had been laid out on the lawn near the patio. Smiling, he tipped his hat to the guys and allowed himself to be pulled away. “Come on, cutie,” one of the girls cooed. “Let’s see those cowboy moves.”

As a DJ, Scott was playing mostly rap and dance songs. Usual frat party fare. But Cody could dance to anything. He boogied with the best of them, getting passed around from Sister to Sister with wild abandon and having a grand old time. Out of the corner of his eye, he spied Mason, now leaning alone against the wall of the house nearby. No sign of Nate, though. Not like him to wander off by himself, Cody thought. Maybe he’s in the can? When the set was over, Cody’s overshirt had been unbuttoned by several girls and he had lipstick smudges all over him. He stepped off the floor with a goofy smile on his face and fanned himself with his hat. He was planning to go look for Nate, but stopped, remembering Mason. Poor kid was by himself at a very important party. That wouldn’t do! If he didn’t do something to make himself stand out, he’d never get a bid. Cody grabbed a refresher drink and then got an idea.

He headed over to Scott at the DJ booth nearby and whispered a few things into his ear. The older bro chuckled and said, “Sure, brah. Comin’ right up.” He gave an impressed look as Cody headed back over to the dance floor. Grabbing the mic, Scott announced, “We got a special request from Cowboy Cody here. This one’s called ‘The Git Up.’” A bunch of ladies cheered and eagerly flooded the floor as the intro started, forming lines. But Cody didn’t join them, even though they left a spot for him in the front. He walked right over to Mason.

“Hey Mason,” he said. “Good to see you. Come out on the dance floor with us!”

Mason got rather flushed and shook his head, “No, it’s OK. I’m good here.” He looked around desperately for Ray or Nate, any excuse to turn Cody down, but didn’t see either of them. He unconsciously took a step back.

Cody gave him a look that said he wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Come on, man, it’ll be fun,” he said. “And it’s easy. I’ll teach ya!”

“Stop it!” Mason’s brain screamed at him, time itself feeling like it had paused. “Do you want to be a pathetic wallflower forever or do you want to enjoy life for once? Don’t worry about what people will say! Just do it or you’ll never forgive yourself!” Not getting an answer, Cody shrugged and started to turn away, but Mason gulped down the last of the beer he’d been nursing and tapped him on the shoulder. “Fuck it!” he said. “Let’s go!”

Cody whooped and threw his arm over Mason’s shoulder, pulling him into place in the center of the head line. “Gonna do a two-step, then cowboy boogie,” he crooned as he instructed Mason in the choreography. With everyone watching him, Mason’s instinctive awkwardness took over again and he felt like bolting for the safety of the house. But something deep inside screamed for him to stay. Fighting back against his fear and self-consciousness, he remained and started to Copy Cody’s moves. Cody’s instructions continued through this song and the next two, and to Mason’s shock and surprise, he found that he was enjoying it! And was actually doing pretty well! Never in a million years would he have thought it, but he was! “New horizons, new experiences,” he thought as he shuffled, kicked, and turned, grinning like an idiot, but having more fun than he ever had in his life. At the DJ table, Scott had been joined by a few other Seniors and they were watching the dancers and whispering with great interest.

After a few songs, Scott fulfilled the second part of Cody’s request and a patio chair was moved out to the dance floor. The crowd gave room, but Cody made Mason stay put. “Yee haw!” Scott said, “It’s getting’ like a Tennessee hoedown out here. But now we gonna slow it down and get all 'Fancy Like.' Take it away, Code-man!”

As the guitar twang started, Cody gently pushed Mason down into the chair. The crowd encircled them, which made Mason’s unease grow and his flight response begin to pop up again. Cody gave a calming smile that slightly settled Mason’s jittery stomach, then slithered behind the chair and fished his red bandana from his back pocket. Gently pulling Mason’s hands behind the chair Cody used the well-worn rag to bind them together as the assembled crowd began to whistle and catcall. The distressed fabric was rolled into a strip and wrapped snugly around Mason’s wrists. Mason was skinny enough for three full loops around before Cody needed to knot it off. It was snug and secure, yet soft and soothing at the same time, Mason thought, almost comfy. Despite his growing embarrassment, Mason actually thought it felt quite pleasurable. Mason was getting flustered and warm as Cody knelt down and cinched off the knot, trapping his hands in a tight cloth prison. The loops kept Mason’s hands firmly bound behind the chair, but with no stress or discomfort.

“Not too tight, is it?” Cody whispered. “I want you to enjoy this. And no touching, haha.” Cody winked and strutted around the front of the chair as the lyrics started, stripping off his overshirt and vest and tossing them to the floor. Cody straddled Mason’s lap and put his hat on top of the bound boy’s head. Mason’s heart rate shot up as the crowd began to whoop and holler in earnest. They were laughing at him! He had been wrong about Cody! The cowboy WAS setting him up to humiliate him in front of everyone! Bullying him to show off to the Seniors! He started to struggle in the chair, desperate to get up and flee, even with his hands bound, but he wasn’t strong enough to force his way out. The cowboy’s firm chest was inches from his face, giving Mason a full whiff of his cologne. Mmmmm… Stop! He had to get out! He couldn’t bear everyone laughing at him for another second.


No! That’s NOT what was happening. At all! It took Mason a second to realize it, but the crowd wasn’t ridiculing him, they were actually cheering him on! They weren’t making fun, they were encouraging him! “Yeah, Mason! Get some of that tight cowboy booty!” he heard a smarmy baritone voice shout from somewhere in the crowd behind him. With a sultry smirk, Cody started rubbing his pecs and grinding against Mason, drawing more raunchy cheers from the crowd. He slowly undulated with the beat of the song and began to remove his undershirt…

“She’s my Alabama jamma, she’s my Dixieland delight…” Cody sang along. As he writhed and teased, he stuffed the tank top into Mason’s mouth, filling it completely, and tied it behind his head. Mason's confused mumbles were reduced to pleasured, garbled moans. He was getting a personal lap dance from the hunky cowboy right there in front of everyone! And the crowd was loving it! Everything in Mason’s mind was telling him he should be mortified and should break and run, but he was having too much fun to even consider it. Then, something snapped in him. Letting out a loud “YEE YEE!” through his gag, he let himself go, laughing and whooping as Cody bounced and undulated, egging him on in spite of himself! He was absolutely overjoyed. His groin had swelled to full arousal, forming a prominent tent in his cargo shorts. But Cody just kept right on going. At the end of the song, Cody took his hat back and lifted the hem of Mason’s shirt up. He pulled it up over Mason's head and tucked it back behind Mason's neck, exposing his scrawny chest to the air.

“OK, ladies,” Cody smirked as the next song started. “I got him all riled up, now he’s yours.” A gaggle of Sorority girls flounced over to Mason and began teasing and playing with him. Tickling his nipples and licking his earlobes. Mason squirmed happily in his bonds, nearly melting with joy. He had never had so much fun in his whole life! He purred each time he heard one of the girls call him a “little cutie” and say how she “wanted to take him home to play.” He was so blissful he wasn’t prepared when Ray barreled over out of the crowd and socked Cody square in the jaw.

“You think this is funny?” Ray threatened. Cody wasted no time and immediately took up the fight. His opponent was a trained grappler, but Cody was rough and scrappy enough for two. And he wasn’t going to let that insult go unanswered. The two went at each other like rabid dogs and in a split second they were on the ground, surrounded by cheering onlookers. But it didn’t last long. After about 15 seconds, both fighters were lifted to their feet and pulled apart by a pair of massive, calloused hands. Their fighting had stirred Hoss from his beer pong game and policing this domain was HIS responsibility. One he took VERY seriously.

“How long was that?” Danny asked from beside the DJ table as Hoss held the two fighters apart at arms’ length. Both were strong individuals, but neither could match Hoss in power. Maybe not even together.

“Hour and a half,” Shane said from next to him, checking his watch. “Almost a new record.”

Hoss spat into the grass and set the two Freshmen down, giving them both a “don’t fuck with me” stare that gave even Ray pause. “OK,” he grunted, “break it up. You’ve had your fun. Now grab a beer and walk it off.”

“I leave him alone for five minutes and this redneck fuck tries to turn my best friend into a laughing stock?” Ray snapped, balling his fists, but not daring to anger Hoss by making another move.

“What in the hell are you talking about?” Cody shot back. “He’s enjoying himself. Does he look like a laughing stock to you?” Cody pointed over at Mason, who had not removed himself from the chair, even though he could easily have done so. Three girls were still hanging on him, massaging his chest and ruffling his hair. Mason looked at Ray with pleading eyes through his gag.

Ray looked over at his friend and was shocked to see that he was, indeed, happy. His rage bubbled down, but Ray was still angry. At himself more than anything else. He was disappointed that he wasn’t the one to get Mason to liven up. It should have been his duty, not some stranger’s. A senior had asked him for some one-on-one time and he immediately ditched his best friend like a class-A douchebag. Some protector he was! He had slacked off in his responsibility to Mason and hated himself for it. And for what? A basketball game with some dude he barely knew? Was getting into the frat worth dumping the one person in the world who needed him most? “Yeah, well…” Ray trailed off. He had major egg on it, but needed to save face somehow. “He gets his heart broken and you get your nose broken, pretty boy.”

Cody narrowed his eyes, but relaxed when Leo melted out of the crowd and put his arm around Ray. “Chillax, dude,” he said soothingly. “Mason’s OK. More than OK by the looks of it. Why don’t you stop cockblocking and come with me? We’ll go unwind somewhere.” He pulled two joints from the inside breast pocket of his leather jacket. Ray grumbled but unballed his fists. He looked at Mason, who made it clear he wanted to remain exactly where he was for the time being (possibly forever), and followed off after Leo.

With the show now over, Scott set the DJ booth to automatic shuffle and drifted over to Cody, who was collecting his overshirt and vest from the floor nearby. “You OK?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Cody said, rubbing his jaw. “He got me a good one there but I’ve had worse.”

Smiling, Scott put his arm around Cody. “Come on, scrappy, let’s walk for a minute. I wanna talk to you.”

Coming Soon: Bid Night Part 2 – And Then There Were Four
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

God this place sounds like my kind of Hell! :lol:
Like I've said, this setting isn't my favourite of course, but your excellent writing very well makes up for that.

Glad to see that our boys are having fun though, apart from the, ah, confrontation.

Based on the title of the next chapter, I'm assuming one of them leaves the party or drops out of the process entirely? Eager to see where this goes [mention]wataru14[/mention]! :)

Cheers to bondagefreak for the banner!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Absolutely amazing writing [mention]wataru14[/mention]. You are definitely up there with [mention]Volobond[/mention] when it comes to wrangling a large cast of hunky characters. They've all got their own personalities and feel like they could be real people.

I can definitely relate to the social awkwardness experienced by Nate and Mason. I'm definitely not one for loud, rowdy parties. Glad to see Nate and Mason have made friends. (We don't do the major/minor degree thing in the UK but I can see the advantage of it in terms of broadening your education and meeting other people). In fact I love how all the characters have been brought together in various different ways.

Cody stepping up to help Mason come out of his shell is just right for his character (I can see why he has garnered so many reader votes) although I do wonder where Nate has got to. Such a shame about Ray's reaction but I can already see that he is going to have an interesting character journey. Also loved Cody's desire for the leather jacket, Leo popping up all over the place like a ninja and Nate setting out a suit and tie.
OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago Based on the title of the next chapter, I'm assuming one of them leaves the party or drops out of the process entirely? Eager to see where this goes @wataru14! :)
I read it more that Cody and Scott are our first pairing. I think that's definitely going to be an interesting one to watch unfold.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago I read it more that Cody and Scott are our first pairing. I think that's definitely going to be an interesting one to watch unfold.
Yeah, you're probably right, but didn't Shane win the strip poker? The reason I thought my theory is that Ray seems so guilty I wouldn't be surprised if he went the complete opposite direction and closed the door on TUG.

Cheers to bondagefreak for the banner!
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Post by cj2125 »

I'm definitely like Nate when it comes to parties 😂. I was afraid I wouldn't enjoy this frat party but just as with Nate and Mason, you created a cool environment! I liked how you gave each of the main five a chance to shine while keeping it from Cody's perspective. We can already see how the dynamics between the five will go along with some of their characters flaws that they'll (hopefully) will have to overcome
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Uh oh! What happened to Nate? :o
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Post by cj2125 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago Uh oh! What happened to Nate? :o
I noticed he was missing. Based on the next chapter's title, I wonder if we'll be focuing on him then?
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Post by wataru14 »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago Based on the title of the next chapter, I'm assuming one of them leaves the party or drops out of the process entirely?
Someone will "leave the party" alright, but maybe not in the way you think. ;)
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago although I do wonder where Nate has got to. Such a shame about Ray's reaction but I can already see that he is going to have an interesting character journey.
Nate's whereabouts will be revealed after Cody's scene resolves.

And Ray saw (what he thought was) his best friend being publicly humiliated. He had to intervene. In the only way he knew how. While Cody, of course, holds no hard feelings, can the same be said for Ray? Mason obviously can't verbalize his wishes at this time. Mmmmpppgggghhhh.
OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago but didn't Shane win the strip poker?
Shane's win meant he got first pick. Based on the votes, Shane got to choose between two pledges since there was a tie in his case. He and Scott had the same number of votes for Cody, but Shane had another to choose from and Scott didn't. So, always the diplomat, Shane allowed Scott to have Cody. Otherwise Scott would have been paired with someone that he only had one vote with!
cj2125 wrote: 2 years ago I liked how you gave each of the main five a chance to shine while keeping it from Cody's perspective. We can already see how the dynamics between the five will go along with some of their characters flaws that they'll (hopefully) will have to overcome
After the intros, the pledges seemed to be divided into two groups. So now it's time to cross them over so they can blend into one unit.
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago Uh oh! What happened to Nate? :o
Maybe he's in the bathroom? Maybe he's off doing kegstands with his Big Bro? Maybe he was ambushed and carried away by DIX in an attempt to ruin the party? Keep reading and find out!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago Keep reading and find out!
Oh, have no fear -- I will! Just thinking that the title suggested Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians." 8-)
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Post by Volobond »

Okay, my first reaction? This song is my JAM!!!!!! :o

Lol definitely a hilariously effective audio aid to have the Git Down and Fancy Like playing in my head and just the thing to send me head over cowboy-booted heels for Cody! Seriously, who wouldn't want to share a dance with that cute crooner and hear him sing? Not to mention see him give a bondage striptease to an equally cute twink? Lol that's it, y'all. Cowboy Cody's mine. :lol: ;)

Equally concerned about Nate, as well as Leo and Ray, heading away from the crowd where they'll be vulnerable to DIX. Haha, I'm so excited!
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago Absolutely amazing writing [mention]wataru14[/mention]. You are definitely up there with [mention]Volobond[/mention] when it comes to wrangling a large cast of hunky characters. They've all got their own personalities and feel like they could be real people.
[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] you rang? 8-) Lol haha I think you're absolutely right, you're amazing [mention]wataru14[/mention] !

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Post by CowboyStud »

Volobond wrote: 2 years ago Okay, my first reaction? This song is my JAM!!!!!! :o

Lol definitely a hilariously effective audio aid to have the Git Down and Fancy Like playing in my head and just the thing to send me head over cowboy-booted heels for Cody! Seriously, who wouldn't want to share a dance with that cute crooner and hear him sing? Not to mention see him give a bondage striptease to an equally cute twink? Lol that's it, y'all. Cowboy Cody's mine. :lol: ;)

Equally concerned about Nate, as well as Leo and Ray, heading away from the crowd where they'll be vulnerable to DIX. Haha, I'm so excited!
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago Absolutely amazing writing @wataru14. You are definitely up there with @Volobond when it comes to wrangling a large cast of hunky characters. They've all got their own personalities and feel like they could be real people.
@Pup Wingletang you rang? 8-) Lol haha I think you're absolutely right, you're amazing @wataru14 !
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Post by GoBucks »

I want to be tied up and get a lapdance by Cody! So hot! But seriously, Cody is just such a good dude.

As for the chapter hint, I'm going to speculate that some isn't dropping out, but someone has been claimed. As others have noted Nate went missing. Maybe one of the seniors staked their claim? I can't wait to find out.

There was also a distinct absence of president Brett. I did not see his name come up at all. Maybe that's connected to Nate?

You've got us all guessing!
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Post by gag1195 »

I love the different interactions between the pledges. There are some strong personalities coming out. I'm so happy to see Cody and Scott paired up, and I can't wait to see how Cody spends the rest of the party...

I'm so curious to know the rest of the pairings, and its going to be torture waiting to find out! And like others, definitely curious to know where Nate ended up.. and with who...
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] Brilliant! Wonderful! Superb!
Reading this practically fools my mind into believing that I was at the frat party myself!

I realise I may be the only one to feel this way, but my respect for Ray has skyrocketed significantly during my two readthroughs of this chapter. Even though his aggression is a little misplaced, his quickness to come to Mason's defence and challenge what he perceived as a threat - Cody - is nothing short of admirable. Leo was probably right in that the big brute may be smothering his twinky friend a little, but Ray's protectiveness is seriously endearing. I can totally relate to that. Quick to anger and volatile, but somewhat noble in his desire to protect his protégé. The fact that he was self-loathing his quickness to abandon the tyke in favour of playing basketball with some other dude - who I assume is Shane 8-) - is actually quite telling.

Cody gets a lot of admiration from the chicks (and also the guys here) so I'll not add to it but further flattering his ego.

Hoss' intervention was brilliant.
You could practically smell the fear and respect emanating from Ray and Cody at that point.

I also can't help but wonder where twinky Nate went.
That's the big question on everyone's mind, isn't it?
Can't wait to find out 8-)

Superb stuff, my friend!
Loving it.

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Post by bondagefreak »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago Yeah, you're probably right, but didn't Shane win the strip poker? The reason I thought my theory is that Ray seems so guilty I wouldn't be surprised if he went the complete opposite direction and closed the door on TUG.
I may be missing something, but guilty of what, my friend?

Ray has been nothing but a positive force, right from the moment of his introduction.
Sure he's a little rough around the edges, but I thought it was made clear right from his intro chapter that the big wrestler is willing to go above and beyond in order to protect scrawny Mason. Even now, his altercation with Cody was quite noble. He was playing a heated game of basketball with Shane, only to turn around and find his shy protégé bound, gagged and being given a mock-lap dance in front of a huge audience.

Ray may have misread the situation, but his willingness to immediately challenge a perceived threat to Mason is really quite admirable.

Not sure what he's being accused of here.
All I see is a good friend who's willing to step up his game in order to protect a weaker fellow.

I may be the one who's not reading this properly, but I don't see Ray as being guilty of anything.
I think a lot of folks on here would be thrilled to have a friend and guardian like him.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Friend, you have once again misinterpreted my statements.

I did not say that Ray was guilty, I said that he felt guilty over his perceived abandonment of Mason. You can tell in the later paragraphs that he feels very guilty, and perhaps rightfully so.

Cheers to bondagefreak for the banner!
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Post by bondagefreak »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago I did not say that Ray was guilty, I said that he felt guilty over his perceived abandonment of Mason. You can tell in the later paragraphs that he feels very guilty, and perhaps rightfully so.
Ah I see. Apologies for that, buddy-boi.
It's just that your use of the words "Ray seems so guilty" instils the image of you stating his guilt over starting a brawl.

Not sure why you feel his feeling guilt about having briefly looked away from Mason would incite him to throw the towel and not join TUG though. I don't find that conclusion fits his character, especially considering he's the most driven and combative of the pledges. Out of the five, I'm fairly certain he's the guy who'd be most prone to press on. Though I may be mistaken.
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Post by Jason07 »

Why do I get the feeling that Nate has already been kidnapped? XDDD Probably not actually kidnapped, but certainly seems like he’s not been around for awhile.
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Post by wataru14 »

I'm going on vacation until the 20th and won't be able to post again until after then, so here is the next chapter a little early. I'll still be able to read and comment, but the next update after this will not be until after I get back. Enjoy!

Bid Night: Part 2 – And Then There Were Four

“I watched what you did back there,” Scott said, leading Cody away from the crowd. “You saw someone by himself and gave him a push in the right direction. Make him socialize, even if it was outside his comfort zone.”

“Well, he needed it,” Cody said. “I’ve hung out with him a few times and he’s a good kid. But painful shy. People would definitely like him if they got to know him, but he’s so afraid of being hurt that he won’t let people get that chance.” Cody shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. “I just thought I’d light a fire under his ass.”

“That’s some top-tier brotherhood shit right there,” Scott said. “You impressed us a lot with that. A TUG man has to look out for his fam and help them out, no matter what. Give them what they need, even if they don’t know that they need it.”

“That’s what I do,” Cody said. “I guess I just like helping people.”

“Saint Cody,” Scott laughed, tapping out a cigarette. “You smoke, Saint Cody?”

“A coupla times,” Cody admitted. “But not something I do on the regular.”

Scott lit two and handed one to Cody. “Well, this is one of those times,” he said.

“Heh. Why the hell not?” Cody said, accepting it and taking a drag.

“Good. Now I know you’re not COMPLETELY pure, at least” Scott laughed. “Or a pretentious health nut like Danny. Innocent I can deal with. But not TOO innocent. I’m looking for a Little Bro, not a priest. But don’t worry. I’m not going to make you start full-time like my Big Bro did with me.”

Cody looked at Scott curiously. “Does that mean you’re giving me a bid?” he asked.

“Not yet,” Scott said. “Still feeling you out. There are ten prospects and each of us has two to choose between. I already like you more than my other guy, but I want to pick your brain a little more.”

“What ya wanna know?” Cody asked, leaning against a tree and taking another drag.

“Tell me about yourself,” Scott said. “Your family.”

“Only child. Single dad,” Cody said. “Just us two growing up. I always wanted a little brother. Maybe that’s why I’m drawn to guys like Nate and Mason. Guys who need someone to stick up for ‘em.”

“And Leo?” Scott asked with a sly smile. “Does he need someone to stick up for him or do you just hang around with him to talk fashion? I saw your wandering hand when you met up with him earlier.” Cody coughed as Scott’s comment took him off guard. “Relax, brah! Your secret’s safe with me. Besides, why would I waste perfectly good blackmail material?”

Cody’s chest got tight. Scott held the tension for a moment, then laughed.

“Nah, I’m just fucking with you,” Scott said. “Haha. You should see the look on your face. Don’t worry. This is the last place on earth anyone is going to judge you for having a kink. Believe me. I was actually kinda relieved to see it, to tell the truth. I don’t trust a man who has no secrets.”

Cody suddenly felt a lot better. “You had me going there,” he said.

“A Big Bro has to look out for his LB,” Scott said warmly, grabbing a low tree branch and doing a few pullups. Cody noticed that Scott didn’t seem to be able to sit still for more than a few seconds at a time. It reminded him of a toddler reaching his Terrible Twos. “And sometimes that means keeping secrets. If I give you a bid, you’ll have to keep loads of mine. Haha. But even if the guys knew about your leather thing, they definitely wouldn’t think less of you. They might rib you about it, but that’s what bros do. Brett might actually be able to get you a hookup on gear at a good price. Dude networks like a motherfucker. He knows everybody.”

The two meandered over to a game setup in the side yard. Two long tables were arranged side-by-side with a shoebox at the far end. A full cooler of beer was placed behind it. “Hey, brah,” Scott said. “Let’s play some ‘Drunk Curling.’ It’s kinda like the ice rink game,” Scott explained. “You push a ping-pong ball down the lane and into the box. When it goes in, you chug a beer, then go back to the start. If the ball falls off, you gotta start over. Most balls in the box at the end wins.”

“Sounds fun,” Cody laughed, hanging his overshirt and vest on the back of a nearby chair.

“But there’s one thing,” Scott said, rifling through a little box under the table. “It’s too easy if you use your hands. Push it with your nose, blow on it, whatever. But no hands. So we take those out of the equation.” He pulled two precut lengths of clothesline from the box.

“Haha!” Cody laughed. “I gotcha. Yeah, I’m in.”

Scott waved Hoss over from the patio. “Hey, Big Man, give us a hand? And can you run the winner’s circle?” Hoss shrugged an affirmative and took the ropes. Scott took off his watch and cap and turned around, crossing his wrists behind his back. With a furrowed brow, Hoss immobilized the smaller man’s hands behind him with the rope. He didn’t go too crazy, though. It was just a casual party game, after all. But it would hold. “I want my phone call!” Scott joked as his hands were secured behind him.

“Stop resisting, perp! And exercise that right to remain silent,” Hoss said, giving Scott a playful slap in the back of the head. “It’s gotta be tight so you can’t slip out. You know how this works.” Scott twisted his wrists to test the knots when Hoss finished and was satisfied with their thoroughness. Finding them acceptable, he took his place at the right-hand table and cracked his neck as Hoss advanced on Cody. “OK, cowboy, assume the position.”

Cody crossed his wrists behind his back. “You got some decent arms on you,” Hoss said. “So this is gonna have to be tight.” Cody felt the bite of the clothesline tighten around his wrists. “You’re not the only country boy ‘round here who’s handy with ropes, ya know,” Hoss joked. Cody was, of course, no stranger to rope. Growing up on a ranch and doing rodeo, the stuff was everywhere. And not just for work. Young rodeo riders would often lasso and tie each other for fun. “Practicing their technique,” they would say. Cody was usually on the other end of the situation, but he had been roped and hogtied by his friends enough to know the helpless feeling of being bound.

Hoss definitely seemed to know what he was doing, Cody thought as the rope was looped and tightened again and again. First horizontally around his wrists, forcing them flush together, then vertically over itself, creating a secure cross pattern. The fact that Hoss was putting a lot more care and effort into this than he had done with Scott didn’t occur to Cody. And boy, was this tight! He’d have welts when it came off. Cody would need to tie his bandana around his wrist to cover the marks when the game was over. Wait! He had left that on Mason. He looked back over at the dance floor, only to find that Mason (and the three girls) were gone. Cody gave a wry smile. “Go get ‘em, tiger,” Cody thought.

Cody winced one final time as Hoss finished cinching off the knots, just out of reach of prying fingers, and patted him on the shoulder. “Damn!” Cody said. “Steers don’t get roped up this good!”

“Gotta make sure you don’t cheat,” Hoss said. “Only outlaws wear all black, partner.” Hoss chortled and took his place at the head of the tables.

“I forgot to mention,” Scott said. “If the ball drops off, you have to get it back. Kick it or mouth it back to the start. Hoss is on beer duty, not ball retrieval.” Cody took his place at the left table. A box of ping-pong balls was waiting at this end. Following Scott’s example, he fished one out with his mouth – like he was bobbing for apples – and set it on the table behind the starting line. “You ready?” Scott asked.

Cody flexed in his ropes for show and let his muscles bulge a little. “Bring it on!” he fronted. Hoss smacked the table and shouted “GO!”

Starting off, Cody had a relatively easy time. He though he must look pretty silly, hands bound behind his back and face planted against a table, blowing and nosing a ball down the lane. But he didn't mind. Someone like Nate would be beet red and Mason probably would have had a heart attack. But where WAS Nate? Cody’s mind wandered and his ball rolled off to the ground. Scott had already finished and was chugging the beer that Hoss held to his lips. “Shit!” Cody thought. He kicked the ball back to the start, then got on his knees and grabbed it in his mouth before depositing it back on the table and starting over.

After that, Cody decided to focus. He would find Nate when the game was over. Slipping into competition mode, he easily nosed the ball down the track and into the box. He ran to Hoss and slammed his beer. Then back to the start. This kept going for several more passes. As the effects of the alcohol began to hit him, Cody wasn’t able to notice that Scott had been slowing down. Holding back on purpose. If he had full control of his faculties, that would have alarmed him. But he was in no condition to grasp subtleties right now.

Cody was no greenhorn when it came to alcohol, mind you. His dad gave him his first beer at 13 and let him drink at home when he wanted. “Italian kids drink wine at dinner!” he had said. It was common to sneak one or two at competitions, and there were always high school parties. But Cody wasn’t used to this many in short sequence. He had chugged six in less than five minutes and his head was beginning to swim. His movements became sloppy and awkward and he was dropping the ball more often. Staggering when he went to retrieve it. How many had Scott had? He couldn’t remember. Cody downed beer number 8 and wobbled back to the start when Hoss called “TIME!” Cody’s face was flushed and he was sweating and giggling like a little kid.

Scott came over to him, looking fresh as a daisy. “Looks like you won, dude!” he said. Since both of their hands were still bound, Scott set up for a chest bump and Cody obliged. He was dizzy and wobbly, but made it work. Hoss patted him on the back and started to untie Scott.

“Nice job,” Hoss said. “Freshmen usually can’t do eight. I’m impressed.”

Cody beamed with the praise as he watched the ropes coming off Scott’s hands. The party king rubbed his wrists and teased, “Not so tight next time, you big dumb ox!” He danced away a split second before Hoss’ giant hand swiped at him. Cody turned around and presented his bound hands to Hoss.

“My turn” he said, with a noticeable slurring. “It’s chafing something fierce.”

“Yeah, about that,” Scott smirked. He gave a look at Hoss, who had stealthily grabbed some more rope from the box, and the two pounced. In Cody’s sloppy state, he was in no shape to avoid them. Scott hit high and Hoss hit low and in a split second Cody was face-down on the ground, laughing his ass off.

“Oh no!” Cody laughed. “Help me! Heeeeeelp me!” He figured something like this would happen and decided to go along with it. All in fun, right?

Scott sat on Cody’s back, pinning him to the grass, and clamped his hand over the boy’s mouth. “Looks like we got a screamer here!” he said. He grabbed Cody’s discarded buttondown and twirled it into a bulbous strip. He quickly removed his other hand from Cody’s mouth and stuffed the thick cloth gag between his teeth. The strip was so long, Scott was able to wrap the ends twice fully around Cody’s head. Cody’s jaws were forced open uncomfortably wide and the entire lower half of his face was covered from nose to chin. Cody let out some muted grunts as Scott tied his gag off, sealing his mouth fully. Cody’s joking protests were reduced to muffled “mmmmpppghhs.” Behind him, Hoss had made short work of roping his cowboy-booted ankles together with the same attention to detail his hands had been shown. The helpless cowboy squirmed under the weight of his two captors and he began to realize that something beyond normal horseplay was happening here. Hoss took another rope and bent Cody into a tight hogtie. It dawned on Cody that now he was really stuck. Totally in their power.

Cody started to thrash in earnest as Hoss bent down and scooped him up off the floor like he weighed nothing. Cradled in the giant man’s arms, Cody watched helplessly as Scott picked up his leather vest and put it on over his gray TUG T-shirt. Then he opened the door to the house and led them all inside. Cody was getting very worried. Fun was fun, but he barely knew these guys and now they were carting him off to a secret location. And no one he knew had any idea where he was. He was carried – now bucking, squirming, and grunting like mad – down a hall and through another door that Scott had to unlock with a key. He felt himself being carried down a flight of stairs into an unfinished basement.

The room was wide and open, with a concrete floor and covered windows. Some sort of stage with a giant TUG flag was set up on the far end of the room. From his position in Hoss’ arms Cody couldn’t see much of anything else. But he got a shock as he saw himself being carried over to a sturdy steel cage a few feet from the dais. It was the size of a dog crate, but with heavy steel bars and reinforced hinges.

Cody flailed and fought like mad as the cage door was opened, but in his inebriated state (and with the severity of Hoss’ expert ropes) he was powerless to avoid his fate. He was deposited gently, almost lovingly, on the ground and slid face first-into the cage. The bottom was a smooth, solid sheet of steel. Even if he managed to free himself from the ropes, he wouldn't be able to force his way out of the cage once it was locked closed. From his hogtied position, Cody could see the stage clearly, but the room was too dark to see anything on his sides. From behind him, he heard the cage door clank shut and a heavy lock being engaged with an ominous "CLUNK."

Hoss turned and tramped up the stairs without saying another word. Scott drifted over to the front of the cage and bent down to Cody’s level. “You are the first,” Scott said, uncharacteristically serious. “Your four brothers will soon join you and the ritual can begin. Welcome to the 2021 pledge class of Tau Upsilon Gamma.”

Coming Soon: Bid Night: Part 3 – The Snoop
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Post by Volobond »

Yay for Cody! Haha, can I put in a bid for the shirtless cowboy? :D Love a muscular guy shirtless and roped!

And I respect Scott and Hoss' smooth manipulation and teameork getting Cody incapacitated and tucked away. The tying Scott's hands too was a nice touch. :twisted:

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by george_bound »

Man oh man that ending is hot as hell, [mention]wataru14[/mention] , two studs manhandling and roping up the unsuspecting young buck in a tight hogtie then carrying him off to a cage in the basement... I didn't see that coming but it makes perfect sense. Agree with [mention]Volobond[/mention] that tying Scott's wrists too was a good ploy! Good for Cody, he's made it, now he just waits... a bit uncomfortably :evil: Looking forward to the other pledges' captures and how Cody responds to seeing them join him. 8-)

BTW, I'm an avid curler and while this party game of Drunk Curling is loosely derived from the original, it does seem to involve the same amount of drinking ;)

Have a great vacation and hopefully some time off to yourself!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Wow...Just Wow! 8-)

What can I say that hasn't been said already...

Well Done,[mention]wataru14[/mention]! Best parts were the end with Cody caged and Scott's sudden turn to seriousness. :evil:

Look forward to seeing four more men caged! Enjoy your vacation. It should be great at getting your creative juices recharged and flowing!
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Post by gag1195 »

A fantastic chapter! These seniors are quite devious and methodical aren't they? The little game and the ulterior motives were great. It's nice to see that the seniors are willing to get roped up in their acquisitions of their pledges! I'm happy to see Cody hogtied and caged, but I feel bad that he has to sit and wait for the rest of the group to join him. Oh well, someone has to be first, right? Can't wait to see Cody's reactions to seeing his friends being brought in, and their reactions to seeing Cody waiting for them in his cage! I wonder who will be next?

I hope you enjoy your vacation!
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Just caught up on this story, and loving it so far!! As other mentioned, I'm curious where Nate is, although I think I have some idea ;) :lol:
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