Escape from Enderon: Ollin's Trek (M+/M)

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Escape from Enderon: Ollin's Trek (M+/M)

Post by bigsmile21 »

This story is inspired by Varlance Interactive's "Escape from Enderon" Twine game. The game is free to download, in development with several fun updates coming. This story represents one set of events for a Male Soldier with Sex Options unchecked (checking them adds several interesting scenes, unchecking them increases the bondage encounters options upon defeat). All other inputs are randomized (makes for fun re-playability). This is a fan-made story, and I hope you enjoy.

His name was Ollin Greenriver, a soldier of Valencar. His 22nd name-day was just over a week ago, yet despite his young age and face he had seen his share of battle. Thus far hardly a scratch or blow landed from an opponent's weapon. Swift with a blade and light on his feet, he had been assigned to protect the Prince personally. Prince Idris was young as well, fair of skin with sun-kissed hair, yet mature in matters of state. Sitting in the carriage felt much different than trotting on a horse, but Ollin had to admit he could get used to the cooler temperature and fewer flies.

The Prince was headed for Krukiz, capital city of the neighboring realm of Enderon, for a peace summit. Ollin thought back to how his shield-brothers had died in that last siege, and wished the King had assigned more security for this endeavor. For the first week of their journey the Prince had been quiet, with Ollin catching glances from the Prince looking at his toned arms and legs. Today the Prince began opening up, sharing how he wished for peace between Enderon and Valencar so they could focus on rebuilding the kingdom. Prince Idris was starting to inquire about Ollin's personal history with the war and himself when clashing swords and yells erupted from the back of the caravan. An attack!

Peaking out from the carriage, Ollin see riders engaged with the rear royal guards. He ducks back in, pushing the Prince back against his seat for cover and reaches for his sword. Or, would have reached for it, had the carriage not been blasted sideways. The carriage rolls violently, throwing Ollin outwards. It takes a few moments for him to regain his footing and sense of direction. He makes out the carriage leaning against a tree. Between him and the carriage is a full skirmish of royal guards and the attacking men. Ollin takes a deep breath and prepares to duck and dodge his way to the carriage, to his Prince, but is interrupted by a fireball blasting in the center of the path. The impact flings Ollin backwards, knocking him unconscious against a tree.

Waking is painful. Ollin's body is sore and scorched from the fireball and flying debris. He quickly notices his skin is bare, any remnants of armor, clothing, and weapons have been pilfered. He must have been presumed dead. Looking around there are bodies from both sides of the fight. The attackers had colors of the Krukiz overlord. Was this a trap, set by the tyrant to snare the Prince? Ollin's eyes dart towards the wrecked carriage. He moves as quickly as able but discovers no sign of the Prince.

Ollin collapsed. His first security assignment a complete failure. By now the Prince could be heavens know where: at the bottom of the Krukiz dungeon, or tied to a tree inside a bandit's camp. Bruised and nude, he was in no condition to mount a rescue: it was at least a day's ride to Krukiz, and he had no intelligence on the enemy territory or patrols. It would be wiser to return to Valencar, gather support, and launch a proper assault.

First things first was to forage for gear and supplies. Ollin started to look around the bodies for clothing and weapons, but heard a gruff voice approaching. Ollin ducked behind a tree and tried to be as quiet as possible. A burly man clad in a linen shirt paused at the scene, whistled, and walked up to the wrecked carriage to search for valuables. On the man's hip was a longsword, something Ollin was quiet proficient with. If he could overcome this bandit then his journey home would be much easier. But being a soldier and not a thief meant he was not stealthy. The bandit heard Ollin's approaching footsteps and prepared to fight back. With only his fists, Ollin had a shorter range and couldn't do much damage. The fight is short and pathetic, with Ollin getting nicked along his body and eventually knocked to the ground, the man's blade held against his throat.

"Why don't you show off that hot body of yours? Get on your knees." the man says. Ollin blinks in surprise, moving to comply.

"Please don't-" he starts.

But the man with the sword grabs Ollin's jaw and squeezes. "Shut up." He points at his exposed dick. "Start jerking yourself off. I want to watch as you shoot your load."

Ollin is exhausted, bleeding slightly, but will do anything to stay alive if he can get back to the kingdom, if he can save his Prince. Ollin tries to think of the men he'd bedded after returning from victories. He was always the mounter so he tried to imagine someone stroking his shaft instead of the reality of kneeling on the ground and doing it himself for a stranger. After a moment of getting lost in thought, Ollin releases, having a lot of seed in him from the long journey. The bandit laughs, and keeps laughing as he digs around in the carriage until he finds something, eventually walking off into the forest.

Ollin nearly faints. The sun is setting and he has to make camp. He has no energy and needs to care for his wounds. But before he can do anything there's an arm around his throat from behind. The arm is covered in chainmail so it digs into his neck.

"I was watching that bandit show you who's boss, you Valencar dog." the man said. He's an Enderon guard, same armor as half the bodies laying around him. "I just wanted to make sure you knew your place."

Ollin wants to fight back, to demand the man explain what happened here and where Prince Idris has been taken, but he has no energy left in him. The guard squeezes until his vision goes black. When he wakes, it's morning. He is still in the camp, still naked, but his bleeding has stopped. There's no sign of the guard. For better or worse, Ollin finally got a bit of rest. He looks around the bodies and finds a leather tunic he can wear and an unbroken crossbow that hadn't been collected. There's only a handful of bolts, so he'll have to be disciplined. But at least he'll have a fighting change against any more bandits or guards he sees while heading home. He rests for a bit more, gathering strength, then sets down the forest path.

Walking through the night is uneventful. It's slow, but at least he can be more cautious and look out for campfires. It's while trying to rest in the morning that he hears someone approaching. With crossbow in hand, Ollin turns from around the tree and takes aim. Only, he misses! The blasted device is so jumpy in his hands that the bolt sails above his target: a huge bare-chested bandit with studded leg armor and a war axe. While he tries to reload, the bandit charges and shoulders him against a tree. Ollin drops to the forest floor and the man then raises his axe over his head to deal a deadly blow. Then, a snapping sound is heard around the forest, the bandit's grip loosens, and the axe drops to the ground. A bolt has pierced the man's throat and he falls backwards. Ollin looks around for any other attackers but it's just him and the body in front of him. He stands, picks up the war axe, and continues moving. The bandit may or may not have been aligned with Enderon, but it's a victory for Ollin after yesterday.

Another night falls and the trek through the forest is again uneventful. He even manages to get a decent amount of rest in the morning this time. Just when he thought he was far enough away from Krukiz to have left civilization, a sharp pain rips through his arm. There's an arrow sticking out and he drops to his knee in pain. He looks around and sees a figure approaching from behind a tree. Ollin reaches for his axe but knows he won't be able to lift it single handed. The figure has quickly closed the distance and kicks Ollin in the face. He blacks out.

When he comes to, there's no sign of his attacker. He tries to stand and does so but with great strain. Fortunately the arrow has been removed from his arm and has been bandaged. Unfortunately, he's been stripped naked again, the figure having taken his clothes and well-earned weapons. Even more unfortunately, Ollin's hands have been tied behind his back with rope. They're tight and rough. He stands and wriggles against his bindings, wincing when he tries to move his injured arm. With time and effort, he's finally free. Only for his luck to dry up once again. He hadn't noticed how loud and long he'd been grunting, standing naked in the forest, while trying to remove the rope from his wrists. It was only too late that he felt a blade tip touch his exposed back.

"Rather liked seeing you like that." a man's voice said. "Presents are supposed to be wrapped tightly." Ollin's heart sank. He had no way of defending himself, and little energy to spare. He bowed his head in defeat. The man gripped his wrists and began tying them with rope. He then pushed Ollin to his knees and quickly tied his ankles together. Before he could protest, Ollin was pushed face-first to the ground and the man began laughing as he walked away. Ollin struggled again in his bindings, this time splitting his attention between his wrists and ankles.

He heard clinking of armor and froze. Another Enderor guard was making his way through the forest. He must still be close to Krukiz. For all he knew he'd been walking in circles for the last two days. Ollin remained perfectly still, trying to not draw any attention to himself. If anyone found him in this condition, roped hand and foot and nude, he may become a prisoner. After a few minutes, the clinking finally disappeared and the guard walked away. And after more time he was able to remove the rope around his wrists and ankles.

Starting from scratch again, he'd need to acquire a new set of armor and a weapon. Only this time he wasn't anywhere near a battle site. He carefully set out through the forest, trying to reach some sort of clearing, keeping an eye out for anyone. A day passed and he found neither people nor shelter, having to sleep nude and weaponless. Walking the next day, he saw a lanky bandit scout snoozing at the base of a tree. He had a bow similar to the one from the figure who'd shot him and left him bound. The man wore a leather tunic and leather leg armor, and was snoring loudly. Perfect. Ollin crept as quietly as he could towards the sleeping man and pounced. The two struggled for a minute, swinging blows blindly at each other in their grapple.

Then the man collapsed, unconscious. Ollin looked around for anyone who may have heard their struggle, and seeing no one he breathed a sigh of relief. He stripped the man of his leather tunic and leather leg armor. The bow unfortunately had been snapped during their struggling. Ollin did find 8 silver coins; maybe he could find a merchant on his route home, or bribe attackers to just walk way next time. Foraging around the area one final time, Ollin found a short sword, perfect in his grip for the next encounter.

Walking through the forest, the sun setting somewhere in the distance beyond the thick array of trees, Ollin heard a rustling noise up ahead. He paused, taking in the view of a beefy bandit pissing into a bush. The bandit wore no upper body armor, but had similar leather leg armor to the gear Ollin had recently acquired. Only this man's thighs were as wide as Ollin's torso. He slowly crept closer towards the bandit, drew his sword and attacked from behind. The man must have heard movement because he turned around and backed up quickly, spraying piss has he pivoted. Ollin continued his advance, mercilessly slashing and lunging at the bandit. The man did as best as he could with his pants down but ultimately fell. Ollin checked him for items and gear but only found a half-eaten crust of bread. He scarfed down the bread and continued his journey home. The only food in days and it was covered in dirt and, was that stale taste from the bread or...?

He was quickly knocked sideways by a punch to the head. From his side advanced an Enderon guard, longsword in his empty hand. The man had a tall but built frame, covered in a leather tunic and leather leg armor. Ollin parried a sword lunge from the man and managed to slice him neatly across a knee. The guard let out a howl of rage and began swinging faster and stronger, determined to smash the gnat that was Ollin who kept biting at him. Ollin couldn't keep up with the man's strength. After a short exchange he knew he wouldn't be able to win this fight. He was winded, bleeding in places, and head still spinning from the cheap blow to his face. But he was not about to give up, not after how far he'd walked and how many humiliating defeats he'd suffered. He raised his sword over his head to block, but the man's longsword came crashing down with more force he could withstand. The longsword rotated when it collided with Ollin's sword, the flat edge smacking him roughly on the top of his head. Ollin once again blacked out.

He awoke as he had many times before: naked and weaponless. His wrists and ankles were again tied tightly with rope. He lay there on the ground for an hour trying to regain his strength and some semblance of dignity. Then he heard approaching footsteps. He tried to lay still but the steps approached directly towards him. He looked up as best he could to see the same Enderon scout, longsword swinging on his hip.

"A man like you needs to be taught a lesson in humility." he said, reaching into a pocket. He pulled out a grungy white cloth and bent down, tying it across Ollin's mouth. It pulls tightly between his lips and the taste was disgusting whenever his tongue brushes against it. Ollin tries to protest and the man just laughs. "That's not the worst part. Brought you a special present from the barracks." He reached behind him and Ollin hears rattling of chains. The man drops a heavy iron ball and chain to the ground, clamping iron shackles around Ollin's ankles. The man pats Ollin's cheek and walks off into the forest.

Ollin bends and squirms in his bonds for a minute. The ropes on his wrists dig deeper the more he tries to pull them apart. He tries to move his feet but the rope and iron shackles will make it difficult for him to stand. He hears more movement behind him and sees the Enderon guard approaching once more.

"Almost forgot," he says. "Fresh set of iron arm cuffs to go with your shackles." He bends down and Ollin feels cold iron clamp around his elbows, making it extremely difficult to move his arms behind his back. The position is uncomfortable, with only enough movement to wiggle his hands back and forth. The guard steps back and takes in the sight of Ollin tied, manacled, and gagged. He then smiles and starts taking off his leather tunic. Underneath is a web of leather straps and buckles. Ollin isn't sure what is about to happen next. The man unbuckles the leather straps along the side of his chest. One by one leather straps drop to the forest floor in front of Ollin's face. When he's done, the guard stands over him with a bare chest, skin lined with where the straps used to be. He bends down and begins buckling the straps around Ollin's torso, rolling Ollin around on the ground to get the straps tightened. When he's done, Ollin has straps going up around his shoulders and around his ribs, joining in the middle of his chest and at the small of his back. The straps smelled of body odor, and Ollin could feel the cool sweat from the man now being pushed against his own skin.

"I really like the look of you, bound and strapped." the guard said. "It's dangerous in this forest, especially someone in your condition. I'm going to sit back and just watch for a while. Struggle all you want, but at the end of the night I'm taking you back to the barracks."

Ollin did struggle. He did not come all this way just to be taken prisoner and taken back to Krukiz. He pulled at his restraints and tried to work the knots in the ropes around his wrists. He tried and tried and tried. Then he dropped his head to the forest floor. The Enderon guard stood, walked over to him, and grabbed Ollin's black hair to pull his head up.

"Do you give up yet?" he asked, smiling. Ollin wanted to spit in the man's face, to tear free from his bindings and choke the man until he collapsed. But he just stared back, weak but defiant. "I can wait." he said, releasing Ollin's hair and walking back to lean against a tree.

Ollin tried again to work his wrists and ankles free of the rope. He struggled until he felt his limbs rubbing raw but he felt the ropes finally loosen around his ankles. He felt a small glimmer of hope, then was reminded he was still locked in irons and his captor was sitting just a few feet away. As if sensing the change in mood, the man stood, walked over to Ollin, and examined the ropes. Instead of tightening them, he bent down in front of his face.

"Persistent, stubborn even." he said. "How about a challenge? I'm going to return to the barracks for more gear. I'll even bring a few guards who can help haul you back. If you're still here when I return, then I'll take it as your acceptance of your new role in life." With that, he patted Ollin's cheek and walked off into the forest. Ollin had no way of knowing how long it would take him, but knew he had to do everything in his power to get free. Or at least get out of this area.

He pulled his feet close and tried to stand. By now the rope around his ankles was loose enough that it wasn't restricting any movement, but the shackles were linked too closely together for him to travel. He tried to look around the area and spotted something small and metal sticking out of the ground. He inched closer and saw it was a metal pick. It might have popped off the guard's items during their fight. Or it might have been left by the guard are part of his weird game. Ollin wasn't sure how delicate the pick was, but figured he could get at least one use out of it before it snapped.

He took inventory of his bindings: a cloth gag, a netting of leather straps forming a chest harness, iron cuffs around his elbows, rope around his wrists, and iron shackles with an iron ball linked to them. The gag and harness were annoying but not really binding him. The iron cuffs he wouldn't be able to see or reach well. But if he could jab the metal pick into his shackles enough to loosen the lock, he may get enough room to twist them free, and then have freedom enough to run. He again wasn't a rogue, and had never lockpicked anything before, but he had to at least try. He grabbed the metal pick and brought his feet close to his hands. He worked it into the keyhole for one of the shackles and tried to move it around until it caught on something. He felt it catch, then pushed slowly in one direction, hoping for a release. The iron shackles remained firmly locked around his ankles. He tried pushing the other direction, but felt the metal pick snap. His blood went cold. He fumbled around on the forest floor and tried to move his body until he could see the pick. There, lying broken on the ground were two bent metal shards, now too small to work into the locks.

Frustrated, exhausted, defeated. Ollin's only hope now was to inch his way to freedom. He had no sense of where the guard had walked off to or where Ollin had been walking from. All of the trees around him looked the same. He picked a direction and hoped he'd have enough time to get away from his captor. It's a slow process. He has to bunch his knees close to his chest and inch his body forward. With his elbows locked together behind his back, it's less painful if he stays on his side. As he moves and grunts, saliva pools in his mouth and soaks the cloth gag, which when he clenches his jaw releases a nauseating taste back into his throat. The leather straps catch on the brush and he's sure if he looks back he'll see drag marks in the soil. Ollin considers whether he should try crawling through bushes or to stick to the clearer paths, but either option is poor: the bushes will slow him down and rub against his skin, while the open soil will leave a clearer path of where he's been. He continues forward, squirming along the forest floor at a snail's pace.

He moves like this until the sun sets. There is no moon out tonight so it is difficult to see. But he continues moving forward. The iron ball at some point catches on something. He's not sure if it's a root or if it's stuck between rocks or what. He tries to worm back to free the iron ball but the chain keeps him rotating around the fixed point. In the morning he'll be better able to see. He finally gives up and falls asleep.

He is woken by something tapping against his shoulder. He jumps awake, eyes darting around for his captor or a wild animal. Instead he sees an old man standing a few feet away, carrying a long wooden walking stick. The man backs up frightened at Ollin's stirring, dropping the bundles of tree limbs he was carrying. Ollin looks behind the man to see a small village with people moving about. He gets excited. Food, shelter, and maybe a blacksmith who could remove these restraints. He tries to speak to the man, only for the cloth gag to muffle his words. The old man is still hesitant, seeing Ollin nude, bound, gagged, and strapped, laying at the tree line of the forest. The old man shuffles quickly back to the village.

Ollin yells after the man for him to return, to ungag him, but the old man does not look back. Ollin sits up, slowly and painfully with blood rushing through his bound limbs. He sees that the iron ball is caught on a root sticking up from the ground, and with clear line of sight he is able to inch close enough to get it loose. By the time he frees the iron ball, he sees the old man returning with a small crowd of people. But before he can celebrate Ollin sees that among the crowd is his Enderon guard captor from yesterday.

"Thank you for the hospitality last night," the guard says to the old man. The old man jumps when the guard speaks. "This prisoner escaped when our caravan was attacked and we knew he could not have gotten far." He motions for two other guards to approach, and Ollin is grabbed by the arms and hauled upwards. He's pleading with the crowd behind his gag for release but it's no use. "This scum is an invader and will rightfully be punished. Let him be an example to all that no one truly escapes from Krukiz justice. In fact, let's make him a visual example."

The guards pull Ollin out of the forest and into the village. There is indeed a blacksmith, a short stout man who wears breeches and a leather apron over a bare chest, hammering at a sword. He pauses when the crowd approaches his tent, and looks from the old man to the guards and then to Ollin. The guards push Ollin against a table, and he feels the ropes being removed from his wrists and ankles. Quickly a set of steel handcuffs are applied to Ollin's wrists and a rope is tied from his harness to the legs of the table.

The lead guard approaches the blacksmith and whisper into his ear. The blacksmith furrows his eyebrows, looks at Ollin and then again back to the old man. Ollin turns to see the old man give a slight and shaky nod, then turns back to see the blacksmith close his eyes and sigh. He does not look back to the lead guard. He goes to his cooled and finished items and pulls several of them out onto the table. There's a short and stubby steel rod and a slim steel rod. Each item hits the table with a small thud. The lead guard reaches into his pocket and drops a small shackle next to the steel items.

The guards hold Ollin's arms tightly. The blacksmith approaches and moves behind Ollin. He feels a pushing sensation at the base of his asshole and then a small pinch as the stubby steel rod is worked into him. The blacksmith works slowly, rotating it and pushing it in inch by inch until it finally sinks into place. Ollin is panting behind the gag at the effort. The intrusion felt bad at first but now he's aware of it pushing inside him and feeling good. He looks down to see he's growing hard. The guards flip him around to where he's now facing the crowd, back against the table.

"A deviant indeed." the lead guard smirks at seeing his hard dick. The crowd is silent. The lead guard pulls out a chunk of iron from his pouches. It's curved and smooth. The lead guard approaches Ollin, grabs his dick, and slaps it roughly. Ollin yelps. The guard pauses between slaps and continues until Ollin's sense of arousal diminishes. His cock goes soft and he is tearing up. The lead guard picks up the chunk of iron and Ollin is surprised to see it open. He's even more surprised when the device clamps around his balls and shaft, holding his penis perpendicular to his body but with now much less room to grow. There's a small click as it locks together.

"A chastity cage." the lead guard said. "You're a prisoner, so you shouldn't enjoy any part of your punishment." The cage was a tight fit. Ollin felt the steel rod in his ass pushing against him and he felt his dick trying to get hard again, only this time for the cage to keep him trapped short. It was uncomfortable, looking down at his dick knowing it wanted to spring out but couldn't. The lead guard motioned for the blacksmith to continue. The man picked up the slim steel rod and this time knelt in front of Ollin. He grabbed Ollin's cage and then looked up to meet Ollin's eyes. He could see that the blacksmith didn't want to be doing anything that the guards wanted. But since they had the power, the blacksmith only had pity in his eyes when he looked at Ollin. Something told him that the same blacksmith would have freed him had the guards not gotten there first.

The blacksmith slowly worked the slim steel rod through Ollin's piss hole. He went even slower than with the rod in his ass. It was a weird sensation, like being stroked inside his penis but at the same time stopping up his chance for release. At the end, the steel rod slid all the way into position, and the blacksmith tied a small leather strip over the end to secure it in place.

Lastly, the blacksmith reached behind Ollin's balls, pulled them out, and clamped the small shackle over them. There was a heavy weight to them, and a solid clank of metal hitting the wood of the table when the blacksmith released Ollin's balls. It wasn't painful, but the weight over time would be. Ollin squirmed with his hips, trying to get used to the new sensations. He looked up to see the crowd mumbling amongst themselves. He tried to plead for release, for help in some way. But the lead guard grabbed the hair on his head and pulled him up off the table. Ollin winced as he tried to follow. Moving with the weight of the ball shackle and chastity cage, plus the steel rods in both front and back ends left him bunching knees together in an odd mix of pleasure and discomfort. The steel handcuffs and iron arm cuffs on his elbows make him push his chest forward.

"Now you've all born witness to what happens to those who fight against the realm." the lead guard said. "And this will be the last time that this scum will see a free sky." Ollin's vision goes dark as a leather hood is pushed over his eyes, then his nose, and finally his mouth. The hood is cinched tightly at the back of his head. There's a small set of holes for his nose, allowing him to breathe but making it difficult. He then feels a heavy weight around his neck followed by compression: an iron collar is locked around his neck, closed over the drawstrings of the leather hood. The rope on his harness is untied and Ollin is roughly shoved forward by the guards on both sides. He is marched a good distance, hobbling in his leg shackles and weighed by the iron ball, and then stopped. The guards lift Ollin on top of the saddle and secure him in place, his chest close against the saddle. The guards mount their horses, with the lead guard sitting in front of Ollin, and begin their short ride back to the barracks. The village looks on silently, then begrudgingly gets back to their chores. The blacksmith and the old man share one last look at each other. Throughout the journey back to the Krukiz barracks, Ollin feels the steel rod in his ass and his penis jostling around with the movement of the horse. It's arousing despite his bindings, but he never reaches climax thanks to the chastity cage and the sounding rod.

Ollin never makes it back to Valencar to warn The King. He's put through all manner of bondage, though never tortured for pain. He's kept as a play pet for the guards of the barracks. There are days where he can hear stories between the men of their fights, and one day he hears of the incoming attack from Valnecar. By the time the King grew suspicious enough to mount a search party and then a rescue attempt for the Prince, Ollin is broken beyond recognition. The assault on Krukiz takes weeks before the Valencar forces have to retreat to resupply and gather more support. All the while, Ollin is a great stress relief for the men of the barracks.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »


This was so much fun. Ollin sure knows how to get into trouble...

I enjoyed that so much. Thank you!
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Post by harukatsukino »

congratulation, I think this is one of the best story in tugstories! my favorite part is the last bit, the part where he tried to escape, only to find out that he's close to a village, and has to deal with the corrupt guards. Please keep up the good work!!
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Post by bigsmile21 »

Thank you for the feedback!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This was incredible. I feel sorry for Ollin but he went through some amazing bondage, it was a blast to read.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by wataru14 »

I downloaded the game and played through it a few times today. It seems impossible to "win," but that isn't really the point, is it? Your story perfectly captured the feel of it. Well done!
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Post by harukatsukino »

Just downloaded the game and my character won after his 62th day of walking while heavily tied up, I actually thought I'm going to be enslaved but no, I am really lucky. It's a really awesome game, I suggests giving several suggestions for the creator to improve the game
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Post by bigsmile21 »

That sounds like an awesome playthrough. Once things start piling on and you have to balance between searching for safety and struggling to remove restraints, the game really shifts focus from "clicking through combat" to "what if someone finds me bound up?" And if the character is restrained to the point where fighting or running isn't a viable option, do you play out the resistance until knocked out (as I did a few times with Ollin) or submit and endure whatever punishment the attacker may dish out in order to fight another day?
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Post by David Han »

very good story
Tie me up and have fun with me
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Post by Varlance »

Thanks for letting me know about your story! I’m glad you found inspiration in Escape from Enderon to write this. Sounds like Ollin ended up getting the full set of restraints :twisted:

Also thanks to those who posted about their experience with the game so far. I’m currently working on the next iteration of the game so stay tuned. Lots to do. :)
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Post by harukatsukino »

Hi varlance, are you still working on the Escape from Enderon? I wonder if there's assassin protagonist planned ahead, I'm kinda turned on with assassins in distress lately for unknown reason :lol:
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Post by Straitjacketed »

[mention]bigsmile21[/mention], in addition to being an excellent - and very horny - piece of fiction in its own right, it was your story that pointed my toward Escape from Enderon and I whiled away many a happy hour trying to manipulate my character into similar predicaments. Thank you.

[mention]Varlance[/mention], many thanks to you for writing Escape to Enderon. In terms of gameplay, it could be criticised for being repetitive but, frankly, I didn't care. In the past, I've been drawn to games with even a hint of a promise of a tie-up scene and I've played those into the ground trying to experience the capture - so, in effect, getting my character in all manner of restraints is the gameplay, for me at least. I was happy as a pig in the proverbial and look forward to whatever you create next!

If M/M overkill bondage in stupidly excessive amounts of gear is your thing as well as mine, here's a list of my TUG stories.
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Post by Varlance »

harukatsukino wrote: 2 years ago Hi varlance, are you still working on the Escape from Enderon? I wonder if there's assassin protagonist planned ahead, I'm kinda turned on with assassins in distress lately for unknown reason :lol:
Hi [mention]harukatsukino[/mention]! Yes, I am still working on Enderon. You can play as a 'rogue' character but what that actually means in terms of gameplay and story isn't set in stone yet. Don't want to over-promise on this.
Straitjacketed wrote: 2 years ago @bigsmile21, in addition to being an excellent - and very horny - piece of fiction in its own right, it was your story that pointed my toward Escape from Enderon and I whiled away many a happy hour trying to manipulate my character into similar predicaments. Thank you.

@Varlance, many thanks to you for writing Escape to Enderon. In terms of gameplay, it could be criticised for being repetitive but, frankly, I didn't care. In the past, I've been drawn to games with even a hint of a promise of a tie-up scene and I've played those into the ground trying to experience the capture - so, in effect, getting my character in all manner of restraints is the gameplay, for me at least. I was happy as a pig in the proverbial and look forward to whatever you create next!
[mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] - Thanks so much!


I've just written a new interactive story at called The Oxford Piranhas. Link:
May be of interest to readers here. Link in my signature also.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Varlance wrote: 2 years ago I've just written a new interactive story at called The Oxford Piranhas. Link:
May be of interest to readers here. Link in my signature also.
Sounds like an interesting story but I don't think I'm able to reach the site it's hosted on from my region (same with Santa's Sweatshop).

Do you have it on anywhere else by chance?
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here:
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Post by Varlance »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 2 years ago
Varlance wrote: 2 years ago I've just written a new interactive story at called The Oxford Piranhas. Link:
May be of interest to readers here. Link in my signature also.
Sounds like an interesting story but I don't think I'm able to reach the site it's hosted on from my region (same with Santa's Sweatshop).

Do you have it on anywhere else by chance?
Hi there,
I stopped visiting this site so didn't get round to replying, but in case you are still active, yes - you can play The Oxford Piranhas in Twine format here:
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Varlance wrote: 1 year ago
DeeperThanRed wrote: 2 years ago
Varlance wrote: 2 years ago I've just written a new interactive story at called The Oxford Piranhas. Link:
May be of interest to readers here. Link in my signature also.
Sounds like an interesting story but I don't think I'm able to reach the site it's hosted on from my region (same with Santa's Sweatshop).

Do you have it on anywhere else by chance?
Hi there,
I stopped visiting this site so didn't get round to replying, but in case you are still active, yes - you can play The Oxford Piranhas in Twine format here:
Thanks for the reply! I played it a few times and I'm really liking the whole swimmer angle. You have a great knack for making your style work in unique settings.

Looking forward to your future work. Any plans for making Santa's Sweatshop available on as well?
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here:
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