Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
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Duct tape
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Post by Hornysub »

Hello everyone and especially hello [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]!

I'm back and all caught up on your wonderful story which continues to amaze me and make me horny every time I have the chance to read a new chapter! I like where things are going and the "mastership" of Shawn. I think that what I like the best is his complete disregard of what steven might think/want, I find it very hot, he does what he likes and that's it, he is really in charge!
What I also liked what the bondage in which he put steven, I'm really into mummification and nothing can make me hornier (even though I would add a little restrictiveness like a complete mummification with a gag and who knows... a gas mask or some fart play!
I must admit that I miss Phil and his sadistic he is, but I'm happy with what's going on with Shawn, I'll give him a 7.5/10 :)
hope things will get even spicier!

Kind regards,
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] can't wait to read the next chapter . To see what shawn does to Steven next .
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[mention]Hornysub[/mention] Welcome back, buddy-boi! Always glad to get an update from you. I'm very happy to hear you're fully caught up and still enjoying this. I'm also glad to hear you're enjoying Shawn's involvement. You should enjoy the next couple chapters quite a bit if you enjoy his antics and style of casual domination ;)

The next chapter is right around the corner.
Very much hoping to hear from you more regularly from now on.

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Post by Lovethemsocks »

Can’t wait for the next chapter! I wonder if Steven is gonna get a taste of shawns socks! I would love to myself but I’m not there lol
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Lovethemsocks[/mention] Welcome onboard, buddy! I know you've been on here for a few years now, but I'm thrilled you've decided to take the plunge and get a first post under your belt. Congrats! I'm sure you'd love to get a taste of Shawn's socks. And I'm also sure you'd pull a 180 and change your mind the instant you got a first whiff o' them 8-)

I also wanna take a quick moment to welcome [mention]Ducttapeenthusiast[/mention], who recently signed up and signalled being an avid reader of Steven's adventure on his opening post. It's great to have the two of you on board with us.

On that note and while you guys wait for the next chapter, I'd invite you both to have a go at the BOUND & GAGGED QESTIONNAIRE.

Also wanna welcome back our good friend [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention]. I know you've been pretty sick these past weeks, so it really made my day to learn that you're now back to being up and about. Have fun catching up to the latest chapters, buddy-boi.

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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Thanks Sir [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]! These weeks sucked balls (fuck migraines), but now I'm back and with some extra reading! Even reread a bit of the current book.

These last chapters were nice, I might have to adjust my opinion of Shawn. He's all right, just a guy acting all big and tough, but has the right intentions (with the exception of that stupid blackmail scheme he's trying to pull).

And aww, buddy, a mad Steven only evokes feelings of adorableness with me :lol: A bit like a baby elephant, acting all tough, making himself big, but has no bite at all. So cute!
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[mention]Hornysub[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]Bradstick[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]Lovethemsocks[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention]
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Post by bondagefreak »


Wednesday, May 27 (2:55 PM)

"Oh god. Oh god, no!" I immediately cried out, my facial features taking on an air of panic as the seated behemoth brute absentmindedly slipped his shoes off. Shawn gave little heed to my protests at first, but when the sound of my horrified whimpers grew too lamentful to ignore, he tore his eyes off the TV screen and flashed me a glare of visible annoyance.

"What?" he asked, the somewhat quizzical look on his face betraying just how oblivious he was to my plight.

"Your shoes..." I protested, grimacing in both revulsion and disgust.

Much to my great displeasure though, the rolling of Shawn's eyes was instantly followed by their return to the gaming screen. "What about them?" he eventually pressed, apparently in no rush to hear what I had to say about his shoes.

"They...they fuckin' stink!" I lamented, allowing another disgusted "Ugh!" to echo across the room before squirming against my restraints in an effort to escape the indescribably sickening reek.

The big hairy lout voiced no acknowledgement of my complaint. In fact, he just sat there and gamed as though the severity of my dismay was of absolutely no concern to him.

Imagine my utter horror when, instead of remedying the situation by putting his putrid Osiris shoes back on, the oaf simply raised his left foot up off my chest and planted it straight down on top of my vehemently protesting face. My tortured groans were distracting him from his game, and that was something he didn't approve of.

"Quiet." he angrily bellowed, furrowing his brow in apparent displeasure even whilst devoting the entirety of his attention to the first-person shooter game he was busily competing in.

Words cannot even begin to describe the sheer panic I experienced at having my nose buried beneath the suffocatingly fat grip of Master Shawn's rotten toes. The white tube socks clad over his ginormous soles were brown from overuse, and the unbelievably pungent stench they gave off burned my eyes and had me gagging.

"Nmmphh...uggh mgghh!" I cried out, breaking down into panicked coughs as his cotton-clad digits curled up around my lips and nostrils.

My screaming face was only made to suffer the putrescent seal of his socked toes for a few seconds, but even so, the damage was done. By the time his smothering foot left the vicinity of my face, my eyes had grown watery and my skin had turned greenish. I gagged like I rarely had before, coughing and choking on the powerful reek that filled the living room.

"I said quiet!" the insensitive brute uncaringly barked, apparently not in the mood to hear my complaints and showing nary a hint of remorse for the foul stench his socks and shoes were giving off.

The inside of his giant Osiris trainers was as brown as the bacteria-infested cotton that lined the bottom of his impossibly large soles. Even from a foot away, I could feel the dank fumes rising up from the maws of his fat sneakers. From the outside they were hot, but now that they were fully exposed and laid bare before my eyes, I wanted nothing...and I mean nothing to do with them!


Even more disturbing than the putrescent smell was the fact that the burly blond brute didn't appear the least bit bothered nor shamed by the downright horrified expression that was written all over my face. He just kept his tremendously broad soles propped up on my chest and continued his gaming for several more minutes before reaching down and pulling his socks off.

"Ugghh. No!" I cried out, watching in unbridled terror as his freakishly plump toes were finally exposed and dirty lint balls tumbled out from the narrow cracks that separated them.

Instead of making an effort to mend my growing panic, the oaf merely chuckled upon noticing the extent of my dismay. As soon as his left sock was pulled off, those hefty fingers of his crumpled the raunchy thing up into a loose ball and pressed it down atop my mouth and nostrils. My efforts to get away from it were futile, and so were my repeated attempts to call for help.

The sock was held over my face for only a mere second or two before being tossed to the nearby loveseat, but the brief exposure was still torturous enough to make me go cross-eyed.

The same process was repeated with his other one, something which had me convulsing against my restraints and struggling not to vomit. That sock too was mercifully tossed away, but the relief of its welcomed retreat was immediately quashed by the proximity of Shawn's skate shoes and the sight of his mammoth soles.

A look of absolute dread dawned across my weary features when the seated oaf clarified his intent by telling me he wanted his feet licked. I, of course, broke down into a series of protests, but the stupendously brawny muscleman simply warned me to pipe it down before trying to smooth-talk me into compliance by letting me know he'd showered a few hours earlier.

"C'mon. Stop being such a whiny lil' bitch." he snickered, lamenting my uncooperativeness but finding some minute amount of joy in my resolve.

"Ugh god, no! I'm gonna be sick!" I repeated, refusing to service his enormous feet for what seemed like the millionth time.

Shawn spent several arduous moments forcing his lint-ridden toes atop my grimacing face. He tried getting me to suck on his suffocatingly fat digits, but no matter how hard he tried, I just couldn't bring myself to accept them. I cried out, sputtered, gagged and fought to escape...just as you would've done had you been in my place.

Not only were his soles possessed of the same chronic stench that afflicted his older cousin's, but the tight spaces between his broad toes produced a cheesy aroma frighteningly similar to that of Zack's. Suffice it to say, the smell of them was several orders of magnitudes stronger than anything I could potentially enjoy.

Much as I'd come to learn during the course of my brief tenure at the college dorm, Shawn usually got his way but was no foreigner to making concessions. This wasn't to say that I excused his indefensible behaviour or crafty blackmail attempts. Not at all. I'm just saying that he took little thrill from my discomfort and was open to meeting me halfway if it meant reaching his end goals. In other words, he wasn't a tyrant, and shared few of Brad's more despicable traits and attributes.

It took some doing on my part, but after another minute of pointless bickering, the oaf reneged on his attempts and agreed - with some level of indignation - to rinse his toes by jumping in the shower.

"Alright, but you promise to shut the fuck up and take care of my feet once I'm done?" he asked, pausing his game and casting me a frown of unmistakable annoyance.

"Yes!" came my curt but honest reply, something which was immediately followed by the crinkling of my nose as the reeking fumes of his diseased footwear continued fouling up the vicinity.

A great big huff was let out before the burly leviathan began wrestling with his new jacket in an attempt to escape its skin-tight embrace. He grumbled something unintelligible beneath his breath, no doubt as a means of conveying slight irritation before finally extending his hand toward the loveseat and snatching up one of the horrifyingly raunchy tube socks he'd torn off just a few minutes ago.


"Here." he spoke, scooting forward on the couch and presenting my understandably terrified face with the giant brown ball that was his putrid tube sock.

Feeling emboldened by the fact that his request sounded more like an invitation than an actual order, I shrieked with revulsion and quickly turned my head to the side. I knew that my captor wouldn't depart for the washroom until I was properly gagged, but there was no way in hell I was going to allow that sock entry into my mouth.

"Ugh, no! What the fuck?!" I cried out, giving the seated muscle-hunk a 'what the hell is your problem' type look.

"What?" he innocently asked, his features betraying a look of both bewilderment and incomprehension.

"Are you fuckin' crazy?! I don't want that thing in my mouth!" I exclaimed, eyeing the putrescent ball of bacteria-ridden fabric with a look of unmistakable horror.

"Why not?" the bearded oaf pressed, furrowing his brow as though mildly insulted by my sensibly verbose refusal.

" 'Cause..ugh! Get your sock outta my face! I'm gonna be sick!" I managed to blurt out, right before breaking down into another series of genuinely panicked coughs and protests.

Shawn once again acquiesced to my demands, but his patience for my outspoken revulsion was growing perceptibly thin.
"Fine." he eventually grumbled, stormily tossing his rotten sock back down to the cushioned loveseat.

I watched as he squatted down over my partially mummified form and watched as he tried and failed to rid me of my own crew socks. No small feat, considering the ridiculous amount of sticky tape he'd wrapped around my ankles. Being gagged with my own socks wouldn't normally have been too appealing, but given the sheer lack of more desirable choices, I certainly wasn't going to protest their use.

It's only after several failed attempts at pulling them off that Shawn was once again forced to admit defeat.

"Fuck this..." the oaf grumpily mumbled, giving up on his latest endeavour before swiftly grabbing the hefty roll of industrial-grade duct tape from off the coffee table.

No explanation was provided as to why I needed to be silenced, but the visibly annoyed expression on my barechested captor's face left little doubt as to his belief that it was necessary.

The angry growl of my boyfriend's uber wide tape resonated noisily across the house as a small strip of it was torn off and plastered down atop my rosy lips. Another strip followed suit, and then another and another.

Even to a bondage novice, it would have been glaringly obvious how out of his element and inexperienced the 21-year-old Hoffmann was. His broad fingers were clearly unaccustomed to dealing with material this sticky, but more importantly, the act of taping my mouth shut was clearly a little out of his comfort zone. After all, it's not as though we were college buddies or in the habit of goofing around with each other.

Back at the college dorm, he'd had no qualms about hazing Josh, engaging in jockish horsery and keeping me restrained as per Nick's orders. This strange rapport we'd developed wasn't like anything he'd ever experienced before. It was far more intimate than even the bond he shared with his righthand lieutenants; Joey and Chris. The power exchange flowing between us was consensual, and having me at his feet aroused him. It aroused us both. Clearly, this whole consensual bondage thing left him a little out of sorts.

After placing the fourth strip of adhesive down over my already disabled mouth, the blond-haired giant contemplated his work with an air of puzzlement and uncertainty. Like so many amateurs who kept populating the web with frustratingly underwhelming tapegags, Shawn didn't seem to realise that placing multiple strips of tape on top of each other didn't improve the gag's effectiveness.

I gave the oaf a questioning look and let out a quiet "Mmmph?" when he raised a hand up to scratch the top of his head.

Our eyes met for the briefest of moments, and much to my imminent satisfaction, the silent exchange was enough to make the hairy-chested behemoth blush. I was normally very attracted to men who displayed self-assuredness and confidence, but Shawn's momentary unease was really quite endearing. He was a flesh and blood mortal just like the rest of us. Somehow I found that comforting.

In any case, I didn't quite grasp the reason behind the almost transparent guilt on his face...that is, not until the telltale sound of Nick's angry duct tape once again echoed about the quiet living room.

A jolt of energy shot down my groin as the burly college-hunk pressed a much longer slab of tape across my face; this one stretching from one cheek to the other. I thought he was going to sever it, but an almost embarrassed looked crossed the young man's features as he grabbed my hair, forced my head up and pulled the jumbo roll of tape all the way behind it.

An unashamedly pleasured moan escaped my sealed lips when the dreadfully fibrous industrial tape came around for another pass; creating an air-tight seal over my speech-capable cavity.

Shawn's expression was one of solemn determination as he squatted down above my face, the tip of his tongue poking out from between his lips as he busily handled the unwieldy tape and struggled to contend with its unreasonable stickiness. Even as a third orbit was spun around my now amply gagged face, I couldn't help but lie there and allow my gaze to dance across the bulging of his huge muscles and the mesmerising spectacle of his monumental torso.

"Can you speak?" he finally asked, severing the tape and placing the silvery roll back down on the coffee table.

"Mpphhh. Mgghh pphgghh." I promptly responded, letting out a series of muffled moans without actually trying to convey an intelligible message.

When the towering leviathan stood up and signalled his satisfaction with my newfound inability to potentially call for help, I thought he'd leave me to my fate and depart for the shower. In his defence, he did. But not before rewarding me with a quick parting gift.

The brute stepped out of the satin basketball shorts I'd previously lent him, but instead of launching them toward the couch, he uncaringly tossed them down atop my face, temporarily plunging me into a world of darkness.

"Ghhmphh." I defiantly protested, shaking my head from side to side in an effort to rid myself of the shiny gym shorts.

As soon as my face was freed from the garment, Shawn's tremendously hulking body once again came into view. This time, however, I was greeted not only with the sight of his torso but also with the spectacle of his tree trunk-size thighs and positively massive, hair-lined bums.


The embarrassment he'd experienced when handling his cousin's sticky tape was all the more puzzling when juxtaposed next to the fact that he had no qualms about being seen naked.

Shawn's mammoth body was a real treat for the eyes, but my awe-stricken gaze was only allowed to bask in its glory for a very short time. I watched as he pulled the big black jockstrap down his meaty thighs, and then watched as it too was unceremoniously discarded much in the same manner as Nick's shorts had been.

My vision was once again engulfed by a sea of black as the giant loincloth left its wearer's hand and rushed down to make my untimely acquaintance. Just as my luck would have it, the oversized pouch landed directly atop my face; covering everything from my chin to my hairline even as elastic bum support straps dangled uselessly on both sides of my head.

I, of course, yelped out in protest, but that elicited little sympathy from my captor.

"See you in a few minutes." the 235-pound behemoth snickered, heading for the washroom and leaving me to deal with the indescribably humiliating crotch-scented face mask.


Last edited by bondagefreak 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Bradstick »

This has to be my favorite chapter out of this book. It had everything. You have Steven mummified with smelly shoes right next to him. You have smelly socks and then even worse feet. Then we get the whole display of Steven fighting off the feet and gag.

Then we get the glorious strips show of Shawn! With a super hot picture to get with it. And lastly, Steven now has a jockstrap right over his gagged face and nothing to do about it. I loved this chapter so much!

My only complaint is that Shawn didn’t end up gagging him with his sock. That would’ve been amazing to see, but absolutely awful for Steven, so it’s probably good it didn’t happen.
bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago
A look of absolute dread dawned across my weary features when the seated oaf clarified his intent by telling me he wanted his feet licked. I, of course, broke down into a series of protests, but the stupendously brawny muscleman simply warned me to pipe it down before trying to smooth-talk me into compliance by letting me know he'd showered a few hours earlier.

"C'mon. Stop being such a whiny lil' bitch." he snickered, lamenting my uncooperativeness but finding some minute amount of joy in my resolve.
I love how how Shawn is trying to getting him to lick his feet by calling him a whiny lil’ bitch. That part made me chuckle when reading it.

And I have disagree with Steven on one part. Steven said if we were in place we would be fighting against it too, I would have to disagree. I would suffer as much as needed to give Shawn that foot worship he wants so badly.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Another great chapter [mention]bondagefreak[/mention].
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Post by GoBucks »

Wow was that worth the wait! So incredibly hot!

I just love how Shawn seems to have no idea that his feet stink. He's genuinely confused why Steven isn't just opening wide! :lol: Still though, Steven is lucky this isn't Nick. Nick wouldn't have relented to his whining. Shawn should have pushed on and stuffed his yapper with that sock. And Steven gets rewarded with freshly showered feet now? Pft he doesn't deserve it.

And the crotch scented jockstrap in the face!! So jealous! I know Steven thinks he has it bad, but hey I thought Shawn was going to fart in his face so it could have been worse :lol:
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Post by socjuc »

Awesome detailed chapter.... [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Love how Shawn is morphing into using Steven when he wants :lol:

Let's analyze shall we? :)
bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago
Imagine my utter horror when, instead of remedying the situation by putting his putrid Osiris shoes back on, the oaf simply raised his left foot up off my chest and planted it straight down on top of my vehemently protesting face. My tortured groans were distracting him from his game, and that was something he didn't approve of.

"Quiet." he angrily bellowed, furrowing his brow in apparent displeasure even whilst devoting the entirety of his attention to the first-person shooter game he was busily competing in.

Words cannot even begin to describe the sheer panic I experienced at having my nose buried beneath the suffocatingly fat grip of Master Shawn's rotten toes. The white tube socks clad over his ginormous soles were brown from overuse, and the unbelievably pungent stench they gave off burned my eyes and had me gagging.

I think Shawn forgot to throw those socks in the laundry bag... :lol:
bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago Instead of making an effort to mend my growing panic, the oaf merely chuckled upon noticing the extent of my dismay. As soon as his left sock was pulled off, those hefty fingers of his crumpled the raunchy thing up into a loose ball and pressed it down atop my mouth and nostrils. My efforts to get away from it were futile, and so were my repeated attempts to call for help.

The sock was held over my face for only a mere second or two before being tossed to the nearby loveseat, but the brief exposure was still torturous enough to make me go cross-eyed.

Wasted opportunity on Shawn's part. :oops:
bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago "C'mon. Stop being such a whiny lil' bitch." he snickered, lamenting my uncooperativeness but finding some minute amount of joy in my resolve.

"Ugh god, no! I'm gonna be sick!" I repeated, refusing to service his enormous feet for what seemed like the millionth time.

Shawn spent several arduous moments forcing his lint-ridden toes atop my grimacing face. He tried getting me to suck on his suffocatingly fat digits, but no matter how hard he tried, I just couldn't bring myself to accept them. I cried out, sputtered, gagged and fought to escape...just as you would've done had you been in my place.

So I question Shawn as he is enjoying this and wants his toes licked...he seems to be very compromising of Steven. I thought in Steven's predicament Shawn could have easily forced his feet worshiping desires onto trapped Steven or extended his torture of him.. :lol: :lol: I mean what would happen? :mrgreen:
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Post by Volobond »

Now I know why the Hoffman men are so drawn to slaveboys! Their feet and laundry are so toxic that they need someone dedicated to cleaning those things up! :P :lol:

And another thing. I wonder if Steven even realizes that he really just wants to be forced into it with his captor showing little mercy for his protestations. Like, he genuinely hates it but he also genuinely loves it. He exists in a quantum state of enjoyment where he's enjoying not enjoying himself. Like consensual non-consent, if you will. Basically, he wants to be pushed past his limits, but the specific limits he wants to be pushed past. It's very confusing to word out but it's simple in my head. Am I making any sense?

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Volobond wrote: 2 years ago Now I know why the Hoffman men are so drawn to slaveboys! Their feet and laundry are so toxic that they need someone dedicated to cleaning those things up! :P :lol:

And another thing. I wonder if Steven even realizes that he really just wants to be forced into it with his captor showing little mercy for his protestations. Like, he genuinely hates it but he also genuinely loves it. He exists in a quantum state of enjoyment where he's enjoying not enjoying himself. Like consensual non-consent, if you will. Basically, he wants to be pushed past his limits, but the specific limits he wants to be pushed past. It's very confusing to word out but it's simple in my head. Am I making any sense?

Yup. you are :lol: spot on!
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Post by Bradstick »

Volobond wrote: 2 years ago Like consensual non-consent, if you will. Basically, he wants to be pushed past his limits, but the specific limits he wants to be pushed past. It's very confusing to word out but it's simple in my head. Am I making any sense?
I agree, I think it’s important to remember that Steven is still pretty new to bondage. He didn’t have any experience with it till Nick/Brad took him and then took that break until he met up with Nick again.

I think you are right, he wants to push his limits but he doesn’t know where his limits are. Which is very relatable to anyone new to bondage figuring out what you like and what you don’t like.

I think Steven limits also change after he climax’s. He loves bondage up till he finishes and then it’s not as alluring to him. Which for someone new to sex in general, let alone bondage, that is pretty understandable.

I also really love how Steven is treated like a real person and how a real person would react entering this situation. That realism is really good for long term stories like this that been going on for 3 years.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Volobond wrote: 2 years ago I wonder if Steven even realizes that...he exists in a quantum state of enjoyment where he's enjoying not enjoying himself. Like consensual non-consent, if you will. Basically, he wants to be pushed past his limits, but the specific limits he wants to be pushed past. It's very confusing to word out but it's simple in my head. Am I making any sense?
[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] has typically always been a little ahead of the fray when it comes to understanding character motives and whatnot. And while that hasn't changed, you've really hit the nail on the head here, [mention]Volobond[/mention].

The sad part is that over the years, a fair number of readers have stopped following this adventure, precisely because they failed to grasp the reality of Steven's inner workings. All they saw was a suffering sub who took no pleasure in anything, when in fact that couldn't be further from the truth.

While the ethos of mainstream D/s is wisely geared towards the submissive being in control of any given situation via safewords (which is not a bad thing given the abuse that can happen without such safeguards) there is in fact a subcategory of subs out there who genuinely yearn for consensual non-consensual. The problem is that the line which separates CNC from abuse/rape is considerably thinner than the one that separates consensual from non-consensual.

The subs that fall in this subcategory more often than not choose to stay silent due to such desires being shunned or met with disapproval in wider BDSM discussion circles.

Those who disapprove of CNC will typically feel very strongly in their disapproval of Nick and grow annoyed and angry with Steven over his tendency to easily forgive what they perceive as wrongdoings. And no, we're not talking about Shawn's blackmail attempts here.

Nick is perhaps the best example of a CNC facilitator. He's often criticised for being an underwhelming communicator, but then there's also the fact that he clearly understands Steven a lot more than some readers are willing to give him credit for. That kidnapping ploy with the gasmasked riot cop uniforms from just a day ago (in the B&G timeline), Nick was totally correct in assuming that Steven would derive immense pleasure from it. After all, he literally did state he wanted to give his boi a special release. The one miscalculation he made was failing to anticipate that Steven's overactive imagination would conjure up gruesome threats and images of real danger. Were it not for Steven believing that Nick had been hurt/injured/killed, the end result of that evening would've been very different. Everything that Nick (and Zack) did to him was right up his alley.

The problem with CNC and the reason why it's met with such fierce disdain in wider BDSM circles is precisely due to the thin veil that separates it from non-consensual.

I'll give you an example.

Nick's made it somewhat clear that he plans on keeping Steven as a permanent spouse, and I think few would disagree that his love for Steven is unquestionable at this point. While Nick has shown himself very attentive and proactive in anticipating his boi's needs, it's also become clear that he genuinely does not believe Steven has the right to refuse his advances.

As shown in the chapter following Steven's cold-shoulder/shower scene, Nick is not trying to antagonise his mate, and apparently decided not to cause undue strain on their relationship by claiming Steven on that particular night, most likely due to the coldness that lingered between them. However, as a general rule, Nick considers himself as being the uncontested owner of Steven's body, and as such, doesn't shy away from claiming what he considers his. In his mind, Steven must make himself available at beck and call.

Here's where it gets messy. Aside from that one incident where Nick forced himself unlubed on Steven (at the start of the camping trip, following their 4-day separation during the college saga), Steven never once complains about being claimed & taken (occasionally by force) on a near-nightly basis.

Considering how verbose Steven's complaints are about things he doesn't like, one might assume that Nick claiming what he views as his (Steven) falls into the CNC category. Steven basically consents not to consent, and expresses a certain willingness (as other subs here have) for being plundered and seeded by the man he sees as a potential husband.

Fan of CNC or not, where does one draw the line? If Steven agrees to go along with this, does it make it alright?
This grey area is one such reason why CNC is viewed with great contempt in the BDSM ethos.
It's a touchy subject and one that's not often seriously/believably addressed in works of fiction.

All that to say that your above assessment is very astute and makes a lot of sense.
There are many subs who - when dealing with men they implicitly trust - are completely uninterested in common BDSM lore & holding the keys of power. Normally they choose to remain quiet about it for fear of being called out, either as deviants or as enablers of legitimate abuses.

Definitely a loaded subject.

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago I also really love how Steven is treated like a real person and how a real person would react entering this situation. That realism is really good for long term stories like this that have been going on for 3 years.
Glad to hear it, buddy-boi. Though you might be surprised to know that B&G has been going on for a lot longer. The first chapter is dated "4 years ago", but that's only because the TUG community (which is over 20 years old now) moved over to this new board four years ago. We had to change hosts and replace the old forum we were all on back in early 2018.

Many of the readers following B&G have been doing so for over a decade.
Steven's adventure has been in production for eleven years so far ;)

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Post by Lovethemsocks »

Chapter was phenomenal! Steven is so lucky but yet he really complains a lot. I think Shawn should have went back and grabbed his own socks when he couldn’t get Steven’s off! That would of really showed him whose boss! I love the added detail of the jockstrap landing on his face and being forced to smell it while Shawn showers. Just a shame that it hasn’t been worn that long. I would love to see nick or Shawn wear it for weeks if not months and i think nick should get a white one so you can really see the work he has put in it haha! Great job keep them coming!
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Post by Bradstick »

Oh wow [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], I had seen some posts saying they were from the old site but I didn’t how long ago that was. 11 years for this story is amazing, I always wondered how you were able to post so many chapters in just 4 years but that makes a lot more sense :lol:

As for CNC, I really enjoy it but I agree it is not very common. I really haven’t read or seen anything that uses, especially in long term stories such as this one. You do very good job at using it though! And thank you for that explanation and examples, that helped grasp the topic even more.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Loving these last few chapters and their exploration of Steven and Shawn and their relationship.

I love how Shawn's casual dominance is tempered by moments of uncertainty. He's clearly struggling to work Steven out and who can blame him? We've spent over 300 chapters inside his head and we still don't know exactly how he ticks. I'm not sure Steven himself fully understands what he wants.

I think Shawn struggles with the idea that someone would willingly consent and submit to the things Steven does. As a result I think we see the half-hearted attempts at blackmail as a way for him to try and normalise/rationalise the situation. I think him taping Steven up before letting him worship his feet is another example of this. In a way it makes it less weird for Shawn - I'm in control and forcing you to do these things.

But who really is in control here? Steven is doing a pretty good job of topping from the bottom. He decided the position he would be taped in. He refused Shawn's sock as a gag. He got Shawn to wash his feet (hopefully better than the last time he tried this!).

I think there is definitely an element of 'he doth protest too much' with Steven. He knew what he was getting into with Shawn's feet but the protests began as soon as the shoes came off. The rational, conscious side of Steven doesn't want to have anything to do with it but the hidden, subconscious says 'please force those socks into my mouth and tape it shut you beautiful beast of a man'!

Shawn of course doesn't know how to deal with this and indeed seems genuinely surprised that Steven doesn't want to take his sock as a gag. After all he's seen Steven gagged with similar items before and apparently enjoyed it as he comes back for more. I think this actually shows a positive side to Shawn - he's not a sadist and he takes notice of what Steven is saying to him. He wants Steven to enjoy himself as well. I mean this whole gagging must be mainly for Steven - if Shawn's going to get his feet worshipped after the shower he's going to have to take all that tape off again!

I think I feel I understand Shawn much better now and I think he is going up in the appreciation index. Looking forward to seeing more.

Hats off to you [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] - you are doing such a good job of exploring and bringing a murky concept out into the open. (Although I can't see CNC without thinking of Computer Numerical Control machines!)
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by bondagefreak »




[mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]luiggi87[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]sws91[/mention] [mention]CorbD91[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]zzzz12333211[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]user3434658[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]EJTied22[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]SquashMeDown[/mention] [mention]cherryboy[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]Gaybondage[/mention] [mention]Boston2265[/mention] [mention]Hornysub[/mention] [mention]vincenzotognolo22[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]that1kid13[/mention] [mention]Ropelover98[/mention] [mention]Bradstick[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]BondageFootPig[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]Ayu[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]musktorture[/mention] [mention]Lovethemsocks[/mention] [mention]5T3V3N[/mention] [mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]Bradstick[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention][mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention][mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]The WinterShuffle[/mention] [mention]grayboxers[/mention][mention]Tsuhaya[/mention][mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention][mention]Footsub[/mention][mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention][mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]tugfan[/mention] [mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]Ropelover98[/mention] [mention]Stormee[/mention] [mention]Killua[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]Tomat0skins[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Finnan[/mention] [mention]Jb99[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]BlueZephyr[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Gagfan[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]cj2125[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]DeanSummer24[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]Batsox[/mention] [mention]JDT544[/mention] [mention]N9292[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]tugfan[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]EJTied22[/mention] [mention]Batsox[/mention] [mention]Boston2265[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]frankburns[/mention] [mention]vincenzotognolo22[/mention] [mention]ChiDrag221[/mention] [mention]grayboxers[/mention] [mention]Ropelover98[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Michael-Colin[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Batsox[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]njr[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]vincenzotognolo22[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]BoudBoy22[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]Ropelover98[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]chadmc90[/mention] [mention]Boundcurious[/mention] [mention]DeanSummer24[/mention] [mention]Carnath[/mention] [mention]CorbD91[/mention] [mention]Subexplorer71[/mention]
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Post by wataru14 »

Can't wait!
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Post by La-plume-des-yvline »

cool, I love this story, it's great, I would like to be in Steven's place, having to sniff the feet of it's jok, it must be good, I would dream of taking it just for this wound and that to serve them
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Post by Ropelover98 »

Just finished chapter 230. After some encouragement of Sir bondagefreak i start again… and man im glad he told me to do it, just like Steven im a good boy and always lisent to suprior men!
I love Josh is punished for his “crimes” and i love Steven is putting in the same predicament.. i cant wait to read more and more, thankfully i still have a lot of reading work to do 😍😍
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Post by bondagefreak »

Salut! Welcome to the forum, buddy! We're always happy to see a new member join us.
I'm really glad to see that you're enjoying Steven's adventure :) What chapter have you read up to so far?

Hey, that's great, boi! Super happy you decided to get back into this.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the ending of the sixth book and that you'll enjoy the next one as well.
Keep us posted, little man ;)


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Post by La-plume-des-yvline »

bondagefreak: I've read up to chapter 25 so far, I like it
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