College Bondage Model - Part 3 added (FM/MM)

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College Bondage Model - Part 3 added (FM/MM)

Post by cc0125 »

Long time lurker, first time writer. Appreciate any feedback! This story is inspired by some of my favorite stories from this site.

It’s my first week of college and I was almost overwhelmed by all the newfound freedom. Coming from a smaller town, this is the first time I felt I could truly be myself. I came out as gay when I was 16, and my parents were very accepting, but being from a smaller town, there just weren’t a ton of people like me I could interact with. And even fewer people I felt comfortable confiding in about my love of bondage. I played around with some friends when I was younger, but once I realized I was gay, I was too afraid of any light hearted games becoming sexual and hid that part of me away.

My roommate, Sam, and I hit it off immediately. Although it doesn’t seem like we should have that much in common, as I’m in the engineering school and he’s in the art program, we just seemed to mesh. We went to a ton of welcome week parties and events and had a great time.

I had been so accustomed to us going almost everywhere together, that when he got ready to leave one night without inviting me, I asked where he was going.

“It’s a figure drawing club with live models. I’d invite you to go, Paul, but I know drawing isn’t really your strong suit.”

He was certainly right about that.

“Well, where do they find the models?” I asked, maybe not quite realizing where I was leading this conversation.

“It’s all students, and it actually pays pretty well. $20 per hour and all you have to do is hold still.”

I was confident in my body, but maybe a little more intrigued by the idea of Sam staring at me intently for 2 hours.
“Well, I could certainly use that money. Let me know if you guys are ever hurting for a volunteer.”

“Will do.”

This was a couple of weeks ago, and then out of the blue, tonight he asks me if I’m free.

“So it’s a bit of a special theme tonight, and our model canceled and none of our usual backups are willing. I said I have someone who could be interested. Are you?”

“Sure! Umm, what’s the theme?”

“Well, I’m not sure if I mentioned, but it’s a sex positive drawing club. And this week’s theme is bondage.”

“Bondage.” I said a bit nervously, but also super excited deep down. “Sex positive…would I have to be naked?”

“No! That would be weird, I wouldn’t invite you to something like that. Well every once in a while, there’s a nude model, but most models keep their underwear on or have some sort of outfit. Does that mean you’re okay with getting tied up? It shouldn’t be too bad. Just something light so we can draw it.”

“Oh yeah, I played some tie up games growing up, that should be fun.” I smiled slightly.

“Great! Want to head over now? That should give us time to get set up beforehand.”

We headed over to one of the school buildings and what seemed like an empty classroom. There were several desks and easels set up in a circle with a single chair in the middle.

“Hi, Paul! Sam has told me about you! My name is Talia, I’m in charge of the theme this week. We switch off. Thank you so much for volunteering! We would have been in serious trouble if you didn’t step in.”

“No problem! It seems fun, and the money is real, right?

“It is! Okay, we have some time before everyone arrived, but let’s get you ready.”

We went off into a side “dressing room” that was really just a smaller classroom next door.

“So I’m sure Sam has told you, but the rate we pay is $10 per hour base, then a $5 bonus for themes like this, $5 if a model goes shirtless, $5 if they’re in just their underwear, and an extra $10 if they’re nude. It’s totally up to you!”

I gave Sam a stare, as he didn’t quite reveal all of this, and he gave a quick “Sorry” shrug back.

I was definitely starting to get nervous. “Umm I think I’ll just do shirt off? It’s my first time after all.”

“Perfect! Talia said. “Now just relax, and we’ll take care of the rest. Let us know if anything is too tight. “

I took off my shirt and I felt Talia guide my hands behind my back and loop rope around them. I didn’t even see where she got the rope from! I started to feel my stomach get nervous, and at the same time get a bit excited. I was certainly happy I decided to keep my jeans on to hide what was happening down there.

Talis finished with my hands and then she went to retrieve something and I felt leather fasten around my neck.

“Umm, what’s this?” I asked.

“It’s a collar, it really adds to the asthetic. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to breathe fine.”

it was a bit tight, but not too uncomfortable. I couldn’t really move my head up or down now. I gave Sam another look and he gave me a thumbs up. “You look great, Paul,” he said. It was then I started to realize that he might be gay also? And I like an idiot had never told him that I was gay, assuming he would be weirded out.

“Okay, Paul, now you have two options. One is a hood, which will keep you anonymized, and the other is a gag. Obviously the artists would prefer to see your face. What’ll it be.” Talia asked.

This was all going a bit quick. I thought Sam said it would just be a tokenistic tie up. Still, this was essentially my wildest dream coming true. Might as well lean into it.

“Gag. Got to give the people what they want.” I winked at Sam.

Talia grabbed something from behind me and then I felt something pressing against my mouth. I opened my mouth and looked down and saw and felt a big red ball go inside. She tightened some straps behind my head. I couldn’t close my mouth and already felt the drool starting to form.

“Mmph mmph.” I grumbled.

“If anything goes wrong, the safety word is three quick grunts in a row and we’ll let you right out. Okay?”

“Mphkay, “ I tried to say.

“I think everyone should be set by now, are you ready to take your place?”

I nodded. As we walked out, Sam gave my behind a quick grab and whispered in my ear “we’re going to have so much fun together this year.”

I had so many butterflies in my stomach, but mostly the good kind. I almost forgot I was about to be on display in front of dozens of people.

To be continued
Last edited by cc0125 2 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Congrats on your first story!

This is a pretty promising start. The protagonist is relatable and there seems more to Sam than how he seems. I'm looking forward to read the rest!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here:
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Post by cc0125 »

Part 2

Talia led me out into the hallway and into the other room, with Sam following close behind. As we entered, I saw approximately 15 people sitting in a circle, respectfully quiet. All the lights in the room were off, but there were some large lamps lighting up the chair in the middle and every artist had a lamp at their station.

I didn’t recognize anyone, but at least 2 people there were way too old to be students and must have been professors! This made me nervous, what if I had a class with one of them!

Talia led me into the center of the room and guided me into the chair. Then her and Sam got to work silently.

They produced tons of rope seemingly out of nowhere. My hands were guided over the back of the chair. Talia looped rope above and below my nipples, securing my chest to the back of the chair.

Sam kneeled down and starting looping what seemed like way too much rope around each of my ankles, securing each of my legs to a leg of the chair.

I felt incredibly vulnerable. This was definitely not the light tie up Sam led me to believe. But at the same time, I couldn’t believe what was happening. My dick was pressing against the crotch of my jeans, trying burst through. I just prayed that no one was able to notice.

When Sam was done with my ankles, I saw him disappear behind me, and next thing I knew, everything went dark, as he placed what must have been a blindfold over my eyes. He then whispered into my ear ever so sweetly so that only I could hear.

“Paul, those jeans look like they’re getting incredibly uncomfortable, do you want me to help with that?”

They were definitely getting uncomfortable, but I also didn’t want strangers to see me in my underwear and what was almost definitely a much clearer outline of my penis. However, at this point, my dick was in charge of making all the decisions.

I nodded twice, slowly.

I felt him unbutton the top button of my jeans and loosen the fly. My dick immediately sprung free and I could feel it form a tent against the outer cotton of my Calvin Klein briefs.

Completely forgetting where I was and how many people were looking on, I desperately wished he would keep going. But I didn’t feel his hands anymore, even though I really wished he would just grab my rock hard cock through my briefs.

“Okay, everyone, you now have an hour and your time begins now,” Talia announced. “As always, you can come and take a closer look at the model, but respect their personal space and don’t get too close, and absolutely no touching.”

How ironic, because I wanted nothing more than for Sam to touch me right now. I was about as horny as I’d ever been in my entire life.

The ropes felt great, they were secure without being too tight. I struggled a bit just to enjoy myself, then I stopped moving, realizing the artists would probably prefer a stationary model. And I desperately wanted to be invited back after this.

The gag was starting to hurt my mouth a bit, and I could feel the drool continuing to drip down onto my chest.

The hour seemed to fly by, and I don’t think my erection subsided the entire time. Before I knew it, Talia announced that time was up.

I felt someone start to loosen the ropes around my ankles and someone take off my blindfold and gag.

“How was it?” Sam asked, grinning at me. He then grabbed a towel and wiped off my chest.

“Great!” I said, beaming at him. “Can’t you tell?” I gestured down at my crotch, towards a spot where pre-cum had soaked through my briefs.

“I can help you with that later.” He winked at me and started untying the rest of the ropes around my chest and hands.

I got up and stretched my stiff limbs and buttoned my jeans. Sam then handed me my shirt.

“You’re more than welcome to walk around and chat with the artists and look at their work. After all you are the start subject,” Talia said.

I walked around the room and chatted with some of the artists. They were all super nice and their drawings were amazing. It was much less awkward then I thought it would be.

One artist drew an all pencil sketch. Another drew a caricature style, over-emphasizing my engorged member and my ball gag stuffed mouth. That one was my favorite.

When I got over to someone who looked like a professor, he introduced himself.

“Hi, I’m Professor Patterson, I teach the Human Sexuality and anatomy classes here. But you can call me Jeff.”

We shook hands. He seemed like he was in his mid 30s, definitely on the younger side and not what I imagined a professor would look like.

“If you’re up for more modeling gigs in the future, I could have a use for someone like you in some of my courses. I find that demonstrations are some of the best teaching tools,” he said.

I was still coming off the high of the past hour, and honestly not too sure what I was agreeing to, but I said, “I definitely could be interested in something like that.”

He smiled and we parted ways. Sam handed me my hard earned cash, even with the bonus for stripping to my underwear.

“Want to head back to our room now?” He asked, with a little bit extra behind his warm gaze.

“Yes, definitely,” I replied. I was still incredibly eager to relieve my blue balls.

We headed back to our room, and he certainly helped me out with my issue. It turns out he had a similar issue that I helped him with.

I couldn’t be more excited to see where the rest of the year would take us.
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Post by cc0125 »

Part 3

It’s been about a week since my first gig at the drawing club, and in that time, Sam and I have become “official”! We have a group of friends from our dorm, and a group of Sam’s artist friends, and everyone has been super supportive.

It does feel a bit rushed having a live in boyfriend only weeks into my freshman year, but for now it’s a dream. We basically haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other anytime we’re alone in our dorm, the new relationship honeymoon period is real!

I’ve definitely become a lot more used to being naked around other people after having so much practice with Sam, so I didn’t hesitate a bit when he asked if I was up for another drawing club gig (we had started referring to it just as “The Club”).

“Hey babe, we have another Club event coming up tomorrow, and you’re everyone’s first choice. It’ll be a little bit different this time, and one of the requirements is that the models must be naked. Are you up for it?”

“Yes!” I blurted out as fast as possible. “Wait, did you say models? As in multiple people?”

“I may have. You’ll see,” he said slyly.


We arrived to the same classroom as before, but we headed straight into the side room this time. Talia was already there, along another person I hadn’t met before.

“Hi, I’m Mitch,” the tall, slender and athletic man introduced himself while extending a hand. “I understand we’ll be working together today?” He grinned.

“Uhh, yeah. I’m Paul,” I stammered. “Great to meet you.”

Mitch was already wearing a robe, and it didn’t look like he had on anything underneath.

“Paul, would you like to get ready? There’s a robe for you over there,” Talia said while gesturing to a corner that had a tiny makeshift changing area set up. I knew what she was implying.

I went behind the barrier and took my shirt off, unbuckled my jeans, and then hesitated for a second.

“Welp, here goes nothing,” I thought. I pulled my underwear down and put on the robe.

Talia addressed us both:
“Okay, guys, todays session is about bondage and intimacy. Some of the positions might have you getting verrry close to one another if you know what I mean. I just want to check to make sure that everyone is aware and consents. If at anytime during the session you feel uncomfortable with what’s happening, you are encouraged to use the safeword and everything will immediately stop. Understand?”

“Yes, I consent,” Mitch said, giving me a wink.

“I consent,” I said.

We started walking to the main room. I hung back and whispered in Sam’s ear, “What did I just get myself into?”

“Just relax and enjoy it. You’ll have a ton of fun. And if you’re wondering if it’s okay with me that you’ll be naked next to another guy…well this week was actually my idea. I think it’s going to lead to some intensely hot art.”

He gave me a hug and a kiss and I kissed him back.

We entered the room and only a couple of the artists were there, we were still a couple of minutes early. I guess there was still a decent amount of setup left to go.

In the center of the room I saw a hook attached to the ceiling and what appeared to be endless coils of rope and a duffel bag of what I assumed were other bondage implements.

Sam guided me into the center of the room.

“Ready?” he whispered.

I nodded. I was excited, but also nervous and didn’t want to risk speaking.

Sam helped me loosen the belt of the robe and let it drop to the floor. This was now the first time I had been naked in front of other people who weren’t Sam.

Sensing that I didn’t want time to consider this too much. Sam immediately grabbed a long rope and directed me to put my wrists in front of me. He looped the rope around my wrists several times and then tied it off, but there was still a long length left over.

I looked over at Mitch and he had the same treatment as me. I gave his smooth, gorgeous body a long look over, with a long pause at his substantial member.

While I was looking at Mitch, didn’t see Sam grab 2 bandanas.

“Open up,” he commanded sweetly.

He stuffed one bandana in my mouth, then tied the other around my head for a cleave gag.

Sam left me and got a step stool, placing it near the hook in the center of the room. He guided me over and hoisted the free end of the rope over the hook and tied it off so that my arms were all the way extended. I wasn’t quite on my tip toes, but any more and I definitely would be.

Before I knew it, Mitch was right in front of me, about a foot in front of my face.

“Mmphlo,” he tried to say.

“Mmmmmph,” I replied excitedly.

These gags definitely weren’t as effective as the ball gag. I wonder if they wanted to be able to hear more of our moans?

Sam was suddenly at my ankles, tying them together tightly. Talia was at Mitch’s ankles, doing the same thing.

As I looked down, I realized my penis was already at full mast. Mitch’s wasn’t yet. Maybe he was more experienced then me? Or just not as much of a bondage perv? I started to get embarrassed and turn red.

Then I looked up into his eyes and it looked like he was trying to tell me everything is okay. This calmed me down immediately and I really started to just try and enjoy myself.

I then heard what sounded almost like the sound of tape being ripped off a roll, but not quite.

“It’s vet wrap, will be easy on the skin, don’t worry,” Sam said.

He then started wrapping around my chest and Mitch’s chest bringing us right together. Talia started wrapping around our ankles and then our thighs. Finally, Sam finished it off by wrapping around our gags.

So to summarize, we were kissing gags, touching chests, and our crotches were rubbing against each other. I couldn’t move my arms, they were stretched above me. My ankles were tied together and to Mitch. I could sway a bit, but any movement I made would affect Mitch as well.

And my cock was rock hard and throbbing. I closed my eyes and tried my best to keep my crotch as far away from Mitch’s as possible.

“Okay, everyone, 60 minutes starts now!”

I hadn’t even noticed that the room had filled up. I opened my eyes and all I could see was Mitch’s directly in front of me. It was pretty diabolical that Sam had left me not blindfolded.

We both started struggling to test out our bonds and I it was one of the hottest things I’d ever experienced. It almost made me feel guilty for not experiencing this with Sam, but then I remembered that he had set the whole thing up.

The more we struggled, the more our cocks rubbed together. I could feel that his penis was hard now and pressing up against me. I closed my eyes. I desperately didn’t want to cum in front of all these people.

As if he could read my mind, he stopped struggling too, and we sank into a what felt like a relaxing trance for who knows how long, just staring into each other’s eyes and enjoying our confinement.

“Okay, everyone, 60 minutes is up!” Sam announced. “But we have another 30 minute bonus session if anyone is interested in staying.”

I didn’t expect what I felt next. What felt like lube was squirted into my still rock hard cock and then something was fitted around it and affixed to the base. I felt someone touch Mitch’s and do something to it as well.

Then I heard the vet wrap again. This time around our bare butts, smushing our cocks as close together as they would go.

“30 minutes starts now,” Sam said.

As soon as he said that, I heard him click a button, and an intense waving vibration went through my cock. I felt the same from Mitch’s engorged penis. We started humping against each other as much as we could. We both were loudly moaning into our gags.

After only 30 seconds, the vibrations turned off, and we stopped humping. I was right on the edge about to explode, and I bet Sam knew that. We were both breathing heavily.

A minute or so later, the vibrators turned back on, but only for 10 seconds this time. Again, right to the edge, but not close enough. I really wanted to keep grinding against Mitch, but also wanted to hold out as long as possible.

After way too much of this, finally, the vibrators stayed on past the 10 seconded and Mitch and I kept grinding against each other, exploding at the same time and shooting cum all over each other and ourselves. We let out the loudest moan, almost as if we weren’t even gagged at all.

I could feel our cum start dripping to the floor. We were both breathing heavily, and I expected to be immediately untied, but Sam announced, “Okay everyone, 10 minutes left to capture everything you see here.”

I opened my eyes and realized I was in an art room, and not alone in a private universe with Mitch. I got a bit embarrassed, but I was still coming off an incredible high and had too many emotions to process another one right now.

After 10 minutes, Sam and Talia cut us apart, removing the vet wrap, then lowered our arms from the hook and untied us. They helped clean us up with towels and dress us in our robes.

“That was amazing,” I said.

“I knew you’d love it,” Sam grinned.

“Yeah that was fun, we should do that more often,” Mitch beamed at me.

“Maybe we will,” Sam said, winking at me.

“Wait until you get a look at the work all the artists did. I think this was the hottest session we’ve ever done,” Talia said.

“Without a doubt,” Sam agreed.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Well done on your first story! I've really enjoyed reading this so far, the characters are fun and relatable, I hope there's more to come!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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