Going for a Ride (M/M) *Updated Dec 11*

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Going for a Ride (M/M) *Updated Dec 11*

Post by Noodles888 »

Chapter One: The hero

Hi guys, my name is Levi and this is a story that happened in the not too distant past. Before we get to the story, let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m a normal kid, I’ve just turned 18 years old, and life is pretty good. I’m a little under 6 feet tall, slender, with shaggy dirty blond hair. There are a few freckles on my face but I have a fair complexion. I’m in my last year of high school, (it’s almost over!) And play hockey, do swimming and soccer. I’m reasonably popular and I’m not failing any classes although I may be “absent” from class every now and then.

Okay, now that introductions are over, on with the story!

“that asshole” I yelled, slamming my fists against the boards, as I saw my best friend Stu getting a dirty hit from behind. The score was 3-2 for the for the Stratford Ironmen, our opponents, and time was ticking down. It was the last game of the hockey tournament and we needed to beat those jerks as they were our rival team from the small town over.

The whistle sounded and we had a line change, my time to shine! I hopped the boards and got into position just right of the face off circle. Stu was now off the ice and our captain Luke was taking the puck drop. 4 minutes left on the clock, we were running out of time to tie the game up. The puck is dropped, Luke wins the draw, dropping it back to the defence while I move forward to the right side of the net signalling that I’m open for the pass. Marty has the puck but has to dump it into the corner, I chase after it grabbing the puck and swinging right along the boards backhanding the puck to the centre. As I make the pass I’m slammed into the boards and fall to one knee “fuck”, scrambling to get up I hear the cheers. Luke got my blind pass and shot it top shelf past the opposing teams goal!

I see Luke jump in the air and fist pumps while skating towards me, a huge smile on his face as he jumps again into my arms and I give him a big hug and shake his helmeted head laughing. “ you’re the man, I knew you would be there waiting for the pass.” Me and Luke knew each other well and often hung out together, we practiced these plays quite often.

We skated together back to the bench taking our respective seats in the line, catching a breath while the second line jumps onto the ice. Another 2 minutes left on the clock but the game is tied now. I’m sitting on the edge of the bench next to my best friend Stu intensely watching the clock tick down hoping the other team doesn’t score.

The horn sounds signaling the end of the period. Our teammates on the ice come over and we await the coaches plan. ”alright Luke, Levi, Stu you guys are up. Luke you’re taking the draw if you win get the puck back to one of the guys and rush their left side.” Coach is getting real intense here. “this is the biggest game of the year so… Levi and Stu you just keep their wingers busy so Luke can get the puck in their zone.” Coach stared at the clock rushing to come up with the rest of his game plan. “ Luke get in and drive the net with the puck, when you get an opening pass it to Stu, and Levi you stay back a bit from the net so Stu has an open pass to you.” “okay coach” we all yell as the refs come telling us to get on the ice. the overtime period is about to begin.

Well coaches plan didn’t exactly work out. Luke lost the draw and we were backpedalling as the opposing teams forwards fly past us and shoot on our net. Chris, our goalie stops the puck and covered it but quickly hand passed the puck out to our defence. Chris saw that I was cherry picking out by the blue line hoping to get a jump on the opposing teams defence. The plan worked! I quickly had the puck and was racing down the ice as fast as I possibly could. “Don’t screw this up, don’t screw this up don’t screw this up, fuck” I carried the puck all the way down the ice to the other end and lined up a big shot, but somebody got their stick in the way. I fanned on the shot and completely missed the net. Frantically I chase after the puck and got slammed into the boards again, luckily, I came up with the puck and flung it towards the net. No luck. After a quick scramble in front of the net Stu comes out with the puck quickly flicking it to me as I slash at it wildly trying to get it passed the goalie. Slash! Slash! I hack away as it bounces off the goalies pads the first time. I slash away madly again. It happens, my heart is racing as I see the puck just skim over the goalies’ pads and into the back of the net. Yeaaahhh!!! I scream jumping into the air. I am immediately set upon by Luke, Stu and my defence as they all come and bowl me right over as they jump on me trying to hug me. They pick me up as the rest of our team and the coach come from the benches. Everybody giving me a big hug, patting me on the head and slamming our helmets together as we hug. I haven’t felt this excited ever! I just scored the winning goal for the year end tourney at put those Stratford losers in their place! I am the man!

After about a 5-minute celebration the referees calm us all down and tell us we have to go shake those losers’ hands. We begrudgingly accept, as champions we must also be gracious.

*a few minutes later*

We are all in the locker room jovially cheering and laughing as we begin the get undressed from our hockey gear. I should note I’ve always seemed a bit livelier in the locker room. I don’t know if it was the atmosphere of teenage boys all together at once, the smell of all that sweaty gear or the teenage boys all around me in various states on undress but I always felt a little more “alive” there, I guess.

“Great game guys” coach says as he begins he speech about hard work, ethics and all of that goods stuff. I just bask in the glory as everyone is still beaming and congratulating me. A huge smile on my face as I feel like a million bucks as I take my helmet off and just relive the past few minutes. “Levi, you ace! That was amazing, you pushed that guy right off of you and just fukin buried it” Stu says as he’s right beside me retelling my moment of glory. Finally, coach gets all of our attention again and finishes his speech about trying your best and congratulates us all before saying he has to go. As a small-town team, we didn’t have assistant coaches or anything like that and the arena would be open until at least 12 or one AM. It was up to us to clean up the locker room and leave, somebody would lock up later.

So it was just me and the team. I peeled of my jersey and started to undress, proud of myself for scoring the big goal. I wasn’t paying attention to what was going on around me. Luke and Jake are quietly scheming away to my right. “we gotta give Levi some special treatment tonight he deserves it. How much tape do you have in your bag?” Luke says quietly to Jake. I don’t hear them. Luke, Jake and Stu are my closest mates we are always hanging out together and playing sports or video games. Luke is a pretty big guy about 6’2” and probably 160lbs, (he’s big for and 18-year-old I guess). He is brown haired, has an olive skin tone and a body that I always find myself staring at while he’s changing. I’m envious of his 6 pack. He’s sorta the alpha of the pack but we jostle for that role. Jake is another blond-haired boy like me, about as tall as me and he’s quite the looker too. But my best friend Stu he’s just awesome. He’s got that perfectly blond hair that’s always right even when it’s a complete mess. His eyes shine with light and youthful exuberance. His smile is wide and infectious, damn him, if he smiles, I’m smiling to, even if he just pulled a nasty prank on me. Its not fair. His body is perfectly proportioned with his hairless chest, smooth abdomen and a little faint trail of blond hairs that lead down below his waist. I’m not sure why I notice this stuff, I mean I don’t have a crush on him do I? no, he’s my best friend. I love his perfect broad shoulders, strong neck and smooth face and cheeks. The little dimples that pop in when he smiles and the reddish tinge of his cheeks. No, I don’t have a crush on him he’s just my best friend, okay? I like to stare at his feet whenever I get the chance and sometimes think about his smelly socks, that’s not weird is it? Whatever he’s just my best friend okay, nothing is going on. He’s straight, I’m straight? It’s all good.

Anyways, my jersey off I begin the take off my neck guard, elbow pads and chest protector and toss them in my bag. I look over to Stu, he looks good, he just took off his chest protector and undershirt. I can see the glistening sweat on his chest, my eyes linger for a few moments longer than they should. WTF weird thoughts. I still don’t notice Luke and Jake eyeballing me from the corner, waiting for their chance to pounce on their unsuspecting prey. Luke is twirling a roll of hockey tape around his finger, a mischievous glint in his eyes. My undershirt is off and I stand up unlacing my hockey pants and letting them drop to the floor. At that moment Jake comes over and gives me a pat on the back “awesome goal man, well done”. Now Luke is coming over, my eyes on him Jakes steps back a bit behind me to the right. I never noticed the roll of tape stuck in the back waist of his hockey pants he still had on. Luke extends his hand saying “well Levi the guy with the worst shot gets the game winning goal” he jokes. I laugh grabbing his hand for a handshake, but its not a handshake. He grips that hand while Jake grabs the other hand from behind. Luke pulls me forwards. They planned this well, my feet were trapped in my hockey pants that were around my ankles, I tried to step forwards but trip on my pants and fall over my hockey bag that was in front of where I was standing. Jake already has my left hand behind my back, and Luke pulls my right hand back there too. He’s shouting “victory celebration for the hero!” I half-heartedly struggle as they wind tape around my wrists at the small of my back. “you dicks let me go”.

There I am sort of flopping like a fish, my hands taped behind my back my legs flailing, trying to kick the pants off from around my ankles. Luke sits on my back and ruffles my sweaty hair, “congratulations man you really are awesome!” he says. “well thanks dude now get off me.” He continues to sit on me while I finally free the hockey pants from my ankles, now I’m just in my small socks, shin pads and compression shorts with the cup in it. I feel my cheeks burn red as I sort of realize my situation. I’m half naked in a locker room surrounded by teenage boys and my arms are tied behind my back. Everyone is looking directly at me watching the scenario unfold.

I look to my best friend Stu who’s curiously watching the scene from the other side of the locker room. He’s just sitting there not jumping up to defend me? WTF I’m the hero! Instead I see a twinkle in his eyes and a wide smile across his face as he offers up a helpful suggestion. “hogtie for the hero!!!!” he shouts. “hey no fuck off you jerks, let me goooo!” I shout not really struggling too much as I know this is all just for fun. After all these guys are my best friends. I feel someone grabbing my shin padded ankles and , I figure its jake, is wrapping layer after layer of tape around them. “gimme his ankles” Luke says grabbing my ankles. He is still sitting on my back and taped up wrists, facing my butt as he pulls my ankles towards my butt. He stands while simultaneously holding my ankles with one hand and grabbing a long discarded hockey sock with the other. He pushes my feet closer towards my butt while pulling one end of the sock between my ankles. Then kneeling behind me, his legs pushing my feet right up against my butt he grabs my taped wrists, loops the other end of the hockey sock through them and ties the two ends together. My hands are tightly tied to my folded feet behind my back completing the hogtie.

“you guys aren’t cool you know that, I just hang out with you because I feel bad for you” I joke. I know this hazing will end soon, at least I hope. I struggle a little bit rolling around on the locker room floor, not getting too far as I’m surrounded by people watching me who can actually stand up. “ewwww that’s gross” I say as I roll and my face and nose end up right in a discarded hockey sock. The boys all laugh as they continue to watch me struggle and roll around. “now what should we do with him?” Jake asks the crowd. “tickle him!” someone shouts.

“hey this isn’t cool anymore, let me out. No tickling!” and hand reaches down and fingers dance across one of my socked feet. “no, no tickling stop! This isn’t funny fuck off, don’t tickle me. Get the fuck away from me” I shout. My heart is starting to race faster and I can feel the embarrassment of being hogtied half naked by a bunch of half dressed sweaty hockey boys in a locker room. I feel my cheeks start to flush as I struggle and I squeal as more hands descend upon my helpless form. Something is going on. This is super fucking embarrassing but something else too, something different, I’m not sure. I don’t have time to think any more as waaaay to many fingers assault various parts of my exposed body. “h-h-h-h-h-st-stop, STOP!” I can barely form the word as the tickling sensation overwhelms my senses from everywhere at once. From there I transform into a blubbering squealing mess as they tickle and tickle and tickle me. “I-I-I-Stop! I-I-I-I-st-st-stop” the fingers are all over my feet and in my sides, they are crawling over the inside of my thighs and over my belly. This is too much, holy shit, this is too much. They don’t stop. These fuckers are tickling me to death! They don’t stop. My world becomes tickles, more tickles, laughing, a lot more tickles, desperate gasp for air. The sensation is unbelievable, unbearable, exciting, horribly frustrating and I can do nothing to stop it. “okay that’s enough guys we’ve had our fun.” its Stu, finally! My best friend, the guy who with the smirk on his face said to hogtie me, finally put a stop to it. What an asshole, but I still love him, I cant help it.
Sweet relief. I lay there hogtied on my side with my eyes closed, relishing in the feeling of not being tickled by a bazillion fingers. Breathe… breathe… breathe… I’m still alive. My heart is still racing away madly but at least I can now get air into my lungs. Okay, open your eyes, it’s over. I open my eyes and there right, right in front of my nose, my face is in it, it’s a pair of dirty white compression shorts. My face was just buried right in it! In my thrashing and rolling around it must have just ended up there. *Flash* I look up and Stu is holding his phone pointed directly at me, having has just taken a picture of me hogtied half naked and sweaty, my eyes closed and my nostrils flaring with my face right in someones dirty jockstrap. RAGE, oh that stupid fucking smile. Fuck him and his overwhelmingly cute innocent smile. Fuck him and his sweet charming, disarming smile. This is not fair! I want to be mad at him, but I can’t be. Damnit.

*some time later*

Stu pulls his car up to the curb in front of my house. “allright buddy I’ll see you tomorrow, thanks for the ride” I say as I open the passenger door and get out. I close the front passenger door and open the back hatch to his parents SUV, I grab my hockey bag as Stu says “I’ll be around tomorrow at 11, are your parents gonna be home?”. “nope” I shout “see you then”. Allright “have a good night, it looks like you had fun tonight” Stu says winking. Weird but whatever. I close that hatch and head inside.

Inside my parents congratulate me on scoring the big winning goal and heap all sorts of praise on me but I quickly tell them I am tired and head to my room. I am exhausted, utterly spent. I quickly undress and just fall into my unkempt bed, no shower just me, my sweaty body and my bed. Exhaustion is overtaking me but so Is something else. I should be falling asleep right away but something is stirring, something is keeping me awake. I need sleep but my mind keeps drifting back, not to scoring the big goal, not to the feeling of me winning the championship, but to the other event. I didn’t realize it at the moment but now that I’m in bed, when I am no longer being tickled endlessly, did I realize that what happened was really really weird. Not bad weird, I don’t know. That hogtie man, that was intense! I cant believe they did that to me. It was really embarrassing for sure but I don’t know it was something else too. Then I realize it, thinking back to that helpless feeling of being hogtied half naked by a bunch of half naked sweaty boys in a locker room and being tickled to death, I realize it. I am rock hard. What… the… hell… okay this is simple when I’m rock hard there’s only one thing to do.

A few minutes later I am completely and totally spent I drift away. My last thought before I succumb to sleep revolved around my opening my eyes to see that sweaty jock in my face, to looking up and seeing Stu taking the picture, a strange look in his eyes. What was that look? Lust, superiority, dominance. I don’t know. Zzzzzz

What is next? comment your suggestions for chapter 2!!!
Last edited by Noodles888 1 year ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Bradstick »

This a great start! I really like the “I’m the hero” mentality he has right now but it won’t last. I wonder if Su is gonna use those picture to turn him into his little slave for the sleepover, worship his feet, tie him up, ect.

I am also curious if Su knows that Levi has been staring at him over the course of their friendship. I mean he was staring directly at his chest while Luke and Jake were watching him so they could tell Su as well. Definitely a lot you can do with this story and I can’t wait to see where you take it!
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Post by Noodles888 »

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago This a great start! I really like the “I’m the hero” mentality he has right now but it won’t last. I wonder if Su is gonna use those picture to turn him into his little slave for the sleepover, worship his feet, tie him up, ect.

I am also curious if Su knows that Levi has been staring at him over the course of their friendship. I mean he was staring directly at his chest while Luke and Jake were watching him so they could tell Su as well. Definitely a lot you can do with this story and I can’t wait to see where you take it!
Thank you Bradstick. I think you have a good idea of where this story may be leading :D
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Post by Noodles888 »

Chapter 2: Best friends

“Hey man I’ll be right over” read Stu’s text. It was Saturday morning and as usual me and Stu would be spending most of the day together. His text had woken me up, it was ten AM, which was a little early for us buy I guess he will be right here. Eh whatever. I fling my blankets off of my body and swing my legs over the edge of the bed and head out my bedroom door towards the shower. Ding Dong. The doorbell rang then I heard it open “hey Levi I’m here” I heard Stu shout from downstairs. “dude what the hell I just crawled out of bed and I’m not even dressed” I shouted back. “no time for dawdling dude, it’s the weekend” he shouts as I hear him running up the stairs.

“hey hot stuff” he says as he sees me, laughing as he notices me blushing and covering my crotch. “hey man lemme get some clothes on, I didn’t think you would be here for a few minutes” I say heading back towards my room and shutting the door behind me.

I slip into a clean pair of under armor boxer briefs and quickly put on some deodorant before grabbing a pair of comfy grey sweatpants and put on a t-shirt. Me and Stu will likely be relaxing for a bit before we go out and do anything, so sweatpants is okay for now.

We head downstairs to the den where we usually hang out and fire up the PlayStation. “Black ops?” I ask. “You know it buddy” replies Stu as I load up the game and put on a round of zombies. “Congratulations on last night man, I felt awesome to kick their asses,” said Stu. “Well, that asshole number 22 hit you from behind so they got me mad. Don’t get me mad” I said as I raised my bare feet and rested them on the coffee table in front of us.

“Oh yeah and sorry about the locker room thing, although it did look like you had a bit of fun with that” Stu say as he takes a quick glance at me before resuming the match of zombies.

What did that mean? Looked like I had fun? “yeah, thanks man. You guys are assholes, and was that your idea” I ask as I shove him playfully from the side.

I watch as Stu shifts his position to make himself more comfortable, bringing his socked white feet up onto the coffee table in front of us. Here I am again staring at those feet, watching them rise up from the floor, are they sweaty? And white Puma ankle socks with the black cat on them, those are my favorite.

I catch myself and look over at Stu who, I notice, has that weird mischievous glint in his eyes again and that superior smirk on his face. “No man I had no idea they were gonna hogtie you and tickle the shit out of you. They didn’t tell me a thing” Stu says ignoring the game and looking at me. “You are okay though right? It didn’t freak you out or anything?” he asks me concern in his voice.

“No I didn’t expect it but it was actually kinda fun” I blurt out before even thinking about it. Stu laughs “I’m glad you weren’t too weirded out about it, I thought it looked like you were enjoying yourself you freak!”

“Anyways you wanna go to my place and shoot some hoops?” Stu says. Stu lives just a block over with his mom, his parents split up a few years back and his mom is barely ever home. He’s got a a nice new home that is always perfectly clean and nothing ever looks out of place. Its two storeys tall with a big backyard and a full basement, where we usually hang out. Stu basically has the whole basement to himself having no other siblings and a big house his mother is rarely down there.

“Yeah man sounds good just let me grab a bite to eat and some shorts” I power down the PlayStation and grab some protein bars from the kitchen before throwing on some basketball shorts. I grab a pair of white Nike ankle socks and put on my beat-up high-top vans sneakers. Again, I watch as Stu slips on his red and black Nike Jordan 1’s. I like his feet.

A few minutes later we are in his driveway shooting hoops. It is unseasonably warm out for may and with barely a breeze both me and Stu are working up quite a sweat. We are playing bump and we are both quite competitive, running hard and trying to gain the upper hand over one and other. We are pretty evenly matched with me winning some games and Stu also winning a handful.

“all right buddy I’m pooped” I say gasping as I have had enough for the moment, tugging my shirt in and out to try to get some of the warm spring air to my sweaty chest. “Lets take a break”

“Okay man sounds good but one more game okay we are both tied at five games each and that just wont do I have to win” Stu says breathing heavily himself. “but we are gonna make this game more important than just bragging rights okay.” He looks directly at me. “Whoever wins this game gets to own the loser the rest of the weekend” stu says, gauging my reaction.

“What do you mean own” I say, my eyes going wide.

“It means you will have to do what the winner says, and when I say you have to do what the winner says I mean ANYTHING the winner says” emphasising the word anything.

“soooo… basically a slave?” I say, feeling my heart start to race in my chest. This cant be. It sounds too good, being Stus slave.
I am kinda nervous now, what would he do to me if I lost? “allright I guess… as long as it doesn’t get too weird” I stammer out.

Stu laughs” bro its gonna get weird as fuck if you lose”

“Allrighty then” I shake his hand and grab the ball and get into my position. We battle back and forth. Since it was a high stakes games we went to nine instead of our normal five, and you had to win by two points. Well like I said we were both pretty good and the game went on for quite a while. But I was tiring out and my mind started to wander. I was getting worried and I was getting nervous. Fuck, I can’t lose this, its going to be embarrassing if I lose. It will be too weird if I lose, what will he do to me? I don’t know though it was also really exciting in a weird way. Like what Would he do to me if I lost.

“oh shit” I say as I miss my shot badly and start madly running after the ball. Looking back I see Stu hitting a basket and running back towards the line. If he makes this shot its game over, I lose by two points, I have to hurry. I quickly spin with the ball and run back toward the hoop, as I am running Stu takes his shot. I watch as the ball reaches high into the air and comes down right in the center of the hoop with a cool swishing sound.
“YEAAAAH nothing but net buddy” Stu says as he looks over at me a huge beaming smile on his face.

I stop in my tracks not sure I’m ready for what is about to happen. My heart fluttering again. “holy shit buddy good game. I thought you had me there a few times, but that’s it you’re my little slave now.” He says as he ruffles my sweaty hair.

“what are you gonna make me do” I ask nervously,

“don’t worry about it right now. Lets go inside and take a break, I need something to drink. We will talk about it there.” He says heading towards his front door. I follow quietly behind him. He sits down on the couch in his den and I sit beside him, glad to be sitting after such a workout playing basketball. “So levi since your my slave now we will start slow. Go get us some cokes okay?” he says looking over at me. He looks so cute all sweaty.
I walk to the kitchen to grab the cokes wondering what kinds of things he’s going to do to me. I hope he doesn’t find out about my weird secret thoughts about his feet. I return to the den with the cans of coke in hand and give him one, he motions for me to sit in the chair to the side instead of wear I usually sit beside him. I follow his directions.

“allright first slave I need you to go and get me a glass with ice and pour my drink for me okay” he says kindly.

“so what? im gonna have to go around and do everything while you sit around on your lazy ass? I say kind of snarkily.

“yeah dude pretty much” he says casually. Well at least he will probably just make me do his chores and clean his room or something, I think to myself sighing.

I go to the kitchen grab a glass and fill it with ice from the automatic fridge ice dispenser. I walk back and sit down in the chair he told me to sit in before, placing the glass by his coke. I open the coke and slowly pour it into the glass I got him, careful not to let it fizz over the top.
“thank you slave. I want you to just let me talk for a few minutes okay.” Stu is looking directly at me a serious look on his face. “so a while back me Jake and Chris did this thing, a bet I guess, and we made Jake our slave for the weekend.” He was still looking at me seemingly unsure. “Jake actually really liked it but… but we did some weird things to him. We have done it a bunch of times since.” Stu paused I don’t think he is sure what to say.

“so I guess what I’m trying to say is… I want to try it on you. You’re my best friend Levi and I’ve been watching you for a long time know and I guess I just gotta say it…” Say what Stu? My mind races, what is he about to tell me. “I’ve been watching you look at me and other guys Levi, and you haven’t had a girlfriend in three years…” oh fuck! Does he know I’m gay? Am I gay? I mean I guess I like to look at boys but I like girls too.
Stu gulps for a moment seemingly nervous again. “I know you like me Levi, and I stole your phone and looked at your browser history, I know your gay” he paused. “And I kind of like you too, I think it would be fun to get you into our little games”

“WHAT THE FUCK DUDE, YOU LOOKED IN MY PHONE?” I yelled. Stu looked down for a moment his shoulders slumped. He looked back up at me with sad puppy dog eyes “I’m sorry dude its just… its just I really like you. I want you to be part of our games, and I think you will like it.” He says smiling again.

“So, what are you talking about? what did you do to jake?" I asked very curious as to what he was telling me. And really nervous, my best friend just told me he knows I’m gay and that he really likes me? What the fuck does that mean? Is he gay? This is too much, what the hell. Before I can think anymore Stu stands up.

“don’t worry about what we did to Jake you will find out soon enough, just remember that you are my slave for the weekend, but you are still my best friend and I wouldn’t do anything that you truly don’t want okay?” he says looking down at me. I gulp and bite my lower lip nervously.

“uhh okay I guess…”

“Awesome buddy we will have fun I promise you” Stu says, he has a gigantic smile on his face and looks so happy and cute right now, I would probably do anything he said anyways. “go take a shower slave your all stinky” he says pointing to the washroom.

I walk to the washroom and shut the door behind, my head exploding in a million directions. Okay calm down, he’s your best friend. It’s okay I can trust him he wont tell anybody I’m gay. Right? And what the hell does he want to do to me?

I stepped into the shower and let the hot water flow over me and cleanse my body. Just sitting their trying to gather my thoughts.
What the hell did they do to Jake that he really liked? We all knew Jake was gay, he came out years ago. he never did anything weird or really hit on us or anything, but they made a gay kid their slave and he really liked it?

I grabbed Stus body wash and gave myself a lather, cleaning off all the sweat from todays basketball game and yesterdays hockey tournament. Shit I hadn’t even showered after the tourney. I was so tired after they hogtied and tickled me, I just went home and crashed. This shower felt good but I couldn’t stay in and think forever. I shut off the shower and stepped out, grabbing a towel and starting to dry myself off.

After giving my hairless body a quick dry go to grab my clothes. Where the fuck are my clothes? I realize they aren’t there. Stu must have snuck in and stolen them when I was in the shower, that bastard!

BANG BANG “hey where the fuck are my clothes?” I slam on the door, pissed that Stu has left me naked in his house.

“hey quiet slave, and don’t worry I put your clothes in the wash and grabbed some stuff from your house earlier, its in the drawer” I hear him shout from the other side of the door.

I walk over to the drawer and open it, My eyes going wide as I look at what’s inside. “Oh fuck no, im not wearing that.” I shout again.

“yes you are. Your my slave remember and you are gonna wear what I give you to wear. We shook on it remember?”

Fuck he’s right, a deal is a deal. I cant go back on my word. I go back and look at what he’s left for me. Its my swimming speedos, and not the newer boxer style that covers more. Its my old swimming speedos, the brief style that I haven’t worn in years. They are gonna be too small! Well this just turned a lot weirder.

I groan and grab the speedos letting the towel drop to the floor, but before I even begin to put the skimpy swimwear on I see there is something underneath the speedos. My eyes go even wider. Underneath my speedos in the drawer there is a black leather collar! I stare at it. He wants me to wear a speedo and a collar? I grab it. Its soft black leather and the inside is padded for comfort. There are two silver d rings on it as well as what looks like a locking buckle?

I gulp wondering what I’ve gotten myself into. My best friend, who just made me his slave for the weekend, stole my clothes and gave me a skimpy speedo and a black leather collar to wear and nothing else! What the fuck? I grab the speedos and pull them up my hairless legs, feeling them squeeze around my waist and crotch. I have to adjust my package to make it fit in there correctly. I look at myself in the mirror the small blue speedos making my bulging crotch area the center of attention.

I sigh as I look down at the collar and, feeling quite embarrassed, I grab it and slowly raise it to the front of my neck. I fumble with the buckle behind my neck but manage to loosely buckle the collar on. Its soft leather that isn’t too bad on the neck and I notice the smell of leather wafting up to my nose.

All right here goes nothing! Dressed up as his slave I open the door and walk out to my best friend.

“Oh my god!” he says as he looks me up and down, the widest grin I have ever seen on his face. I feel my cheeks burning a bright red from embarrassment. My eyes quickly avoiding his gaze and looking at the ground, not really wanting to look my friend in the eyes dressed this way.

“we are going to have so much fun!"

End of chapter two

Thanks guys. Don’t forget if you like the story and want to see It go a certain direction you have to let me know by leaving a comment!
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Post by Bradstick »

What a plot twist, I didn’t think Su would be attracted to him as well, that makes this so much more fun! The speedo and collar was a nice touch as well. I find it interesting that he just put on the collar, no fighting it. The weekend is gonna be very fun!
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Post by Noodles888 »

Chapter 3

“So levi come on, were going to my room.” Stu said as he led the way to the basement stairs. He basically had the whole basement to himself and it was a sort of hang our for all of us. I followed him down quietly, still not sure what I was expecting. He headed into his room which was a typical teenage boys room, dirty clothes and socks littered everywhere, sports trophies and awards on the shelves. Stu motioned towards his bed ”have a seat man, I just gotta get some things.”

Stu started rummaging through his closet “I know this might bother you a bit but while I was going through your phone I noticed a few other things levi” I got even more nervous if that was possible. I felt myself sweating, and could feel the sweat build up around the leather collar on my neck, and tugged at it to give the space a bit of air. The collar was padded and wasn’t too tight but it didn’t leave much room for my skin to breathe.
“so whats the deal? Now that I’m dressed like and idiot what are you going to make me do, Clean your room? And what else did you notice on my phone you snake” I said just trying to break the awkward silence.

Stu finally managed to pull out what he was after from his closet. It was a gym bag. “no no, your not going to clean my room man, here take a look at what I have.” He pulled open the gym bag and I nervously gulped and my eyes went wide. The bag was filled with pieces of black leather, lengths of soft white rope and duct tape!

“I like tie up games, and thanks to my snooping on your phone I know you do too!” I guess he saw some of the bondage videos I had saved to my phone. Uh oh, some of them were quite heavy.

My heart started racing. I couldn’t believe it, my best friend, who I had a crush on, was into tie up games too! This was a fantasy come true for me. But that didn’t make me any less nervous.

“Your going to tie me up… in my speedo?” I said shakily, at this point I squirmed in my seat. Feeling the beginnings of something happening between my legs.

“yeah man I know your going to love it!” Stu says as he walks over to me with something tiny in his hand. “but first we have to seal the deal, turn around.” I shift over in his bed so my back is more available to him and I feel Stu grab my collar. “when you came out of the bathroom actually wearing this I knew I had the perfect little sub bondage boy. I cant believe you actually did it without me having to tie you up first” Stu says laughing. “but first I think it needs to be a little snugger.” I could feel him tightening the collar one more notch before I heard a click. It wasn’t too tight but it definitely was more noticeable now. I could feel more blood heading to my groin. He held a key in front of my face.

“its locked on Levi, you cant get it off, not without my help. Now give me your hands” I watched him pick up two black leather mitts from the gym bag. They were leather cuffs but instead of being open they had a padded leather sack on the end. Meant to hold ones hand into fists and surround them like a bag. Stu grabbed my hands and placed them on each one, making sure to buckle each one tight and as a finishing touch he padlocked the buckle on each one and both of them together in front of me.

“jesus dude how the hell am I supposed to get out of this?” I asked him.

“ummm… you’re not you idiot. And remember I will not do anything to harm you, other then a few mild tortures of course. But I have a feeling you will like most of it.” He said as he gave my hair a playful ruffle.

Stu then went to the corner of the room over, “let me get a little more comfortable.” He says as he begins to take off his shirt. I stare as he lifts his shirt up above his head my eyes following from his waistband up his smooth abs, to his nipples and the puffs of hair in his armpits. I’m glad that he has cuffed my hands in front of me. I don’t really want to embarrass myself by showing him what is now a full blown teenaged boner.

Stu didn’t stop there either. After pulling the shirt up over his head and tossing it on the floor. He quickly pulled off his shorts revealing some black under armour. The boxer briefs were stitched with red stitching forming a V around his crotch and highlighting it. The perforated breathable pouch caught my eyes, the bulge I was seeing was quite large and created a reaction back straight to my groin.

Stu looked at me laughing “you’re like a deer caught in the headlights man! Stare much? You were goggling me the entire time weren’t you?”
“I-I… yeah man” I didn’t have much more to say as I lowered my head in shame to avoid his gaze.

“Hey man, HEY” I looked up “its okay man don’t be so nervous, were still friends you know. Were just going to get a little closer that’s all.” I was relieved to hear my best friend say this. My mind was all over the place, from swimming with lust, to wondering what the hell is going on, to shame and worry. “its okay to check me out Levi, actually I find it to be a compliment.”

My heart slows down a little bit as he reassures me. “Okay thanks man, now what are you going to do to me?” I ask

“Torture you of course… kinky tortures you may actually like you wierdo. Now, we gotta get you a little more restrained.” Stu walked towards me as I slowly leaned back a bit, afraid of what was to come. He reached forwards and grabbed my mitted wrists and pulled them upwards. “Whoa look at that beast!” he says noticing my boner. “It looks like a caged gorilla ready to be released, to bad that wont happen for a while.” He smirks, smiling at me. “Bend your elbows” he commanded. I bent my elbows and allowed him to pull my restrained hands up, over my head and back down to the back of my collar. I heard a click as the mitts were secured to the back of my collar, my arms and armpits vulnerably exposed.

Stu stepped back and looked me over, a giant smile on his face. “ I cant believe this is happening man. Your so hot like that” he said as he grabbed and rubbed at his expanding crotch.

I watched him sit down in an armchair across from the bed. He bent his foot up and hooked a finger into his white ankle sock. “I noticed a theme when I was browsing through your phone Levi… It seems you like socks, white socks.” He slowly peeled the very sweaty white ankle sock from his foot. “aaah this is gross man, I sweat a TON during that game.” He said holding the very damp sock in front of him.

“You know where this is going don’t you?” he said as he tossed the sock on the bed beside me and grabbed a roll of duct tape from the bag.
“please do not gag me man, not with your sock!” I frantically pleaded, eyes wide staring at the ankle sock drenched in boy sweat beside me. The sock was still white and looked to be reasonably new, it was not worn out but it definitely had gathered up a lot of foot sweat, I began not get a few whiffs of it even though it wasn’t even near my face yet.

“no can do best buddy, I need to you be nice and quiet okay? Now open your mouth” he said grabbing the sock from beside me. I quickly clench my mouth shut and start to get up, my feet still unbound. “ooooh a struggler eh? Well I’ll get you all fixed up don’t worry”

“no man NOOO don’t put that MPHFFF” the hand with the sock in it quickly pushed it up against my mouth and nose. “MPHFFF” Stu easily pushed my onto my back on the bed with one hand, as my arms were restrained in suck an awkward position. He quickly hopped up on the bed and straddled my torso, his thighs on either side of my head and the sock still covering my nose and mouth. God it smelled! But at the same time my mind was thinking “hey this isn’t so bad, its musky, but not rank, it smells like a super cute teen boys feet should.”

“alright enough Levi, its going in” Stu commanded in a surprisingly stern voice. I stopped struggling letting him just push the sock against my mouth and nose. A battle was forming in my brain, its no use struggling. I cant do anything maybe I should just open my mouth? Or should I fight it and refuse to be humiliated this way? The former option won. I looked my cute friend in the eyes and slowly opened my mouth.

I felt the moist sock being pushed in but didn’t realize how gross it was going to be. I immediately started struggling once the sock hit my taste buds. I thought the smell was overpowering until I started to taste the sweat and must contained in that sock. I scrunched my nose and closed my eyes. MPHFFFFFF MPHFFFFFFFFFFF I moaned as more of the sock was pushed in and the sweat overpowered my senses. It was incredibly gross… but I was loving it. It was a dream come true. Me tied up with my cute friend pushing his incredibly sweat drenched sock into my mouth. My dick was throbbing like never before.

I was lost in lust until I heard “close your lips all the way.” My cheeks must have been bulging out a bit but I managed to follow my teen masters command and closed my lips. Not even thinking about how humiliating this was, just lusting over the taste in my mouth and my throbbing boner. My eyes still closed I heard the sound of duct tape coming off of the roll. My friend and captor gently placing the sticky material over my lips and carefully wrapping it around my head. Not tightly at first, I guess he didn’t want to tear any hairs or chafe my neck too badly. But each wrap around my head got tighter and tighter, these socks weren’t going anywhere.

Finally after I’m not sure how many rounds around my head and neck Stu stopped and ripped the duct tape roll off. Finally coming back to my senses I opened my eyes.

There was Stu still shirtless in his underwear straddling me. He was positively beaming with a huge smile and a lusty sparkle in his eyes.
“There! All finished. I knew you would like it” he said ruffling my hair again. He looked down at me as I looked up at him. I was in such a vulnerable position and he looked so powerful over me. I don’t think I have ever been this horny in my entire life. “now how do you like that sock bro?” he asked and I MPHFFF’d back. He chuckled and reached back and felt my raging hard-on. “Wow you are hard as a rock and we are just getting started, but I’ve got something else for you too!” he said with a sadistic smirk. his eyes wandering down, my eyes followed his down to his raging hard boner, barely hidden behind his under armour boxer briefs.

“here’s a little treat for you, a preview of what to expect if you’re a good boy” Stu reached down and grabbed a fistful of my hair as his body scootched up my chest, his balls basically resting on my chin. He pulled my head up forcing my nose and mouth directly into the bulge covered by his under armour boxer briefs. “take some nice deep breaths bro, just inhale the scent” my nostrils flared, taking in the scent of teen boy dick, sweat and precum.

My mind began swimming in lust again, time no longer mattered. I hungrily sucked in as much of the smell as I possibly could through my nose. I moaned into his groin as he held me there.

There I was, my hands tied and mitted, my arms bent up and my hands locked to the back of the leather collar locked on my neck. I was only wearing a too tight speedo and my friend had crammed an incredibly sweaty sock into my mouth and duct taped it into place. Stu was on top of me, straddling me, his bare thighs on either side of my head. He was only wearing a pair of under armour boxer briefs. One of Stu’s hands was around the back of my head, forcing my face up and into his sweaty crotch and teen boner. I wasn’t resisting at all but I was completely overwhelmed with horniness. My pelvis thrusting, desperately trying to hump or contact anything. If I had I would have burst loads of spunk right there. Stu was just grinding his boner into my face. What a sight it would have been!

I moaned and moaned in lust. Not even realizing I was trying to hump the air. Just wanting to have him continue, or to have my mouth freed to enjoy what was in front of it. This continued until, in shock, I felt a sharp slap on my balls and my head let go. “oh my god you horny little boy! You can’t get enough and you’re trying to hump the air!” Stu was beaming that huge smile of his again as he looked down at me. “but this wont do. I cant have my little bondage boy cumming so soon. Here let me help you calm down.” MPHFFFFFFF! I moaned as he gently slapped my balls several more times. Not enough to cause serious pain but enough to reduce my erection considerably. “looks like I’m going to have to keep a naughty boy like you under control.”

Stu got off of me as I panted in pain and lust, feeling betrayed by my master for not letting me continue. He headed over to the bondage bag where he grabbed a two more sets of leather cuffs. The first set went around my ankles and, again, were locked into place with small padlocks. The second larger set of cuffs went around my thighs. Stu then flipped me over on his bed. My face now pushed into his bedsheets. The bedsheets he slept in, sweated in, and probably masturbated on. My nostrils flared again just trying to get more of his scent.

Not really paying any attention, just trying to hump his bed, I barely felt my best friend pull each ankle up and push them towards my butt. Each ankle was locked to each respective thigh, Holding my heels to my speedo clad butt in a frogtie.

“oh my god you are so horny, I gotta fix this now. I didn’t think you would be this bad!” stu said as he flipped me back onto my back. “bro, we have barely even started and your about to burst every two minutes.” He looked down at me and my pleading desperate eyes. “Bro no means no” he said laughing again. My eyes followed him as I watched him grab something from the bag and throw it on the bed beside me. I didn’t catch what it was and couldn’t move to look, but I did see the next thing he pulled out of the bondage bag.

A small leather paddle!

I moaned and tried to shift away from him, pleading with him to not use the paddle on me. Stu ignored my puppy dog eyes and climbed back on top of me this time his back facing my head. I squealed into my gag as I felt him grab at my bulge and pull my speedos down. He grabbed my dick and pulled it upwards leaving my balls defenseless to the paddle.

SMACK SMACK SMACK he paddled my balls over and over as I moaned in pain. My lust completely gone as the pain in my balls overwhelms me. Stu just continues to slap my balls with the paddle until I am almost crying. “there now I have you under control, I just need to get this on you.” He looks over his should and shows me what he’s talking about. In his hands he is holding a tiny pink chastity cage! My eyes widen in horror as I realize what he is about to do. MPHFFFF MPHHFFF I moan and shake. But the weight on top of me holds me still enough as he fits the ring around my cock and balls. Another smack to the balls before he slides my flaccid penis into the unforgiving sheath of the chastity cage. Then I hear the click and moan once more. My cock caged, unable to control my own erection anymore.

“there you go boy, do you feel better now that your safe again?” I mphhh angrily at him as loud as I could. “I cant have you busting a nut without my permission bro. now I am almost done with you, just one more thing and I will let you calm down.”

Stu got up off of me and went back over to his chair and sat down. I watched again as my friend peeled off his remaining sweat drenched white ankle sock. “I know you love these so I thought I better leave you with one while I let you calm down.” I watched again as my best friend got up with his sock in his hand. I pleaded with my eyes and moaned but Stu just smiled and pushed the sweaty sock against my nose, directly under my nostrils covering them. He was forcing me to now smell his sweaty sock with each tortured breath. He quickly took a few strips of duct tape and placed them around the edges of the sock, but with the middle open, allowing air impregnated with the smell of his boy feet, to flow through into my nostrils.

“Alright buddy that’s it” I watched Stu as he grabbed me off of the bed and put me on the floor. “now im gonna go upstairs for a few hours okay? I want you to spend some time and calm down.” He walked over to the door and flicked off the light. His basement room plunged into almost total darkness

I let my head drop to the floor in a sigh of relief. He was going to leave me alone! Mind you I was tied up and horribly exposed in my speedo. One of his sweat drenched socks was taped into my mouth and the other was covering my nostrils. Deprived of any light all I could focus on was the musty, salty, sweaty socks he was leaving me with.

The light flicked on again. I MHPFF’d a querying noise to Stu, who was looking at me with a sadistic grin on his face. He laughed down at me. “did you really think I was gonna give you a break buddy? Your in for a rough few hours. These batteries last about two hours.” I tried moaning again curious as to what he was talking about. He then showed me a tiny remote and pushed a little button on it.
My chastity cage began to wildly vibrate! There were vibrators attached to the chastity cage he put on me! That bastard. He flicked the light back off and closed the door with the parting words “have fun!”

I moaned into the sweaty socks in my mouth and took an breath filtered through the sock over my nose as my cock pulsated trying to grow, only to have its prison hold it painfully curved downwards. It was heaven! It was hell! I moaned as loud as I could. I was tied alone with this damned vibrator, his taste, his smell, and oblivion.

I couldn’t see or hear anything, all I knew was socks, bondage and vibrations as I quickly went insane.
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Post by Bradstick »

That was incredibly hot! I love how you described the gagging process! Can’t wait for the next chapter this one was great.
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Post by Ossassin »

Shockingly hot update.
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Post by Noodles888 »

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago That was incredibly hot! I love how you described the gagging process! Can’t wait for the next chapter this one was great.
Thank you! I'm not sure what is in store for Levi next. I had a very loose plotline that I want to follow but I haven't even started it yet. These chapters end up way longer then I expected!
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Post by Noodles888 »

Chapter 4

Ungghhhhh. I couldn’t help but moan, it was about the only thing I could actually do other than flop around like a fish. I was tied in such a way that I could roll around, but I was not going to be able to escape from this, that was for sure.

My best friend, and captor, Stu had stuffed my hands into leather mitts and, using tiny padlocks, locked them to the back of the leather collar I was wearing. This forced my elbows up above my head and left my armpits vulnerably exposed. My legs had been folded against my butt. Leather cuffs around my ankles locked to cuffs around my thighs. One of Stu’s very sweaty socks was currently residing in my mouth against my tongue and duct taped to stay there. Also, I was wearing nothing but a blue speedo brief that was too small.

Oh wait. I was wearing a few other things. How could I forget! My captor had decided that I was also going to wear one of his very sweaty socks on my face, directly under my nose. he secured it there with duct tape. Every single breath I took I was breathing in the smell of his boy feet. Also, the accessory that was currently driving me completely insane with horniness, the vibrating chastity cage he had locked onto my cock.

A few minutes ago, I had never been in bondage but all of a sudden, due to a lost bet and a snooping friend, here I was. Stu had gone through my phone and found out that I might enjoy this kind of thing, and that I might enjoy socks. He also revealed to me that he sort of liked me (maybe as more than a friend?) and apparently liked playing tie up games.

Now Stu has me locked up in bondage and chastity lying on the floor of his room in total darkness. He felt I was getting too aroused and was ready to burst so he locked me in this cock cage. He is also very much trying to torture me to insanity. He said I needed to calm down before he pressed the button to turn the vibrator on the cock ring on, turned off the lights and said I was in for a “rough few hours.”

He was going to leave me like this for a few hours? Completely aroused but unable to get hard? Lying on the floor tasting and smelling his socks, all I could do was moan.

Minutes dragged on and on.

It was also beginning to get quite hot in his room and I was starting to sweat quite badly. The socks in my mouth were starting to become saturated with saliva. The salt, sweat and saliva started mixing on my tongue and the taste became much more potent. There was nothing I could do to stop this assault on my taste buds. And of course, he turned off the lights so my other senses, like taste would become heightened.

The worst thing though was that I have never been this horny in my life and my best friend decided to lock a wildly vibrating chastity device on me. I wanted nothing more than to blow a load right now but that wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t even get an erection.

Unghhhhhh I moan again, squirming on the floor as time drags by at an incredibly slow pace. This damned vibrating will not stop! I try to occupy my mind with something, anything else. Think about the socks in my mouth, oh that’s just making me hornier! Every few seconds it feels like the vibrations intensify, I can’t tell if they do or its just my heightened senses playing tricks on me.


*a few hours later*

I’m startled back to reality when the door opens, and the light is flicked on. I blink momentarily blinded by the light. Ungggghhhhhh I plead softly looking up with sad eyes up at my best friend. I’m still tied on the floor but now I’m quivering, completely covered in sweat, and exhausted.

“Oh my god you look so cute like that!” Stu says as he looks down on me. “I might keep you like this for a little while longer!”

MPHFFFFF! MPHFFFF! I shake my head trying to beg my captor and let him know I disapprove of his idea.

“What? No? you don’t like that idea?” Stu says smiling down on me. He is still clad in just his boxer briefs. Stu’s presence, nearly naked body and my position on the floor making him tower over me make him look so appealing. He looks like a cute dominant boy and me his slave.

“Okay I will give you a break from the vibrator” he pulls the remote out of his pocket and clicks the vibrator off. My head slumps back down to the floor in relief. Before he bends down to pick me up he rubs his bare sole over the side of my face making me feel completely helpless and embarrassed. He grabs me under my thighs and behind my back and picks me up. I feel my cool sweaty flesh against his warm skin, it is somewhat comforting.

“I hope your doing okay man?” he says as he drops me onto his bed and looks me in the eyes. I’m not okay I’m really horny and embarrassed, not to mention very sore. I shake my head and mphhhh. I want to be let out.

“Awww you want to be let out?” I mphff and nod my head yes. “Okay I will let you out shortly but first.” His eyes sparkle and he smiles as he assaults my exposed body with his fingers.

Mhhpffff mghffff I shake trying to get away from him. His fingers dance across my sides and stomach before quickly travelling to my armpits as I squeal into my gag. He jumps up on the bed and straddles my helpless form again. He tickles my armpits while occasionally pinching and tweaking my nipples.

Fuck this is so incredibly hot I think to myself, while still trying shake off his fingers. He keeps going and going while I squeal and squeal. Finally, after several minutes of this new torture he stops. I look up at him from my position under his body pleading with my eyes for him to stop torturing my helpless body.

“Okay buddy let’s take a break.” I watch as he reaches down and grabs the sock still filling my nose with the scent of his foot. He quickly rips the duct tape holding the sock over my nose away allowing me to breath air not filtered by his foot stench for the first time in hours. I thank him with a mild mphhff and my eyes.

Stu gets off of me, flips me over and I feel him fumbling with the lock holding my mitted hands behind my neck. Shortly after my arms are released and allowed to move freely. My hands are still locked together in their tight leather mitts, rendering them all but useless still. I flip myself over so that I am on his bed facing him.

“Okay man I’m going to take that tasty treat out of your mouth now, I hope you cleaned all the sweat off of it!” he smiles reaching for the back of my neck to find the flap he folded over to pull at. He unwinds the duct tape slowly and with care, making sure to not cause me too much distress or loss of hair. “try not to move to much while I peel it off okay, I don’t want to hurt you.”

After far too many rounds of tape are removed from my face and neck my lips are finally free. Stu looks down at me trying to push the sock out of my mouth and grabs it pulling it from my lips.

“Thank y….” Before I can say more Stu covers my mouth with his hand.

“Before you say anything else I want you to tell me how you feel Levi. I really hope your not too mad at me?” he says avoiding looking me in my eyes at that moment. “I know I went maybe a little overboard leaving you like that for so long. Are you okay?”

Stu looked quite worried as he removed his hand from my mouth.

“I’m…I’m okay Stu, but what the fuck man? You couldn’t have given me a little warning? Or asked me if that was going to be okay? And untie me so I can jerk off or I’m going to die!” I said whining.

Stu worried look vanished as soon as I said that last part “Bahahaha I knew you were enjoying this you little perv you! But you are MY SLAVE, and you will do as I say” Stu said quite sternly, looking me straight in the eyes. “you got that? you are my slave.”

“No fuck off let me goooo! I need to jerk off Stu. I’m horny” I whined again.

Stu pinned my head down to the bed with his hand and, coming closer to my face, said “you are not jerking off! You are going to do as I say, or you will be punished, and you may not like that. Is this understood?” he said sternly, staring into my eyes.

I realized at that point that my best friend wasn’t joking. I was his slave, at least for this weekend anyways, that was the bet. I did not want to find out what punishments he might deal out if I didn’t follow his orders. I lowered my eyes and said ”yes sir.” I don’t know why I added the sir part, but it just seemed to feel right.

“Good, but you don’t have to call me sir dude, you are my slave but, we are still best friends you know. now come, we are going upstairs” Stu said getting up off the bed.

“How the hell am I supposed to get upstairs I’m still tied up you idiot” I winced realizing I called him stupid before thinking,

He looked down at me smiling as he grabbed a leather crop from his bondage bag. “I will forgive your little slip of the tongue this time.” He said lightly smacking me on my speedo clad but with the crop. “And I will release your hands from each other while you get upstairs but after that they are going behind your back.”

Stu reached down and unlocked the leather mitts from one and other. I shifted so he could unlock my legs, but he made no move to do so.

“dude my legs are still tied?” I said queryingly. He waited a moment for me to realize what he wanted. “oh” I looked down realizing he was going to make me crawl up the stairs on my mitted hands and knees.

“Yeah my little puppy! I’m not untying your legs, you have to walk around on all four legs like a dog while you are not totally restrained okay.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement “now c’mon boy!” he said while smacking my speedo clad butt with the crop just light enough to be playfully painful.

“Aww fuck man I’m going I’m going” I said as I began to crawl on my hands and knees out of his room and up the staircase. Stu lightly smacking my butt every few seconds to get me to move faster.

“Good boy!” Stu says as if he were talking to a dog. He watches me and laughs as I struggle my way up the stairs.

“Okay kneel in front of the coffee table facing the couch” Stu commands me as he directs me to the living room. “Now put your hands behind your head I will be right back.”

I place my hands behind my head and watch Stu leave and head into the garage, patiently waiting for him to return. A few moments later he does lugging his hockey bag over his shoulder. Stu drops the hockey bag on the floor, unlocks my feet from my thighs, and grabs my mitted hands, swinging them around to the small of my back and locking them together.

“Alright buddy I’m not sure how much you’re going to like this but for your next task you’re going to lick the sweat off of my feet okay.” He says as he sits down on the couch in front of me and places his sweaty feet on the coffee table directly in front of my face. His soles look quite good, the smooth white and rosy red skin don’t look to be covered in visible dirt. “And maybe once we’re done I will take that chastity cage off.”

I look up at my friend, now captor, with pleading eyes. I’m feeling very humiliated. “Dude come on that’s gross!”

“I know its gross, but I have a feeling you might actually like it you wierdo, and you’re my slave and you will do as you are told or there will be punishments.” Stu said as he emphasized that last word by picking up the leather crop he had placed on the couch earlier.

I look down and stay silent, contemplating what to do. Do I really have to lick his feet? I mean do I really have a choice? Plus, I really want my cock out of this chastity cage.

I feel my cheeks burning bright red as I scootch forward on my knees and lower my face closer to his feet. I can’t look my friend in the eyes as I do this. Getting closer I get a whiff of his feet and groan.

“It’s okay Levi, they won’t hurt you” Stu says chuckling.

I fight past the urge to gag from the smell of his feet and extend my tongue, touching his right foot with the tip off my tongue. I instantly recoil and look up at my friend hoping that would be enough to satisfy him.

“No no no, you have to clean my feet bro, lick all the way up the soles. Get your lips all the way around each toe and suck on them too, I’m going to make sure you don’t miss a single spot” Stu says as he wiggles his feet in front of my face.

“ughhh fine but you had better take this thing off my dick after this!” I reply.

“We will see about that” Stu says laughing. “Now get back at it champ”

Once again, I feeling myself blushing with embarrassment as I begin leaning towards his feet and extending my tongue. This time I gingerly lick from his heel to just beneath his toes with the tip of my tongue. I gag and retch a little bit as the salty taste fills my mouth.

“Levi, you have to do better than that if you want that cock cage off. Use your whole tongue dude, or do you need some encouragement?” Stu says as he lifts the leather crop again brandishing it menacingly towards me.

I heed my friends warning and this time really lick his foot, feeling my entire tongue sliding across the sole of Stu’s foot was the most degrading thing I have ever done. It also was very gross, and the taste was incredibly salty and musty, not to mention the smell I was forced to endure as well. I quickly paused and gulped before travelling my tongue up the sole of his foot again and again. I stopped being revolted by the taste and continued, as I went on there was stirring beneath the cage. Am I actually getting enjoyment from this? Its humiliating and gross.

I make sure not to miss a spot on either of his feet as I go along, trying to delay having to put his toes into my mouth. Maybe he will tell me to stop. My hopes are dashed as Stu speaks up.

“All right good boy! Very good! Now get those toes in your mouth and suck on those big ones real good. Make sure you give them a nice tongue bath.”

I sigh, continuing to avoid looking my friend in the eyes as I take each toe into my mouth. Finally, I get to his big toes. I feel my lips surround his big toe and I take it completely in my mouth, strangely enough it feels…right. Not even realizing it I start actually sucking it in earnest. I feel the cock cage suddenly get very tight around my member as I swirl my tongue around his big toe for at least a minute. All this time Stu is just watching and studying my reaction. He must have noticed the change.

“Awwww there you go! I knew you would figure out you like it!” He says.

I immediately take his big toe out of my mouth, realizing in horror and embarrassment what just happened. I was actually getting aroused from this! I paused for a moment keeping my eyes lowered and try to process this feeling I am having.

“don’t stop buddy, one more big toe and then go around and lick the soles of my feet again, get everything. After that I will take that cock cage off you” Stu says as he wiggles his toes again and smiles down at me.

It must have been a sight to see, me wearing only a speedo, on my knees with my hands tied behind my back and a leather collar around my neck, sucking my nearly naked best friends toes!

I quickly get his other big toe in my mouth spending even more time swirling my tongue over it. Then I quickly lick clean both the soles of his feet again, this time getting all my tongue into it, just wanting to get this over with so I can process what I am feeling. Finally finished I quickly glance up to my friend before lowering my eyes again. He smiled at me.

“Levi I’m happy for you. You don’t have to be embarrassed by what’s happening. And this is really fucking hot man. I love you and you’re my best friend still. I don’t want you to feel bad or embarrassed just because you’re my slave right now okay?” his voice reassured me and made me feel slightly better about the ordeal. although my body obviously didn’t feel any embarrassment as my cock was trying to break out of the cage with my expanding erection.

“Thanks man I appreciate that” I said as I finally looked my friend in the eyes. “Now get me out of this damned cage!”

“Patience Levi, we will get to that, I just gotta get something first I’ll be right back!” Stu headed towards the stairs to the basement as my eyes followed him, staring at his ass. I Hear him running down the stairs and a moment later coming back up, he has something behind his back.

“Before we get you out of your cage you gotta put this on okay.” He shows me what was behind his back. It’s a black leather muzzle.

I look at him stunned that has something like this. “Bro where the hell did you get that?”

“Don’t worry about it bro, you can buy anything online” Stu says as he opens up the straps and approached my kneeling tied form. Stu holds the mouthpiece of the muzzle out towards my mouth. It is then that I see it isn’t just a muzzle, there is a silicon piece that goes into your mouth, and it’s shaped like a dick! He presses it to my mouth.

Mphhffff I protest not wanting to be gagged with anything nonetheless with something that is shaped like a dick. “Come on puppy open up!” Stu says enthusiastically. I grunt again letting him know I’m not pleased before opening my mouth and allowing the silicone penis in. Stu quietly buckles the straps around my head. A strap going behind my neck and pulled tight. Another strap pulled over my face, straps going on either side of my nose and connected to yet another strap around my forehead. Finally, he tightens the last strap, which goes over my head and under my chin. The combination of all the straps holding the silicon dick tightly in my mouth, while the mouthpiece hold my lips tightly around it.

“There you go buddy” Stu says as he ruffles my hair over the straps of the muzzle. “You better start sucking on that cock in your mouth, you need to get some practice for the real thing!”

Mphffffff! What the hell does that mean practice for the real thing? Is he going to make me give him a blowjob!

“Okay you have been a good boy so I will take that cock cage off of you now” Stu says as he smiles down at me and removes a key from his pocket. Finally, he removed my poor imprisoned cock and it immediately grows in size, allowing Stu to see, with no doubt, that I am still very much aroused. While he is by me Stu relocks my ankles back to my thighs, rendering me completely helpless once again.

“It looks like your still having fun bro so don’t go anywhere okay” He winks at me.

I watch as Stu goes and sits on the couch pulling his phone from out of his pocket, I watch him dial a number and put the ear to his phone.

“hey bro what’s going on!”… “yeah I got him he’s right here in front of me. He’s wearing that muzzle I showed you last week!”… “Oh yeah he’s definitely enjoying it, I had to put him in the chastity cage like 5 minutes after we started!”…“yeah okay sounds good bro, we’ll be over in about 20.” He ends the call and puts his phone in his pocket.

He looks over at me. “Are you ready to go for a ride?”

Mphfffffff mphffffff! Who the fuck was he talking to? We’re going somewhere, not with me like this we’re not? They asked about me and he told them I’m wearing a muzzle and he locked me in a chastity cage! They know who I am? They know about the tie up games? What the FUCK?
I violently shake and grunt into my muzzle. Letting Stu know I am not okay with this. I struggle trying to move in any sort of way, but my bindings prevent most movement. I fall from my kneeling position onto my side.

“Chill bro its gonna be okay” Stu says as he picks me back up, bringing me to my knees. He kneels down, his face close to mine looking me straight in the eyes. “I know its scary dude but you gotta trust me, okay? They are friends.” He studies my muzzled face seeing my anger. “You do trust me don’t you? I’m your best friend and I think you are going to love this” he smiles that damned disarming smile of his again.

This jerk! He again could have tried to talk to me about this. I guess he wanted to muzzle me before making the phone call so that I couldn’t protest. I grunt again showing my displeasure, but I slowly nod letting him know that I trust him.

“Thanks man, I’m glad you trust me man. Again, I don’t want to scare you or hurt you dude, and I don’t want you to be mad at me or embarrassed. We are just gonna have some fun.” I mphhhhff at him again to let him know that it’s okay. Stopping all my struggling.

“All right, now I don’t want anyone to see you of course, so I gotta put you in my hockey bag. You’d be too big in there with all the pads so I’m gonna put them on you first okay. Please don’t struggle” Stu says as he reaches down and unlocks my feet from my thighs. He grabs underneath my right arm and pulls me up to my feet. Its feels great allowing my legs to stretch after kneeling so long. “that feel better levi?” He asks. I nod a yes to him.

I watch him go over to his hockey bag unzipping it and pulling out bits and pieces of his gear to make room for me to fit in there. I don’t really want to go in his hockey bag, but I don’t think he’s leaving me a choice. It’s gonna stink so bad in there! I can already smell the sweaty gear permeating the air.

He grabs a pair of compression shorts, the kind with the athletic cup built into it, and shows them to me. “We gotta get you in this Levi. They are pretty new I got them last month, they’re pretty comfy. You might not like them because that cup is going to keep you from getting too hard and blowing your load before I say so though.” Fuck Stu has thought this through he’s not going to let me relieve myself. He tricked me, taking me out of the chastity cage but is putting me in this! I grunt at him and give him my angry eyes again, but I know there is no point in struggling.

Stu slips down my speedos and I step out of them before stepping into the compression shorts he put at my feet. He pulls the shorts up and squishes my dick into the cup portion of the shorts. These sure are tight there’s no way I’m getting hard in these!

The next few minutes I spend standing there while Stu puts me in the rest of his hockey gear. He pulls the pants up and laces them tight. The chest protector/shoulder pads are slid over my head and the Velcro straps pulled through my armpits and strapped into place. Shin pads strapped on my legs and elbow pads put on my elbows. He puts his hockey socks over the shin pads and his sweaty jersey over my torso and tied arms.

“Okay boy back on the ground” I nod and start to bend down; he holds me steady to make sure I don’t fall. Once I’m on my knees he pushes me onto my stomach. “Feet up!” he says as he grabs both shins and pulls them up and together. He uses a leather belt to hold them together, and another one to put me In a snug hogtie. I watch as Stu rummages through his hockey bag, throwing various dirty sock and hockey accessories out of it, obviously looking for something.

“Ah here it is” Stu says and shows me an old used black jockstrap with a cup. “This is my old jock, I’ve had this bad boy for a few years, I think it’s lucky. Today you get to wear it… on your face! And you might just get lucky!”

Mphhhhh I struggle trying to tell him no as he comes over to me and places the waist strap over my head and holds the cup over my nose. “doesn’t that smell nice Levi?” The waist strap is quite loose but I feel him twist it around and bring it up over my head and leaves it on my forehead. This forced the sweaty cup to be held very tightly over my mouth and nose. My mouth gagged all I can do is inhale the very bad musty smell of my teenaged friends sweaty used athletic cup.

I moan and grunt into the cup but there is no use fighting. Stu kneels down in front of me and looks me in the eyes “are you ready for the ride of your life Levi?” I look at him and groan, not sure what he means. Stu just smiles at me and pulls the rest of the jockstrap’s waist strap, that was just now over my forehead, down over my eyes. This had the effect of tightly blindfolding me. Next, I feel him put his helmet on me. Good thing he has a big head otherwise it would have been quite painful over all the straps and buckles the muzzle had.

Finally, I feel him shifting my hogtied form into his smelly hockey bag. Feel the bag being zipped up and closed in around me. With the bulk of me and the hockey gear in there together it made for quite a tight fit. Next, I feel him pick up the bag and carry me out to his beat-up old truck. I hear him grunt as he lifts me up and pushes me into the bed of his truck. I hear the tailgate slam shut and him getting in the driver’s seat and starting the truck up.

Here I am hogtied in my best friends sweaty hockey gear and forced into his hockey bag. Stu has gagged me with a leather muzzle gag he somehow got, and of course the muzzle he found has a silicon penis that I am now forced to suck on. Stu Also forced me into his jock compression shorts, the one with the built in athletic cup, to keep my keep my own member tightly held down and to keep it from expanding too much or giving me any relief. He was a very devious boy he knew how to keep me horny; he placed his old sweaty jock and cup over my nose and tightly strapped it there wrapping the waist strap a second time around my head and over my eyes blindfolding me. All I could do is breath air filtered through not only the cup over my nose, but all the hockey gear and socks around me, as well as the hockey bag itself. It stunk to high heaven, and I loved it!

I very nervously suck on the silicon cock buckled into my mouth, thinking about what is going to happen. I’m helplessly locked up and incredibly horny. Before 4 hours ago I had never been in bondage ever and now I’m going somewhere. He also told some one that we’re coming. Where are we going and who is going to see me like this I don’t know. I’m very nervous wondering about what they have in store for me. Its starting to get really hot hogtied in his pads and zipped in his hockey bag, I’m sweating like a pig and horny as all hell.

I hear the truck rumble and start to roll forwards. All I know is what Stu asked me: “Are you ready to go for a ride?”

Alright folks that’s it for this chapter. But, before you leave I need some ideas as to what might be in store for levi.
And can you guess who he might be going to see?
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Post by Bradstick »

I think has been my favorite chapter yet. Never been the biggest fan of chastity so I’m glad he is in the shorts now, it has the same effect but it’s not a cock cage. I really like how he is being traveled, with a silicone dick in his mouth, a jockstrap over his nose and eyes, in full used hockey gear and then sealed in a hockey bags. Great work

The foot worship was great as well. Hope we see some more of that in the next chapter with this mystery character. Can’t wait to see what you do next
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Post by Noodles888 »

Hey folks I know its been a while. I have been horribly busy and had this mostly written months ago, but better late than never!

Chapter 5

I was hogtied and gagged inside my best friends hockey bag. I was sweating like a pig and every breath I took was like inhaling and entire locker room of boys, thanks to the sweaty jockstrap and cup my friend had forced over my nose and mouth.

I bounce around the bed of the truck as it speeds off to an unknown location. There is not much I can do as I feel myself sliding around, tied as I am all I can do is grunt as I slide into the tailgate and wheelwells. Luckily, or unluckily, for me my teenaged captor had made sure I don’t get hurt. Before placing me in his hockey bag Stu has taken out all of his sweaty hockey gear and made me wear it, including his compression shorts with the built in cup. The gear helped me absorb the bounces and bumps of the trip so that being hogtied in his hockey bag and driving around town wasn’t too painful, but it was very hot and very uncomfortable. While still spring it was quite warm out and I was sweating in there like a pig. The cup I was wearing held my very excited boner in an incredibly awkward and painful position, not allowing me to get fully hard, it was incredibly frustrating.
My mind was racing trying to figure out where I was going and who was going to see me like this? Someone was expecting me, and they knew that Stu had put me in bondage, he told them I was so horny he had to put me in a chastity cage! I really really did not want to be seen like this by anyone.

Finally after a short ride I felt the truck come to a stop and the engine turn off. Where were we? I heard Stu get out of his old beat up pick up truck and slam the door shut. A few minutes later I could here to people talking, I tried to make out the voices but being inside a hockey bag, with a jockstrap over your face and wearing a helmet did not allow me to hear very clearly.

I felt someone grab the bag I was in and pull it to the edge of the tailgate and in a panic I felt myself falling over the edge. Whoever was out there made sure I didn’t smack into the ground and I felt myself being carried off.

I was carried off somewhere and finally I felt myself being put down, I heard some more voices but still could not place them or figure out where I was. Suddenly I felt myself being dragged forwards and I mphhhd in a panic as they began to drag me down a set of stairs. Each stair I dropped grunted angrily but thankfully the padding I was wearing absorbed most of each impact and the helmet protected my head well. Finally we reached the bottom of the staircase and I was dragged a few more feet before I could here the zipper of the hockey bag being undone and the bag opened up.

I could hear a little better now and realized two voices! Who were these people. I grunted and tried to bury my face into the ground, not that they could even see me, but still this was embarrassing as hell.

“Allright Levi come on out of there, I hope you enjoyed your ride!” Stu said as I felt him rolling me out of the hockey bag and leaving me lying on my side, still blindfolded with the jockstrap and wearing a hockey helmet.

“Bahahahahah dude you put your jock over his face, man that awesome I’m sure he loves it!” Said an immediately familiar voice. It was our hockey team captain and another close friend of mine Luke.

Mphhhggg I grunted in anger and annoyance.

“How is he doing is he okay?” asked Luke.

“Yeah man he’s a pig he loves it, about 5 minutes after I got him tied up he had a raging boner! He’s a natural sub, when I stole his clothes, I left him in the bathroom with a speedo and his collar. He came out wearing the collar, I didn’t have to fight him to put it on at all!” Said my captor, excited about showing off his new bondage boy.

I squirmed around on the floor, self conscious of the fact that my friends were talking about me tied up right in front of them.

“Dude it has been awesome, he’s gonna be the best sub ever man! I told him I would take him out of the chastity cage I put him in if he cleaned my feet with his tongue, and he did it! I think he liked it too he even sucked my toes!” said Stu Still very enthusiastically.

“Hahahaha wow man this sounds too good to be true, he’s a toe sucker? I wanna give that a go!” Luke immediately replied.

“Alright well lets get him out of this hockey gear then, but remember to keep him under control we don’t want him trying to escape.”

I felt someone fiddling with the straps holding me in the hogtie and i mphhed in relief as I felt my hogtie loosen and my legs were finally able to straighten out. I tried to roll about and move a little bit but someone was preventing me from rolling around. They undid the chinstrap of the hockey helmet on my head and pulled it off.

“Mpphhett mphheee mphooo” I tried to tell them to let me go but it was no use the muzzle and silicone dick in my mouth was very frustrating. I was still incredibly horny, but this was too much. I did not want another set of toes to suck on right now.

“Lets leave the jock on his face for a little while, we don’t want to ruin the surprise now do we?” I could here Luke say. A surprise! What was this about? I guess I was gonna have to wait to find out.

“Okay Levi up on your knees” I complied as best I could as I felt someone grab the shoulder pads that had been put on me and yank me to my knees. There was some more banter between luke and Stu while they pulled off the elbow pads, shoulder pads and the neck guard that had been covering my collar. I mphhhed as they pulled the shoulder pads over my head

“Be quiet” said Stu dominantly as I felt him shove me to the ground and begin to take off the kneepads he had put me in.

“Okay im undoing your legs, do not kick me” said Luke as he sat on my legs and undid the strap holding the leather ankle cuffs together. I couldn’t kick with him sitting on my legs like that so escape wasn’t going to happen, plus my hands were still mitted and I was blindfolded and gagged still. Finally I felt the cool air on my thighs as one of them pulled the hockey pants down from around my waist.

There I was, still blind and gagged, exposed in my friends sweaty hockey compression shorts. The cup still holding my dick in an awkward position as it tried to grow.

“Okay let’s get him over to the pole,” Said Stu.

I felt Luke get up off me and someone grab my collar tugging me upwards.

“The same as tie as before?” asked Stu.

Have they tied someone to this poll before? It sure sounds like they have done this before, but to who?

One of them pushed me from behind until I felt them grab my shoulder and position my back against a poll.

“On your knees” said Stu sternly. I quietly obeyed, still wondering who they had tied to this poll before.

I quickly felt someone grab the two ankle cuffs and lock them together behind the poll. Almost immediately after that they grabbed my mitted hands and while securely holding onto my wrists they undid the cuffs.

“okay Levi you know the drill, hands up behind your neck.” I mphhd as they pulled my hands in front of me and up above my head, securing my mitted hands to the back of my collar.

Still blindfolded and gagged I felt them work together to tie a rope harness around my torso. They started by placing the rope behind my neck, then pulling it around my armpits, behind my back and snugly looping it again towards the front. My friends did this multiple times until they got towards my crotch. I felt two ropes brushing my thighs. I knew what they were going to do.

“hold on man I have a good idea” this didn’t sound good to me as I heard Stu say it.

“Hahahaha that’s genius bro I’m sure he will love it!” said Luke enthusiastically

After a moment I felt the rope being pulled on either side of the athletic cup still trapping my throbbing attempt at an erection. Then I felt something entirely unexpected. Those assholes pulled the rope between my legs and pulled the rope tightly upwards, but they had tied a bulge of knots in the rope right where it was coming into contact with my hole. This unexpected feeling immediately had me grunting into my gag and moving as much as I could. My friends laughed and mocked me for it. They continued to pull on the rope and pull it up behind my back, finally tying it to my wrists.

Not only was the crotch rope putting more pressure on the cup holding my dick down, this fucking knot was tickling my taint! And to add to the torture anytime I fidgeted or tried to move my wrists it would wiggle that damned knot. This was torture!

“all right that should hold, lets go get the other prisoner” said Luke

“All right sounds good bro”

Another prisoner??? What the fuck? These freaks had somebody else tied up down here? My mind immediately began thinking of who it could possibly be.

I heard them walk off and shortly after return with a someone who was grunting quite a bit into a gag. There was also an unmistakable buzzing sound. I could hear my friends tying the other prisoner somewhere in front of me, but that was all my senses would tell me.

The grunting and buzzing continued for a while before I heard Stu again.

“All right Levi I know you are wondering who your new bondage friend is, lets get you introduced.” I felt Stu pulling the waistband of the jockstrap that was used to blindfold me up. The light blinding me I slowly blinked trying to get used to the light so I could see who was tied up with me.
Finally, my vision returned and across from me was another one of my hockey teammates, our goalie Chris. He was tied identically to me, but instead of wearing a pair of compression shorts he was wearing just a tiny black speedo. He also wasn’t tied to a pole but rather on his knees. His hands were mitted and tied just like mine, to the leather collar buckled around his neck. Chris was gagged with a leather cock gag and there was a leather blindfold pulled up above his eyes. I could see his eyes, desperately darting around before settling on me. His hair was all messed up and his body was a sweaty mess, he had obviously been sweating buckets, and I could see why. Bound to his body by the harness and crotch rope was a vibrator and it was directly pushing against the bulge in his speedos!

I watched Chris for a moment he whined and gave me a sympathetic look before he lowered his head in exhaustion.

Luke chimed in “hey Stu give me one of your socks for Chris to enjoy.” I watched as Stu pulled off one of his white ankle socks. At least these ones were relatively clean, I think. Stu passed the sock to Luke who then pulled off one of his very worn, they used to be white, Nike air force one high top sneakers. He had been wearing it barefoot. Chris looked up and moaned, I think he knew what was coming. Luke put Stus sock in his worn out shoe and grabbed a roll of duct tape from a table.

“wait wait wait! I Just came up with a great teambuilding exercise!” Stu Loudly exclaimed. “Luke don’t tape your shoe to his face just yet, help me bring Chris over to Levi”

I watched as the grabbed a still moaning Chris and dragged him over directly in front of me. I was curious as to what this teambuilding exercise was going to be put it didn’t sound good. Stu and Luke walked away to discuss their obviously nefarious plan in private and they left me staring at Chris. Chris looked really fucking hot!!! Seeing him defeated like this, while exposed and vulnerable, was incredibly erotic to me. His frantic eyes, messed up sweaty hair and his exposed body straining was a delight to watch. The little moans coming from his gagged mouth and his bulging speedo being teased by the vibrator caused me more discomfort down below. This was a feast for my eyes and a tease for my crotch.

Luke and Stu came back over, both with a mischievous grin on their faces. “So for this teambuilding exercise you two will have to work together to overcome the challenge. You guys will have to keep Luke’s shoes over each others noses for 15 minutes, but remember you have to work together to keep those gross shoes there! Now lets you guys ready for your exercise.”

They both grabbed Chris by his arms and dragged him directly in front of me. I mean chest to chest! Chris was literally now leaning his weary head into my shoulder! Then our captors forced Chris’ midsection into mine

“Don’t be shy guys” Luke laughed as he pushed Chris’ knees forward, the vibrator assaulting his crotch now assaulting mine as well. Stu quickly grabbed some ropes and secured us together. I could smell Chris and whew he was sweaty, but rather than being disgusted I found myself seeking his scent. With both of our arms tied the way they were I found my nose trying to sneak closer to his armpit.

Stu grabbed my collar and yanked my head back. “You horndog! your nose is going into this” He smiled as he and pointed to the inside of Luke’s sneaker. What once was white had been stained grey by the sweat. The imprints of Luke’s feet could clearly be seen on the insoles of the shoes, probably from him wearing them sockless so often. I got a whiff of them and they smelled absolutely horrendous.

“Okay so you have to use your faces to hold the shoes together for 15 minutes, failure is going to mean punishment for you both!” said Luke as he pushed the soles of his shoes together and slid them both in between our faces and over our noses and mouths. These shoes were FOUL yet the stink was turning me on even more.

This forced us to keep our heads still and concentrate on keeping the shoes in between our faces without them falling.

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention we aren’t going to make it easy on you. Round one is pinching, round two is massaging and round three is tickling. Each will be 5 minutes long.” Said Luke

Both me and Chris whined into our gags.

These fuckers! They were going to torture us, get us sensitive before tickling us, and make us fail this fucking exercise on purpose so they could punish us!!!!

“Okay ready set GO!”
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Post by bondagefreak »

This is one of those stories that sadly went under the radar.
[mention]Noodles888[/mention] I've only just started reading this, but I can tell you right away that this story would be much more popular if you broadened your forum activity outside this thread. Readers typically only read the works of authors they know. I'll be sending you a PM with critical advice on how to make yourself known here. Your receptiveness to said advice will greatly influence the number of views/reviews this superb story gets.

I'll be sending readers your way, but you'll need to do most of the heavy lifting yourself.
Be sure to check your newly unlocked PM inbox ;)

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

wow.... that was amazing! keep going!
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Post by Bradstick »

I remember reading this story when you first posted it and I absolutely loved it! I had to reread the story over the course of today to remember all of it. You are very good at writing and I love your descriptions of bondage. I hope you continue to post more chapters! This is a phenomenal story and I can’t wait to see them fail and get punished. Great job [mention]Noodles888[/mention]
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I just re read the story from the beginning again. I love it even more. definitely in my top 5 stories on this board. keep it coming, I can't wait for more
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Post by Noodles888 »

Hey folks,

Thank you for taking the time to give your feedback it is appreciated.

If there is something you might want to see or have an idea for inspiration do not hesitate to let me know!

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Post by Noodles888 »

Hey TUG friends!

I am trying to make these chapters a little bit shorter so that I can update the story on a more regular basis.

Chapter 6

Every breath I took seemed to be even more foul, and my breathing was getting heavier. My captors were making sure of that. Luke had taken off his white air force one sneakers, that he wore barefoot and had Stu’s recently peeled off socks put inside of them. One of the high top sneakers was over my nose and gagged mouth, the other over Chris’s nose and gagged mouth. Every time we struggled or fought against our bondage we would breath in the Smell of Luke and Stu’s feet even more, and Luke and Stu gave us a lot of reasons to fight against our bondage!

Firstly, we were both tied up, on our knees and together. Chris’s chest and thighs were tied to my chest and thighs. His speedo clad crotch coming into direct contact with my crotch which was covered by compression shorts and a protective cup. Our hands had been placed into leather mitts rendering them useless and then padlocked to the leather collars locked around our necks. I could feel Chris’s breathing and the warmth emanating from his sweaty body.

Chris was gagged with what looked like a leather a leather penis gag, and I was still tasting sweaty feet from Stu’s socks being shoved into my mouth and taped into place.

When they brought Chris out and revealed that he was tied in bondage it was obvious he was in distress and the cause was quite clear. Trapped to his speedo clad crotch was a powerful vibrating wand that was secured to the crotch rope that encircled his bulge, fed between his legs, up his crack and back to his rope harness. Now that his bulge was in direct contact with the cup covering mine this meant that I was receiving all the same stimulation from the vibrator as him.

Our captors had given us a challenge. The sneakers between our faces and over our noses were not held in place by anything other than the force me and Chris applied to keep them there, meaning they could fall away at any time and allow us to breath freely again. Our cruel and creative captors knew this, so the challenge was to keep the sneakers in place by limiting our struggling. Of course, they were going to torture us and make us struggle so the shoes fall away, causing us to fail the challenge and result in punishment by them.

I could barely see because of the stinky shoe that was engulfing my face, all I could catch was some general movement around me. I could only assume that Chris could barely see as well, but we could hear our captors well.

“bwahahaha these guys are fucked! How long do you think they will last?” Stu queried.

“I don’t know I… I give them maybe 12 minutes, I think they can make it to the tickling round” replied Luke.

“The timer starts now!”

Immediately I could feel hands coming from behind me, rubbing my chest and heading towards my nipples. I grunted and moaned into my gag, knowing what was coming I tried to stay still. In what felt like slow motion I felt the fingers search for and find each of my nipples. Slowly rolling the round nubs before cruelly pinching down on each of them. It was like an electric shock to my whole body. I grunted loudly and shuddered as even more blood rushed to my groin.

The pinching quickly stopped and I took a deep breath. Aaahhh this damned shoe over my nose assaulting my senses again! At least the shoes were still in place and we hadn’t failed the challenge in the first ten seconds!

I could feel the fingers between our chests moving once again and prepared myself against the upcoming pinch, but instead I heard Chris start to squeal into his gag and fidget against his bonds. I couldn’t help but think to myself, god this is so fucking hot. I don’t think I could possibly become more aroused than I already was.

For the next five minutes there was an orchestra of squeals, grunts and moans from both me and Chris as our captors pinched away at our nipples, thighs, feet, ears and everywhere else they could get their torturous fingers. Those five minutes felt like they lasted an hour.

“Okay round one is finished good job guys you managed to make it one third of the way through the challenge so far. Keep up the good work!”
The pinching stopped but four pairs of hands were now rubbing all over our incredibly sensitive bodies. The noises from our gagged mouths becoming more frequent as our captors ran their hands about. I was trying to stay still as I felt the hands sliding between our bellies and down to our crotches. Oh god, oh god I was close to cumming. Unfortunately for me the protective cup that I was still wearing prevented me from receiving just enough stimulation for me to fall over the edge. Chris wasn’t so fortunate; he could feel it all.

I noticed an increase in Chris’s breathing and felt him grinding his groin and hips around. A series of high pitched squeals and moans escaped his mouth before turning to more primal grunting. The grinding of Chris’s groin turned into full on humping and the grunting reached an apex. Chris was cumming! He must have lost control in the euphoria and rolled his head back because all of a sudden the shoes in between our faces fell away.

Chris had indeed rolled his head back as I could now see. His eyes were closed and his nostrils were flaring widely, strange grunting noises were coming from his gagged mouth as waves of pleasure overwhelmed his defenseless bound form. Beads of sweat were matting his dirty blond hair down and he looked so cute like that. It was by far the most erotic thing I had ever seen in my life, my own loins were aching for release like never before.

Finally Chris dropped his head into my shoulder and slowed his breathing down. It was then that I heard a panicked squeal as his head quickly rose back up, this time with his eyes opened wide as he finally realized what he had done. He looked at me with the cutest blue puppy dog eyes I had ever seen, trying to tell me with his eyes that he didn’t mean to make us lose the challenge by blowing his load all over me.

“Hahahaha. They didn’t even make it to 6 minutes!!! Get ready for some punishment boys!”

Thank you for reading and as always feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions. I would love to hear them!
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Post by Bradstick »

Great chapter! Can’t wait to see what punishments their captors think of.
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Post by boundb »

What an excellent story so far! I can't wait for more.
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Post by Noodles888 »

Chapter 7

It was a lot to take in. I felt completely humiliated and extremely horny but something inside of me was disappointed for losing the challenge our captors had given us.

My humiliation was understandable, I thought, seeing as I wanted to cum so badly and was still tied chest to chest with another boy. We were both nearly naked and I now had a damp speedo pressing against my groin. My urgent grunting and the humping motions that I would involuntarily make didn’t help either. I should be completely freaked out from having been essentially kidnapped, bound and tortured by another boy but I just found myself extremely sexually frustrated from wanting to cum so badly. This isn’t normal, I think?

The disappointment confused me more. I felt like I let my friends down, even though Luke and Stu essentially made the challenge impossible and tortured us to make us lose. I wanted to finish the challenge and be a good boy, maybe I just wanted to cum? Anyways, I felt bad for letting my masters down.

I didn’t know what Luke and Stu meant by punishment, but they weren’t going to make me wait long.

Now that I could see I watched as our captors began untying me from Chris.

“Well boys I’m impressed that you failed that so quickly, I actually thought that you were going to last a little longer. Levi, since you failed so quickly though im gonna make your punishment last a little while longer. Don’t expect to get relief for a while.” Said Stu.

I grunted into my gag, looking angrily at Stu, I assumed this meant I wasn’t going to be able to come yet.

“Awww Levi! You look so freaking adorable when you are angry!” Stu quickly quipped.

Finally, our captors had removed the ropes typing me and Chris together, although wee were both still tightly tied on our knees.

I was looking down at the ground, not wanting to look my captors in the face due to my humiliation, when I noticed Stu kneel down in front of me.
“Hey levi” I watched as his hand came up and lifted my chin, forcing me to look him in the face. “Are you doing okay man?”

I wasn’t really sure how I felt, I was a mix of emotions, but mostly I just wanted to cum. Of course, I didn’t really want to say that. I knelt there while Stu went around behind me and began fumbling with the muzzle strapped to my face. With a sigh of relief, I felt the straps being loosened and the silicone dick shaped mouthpiece slide out of my mouth. I stayed silent fearing what I would say might get me in trouble with my young master. Stu came around and crouched down in front of me bringing his eyes level with mine.

“Its okay dude. Are you hurting or anything?”

I looked my cute friend in the eyes, he was smiling that damned adorable and disarming smile of his that I hated so much.

“No I’m not in any pain or anything, but what the hell man this is really fucking weird and how long have you been doing this to Chris? He likes it?” I asked.

“Yeah man he likes it, we have been tying Chris up for about two months now, whenever we feel like it, he doesn’t have a choice anymore. We call him up and he has to show up, otherwise he’s gonna get tickled to death when we do get him.” Stu replied while intently studying me.

I paused for a minute digesting what I just heard. Chris has been getting tied up and tortured by our two friends for a few months, and he likes it? Obviously, they haven’t harmed him or hurt him, I mean I never even noticed a change in his behavior at all and there were never any marks on him. I guess it wasn’t so bad.

I think Stu figured out I was reluctant to speak up so he asked me again. “So you are okay with this right Levi, I mean you lost the challenge so your about to be punished.” He paused for a moment gauging my reaction. “And that means you are going to have to suck my dick”

My eyes went wide and immediately I looked away from Stu.

“You can say no, I promise to let you out right now if that’s what you want.” Stu immediately said, obviously worried he had gone too far.
I was nervous and confused as hell, but I knew deep down what I wanted to do. I wanted to worship my friend and teammate. I wanted to be his slave, suck his dick, lick his feet and do whatever he told me to do.

I nervously looked up and said “I’m sorry I lost your challenge master... I deserve to be punished.”

The biggest grin I have ever seen appeared on my best friends face as he gave me a big hug before pulling away and looking me in the eyes.
“You are the best bondage boy ever! But remember you’re being punished and its not going to be all that fun. Before you suck my dick you have to help clean up the mess you made!”

Stu looked over to Chris who was still tied, lying on his back frogtied. Stu Grabbed the back of my collar and yanked me forward. I lost my balance and was falling onto my belly but Stu still had a hold of the back of my collar and way and was guiding my falling face directly towards Chris’s very spunk drenched speedo.

I heard Chris squeal into his gag as my nose and mouth were forced into his wet bulging speedo. I could feel the creamy boy goo spreading all around my mouth and my nostrils flared as the scent of boycum filled them.

Stu then commanded me “Lick him clean.”
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Post by Bradstick »

Another fantastic chapter. I love how Stu is being both a dom and a great friend. He isn’t forcing Levi to do any of this but if Levi says no, he’ll stop. Absolutely love this story!
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Post by Gaybondage »

Really love this story! It hits all my spots. Please keep it coming :)
🐦 @justinkgy
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Post by gag1195 »

Definitely let this story slip past me in the busy last few months I've had. But I just binged it, and it's really great! The characters are lots of fun, and it's especially great to see Levi's angry puppy submissive side contrasting with Stu's calm and cocky dominance. And of course, things are really heating up with the inclusion of Luke and Chris! Looking forward to more!

In terms of suggestions, can't go wrong with an ole fashioned edge-off! Levi and Chris compete to see who can last the longest- loser gets locked in chastity for x amount of time!

I also wouldn't mind Luke or Stu overpowering the other and torturing three bound hockey players!
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Post by Noodles888 »

Chapter 8

Now normally this would be gross, but in my aroused foggy mind I didn’t think much about anything other than following my young masters orders.

I paused for a moment, the scent of Chris’s fresh cum and the sight of his bulging speedo now becoming my world. Slowly my tongue slip from between my lips and made contact with the bulging lycra before it. I gingerly moved the tip of my tongue over the material before it before quickly becoming overcome and licking it all over with my entire tongue.

I had never tasted come before now and the salty cream startled my tastebuds, but I continued on with my task. my raging but trapped erection keeping me glued to my task and savouring the scent and taste before me.

I didn’t notice, but both Luke and Stu were standing over us watching me complete my ordered cleaning duties. Chris was softly mewing into his gag and shuddering with pleasure every time my tongue glided over the head of his cock.

“Jesus this is hot” Stu commented to Luke. “I cant believe he’s this much of a bondage pig! I mean we should have done this years ago. I didn’t think he would be submissive like this did you?”

Luke quickly laughed. “No man I would never have figured Levi for a sub but he sure is doing great. Before he sucks your dick can you make him suck my toes, I mean he is being punished.” Luke asked.

“Yeah totally dude, but don’t take too long with him.” Stu said while rubbing his crotch and winking.

I was too focused on the task before me to even hear my friends talking behind me. By this time I had thoroughly licked the entirety of the front of Chris’s speedos. The taste of cum overwhelmed my senses.

I barely felt the hand grab my collar before I noticed myself being pulled away from Chris’s lewdly exposed crotch. I turned my eyes and immediately connected with my masters smiling face. “Hey there you horny boy…”

Before Stu could get another word out I blurted “bro please let me cum man I’m so fucking horny right now I cant take this.” I looked up at him bent over me, my biggest puppy dog eyes trying to win him over.

As if trying to torture me further Stu boyish face lit up even more. God he was so damned cute. “Aww, Levi soon, but we have to get your initiation over with first, okay?” He said with a smile. “Now Luke wants his feet licked and I want a blowjob before your going to get any action. Now get to it” he pulled me over in front of the ottoman where Luke’s feet were waiting. My legs awkwardly trying to shuffle along as Stu dragged me by the collar.

On my knees before Luke, I look up at him, again with my puppy dog eyes. Luke was really hot, and he had a big lusty smile on his face. “I honestly never thought I would be licking your feet Luke I hope this isn’t weird?”

“Naw man its cool” Luke quickly replied, wiggling his toes. “I’ve always fantasized about getting my toes sucked, and even better it’s being done by a cute boy I like.” He winked at me, I blushed.

I looked down from his face to his beautiful size 11 feet. They were smooth and there didn’t appear to be any dirt on them. The reddish heels and toes looked great in contrast with the sensitive white midsole. I moved my face forwards and got a quick whiff, they smelled great. I shifted on my knees to get a little bit closer and then felt a hand on the back of my head shove my face directly into his feet.

“Alright alright let’s get on with it, I’ve got a big fucking load that needs to be sucked out real soon.” Stu said sounding impatient, as he held my face into Luke feet.

Lukes feet were warm and moist on my face. The smell was musky but not overwhelmingly so. The fumes were just perfect for sending another gallon of blood directly towards my groin. I could feel my dick trying to grow, only to be reminded that I was still wearing Stu’s hockey cup. The compression shorts holding the cup tightly in place and preventing my dick from growing much in size.

I moaned and grunted as I stuck my tongue out right in the middle of Luke right midsole. I swirled my tongue around and lapped up the sweat. I still couldn’t believe this was so erotic to me. I continued licking his soles and swirling my tongue around before swallowing his big toe. The whole time I was moaning as my tongue swirled around his big toe. The boy sweat was driving me wilder than I thought possible.

My eyes were closed, my focus on the sweaty toe in my mouth, but I still noticed the flash. My blue eyes jumped open as I tried to pull back, but the hand on the back of my head just applied more force keeping my head down and the big toe in my mouth. MPHHHH!!! My eyes darted around. I saw Luke chuckling as he looked on. Next I noticed a hand holding a smartphone in front of my eyes.

In the screen I saw a picture of me, my eyes closed, lips around a big toe, a hand holding my head in place, a leather collar locked around my neck and two mitted hands locked to said collar. The look on my face said it all, you could tell in the picture I wasn’t resisting and was in fact enjoying the experience of being tied and having another boy’s toe forced into my mouth.

MPHHHHH!!! I moaned angrily. These bastards were now blackmailing me with pictures!

“Hey hey hey.” Stu said calmingly, “These pics are going to just be for us okay? I promise not to show anyone I just want to remember the occasion. It’s not all that often that you get a chance to take a picture of a friend humiliating himself like this!” Both Stu and Luke chuckled at that comment. I just mpphhed due to the toe still being held in my mouth.

“All right Levi sorry that was kinda mean. But keep licking those toes for a minute then you get your treat okay.” I felt Stu removing his hand from the back of my head and my world quickly went blind as he slid a padded leather blindfold over my eyes.

I didn’t have to wait long for the treat. I almost immediately felt Stu pulling me back and shifting me around, so I wasn’t facing Luke’s feet anymore.

“Open wide, and make sure you swallow every drop or your punishment is going to be even longer” Stu said in a serious tone. I guess he meant it.
I opened my mouth and immediately Stu’s hand was on the back of my head and his dick slipped in. He wasn’t soft at all, he was rock hard and bigger than I would have thought, at least that’s how it felt, its not like I’ve ever had a dick in my mouth before. I could tell my friend was very horny as the precum dripped out onto my palette almost immediately, it didn’t seem like he had jerked off anytime in the last couple of days.
My lips closed in and my tongue swirled around the head as I began to blow my friend and master. The ordeal was quite arousing and very very frustrating for me. With my sight blocked all of my senses were focused on pleasuring the dick in my mouth and wanting pleasure for the dick currently trapped in Stus compression shorts and cup.

Despite being incredibly horny I felt the need to give my master the best blowjob ever, so that’s what I did. With my hands locked in mitts, that were locked to my collar, I was all mouth, and I gave it one hell of a go!

Stu’s hands on the back of my head guided me in and out but at my own pace, I didn’t want it to go too fast. Unfortunately I could tell my master was losing control and was ready to blow. I heard his breathing become more strained and the grip on my head tighten. His slow hip movements became all out thrusts as he groaned and groaned while holding my head like a vice. A few thrusts more from my captor and then it was like a tidal wave in my mouth. Stu’s hand had my face locked into place and he just kept gushing while I tried to swallow it all down. Stu’s aggressive moans became almost a whimper of extasy as he pulled out, leaving me with what felt like a gallon of cum in my mouth.

Before I could even get a chance to swallow all the cum, Stu had peeled off one of his socks, cleaned his dick with it and was shoving it into my mouth.

Mphhhh!!! Mphhhhh!!!!

I began grunting into my gag, weren’t they going to let me go? Why weren’t these assholes untying me so I could get a turn to cum?
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