The Bureau of National Defense and Government [M/M] [conclusion 5/11/23]

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The Bureau of National Defense and Government [M/M] [conclusion 5/11/23]

Post by wataru14 »

Here is chapter 1 of a new tale that I will be posting alternating with TUG. Enjoy!

Chapter 1 – A Prince Among Men

“Ah, Vegas! It’s been too long,” Sonny thought as he sat in the rear seat of the limo headed for the Strip. He adjusted his cufflinks and took a swig of champagne. “And quite a change from the last time I was here.” A few years back, he was just a common street thug, boosting cars and pickpocketing tourists. He had drifted down to Vegas in search of easy money. But isn’t that everyone’s story in this town? But that was before the Bureau found him. Or should he say “when he found the Bureau?” Could go either way.


He had met up with a bunch of guys he really clicked with and started pulling larger jobs with them. Jewelry stores. Warehouses. Some decent heists. Their names were Cole, Mike, and Craig. A couple and a Plus One. And what a Plus One he was! Sonny ran with that crew for a few months, and maintained an on-again/off-again NSA fling with “Hulko,” as he was affectionately called by the group. It was a damned good time. But all good things do eventually come to an end. This particular end was during a poker game robbery that was supposed to be easy. But the jobs described as “easy” never are, are they?

It was supposed to be in and out. A lot of shouting, a lot of cash and jewelry getting stuffed into bags, a few goombas being zip tied to their chairs and gagged with their own silk pocket squares… badda bing badda boom. But Sonny knew something was off with this job as soon as they stormed the room and took over. One of the poker players seemed a little out of place. His reactions were different from the others’. No “When I get loose I’m gonna hunt you down and mppgghhh!!!” as the gag went in. No curses in Italian as he was relieved of his pinky ring before the zip ties were applied to his wrists. He was plenty mad, sure, but not in the same way as the others. Sonny didn’t understand why that was until later.

After the five “legitimate businessmen” poker players and their two galoot guards were all securely tied to chairs and gagged, the crew made their escape. And THAT’s when Sonny realized what was going on. As soon as they rounded the corner of the alley where the getaway van was located, they were hit with high-intensity floodlights. SWAT vans. FBI. Even a goddamn helicopter! How the fuck did they get here so fast? Sonny immediately thought “setup,” but there was no way any of his three partners would ever do that. And he knew he didn’t. Faced with no alternatives and no way out, the four robbers dropped to their knees with their hands raised and were swarmed by heavily-armed agents. In a matter of minutes they were cuffed behind their backs, leg shackled, and hooded and found themselves being stuffed into the back of a waiting FBI transport.

But Sonny wasn’t going to let this setback get to him. He couldn’t tell if there was a guard in the transport with them because of the hood robbing his sight, so he had to work quickly and quietly. The group had been thoroughly searched when they were arrested, but the feds missed something. Sonny always kept a handcuff key sewn into the cuff of his shirtsleeve. Sandwiched between two layers of fabric, it was almost undetectable. Careful not to move too much and give himself away if anyone could see him, Sonny slowly fished the key out and used it in his nimble fingers to unlock his handcuffs from behind. When his hands were free, he held them behind his back tapped his foot against the metal seat in a deliberate pattern, beating out a rehearsed signal to the others.

From under his hood, Sonny heard a thud that could only be Cole doing a trick fall. Mike and Craig started yelling, but there was no sign of movement otherwise. No guard shouting or radioing for support. Seizing his chance, Sonny lifted his hood and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the four prisoners were indeed alone in the transport. Something went his way, at least. He made quick work in unlocking his leg shackles before freeing the others. As soon as the transport stopped at a traffic light, Craig opened the rear door and the group bolted for freedom. He, Mike, and Cole hit the ground running and tore off into the night, but Sonny’s luck decided to desert him. Before he could jump, the door to the front of the transport opened and two pairs of hands grabbed him tight and pulled him back inside. He felt a jab in his neck and everything went black.


When Sonny awoke, he felt the biting sting of rope tightly around his wrists, ankles, and torso. He was bound hopelessly firmly to a chair in a small concrete room with no windows and a single steel door. A single light shone on him from above. Not a cell, it was more like an interrogation room. After looking around to make sure he was alone, Sonny began to work on his bonds. Whoever had tied him up really knew what they were doing! They were even better at binding prisoners than Cole was, and he and Mike “practiced” constantly. He wriggled and slid his wrists around in a feverish attempt to slip the ropes. He felt the abrasions forming, but also realized he was making progress. Slow progress, but still progress all the same. Ten minutes later he almost had his hands free, but he quickly stopped when the metal door to the room opened and he heard the sound of slow, condescending applause.

Standing in the doorway was one of the poker players. The one who seemed different from the others. And now Sonny realized why. Instead of the expensive suit jacket he was wearing when Mike ziptied him to his chair, the man was wearing an FBI windbreaker and a golden badge hung from a chain around his neck.


“Oh fuck,” Sonny said, ceasing his escape attempt and slumping back in the chair.

“’Oh fuck’ is right,” the agent said. “Santino Anthony Giovanni De Luca. Age 30. Multiple priors stemming back to the age of 15. Suspect in numerous burglaries and armed robberies along the West Coast. Known associate of Cole Murphy, Craig Swenson, and Michael Lucchesi: all of which are wanted by the FBI. You really screwed the pooch on this one.” The agent let his words hang in the air for a moment before diffusing the tension. “But relax. We weren’t looking for you. You interrupted a very expensive ongoing investigation. I’ve been undercover with those mafiosi for some time now and you really screwed everything up. Your little stunt set our work back quite a ways.”

“Where are they?” Sonny asked, ignoring the shop talk.

“Right now?” the agent replied with a smirk, “They’re all at Murphy and Lucchesi’s apartment doing damage control. Trying to find you, as a matter of fact. We’re listening in on their conversation right now. But whether they stay there or whether they join you on the way to federal prison depends solely on what you do in the next few minutes.”

Sonny sat still and remained silent as the agent circled behind him. He bent down and checked the ropes that secured his wrists behind his back. “You did remarkably well on that,” the agent said, letting Sonny see how impressed he was. “Most guys can’t get anywhere near that close to escaping. Maybe I’m losing my touch. Anyway…” He circled back around front. “Even though you weren’t our target tonight, we have been watching you all for a while. You, in particular, have piqued a lot of interest. We’re looking for someone like you. Your escape from the transport was very impressive.”

“Not too impressive,” Sonny said, shrugging as best he could with his hands bound behind his back, “because I didn’t actually escape, Agent Adamson.” He saw a reaction from the agent, who then looked down at the badge hanging from his neck. Seeing the name printed there in barely-visible letters, he smiled. “But if you think I’m going to inform on my crew, you’re wasting your time.”

“That’s not what we’re after,” Adamson said. “With eagle eyes and quick-thinking like yours, we have much bigger plans for you. Now listen up because I’m going to make this offer only once. Accept and your friends get a one-time ‘get out of town’ pass and I make sure their files get mysteriously lost. Refuse and we get you four a joint suite in supermax. The choice is yours.”

“What kind of offer?” Sonny said.


And that was it. He didn’t have any options, anyway. Not really. Cole and the others quietly disappeared for greener pastures and Sonny was enrolled in a breakneck training academy run by the Department of Defense. A super-secret agency called the Bureau of National Defense and Government. They taught him expert hand-to-hand combat, advanced firearms and explosives, escape and evasion techniques, data gathering and analysis. And he took to it instantly, finding that he actually liked the job. It was physical enough to challenge him and required quick thinking and guile, which he excelled in. After a few months of training, he was out in the field serving his country. And racking up success after success. Stopping terrorists, rescuing kidnapped VIPs, stealing enemy secrets… he was a natural. After just one year he was the agency’s top man and was being assigned to dangerous and clandestine missions all over the globe. Which is why the current job assignment surprised him so much.

“It’s a straight seduction assignment,” Adamson said at the briefing. “Your target is Prince Rupert of Borogravia. He’s heir to the throne of a tiny European principality in the Alps about the size of this building. But his family made a mint in international banking. And his country’s lack of extradition treaties with anyone makes it a hotbed of criminal activity.”


“At some point in the near future a major arms deal is going to be held in Borogravia,” Adamson continued. “And we need to know where and when. That’s where you come in. Wine him and dine him, get his lips loose, and get that information. He should be puddy in your hands.”

“Don’t you think this is a bit too basic for a man of my skills?” Sonny said with a smile. “I mean if you want him snatched, or even assassinated, I can maybe see using me. But a honeypot job? I’m a little insulted.”

“Don’t get cocky, rookie,” Adamson warned. “Even with your track record, you’re still probationary. I can have you sent to prison after all. Based on his profile, you are a perfect match for his tastes. Your personality, your looks, your body… everything. He won’t be able to resist you.”

“OK, OK, fine!” Sonny said, smiling. The Prince quite was a looker and he was actually looking forward to a recreational low-key assignment after his last one: a rather explosive conflict in Argentina. He and the scientist he was sent in to rescue were captured by the enemy and barely escaped with their lives. He was thankful for a little R&R. Hopefully no one would be shooting at him during this mission. “And he’s in Vegas?” Sonny said.

“Yes,” Adamson replied. “The Prince has more money than God and likes to piss it away at the tables. He’s been through every casino in Monte Carlo twice and wants to try his luck stateside. We’re sending you in tonight, rookie. Get ready, your plane leaves in an hour.”


The concierge opened the door to the limo and Sonny stepped out into the entrance plaza like a celebrity, wearing a suit that cost more than a normal family made in a year. His alias was on all the exclusive guest lists and he had VIP access to everything. All courtesy of BNDG. “I guess this job does have some perks,” he thought, as he strode through the casino. He grabbed a complementary scotch and soda from a passing barmaid with a coy wink and downed it. “Time to get to work,” he said to himself.

Finding the Prince was easy. The Ultra-High-Roller Room was heavily guarded with armed security, but thanks to BNDG, Sonny could stride right in with just a nod. Across the room, he spied the prince at the craps table and made initial eye contact with a smile. He wasn’t hard to spot. Handsome European flanked by two mountains of flesh in black suits with earpieces and barely concealed hardware. The Prince gave Sonny a quizzical look, then returned the smile and went back to his game. Other than the Prince’s entourage, the room was basically empty.

“Step 1 complete,” Sonny thought. “Contact made. Now to bait the hook.” Sonny sat down at a slot machine and began playing, his phone resting on the console terminal. It had a special computer scrambler that would alter the machine’s probability in his favor, allowing him to put on the front of winning often. “A lucky man makes a lot of friends,” Sonny thought. And he was soon proven right.

After about an hour he was $10,000 up. He was about to play another round when one of the Prince’s security guards came up and tapped him on the shoulder. Sonny turned and looked up at the man, who just said in a thick Germanic accent: “The Prince wishes to honor you with his company” and turned away. Across the room, the prince gave a wink in Sonny’s direction.

“Got him!” Sonny thought. “Now to reel him in.” He got up from the machine, grabbing his phone, and smoothed out his suit in an alluring way. Drawing the Prince’s attention down his chiseled body and to his waistline. The folks at BNDG had tailored the suit to fit him perfectly and accentuate his… assets. All part of the perfectly-oiled honey trap for the Prince. Seeing his mark staring, Sonny gave a quick whistle and pointed up at his face with a smirk. The Prince chuckled and set a pile of chips in the empty seat next to him, beckoning Sonny to sit.

His Highness didn’t seem to be the brightest bulb and was basking in the attention from the handsome agent, completely unaware of the setup. He was eating out of Sonny’s hand. After a particularly big win (thanks to both Sonny’s phone and the undercover BNDG agent serving as the table dealer), the Prince placed his hand on Sonny’s lap and rubbed his thigh playfully.

“You’ve been quite the good luck charm, I must say,” the Prince said in perfect, but heavily accented English. “I won big tonight thanks to you. Perhaps you’d like to come back to my suite and we can celebrate my winnings privately?” Security gave a stern frown, but the Prince waved it away.

“I would enjoy that very much, Your Highness,” Sonny said. He took the Prince’s hand and gently moved it up his thigh, bringing it to rest right on top of his nether regions.

“Yes, I can see that you would,” the Prince chuckled. He turned to his guards and said “Cash out for me, please” before taking Sonny’s hand and walking up the private VIP stairs into the Presidential Suites.


As soon as they made it into the Prince’s suite and closed it behind them, the Prince attacked Sonny like he was a gourmet meal. He shoved Sonny against the wall and kissed him passionately, stripping off Sonny’s suit jacket and shirt at the same time. Sonny was a little taken aback by this. The Prince’s dossier never mentioned him being sexually assertive. Maybe it was the booze and the thrill of winning? At any rate, his subsequent romp with the prince was very fun, Sonny had to admit. He was an eager and energetic bottom, and quite playful. But things took an unexpected turn when, after about an hour, the Prince leaned in, nibbled Sonny’s ear and whispered, “You’re even better than I hoped. I have to thank BDNG for sending you after me.”

Sonny sat up with a jolt, but the Prince just chuckled. “Oh don’t worry,” he said, putting his mouth on Sonny’s right pec and licking seductively down his chest and abs. “I know who you are. And what you are. Your agency wants the date and location of the arms deal, no? Well, I could tell you, but I have something more fun in mind. Let’s see how good you are at interrogation…” Sonny shuddered as the Prince’s tongue reached the base of his shaft, stopping just short of his throbbing genitals. He looked down and caught the Prince’s gaze, but then the Prince turned his head. Sonny followed his sightline and saw what the Prince was looking at: his silk tie draped over the sideboard and the full ice bucket beside it.

With a wry smile, Sonny slid out of bed and grabbed the Prince’s tie. He placed it between his teeth and crawled back on all fours across the bed like a stalking tiger. The Prince licked his lips and moaned as Sonny gingerly positioned his hands behind his back and began to bind them in place with the expensive silk necktie.

“The first step in interrogation is to make sure your subject is properly restrained,” he growled seductively as he pulled the silk bonds snugly around the Prince’s wrists. “And not just to keep them secure. If done correctly, it can be quite sensual and pleasurable. There are other ways to extract information besides torture, you know.” The Prince gasped and purred with each loop of silk imprisoning his wrists. Sonny could tell he was savoring the delicate feel of the fabric against his flesh. After he secured the last knot, Sonny leaned in and started kissing the Prince’s neck from behind, rubbing his chest over his shoulders. The Prince mewled and let out a long, breathy “ooooooooh, that’s good. You have magic hands.”

Sonny chuckled at the compliment, then reached over and grabbed an ice cube from the bucket. He placed the freezing block against the Prince’s chest, making him shiver with pleasure and expectation. With aching slowness, Sonny dragged the cube down the Prince’s body, watching the waves ripple out as the cold sensation moved. He made sure to take extra care with the Prince’s nipples, which his dossier said were especially sensitive. The Prince spasmed with joy as his nipples hardened and his cock began to throb and bounce.

Sonny reached down over the Prince’s shoulder. “Now, Your Highness, let’s discuss that arms deal,” he growled. But just before he took hold of the Prince’s cock to begin the teasing, edging strokes, the Prince stopped him.

“Wait,” he said, biting his lip in expectation. “I have some more toys in the bathroom. I would be much more… pliable if you used them on me.”

Sonny grinned and slinked off the bed. “I’ll be right back, Your Highness,” he said, licking his lips. “Don’t go anywhere.” With a slow, deliberate walk that gave the prince full view of his rock-hard ass, Sonny sauntered into the bathroom. The bath suite was more like it. It was as large as his entire apartment! There was a giant hot tub on a raised platform on one side, hidden by a drawn curtain, and several walk-in linen closets. “Nice hot tub. We’ll have to use that later.” He saw all sorts of expensive artwork and fixtures in the suite, but what he didn’t see was the Prince’s toys. “Hmmm,” Sonny thought, “that’s odd. You’d think they’d be right here the way he was talking. Wait? What was that?”

From inside the hot tub, Sonny heard a small grunt. Then a low mumble. His spy senses firing to life, Sonny grabbed a pair of scissors from the sink counter and slowly made his way up the stairs to the hot tub. Readying the scissors for action, he grabbed the curtain and threw it back.

Inside the hot tub, mercilessly hogtied with thin polymer ropes and stuff gagged with thick silk handkerchiefs was… Prince Rupert? What?!? The young heir’s toned body was crisscrossed in ropes that held his hands and feet immobile and his arms secured fast to his sides. His legs were pressed tight together and held with the sturdy cables as well. The Prince frantically grunted and screamed through his gag as Sonny stood frozen in shock. He shook himself back into business mode and brought the scissors around to free the prince from his bonds, but stopped. “Wait,” the thought. “If this is Prince Rupert, then who is tied up in the bedroom?”

Before Sonny could finish that thought, a massive figure emerged behind him out of one of the linen closets and grabbed him in a vice-grip bearhug. Sonny was naturally fit and strong, and his might was honed by his intensive agent workout routine, but caught off-guard as he was, he couldn’t summon up enough strength to break free. The scissors fell uselessly out of his hand and clanked against the tile floor. He began to struggle valiantly in a futile attempt to break his unseen attacker’s grip, but it was no use. Whoever had him was titanically strong. He had only known one man who had that much strength…

“Chuy!” Sonny spat as he struggled.

His massive attacker dragged him back down the stairs to the floor of the bathroom. “Aw, you guessed!” came a heavily accented voice in his ear. Before Sonny could react further, a colossal hand clamped over his face, pressing a wet rag over his mouth and nose. Sonny tried to hold his breath but a squeeze from his assailant forced him to breathe in and he got a lungful of the sickly sweet vapors. His eyes began to flutter and he felt himself weakening. With his diminishing awareness, Sonny heard someone entering from the bedroom and Chuy spun him around, still holding the cursed rag over his face, to see the new arrival.

The fake Prince, who had managed to free his hands, stood in the doorway. The silk tie was draped alluringly over his shoulders, hanging down over his sculpted bare pecs. His feet were also bare, but he had put on his discarded pants before coming in. The false prince strutted over to Sonny, who was trapped in Chuy’s iron grip and powerless to escape. Sonny felt his muscles being sapped of all strength and his vision darkening as the imposter reached out and rubbed his chest. In a heavy Argentinian accent, he said, “Soon I will pay you back for what happened in Buenos Aires…”

“Carlito!” Sonny gasped. In his shock, he breathed in a heavy whiff of the fumes from the rag over his face and everything went dark.

Coming Soon: Chapter 2 – So Near, Yet So Far
Last edited by wataru14 1 year ago, edited 15 times in total.
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Post by gag1195 »

Ooooo! Another fantastic start of this story! Loved the little nod to Mike and Co from "Men at Work"! I hope this isn't the last we see of them! Although, with the pickle that Sonny has found himself in, it may be a little bit before his crew manages to find him. I hope Sonny and the real prince enjoy some long bondage together while Carlito transports them! I can't wait to dig into Sonny's and Carlito's past! Great start!
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Post by roxasfrey »

A very interisting start full of twists. I always love seduction between captor and captive. Definitely interested in the story.
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Post by Guardianbound »

Brilliant start, hooked me in right away. BNDG... BoNDaGe... :lol: clever. Looks like Sonny and the real Prince are in for a long bonding session. Can't wait to learn more about the Carlito and the real Prince and how he got captured first.
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Post by Red86 »

Nice to see Mike, Cole and Craig again. I wonder if we'll be seeing more of them?

Ha, that was some twist with the real prince being tied up. And quite the predicament sonny has found himself in. Should be interesting how this plays out!!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] you must be a mind reader because this story has everything I love about spy flicks. Crook working for the law to save his friends, honey trap missions, tying up someone to take their place...

I definitely wasn't expecting Sonny's fun time with the prince turning up to be a ruse but it just raises more questions on his relationship with Carlito. After all, he probably could got what he wanted without sleeping with the agent. :ugeek:
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Post by wataru14 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 1 year ago I definitely wasn't expecting Sonny's fun time with the prince turning up to be a ruse but it just raises more questions on his relationship with Carlito. After all, he probably could got what he wanted without sleeping with the agent. :ugeek:
These two have quite a past, which will come up in later chapters.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I love spies...

I love honey pots...

I love princes in peril...

I love this story, [mention]wataru14[/mention]!
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Post by Volobond »

A thrilling beginning indeed! Should've known the simple honeypot mission would be anything but!

And hopefully the real Prince Rupert will get his time under Sonny's ministrations... if they survive!

Now I'm just trying to imagine the overly-long James Bond-esque theme song for this movie. Possibly sampled with the sounds of gagged men ;)

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Post by privateandrews »

loved this. wait keenly for more.
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Post by wataru14 »

CHAPTER 2 – So Near, Yet So Far

The first thing that Sonny noticed when he slowly regained consciousness was an acrid, sour smell. Wherever he was, it was soft, but pitch black. There wasn’t a lot of air, but what little there was was rank with the smell of sweat and body odor. He was laying on his side in some kind of confined space. Beneath him was a cushion of soft, slightly soggy cloth. Reaching out with his bare feet he made contact with a heavy canvas barrier. He rolled gently to one side and connected face-first into another wall of canvas. Wherever he was, there was barely enough room for him.

His wrists chafed from the heavy plastic cable ties that held his hands prisoner behind his bare back. Another pair restrained his ankles. Double locked by the feel of it. Whoever had bound him up did a quick job, but it would be sufficient to keep him on ice for the short-term. Heavy black tape encircled the lower half of his face, from nose to chin, helplessly sealing his mouth. Sonny worked his tongue around and felt some kind of fabric stuffed in his jaws. A pair of balled-up dress socks, he surmised. Were they his or someone else’s? He wasn’t blindfolded, but his canvas prison let in no light so there was no need for that extra step. Even without sight, he could tell that he was still naked. It seems Chuy and Carlito didn’t even give him the honor of a pair of pants before bundling him up into captivity.

Four BDNG agents had gone missing in recent months and were all presumed killed in action. Good men, all of them. And all while out on missions against Carlito’s organization: The Cabal of Underworld Freedom Fighters. A lofty name for what was basically a cadre of mercs and terrorists. But that type always used flowery language like that. And now, it seems, Sonny was about to join them. Putting a bullet in his head while in the prince’s suite would attract too much attention, so it looks like they were transporting him to a secondary location before doing him in. So at least he had a little time to plan his escape. But where was the prince? They definitely had him, too, and Sonny couldn’t let them take him away. If CUFF got their hands on his intel, they would be much more well-armed and an even bigger threat for BNDG. And the world. He had to get free and rescue the prince. But how?

As his awareness slowly returned, Sonny could hear the sound of deep voices nearby. Muffled by the canvas around him and the sea of soggy fabric he rested on. Argentinian Spanish. He was fluent even before recruitment, but the BDNG program included language training for regional dialects. One voice was definitely Carlito’s. No mistaking those soft, honeyed tones. The other one didn’t say much but was unmistakably Chuy. Their conversation was muffled by the fabric, but Sonny could make out the words “extraction,” “ransom,” and “interrogation” from their conversation. So the prince was alive! And they planned to ransom him. Good. That would give him some time to mount a rescue. If only he could get out of here, first. He began to hatch an escape plan, but stopped when he heard Chuy’s gravelly basso voice say, “Jefe, it looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake.”

Sonny’s eyes were assaulted with a flood of brilliant light as his canvas prison was opened. After he blinked a few times, Sonny could see that he was sealed up in a heavy-duty laundry bag. The fabric beneath him was a soggy mound of towels and staff uniforms. As the mouth of the bag opened, he could see that he was further entombed at the bottom of a wheeled laundry cart, but being at the bottom and looking up, he couldn’t see anything else in the room. After a moment, his eyes adjusted to the light and a familiar face leaned in over the lip of the cart. Carlito.


“Buenos dias!” Carlito said sarcastically. Sonny grunted defiantly through his merciless tape gag, but Carlito just laughed. “Ah, the bull wants to fight! But bound and gagged as you are, you are certainly in no position to do that, no? I remember us in the opposite position in Buenos Aires a few months back, my friend. You are quite good with the ropes, I must admit, but I have been practicing quite extensively. If you behave, you may yet live long enough to experience my new techniques.”

Sonny struggled and grunted again, but he knew there was no chance of escape. If he had his clothes, he could have utilized one of the myriad tools concealed in his tuxedo to free himself from the cable ties. But Carlito had made sure he wouldn’t have any access to those, now, didn’t he? “Yes,” Carlito crooned, “you are bare and deprived of your escape devices. Believe me, as the prince, I took great pleasure in making sure you were in a state of undress before we captured you. Great pleasure indeed.” Carlito reached down and gave Sonny’s pecs a quick feel. Sonny recoiled from Carlito’s touch, but even his agent training couldn’t allow him to force down his growing arousal. Something Carlito noticed immediately. “It seems like such a waste to kill you,” he said. “Always my favorite nemesis. Well, who knows? Perhaps that will be unnecessary. That all depends on you. And don’t worry about Prince Rupert. He is quite safe. For now.”

All Sonny could do was glare up at Carlito. His restraints and awkward body position made mounting an escape impossible for the moment. He had to bide his time and wait for an opportunity. But at least he could enjoy the view. Carlito was an amoral mercenary, but quite pleasing to look at. The two had been rivals since the get-go and had been confounding each other’s missions since Sonny first started with BNDG. And they had ended up in each other’s beds on many occasions. Carlito could see that Sonny was giving him the once-over and responded in kind. He was dressed splendidly in a black-and-white staff tuxedo, complete with white gloves. Carlito adjusted those gloves with a sultry smirk, knowing how much it turned Sonny on. “I shall have great fun in playing with you before your ultimate fate is decided,” Carlito said. “But for now, it is time to go. You will behave yourself and be still and silent in there. If not, there’s no telling what will happen to the dear prince. Making trouble for us may result in his captivity becoming quite… uncomfortable.”

Sonny knew Carlito wouldn’t kill the prince. Borogravia was small, but it wasn’t a place an organization like CUFF wanted to make an enemy of. But that didn’t mean Carlito wouldn’t make the prince pay for his disobedience in other ways. So Sonny had no choice but to lay back in submission, giving a frustrated grunt through his gag. “That’s a good boy,” Carlito teased. “But since you seem so fond of the prince, I’ll leave you this.” Carlito tossed something into Sonny’s cart. It was the silicone false face he had worn over his own while he was impersonating Rupert. A perfect likeness of the prince’s features. The thin, clammy membrane plopped down on Sonny’s bare chest before sliding off into the mass of soiled clothes beneath him. Carlito chuckled as Chuy cinched the mouth of the laundry sack closed, plunging Sonny once more into darkness. After hearing a few more muffled words in Spanish, Sonny felt the cart begin to move.


It was slow going through the hotel, but a smooth enough ride. No rattling or jarring turns. This place could afford top-of-the-line laundry carts, at least. Sonny remained alert, or as best he could with the rancid smell of dirty laundry all around him. His captors remained silent as they wheeled him out of the Presidential Suite and past hotel security. Sonny hoped that some of the prince’s highly-trained and even higher-paid guards would notice something amiss and intervene, but none did. Apparently a laundry cart wouldn’t arouse any suspicion. After a tense moment passing by the guards, Sonny felt his cart being pushed down the hallway towards the service elevator. Every now and then he would hear the sounds of conversation from guests as they passed and he vainly attempted to make his presence known. But his grunts were muffled by layers upon layers of clothing and his squirming movements went unnoticed. Ritzy guests like this wouldn’t lower themselves to look at a passing laundry cart, Sonny realized.

After several slim chances at rescue had passed, Sonny felt himself being wheeled into a room and then into an elevator. Probably a service area, he thought. After moving down one floor, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. They were on the penthouse level, so the elevator trip would be long. Two pairs of footsteps entered the elevator and Sonny could feel the tension in the room, even inside his canvas prison. “Evening, officers,” Sonny heard Carlito croon. The elevator doors closed.

Officers? This was it! Sonny’s chance for rescue. He had to get their attention, but not let Carlito and Chuy notice. He began to ever-so carefully push against the wall of the cart on the side he heard the officers’ voices. In and out in a rhythmic pattern. One they would have to notice.

“What do you have there?” one of the officers asked. “It stinks to high heaven.”

“Oh, just some laundry going to the cleaners,” Carlito said. “Mostly towels and linens. And some of the kitchen staff’s work uniforms. Nothing special.”

“Really?” the officer said. Based on the tone and position of his voice, Sonny could tell that the officer was looking down and had noticed his movements. With his trained agent senses, he heard the sound of the clasp on a service revolver holster being unlatched. That was it. He had been spotted. Perfect! His plan was going off without a hitch. The officers would get the jump on Carlito and Chuy and take them down, and then he would be set free to rescue the prince. He just had to wait. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought laundry wasn’t supposed to move.”

Sonny began to scream through his gag and struggle with all his might. He threw his weight back in an attempt to force the cart into Chuy and pin him to the wall temporarily. Anything to give the officers enough time to take control of the situation. And it worked. He felt the cart lurch back and Chuy grunt in confusion. Then he heard shouting, but there were too many voices to discern who’s was who’s. Finally he heard a zap and a thud. Sonny tensed as the sack began to open. As light poured in, he looked up and saw the face of one of the security guards.

Sonny rolled over and presented his restrained hands. He waited for the officer to remove the cable ties, but was surprised when he made no move to do so. Instead, he smirked. “Is that really him?” the officer said, peering down at Sonny’s bound and gagged form.

“In the flesh,” Carlito said, “pardon the pun.” Sonny felt all hope begin to melt away as he realized what had happened.
“BDNG’s top field agent. Unfortunately his latest assignment was a dismal failure.” Chuy reached into the cart and lifted Sonny partially out. He saw the security guard with a taser in his hand and Carlito holding up the limp form of the other guard. Sonny’s heart sank as the security guard laughed and handed his handcuffs to Carlito, who then used them to secure the unconscious other guard’s hands behind his back.

The guard whistled in awe. “And you got him all tied up and packaged for shipment,” he said. “Nice work. The Prince is already secured and ready. I never saw this one up close before but I’ve heard all the stories. The legendary Sonny DeLuca. Doesn’t seem so tough now, does he?”

“No, he doesn’t,” Carlito said. “And for all his fame and skill, he was remarkably easy to capture. It seems he forgot one of the most important lessons: a honeypot can trap the trapper as well.” Carlito reached down and rubbed Sonny’s chest teasingly. “But I cannot blame him for trying to escape. I would have done the same in his position. But he was doomed to fail from the start, unfortunately. BNDG is not the only organization with inside men in this casino, you see.” Carlito gave Sonny’s balls a quick and gentle squeeze to emphasize the helplessness of his situation.

“What are you going to do with him once we get him offsite?” the officer said, tapping his gunbelt.

“I am unsure,” Carlito said. “Getting the Prince to a safe location is priority one. After that we’ll decide what to do with Agent DeLuca here. I have several options in mind, but none of them are pleasant.” The fake guard laughed as Carlito set his sleeping prisoner down against the wall. “Unfortunately you will have to remain here to preserve your cover. Your overzealous partner didn’t see you zap him from behind, but if you are not cuffed next to him when he wakes, he will suspect your involvement. You are too valuable an asset to lose.”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” the fake guard said. He kicked Sonny’s cart. “And I wanted to see the boss’ reaction up close when you showed him this catch! Just don’t finish him until I get back to HQ. I want to see this one get what he deserves.” The guard handed Carlito his spare cuffs and sat down against the far wall of the elevator. Carlito had just finished gagging the sleeping guard with a sodden towel from the laundry and turned to Sonny as he took the cuffs and began to restrain the CUFF agent guard. “Your foolish gesture almost cost this poor slob is life,” Carlito said to Sonny, indicating the unconscious real guard. “If our man here hadn’t thought quickly and knocked him out, Chuy would have snapped his neck. Part of me wishes he had, just to make you live with that on your conscience. How old is he? 19? 20? Such potential and your carelessness nearly ended his life before it even began. Shameful.” He snickered.

Sonny slank back into the cart, defeated. His one chance for rescue and he blew it. He should have known that CUFF would have security on the payroll. Stupid! Carlito used another towel to gag the false guard and set him in a comfortable spot in the corner. As the mouth of the sack was closed again, Carlito said, “I would not try that again if I were you. We have many men in the kitchens, and they will not hesitate to do what is necessary to cover our escape. Do you really want to let civilians get hurt for your benefit? I think I know you well enough to know your answer.” Carlito mockingly patted Sonny’s shoulder through the sack and covered him with rumpled bedsheets. But Sonny knew he was right. He couldn’t jeopardize the safety of an innocent to save himself. That wasn’t BNDG’s way. A wave of despair washed over him as the cart began to move. He was really in it this time!

When the elevator doors finally opened again, the cart rolled out onto a tile floor. Carlito lead and Chuy pushed. They walked down a maintenance corridor and into what Sonny could immediately identify as the kitchens. The smells of cooking were so strong he could detect them through his dirty laundry prison. Amid the chaos of shouted food orders and preparation, no one noticed the two men pushing their cart through the room. Such things were commonplace, after all. The loading dock was right outside and laundry was often sent out this way. After another few moments, the group reached the service exit and emerged into the dock unmolested.

Sonny felt the Las Vegas heat as soon as the mouth of his sack was opened. Chuy reached in and grabbed him by his bare shoulders, pulling him up and out of the cart. Two additional CUFF agents, dressed as maintenance workers, were standing beside a laundry van nearby with the rear door opened. Sitting on the floor of the van, bound and gagged and dressed in fancy silk pajamas, was Prince Rupert.

Sonny was hoisted up and unceremoniously dropped onto the floor of the van beside the prince. Rupert grunted and shouted through his gag as the new unknown arrival was slid into the far corner and hogtied with a spare cable tie by a CUFF agent waiting inside. A thick black sack was placed over Sonny’s head and cinched closed around his neck, blocking out all light. Carlito hopped in and sat down on the floor of the van, followed by Chuy, who moved past the Prince into the passenger seat. Carlito placed his hand tauntingly on Sonny’s rock-hard ass cheek and gave a mocking squeeze.

“Well, Your Highness,” he said, “It’s time to go. You may be wondering who this poor fellow is. His name is agent Sonny DeLuca and he was sent by BNDG to seduce you. But he isn’t as good an agent as he thinks and fell right into our trap. So he will be joining us on our trip to the airport. Once we arrive at our destination, you and I will discuss the location and time of that arms deal and then you will be ransomed back to your royal parents once we have secured the shipment. He, however, will not be so lucky. We have something very unpleasant planned for him.” Carlito rubbed Sonny’s back tauntingly. “But it does seem a shame to waste such a beautiful specimen, no? I know you agree, Your Highness. I can see the way you’re staring! Hahaha!” The Prince looked away in embarrassment. “Who knows? Maybe we won’t have to. Maybe our captive agent will listen to reason. For his sake, I hope he does.”

“Andale!” Carlito said to the driver as the CUFF maintenance workers closed the van doors. “We have a long drive ahead of us.”

Coming Soon: Chapter 3 – Buenos Aires
Last edited by wataru14 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by privateandrews »

that was such a hot chapter.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Working against his organization's interests or not, I can see why Sonny has such a complicated relationship with Carlito. The man's a looker and he has a devilish charm with him.

How he carried the captive agent through the entire hotel without (almost) anyone noticing was quite smart, not to mention hot. Too bad for Sonny that his hope spot was thwarted by an inside man. I'm sure he and Rupert's ordeal is just beginning but maybe they'll have a chance to actually familiarize themselves with each other...
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Post by wataru14 »

privateandrews wrote: 1 year ago that was such a hot chapter.
Thank you! This is a fun story to write and I'm glad for the feedback. And if you're the same privateandrews I think you are, I'm a fan of your work on thisvid, myself. Praise from you is quite an achievement, indeed!
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Post by gag1195 »

oh no... what a nightmare... getting intimate and kinky with that sexy Carlito... truly this is the worst fate for poor Sonny! :lol:

Honestly though, Sonny sure knows how to pick a nemesis! I'm slightly hopeful that the missing agents aren't actually dead, but part of a more permanent collection of Carlito or his Boss... a fate that Sonny may be on his way to sharing! It's nice to see that he and the prince will get to spend some quality bonding time together on their trip! Another great chapter!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Omigod...Is this story ticking all my boxes and tickling my fancy, too...

A hot agent kidnapped and to get him out of the hotel sight unseen -- the classic laundry cart. 8-) 8-) 8-)

Nice touch with Carlito laying a guilt trip on Sonny with the security guard.

Even nicer touch with humiliating Sonny in front of a hot and bothered prince!

I am wondering about the other missing agents. Hope they're alive and well...well tied up and gagged that is!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Thank you [mention]wataru14[/mention], for another tremendous tale in the making.
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Post by Volobond »

Very nice work indeed! I have to commend CUFF for being one step ahead and for being so willing to restrain their own men! But I'm glad to know that they've kept Prince Rupert intact and Sonny denuded! ;)

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Post by Guardianbound »

The plot thickens, seems like Sonny messed with the wrong guy. I wonder if there will be a CUFF lair with all these hot BNDG agents bound and gagged together. Carlito sure has lots of creative ways to torment his prisoners.
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Post by roxasfrey »

Very hot development of the story. I wonder where this is going.
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Post by spies »

:o :o The plot thickens with more intensity than I could handle, and I like it. What will happen to Sonny? Where are all the other agents now? Super intense....
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CHAPTER 3 – Buenos Aires

The ride through the city was mostly silent, other than the sounds of the radio from the driver’s seat. Sonny and the prince were both gagged, so conversation on their end was out of the question, and Carlito and his men were professionals. No idle chatter that could give their prisoners any information as to what was going on or where they were going. But that didn’t stop Carlito from taking the time to savor his victory. From time to time he would reach over to torment Sonny in his captivity. Tweak his nipples. Rub his chest. Cop of feel of his firm ass. And always with a taunt as to Sonny’s helpless situation. “What’s wrong, Mr. Super Agent? You cannot get free? I would think that escape tactics would be one of your specialties. But it is of no importance. When I bind a prisoner he stays bound until I choose to release him.”

Now Sonny was indeed a trained master of escape. But unable to see and being carefully watched by at least two enemy spies made this not the time to attempt to free his hands from their bonds. The hogtie he had been placed in would make any attempt to slip the cable ties immediately noticeable, anyway. So all he could do was lay there and wait for a more opportune moment. The main airport in Las Vegas is just a short drive from the Strip, so based on the length of their journey so far, Sonny surmised they were not heading there. Most likely they would be going to a private airstrip out in the desert. Would that desert be where Carlito finally disposed of him? He tried not to think about it.

As for Prince Rupert, he was more irritated than anything, as his gambling time had been interrupted. He had summoned room service to bring him some champagne before he dressed to go down to the tables and was quite pleased by the handsome Latin hunk that came to deliver his drink. He flirted a little while the bottle was uncorked, but failed to notice the fine powder that was sprinkled in while his back was turned. After downing the glass, his head began to spin and he collapsed on the bed. The next thing he knew he was bound and gagged in the hottub. Two hours went by before a large man slipped in and hid in the closet, and shortly after that a naked man entered the room. And what a man! Muscular and handsome, he was everything alluring that he had heard about Americans. Square jaw and flashing eyes, and so well-endowed! In another situation this man would have been immediately invited to his bed. But this was not the time to be thinking of such things. He grunted and squirmed, both to seek the man’s assistance and to provide a warning, but all that managed to do was distract him long enough for the behemoth in the closet to get the drop on him.

After the man had been subdued, the prince was rather roughly stuffed in a garment bag and carried out past his guards. When he was placed in the van, he was kept under guard and told that they were waiting for "the boss" and “one other.” He had already surmised that he was being taken for ransom. Such things were to be expected with a man of his grooming and wealth. He was mostly bored by the experience, but his interest was piqued when the beautiful man from the bathroom was callously dumped next to him. Apparently, this was someone of note. Hopefully, wherever they were going, they would be incarcerated together so he could get to know his kidnapped companion. But his hopes for that lessened as Carlito taunted his captive. This man was most likely destined for some bloody end in the desert. Such a waste.

“And now I have you in my power,” Carlito hummed as he rubbed Sonny’s bare flesh. He turned to Rupert. “Agent DeLuca and I have quite a long and flowery history, Your Highness. Why just a few short weeks ago we met up in Buenos Aires…”


We had managed to secure a rather prominent biochemist and were holding him in our compound. Some rather wealthy clients were in need of a portable WMD, and we were more than happy to assist them in their venture. We snatched up the good doctor while he was on holiday at the Rio de la Plata and had been making him work for us in constructing the bomb. He had almost finished when BNDG got wind of our operation and sent Agent DeLuca here in to extract the doctor and procure the bomb. If he was unable to do so, I assume his orders were to terminate both rather than let us get our hands on them.

He did, I'm embarrassed to say, manage to slip in unnoticed and make his way past our guards. A few well-placed knockout darts were all it took to remove any armed obstacles in his way. The guards at the lab entrance were more of a challenge, I assume, but he managed to defeat them in hand-to-hand combat. I later watched the whole thing on the security feed. He switched fighting styles effortlessly as he incapacitated them. BNDG must have several Masters in their employ. The doctor was skeptical of Sonny’s entrance at first, but after Agent DeLuca smashed the protoype bomb and burned the design notes, the doctor knew he was on the level. We were alerted to Sonny’s presence as soon as he entered the lab, of course, but I decided not to send guards right away. I had something more elegant in mind.

We allowed them to move through the compound, but placed guards in key positions that would herd them where we wanted them to go. Alone, Sonny could have taken the guards down and escaped, but with a noncombatant in tow he had to be more stealthy. Unable to reach the exits on the ground floor, their only other option was the helipad on the roof. We monitored them closely as they made their way there, and sent guards up only after they had made it.

It would take a while for the chopper to prep for flight, so Sonny had the doctor start the ignition process while he held off their pursuers. He was out of knockout darts, so he had to engage them in melee to buy time. And their battle was exquisite! He took on all comers, sometimes multiples at a time. Disarming them of their weapons and landing terrible blows that knocked them unconscious effortlessly. But his daring plan wasn’t going to succeed that easily. I had personally removed several key cables from the helicopter myself before they arrived on the helipad. There was no way it would start. From my hidden position in the rear of the chopper’s cabin I could taste the doctor’s delicious disappointment close-up. When Sonny realized something was wrong, that was my time to strike.

I quickly emerged from my hiding spot and placed a gun to the doctor’s head, calling out for Sonny. He turned to see just as the second wave of guards, all heavily armed, stormed up through the doors and surrounded him. With no other options, he surrendered immediately, dropping to his knees and lowering his handsome face as he interlocked his fingers behind his head. I handed the doctor off to a subordinate and told him to put him back to work, and then I took great pleasure in restraining Agent DeLuca myself. There wasn’t time to do an elaborate job, so I just used a pair of simple handcuffs. Of course, I took the time to sample the merchandise after I had locked his wrists behind his back. He was dressed all in black. My favorite color. Cargo pants, combat boots, a flak vest full of arms and sundry devices, face painted in that alluring, macho, GI-Joe commando manner. He was ready for anything – except my brilliant duplicity, it seems. Of course he cursed me and threatened me, so I took the black bandana off his head and gagged him with it. I do enjoy a little defiance, but not in front of the men.

With his hands restrained, he could not stop me from searching him thoroughly and confiscating all his weapons and gadgets. Of course I took the time to probe deep under his clothes. Would anyone not do the same in my position? And I am fortunate I did. If I didn’t decide to get a quick feel of that sculpted chest I would not have found the handcuff key cleverly taped to his pectoral muscle. Or the one taped under his beltline, just above his… never mind. Once I was confident we had found everything, I personally escorted him to a cell in the basement and locked him inside.

We kept him in there for two days. Limiting his food and sleep. We took all of his clothing, giving him only an old pair of worn gray prisoner pants to cover his modesty. No shirt or shoes. The doctor was back to work, but far behind schedule since he had to start all over. So while we waited, I decided to try and get some information from Agent DeLuca here.

On the third day, I had him cuffed and extracted from his cell and brought to a chamber in the prison level where I was waiting. I had spread out several ghastly devices on the table for him to see. How I do love to see a prisoner’s reaction to them! Several knives, needles of varying size, a saw, even a blowtorch. Sonny fought like the dickens as he was manhandled over to the wooden operating table and held down. I took great pleasure in watching him being restrained in thick chains around his wrists and ankles. He was pulled taught into an X position and secured, leaving his exquisite body totally exposed for me to work on at my leisure. Of course, the hardware was all for show. We have some men on the payroll who excel in such things, but I find it distasteful. I am loath to damage such a beautiful canvas as his. Besides, there are other ways to get a man to tell his secrets.


Sonny remembered the next part all too well. Carlito was not interested in causing pain, at least not in the traditional sense. There was some pinching, some tweaking of his nipples, some squeezing of his balls… but no cuts. No burns. And with his hands and legs chained spreadagle to the corners of the table, he was unable to stop Carlito from playing with his helpless body. It seems Carlito’s plan was to drive him mad with desire. And Carlito sampled Sonny’s body like it was hors d’oeuvres on a tray at a fancy party. Licking his neck and nipples, stroking his cock, brushing his fingers lightly against Sonny’s exposed and sensitive flesh. Despite his training, Sonny could not help himself from growing thick and aroused at Carlito’s touch. But every time he approached the edge, Carlito backed off. Sonny would grunt and thrust his hips against the empty air, desperate for release, but unable to achieve it. Four two hours this would go on, each time Carlito coyly withdrawing before Sonny could climax.

When Carlito’s sadistic teasing was done, and Sonny was a desperate, panting mess on the table, Carlito would then inject Sonny with a numbing agent, that caused him to rapidly become flaccid again. As Sonny howled in protest, Carlito would just sneer and encase his prisoner’s privates in a steel chastity cage. Then he would summon the guards, who would remove Sonny from the table, cuff him up again, and lead him back to his cell. They would lock him in and leave the cuffs on him. For three more days this went on, multiple times a day. Back in his cell, Sonny was unable to relieve his own growing sexual frustration, due both to his hands being constantly cuffed behind his back and the damnable chastity cage around his cock. It was taking its toll on his mind.

On the third day, Carlito stated questioning Sonny during his denial torture, bringing Sonny tantalizingly close to release if he thought he was getting useful information, and giving his captive a sturdy slap with a riding crop if he didn’t. Sonny, of course, was lying whenever he spoke, but his resolve was near its end and he didn’t know how much longer he could resist. After he was brought back to his cell from his fourth session on day three, Sonny knew he had to escape or he would be unable to resist betraying his comrades.

The only times the cuffs were removed was during his feeding sessions. He would turn around and place his hands through a slot in the bars so the guard could remove his cuffs, and then turn again to accept his tray of gruel as it was handed through the opening. Sonny suspected that aphrodisiacs were being slipped into the mixture before he was served. In this particular instance, however, the guard was one he didn’t recognize. Young and green. Not the seasoned thug that usually brought his tray. Sonny assumed that his captors thought he was so close to breaking that they could send a rookie to feed him. This was his chance.

After Sonny felt the cuffs come off he turned, as usual, to get his tray. The guard held it with both hands (his first mistake) halfway through the slot, coming very close to the bars (his second mistake). Sonny reached forward for the tray, but instead shot his hands through the bars with lightning speed and grabbed the guard by the sides of his head. Before the guard could scream, Sonny yanked him forward, smashing his head against the bars and knocking him out cold. With his trained reflexes, he grabbed the tray and brought it inside before it fell and clattered against the concrete floor, possibly alerting other guards. His unconscious captor slumped silently to the hallway floor.

Sonny reached through the bars and grabbed the man’s keys, using them to unlock his cell door. With catlike grace and complete silence, he dragged the sleeping guard into the cell with him. In a manner of seconds, the guard was stripped, handcuffed behind his back, and both hogtied and gagged on the bunk with torn strips of bedsheet. Sonny quickly donned the captured guard’s uniform. It was two sizes too small, but it would have to do. Hopefully no one would get close enough to notice. Sonny quickly locked the cell door behind him as he crept out into the prison hallway, pulling his cap low over his face. Carrying the empty tray (the contents had been dumped into the toilet), he slipped past the desk guard unmolested. There was no key to the chastity cage on the guard’s ring, though, so Sonny had to concentrate to keep his blue balls from affecting his posture and walking. But he was successful. Shortly after leaving the prison wing, Sonny made his way to the lab.

Monitoring the captured guard’s radio, he could gauge where the other sentries would be and avoid them. When he arrived at the lab, the doctor was under guard as he worked, but a few quick judo chops rendered the unsuspecting babysitters unconscious with little effort. At first, the doctor didn’t want to follow Sonny, still remembering their previous failed escape attempt, but soon realized he had no other options.

“If we’re going to move through the halls, I have to make it look like I’m escorting you somewhere,” Sonny said, holding up a pair of handcuffs filched from an unconscious guard. The doctor blanched, but accepted that it was necessary. He held his hands behind his back as Sonny loosely cuffed them together. The doctor had asked to have them in front, but Sonny explained that there was no way professional mercs would bind a prisoner like that. Too risky, even with a bookish noncombatant like the doctor. The scientist was slightly insulted, but saw the wisdom in Sonny’s statement. After the second prototype bomb was destroyed, Sonny took the doctor by the arm and led him into the hallway.

On a few occasions, the pair passed some roaming guards, but a quick explanation (in perfectly accented Argentinian Spanish) satisfied their curiosity and Sonny and his prisoner were allowed to go on their way. Things were going off without a hitch until they reached the garage.

The plan was to steal a transport truck and drive off the compound. Once in the city, they could go to a BNDG safe house and radio for an extraction. The garage was empty when they arrived, so Sonny uncuffed the doctor and helped him into a jeep. He was about to hop into the driver’s seat when he heard a familiar voice.

“Going somewhere?” Carlito!

Sonny dove at his nemesis, but the Argentine was too quick and evaded his grasp. The battle between the two was one for the ages. Sonny’s might matched evenly with Carlito’s agility, and both with expert martial arts training. Guns were drawn and knocked away. Automotive tools were grabbed off of workbenches and used as makeshift weapons. The two traded punches, kicks, chokes, and grapples in an epic slugfest. Many times Carlito reached for a panic button on the wall, hoping to summon more guards to help him recapture the escapees, but each time Sonny managed to interpose and block Carlito from signaling for help. Both men were ragged and tired when Sonny finally managed to catch Carlito in a mighty sleeper hold. The CUFF agent fought for a while, but finally succumbed to the tight grip and passed out.

Not wanting to fall for another trick, Sonny used his honed agent senses to monitor Carlito’s breathing and pulse for a few moments. He had to make sure his enemy was truly out and not faking, hoping to strike when Sonny’s back was turned. But his grip was true and Carlito was indeed out. Sonny signaled to the doctor to start the jeep as he dragged Carlito over to a corner of the garage. He snatched some wire from a nearby work table and made quick work in binding his sleeping foe’s wrists and ankles. The wire was strong and stiff, and would be nearly impossible to wriggle free from. It didn’t hold knots very well, but a quick blast from a nearby soldering torch fused it together in an unbreakable seal. Carlito would need bolt cutters to free himself. Sonny snatched an oily shop rag from a nearby hamper and gagged Carlito’s mouth with it. Then he plunged his hands into Carlito’s pockets.

His keys were easy to find, but Sonny darkened when he noticed the key to the chastity cage on his cock was missing. He cursed to himself as he grabbed some work overalls from a nearby locker and changed into better fitting clothes. As the doctor brought the jeep around, Sonny thought of picking up Carlito and bringing him along. Such a catch would be a major victory for BNDG. But there wasn’t time. The area around the compound was hostile and Carlito would be a needless risk factor while they fled. He would definitely try to sabotage the escape, Sonny knew, and this was too important to risk. Leaving Carlito behind, Sonny hopped into the jeep’s driver’s seat, hit the control to open the garage doors, and raced out into the street.


“Our agents spotted him leaving as soon as they entered the yard,” Carlito said to the prince, “but were unable to impede them. Agent DeLuca crashed through the perimeter fence and drove into the city. Of course we gave chase, but he was lucky and managed to evade our men.”

The prince stared at the hooded and hogtied form of Agent DeLuca with awe and admiration. So he was not just another pretty face on a statuesque body. This was someone to be respected. The prince couldn’t let them kill him! He didn’t deserve that. Maybe he could negotiate and bargain for his life? He grunted through his gag at Carlito, indicating he wanted to talk. “I am sorry, Your Highness,” but the gag must stay in for now. There will be plenty of time for conversation when we are in the air, but for now I must keep you silenced. It’s just the way these things are done. I’m sure you understand.” Disappointed, Rupert slank back against the wall. At least he tried. He looked at Sonny one more time before turning his head away. Such a waste.

When the van stopped and the rear doors opened, Rupert blinked from the intense sun pouring in. And this damned desert heat! Quite a change from his temperate Alpine home. Looking out the rear doors he could see the gray mountains and red, rocky soil of the desert that surrounded the city, but little else. His feet were unbound and he was carefully slid out of the van. In an open expanse nearby was a waiting private plane, idling and ready for takeoff. Not up to his usual standards, but adequate. Carlito motioned for his men to escort the prince inside, he chose to wait in the van with the other prisoner. At least they were going to dispose of him without the prince present. He hated violence. With a sad look back, the prince ascended the staircase into the plane and was seated in a comfortable chair. His gag was mercifully removed and he was given water, but his hands remained tied as his abductors strapped him into the seat. He turned his head away from the window, waiting for the gunshot.


Sonny waited on the floor of the van, his senses going into overdrive. He was alone with Carlito and this was his best chance to escape. If only he could… Sonny strained against the cable ties, and they cut into his flesh as he tried to slip out of them, but it was a hopeless failure. He just wasn’t able to do it. Nearby he heard Carlito chuckling at his futile attempt, but then stop to answer his phone.

The conversation was short and in Spanish, but Sonny could instantly translate. Carlito was reporting in that the prince had been secured and that Sonny had been captured. He heard Carlito ask, “Do I have orders to terminate or would you rather go along with my previous suggestion?” What suggestion? What was Carlito talking about? After a few moments, he heard Carlito thank whoever it was on the other end of the line and hang up.

“It seems it is your lucky day, Agent DeLuca,” Carlito said, gingerly rubbing Sonny’s back. “The boss would very much like for me to terminate you, but cooler heads have prevailed. I managed to advocate on your behalf and obtained a stay of your execution. You will live, but you might not like what is going to happen to you.” Sonny heard the sounds of a propellers whirring and plane engines rumbling to life. “I am escorting the prince to one of our secure facilities, but you will not be flying with him. Another plane is on its way here for you. Our main stronghold in South America has a top-secret detention facility. One that is reserved for our most dangerous and high-profile prisoners. And you will soon be confined there for the rest of your natural life. Under my watchful eye, at least until I tire of you. Won’t that be fun?”

Sonny struggled and shouted through his bonds, but all he did was tire himself out more. Carlito patted him on the back. “Yes yes,” he taunted. “Struggle and fight all you like. It won’t get you anywhere. But we can’t send you to our prison like this, oh no!” Carlito removed Sonny’s hood, letting the intense desert light overwhelm his vision. “We need to get you ready for transport, although the plane coming for you is not as luxurious as the one carrying his highness. But before that, there are some men who would most definitely like to have a word with you.”

Carlito pointed to the rear of the van, where several CUFF agents had gathered. The closest one Sonny recognized immediately. It was the rookie guard in Buenos Aires that he had left cuffed and gagged in his cell as he made his escape. As Sonny looked the other men over, he realized that each of them had been defeated and humiliated by him during one of his missions. And they did not look happy. Several of them cracked their knuckles. This wasn’t good.

“Gentlemen,” Carlito said, standing up, exiting the van through the side door, and heading towards the ready plane, “he’s all yours.”

Coming Soon: Chapter 4 – Parcel Delivery
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Prince Rubert being so into Sonny is definitely relatable. :mrgreen: Now I'm sad that they're going to be separated and won't even have a chance to be together in their captivity but who knows what the future will bring?

Sonny's adventure in Buenos Aires makes me see why he's such a sore spot for Carlito: our agent not only carried out a brilliant rescue with all the cool spy stuff in it, he beat him up and left him bound and gagged. I loved the parts Sonny was "tortured" for information, especially the cage and all the groping his chest got.

Speaking of which, Agent DeLuca seems to be going to travel in a pretty tight space. Great job with all the ordeals you put him into! :D
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Post by gag1195 »

Damn. Carlito is truly cruel, separating Sonny and the Prince like that! I know it was futile, but I really appreciated Rupert's attempts to bargain for Sonny. I hope the two can meet again in better circumstances.... If Sonny survives and escapes that is!

For now though, Sonny has some revenge coming his way, then a long, uncomfortable ride to the detention facility! I can only dream about what Carlito has planned for him there! Excellent update!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

What a fine tale you're weaving [mention]wataru14[/mention]

Sonny appears to have left a trail of enemies all waiting to have a go at him. Will they give him a taste of his own medicine? I certainly hope so! :twisted:

Prince Rupert is an overindulged man with unearned wealth and undeserved privilege. I hope he remains in bondage for the rest of his life! :evil:

And as for me evil, but I love him. Sometimes you have to root for the bad guy...especially if he's going to keep the good guy/hero all tied up! :D :D
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Post by wataru14 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago Prince Rupert is an overindulged man with unearned wealth and undeserved privilege. I hope he remains in bondage for the rest of his life! :evil:
I'm glad to see that someone isn't immediately smitten with the prince. Everyone else seems to have taken quite a shining to him. But we haven't gotten to much detail on who he is yet. Maybe he's just a spoiled trust fund brat? Or maybe he's more than that? We shall see.
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago And as for me evil, but I love him. Sometimes you have to root for the bad guy...especially if he's going to keep the good guy/hero all tied up!
And I'm also glad to see Carlito has a fan. His smarminess is fun for me to write. As you may know, I have a soft spot for villains, myself...
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