The Hypnotherapist F/M

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The Hypnotherapist F/M

Post by dl68 »

I decided to submit this story having read @blackbound’s story The Therapist.

I have suffered sleeping issues for many years and have tried all sorts of medication and things like pillows etc to no avail. A friend suggested I visited a Hypnotherapist. When I read about what such a person can do it seemed worth a try.

I located a person not far from me; her website said she had been practicing for 20 years and it listed endorsements from previous clients.

I was about to book an introductory session when I started to wonder what I might reveal if this type of hypnosis actually worked. Would I want to reveal aspects of my private life to a complete stranger?

I decided not to book the session. Instead I began to write this story. I fully understand that for some people such services are brilliant, but perhaps for others there is a darker side ….
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Post by dl68 »

The Hypnotherapist

Initial Consultation

The sign on her consulting room door said; Doctor Ruth Mendling MSC, HPD, Member of NCH. There was a comfortable waiting room with a selection of magazines and a tea and coffee machine. There was no secretary but then she had explained on the phone that she didn’t require one and anyway it helped keep her overheads low.

Her premises were in a fashionable part of town but did not advertise the service offered on the outside. There was simply a brass name plaque and a buzzer.

Mike Brown had seen her advert on the internet offering a range of services including; Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy. Her website indicated she was a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapists (NCH) and there was a link that showed what accredited members were trained to provide and it also indicated that Doctor Mendling was a distinguished member of the organisation.

He was not aware that the link did not in fact take users to the actual NCH site but to a facsimile of it. Had he looked at the real site he would have found she was not listed, nor were any of the claims for success that the bogus site made. Had he looked into her Masters degree and PHD he would have found the courses she claimed to have taken did not exist nor had she taken the Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma she claimed to have.

There was no reason for him to suspect she was in fact a charlatan because everything she did and said made sense to him and indeed was what he had expected when he made the first appointment. Also he had felt better after that session.

He had booked that “introduction” session with her because he was suffering a lack of confidence both at work and in his private life and he was finding it difficult to sleep at night, he assumed because of a combination of worry and stress. At work he was good at his actual job but his interpersonal skills continually let him down. Outside work he had never been successful in forming relationships.

He had read that cognitive behaviour training coupled with hypnotherapy can help people like him and he thought it was worth a try.

His first session had been an hour in length and the first half was taken up with form filling and then he had lain on her couch whilst she talked in a monotone. He hadn’t realised she had; as she put it afterwards, “put him under” but somehow he felt refreshed when the session ended.
She had said not to expect much from that first session; it was more about seeing how receptive he was to the techniques she would use in later sessions assuming he signed up for them.

Afterwards she said the good news was that he seemed to be very receptive and she suggested a few more sessions to slowly explore the underlying issues and then to gradually work on techniques to overcome them.

She warned there was no simple solution; instead she showed him a sheet of positive comments from current and past clients of hers who had seen great improvements whether in relationships, giving up smoking, fear of flying or similar issues.

Ruth herself was looking forward to the second session with Mike. Her probing whilst completing the initial forms indicated he was single, lived alone, had no ties or friendship groups, rarely socialised but was comfortably off financially. He was in fact an ideal “patient” and one that didn’t come along too often.

Normally she would see patients for a few sessions and they would leave, thinking something had changed when in reality she had only performed what could loosely be described as stage hypnotism along with some mumbo jumbo. She reflected that vulnerable people could be made to believe anything particularly from a “so called” doctor.

People like Mike however could be exploited, but it had to be taken slowly. He needed to be reeled in and she knew exactly how to do it.
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Post by Ak610 »

dl68 wrote: 1 year ago The Hypnotherapist

Initial Consultation

The sign on her consulting room door said; Doctor Ruth Mendling MSC, HPD, Member of NCH. There was a comfortable waiting room with a selection of magazines and a tea and coffee machine. There was no secretary but then she had explained on the phone that she didn’t require one and anyway it helped keep her overheads low.

Her premises were in a fashionable part of town but did not advertise the service offered on the outside. There was simply a brass name plaque and a buzzer.

Mike Brown had seen her advert on the internet offering a range of services including; Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy. Her website indicated she was a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapists (NCH) and there was a link that showed what accredited members were trained to provide and it also indicated that Doctor Mendling was a distinguished member of the organisation.

He was not aware that the link did not in fact take users to the actual NCH site but to a facsimile of it. Had he looked at the real site he would have found she was not listed, nor were any of the claims for success that the bogus site made. Had he looked into her Masters degree and PHD he would have found the courses she claimed to have taken did not exist nor had she taken the Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma she claimed to have.

There was no reason for him to suspect she was in fact a charlatan because everything she did and said made sense to him and indeed was what he had expected when he made the first appointment. Also he had felt better after that session.

He had booked that “introduction” session with her because he was suffering a lack of confidence both at work and in his private life and he was finding it difficult to sleep at night, he assumed because of a combination of worry and stress. At work he was good at his actual job but his interpersonal skills continually let him down. Outside work he had never been successful in forming relationships.

He had read that cognitive behaviour training coupled with hypnotherapy can help people like him and he thought it was worth a try.

His first session had been an hour in length and the first half was taken up with form filling and then he had lain on her couch whilst she talked in a monotone. He hadn’t realised she had; as she put it afterwards, “put him under” but somehow he felt refreshed when the session ended.
She had said not to expect much from that first session; it was more about seeing how receptive he was to the techniques she would use in later sessions assuming he signed up for them.

Afterwards she said the good news was that he seemed to be very receptive and she suggested a few more sessions to slowly explore the underlying issues and then to gradually work on techniques to overcome them.

She warned there was no simple solution; instead she showed him a sheet of positive comments from current and past clients of hers who had seen great improvements whether in relationships, giving up smoking, fear of flying or similar issues.

Ruth herself was looking forward to the second session with Mike. Her probing whilst completing the initial forms indicated he was single, lived alone, had no ties or friendship groups, rarely socialised but was comfortably off financially. He was in fact an ideal “patient” and one that didn’t come along too often.

Normally she would see patients for a few sessions and they would leave, thinking something had changed when in reality she had only performed what could loosely be described as stage hypnotism along with some mumbo jumbo. She reflected that vulnerable people could be made to believe anything particularly from a “so called” doctor.

People like Mike however could be exploited, but it had to be taken slowly. He needed to be reeled in and she knew exactly how to do it.
Excited to read more.
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Post by blackbound »

I'm honored to have inspired someone else's story, [mention]dl68[/mention]! Made my day.

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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

Very good set up! This is gonna get very interesting, can’t wait to read more :D
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Post by dl68 »

Thanks for the supportive comments

Second Session

When Mike arrived she made sure he had a cup of tea before the session and then ran through what the session would entail. She told him it would involve something called “regression therapy”. She would probe his mind under hypnosis to see whether the emotional block he was encountering could be matched to an event in his past.

He worried about being under hypnosis with someone he had only recently met but she clearly knew what she was doing and she was clearly qualified so he agreed.

She reassured him that if at any time he was uncomfortable his conscious brain would override the hypnosis, so there really wasn’t anything to worry about. It was impossible, she said, to make someone do something they didn’t want to despite what you see on the TV.

He relaxed on the couch and she went through the expected ritual around putting someone under hypnosis, something he had seen on TV programmes, and soon Mike’s eyes closed. He wasn’t hypnotised at all; he had succumbed to a drug she had put in his tea.

The drug ensured he would be unconscious for 30 minutes or so. She searched his wallet and wrote down his credit card details and then took wax impressions of his house and car keys.

What she did next would have had her struck off the medical register - had she been on it in the first place!

She unbuckled his trousers and pulled them down to expose his boxer shorts. She slipped her hand inside them and gently played with his penis until it grew to a firm erection but one trapped inside the shorts.

She continued to massage him through the material until semen spurted from his cock. When she glanced up at his face he showed no sign of feeling the climax.

She washed her hands in the bathroom. When she returned she pulled his trousers back up and refastened the belt, before sitting back to wait for him to wake up.

Twenty minutes later Mike stirred and she smiled at him; ‘welcome back. That was a really useful session.’ Mike felt refreshed just like the previous time.

‘What did you find out?’ he asked. She noted that he either hadn’t realised he had cum in his pants or he was too embarrassed to say; ‘I think your inhibition goes back to events in your childhood, but that was as far as I wanted to go during this session’, she said.

‘It will need another session to start in that area and narrow it down. It would be helpful if you can come next time having thought whether anything in your childhood could have been traumatic or contributed, even in a small way. I can then home in on it and then start to look at ways to overcome it.’

She agreed a date for the next session and he collected his coat and left. Only as he was walking down the stairs did he feel the wet patch in his boxers. Before stepping into the street he slipped his hand inside his pants and was surprised to find a milky substance and blushed as he realised what he had done. He hoped Doctor Ruth hadn’t noticed and wondered what memory she had triggered that had caused it.
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

Always leaving me with wanting to read more! Good job!
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Post by Red86 »

I've wondered in the past about what I could reveal about myself if ever put under for a surgery while coming to again. And even if I tried being hypothesized. Not a fear but fortunately I haven't experienced either.

In any event, I'm curious to see where this story goes. Does our fake doc take full advantage only for the sole purpose of getting money or does something else come from this? Looking forward to finding out!
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Post by dl68 »

Third Session

The third session was the following week and as usual Mike drank the offered cup of tea before they started. Whilst he decided not to say anything about his accident he did say he hadn’t thought of anything in his childhood that would help with the therapy.

That was a lie as he knew only too well. Only a couple of nights ago he had gone through the contents of the trunk he kept in his spare room and had relived the memory of Tina Beckett. In the trunk were photos of his family and hers on holiday together. They were neighbours and holidayed each year in Cornwall when he was in his teens. She was a couple of years older than him.

He used to play in her garden and she was his only friend as he had been teased mercilessly at school for being shy and not joining in with one or other gang in the playground.

Tina used to enjoy dressing up, which he hated. There was even a photo of the two of them; she was wearing her Girl Guide uniform and he was dressed as a cowboy.

He looked very self-conscious in the photo and of course he remembered the reason. Once in that very garden she had tied him up wearing that very outfit - she was a real Girl Guide and knew all about knots.

Children often play tie-up games but to Tina it wasn’t a game, she had passed puberty and once he was tied up she pulled his shorts down and played with his cock until he surprised himself by spurting a milky substance over his bare skin. She leaned over and licked him clean and seemed to enjoy it.

He was so embarrassed that he couldn’t say anything to his parents and she had such a powerful hold on him he submitted to this many times.
Then without warning the family sold their house and moved away. His parents said it was something to do with her father’s job. Whatever the reason Mike was glad she had gone.

Mike had no intention of revealing any of this to Doctor Ruth; but little did he know she had used the key she had had made and, whilst he was at work she had gone through his house and found the trunk and its contents.

As he lay on the couch drifting off to sleep, this time the drug also contained a hallucinogenic component. Whilst he lay asleep she probed about childhood romances, friendships, knowing the answer but waiting to see what if his subconscious mind would volunteer anything.

Without warning Mike said “Tina Beckett” and she had the name that went with the photos. She unbuckled his trousers and pulled them down. This time she slipped his cock out of the fly of his boxers before milking him.

Unlike the previous time when he ejaculated this time sperm landed on the outside of his shorts. She tucked his wet cock away, pulled his trousers up and refastened the buckle.

She then pressed her hand onto his trousers and soon they were wet with his cum. She sat back to wait for him to wake up. This time he didn’t feel as refreshed, in fact his head hurt, and when he looked down the stain on his trousers was obvious and it was clear Doctor Ruth had seen it.

He stammered that he was sorry as his face coloured bright red but she put her hand on his thigh and said not to worry, such things happen.
‘You were talking about someone called Tina and I felt something happened between you and perhaps whatever it was might be a cause of your emotional issues. After you said her name you started rubbing your groin and, well that happened!’

Mike didn’t say anything so she said; ‘I think you’d had enough for one day. I suggest you use my bathroom to clean up and I’ll see you in a week. I must say you look like you need a drink, why don’t you call into the pub next door and have one before you go home.’

‘Thanks I will’, Mike croaked, realising how dry his mouth was as he left. Ruth picked up her phone and sent a text as the door closed.
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Post by Ak610 »

dl68 wrote: 1 year ago Third Session

The third session was the following week and as usual Mike drank the offered cup of tea before they started. Whilst he decided not to say anything about his accident he did say he hadn’t thought of anything in his childhood that would help with the therapy.

That was a lie as he knew only too well. Only a couple of nights ago he had gone through the contents of the trunk he kept in his spare room and had relived the memory of Tina Beckett. In the trunk were photos of his family and hers on holiday together. They were neighbours and holidayed each year in Cornwall when he was in his teens. She was a couple of years older than him.

He used to play in her garden and she was his only friend as he had been teased mercilessly at school for being shy and not joining in with one or other gang in the playground.

Tina used to enjoy dressing up, which he hated. There was even a photo of the two of them; she was wearing her Girl Guide uniform and he was dressed as a cowboy.

He looked very self-conscious in the photo and of course he remembered the reason. Once in that very garden she had tied him up wearing that very outfit - she was a real Girl Guide and knew all about knots.

Children often play tie-up games but to Tina it wasn’t a game, she had passed puberty and once he was tied up she pulled his shorts down and played with his cock until he surprised himself by spurting a milky substance over his bare skin. She leaned over and licked him clean and seemed to enjoy it.

He was so embarrassed that he couldn’t say anything to his parents and she had such a powerful hold on him he submitted to this many times.
Then without warning the family sold their house and moved away. His parents said it was something to do with her father’s job. Whatever the reason Mike was glad she had gone.

Mike had no intention of revealing any of this to Doctor Ruth; but little did he know she had used the key she had had made and, whilst he was at work she had gone through his house and found the trunk and its contents.

As he lay on the couch drifting off to sleep, this time the drug also contained a hallucinogenic component. Whilst he lay asleep she probed about childhood romances, friendships, knowing the answer but waiting to see what if his subconscious mind would volunteer anything.

Without warning Mike said “Tina Beckett” and she had the name that went with the photos. She unbuckled his trousers and pulled them down. This time she slipped his cock out of the fly of his boxers before milking him.

Unlike the previous time when he ejaculated this time sperm landed on the outside of his shorts. She tucked his wet cock away, pulled his trousers up and refastened the buckle.

She then pressed her hand onto his trousers and soon they were wet with his cum. She sat back to wait for him to wake up. This time he didn’t feel as refreshed, in fact his head hurt, and when he looked down the stain on his trousers was obvious and it was clear Doctor Ruth had seen it.

He stammered that he was sorry as his face coloured bright red but she put her hand on his thigh and said not to worry, such things happen.
‘You were talking about someone called Tina and I felt something happened between you and perhaps whatever it was might be a cause of your emotional issues. After you said her name you started rubbing your groin and, well that happened!’

Mike didn’t say anything so she said; ‘I think you’d had enough for one day. I suggest you use my bathroom to clean up and I’ll see you in a week. I must say you look like you need a drink, why don’t you call into the pub next door and have one before you go home.’

‘Thanks I will’, Mike croaked, realising how dry his mouth was as he left. Ruth picked up her phone and sent a text as the door closed.
Damn! She is a professional! Already planned for everything. Awesome work and making your readers more interested and excited.
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Post by dl68 »

‘Chance’ meeting

The pub next door had little to recommend it and clearly the locals thought so because it was almost deserted. He ordered a pint and sat at the bar sipping it. He noticed a young woman sitting at a table reading a magazine. She looked up and smiled across at him.

Whilst he didn’t reciprocate, too embarrassed to respond, he was surprised when she picked up her drink and magazine and walked over to him.

‘Hi, my name is Clare, what’s yours?’ ‘Mike’, he said not really knowing what to do next’. He looked at her noting she was wearing a simple green jumper and short tweed skirt. Her hair was auburn and almost reached her waist, her eyes were a deep violet and she seemed to be wearing a lot of makeup.

He was so intent on looking at her that he didn’t see her drop some powder into his beer. She told him she was waiting for a friend but she was late. He couldn’t think of anything to say so let her carry on talking about herself.

A little while later she observed the drug was beginning to take effect as he didn’t seem to be listening to her and was staring into the middle distance.

When she took his hand he didn’t protest. She led him outside where Ruth was waiting with her car; by this time he was almost unconscious. They drove to his house and dragged him inside. Ruth injected more of the drug into his arm and then they took him up to his bedroom.

The girls stripped him and scattered his clothes on the floor before dressing him in a cowboy outfit similar to the one in the photo. Clare tied his feet together with rope and then applied a large vibrator to his cock until he ejaculated over the cowboy clothes.

Mike’s eyes were still glazed over as they waited for half an hour and then Clare applied the vibrator again and was rewarded with a second climax. Ruth took the bandana that came with the outfit and carefully folded it into a triangle which she tied over his mouth. As a gag it was useless but it was symbolic.

The girls left and locked the door behind them.

It was several hours before Mike came round and this time he had a splitting headache. He was staggered to see himself wearing clothes he didn’t know he had. Then he took in his tied ankles, the wet patch of cum and finally the gag. ‘What the hell happened?’ he wondered.

All he could remember was a girl called Clare and everything else was hazy. He untied his ankles and removed the clothes and dumped them in the bin in the kitchen before showering to clean himself.

When he went to bed that night he dreamt about Tina Beckett and when he woke up he found his pyjamas wet with cum and his head hurt again.

He got dressed and went to make breakfast. When he looked in the waste bin and the clothes he was sure he had put in there had gone. He was no longer sure he had actually been wearing them; perhaps it was all a dream.
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Post by Red86 »

Damn, this woman may be a fake doctor but she's definitely good at what she's doing. She keeps this up, Mike isn't gonna know what real.

Still intrigued to see more
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Post by dl68 »

Thank you for all the positive comments. The story continues .....

The next session

Mike arrived for the next session the following week very confused about what he was experiencing since he started the sessions.

Doctor Ruth sensed he had something on his mind so before offering him his usual cup of tea she asked what the problem was.

Mike explained about meeting Clare and the dream about Tina but missed out about wearing the cowboy clothes as he was not sure it had actually happened and if it had it was too embarrassing to mention.

Doctor Ruth said the meeting with Clare was a good step forward because at least he had struck up a conversation and she could work with it to produce techniques to grow his confidence.

As far as the dream was concerned she told him it was quite normal when using regression techniques for the event to loom large in both the conscious and unconscious memory for a while but she assured him once he found a way of dealing with it the memory would fade and with it would come new confidence.

He thought about what she said whilst she made the tea and it all made sense. The drug in the tea did its work and soon he was asleep on the couch. This time she left him to sleep having made a suggestion to his sub-conscious mind which he would become aware of when he woke up.

Mike awoke, this time feeling quite refreshed. He glanced at his crotch and was relieved to see no wetness this time. Doctor Ruth held his hand and said; ‘in today’s session you spoke about Tina and her control of your teenage life and I believe that is the root cause of your emotional issues.’
‘Normal techniques’, she continued, ‘are unlikely to provide a solution that works for you and regrettably that is as far as I am allowed to go as far as my profession is concerned.’

Mike looked devastated; ‘you mean there is something you could do but you’re not allowed to?’ he asked. ‘Yes, but if my professional body gets to hear then I would be struck off’, she said injecting a tone of seriousness. ‘I can pay you and I won’t tell anyone’, Mike said pleadingly.

Doctor Ruth looked at him and seemed to consider her options for several moments before she smiled and said she would help him; however the cost would be much higher as she would have to dedicate more time to him. He readily agreed to her charges.

She went to her desk and printed off a contract which he duly signed without really reading it. She thanked him saying; ‘this contract will protect us both.’ She emphasised the word protect and waited to see if her auto-suggestion would work.

Without warning Mike blurted out; ‘can I buy you a drink?’ Doctor Ruth smiled and said; ‘I normally make it a rule not to socialise with my clients, but as we will be working a little more closely together one drink can’t do any harm. As you are the last client of the day we can go now and have a drink at the pub next door.’

They adjourned to the pub Mike had visited the previous week and as before it was almost empty. Mike half expected to see Clare but she wasn’t there. Doctor Ruth asked for white wine and whilst he paid for the drinks she carried them over to a table. She concealed the drinks from his view whilst she emptied the contents of a packet into his beer.

As they drank they made small talk and Doctor Ruth commented that he was not now as shy with people he knew as he had been when she first met him. Mike said he was pleased with his progress.

They left the pub when they had finished their drinks and Doctor Ruth said goodbye but as she turned to leave she collapsed. Mike helped her up and asked what was wrong and she said she felt dizzy. Mike offered to walk her home and she gave him the address.

Her flat turned out to be a couple of streets away and Mike got her key from her handbag and opened the door and helped her inside. He was starting to feel dizzy himself and quite tired. He helped Doctor Ruth onto the settee and then collapsed on the carpet.

Ruth stood up and called out; ‘it’s OK Clare he’s out for the count.’ Clare joined her, gone was her auburn wig, contact lenses and heavy make-up. In their place her normal shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes and rose complexion. She regarded Mike. ‘Let’s get things set up shall we?’

They hauled Mike to her bedroom and stripped him before dressing him in the cowboy clothes Clare had rescued from his bin and washed. As Clare knotted the bandana around his neck Ruth ripped her clothes off taking advantage of the weakened seams and then dressed in a Girl Guide uniform.

She stood at the side of her bed waiting for Clare who stood and without warning smacked her on the jaw hard with her fist. Ruth fell backwards onto the bed unconscious and Clare leaned over her and drove her fists into her stomach several times leaving vivid red marks. She then gagged Ruth with the gold neckerchief from the uniform before tying her to the bed with rope.

Her final act was to masturbate Mike to a climax, catching his cum in her hand. She pushed the Girl Guide skirt up to Ruth’s stomach and plastered his cum over Ruth’s groin. She then left the house.

When Mike woke he had a splitting headache again and couldn’t think immediately where he was. He looked at the clothes he was wearing and was transported back to his flat the previous week and to his childhood. None of it made any sense until he stood up and saw Doctor Ruth.

She had come too and was straining against the ropes and screaming into her gag. He bent to release her. ‘What the hell came over you’, she screamed. ‘I don’t remember a thing’, he protested. ‘That’s what all men say in these situations’, she said crossly.

‘I’ll tell you what you did. The minute you got me inside my flat you tore my clothes off. I tried to fight you off but you hit me several times in the stomach. I was too weak to stop you dressing me in these ridiculous clothes and then you carrying me to the bedroom, tied me to the bed and gagged me. The last I remember is your fist connecting with my jaw. I now find your sperm on my crotch.’

Mikes hand dropped to his penis and he was surprised to find it wet with sperm. He knew how this looked. ‘Get changed and get out’, she said. As he changed he said; ‘will you still help me?’

She thought for a moment and then climbed off the bed and staggered to the dressing table. She wrote on an A4 piece of paper and handed it to him with a pen; ‘sign and date it’, she said.

He read what she had written; ‘I, Mike Brown, admit I sexually assaulted Dr Ruth Mendling in her flat on the date below. The attack was unprovoked and I accept I need her help to overcome such urges. I agree to pay whatever charges she levies otherwise I accept she will make a formal complaint to the police to which I plead guilty’

He signed and dated it. ‘You should know I have cctv in the house which would back up what you did’, she said. ‘I will see you next week on Wednesday at 5pm. Now please leave.’

As Mike left he wondered where the clothes had come from.
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Post by Ak610 »

dl68 wrote: 1 year ago Thank you for all the positive comments. The story continues .....

The next session

Mike arrived for the next session the following week very confused about what he was experiencing since he started the sessions.

Doctor Ruth sensed he had something on his mind so before offering him his usual cup of tea she asked what the problem was.

Mike explained about meeting Clare and the dream about Tina but missed out about wearing the cowboy clothes as he was not sure it had actually happened and if it had it was too embarrassing to mention.

Doctor Ruth said the meeting with Clare was a good step forward because at least he had struck up a conversation and she could work with it to produce techniques to grow his confidence.

As far as the dream was concerned she told him it was quite normal when using regression techniques for the event to loom large in both the conscious and unconscious memory for a while but she assured him once he found a way of dealing with it the memory would fade and with it would come new confidence.

He thought about what she said whilst she made the tea and it all made sense. The drug in the tea did its work and soon he was asleep on the couch. This time she left him to sleep having made a suggestion to his sub-conscious mind which he would become aware of when he woke up.

Mike awoke, this time feeling quite refreshed. He glanced at his crotch and was relieved to see no wetness this time. Doctor Ruth held his hand and said; ‘in today’s session you spoke about Tina and her control of your teenage life and I believe that is the root cause of your emotional issues.’
‘Normal techniques’, she continued, ‘are unlikely to provide a solution that works for you and regrettably that is as far as I am allowed to go as far as my profession is concerned.’

Mike looked devastated; ‘you mean there is something you could do but you’re not allowed to?’ he asked. ‘Yes, but if my professional body gets to hear then I would be struck off’, she said injecting a tone of seriousness. ‘I can pay you and I won’t tell anyone’, Mike said pleadingly.

Doctor Ruth looked at him and seemed to consider her options for several moments before she smiled and said she would help him; however the cost would be much higher as she would have to dedicate more time to him. He readily agreed to her charges.

She went to her desk and printed off a contract which he duly signed without really reading it. She thanked him saying; ‘this contract will protect us both.’ She emphasised the word protect and waited to see if her auto-suggestion would work.

Without warning Mike blurted out; ‘can I buy you a drink?’ Doctor Ruth smiled and said; ‘I normally make it a rule not to socialise with my clients, but as we will be working a little more closely together one drink can’t do any harm. As you are the last client of the day we can go now and have a drink at the pub next door.’

They adjourned to the pub Mike had visited the previous week and as before it was almost empty. Mike half expected to see Clare but she wasn’t there. Doctor Ruth asked for white wine and whilst he paid for the drinks she carried them over to a table. She concealed the drinks from his view whilst she emptied the contents of a packet into his beer.

As they drank they made small talk and Doctor Ruth commented that he was not now as shy with people he knew as he had been when she first met him. Mike said he was pleased with his progress.

They left the pub when they had finished their drinks and Doctor Ruth said goodbye but as she turned to leave she collapsed. Mike helped her up and asked what was wrong and she said she felt dizzy. Mike offered to walk her home and she gave him the address.

Her flat turned out to be a couple of streets away and Mike got her key from her handbag and opened the door and helped her inside. He was starting to feel dizzy himself and quite tired. He helped Doctor Ruth onto the settee and then collapsed on the carpet.

Ruth stood up and called out; ‘it’s OK Clare he’s out for the count.’ Clare joined her, gone was her auburn wig, contact lenses and heavy make-up. In their place her normal shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes and rose complexion. She regarded Mike. ‘Let’s get things set up shall we?’

They hauled Mike to her bedroom and stripped him before dressing him in the cowboy clothes Clare had rescued from his bin and washed. As Clare knotted the bandana around his neck Ruth ripped her clothes off taking advantage of the weakened seams and then dressed in a Girl Guide uniform.

She stood at the side of her bed waiting for Clare who stood and without warning smacked her on the jaw hard with her fist. Ruth fell backwards onto the bed unconscious and Clare leaned over her and drove her fists into her stomach several times leaving vivid red marks. She then gagged Ruth with the gold neckerchief from the uniform before tying her to the bed with rope.

Her final act was to masturbate Mike to a climax, catching his cum in her hand. She pushed the Girl Guide skirt up to Ruth’s stomach and plastered his cum over Ruth’s groin. She then left the house.

When Mike woke he had a splitting headache again and couldn’t think immediately where he was. He looked at the clothes he was wearing and was transported back to his flat the previous week and to his childhood. None of it made any sense until he stood up and saw Doctor Ruth.

She had come too and was straining against the ropes and screaming into her gag. He bent to release her. ‘What the hell came over you’, she screamed. ‘I don’t remember a thing’, he protested. ‘That’s what all men say in these situations’, she said crossly.

‘I’ll tell you what you did. The minute you got me inside my flat you tore my clothes off. I tried to fight you off but you hit me several times in the stomach. I was too weak to stop you dressing me in these ridiculous clothes and then you carrying me to the bedroom, tied me to the bed and gagged me. The last I remember is your fist connecting with my jaw. I now find your sperm on my crotch.’

Mikes hand dropped to his penis and he was surprised to find it wet with sperm. He knew how this looked. ‘Get changed and get out’, she said. As he changed he said; ‘will you still help me?’

She thought for a moment and then climbed off the bed and staggered to the dressing table. She wrote on an A4 piece of paper and handed it to him with a pen; ‘sign and date it’, she said.

He read what she had written; ‘I, Mike Brown, admit I sexually assaulted Dr Ruth Mendling in her flat on the date below. The attack was unprovoked and I accept I need her help to overcome such urges. I agree to pay whatever charges she levies otherwise I accept she will make a formal complaint to the police to which I plead guilty’

He signed and dated it. ‘You should know I have cctv in the house which would back up what you did’, she said. ‘I will see you next week on Wednesday at 5pm. Now please leave.’

As Mike left he wondered where the clothes had come from.
That's some Mission Impossible kind of planning. 🔥
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Oh man, there are plans in plans here!
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Wednesday appointment

Mike arrived in good time for the session, not sure what to expect. He had suffered some vivid dreams since he attacked Doctor Ruth. Of course he didn’t know Clare popped in each day whilst he was at work and spiked the food in his fridge.

Doctor Ruth still sported a bruise on her jaw but she welcomed him warmly with a cup of tea as usual. ‘The treatment you require will take many parts, I must warn you some may be painful but in the end they will work I can promise you.’

‘Today I want to start with some image work to identify stimulants that might be at the root of your emotional issues and also those at the root of the violence you exhibited last week.’

‘To do that I am going to project images into your brain via a virtual reality headset’, she said, ‘I will measure your response to each of them. I need your brain to be hypersensitive and to do that I am going to inject you with a mild form of LSD.’ Mike looked concerned. ‘Its effects will only last an hour so don’t worry it is perfectly safe’, she said, ‘Psychiatrists use it all the time.’

She rolled his sleeve up and injected a clear liquid into a vein. She placed the headset on his head and tightened the strap to hold it in place and clipped a probe to his right index finger and stuck a pad on his chest. She explained this was to monitor his reactions to the images.

The LSD sent his brain into overdrive whilst the drug in the tea relaxed his body completely, so much so that when she lifted his arm it flopped back down. She started a loop of slides on her laptop which fed the headset.

Mike wasn’t sufficiently awake to actually process the images but the brain retained them. Had he seen them he would have been shocked. There were pictures of women being degraded, some bound and gagged, some being raped and mutilated. These were interspersed with men suffering similarly, then men in uniforms, some cruelly tied up and finally adults behaving like babies.

The images cycled round for half an hour during which she noted with a wry smile the bulge in his trousers but she left it alone this time. Finally she removed the headset and contacts and waited for him to wake up.

Mike felt his eyes were tired and he had a dry mouth and a headache when he finally woke. ‘Well done’, she said, ‘some interesting reactions.’ ‘What did you find?’ he asked but she said she needed time to analyse the results.

‘In the meantime I want you to meet a colleague of mine. She has made a study of deep regression techniques and she has agreed to provide some sessions which I think you will benefit from.’ She handed him a business card that said simply; “Doctor Clare Harding“ along with her address. ‘She expects you at 6pm on Friday.’

‘First though I want you to visit a masseuse friend of mine who will give you an all over body wax. Doctor Clare’s treatment requires her patient to be nude as the small electric signals she uses travel over hairless skin better. That appointment is at noon tomorrow - here is the address. Don’t worry about payment as they will both send their invoices to me and I will add them to your account.’

Mike said goodnight and went home.

That night he had a series of disturbing dreams. When he woke the bed was wet and not just with perspiration!
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Waxing Session

Mike drove to the address he had been given and was surprised to find it was a normal suburban house rather than a business premise. He was even more surprised to find the door answered by a woman wearing a towelling robe.

She introduced herself as Mindy and she was obviously expecting him because she said she would be doing the waxing. She led him through to the conservatory where there was a couch with a large towel spread out on it.

‘If you would take all your clothes off and lie face down I’ll start on your back. Have you ever had a waxing before?’ He said he hadn’t. ‘Well I’m afraid it will be a bit painful, but you’ll soon get used to it.’

She applied something to his back and legs and then waited for it to harden. He thought it wasn’t too painful until she ripped a sheet off taking the hairs with it. He screamed in pain; ’what a big baby you are’, she laughed.

‘Ladies have this treatment all the time and they don’t make that amount of noise. Keep it up and I might have to gag you’, she said with a silvery laugh. He felt his cock twitch underneath him.

He bit his tongue as she continued. Soon his back was bare and she rubbed oil into the skin before saying; you can roll over now.’ He complied, grateful that his erection had subsided.

She waxed his chest, arms and legs and then when that was done she said; ‘men find the final bit a bit painful. Would you like something to bite on whilst I do your groin?’

He nodded before he could stop himself and she was clearly prepared because in a flash a silk scarf was wrapped between his teeth. She removed all the hair around his testicles and spread his legs to attend to the crack between his buttocks.

‘That’s the painful bit done’, she said finally, ‘just some oil to apply and I’ll be finished.’ She didn’t remove the gag but instead poured oil onto his chest and rubbed it into his skin right down to his toes. She had missed out his cock and balls on her journey; but she hadn’t forgotten them. She poured more oil onto her hands and then began to play with his genitals and soon he was hard.

He wasn’t surprised she was skilled with her hands; she was after all a masseuse. What surprised him was her skill at keeping him right on the verge of ejaculating. He was glad of the scarf as he whimpered for her to bring him to a climax.

Rather than using her hands she pulled the soft towel up between his legs and laid it over his erect penis. It only took a few strokes of her hand on the soft material before he shuddered and shot his load of sperm into the towel. She squeezed him empty and wiped him dry with the towel before removing it.

He had closed his eyes whilst she was using her hands and when he opened them he saw she was no longer wearing the robe and was in fact naked. Her body was bronzed and her breasts pert and firm with the nipples standing proud. His eyes travelled to her groin and there was not a hair to be seen.

He could have removed the scarf and said “no” but he didn’t, instead he allowed her to straddle him and take his still erect cock inside her. He felt her warmth but knew he couldn’t perform again so soon. She must have known because she simply used him to bring herself to a climax before dismounting and removing the scarf from his mouth.

‘All part of the service you paid for’, she said with a smile as she pulled the robe back on. ‘Close the door as you leave.’

He got dressed and as he walked back to his car he couldn’t get over how different his clothes felt over his nude and oiled body.
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Doctor Clare Harding

On Friday he dressed casually and drove to the address on the business card he had been given. Far from being a small property Doctor Clare Harding was clearly extremely well off. Her house was set behind electric gates and judging by the number of windows he imagined it had at least 5 bedrooms.

He parked on the gravel drive at the side of the house and walked to the front door. As he approached it was opened by a lady wearing a tailored white tunic over a knee length black skirt. She had blond hair tied back in a severe ponytail and a name badge that announced she was Doctor Clare Harding as if it was needed. He assumed she had seen his arrival on cctv.

As he shook her hand she looked at him to see if he recognised her but there was no hint. She invited him in and led him through to a back room that seemed to be her consulting room.

‘Doctor Ruth has supplied me with your notes and I gather she has explained to you that I am an expert in the field of deep regression and the fact that you are here means you are willing to submit to the techniques I use.’

Mike was slightly taken aback by her brusque manner, but she was correct so he said; ‘whatever it takes!’ and she smiled in response.
‘Good, in which case we will start the first session straightaway and I’d like you to begin by putting all your clothes on the chair in the corner please.’

Self consciously he stripped naked and having folded his clothes he sat on a chair opposite her trying not to think about how vulnerable he felt.
‘Don’t worry we doctors have seen it all before’, she said walking over to a cabinet and returning with a glass of water for him. As he drank she said; ‘the first session is about regressing as far as we can and recreating a positive foundation so that we can then rebuild your mental experiences.’ He nodded in agreement not sure what this would entail.

When he had finished his drink she walked over to a cupboard and withdrew some devices with wires attached. One was a skull cap with lots of sensors attached. She pulled it over his close cropped hair and stuck the sensors to his forehead. She then taped more sensors to his chest.

‘These will allow me to monitor your alpha and p-waves whilst you are in treatment.’ ‘How long will it take?’ Mike asked. ‘The first session is quite long and will last overnight and then we will have shorter sessions over the next two days’, she said.

He protested that he hadn’t planned on being here all weekend, but she said Doctor Ruth should have made that clear. ‘If the consultation is to stand any chance of success’, she said ‘you need to commit to everything I demand’. Mike agreed thinking it didn’t really matter as he hadn’t got anything specific planned.

‘Excellent, well in that case we will start the first course of treatment. I need to ensure the sensor cap stays in place whilst you sleep’, she said and surprisingly she pulled on a blue bonnet, tying it under his chin. He was going to ask why when she held up a fluffy blue onesie. ‘Why do I need to wear that?’ he asked.

‘Because my regression technique takes you right back to your earliest memory and that is as an infant. To help reinforce the effects we need to trick your mind into believing you are actually a baby for the duration at least.’

This was bizarre Mike thought, but it was about to get even more bizarre when she produced a disposable nappy just like babies wear but very much larger. She pushed it under his bottom and pulled the material up between his legs before taping it firmly around his waist. Finally she zipped the onesie up to his neck careful to lead the various sensor wires out of the back.

‘I feel ridiculous’, Mike said but she told him not to worry and anyway it was only the two of them and she wasn’t telling anyone. ‘To further reinforce the mental image you need to be fed in an age appropriate way’, she said holding out an enormous baby’s bottle full of white liquid. There was a large silicon teat on the end which she pushed into his mouth. She held the bottle over him and he had no choice but to consume its contents.
Once he had finished he realised he suddenly felt tired. She took his hand and guided him to another room in which there was an adult sized cot. She helped him to lie down on the plastic covered mattress and looked down at his eyes smiling as she saw they were staring straight ahead and clearly no longer focussing.

As she slipped a VR headset onto his head she said; ‘I think you used one of these with Doctor Ruth’, and he nodded weakly. ‘My programme will run through some images whilst you are awake’, she said casually slipping a blue dummy in his mouth as if it was a natural thing to do. Mike didn’t react at all which was not surprising given his state of mind thanks to the drugs.

The sensors she had attached served no useful purpose however the laptop projected images onto VR glasses and Clare knew that the cocktail of drugs he had consumed would stimulate his brain and those images would be burnt into his memory by the end of the night.

She placed her hand on the nappy and smiled as she felt his erection. The Viagra was working she thought as she briskly rubbed him to a climax. The diuretic and laxative mixed into the drink would guarantee he would require the nappy later in the night! By morning he would feel like a baby, she thought, turning the light out and closing the door.

Mike’s sleep was a fitful one. He registered many disturbing images of bondage and degradation alongside pleasing images of childhood. When he finally awoke he was aware of a warm feeling in his crotch and when he put his hand down there he realised he had soiled the nappy.

He was just thinking what to do when the door opened and Doctor Clare leaned over removed the VR headset and disconnected the wires.
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dl68 wrote: 1 year ago Doctor Clare Harding

On Friday he dressed casually and drove to the address on the business card he had been given. Far from being a small property Doctor Clare Harding was clearly extremely well off. Her house was set behind electric gates and judging by the number of windows he imagined it had at least 5 bedrooms.

He parked on the gravel drive at the side of the house and walked to the front door. As he approached it was opened by a lady wearing a tailored white tunic over a knee length black skirt. She had blond hair tied back in a severe ponytail and a name badge that announced she was Doctor Clare Harding as if it was needed. He assumed she had seen his arrival on cctv.

As he shook her hand she looked at him to see if he recognised her but there was no hint. She invited him in and led him through to a back room that seemed to be her consulting room.

‘Doctor Ruth has supplied me with your notes and I gather she has explained to you that I am an expert in the field of deep regression and the fact that you are here means you are willing to submit to the techniques I use.’

Mike was slightly taken aback by her brusque manner, but she was correct so he said; ‘whatever it takes!’ and she smiled in response.
‘Good, in which case we will start the first session straightaway and I’d like you to begin by putting all your clothes on the chair in the corner please.’

Self consciously he stripped naked and having folded his clothes he sat on a chair opposite her trying not to think about how vulnerable he felt.
‘Don’t worry we doctors have seen it all before’, she said walking over to a cabinet and returning with a glass of water for him. As he drank she said; ‘the first session is about regressing as far as we can and recreating a positive foundation so that we can then rebuild your mental experiences.’ He nodded in agreement not sure what this would entail.

When he had finished his drink she walked over to a cupboard and withdrew some devices with wires attached. One was a skull cap with lots of sensors attached. She pulled it over his close cropped hair and stuck the sensors to his forehead. She then taped more sensors to his chest.

‘These will allow me to monitor your alpha and p-waves whilst you are in treatment.’ ‘How long will it take?’ Mike asked. ‘The first session is quite long and will last overnight and then we will have shorter sessions over the next two days’, she said.

He protested that he hadn’t planned on being here all weekend, but she said Doctor Ruth should have made that clear. ‘If the consultation is to stand any chance of success’, she said ‘you need to commit to everything I demand’. Mike agreed thinking it didn’t really matter as he hadn’t got anything specific planned.

‘Excellent, well in that case we will start the first course of treatment. I need to ensure the sensor cap stays in place whilst you sleep’, she said and surprisingly she pulled on a blue bonnet, tying it under his chin. He was going to ask why when she held up a fluffy blue onesie. ‘Why do I need to wear that?’ he asked.

‘Because my regression technique takes you right back to your earliest memory and that is as an infant. To help reinforce the effects we need to trick your mind into believing you are actually a baby for the duration at least.’

This was bizarre Mike thought, but it was about to get even more bizarre when she produced a disposable nappy just like babies wear but very much larger. She pushed it under his bottom and pulled the material up between his legs before taping it firmly around his waist. Finally she zipped the onesie up to his neck careful to lead the various sensor wires out of the back.

‘I feel ridiculous’, Mike said but she told him not to worry and anyway it was only the two of them and she wasn’t telling anyone. ‘To further reinforce the mental image you need to be fed in an age appropriate way’, she said holding out an enormous baby’s bottle full of white liquid. There was a large silicon teat on the end which she pushed into his mouth. She held the bottle over him and he had no choice but to consume its contents.
Once he had finished he realised he suddenly felt tired. She took his hand and guided him to another room in which there was an adult sized cot. She helped him to lie down on the plastic covered mattress and looked down at his eyes smiling as she saw they were staring straight ahead and clearly no longer focussing.

As she slipped a VR headset onto his head she said; ‘I think you used one of these with Doctor Ruth’, and he nodded weakly. ‘My programme will run through some images whilst you are awake’, she said casually slipping a blue dummy in his mouth as if it was a natural thing to do. Mike didn’t react at all which was not surprising given his state of mind thanks to the drugs.

The sensors she had attached served no useful purpose however the laptop projected images onto VR glasses and Clare knew that the cocktail of drugs he had consumed would stimulate his brain and those images would be burnt into his memory by the end of the night.

She placed her hand on the nappy and smiled as she felt his erection. The Viagra was working she thought as she briskly rubbed him to a climax. The diuretic and laxative mixed into the drink would guarantee he would require the nappy later in the night! By morning he would feel like a baby, she thought, turning the light out and closing the door.

Mike’s sleep was a fitful one. He registered many disturbing images of bondage and degradation alongside pleasing images of childhood. When he finally awoke he was aware of a warm feeling in his crotch and when he put his hand down there he realised he had soiled the nappy.

He was just thinking what to do when the door opened and Doctor Clare leaned over removed the VR headset and disconnected the wires.
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Saturday morning session

‘Did you sleep well?’ Doctor Clare asked. She was dressed as she was yesterday he noted as he said it had been a disturbed night. She led him into the kitchen and offered him breakfast without commenting on his smelly diaper.

He was forced to sit in the mess until breakfast was over and only then did she suggest he went to the bathroom and shower ready for the second session. He was grateful to clean himself up and surprised to find that as well as soiling the diaper he had ejaculated in it at some point.

As there were no fresh clothes provided he elected to return naked rather than wearing the onesie again. He had had enough of pretending to be a baby; although weirdly, he admitted to himself, it had been a pleasant experience.

‘I was able to set a good baseline as a result of last night’s session’, Doctor Clare said when he returned. ‘You were very receptive whilst you were asleep so today is about building on that as we move through your childhood trying to replace bad memories with good ones.’

He didn’t pretend to understand what she was saying but he nodded anyway.

The breakfast had contained more drugs which would lower his resistance and confuse his brain. She could tell they were working because his eyes became vacant again. She handed him some new clothes; ‘I want you to wear these for the next session’, she said and he nodded without resisting.

When he had finished dressing he looked down and struggled with the concept that he was wearing the clothes he had gone to school in when he was about 11. A grey flannel shirt, blue striped tie, tight black shorts that only came down to mid thigh and long grey woollen socks.

Doctor Clare opened the conservatory door; ‘why don’t you have a look around the garden’, she said and he wandered off in a daze.

As he walked down the long garden he saw a girl sitting on a bench at the end of the lawn. She was wearing a one piece pink gingham outfit. The skirt length was just above her knees and she wore white ankle socks and a straw boater. Her blond hair was tied in bunches over her ears.

‘Hello’, she said, ‘who are you?’ ‘Mike’, he replied without thinking. She moved along the seat and patted the space next to her and he sat down.
Doctor Clare observed the two of them from the house whilst she rang Ruth. ‘Yesterday went according to plan’, she reported. ‘He soaked up the images and you were right there was a strong reaction to the bondage photos. I have upped the level of drugs and he is out in the garden with Mandy.’

‘She is running through the script for two eleven year olds meeting. She knows it is important to make him believe he is leading the conversation and taking control. I’ll get Jill to intervene in about half an hour and see what reaction we get and I’ll let you know. Assuming it works I’ll move on to the next phase after lunch.’

She watched the animated conversation for 30 minutes pleased that Mandy had coaxed Mike into leading the conversation. With impeccable timing just as Mike put his arm around Mandy, without realising it was actually her suggestion, Jill walked across the lawn.

Jill was wearing a tweed twinset and her hair was set in a tight bun on the top of her head and her face was thick with make-up. She wore 5” stiletto heels and looked a formidable person.

‘What’s going on here Mandy? You know you should not be fraternizing with boys of your age.’ ‘I’m sorry Miss, it won’t happen again’, Mandy stammered and suddenly Mike found his voice; ‘it was my fault I didn’t realise there were rules’, he said boldly. ‘That doesn’t excuse Mandy’s slutty behaviour’, Jill said. ‘Her punishment will be six of the best.’

‘Please don’t punish her, if you have to punish anyone it should be me’, Mike said standing up and shielding Mandy. Part of his brain screamed; “why are you doing this?” but he ignored that voice.

‘Well if you are sure’, she said and pulled his shorts and underpants down and bent him over her knees and walloped his backside with six powerful smacks of her hand. Mike was crying with the pain as she pushed him off her lap onto the bench and walked away.

Mandy threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately; ‘thank you, you didn’t have to do that’, she said and he blushed, in part from her comment and in part because he had just realised his cock was rock hard. Mandy noticed it too; ‘oh my’, she said and before he could say anything she bent over and took his penis in her mouth and sucked him.

He started to say “please don’t do that” but quickly changed his mind instead saying; ‘oooh that’s nice!’ He leaned back against the bench as Mandy continued to lick his cock until he gasped as he ejaculated. Mandy swallowed his sperm and then said; ‘thank you for being gallant. I love you.’ She gave him a shy smile as she walked away.

Mike was still leaning against the bench with his shorts still around his knees when Doctor Clare walked down and stood over him. She took his hand and helped him up. Unconsciously he pulled his shorts up as she guided him back to the house.

She helped him to strip until he was naked once again and then she indicated a chair for him to sit in. ‘Tell me about that experience Mike’, she commanded.

‘I was having a chat with a nice young girl when the teacher intervened and said she had done something wrong. I just didn’t want her punished’, he said lamely.

‘That was a very good thing to do but also showed you were not shy in taking control’, she said. ‘In fact you showed her it was actually you that was the dominant person in the group.’ Mike smiled at this praise. She continued; ‘very well done, and now I think it’s time for lunch.’

As she prepared lunch Mike thought about what she had said. He was finding it difficult to form clear thoughts, but he realised he had indeed been forceful in the situation which was a first and he felt good about it.

Lunch was a tasty stew which masked yet more drugs.
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Saturday afternoon session

‘I think we are ready for the next session’, Doctor Clare said once she had cleared the lunch plates away. ‘This session is perhaps the most difficult one we have done so far because it has the potential to create issues. I know some of the details of a significant event and one that perhaps shaped your old behaviour and today we are going to go back to that event.’

She handed him the clothes for this session which was the cowboy outfit he had worn previously. As before she instructed him to take a walk in the garden.

As he reached the bottom of the garden a girl stepped out from behind a bush. He didn’t recognise Jill who was now dressed in a Girl Guide uniform, her black hair hanging loose and free of make-up. She carried a coil of rope.

‘So Mike you have come back for another session with me’, she said laughing at the prospect. Before he could reply she pushed him down onto the grass and picked up the rope to tie his hands. One part of Mike’s brain screamed “this is what happened before” but another part triggered the reaction Doctor Clare was hoping for.

Mike grabbed the rope and threw Jill back onto the grass and quickly tied her wrists together. She kicked out with her ankles so he removed her uniform belt and used it to strap them together. When she protested her reached to her neck and removed her blue troop scarf and twisted it through her mouth knotting it behind her neck as a crude gag.

Without thinking he pulled her knickers down and his fingers slipped into her crotch and soon he was driving in and out as they got wetter and without warning she screamed as she reached a climax. Only she knew she was pretending.

Mike rolled onto the grass not sure what to do now and looked up to see Doctor Clare. ‘Very good Mike, you took control of the situation this time, how did that feel?’

‘It felt great, but part of me missed being the one tied up’, he said truthfully remembering with some fondness the long forgotten memory of Tina Beckett. Doctor Clare knew she had almost succeeded; realisation was slowly dawning in his mind.

‘You can have both’, she said slowly to allow his befuddled brain to take it in. ‘You can be dominant sometimes and submissive others. It’s about getting the balance right and we will explore that later’, she said leading him back to the house. Mandy crept out from behind the bushes and untied Jill once they were out of sight.

Mike removed the cowboy outfit and they sat and talked for a while about experiences and then Doctor Clare brought some sandwiches which as usual contained some of her cocktail of drugs.

When she judged him ready she announced that the next session would be away from the house. She said that he had responded well so far and it was time to see how he would cope with a more unfamiliar environment.

Saturday evening

Mike was handed an outfit to wear, which he was not surprised to find fitted him perfectly. He was dressed smartly but in a casual way. When Doctor Clare joined him she had changed into an emerald green dress and matching top.

She led him out to her car and they drove into town and parked outside a popular nightclub. Mike had never been comfortable in such places but Doctor Clare said; ‘let just see what happens. I will leave you alone but don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on you. I don’t want us to stay too late as we have more work to do tomorrow but tonight is all about seeing how confident you can be in an unfamiliar environment.’

As they walked into the club her phone ran and she paused to answer it. After several minutes she put the phone away. She turned to Mike and said; ‘I’m really sorry I’ve got to go and see one of my other clients. She has a serious problem and needs my help urgently. I may be away all night so take my spare keys and let yourself in. Here is some money to get a taxi home and some money for drinks tonight - can you remember the address?’ Mike nodded and she continued; ‘we will discuss the next steps after breakfast tomorrow.’

She collected her coat and left Mike to enter the club alone. He sat at the bar and bought himself a drink, shaking his head at the cost. He looked at the dance floor and shook his head not sure this was a good idea at all.
As he sipped his expensive bottled beer and thought about leaving a lady walked past and stood at the bar next to him. As she waited for a barman she glanced at him and smiled and he took the plunge; ‘can I buy you a drink?’ he asked. She smiled again and said that would be nice.

As they waited for her drink he introduced himself and she said her name was Wendy. He waited for her to say she was meeting someone but it became clear she wasn’t. As he drank his beer he looked at her more closely. He estimated she was in her mid to late twenties. Her clothes suggested she was comfortably off. He admired her straight auburn hair and a face that radiated health rather than being thick with makeup.
They talked for a while and then she persuaded him to join her on the dance floor. They were still chatting when Mike noticed it was past 11pm and he said he needed to head home as he had an early start in the morning. Wendy said that was OK and asked where he lived and suggested they share a taxi as she lived not far from him.

They arrived back at Doctor Clare’s house half an hour later and the house was in darkness. Mike kissed Wendy and she casually suggested a coffee might be nice. He used the key Doctor Clare had given him and let then both in. He led Wendy into the kitchen and made the coffee.

She carried the mugs into the living room and they chatted for a while. Wendy edged closer to Mike but not too quickly so that he would notice she had made the move. It seemed quite natural for him to put his arm around her. She smiled and kissed him; ‘you are a nice man Mike’, she purred.
He couldn’t explain why he made the move he did, although Wendy could have told him it was all down to her skill as an Escort that allowed her to make it always look like the man had made the move. He found himself leading her upstairs to the bedroom.

Mike was not skilled in undressing a lady, but again Wendy’s skills meant that she ended up naked on the bed whilst Mike thought he had been his doing. He quickly removed his clothes and they cuddled and Wendy gently guided his hand down to her genitals without him being aware.

He soon made her wet and started to lick and kiss her nipples until they were erect. Wendy made all the expected passionate noises and whilst he was distracted she picked up her knickers which were made of very expensive silk and draped them around his erect penis and started to rub him gently.

‘Wow that’s good’, he said as she applied a little more pressure. ‘You like the feel of silk?’ she asked and dreamily he nodded. ‘Why don’t you wear them?’ she continued and helped him to pull them on. They were a tight fit but soon his cock was enveloped in the sheer silk and as she rubbed it the silk became stained with his precum.

He was starting to feel a little frustrated and uncharacteristically he made a decision. He pulled his cock out of one of the leg holes and rolled over on top of Wendy and positioned his cock between her legs. He looked at her for permission and she nodded briefly and he pushed gently slipping inside her.

He felt good afterwards thinking he had made all the running when in fact Wendy had used every trick she had learnt to stimulate him and hold him back until finally, when he did cum it was a massive climax. She moaned to show she too had climaxed when in fact she hadn’t.

He lay back on the bed and she tucked his cock into the knickers. ‘I better be going’, she said; ‘don’t worry I’ll call a cab. I hope to see you again soon; I’ll leave my number if you want to call me.’

She got dressed and left, minus her knickers, and as he heard the front door slam he drifted off to sleep. As Wendy left she called Doctor Clare who was sitting in her car around the corner and updated her on the night.
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Post by dl68 »

Sunday morning

Doctor Clare had to wake him at 9am, not surprising as Wendy had slipped a sleeping tablet into his coffee. She smiled when she saw he was still wearing Wendy’s silk knickers. She didn’t comment but left him to wake up and shower.

When he came in for breakfast he was surprised to find Doctor Ruth eating at the table. She greeted him and whilst he ate she asked about the previous night

Mike blushed slightly; ‘I surprised myself by chatting to a young lady most of the evening. She is called Wendy and she works in a bank in the city. We danced, which is something I don’t normally do and we had some drinks and then I don’t know why I suggested she came back here for a drink and she agreed.’

As he ate he suddenly had a thought; ‘but she didn’t stay the night’, he blurted out and Doctor Clare laughed; ‘neither of us would have been bothered if she had, it’s none of our business.’

Doctor Ruth summarised the situation; ‘I think Mike that you have come a long way since out first session. You have clearly demonstrated that you can be more authoritative which hopefully will help you in your work and private lives.’

Mike nodded and she continued; ‘normally I would say our work in finished and possibly it is however there is a chance you will suffer a relapse and if you do then please come back to me and we can refine the techniques.’

Mike thanked them both and said that whilst the sessions had been difficult he felt more in control of his life now.

Doctor Ruth handed him and envelope which he opened and it contained a statement of account. The fee was much higher than he had imagined, but it was affordable. Ruth noticed his look and said; ‘payment is required within 5 working days as per my Terms and Conditions which you signed’.
Mike didn’t remember any T&C discussion but even though it was a lot of money he would find it. He thanked them both and left.

Ruth looked over at Clare; ‘Once he pays I will give him a month and then I will move to the next phase!’ Clare nodded.

The following month

Mike raised the money by transferring cash from his savings and paid Doctor Ruth before the deadline.

He decided to celebrate by calling Wendy just as Ruth expected.

Over the next few weeks they met most evenings for a meal or went out to the theatre. Mike felt in control of both his personal and business lives for the first time in a long time and he was sleeping well every night; but that was all about to change!
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Post by Ak610 »

dl68 wrote: 1 year ago Sunday morning

Doctor Clare had to wake him at 9am, not surprising as Wendy had slipped a sleeping tablet into his coffee. She smiled when she saw he was still wearing Wendy’s silk knickers. She didn’t comment but left him to wake up and shower.

When he came in for breakfast he was surprised to find Doctor Ruth eating at the table. She greeted him and whilst he ate she asked about the previous night

Mike blushed slightly; ‘I surprised myself by chatting to a young lady most of the evening. She is called Wendy and she works in a bank in the city. We danced, which is something I don’t normally do and we had some drinks and then I don’t know why I suggested she came back here for a drink and she agreed.’

As he ate he suddenly had a thought; ‘but she didn’t stay the night’, he blurted out and Doctor Clare laughed; ‘neither of us would have been bothered if she had, it’s none of our business.’

Doctor Ruth summarised the situation; ‘I think Mike that you have come a long way since out first session. You have clearly demonstrated that you can be more authoritative which hopefully will help you in your work and private lives.’

Mike nodded and she continued; ‘normally I would say our work in finished and possibly it is however there is a chance you will suffer a relapse and if you do then please come back to me and we can refine the techniques.’

Mike thanked them both and said that whilst the sessions had been difficult he felt more in control of his life now.

Doctor Ruth handed him and envelope which he opened and it contained a statement of account. The fee was much higher than he had imagined, but it was affordable. Ruth noticed his look and said; ‘payment is required within 5 working days as per my Terms and Conditions which you signed’.
Mike didn’t remember any T&C discussion but even though it was a lot of money he would find it. He thanked them both and left.

Ruth looked over at Clare; ‘Once he pays I will give him a month and then I will move to the next phase!’ Clare nodded.

The following month

Mike raised the money by transferring cash from his savings and paid Doctor Ruth before the deadline.

He decided to celebrate by calling Wendy just as Ruth expected.

Over the next few weeks they met most evenings for a meal or went out to the theatre. Mike felt in control of both his personal and business lives for the first time in a long time and he was sleeping well every night; but that was all about to change!
Wow! My friend You can give script writers a run for their money. 🔥
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Post by dl68 »

Things start to go wrong

Mike soon began to wake up most mornings with a dry mouth and a headache and although he could never remember the content of his dreams he recalled them as being vivid. Often his sheets were wet with his perspiration.

His colleagues at work noted he was becoming more irritable and even when he was out with Wendy he didn’t really feel totally in control. He began to wonder whether what Doctor Ruth had said about a relapse was actually happening. He discussed it with Wendy and she suggested he book an appointment with Doctor Ruth and see what she said.

Mike didn’t know that the underlying reason for the way he was feeling was the drip feed of drugs added to the food in his fridge over the previous few weeks whilst he was at work. The dosage was progressively increased each day!

A new Appointment

Doctor Ruth said she could see him the following day as she had a cancellation.

As before he drank tea whilst waiting and then lay on the couch and told her about the changes he was experiencing. This time however there was no drug in the drink.

Doctor Ruth made notes as he spoke and she asked questions about what he thought had triggered the changes but as she expected he had no idea.
‘Your case is clearly far more complex that I expected’, she said putting the notes aside. ‘The therapy Doctor Clare and I used seems only to have worked for a short period. There is an immersive therapy which might work and indeed some of my clients have found it beneficial, but it is a big commitment on your part both time-wise and financial I am afraid.’

Mike by this point was only interested in the idea that there was a solution. He asked what the cost would be and Doctor Ruth pretended to consult a file in her cabinet before giving him a figure. He gasped at the size of it – ten times what he had paid her before.

Before committing himself he asked how long the treatment would take and the answer was anything up to a week.

Doctor Ruth asked if he would like another cup of tea whilst he thought it over and he agreed. This time the tea contained a drug whose sole purpose was to confuse his mind.

As he drank he asked about other options but she said she had exhausted all other avenues. Soon he was finding it difficult to concentrate; he knew he wanted a solution but the cost was too high and yet what option did he have?

“If only I could think straight”, he thought to himself.

Ruth handed him a form and a pen; ‘all it needs is your signature and I can make the necessary arrangements today’, she purred. ‘You know you want to find a solution and I believe this is the only way.’

He nodded and signed the form which was his last act before he fell asleep.

Ruth let him sleep whilst she phoned Clare to make the arrangements.

When he woke he was refreshed and yet he couldn’t remember what he had decided. Doctor Ruth smiled at him; ‘welcome back, you must have been so tired for all those disturbed nights. Whilst you were asleep I have made the arrangements.’

‘I forgot to mention that unfortunately this time it is payment in advance’, she said; ‘once you have transferred the money we will agree a date and you will need to take at least a week off work. The treatment may not take that length of time, but it best to allow it so that there is no anxiety about deadlines.’

Mike nodded and although he didn’t remember signing the form it seemed like his only option.

He went home to raise the not inconsiderable sum of money as well as to provisionally arrange the time off work.

It took a month to close one of his investment accounts and receive the money which he immediately transferred to Doctor Ruth. She messaged him with a date to begin the treatment and he confirmed the time off at work.

The Treatment

The day before the Treatment Mike received a text from Doctor Ruth which said ”a car will pick you up at 9am. No electronic devices will be allowed and all clothes during your stay will be provided.”

The following morning a small minibus pulled up outside his house. Two men in white tunics got out and rang his doorbell. He invited them in and said he was just sorting out his emails.

One of them said to leave it as they needed to set off as the traffic was bad. Mike didn’t even have time to close his laptop. One of them took his keys; ‘I will lock up sir’, he said as the other guided Mike to the minibus.

The bus was empty but Mike was told to sit at the back. Although the windows were heavily tinted the man insisted he wore a sleep mask to ensure he could see where they were going. This was to protect the privacy of the Institution he was told.

Once he was seated and his seatbelt was in place the man clamped a pair of headphones on Mike’s head which played classical music throughout the journey.

Mike lost track of time but eventually the vehicle stopped and Mike was led outside still wearing the sleep mask. Once indoors the mask was removed and he saw he was standing in a grand Victorian entrance hall.

‘Welcome Michael’, a lady sitting behind a desk said. He corrected her saying that his name was Mike but she ignored him and motioned to one of the men who had collected him; ‘please take Michael to Room 6.’

‘Follow me sir’, the man said and Mike followed him down a long corridor until they came to a door with the number 6 on it.

The man knocked on the door and opened it and gestured for Mike to go inside. A woman in a tailored charcoal business suit was sitting at a desk. She looked up and Mike took in her flowing auburn locks, her full cheek bones and red lipstick. There was something vaguely familiar about her but he couldn’t place where they might have met.

When she spoke to him her Scottish brogue was not something that triggered any memory so he assumed he was mistaken.

Clare smiled inwardly at Mike’s confused look. Clearly the wig, cheek pads and the accent had been enough to fool him, just as she expected.

‘Good morning Michael’, Clare said. ‘It’s Mike’, he replied; he hadn’t been called Michael since he was a boy. She carried on as if she hadn’t heard him; ‘I have your notes from Doctor Ruth Mendling detailing what therapies she had already undertaken. I have devised a series of new therapies which we will use during the time you are here.’

‘What will those treatments be?’ Mike asked. Clare smiled; ‘I make a point of not divulging what we do. Suffice it to say everyone who comes to my clinic reports significant changes to the lifestyle. All we ask of our clients is total co-operation.’

Mike nodded and she continued; ‘I see that you have had a full body waxing but it was a while ago so that is the first treatment which will be followed by a deep cleaning and then the treatment proper can begin.’

‘Please go out, turn left and go to the next room where a colleague is waiting for you’, she said closing his file.

Mike got up and followed her instructions.

The room next door had a leather table set in the middle and a male attendant waiting for him. Mike had assumed the waxing would be done by a woman just like last one.

Secretly he was hoping for the same service but that was clearly not to be. The Male attendant didn’t speak and was very clinical in his approach to the waxing which was as painful as the last time.

Oil was again rubbed over his nude body which provoked an erection but the man ignored it and simply told him to get dressed and then to go further down the corridor to the next room.

Mike was greeted by a middle aged woman dressed in a blue Nurse’s uniform with black tights. Her blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail.
‘You must be Michael’, she said. Once again he corrected her to Mike but she carried on in a voice with an Irish lilt; ‘I need you to get undressed Michael and sit on the chair for me.’

He sighed and complied and as he sat on the chair Mike realised this wasn’t an ordinary chair.

The Nurse strapped wide leather belts over my chest and waist and buckled them tightly in place. She then lifted each foot into stirrups she swung out from underneath the chair and strapped them in place. Once his wrists were secured to the arms of the chair he was going nowhere.

‘Why do I need to be restrained?’ Mike asked and she smiled; ‘it just makes things easier’, which wasn’t really an answer.

She fiddled with something under the chair and suddenly Mike’s legs were swung out wide and then elevated to a position that he had seen on childbirth photos. Mike realised that, just as in childbirth, this position created a certain vulnerability.

He watched helplessly as she squirted lubricant onto her gloved right hand before pulling up a stool and sitting between his outstretched legs.

Mike gasped as her finger pushed against his rectum; ‘just relax’, she said pushing forward gently. Irrespective of what he did she gently pushed in and out with the single finger.

Soon one finger became two and then three; ‘that’s better you are loosening up a bit’, she said as she applied more lube to her hand. Soon it seemed her whole hand was inside; ‘now you are relaxed and ready for the colon cleaning’, she said.

Mike couldn’t help noticing that his cock was fully erect and leaking fluid at this point but she seemed not to have noticed.

After a while she removed her hand and after taking the gloves off she pulled a large trolley over. ‘I’m going to use this machine; it’s a colonic irrigation machine, to clean out your intestines.’

She pulled on a new pair of latex gloves and lubricated a long plastic tube that was coupled to the machine. Mike gasped as she pushed it inside and then as she turned the machine on warm liquid invaded his rectum.

‘The machine will cycle through filling you up and then, after a pause, it will suck you dry. It will continue until the liquid that is extracted is clear, indicating your colon is completely clean.’

She walked over to a table and turned some music on; ‘I’ll leave you for a while and I will return once the machine has finished.’

The pain in his bowels as the machine filled him up was becoming intense so without thinking he asked; ‘what do I do if I can’t stand the pain and you are not here?’

She smiled; ‘good point’, she said as she walked over to a cabinet.

Before Mike could say anything a pear shaped leather gag went into his mouth and was buckled in place. She looked down at him; ‘no problem now!’ she said as she left the room.

Eventually she returned and released him having confirmed that his bowels were completely empty.

‘Please return to Room 6 and the Doctor will set out the next steps of your treatment’, she said.

Mike dressed and walked back up the corridor and knocked on the door of Room 6.

‘Come in Michael’, the voice said and he entered. She waved him to a seat in front of her desk.

‘You are now ready to begin the treatment I have laid out for you. First though you should be aware of a number of house rules that you must abide by. Obviously you don’t have a mobile phone but also use of any phones in the building is specifically forbidden.’

Mike nodded as she continued; ‘now that you are clean inside your treatment relies on a liquid diet to avoid creating any solid waste. The liquid drink will be provided several times a day and will contain all the correct minerals, protein etc that you need to remain healthy. You will consume it!’

It sounded disgusting and indeed it was when she went over to a cupboard and took out a large beaker full of green juice. There must have been 1.5 litres of liquid. ‘This is your first meal’, she said handing Mike the container.

It was disgusting but he drank it as he realised there wasn’t going to be any other food; although he couldn’t understand why.

As he drank she continued with the house rules; ‘as a client you will only meet my staff not any of our other clients, that to ensure your respective privacy. There will be no leaving the house unless there is a fire alarm in which case you will be escorted.’

‘Throughout your stay you will not wear your own clothes. So please take them off and put them in the box, they will be returned at the end of the treatment.’

It sounded like a stupid rule but Mike complied and stood naked waiting for her to provide some hospital type gown or something. Instead she waved him over to an examining couch in the corner of the room.

‘I want you to lie on your back Michael’, she said. When he did he wasn’t prepared for her to pull a towel under his bottom and then to pin it in place around his waist. He was now wearing a very large and very thick diaper.

‘Why do I have to wear this?’ Mike asked but she tutted; ‘no questioning my techniques!’ she said sternly.

There was a knock on the door and a male nurse entered; ‘take Michael to his room’, she said.

Mike followed the nurse up one floor to a room which was simply furnished with just a bed. ‘Your first treatment is at 7am’, the nurse said as he left the room. He heard a click and when he checked the door was locked and there was no handle on the inside. “What sort of place was this?” he wondered.

As he looked around the room he realised he suddenly felt very tired and with nothing else to do he lay on the bed.

He was asleep immediately and had no recollection of anything until he was woken by the same Nurse in the morning.

Although he assumed he had slept well his brain seemed to be foggy as he found it difficult to concentrate.

He didn’t realise he was watched via cctv to check that the drugs administered in the drink had worked.
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Post by LunaDog »

This is absolutely superb.
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