Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 3/15/24] NEW POLL

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Who should Mason save?

NATE: plug gag, gorilla tape bonds, nipple clamps
CODY: duct tape gag, handcuffs, Icy Hot
LEO: Hoss' sock gag, rope bonds, tickle torture
RAY: bandana gag, slave harness, in his underwear
Total votes: 26

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Post by CowboyStud »

wataru14 wrote: 1 year ago
Bootmark wrote: 1 year ago Love the story. I have to admit Cody is my favorite and can't wait for him to be tied up again!
Just wait for Halloween.

I needed it months ago!!!!!
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Post by wataru14 »

CHAPTER 1: Abandon Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

Guests approaching the newly rebuilt TUG House could see the splendor before they came to the crest of the hill on Fraternity Row. Lights shot up into the air from rotating lamps on the lawn, making multicolored figure-8 patterns in the sky above the house. They could be seen all across campus. Twelve-foot-tall skeletons arranged in macabre poses populated the front lawn. Rusty chains with manacles attached were draped over the fence, along with a sign that read “Enter at your own risk” in a suspiciously Rocky Horror font. On the porch, a massive figure, clad in a black Reaper robe that covered his face, stood in front of the doorway. He did not speak, but his similarly dressed smaller companion croaked in a Renfield-esque voice at the new arrivals.

“Invitations, please…” he cackled. “The morgue is filled to capacity and the Masters will not allow the uninvited.” After checking the validity of the invites, the shrouded Igor figure nodded to his partner, and the massive specter opened the door to the house. It swung open with a heavy, ominous creak. The hall inside was covered in cobwebs, and the eyes on the pictures of the Actives that hung on the wall of the entrance seemed to follow the guests as they progressed inside. The whole interior was lit with black lights and a low dry ice fog covered the floor, tendrils wisping out over the doorjam and onto the porch.

Headless and mutilated mannequins were placed in strategic positions around the rooms of the first floor, and a low rumbling organ music, peppered with screams, drifted through the house. People in costume were milling about and talking, but the new arrivals were herded immediately into the kitchen, where two slender TUG members stood over the stove. They were stirring some sort of concoction in a cast-iron pot. “Ah!” one of them said to the other. “New test subjects! Come in, come in!”



The two mad doctors gathered the partygoers around the cauldron and began pouring the steaming brew into Erlenmeyer flasks. “No one may enter without first imbibing of our foul potion. We’ve been laboring over it all day!” A plastic hand bobbed up and broke the surface of the drink, causing the doctors to shout. “Down you!” they said, pushing the prop hand back under the surface with glass stirring rods. “You refused to drink and now you pay the price!” They handed a flask to each guest and cackled.

One of the new guests was impatient. The theatrics were impressive, but he was not here for the ambience. He was dressed all in all black, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. He didn’t come to Metro City expecting to go to a Halloween party, so he had to pick up an overpriced costume at a party store that morning. A black robe and Scream mask: something that would keep him as shrouded and anonymous as possible. He looked around for the person who was his entire reason for coming, but didn’t see him. As the other guests drank their flasks excitedly, he lifted the mask, careful to expose only his stubbled chin and mouth and not let anyone see his face. The brew was hot and potent. He felt the buzz almost immediately. A warm sensation filled his body.

“Oh drat!” one of the doctors said as the guests put their empty flasks on the counter. “No one died or turned into monsters or anything! We’ll have to add more eye of newt to the next batch.” He turned and looked at the guests. “Very well,” he said. “Since you all survived, you are welcome to join us.” The back door of the kitchen, the door that led to the back porch, opened of its own accord. Pumping music and the sounds of cheerful conversation wafted in through the open door. The two mad scientists took out a roll of carnival tickets and gave five to each guest. “These can be used to participate in the party games,” Jean-Marc said. “You only get five now, but who knows? You might be able to scare up some more from our ghostly hosts! Enjoy the party! Gwa ha ha!!!”

Gavin pulled a mini chainsaw from under the counter and started it up. The laughing guests, feeling frisky from the Jungle Juice, screamed and ran en masse to the door leading to the backyard. The man in black played along, but as soon as he was outside, he disappeared into the crowd.


Three young men, all dressed in black, mingled through the guests taking drink orders. One was also running back and forth to the DJ table, ferrying song requests. He was dressed head to toe in leather. Black cowboy boots under impossibly tight leather pants that connected to a leather buttondown top with large pockets over each breast. The whole forming a one-piece leather jumpsuit. It was unbuttoned to halfway down and the lapels were pulled slightly apart to show off his chest. His hair was dyed jet black and greased into an elephant trunk pompadour with a few flyaway strands over his forehead. He wore oversized old-style sunglasses.


“Another Monster Mash request?” Scott said from the DJ booth. He wore black cargo pants and a pullover shirt with horizontal black and white stripes. A wide red tie with hamburgers printed on it hung slightly loosely from his neck, covering his chain choker and padlock necklace. He wore black leather gloves and a black trenchcoat, with a wide-brimmed fedora on his head. A black domino mask covered his eyes. His hands were cuffed together in front of him, which made running the DJ booth difficult, but he was managing all right. He had to. The man behind him would permit no slacking. Wade stood right over Scott’s right shoulder, clad in an exquisite black all-leather police uniform. It was custom-made and conformed to every contour of his body. Cody found himself coming back time and time again to look at it up close. Wade had to hide his amusement as he looked down on Cody from behind mirrored sunglasses. One of his gauntlet-gloved hands tenderly rested on Scott’s shoulder.



“Not quite,” Cody said. Scott had previously said he wouldn’t play that song until he was drunk enough not to notice what a tired cliché it was. He was in the middle of a Rob Zombie set and enjoying watching Little Orphan Annie moshing with Sailor Moon. Cody reached into his breast pocked handed Scott a handwritten note with a big lipstick mark on it. “It’s a special request from the Delta Sisters.” Scott looked at it and chuckled before showing it to Wade, who allowed himself to break character for just enough time to grin from ear to ear.

“You ready?” Scott said, scanning his digital files for the requested song. Cody didn’t answer, just nodded and took his place in front of the crowd in the wide open part of the slightly raised area housing the coolers and DJ equipment. He did a few quick hip gyrations to get the crowd’s attention and struck a wide-stance karate chop pose. When he got into place he looked at Scott and said “Let’s take care of business!” with a sexy sneer. Scott gave no introduction, just laughed and played the song. The guitar twangs and piano got the whole crowd on its feet as Cody grabbed a mic from a nearby stand.

“Lord amighty, feel my temperature risin’!”

Cody strutted around the stage like a master, snarling and winking seductively at the partygoers. He shook his hips. He undid another button on his jumpsuit top. He turned his back to the audience, singing over his shoulder at them and flexing and unflexing his leather-framed bum for their howling cheers. He commanded the stage like the King himself. Letting his natural exhibitionism take over, he pulled several girls from the crowd up with him and danced and sang directly at them. The crowd jumped and sang along. Cody felt glorious as he sold every “Lord have mercy!” and hip swivel at triple the price. At the end of the song, as the crowd sang “hunka hunka burning love” with him, he dove off the makeshift stage into the raised arms of the crowd. They passed him along on his back over the top and deposited him on the lawn behind. Cody felt more than a few hands copping a quick feel or two of his leather-clad body as he passed over. He winked and saluted the crowd before disappearing into the darkness.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Scott said into the mic. “Elvis has left the building.”


Quite a throng had gathered at the far end of the yard after the Elvis performance was completed. Cody resumed taking drink orders and do host tasks for the guests while Scott put the DJ booth on automatic and went over to the area of lawn the crowd was surrounding. Hoss was still on front door duty with Nate, so Wade resumed his old sergeant-at-arms position and patrolled the partygoers to make sure everyone was behaving themselves… but not behaving TOO much.

When Scott arrived, the crowd had formed a thick semi-circle facing in. On the ground in front of them were two large pieces of posterboard with five words arranged evenly on each in a circle around the perimeters. The first had five names. The second read “Rope – Tape – Zipties – Metal – Leather.” An empty beer bottle was laid in the center of each circle, the neck pointing down, equidistant between two of the words.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” Scott said, answered back by a rousing chorus of “Rubble Rubble.” He smirked and gave the crowd the finger. “Welcome to the first of our party games. We decided to start the night off with a bang, so here is one of our most popular events: TUG’s own variation on the old classic… Spin the Bottle!” The crowd whooped and cheered. “Now for those of you who are new to our parties, here’s how it works. You pay a ticket to play and we randomly pick a contestant to spin both bottles.” Scott indicated the Bingo ball nearby with the pile of tickets inside. “The bottle on the left says who gets the treatment, and the one on the right says what material you use. We go in order: hands, feet, arms, legs, and mouth. Once one of our bachelors gets completely restrained, the lucky winner gets to take him to the Boom Boom Room for 30 minutes to do whatever they like.” The crowd cheered again. “After you spin, you get back in line and can play as many times as your ticket comes up. So let’s not waste any more time and meet our victims… um prizes.”

“First off, from the halls of rock’n’roll royalty, we have Leo Simmons! And I hear that tongue is just as nimble as it looks!”


“Watch out, because this one’s dangerous! Our master of stealth and general badassery, Bryan Snake!”


“No matter what you order him to do, his response will be ‘As you wish,’ it’s the Dread Pirate Ray!”


“When you get him in the bedroom, you’ll be shouting his name more than three times. Direct from the Netherworld… Masonjuice!”


“And finally, the man who’s out to plunder your booty. History’s greatest raider, Omar Bjornsson!”


The five men stood in a line across from the group, all smiles. After everything that had happened recently, they were happy to get back to “normal.” A huge weight had been lifted from their shoulders when the house was rebuilt, and even with the advisor still on vacation, they wanted to restore some of TUG’s glory. All five were ready to go and did character poses to pump up the crowd. Scott spun the Bingo Ball and pulled the first ticket. The contestant with the matching half eagerly ran up. It was Paul from the auction. Mason smiled as he saw a hint of Danny-induced confidence in the guy. Some of his shyness from the auction was still there, but he was fighting through it like a champ. Paul spun the two bottles. They landed on Bryan and zipties.

“Standard issue for superspies,” Scott said. “Just the thing for our special agent! Hands behind your back, Mr. Snake.” Bryan flipped the ends of his headband over his shoulder and assumed the position. The crowd cheered as Paul slipped the plastic cable ties around his wrists and ratcheted them tightly closed.

“I won’t tell you anything, Big Boss” Bryan said in a gravelly voice, squirming against his restraints. He gave a playful smile. Paul grinned got back at into line.

“No carboard box with save you from captivity, Snake!” Scott said as he pulled the next ticket. The bottles landed on Omar and tape.

“And the proud Viking warrior gets the treatment!” Scott said. “Let’s hope this isn’t the first step back to thralldom.” Omar bounced his bare pecs and made a powerful grimace before putting his hands behind his back. The chosen contestant was one of the guys who had unsuccessfully bid on Ray. He started to wrap his wrists in tape, but it was a pretty shoddy job. Scott had to interject. “No no no! That’s not going to hold all that muscle, brah. Let me show you how it’s done.” Scott took the tape and began to wrap it around Omar’s wrists in tight overlapping bands. “You have to use a lot to keep him from powering out. And to cover those wristbands. See?” Omar turned and displayed his taped hands to the crowd, who “oohed” in response with light applause.

Scott sent the contestant back into line. “We need to see some better restrain work than that, folks,” he said as he pulled the next ticket. “Maybe add a rule that if the boys get free on their own they get to turn the tables? We shall see.” The bottles landed on Mason and rope. Mason smiled as he saw his name. He had been talking to Leo when the third contestant was called and wasn’t looking when the bottles were spun. When he heard the result, he looked up and saw Victor, one of Danny’s ROTC gym buddies, standing in front of him with a length of rope in his hands.

“Hey there, buddy” Victor said with a wolfish grin.

“Ooh,” Scott intoned. “Looks like this gym rivalry is going a little more intense!” Victor chuckled and slid into place behind Mason.

Victor said “We’ve been learning how to properly deal with enemy captives in ROTC and I’ve been itching to try out some of those techniques.” He began to loop the rope around Mason’s wrists. And Mason realized their lessons had been pretty sound. The ropes were snug, but not super tight, the perfect tautness to restrain and not cut off circulation. The cords flew crossways and around, winding through each other and forming an inescapable net of rope. Mason wondered if the instructor from that class was a TUG alumnus. Or if maybe Danny himself had been giving master classes.

“Now THAT’s what I’m talking about!” Scott said when Victor was finished. “Danny said you boys were cool, but I had no idea you were up to OUR standards. Where were you three years ago? Never mind. With skills like that you’d have gotten a bid instead of me!” Scott and Victor laughed. “Back in line, soldier!”

The fourth contestant was actually Chelsea from Delta, and a veteran of TUG parties. When the bottle landed on Ray, he was ready. In position almost immediately. A few weeks ago he’d have been thanking the heavens for a babe like her to spin him, but recently someone else had been on his mind. Ray was still a little confused over what he was feeling, but whatever it was was undeniable. But that had to wait. Regardless of what was going on in his hindbrain, something he was going to enjoy very much was happening right now. The second bottle landed on leather. Chelsea licked her lips as she dangled the buckled cuffs in front of Ray’s face.

“Can I just pay five tickets and take him now?” she joked. He squeezed Ray’s tensed bicep. He flexed in response, making her hum softly. “This one’s good enough to eat.”

“Look at you, collecting Freshmen!” Scott said jokingly. Chelsea playfully blew a kiss at Mason and flipped Scott off. “Them’s against the rules, missy, you know that. But whatever you two decide to do after the game is over is completely up to you, though.” Ray gave her a sly wink. He wasn’t sure about signing up for this game at first, but he was liking the idea a lot more now.

Chelsea took her time slipping his wrists into the leather manacles and buckling them closed. Ray felt the smooth snugness on his wrists and liked the feel. “Maybe Cody’s onto something,” he thought as Chelsea connected the cuffs together and returned to the line.

Leo watched impatiently as the fifth contestant, some rando from the auction, spun Omar and tape. His name hadn’t come up yet. Everything was left to chance, so it’s not like he was failing somehow. But he always thought he was luckier than that. His dice rolls always seemed to indicate so. He wasn’t heavy into competition like Ray, but if he was going to lose, he at least wanted to make some sort of showing. The other guys, especially Brett, would never let him live it down if he was unfettered when someone won the game. Leo watched as Omar’s ankles were taped by the current contestant and Scott made a comment about “getting a tape theme going.” But he was relieved to see that his name came up next. With rope.

“All right!” Scott said. “All five of our studs have made it to stage 1. I was getting a little worried for Leo there.” But when Leo saw who the contestant was, he began to worry. It was one of the glamazons from the Wendy Lightning cover band. A pale imitation of the original, but still a woman who looked like she could fight a bear. And, unsurprisingly, she was a pro with the rope. Instead of crossing Leo’s wrists, she arranged his arms behind his back wrist-to-elbow, perpendicular to his spine. She secured each wrist to its partner elbow, framing Leo’s arms in an “=” pattern. Scott whistled in approval. “Wow!” he said “Never saw a contestant go for advanced techniques. You could show us a thing or two.” The woman smiled, then snarled and licked Leo’s ear. How the hell did Jean-Marc come back from them in one piece?


The man in the Scream mask watched idly from the back of the crowd. He had lost sight of Cody after the performance and crowd surfing and had been on the hunt ever since. When he saw the crowd gathering, he was drawn to it, hoping Cody would have drifted over there. He knew Cody wasn’t one of the prizes in this game, but he might have been taking a break from his service duties and watching from the herd. There was a lot of black and the sun had fully gone down, making it hard to see details from that far away. He scanned the crowd while the next rounds were played, his mask making it impossible to tell where his eyes were pointed.

“Bryan’s feet with tape!”
“Bryan again! Arms with rope! Halfway there, folks!”
“Leo’s feet with zipties! The favorite of a certain cop I know. Ha ha ha.”
“Mason’s feet with rope! Another theme going? Let’s see.”
“Ray’s feet with rope! Looks like we’re all evened up!”
“And Ray pulls even with Bryan with arms and leather! Slow down, man, you’ll make Cody jealous.”

The man in the Scream mask perked up upon hearing the name and quickly looked around to see if Cody was present for the joke. But he wasn’t. Satisfied he needed to look elsewhere, the man melted off into the darkness.

“Leo’s arms with rope!”
“Omar’s arms with zipties! You’ll have to get creative to trap THOSE guns with mere plastic!”
“Bryan’s legs with zipties. Only one more spin and Bryan is our winner!”
“Leo’s legs with metal! It’s neck-and-neck now!”
“And Mason catches up with arms and metal!”

The bottle spun around several times and finally came to rest on Bryan.

“And we have a winner!” Scott cheered. The lucky winner was Karinn, the girl from the auction who had yoked Takeshi. “And it’s a rowdy one! Hiya, beautiful!” Karinn gave Scott a playful peck on the cheek. “So what are your plans with Snake here?”

“Oh he’ll definitely be a Solid Snake when I get my hands on him,” Karinn joked. She picked up a riding crop from the box of supplies nearby. “I should get some good use out of this.”

Scott said, “Just one last thing. Just gag him and he’s yours.” Karinn chuckled and crossed over to Bryan. She undid the knot on his headband and pulled it off his head. Bryan was all smiles as he opened his mouth wide and Karinn wedged the fabric inbetween his jaws. It was long enough to go several times around. “That should do it.” Scott said, patting Bryan on the shoulder.

Scott walked away and brought over Hoss’ wheelchair. “The big man is back on his feet, so he said we can use this to transport your prize to the Boom Boom Room. Unless you want him to hop all the way there?” The crowd chuckled but Karinn shook her head. She looked at Bryan and pointed to the seat. Bryan obediently plopped down into it. Being built for Hoss, it was quite a bit wider than was fitting for him. Scott looked at Karinn and said, “Just take him to the elevator (yeah, we have one of those now – thanks Brett!) and go up to the third floor. One of our associates will guide you to your destination.”

The crowd applauded as Karinn wheeled Bryan over the patio and into the house. Scott watched her go and said to the crowd, “That’s it for Spin the Bottle, folks! Stay tuned for more games, but for now eat, drink, and be merry!” The crowd began to disperse as Scott started untying his friends.


At the front door, Hoss and Nate welcomed the last latecomers to the party. Admittance had a strict closing time so that the people on door duty weren’t stuck outside all night and end up missing the party. Once the last of the fashionably late had gotten their Jungle Juice and entered the backyard. Hoss lowered his hood.

“You ready?” he said to Nate.

“Yup,” Nate replied. “Let’s get up to your room and get dressed. The last piece of the costume arrived by mail today and I think that you’ll love it. We’re going to bring down the house.”

“I saw that package when it came,” Hoss said as they ascended the stairs to the second floor. “Who sent it? It wasn’t a company but I didn’t recognize the name.”

“Oh, just a friend” Nate said. “And his name’s Luther Harris.”

Coming Soon: Halloween part 2
Last edited by wataru14 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gag1195 »

TUG is back in spectacular fashion! Loving the costumes so far, especially knowing we've only seen about half of our TUG boys! That was quite the game to kick off the celebrations! What other fun does this party have in store? I have some apprehension about what's in that package for Nate and Hoss... what costume will Hoss end up in? Will Cody's stalker be successful? Will we see Travis and Ray interact? Its a Happy Halloween in Januray!
wataru14 wrote: 1 year ago The whole interior was lit with black lights and a low dry ice fog covered the floor, tendrils wisping out over the doorjam and onto the porch.
Also, Probably the only time you could safely light a Frat House in black lights is during its grand opening! Otherwise, the guests might be for a real fright! :lol:
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Post by Volobond »

How fun and freaky! Halloween is the perfect opportunity for tricks and treats! I'm glad to see the TUG party attitude, and of course Scott being so subby. I worry for Cody, but come on. In a full leather jumpsuit, who isn't gonna hear the squeaking if he struggles?

I just wish I could bid on a couple of tug boys myself!

And also I love the showcase of Cody's musical talents! I swoon even more for the pretty cowboy!

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Post by Guardianbound »

Wade chose a convenient costume, he probably wears that outfit often, or borrowed it from his shop. :lol: matches with hamburglar though, I'll give him that.

I'm excited to see who the stalker is, and what are his plans with poor Cody.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Halloween is a great reason for all the TUG boys to pick themselves in funny/hot ensembles, it seems. Cody and Wade's leather costumes were to be expected but not any less sexy and Scott's costume got a chuckle out of me.

Spin the Bottle had a really interesting spin (pun intended) on the formula. I'm happy that Bryan got captured in the end, Solid Snake costume was just begging for it. Speaking of which, I really enjoy how much the ladies of the campus are benefitting from these TUG events. :D

Can't wait to see Hoss ready for the party, as well.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

"Trick or Treat!" :twisted:

You've presented quite the treat for us, [mention]wataru14[/mention]!

The new TUG House decorated for festivities and Jungle Juice got us in the mood for treats and tricks.

The spin the bottle party game certainly entertained us with the sight of costumed hunks, twinks, and guys in between captured, hobnailed, twined and gagged!

But it was the trickster in the Scream mask stalking Cody that got my jungle juice juiced! :o :D :o :D

Cannot wait to see what happens next!
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

whoever the scream masked person is, they had an invitation and made it past nate and hoss. that narrows it down to a friend of tug, or they stole the invite from someone who is.

I wonder what costumes nate and hoss have? I am guessing it was nates idea, as he is the creative one.

I am not sure if wade actually dressed up for the event, or is that what he normally wears outside of work lol
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Post by wataru14 »

Wedgieboy69 wrote: 1 year ago whoever the scream masked person is, they had an invitation and made it past nate and hoss. that narrows it down to a friend of tug, or they stole the invite from someone who is.
Every ticket at the auction doubles as an invite to the party. Brett mentioned it near the end. The Scream mask guy was definitely there.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

wataru14 wrote: 1 year ago
Wedgieboy69 wrote: 1 year ago whoever the scream masked person is, they had an invitation and made it past nate and hoss. that narrows it down to a friend of tug, or they stole the invite from someone who is.
Every ticket at the auction doubles as an invite to the party. Brett mentioned it near the end. The Scream mask guy was definitely there.
you are right. I completely forgot that.
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Post by wataru14 »

HALLOWEEN Chapter 2: Costume Slugfest

After cleaning up the Spin the Bottle game, the pledges had to set up a series of Drunk Curling tables and ref the games for a while, in addition to serving drinks and generally keeping the yard clean. While TUG was certainly more egalitarian and fair in its treatment of the pledges than pretty much all the other Greek organizations, the pledges knew they were still the low men on the totem pole and had to do their menial tasks with a smile. Nate had often said it “builds character” and makes them appreciate their bonds more, but Leo always said platitudes like that made it sound like he was parroting his parents. And the fact that Nate was not here with them sharing in the “character building,” despite his words, was not lost on Leo.

“You’d think that since he’s such a big fan of the pledge process, he’d actually… you know… be here to help,” Leo moaned as he and Ray dragged a heavy blue mat into the middle of the basketball court and began unrolling it.

“Leave him alone,” Mason said as he helped them square the mat off with the edge of the court. “He’s been stuck on door duty all evening. We’ve been working, too, but at least we get to mingle somewhat. He’s been standing out there for an hour and a half repeating the same script the whole time.”

“Mingle?” Ray said, clapping Mason on the back. “Look at you! Two months ago we couldn’t get you away from the food table without a forklift. And now you’re right here in the thick of it. I’m proud of you, buddy.” Mason smiled.

“Hey,” Cody said as he helped Leo drag over the second mat. “Don’t you have a lady friend? How come you didn’t bring her?”

Mason looked at Leo and frowned. As good of a guy as he was, Leo couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. “You mean Marisol? Well, I wouldn’t exactly call us a couple. We just hang out.” Leo gave a ‘yeah right’ look and chuckled as he and Cody unrolled the mat. “But I don’t know if she’s ready for… all this yet.”

Ray helped Cody align the two mats side by side. “How has Nate been doing?” Ray asked him. “I haven’t seen him around campus much recently and Mason says he disappears as soon as classes are over.”

Cody frowned. “I don’t see him any more than you do, I’m afraid,” he said. “I mean, he comes home at night to sleep, and I see him during pledge activities and all, but other than that he seems to…”

“Be spending all his time with Hoss,” Mason said sagely. “That’s understandable since he was hurt, but he’s been out of the wheelchair for a few days now.” Mason, himself, only needed his oxygen tube when he slept. He was still on light duty, of course, but he was recovering well. Hoss, with his superior Constitution, was up and about like nothing ever happened.

“Exactly,” Cody said. “Does anyone else think they’re taking things a little too fast? They’ve only known each other for two months and you need a crowbar to separate them these days.”

Leo agreed. “Nate has never had a relationship before, and clearly this is Hoss’ first time being with another guy,” he said. “It’s all new and exciting to them, so they’re going in headfirst. It happens. But is there something real there or is it just infatuation and novelty for them? Hard to say.”

“Well,” Ray said, “It looks like they’re both happy. And that’s what’s important. And they’re still in the honeymoon stage. That’s what it’s like. I had a girlfriend Junior year of high school and I barely hung out with Mason for the whole second quarter.” Mason didn’t say anything. Those few months were not a good time for him and he preferred not to think about them.

“I guess,” Cody said. “But I hope they learn to pace themselves better. If they burn out, Hoss will be OK pretty quickly, but it’ll hit Nate real hard. He’ll probably think of it as another rejection and blame himself. I don’t want to see him go through that.”

Leo said “If you’re concerned, talk to him. Nothing else you really can do. But you’re acting like you don’t approve of the match. I actually think they bring out a lot of good in each other. When they’re not sucking face, that is.”

Cody laughed and was about to retort, but didn’t get the chance. When the mats were fully arranged, a crowd began to form around the edges. It was game time. Mason and Leo grabbed the ticket box and started collecting admission while Ray and Cody set up the gear on a folding table. When all was ready, Scott nodded and started playing a guitar-heavy 80’s power rock song through the speakers. The floodlights zipped to the kitchen door, which opened slowly. Danny stepped out.


Danny stepped out and did a double bicep flex, then tore the yellow “Hulk Rules” tank top he was wearing into shreds. He was wearing yellow boots, red tights, and a red feather boa over his shoulders. The had a stringy blonde wig on under a red “Hulkamaina” bandana and a blonde moustache taped on his upper lip. A Championship belt hung around his waist. He said “I hope you little Hulkamaniacs have been saying your prayers and eating your vitamins. Cause it’s about to go down. Whacha gonna do?!?!”

He strutted out onto the mats to thunderous cheers. He turned to face the crowd and said “Our next attraction, dudes and dudettes, is the ever-popular costume slugfest. Where four of our best duke it out in a mini wrestling tournament. Winner gets the coveted Championship Belt I’m currently wearing and the losers get…” He looked over at the bondage gear spread out on the table. “Well, you know.”

“So let’s introduce this year’s competitors,” Danny said. “Seeking to avenge is embarrassing first-round loss to yours truly last year, we have… direct from the laboratories of Shinra… Bret-phiroth!”


Ominous Latin chanting was played and Brett strode out of the kitchen, carrying a sword that was at least 6 feet long. He was dressed all in flowing black, and a long white wig adorned his head. He had icy blue contacts in his eyes, and a single black wing was strapped to the back of his long coat. He moved out onto the mat as if floating and not walking. When he got to the center of the ring, he paraded around with a presence that gave everyone chills.

“Yes, very scary,” Danny said. “Don’t you have some spiky-haired emo kid to terrorize?” Brett allowed himself a small chuckle and got back into character. He did a flourishing slash with his sword and held it across his chest in battle position.

“And his opponent, hailing from the undersea paradise of Talocan, el nino sin amor… Luis!”


Luis’s costume was even more revealing than Omar’s, consisting of just his ornate trunks and decorative neckwear and armbands. He playfully twirled his spear as he jogged out to Scott playing the Little Mermaid’s “Under the Sea” from the DJ booth. Luis’ nipples stood erect in the chilly October evening air.

At first, the two battled with their costume weapons, sword against spear. Their movements were graceful, almost choreographed, and they peppered their combat with shouted phrases from their characters. “Heartless Angel!” “Imperius Rex!” “Supernova!” It was all part of the game. Luis did a jumping spear thrust from off the drink table and Brett jumped back to avoid the blow. Brett looked at Luis through narrowed eyes and said “Enough games. It is time for my true form!”

Brett put down his sword and began to unbutton his long black coat. He undid the oversize silver buttons slowly and deliberately before unclasping the chains holding it closed over his upper chest. With a haughty smile he shed the coat and let it drop to the floor. Even the pledges had to give pause as Brett flipped his hair. He raised his head slightly and held his arms out at his sides in an imitation of the pose Sephiroth took as he descended from the sky for his game’s final battle. It was the first time the pledges had seen Brett without a shirt before. The other seniors were far less modest with casual half-nudity. Danny, in particular, had been know to go entire weekends barechested in the warm weather. But Brett had always been more reserved in that department. And seeing him like this made them wonder why.

His build was similar to Ray’s in size, which was already impressive enough. But it was the definition that shocked everyone. Every contour, every vein and muscle, looked like it was chiseled in stone by a Renaissance Master. Mason, in particular, knew from his training sessions with Danny that achieving that look required intense focus in the gym. Leo, based on what he knew of Brett’s origins, wondered if it was the result of some sort of genetic meddling. Luis, who was less cut but still a glorious specimen himself, gave a mocking yawn as he approached Brett, hands raised in battle positions.

The crowd had grown a little restless from watching the playful weapon battle, but now stood in rapt attention as the two pugilists squared off. The crowd marveled at the mass of sweaty bodies, groping and squeezing as they rolled around the mat. It was visceral, primal. Two men releasing pent-up tension and swimming in testosterone. Muscles bulged, sweat dripped down flesh in rivulets. Neither wanted to yield, but one had to. Unfortunately for Brett, the decision was taken out of his hands.

Brett’s wig, although gorgeous, proved to be his undoing. The long white strands flew uncontrollably as he tussled, getting in his mouth and covering his eyes. He often had to swat it away from his face. He wanted to rip it off his head, but abandoning your costume was an immediate disqualification. He tried to muscle through the distraction, but eventually the hairpiece proved too great a hurdle, and Luis managed to ball him up into a pin while Danny slapped the mat three times.

“And Namor proves victorious!” Danny said, helping Luis up and raising his arm in triumph. Some in the crowd cheered, and some booed, as the proceeds from the betting were distributed. It was a little chaotic without Bryan to organize the wagers, but he was otherwise occupied in the Boom-Boom Room right now. Brett, accepting his loss graciously, got up and gave Luis a congratulatory hug.

“You won this round,” he said in an ominous voice, “But it is just a setback. My ascension is inevitable.” Luis grinned and playfully punched Brett in the arm. Brett adjusted his wig and took his place on the left side of the mat. He knelt down and put his hands behind his back for his inevitable punishment.

Luis started by placing a rope around Brett’s chest, just under his pec line. The center point was right above his solar plexus. After he wrapped it snugly around a few times, pinning Brett’s upper arms against his sides, he held the two trailing ends out in front of Brett. Then he threaded them through Brett’s armpits on the opposite sides. The ends of the rope were then pulled tautly and came back down in front, over his shoulders. The ends were brought into a V-shape and looped around the central band across Brett’s chest before being crisscrossed and sent back up along the existing V and over his shoulders. The ends were then secured to the bands on Brett’s back. When they were knotted off, Brett’s torso was wrapped in a simple, but effective harness. From there it was a quick matter to securely fetter Brett’s hands behind him with more rope. Luis spread Brett’s knees wide apart on the mat and crossed his ankles behind him. Once they were tightly secured, he added a connecting rope from Brett’s ankles to the bands across his back. The whole resembled a hogtie, but with the prisoner kneeling instead of laying down.

Danny took center stage again. “And Sephiroth has been defeated and immobilized. Luis moves on to the finals, facing the winner of our next bout.” The crowd cheered. “And this one promises to be a real shocker! First out, we have, from the far-off land of Wakanda… accompanied by Queen Ororo… Jaquan’Challa!”

Jaquan & Girlfriend

A statuesque woman with a white wig and ornate headpiece strode through the door. Her long, royal blue gown trailed behind her as she filled the yard with her sheer presence. She stopped a few steps in and made the Wakandan salute across her chest, which was mirrored by the crowd. Then she turned and lifted her hand toward the door. Jaquan followed her out, amid a wave of applause. Jaquan wasn’t dressed as the archetypical Black Panther, instead choosing a royal blue long coat, befitting of a monarch. The two clasped hands and walked onto the mat with complete majesty. After they circled the mat a few times for the crowd, Jaquan kissed his escort’s hand and she took her place in the audience. The crowd bowed as she passed. When he took his place at the far corner of the mat, Jaquan removed his coat to reveal the expected black bodysuit underneath. Complete with claw necklace. He did a few stretches and waited for his opponent.

“Welcome, Your Majesty,” Danny said. “But now let me introduce someone very special. He may be dead, but that isn’t going to let that small detail stop him. Is he a maniacal villain or a misunderstood anti-hero? That is for history to decide. But right now, here he is! Metro City’s favorite son, Dr. Calami… Nate!”

The crowd gasped in disbelief as the diminutive freshman emerged from the kitchen, waving and posturing for his audience. His outfit was perfect. The stylized labcoat, the futuristic goggles and belt full of mechanical doo-dads, the black leather gloves, and even the distinctive hairstyle of the late villain. Nate confidently walked towards the mat, grinning at the stunned crowd and saying “Quake with fear, peons of Metro City University, for I have arrived!”

“Are you kidding me?” Jaquan said, stepping up to Danny and getting in his face. “I can’t fight him! Danny, this isn’t right!” Jaquan had a good three inches in height on Nate, and at least 50 pounds. Their battle would be an absolute massacre. “He’ll get hurt. And besides, no one wants to see a squash job tonight. You trying to get this boy killed or something?”

Danny just gave a cheeky, oh-so-innocent look, and shrugged. Nate smiled and said, “Don’t worry, my good man. Sadly, your assessment is quite correct. We are badly mismatched and it would be no contest. Fortunately for both of us, however, I am not your opponent. You had someone escort you to the ring, and that is my function as well. Your real opponent is about to arrive.” Nate snapped his fingers and the kitchen door opened again.

The crowd fell silent as Hoss tromped out of the house, dressed in the tight-fitting blue-and-red spandex of Diesel. It clung to every contour of his massive body as he walked, his muscles rippling with each step. A white cowboy hat sat upon his head and a Texas flag bandana hung from his neck, in a perfect likeness of Diesel’s current costume. Nate made a mental note to thank Cody for letting him borrow the accessories. But it wasn’t Hoss’ impressive physique and perfect costume that had the crowd speechless.

Hoss’ hands were locked in front of him, even with his waist. They were encased in shining steel fetters that extended all the way up his arms like massive gauntlets. They stopped just above his biceps, where they joined a wide metal band that encircled Hoss’ barrel chest. It seemed to be one solid ring of metal, with no joints or seams. Hoss’ ankles were locked into impossibly heavy metal cuffs, with a chain connecting them, making the big man hobble as he walked. The chain was only about two feet long, but the individual links were nearly an inch thick apiece. His mouth was gagged with a rubber bit that resembled a horse’s bridle. An eerie green light radiated from several strange bulbs in key places around the apparatus. It looked like it weighed more than a small car.

While the other TUG boys’ props had been impressive, this one was beyond anything anyone had seen. Except Brett. He narrowed his eyes in angry recognition. He was quite glad the hair from his wig hung down over his face, masking his shock from the rest of the group. There was only one place Nate could have acquired that. It wasn’t a Toys’R’Us special and it definitely was not something to be played around with. Brett realized he’d have to have a talk with Gramps when he got back from Bora Bora.

Jaquan gave a “What the fuck is this?” look but Danny just grinned.

“I never said Nate was your opponent,” he said. “I just introduced him.”

Nate said “If you want to back out now, Your Highness, we can just skip to the good part.”

“To hell with that!” Jaquan said. He rolled his eyes and jumped in place a few times to stretch. Hoss cracked his neck from side to side. “I’ve been dying to tussle with this one for years. This’ll be fun as hell!” Nate gave a wry smile and bowed obsequiously. When Hoss got into position across from Jaquan, Nate pressed a button on his watch and the restraints began to shake. Mechanisms whirred and hummed as locks disengaged. The gauntlets split slightly apart, allowing Hoss to remove his arms, and the ankle cuff locks disengaged. All by remote control. Hoss calmly picked up the metal fetters and placed them outside the ring before returning to his spot.

“And we have a Clash of the Titans!” Danny said. “Jaquan is a heavy favorite to win this thing, but Hoss is, well… Hoss. He didn’t compete last year as he was too busy being the Spin the Bottle prize, but this year he’s aching for some gold.” Danny tapped the belt for emphasis. “Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets. Because it’s on!”

And with that the battle began. The bets were pouring in from all over the crowd. The odds on Hoss were yielding almost no return, but the spectators knew a sure thing when they saw one. If he was going to have a chance, Jaquan knew he had to be constantly moving and try to keep Hoss off balance. If he allowed Hoss to get a hold on him, it would be over as soon as it started. So he bobbed and ducked, trying for leg sweeps and trips to get the big man on the ground. Hoss was powerful, but not very limber. If Jaquan could just get him to go down, things would be much more even. But Hoss’ legs were as solid as the rest of him. When Jaquan made contact with them, he felt like he was hitting steel girders. He needed a new tactic.

Jaquan started to dodge and circle Hoss, changing direction occasionally, but on the whole moving in a clockwise direction. Every once in a while Hoss would land a desperate grab and the two would tussle, but Jaquan would always manage to slip out or reverse it temporarily. But they were always circling. After a few revolutions, he could see that his plan was working. Hoss seemed to be getting dizzy. His equilibrium was off-kilter, even if just slightly. And that was the advantage Jaquan needed. He darted left, and Hoss lunged to catch him, but Jaquan faked right at the last second. With blistering speed he was behind the big man. Jaquan leapt in the air and caught Hoss from behind in a sleeper hold.

The crowd roared as Hoss attempted to spin around and swat Jaquan off his back, but his low flexibility made him unable to reach his attacker. He tried to grab Jaquan’s arms and pry them loose, but by the time he thought to do that, the dizziness and the firmness of the hold began to take their toll. Hoss staggered and dropped to one knee. Even with Hoss at fractional strength, Jaquan had to give everything he had to maintain the hold. He felt like he was being pulled by a freight train when Hoss tried to pull his arms away. But somehow he managed to hold firm. Hoss staggered again and dropped to both knees.

Jaquan looked over at Nate, standing just off the mat at the edge of the crowd of spectators. He had an amused expression on his face. Not the sort that you’d expect to see on someone whose champion was about to go down. A scheme was at work here. Interesting. There was a sharpness about Nate that Jaquan hadn’t really noticed before. Jaquan would be chapter president next year when Brett graduated and he needed to think about how to groom this class for their future leadership roles. While there was much debate among the actives as to who would be their future president, Nate’s name hadn’t really come up as a potential for any council position. Jaquan started to wonder what a 4-D chess player like Nate could do in the right role.

But there wasn’t time to think about that right now. Hoss had begun to grow sluggish and slow and Jaquan had to maintain his concentration to avoid losing his grip and the big man’s flailing became more desperate. But the outcome was already decided by this point. With a final squeeze of the sleeper, Jaquan felt Hoss relax and slump down in his arms. He was about to release the hold, but held it a second longer to be sure Hoss wasn’t faking. Duplicity like that wasn’t normally in Hoss’ wheelhouse, but if Nate was “managing” him, anything was possible. But Jaquan could tell that the big man was really down for the count.

The crowd erupted in surprise. Even Jaquan was somewhat stunned. But then all eyes turned to Nate. He hadn’t broken character for an instant and everyone was expecting some sort of grandiose supervillain meltdown, complete with curses and fist-shaking. But Nate didn’t do that. Instead he just smirked and held out his hand in front of the bet taker. The stunned guest who was keeping the book placed a giant pile of cash in Nate’s hand. “Congratulations,” Nate said to Jaquan as he counted his winnings. Hoss opened his eyes from the mat and laughed.

Jaquan folded his arms across his chest and said “You got him to throw the match? HOSS?????” His offense at the deed was only surpassed by his utter shock that it happened in the first place.

Nate gave a wolfish grin. “Yup. It wasn’t easy to convince him to do that. You know how Alpha pride can get. But when I told him what the odds against him would be and how much of a killing we’d make, he came around. I can be very persuasive. I learned from the best. Have you ever met my mom?”

The crowd mumbled, slightly angrily, but Nate shushed them. “Oh, don’t be like that,” he said to the crowd. “I’m a villain, what did you expect? Fair play? Pshaw!”

Jaquan paused for a second and then let out a deep laugh. The tension broken, the crowd laughed, too. He patted Nate on the shoulder. “You are one ballsy kid,” he said. “I was still holding a little grudge over the Pledge Hunt thing, but not anymore. You’re all right.”

Nate laughed and smiled. “Thanks,” he said. Then he looked over at the futuristic restraints on the ground next to the mat. “You want to do the honors?”

Jaquan said “What the hell is that stuff? I don’t think I could even lift it.”

Nate replied, “Oh, it’s just something of my own making.” Jaquan didn’t believe that at all, but didn’t say anything. Even Wade didn’t carry hardware like that. Brett, unseen by anyone, scowled. “But it’s super light. It just looks heavy.” Nate picked up the gauntlets for emphasis. “See?”

Jaquan appraised the apparatus for a moment, then said. “Sure, why not?” It almost felt alive in his hands when he picked it up. Hoss seemed slightly disappointed that Nate wasn’t going to be the one applying it, but he got over it. He knew the rules. But Hoss’ reaction was not lost on Jaquan. “Even more interesting,” he thought as he held the gauntlets out. Hoss slipped his titanic hands and arms in and the gauntlets snapped shut, almost of their own accord. The steel restraints held his arms out, straight down, and encased them almost up to the shoulder. Lights began to flicker all along the gauntlets. Jaquan picked up the chest bar. He saw how it worked when Hoss entered and he brought the U-shaped device behind Hoss’s back into the proper position. The bar rested across Hoss’ back and the prongs of the U-shape fitted into grooves at the top of the arm gauntlets. The prongs locked into place as soon as they entered the slots. Jaquan finished up by affixing the leg shackles, which were, unfortunately, as heavy as they looked.

When Hoss was fully fettered, he shuffled his way to the edge of the ring across from the bound Brett and knelt. Jaquan’s girlfriend gave him a bottle of water as he got back onto the mat Luis got up and approached the for the final bouts. Jaquan turned to Nate, who was standing behind Hoss with his hand on the big man’s shoulder. “You made that?” Jaquan asked.

It was Hoss who answered. “Yup,” he said. “He may not look it, but he’s a total gearhead. You heard how clean my jeep runs? That’s all him.”

“I use with metal in my artwork sometimes,” Nate said. “This is a project I’ve been working on for a while now.” Jaquan wasn’t convinced, but there wasn’t time to press the issue as Danny was taking center stage.

“What an upset!” he said to the crowd. “Will Black Panther take the crown, or will it go to Namor? This brouhaha has been simmering since…”

Nate cut him off and shouted “Defenders volume 1 #84 – June, 1980!”

“Give it up for the human encyclopedia!” Danny chuckled. “But enough of the history lesson, it’s time to rumble!”

Danny got out of the way quickly. Playing in character, Jaquan reached out to shake Luis’ hand, but the haughty Sub-Mariner turned up his nose and decked him with a staged punch to the chest. Jaquan fell back into a crouching tiger pose and the crowd “oohed” in response. Tensing his legs, Jaquan leapt into the fray. Their battle was acrobatic and technical. Both had clearly researched their characters’ fighting styles and played it to the hilt. Flips, reversals, bulging grapples, in-character taunts, everything done up to 11 for the crowd. The crowd bit their nails in anticipation.

Jaquan did a perfect leg sweep and Luis went down hard. The Panther dove on his opponent and tore the wings from his left ankle. Luis howled in mock agony as Jaquan claimed victory. Jaquan’s rested his foot on his fallen foe’s chest. He bowed his head and performed the Wakandan salute, with a “hut!” from the crowd in response. Danny jumped to his feet “And we have a new champion!” he shouted. “All hail King Jaquan’Challa!” Jaquan graciously helped Luis up and the two bro-hugged. “But enough good sportsmanship!” Danny intoned. “You all know what they came to see!” Luis grinned and shrugged as Jaquan scanned the gear on the table.

“Time to net this fishman!” Jaquan said. He grabbed a hempen fishing net from the table and launched it into the air. It sailed effortlessly over Luis and enveloped him perfectly from head to toe, the open edge brushing the mat on all sides of him. He pretended to struggle and squirm, further wrapping himself up in the hempen cords. Jaquan laid Luis down on the ground and bunched up the end of the net, trapping him fully inside. He pulled the bunched end tight and tied it off with heavy mooring rope. Luis playfully squirmed in the net, the tightness of the cords pressing against his bare torso. Jaquan grabbed several bales of coarse, but thinner, rope and reinforced the net, tying Luis’ ankles, lap, abdomen, and shoulders tightly from the outside. When Jaquan was finished, Luis could do nothing but flop around like a herring.

The crowd roared as Danny put the championship belt around Jaquan’s waist. Jaquan pulled his queen to him and kissed her in victory. “Now, as per tradition, the losers will remain like this for one hour,” Danny said. “Pictures with the fallen are available for $5 each, all proceeds going to charity. Who’s first?” A line started to form immediately as Nate walked over with his camera.

Cody stood in the back of the crowd with an amused smile. Nate had told him about the fix, but he decided not to bet. Even though it was all in fun, he didn’t think it was right. He would have bet on Jaquan anyway, but he didn’t want to win that way. He had a soft spot for underdogs and was always happy when they triumphed. He still thought Jaquan could have won without the fix, though. Maybe they’d have a legit rematch? He hoped so.

He began to walk through the crowd. Pledge drink service was now over and the five (minus Nate, who was drafted for camera duty) were now free to mingle. As he walked through the revelers – mingling, smiling, and making small talk – he thought he saw a black-clad figure watching him from the crowd now and then. But every time he turned to look, there was no one there.

Shrugging it off, Cody saw a small pod forming in the isolated side yard and instinctively walked over. A group of about nine people was sitting on the ground in a circle. Takeshi looked up and smiled. “Yo! Code-man! Perfect timing!”

“What’s up, Tak?” Cody said. He grabbed a beer from the table and stood against the wall of the house, the tight leather of his pants creaking as he shifted his weight.

“We need one more for the circle,” Takeshi said, patting the grass next to him. “How’d ya feel about a little Truth or Dare?”

Coming Soon: Halloween chapter 3 – Truth or Snare
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Post by Guardianbound »

The Dr calamity / diesel combo by Nate and Hoss made me giddy. I hope the real Dr and Diesel are watching, and possibly recreating the same scene at home.
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Post by gag1195 »

More great costumes! How lovely it was to not only see Brett nice and shirtless, but restrained too! I'm glad things are going well for Jaquan, especially after being forced to miss his date earlier in the year! I am a bit concerned with Nate... I hope QE isn't too much of a bad influence on him. I suspect some uncomfortable conversations for Nate soon, and maybe some positive ones, given Jaquan's observations about the photographer!

Of course, I cannot wait for Truth or Snare! I just hope Cody doesn't end up getting himself all nice and roped up for the man in black...
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Post by Volobond »

I didn't think anything would top shirtless Brett being tied up all pretty (I'm still fantasizing about him having been gagged and paraded around by DIX) but then you had Nate and Hoss as the good Doctor and Diesel??? I hope that those cuffs have a hidden functionality we haven't seen yet ;)

And then, on a side note, Jaquan and his girlfriend as Black Panther and Storm? Flawless, iconic, they are the moment.

And now I'm even more worried about Cody, with more and more of the brothers occupied in bondage or in party duties, there's far fewer obstacles to nefarious newcomers!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Bootmark »

Volobond wrote: 1 year ago And now I'm even more worried about Cody, with more and more of the brothers occupied in bondage or in party duties, there's far fewer obstacles to nefarious newcomers!
I'm worried about him too, but can't wait until he's tied up and helpless again!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Bravo, my friend, Bravo! 8-)

Those costumed, collegiate chums captured and pinioned in the passion pit... :twisted:

A masterpiece!!! :D
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Post by wataru14 »

Chapter 3: Truth or Snare

“Sure!” Cody said with a smile. He sat down in the circle between Brandon and a male guest dressed like Luke Skywalker. “I’ve been working all evening and this sounds like a fun way to blow off some steam.” Takeshi handed him a fresh beer from the cooler against the wall of the house. The game was set in the side yard of the house, between the kitchen wall and the fence that separated the property from the Tau Kappa Lambda House next door.

Immediately after Cody sat down, a black-clad figure in a Scream mask emerged from the shadows, giving everyone a start. “Room for one more?” he said in a deep and breathy voice. Cody furrowed his brow. The voice was distorted by the mask, but Cody was sure he had heard that voice before. He just couldn’t quite place where.

“Sorry, esse,” Pablo said. “Game seats 10.”

Takeshi joined him in a dreamlike slow drawl. “You can play the next round later tonight, man.”

Pablo and Takeshi

The man seemed to scowl under his mask, and turned to leave, but Trey stood up.

“He can take my place,” Trey said. “We have too many Brothers playing as it is and we can’t go turning guests away. This party is for them.” Trey got up and smoothed out his costume. He was wearing Timberland boots with baggy brown carpenter jeans and a green football jersey that read “Sherwood 420” on the back. His head was covered by a green nylon durag under backwards green snapback cap with a red feather sticking out the side at a jaunty angle. He had a long curled fake beard glued to his chin and carried a toy bow and arrow. Way too many gold chains adorned his neck. “Robbin’ Hood will be back for the next round, fam!” He strutted away into the crowd and the black-garbed man quickly took his place in the circle. The Scream mask made it impossible to tell where he was looking, but Cody felt like the man’s eyes were boring into him from behind it.

“OK then!” Pablo said, collecting the tickets from the five guests in the circle. “This game’s older than dirt, so you all know the rules. Players do have the right to refuse any dare that’s illegal, physically dangerous, or sexual beyond their comfort level. But other than that, it’s open season. But don’t worry, do you think we’d be part of TUG if we were THAT prudish? Just don’t go overboard, OK?” The guests chuckled. “OK, let’s get this started. Shane, you’re up first.”


Shane shifted his weight and smoothed out his tunic. He flipped his hair ever-so-playfully for the guests and said “Truth.” He looked at Brandon, who was sitting directly across from him in the circle. Brandon would get to choose his question.


Brandon smirked and said “Who was it who bought you at the auction? And I don’t mean the guy who was there. I mean the REAL buyer.”

Shane pouted, letting his normally unflappable composure falter for a second. He was expecting a question like this, of course, but he was a little shocked that Brandon would be so blunt. Well, not really. The sophomore jock wasn’t known for his subtlety, after all. The identity of his buyer was a very personal matter, of course, but within the rules. He could try to be evasive about his answer, but if he got called out on that by the other players, our outright lied, there would be… penalties. And he didn’t want to lose face like that.

“My buyer was a very prominent person who is actually at this party right now,” Shane said. “He was unable to utilize me for the weekend because he was otherwise occupied by his own rather unpleasant buyer. So my weekend pretty much consisted of me being cuffed and gagged on the couch of his mansion in Metro City watching TV. Rather disappointing and nothing much else to say, I’m afraid.”

Cody said “But you haven’t answered the question.” He smiled. “So we’re playing a guessing game now, are we? Since he had his ‘own buyer,’ it has to be a TUG Brother. And there’s only one that I know of who has the cash and resources to do what he did… Brett.”

Shane nodded. “That was some excellent detective work,” he said. “You’re still new to us, Cody, so you don’t know our complete history yet like the others do. Brett and I were a couple for a long while when we first came to MCU. About two years. We had a rather dynamically explosive relationship. We broke up just before his… personal issues came to light. I helped him through them, of course, even though we weren’t together anymore. Every so often, though, one of us will try to rekindle things, but it never works out. Too much has changed. That’s what he was trying to do at the auction.”

Brandon said “But that doesn’t make any sense. How was he supposed to be with you if he was up for auction himself?”

Shane said “He probably thought that he could pay off his indenture after the first night. He wasn’t expecting Wesley to show up and buy him. There was no way he would be able to pay that guy off. So his plan went bust and he had to take his lumps while I languished in boredom. OK, who’s next.”

A guest went next and chose “Dare.” This was always awkward. The group had certain expectations of what they had to assign for dares, but they didn’t want to expose “trade secrets” to the uninitiated. A Brother always went first and chose “Truth” so a guest wouldn’t set the tone of the dares. Things quickly got out of hand if it wasn’t controlled like that. So the first guest dare was always a very delicate situation, but Pablo was ready. He looked at the guest seated across from him and said “I dare you to do two laps around the yard naked.”

The guest was a handsome Junior who was casual friends with Omar. He had been to the last two Halloween parties. He was one of the rejected pledges that year, but had joined TKL after not getting a bid and remained on friendly terms with the group. So he knew the way things worked. Taking a sip of his vodka, the guest got up and began to strip. Piece by piece, his Indiana Jones costume collected in a pile on the grass. Shoes, pants, jacket, shirt, and socks. Soon he was standing on the grass in front of the circle wearing just a fedora and a smile. He took another gulp of his drink and strode out into the yard unabashed.

The collected guests hooted and laughed as the naked jogger made his way around the perimeter. He derailed a game of Drunk Curling against the back fence and scattered the dance floor as he charged through, his anatomy flopping merrily back and forth with each step. Scott started playing some old 70s song about streaking, but nobody but Wade understood the reference. By his second lap, the novelty had worn off and the crowd went back to what they were doing. He finished his run and sat down in the circle without dressing again. Cody rolled his eyes with a smile and thought “What a show-off. Pablo picked a good one for him.”

The next two guests were both women and they were a little more shy after seeing the dare. So they both chose “Truth,” leading to a few casual questions about past sexual things. “What was the first time you gave a blowjob?” “What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?” Their answers were honest, but not terribly incriminating. When it was Takeshi’s turn, he decided to spice things up and chose “Dare.” The guest opposite him said “I dare you to go kiss Nate. Right in front of Hoss.” She broke out in hysterical laughter, clearly having had a little more to drink than she should have. Takeshi looked at Pablo and Cody with a doubtful expression, then at Shane. Shane nodded and stepped in.

“Yeah,” he said. “We’re gonna have to veto that one. The point is to have fun, not put one of our Brothers in the hospital. Hoss isn’t well known for his broad sense of humor. And he doesn’t like sharing his toys, I you know what I mean.”

The girl pouted, but said “OK fine. Fine. Kiss Pablo then.” The players “whoa’ed,” but Pablo just nodded and gave a playful wink. Takeshi shrugged and walked over to where his costume partner was sitting. “And make it good!” the girl cackled between sips of her drink.

Pablo sat up on his haunches and rose to full height. Takeshi slid in on his knees in front of him. They each giggled a little, and then Takeshi leaned in and gave Pablo a quick peck on the lips. The hair from both of their fake moustaches tickled their faces. After pulling away, Pablo said “I think she meant like this…” and reached over to take the back of Takeshi’s head in his hand. He pulled Tak in close and titled his head to the side slightly. Takeshi grinned and surged forward, planting his lips on Pablo’s. A low rumble came from the assembled players as they explored each other with their tongues. Cody knew the two had fooled around from time to time. They had chosen a pairs costume and such things were common at TUG, but even Cody had to take a moment after seeing how eager they were to taste each other. He suspected they’d be heading to the Boom-Boom room after the game now that Bryan was back from his escapade there.

Takeshi pulled away and looked over his shoulder at the guest who dared him. “How was that?” he said impishly.

“Fucking hot!” she giggled.

Takeshi did a small bow and went back to his seat. When he sat back down, all eyes were on the man in the Scream Mask. No one had any idea who he was. It was clear he wasn’t a regular partygoer here and had gotten his invite from the auction ticket, but other than that no one had a clue as to his identity. He had milled around solo so far, barely even drinking. More than one guest had approached Hoss and asked him to question the man, but Hoss said “It’s Halloween. Just being creepy isn’t enough. But I’ll keep an eye on him.”

The man paused for a moment and said “Truth.”

Cody was sitting across from him. He was quite surprised the man didn’t choose Dare, but then he figured that pretty much anything they chose would make him remove his mask, which he clearly didn’t want to do. It was a little odd, but from what the other guys said, people did sometimes get into character pretty deeply on Halloween. For a moment, Cody considered asking “Who are you?” but he thought the other players would find that lame. Not the kind of question you’d want to see someone ask in a game like this. After thinking for a moment, Cody said “Tell us about the ‘one that got away.’”

The man in the mask took a deep breath and sighed. He said, “He was perfect. Kind, gentle, but macho at the same time. The kind of guy everyone wanted to be friends with. And we were friends. With him it was impossible not to be. He just had that way about him. I always wanted to be more than that, but I was never sure what he felt. Was he giving me signals or just being friendly? I couldn’t tell and I always felt weird about trying to bring it up. What if he didn’t feel that way? What if he got mad? What if he tried to hurt me? So I kept it all bundled up. I never told him how I felt. Then, after high school, we went our separate ways. So it’s not really the one that got away, it’s more like the shot I never took. But it’s the same in the end, isn’t it?”

Cody took a sip from his beer bottle and gave a low whistle. He said “Thanks for opening up like that. It’s not easy to say that kind of thing in front of strangers. Takes a lot of balls. Sorry if I made you think about something painful.”

The man in the mask just hunched his shoulders and said “It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.”

Brandon was next and decided the mood needed some lightening, so he chose Dare. Shane grinned evilly.

He stood up to his full height and took a majestic pose with his fists on his hips. “Come here, mortal,” he said. Brandon started to get up, but Shane put one hand up in a gesture commanding him to stop. “No, mortal, you will enter my divine presence in proper supplication!” Brandon rolled his eyes and chuckled as he dropped to all fours. He crawled across the grass with his head low, giving his neighbors in the circle a quick peek at what was under his kilt. Or rather, what WASN’T under his kilt.

“Guess he’s a true Scottsman!” the Luke Skywalker guest whispered to Cody.

When Brandon reached Shane, the Senior said “Apollo need not give you commands. A mortal knows his duty,” and wiggled his toes in his sandals. Brandon buried his face in Shane’s feet.

For an obvious Alpha like uber-jock Brandon, one would think that this would be a degrading experience. But the football star went at it with gusto. Cody began to wonder exactly what went on in that locker room behind closed doors. All the DIX seniors besides Clay were on the team with him, after all. Shane held his face in a pleased countenance as Brandon’s tongue explored the bridges of his feet and plunged between his toes. He wriggled them playfully, which signaled Brandon to take them into his mouth one by one. He made low moaning grunts as he suckled each toe, giving all ten proper attention.

When he was done, he sat up and said “Hail, Caesar.”

Shane said “That’s Roman, knave! Learn your ancient cultures! Anyway, you have done well. You shall have a bountiful harvest. That’s not my portfolio, but I’ll ask my aunt to hook you up. Now grovel back to your place.” Brandon crawled back to his seat, giving the other side of the circle the sneaky peek that the far side had gotten on his way over. Shane sat back down and took a drink.

Now it was Cody’s turn. The man in the mask held his breath, but he slightly deflated when Cody said “Truth.” He was disappointed, but it was not over yet. There was still another full pass through the circle before the game ended. He thought for a minute and said “Have you ever considered being with another guy? And if so, who?”

Cody took a long sip of his beer. “Sure!” he said. “There’s one guy in particular that kinda raises my hackles right about now, but it wouldn’t be proper. Our relationship isn’t really one where a hookup is appropriate. And besides, he’s in a committed relationship right now. So it wouldn’t be right to insert myself.” Cody absently rubbed his leather-covered legs as he spoke. “But there was one guy back home. Ha! Wherever home was at the time, I guess.” He stopped and looked at Pablo to continue the game, but the crowd looked at him expectantly for elaboration.

“I guess y’all want details,” he said, taking another sip. “OK. I won’t name names because that’s not my place to do. But back in the rodeo… Late last year. I think it was Wyoming? There was another rider on the Junior Circuit with me. His dad was a real piece of work, lemme tell ya. Always drunk. He was one of the clowns, if you can believe it. The guys who distract the bulls and draw them away from the riders if they get thrown. Anyway, this guy was real quiet. Not very sociable. But if you talked to him he was real interesting. He just didn’t open up much. I remember there was one night before the finals that a bunch of us were hanging out together. We were talking and I thought he was gonna lean in and kiss me. But he never did. I remember thinking ‘He could if he wanted too. I wouldn’t mind.’ But he never did. We just sat and talked. I didn’t see him much after the finals and most of the riders left afterwards to go home, anyway. I sometimes wonder where he is now.”

The man in the mask’s hands were clenched so tightly they could crush a diamond.

The second round was pretty much the same. The guests got a little bolder and suggested some overtly sexual dares, but the Brothers vetoed those. “No using the game for freebies,” Shane said. “If you want to give Pablo a BJ then that’s between you two after we’re done. That’s a little coercive and we won’t be having that here.” The questions were certainly a lot spicier this time around, though.

The man in the mask chose Dare on his turn. He was hoping to get Cody in the proper mindset. He had a plan and it all hinged on what Cody chose on his turn. “OK,” Cody said, looking around the circle. Everyone present had a different drink. “I dare you to go around the circle with a cup and take a little bit of what everyone else is drinking. Then chug it down.”

The crowd blanched. “Yuck!” “Ouch, dude!” “That’s just nasty!” But it was within the rules. The man in the mask just shrugged as he got up and made his rounds. Four Loko, two or three cocktails, several different types of beer, and a bit of Jack and Coke all collected in his cup in a noxious brown mixture. It’s best not to describe it further. The man sat back down, slightly lifted his mask, and downed the foul brew in two gulps. He felt the urge to throw up rising, but he managed to hold it down. The game continued.

Finally, it was Cody’s turn. The final player. The man in the mask held his breath. Everything hinged on this moment. He could barely control his heartrate. Cody finished his drink and said “What the hell? Let’s go out with a bang. Dare.” The man grinned under his mask.

He said “You guys have quite a reputation. They say there’s nothing you can’t escape from. I dare you to let all of us restrain you and for you to escape in 10 minutes.”

Cody grinned. This guy had been doing his homework. This was the kind of thing people came to see. “You’re on!” he said.

Brandon got up and grabbed a box of supplies from a nearby unused game table. Shane said “Nothing with locks. No cuffs or manacles. You need a key to get out of those. But everything else is fair game. One item per person, then? Great. OK, Elvis, get in the center of the ring.”

Cody stood directly in between all nine other players. He hopped once or twice and stretched out in preparation. It looks like each person was selecting their one item from the box and since most of them were novices, they were taking their time. Pablo and Takeshi decided on their gear quickly, however. Each took one length of rope and looped one end into a cuff with a slipknot. They each went to one of Cody’s arms and slid the cuff over his wrist. Cody flashed a cocky smirk, partly for the benefit of the guests, and said “Hands separately? That’s a new one. But it ain’t nothin.’ That’s the easiest way to slip.”

“You think so, esse?” Pablo said in his Cheech Marin voice. “Well how you like this?” He pulled Cody’s left arm behind his back and bent it up so it was against the small of his back, parallel to the ground. Takeshi did the same with his right, holding it against and slightly below his left. His arms formed an = against his back. Each brother took the rope hanging from their chosen wrist and used it to bind Cody’s wrist to the nearby forearm. The loops were tight and interwoven, leaving no slack to exploit. But they weren’t done. They had plenty of rope left.

“Um,” Cody said, “Is it too late to say how much I love your costumes?”

“Not so confident now, are we?” Takeshi said as he and Pablo brought their ropes up over Cody’s shoulders from behind. “We’re not going easy on you for the tourists.” Each rope was pulled down over Cody’s shoulder, crossed across his chest, and threaded through his belt. Then they were pulled back up and tied together behind his neck, forming a simple, but sturdy harness. “Gotta give people something to anchor to, eh man?” Takeshi said in is slow Tommy Chong drawl.

Brandon and Shane decided to hang back and let the guests play before going in. They wanted to see what they left open. Luke Skywalker had half a roll of Gorilla tape in his hands. He started around Cody’s ankles and worked his way up. The tight leather crinkled as in compressed under the increasing layers of tape. He only had enough to get up to Cody’s knees, but that was sufficient. Naked Indiana Jones stepped up next. He had a small bale of bungee cords in his hand. Three of them in a bunch. He placed one across Cody’s upper torso, just in the middle of his biceps, and pulled it tight behind. He had to use all his strength to stretch the cord enough to get the ends to meet, but he managed to do it and interlock the J-shaped hooks. The next one went around his midsection, just under his hands. That one was easier to cinch, with no arms in the way, but it was still tight. The third went around his lap. Cody’s legs were close enough together that he could tie it off normally instead of using the hooks.

Cody began to sweat now. He thought it would be a cursory binding to titillate the bystanders, but they weren’t pulling any punches. He gulped as Shane came over, unwinding another bale of white rope. Shane folded the rope in half and slipped the bight between his legs, above the bungee cord. He wove the rope around his waist and back down and through again. He wound the ropes through themselves, spread them apart, and threaded them back under, making a seat harness. Cody noticed that the way it was tied made a nice framing device for his leather-covered package, which was beginning to swell from his increasingly ornate restraints. This was something that nobody, especially the man in the Scream mask, failed to notice. The harness also pressed tightly along his ass, right through his crack, framing his cheeks as nicely as the front. A little present to the guests from Shane.

The next guest had three cable ties in a pack. She went around behind Cody and used the three cable ties to further secure Cody’s forearms to each other, putting them two inches apart and cinching them tightly closed. Brandon and Shane lowered Cody to the ground, placing him on his belly for the fourth guest. She had more tape, and started to wrap it around Cody’s cowboy-booted feet. She put it over the bridge of his boots and circled it around and underneath. Around and around it went, binding his feet together ever more tightly.

Brandon looked to the man in the Scream mask, but the guest deferred. If it was his dare, he should be last. Brandon nodded and advanced on Cody with more rope in his hands. He wrapped one end around Cody’s booted ankles, already held together by the Gorilla tape. He reinforced the binding with a few revolutions, and then bent Cody’s legs back. “A hogtie for the cowboy!” he said. He threaded the rope under Cody’s twice-bound arms and back around. He wrapped it around his ankles again and then tied off the end to the waist harness Shane made. He stepped back and waved the man in the Scream mask over.

He held a long strip of cloth in his hands. It resembled the belt from a karate uniform. He put it against Cody’s forehead, under the greasy elephant trunk of his hair, and wrapped it around two or three times. He knotted it off to hold it in place, then took the trailing ends and secured them to the bungee cord around Cody’s biceps. Cody was bent backwards into a severe bow shape. Someone of lesser athleticism would have been cramping all to hell, but Cody was fit and limber enough to suffer no discomfort. Except to his pride and confidence, which had rapidly left him several people ago.

When the knots were secured and the man in black retreated back to the group, Takeshi took out his phone and started the countdown. Cody started squirming and flailing like mad, but didn’t get very far. The leather of his outfit creaked and groaned as he strained against his bonds, further fueling his arousal. He had rolled onto his side in an attempt to scour the ropes against a table leg, leaving no way to conceal his “excitement.” The crowd snickered and whistled at the growing bulge in his leather pants. But try as he might, Cody could make no headway. Not after being bound in concert by nine people, four of them pros. He didn’t give up, though, and kept bucking and fighting until the last seconds ticked away.

“Time!” Takeshi said. Cody flopped back down onto his stomach and panted.

“Guess I lost,” he laughed. “Good dare, man!” The man in the mask smiled underneath his disguise. Almost done.

“But you failed your dare,” Shane said. “And there’s a penalty for that. You’re on time out for 30 minutes. You have to lay here and think about how you can do better next time. If you can get free before that, great. If not, someone will be along to untie you then.”

Cody nodded. “Guess them’s the rules,” he said. Some of the guests snapped quick pictures of him, all smiles, on their phones before the group dispersed and headed back around the corner to the main party. Cody laid there alone on the side of the house for a moment. He squirmed a few times now and again, but if he didn’t get loose before, he wasn’t going to now. Better to just sit tight and wait to be released. He let his mind wander absently. He would call LJ tomorrow. His dad had said he’d been seeing a new lady and things were going well. He figured he’d ask about that. His dad didn’t date much and Cody wanted him to be happy. If this new woman was…

Cody was shocked to feel a thick cloth shoved into his mouth by someone standing behind him, over his shoulder. He had let it idly hang open while he was thinking and was wishing he hadn’t right about now. Before he could react, a thick strip of Gorilla Tape was slapped over his mouth and wound around his jaws at lightning speed. Seven or eight times it went around before being torn off and smoothed down. He had never seen hands as quick as these… outside of the rodeo, that is. What the hell was happening?

He tried to scream out for help, but the gag reduced his cries to pathetic muffled grunts. As he bucked and flailed around, he saw a figure dressed all in black step into his field of view. He walked past him to the corner of the house and peeked around. After seeing no one was coming, the figure turned back and went over to the large plastic garbage bins against the wall of the house. Cody’s eyes widened as he saw the Scream mask staring down at him.

The figure took one of the bins and laid it down on its side, right in front of Cody. There were bags of leaves at the bottom. Cody fought like mad, but couldn’t stop his unseen abductor from slipping behind him and sliding him face-first into the bin. Whoever he was, he was deceptively strong. Cody couldn’t stop the man from sliding him fully into the bin and hefting it back up to its normal upright position. He slid face-first into a bag of leaves and laid there upside-down inside the bin. The leaves gave him some cushioning, but also served to further trap him. He was completely inverted – face at the bottom of the bin and feet near the top. If he struggled too much he could slip. In the position he was in, he would break his neck if he did. Or worse, get smothered by the plastic bags holding the leaves. He had no choice but to stay perfectly still and maintain his balance.

He was plunged into darkness as the lid of the bin was closed over the top and felt the rumbling of the bin being wheeled back, away from the party. He could hear the side gate being opened. After that, he felt himself being wheeled out onto the driveway and down into the street.


Across the street, at the DIX house, the Seniors were lounging in the living room, playing video games. Travis was among them, but he was not playing. Clay had told him he had some “penance” to do from his misstep at the auction and was being made to do it now. He was barefoot and clad only in a jockstrap. Rude and embarrassing phrases were scrawled all over his body in Sharpie and makeup had been slathered across his face in a rude impression of a meth-whore. He was serving drinks and removing empty bottles, trying to keep as low a profile as possible.

After downing an enemy sniper, Moses looked out the window. “Yo, check it out!” he said. “Someone is stealing one of those TUG assholes’ garbage pails!”

Clay got up and looked out the window. “Ha!” he said. “Good. Serves them right.” Travis caught a quick peek over his brother’s shoulder. A man in a Scream mask was hurriedly pushing a garbage pail down the street. He shrugged. Seems like a petty act of drunken mischief. Not anything to get excited about. Still, the Seniors were happy to see anything inconvenient happen to their neighbors, no matter how minor. But something seemed off. The bin seemed quite heavy. What was in there? Leaves and kitchen trash? From the way the guy was pushing it you’d think it weighed a ton.

He watched the man turn the corner and approach a pickup truck with a covered back parked at the end of the cul-du-sac before Clay slapped him upside the head from behind. “Hey slut!” Clay said. “What the hell are you looking at? Did I tell you you can have a break? Now get in the kitchen and get us another sixpack. And do 100 pushups when you’re done for being a lazy shit!”

Travis ducked his head and scampered into the kitchen. He rushed to the fridge and grabbed the beer as ordered, but took a moment to look out the kitchen window and down the street. He saw the trash bin lying on the road, but the pickup truck was gone.

Coming Soon: Chapter 4 – Ray and Travis’ Excellent Adventure
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Just when you think all is settled...

someone throws a curveball. :o

I have my suspicions that Cody's abductor may have gone 2.7 seconds on a bull before! :o
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Post by gag1195 »

As hot as it is to picture Brett and Shane as a bondage crazed dysfunctional couple... part of me doesn't belief our smooth talking senior...

Poor Cody! Lots of twisted up emotions and feelings about his own relationships- what could have been, what might have been- and of course, being kidnapped from the middle of the biggest party on campus! Props to Scream Mask and his confidence! And of course, cannot wait to see Ray and Travis interacting again and hopefully rescuing our leather clad cowboy... or perhaps joining him and needing a rescue of their own?

Also, the costumes are once again amazing!
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Post by Bootmark »

Amazing. I’m excited by Cody’s story and his bondage challenge. Awesome he was bound so well, hoping he’ll emerge unscathed soon!
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Post by Volobond »

Oh no! My cowboy pup has been quite sneakily and skilfully abducted by Ghostface! But at least Travis was able to witness. Now to get him away from those DIX in the other house...

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by TiedupNick »


I find it so effortless to imagine myself there, among the goings-on of the crowd...your storytelling is absolutely exquisite!
Tiedupnick - fka nicktie

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Post by _zin_ »

You are quite the storyteller! This story is fantastic! I came across it last week while on vacation and have spent my free moments ever since enjoying the experiences of these guys. And I have certainly felt a lot of emotions along the way! I am really looking forward to the next chapter, and a bit apprehensive as well for Cody.
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Post by wataru14 »

_zin_ wrote: 1 year ago You are quite the storyteller! This story is fantastic! I came across it last week while on vacation and have spent my free moments ever since enjoying the experiences of these guys. And I have certainly felt a lot of emotions along the way! I am really looking forward to the next chapter, and a bit apprehensive as well for Cody.
Thanks for the praise! It's always great to hear from a new reader!
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Post by wataru14 »

Ray and Travis’ Excellent Adventure

The parking lot of the athletic center was deserted as Travis awkwardly ushered Ray out the door. The sounds of raucous cheering could be heard from inside. “Omar must be up on the block now,” Ray thought. He looked over at Travis, who was white as a ghost, standing there with a confused look on his face. Ray sighed and sat down on the dividing wall in front of an empty handicapped parking space. He rested his loosely-cuffed hands on his lap and just sat, looking at Travis... who just stood there, unsure of what to do. Ray reached up and pulled down the TUG bandana that was loosely tied between his teeth. He let it hang around his neck and put his hands back down on his lap. He said “OK, you won the auction. Congratulations. Now what?”

Travis blinked. He hadn’t really thought about that. He had a few scenarios in his mind when he went into this crazy scheme, but they mostly involved him either losing the auction or getting chased out by an angry mob. Or chickening out and not bidding in the first place. The fact that he would win the bidding wasn’t even on his radar. “I… I dunno,” he said. “Frankly, I never expected to win.”

Ray said “You shelled out a pretty hefty sum. How could you not think you would win?”

“I didn’t intend to, I just kinda got caught up in it,” Travis said, slightly ashamed. “I wasn’t thinking straight. I just saw you and…” he turned away and took a few steps. “This is stupid. I shouldn’t have done this. I’m going to go. You can go back inside or go home or… whatever. I’m sorry.” He started to head towards the street leading back to campus. Ray watched after him.

Part of Ray just wanted Travis to leave. This whole situation was just weird and uncomfortable. Ray could go back into the auction and watch the rest of it, or he could go back to the dorms and play some Call of Duty. Just anything to get away from this parking lot. He watched Travis walk away. The poor guy looked crushed. Like someone just broke his Christmas presents. He took a big risk coming here. His asshole brother definitely wouldn’t like it, that’s for sure. And from what he heard about their father, neither would he. Father... Ray completely understood what that was like. While his own dad wasn’t as emotionally abusive and ogrish as Travis’ was, Ray knew full well what it was like to have expectations forced upon you. And how terrifying it was to live under an authoritarian thumb. He began to feel bad for Travis. Maybe they weren’t as different as he had previously thought.

Travis was red with shame. How could he have thought this was a good idea? Clay would tear him a new one if he heard about this. And what was he expecting Ray to do? Jump into his arms? He should have known that this was going to be a clusterfuck. He cursed himself for being so stupid. He was glad that his back was to Ray as he walked, because he didn’t want him to see him struggling to hold back the tears. Stupid! Stupid!

“Hey, Travis! Hold up!”

Travis stopped dead in his tracks. He took a deep breath to regain his composure and turned around. Ray was coming over to him!

“Look,” Ray said as he made his way across the parking lot. “I know you’re going through a lot right now. I know this is hard for you. Your dad and mine are a lot alike, I think. But you know what? Fuck them! You won the auction fair and square and you should get your money’s worth. This weekend is yours. So let’s go… master.” Ray gave a small smile that made Travis’ heart flutter.

“What?” he said. “You mean it? You’re not going to go back?”

“No,” Ray said. “A deal is a deal. I signed up for this and I’m going to go through with it.”

“Even though I’m DIX?” Travis said.

Ray said “That doesn’t matter. I know you’re not like them. You helped save our asses. The others would have let us burn up in that house, but you didn’t. That tells me a lot about you.” Travis blushed.

“I don’t really have anything planned,” he said. “I didn’t think that far ahead.”

“I can think of something to do if you can’t,” Ray said with a smile. “But I think we should go off-campus. If you’re worried about Clay and the others seeing you, I don’t blame you. So let’s go where they don’t have eyes.”

Travis beamed. “You’re on!” he said.

Ray looked at his clothes. “Do you mind if we headed back to the dorms for a minute so I can change?” he said. “If you want me to walk around Metro City in a wrestling singlet, I will. But if we’re trying to keep this under wraps, I probably should wear something that’s not going to attract so much attention.” Ray’s toned body was on full display through the form-fitting wrestling garment. It hugged every contour of his body. It would be impossible for someone NOT to notice him. Travis nodded and the two of them walked back to the dorms.

They made small talk as they walked. Ray’s goal was to help Travis relax a little and stop being so tense and he seemed to loosen up quite a bit. They chatted about sports and video games, and about the upcoming movie shoot schedule. When they got close to the dorms, Travis fumbled through his pockets and his face went white. He said “Shit! I don’t have a key for the cuffs!”

Ray smiled and said “Don’t worry. I have some in my room. We’re probably going to need them. I’ll make sure to bring one when I come back down. Wait here.”

Ray walked up into the lobby and waved his cuffed hands at the desk attendant. She just smiled as she scanned his physique and said “Auction was tonight?” Ray chuckled and nodded before heading upstairs. Mason was still at the auction, so the room was empty as he let himself inside. Truth be told, Ray didn’t need the key. Travis put the cuffs on him so loosely he could easily slip out of them on his own, which he did. He took the time to write a note to Mason that said “Going off-campus with Travis. I’ll text you if I need a bailout.” After that, he changed into jeans and a tight MCU T-shirt and stuffed a handcuff key into his pocket. And another in his shoe… just in case. Travis seemed on the level, but he wanted to make sure that he was prepared in case this was some DIX trick and he was handed over to Clay as soon as they got off-campus. He didn’t really think Travis would do that, but he couldn’t risk it. He left the gag hanging from his neck and slipped the cuffs back on before heading back outside to meet Travis.

Travis jumped up from the bench on the porch and gave a relieved smile when Ray re-emerged from the dorms. “I wasn’t sure you were going to come back,” he said sheepishly.

Ray had indeed considered staying in his room and skipping out on the whole thing, but only for a second. But he didn’t dare say so. Not only would that be a cowardly act, it would be an extremely negative reflection on TUG. He couldn’t do that to his Brothers. He just shrugged and said “I told you I’d go with you and I meant it. I keep my promises.” Travis was visibly relieved. A major hurdle had been passed and he could finally relax a little and focus.

Ray started walking down the sidewalk and said “OK, where to now?”

Travis said “I have an idea. Follow me.” The pair chatted more comfortably as they made their way across campus. The auction would be over by now and the audience would be heading back home, so they took lesser-used routes to avoid anyone seeing them. Travis was very worried about being spotted in Ray’s company, and with good reason. If word got back to Clay that the two of them had been seen together, it would be very VERY bad. But they didn’t encounter any passersby as they reached the edge of the green space that marked the border of MCU from Metro City Proper. Ray paused for a second as they approached the gate. On campus, Ray didn’t have much to worry about. Someone seen walking around in handcuffs the night of the big TUG Auction wouldn’t have raised any eyebrows, but out in the city, that wouldn’t fly. They’d have cops on them in an instant. And with Santucci occupied with Leo at the moment, he couldn’t be sure the officer would be “friendly.” Travis seemed to realize that, too, and hastily removed the cuffs from Ray’s wrists and stuffed them in his back pocket before they stepped out of the wrought-iron gate. Ray strode over the threshold nonchalantly, but Travis hesitated a second before following.

“OK, boss,” Ray said. “Where to now?” Travis paused for a moment, looking hurriedly in all directions. Ray was getting impatient. “Look,” he said. “You don’t have to be so timid. Your brother isn’t here. If he and the others are off-campus, they’ll be at the bars on the other side. No one from school will see us. And you’re not normally so bashful. Where’s that attitude you had during the movie readthrough and the Bid Party?”

Travis looked around again. Ray was right. Clay wouldn’t be in this area. He didn’t have anything to worry about. “Sorry,” he said. “I’m still coming down from the adrenaline rush from the auction. I did have a place in mind, though. I thought that far ahead, at least. Follow me.” He started off down the street and into the city. Ray walked after him. This side of campus was mostly upper-middle-class residential. Townhouses and condos. But eventually they came to the skate park that Leo and Mason had been frequenting. It was closed for the night and the gate was locked, but Travis just waved Ray over and climbed the chain-link fence. He hopped down on the other side and Ray landed next to him. “The park closes at dark,” Travis said, “so no one will be here. We should have some privacy.”

Ray nodded and looked around. He had never been here before, but he knew what it was. This was the place that Mason had been visiting on weekends. He felt a pang of regret. “He’s doing things without me,” he thought as he wandered, looking at the graffiti that covered the walls of the bathroom building and the crates strewn about the bottom of the depression that served as jumping obstacles. “Isn’t that good? I mean, he’s my friend, not my kid. He doesn’t need me around for everything, does he? He should be going out and doing things on his own. But then why do I feel jealous? Like he’s turning to others to give him what I should have been all along?”

“You OK?” Travis said, snapping his fingers. “You’re spacing out.”

“Just… thinking,” Ray said. “It’s nothing.” He made his way back up the incline to where Travis was waiting, standing in the pool of light cast from an overhead security lamp. “So why did we come to the skate park? What’s important about this place? Are we going to do kickflips or something?”

“This isn’t where I wanted to go,” Travis said. “It’s just the closest way in. Follow me.” He started to walk between the buildings until he stopped at a row of maintenance sheds. He looked around to make sure they were alone and lifted the handle of the garage door on the first shed. It rattled a little as he raised it up to chest height. “Clay worked here over the summer a couple of years ago when he was in high school. He said this shed is always empty in the fall. They use it to store lawn maintenance supplies but since it’s almost winter there’s nothing here. He and his friends used to sneak in here to get high.” Ray walked over and ducked under the garage door. When he was inside, Travis slipped under as well and flipped on the lights before lowering the garage door down to the ground.

The room was fairly small, but there was enough space for both of them to move about freely. It smelled like grass clippings and fertilizer. Buckets, tools, and hoses sat on dusty shelves along the walls, but the main part of the shed was empty except for some wooden pallets stacked in a pile in the corner. But there was one feature that looked out of place. An old wooden chair was sitting in the exact center of the room with a cardboard box on the floor next to it. It looked like the kind of place that the mafia brought someone for interrogation. Ray looked back at Travis, who seemed extremely nervous about something. He fished a silver flask from his pants pocket and took a long swig. Ray got the feeling Travis was trying to get some liquid courage.

“OK, so we’re here,” Ray said. “What now?” Travis didn’t say anything, he just took another swig. Ray wandered the room a little, running his hand over the top of the chair, but he stopped at the carboard box. Overcome with curiosity, he bent down to open it. “There better not be any weird sex toys in here,” Ray thought. Travis froze in place as Ray opened the box.

Inside were several bales of clothesline. Still in the wrapping. Like they were just bought, or more likely, just collected from the supply shelf in the shed. There was also a still-wrapped roll of duct tape and a few soft and faded bandanas. Ray quizzically picked up a bale of rope. “What’s this stuff for?” he asked.

Travis took another swig from his flask and felt a warmth radiate through him. “It’s now or never,” he thought. He put the flask away and took a few steps toward Ray. “I know what it is you guys do in your House,” he said. “Everybody knows, really. Not like you guys keep it a secret. Clay and Dad would talk about it when he was home from college on break. Stories of how the underclassmen would be marched across campus bound for your ritual outings. They said it was sick and weird, but I never thought that. I always wanted…” he didn’t know how to continue. Ray leaned against the wall and folded his arms over his chest, deep in thought.

Travis sat on the floor with his back to the garage door. “I’ve been tied up before,” he said. “Tons of times. Growing up, Clay and his friends would grab me while we were playing and hogtie me sometimes. But it was always meant as a punishment or as a way to humiliate me. It still it felt good, but there was always something off about it. The reason was wrong, you know? It was tainted somehow. But I wanted more. And I wanted to experience it the right way. But I never really had the opportunity. It was always in the back of my mind, though. I dogeared all the important parts of my grandpa’s old Hardy Boys books. I watched all the action movies and TV shows, hoping that this episode would have… you know. I dropped a hint with one of my old girlfriends in high school and she thought I was crazy. Never mentioned it again. Not to her or the others.”

Ray straightened up. “So you volunteered to be the spy…”

“…Because I hoped to get caught,” Travis said. “But I was too good and almost got away with it! Leo came in at just the right moment. If I had managed to get out of Brett’s office, I don’t know what I would have done. I wasn’t going to give Clay the files, that’s for sure. I was going to have to purposely screw up right at the end, but I was worried that someone would have noticed.”

Ray said “Shane would have. He knew it was you from the start.”

“Exactly,” Travis said. “When we got caught, I played angry like I had to, but I was really looking forward to it. But even that wasn’t what I had hoped. It was tight and secure, and felt good at first, but it was a little too much for me. And again it wasn’t the right situation. It wasn’t someone who wanted both of us to get something out of it. It was more punishment and humiliation. But I had to take what I could get.”

Ray scrunched his brow. “So what you’re saying is that you want me to…”

“Yes,” Travis said, grateful that Ray figured it out and he didn’t have to say it out loud. “I want it to be someone who’s not being malicious or cruel. Someone who’s not doing it to humiliate me. Someone who might enjoy it as much as I would. And I think that someone is you. I know we got off on the wrong foot at the movie readthrough, but I had to act that way around other people. I think you’re a great guy. If circumstances were different, I could see us being… friends.”

Ray turned the rope over in his hands and thought. He felt bad for Travis. Under all the bullshit DIX had dumped on him, he was a decent guy. More than decent. He just wanted to be himself and was surrounded by people who wouldn’t let him. That had never been an issue for Ray, but things were different for Travis. He thought of how similar, yet how different, their dads were. His own father was stern and more than a little authoritarian, but you could tell there was affection there underneath it all. The way Travis talked about his own dad… He looked over at Travis, who had closed his eyes. His arms were folded over his knees and his head was down. Ray felt pity for him. And something else. Something he couldn’t quite define at the moment. But he felt a connection with Travis that hadn’t been there before.

Ray poked a hole through the plastic wrapping with his finger and began to tear it. Travis looked up as Ray said “If it means that much to you, sure. I’ll do it for you.” Travis leapt to his feet.

“You will?” he said. “You mean it?”

“Yeah,” Ray said as he measured out the rope and cut it with some gardening shears. “Based on what you’ve told me, you’ve been through a lot. And I’m sure there’s a lot more you haven’t said, but I’ll leave that to you. If this is what you want, I’ll help you out.”

Travis got up from the floor, still unbelieving that this was happening. And that it was Ray doing it. He felt like he won the lottery! He nearly tripped as he got up and rushed to the chair to sit down. Ray chuckled, finding Travis’ earnest eagerness rather adorable. Travis sat with upright posture in the chair and asked “So how should we do it? Hands behind the back of the chair?”

“That’s the usual way,” Ray said, gathering up several lengths of rope, cut to specific measurements. “But I want to try something different. Put your hands at your sides.” Travis let his arms dangle loosely as Ray came over. Ray took Travis’ left arm and positioned it flush against the side of the chairback so that his wrist laid right above where the back met the seat. He took a medium-length piece and began to secure Travis’ wrist to the chairback, looping it around and pulling it taut before cinching the knot on the inside of the chairback strut, away from prying fingers. He then did the same to the other wrist.

Travis felt a warm sensation tingling through his body. The feeling of helplessness and abandon was titillating, as was being up close and personal with Ray. He could smell Ray’s aftershave and it made his heart flutter. But it wasn’t that, or the confinement that he had so wanted, that made his heart race. He was the center of attention. For the next few minutes, he was the whole of Ray’s world. All focus was on him. Never able to live up to Clay’s standards, he was often ignored or forgotten at home. Like a royal “spare” child. Clay got all the attention and he had to settle for the scraps. But right now, it was all about him. All this was being done for his benefit. And he was in heaven.

Even completely focused on his task, Ray couldn’t help but notice Travis’ accelerating pulse. “You doing OK?” he said. His genuine concern made Travis even more happy. He just nodded and Ray approvingly patted his shoulder before continuing. The tenderness of the gesture surprised Travis. Ray was beautiful and masculine, that he knew, but seeing a concerned side was the icing on the cake. Ray wound rope around Travis’ biceps and secured them individually to the side struts, causing his captive’s chest to bulge out slightly. He took the dangling ends of the rope and wove them in and out of the vertical slats in the chairback, further securing the restraint. The knot was tied off in the center of the rope banding, in the middle of Travis’ back. Even if his hands were free, he wouldn’t have been able to reach it with his biceps tethered as they were. Ray added another band on each side right above Travis’ elbows. His entire torso was completely immobilized against the chair.

Travis squirmed happily as Ray gathered more ropes and bent down in front of him. With tender care, he positioned Travis’ legs flush against the front chairlegs. Travis looked down with rapture as Ray wound ropes around his ankles and knees, spreading his legs wide apart as they were secured to the chairlegs. Ray added one last band of rope around Travis’ waist, acting as a seatbelt and keeping him firmly in place. He couldn’t stand or move. Travis closed his eyes and felt the pleasing sensation of helplessness wash over him. He imagined Ray rubbing his chest and thighs. That didn’t actually happen, of course, but the images his mind conjured up were real enough for him.

Travis felt a soft cloth being tied around his closed eyes. Ray must have been folding one of the bandanas from the box while he fantasized. He felt the knot being tied around the back of his head. “When you can’t see, it makes your other senses stronger to compensate,” Ray said. “It’ll make the experience better.”

Travis nodded and said “It’s working. I can feel… mmppggghh!”

His words were cut off as a balled-up cloth was quickly stuffed into his mouth. He felt Ray take another folded cloth and use it to cleave the ball in his mouth behind his teeth before tying it off behind his head as well. Travis grunted and mumbled, not saying anything in particular, just wanting to hear the alluring sound of gagged speech. The hair on the back of his neck pricked up when he heard the sound of duct tape being unrolled. He felt the adhesive strip placed over his cleavegag and wrapped around his head several times, growing tighter with each revolution. The knot of the cleavegag was trapped under the tape as it wound around his jaws. After six or seven passes, Ray tore the end off the roll and smoothed it down gingerly. He said “There we go. All finished.”

From his imposed darkness, Travis heard Ray shuffling a short distance away, giving him space. Travis’ mind filled with all sorts of wild fantasies. He was James Bond, at the mercy of a diabolical villain. He was a captive prince, being held for ransom by bandits. He was a Marine, ambushed by the enemy and awaiting an unknown fate. He struggled happily in his ropes, feeling the tightness embracing him like a lover. He imagined they were Ray’s arms. As his mind wandered, he felt his arousal growing uncontrollably inside his jeans. Thankful that the thick denim disguised his erection, Travis began to squirm, trying to get enough friction to achieve release? “Was Ray watching?” he thought. “Maybe he is. Maybe he’s stroking himself watching me squirm. Maybe he’ll take me in his arms and…” Travis’ mind exploded with elaborate scenarios, some romantic, some erotic, and some a combination of the two. They were all impossibly far-fetched, but he didn’t care. He became lost in his fantasies and swam through the possibilities until he felt his arousal reach the breaking point. He unloaded in his jeans, and slumped down in the chair, panting and sweating.

He heard Ray coming over to him and a second later he felt the blindfold being removed. He looked up at Ray, who was smiling and holding up his phone, set to the clock. “You were squirming for almost 90 minutes,” Ray chuckled. “I’m guessing you enjoyed yourself.” Travis couldn’t believe how much time had passed. It felt like mere seconds! He sat dumbfounded as Ray began to pry the tape from his mouth. It stung a little as it was peeled off his skin, but he didn’t mind. He licked his lips to try to generate some moisture as the cleave and stuffing were removed.

Ray said “Is that what you wanted?” Travis couldn’t speak, he just nodded vigorously as his pulse rate returned to normal. Ray knelt down and began to free Travis’ legs. His face was quite close to Travis’ lap. Travis hoped that the slowly drying evidence of his excitement wasn’t noticeable. But if Ray saw anything, he had the decency not to draw attention to it. Travis’s breathing returned to normal after his legs were released and Ray started undoing the arm harness behind the chair.

“Thank you,” Travis said as the last of the ropes were removed from his body. “I appreciate it. I don’t know how to thank you.” He got up from the chair and stretched out to restore circulation.

Ray just smiled and said “Don’t mention it. You know, after seeing this tonight, I wonder why our advisor didn’t scout you for real. You seem like you’d fit right in with us. I mean, Clay would have had a hairy, but our advisor isn’t the type to give a shit about things like that.”

Travis turned over his shoulder as he gathered up the discarded ropes and put them back in their places on the shelves. He was trying to make it look like no one had been in here. He said “The first few days on campus I did see him around a lot. In the crowds and common areas. But I remember at one point Clay got up in his face and the two of them had it out. I didn’t see him after that outside of the classrooms.”

Ray nodded. An idea was taking shape, but he needed to stew on it a little more. He reached for the garage door handle. “Come on,” he said. “It’s late. Let’s go.”

He ducked under the door as Travis flicked the lights off and followed behind him. They walked through the deserted park on the way back to campus without talking for a while. Travis broke the silence first.

“This is really all I had planned for us,” he said. “So you’re free to go after this. You don’t have to stay with me the rest of the weekend.”

Ray stopped. “But I can if I want to, right?” he said. Travis looked at him, confused. “We can still hang out, correct? Like see a movie or toss a football around or something? You’re not telling me to get away from you, are you?”

“No!” Travis said, almost instantly. “That’s not what I meant at all! I just thought you’d think this whole thing was weird and wouldn’t want to be around me.”

Ray chuckled. “Well, it was weird, but not BAD weird, if you know what I mean. You seem like a cool guy, Travis. I think I’d like to hang out with you when there isn’t any pressure or expectations. Just like normal buds, you know?”

“I’d like that,” Travis said. He was about to say something else, but stopped as the light of a flashlight swept around the corner towards them. A middle-aged portly man stepped around from behind a building. The two boys were shrouded in darkness but he could see their outlines in the shadows.

The guard moved his light in their direction and said “Who’s there? The park is closed after dark. I’m calling the cops!”

Travis whispered, “Shit! There’s a night guard. Clay never said anything about that!”

“Run!” Ray said, and the two of them took off into the night just before the light caught them. The security guard followed after them for a while, but they were two college jocks in their prime and he was a middle-aged rent-a-cop. There was no way he’d catch them. But, to his credit, he never gave up. Ray and Travis bobbed and weaved behind buildings and park equipment as they made their way towards the fence. The light came close to them a few times, but never managed to catch them. They reached the chain-link fence and scaled it with no difficulty at all. The guard stopped short at the fence as they darted across the street to safety. They didn’t stop running for three more blocks.

When the pair was sure they were clear, they both leaned against a wall, panting. There was a beat, and then both broke out into laughter. Big, loud laughter that made them both red in the face. It took a moment or two for them both to settle down. After they regained their breath and the last of the giggles died away, Travis leaned in and gave Ray a kiss.

Ray was floored. He didn’t know what to do. His entire body locked up. Confusion ran through his mind and his eyes grew wide with shock. Travis noticed his reaction and backed away. “Shit!” he said. “I’m sorry! I just… I didn’t…” Ray just stood dumbfounded. Blinking. Travis lowered his head. “I’m a fucking idiot,” he said, his voice breaking. And he bolted off down the street towards campus. When Ray snapped himself out of his shock and could move again, Travis was long gone.

“I didn’t say to stop,” Ray said glumly to the air. He put his hands in his pockets, cursing himself for his oafishness and obliviousness, and walked alone back to campus.

Coming Soon: Halloween part 4 – Four Little Piggies

Just a heads up, the next part will be somewhat delayed. I go into tech rehearsals for Hunchback of Notre Dame soon and I won't have any time to write until after we open.
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