The Texas Son (M+/M+) - Updated 6/28/21

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

For the next episode. (Writers block)

Poll ended at 1 year ago

1.) Have Trent awaken blindfolded to a surprise party.
2.) Have the story continue with the “interrogation”
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The Texas Son (M+/M+) - Updated 6/28/21

Post by CowboyStud »

The Intro :

The Introduction:
The series is in past tense. As the series progresses it will catch up to present time.

(IDK about pics group, I've tried multiple times. I would do flicker but due to copyright.. IDK)

The Lead Character
1.) The Texas Son - Trent Ryder : Born on New Year's Eve 2000 (Age 17 atm)
Aliases: Chase Masterson
Stats: Light Green Eyes, Dark Blonde Hair, 5'11 Tall, Slim Waist; Athletic Build, Size 10 feet.




The Secondary Characters

1.) Riley Bishop - Born in 1998 (Age 18 atm),
Stats : Brown Eyes, Brown Hair, 6'2 in Height, Muscular Frame, Size 11 Feet






2.) Jesse Livingston : Long time ranch hand of Trent's Family's Estate, Born in 1999 (Age 18 atm)
Stats : Cold Grey Color Eyes, Blond Hair, 6'1 in Height, Muscular Build, Size 10.5 Feet




Villain's :
Enter the Sinister 3


Michael Myers - Aged 25, Step brother of Jesse, WILL DO ANYTHING for money, Jesse and Michael grew up together on the ranch. Jesse's mother came from money, Michael's father had a rap sheet. For years Michael vowed that one day he will have his way with Trent.. perhaps the time is coming?
Stats : Black Eyes "He had the blackest eyes, the devils eyes", Onyx Black Hair, 6'3 Tall
Threat Type : Chaotic


Duke Buchanon - (AKA The Douche Bag) is the son of the Ryder's main competition and one hell of a competitive Rodeo Star to Trent. Trying to get what Trent is entitled to, Duke won't stop at nothing to get what he wants.. and what he wants is Trent! Mind, Body and Soul. Duke has money, nothing compared to what Trent has. But with money comes power, and Duke will do anything to rope.. and grope Trent FOREVER.
Stats : Aged 18, Hazel Eyes, Brown/Dark Red Hair, 6'2 Tall, Muscular Build, Size 11 Feet.
Threat Type : Mischievous


Xavier "Zeus" King- Born in 1959, Is Trent's legal guardian until Trent is legally 21, Wants Trent for himself due to his inheritance and power. WILL STOP AT NOTHING to make sure he gains the power he deserves. He controls Trent, He knows everything before Trent thinks of it. He's the ultimate enemy to Trent's wellbeing and happiness. Instead of protecting Trent; Zeus wants nothing more than to keep Trent as a Trophy.
Stats : Aged 50, Black Eyes, Silver / Grey Hair, 6'1 Tall
Threat Type : Diabolical

(SPECIAL THANKS to Jack Roper for the support throughout this series! You're a TRUE Friend!)
Last edited by CowboyStud 1 year ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

With a great cast of characters like that, I can't wait for this story to start! Cowboys in tight predicaments - yup, sign me up!
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Post by CowboyStud »

The Pilot (Part 1):

Trent Ryder was 15 years old when his parent's passed away in a plane wreck. As his last name was Ryder, gave him certain reign of the world. His family owned an Atlas of property all over the world by air, land, sea, etc. They were known entrepreneurs. The family's name Ryder was well received throughout the capitalist world. NOTHING illegal, it was all a reporters worse nightmare; hearing the name "Ryder". When it came to the press; the family would have their company (really they didn't just have a legal team.. they had a entire company) look at anything with the name Ryder attached to it. They owned EVERYTHING. The family was known for their privacy.

Enter Trent aka THE HEIR aka THE 1st SON of the world aka THE TRUE PRINCE aka The True Son of Texas. As Trent was the sole heir of the family that was left, he was sent to prestigious schools all around the world. Trent had nothing to lose. At the age of 17, Trent decided to return to the states to his home right outside of Dallas, Texas. Under a fake name of course; Trent HATED the thought of going "undercover" just so he could live a private life. He was as daring and adventurous as they come. Relationship's lets face it Trent knew he was gay as Hell the ENTIRE southern A-List hemisphere knew he was gay.. well only a select few.

There was his best friend ever since he could remember Riley Bishop. Hell, Riley and Trent spent their childhood in diapers together. Although they were born a year and a few months apart; Riley would always poke fun saying that Trent was born 2nd and that he was the baby or the "little brother" of the two. After the death of Trent's family took a toll on the town, (hell the economy of the world), it affected Riley the most. When Trent had a wide range of schooling from here to Great Britain, they ALWAYS kept in touch, until two years ago when the tragedy happened.

Nothing compared to the memories of him and Riley ; ANYTHING country Riley and Trent shared a passion for rather it was for horses, country music, cowboy hats, cowboy boots, lasso's, old westerns. They would spend hours trying to rope each other up with a lariat or try hopping onto a horse like in the old black and white western shows. There were times that Riley roped him so tight that when they had sleep overs Riley would use Trent as a body pillow. Wrapping his limbs around Trent's tightly trussed up body; While he wore his snug fit jeans and don't forget cowboy boots, to top it off Riley would tighten Trent's belt so that his "wood" would remain trapped in his jeans. Those were the good ol' days..

Anyway, To escape the grief of Texas as a whole,; his Guide aka his Guardian, decided it was best to remain in Britain until the time came for Trent to reach the age of 18 to take over where his parents left off. It was around that time Trent made the decision to return home for his 18th birthday and to reunite with Riley again one last time before Riley would be going off to study abroad.

His Guardian denied the trip to Dallas, but knowing Trent he didn't take kindly to being told what to do. He decided he would reunite with his "brother" in due time.

The months leading up to the escape from the UK, Trent did lots of research - went to the libraries around even while knowing that his search history was looked at hourly due to his families connections with the government and to this day hadn't figured out who was watching him / protecting him .. from himself. Every move Trent made someone was there to help or assist him. Anyway, Trent knew this was a factor so he started looking up fake names; last names in particular for the trip back home. He searched the most popular last names there were : the zzzz type like.. Miller, Potter, Baker; Then there were the power names like : Miller, Field, Ford, Brook or Wood, those wouldn't do, Next came the most common "Son" names : Stevenson, Robertson, Davidson... HERE'S ONE.. MASTERSON!!

"What would go with Masterson?" Trent asked himself.. "Bo, James, Clint, Levi? No has to have mystery in it. It has to have adventure.. and chase involved... wait!!" He started typing.. "CHASE MASTERSON!". "Good bye Trent, Hello Chase!".

Trent started checking off the list he had in his head. 1.) Think of a idea, check. 2.) Carry that idea around for a few weeks, check. 3. Give the idea a first and last name.. double check. Now to start the finishing touches." He said to himself as he left for his dormitory.

Knowing there was a tracker in his phone. (Again security and government involved why wouldn't there be??); He decided to use a dating app and have whoever was watching him to meet him at his apartment and that the door will be open. He planted his phone on his bed with a note stating :
"Here's $500, take my phone, take a car and drive from place to place wearing whatever's in the closet".

Trent was in a secret room watching as time progressed finally the door opened. A young guy came in dressed in black fit clothing as he got closer to the center of the room his image became clearer. The stud was dressed in tight black jeans, tight fitting black leather jacket that made his slim yet muscular figure easy to notice, a black studded belt and a pair of black riding boots with the jeans tucked in. He was around Trent's age, same height, same build.

He walked over to the bed, picked up the note. It seemed like forever as Trent watched the guy read the note. The black cad guy looked around and did a thumbs up. He walked over to the closet, undressed and put on a pair of tight white jeans, a tight black muscle t-shirt, a brown belt and a pair of brown cowboy boots. Add the expensive brown leather jacket. Then he left. As he left Trent made a comment to himself:
"I'd fuck him." Trent thought to himself as he sat back and poured himself some whiskey.

After a few minutes, Trent looked at the camera from the safe room.. "NOW!!!", Trent immediately rushed out of the room put on the clothes that the guy left ;

"Shit these boots are too small", Trent immediately rushed over to his closet and below were a pair of Charles Black Lucchese Cowboy Boots. He pulled them on.. and ditched the studded leather belt for something more original. A regular black leather belt with a horse shoe buckle in the front. Trent was a super cowboy freak,

He then took his backpack with his back up journals and decided to erase his laptop. Immediately, Trent turned to the door and said:
"Fuck! Did I erase my phone?" Trent snapped out of it and walked out of the room.

He decided to walk to the airport being it was only a few blocks away from the safe haven known as the center of the city. As he walked a car pulled over and yelled "hop in".

Trent walked toward the car.. but immediately had second thoughts about this car so he bolted. It felt like forever with Trent running. As he got to the entrance of the airport the car pulled over.

"Hey, you're wearing my clothes.." The voice was sexy yet.. Australian.

Trent spoke up so others couldn't here but the sexy Aussie could "My phone's being tracked.. I paid you to.. help me".

The driver replied "I can't do that Trent..". Speechless, Trent just said "Please.."

The driver looked at him and handed him a envelope: "Here.. go.. NOW!".

With that Trent took his bag and it seemed like he flew through the airport, through security and onto the plane. When in reality the Aussie saved him by letting him go and through the airport doors he went. When he got into the airport Trent's heart sank.. "I'm no one now.. How did that guy know who I was.." Then it hit him.. "Oh fuck my phone.. He knows who I am.!"

Almost having a nervous breakdown, Trent rushed to a restroom, locked the stall and took out the envelope. The envelope contained : NEW passports, The $500, and a NEW identity!!! With a letter included:
"Chase, you have friends in high places! We're family. See you soon, Watch your back!" With a signature signed J.C.

The flight was tedious and horrible with the crying babies, complaining, cramp spaces.. eww! When he arrived to the states, first it was NYC, then Chicago, after that came Colorado. He needed a plan A, B, C, all the way to plan Z, before he even thought of going back into Lone Star.

He flew into Denver and rented a room at a hotel, it wasn't a disastrous experience.. but quaint none the less.

He decided that he needed to get food for his stay as well as a new phone so he took a car and with the little money he had (New identity and the $500 he had), he bought himself a cheap phone for the time being; He added a few numbers and started texting away.

There, he was pacing back and forth, while looking at his phone. Trent just couldn't sleep. It wasn't too far fetched that if Trent thought of something, he did it without asking any questions. Trent was the personality type to do what needed to be done first and ask questions / think about the consequences later. Which explains why he packed light! He was technically on the run after all from his watcher. He sent a text right before he left the room with his backpack on his shoulder.

"I'll be there in a few!" the response read as he took the elevator down to the main lobby.

"Back entrance, NOW!" he read as he exited the elevator, paid for the room through the app and left the building inconspicuously through the back entrance. As he exited the building a Black Jeep Durango drove up.. "Hop in!" the driver yelled through the passenger window. Trent grinned as he hopped in and off they went!!

"You're quiet..", the driver said.

"Its been a long time.. feels like I've been gone for years." Trent said as he was looking out at the horizon.

"You do realize he will come looking for you.." The driver said looking over at Trent, catching his eye from time to time only for Trent to frown and look away. "So what happened to that smile you greeted me with before when I picked you up?" The driver asked.

Trent's voice broke as he said "The minute we drove off the feeling of dread came rushing in, and then you mentioned that asshole and the truth is I know he will come looking for me. I don't know, when I was up there in that dingy room I was full of excitement almost like I'm back and I can go anywhere and I'm FREE. But then the minute I entered the passenger side I realized he knows me. He knew my family, my home, fuck he knows this is where I'd go."

Hearing the swear the driver skidded on the road causing Trent to bang his head and started raising his voice: "Watch your mouth! Don't forget you may almost be an adult but you're NEVER too old for me to rope ya and toss ya over my knee.." The driver continued: "You're too good to talk like that! I won't allow you to disrespect yourself or your family's name by talking like that!"

There was silence between them

"So.. What are you gonna do about it?" The driver asked..

"I'm going to kill him!" Trent said as he met the drivers gaze in a dead stare.

The driver went back to watching the road and with a grin and a shake of his head, the driver asked :"God, what did that Bastard do to you?"

Trent ignored that question and continued looking out the window trying to mentally prepare for what was to come.

Up Next The Pilot: Part 2 (The Plan)

(SPECIAL THANKS TO JACKROPER with helping with the editing and giving advisement along the way!!)
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Post by gag1195 »

Loving the set up! Its feeling a bit like a spy thriller with more cowboy boots! Great start and great pics! Jesse is a real cutie so I hope he ends up in the ropes at some point!

Not sure which villain im rooting for yet...
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Post by harveygasson »

Interesting start
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Post by CowboyStud »

The Pilot (Conclusion) - The Plan:

It was around midnight; I drove hours to a deserted cabin on the land the family owned. I was drifting off as I noticed "the precious cargo" was asleep in the back seat, laying down.

"Get a grip" I told myself; "You can do this, you're his uncle. You're here to protect him".

As I was driving, I was staring at the deserted road. The only light was the light shining off the deserted mountain highway.. my mind was going back to right after all of it happened. The death of my brother, his wife, the sudden disappearance of their only son.

<<2 YEARS AGO,>>

Xavier Manning: Aged 50, White Blonde Hair, Eyes: cold as ice.
Threat Level: Will do anything for power.

"You can't do this! I'm the boy's legal guardian. Where is he?", I demanded.
"..He's safe.", Xavier responded as he sat down.
"This makes no sense! Why was he not in attendance at his own parents funeral?" I countered.
There was a brief pause.
"Xavier, tell me he's aware of the plane crash and the deaths of his parents."
There was NO answer.
"Xavier, I swear I will make your life a living Hell if you say otherwise." I said raising my voice.
"The boy's been... absent." Xavier retorted.
I sat down with my head in my hands, covering my mouth; "What do you mean by absent?"
"What I mean by that term, little brother is that our beloved nephew took it upon himself to go halfway around the world to just... disappear." Xavier said as he raised his booted feet and crossed them on the coffee table.
My eyes almost bulged out of my head. "What the Hell and you're not worried about what could happen... and by brother I think you mean "half brothers!" I argued.
"He's been missing for... months. You just haven't been around for a few.. years." Xavier pointed out, taking a swig of whiskey.
"My fucking son went missing years ago! How do you think this isn't affecting me in all ways possible?!?!" I yelled as I smashed the coffee table with my booted heel.
"You'll pay for that!" Xavier exclaimed, smiling.
"He was left under your care! IF his mother didn't sleep around and file for full custody and here I find out it was you who was the other piece of shit who she was cheating with!"
Xavier continued, "Maybe if you didn't travel so much and play Indiana Jones. James wouldn't be missing for over 10 years!", smiling.
"You know where he is!" I said in disbelief.
"Well... I am the boys step father." Xavier looked up at me with those ice blue eyes, smirking.
"You son of a bitch!". I said as I tore him from his seat by his collar and rammed his back into the wall.
Xavier continued smiling..
Xavier nose to nose with me pointed out. "Careful, you continue this and I won't tell you the rest of the story!"
I let go of him, predicting where this was leading. "Trent went missing." I said as I sat down.
"Yes, it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. Anyways I'll tell you. Trent went missing.. his parents left to find him. But suddenly died in a plane crash." Xavier revealed. "Trent's safe and under my care! Sign these papers! They will make me legal guardian and maybe just maybe you'll see your son again!"
I took the papers.
"Don't bother reading over them, they're coded. Once the papers are signed I'll make it legal with legal paper work! Oh and by the way IF you planned on recording this conversation... DON'T. I carry around this little gadget in my watch that disrupts everything electrical with magnetic fields."
"You bastard!" I said, defeated as I handed the signed documents over.
As Xavier was leaving as he was walking he said "Oh and one last thing.. come on in boys!"
Just then a group of several goons appeared from all exits with ropes in their hands.
"Rope and gag him.... good! But... NO mess." Xavier said as he was watching as the goons started twirling their ropes and circling around me.
Just then all several lariats were thrown around me encasing me in a cocoon of rope from my neck to my booted ankles. I heard a whistle and that's when they all pulled suddenly forcing me to the ground. They all ganged up on me like a pack of wolves on a bucking bronco. One tied my wrists, another tied my upper body, including my elbows together, the third tied my wrists to my waist, the other three tied my legs above and below the knees, the next roped my booted ankles and tied the ends to the spurs, and the last came rushing in - looping my bound chest with the loop end and ripping the rope around my body cinching everywhere possible down to my booted ankles and finishing off at my booted insteps. That's when Xavier came over - "That's for running your mouth about Deidre" he said. He then took one last piece of rope twirled it around my head forcing it into my mouth as a effective gag, pulling it and tying the end in between my already tightly tied booted insteps. By doing that he was putting me in one hell of a effective hogtie! I then felt him put a boot on my ass and dig his spur into it. "and this is for ruining one hell of a good looking ... and expensive coffee table!"
He started walking away.. "You should travel more.. But IF you ever try to contact me or Trent. I'll kill him!"
As he left with his cult of followers; I yelled through my gag and struggled so hard to escape that I ended up blacking out...


There I paused, I stopped the car right outside of the Texas State Boarder. "This needs to end! I need to get my son back! I need to get this family back together! Trent forgive me, please." I said to myself as I got out of the jeep, pulled out a bag of supplies I had stored under the passenger seat. I went to the back seat got the cloth, dipped it with a sedative I had in my pocket and pushed it against his face. From there, I took a coil of rope turned him belly side down and tied his wrists crisscrossed behind his back. Next, I took a short length of rope and roped his elbows together cinching them tight. Then, I took the last strand of rope and tied his booted ankles together. "God, forgive me", I said as I took my bandanna from my pocket and forced it in his mouth. Finally, I took a roll of ductape and wrapped it around his head several times so the gag was sealed and so were his eyes. IF anything bad happened I had a pocket knife handy if needed.

After making sure he was effectively tied, gagged, and blindfolded. I went back to the drivers side, got in, took my phone out and started dialing.. "Hey, it's me. I have the kid. Change of plans. Do you know that old abandoned barn a few miles in the woods on the ranch's property? Meet me there!" I then hung up the phone.

"This was the plan from the start!" I said to myself as turned around checking on the now very secured prisoner.

I proceeded to starting the engine and headed for what we once all called HOME!

To Be Continued --> Episode 1 : The Return
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Post by wataru14 »

I'm intrigued by this story. Plots and double-crosses are right up my alley and the western motif is hot! Eagerly awaiting more!
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Post by gag1195 »

Really looking forward to more of this story! So many twists and turns! I can't wait to read more about these cowboys in distress!
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Post by CowboyStud »

Episode 1 : The Return Part 1 :

"What are we doing?", Daniel asked as I carried the bound body of my unconscious nephew into the cabin,

"We're making sure he's not going anywhere!" I said, as I layed him down and stuffed cotton into his ears.
"What are you doing?" Daniel gestured to his ears

"Earplugs" I replied

"Why?" Daniel looked at me quizzingly

"Because I don't want him to hear us! The way I imagine it, he's going to wake up, thinking he was abducted along with his dear uncle.. and IF he regains a somewhat part of consciousness back sooner than expected. I want him to think just that, without thinking I betrayed him." I said as I tightened the ropes that bound his wrists, elbows, and booted ankles together along with adding a fourth and final rope from his tied wrists, pulling it up to his elbows and then pulling it taught down to his booted ankles making it a thoroughly tight, inescapable hogtie!

"Ouch, Isn't that a little extreme.. even for your nephew?" Daniel suggested

"Why? Do you want to take his place?" I asked looking up at him..

"And here I thought I was the top aka dom in our relationship!" Daniel pointed out, smiling.

"Look, he needs to assume he's been kidnapped.. along with.."

"Along with.. what?" Daniel said, confused.

"Along with ME!" I said looking back up at him as I made sure Trent wasn't going anywhere.

"I need you to tie me up as real as fuck! The bottom line is I think he knows something about Jamie. He may be the only hope I have of getting my son back!" I said as he helped me to stand up.

"Need me to huh.. Don't you mean.. You want me to?" Daniel said as he pulled me close.

"Maybe... you know what to do" I said as I went in for a kiss, Daniel pulled away telling me with his eyes he was in control. All the sudden he took me by the collar and shoved me up against the wall.

"Now.. how do you want it?" Daniel asked, as he kissed me, shoving his left knee in my crotch, causing my legs to split wide open and pinning both of my hands against the wall, separately, above my head.

"Nice and... TIGHT!" I said giving him a mischievous grin and trying to buck him off of me, giving him reason and motivation as to not take a easy on me.
"Oh, you want it rough.." Daniel said as he took his hand and grabbed my package in my tight wrangler jeans and squeezed making me his to do as he pleased. "You should know by now, that I would know how to tame a hot buck such as yourself!" He said as he took his other hand grabbed my jock and pulling it up into my ass. There he threw me onto the ground of the stall and pulled out a pair of handcuffs he had in his back pocket. He placed a boot on my ass and used it to push me back down gently onto my stomach and proceeded to dig his booted foot in my ass as he pulled both of my hands behind my back and cuffed them as I struggled.

"Is that all you got?" I asked as I got in a kneeling position. Daniel take my chin in his hand and shoving his thumb into my mouth.

"Oh Don't you wish" He yelled and he took me by my hair and forced me to stand up, ripping my shirt opened and shoving me into a wooden chair that was bolted to the ground.

I heard the sound of tape being ripped only to be startled as I felt my upper torso being wrapped multiple times around the chair pinning me to it. He then proceeded to wrap it below my elbows to the chair as well as my thighs and booted ankles together. He then took the tape and wrapped it around my ankles and to the chair legs to keep them firm and in place.

"Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to be tied up" He said pointing to my hard erection and then grabbing it, HARD!!!

"What do yo...mmmmph" I said as he shoved a cloth in my mouth and wrapped layer over layer of tape around my mouth. He used the last bit of tape to blindfold me.

"Now let the games begin.." He said as I sensed he'd bent down and pinched my pectorals as I yelled through the gag in pain!


TBC... The Return Part 2
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Post by gag1195 »

[mention]CowboyStud[/mention] I hope you'll continue this story soon! I'm hoping to see more from this tale of intrigue, bondage, and boots!
I also hope that bumping this story back up to the top gets more eyes (and comments) on it!
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Post by CowboyStud »

I created a Poll.. hopefully it will inspire me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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I may have accidentally tied the poll, but I voted for interrogation! Can't wait to see what fun an interrogation brings for everyone, captor and captive alike!
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Post by CowboyStud »

Only 5 people read this? Well that’s unfortunate..
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Post by harveygasson »

I think sometimes great stories like this can get missed when lots are posted at once. I'd never seen this story until I stumbled across it and love it so far! I really hope you'll keep going with it
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Post by wataru14 »

Oh, definitely interrogation!
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Post by CowboyStud »

So.. a little back story.

The star of this series is Trent- aka the son of Texas and the many trials / misadventures of his character.

The first few episodes I posted were only suppose to be a 1 and done episode. Unfortunately every episode I’m writing is turning into a 2 parter and that’s where the motivation is decreasing. It’s like I opened a can of warms and idk how to get back on track.
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Post by gag1195 »

[mention]CowboyStud[/mention] I know it can be disheartening sometimes. It may take some time for this story to gain more attention. There are a lot of stories being updated and posted, and people are popping in and out reading what they can/when they can. The more you update, the more likely you'll be to get more eyes on this story, which absolutely deserves more attention!

As for your writing dilemma, I can only offer this advice- write as much as you care to or feel you need to. If you see the natural end of the story, don't be afraid to write it. It might change as things go, and that's okay! I'm looking forward to whatever you produce!
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Post by CowboyStud »

gag1195 wrote: 1 year ago @CowboyStud I know it can be disheartening sometimes. It may take some time for this story to gain more attention. There are a lot of stories being updated and posted, and people are popping in and out reading what they can/when they can. The more you update, the more likely you'll be to get more eyes on this story, which absolutely deserves more attention!

As for your writing dilemma, I can only offer this advice- write as much as you care to or feel you need to. If you see the natural end of the story, don't be afraid to write it. It might change as things go, and that's okay! I'm looking forward to whatever you produce!
I have around 10 seasons planned - plus a spin-off.
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It’s a tie 0.o
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Post by gag1195 »

CowboyStud wrote: 1 year ago It’s a tie 0.o
Welcome to my world! Can't tell you how many of my polls end up as ties or remain deadlocked for a long time!
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Post by bondagefreak »

CowboyStud wrote: 3 years ago
As Xavier was leaving as he was walking he said "Oh and one last thing.. come on in boys!"
Just then a group of several goons appeared from all exits with ropes in their hands.
"Rope and gag him.... good! But... NO mess." Xavier said as he was watching as the goons started twirling their ropes and circling around me.

Just then all several lariats were thrown around me encasing me in a cocoon of rope from my neck to my booted ankles. I heard a whistle and that's when they all pulled suddenly forcing me to the ground. They all ganged up on me like a pack of wolves on a bucking bronco. One tied my wrists, another tied my upper body, including my elbows together, the third tied my wrists to my waist, the other three tied my legs above and below the knees, the next roped my booted ankles and tied the ends to the spurs, and the last came rushing in - looping my bound chest with the loop end and ripping the rope around my body cinching everywhere possible down to my booted ankles and finishing off at my booted insteps. That's when Xavier came over - "That's for running your mouth about Deidre" he said. He then took one last piece of rope twirled it around my head forcing it into my mouth as a effective gag, pulling it and tying the end in between my already tightly tied booted insteps. By doing that he was putting me in one hell of a effective hogtie!
Absolutely love the description of this scene. I'm a huge sucker for many-vs-one scenarios and overkill rope bondage, so as you can imagine, this part really hit the spot for me. The collective fury of those rope-wielding goons can be felt even from the other side of the screen. I just love how they all gang up on our protagonist. Wolves indeed 8-)

Definitely a gruelling hogtie if ever there was one.
Brilliant! Awesomely written [mention]CowboyStud[/mention]

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Post by CowboyStud »

bondagefreak wrote: 11 months ago
CowboyStud wrote: 3 years ago
As Xavier was leaving as he was walking he said "Oh and one last thing.. come on in boys!"
Just then a group of several goons appeared from all exits with ropes in their hands.
"Rope and gag him.... good! But... NO mess." Xavier said as he was watching as the goons started twirling their ropes and circling around me.

Just then all several lariats were thrown around me encasing me in a cocoon of rope from my neck to my booted ankles. I heard a whistle and that's when they all pulled suddenly forcing me to the ground. They all ganged up on me like a pack of wolves on a bucking bronco. One tied my wrists, another tied my upper body, including my elbows together, the third tied my wrists to my waist, the other three tied my legs above and below the knees, the next roped my booted ankles and tied the ends to the spurs, and the last came rushing in - looping my bound chest with the loop end and ripping the rope around my body cinching everywhere possible down to my booted ankles and finishing off at my booted insteps. That's when Xavier came over - "That's for running your mouth about Deidre" he said. He then took one last piece of rope twirled it around my head forcing it into my mouth as a effective gag, pulling it and tying the end in between my already tightly tied booted insteps. By doing that he was putting me in one hell of a effective hogtie!
Absolutely love the description of this scene. I'm a huge sucker for many-vs-one scenarios and overkill rope bondage, so as you can imagine, this part really hit the spot for me. The collective fury of those rope-wielding goons can be felt even from the other side of the screen. I just love how they all gang up on our protagonist. Wolves indeed 8-)

Definitely a gruelling hogtie if ever there was one.
Brilliant! Awesomely written @CowboyStud
Words can’t describe how much I’m grateful for the kind words and feedback. Thank you :-)
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Post by harveygasson »

I do really hope you keep going with this story
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Post by CowboyStud »

Apologies - that it’s being delayed. I will continue at some point just going through loads of depression.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Sorry to hear that, mate.
Take care of yourself. Mental health always comes first.
We'll still be here when you feel up to continuing.

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