When Markus met Peter (M+/M+)(New Chapter 06/02/24)

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Post by Volobond »

gag1195 wrote: 10 months ago Though you have hit the nail on the head in regards to the Marky-Mark nickname!
Never doubt me, folks! You heard it here first, I'm always right! :D
gag1195 wrote: 10 months ago Next giveaway, eh? Hoping to win a ginger-haired prize?
You know it! I'm always looking out for a sensitive, bondage lovin hunk!

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Post by gag1195 »

Volobond wrote: 10 months ago
gag1195 wrote: 10 months ago Though you have hit the nail on the head in regards to the Marky-Mark nickname!
Never doubt me, folks! You heard it here first, I'm always right! :D
You are correct here, at least! :lol: For a very specific reason! Keen-eyed readers of one of my stories might notice why Peter has no reason to be jealous! 8-)
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Post by blackbound »

Now I've had time to catch up with this, damn. Peter's such an ass to everyone I almost think he doesn't deserve Markus.

That said, the mountain expedition had me on the edge of my seat! What a lucky escape.

And then the break-up! I wonder what the big plan is, but now I get to wait with everyone again... :D

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Post by gag1195 »

@blackbound To be fair, Markus hasn't exactly been his best either! Both my boys are stubborn! Glad you enjoyed their picnic at least! And thankfully, you don't have to wait too long for the next update!

Here is the beginning of Kyle's and Connor's plan! And the return (introduction?) of another familiar face! Hope everyone enjoys their attempt to get Markus and Peter back together!

Part 17: Shame


Markus checked the stairs every few seconds. His nerves were making him paranoid. Why did I agree to this date? He kept asking himself. But Eddie had been persistent. And Markus didn’t want to do what he had planned over the phone or over text.

Peter had been right, at least in one regard. Markus needed to sort all this out. It wasn’t fair to anyone. Not that this is going to fix anything… He’d been texting and calling Peter since the blonde drove away. But Peter was ignoring him. Not a surprise. Markus seemingly burned up the last of the good will he had with Peter.

Ending things with Eddie wasn’t going to get Peter back, but Markus needed to do this. Peter or no Peter in his life, Markus wasn’t going to lie about his feelings. His attraction to Eddie was surface level at best. It reminded him of his time with Connor. Hot? Yes. Fun? Yes. Deeper feelings? Not so much. At least not romantic. Connor was still a great friend, but that was all they’d ever be.

Maybe Eddie and I can be like that too. But that remained to be seen.

Markus hoped his choice of venue would smooth things over, if only slightly. He’d texted Kyle asking for a huge favor and had secured the VIP Lounge for a couple hours. Kyle even volunteered to bartend for him.

So there Markus was, on a Tuesday night, nervously glancing towards the stairs, waiting for the man he was about to end things with. He smoothed his red shirt to distract himself. He hadn’t exactly dressed up for this break up date, but he’d still put some effort into his outfit. Burgundy shirt with a light leaf design pattern and skin tight black jeans, paired with his red leather boots.

He was halfway through with his drink, some sort of gin concoction that Kyle called a Bramble, when Eddie ascended the stairs. He looked great. Dark pants, white shirt, brown jacket, nice black dress shoes. He must have come straight from work. Markus reasoned. He waved Eddie over to the seat, then stood to embrace his date.


“Hey, Markus!” Eddie smiled. “Glad you’re feeling better!” He said as he sat down. Kyle appeared, took his drink order, then seemingly disappeared just as quickly.

“Thanks, and thanks for the soup. That was so sweet and so unnecessary.” Markus said, keeping up the charade that Peter had introduced. “But, um… that’s part of what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Uh oh.” Eddie laughed as he sipped his whiskey sour. “That sounds like we’re about to have a serious conversation.”

Markus nodded and took another sip of his own drink. “We are. For starters, I wasn’t actually sick over the weekend. That was a lie Peter told you.”

Eddie scrunched his eyebrows together. “Why would you two lie about that?”

Markus felt the color crawling up his cheeks. “Because when you saw us on that hike, my hands were tied together in my hoodie and there was a ball gag under the bandana I was wearing.”

“What!” Eddie perked up at the mention of restraints. “You’re joking! You mean, when Lenn and I were talking with Peter, you were just standing there bound and gagged?”

Markus nodded again, very thankful the lounge was empty except for Kyle.

“That’s so hot!” Eddie said, his apparent lust for bondage blinding him to the reality of Markus’ hiking restraints.

“But there’s more.” Markus sighed. He was not looking forward to the rest of this conversation. “The reason I was tied up on that hike was because Peter and I had just finished a picnic date.”

“Oh…” Eddie said. Markus waited, but Eddie seemed stuck in processing mode. “And did the two of you…” Eddie tried to ask.

Again, Markus nodded. “We did.”

“How long?”

“That was the first time we did it.” Markus told the truth. “But it was our second date. Our first date was actually at the museum when we ran into each other.”

“That Peter guy was there with you that night?” Eddie asked, obviously trying to remember that evening.

“He was actually taped up in the closet we were next to.” Markus admitted. “I was trying to keep you two separated.”

“What the fuck.” Eddie said. Not in anger, but in shock. Confusion.

“Eddie, I’m sorry.” Markus began. “I don’t really have an explanation. I lied to both you and Peter and things got out of hand. I’m sorry.”

Eddie downed his drink, then snapped his fingers at Kyle. Kyle raised an eyebrow at the silent command, but began preparing a second drink.

Eddie waited for the drink to arrive at the table, then drank most of that one too. Only then did he look at and respond to Markus. “Does Peter know everything too?”

Markus nodded his head. “He does. And since he’s not returning any texts or phone calls, it seems he wants nothing to do with me.”

“And us?”

It was Markus’ turn to finish his drink. “Look, Eddie…” Markus shook his head. He didn’t want to do this. But he had to. “You’re a really great guy…”

“Fuck you!” Eddie interrupted. “You’re really gonna break up with me after admitting that you were seeing someone else? Someone that’s already dropped you?”


“Fuck right off, Markus!” Eddie downed his second drink and stood up.

“Eddie, wait. Let’s talk about…”

“Nothing to talk about.” Eddie pushed past him. “You made your choices, right? Consequences sure are a bitch!” He turned back to look at Markus. “I think Peter’s got the right idea. Go ahead and lose my number.”

Markus didn’t say anything else. What else was there to say?

Kyle fell into Eddie’s seat and slid another Bramble over to Markus’ hand. “Not your finest moment.”

“Fuck off.” Markus said, but there was no fight in it. Kyle was right. Eddie was right. Peter was right. “Fuck.”

“This is what you wanted, though, isn’t it?”

I wanted Peter. Markus silently answered. “In a way. Still hurts.”

“Well, you’ve got the place for another hour. Happy to serve you until then.”

“Thanks, Kyle.” Markus sipped his drink. “I owe you.”

“How about a movie?”


“Come see a movie with me on Saturday. A friend date. Since we brought on Grant, I’ve got more flexible hours. I’ve got some time Saturday before Disco Night starts. How about it?”

“I think I need to steer clear of Disco Night for a bit, but sure, movie sounds nice. Thanks.”

“Don’t thank me yet. You’re buying the popcorn!”



As Markus nursed his drink in the VIP Lounge, Kyle returned to the bar and cleaned up what he could. He kept everything on hand to make more drinks for Markus, but everything else could be cleared away. He also took the opportunity to text Connor under the bar. Not that Markus was focused on him. Poor teacher had more on his mind than his bartender friend.

Kyle: Phase two is a go. Teach will be ready on Saturday.

Connor: Awesome! Will update you about Peter’s status on Friday.

Kyle: Roger! FYI, I’m bringing in some muscle. I suspect Markus and Peter won’t easily cooperate.

Connor: Not a bad idea. Who’d you have in mind?



The rest of the week was slow and depressing. He texted Eddie a few more times to apologize and try and clear the air. He expressed regret about how he handled everything and offered the admittedly poor consolation prize of friendship. He also apologized that he wouldn’t be able to pass along Lenn’s number to Peter, since the model was still ghosting him. He also reassured Eddie that he was not going to be at the upcoming Disco Night, and wished him and his friends well if they planned on attending.

Predictably, Eddie ignored these messages. He’d read them, according to the screen, but chose not to respond. Fair.

Markus texted Peter that he and Eddie were officially no longer an item. And that he didn’t expect anything to change. And he apologized again. More ghosting from the model. Also fair. Markus couldn’t exactly blame either of them.

His students joked about Mr. Kent and his broken heart, and surprisingly, that did make him feel better.

Lauren promised to take him out when she came back to visit, even as she berated him for ruining things with two great guys. She also jokingly told him to buy Kyle some candy at the movies too, for “having to put up with that awkward date”.

On Saturday, Kyle texted early. Well, early for Kyle. Working the club had forever screwed up his internal clock. Noon was his early morning, but nevertheless, the texts came in right around lunchtime.

Kyle: Hey Markus! Excited for the movie! Hope you are too!

Markus: I am. I need this distraction from this awful week.

Kyle: Don’t worry! I think this is just what the doctor ordered!

Markus: I wish I shared your optimism

Kyle: it’s all in the manbun

Markus: is that why you keep that rat’s nest? That’s the secret?

Kyle: sho’nuff. Now, be nice or I might have to dump you too!

Markus: I’m sorry, oh great and wise Manbun! Please take me to the movies this evening.

Kyle: Much better! The bun approves!

Kyle: Also, if its not too much trouble, can you meet me at the club? I don’t live far, so I can meet you there. Then you can drop me back off after the movie for my shift.

Markus: Not a problem!

Kyle: Excellent! Just pull straight into the alley, where the back entrance is. We aren’t expecting any deliveries so you can come on back! See you around 5?

So there Markus was, pulling into the alley behind the Cloak and Dagger, waiting for his friend to emerge so they could enjoy a friend date at the movies. To distract him from his hopeless love life. He got out to stretch his legs and wait.

He unzipped his leather jacket. It was warm enough not to need one, but the theater was always freezing, so Markus had thrown it on without really thinking. Fleetwood Mac shirt and basic blue jeans and his well worn sneakers. He wasn’t planning on clubbing tonight, or maybe ever again, so he was dressed down. Kyle’s lucky I got dressed at all. Markus smirked to himself. But he was grateful for this excuse to socialize. It had been nothing but sweatpants and takeout since Tuesday.

The club’s back door opened moments later and Kyle stepped out into the golden light of the early evening. He was wearing his usual work outfit. Black skinny jeans and a black button down, which usually had the first 4 or 5 buttons undone. His dirty blonde man bun practically glowed in the sun.

But he wasn’t alone. Stepping out behind him was the biggest man Markus had ever seen. Easily 6ft 8, at least, and about as wide as the doorframe. His brown skin looked beautiful in the golden light, and his short, black hair was neatly styled. Markus couldn’t help but stare at the muscles on this stranger, which were barely contained in his very open white shirt and blue pants.


“Markus, I’d like you to meet Santiago. Santiago, Markus.”

“Hola!” Santiago smiled warmly as he took Markus’ hand. The teacher wasn’t small by any means, but his hand all but vanished into Santiago’s grip.

“H-h-hi!” Markus coughed out.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Santiago along.” Kyle leaned in and hugged Markus. “But it looks like you don’t mind…” He whispered.

“This better not be a blind date set up.” Markus hissed back. “Not a problem! Happy to have you along, Santiago.”

“Please, S.T.” Santiago said. “All my friends call me S.T.”

Markus nodded. “Sure. S.T.”

Kyle fished around in his pockets for a moment, then loudly exclaimed, ‘Fuck!” He turned to the waiting pair. “Sorry, I forgot my keys. Gotta make sure I lock this door. Be right back!”

He raced inside, leaving Markus alone with this giant hunk of a man. He didn’t know what to say, so he just stayed quiet and tried not to stare.

Santiago broke the silence. “So, Kyle says you are a teacher?”

“Y-yes, high school history.”

S.T. laughed. “You are a brave man, Markus!”

Markus laughed too. He has a great laugh… “What about you? I’m guessing not teaching, at least not high school?”

Santiago continued to smile. “No. I own the mechanic shop on Maple.” He looked past, well over, Markus to the teacher’s old SUV. “I could definitely service you…”

Markus sputtered. WHAT! Fuck, this is a blind date, isn’t it? But was he really mad at that? Santiago was gorgeous, and forward enough to push through Markus’ funk.

“Um… yeah… that’d be nice.” He said, trying to ignore the suggestive comment. “I’ve had this car forever, and done a pretty good job keeping her running. But I’ll admit, I know next to nothing about engines.”

“Oh, you sell yourself short. Besides, I’m sure I could teach you a few things.” Santiago winked.

The door opened again, and Markus breathed a sigh of relief. “Ready?” He asked the bartender.

Kyle looked to Markus and then to Santiago. Then he smiled. But not a kind, friendly smile. This one looked… sinister. “Yes, I think we’re ready.”

Santiago’s massive arms launched, snaking themselves around Markus. His giant hand clamped over most of Markus’ lower face, and the bearded teacher was pinned against the man’s impressively sculpted torso.

“HHHHHMMMMMMMMMM!” He screamed, but Santiago’s handgag was unbreakably strong. Markus could feel how tight the mechanic’s arms were as he flexed and tensed his muscles to keep Markus restrained and silenced.

Kyle jumped down and grabbed Markus’ legs. Until that moment, Markus had forgotten they still worked, too stunned by Santiago’s attack to use them. But as soon as Kyle attempted to grab them, Markus began kicking wildly. The bartender narrowly managed to avoid the counter attack, and grabbed Markus’ left leg, wrapping his arm around it while dodging the free leg. It was only a moment more before Markus’ single remaining limb was in Kyle’s clutches and he was being hoisted off the ground and carried into the Cloak and Dagger.

“MMMMMMMMMMMPPPHHHHHMMMMM!” Markus continued to scream and squirm, hoping to get someone’s attention. Grant, the new bartender, was working. Surely he’d hear this commotion.

But then he heard it. The bombastic opening horns of Evelyn “Champagne” King’s Shame.

Kyle smiled as Markus’ eyes went wide. Raising his voice over the music, Kyle explained, “Sound check, Markus! No one’s gonna hear you!”

Kyle backed his way down the hallway, Santiago in tow, and the two carried Markus into the club’s storage room. Markus’ heart sank when he saw the waiting chair and the piles of rope and tape and bandanas next to it.

His struggling increased as he was deposited into the chair. Kyle let go of his legs and gathered up some rope, but Santiago kept a firm hold on Markus, keeping his arms pinned and his mouth silenced.

Kyle closed the door and the sound greatly diminished. Markus could hardly hear the pounding music, which meant no one in the club would be able to hear him screaming. He continued to struggle against Santiago’s muscles, but saved his screaming for when the brute finally removed his hand.

“Finally calming down?” Kyle joked. “It may not seem like it, but we are doing this to help you. I just need you to trust us.” He stared at Markus. Markus watched Kyle’s face intently.

He grumbled, but nodded, if only slightly. Santiago’s grip left little room for Markus to move his head.

“Excellent! Don’t you worry, Markus! You’re in good hands!”
Last edited by gag1195 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Guardianbound »

Eddie deserves love!

I'd be disarmed just by the presence of ST alone, the grabbing and hand gagging is a bonus. I wonder if Peter is already tied up nearby, guarded by Connor. It's Saturday after all. Can't wait to see the scheme play out
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Post by gag1195 »

@Guardianbound Eddie is emerging as the unfortunate tragic figure of this tale, isn't he? Curse of the Prequel! Santiago is quite disarming and distracting, isn't he? He knows it too and definitely uses it to his advantage! Even poor Markus can't escape his charms! As for Peter, we'll see how things went between him and Connor, and where they are now, in the next update!

Thanks for taking the time to comment, friend! Much appreciated!
Last edited by gag1195 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Volobond »

Noooooo poor Eddie! Can't say he handled the breakup too well, but who would in that situation? I just hope Eddie's ghosting is also motivated by being tied up somewhere by another cute guy.

I'm so excited for all this, and really it just makes me laugh how Connor and Markus' friend group is responsible for so many mutual kidnappings lol

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Post by gag1195 »

Massive apologies for the delay with this chapter! Work really got the better of me and picked up significantly in August and I was too exhausted to devote energy into my writing! Work is mellowing out/becoming more manageable, so hopefully I can update this story and Moral Quandaries in a more timely manner going forward! Thanks for you undeserved patience! Hope you all enjoy this set up! Next chapter will be a big one, and will include a poll for the outcome! So enjoy and stay tuned! Would love to hear from you in the comments!

Part 18: Upside Down


Peter’s head was pounding. He tried to open his eyes, blink through the pain, but the light from the window forced him to scrunch his eyes shut immediately. The Sun was shining brightly outside. How late was it? Where was he? Had he really had that much to drink?

He tried to massage his eyes and temples, but his arms didn’t want to cooperate. Peter’s limbs felt heavy, unresponsive. He groaned, trying to remember last night.


It had been late, past midnight, before Connor picked him up. Hunter had complained, not even bothering to hide his jealousy.

“I just don’t understand what sort of date doesn’t start until 12:30 at night!” Hunter said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

Peter rolled his eyes and adjusted his mostly see-through black mesh shirt. This past week Hunter had been insufferable. Bolstered by Peter’s break up, the wannabe punk had taken every opportunity to be present in Peter’s life. Meals, workouts, chilling on the couch? Hunter was there. The normally introverted programmer was suddenly glued to Peter’s side.

“The kind of date that’s gonna last until tomorrow, Hunty!” Peter smirked. Hunter looked upset, but Peter didn’t care. Peter wanted the image of him and Connor fucking each other’s brains out. Maybe that would help him get the hint. “It’s an underground rave, dude. They don’t start at 8. There’s no matinee DJ performance!”

Hunter huffed and stormed off down the hall. Peter sauntered out the door, listening to the satisfying sound of his legs in the leather pants. Connor’s request, ‘wear something leather’ he’d texted. Thankfully, Peter and Liam had recently done that leather goods ad campaign, so the custom measured pants they’d been allowed to keep still fit.


Peter felt the smooth leather still encasing his legs. He was still clothed. Had he and Connor not done it last night? Weird. Damn. First Markus, now Connor. I’m slipping.


They’d Ubered to where the rave was supposed to be. Down two sets of stairs, through the smoke and fog and bubbles and into the darkened space that had one time been some sort of industrial warehouse or factory. Impossible to tell with the constantly flashing neon lights and periods of near darkness in between beat drops.

Connor, dressed in dark pants and almost completely unbuttoned leather shirt, didn’t let go of Peter’s hand. It felt good, the redhead’s strong guiding grip.

Shots. Constant shots. The memory gets hazy.

The loud music, the gyrating, the sweat. This was the perfect way for Peter to get out of his own head. Walking out on Markus had left him in a funk. Stuck for the past week. And Connor knew this. Dr. Connor’s rave prescription was doing the trick. As were the drinks he kept passing to Peter.

They must have had at least ten shots. Peter certainly didn’t keep count.

More dancing. Spanks on his leather clad ass. Tongue down his throat. Drinks. Buttons undone. Sweat flying. Pink and green and blue and purple lights flashing and strobing. Drinks. Beat drops.


Peter tried again to rub his face, but once again, his arms didn’t listen to him. He pulled… and met immediate resistance. Then he felt them. Tight leather wrapped around his wrists. “FUCK!”


Peter didn’t know what time it was. Didn’t care. It was late. Or was it early? Whatever. He was gone. Drinks and music and dancing had fully taken him. He didn’t resist as Connor pulled him out of the rave and back up the stairs. Stairs were difficult. Peter laughed, pulled away from Connor and laughed again.

The trainer laughed too, but pulled Peter back into a firmer grip and half carried the model up the stairs and out into the street. Cold. Windy. Bright streetlights. Or was that the Sun? Didn’t matter, it still hurt his eyes. Euphoria sinking. Night air sobering Peter up.

Connor. Beautiful redheaded distraction. Made out the entire Uber right back to… Connor’s house? Right? They went back to Connor’s house. They had to have. Peter wouldn’t have gone back to the apartment to deal with Hunter.

Smashed against the wall as soon as the door closed. Connor’s hands were so warm, so firm. Peter had thrown off his mesh shirt and was picking at his pants button. Firm hands stop him. “Wait. I want to do that.” Connor breathes into Peter’s ear. “But first…”

Smooth, comfortable, strong leather materializes on Peter’s wrists. The model laughs again. “Kiiinnnnkyyyyy!”

The rest of the date is lost in inky blackness.


Fully awake and alert now, Peter forces his eyes open. Definitely not his bedroom. But no sign of Connor. Wrists locked in leather cuffs. Cuffs pulled tight to the corners of the bed with expertly knotted rope. Ankles the same

“CONNOR!” Peter screamed. Then winced. His hangover was killing.

A moment later, Connor opened the door with a shit-eating grin. He was only wearing a pair of boxers, and sipped on a mug of coffee. “Morning sunshine!” He walked over and sat on the bed. “Or, I guess, good afternoon, sunshine!”

“What the fuck is going on!” Peter strained against his bonds. Connor smiled into his coffee mug.

“Aw, you don’t remember? It was a really fun night!” He tried to rub Peter’s chest, but the model bucked against him. “I thought you were into this stuff. ‘A Whole New World’ and all that. Certainly seemed excited last night when I put those cuffs on you. Barely kept Little Peter in those leather pants of yours!”

“Definitely not enjoying it now.” Peter shook his head. “Don’t even remember much of last night… fuck… this morning? Did we even do it?”

Connor shook his head. “No. You were way too drunk and I’m not about to take advantage of that. Besides, I’ve no interest in either of us becoming Markus’ sloppy seconds.”

Peter glared up at his captor. “THEN WHY THE FUCK AM I TIED TO YOUR BED?”

“Because I’ve got an important plan in the works, and it requires you. And unfortunately, it’s a plan you won’t agree to willingly.”

“Are you kidnapping me?”

“Technically, I’ve already kidnapped you, but yes.” Connor set down his coffee and produced a glass of water and some pills. “Relax, it's Excedrin. You must have the worst headache.”

Peter nodded and angrily accepted the headache relief and water. “So, do I get to know what this plan is?” Connor shook his head. “Great. How long am I going to be kidnapped for?”

“Only for the day. We’ve got somewhere to be around 8 tonight, so until then, I just need to keep you from going anywhere. It’s gonna be fun!”

“I fucking hate you. And I’m canceling my gym membership!”

“Good luck! Now, how about something to eat?”


“Did you know that eggs are one of the better foods to deal with a hangover?” Connor said as we poured the eggs into the pan. “Most people avoid them because of the texture and the runny-ness, but the amino acids help your liver function, so it is easier to process everything!”

“Riveting.” Peter grumbled. He sat on the stool with his wrists cuffed behind his back. He’d tried to fight Connor off when he was released from the bed, but Connor was stronger, or at the very least, better rested. It didn’t take much for Peter’s leather cuffed wrists to be joined together by a pair of metal handcuffs. “You learn that in Personal Trainer School?”

“Actually yes!” Connor beamed back at his captive as he added spinach, peppers, and mushrooms to the omelettes. “You really went through those shots last night!”

“We did, didn’t we?” Peter groaned. His head was still throbbing.

“You did.” Connor corrected. “I only had 2 shots.”

“You mother fucker!” Peter growled. “You got me drunk on purpose!”

“You didn’t have to drink Peter. You’re an adult. You were all too happy to drown your feelings.”

“Yeah, well, fuck you and fuck Markus too.” Peter was fuming.

“So you don’t want your omelette?” Connor approached, omelette on a plate, a forkful extending towards Peter’s face. “You don’t have to talk about stuff if you don’t want to. Doesn’t mean you have to starve.”

Peter rolled his eyes but opened his mouth. “Thanks.” He said in between bites. “And yeah, rather not talk about this shit.”


Lunch was eaten mostly in silence. It was a good omelette. Needed a bit more salt and pepper. But Peter managed to keep it down. Thoughtfully, Connor also had a glass of ginger ale to help soothe any lingering issues. Thankfully, Connor was true to his word. All things considered, the personal trainer was a very polite kidnapper.

Peter was still going to kick Connor’s ass when he was finally free. And quit the gym.

After Lunch, Connor led Peter to the hall bathroom. Outside, he peeled Peter’s leather pants off of him. If Peter was less confident, that might have been embarrassing. “I’ll just let these air out. And grab you some underwear while you pee.”

Piss done, Connor’s boxers slipped on, Peter was directed to Connor’s living room. Connor roped Peter’s ankle cuffs together before uncuffing and re-cuffing his wrists in front of him. Pushing Peter down into the armchair, Connor directed Peter to raise his hands up and behind his head, resting on the top of the chair. Rope ran from the handcuff chain, down the back of the chair, underneath, then connected to the ankle restraints. Peter silently took notes. Something he’d love to repay Connor with.

Something he would have enjoyed doing with Markus…

A ball gag was painfully shoved into Peter’s mouth and quickly secured. “Since you don’t want to talk about things…” Connor joked before settling down on the couch, stretching out and relaxing.

He mindlessly flipped through the channels until he found a football game. Peter perked up. It was his team, his alma mater. And the Spartans were kicking ass!

This was the best he’d felt all day. Ignoring the kidnapping, he was comfortable, full, and watching his team dominate on the field!

Then the channel changed. “FUUUUGGGGMMMMM CMMMMNNNNRRR!”

Connor laughed as he found a new game to watch. “Sorry Peter. But I’ve always been a bigger fan of the Seahawks! And Look! They are crushing it! So just sit back and enjoy a real game of football!”

“FUUUGGGGG HHHMMMMMUUU CMMMMNNRRR! FUUUMMMM HHHHUUUG HHEEEEEEE-AAAKSS!” Peter was livid. Whatever calm that had settled between him and Connor was gone. Evaporated. ‘Never speak to this person again’ level of anger.

Connor responded by turning up the volume until the sounds of the Seahawks drowned out Peter’s furious fuming.


It was 7pm. Nearly 5 hours of Seahawks games and talks about the Seahawks. Peter had screamed himself hoarse and was slowly losing his mind. Finally, his friend-turned-kidnapper turned off the tv and stood over Peter.

“Ready to go?” He asked as he undid the ropes connecting his ankles, and the rope leading up to his wrists.

Peter huffed and growled, but had very little fight left. Nor could he respond with the gag in his mouth.

“We’ll get going shortly. Gotta get you a shower first, though. I think I can still smell that warehouse on you! And that won’t do at all!”

He happily pulled an unhappy Peter back upstairs and into the bathroom. He started the shower, letting it warm up as he freed Peter of the loaned boxers and the ankles cuffs. The gag and wrist restraints remained.

Connor shoved Peter into the shower, which hadn’t quite warmed up. He ignored the model’s screaming, grabbing the shampoo to lather up the blonde hair, then the body wash to scrub the sweat and stink off the perfect body. He even lifted Peter’s arms to work on the stinky pits.

Connor was thorough. When the water was finally shut off, Peter had been scrubbed raw and now smelled like a field of wildflowers with a stream of glacial water running through it.

It seemed almost crazy for Connor to dress Peter back in the mesh shirt and leather pants, but those too smelled nice. Peter looked at his captor, puzzled.

“Well, I can’t reveal anything. But I need you looking and smelling nice. And trust me, you’ll want that too!”

His captive dressed again, and smelling lovely, Connor set to work securing Peter for this mystery trip.

Ankles were pressed together and tightly bound in rope cuffs. Above and below Peter’s knees, more rope was tied. Peter’s wrists were bound behind him, though Connor elected to keep the leather cuff/handcuff combo. Peter was still angry, still a flight risk. The ball gag was finally removed, but quickly replaced with the loaner pair of boxers and rounds and rounds of black duct tape. Connor was staying on theme with the tape color.

Finally, rope was wound around Peter’s torso, above and below his pecs, drawing extreme attention to his chest and nipples, visible through the mesh shirt. Ropes were fed underneath Peter’s armpits to keep everything secure.

Connor disappeared for a moment, reappearing fully dressed in a tight silk shirt with mostly open buttons. It reminded Peter of the shirt Markus had worn at… disco night! “MMMMMMMNNNNNNN!” Peter raged against his ropes.

Connor meant to take Peter back to disco night! A bound and gagged prisoner, forced to endure the hell that was Cloak and Dagger’s Disco Night! Peter was going to break the trainer’s legs. With a baseball bat. He wouldn’t even call the ambulance after.

“Aw, what’s the matter? Getting cold feet? If you don’t want to behave, you can ride in the trunk!”

Peter stopped struggling and glared at Connor.

“Much better. If you can stay calm, you can ride in the backseat. Wouldn’t want to ruin your look with all that rolling around!”


The ride over was uneventful. For living on such a busy street, it was surprisingly empty when Connor emerged with a bound and gagged and screaming man over his shoulder. It didn’t take long to buckle Peter into the seat and for Connor to speed off, en route to the club.

The peace didn’t last long, however. Peter immediately recognized Markus’ car when Connor pulled up next to it. He screamed, he thrashed, he cursed Connor.

Connor ignored him, hefted him over his shoulder once again, and carried him into the employee only door. A fluorescent lit hallway greeted them. A handful of doors. Somewhat grimy floors, stray supplies and boxes here and there.

Peter could hear the familiar voice of Kit the drag queen through the door to the main club. “Good evening, Bitches! I have the honor of entertaining you tonight! Say Hello to Diana Ross-Colored Glasses!” Cheers and laughs greeted the name, and Peter could only assume that Kit had put on some sort of oversized pink glasses, the ones that are crazy shapes and covered in glitter.

Miss Ross-Colored Glasses moved into one of the namesake’s disco hits, “Upside Down” as Connor removed Peter from his shoulder in front of a door marked Storage.

“Upside Down… Boy you turn me… Inside out and round and round…”

Which is exactly how Peter felt when Connor opened the door and the pair saw what waited for them.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Sounds like an interesting night so far
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Post by Guardianbound »

Well worth the wait!

I'd be inconsistent if I said Hunter didn't deserve love but I'd want him to find another man to be bratty around. Perhaps start with a membership at Connor's gym.

Somehow I feel Connor is using Markus as an excuse to kidnap Peter for a full day! Couldn't he have asked Peter out later? He's only practising his kidnapping skills for later use.... on Liam maybe.

Can't wait for Markus and Peter's reunion. Both are bound and gagged and are looking good. Love the mesh shirt and ropes combo, imagine Markus blushing at those bulging pecs and arm muscles!
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Post by Donbrown »

Super excited about this chapter!! I really liked your idea of switching the narrative between Peter's last night and the next day, giving us short glimpses of what to expect after his date with Connor.
I admit the image of the redhead trainer in loose boxers stuck in my head 😏. Plus, worn underwear makes an excellent gag! Especially when it's topped off with duct tape 😈.
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Post by cj2125 »

Glad to see another chapter!

Love this whole kidnapping storyline, Peter makes for a fun captive to have! I have to agree that Hunter deserves someone who appreciates him., and preferably keeps that brat tied up :twisted:

Looking forwards to the next part. Wonder who are they going to find on the stage? ;)
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Post by blackbound »

Ooh what a setup, can't wait for the denouement!

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Post by Socksbound »

Really loving how this is playing out and must compliment you on how thoroughly you are filling the gaps given we know what the ending is
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Post by gag1195 »

@Wedgieboy69 it certainly is! And the night isn't over yet! Glad you're still enjoying the story!

@Guardianbound Could Connor have kidnapped Peter Saturday afternoon instead? Sure! But then they would have missed the rave! Besides, Connor had to make sure that he had Peter nice and secure, and what better way to do that than to keep Peter bound and gagged until it's time to go!

@Donbrown Glad you enjoyed this chapter, and the hopping back and forth! I also especially enjoyed gagging Peter with the loaner boxers he'd been wearing all day! Also, you're right, it's hard to be completely mad if you get to enjoy the view of Connor in boxers all day long!

@cj2125 Peter is best when he's bound and gagged! I tend to agree, and I know that that is a popular opinion among the other readers too! As for Hunter's future, well the story ain't over yet!

@blackbound the next chapter (and the aftermath) should be quite intense! Though that won't be the end of the story. I've got a bit more planned after this night of kidnappings and meetings!

@Socksbound thank you friend! I appreciate the compliment! Been enjoying being able to fill in some gaps here and there that I haven't been able to yet in my little 'Verse! Being able to go back an retroactively set things up and explain some things only briefly hinted at or touched on in earlier stories has been great!

Thanks for the continued support everyone! I really appreciate that this story and universe is still getting views and readership and comments... especially after my all too infrequent posting schedule! Hopefully I don't take too long with the next chapter!
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Post by Volobond »

Hehehe absolutely delightful! Connor once again proves to be just entirely wonderful even in kidnapping!

And I'm gonna have to go to bed and take a long Diana Ross-t after hearing that pun!

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Post by gag1195 »

@Volobond Connor may have a devious streak, and is somewhat prone to kidnapping his friends, but is still deep down a very genuinely nice person. I love every chance I get to write more Connor!

Also, I defy you to find something wrong with that Pun! It's certainly not bad enough to require bed rest afterwards... JK I know it's bad. Hell, even in universe, Kit said they were having trouble coming up with a good pun. Am I blaming the bad pun on a fictional character of my own creation instead of taking responsibility for said pun? Yes, yes I am!
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Post by Volobond »

Well, not to worry, I find your Diana Ross puns to be among the Supremes of puns!

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Post by _zin_ »

I was really excited when I saw a new chapter posted! Thoroughly enjoyed getting back into this story. Cannot help but wonder who is more surprised at this moment, Markus or Peter. And the more I learn about Conner, the more I like him. He is fantastic.
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Post by gag1195 »

Volobond wrote: 9 months ago Well, not to worry, I find your Diana Ross puns to be among the Supremes of puns!

Stop! In the name of love! That pun was terrible! @Volobond I really did try my best to not respond to this comment, but I couldn't leave it alone...

@_zin_ Glad you enjoyed the chapter and are still enjoying this story! We'll get to see Markus' perspective in the next chapter, but it'll be hard to say who'll be the most surprised. Also, I agree, Connor is amazing! We should all be so lucky to find one for ourselves!
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Post by Volobond »

gag1195 wrote: 8 months ago
Stop! In the name of love! That pun was terrible! @Volobond I really did try my best to not respond to this comment, but I couldn't leave it alone...
Well, you can't hurry love, and puns are no different! ;)

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Post by gag1195 »

It's time Markus and Peter finally had a talk! Of course, it's not that simple, not with Connor and Kyle's scheming involved! Hope everyone enjoys this chapter! I appreciate you wonderful readers!

Part 19: Strange Way


Markus tested his bonds again, not expecting much. They weren’t Connor’s knots, but Kyle’s were holding strong. He flexed his hands into fists and lightly pulled against the ropes that pinned his wrists to the chair’s arms. Not much give from those ropes, nor from the ropes that pinned his forearm to the armrest, tied just before his elbows. Even more rope wound around his chest and further connected Markus to the back of the chair. Each leg had been separately tied to the respective chair leg, ropes coiled at his ankles and just under his knees.

His black leather jacket creaked as he moved, and Markus was grateful at his accidental forethought to wear it. The club’s storage room was about as cold as the movie theater would have been, and the jacket would protect his skin from the worst of the rope marks. Same with his jeans. Surprisingly, Markus was perfectly dressed for his kidnapping.

Why had Kyle and Santiago done this? Kyle told Markus to trust him, and Markus had, but even still, neither man had said anything as they secured their prisoner to the chair. And Markus wasn’t given a chance to ask. Santiago had kept his massive hand firmly planted over Markus’ mouth the entire time that Kyle was busily roping the teacher up.

And of course, even after getting Markus restrained, Kyle and Santiago insisted on gagging him. No sooner had Santiago removed his hand than a wadded up bandana replaced it, crammed into Markus’ mouth. Kyle was at least kind enough to use a folded bandana over Markus’ mouth to keep the first one in place, and used that fabric barrier to spare Markus’ beard the worst of the tape. Again, it didn’t stop Kyle from winding three layers of tape around his friend’s head, but Markus appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

The teacher huffed out his muffled questions regardless, and tried to point out the lack of necessity of the gag. It wasn’t even 6pm and already the near-deafening pounding of the club music vibrated through the establishment. Sturdy walls of brick and sound blocked any attempt Markus made to shout out.

“I’ll be back in a bit!” Kyle announced. “We’re still training that new bartender, Grant, so I need to be out on the floor.” He leaned down and patted Markus’ shoulder. “Don’t worry, though. Won’t be gone all night, and Santiago is gonna hang out with you until it’s time!”

“Tmmm? Tmmmm fmmmmm wmmmmmmmm?” Markus tried to ask, but Kyle just laughed at the muffled question and left the storage room.


That was close to three hours ago. Santiago had stayed, and chatted with Markus, at least as much as he could to a bound and gagged companion. He spoke at length about his business, tips and tricks for Markus’ car, and even discussed the handsome new assistant he’d just hired.

He eventually got bored of having his one sided conversation, though, and pulled out his phone and seemingly ignored his captive. Santiago cast the occasional glance whenever Markus and his creaking jacket got a little loud, and smiled, but had settled into a casual stoicism.

That is, until he sighed and stepped closer to Markus. “I really am sorry about all this, Markus.” Santiago said as he moved behind his captive and placed his giant hands on the teacher’s shoulders. “I know you are stuck waiting. But that doesn’t mean we can’t both have some fun…”

He gently pressed down and began massaging Markus’ shoulders. Even through the jacket, his hands were strong and confident, moving with ease to rub out the stress from the teacher’s shoulders.

It felt nice, Markus couldn’t deny it. Had this actually been a blind date with Santiago, Markus wouldn’t have complained. But this clearly wasn’t. He wouldn’t have been bound and gagged, stashed in the club’s storage room. Santiago had been alone with him for almost three hours now. If this had been a blind date, why gag him? Why wait so long to make a move?

Still the massage was expertly delivered. And by a handsome, buff man. Despite the kidnapping, the situation could have been worse.

But Markus couldn’t shake the feeling that this was wrong.

Santiago began to move his hands down, slowly massaging Markus’ chest. Markus shook his head. “Mmm mmmm!” This wasn’t right. He’d barely spoken ten words to Santiago! Even if he was incredibly attractive and his hands were firm and comforting on his pecs. NO! “MMMMMMM!”

Santiago sighed. “Lo siento, Markus.” His hands stopped moving, but he did not remove them from where they rested on his chest. “I know it’s wrong. You are just quite attractive. That rugged beard…” He leaned his head down to playfully nuzzle against Markus’ scruff.

And then the door swung open.

“CMMMMMR?” Markus shouted in confusion. There in the doorway, his friend and ex-boyfriend, Connor stood, dressed in the tight silk shirt that matched his own Disco Night outfit. Even more surprising than seeing Connor there, though, was the thing he was carrying. No, not thing. The person.

Markus couldn’t see who it was, but a beautiful, leather panted ass greeted the room, the booted feet and wrists expertly tied and handcuffed. Whoever he was, he was angry, continually muttering muffled curses.

“Santiago! What the fuck are you doing?” Connor demanded, stepping into the storage room and setting his own captive down, turning him around and helping him balance on his bound feet.

“PMMMMMR!” Markus couldn’t believe it. There he was, leather and mesh trapped in ropes and tape, glaring at the scene in front of him. What the fuck was going on? Why had his ex-boyfriend captured his recent dating failure? No…

Is this why I’m here? Some fucked up couple’s therapy? Jesus Christ Connor. You and Kyle are both fucking dead.

Connor pushed Peter against the wall and left him there, rushing towards Markus and Santiago. Santiago immediately backed off from the captive teacher and threw his hands up. “Nothing happened! I swear! It was just an innocent massage, amigo!”

“Innocent, my ass!” Connor grabbed Santiago’s shirt. “You knew exactly what the plan was here! Why would you jeopardize that? Cause you’re horny?”

“No, Connor! I-”

“Save it!” Connor was pissed now, perhaps even angrier than Peter seemed to be. I’d almost forgotten how hot Peter is, especially bound and gagged.

Kyle dashed in a moment later, eyes wide and clearly flustered. “I saw you come in on the cameras. What’s going on?”

“S.T. here decided his own base urges were more important than the original plan.” Connor said, not taking his eye off the massive mechanic. “Walked in on him feeling Markus up!”

“S.T. what the fuck!” Kyle screamed.

“Lo Siento!” Santiago repeated. “But nothing happened! I swear! Ask him!”

“We will, don’t worry.” Connor said. “Doesn’t excuse you!”

“Connor, start without me.” Kyle said. “Santiago, come with me.”

The personal trainer released Santiago, who slowly walked over to where Kyle stood in the doorway, his tail between his legs. The pair walked out, Kyle closing the door behind them. Connor shook his head, but said nothing else as he returned to Peter. He helped his blonde prisoner hop over to the center of the room and stood him there before retrieving a second chair from the side of the room, the same one that Santiago had been parked in for the last few hours. He slid it towards the back of Peter’s knees, causing him to collapse into the chair.

Connor undid the chest rope then grabbed Peter’s cuffed wrists and lifted them over the back of the chair, and took a coil of rope to them. A few expert knots later, and Peter’s metal cuffs had been replaced with soft, white rope cuffs. Peter’s chest rope was redone, and much like Markus’, was attached to the back of the chair.

Connor angled Peter’s chair to face Markus, then did the same for Markus’ chair. The two captives stared at each other head on, Markus with his brow knit together in frustrated confusion, Peter’s face plastered with a furious glare.

“I guess you two would like an explanation, right?” Connor asked, noticeably calmed from his encounter with Santiago.

Both Markus and Peter nodded their heads and mumbled complaints through their gags.

“Well, Kyle and I thought that you two needed a chance to talk about things. Unfortunately, you two are too fucking stubborn to actually sit down and talk without some help. So, consider us ‘help’!”

He walked behind Peter’s chair and continued. “Here’s how it’s going to work. I’ll ungag you one at a time. Whoever is ungagged has the floor, gets to express their feelings, ask their questions, clear the air and all that. Then the other person gets their chance while the other person is gagged again. No one talks over the other and no one yells at each other or we take a time out and both of you get gagged. Understood?”

Markus nodded. Not exactly how I wanted to talk to Peter, but it’ll have to do.

Peter begrudgingly nodded.

“Excellent!” Connor began undoing Peter’ black tape gag. “Peter first, I think. He’s the aggrieved party in all this, after all. Plus, he’s spent most of the day gagged. Only fair to let him speak first!”

“Fuck you, Connor.” Peter spat as soon as his mouth was free. Connor made no moves to re-gag him. “Fuck Kyle too!” He turned to face Markus. “And a massive fuck you, Markus! Where’s Eddie? Is he waiting for you out by the bar? Let me out of this shit, Connor!”

“Sorry, Peter, not until you two actually talk. Why don’t you tell Markus how you’re feeling?”


Connor sighed. “Let me rephrase. Tell Markus how your breakup made you feel.”

“Fuck this, man.” Peter shot back. “I don’t owe Markus, or any of you, shit. What, you want me to cry and say that Markus broke my heart? That it tore me apart when he chose Eddie over me? Fine. A seemingly great guy chose someone else other than me, led me on, and wasted my fucking time. And it hurt. A lot.” He moved his glare from Markus back to Connor. “Happy?”

The redheaded trainer shrugged. “It’s a start.” He moved behind Markus and began ungagging the teacher. “Now, it’s Markus’ turn to talk. I don’t want to hear a word from you, Peter, or you’re both getting gagged again.” He unwound Markus’ tape and lowered the bandana, allowing Markus to spit out the one in his mouth. “Now, don’t say anything yet.” Connor warned.

He quickly strode over behind Peter and shot his hand up to gag the angry blonde, holding Peter’s head firmly against his stomach. “Ok, now you can speak.”

Markus took a deep breath and looked at Peter. “Peter, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I lied to you. Sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I let things go on for as long as they did. If it makes you feel better, Eddie also dumped me when I told him about you. So no, he’s not waiting for me out there. I haven’t seen him since he ended things.” He paused, then added, “I’ve missed you.”

Connor offered Peter the same warning, then removed his hand and moved to Markus. The bearded teacher was quickly hand gagged as well, eagerly awaiting Peter’s response.

“He really dumped you?” Peter asked, not even bothering to hide his excited expression or the satisfied smirk.

“Fmmmmmmkrrr…” Markus grumbled into Connor’s hand.

Peter laughed. “Sorry, Markus, but that’s hilarious! You had two guys wrapped around your finger and ruined it with both! Astounding! Impressive, really!” He laughed again. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. You fully deserve that. But I am sorry. Look, I’m not going to sit here and lie to you either. I’ve missed you too. Been a wreck since last week. Like I said, you hurt me. I just want to know, why? Why did you lead me and Eddie on? Why drag things out and hurt us both?”

He nodded to Connor who returned and hand gagged him again, leaving Markus free to explain things. Not that Markus was excited about that.

Another sigh. “I don’t really have a good reason. I guess I was being selfish? I liked the attention, I liked having two incredibly attractive guys into me at the same time? My friend Lauren thinks it was me trying to have the ‘high school experience’.” Markus stopped. He closed his eyes. He couldn’t exactly look away, but he couldn’t keep staring at Peter. “I didn’t have the best time in high school, so maybe Lauren is right. I was certainly acting like a stupid teenager.”

Connor cut him off with another silencing handgag. Markus jerked his eyes open in surprise. “Hmmmm….”

“Sorry, Markus. Trying to keep things fair as the mediator. It’s Peter’s turn.”

“Thank you, Connor.” Peter smiled. How quickly he goes from furious to smugly confident. He’s so annoying… and so hot. “I guess that makes sense, Markus, even if it’s still a shitty thing to do.” He addressed Markus completely now. “It certainly doesn’t excuse your actions, either.” He sighed. “I mean, damn, we all have shitty high school experiences. Can’t tell you how many fights I got into. Being a gay high schooler in the Midwest isn’t exactly an ideal situation, even if I was on the football team. But I guess I get it.”

Another Connor switch. “It’s more than that, Peter.” Markus began. “You’re right, though. It wasn’t an ideal situation. But, I remember you telling me that your family is great and accepting of you, right?” Peter nodded behind the handgag. “Well, I wasn’t as lucky. A teacher caught me kissing another boy in the stairwell and marched us both to the office. Our parents were called. Got detention for PDA, and my mom and the principal had a long conversation about my future, and they ultimately decided to send me to Conversion Camp. I lost my high school years completely.” Markus expected Connor to silence him and give Peter his time, but the trainer let him continue. “I finally ran away, came here and moved in with my grandmother. She took me in and helped me, accepted me, loved me. My brother freaked out on my mom when he came back from college. Told her off and grabbed as much as he could before moving in with me at grandma’s. He helped me reconnect with Lauren, whom I’d lost contact with when I ran away.”

Markus was tearing up now. “You’re right, though. No matter what the reason was, it was still a shitty thing to do to you and Eddie. I just… I just don’t want to hate me. I fucked up, badly, and I hurt you both.”

When Peter had his turn to speak, he didn’t. He remained silent for a solid minute before finally saying, “...fuck.” He looked at Markus intently. “I had no idea. Shit, I’m so sorry. Fuck…” he shook his head. “I don’t hate you, Markus. In spite of everything, I think it’s the opposite.” He didn’t say it. Couldn’t say it? Or wouldn’t? “Oh, wait! What about that Dean guy? The one who texted you? That third guy you’re involved with?”

Both Markus and Connor burst out laughing and Connor released his hand gag and allowed Markus to violate the talking rule. “Dean’s my brother!”

“Your brother? But…”

Markus fought back the laughter. “I know what you’re thinking. I dated a Dean in college, the one I told you about, remember? Said it didn’t work out? In part because he had my brother’s name. Very weird. The Dean that texted me was my brother. He lives in Paris so we don’t get to talk often.”

When the laughter had subsided, and Connor had regained his composure, he re-gagged Markus. Peter’s cheeks were bright red. “Fuck me. Okay, I guess it’s my turn to apologize for freaking out about that.”

Markus nodded and Connor switched spots. “I definitely have more to apologize for. But thank you. And, to respond to your earlier statement, I think I feel the same…”

Markus was about to say more, when Kyle opened the door again. The bartender looked worse for wear. His man bun had been undone and his dirty blonde hair was a disheveled mess. His shirt was a mess, no longer neatly tucked into his waist, one of his rolled up sleeves had been unrolled and hung loose around his wrist.

“Just checking in…” Kyle huffed, noticeably out of breath. “How are things going in here?”

“Going well, I think.” Connor replied. “Made some great breakthroughs. More importantly, what the fuck happened to you?”

Kyle grunted in frustration and stepped out of the doorway. Markus, Peter, and Connor all looked across the hall to the open office door. There, sitting in the chair, utterly defeated, was Santiago. An impressively imposing leather muzzle was fastened around his head, swallowing the entire lower half of his handsome face, the straps tightly secured over and around his head. He meekly raised a hand in a pitiful wave and the group saw that his fists had been forced into tightly fastened leather mitts. He held those leather fists up to his muzzle and uselessly pawed at the buckles.

“Since he wanted to fool around and make excuses, I took away his hand and speaking privileges. Are you just about finished here? I need a fucking drink.”

“I think so. Care to help?” Connor said, retrieving a bandana and the roll of black duct tape and holding them menacingly in front of Peter.

“HHMMMMMMMR FMMMMKKKRRRR!” Peter bucked and fought against Connor’s grasp, unsuccessfully.

Kyle, faster than should be possible, redid his previous work with Markus’ gag. “Mmmmmmmmhmmmmmm…” Markus sighed. There was more he and Peter wanted to talk about. More that they needed to talk about.

It didn’t take long to silence both captives again. “Well, I’m glad we were able to work things out. You two stubborn assholes really do deserve each other.” Connor said, patting Peter’s cheek. “Now, I hope you two enjoy the rest of your night! Kyle and I will be back later to release you! For now, though, I agree with him. We need a drink!”

Kyle and Connor walked out of the storage room, closing the door as they joked about enjoying Santiago later. Markus heard the office door close and then the door to the main club area. He was alone with Peter, the man he’d practically confessed his love to, and who had done the same. Bound and gagged, stuck to chairs, separated by only a few feet, and all but forgotten in the storage room


Markus was content to wait and watch. Peter looked so incredibly sexy in his leather and mesh get up, fully restrained and somewhat silenced. It would only have been better if he’d been the one to tie Peter up. And hopefully, that would happen sooner rather than later.

First, though, they needed to get out of here. That meant they had to work together.

“PMMMMMR! PMMMMMR!” Markus called, waving his hands and shifting as much as he could to get the model’s attention. “HMMMMP! HMMMMP!”

Their communication was limited, but when he started straining in his chair and slowly shuffling towards Peter, the blonde nodded in understanding and tried making his way towards the middle of the storage room.

And now a Poll: Who should get free? Whoever gets free will be in charge for the rest of the night, and affect the next update or two, so choose wisely!
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Post by Donbrown »

Amazing chapter, as always!!! Connor did have a very interesting way of forcing the two men into expressing their feelings. It was sweet and rough at the same time, being an emotional and steamy scene at the same time!
The dynamic between ST and Kyle is getting better and better too! Who would have thought that such a big, hunky guy can ever get restrained and gagged by a much less muscular man? Plus, we already know he loves a bit of manhandling combined with a bit of bondage. Let him enjoy his punishment (???) for groping Markus earlier. Hopefully, Kyle will come back in a few hours to have his way with him....
I've been thinking about Eddie. He deserves to have his own happy ending too. It wasn't fair that Markus was playing with his emotions all this time. The same goes to Peter's roommate.... Hopefully, they'll both find a kinky, playful mister and live happily ever after.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's so nice to see Markus and Peter getting to talk things out. Some of their backstory was even news for us readers so it really helped the mood. Too bad it took Connor to literally tie them together to accomplish this... well for them, at least. ;)

Santiago getting punished for not being able to keep his hands to himself was also a fun touch! It seems no matter where and when, he always ends up in bondage easily.

Overall, this was a terrific chapter! I voted for Markus because I think he should take care of Peter a little but both outcomes would yield good results with this two.
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Post by Guardianbound »

What a great update! Parts romantic, sensual, comedic, serious, it really had it all. Seems to me like Kyle blew things out of proportion to get his hands on ST, who wouldn't, but love seeing the behind the scenes of how those two got familiar with one another.

As for our main duo, I wouldn't complain if Connor was alternately handgagging me and my Ex/future boyfriend. I'm voting for Peter to be in charge. Markus messed up real bad with the whole Eddie situation, plus I remember Peter promising a switch after their picnic, who says Peter can't follow through with that promise.... after resolving completely the Eddie situation ;)
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