Vilma (FM/MF)

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Vilma (FM/MF)

Post by StringTheorist »

Vilma (MF/FM)

“Päiva, päiva,” I said, holding the large umbrella and wearing my unusual rain cape. I had noticed a man sheltering from the warm rain when the sky momentarily brightened behind him.

“Hello,” he said from under the large fir tree, “I’m sorry, I don’t speak your language.”

“Hello,” I replied, “we all speak English as well. My name is Vilma. Would you like to come in out of this rain?”

“I’m Robert. That would be very nice; I came out for a walk after dinner at my hotel and the rain restarted. I hoped that it would end shortly, as did the other showers this afternoon.”

“Well, come with me.” With that, I held out the large umbrella for Robert to take in his right hand, and when he had done so, I slipped my left hand behind his arm. “I need to check on a client.”

Robert looked a little perplexed; maybe he thought that I had said that because of a difficulty with English. He set off in the direction I steered.

After walking 50 metres or so, I said in a low voice, “Please don’t be surprised by what you are about to see, and be quiet. Stay where you are when I let go of you.” After going another 25 metres or so on a soft earth path, I disengaged his arm, raised my finger to my lips in a ‘be quiet’ motion, and retracted my bare left arm under the rain cape. Then out of the right hand side of the tent-like garment I produced a fly swatter and advanced silently over the wet turf.

Robert looked in the direction I was going and there in the gloom he would have seen a man between two solid wooden uprights, chains leading from cuffs on his wrists and ankles, holding his limbs out. A chain was fastened around his waist, and other chains went over his shoulders and down the cleft of his rear.

I approached the hanging man from behind and flicked the fly swatter at one of his exposed cheeks. The man jerked as much as his restraints would allow. The other cheek got the same attention, but the response of the man was reduced as he was no longer surprised. I went around the front of the man, tapping his flesh with my swatter, muttering to him, and re-attaching something.

Soon I returned to Robert, retracting my right arm and the fly swatter, then extending my left arm. Robert could see that I was wearing slip-on sandals over bare feet, and I wondered if he was speculating what, if anything, I might be wearing under the unusual rain cape, falling in a conical pattern from my neck, the lower edge held out in a large circle by a hoop. In the low light, the panels of the cape appeared to be light and dark, which were actually orange and purple. A loose piece of material covered the slits for my arms. Placing my hand on Robert’s right upper arm as before, I directed him back along the path, past the tree, along a bit of road, and into a large rustic barn. The edge of the rain cape battered against his trousers, causing his right leg to become soaked.

Inside the barn, I said, “Go ahead and look around. I have some things to attend to.” With that, I walked away to his left.


This is the first of a sequence that I originally wrote as a long story. I decided to break it ip and (mostly) present it from one participant's point of view.
Second part to follow shortly.

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Post by StringTheorist »


I looked around: the barn was divided into three major sections by the uprights, beams and framing. The centre section was clear to the roof rafters, though various ropes and chains hung from hooks and pulleys. The lower back wall of the centre section was constructed of mammoth granite stone blocks that I had observed as foundations on other barns and buildings; the floor was wood, probably a modern surface over thick old planks. Some platforms were piled close to the wall. Fluorescent lighting gave good illumination.

There were floors over the beams in the other two sections, creating a ceiling about 4 metres high. A walkway with railing ran across the opening of the centre, and I noticed some rooms constructed on the upper level. To my right, underneath there was a lot of equipment, prominent amongst which was a medieval torture rack. The far right seemed to contain a gallows and an electric chair. Near left looked like the front of a sauna area, and the far left corner was outfitted as a café, with a small bar, some white painted tables and chairs.

In the centre area stood a post on a large base; I saw a naked woman lashed to the post with many turns of rope, with her hands tied to the post above her head. Nearby an elongated shape dangled from one of the ropes from the ceiling, an object bound in duct tape. A slight motion suggested that a human was inside the wrapping.

At a table in the café area a trim woman sat drinking from a glass of wine, holding a book in her hand, with a tablet beside her. This woman was dressed in a light blue blouse, black pants, dark shoes.

I looked around but my host had disappeared into the sauna like area. I wandered first to my near right, looking at the range of equipment in the area with the rack, checking into the drawers of the chests lining the walls, then exploring the execution equipment. I noted most items were on raised bases that looked as though they could be moved over the floor easily.

Slowly I moved towards the café area where the woman reading sat with her wine and came near to her.

“Hello, my name is Robert.”

“Päi ... Hello,” she replied. “I’m Leena.”

“You are the only person around here that looks quite normal,” I observed, “thus you seem quite out of place.”
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Post by charliesmith »

Interesting start. Curious to see how this story will progress.
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by StringTheorist »


I laughed, “Yes, you are right. Where did you come from?” I had surreptitiously watched him wander around the place.

“I was standing under a tree hoping the rain would let up, when the other person, Vilma, wandered by, and invited me to come in. But first she had to check on a ‘client’.”

“Oh, that’s my husband Aatto,” I replied. “That’s his brother duct taped on the rope, and his wife on the post. We come here about once a month, always on a Monday night as there is seldom anyone else present. Vilma looks after us herself.”

Then I added, “Would you like some wine? Have a seat?”

“Thanks. It’s interesting how matter of fact you are about this place.”

“Oh, I’d rather know what my husband is up to, is interested in. If this place gives him satisfaction, pleasure, then I’m content, but I’m not into the activities myself. I wouldn’t even mind it if he had sex with Vilma. Much better than an illicit affair at his work, or on the street. But she is pretty strict about how she interacts with her visitors. Many have tried to interest her, but no bites.

“Once she had seemed attracted to one guy, a fairly large man. One time he tried to force himself on her, groping her breast. She told him to stop in no uncertain terms. But he didn’t, saying all that women want is to be man-handled, then taken. He demanded a kiss, and grabbed her.

“Well, she put out her lips as if to kiss him as he pulled her closer. But it was her knee that did the kissing, right where it hurts. As he doubled over, she kneed him again on the chin, and he bit his tongue. She grabbed him in a judo hold and flipped him on his face, breaking his nose. Then she dragged him through the door, none too gently, and told him he was no longer welcome, that she would inform the police, and would lay charges if he ever returned.

“So she runs this place with a tight hand. No one attempts to make out with her. Violence or forcing anyone in this place is forbidden, unless part of an agreed scene. But she is careful with her clients, safety first.

“I called Vilma to tell her that my husband had been bad last week - home late from the office. She likes to have some basis for whatever she arranges. Typically she does her thing for a couple of hours, then we have a sauna, then sit around some wine or other drinks, and have some pastries, and discuss the evening, feelings, sensations, techniques, before we go home. Sometimes Vilma puts them in the sauna still bound.”

“It seems to be a social ritual, for the four of you.”

“Yes. Oh, here she comes.”

Robert stood up as Vilma approached, looking approvingly at the slim but fully endowed woman wearing some sort of leather or vinyl outfit of a dominatrix. She looked at Leena and said, “I’m glad you made him at home.”

I said “Well, Vilma, Robert looked around the place, then came over to me. He thought that I was so ordinary as to be out of place.”

Robert blushed.


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Post by StringTheorist »


I asked Robert, “What do you think of this place?”

“Well, the old barn is quite interesting, for instance, I have been wondering how the builders quarried then moved and placed the big stones for the foundation.” He pointed to the back wall with several layers of roughly rectangular huge stones, with a large number of holes drilled into the faces, with wood pegs in some of the holes. “The wood construction of the barn. This premise seems well equipped as a place of kinky entertainment, save I didn’t see a rape rack nor a gynecologist’s examining table. But maybe your clients don’t need that sort of thing.

“Leena has been very frank and kind in telling me a little about the place. She has an amazingly pragmatic outlook for one not in the activities.”

“You must have quite some experience yourself,” I retorted, looking directly into Robert’s blue eyes.

“Oh, none, actually. I saw a book once that described a dungeon such as this.”

I contemplated for a few seconds, then offered, “Would you like to try something? Sort of an introductory free trial offer?”

Robert smiled at her, replying, “The thought intrigues me, but I better not. I might get into something addictive that I couldn’t afford.”

I felt a little disappointed.

Robert added, “On the other hand, I do feel you would look very beautiful in some of the white ropes I found, tied up with a bow.”

Leena watched the pair, interested. She had not thought of bondage this way. Based on previous history, Robert was about to go back out in the rain; however something was afoot.

“And what exactly do you have in mind?” Vilma asked.

“Oh, that’s for me to know, and you to find out,” said Robert matter-of-factly. “I can tell you what I wouldn’t do.”

“Such as?”

“I wouldn’t fasten you to that stone wall,” Robert answered, pointing to the large foundation stones adjacent to the café area, “perhaps a half a metre above the floor, lashed securely, naked, for me to explore your body with my lips, sucking at your flesh, caressing your skin, tantalizing you until you begged for me to bring you over the brink.

“Nor would I stretch you out on the rack, really putting tension, extension, on your body, looking for a confession and offer of total obedience. And I wouldn’t tie you spread-eagled out on the large bed, blindfolded and gagged, available to any male to plunge in.

“But I wouldn’t be able to afford you, so I never will have the pleasure.”

I was smiling, leaning forward, concentrating on Robert. “You are right, you couldn’t afford me.” No one had ever paid me for sex or to be the subject of kinky activities.

“But perhaps someone some day someone will give me a surprise present, something unique, different,” leaving unsaid the consequences.

Robert reached into his pocket, “Oh, I can give you a present.” He took a small cloth bag from a pocket and extracted a small ceramic pendant on a black cord, a form of a Yin and Yang symbol, in relief, though painted in orange and purple, rather than the traditional white and black. “This is to thank you for bringing me out of the rain. I made up a few of these as small gifts for some of the wives of the people I was meeting in this country. This is the only one painted this way.”

“My colours,” I observed.

Robert held out another one to Leena, saying, “Thank you for sharing your wine with me.” This one was smaller, with a similar motif, but painted in pastel colours - yellow and pink, with the centres or eyes painted in light blue.

“Thank you,” Leena said, putting the cord over her head and letting it rest on her chest between her breasts. The colours went well with her blouse. “It’s very nice. But the wine is Vilma’s, not mine.”

I had stood there motionless, sort of in suspense. Then I said in a soft voice, “Robert, you are full of surprises - your reaction to my establishment, or really lack of strong reaction, your interest in the building, these gifts.”

“Someone told me not to be surprised,” Robert retorted. “But I don’t think I have any surprises left for you.”

There was a few seconds of silence in which both Leena and Robert watched Vilma as something was going on in her mind. I looked at Leena with a raised eyebrow, and Leena nodded her head slightly; she would act as a safety. I said to Robert in a soft voice, quite different than the normal commanding in-control tone I normally used, “I would like to have this rope surprise you talked about.”

“OK,” Robert responded, “please stay here for a moment.”

There's more to come, folks.

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Post by GreyLord »

You are developing some very interesting characters here, ST. I am looking forward to your next chapter with great interest.
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Post by StringTheorist »

Vilma Trussed

Robert collected several things he had observed on his tour of the barn; Leena followed him with her eyes while I just stared at the rock foundations.

Robert returned and placed some things on the table, then approached me from behind, saying in a pleasant voice, “I’m going to put this blindfold on you as a way of focussing you on the tactile and inside your body senses.” He put the blindfold over my eyes and snugged up the strap behind my head.

I felt my face relaxed from my normal stern pose, replaced by a wide smile.

“If at any time you are not comfortable or are concerned about what I am doing, speak out and I will stop.”

“Please continue,” I requested.

Robert handed me two ear plugs he had found instructing me to place them in my ears.

Next, Robert took a long rope, found the centre, and placed it around my body high on my waist, about in line with my navel. He brought then ends around to the back, and tied them tightly, compressing the corset I wore as part of my costume. The free ends of the rope were brought back around my waist, where Robert measured them against my body, then tied an overhand knot in the two ends.

Robert handed me the rope, saying, “Pass this between your legs, and adjust the position of the ropes comfortably.” He went around behind me, took the ends I passed between my legs, and brought them up and around the rope around my waist. “Make sure they are comfortable,” he repeated as he pulled the rope tight raising it into the crack of my rear, forcing the vinyl material in as well. I felt comfortable with Robert’s approach, letting me savour my internal reactions.

He ran the ropes around my body and up over the front of my shoulders, and passed the ends across the back of my neck, where he tied them together in a reef knot. There was still considerable rope remaining, which Robert pulled down my back, threaded the ends under the ropes coming up my crack, and took the ends around my waist. There he pulled the ends, which pulled down on the knot behind my neck, forcing my back to bow in. He tied the ropes in front of me, then tucked the ends in neatly.

“There, how does that feel,” Robert asked, loudly enough for me to hear through the earplugs.

“Mmmm, somewhat exciting. I like the feeling of compression, pressure in different places.”

Vilma was silent for a bit. Leena watched, fascinated by Vilma, and the look of pleasure on her face.

Then I surprised them, saying. “Robert, take the ropes off.”

“OK,” replied Robert in a normal voice. He started to undo the knot at the front. “Would you like me to cut the ropes off?” he said loudly to ensure I could hear. He had brought a pair of strong scissors that he judged would cut the ropes for a quick release.

“Oh, it’s not that. Just untie the ropes - for now.”

Willingly, rapidly, Robert undid the bonds he had placed about my body, careful not to drag the ropes so fast across my skin to cause a rope burn. When he reached to remove the blindfold, I shook my head.

Then I started to remove my outer clothes, first the purple corset, then the black vinyl top, lastly my shorts. I handed each to Robert, who folded them and placed them on one of the white tables.

“Now you can replace the ropes,” I said, standing there in black lacy bra and thong underwear.


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Post by GreyLord »

Vilma is getting with the program. Enjoyable story.
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Amazing! I find your writing style @StringTheorist completely spell binding. I like the switch in view point characters, and how each character feels unique and genuine. I'm a fan of mostly F/M stories, but the M/F aspects of this story are just what I was hoping to read. Thanks for sharing this story! Looking forward to more instalments.
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Post by StringTheorist »

Thanks @tiedinbluetights and @Greylord. Good feedback is morale raising.

Generally I have written my stories in one piece; it is a challenge to divide them up into separate segments without resorting to re-writing. Hard to find all the pronouns that need to be changed as the POV changes.

To thank you for commenting I am posting the next segment.

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Next part

Vilma trussed 2

In a few minutes Robert refastened me as before. When he had confirmed that the ropes were comfortable, he threaded a pair of elastics over my right hand, and passed the hand between the ropes coming down from my shoulders and body. He added two more elastic bands to my left wrist, then passed it behind the ropes coming up my body from below, so that her hands were either side of the ropes around my waist. Then he pulled the elastics on each wrist over the opposite hand so that they held my wrists together on either side of the vertical ropes aligned with my spine.

Lastly he took another pair of elastics, and stretched them over both hands behind the other ropes and elastics. “The elastics keep your hands secured, but you can get free easily if you pull your hands out,” he commented as he worked.

“There, that is a nice package.” He had her turn around, and tucked in the end of a rope that had come loose. The smile had remained on my face, almost growing with each new bond.

Robert led me near to a mirror on the café wall, then removed my blindfold, so I could see the white ropes against my fair skin and remaining black clothes. I pirouetted in order to see how the ropes looked across my back.

“Amazing, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Comfortable, sensuous.” I felt the tingling sensation that had started in my genital region spread down my thighs and up my torso, really triggering my nipples under my bra.

I continued to turn, with the smile on my face. Leena watched, enraptured by the process and the result. A total stranger had done what many regulars had strove to achieve, to restrain their hostess.

I came to stand in front of Robert. “You didn’t say anything about elastics. Take them off.”

Robert replied “Yes, certainly,” and began to remove the items.

“Replace them with rope. Tightly, so I can’t remove my hands.”

Robert complied.

“What about the bow you mentioned?” I asked, tugging my arms to make sure I could not get free.

So Robert added ropes around my chest, starting above my breast line, then below. He ran the ends of the rope from the knot below my cleft to the rope above, snugged them tight, then tied a bow. The loops of the bow he placed loosely over my mounds, careful to avoid touching them. These didn’t interfere with the pleasure sensation filling my body.

I looked myself over in the mirror, noting how one of the loops had slid off the silk covering my bust.

“Cut off my bra; I don’t think you are quite finished. I’d like the blindfold back as well.”

Robert did as requested, snipping though my straps and removing the material carefully. Then he positioned the loops over my mounds, forcing the rope close to my chest, and drawing the loop tight. The tissue within my mounds shifted, and he was able to create a notch around them in which the loops of the bow rested. With the ends between myr breasts, he created a smaller bow, for show and to secure the big loops. I liked the squishing of my boobs.

When I had inspected my restraints, Robert replaced the blindfold, then backed me up and sat me in a chair. Another rope served to lashed my legs together at the knees and ankles.

Slowly the flesh of her hands, legs and breasts turned a slightly darker colour as the flow of blood was constricted. Robert watched me carefully lest the bonds cut off too much circulation, checking my fingernails and toe nails. My arousal plateaued.

Finally he sat down with Leena, and took another sip of wine. “Very pretty,” he observed.
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Post by GreyLord »

Very prettily done.
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

I second @GreyLord's comment! Very well done @StringTheorist!
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Post by StringTheorist »


“A neat package,” I ventured. I had been watching Vilma’s reactions carefully.

Robert said, “She wanted to go much farther than I was intending to go. I like the way she looks, the contentment, pleasure on her face.”

“Yes, I have been watching carefully.”

“I wonder if I should check the sauna,” Robert mused, taking another sip, getting up, then adding, “please keep an eye on our companion.”

“Yes, it’s getting time; I guess you’ll have to untie the others.”

So Robert stoked the stove for the sauna, then went out and fetched Leena’s husband, leaving his blindfold on. Robert fastened his wrists to the chains going down his groin, and sat him on a bench outside the sauna. The others he untied and unwrapped, retying their hands firmly behind their backs, leaving them blindfolded. He even moved Vilma over to a bench.

I took the occasion to prepare for the sauna myself, returning with a large white towel wrapped around my body, covering me from above my breasts to mid thigh. I held some things in my hand.

“Robert, do you think they should go into the sauna still secured?”

“I was wondering about that. What do you think?”

I smiled at Robert; with one hand I tugged at the place where the towel tucked in beside my right breast, while I held out the things in my other hand to Robert: a length of rope, a blindfold, and the elastics - saying, “We might as well make it unanimous” The towel dropped to the floor.

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Post by GreyLord »

You are supplying never ending surprises, ST. That was absolutely fine on Leena's part.
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Post by StringTheorist »

Thanks @GreyLord . I'm pleased to create surprises.

With your and other's responses I find it's well worth the effort to dole out the story in pieces, rather than as one long story as I originally wrote it.

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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Looking forward to those other pieces. A very well written story!
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Post by StringTheorist »

Robert - Sauna time

I had them lined up, standing in the tiled area outside the entrance to the sauna. I had secured Leena, removed the bindings on the legs of Vilma and cut off her thong underwear. Along the way I had found a bathing suit for myself.

As I arranged, Leena instructed the group to leave their eyes closed until told to open them, so that everyone saw what was happening together. I planned to offer to untie them all before the sauna, but didn’t get a chance.

“Leena,” exclaimed her husband in their native language. “You’re all tied up.” His male appendage sprang to attention.

Leena replied, in English for Robert’s benefit, “Look at Vilma.”

Aatto pivoted, noting his secured host, naked, with a most contented look on her face.

“Robert,” Leena said, would you please take us” meaning her husband and herself, “into one of those shower stalls?”

I did as requested, helping her husband to lie down on a blue foam mat that occupied one half of the floor in a rather large shower space. I left Leena standing over Aatto, and pulled the beige curtain shut behind me as I left. There was no doubt what was about to happen.

The brother and wife had heard noises as they remained secured during the evening; now they looked at Vilma, serenely secured, recalled that Leena never before had participated, and decided to accept whatever was to happen.

The others I shepherded into the sauna, stayed long enough to sprinkle water on the hot stones till the temperature climbed. I checked the condition of everyone, and then left the sweltering environment. Outside I heard very energetic sounds coming from the closed off shower area. I checked the condition of the stove heating the rocks, then moved over to the café area, and prepared it for the post sauna refreshments.

I knew some of the practices about bathing in saunas, so after a while I brought out Aatto’s brother and wife. I asked if they wanted to be washed, and they nodded. So I sprayed them with warm water, then used a wash mitt I had found to spread soapy lather over their bodies. It bothered me a little to wash the genitals of each one, but I treated it as just another chore. After spraying them to wash off the soap, I asked the wife if she wanted her hair washed and shampooed. There was quite a collection of soaps and conditioners available.

So I soaped, rinsed and conditioned her hair, running lots of water through it to ensure it didn’t become a mass of tangles. Atto's sister-in-law had always enjoyed the sensation of going to a beauty salon and having her hair washed and scalp massaged. She imagined what was going on behind the shower curtain, but decided to wait for the privacy of their home.

I returned them to the sauna, splashed more water on the hot rocks, then brought Vilma out into the washing area. I repeated the ritual of spraying down her body, then soaping her with the wash mitt. But when I was leaning over and applying soap to her genitals, she pushed her pelvis into my hand, and I responded with a couple of extra rubs along the opening of her vagina.

Vilma sucked in a deep breath, and sank to the floor, gasping, eyes screwed tight shut. Her body shuddered.

I squatted down to hold her and steady her, asking what was the matter.

“Nothing,” she managed to get out between gasps, “wait.”

In a couple of minutes, she was steadier, and opened her eyes to look at Robert. “I’ve never had a climax, a coming, like that. Tonight is surely full of surprises. Mmmmmm,” as she shut her eyes again. “You better get the hose and spray me down to put the fire out.”

I sprayed the crouching woman, then proceeded to shampoo her hair. The second time I was able to do a better job, and Vilma enjoyed the personal attention.

When I came out of the sauna after returning Vilma, I heard a call from the shower cubicle, “Robert, Robert, please come in.”

I found Leena lying on the chest of her husband, head tucked beside his neck, noted that Aatto’s penis lay flacid under his wife’s rear, and there were appropriate sticky slimy stains. I picked up the shower hose, turned on a stream of warm water, and rinsed.

“I need some help to get up,” she requested.
I assisted the couple to stand.

They moved close together, pressing their bodies to each other for a few seconds. There was a look of contentment, happiness on the face of Aatto. He smiled at me.

“It’s time for your sauna,” I said.

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Post by GreyLord »

Robert is working very hard, but I would surmise that he is having a great time.
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An hour later, we were five bound persons sitting around the tables in the café area. White towels covered our privates. Robert had served us wine and desserts in between drying us off. Now he was starting on combing out and drying the hair of the women.

“Leena, uh, may I ask how you came into the state you are now in? It seems out of character for you,” asked her sister-in-law.

I had just had my hair dried and set by Robert, though he had much to learn about hair styling. I smiled at the question, and began.

“Vilma dragged this stranger in from the rain a while ago. Robert wandered around this place, looking in the corners, looking at the construction, and in the various drawers. He did not seem surprised or excited by what he found. Eventually he made his way over to me, and introduced himself. Then he commented that I looked so ordinary and normal as to be out of place. I told him a few things about us.

“Then Vilma appeared from checking the sauna and some other things. She asked what he thought of the place, and he replied that he was interested in the construction techniques of the barn, but that he had noted there were a couple of devices that seemed lacking. Just a straight forward observation.

“That wasn’t quite the sort of answer that Vilma was expecting. So she offered to give him a little trial, on the house.

“Robert declined, saying he didn’t want to get hooked on something he couldn’t continue. Then in the same low key manner, he said he thought that Vilma would look very nice bound in some of her ropes. Vilma wanted to know what he had in mind. Robert retorted that he knew, but it was for her to find out. He mentioned some scenarios that he would not be trying.

“Vilma wanted to know what sort of experience Robert had in dungeons such as this. Robert indicated none, and that he didn’t feel he could afford to come to a place like this.”

“Actually,” Vilma interjected, enjoying the sensation of Robert’s hands working on her hair, “he said he couldn’t afford whatever price I might set for someone to tie me up.”

“Yes,” I continued, “Vilma said perhaps if someone surprised her with an unusual gift, something might happen. Robert told her that someone had told him not to be surprised - Vilma obviously - then pulled that ceramic pendant from his pocket, giving it to her as thanks for sheltering her from the rain.” Leena had to indicate with her head the object in question. “Robert had made it himself. He even gave me one for sharing wine with him.

“Vilma was a little perplexed, for she hadn’t expected something. Robert indicated that he had brought some to thank people he met or visited.

“Eventually Vilma asked for the rope surprise Robert was thinking about.”

Vilma blushed, saying, “Well, I was counting on you to be my safety.”

“I watched carefully as Robert worked on Vilma. First he put a blindfold on her, ‘to focus her senses’ he explained. Then he tied a rope around her waist, passed the ends between her legs, but instructed her to adjust them comfortable. He wasn’t doing anything threatening or sexually offensive. All the while Vilma had a smile on her face, and a look of contentment. Robert completed wrapping rope around her shoulders and back around her waist.

“Then Vilma asked him to remove the ropes. Robert started immediately, willingly, asking if he should use some scissors he had handy to speed her release. He didn’t once try to talk her into continuing. But Vilma only wanted to remove her outer clothes, so as better to feel the ropes.

“After replacing the ropes, Robert tucked her hands into the web of ropes you see behind her back, then applied some elastics to secure her wrists. He explained that she should be able to pull her hands out, if she wanted.

“Robert removed her blindfold so she could see how neatly she was bound. Then Vilma told him to remove the elastics. He did, and she wanted them replaced with rope, so she couldn’t remove her hands and get free. Vilma was definitely asking for more than Robert intended to do, also reminding him about a bow he had promised. When Robert left the loops of the bow on the surface of her bra, she told him to cut the bra off so he could snug the loops around her breasts.”

“Robert had shown caution and consideration as he bound me,” Vilma interjected, “somehow that told me to trust him, that he wouldn’t become aggressive, violent when I was powerless. His approach teased me, not in a tickling sense, so that I needed more than his initial intention.”

Robert had finished with Vilma’s hair, the last of the three. He made the circuit of the bound people, offering more food and drink. Then he took the hair drier, a very quiet model, and poked it under the towel in everyone’s lap to dry the short and curlies in their private parts. The women all leaned backward and slid their rears forward in their chairs, relishing the hot air on their nether regions.

“But that doesn’t say why you are tied up,” said her sister-in-law.

“Oh, sorry, I got carried away with my description, because it was necessary for you to know all that happened. First of all, I had never thought of bondage as an art form, just imagined it as a form of violence. Robert showed me differently. I liked the symmetry and neatness of his ropework. Second, Vilma obviously enjoyed the sensation of being bound, especially bound so as to be helpless. Robert was subtly ensuring she set the pace, doing it for her pleasure. Also, Robert established a trust with her; whenever she asked to have the restraints removed, he did so without hesitation or attempt to convince her to go on. He wasn’t tying her for his pleasure or stimulation; it was for her. Psychologically, Robert played with her mind - ‘that is for me to know and you to find out.’ Lastly, he took great care to check that no problems were occurring, looking at the colour of her hands, fingernails, toe nails to ensure that they were not turning blue. So he is a careful man.

“So I thought I would give it a try, at least with my hands secured with the elastics so I could get free if I wanted.”

“Well, what do you think?” asked her brother-in-law.

Leena stood up, ignoring the fact her towel slid to the floor, and walked over to her husband. He looked up, then stood up directly in front of her.

“Aatto, would you follow the principles Robert practised, trust, giving pleasure, care, bondage as an art?”

Aatto looked her square in the eye, “Yes, I would.”

“Then you can take me home as is,” and they leaned forward to embrace each other as best they could bound.

“Well, that was an unexpected twist,” Robert observed. It was obvious that the party was about to end, so he started to untie everyone else.

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Post by GreyLord »

Smoothly continued, ST. Very smooth.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by StringTheorist »


When I came to Vilma, she shook her head, muttering, “Later.” Leena spat out some words in their native tongue, and Vilma shook her head, replying, “Ei, kittos” [No, Thanks].

I escorted the guests out to their car, Leena wearing her overcoat and shoes.
But Aatto came back in to the barn with me, saying, “We didn’t settle up.” He opened his wallet and took out some money. “This is the normal charge,” giving me a 1000 Euro note. “But we have also taken some equipment with us, ropes and elastics. This should cover the cost,” he added, as he counted out 10 more notes of the same denomination. “Thanks. We’ll be back. Where will you be?”

I just shrugged my shoulders, and then watched them depart.

I returned to the barn, and secured the door, Vilma was standing there feet apart, naked, still bound. “Robert?” she asked.


“Do you remember what you said you would not do to me? The first one?”

“Of course,” I replied.

Smiling, eyes closing, she continued, “I would like ...”

I was very willing.

The End.

Thanks for reading and commenting. ST
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Post by Tapedupcouple »

Great story, loved the concept, it all sounded like such a fun thing to be part of
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Post by GreyLord »

Indeed, this was a fun read. Great job, ST.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Location: Canada

Post by tiedinbluetights »

Thanks for the story! This Robert person sounds amazing and everyone was fortunate, especially Vilma, to have met him. Always love happy endings!
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